Lucca's World (2025) Movie Script

How about you?
Still think it's going to be a boy?
- It's not what I think. It's a boy.
- The kicks feel like a girl's.
- That's not true. What?
- It is. Boys kick harder.
No, you don't know that.
- Ow! Did you feel that?
- Yeah.
- He's ready now.
- Yeah, he's ready.
Hi, good evening.
- Hello.
- Good evening.
I think I'm in labor.
The doctor told me to come
when the contractions became regular,
and they are already, like,
what, every ten minutes or so?
- Or less.
- Is this your first birth?
- Yes.
- And has your water broken yet?
- No.
- It could still take a few hours. Or days.
- Hmm. Yes.
- Yeah.
I recommend that you go home and rest.
And then come back when your contractions
are approximately every five minutes.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Oh? What?
- Oh!
- Oh God.
- Oh, okay. Oh, okay.
No, no, no, calm down. Breathe.
Help us! Help us! Breathe.
-Babe, are you okay?
- Another. Another.
Oh, and it's been less than
three minutes since the last one.
Mmm No, wait. I'm gonna need that.
You won't need it, don't worry.
Where's my husband? Huh?
He's getting changed.
He won't take long.
-Be careful with the IV.
- There you go
Lift your legs.
Dilation is six centimeters. Right?
We're going to give you an epidural.
- Shall we turn her?
Okay, sweetie,
turn on your side. Towards me.
You're going
to feel a little pinch.
On the next contraction,
we're going to push really hard, okay?
-I'm here, honey.
- Okay.
-Oh, this is crazy.
- Everything will be all right.
Push, push. Push, push, push.
Harder, dear. Harder.
-I can't do it, I can't
- You can do it. You can do it.
-One more push.
- The baby is bradycardic.
- Come on.
-One more. Almost there.
- One more push and that's it.
Come on, dear.
Push harder. Harder. Push, push.
-Her pulse is dropping.
- Come on, Brbara.
-One last little push. Come on.
- Push. Push, darling. Harder.
-Harder, harder.
- One, two
Excuse me. I'm leaking milk.
When will you bring me my baby?
One second. I'll go ask.
Okay. Thank you.
Good morning.
As the doctor already explained,
we have to wait 72 hours
for the brain swelling to subside.
In the meantime,
we have him in an induced coma.
I'll leave you with him
for a little while.
Thank you.
Hello, my love.
Hi there, baby.
Luquita, please forgive me.
Forgive me for
not knowing how to push.
Hi, my love.
I promise you I'm going to fix it.
I promise that I won't rest
until you get better.
The first tests they did,
when you were three days old,
seemed to bring good news.
"The hardest part is over," we thought.
But ten days later,
they told us the exact opposite.
The giant scar in your brain
due to oxygen deprivation
wouldn't let you talk or walk
nor control your movements.
Some doctors suggested
the damage in your brain
wouldn't even allow you
to know I was your mom.
But I never believed them, Luqui.
And your brother's arrival
made it even clearer.
Bruno always knew how
to get into your world
and how to communicate with you.
He's the best thing
that ever happened to you.
Nevertheless, watching him run
and explore every corner
makes me more anxious,
as I realize you're trapped.
That's why we've tried everything,
and we'll keep trying.
Every therapy, every new machine,
every new doctor.
Every treatment is a new hope.
Your future still remains a mystery.
We don't know the full extent
of your limitations.
But we are a team.
All together, till the end.
Every day and every night
until we find the way.
Good morning, my love.
My little sunshine.
How did you sleep, hmm?
Can you help me hold him?
Ah. Oh, sweet Luquita.
Has anyone seen Pipo Rex?
Pass me a diaper, honey.
Do you know why Lucca
isn't eating his pure?
Why's that?
Because it has papaya
and he doesn't like it.
Oh yeah? And how do you know?
Well, because papaya tastes like
cheese and poop in a diaper.
Of course not. Papaya is delicious.
So many children in Iceland
would kill to give it a try.
What if we send it to them?
- Here you go.
- No, he doesn't like it.
Yes he likes it. Don't you, Lu?
Hey, can I leave you the car
and you take Lucca?
Uh yes.
But I have to leave.
I have that interview.
Oh, of course! Good luck. Something good?
Uh maybe.
I don't know about the pay. We'll see.
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
They moved physical therapy to eight.
- That work?
- You mean swimming?
No, no, the appointment
with the new physical therapist.
The one who also uses the magnets.
- I told you.
- Hmm No.
Listen. I'll leave the office,
pick up Lucca.
We'll all have lunch together.
Then we'll go to the allergist's office,
and then we'll go get
the new insoles that need adjusting.
You wait for them to be ready.
I'll take them to swim class.
I'll bring Bruno back home.
You go with Lucca to the new therapy.
- Baby all of this today? Are you crazy?
- Yes.
We'll end up in the hospital.
Don't exaggerate.
That's what I married you for.
And for your looks.
These are ready for you
to review whenever you're free?
Mm-hmm. Good morning.
Hi there, Fanny.
Good morning, guys.
What's up, Brbara?
Hey, you never sent me the calendar.
Yes, I sent it earlier.
- Why were you up at three?
- Hmm!
Barbie. Good morning.
They just confirmed Lizrraga.
Think we have enough time
to make him our front cover?
I swear I was gonna be on time.
The interview was rescheduled
last minute, honey. I'm sorry.
Yeah, okay, it's all right.
I'll pick up the insoles tomorrow.
Okay? I'll see you at the house.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I don't know if you ever wonder
why we run all the time, Luqui.
Why do we spend our afternoons
going from one therapy to another?
What am I looking for,
when I know nothing changes?
But I need to open all the doors
that are closed for you.
Carry your chair up
all those stairs with no ramps.
Getting to do
what the world denies us every day.
Lucca! Lucca, are you okay?
Brbara! He's having a seizure!
- How long? How long has it been?
- It just happened.
14, 15, 16,
17, 18
My love, I'm here.
Oh, you were right that
we were going to end up in the hospital.
I feel terrible.
No, no, I didn't mean it like that.
You're an amazing mother.
Oh, you're freezing. Have this.
How was it? That bad?
- Yes.
- I'm sorry.
That's it. Oh, I know.
Oh, Lucca, how come
you're such a handsome boy, huh?
You know,
when I was your age,
I liked to imagine I could fly.
I imagined going up
to the top floor of the school,
and I would jump off and fly away.
And you, my Luqui?
Have you imagined you could fly? Hmm?
Give me your hand.
That's it.
Oh, that's so nice, isn't it?
That's good.
Oh, it's eight o'clock.
