Love Today (2022) Movie Script

I know you that well, baby.
What happened, Nikitha?
Well, Pradeep, what would I tell my dad?
Just lie to your dad.
Lie to my dad?!
I didn't tell you
because it was a surprise, Dad.
I'm surprised.
So, did you go alone?
-No, with Shweta.
-Yes, Dad.
You sisters always make me buy stuff
online saying there are discounts.
And now, you guys went shopping?!
-There was an offer in Poorvika, Dad.
-There was an offer in Poorvika, Dad.
Flipkart has the Big Billion Day sale.
-We wanted to--
-We wanted to--
We wanted to check it out in person.
Did you check it out?
Just joking.
-Dual sim?
-Single sim, Dad.
-How much?
-Thirty-five thousand.
How come?
I had saved up some money.
Thirty-five thousand!
Your money, your rules.
No, Dad, this--
-Okay, Dad.
-Okay, Dad.
Does it not look good on me?
I was wondering if you'd
let go of that strong grip.
-For fun!
Of course,
I'll let go of that strong grip, but
you'll never be free of this strong grip.
Damn, that was awesome!
A bracelet and an ear stud!
I hope your mom doesn't get suspicious.
She won't!
-Tell me, who gifted it?
-It's style, Mom!
-I asked, who gifted it?
It's in fashion, Mom! It's style!
Style?! You look like a thug!
Style, my foot!
You've changed ever since
you bought that phone.
Oh God, I'm exhausted!
That's what will happen if you're
on the phone around the clock.
-So, what does your son do?
-On the phone!
You'll go into depression
if you don't get proper sleep.
You'll get dark circles.
You look tanned.
I guess it's because of the phone light.
God! Phone radiations have
chased away all the crows!
Why do you need the phone while sleeping?
Why do you need the phone while eating?
Why do you need the phone in the toilet?
-Oh, no! Dhoni's out!
-Oh, no! Dhoni's out!
He must've been on the phone
the whole night, that's why he's out!
The radiation heat
will make you impotent.
Your heart will go for a toss!
Can you hear the traffic
if you wear earphones?
-I can. Just get on the bike.
-My foot!
-Did you hear what I said?
-I did.
How? I didn't even utter a word!
Waiter, this dish sucks!
That's what will happen
if you're on the phone while eating.
I'm charging it now.
Take good care of the puppy I gifted you.
Phone calls are more important to you
than the mother's milk I fed you?!
That was one confusing
and senseless statement, Mom!
Right! I'm senseless!
In two days,
your elder sister is getting engaged,
and you're talking on the phone
while charging it!
Don't you read the news?
A guy died when his phone
blasted while it was charging.
Do you think your sister's wedding
will take place without you?
My mom is so sure that I'll die.
Didn't you want to find out if Divya
is interested in this marriage?
Did you ask her?
Why not?
-are you doing this for others--
Have this sweet.
An arranged marriage, that too,
without knowing the person--
I do know the guy.
His name is Yogi. He's a doctor,
the chief dentist. What else do I--
Don't be senseless like Mom.
He is a doctor by profession.
I'm talking about his character here.
What if Dr. Yogi is a drunkard?
What if he's a psycho?
What if he's an abuser?
-What if he's a weirdo?
Help me, please!
What if he's a sociopath?
What if he's stupid?
What if he has toxic traits?
I'm not the father of this child!
What if he's a pervert?
-I've been waiting to do this for so long!
-Let go of me!
-Granny, come on! Show me!
-Stop it, please!
-What if he's egoistic?
Enough, Pradeep!
How can you marry a stranger, Divya?
You're going to spend
your whole life with him.
Shouldn't you know the reason
behind your partner's smile?
Shouldn't you know the reason
behind your partner's anger?
There must be chemistry.
You must get to know
the person in and out.
How long do you think
it'll take to know a person?
Maybe a year.
There's an eight-month gap between
our engagement and the wedding.
Won't that suffice?
What if she doesn't like
him after eight months?
Wait, I'm not done yet.
Let me explain.
Imagine you go to a restaurant
and order a new dish.
What would you do if you
didn't like it after tasting it?
I'll dump it just like how I dumped
that sweet that's gone bad, on you!
She doesn't understand.
Leave it. Not everyone is lucky like us.
You're right, baby.
My family is pressurizing me
to choose a groom.
Every guy my dad shows
me is a boomer groom.
Tell him you don't like any of them.
He wants me to write down ten reasons
daily as to why I don't like each of them.
I'm desperately trying to come up
with the tenth reason, Pradeep.
It's not like we are too old now.
Yeah, you're just 24, after all
and I am already 24!
Fine, let my sister get married.
Give me some time,
I'll come and talk to your dad.
On top of all this,
remember Kaushik from my office?
Oh my God!
He asked me out for a movie!
Can you believe it?
I refused though.
Wait, I'll send you the screenshot.
Screenshot? Are you nuts?
I know you very well. You don't
have to send me a screenshot, idiot.
send me a pic.
Please send me one. I promise I'll
delete it immediately after I see it.
Will you? Please!
I'm asking just for myself! Please!
So, are you sending it?
Not convincing enough.
Send me a better one.
Please pack it.
You and your sister look awesome!
Shall I come over for the night?
are you getting any messages
from this account?
I'm getting vulgar comments on my post.
You'll spend your first night
with Lucky after the wedding
but I know it won't be your first time.
What's the count?
On Instagram?
Just block him.
Then he'll create a new account
and trouble me.
Then make your both accounts private.
What else can we do?
It'd be petty to file a cyber complaint.
I don't even know how to file one.
That pervert will keep having fun
and we should do nothing about it?!
I'm pissed off!
Calm down. Chill.
Hope you'll be attending my
sister's engagement tomorrow.
To be honest, I'm a bit scared.
I hope your family doesn't get suspicious.
I invited you
because I want them to get suspicious.
Don't come tomorrow.
Please don't come tomorrow.
-Give it to me.
-Here, priest.
-Did you wash it properly?
-Give me the phone!
-Pradeep, how are you?
-I'm good.
You're next.
I'm hearing this for the 230th time today!
Rani, how are you?
-I'm good.
-You're playing on your phone here?!
Get inside!
No! Stop it!
-Hey, stop it!
What the hell!
Take him away!
Uncle, here you go. Lime juice.
The lime taste will be a bit strong.
I think they added too much salt.
Guess it's sherbet.
What? What is it?
Nothing! Just for fun!
Hey, you! Give it back!
-Pulthish, let go of it!
-Give it to me.
Where are you? I am here!
Wait, I'm coming. Sorry.
-You look awesome.
Oh, yes, this is Revi.
-Hi, Ravi.
-Not Ravi
-it's Revi.
-Hi, Revi.
-Hi, bro.
-Pradeep, please help us.
-Revi, come, let's help them.
-Get down, you menace!
-No, I won't!
-Thanks, Revi.
-No! Please!
Listen to me! Get down!
Revi, eyes on the work!
-It's mine. I won't give it to you.
Please, Uncle. Give it to us.
-Hi, sister.
-Meet Mani.
Alias your buddy. Your best friend.
You don't make any decision without
considering him. Your trustworthy friend.
That's what you told her about me?!
-And this is--
-Wait! Let me guess!
Bhaskar. Works for Tesla.
You bluff a lot, and yes, you never lie!
-Dude, those are my boxers!
-Oh, no! I'm caught!
-He is my--
-C++ Shiva.
He can hack any system in a jiffy
but still wets the bed.
I don't keep any secrets from her.
Tell her your secrets! Why would
you tell her about my bed wetting?
Mom's here.
Mom, this is--
-Bless me.
-God bless you.
-How are you?
-I'm good, how are you?
I'm good. So, I hear you're
the best mother in this world.
He really said that?!
You don't look like his mother,
you look like his sister.
Oh, God!
Really? You're on your phone now?!
Yes, spot on, dear!
To hell with him and his phone!
-Can I use the restroom?
-Go straight, and--
-Take a right, and it'll be in the corner.
Watch out! Your head--
The back door of your house is a bit low.
I know that.
So, she's a friend?
Why is your expression like Jerry's
when he gets squeezed by Tom?
Everyone had their eyes on her
But her eyes were on me
Believe me when I say
She got my number first! Hell, yeah!
If anybody shows off
She'll ask them to bug off
All she wants is to talk to me
Really? Am I Mr. Smarty?
She got me mesmerized
With that cute smile of hers
She made me fall for her
With those eyes of hers
I was focused and steady
What magic spell did you cast on me?
I'm so restless now
Flying so high in your love
She made me fall in love
Yes, I'm in love
I am not the same anymore
Yes, she's the one I love
She made me fall in love
Yes, I'm in love
I am not the same anymore
Yes, she's the one I love
She made me fall in love
I am not the same anymore
She made me fall in love
I am not the same anymore
Where is she going?
Mom, do you have a pin?
Who is he?
-He's like a brother to me.
Can't you use a pin and cover up yourself?
Sorry. I didn't do it on purpose.
I'm not saying you did it on purpose.
Just remember it next time.
I didn't pin it yet.
For fun!
