Lover (2022) Movie Script

'It is said that Heer and Ranjha
made TakhtHazaare popular.'
'Sohni-Mehiwal made
river Chenab popular.'
'Romeo and Juliet made Italy popular.'
'But this is not Italy.
This is Patiala, my city.'
'Now even this will become
popular in the entire world.'
'Because of my love story.'
Laali, what are you doing dear?
Come now.
Eat food.
A person gets up on time, takes a bath,
gets ready and goes to school.
A person should do something on time.
Late in everything.
What is left behind now?
Don't pamper him so much.
He can at least food by himself.
Is taking handkerchief so important?
-Eat food.
-Mother, I am already late.
The school is very strict.
They will not let anyone
enter school without handkerchief.
Eat food properly.
-I am already late.
-At least eat food.
Take your bag.
Today he is not going to come.
He has left you alone.
That day is never going to
come when he would leave me alone.
Today is that day.
Come on. Will you keep standing here?
Come on we are getting late.
-Come on.
-Take care of your Frooti.
Laali, slowly buddy.
Take this and give me one cigarette.
Laali, she has come.
'The sound of your laughter'
'and footsteps van
be heard till my heart.'
'My Heer,'
'I can feel you.'
'It seems that'
'the rain is falling
because of your laughter.'
'And I am getting wet in that rain.'
'The roof is leaking.'
'This has spoilt everything.'
'Heer, today again you passed by me.'
'Every day you pass this way.'
'It has been four years.'
'The same path,
the same school and your house.'
'I follow you every day'
'but Gopi feels you
do not even know my name.'
'But I know.'
Hurry up Heer, we are getting late.
If we get late for class
then Preet madam is going to thrash
on the hands which
you are making wet in rain.
Not we but madam
will come late in class.
-That too at least half an hour.
-But why?
Make up.
Our Preet teachers' make up
will fade if she steps out in rain.
And you know that
Our madam Preet cannot
afford to come without make up.
It is said that only two people
have seen madam Preet without makeup.
-Who are they?
-Either her husband or her dog.
Our madam Preet knows more
about lipstick than about atom.
-Preet madam.
-Preet madam.
I really liked you praising me.
Tell your mother to come
and meet me in school tomorrow.
Sorry madam.
We will discuss about your
special comments on my beauty.
Please madam, sorry.
You are a much undisciplined student.
Where is your Id card?
It was with me...
Laali, where is the photo of your card?
Don't take tension.
They will not call your mother.
Heer, your Id card.
But where has my photo gone?
The photo has not gone anywhere.
The photo has...
made a pair with another photograph.
It looks like pair number one.
Hey, the professor is coming towards us.
-Good morning sir.
-Morning, sir.
Good morning
-Yes, sir.
Where is your bag?
The bag was somewhere here sir.
Where has it gone?
It is not here.
It got wet in rain so
we have kept it outside to dry.
It got wet in rain so
we have kept it outside to dry.
-Okay. You have kept it out to dry?
Laali, just think if
you have left the bag at home?
What are you saying sir?
Only a foolish student would
-forget his bag at home.
-Keep quiet rascal.
There is your bag.
Your father gave it to me.
Have some shame.
Be with your books some time
the way you are with each other.
Stay away.
Laali, dear shall I say something?
Leave it, sir.
It would be something to insult me.
Or do you think I would put gold medal
around your neck in front of the class.
Come on get out.
-Take out your books.
-Yes, sir.
You do not study and always get me
trapped as well.
please help me to pass this time.
Listen to me.
What are you going to do of the photo?
'What would I do?'
'Now Heer will always
be in front of my eyes.'
'Heer, I was never satisfied
watching you in school.'
'Where should I put it where
I can see you all the time?'
'Yes. Here I can see you all the time.'
'No, no...father will really
scold me if he sees it.'
'Here it is fine in the cupboard.
He will not be able to see here.'
'But even I can't see
when the cupboard is closed.'
'No, not here.'
'It is right in the note book.'
'And I will always keep
you close to my heart.'
'This did not strike me.'
-It would be fine here.
-'Why is father calling me?'
-Where are you?
-Laali, where are you?
-I am coming.
Oh no...
Keep it aside.
-What were you doing?
You must have got the bag.
-I just cannot believe.
You must be the first
child in this world
who goes to school
without the school bag.
Even the teacher would have insulted
you in front of the entire school.
-Why don't you speak?
You are saying yes so proudly
as if you have won a medal.
You must realize that I am making
you study in school beyond my capacity.
Behave properly.
Get serious Laali.
Serious? How can be
anyone more serious than me?
Isn't it Heer?
Why? Aren't you serious?
Even you will become.
'It takes time for eternal love.'
'You cannot make haste.'
'Ranha and Mahiwal took 12 years.'
'It has been four years for me as well.'
'But we will not take so much time.'
'It will be soon for us.'
The bell has rung. Goddess, please help.
Come on brother,
every day because of you we get late.
-Come on.
-Because of me.
Come on we are late.
One, two, three, four.
Four, three, two, one.
-Where is she?
Two, three, four.
-Can't you stand straight?
-Four, three...
I cannot see your sister-in-law.
Move further.
-One, two, three...
Have you become blind?
She is standing there.
Oh no...
Idiot. All the time
you are being naughty.
Stand straight.
Every day you make us stand here.
She does not even look at you.
Four, three, two, one.
She does look at me.
Tell me when did she see you last.
-On Wednesday.
-Three, four.
Wednesday? Yours is just one sided love.
She mises in between as well
but always looks at me on Wednesday.
Today is Wednesday so let's check.
She will surely look.
Come on go in line. Very good.
-Come on go in line. Very good.
-'Heer, the entire school knows'
'that I stand in defaulter line'
to have a glimpse of you.'
Come on move.
-Come on move, very good.
-'I know you too look at me secretly.'
-Keep moving. Come on. Good.
-'Once please. For Gopi's sake.'
'He has made my life hell.'
Go in line.
-Go in line.
-'Will she look today?'
'Please look at me.'
Very good children. Go in line.