I have an interview in an hour.
You do?
- Yes.
- Can't you reschedule?
No. Do I look okay?
Out of ten?
- Watch it.
- Mmm.
Hi there.
Shit! Damn it.
Oh, come on.
All right, I'll call you later.
Mr. Alberto, pleased to meet you.
Brbara Anderson.
Nice to meet you. Please have a seat.
Thank you.
We're very excited about your profile.
They told you you'll be on the cover?
Yes, thank you for that.
- Shit
- Have you had breakfast?
- Do you want anything to drink?
- Oh, yeah! Don't worry.
I'll order something. Uh
- You okay?
- Yes, yes.
- There we go.
- Listen, I'm sorry to insist.
But is something wrong?
- You want me to be honest?
- Well, yes.
Well, my son Lucca had
an epileptic seizure
at the swimming pool yesterday.
We rushed him to the hospital,
he was admitted,
and, well, I came
straight from there with no sleep.
Let me ask you,
is it the first time he's had that?
No. Well, his condition
makes him susceptible.
So what does he have, then?
Pediatric cerebral palsy. Severe.
And is there some kind of treatment
he could do to get better? Anything?
Well, no.
Unfortunately, no, it doesn't exist.
There's no type of treatment
that could help him get better.
The damage is irreversible.
But there's really no treatment yet?
I mean,
there's a treatment for everything.
Shouldn't you do some, uh, research?
Excuse me for saying this,
but with all due respect,
you have no idea what I
No, no, hold on
Hold on, wait, wait. That came out wrong.
Tell me something.
Do you know who Bruno Bernardi is?
- The former secretary of economy.
- Yes, exactly.
It turns out he had
a very serious cardiovascular problem
that left him unable to speak
or even walk.
Given his age, nobody thought
he'd be able to recover.
But he underwent a treatment
with a very skilled Mexican doctor
who works in India.
And guess what? He's recovered now.
Believe me, this is not
a miracle treatment
or anything of that kind.
In fact,
I've got a video here
so you can see it for yourself.
They put him in that machine
every day for a month.
And look, he started walking again.
Even he couldn't believe it.
God! Is this real?
I'm telling you,
it's scientifically supported.
And I've got the number
of his attending physician.
In fact,
if you wouldn't mind,
I can try and give him a call.
Were you really sleeping?
Oh, right! Of course, you're in India.
I totally forgot about that.
Uh, so, listen, since you're up,
I wanted to see if you could help
a friend of mine who's here with me now.
Her son has cerebral palsy.
And I told her about your invention.
And after my donation,
you can't really say no, right?
- Hi.
- Hi, honey.
What happened?
After every epileptic seizure,
Lucca's knocked out for
a couple of days and is unable to eat.
And that provokes even more episodes.
It's a cycle that is
putting his life at risk. Am I clear?
I'm not thrilled about it,
but in my opinion,
we're at the point where
we have to start considering the G-button.
I understand,
and it's a valid point, Doctor.
But we'd need to also consider
the new restrictions
the device would bring to Lucca
if he isn't able to use his mouth to eat,
much less to speak, Doctor.
Look, everything indicates
that Lucca's situation
is most likely not going to improve,
and he can't remain malnourished.
I think that
You know they told us many things
were wrong since day one.
And the change in Bernardi's video
is something truly amazing.
Yeah, but his case is different.
Listen, Bernardi was also told
he'd never recover,
and he started walking again.
Let's talk to this doctor,
and then we'll decide.
Honey, we've talked
about miracle treatments before.
I don't think they work.
Well, there's nothing to lose.
Your call has been forwarded
It went to voicemail. I'll text him.
Oh no, Lucca woke up. Um
- Let's go.
- No, no, no, you stay here.
I I'll head on over, all right?
Honey, honey, wake up. It's the doctor.
- Did he have another seizure?
- No, no, Lucca is fine. He's asleep.
- It's the doctor from India. He's calling.
- Oh! Shh. We'll wake the children.
- Let's go this way.
- Just a second, Doctor. Hold on.
Doctor, we finally get to meet each other.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
Alberto Lizrraga showed us
Bruno Bernardi's video.
- We are very impressed.
- I can imagine.
The Cytotron will mark a before
and after in the history of medicine.
My colleagues over at Harvard
cannot believe it either.
- But as you can see, it's now a reality.
- Yes, it's amazing.
Uh, hello, Doctor. Nice to meet you.
Listen, our son Lucca
has a serious condition, cerebral palsy.
He has episodes of epilepsy
that are quite frequent.
In fact, we're currently
at the hospital now.
And we'd love to know more
about this treatment.
Well, unfortunately,
it's quite difficult to explain.
But in a few words,
maybe I could say it's a machine
that stimulates the damaged brain cells
in order for them to become more active
and create new connections.
Do you think this machine of yours
can really help Lucca?
The Cytotron has been used for many years
to destroy different kinds of tumors.
Its neurological use is relatively new,
but I can assure you,
we've observed amazing improvement
in almost all of our patients.
We are definitely very interested
in trying the treatment, Doctor.
I'm glad to hear that.
I'll give you my contact
so you can send me his file,
as well as the costs and other expenses
involved in the treatment.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
- Good evening
- All right, I have to go.
We'll be in touch.
All right, Doctor. We will send you
all the information. Many thanks.
You can't rely on every remedy
they wanna sell us.
- We're just guinea pigs for these people.
- This is different.
I feel like this is the opportunity.
In my planet,
the closest thing to entertainment for me
was watching my wounds heal.
Oh, that's really gross.
- Look, I have a wound too. See?
- Well, we have it all.
- A battle game
- But I won't show you the blood.
I know you're going to be shocked.
Fifty thousand dollars, partner?
Plus that guy's travel allowance.
Plus our expenses.
The question isn't how much it will cost.
- It's whether this is going to help Lucca.
- Listen to me.
And if this is the only way to help
our Lucca, then money doesn't matter.
It's not just that we don't have money.
We owe money.
Our credit cards are maxed out.
Between doctors,
medicine, therapies, treatments.
How are we getting all that money
for you to take Lucca to India?
No, no. We are going to take Lucca
to India. We are all going together.
We are all flying to India?
Remember the last trip with him?
The car still reeks.
How are we gonna get that money?
You know that, financially,
this is the worst moment for me.
I've been practically unemployed all year.
It doesn't matter.
Better times are on the way.
Besides, we can always sell the apartment.
What? This apartment is
the only thing we have,
and we have worked
our asses off to get it.
Oh, no, no, no. Don't be dramatic.
No, I'm not being dramatic.
We're not going to India.
This is all too much.