Life sucks during every tough phase
With you by my side
Everything will fall in place
Forget kissing but a kiss smiley
Is all I need from you
And I'll be on cloud nine every day
Thinking about you
I know at times we'll argue and fight
One kiss from you
And everything will be fine
I have spent enough time with you
And I know you in and out
Even a slip from your end is also
Something I'll admire, no doubt
I've got your back
I'm holding on to you tight
I won't let go of you
You'll never be out of my sight
I've got your back
I'm holding on to you tight
Now, I won't let go of you
You'll never be out of my sight
Everyone had their eyes on her
But her eyes were on me
Believe me when I say
She got my number first! Hell, yeah!
Meet Dinesh.
What's so funny?
-I'll tell you later.
-Promise? Or else, I'll bash you up!
Okay, I'll tell.
She made me fall in love
I'm not the same anymore
She made me fall in love
I'm not the same anymore
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me, bae?
Hello, can you hear me?
Hello, baby?
Can you hear me, baby?
My munchkin, can you hear me?
I can't hear a thing.
Now, can you hear me, my dear puppy?
Piggy, can you hear me or not?
I don't hear a thing.
I can hear you, dear.
Munchkin, right?
Munchkin sounds good, but I didn't
like piggy. It sounds horrible.
Now, can you hear me, my dear piggy?
I'll talk to you later.
-How much?
-Twenty-one rupees, sir.
Here are 20.
Here are two rupees.
-Thank you, sir.
-Excuse me.
-Change, please.
-I don't have one rupee, sir.
-Give me those two rupees.
I'll be back.
Don't flick that.
You've got two minutes.
I want an explanation.
Nope, I didn't find one rupee.
So, tell me.
-Dad, there's this guy Pradeep--
-Ask him to meet me tomorrow.
What happened?
Dad has asked you to meet him tomorrow.
Don't worry, we'll rehearse once
before you meet him.
What do you do?
-I work for CTS as Support--
-No, say you're a developer.
-What does your father do?
-He is no more.
-What did he use to do?
-He used to work.
-I mean, what job?
-He had a good job.
-I'll slap you!
-He was a bank clerk.
-Where did you guys meet?
No! At college!
She's a vegetarian, and you're not.
-I'll eat at a restaurant.
-No, say, "I'll also turn vegetarian."
talk to an astrologer and make sure you
get a horoscope that matches mine.
Tell him you're a team lead
and earn more than I do.
Next month, you'll be going on-site
to the US and settling there.
Say you like nuclear families.
Don't refuse dowry. Tell him
to give everything to his daughter.
A house in the outskirts by the 80 feet
highway with ample water supply.
Talk with respect in a calm manner,
and do fall at his feet.
Be well groomed, look devotional,
trim your beard,
iron your shirt and tuck it,
and yes, brush twice! That's it!
Then, you'll be my groom!
No one can stop it!
-don't come empty-handed.
-Should I tattoo my hands?
The most important thing,
do not crack such boring jokes.
My dad will also crack such boring jokes.
They'll be horrible,
but do laugh at them.
You must be tensed up,
so you might smoke now.
Don't forget to buy chewing
gum to beat the stench.
I know every single thing about you.
I also know every single
thing about you, baby.
Come again!
Your dad will crack jokes,
and I must laugh.
Shweta, chase that dog away.
Venkatapathy, come.
I said, come on.
-I hope Nikitha told you--
-No, she didn't. You tell me.
Uncle, I am Uthaman Pradeep.
-Can you please speak up?
Uncle, I am Uthaman Pradeep!
I work for CTS as a developer!
A developer who also
developed a relationship!
What a wordplay!
Nice joke, Uncle!
No. That wasn't a joke.
I work for CTS as a developer.
Next year, I'll be working on-site--
-How much?
-Sir, twenty
Only 20 rupees, sir.
Why do you want to pay?
You're marrying off your daughter to me,
can't I spare 20 rupees for you?
So, you think you can make
this marriage deal for a mere 20 rupees?
Do you think the cost of my daughter is
just 20 rupees?
Now, that was a joke.
I'll pay. Please sit down.
-Here are 20 rupees.
-See you, sir.
Excuse me. Here's a one-rupee tip.
It'll be of help during some emergencies.
-Would you like some water?
-Yes, Uncle.
I think I'm a bit nervous. I need it.
Then, please unload the water can.
Uncle, at my house, we pour
the water from the can by tilting it.
How do you do it here?
I have back pain. You must be strong.
Now, unload it.
I'll mop it.
So, where were we?
CTS developer
I work for CTS as a developer.
-Did you get your family's consent?
-It's easy. My choice is what matters.
It's not so easy, because here,
my choice is what matters.
-Dear, you missed a spot.
-Did you notice that?
Yes, Uncle. She missed that spot.
That's my daughter!
She never does thorough work.
But a thorough check is a must, right?
Or else, we'll slip.
True, Uncle.
Then, we must do a thorough check.
Yes, Uncle.
A thorough check!
Must check!
Then, show me.
Show what?
Your phone.
God, why do you look scared?
Just for one day,
you both swap your phones.
Come back here tomorrow at the same time.
If you both still go ahead with
the relationship, I'll have no issues.
Eight of this month
Then, after four days, come with your
family and ask her hand in marriage.
I'll cancel the alliance
that I had set up.
If you don't agree to this
then it ends here.
Don't even think about marrying her.
The boy that I've selected
will come on the same day
along with his family
to ask your hand in marriage.
Nice, right?
You're joking, right?
Uncle, you're always joking.
No, I'm very serious about this.
I am not making a fuss
like the usual parents.
-I didn't ask your caste
or family status.
Just a phone!
Just a phone swap! That's all!
Don't you guys already
know each other very well?
Okay, Uncle.
Uncle, can I use the restroom?
-Thanks, Uncle.
-Go straight, and--
-Take a right, and it'll be in the corner.
Can you please leave your phone here?
Aren't you going?
No, I'm good.
And that's why you won't go.
Okay, Uncle. I'll leave now.
Who's calling?
-Must be our PM!
-No, Uncle.
He is calling you to discuss
the revision of the petrol price.
Mom, where is your phone?
Give it to me. I said, give it to me.
-Pulthish, give it to me!
-No, I won't!
-Who's this?
It's me, Nikitha.
What's with the new number?
That's the issue, buddy.
What the hell!
Yes, dude. If she opens it, I'm doomed.
He still doesn't know my unlock pattern.
She'll ask for the unlock
pattern any moment.
Before that, give me an idea
to make her return my phone.
Passport verification!
Let's stage a play that Pradeep is going
to get a call from the passport office.
Hey, for passport verification, they'll
come to my house, they won't call me.
This idea sounds like a fool's idea!
Crappy idea!
My uncle's an inspector. We can lock
your phone using the IMEI number.
Awesome, dude. Do that first.
It can be done, but first, lodge
a complaint that the phone is lost.
Within one week, we can block
the phone from being used.
Okay, Uncle.
Once she finds out your pattern,
she'll block you tonight!
Your sister's wedding is in four days!
What are you doing there?
Coming, Mom.
-You're on to something.
-My sister's wedding!
What about it?
I'll get a lot of calls on my number.
-You guys will be making all those calls!
Bombard her with so many calls
that she must think my sister's wedding
won't take place without my phone.
I got it!
Hello, dude, where are you?
-I'm calling from the catering service.
Onion's price is rising.
Shall we replace it with cucumber?
Sir, Pradeep is not here.
I'll give you another number.
Call him on that number.
Hurry up, the onion's price
increased by two rupees.
Yeah, wait.
-Sir, this is Murugan
from the wedding hall service.
What kind of decoration do you want?
Sir, Pradeep is not here.
Hello, I'm calling
from the chariot service.
-I'm calling from Lakme Salon.
-I'm calling from decoration services.
-I'm calling from here!
-I'm calling from there!
From where?
Say you're calling
from the wedding hall, darling.
You don't know my service experience!
Should we go to the hall and do
the makeup or do it and then go?
Real flowers are way too costly.
How about fake plastic flowers?
-What decorations do you want?
-You just called me a while ago.
All I'm saying is that I have
20 years of experience in this field.
-How about lions instead of horses?
-I didn't get you.
Give the phone
to someone who will get it.
It'd be helpful if you pay the advance.
Listen to me, don't interrupt!
Dear, I have arrived at Egmore Station.
Come and pick me up.
You silly, that's how I talk!
-Instead of playing a Gaana song
-How about a melody?
He changed his number?!
Are you trying to cheat me?
He must call me at once,
or I'll go to the police!
Wait and watch. In some time--
May I speak to Nikitha?
This is a call regarding
her passport verification.
-Answer him.
-Talk to him.
She has gone out.
I'll give you another number.
You can call her on that number.
Are you kidding?
For verification,
we'll need her registered number.
Give her the phone!
Give me two minutes.
I'll sprint to her place
and give it to her.
Make it fast.
-That's the idea we rejected.
-That was my idea.
-What if it's for real?
You mocked Bhaskar
for giving you this idea.
Chill. I hope you realized it now.
They are trying to overtake us.
Watch me take over them.
Hello, Pradeep. There's an emergency.
What happened?
It's Jackie from Bosch.
There is an emergency situation.
-Pradeep has to be here. Where is he?
-What's the problem?