-She does not like you.
-Come on...
Sir, someone's handkerchief has fallen.
Hold on. Just a handkerchief
and not a bomb has fallen.
Pick it up.
'What is this?'
'Everyone in the school
turned and looked.'
'Only you did not look.'
'No problem.'
'But when you see then
only Laali will be seen.'
-How are you?
-Absolutely fine.
So tell me do you also
have chemistry practical?
Gopi, are you sure today is Wednesday.
Are you sure she looks
at you on Wednesday?
Reply to the question that I ask you.
Look at me.
It is Wednesday today.
Then surely she will look.
Yes, yes...
'She stopped.'
'Today she is going to look at me.'
'Come on look.'
'Come on look at me.'
Hurry up.
Madam must have arrived in the class.
'Oh No...'
Is it a prayer offering by Laali
that she has to attend every Wednesday?
Let's go. Don't talk nonsense.
I have not put so much pressure
in toilet as you have made me put here.
You have made me your carrier.
Gopi, move to the right.
Little more...
Can you see her?
Gopi, just lift me little up.
Then I will be able to see clearly.
You will be able to see clearly
but there would be darkness
in front of my eyes.
My dear brother, lift me up.
Goddess, give me strength.
Come on,.
Not so much. Little lower...
-Did it get too high?
I think Goddess gave me much strength.
-Lower, lower...
-One minute.
Lower, lower...
-That is enough.
-Is it set?
Don't move now from here.
Hurry up, buddy.
Which fool is talking to her?
The one with long curly hair.
With collars up.
-He must be boasting.
-He is Mani.
-Who Mani?
Mani tries to woo Heer.
Why didn't you tell me earlier, rascal?
Rascal, you did not ask me earlier.
What happened?
She looked at me.
Come on get up and let's go from here.
'In these four years today was
the first day when you looked at me.'
'And look at my condition.'
Your bill has been paid?
It has been paid? Who paid it?
He has done it.
Heer, I feel Mani is your
Romeo and you are her Juliet.
Only in the school's
annual function drama.
Don't take drama so seriously.
He is just a friend.
She is your brother's girlfriend.
Why are you staring at her?
As my sister-in-law.
One thing is for sure.
Because of your one sided
Romeo my money for coffee is saved?
Mani, look at that.
Someone else is sipping
the tea leftover by sister-in-law.
-Let's go.
-Hey, Neela listen to me.
I think there is some misunderstanding.
His name is Not Neela but Laali.
Till yesterday his name was Laali.
From today his name is Neela.
Neela? Why?
Because he will be thrashed
so hard that his body will become blue.
And people will say
that Neela is coming.
Laali, stop following Heer.
Henceforth Laali will not follow
Heer but will walk next to her.
I will not spare you.
Laali, leave him.
Mani, what are you doing?
I think you have got into the
habit of standing in defaulter line.
Go to your classes. Go.
Go straight to your classes.
Will I have to tell you separately? Go.
'A person has to fight
many battles in love.'
'I can even die if
the love is like Heer.'
I think Preet Madam's make up is over.
That is why she did not come today.
I wish it remain over.
-Are you looking at Heer?
Stare at her in school and then
her child in her lap all your life.
-Will you do anything?
-Look there.
The school also looks
good when madam does not come.
Hail to Goddess. Is that a love letter?
It is not a love letter but feelings
of your brother.
'My dear Heer.'
'I have loved you more than God.'
'Maybe God also gets angry with me.'
'Heer, I may die now'
'but your name will
always be in my heart.'
'Heer, Heer, Heer.'
Didn't she read?
-I don't know.
-Heer, don't you want to go home?
It is better if you
walk straight some times.
Every time you are
walking in the wrong way.
Don't you want to go home?
Come on.
Laali, how did it get punctured?
Both the tyre have got punctured.
I punctured them.
Your cycle tyre had too much air in it
and that is why you
were dreaming too high.
So I thought of bringing
you back to reality.
We have to go back home.
You go back home every day
but let's take you to hospital today.
-Will you follow her?
-Mani, leave him.
-Give it to me.
-Mani, enough. No.
Laali, get up. Get up.
What is Laali's fault?
Just ask him if he follows
Heer on the cycle or not?
Does he secretly look
at Heer in school or not?
Heer, Mani has had
some misunderstanding.
But I have not misunderstood anything.
Who looks at me?
Who follows me when we are in auto?
And who stands in
the line of defaulters.
I know everything.
Because I have seen
Laali doing all this.
Gopi, I had told you
that Heer knows my name.
He used to say that
Heer does not know anything.
I knew that you know everything.
What do you get by doing all this?
He is crazy. I...
Yes I am crazy.
I am crazy for you.
I will do anything for you.
All my life I will follow you on cycle.
I will keep giving 5/- to Neendi.
I will always clean your seat in auto.
Because of you I will
bear the curse given by Gopi.
And will always stand
in defaulter's line.
I will keep looking at you secretly.
I will keep drinking your left over tea.
I will keep everything
of yours safely, Heer.
All my life I will be
with you like your shadow.
You will keep looking at me
secretly and keep my things safely.
And will be with me just like my shadow.
And whatever you said...
Anyone can do all this for me.
Even Mani can do.
If I have to choose between you
and Mani then why would I choose you?
What is special in you?
Mani can kill anyone for Heer.
But Laali can bleed for Heer.
Laali, Laali...
If I have to choose between you
and Mani then why would I choose you?
What is special in you?
But Laali can bleed for Heer.
Heer, your father's death
anniversary is close by.
Your uncle had called.
He was asking whether to
keep prayers at home or in Gurdwara.
But Laali can bleed for Heer.
Heer, keep this back.
Is this a thing to play?
Mother, yesterday in school
a boy cut his arm with blade.
Oh! No.
Stupid boy.
Maybe he is dead.
Nowadays children...
No, mother.
He wasn't bleeding so much.
But he would have died.
Pulse is present there.
And cutting the pulse means death.
Today I could not wake up on time.
We are very late today.
Heer, whom are you finding?