We can't risk our life savings for
for a so-called medical treatment that
they haven't fully explained to us yet.
But to me, this family is all we have.
I know, sweetie.
We're not talking about that.
I don't care if you think rubbing my son
with lavender oil is an esoteric nonsense.
Or or if you think I'm freaking obsessed
when I make him do breathing exercises.
I don't care if you think this won't work.
I think it will.
I think it will.
And we'll go to India,
whether you like it or not.
Ah have I told you that you have
the cutest arms in the whole world?
Hmm? And your skin is so soft.
Oh! Naye, help me hold him, please.
Yeah let's see.
Yeah that's it. Hmm!
Wanna have dinner?
Uh no, no. I'm not very hungry.
But I'll finish with him
and I'll join you.
It won't be that easy,
but we could mortgage the apartment.
I love you.
These streets
Here we go, here we go
Oh! That's it.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Lucca.
Dr. Jaramillo,
I've got good news.
We can afford the trip to India
to receive the treatment.
I'll await your instructions
on what to do next.
Brbara? Uh, everybody's ready
for the meeting. Can you still make it?
Hello, Brbara.
I talked to my partner Dr. Kumar
about your son's case,
and I've got bad news.
For several reasons,
we cannot use the Cytotron
to treat children at the moment.
But I'll let you know when things change.
In any case, I don't think that
for this particular event,
the decoration is that important.
We have to make him feel comfortable
in a friendly environment,
so the photo shoot feels
organic and natural.
The documents we're going to review
are already in your inbox.
The updated version is from the 9th,
because the last version I sent you
doesn't have the changes
that we made yesterday.
You got a double six
Kumar Center, good morning.
Hi. I'm calling from Mexico.
Yes? What can I do for you?
Um, I would like to send you
a neurological case
to be considered for treatment.
It's my son with cerebral palsy.
Okay. I will give you
the number of Dr. Jaramillo.
All our patients abroad
speak with him first.
Oh I I already did,
and and he said
that maybe I could talk directly with you.
I'm sorry, but that is not possible.
Talk to Dr. Jaramillo again.
- Thank you.
- Have a good day.
- Again! Oh no. You did it again!
- I just need one more!
Ah, how do you keep doing that?
- Let's see. Okay.
- Hurry up.
It's my turn.
- Hmm Oh! Oh no, not again!
- Up there!
- Seems I can't play this game, Bruno.
- Too bad!
Dr. Jaramillo,
I know we had agreed
you would call us back
when things had changed,
but I wanted to share with you
that this treatment feels
like our first real glimmer of hope.
In today's world, there's a belief
that Lucca won't ever be capable
of doing anything.
That's why trying your treatment
in India has become so crucial for me.
Well, I'm sorry for leaving you
yet another message.
We'll be eagerly waiting for your call.
Thank you very much. Namaste.
You look like you had fun!
I guess you're very busy,
so you haven't been able
to respond to my messages, but
well, I'd like to tell you
our situation is still very complicated.
Lucca's condition is deteriorating
every day because he can't eat or move,
and each seizure leaves him even weaker.
We're really eager to hear how the permit
process is moving along over there.
I don't mean to pressure you, but
we're really hopeful about the Cytotron.
We wish you the very best
in the new year.
Dr. Jaramillo, it's been nine months
since I first heard about you,
and we are at the hospital once again.
After much consideration, we've decided
that Lucca should have a G-button,
and we really have no idea how
that might affect his development,
but it's been impossible to feed him,
and if we don't do it, he won't make it.
I really need to talk to you
to see if if this treatment is
really a possibility for Lucca or not.
Um, many thanks and
I hope to hear from you very soon.
Talk to you later.
Dr. Jaramillo,
I'm assuming you still don't have
any positive updates for us.
Nonetheless, I've continued
researching the machine
and other inventions by Dr. Kumar.
The more I read about it,
the more convinced I am that
this could really change my son's life.
I also met with Bruno Bernardi,
who mentioned that he had seen
several children around Lucca's age
being treated with the Cytotron.
I don't know if the issue
with Lucca's treatment
has to do with him being a Mexican child.
But I contacted
the Mexican embassy in India,
and they're willing to help us.
I'll do everything in my power
to help you,
so that you can find a way
to visit Dr. Kumar's clinic.
Please let me know
if I can do anything else.
Anything you may need.
- Hello?
- Brbara, this is Dr. Jaramillo.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry for calling this late.
But I'm about to get on a plane
and wanted to let you know you did it.
I'm pleased to share that my partner
finally agreed to treat Lucca
with the Cytotron.
Do you have anything to write on?
I want to give you the dates
and the banking details.
Is this real? I just can't believe it. Uh
- Give me a sec. Honey, wake up.
- What is it?
- You won't believe it.
- What?
- We're going to India!
- That's amazing!
- All right, but Sh. Let's go outside.
- We need to talk to him.
No, I don't think
it's a good idea, Brbara.
Why not?
If this treatment of theirs
actually worked,
they would already have
the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
But it's such a recent discovery.
How can you be so sure it doesn't work?
I can guarantee there's not enough
scientific evidence to support it.
But it worked for Bernardi.
And the FDA is about to approve it
in the United States.
Okay, then.
Let's suppose that
you are right and I am wrong.
Nevertheless, a trip to India,
for Lucca,
is impossible.
Why is it impossible?
Oh well, where do I begin?
The adequate nutrition
for the G-button he has now,
the permits for his medications,
the specialized chairs he needs,
the risk of epileptic seizures
on the way there.
And don't get me started
on all the diseases he could get
due to his weakened immune system.
This could be life-threatening.
What are you doing?
I'm making a list of everything
we need for our trip to India.
Meaning if I can get everything,
the Valium, the permits, his food,
the chairs, all the things you just said,
could we do it then?
Why are you asking?
You'll do it anyway, won't you?
Hmm. Well, they also asked me for
his latest lab results and imaging tests.
Would you be willing to help us out?
We continue
to prepare for our upcoming trip.
Here, we are packing
all of little Luqui's food.
Why are we packing all of these cans
if we're not taking any of my toys?
Well, because you don't eat toys.
And you have Pipo Rex.
Well, I could eat
some of the plushies, but not Pipo.
Only if I get really, really hungry.
Let's see, we might need
another suitcase, don't you think?
Another? You know,
we could leave some cans.
Are you nuts? We can't risk
not finding them over there.
- There.
- Great.
Well, finally, although
for a bit, it seemed impossible,
we're flying to India.
Are you ready, Luqui?
Oh, look
Be careful so you don't fall, Bruno.
- Okay.
- You're doing amazing, Luqui.
