Maara (2021) Movie Script
Crabby, pinky. Pinky, crabby.
Pinky, pinky, crabby!
Grandma, don't roll it down!
-Don't get drenched.
-You'll get drenched! Listen to me!
-Leave me!
Sit on this side.
-I don't want you to get drenched.
Why are you worried?
I'm the one getting drenched.
Hey, what is it?
Go to sleep.
Then tell me a story.
Once upon a time there lived a king...
I know this, tell me some other story.
What other story?
A fox lived in a forest...
No! It's the story
where the fruit is sour, right?
Sleep now.
What is your name?
She's asking you.
Tell her your name.
[clicks tongue] Tell her.
Oh, no.
No, Paaru.
-She likes to be called Paaru.
Given a chance she'll be
wide awake till sunrise.
Should have been born as an owl.
Are you going to Chennai?
No, Kanchipuram.
Medical camp.
-Is she a nurse?
-Shall I ask her to give you an injection?
Naughty minx!
She wants an injection.
Okay. No need. Go to sleep now.
Shall I tell you a story?
But only if you ask me
for a story, I'll tell you.
Okay, tell me a story.
Once upon a time there lived a soldier.
Usually a story starts with a king, right?
Haven't you heard too many stories
of king or fox already?
This soldier was very special.
He's an immortal soldier.
The bravest of braves
even the most powerful weapon
could not kill him.
That's because this soldier
kept a secret that no one knew.
What secret?
You know what?
His soul was not with him,
he had locked it up inside a fish.
Every time he returned home
from the battlefield
a loud sound
from a conch shell was heard.
That fish waited for that sound
holding on tight to his soul.
[horn blaring]
You heard it?
But poor thing,
this time,
that fish didn't hear
the conch being blown.
The sound of the conch was lost
in a terrible storm and torrential flood.
Along with cattle, birds, huts
this fish was dragged away
by that flood.
Then what happened?
Paaru, sleep. Don't disturb her.
No problem.
Close your eyes and listen.
The soldier who lost his soul
decided to hunt and find the fish,
come rain or shine,
and left with a conch in his hand.
As he walked through a dense forest,
the forest asked him where he was going.
As he narrated the story of the fish,
the river overhearing their conversation
tugged him into its water and dragged him.
A huge mountain blocked him and asked,
"What is your tearing hurry?"
He narrated his story once again,
the mountain was so touched
that it took him to the sea
with a sense of urgency.
Our soldier was caught in the maze
of the seven seas and floundering.
But he could not find the fish.
He stopped a solitary cloud
passing above his head
and asked, "Did you see my fish?"
but if I do, I will personally tell you,"
said the friendly cloud
and sped past him.
The conch blew aloud
the soldier's love and yearning
in search of the fish,
on the other hand, time passed by
like the waves in the sea.
The soldier was shrouded in sorrow
without any means to even die.
One night,
the cloud which went on a mission
to look for the fish returned
and conveyed a message to the soldier
in the form of a heavy downpour.
The soldier blew his conch
with trembling hands.
[conch blowing]
As if the moon had been melted
and mixed into the dark sea,
all of a sudden
a glow spread all around.
That glow
slowly turned towards the soldier.
The fish which was the soldier's quest
that he carried out from his heart
and sharp eyes,
was finally within a few feet from him.
Our soldier's joy knew no bounds
in finding his lost soul.
The waves in the sea danced in glee
along with his mind and heart.
With its mission fulfilled,
the conch returned to its birthplace,
the seabed.
All of a sudden,
a giant wave rose big enough
to churn the mighty ocean.
What happened, Mom?
One minute.
-Do you have any keys with you?
-Key, huh?
Formal wedding announcement.
"On March 29th of this year,
nine o'clock in the morning
Bala, son of Ramanathan and Mala,
and daughter of Mani and Saraswathi..."
Have you ever seen grandma talk?
When I was your age.
Is that so, Grandma?
Did you tell Paaru about Kishore?
Uh, I didn't.
[clicks tongue] Tell her.
How is the groom?
His family likes Paaru...
He's standing there, Kishore.
He's your prospective groom.
How come you got a job
as soon as the wedding topic came up?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
You didn't tell me earlier either.
You pop a face out of the blue
and ask me to marry him!
Don't keep fiddling
with that stuff, come here.
Aunt, maybe Paaru has a boyfriend already.
If such a chap exists,
problem solved for me.
If she has to like him...
Look, someone has to jump
out of these books into real life!
Is she being practical
or sensible, at least a little bit?
On top of it, this wanderlust
has caught on like a bug.
Going from place to place
-pottering with ruins and remains.
-Keep quiet, Mom.
-Mom, it's called restoration.
Are you the slightest bit worried
that you're getting older by the day?
Her grandma has spoilt her.
She rejects every groom
that we suggest right away.
Mom, didn't you invite Mary aunty?
-Don't change the subject.
-[clicks tongue]
Aunt, why are you getting stressed out?
She knows what she's doing, let her be.
She doesn't know what she wants.
That's the real problem.
Yes, Mom, I don't know.
But I know what I do not want!
What do you want now?
I must talk to that boy, right?
I'll talk to him, okay?
But I have to leave now.
Why this tearing hurry? Huh?
In these four days,
what ruin will you restore?
Aunt, you are sounding
like a broken record!
-She agreed to talk to him, right?
-Hey, Paaru...
-We'll go downstairs.
-...looks like Kishore is ready
to marry you tomorrow!
I'll give you one week.
-One week, huh?
-Let's go.
For what?
-If I kick you, it will all be fine.
-Hey! What did I do?
-Get lost!
Paaru, is this also you?
Your grandma.
Just because he is good-looking
and has a well-paid job,
should I marry him?
What are you doing?
I'm leaving.
Manage everyone's mood till I come back.
Paaru, where are you going?
Me, huh?
Treading through dense forests,
climbing huge mountains,
and crossing the wide blue seas,
I am going to a faraway place.
Who is this calling me?
Whose voice is this, tell me?
Why does it ring in my ears clearly?
My lips refuse to shoo away
This voice in my ears everyday
To travel in life I hanker
Holding this voice's finger
My veins like the ropes of a swing
Sway to a lullaby they sing
It lilts my life in a melody
A soothing rhythmic rhapsody
When it rains,
In that downpour my body drenches
Mind will search for a place special
To wander and chill, cool, and casual...
You said it will take one week,
and what are you doing here?
The fear of meeting him
brought you here early, right?
You said no to him, right?
You wretched minx!
Okay. Why do you have to hunt for a place?
Stay with me.
We can ask for an extra mattress.
How can I stay in a hotel
in such an exotic place like this?
Must stay in the center of this town.
Till it is reached, the anticipation
Of not knowing one's destination
Is there any other bliss
More intoxicating than this?
A story stopped midway
Incomplete in its own way
Who will fill up the blanks in the story
if not re-searched to solve the mystery?
All those who wander will get lost
From truth this dialog is farthermost!
Those who wander will be rewarded fine
The treasure they find will be a gold mine
Isn't the only untamed wanderer the wind?
Who is this calling me?
Whose voice is this, tell me?
Why does it ring in my ears clearly?
My lips refuse to shoo away
This voice in my ears everyday
To travel in life, I am eager
Holding this voice's finger
You are Paaru, right?
Hi, I'm Afzal.
Isaac brother told...
Don't try too hard
to speak Malayalam, it's okay.
Aren't you a Tamilian?
-Let's converse in Tamil.
This part is Muslim area.
Their food is finger-licking good.
That side is Jew town.
Slightly expensive but good place.
Behind that is Gujarati street.
In the center is Tamil area...
That's where I live.
Though different kinds
of people live here,
we fight only over this.
So, Paaru, what kind of house
do you have in mind?
I don't have any preference.
Just a decent place.
Okay, let me make it simple for you.
Choose one key from this ring.
This one.
Great choice. It's right here.
You showed me a bunch of keys,
how can you remember exactly
which key fits which front door?
I don't want to brag about myself,
but I'm blessed
with this gift from childhood...
It's the right key.
I think the lock is changed!
Let me go in and check. Wait.
Hold it firmly, my dear.
You look straight and ride.
Won't get caught anywhere.
[kids speaking indistinctly]
Be careful.
[kids speaking indistinctly]
Thank you.
Kite is gone!
Come! Come!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Yay! Yay!
-Afzal, this painting...
-Oh! I see.
Every now and then
I saw him over there
sitting and painting.
Look, what he has done.
It makes sense only from here.
-Who is he?
We are in his house.
Actually why don't you stay here?
-Heritage building,
safe house, art all over the place...
You'll love the view too.
-You said someone else lives here.
-You mean Maara?
Even when he was here
he had guests staying from Germany, Nepal.
He isn't even here. It's just you.
You'll have fun.
I'll leave your bag in there.
No problem, suppose you don't
like this place...
You can shift later. Okay?
Will Maara be coming back?
Don't stress
whether he will come or not.
-Don't you like this place?
-I wanted just one room.
-This is such a big house.
-Oh, come on.
Give whatever you'll pay
for one room, that's enough, okay?
No problem. Rest up.
And anything you need,
you know who to call.
Okay, yeah.
Won't you even call
to say you reached safe?
-How is the office quarters over there?
-Good, Mom.
Okay. As soon as your work is over,
come back home soon.
Please call and speak to Kishore.
Don't keep putting it off.
Did you hear me or not?
Yeah, I am coming.
Paaru, one minute.
Grandma is ringing her bell.
Hey, Paaru?
Are you still there?
Can you hear me?
-Mom, I'll call you later.