We are already late.
Heer, for the first time
I have seen dust on your seat.
-I will clean it.
-Come on. Whom are you finding?
We are already late.
Heer, I cannot forget that boy.
What was his name?
Laali. Poor guy.
Aunt was telling that a
boy cut his hand by blade for fun.
He bled so much that he
died on the way to the hospital.
'Did you think that
I would die so soon?'
'We are going to be together
for next seven ages.'
"I did not hear to heart or eyes."
"I do not need lakh of rupees"
"From the day I saw you I am yours."
"What kind of relationship is ours?"
"I feel like meeting you."
"Time stops without you."
"You intoxicate me."
"Tell me, dear how much I should I love.
Tell me, dear."
"Even you know I will not
be able to tell you. You tell me."
"I think about you, I see you everywhere
What kind of love is this?"
"I pray for you.
Never ever go away from me."
"You are my love and agree to it."
"Stay close to my heart
even if you kill me."
"I will not be able to tolerate
separation. Don't make this mistake."
"Don't make this mistake."
"I love you so much.
How should I tell you, dear?"
"I am not able to tell you,
even you know that. You tell me how?"
what are you doing?
Nothing, madam.
I know what you are doing?
I am sure you are
going to fail this year.
Otherwise you will surely be suspended.
-No ma'am, sorry.
-Sorry ma'am.
I will have to tell
all this to your mother.
Ma'am, please don't
tell anything to mother.
-Sorry ma'am.
-Please ma'am, sorry.
What are you doing here?
Why? Is there a ban on
me that I cannot come to library?
Laali, go away from here. Let me study.
Otherwise I will fail.
As if I am going to get merit.
Heer, I am thinking
that we both should fail.
Stupid. What are you saying?
Just think about it.
Because of that we will get
one more year to stay together.
Go away from here.
Laali, what are you doing?
Someone might come.
This is a library.
Please go away from here.
Laali, someone might see us.
I will go on one condition.
What is the condition?
Come on the terrace at 10 at night.
Are you out of your mind? Why will
I come on the terrace of your house?
-What kind of a girl do you think I am?
not on the terrace of my house
but of your house.
Okay. So you are planning
to come on the terrace of my house.
I knew all boys are the same.
Hey, search department.
You be on the terrace
of your house and I on mine.
We will talk from there.
Hey arts department.
How will we talk if you are on
the terrace of your house and I on mine?
I will not come on the terrace.
What if my uncle comes to know?
Who uncle?
My uncle, Dilawar.
You haven't got the money?
Do you know...
I just have this one life, Dilawar.
You do not have money?
And you do not want
to sacrifice your life.
Do one thing.
Give your office to me.
you are openly doing hooliganism.
This is called hooliganism.
No, no
-Dilawar leave me.
-Shall in leave?
I don't want to die.
Don't leave me Dilawar.
Take whatever you wish to. Office, money
and take sign wherever you wish to.
Don't leave me, brother.
Spare my life. Let me go.
I don't want to die.
I liked doing business with you.
If you have any problem
or trouble in life,
then your brother is always with you.
Go and drop brother Billu home.
With love.
Idiot has called me so late at night.
What if anyone comes?
Where is he?
God knows where he
is after calling me here.
Where is he?
Laali will land into
trouble and so will I.
It is so late.
Where are you, Laali?
'Those who are in love seem to be fool.'
He is not going to come.
'But are very intelligent.'
I will go down.
'They have their own language.'
'Sign language,'
'language of eyes'
'through which they understand
each other's feelings.'
'Laali's Heer.'
'It does not take much time
to understand the language of love.'
'Yes Laali.'
'Laali, Heer is yours.'
'Heer, I love you.'
'Me too.'
'Will you ever get separated from me?'
'I used to look at you in school.'
'-Even I secretly looked at you.'
'-I knew.'
'Of course,
you are a lover and know everything.'
'Of course.'
'A man can wait for death'
'but wait in love is worse than death.'
'Heer, shall I tell you something?'
'What, Laali?'
'Shall we get married?'
'You are just 17 years old. Stupid.'
'Heer, listen to me.'
'What is it that you
are going to tell me?'
'I have thought of name of my children.'
'Stupid, first you have
to get married for children.'
'Then let's get married.'
'This is the most
beautiful feeling of love.'
'Both know everything and even then...'
'Who will convince my uncle?'
'I will convince him too.'
'What if he does not get convinced?'
'Then we will run away.'
'They try to be ignorant.'
'Go and sleep now. It is too late.'
'You go first.'
'No, first you go.'
'No, you go first.'
-'Not I, first you go.
-No, no.'
"As if you were saying..."
you are here.
Dilawar, don't take so much trouble.
I have always considered
my brother as my father.
And according to that
relation you are my mother.
-Sit down.
So how can I be troubled for my mother?
Why have you come, Dilawar?
Actually that...
-Where is Heer?
-She is inside.
Dear Heer.
Coming, uncle.
I have bought a new shop
so want to get its registry
done in the name of Heer.
Whatever you feel is right.
But I don't find it right, uncle.
This is the sixth registry
in my name in last six months.
you must happy...
You should be happy. Isn't it?
But I feel something is wrong.
I am feeling very scared.
Is this illegal?
No, problem.
I feel good that Heer is speaking.
She is thinking about
what is wrong and right.
It is good. I like it.
Very good, dear.
I swear on my brother
that I am not doing anything wrong.
Get her sign. I will leave now.
Mother, why don't you say anything?
'Laali, go away from here.'
'Mother is with me. Please go.'
'Please go.'
'No, I will not.'
'You have made me a fool.'
'Whenever I start to enjoy
this stupid fellow interferes.'
'No problem.
I will teach him a lesson today.'
'You have come here as well.'
'Laali will follow Heer everywhere.'
'I had just talked about marriage
and you have come here to put mehendi?'
'Yes. Do you know I have
got your name written on my hand?'
'Show me.'
'Find it.'
'Okay so you are challenging me.'
Mani, what happened dear?
Nothing, uncle.
The chain of cycle came off.