You're very brave, my love.
In a little while,
we'll be boarding another plane,
and we're going to India
like I promised you.
It's okay, my Luqui.
Four, five, six
It's okay.
- Turn him on his side.
- The oximeter. It's there.
11 12
13 14
15 16
- 17 18 19
- Calm down, baby, calm down.
- Andrs?
- Doctor.
Everything okay?
Well, I mean not really.
We're at the airport in Paris,
and, uh, Lucca just had a seizure.
How long did it last?
Six minutes, 27 seconds.
It felt really intense.
One of the worst he's had.
- How much Valium did you give him?
- Two doses of one milliliter.
But it wouldn't stop,
so I gave him another one.
Do you think we should head
to the hospital?
If he goes to the hospital,
they won't allow you
to fly for a few days.
Do you think he can handle the flight?
It's more than ten hours long.
No, unfortunately,
I can't assess that from here.
I warned you it could be a risky trip.
I know.
But if you decide to go anyway,
I recommend giving him a dose of Rivotril
before boarding the plane,
and make sure he stays well hydrated.
Okay. Okay, thanks.
- Let me know if something comes up.
- Yeah, sure. We will. Bye.
What happened?
He thinks he'll be all right.
So we can calm down now. Let's relax.
The doctors of the ambulance
might decide to take him to the ER.
Well, his doctor said he would be fine.
So we don't need the ambulance.
If you refuse the ambulance
and something happens to your son,
you will have legal problems.
We understand, but he's fine. Thank you.
Just please sign here.
They refused the ambulance.
Yes, I know.
I hope nothing happens to the child.
Thank you.
I don't know.
Come here, my love.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have begun our descent.
We're here, my love. Well done.
What's that?
I brought it from the plane to celebrate
that we finally made it.
You did it, partner. Cheers.
Cheers to both of us.
To the five of us.
- Cheers to you.
- And you.
- Mmm, that's good.
- Mm-hmm.
- Mmm
- Leave me some!
You're gonna finish it all.
It's really tiny.
Hey, it's for the both of us.
You only brought one?
Hmm, I might have another one.
- Hey. Welcome!
- Hi.
Glad you're finally here.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Hey, Lucca!
You can lick it, you know.
It's really delicious.
Hmm. Thank you.
Was the trip all right?
Are you comfortable here at the hotel?
Oh, the hotel's incredible.
But the trip was quite long and difficult.
Yeah, we were thinking about grabbing
something to eat, if that's okay?
Well, you'll have to pick up
something on the way,
because we have to be
at the clinic in an hour,
and we have to cross
the entire city to get there.
- Well let's go.
- Is that okay?
- Yeah.
- The car is over there.
And the day finally arrived.
We are on our way to Lucca's
first treatment in Dr. Kumar's clinic.
Yeah, we made it!
Is this the farm where
they're gonna make Lucca get better?
- It's not a farm.
- But there are so many ducks.
- Very pretty, yes?
- Yes. Yeah.
Listen, when are we finally meeting
the famous Dr. Kumar?
Well, my associate is usually pretty busy,
and he's rarely present
during the treatments,
but there's no need to worry.
You'll always be in good hands.
We're going this way.
The damage is here.
The rest of his brain,
you can see it looks perfectly normal.
But here, in this area,
that's where we see the lesion.
- It looks like a butterfly.
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Right there.
A little a little higher.
Now tell them we will copy
these marks in Lucca's face.
It's clear.
That's right.
Water and wash your hands, please.
Ah Thank you.
If you wanted to know
what we're doing here,
I wouldn't really know what to say, Luqui.
But even though I don't understand
a word they're saying,
I'm beginning to see
that we've tried everything.
And the only thing we can do now is pray,
look to the sky, and wait.
- Thank you.
- Take them, Lucca.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
What's the matter, are you good?
My sneakers are gone.
- Are you sure?
- Hmm They're gone.
No, I'm certain they're here.
Believe me, very good luck, sir.
In India, we say
if someone steals your shoes,
they take your problems too.
- Ganesha good with you.
- Yeah?
- Yes, sir.
- Okay.
You want to take my shoes, sir?
- No, no, no, no. Venkatesh, no. No!
- I...
It's okay, thank you.
- It's okay, really. Thank you.
- Mom, can I do that too?
- No.
- No? But why not? I want to!
I'm right here with you, Luquita.
I'm right here.
You okay?
He's throwing up! Bring him out, please!
That's it, right there. That's it.
We're nearly finished
with the first week of treatments.
This is the seventh session out of 28.
Are we even
doing the right thing?
Why do I keep pushing for this treatment
when you've been feeling
sick and anxious for so many days?
What's the point of having five people
all the way across the globe,
if all they do is wash
towels and clothes covered in vomit?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hello. Um
Are you having luck feeding him today?
No, he's not really eating.
- No?
- And he threw up again.
Mommy, what did you get?
Let's see what we've got here.
- Look what I got you. Oh!
- Yummy!
You okay?
Naye, did you know
my tooth is almost falling out?
Let's see.
Oh, you're right. It's pretty loose.
Look, in the drawer,
there's some paper
with the address of the hotel.
Write to the Tooth Fairy
so she knows where to find you.
- Okay?
- Come on, let's go.
I'm just very worried about Lucca.
I really don't think this is working.
We got fooled.
You've seen the place.
It's it's just a farm.
And what's with the machine?
It's just some kind of tube.
They tricked me and I brought you
all the way to India, I mean
It's way too soon to tell.
Okay, but wait, baby.
You you see a difference?
At all? Anything?
We have to be patient.
You know this isn't magic.
What if it was all a big mistake?
Would you do me a favor?
Go to bed.
Let your mind rest for today.
- Go on.
- Okay.
Are you all right? Bruno!
- Hey, hey. Lucca. Lucca!
- Naye, my tooth just fell out!
Please get your parents!
Luquita, I'm here. Luquita!
Let's go.
Thanks for coming back.
We couldn't get an ambulance.
Ambulance very difficult.
We go to the hospital now.
I just lost my tooth!
Really, love?
I'll help you look for it.
Go, go, go, go!
This side, this side. Left.
You'll be okay, Luquita.
I'm sorry, Luqui.
Forgive me
for bringing you out here.
I thought it was going to be good for you,
my little one.
I'm sure it's been
quite the adventure for him.
What if he doesn't make it,
That's been a possibility
since the day he was born.
But we're here together.
You're all right.
Don't worry.
I wish I could run away
from here, Luqui.
I wish I could fly away with you
through one of those hospital windows.
To forget, even for a second, about
this fear of something happening to you.