-[telephone ringing]
-[clicks tongue]
[in Urdu] Make yourself strong
and empowered within
before every fate for you is written.
The lord himself is forced to ask you
what your desire or want is.
Hello, who is speaking?
Tamilian, huh?
I thought it was Muzzafir.
Did Afzal brought you?
I left the house in a mess, sorry.
If it is too much of a hassle,
you can trash it.
Otherwise, no other problem.
The plant will drink water
of its own accord.
-Who is speaking?
Who, huh?
Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
I'm talking in such detail
about this house,
who else could it be?
Hello, can you hear me?
-You painted...-I need a favor from you.
Can you check in the kitchen
if Kasturi has enough feed?
Please, sorry to disturb you.
Will you go to the kitchen?
I'll tell you what to do.
Can you see a switchboard over there?
There must be a can of pepper next to it.
Salt right next to it.
Next is asafetida...
behind that.
Did you find it?
Yes, I found...
Hello? Hello? Are you okay?
-Hello. Can you hear me?-Hello.
Line got disconnected?
Thank you, brother.
Hello, can you hear me? Hello?
[metal rattling]
Who are you?
Where is Maaran?
I'm asking you where Maaran is!
Drop your dhoti.
Is this the way to treat a lady?
Forgive us, madam.
Maaran sir... Do you know where he is?
I don't know!
No problem, madam. No problem.
My daughter is missing for past two days.
We came to ask Maaran sir
for help to trace her.
Okay, okay. No problem, madam.
this is my business card.
My phone number is behind it.
Take it, madam.
Please ask Maaran sir to call me, okay?
Leave way for madam.
Okay, madam.
Hey! Come this side.
No problem, madam. No problem.
That knife...
Madam, upstairs...
when we touched the door,
the lock broke somehow.
No problem.
Come. Come.
If you go straight,
you'll reach the kitchen.
You'll find booze and appetizer there.
Bring them here.
After a long time I feel so happy
as if I'm in my hometown, brother.
I said, after a long time I feel
so happy as if I'm in my hometown.
Do you go deaf when you drink?
Are you checking out
what you can loot from here?
-From here?
I broke in with the sole intention
to steal, brother.
But this place looks like a store room
loaded with stolen goods.
What kind of job do you do, brother?
What is all this?
There's a man here.
Who is he?
-He is...
-Forget him.
You are sitting with me
and drinking on New year's eve.
Don't you have a girlfriend
or someone you're dating?
[clicks tongue]
Why not, huh?
You are so talented
and multifaceted.
Good-looking fellow too.
Even not so good-looking guys have
have more than one girlfriend.
How many do you have?
-You mean, I'm not good-looking?
-No, no.
Two pegs down the throat,
and you're taking a dig at me.
-Go on. Continue.
-I'm going to punch you!
Tell me...
Why rake up all that now, brother?
It's okay, tell me. Don't have anyone?
Hey, I have. Just one...
Love marriage?
Oh! Arranged marriage.
Forget it. It's a long story.
Hey! Tell me your story.
You're such a pain!
For about two years,
I followed her day and night.
Hey! Then it's a love story, right?
Don't interrupt.
Films have spoiled you.
You asked me, right!
Those two years...
I went behind her
like a spirit or a love-sick pup
drooling over her.
Suddenly, one day,
her friend came to me and said,
"Mekalai wants to talk to you."
-Yeah, even I didn't know then.
Her name is Mekalai it seems.
I said okay and went to meet her.
In the blink of an eye,
she hugged me, man!
She hugged me tight
and started crying loudly.
"I knew you were following me
for these past two years.
I love you too.
But my parents
are looking for a groom for me.
Marry me somehow," she said
and cried inconsolably.
Seeing her cry...
-[speaking incoherently]
-What? What?
Seeing her cry, my heart broke
and I had tears in my eyes too.
-Don't make me repeat.
So you hugged her back
and said I love you too?
Did I say that?
Did I say I love her?
-Okay. No.
-Did I say that I love her?
-Did I tell you?
Did I express my love to her?
Did I tell anyone?
I didn't even see her face properly
in those two years you know.
Then why did you follow her for two years?
Should love be the only reason
to follow a female?
Then what?
Shouldn't the heavy gold chain
around her neck be the reason?
Here I am in pain...
Okay, it is 2:00 a.m.
Let me start the new year with a theft.
-Nice meets, man.
-I'll accompany you.
-To steal?
Go to sleep. Stop kidding.
I'll come with you.
So, you want to come with me, right?
Why are you looking up?
Looks like it may rain.
Rain, huh?
Rain means a cluster of dragonflies
will show up before the showers.
For the scent of fresh earth.
I think the Ayla booze
made my nose stuffy.
Let's focus on the job.
It's raining cats and dogs,
even a dog won't step out.
Will anyone work in this rain, huh?
-Kulfi! Kulfi! Kulfi!
Kulfi! Kulfi! Chill kulfi!
Kulfi! Chill kulfi.
-Hey! Kulfi!
-Sir, kulfi?
-Kulfi, come here.
-You want kulfi, sir?
-You come here.
Come here.
-What, sir?
Why trouble yourself selling
ice-cream in this pouring rain?
How can this be a trouble?
I have to succeed in life, sir!
This is just a drizzle!
When we had floods earlier,
people didn't have drinking water,
electricity, milk or basic necessities,
but everyone had a kulfi in their mouth!
You know who sold those kulfis?
Me. I want to succeed in life!
Hey! Hey, okay.
Calm down.
-Go, eat your kulfi.
-You don't want to buy.
-Chill, man.
-This isn't for me,
-I want to sell them.
-Hey, kulfi...
-Yes, sir.
-Come here.
-What, sir?
-He was just leaving.
How many kulfis will you sell before dawn?
-Sir, five kulfis.
-Five? Then give me five.
Hey! What's wrong with you?
You carry on.
-Go and win, sir.
You must succeed in life, sir.
Please listen to me.
Give me five kulfis now.
Here, sir.
-Today is a holiday.
-Doesn't matter.
Take it. That's all right.
Okay. Happy New Year.
Is this how you court them?
I didn't expect you to come back.
-Here is your cash.
Come, it stopped raining.
-I got lucky! Kulfi!
-We'll focus on the job at hand. Come!
Inky, pinky, ponky,
-king, queen, jackie...
-Hey! What are you doing?
Gold, silver, copper, brass,
no space in the cupboard, boss.
This is the chosen house. Come.
Hey! You call yourself a professional!
Scared stiff of dogs,
don't know to tiptoe on tiles.
Okay, follow me.
Don't be so loud, we may get caught.
What are you up to now?
The inmate is awake,
let's go elsewhere.
-Hey! So what?
-Listen to me. The person is awake.
Hey! Don't remove the tile.
What is she doing?
Wow! He is an artist!
-So, yeah...
-This is David.
-This is our Muzzafir.
The others...
I have seen somewhere.
Don't know who they are.
Why do you ask?
I want to meet Maara.
I want to know about him.
The story only I know,
some fellow has painted
all over the walls of this town.
Yeah, I... Of course I want
to know who it is.
And he's good-looking too.
-Am I right?
Can you help me?
Usman bhai. We can meet him.
It will fetch a handsome price.
Antique, for sure...
But after 200 years.
My foot, antique!
You're the one who looks
like 400-year-old antique piece.
Go and sit outside.
Get out!
Give it to me, it's mine.
If thieves steal
idols from temple,
this one is trying to con me
with new stuff.
-How come, Bhai?
It looked just like an antique.
You knew within the click of a finger.
If I tell you my secret,
you'll fill my shoes.
That's a good point.
-Hello. Hi, how may I help you?
Bhai, I told you about a Tamilian girl
staying in Maara's place, right?
-This is her. Meet Paaru.
In his house?
Why are you looking at him?
Those who stay in his house
are like the idiot who was here
without a haircut for 300 years.
That kind of people.
What brings her here?
You know the old government building
in the neighboring village...
...she is planning to apply putty
to the walls and then paint afresh.
Apply putty and paint, huh?
Usman bhai...
To maintain the antiquity
of old buildings...
Oh! Restoration architect.
May Allah bless you.
What a wonderful art!
And you call that putty...
Even if I was a pet dog of the British,
I wouldn't speak in English.
Bhai, we came to ask you about Maara...
We will discuss that.
Go and order some tea for us.
-I'll order, bhai
-Go now.
Speak to him.
You are interested
in all these artefacts too?
-Bring tea.
-Yes, Usman bhai.
We can talk about it.
Your parents are in their hometown, eh?
He has done his homework,
noted everything and drawn it.
He used to bring antiques now and then
from Arunachal Pradesh and Bangladesh.
Why bring that up now?
What do you want to know about Maaran?
I want to know the meaning
of one of his paintings.
There's a slum two streets away,
almost 200-years-old.
Government issued an order
to demolish it.
We were running from court
to police station to get a stay order.
You know what
Maaran was busy doing then?
I asked my husband if he will take me
on a sightseeing tour of the city.
He was not at all keen.
I asked my son,
he was least bothered.
But now, when the government is ready
to take me around free of charge,
I'm not interested.
How cheeky!
-Hey, Maara,
Is this the scent bottle?
Why don't you use it?
Hey! Hey, you minx!
Welcome, bhai.
Please come.
Bhai, good to see you.
What did the judge say?
He conveyed
his best regards to you!
-Is it?
-You don't stop, paint the whole town red!
Hey, Arjun, bhai is in angry mode,
spray some scent on him.
Hey! Don't! Off you go!
Tell your parents to find
alternate accommodation.
Smart Alec!
Relax, bhai.
This is like King Nero playing
his veena when Rome was up in flames.