You can put back the chain
of cycle but not of life.
Come, I will make you eat snacks.
one thing is clear that your
cycle's chain did not come off.
Tell me truly that who made you fall.
Uncle, there is a son
of a clerk and Heer is also...
You? How did you come here?
Laali, please leave my hand.
Mother will come anytime.
Laali, please leave.
I am not one of those who
would leave hand after holding it.
Now I will find it.
Find it.
Where did you get it written?
-Oh no.
From where has she come?
What happened?
Why did you leave my hand?
What happened?
Why did you leave my hand?
Where did you get it written?
Find it.
I will surely come and
take it some other time.
I cannot see it anywhere.
Laali, mother has come.
Laali, mother has come.
-No, I will find it now.
-Laali, please leave
Laali, please leave my hand.
Please believe me.
-Greetings aunty.
-Greetings, dear.
-Look there.
-Have you got it written?
Do you know me?
No dear, I did not recognize you.
You really don't know me?
I am Anita aunty...
Suman aunt's house
opposite to Anita aunty...
-No dear, i don't know
Now I will find it.
No, in the lane behind her house...
-I am son of her aunt.
-Have you got it written?
No dear, there seems to be
some misunderstanding. No problem.
You are misunderstanding.
I am getting late. Please.
-Listen to me aunty.
-Please Please
Lallai, mother is coming.
Please leave my hand.
Look, I have got it written.
Goddess, save him today.
-Yes, mother.
-Is it done?
-Yes. it's done.
-Oh! She really has come.
Did she saw me?
How much do I need to pay?
-I have already paid him.
-Let's go dear. We are already late.
Come on let's go.
Come on let's go.
Hey lover, we were almost caught.
Let him sit now.
Leave his shop.
One minute.
How come you are here, Dilawar?
I was on the way to meet you.
-Really -I wanted to talk
something important about Heer.
-Something important?
-Come on.
-Let's go, dear.
Heer, when are your exams?
Next month, uncle.
Do you want to give exams?
What kind of question is this, Dilawar?
I will tell you, sister-in-law?
Who is the clerk's son among the
the two boys coming behind?
Get up.
Low status clerk's son has
dared to fall in love with my niece...
-Clerk's son?
How dare you?
Leave him. Please, uncle.
Please, uncle.
Please, please...
Please, uncle.
Uncle, please leave me.
'your face shows'
'that I have got hurt'
'but you seem to be in pain.'
"Oh, God, what will I do?"
"I cannot stay without you."
"If someone takes you away."
"God take us away."
"I am sitting here because of you."
"I have left everyone because of you."
"No one is special as you."
"I have seen many people."
"My life is worse than
death without you, dear."
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
Shall we go? We are already late.
By now the assembly must be over.
"Where you walk barefoot, dear."
"I like your city
the best in the world."
"Do whatever you wish to in world."
"You can test me whenever you wish to."
"Just keep me in your eyes"
"And then may stop
worrying about the world."
"I have nothing to do about
others without you, dear."
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"Heer, often I repeat these words."
"I do not know whether
it is for you or myself."
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"You are the only one
for me in this world."
"What have I to do about others?"
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
"What have I to do of
the world without you, dear?"
Gopi, Heer did not look at me today.
Thank God
that his uncle's goons did not see you.
Don't you remember what happened
the other day? You were almost dead.
I am neither scared
of her uncle nor his goons.
But Heer is scared.
They are with her all the time.
She is scared to look at you.
Today was Wednesday.
Are you okay, Heer?
Are you okay?
-What happened?
What has happened?
Gopi, Heer is in trouble.
-We will have to go.
-Where will we have to go?
-Heer is calling me.
-Come on let's go.
-No, I am not going anywhere.
Have you forgotten the
thrashing of the other day?
I don't know. If you are
not coming along then I am leaving.
Listen to me.
God save him.
So at last you came.
Do you think I will
leave you alone in trouble?
Lift me.
Come on.
How did you come here?
-Laali, you go from here.
-Are you okay?
Someone might come.
Uncle will come. You go away from here.
-Are you sure you are fine?
-Laali, I am feeling very scared.
Please leave from here. Please.
Forgive me for not
talking to you in school.
I was scared that uncle might harm you.
He has done what he wanted to do.
No one can separate Heer and Laali.
How did you pass your
time in school without me?
Not only I but everyone
else is also sad.
-Everyone else?
Whom are you talking about?
Neendi's auto, assembly's mic,
school's notice board,
canteen's tea and class room's bench.
Everyone stops me asks where Heer is.
When would she come to school?
You know even they are saying something.
They are saying that rain
is falling and you will get wet.
They are asking to
get well whole heartedly.
My grandmother used to say
that those who get wet in
rain together never get separated.
Why did you do this?
If Laali can bleed because
of Heer then why not Heer.
Please leave Laali. Please spare him.
Uncle, please spare him.
Please leave him.
Please leave him.
Please don't thrash him.
Uncle, please spare him.
Please leave him.
Laali, get up.
Come on let's go.
Come on let's go.
Come on let's go.
Hurry up. Let's go.
uncle, please open the door.
Please uncle.
-Don't do anything to him.
-What are you doing here then?
-Go and find him.
-Please leave him.
Uncle, please open the door.
Where were you dear?
Where were you?
What has happened to you, dear?
What will happen to him?
They have insulted me.
They came home and told me my status.
Stop Laali.
I will not spare
him if he is seen again.
Last warning.
Who is that girl?
Who is she?
Uncle, her name is Heer.
She studies in our school.
Dear, her uncle really insulted us.
He has not only insulted
us but also threatened us.
If you meet that girl again
then we will not even
get your dead body to cremate.
You have really brought disgrace to us.
-You have insulted us...
-Listen. front of everyone.
-Listen to me.
Wait. Don't say anything to him.
Henceforth you will
not step out of the house.
Let me see how you step out.
Listen to me.
Don't be so strict.
-Have some pity on him.
-You too come here.
-What are you doing.
-You have spoiled him.
please have a seat.
Sit down.