This relentless anguish in my chest that's
been there since the day you were born.
Bruno! Bruno!
Bruno! It's this way.
- Hi, Mommy!
- Hi!
- How are you? Mmm?
- I'm fine.
- He needs to rest.
- Yes, thank you.
I want to show Lucca something.
All right, but, shh. No shouting.
Yeah? Lucca's resting now.
- How did it go?
- Fine, and you? How'd you sleep?
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Lucca. Lucca!
Did they say anything?
My tooth finally fell
out of my mouth. Here.
See? I got a case for it.
You know the Tooth Fairy?
She doesn't come to India.
But you know who does?
A tiger!
- Bruno!
- Shh.
How old were you
when your first tooth fell out?
Naye says mine was early.
What's wrong?
I don't know what you mean.
Oh, you want some of my lollipop?
Hold on. Here.
Naye doesn't know I brought it with me.
Bruno, what are you doing?
Lucca wanted a little bit of my lollipop.
He's sucking on it!
He's never done it before.
I know!
You can suck on it.
The fairy couldn't come.
- I left it under the pillow.
- There you go, my love. Well done, Luqui.
Okay, this one can eat you right here.
But that one will eat you here.
- Andrs, come here!
- What happened?
What is it? What is it?
- Are you okay?
- Film this.
Okay, go.
This is the very first time Lucca
is grabbing with both hands
and holding himself up
with his own strength.
Before, he'd grab it with one hand
and immediately let go with the other.
But because he's lighter in the water,
he's holding onto it with both.
Oh, well done, Luquita! Well done!
Lucca, is bath time over?
Look, he's sitting upright!
- That's great!
- Can I get in?
Why are you yelling?
Oh, look! Dr. Kumar is here.
You must be Lucca's family.
- Hi.
- Welcome. I'm Dr. Kumar.
I can't believe this.
We really wanted to meet you.
- I'm Brbara.
- Of course.
Thank you for having us.
It's great to be here.
- You're most welcome. Always.
- He's Lucca.
Yes, yes. Master Lucca.
I heard you were in hospital.
- But you look remarkably well now.
- Yes. We are very surprised.
And you will be more and more surprised,
believe me.
You see?
- He's sucking.
- Yeah.
Sucking is one
of the first human reflexes.
That's the first and only thing that
newborn human babies have to know.
And Lucca's brain just
made that connection.
Luqui, sweetheart,
you've been born again.
The day you were first born,
we were so excited
about what was yet to come,
not knowing that everything would turn out
to be the opposite of what we imagined.
You didn't cry at birth.
I didn't hold you in my arms.
You didn't look me in the eye.
And I couldn't even breastfeed you.
The doctors kept telling us
that we should get used to it.
They all said that you wouldn't
be able to speak or walk.
You can do it!
That you'd never call me Mommy.
- Boom!
- Come on, Lucca!
- That's it! Well done!
- Very good, my love!
- Goal!
- So proud!
But look at us now, Luqui.
None of them would believe it.
And I will do everything in my power
so you don't miss any opportunity.
Come on, now! You got it! Hold it.
That day,
I didn't know how to push.
That's it!
But since then, I've learned
to cross seas and move mountains.
A little more!
You've taught me that.
- That's it!
- That's it!
- Good job!
- That's it!
- Sweetie!
- Whoo-hoo!
One more step.
See, Master Lucca's brain has a scar
that does not allow
the two hemispheres to connect.
But the fact that he took
a step with one leg
and continued the movement
with the other leg,
that means both the hemispheres
are working together now.
- That's great progress!
- Amazing! Luqui!
- Ah! Well done, Master Lucca!
- Well done!
- Well done!
- Luqui! Come on!
Cheers! To you.
To Lucca. To John, who's here
being treated for his third tumor.
- Fourth.
- Oh.
But who's counting?
Kumar, thank you for letting us
see this miracle.
Oh, no, no, no. No miracle.
It's pure science.
Well, that's the miracle.
It's science. You know,
what is happening to Lucca is, uh
33% Cytotron,
33% his parents,
and 33% God.
- Hmm.
- But then what is God?
That's a good question.
Science does not have an answer for that.
But science did give us Cytotron.
- Hear, hear! Cheers again.
- Cheers!
- Sir, your car is waiting.
- Hmm? Oh! Thank you.
Andrs, can you take care of the bill?
It's just that I've gotta
take John and Kumar home,
and It's already getting late.
I mean, I wanna be
So, uh whenever you're ready.
Oh, no, we we're done.
- Yes, we're done.
- Gracias. Thank you.
- Um, do we need to pay?
- Oh, no, no, no.
- My treat.
- Ah, of course. Gracias, thank you.
Kumar, thank you very much for everything.
Oh, you're most welcome. It'll get better.
And my love to Master Lucca
and Master Bruno.
- Thank you.
- Good night.
Good night.
My love
They didn't give me the job.
Wait, what?
The one you were so sure about?
And there's a cow on the road!
All right, let's check in with a roll call
for our last session with Kumar.
- Venkatesh?
- Hi, ma'am.
- Papa.
- Present.
- Naye.
- Present!
- Bruno?
- Present.
Luqui, you're awake, love!
Pa-pa. No?
Papa. Papa.
Ah, Master Lucca!
Can you say Kumar?
- Ku-mar.
- Papa.
Papa! Papa.
Two more minutes.
And how's your boy doing?
Oh, everything is better.
His health, his abilities, his attention.
Everything, but
This trip was more than we can pay.
We won't be able to come again
in many, many years.
I totally get it.
Between the seven trips I've already made,
and helping Jaramillo buy the machines
for the clinic in Baltimore,
I've invested far more
than what you could call healthy.
So there is a Cytotron in the US?
Well, there's actually two.
But they're still in Mexico,
at the port where they arrived.
- Um, is it "Veracroz"?
- Veracruz. Yes.
Three to four months
will fly by.
- Exactly.
- I'm not worried about that.
Okay. I understand.
Ah, Master Lucca!
So will you say it today?
- Ku
- Ah, did you hear that?
Wow! That's incredible.
What was it, Luquita?
- Say it.
- Say it again, say Kumar. Kumar.
- Come on, say it.
- Ku-mar.
- What did you say?
- Say it, Luquita.
- Say Kumar, say it.
- He's only listening to you.
- Uh, come on, tell him.
- Ah.
- Great!
- You've made my day, sweetheart!
- Amazing!
- It's amazing!
- It really is! Doctor
- It's incredible!
- Congratulations! Congratulations!
- Good job, Lucca.
- Yes!
- Bravo, Lucca!
Aah! Lovely, beautiful.