It's not veena, bhai, it's fiddle.
Yes, that's most important now!
What is happening here?
In four days we'll be forced to evacuate,
and you are busy painting with the kids.
Even if the verdict goes against us,
at least let them be happy these few days.
They have lived here all their life,
they want to leave their signature behind.
-When the bulldozer brings it down,
your signature and fate lines
will be immaterial.
Bhai, big shots like you will prevent it,
you'll handle it very well.
-Come with me, let us paint.
-Hey, leave...
-Waste of paint and time!
Spray here. Here.
Express it from within you.
Government wanted
to demolish this place
as it was a hindrance to tourists.
When tourists made a beeline to see this
as part of their sightseeing tour,
officers left it as it was.
Sometimes to save us
from an earth-shattering issue,
we don't need a clever manipulator,
just a true artist...
and his art will do.
Actually, I have met both Maara and David.
David and his beach shack, jeep...
Awesome chap!
-Just a minute.
-No, no, chill.
Hey, Jemcy...
-Hi, Mom.
Is your work done?
-It's going on, Mom.
Did you talk to Kishore?
Yeah...I spoke.
You actually did?
What did he say?
I can't tell you all that, Mom.
You've given me one week time, right?
Never mind that.
Won't you know if you like him or not
when you speak with him?
His parents had called me
even yesterday.
I think even your grandma approves of him.
Shall I give the phone to her?
Will you talk now?
I'll talk to her tomorrow, okay?
-Hey, Paaru!
This is...the man from Pirates Club.
Do you know him?
Not really.
But definitely he belongs
to the Pirates Club.
[indistinct chatter]
[overlap of voices]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Should we interfere?
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey! Paaru! Where...
Roll the dice in your favor
Taste success with fervent fervor
-Why are you stalking me?
Sorry! Sorry!
Let go of him, sir, please! Sorry!
He will say come and go
but he won't step out of his house.
Hey! You...
He will say come and go
but he won't step out of his house.
Who is he?
Sorry, please let go of him.
Tongue is the answer!
Tongue, man! Tongue!
Will you tell me why you followed me
or shall I pull your tongue out?
It's all my fault, sorry.
We'll leave right away! Please!
We came to this place
to know about him.
Paaru, let's go.
Who is this?
-Let's get out of here!
-Yeah, whore!
Where's the booze?
Hey! You said you'll bring it
and now you're asking me?
I want booze now!
-Even I want to drink.
-I want booze now!
Hey, Chokku?
You seem familiar to me.
What are you doing in my boat?
Leave! Leave! Get off my boat!
You bring me to mid sea
when I am sleeping,
are you asking me what I'm doing here?
Oh! When this innocent babe
was simply twiddling her thumb,
-I kidnapped her.
Aren't you the kulfi guy?
Hold this.
Why did you choose this place to drink?
My father used to take me in his boat
when I was very young.
Only one day in a year,
on my birthday.
Nostalgia brought me here.
Does that mean today is your birthday?
Like a snake with a tattoo branded
Winner in this game singlehanded
Right time, roll the dice in your favor
Chase, purse, grab by the collar
This is the climax of her story
Time for the actor to rewrite history
Stop, drop, time is right now on top
Hey! Careful!
Hey! Shucks!
Happy birthday...
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Bite the bullet, grab the gauntlet
[incoherently singing]
-Did you see that?
The lighthouse.
Where is Selvi?
It is looking for Selvi, you know?
But only that lighthouse will look for me,
no one else will search.
Why? Won't your husband search?
-Who? Logu?
I have stopped that
age old profession, right?
Then why will he look for me?
Beyond the light from that lighthouse...
Somewhere in a faraway place,
I dreamt of being with him.
Do you know what he told me
the first time he set eyes on me?
"I don't want your body,
give me only your heart," he said.
But I didn't realize then
that prostitution
would become my profession.
Whatever he may have done...
he gave me Rani.
She is his heart and heartbeat.
Rani also loves him
more than she loves me.
Hey, kulfi.
Hey, Chokku.
Shall I ask you a riddle?
Okay. Go ahead.
It's like selling salt to the sea!
Go on.
If it is there,
you feel like sharing,
and when shared, it won't be there.
What is it?
If it is there,
-you'll feel like sharing...
-when shared, it won't be there.
-Come here.
What is it?
Think again.
I got it! Chastity!
It's chastity, right?
Wrong again. Think.
Wrong, huh?
Come here.
You can't see the shore from here.
The beacon of light
from the lighthouse won't search for you.
Steer wherever your heart tells you.
Damn you, drunken female!
Happy birthday, Selvi.
What is the answer?
Hey! She asked you, right?
So you tell me.
I accept defeat. Tell me, please?
What's secret about this?
Simply share it with me.
Answer is "secret."
Check with her if it's right.
If it is there, you feel like sharing,
when shared, it won't be there.
Secret... Hey, Selvi! I know the answer!
Where is she?
Hey! Where did you disappear?
Where did you...
Check if she is over there?
She was suffering
from some terrible illness.
She would have died, anyway.
But she died happily that night!
What happened to her daughter?
Father is a pimp, mother is dead.
What do you think
happened with her?
She went to school.
He was the one...
He admitted her in a school.
-Untie me!
Untie me now!
Untie me!
-Come! Come!
Untie me!
Chokku! Chokku!
Chokku, wait please!
What is it?
Do you know where Maara is now?
Maara... Maara...
Maara... Maara... Maara...
Ha! There he is! Maaran!
Maara was here
now here...somewhere here.
Maara... Maara...
Brainless bum!
What is this game?
-Vella, when did you come?
-Shut up!
What is this game you're playing?
Why are you playing with death?
Let me explain.
-Don't get mad at me.
If I don't lose my cool even for this,
then I'm...
I should be a lunatic!
Look at this gang,
total bad influence on you.
They know no etiquette!
Hey! You branded us as mad, right?
Then what's this new mudslinging?
-You'll get a tight smack on your mouth!
-Vella, just ignore him!
-You are the bad influence on him!
-Hold it, one minute.
What is your problem?
That we announced he is dead?
Or that he isn't?
What did you say? Good-for-nothing oafs!
Don't hit him!
-I'll chop you to pieces!
-Vella, listen to me! Leave him!
Listen to me. Vella, leave!
-Why are you losing your cool?
-Look what he is saying!
-He's going to kill me.
Just shut up, man!
What crime did I commit?
Come on, tell me.
Look at this oldie boiling with rage.
Let go of me.
Okay, relax.
Whew! That outburst of rage!
Some female who hasn't seen
good people in her lifetime
has jumped into the sea
like an orphan.
What's wrong if we wished a few good men
like you attend her funeral?
Hey, keep quiet...
Zip your bloody lips
or I'll beat you to death!
Ignore him. Come with me. Come.
Just come with me. Come.
Sorry, guys.
Come and sit down. Sit here.
Watch your step.
I am fit as a fiddle, right?
They came here just like you,
They yelled at me
and even had a fist fight.
After that, in the midst
of such good hearted people,
we held a procession for Selvi.
What's wrong with this?
What would you've done if something
had happened to me seeing this?
As if you'll die!
Given a chance,
he would've killed me.
Do what you want!
Shut up!
-Vella, listen to me.
-Hey! Where are you off to?
You just shut up! I'll handle this.
What happened to you?
Will you eat something?
It must have been a tiring journey.
Come, let's eat.
We know the list of guests
who will wish us on our birthday,
but do we know
who will be attending our funeral?
But he saw that!
Cheeky bugger.
Do you know where Maara is now?
That was the last time I saw him.
When I got up in the morning,
he was gone.
Where does he go?
Sometimes he comes back
with foreigners, really tanned,
or with frostbites on his nose,
with a beard and long hair
like a Godman or seer!
I never ask him where he goes,
neither he tells me.
Does Maara know that a beautiful girl
is looking for him?
Where have you hidden yourself truly?
Where does one search for you duly?
Your imprints are seen now here
Yet you are seen nowhere
How many days at a stretch
For my thoughts to quench?
Will this be an endless quest?
Or this second celebrate success?
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
Whether I wet my feet or walk away
Destiny's magic play
Without any address to go to,
Without arguing or much ado
Why did I stand here?
Tell me, my friend very dear
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
With the brush of solitude
A pretty snowflake I drew
Thanks to the sun's rays on me,
I melted into nothingness really
This is a secret design
No one else has seen
Only you and me will unite
On this bridge not yet in sight
I was like a fish roaming
In unknown waters swimming
You were in the distant horizon looming
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
You know Maaran?
-Do you know where he is?
-I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Is there any way I can help?
This child has been missing
from school since yesterday.
Maara had entrusted her towards us.
We are teachers from the nearby school.
If you can find something about her
or know something about her,
can you please help us?
Okay, sure, ma'am.
-Thank you. Thank you so much.
Where is Rani?
Rani, huh?
Rani isn't here.
-Where is Rani?
-I know.
Room number 207.
Hey! Take her outside.
Let's go.
Do you have children?
Tell me!
-One daughter.
What do you think she's doing now?
-Tell me!
-Gone for her dance class.
Dance class.
You'll send your daughter to learn dance,
but if it's another man's daughter,
you will...
Move away! Take off your hand!
Will you come or not!
Attacked him...
-Where is he?
-He's coming.
Are you here with sir, my dear?
I was looking...
Come! Let's go!
Come, dear!
She is my daughter, sir. It's fine.
Why do you lay your hands
on a poor man's belly, sir?
Don't poke your nose, sir.
I'm taking Rani with me.
From now on Rani will live the life
her mother Selvi intended for her.
If you come looking for Rani...