Sit down dear.
parents of groom.
-Mr. and Mrs. Timan.
And their seated.
They told me to at least
ask Heer's mother once.
Talk to her.
I told them that
there is nothing to ask.
-Heer is like my daughter.
Yesterday night
my brother came into my dream.
He said that Dilawar you
have done so much for my daughter.
Just fulfill my last wish as well.
-Get her married.
-But she...
He said...
He said that his soul would be at peace
when in this week she...
I am coming.
would you have done the same
thing if Heer was your daughter?
If she was my daughter
I would have killed her.
Heer is very young. Consider her age.
She is grown enough
to step out and bring disgrace
to the name of my brother.
No Dilawar. Let me ask Heer once.
No. No need to ask anybody.
The boy who had come yesterday
is son of a clerk.
He cannot feed your daughter properly.
I don't want to hear anything else.
No talk.
Final and finish.
Everything is finalized.
There is no need to worry.
Congratulations dear.
Do one thing.
Hurry up and start making
preparations for marriage.
-In this week.
Come on everyone clap.
Clap everyone.
Have some sweetmeat.
I have got a new job.
The salary is also more.
Once a house is arranged for us
will leave Patiala and go.
Don't tell anything to Laali about this.
Uncle, where is Laali?
Gopi, here you are.
I am waiting for you since morning
and now you have come. Sit down.
I have made some new words.
Try to understand.
Did you understand?
It is simple. Look.
Heer, we can never
get separated.
Hey, did you meet Heer?
Is Heer fine?
She must be enquiring about me.
Did you meet Heer?
Is she fine?
Did you meet her?
What happened, Gopi?
Where are you taking me?
Tell me what has happened, buddy?
Has Heer asked you
to bring me on the terrace?
Is Heer coming on the terrace today?
Is she coming?
What has happened to you?
Why don't you say anything?
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Someone is getting destroyed."
"My life is finished."
"My life is finished."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
Father let me go to Heer.
-Gopi, open it.
-Listen to me. Open the Door.
-Open the door.
-For God's sake open the door.
Don't do this.
He has spoilt because of you.
I know what I am doing.
Open the door. Don't be so strict.
-Nothing will happen.
-He will do something wrong inside.
He will not do anything.
This is the way to set him right.
You go downstairs.
Open the door.
"My life is finished."
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Someone is getting destroyed."
"My life is finished."
"My life is finished."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Do not choose anyone."
- Get a side.
- We will be destroyed."
Leave me.
- Leave me.
- "We will depart without doing anything."
Gopi, leave me buddy.
"Do not choose anyone."
- Leave me.
- "We will be destroyed."
"We will depart without doing anything."
Gopi, leave me buddy.
- "Get up from there instantly."
- Leave me.
- Leave me.
- "Instantly."
Leave me.
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"My world will be finished.
I don't want anything from the world."
"If you belong to someone else.
I am not going to stay alive."
"I don't want anything from the world.
If you belong to someone else."
"I am not going to stay alive."
"Without you my life is useless."
"My life is useless."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"If you do not stop I will die today."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
"Swear upon me and yourself"
"Swear upon God and everyone."
Hey, will I get medicine today?
Isn't it enough? Do you want more?
No, no...
I am talking about
medicine for broken hearts.
Even I am waiting for that.
Go and give.
Fragrance, fragrance...
Wherever I am her I can
feel her fragrance there.
Even today she is with
me and I can feel that.
She often comes in my dreams.
She often cries sitting
at my feet while I am asleep.
They will come wearing black
and will offer black flowers here
They will come wearing black
and will offer black flowers here
A lover from far has come crying here.
Broken hearts will come
here and share their pain
After I die the sound
of my cries can be heard.
Cries can be heard.
Great, great...
Great, amazing...
Great, great...
Great, great...
'I want to make you sit
in front of me for long.'
'Then neither am I going
to cry nor will let you cry.'
'I have to tell you
how did these years passed.'
'I have to learn again
as I have forgotten to laugh.'
'I know my soul is lost.'
'Shall I tell you something?'
'You have become more
beautiful than before.'
'You have become more beautiful.'
Great, amazing...
Great poetry.
Sir, you are an amazing person.
Take my kiss.
These cheaters look
nice together at night.
Look at our Patiala.
It shows different colors.
It has been three years since
you have come here from Patiala.
Sorry Gopi, I forgot.
Who is Gopi? Call me Goli.
After having two pegs
you start calling Gopi.
-This is not right. -There is not much
difference between Gopi and Goli.
Only a difference of one alphabet.
-Gopi, Goli...
Not cities but people are unfaithful.
People are unfaithful.
-But Heer was not unfaithful.
-No, she is my sister-in-law.
They absconded too, right?
- Yes.
Our brother is like that.
Our brother is like that.
Stop, stop...
Gopi stop.
Hey stop.
What happened, Laali?
Greetings, sister-in-law.
-Lift it up.
Lift it.
-Not I but you need to lift the scooter.
-Do it with full power.
-Come on sit.
Come on Laali.
Who is there?
Come on sit. It is someone else.
-Come on sit.
-She is Heer.
-Don't sit down but on the scooter.
Who are you? Get lost.
Where have we come?
Get down sir.
Get down sir.
-Get down sir.
Can you see something?
Greetings, sister-in-law.
Buddy, there is stick
in your father's hand.
We will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow.
-See you tomorrow. Good night.
-open the door.
Open the door. Mr. Laali has come.
Graduate in Arts has come.
Open the door.
Laali, wait.
Laali, why don't you listen?
Your graduation is complete.
Find a job for yourself.
Pay attention to your future.
Get serious.
Salutations, mother.
Even you have to say that Laali,
stop drinking.
Come home on time.
Leave company of friends who drink.
I will leave it.
I will leave everything.
I have left Heer as well.
Have I ever gone back?
-I will leave everything.
I will leave everything.
Good night. Everyone go to sleep.
Go away.
Leave us alone. Go.
He asked me to stop drinking.
Earlier he said to leave you.
I am going to leave this world.
Why are you getting angry?