This is just the beginning.
Master Lucca will come a long way
with subsequent treatments.
Oh, you think we should
do more treatments?
We want to treat Master Lucca
as often as possible.
- At least once a year.
- Huh
But if you notice any setback,
any epilepsy,
well, you should come sooner.
Oh, we'll do our best.
Master Lucca!
You wanna come back, right, Luqui?
You're very special.
We'll make history.
Bye, bye! Bye, Brbara.
Goodbye, Kumar!
Goodbye, Bruno!
- Thank you!
- Let's go!
Thank you. Bye-bye.
Okay, let's go!
Camera Here we are.
Kumar is very happy about Lucca.
Thanks to you, we'll be able to reach
more children worldwide with the Cytotron.
So thanks for making
an effort to be here.
No, we have all of you to thank for this.
We're really grateful.
In fact, Kumar told us that
that Lucca will require
a few more treatments, so
Is it true you're opening
a clinic in Baltimore?
It's true, but we're still
waiting for FDA approval
to begin clinical trials in
the United States, and that, uh,
will likely take quite a few more years.
And you've never considered
doing them in Mexico?
John Miller told me there are
two Cytotrons in the port in Veracruz.
John Miller previously signed an NDA.
He shouldn't be talking
about these things.
But just so you're aware,
in Mexico, it's an even harder process
than in the States,
with all the bureaucracy and interests.
You should let it go.
But how can something like this exist
and not be accessible to the whole world?
Let me help you get the permits in Mexico.
We only need Lucca's case,
your testimony, a few others.
On top of that, the two of us
could talk with Kumar
No, no, no. Hold on, now.
Kumar has always made it extremely clear
that he has no interest in dealing
with the bureaucracy of licensing.
Anything you want to discuss
with Kumar, I will handle.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I think my flight leaves before yours.
But we'll stay in touch.
- Yeah? Take care.
- See you soon.
- Bye!
- Bye-bye!
- That was weird.
- Very.
Well, it's his business. I don't know
He is odd, isn't he?
to Turkish Airlines
company rules.
Portable phones must be switched off.
Do not use portable phones
until you are inside the terminal.
Due to safety regulations,
all exits and aisles must be clear.
Please put your baggage
in the upper compartment
or under the seat in front.
- Thank you.
- Kumar? You couldn't have said Daddy?
How many of your diapers did Kumar change?
How many?
How many?
Before takeoff,
we kindly ask you to pay attention
to the safety announcements
Mom, I forgot Pipo Rex.
It's okay, honey.
We'll buy you another one.
You're not supposed
to buy friends though.
I know.
Don't laugh, Lucca.
Good morning, sweetie.
Dr. Jaramillo,
I hope your trip back home went smoothly.
Honestly, I've barely been able to sleep.
Since we last spoke at the airport,
I've been thinking of ways
to help you get the authorization needed
for Cytotron clinical trials in Mexico.
And it came to me that maybe
I could start with Lucca's neurologist.
Are you ready? Why don't you show
the doctor how you speak, huh, Luqui?
- It's unbelievable, Brbara.
- What?
I'm going to show you one of the many
tests we put Lucca through last year,
so that you can compare the number
of brain connections he had before
with the ones he has now.
Look at the difference on this side.
- Wow!
- Huh.
It's very impressive.
I don't understand
how they did that in a month.
What's next?
Will they continue with the treatments?
Well, ideally they will.
But you know there's no chance
we could afford
another expensive trip like this one.
Look at it from this angle.
Do you think this hospital would
be interested in the trials?
Just imagine. If we bring in
the clinical trial protocol,
we could continue to treat Lucca.
- And many other children.
- Oh, no.
Convincing all those dinosaurs
on the board of directors
is like trying to move a mountain.
Jos, this could save the lives
of so many children.
Are you excited to be back in school?
- Hello.
- Good morning. How are you?
Good morning.
What's happening, my love? What is it?
Should we leave?
What is it? Why are you crying?
Oh, Luquita, Luquita, Luquita!
Oh no!
Good night, honey.
I've been thinking a lot.
And, um
Are you paying attention?
You've been thinking,
as in, do I have to worry?
If things don't pan out
with everything
at the Children's Hospital,
we could sell the apartment
and go back to India.
Forgive me for this, but are you serious?
We've been back less than a month.
Lucca's doing better than ever.
I'm still unemployed,
and now you're thinking of selling
the apartment and going back to India?
- I'm thinking about Lucca.
- My point exactly.
Maybe you should also think
about the rest of us.
Think of all of us.
- But, uh
- Not now. I I swear, I'm exhausted.
Good night.
- Hello.
- Brbara?
Did you call me? I've got
several missed calls from you.
Yeah, I've got great news for you.
Lucca's neurologist is proposing
that the Committee
of the Children's Hospital
conduct the clinical trials
with the Cytotron.
Listen, I understand that you might
want the machine to be in Mexico.
But, you know, for Kumar and for me,
the main priority is to get
the approval of the FDA.
Both can happen at the same time though.
I'm sure that Kumar would love that.
- I might just write to him...
- All right, Brbara.
Let me make this clear.
As for Kumar, send nothing
until checking with me first.
Getting to where we are with
the international licensing negotiations
has been difficult enough.
- I don't want anything interfering.
- Barbie. Do you have a minute?
Yeah, yeah.
I've gotta go. We'll talk soon.
You know that I've been supportive
since what happened to you with Lucca.
Since what happened to me with Lucca?
You make it sound horrible.
I'm sorry, I didn't, uh
What I meant to say is, um
I think that the time has come
for you to reconsider your priorities.
- I feel
- Do you even know how long I've been here?
Fifteen years.
You've only been here for a third of that.
And the magazine has been
doing really well.
So it doesn't matter,
really, how much time I spend here.
No, I do think it's important.
Your overall performance
isn't the same anymore.
You invest too much time in your son,
and I need you fully focused here.
And I'm sorry for telling you this,
but we are looking for your replacement.
Mom, can I sleep here?
I'm really missing Pipo.
Andrs, he's having a seizure.
17. 18.
I'm right here with you, baby.
- Calm down.
- Calm down, sweetheart.
- Okay.
- You'll be okay. 23.
24. 25.
25 seconds.
It wasn't that long.
Well, all things considered,
we do have good news for you.
There are now
significantly fewer epileptic signals
when we compare them to his last ECG.
They decreased about 70%. See?
Well, but with the 30% we see here, um
possibly he could have another attack.
If he keeps having seizures,
that means we risk
losing everything we gained though.
It depends on
the intensity of the seizures.
But yes.