Why the hell do I have to say to you?
Give the phone to Pradeep! Bullshit!
She's petrified.
Hey, you're Bhaskar, right?
Sister, how did you find out?
He has saved your contact
as "Liar Bhaskar."
Did she agree to give me the phone?
You saved my contact as "Liar Bhaskar"?!
Why did you call her from your phone?
My number in your phone--
-How have you saved my contact?
-Don't dig your own grave.
Her father's calling.
Hello, Uncle.
It's me.
Thank God it's you.
Sorry, Pradeep.
My dad has put our love to the test.
Don't I know you? This is unnecessary.
I feel the same way, Nikki.
Shall I return your phone
and get mine back?
We'll prove our true love in front of my
father tomorrow and then exchange it.
Well, I will not dig
into your phone anyway.
Me neither. Okay, bye. My dad's coming.
What's making him dance
in such a horrible way?
Dude, finally, some peace.
Imagine if she had unlocked
my phone and checked it!
Well, I understand why you're afraid
but why is she afraid?
Dude, you trust her, right?
-But your face tells me otherwise.
I trust her.
Then, switch off the phone
and go to sleep. Right?
No. You trust her, right?
Then, just dig into it.
That'd be wrong, right?
It'd be a blunder!
Only cheapos who doubt their
girlfriends do such things.
Hey, he'd be a cheapo only if
he doubts her and checks it.
If he doesn't doubt her and still
checks it, then that means he's a man.
Digging into it means he doubts her.
It's a shame.
Only if he digs in will we know
if it's shameful or not!
Dude, don't dig in.
I'm telling you for your own good.
Do you think Nikitha
won't dig into your phone?
I know every little thing about Nikitha.
She won't check my phone.
Tell me your phone's unlock pattern.
Nikitha, first, your dad was
being foolish, and now, you--
Dear, it's me. Nikitha's dad.
The phone's on speakerphone
but I don't mind.
Now, unlock pattern, please.
Uncle, seven.
No, it didn't work.
Slanting seven, Uncle.
It's unlocked.
Listen, Nikitha's pattern
is slightly complicated.
We'll send the pattern's screenshot
on your mom's phone. Take care. Bye.
Bye, Uncle.
You have a weird, peculiar taste.
-You agreed because he's a doctor?!
I'm not after his money.
-Then give me at least one reason--
-I'll give three.
When he came here to meet me
Please sit.
So, tell me.
-No, please go ahead.
It's okay.
Please. Answer the call.
Reason one, he's kindhearted.
Answer the call, okay?
Tell me.
Hold on. Where are you going?
You can stay here.
What if you guys want some privacy?
Go ahead.
Reason two,
he respects me and gives me my space.
2,7 meters.
Okay, bye.
I'm done.
Are you done with the call?
Now, can we talk?
I'll answer calls before getting
into a conversation, but once it starts,
you'll have my full attention.
Reason three, he made me his top priority.
Tea is going cold. Can we have it?
Please have it.
What else do I need?
So, he's an excellent catch!
But I won't get caught.
Her dad won't even know
about the "Delete" option on the phone.
I deleted all my chats last
night before I went to bed.
Dad, Shweta,
cousin brother
-Let's play Ludo. Coming?
-"Let's play Ludo. Coming?"
Not Ravi, it's Revi.
First, listen to me.
"Girl, when I saw you first
I wondered if God knew
what he was really doing.
But when I checked you
out, I was awestruck.
I realized God is actually generous."
Nice lines, right?
They suit you the best.
I didn't get it.
Seriously, you still didn't
get my point, Nikki?!
I live in Ramapuram, yet I come all
the way to Rasipuram to pick you up,
and I drop you off
all the way in Ramanathapuram.
Everyone around me asks me if I'm jobless.
Meeting you is my full-time job.
I post Yuvan's song
in my status just for you.
I get a notification when you see it.
I'm not pointing it out
but I'm proposing to you.
You pierced your nose
just because I like it.
Isn't this love?
Hey, I'm in a relationship with Pradeep.
But you told me that you guys fought,
and you're not talking to each other.
It's complicated.
Nikki, I don't know if I'll ever
get a better chance than this.
I love you so much!
All I do every day is talk
about Pradeep to you.
First, stop that, Nikki!
Don't talk about him to me!
On every full moon,
when I drop you off to him,
the way you both wave goodbye to me
makes me feel like I'm lost in
the pitch dark during that bright night.
To forget him, first,
you must stop talking about him!
I love you
but as a friend.
It's okay, Nikki.
I don't care whom you're
in a relationship with.
But until my last breath,
I'll only love you.
Sorry, I never knew you were
so deeply in love with me.
Don't stop talking to me because of this.
I need you by my side forever, dear.
I'll try.
With a girl like you around,
it is hard to control one's feelings.
I hope he'll take good care of you.
If he breaks your heart,
I'll break his face!
I don't deserve you, darling.
Who is Revi?
Don't you know? He's my friend.
He's your friend, but who are you to him?
He proposed to you,
and you didn't tell me anything about it?!
But I didn't accept his proposal.
You didn't reject it either.
He said he'd break my face,
and you sent him a heart emoji!
Do you want to break my face?
He will break my face?! He?!
I'll fucking finish off that buffoon!
I didn't send him a heart emoji for that,
I sent it for his caringness.
So, breaking my face
means he cares for you?!
-And what was that? Wait, hold on.
"Sorry, I never knew you were
so deeply in love with me."
What would you have done if you knew?
I didn't mean to say that
What would you have done if you knew?
You told me he's like a brother!
A brother proposes to his sister?!
When did I tell you he's like my brother?
On the day of my sister's engagement.
No, I said he's a friend.
Nikitha, I swear
-you said he's like your brother.
-I swear, I said he's a friend.
I am very sure,
and I remember what you said.
You said he's like your brother.
I also remember very well.
I told you he's my friend.
Nikitha, you lie like crap!
Like crap!
Go ahead, lie!
Remember you made me pierce my ear?
But you pierced your nose
for him and made me a fool!
Okay, so, tell me,
who is Saranya?
You've sent her 20 rupees on Google Pay.
I'm talking about that Saranya.
Oh, her? She's a stranger.
She was stranded and helpless.
So, I sent her 20 rupees
as I didn't have cash with me. Yeah.
They, why did you send her
a "Hi" in the evening?
Okay, I'll tell you the truth.
She's my ex.
What? Sophie is your ex, right?
Yeah, but so is Saranya.
You can call her "small ex."
You stopped talking to all
your exes, didn't you?
I was blocked everywhere,
so I couldn't talk.
Then, why did you send her 20 rupees?
I told you, she had blocked me everywhere.
So, I sent her 20 rupees on GPay
and thought of starting
a conversation with
"Sent by mistake. Please send it back,"
but she didn't respond at all.
Twenty rupees loss.
-You cheapo!
-I am cheap but not as cheap as you!
Don't divert the focus to 20 rupees!
Don't make a U-turn!
How dare he say that
he'll break my face?
And what did you say? "I need you
by my side forever, dear. Please."
I was trying to give
him emotional support.
Emotional support?
He says he'll break your boyfriend's face
and you're giving him emotional support?!
How can you talk like that?
-Try to understand--
It's getting late. It's time to eat.
Wait. I'll have dinner and come back.
Have dinner and come back?! You break
my heart, and you want to have dinner?!
Vegetarian food can wait!
He wants to break my face! How dare he?
Answer me!
Do you really have to tell me all this?
Don't I know you?
You have the right to ask me anything,
and it's my duty to tell you.
Okay. Hold on.
My aunt, Rani, is calling. I'll put
you on a conference call with her.
but why?
You're family now. You can be
part of our family conversations.
Fine, go ahead.
-Hello, dear.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
By the way,
your groom looks dark and handsome!
You're one lucky girl.
Fine, give the phone to your mom.
Just a minute.
-Doctor, his tooth--
-Remove it.
Mom, it's Aunt Rani.
Rani, how are you?
Is this the best groom you could find?
He looks like a pregnant wild boar!
You want him as your son-in-law?!
Hey, what can I do?
Divya likes him. Then, what can I say?
She chose him, and I agreed to it.
Why do girls of this generation
have such bad taste?
He looks worse than your high
school boyfriend, Kanniyappan.
Is that so? He's better than your
high school boyfriend, Munnusamy!
Fine, leave it.
Let's not waste time
talking about Kanniyappan.
Okay, Divya is coming.
-Here you go, dear.
Fine, we'll meet at the wedding.
Hello, tell me.
What were they talking about?
-I removed it, doctor.
"Baby, forget what
happened the other day."
Close your eyes and give me a kiss.
-Do you have the C-type charger?
-Say no.
Now, back to kissing.
-What are you looking for?
-The C-type charger.
What's that now?
The normal type.
If there's a power cut, then use this
power bank with a 20,000 mAh battery.
Do you have the C-type charger?
Who could it be at this hour?
I need the C-type charger.
What's with the ostrich walk?
-Oh, no. Cover your eyes.
-It's his tee.
I just put my phone on charge.
I need it for the whole night.
I hope you understand.
-Here, take this.
-At least for ten minutes--
-Back off!
-What's that?
Go back to sleep.