You left me.
come back in my life.
We will leave behind all the complaints.
I forgive you, dear.
Come and say it once.
It has been years
since I slept peacefully.
By keeping my head on your shoulder.
By keeping my head on your shoulder.
I want to cry out loudly.
Laali, come on let's go.
Laali. Come on buddy.
-Where are you going dear?
At least have some tea.
Come on let's go.
Uncle, I'll have to break
your radio.
All day, Ghulam Ali...
The era of Ghulam Ali is gone.
Call him Ghulam Ali. Sir.
Till the music is alive Ghulam
Ali sir's name will be there.
Your songs and music is
not equivalent to their one tune.
Uncle, don't talk badly
about my singer.
Otherwise there will be violence
over here.
Leave it. Just forget it.
Otherwise it will be either
you or me.
You have no existence anyway...
Uncle, give us two cups of tea.
Then you can continue to fight.
Has the tea come?
Can't you see this is a bill?
Without serving tea you are giving bill.
Bill of last three months is pending.
You have not given any
money since last three months.
Go away. We will give.
We are not running away to Dubai.
Then you can drink there
when you pay the bill.
-You may not give bill for next 6 months
-Bring it here.
but no one can leave without
drinking tea from Iqbal's tea stall.
Here is your strong tea.
Uncle, if you continue this
your doors will close and
so will your eatery.
Get lost. I will teach you a lesson.
What do you do? I will thrash you.
Why are you coming running?
We have to reach Chandigarh
at 8 in the evening.
It is 12o'clock.
You are panting as if we have
not to reach Chandigarh but Kolkata.
A party has been booked in a 5 star.
We will get 800/-
Tell me what the work is.
The work is very easy.
We have to serve food to people.
Why don't you say it clearly
that we have to become a waiter?
I cannot become a waiter.
Of course. We also have a standard.
This work is left for us.
I was wondering it to be
fine as we can have two pegs.
That of imported.
-Actually there is no problem.
-Of curse.
There is no work that is big or small.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Shall we leave at 6?
I was saying 3 o'clock.
Let's go now. Why should we delay?
We have to go far to Kolkata.
Work properly. Okay.
What is this that
is given to us to wear?
Where are you going?
We are new here.
Laali, go towards to juice
corner and you serve water.
And you?
I will do some responsible
work and make people drink whisky.
It was your responsibility
to get us here.
Now it is our responsibility.
Listen to me. I am your
head and you have to listen to us.
-get lost.
-don't think yourself to be a head.
What are you doing here?
For the first time I am seeing
that guests are waiting for food
and waiters are getting ready.
Who are you?
I am the one who called
you for work here.
Event manager Dimple Gupta.
Greetings, madam.
-Go and do your work.
-You go at the water counter.
And you. There are less waiters there.
-Go and serve juice.
And you go to the bar counter.
One minute.
Close the buttons like a professional.
-My company has a reputation. Go.
How are you, sir?
Come on and drink imported.
Is this imported?
Does imported liquor
taste like this?
I feel not alcohol
but have drunk poison.
I knew it.
I have made my arrangements.
Will we drink here?
Then where?
You go and check that side.
You go this way and you on that side.
Yes sir, I understand...
"Living without you
is difficult for me."
"How do I explain my heart
which takes your name all the time?"
"I do not want to lose you.
I do not want to get separated from you."
"I do not want to lose you.
I do not want to get separated from you."
"Why do you talk of leaving me?"
"Why do you talk of leaving me?"
"After death I would come to you"
"If you die before me."
"After death I would come to you"
"If you die before me."
"My dreams are like a glass"
"And are connected with you."
"I do not know how
to stay away from you."
"I do not know how
to tolerate separation."
"Words do not stop. Tears do not dry"
"Words do not stop.
Tears do not dry"
"One moment of separation
is not acceptable to me."
"One moment of separation
is not acceptable to me."
"After death I would come to you"
"If you die before me."
"After death I would come to you"
"If you die before me."
Father one time on my insistence.
Dear, I have got other things to do.
Trust me father. He is amazing.
He changed the mood
of yesterday's boring party.
How can I tell you, father?
His voice has magic.
-There is no magic.
There is nothing of this sort nowadays.
Just once, father.
Just listen to him once.
Please, father.
If you are going in car
and you hear something.
After hearing you get
down and start dancing
and traffic gets jamb on all
sides then people will stare at you.
Has it ever happened with you?
It has happened with me. I have seen it.
This is called magic of music.
Feel of music.
It should hit here.
Father, what if rather than
staring if they start dancing with you?
Trust me, father. He is amazing.
He is a superstar.
you may call your superstar.
Really father?
I love you. Love you so much.
-Thank you.
-Okay I have to go now.
Father, we will have
to go and listen to him.
We will have to go and listen to him?
Where will we have to go?
Where have you brought me?
We could hear the song of
your superstar at home as well.
Was it necessary to come here?
Father, don't take tension.
I have found out everything.
He sings here. Just listen to him once.
And then you will understand everything.
But where is he?
He is the one.
Look at his face.
Father, he is our upcoming superstar.
Sir, which one will you have?
Jugni, Punjab number 1, Malta or santra.
-Santra. Orange.
-Okay sir, santra.
Greetings uncle.
My name is Pappi Chawla.
Mr. Chawla, leave us alone. Please.
Police. Mr. Daara is also in police.
Police station Sadar market.
-I cannot wait for a moment here. Let's go.
-What happened uncle.
-Father, listen to me.
-One minute. Father...
-Very soon Heer, I will become a star.
Very soon Heer, I will become a star.
This is the end of the story.
At some time our heart
used to beat in each other.
Now why have you drawn a line?
If I keep missing you
For that I have kept
one Luna and one Heer
By writing poems on the walls around
I have kept your
photograph in the center.
Come down quickly.
I am coming, mother.
Why are you shouting?
Yes tell me.
What has happened early in the morning?
-Where has she come from?
Do you know what have
you done in the party?
Sorry madam.
I did not do anything purposely.
No one does anything purposely, dear.