[indistinct chatter]
Looking only for you
My sleepless eyes scan high and low
All over the town searching for you
I want to share my thoughts with you
In a language no one else will know
Mystical river I follow!
I crossed the seven seas to search for you
My feet still wet, I stand here now
A moment in time, poignant
Answer my question, this instant
Looking for only you all the way
I will meet you one day
Crossing the seventh mountain and sea,
I will meet you soon verily
Hey! Hey!
Why this sudden dashing madness?
You knocked everything down.
Sorry. Sorry.
Got caught?
Not his fault, sir. My box just fell down.
Don't be so forgiving.
Just look up, sir.
He has scribbled all these silly doodles.
Travelling without a ticket
and thinks he's Michelangelo!
Couldn't he get any other place to draw?
He seems very talented, sir.
Sir, are you supporting him?
You didn't buy a ticket, right?
Pay up the fine.
Sir, how do you expect him
to have money...
He has, huh?
All good now?
Name, Maara.
Lovely name.
Has no home of his own,
doesn't know his home town.
You are roaming around like a wanderer?
Are you a retired postman?
Are those letters you never delivered?
Letters that were returned.
Oh! That's why they all had
a seal with "Return" on it?
You noticed that too?
Why are you writing over it?
-It's fading, right?
-Whose letter is it?
-My letter, of course.
-Oh! This is also returned, huh?
To draw.
The vowel marker is
missing in the letter "ka."
Neither was it written earlier.
You can at least rectify it now.
To even read someone else's letter
is height of un-refinement,
you're finding faults in it too!
Even at this age you have 20/20 vision.
Even if the letters are faded,
you overwrite so clearly.
Even if this fades completely,
I won't forget every letter
and line here till I die.
Oh! Love letter, huh?
Where are you going now?
Eight thousand feet from here...
in between the sky and the clouds,
a beautiful hill-town.
I own a farm over there.
A property I inherited.
That's where I'm going.
Will I get a job there?
You can't get a job as an artist there!
Any job is fine with me.
Oh! You don't mind any job?
Not like that...
Either the job should be new
or the town, that's enough.
Will you employ me, huh?
Okay, come.
Hey! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hey! Here... Here.
Aren't you a thief?
This is Maara!
This is me!
How come?
Looks great.
Did you draw this?
That's okay. Sir must have drawn it.
-What happened after this?
Why didn't he draw what followed?
Only after this,
surprising events followed.
Let's look for it.
-Must be here somewhere.
-Hey! Hey!
I need to know what happened after this.
-It isn't anywhere here.
-Is that so?
I was the one who climbed up first.
You know, I usually climb
however high in a jiffy.
I climbed up.
Maara was coming behind me.
I removed the tile,
kept it aside and peeped in.
-Oh! Please, let go of the gun!
Let go!
Stop her! Hello! Madam!
Madam, where are you running? Madam...
She should have died that night.
Just missed!
From that day on, I gave up
my profession as a thief.
I mean, I gave up robbing tiled houses!
Okay, show me that house please.
Go there again, huh?
There's a gun in that house!
And a lunatic carries it all the time.
What are you saying?
Is that you?
Okay, fine, if you want,
I'll take you there tonight.
How can we go now?
I won't know the route during the day.
Inky, pinky, ponky,
king, queen, jackie...
Uh, nothing.
Gold, silver, copper, brass,
no space in the cupboard, boss.
This house! This one!
I am 100% sure! You can go.
Hello! Your coolers.
-It's yours now.
How do you know Mr. Maara?
I don't know him yet.
One room is yours, one room is mine,
Will a door between open for a lifetime?
One wave is yours, one wave is mine,
Will the sea in between melt by design?
One end is yours, one end is mine,
Will both our poles meet to combine?
One cloud is yours, one cloud is mine,
Will the moon cross in between anytime?
One story is yours, one story is mine,
Will this riddle be solved soon sometime?
I see before my eyes nowadays,
100 hues and 100 gateways
I turn into and fly as a nightingale
Crossing many a hill and vale
A house came into my view
Through grey clouds and blue skies
I saw a swing gently sway
Which any wayfarer can swing and play
Floral breeze blows through
Like a counterpane to cover you
How do you know my name?
How do you know my name?
I just know.
What do you want?
Oh! Where is Dr. Kani?
You'll find her near that nursery.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
I found Nithya! Out! Out!
Out! Out! Out!
Just sprinkle water
on the new saplings over there.
-Over there?
-Next to it also.
Sir, someone has come.
Whom do you want?
Can I meet Dr. Kani?
Dr. Kani, huh? She was here.
Someone has come in search of you.
Your name?
She's coming.
Hi, I'm Paaru.
I went to your house in search of you.
Just a minute.
Have you come this far
in search of this story?
-Vella, listen to me...
-Just a minute.
Let go! Don't drag me like an accused!
-You are an accused.
-Yes, Vellaiya.
You gave tablets to Sampath
because he is unwell, right?
You know what he did?
He gave him a bottle of brandy.
-He doesn't even drink, poor thing.
-What do you mean just brandy?
As if it is medicine
if you add a few peppercorns?
Booze is booze, drunkard!
-Tell him your verdict.
-Don't do this hereafter, Selvam.
I didn't give him
as much as we drink.
One small shot.
-He's overreacting for that!
What does that mean?
Kani'ma, you too?
I should be knocked down
for asking you to mediate!
Daily add a stiff drink
as nightcap to your diet,
only then you won't need
this scarf and this sweater.
You guzzle a few extra pegs
and strip all this.
No problem.
Here...all yours.
Don't forget to down a neat into you!
Oh, dear drunkard...
You just can't be reformed, I swear.
Biggest boozer in this world...
Is she your friend?
Look, how it flies. It's coming.
It's coming...
Move aside. Move. Move.
This is...This is Paaru.
He is Vellaiya.
-Who is...
-Oh, no!
-Hey, Mithra.
-What, Vella?
One of these days
I will shoot it down like a sparrow.
Chill, Vella! Chill. Chill.
Go, go, go! Great escape!
If I ask him to sprinkle fertilizer
on my land, he does it from a flight!
Vellaiya is all-in-all here.
How can a single man do all this?
I have a lot of support.
Why did you keep your bag over there?
Take it inside.
-I have to leave.
You came just now
and you want to leave right away.
How did you come?
-By bus.
-In the afternoon bus, right?
Okay. The same bus comes here
tomorrow at noon,
forget that,
you can take the same bus
day after tomorrow.
Don't you agree with me? Isn't it right?
Lingam. Lingam, come here.
Listen, look at me.
-Don't we have a room facing east?
Get that room cleaned up for our guest.
Take her bag in.
-Why are you hesitating?
No, sir, if Maara brother comes...
He comes once in a blue moon
like a fig tree blooming!
Can we keep that room empty always?
Just do as I say. He is Lingam.
-Greetings, madam.
-Her name is Paaru.
Doctor's friend.
Take her bag inside.
-I can carry it.
-No, that's okay.
Listen, Paaru,
you can ask any help you need
anytime from anyone here,
no worries at all.
You shouldn't do that.
Vella, look what has
happened to my remote.
-Hey, Vella!
Let me go check on him.
How drunk are you?
Postman, where is my money order?
Vella has come, give me the remote.
Let's go inside, madam.
You go rest, I'll meet you at dinner.
-Oh! I would've served myself.
-Please sit.
What brings you here?
Why? What will you do knowing that?
Look who's talking!
Came on a sightseeing tour?
No, Kamalamma,
she got lost in a story,
and she's here looking for something.
-Good boy.
-What is that story?
Shut up! Why are you yelling?
Lingam, water.
-Listen, Paaru...
-Thank you.
don't even by mistake tell these old man
you're here for a story.
Listening to stories is like
eating a dessert for them.
Especially, this man, Vellaiyan,
if he starts talking about Meenakshi...
-Hi, Vellaiya.
-Hi, Vellaiya.
Looks like you're talking about me.
When I came, you suddenly zipped your lips
and greeted me, what does that mean?
I've become old, right?
Thought it's better to speak less.
-That's good. Good decision.
-Thank you.
Is Paaru married?
Not yet.
I'm not married either.
I'm a bachelor too!
-Where are you from?
Madurai is my home town.
Where in Madurai?
Melamasi street.
Near Meenakshi Amman Temple.
Look, how he manages to somehow
bring up Meenakshi's name!
I know a Meenakshi too.
Why is money changing hands?
Nothing, Vella,
within two minutes of sitting at the table
you'll bring up Meenakshi's story
with Paaru was their bet.
-Lingam has won!
Has my Meenakshi's story
become a gambling game for you?
Not like that.
Vella, why are you
getting angry about this?
Paaru, I told you to be cautious.
Thanks to you, I've lost Rs.20 now.
Who is Meenakshi?
Meenakshi was our Vellaiyan's girlfriend
in his past.
Hey, what do you mean by
girlfriend in my past?
-Listen, dear, she is...
-Eat, Vella!
We will tell her. What do you say, Mithra?
-Of course, we can tell.
Alangulam is a town...
A river flows in the middle of that town.
This side of the river bank
was Vella's house,
on the other side...
-Meenakshi's house.
With Vella looking out of his window,
and Meenakshi looking out of her window,
-love floated in midair to-and-fro.
-Height of love!
Vella sir will keep Meenakshi's photo
under his pillow and you should see
the way he romanced...
-A-ha! Whoa!
why don't you show that photo to Paaru?
Just show it,
she won't become less beautiful!
Can my Meenakshi's beauty
be confined to a mere photo?
Then where else can it be fitted into?
-Hey, stop it!
Irritating that poor man.