I wanted to check if you need any help.
Baby, what's up?
there is a person called "Mamakutty."
He sent her a message calling her "Baby."
But that's the only
message in the chat window.
So, she deleted the old chats, right?
Hi, dear. Awake?
the message hasn't been delivered.
I guess he slept.
Then, you also go to sleep. It's 3:00 a.m.
The special kiss
Is reserved for you
The other half of my bed
Is reserved for you
My heart is reserved for you
-This honey is for you
-I am yours
Honey, I am all yours
Heard that? The other half of
her bed is reserved for him.
I guess you could make do with her half!
It's been a long time since I--
How about having--
Sorry, typo. It's been a long time
since I met you. Can we meet?
Sorry, pressed by mistake.
You look sleazy in that sleeveless top.
Sorry, wrong chat box.
It's okay.
It's been a long time
since I heard your voice.
Why can't you sing a song for me?
I can't sing now.
Dad's right next to me.
You sang really well.
-I don't get it.
-The way you spoke was a song to my ears.
If your voice had a physical form,
I would've kissed it all day long,
but unfortunately, it doesn't,
and it comes from the vocal cord.
I wish I could live inside your vocal
cord until my last breath, Nikki.
Oh, please don't give me that look.
Had your food?
Hope you ate.
Please reply!
Are you single?
How about this pose?
Please reply.
Wanna hang out?
I offered prayers in your name.
Please reply, or I'll cast
a voodoo magic spell on you.
You're online! Can't you give a reply?
I'll slit my wrist! Please reply!
Can you send a pic?
I'll slit myself! Please reply!
Come and feed me food.
Good morning. Good night.
I'll hang myself.
How about sharing a joint?
So, you blocked me?!
Are you falling for my mustache?
Let's go clubbing!
Let's have some fun!
What's up? Any plans?
You have a boyfriend, right?
That's why you aren't replying!
I'll break his head!
What's up? What doing?
I want to die, Nikki! Come on!
Please reply!
-I want to die, Nikki! Come on!
-Please reply!
-I want to die, Nikki! Come on!
-Please reply!
What happened?
Your sister called saying
it's time for the function.
-Hi, Pulthish.
It'll take more time.
Hey, why are you in this attire?
New phone?
When did you buy it?
Is that Yogi's phone ringing?
What do you mean?
It's just a phone. Calm down.
Just a phone?
You'll realize it if it happens to you.
He has been getting constant calls.
Answer it and tell them he's in the loo.
It's okay. Let him come.
Come on, he's your fianc.
Answer it.
Answer it, dear.
-Answer it, dear.
-Come on, it's okay.
What did I do now to get
that reaction from him?
Really? He reacted like that?!
That reaction is not a good sign.
You guys aren't even married,
and he reacted like that!
I wonder how he'd react after marriage!
Sorry, baby girl.
I fell asleep last night.
No problem
That's new. How come?
You never address me like that.
You address me as "darling," don't you?
Fine, tell me, darling.
Why did you message me yesterday?
Well, I didn't get any message
from my baby girl yesterday
so I thought she got upset
with me the day before yesterday.
Please forget that.
The day before yesterday,
I didn't mean to talk like that.
Didn't mean to talk like that?!
No, I don't remember. Can you please
tell me what you're talking about?
Ever since our breakup
I've recorded all our calls.
As your memory.
Awesome! Can you send them to me?
I'll also keep them as your memory.
In a second, baby girl.
Hey, baby girl.
Tell me, Mamakutty.
Why did you call me at this hour?
I am lost in your thoughts.
How about another long drive?
What now?
Hey, baby girl.
Tell me, Mamakutty.
I'm lost in your thoughts.
How about another long drive?
How about another long drive?
Tell me, Mamakutty!
How about another long drive?
Tell me, Mamakutty!
How about another long drive?
Oh, yeah.
We went out last Wednesday.
It's already been a week
but it feels like a month.
Last time, it wasn't easy
to convince Pradeep with my lies.
Hey, Pradeep,
I can't attend your call today.
My cousin and family are coming
from our native place to visit us.
My dad is pestering me
to show them around.
It's okay, baby. Carry on.
It's so annoying, baby.
It's my weekly off,
and I wanted to spend time with you.
Dad is irritating me asking me
to show them all around the city.
Just for a day, right, baby?
Just bear it and show them around.
Just for a day, right, baby?
Just bear it and show them around
Just for a day, right, baby?
Just bear it and show them around
So, how did it go?
Yeah, it was good, baby.
We went to the mall and the beach.
My cousin's kids were all over me.
My cousin's wife said that their kids
have never been so friendly with anyone.
How can anyone not like my girl?
What's with that freakish laughter?
I just realized how big a fool I am!
You carry on. I'll deal with it.
This is what happens when you're
on the phone all the time.
Now, get up and get ready!
God! What will the groom's family think!
What will I tell him?
He'll believe any lie you tell him anyway.
Just give him some excuse and come.
And yes, hope you remember what I said.
All I want is your happiness.
Of late, you seem like you've changed.
Nikitha I knew was so positive.
You used to light up every place
you set foot on.
You've become negative since
you started going out with Pradeep.
Yeah, true. I also feel the same way.
He keeps controlling me,
and I have to lie to him to do things.
I want my old baby girl back.
Remember we carved our names on a tree
in Semmozhi Garden? It's still there!
Just like it's etched in my heart.
Come on, please forget me.
Instead, you could've asked me to die.
-Then die!
I know I'm going a bit overboard
but still, I want to ask you.
If you get married to Pradeep
will you still
be friends with me?
Definitely, dear. Promise.
Baby girl
miss you.
Oh, really? Didn't you realize
that when you broke up with me?
Anyway, I've put Pradeep's call
on hold for a long time. Bye.
Baby girl, did you listen to it?
The day we went on a long
drive was awesome, right?
It was an awesome night, not a day.
Oh, baby, without you by my side
And with all the loneliness around me
I am suffering here all by myself
Now, what?
Don't leave me, my dear Mamakutty
Can you stop singing?
Guess what's more horrible than
my singing! His name, Mamakutty!
He's your ex, isn't he?
The way he calls you baby girl
and you call him Mamakutty
That was all just for fun.
You want to have fun at the expense
of the lives of guys like us?!
Why do you add four Ys to Mamakutty?
Why the stress on Y?
I mean, does he even look like a baby?
He looks like a pregnant wild boar!
Why are you bringing up his topic?
That's my past!
"That's my past!" It'd sound
right if the past remained past!
-Why is he in your present life?
-I don't have any feelings for him.
Is that why you've saved his contact
name as the nickname you gave him?
I don't even think about him
to change his contact name.
So, you don't think about him?
Not at all.
You don't even think about him
to rename his contact.
I don't!
-You don't?
-I don't!
You don't?
No, I don't!
Nikitha, don't lie!
Don't lie blatantly!
You went on a long drive with him!
he called me out of the blue
and said he was depressed.
He asked me to go with him.
He was always there to support
me during tough times.
I didn't know what to do.
So, I went out with him just as friends.
We sang Sid Sriram's songs
throughout the drive.
Suddenly, your face flashed
in front of my eyes.
At that moment, I felt guilty.
I asked him to turn
around the car at once.
We had reached Kalpakkam,
so he persuaded me to go to Pondy
and watch the sunrise.
It made sense.
So, we went there to watch
the sunrise and came back.
Nothing else happened.
-Come again!
You guys reached Kalpakkam,
and he persuaded you to go to Pondy?!
Didn't he ask if you wanted
to check into a lodge in Pondy?
Shut up! We just went for a drive
and returned home!
Nothing else happened!
Nikitha, even your cousin's
kids won't believe this story.
You're saying you went on a night drive
to Pondicherry with your ex
and yet nothing happened!
Come on, go ahead. Lie. Keep lying.
-I could've hidden everything, but--
-Keep lying!
-I could've said I didn't go at all.
-Keep lying!
-Keep lying!
-Why should I even tell you all this?
Because you know I saw
all the messages already!
I couldn't make out if you were
telling me the truth or not!
I just have one question.
With me, will it be your first time,
or have you already
Pradeep, I'm telling you,
don't ask me such filthy questions!
Even if you've done it,
it's not a big deal, Nikitha.
But refusing it after doing
it is what makes me furious!
How can I accept it if I haven't done it?
You were together for six hours,
and he didn't even touch you?!
Like, a hug while bidding goodbye
or shaking hands,
or something while changing the gear!
I promise nothing happened!
"I promise nothing happened!"
Oh, shut up!
Talk properly!
Before, I was proud of the fact
that you were in love with me.
I'd show off to others that
Nikitha is my girlfriend.
Now, after seeing your ex,
I doubt your taste in men.
You're talking to your ex behind my back.
Now, that makes me doubt myself.
I'm developing an inferiority complex,
like, am I so ugly?
Okay, Nikitha.
I'll do one thing.
I shall also go
on a long drive with my ex.
A long drive to Pondicherry
to watch the sunset.
But we won't do anything like you did.
Hey, stop acting!
What a smart groom, right?
Looks like your younger
brother has a girlfriend.
Ask them to elope.
Won't you confront him?
If I confront him,
he'll confront me back!