You have done what you had to do.
Now tell me who will
compensate for that.
What have I done?
That you do every day
at the drinking place.
In the party.
Your son awakens the entire party.
With the magic of his pen and poem.
Laali, you have saved
many from breaking their faith.
On listening to you I believe
that still artists alike you are alive.
I was searching for such
an artist for last 5 years.
Come to my office.
Superstars like you are needed there.
-Good bye.
-Good bye.
This is address of father's office.
Make sure the shirt
buttons are put properly.
Okay, superstar.
I just took up that job for time pass.
I told father that
you are coming to office.
Father was very excited to meet you.
But he had to go urgently for a meeting.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you, Laali.
What does that mean?
Do you know
there was a music company here?
In post more than 100
employees worked here.
This studio was called temple of music.
And when in music industry
instead of good singing
people started running
after money then this studio was closed.
And singers stopped singing.
Then one by one our employees left us.
On my insistence father
heard you that day.
After so many years
he stepped in this studio.
Do you know I don't want
father's trust to break?
Write your best song for father.
-Try it at least.
-Don't lose hope.
What is the problem? Listen to us.
-Drink it.
-Keep it here, mother.
Come on write.
Listen to me.
What was there in her heart?
What was it?
Think about it wisely. Think hard.
My Shiv Kumar Batalvi.
-I can't write.
-Hurry up.
-Come on think and write something.
-People love your poetry.
Clean it up quickly.
Hurry up.
Serve him hot tea.
Why are you working slowly?
Why do these problems come to me?
Keep quiet. Don't shout. Work quickly.
Hurry up, the customers are going away.
Just see how his brain works now.
Artists need peace of mind.
There is peace all around.
You get it written from someone else.
-I am going.
-What has happened to him?
Where is he going?
Make him sit in peace.
We will have to awaken storm in him now.
What does that mean?
Laali, now the fourth one is over.
Now recite something, Mr. Poet.
Even we are waiting since long.
Even he has demanded today.
Do you want all of us to sing in chorus?
What is it?
Come on recite.
Laali, leave it.
The world has not come to an end.
We will find some other work.
Come on let's go.
Come on Laali.
Stand up and come.
-Follow me.
Hey lover,
won't you recite anything today?
You did not ask for it.
Okay, if I insist then will you recite?
"Why did I lose you?"
"How could you go away from me?"
"You made me yours"
"And after that you left me."
"You made me yours"
"And after that you left me."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"I pray to God that
you have pity on me."
"I will become yours
if you come back even today."
"If you come back even today."
"You have kept me waiting all the time"
"With whom did you go?"
"You made me yours"
"And after that you left me."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
I will tell you.
"Even if you say no I will love you."
"Even if you say no I will love you."
This boy has sung just
like my favorite Ghulam Ali sir.
Not Ghulam Ali, I was
saying Babu Maan sir's.
Laali, you have become popular.
Your song have brought
together those who got separated.
Get three cups of tea
with more milk, Saleem.
Don't forget to put cardamom, Chhotu.
Buddy, everywhere
your song is being heard.
Your song has created a havoc.
No one now ask for bill.
Laali, now we will take
money for drinking tea.
Rascal, will you take
money from artists now?
Aren't you ashamed?
Aren't you ashamed of drinking
tea for free for 3 months and 6 days?
Why would I feel ashamed
while presenting the bill?
Don't think yourself to be artists.
I think he is not aware.
So sad.
Dear, the song that you are listening
to has been sung by the great Laali.
If this song is sung by your Laali
then Agra's Taj Mahal
has been built by Sameer.
You will not get tea
till you do not pay the bill.
Saleem is right.
The song is playing everywhere
but how have you been benefitted?
Who knows that you
have written this song?
Laali has written and sung the song.
Laali, I think Mr. Gupta has cheated you.
We will have to talk to him.
We will have to sit and talk to him.
-Come on get up.
-Let's go and talk to him today.
-Let's go.
-come one.
-We will not spare him.
-Wait, wait...
Listen to me, buddy.
Don't stop me today.
-Here is the studio.
-Don't stop me today.
-Come on let's go.
We will not spare that bald man.
Look, how I set him right.
Talk calmly with him.
Calmly? Not possible.
We do not have to give anything to anyone.
Everyone is singing your song.
And he hasn't given us anything.
At least he should
have given 15-20 thousand.
What will you say?
We will talk professionally.
Will he give money
or make you sing for free?
Of course.
I can kill anyone for you.
Then how will I spare him.
I will teach him a lesson.
You just stay away, Laali.
We are not going to spare him.
We wanted to meet Mr. Gupta.
Greetings, brother.
Greetings, brother.
Sir, you need to sign here as well.
-Thank you, sir.
Laali, you.
Come in...
Sit down.
Tell me why have you come?
We were passing by
so thought of meting you.
Good that you came.
I was to call you here.
There is a surprise for you, Laali.
This is your first income.
Total 5 lakh rupees.
-5 lakh.
-Come on hold it.
-So much money.
-You will get even more than this.
5 lakh...
Now we will drink tea and coffee.
Now let me read it.
Where is Laali?
Ask him to make preparation.
Father has fixed shooting
for day after tomorrow.
Tomorrow he will have
to leave with me for Delhi.
Okay. At what time do we have to leave?
We? What do you mean?
No, no. Father has clearly
refused to take Goli and Shera along.
Three of them will find
a bar and start drinking.
And they will forget about shooting.
So it is a big no for you both.
Tell me where is Laali.
I mean where our superstar is.
-Laali, our superstar.
-I had packed my luggage.
Do you know everyone
is very happy today?
They feel there is
something special in me.
-Goli, whom is Laali talking to?
-But they will never understand
that something special
-is not me but you.
-So, our superstar has come.
-Are you ready to go to Delhi?
-Yes, sir.
Okay then pick up your bag and leave.
-Come on hurry up.
-Sir, aren't you coming with me?
No. I have a meeting with my architect.
We are going to re-design
our music studio.
We are making a big grand studio.
-The driver is waiting for you in the car.