Listen to the rest
of his love story, my dear.
Even though it was a classic, epic love,
our Vellaiyan hasn't uttered
a single word to that girl.
When this love was in process,
one day,
he decided to express his love.
Therefore he erected a stage
in the middle of the town just for her,
and staged a play,
that's our dear Vellaiyan for you.
[singing a dance-drama song]
Please stop, Bhagavathar!
Pattaya, I beg you to stop singing!
Get up, devotee.
-Thank you.
Is that right?
Just as I expected,
-Meenakshi came to watch my play.
Whatever I wanted to tell her,
I spoke as dialogs in my drama.
Her family came to know of it
and it became a major issue.
Along with that problem,
torrential downpour also.
When it rains, visibility across
the river is bare minimum.
-So, window-love vanished into thin air.
-Gone with the wind!
I was in such a tizzy
not able to meet her for a week.
I somehow managed to bring
the courage and wrote her a letter.
I took that letter with me...
I stood outside her house
after the rain stopped.
The whole town was submerged in the flood.
People took their belongings
and evacuated the place.
-Then what?
Meenakshi got her golden chance
for a great escape!
Till date, he is hell-bent
on giving her that letter.
I am determined!
I will stand waiting
for the next seven births!
What do you care?
Suit yourself.
Hey, they are teasing you
and you are taking it to heart?
Take it easy.
All of you finished eating?
Get up, plate is getting dry.
Your hands are dry too, get up.
There's a pleasure mixed
with the pain in waiting.
No one understands it
until they experience it.
-It is over.
-Thank you, Doctor.
-That's it.
-Thank you.
Paaru, where are you?
Your mobile was unreachable.
Your friend is covering up for you.
You lied to me
saying you spoke to Kishore.
What is your problem?
Whatever! Your wish!
-Hello, how are you?
-Throw it to me.
Don't throw the ball with such force,
it will get away.
-Hi, sister.
Here, I'm throwing it slowly.
Sorry, I'm late.
More patients today.
-No problem.
-Would you like to have some biscuits?
Thank you.
When I first met you,
I thought you are another reporter.
Until now my photo has been
published twice in the newspaper.
Once when I came first
in the State in school-level,
another time was when I killed a baby!
When I came first in the state,
a frowning photo of mine was in papers.
But the photo published second time,
I was smiling ear-to-ear
flashing my teeth!
Headline next to that photo,
"Lady doctor who killed
a ten-year-old girl."
I insisted, fought with my chief doctor
and this was my first operation.
It was a very simple case.
But I killed a young girl.
All her dreams in life...
I snuffed with a minor mistake of mine.
That guilt...
I was angry with myself...
All these emotions multiplied...
I went to the brink of committing suicide.
Madam, what is your problem?
Hey! Hey!
Listen to me, put that gun down!
Put the gun down, let's have a chat.
Listen to me! Lower your gun!
Don't do it!
Please let go of the gun!
-Let go!
-Let go!
-Okay! Okay! Just leave it!
Okay, fine! Fine!
No point in holding that gun
because the bullet is with me.
Whatever it is, we can discuss, right?
Tell me what your problem is.
Madam, give me that gun!
Hello! Hello!
Hello! Is no one at home?
Hello! Please stop her! Hello!
Wait! Wait!
Hello, why are you running away?
I'm short of breath,
let's sit and talk it over.
Listen to me. Hello!
Please stop! Hello?
You ran all the way
just to come to this place?
Doesn't look like a special place to me!
What do you want now?
I'll hand you over to the police!
You broke in to steal, right?
Do you want a hefty sum
for saving my life?
I have nothing to offer!
Hey, do you think you are a hero!
Then you shouldn't have saved me at all.
If you find out what I did,
you would kill me...
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Do you know how hard
it is to kill yourself?
I don't know who you are
or what your problem is.
You don't have to tell me either.
Because you'll regret it after that.
Entire town knows what I did.
How does it matter
whether you know it or not?
Whatever it is...
But if you kill yourself
the reason behind that
will be remembered, not you.
I don't even know your name,
I don't even have the right
to say you can't die either,
but knowingly or unknowingly
I've delayed your death a little bit.
After this, it's your call.
But just in case you change your mind,
I will be the most jealous
person in this world!
Because after this, the same world
will look very different to you!
I'm actually jealous.
I'll walk you home.
I'm not going home.
Then shall we have tea together?
Best tea in this world.
With honey from the mountains, huh?
My name is Maara.
Nice to meet you, Kani.
O beautiful strokes of nature,
Sky paints a touch-me-not picture
As you withdraw or shy away,
A golden dawn is on display
Immersed in that sight
My mind blooms in delight
O mind with memories anew
Below the sparkling droplets of dew
I yearn ever so truly
To hide in the dewdrop deeply
Searches for shelter duly...
O wild wind carefree
On an uninterrupted spree
Blustery wind boisterous
Turbulent and tempestuous
Distant waves caress feet
This is a river of magical feat
Porch is sprinkled with clouds yielding
This is rain pure and pristine
Standing in a corner can see
During festival days especially
Even the sky can become silent
Without the moon as an ornament
When a house reaches out immediately
With a warm welcome compassionately
Chit-chat with that hospitality encore
What other boon can you wish for?
O wild wind unrestrained
Choppy and unconstrained
Huffy wind unruly
Strong gust squally
Preventing happiness available
From bursting like a bubble
One who brings people together
Provides shelter from rough weather
Time has a way
Of being foresighted and wise
To bring forth such a man before your eyes
Even in dreams, a rarity,
This magic happened in reality
Who is that man with the wand of destiny?
Is he a mirage in the horizon imaginary?
A divine chariot of glory
Or prologue in pages of history?
A glimpse of a fleeting smile in theory?
O beautiful strokes of nature,
Sky paints a touch-me-not picture
As you withdraw or shy away,
A golden dusk/dawn is on display
O mind with memories anew
Below the sparkling droplets of dew
I yearn ever so truly
To hide in the dewdrop deeply
O wickedly wild wind carefree
On a rebellious relentless spree...
Good morning.
Let's go.
you can stay here as long as you want,
no one will question you.
From here you can go
in any direction you want.
You can leave whenever you want to.
But when you leave, don't inform them.
They won't let you go.
And one small favor.
There's a village nearby.
Name is Malaivaasal.
In case of any emergency,
villagers have to travel 20 km.
whenever you are free,
when you feel like going somewhere,
please visit that village.
I'll really appreciate it.
Okay. I have to leave now.
Bye, see you later.
Hey, where are you going?
To your town.
I promised a beautiful 80-year-old-girl
that I would return.
She will be waiting for me. Bye.
Vellaiya says Maara enters
someone's life
only if it's predestined.
Someone else could've
saved me that day,
but a chance like this to live
with such endearing people,
I doubt if I would've got it.
Maara visited us only a few times
this year.
Every now and then he calls.
Last time he came here with Rani
and we haven't seen him since.
Is she asleep?
Yes, she is.
If this is home to Maara,
where else you think
he would go?
No idea.
He will wander around
for two or three days happily,
then all of sudden,
as if he remembered something
he will just leave.
But everyone will miss him like crazy.
Vellaiya's birthday in another two days.
Everyone is getting geared up for that.
Why this tearing hurry?
You can stay a few more days.
I came all this way only to know
the epilog of your story.
I have to leave now.
You came this far
just in search of my story?
I think Maara will come
for Vella's birthday.
I think you should stay.
Okay, shall we have dinner?
-I'll get changed.
-Will Vella go or not?
Why is he still sitting here tonight?
shall we go?
I am not going anywhere,
I'm sitting tight right here!
Carry on if you have any important work.
Shall we go?
Oh! Let's escape then.
-Leave then!
-Shall we go?
Leo, come.
-Sir, let's go inside.
-Come. Come.
Sir, come inside.
Where are you off to? Come.
-We shall gaze at the stars in the sky.
-Come with me.
Don't gaze too much,
do so in moderate measures!
[man singing indistinctly]
They are all rushing off to get sloshed.
Out of a semblance of a tiny bit
of respect they didn't want to announce.
-I am going to booze.
Want to join?
How did you manage
without speaking a single word?
With Meenakshi.
In our days it wasn't that easy
for lovers to meet alone or chat.
As a drama artiste, I wanted to meet
and talk to Meenakshi a lot...
True, I've enacted many dramas...
In a way, we met often and we spoke a lot.
But not just the two of us, that's all.
Where is Meenakshi now?
I don't know.
You never met her after that?
Didn't you search for her?
What a question!
I got the job as a postman
only to look for Meenakshi!
Return Letters Office.
I should deliver letters
without any address
in various villages and small towns.
Twenty-seven years.
I kept knocking on doors hoping
Meenakshi would answer
with a racing heart, you know.
I went from many villages
to innumerable towns,
and I landed up here in the end.
I last saw her about 50 years ago.
"Whichever corner of the world you are in,
I will come in search of you."
I've uttered these dialogs
in a play for her.
Why are you playing
with electricity so late at night?
-Nothing. Nothing.
-Don't worry, Vella.
Don't be such a strict daddy, Vella,
we will take care of ourselves.
Strict daddy, huh?
I had a strict, disciplined upbringing.
My father would yell at me
if I went to a theater.
If he had known my plays
were only for Meenakshi,
I wonder what he would have done?
Maybe he knew.
That's why he sent for me
and slapped me twice for no reason.
Perhaps, he knew.
I don't remember clearly.
I'm forgetting my past.
More than the fact
that I haven't found Meenakshi,
the fear of forgetting her
really haunts me.
Can I see Meenakshi's photo?
That, huh? That's Maara.