Others must stay within their
limits themselves
if they expect us
to stay within our limits.
Hold on. Where are you going?
You can stay here.
What if you guys want some privacy?
Go ahead.
You'll realize it if it happens to you.
So, tell me.
WhatsApp, Facebook, Insta, Twitter,
Tinder, Telegram, Hike,
Messenger, Gmail, Gpay,
Paytm, SMS, Snapchat, Tantan
there are so many such apps.
It takes one day to dig into a single app,
and your daughter has
all these apps installed.
Apart from this, there is her friend,
best friend, boyfriend,
ex-boyfriend, school mate,
college mate, office mate,
tuition mate, bus mate,
gym mate, dance mate,
and Suresh, who's unique
because he's her shuttle mate.
I don't have any problem if she
has a mate to play badminton with.
The problem is that I just got to know
she goes to play badminton.
We have to do a thorough check, right?
-Ask me why.
-Or else, we'll slip.
-We must do a thorough check.
A thorough check!
Must check!
I shall do it.
That alliance is expected
after four days, right?
I'll keep your daughter's
mobile for three more days.
She can keep my phone.
Nikitha, come inside.
You missed that spot.
Dad, his phone is clean.
He is clean.
Bullshit! Give me!
Yes, Venkatapathy, how do
you like your new home?
I guess the rascal deleted everything.
Now, what we'll do is
we'll uninstall and reinstall
WhatsApp on his phone.
While reinstalling, it'll ask us
if we want to restore the backup.
Poor app! When it asks us,
we must oblige and restore the backup!
All the messages he deleted will reappear.
Shweta, the dog stepped out of the room.
Tie it properly. I mean, the dog.
Three days, right?
Nikitha completely agrees with this.
Ask me why.
How come?
Uthaman Pradeep,
your true colors will now be exposed.
Pradeep, even I want to swap
my phone with my groom.
Or else, I don't want this marriage.
-Yeah, bro?
Can you hack a phone
and delete all the data in it?
Very simple.
I'll send a link to that phone.
And if they click on it
I'll hack it.
Do it! Come on!
By the way,
whose phone do you want to hack?
My phone.
You gave me your number on Facebook,
you gave me your number on Twitter,
on Insta, and on TikTok. Your Snapchat
photo-- You gave me your number on OLX.
So, you're what they call
"breathtaking beauty."
I'm going to make a short film
and I'm looking for
a beautiful girl like you
to cast in it.
If you don't mind,
can you send me your photos on WhatsApp?
Like, in every attire, Western,
traditional, casual, and
Only if you don't mind, okay?
-No, I won't.
-Sorry, not interested.
-Sorry, my parents won't allow me.
It's okay. Fine.
Love you.
-Grandma, get me another banana.
You've had a dozen bananas since morning.
Act like the groom.
What is it?
She said hello.
You tell me, why did I spit on your face?
Whose chat did she read,
Bhuvana's or Sophie's?
Sophie's chat would have
earned me a good bashing.
Definitely Bhuvana's.
I also feel the same.
Tell me!
Now, who's Bhuvana?
Answer me! Hello!
Hello. Sorry, I couldn't hear you earlier.
Tell me now.
I haven't read that yet.
This is different.
-Come on, guess.
-No. You tell me.
-It's okay. Make a guess.
-Nikitha, come on. Say it.
-Are you going to make a short film?
You've collected photos from
girls saying that you are.
Aren't you ashamed?
Oh, about that my friends were
planning to make a short film--
Hey, what--
My friends were planning
to make a short film.
So, I helped them with casting.
A social service.
Why do you need their
photos in tribal attire?
-For a variety.
Wait, you're getting a call.
Yes, tell me.
Ma'am, I'm calling from ICICO Bank.
Do you need a loan?
-No, thanks.
-Ma'am, please! Hold on!
Can I talk to Pradeep sir?
Even if he refuses a loan, he'll at least
talk to me for a while to console me.
You're just hanging up right away!
Oh, I see.
Wait, I'll put him on a conference call.
Who was it?
Hello, sir! It's me ICICO Lavanya!
How are you?
Lavanya, I'm good! How have you been?
Well, I've been better, sir.
Nobody wants to take out a loan.
Don't lose hope. Good things will
happen to kindhearted people like you.
Madam, I told you he'd console me, right?
You'd gone to Singapore to make
a short film, right? When did you return?
-Yes, madam.
He has promised me
a chance in his next movie.
-Oh, really?
-Yes, madam.
Sir, I have even sent you
my photos in tribal attire.
I hope you'll give me a chance.
Sir, she's asking you.
Hope you'll give her a chance.
Lavanya, call me after three days.
-We'll talk then.
-Okay, sir.
Madam, I'd told you,
he is very kindhearted.
Okay, madam. If you need a loan,
then give me a missed call on this number.
Thank you.
She said hello again, right?
You're going to make a short film?!
You can't even click a proper picture
for your profile! Short film, my foot!
Nikitha, I'm going to make a short film
called "App Lock" based on our life story.
After its success, I'll make a movie
with Jayam Ravi called "Joker!"
You are a joker!
You want to cast Jayam Revi?! My foot!
-You joker!
-It's Jayam Ravi, not Revi! Got it?
I'll succeed one day,
and you will witness it!
First, let me check who Bhuvana is!
-You'll regret it! You will!
-You listen to me!
Aren't you ashamed to chat
with girls like that?
any update from the hacker?
If they click on it
I'll hack it!
I was living like a king!
Forget it, dude.
-A smoke will make you feel better.
-I also want it.
-Which brand?
-Your sister smokes?!
I also want to swap phones
with him like you did.
Are you nuts?
-You shouldn't peep into others' phones.
Your wedding will be called off.
Please, no.
If he's clean,
then why can't he give the phone?
Because that's where all the dirt is.
The day after tomorrow is your wedding.
Will you be okay with it if
I marry the wrong person?
This is what Nikitha's dad
would've also thought.
Isn't it? No.
Did you ask him?
My friend Thooriga
and her fianc swapped their phones.
"What a shame!
It's bad manners.
It sounds childish.
It's driving me crazy.
What are you up to?
It doesn't seem right."
So, he cleverly ignored that topic.
-What an idea!
-You're right!
If you do it again,
the groom might create a scene.
Forget it. I'd told you to check
all this eight months ago.
Back then, you tricked me into
eating sweets that had gone bad,
and now you're regretting it?!
The groom will create a scene only if
you ask him to swap phones, right?
What if we make him
give his phone to you?
We'll ask for his mobile to click selfies.
-Use your phone.
-My phone's camera sucks.
-Come on, take it out.
-Someone, please take a photo.
-I'll do it.
-I'll finish you off!
Why is your hand trembling?
Show me the photo.
-Give it to me.
-I'll WhatsApp it to you.
-I wish to go on a bike ride
-with him before getting married.
-What kind of a wish is that?
Let her go, it's her wish. Okay, we'll
go in the car. You guys come on a bike.
Bye, Mr. Groom!
Are you on Tinder?
You smoke a joint?!
You're living the life!
Hope you'll party tonight!
"You look tasty, like sweet made of milk.
I'm going to eat you
like Dairy Milk Silk."
You've sent the same poem to everyone!
Ask for his phone to use the map.
-Use the map.
-You do it.
-My phone doesn't have internet.
-I'll turn on my hotspot.
-My phone is about to die.
-Then throw that useless phone away.
Kaalikaatha Kali Amman Temple.
I'll hold it,
or you won't be able to drive.
-No, thanks.
-How will you apply the clutch?
Watch me! Like this!
Why have you hidden your status from me?
Whom do you post status for?
Hey, Pulthish! No! Wait! Stop!
Water. Pradeep, get me some water.
-Pulthish! Yogi, please save him!
-That way!
Quick! Jump in and save him!
Bullshit! You've got
a pathetic family!
Who gave you permission to save him?
Can't you wait for me?
Can't you be a little patient?
-Damn it!
-Talk him into giving his phone.
My husband doesn't keep secrets from me.
I even know his phone's password.
Do you want to check my phone?
What kind of kiss do you like
-Or how about a French kiss?
Let's go.
I don't keep secrets from my wife.
Except for this secret phone.
Boomer Uncle!
Flick it while he is sleeping.
Do you talk to him because
you fought with me,
or do you fight with me so
that you can talk to him?
-I didn't get it.
-I just don't get it.
What is it that you don't get, dear?
Damn, he's a goner
So, how good do you feel now?
So, how good do you feel now?
You're living the life!
Thank you.
This morning, I met Ramesh.
In the afternoon, I met Suresh.
If I tell this to Pradeep,
he'll yell at me.
One of the best days of my life.
If I don't like something,
you won't stop doing it, right?
Instead, you'll find a way
to do it behind my back, right?
Uthama, you're living the life!
You've got a message from OYO
saying, "We miss you, Pradeep."
Nikki, we friends booked
a room in OYO to booze.
Tell me your Vault password.
Vault? There is no need for that.
-I need it.
-Please, no.
I need it, tell me!
That's Sophie's date of birth, right?
That's my bike number!
My photos?!
He's a goner
You told me you deleted those photos.
Why do you still have them?
For the same reason I asked
for them in the first place.
I need to make a call.