In the end, what did the committee say
about conducting clinical trials here?
They are open to the possibility.
But, before even getting there,
the hospital continues to be
very doubtful about the treatment.
We need to back up the proposal
with other cases,
other than just Lucca's.
We could get them from Kumar.
I'm sure he'd help us with that.
In fact, I'll give you his number,
so you can ask him for
all the information through the hospital.
It's just
not that simple, Brbara.
Every institute has
their own privacy policies.
I beg you. Promise me you'll try it out.
Hi there.
What are you doing in Mexico?
I didn't know you were here.
You have a minute?
What is it? Is something wrong?
Why did Lucca's neurologist call Kumar?
Don't know.
Tell me the truth.
Did you connect the two of them?
I talked to Kumar.
And he's very He's very upset, Brbara.
- He's very upset.
- Why's he upset?
Because we had an agreement,
and you broke it.
You caused a lot of damage.
Kumar is just furious.
He sent me an aggressive email
because he thinks you're a spy
for the Mexican government.
A what? A spy?
The project for Cytotron in Mexico,
it's over because of you.
- No, but I...
- There are no buts!
There's no Cytotron for Lucca.
It's over in the United States.
It's over in Mexico.
It's over in India.
It's over! All thanks to you.
But all I wanted was to help out.
That's all.
No. You're a very selfish woman.
You have ruined years of hard work
by so many people.
And you've prevented millions of children
from being able to access the treatment.
Just imagine how many children
will die of epilepsy because of you.
Just imagine that.
You don't even know
why I'm crying, my Lucca.
It's because I messed up again.
It was my fault, for
I so desperately wanted
to bring the Cytotron to Mexico.
And now we won't have it anymore.
Can I also get in?
No, Bruno. We're already getting out.
What'd you pour in the water, Bruno?
It's a magic potion that will make you
both strong, just like the dinosaurs.
No! I can't believe it!
This is the last thing I needed today!
Oh, no, Barbs!
Go get in the shower
and I'll take care of Lucca.
- But now they'll be stronger!
- Go get something to eat.
Naye, I don't know what we'd do
without you, seriously.
No, no need to say that.
I'd be lost without you, too,
wouldn't I, Luquita?
All I really wanted was for
Lucca's life to be a little bit easier.
You know, maybe Lucca's life
would be a little bit easier
if he wasn't constantly chasing
after something that he'll never attain.
And if he had a chance to be who he is.
The person he was meant to be.
And just let our son settle? No.
No, I won't give up fighting for his life.
Why do we have to fight
and fight and fight?
It's all right to surrender, Brbara.
It's okay to give up sometimes.
I totally understand
that you want the best for Lucca.
And so do I.
- But not like this.
- What do you mean?
I have an immense debt to him.
And trying everything
is the least I can do
so he has a better life each day.
We already discussed this, sweetheart.
You owe him nothing.
I feel responsible
for what happened to him.
Are you crazy?
You're as responsible
for what happened to Lucca
as my mother is
for what happened to my leg.
No, honey. That was an accident.
And Lucca's was as well.
No, no.
I should have pushed one more time.
I didn't do it. I don't know why,
but I just couldn't do it.
I mean, how could you even push
if you had fainted?
No, no, I didn't faint.
I remember perfectly seeing little sparks,
and the pain I felt
when they pulled him out.
No. I don't know, but
uh at some point, they came in
and put an oxygen mask on you.
- Wait, an oxygen mask?
- Yeah.
But why?
Good afternoon.
I'm looking for Dr. Flores Delgado.
Just a second.
Everything's good.
Can you help me with this record, please?
Thank you.
Your delivery was the toughest one
I've ever had to deal with.
It was a very rushed delivery.
You had multiple series of contractions,
and that affected
your baby's heart rate and
you see, when we gave you the epidural,
uh, something happened that
isn't very common,
but is always a possibility.
The anesthesia ended up going upwards and
paralyzed your diaphragm.
And what we Well, we could have maybe
made a different decision,
but we did what we deemed to be right.
That's why I was unable to push?
Brbara, you went into respiratory arrest.
You were saved by a miracle.
And we pulled out your son
as best as we could. We really did.
It was a miracle that you both survived.
My love.
You all right?
Where were you?
I was at the hospital
where I gave birth to Lucca.
I talked to the doctor
who assisted his birth.
Why? I mean what for?
Because I needed to understand
what exactly happened that day, and
the doctor explained
that I went into respiratory arrest.
Lucca and I came very close to dying.
Which means it's a miracle
that we both survived.
We're very lucky, honey.
- What, my love?
- I got you a surprise.
But close your eyes.
- Okay!
- Let's go. Let's go!
- Not you, just her.
- Oh.
You can open your eyes.
Now they look like dinosaurs.
Mmm, I love them, sweetheart.
- Hello, Diana.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Here we are, boys. Hmm?
We're very happy to welcome Lucca.
And you, you'll introduce him
to all your friends.
- Won't you, Bruno?
- Yes. That one's Diego.
That one's Moises.
That one's Emilia,
and she's saying hi to you.
You now have to go in.
Call me if you need me. I'll come running.
Yeah. We'll be okay, no need to worry.
Right, Lucca?
- Are you excited, Luqui?
- Mmm
- Okay. I love you. Have fun.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
His name is Lucca.
Hi, John. It's Brbara, Lucca's mom.
We met in Bangalore.
Oh, yes! Yes, yes, sure.
- How you doing?
- Fine, thanks.
Um I I'm calling
because I want to know more
about those two Cytotrons in Veracruz.
Well, to be honest,
I'm not on really good terms
with Jaramillo right now.
What happened?
First of all,
his plans for the clinic in Baltimore?
All lies.
Really? How?
Yeah, he just paid for an e-mail account
with the Johns Hopkins domain.
Nobody knows him there.
Yeah. I don't know how I trusted this guy.
I mean,
I paid for all his flights to India.
Business class, mind you.
I even paid for the freaking Ritz.
We paid for that too.
Maybe even the same trip.
Why does that not surprise me?
Kumar knows about this?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe.
All I know is that Jaramillo bought
several machines from him.
You know, business is business.
My foundation gave him
more than a million dollars
for his center in the US, you know?
- At Johns Hopkins?
- Yeah, exactly.
We introduced him to tons of people.
And he asked for money from everyone.
And when my mother-in-law became ill,
he promised me he would take her there.
But that bastard never followed through.
Not only that, but when
we requested a copy of the patent,
we found out that the Cytotron
is registered as Jaramillo's invention.
And the treatment as well.
So then we sent Kumar a copy and he said,
"That's impossible. That machine is mine".