You haven't met him, right?
-He'll be here all the time.
Now and then he will vanish into thin air.
These are old photos of Maara and me.
This is...
This... You asked to see...
Photo is old
and maybe faded here and there
but she is a true beauty.
Should we throw in another log?
I'll do it.
It is said love has the power
to take a man to places
he has never dreamt of visiting.
I went too...
Whether I got back my beloved or not,
this place,
these lovely people around me,
Meenakshi is the reason
for my present comfortable life.
Why are you meddling
with electricity there?
I told you to fix the plug
before you switch it on.
-Big pain, I swear...
-Old man has come here also!
He will make me freeze to death!
I told you right then to stop working.
Can only hold the bulb now!
Ruining my sleep!
Who asked you to meddle with it?
-Vella, we were just testing it.
-Yes, Vella.
You go sleep, Vella.
You don't worry about my sleep,
if your job is done, come in.
[indistinct chatter]
-Is it really required?
-Let me check.
Oh, no! Maara is coming.
He'll get flustered
if he sees me with this!
-Keep it here, we'll check later!
-Catch. Catch.
-You guys are old now!
Catch, catch, catch him!
Don't say anything in front of him.
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Why are you running so fast?
Emergency urgency, Vella.
-Did someone stay in my room?
-Yes, bro.
Doctor's friend, a girl, came here.
She just left and you walk in.
My God!
-Hey! How are you doing?
-How are you?
-I'm fine, thank you.
Some friend of yours came it seems.
She had come...
but not my friend.
She said she came looking for me...
she lied.
-She came looking for you.
You've spoken to each other
over the phone it seems, huh?
Why did she...
Why did she come?
-I don't know.
I really don't know.
I went back to my studio
a few days ago,
everyone said the same thing
you are telling me now
that a girl is looking for me.
But she came this far in search of me?
Does she have some problem?
Only if she has a problem,
should she come in search of you?
Nothing of that sort.
He thinks everyone is waiting
for him to come and save them.
Hey! That's not fair.
I didn't mean that.
How did you get this?
Though a weirdo, he is a good artist.
Don't spoil it.
This brought her here.
But she came in search of you.
To come this far for a story...
I haven't seen a loony female
as bad as you until now.
Come and check on Vella!
What happened?
-He didn't have lunch either...
He has spread out all those letters
and staring blankly at them.
How many more times will you repeat this?
What happened to you?
-Find out what's with him.
Brother, can you get me
some hot water and a towel?
I'll bring it.
What happened?
It has all faded in this letter.
What has faded? Show it to me.
You know this letter by rote.
The ink has faded,
but what if I too forget?
How will you forget?
We can always rewrite.
-Where... Give it.
-What is the problem?
Nothing to worry.
-Sit here. I'll come. Where is your pen?
-Nothing to worry. Come, let's go.
Tell me.
"I, Vellaiya,
am writing..."
" writing this letter
to my beloved Meenakshi."
That is all! Simple.
Why get worked up about it?
"Am writing this letter
to my beloved Meenakshi."
Next line?
"Yesterday when people had gathered
like waves in the sea..."
-" the auditorium..."
-In the auditorium...
-"In the midst of that huge crowd..."
In the midst of that huge crowd...
-"I saw your lovely fish-like eyes..."
-Oh! Wow!
"I...saw your...
I saw your lovely fish-like eyes
from the stage.
We spoke with our eyes."
Vellai is fine.
Blood pressure is normal.
Can't you believe
the diagnosis of a doctor?
Just a bad dream. That's all.
Really, Doctor?
Can a stethoscope find all that, huh?
Okay, if you are so concerned,
why don't you spend more time with him?
Not knowing where you go
or when you'll be back,
you want that man
to keep waiting for you?
Even I have no clue where I go
or when I take off, Kani!
Seriously, I don't know.
He just adopted a wandering tramp
he knew nothing about, raised me,
he gave me a roof over my head
and a family...
Who will do all this, Kani?
This man did that for me.
I told myself, "I will find
your Meenakshi for you, old man,"
I went down this same road
with a lot of bravado 20 years ago.
But till date I haven't found Meenakshi.
Okay, Maara.
But even if you find Meenakshi...
I don't know.
But my responsibility will be over, right?
I don't have to see him daily
like this, yearning to see her.
Kani, if there was a woman
called Meenakshi,
something must have
happened to her, right?
Was she swept away in the flood?
Or did she escape?
Or is she happily married to someone
and named her grandson Vellaiya?
Or just like him...
is she mooning over her past
sitting and crying in a corner?
Or is she dead?
Any news like this? Any grain of truth?
I'm in deep anguish daily hoping
I can convey some news
to him about her, Kani!
Because of your quest...
can this become your life, Maara?
You are 100% right.
But when I sit there
on that hilltop with my friends,
or when I am in bed with a beautiful girl,
whenever I find pleasure
in such precious moments,
I am unable to enjoy it
in every sense of the word
because something keeps nagging me
in some corner of my mind and heart.
I can't focus on anything.
I'm scared, Kani.
In this world a thing considered as
treasure today turns into trash tomorrow.
A man with just one letter,
and an old, faded photograph
incapable of betraying
her even in his thoughts
have been waiting for her for 50 years...
Think about it, Kani.
Can't I help this man
retrieve his peace of mind?
All I did was hunt high and low,
visit every town that gave me a lead,
and ended up as a lunatic scribbling
on the walls of our hill-town!
-Many, many happy returns, Vellaiya!
-Happy birthday, Grandpa!
-Happy birthday, Vella!
-Happy birthday!
Is this an age to celebrate my birthday?
Then why are you tip-top
ready like this?
-You call this tip-top?
-Of course.
-Happy birthday, Vellaiya.
-Thank you, dear.
-Did you see Maara anywhere?
-No, I didn't.
Did you see him?
He said he was going
to the church this morning.
Church, huh?
What work does
that devil have in the church?
Your dear devil has gone to buy wine.
Shut up!
Let that child at least
step into a place of worship.
Spreading atheism all the time!
He took a bundle and said
he was giving a gift to someone.
He is distributing gifts
on my birthday, huh?
Why not give it yesterday or tomorrow?
What's special about today?
He thinks he's Santa Claus.
Will he give it whole year around?
What are you searching?
I wanted a twine to tie this firm...
On that second shelf,
there is a cup on the third spot,
it's there.
You are right.
-Look! A white car.
-Let's see who has come.
-Visu, wait for me!
-What, Lingam?
A big car for our big shot is here?
Let's see who it is.
Wait for me!
I thought...
when you said Maara and church...
Today is your birthday, right?
They have come to bless you.
Well and truly caught!
Maara will go out of his way
to do something I don't like.
-I'll give him a piece of my mind later.
-Vellaiya, wait.
Not knowing who they are
why get annoyed?
-They may get offended.
-Let them be!
-As if I called them!
-Hey, Vellaiya!
Where are you all off to?
Wretched fellows!
At least tell me and then go.
Wait, old man, we'll come and tell you.
Happy birthday, Vellaiya.
Paaru! What a surprise!
When did you come, dear?
Just now.
They have come with me.
What, my dear?
What happened?
I heard a story when I was very young.
That story brought me here to all of you.
In the story you relentlessly
narrate to everyone here,
you often talk of the play you enacted.
But no one knows
the story of your drama, right?
Except one person.
Having lost the fish...
a quest, crossing forests,
climbing mountains,
cruising the high seas...
a soldier's story.
Mary aunty shared the same story with me.
She went from village to village
serving the needy through medical camps,
she had no address to call her own
and decades sped past like this.
She was born in a small village...
Her parents had named her...
Meenakshi? Meen...
I was waiting, awaiting eagerly
To hear your footsteps lead towards me
I was searching here, there,
Restlessly, relentlessly everywhere
Till the farthest distance
My eyes could glance
I lived each day anew
With precious memories of you
Half a picture in my memories eyeful
The other half in my dreams joyful
Same state everyday hopeful
Unable to express my feelings openly
I was in the same plight heartbrokenly
I was searching here, there,
Restlessly relentlessly everywhere
Till the farthest distance
My eyes could glance
Like the first letter without an address
I floated in midair as a paper roaming
With many doors on my face slamming
I knocked many doors longingly
Unknown faces looked out at me
I became a rain bearing cloud expectantly
Looking for a special face I wanted to see
Hundred stories untold within me
When I could share spontaneously
Soulful words sitting tongue-tied
On the brink my lips just died
I became silent inside
Time will freeze to a standstill
Winds will cry, tears spill
If this second I died, I consent gladly
In the rain of tears
Soulfully seas will ripple dolefully
Our Vellaiyan's Meenakshi.
In a small village called Alangulam...
Hey! Hey!
There lived a man named Vellaiya...
who was acting in plays for many decades.
One day,
to meet him and to enjoy his play
a beautiful girl came there it seems.
What did Vellaiya do?
As he was acting
his eyes were only on that beautiful girl.
That soldier...
How did he get his fish in the end?
In your drama...
How did the soldier
get his fish in the end?
That...That I don't remember.
But in the play, it was found
in the next five minutes.
Today...Today is my birthday.
Happy birthday, Vella.
My Meenakshi!
That's my Meenakshi!
Hey, Mithra! Come, hurry up! Come!
Paaru brought her.
If only they had met much earlier,
by now they would have had
grandchildren our age, right?
If not your age...
at least mine.
But this place,
these lovely people and me...
we would have been elsewhere
leading different lives.
Neither would I have
wandered off on my own
and stand here holding hands with a man
who didn't even tell me his name!
You can call me Maara.
subtitled by Rekhs
assisted by Harini
Pinky, pinky, crabby!