Can I have your phone--
No! Get lost!
Mani, I had called Pradeep
to ask for a hooker's number
but he disconnected the call
without saying a word.
Why did you call him?
I know he won't have any numbers,
but I just gave it a shot.
Damn it! Get lost!
I'd called you yesterday.
A guy answered the call and
-He abused me.
Well, I'm used to it.
He refused to approve my leave. I stared
at him angrily and put him in his place.
Only after I put him in his place--
What's going on?
What? Nothing!
-What's going on?
-Dude, forget it.
Dude, tell us, what's going on?
Why are you online?
Why are you online?
I'm online to check if you are online.
Same here.
Dude, "Mood Mahesh typing"
in "The Gates of Heaven" WhatsApp group!
Call him and ask him
not to send any message!
He already sent a message.
"The Gates of Heaven!"
What story did he post?
"Will you ditch your husband for me?"
"I had been to Aunt Veena's
house during my summer vacation."
She had a useless husband.
Auntie was afraid of geckos,
so she kept the door open while bathing.
"I made a smooth move and--"
Dude, we must set the roof on fire.
Yes, we must.
-Nice and slow
-We must put up a good show.
Dude, I want to rock her world.
At least once in this lifetime,
I must ride downtown with her.
A ride downtown!
And I'll point at you
To hell with that doofus!
what do you mean by "a ride downtown"?
A ride downtown obviously means
a ride to the downtown area, doesn't it?
What do you mean by "I want to ride
downtown with Samanna"?
She's a heroine,
and that's just a fantasy.
So, if I say, I want to ride
downtown with Sarath Kumar
will you be okay with it?
You will ride downtown
with Sarath Kumar?!
I just went through your browser history.
"Namitha naval hot, Tamanna thighs
hot, Anushka leaked video hot!"
Are you such a hardcore pervert?
-Hi, Ma.
-Fine. Continue.
Hardcore pervert?!
Have I ever misbehaved with you?
Don't you call me a gentleman?
Why do you think that is?
I used to watch all that
before coming to see you.
But why did you watch all that
before coming to see my dad?
You browser history shows it all!
Hey, let go of the phone! Let go!
Let go of the phone! I said, let go!
Now, that was one new trick!
any update from the hacker?
If they click on it
I'll hack it.
Do you think we'll believe this?
We must be fools to believe you when you
say, "I watched porn but did nothing."
Give him space,
and he'll show off too much!
It's the exact same tattoo.
Let's start.
My neighbor is downstairs.
She'll tell on me to my mom.
I will come back for sure
with another cheap thing you did
to prove you are not bad but the worst.
Enough of you drama, you filthy mongrel!
-Guys, let's start.
Well, he has started!
She is also at fault.
But now, she created a scene
as if only I am at fault.
I feel like I'm a very cheap fellow.
Dude, no. You aren't a cheap fellow.
You're a
-filthy fellow!
It's true, but she also played with him.
Oh, God! Played?! If a girl
introduces anyone as her brother,
then that means we've
been played on by them.
I'm indeed a bad guy,
but I'm not very bad.
I'm a bit of a good guy,
but I'm not very good. As simple as that.
Look how's he talking. He was
perfect, but now he's blabbing.
-Dude, let's start.
-Yes, please.
-I'll drink on your behalf.
Pradeep, Dinesh is back!
Why is everyone laughing at him?
Why didn't I laugh? Because
On cloud nine?
Yes, dude.
Remember I told you about Priya?
Yes, you showed me her Insta profile.
Yes. Looks like she saw me
at the bus stand today.
She said I was looking
cute in this pink shirt.
She admires me.
It's the most beautiful feeling in the
-Dude, I feel she is a hooker.
I'm in love with her.
Sorry, dude. I'm sorry.
-I'm in your college.
Yes. I'm here to attend
the ECE department symposium.
But actually,
that's just an excuse to see you.
Where are you, darling?
At the canteen.
Let's have a coffee and have lots of fun!
Oh, God. I'll be there in a jiffy.
Uthaman, I forgot to tell you.
I got a scholarship.
-Awesome, dude!
-Yes, dude.
I must rush to the admin block.
Please inform ma'am.
I'm on my way.
I'm waiting.
I'll definitely kiss her today.
Two orange juice.
One orange juice
but with two straws.
So, dude,
why are you not in the admin block?
Buddy, I kept a secret from you.
Actually, Priya is here in our college.
I came here to see her.
So, if you all don't mind
If we leave, how will you meet Priya?
I don't understand.
-We are your Priya.
-We are your Priya.
We created a fake account
called "PriyaSweety."
Many of us used this account
in college for various reasons.
To get back at people we hated.
My hero is the best!
Reveal a little more, please.
It's a medical emergency.
My mother is ill.
I need 10,000 rupees.
I'll return it as soon as my dad returns.
I used it to check my ex's status.
Yes, you got it right.
This account changes gender now and then.
And everybody has it.
So, all that we are
afraid of getting caught
we used to do with that fake account.
The problem now is that
that account is still
in use and logged in.
Today's headlines!
Four cybercriminals have been arrested!
This innocent-looking man
is Uthaman Pradeep
from Sunnambu Kaalvai.
A nice guy during the day
and a playboy at night.
He seduces many guys by talking in
a girl's voice. He is Lusty Gopal.
He trolls actors
by posting vulgar comments
and sparks fights between fans.
He is Hardcore Mani.
He stalks strangers online
as a man and a woman
and uses FaceApp to portray himself
as a woman to flirt with boys.
He's Liar Bhaskar.
They use the fake id "PriyaSweety."
Beware of this fake ID.
-Dude, before she finds out--
Don't answer it. Let it be.
I just saw it.
I had said that I'd prove
you're the worst
but I understood that no one
can stoop down to your level.
Nikitha, actually,
I wanted to tell you before.
Why have you told everyone
that you're still single?
She hasn't seen the fake ID yet.
Well, that was just to show off.
I wanted to look cool.
What's cool about saying you're
single when you have a girlfriend?
Nikitha, people look down on committed
people thinking they are cringey.
It's happening right in front of me.
are you keeping any secrets from me?
Not at all.
Not at all?
Not at all.
The puppy you gave me was given
to you by your ex Sophie, right?
And you gifted it to me?!
Do you how it makes me feel?
-Am I a dustbin? Do I look like a dustbin?
My head's bursting
and my temper is raising!
-When I look at this dog--
-Hold on!
-Hold on!
-I want to--
Hold on!
Listen, Sophie.
-Sophie? Did you just call me Sophie?
-Did you just call me Sophie? Really?
No! You're not Sophie.
I'll explain everything to you tomorrow.
Let's meet tomorrow.
There's nothing to explain!
I've understood everything!
Just once, tomorrow. Please for my sake.
-For my sake.
At Mango Tree Restaurant, okay?
any update from the hacker?
If they click on it
I'll hack it!
Get lost!
Please pray that she must not
find the fake ID until tomorrow.
-Save us, God! Bless us all!
-Save us, God! Bless us all!
-Save us, God! Bless us all!
-Your wedding reception is in five hours.
Wrong. It is in four and a half hours.
Damn, it's scorching hot out here.
Take a hike.
Did you check out the meme I sent you?
No, I didn't.
It's very funny. Check it out.
Not funny at all.
Bad joke.
Remember how you all made fun of me?
Now, everyone will make fun of you all!
Where's Pradeep, dude?
A smooth talker who convinces girls
to send their sensitive photos
Pervert Kamesh has also been arrested.
So, he went to meet her to log out from
that account without her knowledge.
Why go so far just to log out?
Hope you know the password.
Okay, log into that account
from some mobile here.
Then, click on "log out from all devices,"
and it'll log out from his phone as well.
He's not someone who'd do wrong.
He's a mastermind who does
wrong and has a clean slate.
-Let me inform Divya--
First, call Pradeep and tell him to stop.
Nikitha, I'll be sitting there.
Why is he here?
For emotional support.
He's always been there for me.
Then what about me?
You are there
to tell every girl that you're single,
to ask for their photos, and to talk dirty
about them. You are there to do that.
Nikitha, that's how boys talk in a group.
In the same group,
I abused Mani by calling him a--
-I abused him like that,
but it doesn't mean
I'm talking ill of his mother.
Even he knows it.
Only girls misunderstand it.
Oh. Then, why do you advertise
that you're single?
Oh, that? Give me my mobile.
I'll explain it to you.
Give it to me. Everything's in it.
Give it to me.
Answer it.
We'll log in from here
and log out from all devices.
You don't have to do anything.
Super. Okay.
Dude, log in now.
-What is it?
-Stay online.
-He's doing it now.
-Raisins in sweet--
-Dude, two more seconds.
Come on, spit it out.
I swear, it's nothing.
That is all, Nikitha.
I just came to say that.
I'm getting late for the reception. See.
So, it was nice meeting you.
Have a nice day.
it says, "An OTP has been sent."
Wait. Just a second. Give it to me.
-Let me see the message first.
-No, give it to me.
-Give it to me just once.
-No way!
Let go of it!
-Don't bite me!
-Give it to me.
Let go of it!
Sir, order.
-Give us a few minutes
-Okay, sir.
Let it go!
Thank you, sir.