I just can't believe this.
Do you remember how you found out?
Well, it was kind of by chance, really.
But by the time we got to see the registry
and realized it was in Jaramillo's name
- years in a clinical trial
- then we decided
- That's the most important
- There were over 50 people.
Among them, there were
The money we gave him was
only used for personal purposes
All the alumni know each other.
- In fact, we have a reunion every year
- Johns Hopkins external mail
but to my knowledge,
that transaction never happened.
"As you can imagine,
learning about all of this
was very disconcerting to me."
"And even more so
because it's my son who is at stake."
"I cannot just give up."
- "His future is in my hands, and also"
- Honey.
You really don't wanna come to bed
and continue this tomorrow?
When Jaramillo gets this email,
he'll have to accept us
using his machines.
I swear I can't understand
how this guy isn't in jail.
He knows how to navigate the legal system.
Well, I'm not just going
to send it to him.
I'm also sending it to Kumar
and to all the investors.
You'll see, that will show him.
"And besides that, this will"
Oh, the ducks are so cute,
aren't they, Lucca?
Should we speed up and beat them?
Should we get ahead of them?
- We're going to beat you!
- Careful, Bruno.
- Great. Keep going!
- Here we come!
You got this, Bruno!
You got this.
- Here we come!
- Hurry, they're catching up.
Don't look back! Keep looking forward.
Here we come!
- Nice.
- We caught up with them!
Hey, you two! Wait for me!
Well done, Luqui.
Well done!
We beat them! We are the champions.
Good, son.
- Please, hon, check this out.
- What?
Brbara, you won't believe it,
but we have an appointment
with the secretary of health.
Apparently, your e-mail made an impact,
because Jaramillo agreed to using
the machines for the clinical trials.
We're this close to getting
the COFEPRIS permit.
Bring Lucca.
- Please, come in.
- Thank you.
- Hello, Lucca.
- Mmm.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Ready?
- Yes.
- Why is Jaramillo here? Did you know?
- No.
Jos Antonio. Brbara.
It's good to see you.
Hello, good afternoon.
We were talking about you
with the secretary.
How we gave you
the opportunity to test the Cytotron.
- Have a seat, please.
- All right.
Well, Jorge, look. This is Lucca.
That's his mom, and there's Dr. Ibarra,
who you already know.
Please, Luis, would you mind reading us
the document
that we're going to sign today?
Yes, of course, sir.
"As of today's date,
and based on the provisions
of Articles 19 and 20
of the General Health Law,
we authorize the Children's Hospital
of Mexico to conduct a protocol
to be approved for clinical trials with
the technology known as Cytotron."
"In a first stage,
the profile of such tests
will focus exclusively on
the oncological use of this technology."
- No. No, that can't be
- "The development"
Excuse me, Secretary.
Clearly, the hospital does have
a high demand
for cancer patients who will benefit
from these clinical trials,
but we also have a significant number
of patients in need of neurological care.
- Such as Lucca.
- Hold on a second.
From what Dr. Jaramillo
explained to me,
I understand that the verified protocols
of the machine for commercial use
only cover arthritis and cancer.
And the primary objective
of the acquisition
is accurate and effective treatment.
But the treatment does work
for cases like Lucca's.
We have all his records
as evidence to prove it.
I know, miss.
And believe me when I say
that I'm truly glad
that the treatment
has worked for your son.
But we are deciding
for the good of a majority,
not of individual cases.
Well, let's move on to the signing
of the document, if you'd be so kind.
- Please.
- Thank you.
All right.
Maybe we won't win
this battle after all.
Maybe your dad is right.
Not everything has to be about fighting.
And it's okay to surrender.
Or maybe the finish line
is not quite in sight
because we are actually
long-distance runners, Luqui.
And all we really need is
to enjoy the process
and learn how to take in the view.
Stop for a moment,
look upwards, and marvel at the sky.
It is a pleasure
to begin this ceremony.
I would like to begin by introducing
the doctors who are honoring us
by participating
in this important inauguration.
First of all, I would like
to ask for a round of applause
for our generous Secretary of Health,
Dr. Jorge Martinez Navarro,
who is honoring us with his presence
and by sponsoring this event.
I would also like to welcome
Dr. Jos Antonio Ibarra,
head of the neurology department
of this hospital.
And welcome Mrs. Azucena Monroy.
- And Dr. Ricardo Jaramillo.
- Hello?
Hello, Brbara. How are you?
We're fine, thank you. And you?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm, uh, looking at you
and Master Lucca here in my computer.
- Oh! Yes.
- Dr. Ricardo Jaramillo.
We're very excited that other kids
will be able to use the Cytotron.
Yes, yes. We we are all very excited.
But I have here something that you forget.
Mr. Dinosaur.
Oh! Bruno will be very happy to know that.
Of course. That's why I saved it.
Listen, Brbara.
You and your family and Master Lucca,
you're always welcome to India.
You know that?
But Jaramillo told us that
Uh, let's not talk about Jaramillo, okay?
We will we will talk about him
when we meet, later.
Brbara, the cost
of Master Lucca's treatment
is zero here in India.
I know that you have done
a lot for the Cytotron,
and I'm I'm very grateful for that.
Thank you very much, Kumar.
my vision
Bye-bye, Brbara.
dream come true.
Thanks to more than
two decades of research
by many important scientists,
among whom I am very fortunate
to have counted myself
When you try your best
But you don't succeed
- When you get what you want
- Do you hear, Lucca?
But not what you need
This song would make your father
and me cry when you were a baby.
When you feel so tired
But you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streamin'
Down your face
- When you lose something
- Mmm?
You can't replace
What is it, sweetie?
When you love someone
But it goes to waste
Are you also happy
we're going back to India?
Could it be worse?
Mmm Ma.
What did you say, Luqui?
Mmm Ma-ma.
- Lights will guide you home
- Lucca
And ignite
- I love you.
- Your bones
And I will try
To fix you
- Papa.
- Present.
- Naye.
- Present.
- Bruno.
- I always have to be first, okay?
Okay, your turn.
Bruno Bianciotto Anderson.
Luquita Bianciotto Anderson.
- Kind of asleep. Venkatesh.
- Present, ma'am.
Mama, present.
- Yeah.
- Bruno, look.
He sits upright.
He couldn't do it, but now he can.
I can hold his legs.
Let's see what happens.
Up! Up! You can do it! You can do it!
Up, sweetie! Hold your head up!
Good job!
Tears stream
Down your face
And I
Tears stream
Down your face
I promise you
I will learn from my mistakes
There you go.
We're having such a nice walk.
Don't you think?
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try
To fix you