Grandma, don't roll it down!
-Don't get drenched.
-You'll get drenched! Listen to me!
-Leave me!
Sit on this side.
-I don't want you to get drenched.
Why are you worried?
I'm the one getting drenched.
Hey, what is it?
Go to sleep.
Then tell me a story.
Once upon a time there lived a king...
I know this, tell me some other story.
What other story?
A fox lived in a forest...
No! It's the story
where the fruit is sour, right?
Sleep now.
What is your name?
She's asking you.
Tell her your name.
[clicks tongue] Tell her.
Oh, no.
No, Paaru.
-She likes to be called Paaru.
Given a chance she'll be
wide awake till sunrise.
Should have been born as an owl.
Are you going to Chennai?
No, Kanchipuram.
Medical camp.
-Is she a nurse?
-Shall I ask her to give you an injection?
Naughty minx!
She wants an injection.
Okay. No need. Go to sleep now.
Shall I tell you a story?
But only if you ask me
for a story, I'll tell you.
Okay, tell me a story.
Once upon a time there lived a soldier.
Usually a story starts with a king, right?
Haven't you heard too many stories
of king or fox already?
This soldier was very special.
He's an immortal soldier.
The bravest of braves
even the most powerful weapon
could not kill him.
That's because this soldier
kept a secret that no one knew.
What secret?
You know what?
His soul was not with him,
he had locked it up inside a fish.
Every time he returned home
from the battlefield
a loud sound
from a conch shell was heard.
That fish waited for that sound
holding on tight to his soul.
[horn blaring]
You heard it?
But poor thing,
this time,
that fish didn't hear
the conch being blown.
The sound of the conch was lost
in a terrible storm and torrential flood.
Along with cattle, birds, huts
this fish was dragged away
by that flood.
Then what happened?
Paaru, sleep. Don't disturb her.
No problem.
Close your eyes and listen.
The soldier who lost his soul
decided to hunt and find the fish,
come rain or shine,
and left with a conch in his hand.
As he walked through a dense forest,
the forest asked him where he was going.
As he narrated the story of the fish,
the river overhearing their conversation
tugged him into its water and dragged him.
A huge mountain blocked him and asked,
"What is your tearing hurry?"
He narrated his story once again,
the mountain was so touched
that it took him to the sea
with a sense of urgency.
Our soldier was caught in the maze
of the seven seas and floundering.
But he could not find the fish.
He stopped a solitary cloud
passing above his head
and asked, "Did you see my fish?"
but if I do, I will personally tell you,"
said the friendly cloud
and sped past him.
The conch blew aloud
the soldier's love and yearning
in search of the fish,
on the other hand, time passed by
like the waves in the sea.
The soldier was shrouded in sorrow
without any means to even die.
One night,
the cloud which went on a mission
to look for the fish returned
and conveyed a message to the soldier
in the form of a heavy downpour.
The soldier blew his conch
with trembling hands.
[conch blowing]
As if the moon had been melted
and mixed into the dark sea,
all of a sudden
a glow spread all around.
That glow
slowly turned towards the soldier.
The fish which was the soldier's quest
that he carried out from his heart
and sharp eyes,
was finally within a few feet from him.
Our soldier's joy knew no bounds
in finding his lost soul.
The waves in the sea danced in glee
along with his mind and heart.
With its mission fulfilled,
the conch returned to its birthplace,
the seabed.
All of a sudden,
a giant wave rose big enough
to churn the mighty ocean.
What happened, Mom?
One minute.
-Do you have any keys with you?
-Key, huh?
Formal wedding announcement.
"On March 29th of this year,
nine o'clock in the morning
Bala, son of Ramanathan and Mala,
and daughter of Mani and Saraswathi..."
Have you ever seen grandma talk?
When I was your age.
Is that so, Grandma?
Did you tell Paaru about Kishore?
Uh, I didn't.
[clicks tongue] Tell her.
How is the groom?
His family likes Paaru...
He's standing there, Kishore.
He's your prospective groom.
How come you got a job
as soon as the wedding topic came up?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
You didn't tell me earlier either.
You pop a face out of the blue
and ask me to marry him!
Don't keep fiddling
with that stuff, come here.
Aunt, maybe Paaru has a boyfriend already.
If such a chap exists,
problem solved for me.
If she has to like him...
Look, someone has to jump
out of these books into real life!
Is she being practical
or sensible, at least a little bit?
On top of it, this wanderlust
has caught on like a bug.
Going from place to place
-pottering with ruins and remains.
-Keep quiet, Mom.
-Mom, it's called restoration.
Are you the slightest bit worried
that you're getting older by the day?
Her grandma has spoilt her.
She rejects every groom
that we suggest right away.
Mom, didn't you invite Mary aunty?
-Don't change the subject.
-[clicks tongue]
Aunt, why are you getting stressed out?
She knows what she's doing, let her be.
She doesn't know what she wants.
That's the real problem.
Yes, Mom, I don't know.
But I know what I do not want!
What do you want now?
I must talk to that boy, right?
I'll talk to him, okay?
But I have to leave now.
Why this tearing hurry? Huh?
In these four days,
what ruin will you restore?
Aunt, you are sounding
like a broken record!
-She agreed to talk to him, right?
-Hey, Paaru...
-We'll go downstairs.
-...looks like Kishore is ready
to marry you tomorrow!
I'll give you one week.
-One week, huh?
-Let's go.
For what?
-If I kick you, it will all be fine.
-Hey! What did I do?
-Get lost!
Paaru, is this also you?
Your grandma.
Just because he is good-looking
and has a well-paid job,
should I marry him?
What are you doing?
I'm leaving.
Manage everyone's mood till I come back.
Paaru, where are you going?
Me, huh?
Treading through dense forests,
climbing huge mountains,
and crossing the wide blue seas,
I am going to a faraway place.
Who is this calling me?
Whose voice is this, tell me?
Why does it ring in my ears clearly?
My lips refuse to shoo away
This voice in my ears everyday
To travel in life I hanker
Holding this voice's finger
My veins like the ropes of a swing
Sway to a lullaby they sing
It lilts my life in a melody
A soothing rhythmic rhapsody
When it rains,
In that downpour my body drenches
Mind will search for a place special
To wander and chill, cool, and casual...
You said it will take one week,
and what are you doing here?
The fear of meeting him
brought you here early, right?
You said no to him, right?
You wretched minx!
Okay. Why do you have to hunt for a place?
Stay with me.
We can ask for an extra mattress.
How can I stay in a hotel
in such an exotic place like this?
Must stay in the center of this town.
Till it is reached, the anticipation
Of not knowing one's destination
Is there any other bliss
More intoxicating than this?
A story stopped midway
Incomplete in its own way
Who will fill up the blanks in the story
if not re-searched to solve the mystery?
All those who wander will get lost
From truth this dialog is farthermost!
Those who wander will be rewarded fine
The treasure they find will be a gold mine
Isn't the only untamed wanderer the wind?
Who is this calling me?
Whose voice is this, tell me?
Why does it ring in my ears clearly?
My lips refuse to shoo away
This voice in my ears everyday
To travel in life, I am eager
Holding this voice's finger
You are Paaru, right?
Hi, I'm Afzal.
Isaac brother told...
Don't try too hard
to speak Malayalam, it's okay.
Aren't you a Tamilian?
-Let's converse in Tamil.
This part is Muslim area.
Their food is finger-licking good.
That side is Jew town.
Slightly expensive but good place.
Behind that is Gujarati street.
In the center is Tamil area...
That's where I live.
Though different kinds
of people live here,
we fight only over this.
So, Paaru, what kind of house
do you have in mind?
I don't have any preference.
Just a decent place.
Okay, let me make it simple for you.
Choose one key from this ring.
This one.
Great choice. It's right here.
You showed me a bunch of keys,
how can you remember exactly
which key fits which front door?
I don't want to brag about myself,
but I'm blessed
with this gift from childhood...
It's the right key.
I think the lock is changed!
Let me go in and check. Wait.
Hold it firmly, my dear.
You look straight and ride.
Won't get caught anywhere.
[kids speaking indistinctly]
Be careful.
[kids speaking indistinctly]
Thank you.
Kite is gone!
Come! Come!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Yay! Yay!
-Afzal, this painting...
-Oh! I see.
Every now and then
I saw him over there
sitting and painting.
Look, what he has done.
It makes sense only from here.
-Who is he?
We are in his house.
Actually why don't you stay here?
-Heritage building,
safe house, art all over the place...
You'll love the view too.
-You said someone else lives here.
-You mean Maara?
Even when he was here
he had guests staying from Germany, Nepal.
He isn't even here. It's just you.
You'll have fun.
I'll leave your bag in there.
No problem, suppose you don't
like this place...
You can shift later. Okay?
Will Maara be coming back?
Don't stress
whether he will come or not.
-Don't you like this place?
-I wanted just one room.
-This is such a big house.
-Oh, come on.
Give whatever you'll pay
for one room, that's enough, okay?
No problem. Rest up.
And anything you need,
you know who to call.
Okay, yeah.
Won't you even call
to say you reached safe?
-How is the office quarters over there?
-Good, Mom.
Okay. As soon as your work is over,
come back home soon.
Please call and speak to Kishore.
Don't keep putting it off.
Did you hear me or not?
Yeah, I am coming.
Paaru, one minute.
Grandma is ringing her bell.
Hey, Paaru?
Are you still there?
Can you hear me?
-Mom, I'll call you later.
-[telephone ringing]
-[clicks tongue]
[in Urdu] Make yourself strong
and empowered within
before every fate for you is written.