Give it to me!
I won't! Hey, stop it!
-I'll bite you!
-Let go!
Give it to me!
What happened?
I faked it.
Haven't you done the same to me?
Why are you getting an OTP
for some other account?
Show me.
If he's got an OTP, then that means
someone else has logged into the account.
He handles a fake account
called "PriyaSweety."
Go to the profile tab.
You'll find an option
called "Switch accounts."
Shall I go and wait there?
Sit here.
Bro, why are you looking--
What now?
Shame on you!
How can you send such obscene
messages to my sister?
To your sister?
Please, stop acting! Enough!
Wait. So, the other day, I spoke to you
about a fake account that you handle?!
I was such a fool!
Hey, what happened?
Remember I told you that I was getting
obscene messages from an account?
You and your sister look awesome.
Shall I come over for the night?
Just block him.
It'd be petty to file a cyber complaint.
It was from this account.
Can I send you nudes? I am desperate.
-Shall I bathe you?
-Upload a new reel.
Is there any combo offer
on you and your sister?
Let's watch porn together.
Sleep with me, and I'll pay you 10,000.
My head's bursting.
I don't know what this is.
I don't understand at all.
So, the mobile typed
the message and sent it?!
Nikitha, I'm not the only
one who uses this account.
All my friends use this account.
I just used to use it
to check my ex's status.
How do your friends know my sister?
How did they send the same message
to me and my sister at once?
Pradeep, do not lie to me!
Tell me, are you a psychopath?
Are you?
Were you testing my loyalty?
What was that? You'll pay me
10,000 rupees to sleep with you?!
You don't have the courage to ask me
that in person, so you did it this way?!
-Nikitha, I didn't do it.
you need a doctor.
-So many sex chats!
-Nikitha, it wasn't me.
You even tricked many to get money!
Hey, my friends did that.
so your friends sent me
those obscene messages?!
I didn't mean that.
You were just quietly watching it?!
-Listen to me--
-You've got awesome friends.
-You've got awesome friends!
Nikitha, I had no idea that
such things were happening.
My friends usually don't
indulge in such stuff.
What else?
Not just my friends but a lot
of them use this account.
Oh, God!
How many of them indulge in
harassing girls and abusing friends by
calling out their mom's name? Disgusting!
It's a shame that you
are using this account.
It's not only shameful but also cheap!
Psycho! Pervert! I am lost for words!
I didn't do it, Nikitha.
You think you can do anything
hiding behind a mask?!
What did you say?
"Just" block the ID?!
You'll again create a new
account and post comments
-I didn't do it, Nikitha.
-and we must endure it all.
Don't touch me!
You want to talk to my sister?
Then why did you approach me?
Or you're after both of us?!
Nikitha, you're crossing the limits!
You very well know
I wouldn't do such a thing.
Just because you found this,
don't try to turn the tables on me!
Excuse me?
You do such cheap things, and you're
comparing them with my faults?!
Yes, I am,
because I didn't do any of that.
I didn't drive all the way to Pondicherry
for a sleepover with my ex.
I didn't take anyone around saying
they are like my brother or sister.
If you've received the OTP,
it means you're the account holder.
-How can you blame someone else?!
-You'd better keep quiet!
Look, Nikitha.
Yes, I did create this account
but those chats I didn't do it.
If I'm wrong, then I will accept it.
Earlier, when you confronted me,
I accepted it because I was at fault.
But when I say I didn't do it,
I honestly mean that I didn't do it!
I didn't do it! I didn't!
Thanks to my father for doing this.
Or else, a guy like you--
Pradeep, everybody told me
to stay away from you, but
Nikitha, look. I'll call my friends.
Listen to what they have to say.
Like what? That they sent me obscene
messages, and you did nothing about it?!
Wait. Just a moment.
-Wait, just a second. Hold on.
-Stop it!
Would you have been quiet if someone
had sent such messages to your sister?
Nikitha, check that account properly.
He might've hit on your sister.
After all, his identity was hidden.
Let go of him! Let go!
Pradeep, let go of him!
-Please, sir!
Please, sir.
Let go of me.
Hands off me. Give me that.
It's okay, Nikitha.
I'd have knocked him down with one blow.
I was quiet because I wanted
you to see his true colors.
Yeah, right.
Don't believe the truth.
Always fall for lies.
You want to roam with him, don't you?
-Isn't that why you blamed me?
Let go!
Go and roam around with him!
Just go!
I am sorry.
-I'm saying I didn't do it
-Sir, leave it.
Go! Just go with him! Crap!
What perfect timing!
A call from Mamakutty!
Hang up, you--
Just for a second, please.
Hey! Pulthish!
Hey, stop! Give me back my phone!
Dude, why would we do such a thing?
Hey, many of them are using that account
but none of them know that
Nikitha and Shweta are sisters.
Both of them are getting the messages
at the same time, which means
it is definitely someone among you.
Pradeep, Nikitha is like a sister to me.
Please! Enough!
Enough with the sister sentiments!
Hey, didn't you want her
to believe that you didn't do it?
We are in that same situation.
Believe us, we didn't do it.
I didn't lay a finger on you.
Why are you crying?
Hey, what happened?
I saw a photo in which he was wearing
boxers and standing next to a woman.
-He hit me because of that!
-He hit you?!
Hey, I didn't hit him.
I just snatched the cell phone.
Does it hurt?
Pulthish, don't lie.
I didn't lay a finger on you.
If you take other people's phones,
you'll have to face
such consequences! Come!
I need the phone just for a second.
He wants it just for a second!
-I may get important calls.
-God! Please! Just for a second!
Just for a second! Only one second!
-For my sake, give it to him once.
For just one second! Please!
For just a second! Only one second!
One second's over.
He is showing off that he owns
an iPhone and we don't!
This is an atrocity!
-So, it wasn't you guys?
-You guys didn't do it?
What about you?
Dude, come on.
You had already messaged
my girlfriend long back.
You knew her before me
but when I introduced you,
both of you acted really well.
-Dude, well
stop accusing him unnecessarily.
Really? Wait a minute.
I just saw his messages to her
on my way here. I'll show you.
"Hey, girl with a beautiful coiffure,
good morning.
Hey, angel, you're awake!
Good morning, you beauty."
Are you admiring her?
Buddy, that was a long time ago.
Shut up!
That'd be wrong, right?
It'd be a blunder!
Only cheapos who doubt their
girlfriends do such things.
Pradeep, he wouldn't have hit on her.
Dude he tried to woo
his friend's girlfriend,
and you are supporting him?!
I'm now doubting all of you.
-Dude, come on.
So, you guys were together in this?!
-Pradeep, you're talking nonsense!
I don't want anyone here.
All of you, out.
Let's talk it out--
Get out! I'll finish you off! Get lost!
why aren't you giving me the phone?
Why do you want it?
-Come on, Mom.
Look here.
Mom, I'm sorry.
Please leave me alone.
What happened?
Nothing, Mom. You carry on.
I'll handle it.
look here.
I can tell when there is something wrong.
I'm your mother. Now, tell me.
What happened?
What happened?
Nothing. You carry on.
What happened?
Tell me, what happened?
Come on, tell me.
Everyone's betraying me, Mom.
What are you saying?
I couldn't believe it.
But Revi says he has heard
worse things about Pradeep.
-Revi doesn't have a reason to lie--
-Don't listen to anybody else.
What do you feel?
So, this is the issue!
A lot of boys are drooling over her.
And she
she is not reciprocating,
but she keeps replying to all of them.
Can't she just ask them
to shut up and get lost?
Did she cross any limits
He talks to girls casually,
but I'm worried that there's
some wrong motive behind it.
First of all, why must he talk to them?
Okay but how does
Revi know about all this?
I told him.
Your friends?!
I don't know whom to trust.
I felt Divya was also falling
into the same trap, so I
Why did you tell Revi
about what's going on between you two?
How would you feel if Pradeep discussed
your personal matters with another girl?
Well, Revi isn't such a fellow.
He always wanted my
and Pradeep's relationship to work.
He wanted that, my foot!
right from schools
to colleges and offices
everywhere, one or the other guy
will drool over every girl.
This is not new.
You know what
it has also happened to me.
Many of them will have wrong intentions
but they'd never dare
to make that mistake.
They won't have the guts.
Hey, what happened?
I couldn't leave you
alone in this situation.
It is impossible to chase them away.
Girls have to work, study,
and travel along with such boys.
They will always be around.
I cannot see you suffer like this.
You deserve better.
Girls like you are very rare to find.
But no matter what those guys do
they can't even go near her.
You are way out of his league.
How did you fall for him?
Look at his photo after five months.
You'll regret to have
fallen in love with him.
Actually, I want to say something to you.
I don't know if I'll ever get
such a perfect opportunity again.
I still love you, Nikitha.
Such a guy will even sacrifice
himself to win her heart.
But what he doesn't know is that
she'd never have feelings for him.
Even if you don't make those sacrifices
still, she'd sacrifice herself for you.
That is only if her love for you is true.
-It's okay.
Give it a good thought before
making any decision.
You don't trust Pradeep
because he told you about him?!
Hey, don't tell me you didn't err at all.
Mom, I talk to girls casually
Oh! Really?