You leave.
Shoot well.
-Do well. Good luck.
-Thank you.
I would have forgotten this.
This is the Cheque.
As soon as you reach there,
hand it over to production guy Kuldeep.
It is very important
to deposit this in the bank.
Okay, good luck.
Dimple, Laali is waiting for you.
Dimple ma'am...
Laali, haven't you left yet?
Go. Driver is waiting for you outside.
But sir said that you are coming along.
It would be difficult to go along,
Mr. Superstar.
What does that mean?
I mean, I am very busy,
you know that.
This weekend we are hosting
very important events.
You leave. You will get late. Go.
Good luck, Laali.
Give it to me.
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Even if you say no
I will still love you."
"You may come or not but I will wait."
"You have kept me waiting all the time."
"With whom did you go?"
"You made me yours."
"And after that you left me."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
"Oh dear, oh dear..."
Stop the car,
we forgot to give the cheque.
No problem, son, I know
where the cheque has to be given.
I will take you there.
Lalli, we have reached
the hospital.
Shall I go and give the cheque?
No problem, I will go and hand over.
-You wait for few minutes.
Give it at the reception
on the fourth floor.
What happened, Laali?
-Are you okay? Shall we leave?
"You know, I cannot leave you."
"I can't forget you."
"You know, I cannot leave you."
"I can't forget you."
"You deliberately make me cry."
"Because I love you."
"That's why you trouble me."
"Because I love you."
"That's why you trouble me."
"Because I love you."
"You don't let me do
what I wish to do."
"You don't give me even two
minutes in the whole day."
"You go far away
and move me away."
"Because I love you."
"That's why you trouble me."
"Because I love you."
"That's why you trouble me."
"Because I love you."
When would she gain consciousness?
How much have you changed in 3-4 days?
It has not been 3-4 days but 3 years.
3 years?
You leave this.
Tell me why are you here?
Heer, congratulations for the wedding.
Your adolescent love scared us.
On one hand Dilawar and I
are buying properties worth crores.
And you loved that low status boy.
Show, show...
This is all I remember.
That was my car.
Sir, you.
The car with which
Heer met with an accident...
was mine.
I brought her to the
hospital immediately.
But till then she had slipped into coma.
On seeing her I felt that...
she could be my Dimple as well.
From that day till today....
I am getting her treatment done.
You did not do any
favor by paying the bill.
My niece met with an
accident with your car.
One has to pay for your mistake,
Mr. Gupta.
How dare you come here?
Get lost.
Why don't you stop following her?
-Is he the lover?
Mr. Lover,
I am Babban and she is my wife.
It is my responsibility
to take care of her.
For last three years my wedding night is
also in waiting because of this idiot.
You rascal...
-Leave him.
-She is my wife.
My wedded wife.
Death due to a bullet passing through
the head is not registered
anywhere in the world.
Take him away, Mr. Gupta.
Otherwise you will have
to perform his last rites.
Sir, please go out.
No one is allowed inside.
Please go out.
Let us deal with the patient.
Please sir, go.
Go away from here. Please...
Go out quickly.
Laali, come on let's go.
Let's go dear.
Sir, let me go.
I cannot leave Heer in this condition.
Have you gone mad, Laali?
Do you have any idea how
dangerous those people are?
No sir, once I have left
Heer and look at her condition.
-I cannot leave him now.
-Come in your senses, Laali.
Come in your senses.
Those people can kill you.
Your life is very important for Heer.
-Laali, come on sit.
-Why don't you understand? Heer needs me.
I understand so that is
why I am saying to come with me.
Have faith.
God has kept Heer alive for you.
-Come with me, sit in the car.
-But Heer...
-Come on. Come on Laali.
-Sir, what if something happens to Heer?
-Get in, dear.
They will not do anything. I assure you
that they will not do anything.
Doctor, we want signature.
For God's sake,
she has just got well.
Please don't do this.
Heer, dear sign the papers.
Heer, dear sign the papers.
-Dear, I am your uncle. Please sign.
What happened?
Why did you put the brake?
Sir, the tyre has punctured.
This had to get punctured now?
Change it now.
Yes, I'll do it.
Hurry up.
Where did he go?
What is more painful?
Hand breaking or leg breaking.
What are you saying?
There is so much beauty in hospital
so why not stay here after
getting our limbs broken.
No, brother.
Now we will have to
break someone else's limbs.
Guests have arrived again.
There should be nothing
lacking in serving him.
Thrash him.
To hell with you.
First night?
Stay away.
Because of you we have stayed
away from each other for 3 years.
But now you cannot separate us.
After so much has happened
haven't you realized your status?
Your father realized it
when he kept his dignity
at my feet and begged for your life.
If I wanted I would have shot
you and finished you there and then.
But then how would I
have seen you fluttering pain.
Fluttering in pain.
How would I have seen you fluttering pain?
What is all the noise about?
What happened?
What is this?
This is a hospital and it
has some rules and regulations.
That is what I am asking doctor,
what happened?
What is happening?
What is all the noise about?
Where? Pin drop silence.
Look, he has broken the pot. Get up.
-Get up.
Call someone and get the cleaning done.
Doctor, doctor....
Get the injection ready fast.
Very good. Thrash him.
Break his bones and limbs. Rascal.
Thrash him so hard that
he does not think of coming back.
Break his legs and arms.
Hit him on his leg.
All his life he will remember this.
Bring the cotton quick.
What is the matter, lover?
Thrash him hard that
he cannot get up again.
Okay doctor, okay.
'Wearing black clothes they
will offer black flowers here.'
'They will say that lover
has come from far to cry.'
'Broken hearts will come
here and share their pain.'
'After I die my cries can be heard here.'
'If you wouldn't have met there
would not have been devastation.'
'Neither would I have fallen in love.'
'Nor the series of
our meetings would begin'
'Neither would I get separated from you.'
'The one who has written this
story about you and me is incomplete.'
'But will surely meet
you in some other birth.'
'Then I will ask that'
'if you were not there
then I would have been God.'
'I would have been God.'