As if I'm going to believe that!
Even if I were sincere,
she'd have still cheated.
If I had stayed innocent and sincere
and then, if I had found out about
her, it'd have killed me.
If you were an honest guy,
you'd have never regretted it.
She would've regretted to have
put you through all that.
But at this very moment,
whatever is running in your mind
is exactly what's running
in her mind as well.
Everybody wants a trustworthy partner
but none of them wants to be
a trustworthy partner themselves.
That's the issue.
So, are you ditching her?
Then, give me this.
I know who gifted this to you.
Now that you've decided to ditch her,
give it to me.
You are more precious to me
Than my life
No matter how many births I take
I will ensure you are mine
You are more precious to me
Than my life
I promise you this
I will never give you up
You handed it to me because you knew
you could get it back anytime.
But when you thought it was lost forever,
you couldn't accept it.
Some precious things cannot be
found again once you lose them.
Well, I'm senseless,
but I hope you're clever.
So, then what happened?
No, he is not giving me his phone.
He's here.
It's okay, sit.
What's up, Pradeep?
Since when you started smoking?
You smoke?!
-Since I was in college.
-Does your family know?
I think they found out a year ago,
but they never confronted me.
Once they do that,
you'll be free to smoke at home, right?
Sometimes, secrets are better
if they stay secrets.
Smoking is wrong that's why I'm hiding it.
Why hide things if there's nothing wrong?
Do you think I'm doing
something wrong, Pradeep?
If not, then why don't you give it?
There could be 1000 reasons.
Why don't you consider that?
Ask him what reasons.
Guess what your sister calls me.
Dark chocolate.
See. What's romantic
to me is funny to you.
There are lots of such
comments on my phone.
Have you ever posted selfies
and stuff on TikTok?
How do your friends respond to them?
-They like it. That's all.
-But guess what responses I get.
Damn! Look at his face!
Dude, you're one handsome guy!
You look like a piece of shit!
Every face has a shape,
but this fellow's face is out of shape!
Even the filters
can't make you look good, dude!
Look at your double chin, you fatso!
I've heard of beer bellies,
but you've got cheek bellies!
Have you ever noticed?
Every mobile has a WhatsApp group
which is always inactive.
But there'll be one guy
when they make fun of him,
the group becomes active.
Guess who's that guy.
They take screenshots of my face
and make memes out of them.
They know that trolling me
would make everybody laugh.
So, they do it on purpose.
Fearing that,
I stopped putting up my photos.
Last week, I sent my wedding
invitation to a friend.
He shared it in the group.
Guess what happened next.
Such a beautiful bride for him?!
Damn, it's unacceptable!
I pity that bride.
Instead of tying the knot with him,
she could commit suicide.
Guess what they changed
that WhatsApp group's name to.
"Cutie weds King Kong."
Cutie is your sister and King Kong
I thought your sister would
feel bad if she sees all this
and that would hurt me.
I wonder what kick or happiness
these guys get from making fun of me.
Do they think they are
the best comedians?
Do they ever care about my feelings?
Everyone looked down on me
but Divya looked at me in a different way.
She said she liked me.
I was afraid that after
checking my phone,
she would also start
teasing me like others.
No matter how much
we delete stuff, we'll get caught.
To top it all,
I've clicked body transformation photos
in the name of reducing weight.
Even I can't stand them!
I wonder how that kid managed to see them!
You want to know who it was?
That was the lady gym trainer.
I took photos in her presence.
That created unwanted
hiding something means we don't
want others to know about it.
It need not always be a wrong thing.
He could've told me all this.
If I had, we'd have broken up long ago.
Pradeep just told me that you are
listening to our conversation.
Now that it has come to this
Did you check everything?
What did you find?
The real you.
So, it's over!
Well, it's just the beginning.
Dude, let him come. We'll talk to him.
Who else among us uses that account?
No idea!
-Do you suspect anybody?
-I don't even know the password.
Pradeep's here.
trust me, I didn't do it.
Why do you think I'd do such a thing?
I did try to approach her, but that
was before you started talking to her.
I was confused about whether
I should tell you this or not.
I was scared.
That's why I didn't tell you.
Dude, I don't know if she
even remembers my face!
But I promise you
that I did all that out of fear.
Sorry, dude.
But I swear that I didn't
message her from that fake ID.
Sorry, buddy.
Look at me.
Sorry. Look at me.
I'm sorry.
I told you guys to leave.
Aren't you leaving?
Stop talking like you're a thug!
Why should we obey you?
This is our sister's wedding.
We aren't going anywhere.
I'll finish you off. Guys, I doubt him.
Yeah, right. I did it.
Yeah, blame me now!
He washes his boxers thrice a day.
I knew he was crazy.
At least I wash it.
You don't even wear it.
Guys, hit him!
-Hit him!
-Enough now.
Guys, chill,
and stop fighting unnecessarily.
Okay, guys.
I'll go and meet Nikitha.
What's all this, Nikitha?
How do we remove this from the internet?
It has already gone viral.
Why do you record all this?
-That's not me--
-What the hell!
-Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
-What the hell is all this?
Dad, that's not--
What? Are you going
to deny that it's you?
Dad, please!
One of your ex-lovers is calling you.
Your ex-lover is calling you!
To hell with this phone!
Relatives have started calling me.
What will I tell them?
Dad! Dad, please!
I pampered her so that she
doesn't miss her mother
but look what she has done!
She is not my daughter anymore!
Yes! I failed as a parent!
What's your problem?
To hell with that groom! Get lost!
Pradeep, did Nikitha come there?
Did you did you see that video?
All hell has broken loose here.
Nikitha left the house.
I don't know what to do.
Can you please return her phone?
I want to call her friends.
Wait, we'll call her friends.
Dude, Nikitha is missing.
Dude, call her friends and find out
if she went to any of their houses.
If not, tell them to call back
if she visits them.
I'll go to her house and look around.
Dude, go and look for her.
here, keep my phone.
I'll call you if she comes here.
You go ahead, buddy.
Bro, she might have gone out for a drive.
She'll be back by morning. Chill.
I don't care where she is!
Keep me out of this!
What happened?
I come here every day to check,
but this tree doesn't seem to sprout.
-Do you dig it out and check it every day?
Oh, no.
If you don't have faith and dig it
out every day, how will it sprout?
Trust that it will grow,
and don't dig it out again.
It will grow.
One week is all we've
got, or else it's over!
Have faith.
Look at me.
I said, look at me.
Look at me.
Pradeep, I swear I didn't do it.
I trust you!
You and I are the epitome of love
I don't care what the world says
I will always trust you
even I didn't send those messages.
I know.
I know you're not that type of person.
That's it.
Nikitha, I thought I knew you very well
but I know zilch!
I realized something though.
That I'm madly in love with you.
Yes, madly!
I had a perception
about the girl I'd fall in love with.
Well, the perception is true,
but I want it to be you.
I can't imagine anyone
else in your place.
I am sincerely sorry if I hurt you.
I love you, Pradeep.
Don't you worry.
Do you know how embarrassed I am?
Don't worry. I am here for you.
Even my dad didn't believe me.
I am here for you.
Dude, I got him!
That's him!
Nikitha is not the girl in that video.
This is the real unadulterated video.
I morphed Nikitha's face in this
using the Deep Fake software.
I did this because I get a kick
out of making such videos trend.
I didn't expect the impact
would be so huge.
My guilt is killing me now.
That girl is innocent. Please forgive me.
Even if you leave me and go away
I'll come for you and fight for our love
I had told you.
I had told you!
-Tell us!
-Why did you do this?
How did you trap him?
First, I tracked the phone in
which the source video was stored.
I sent a bait link to that phone.
He clicked on the bait
and I nabbed him!
What is it?
Well, I thought you'd be dead.
Come again!
I thought you'd be dead.
-Wait and watch, you'll be dead now!
-Tribal pics? Really?
Let me check who all
you got such pics from!
-Quiet. Don't talk.
You are more precious to me
Than my life
No matter how many births I take
I will ensure you are mine
Twenty years ago, only one out of
ten couples would end up marrying.
The rest of them would be
separated by their parents.
The numbers are the same today
but now, parents don't separate
the couple. You guys do it yourselves.
I didn't do this so that you both
would fight and break up.
I did it to see if you both are willing
to make things work no matter what.
Buddy, thanks for coming.
Now, get lost. No feast for you.
Can I have your phone for a moment?
It's not a sin to check
your life partner's phone
but have trust in them!
Even I slipped a bit.
Sorry, dear.
But you were spot on!
I am convinced.
So, when are you bringing
your mother here?
We both are the epitome of love
No matter what others say
Don't break down, dear
Because I trust you
I stopped and thought for a moment.
When was the last time I was at peace?
It was when I trusted
everybody around me.
Then, what's stopping us
from trusting others?
If they deceive us, then they'll be
the ones who lose their inner peace.
Why should we lose our inner peace?
One question remained unanswered.
Who sent vulgar messages
to Nikitha and her sister?
We don't know that yet.
But that person also lives among us.
It's scary, but there are many
kindhearted people out there.
We just need to have some faith.
The kids have got to know
each other very well.
So, before we get them engaged
how about we swap our mobiles?