The lord himself is forced to ask you
what your desire or want is.
Hello, who is speaking?
Tamilian, huh?
I thought it was Muzzafir.
Did Afzal brought you?
I left the house in a mess, sorry.
If it is too much of a hassle,
you can trash it.
Otherwise, no other problem.
The plant will drink water
of its own accord.
-Who is speaking?
Who, huh?
Veerapandiya Kattabomman.
I'm talking in such detail
about this house,
who else could it be?
Hello, can you hear me?
-You painted...-I need a favor from you.
Can you check in the kitchen
if Kasturi has enough feed?
Please, sorry to disturb you.
Will you go to the kitchen?
I'll tell you what to do.
Can you see a switchboard over there?
There must be a can of pepper next to it.
Salt right next to it.
Next is asafetida...
behind that.
Did you find it?
Yes, I found...
Hello? Hello? Are you okay?
-Hello. Can you hear me?-Hello.
Line got disconnected?
Thank you, brother.
Hello, can you hear me? Hello?
[metal rattling]
Who are you?
Where is Maaran?
I'm asking you where Maaran is!
Drop your dhoti.
Is this the way to treat a lady?
Forgive us, madam.
Maaran sir... Do you know where he is?
I don't know!
No problem, madam. No problem.
My daughter is missing for past two days.
We came to ask Maaran sir
for help to trace her.
Okay, okay. No problem, madam.
this is my business card.
My phone number is behind it.
Take it, madam.
Please ask Maaran sir to call me, okay?
Leave way for madam.
Okay, madam.
Hey! Come this side.
No problem, madam. No problem.
That knife...
Madam, upstairs...
when we touched the door,
the lock broke somehow.
No problem.
Come. Come.
If you go straight,
you'll reach the kitchen.
You'll find booze and appetizer there.
Bring them here.
After a long time I feel so happy
as if I'm in my hometown, brother.
I said, after a long time I feel
so happy as if I'm in my hometown.
Do you go deaf when you drink?
Are you checking out
what you can loot from here?
-From here?
I broke in with the sole intention
to steal, brother.
But this place looks like a store room
loaded with stolen goods.
What kind of job do you do, brother?
What is all this?
There's a man here.
Who is he?
-He is...
-Forget him.
You are sitting with me
and drinking on New year's eve.
Don't you have a girlfriend
or someone you're dating?
[clicks tongue]
Why not, huh?
You are so talented
and multifaceted.
Good-looking fellow too.
Even not so good-looking guys have
have more than one girlfriend.
How many do you have?
-You mean, I'm not good-looking?
-No, no.
Two pegs down the throat,
and you're taking a dig at me.
-Go on. Continue.
-I'm going to punch you!
Tell me...
Why rake up all that now, brother?
It's okay, tell me. Don't have anyone?
Hey, I have. Just one...
Love marriage?
Oh! Arranged marriage.
Forget it. It's a long story.
Hey! Tell me your story.
You're such a pain!
For about two years,
I followed her day and night.
Hey! Then it's a love story, right?
Don't interrupt.
Films have spoiled you.
You asked me, right!
Those two years...
I went behind her
like a spirit or a love-sick pup
drooling over her.
Suddenly, one day,
her friend came to me and said,
"Mekalai wants to talk to you."
-Yeah, even I didn't know then.
Her name is Mekalai it seems.
I said okay and went to meet her.
In the blink of an eye,
she hugged me, man!
She hugged me tight
and started crying loudly.
"I knew you were following me
for these past two years.
I love you too.
But my parents
are looking for a groom for me.
Marry me somehow," she said
and cried inconsolably.
Seeing her cry...
-[speaking incoherently]
-What? What?
Seeing her cry, my heart broke
and I had tears in my eyes too.
-Don't make me repeat.
So you hugged her back
and said I love you too?
Did I say that?
Did I say I love her?
-Okay. No.
-Did I say that I love her?
-Did I tell you?
Did I express my love to her?
Did I tell anyone?
I didn't even see her face properly
in those two years you know.
Then why did you follow her for two years?
Should love be the only reason
to follow a female?
Then what?
Shouldn't the heavy gold chain
around her neck be the reason?
Here I am in pain...
Okay, it is 2:00 a.m.
Let me start the new year with a theft.
-Nice meets, man.
-I'll accompany you.
-To steal?
Go to sleep. Stop kidding.
I'll come with you.
So, you want to come with me, right?
Why are you looking up?
Looks like it may rain.
Rain, huh?
Rain means a cluster of dragonflies
will show up before the showers.
For the scent of fresh earth.
I think the Ayla booze
made my nose stuffy.
Let's focus on the job.
It's raining cats and dogs,
even a dog won't step out.
Will anyone work in this rain, huh?
-Kulfi! Kulfi! Kulfi!
Kulfi! Kulfi! Chill kulfi!
Kulfi! Chill kulfi.
-Hey! Kulfi!
-Sir, kulfi?
-Kulfi, come here.
-You want kulfi, sir?
-You come here.
Come here.
-What, sir?
Why trouble yourself selling
ice-cream in this pouring rain?
How can this be a trouble?
I have to succeed in life, sir!
This is just a drizzle!
When we had floods earlier,
people didn't have drinking water,
electricity, milk or basic necessities,
but everyone had a kulfi in their mouth!
You know who sold those kulfis?
Me. I want to succeed in life!
Hey! Hey, okay.
Calm down.
-Go, eat your kulfi.
-You don't want to buy.
-Chill, man.
-This isn't for me,
-I want to sell them.
-Hey, kulfi...
-Yes, sir.
-Come here.
-What, sir?
-He was just leaving.
How many kulfis will you sell before dawn?
-Sir, five kulfis.
-Five? Then give me five.
Hey! What's wrong with you?
You carry on.
-Go and win, sir.
You must succeed in life, sir.
Please listen to me.
Give me five kulfis now.
Here, sir.
-Today is a holiday.
-Doesn't matter.
Take it. That's all right.
Okay. Happy New Year.
Is this how you court them?
I didn't expect you to come back.
-Here is your cash.
Come, it stopped raining.
-I got lucky! Kulfi!
-We'll focus on the job at hand. Come!
Inky, pinky, ponky,
-king, queen, jackie...
-Hey! What are you doing?
Gold, silver, copper, brass,
no space in the cupboard, boss.
This is the chosen house. Come.
Hey! You call yourself a professional!
Scared stiff of dogs,
don't know to tiptoe on tiles.
Okay, follow me.
Don't be so loud, we may get caught.
What are you up to now?
The inmate is awake,
let's go elsewhere.
-Hey! So what?
-Listen to me. The person is awake.
Hey! Don't remove the tile.
What is she doing?
Wow! He is an artist!
-So, yeah...
-This is David.
-This is our Muzzafir.
The others...
I have seen somewhere.
Don't know who they are.
Why do you ask?
I want to meet Maara.
I want to know about him.
The story only I know,
some fellow has painted
all over the walls of this town.
Yeah, I... Of course I want
to know who it is.
And he's good-looking too.
-Am I right?
Can you help me?
Usman bhai. We can meet him.
It will fetch a handsome price.
Antique, for sure...
But after 200 years.
My foot, antique!
You're the one who looks
like 400-year-old antique piece.
Go and sit outside.
Get out!
Give it to me, it's mine.
If thieves steal
idols from temple,
this one is trying to con me
with new stuff.
-How come, Bhai?
It looked just like an antique.
You knew within the click of a finger.
If I tell you my secret,
you'll fill my shoes.
That's a good point.
-Hello. Hi, how may I help you?
Bhai, I told you about a Tamilian girl
staying in Maara's place, right?
-This is her. Meet Paaru.
In his house?
Why are you looking at him?
Those who stay in his house
are like the idiot who was here
without a haircut for 300 years.
That kind of people.
What brings her here?
You know the old government building
in the neighboring village...
...she is planning to apply putty
to the walls and then paint afresh.
Apply putty and paint, huh?
Usman bhai...
To maintain the antiquity
of old buildings...
Oh! Restoration architect.
May Allah bless you.
What a wonderful art!
And you call that putty...
Even if I was a pet dog of the British,
I wouldn't speak in English.
Bhai, we came to ask you about Maara...
We will discuss that.
Go and order some tea for us.
-I'll order, bhai
-Go now.
Speak to him.
You are interested
in all these artefacts too?
-Bring tea.
-Yes, Usman bhai.
We can talk about it.
Your parents are in their hometown, eh?
He has done his homework,
noted everything and drawn it.
He used to bring antiques now and then
from Arunachal Pradesh and Bangladesh.
Why bring that up now?
What do you want to know about Maaran?
I want to know the meaning
of one of his paintings.
There's a slum two streets away,
almost 200-years-old.
Government issued an order
to demolish it.
We were running from court
to police station to get a stay order.
You know what
Maaran was busy doing then?
I asked my husband if he will take me
on a sightseeing tour of the city.
He was not at all keen.
I asked my son,
he was least bothered.
But now, when the government is ready
to take me around free of charge,
I'm not interested.
How cheeky!
-Hey, Maara,
Is this the scent bottle?
Why don't you use it?
Hey! Hey, you minx!
Welcome, bhai.
Please come.
Bhai, good to see you.
What did the judge say?
He conveyed
his best regards to you!
-Is it?
-You don't stop, paint the whole town red!
Hey, Arjun, bhai is in angry mode,
spray some scent on him.
Hey! Don't! Off you go!
Tell your parents to find
alternate accommodation.
Smart Alec!
Relax, bhai.
This is like King Nero playing
his veena when Rome was up in flames.
It's not veena, bhai, it's fiddle.
Yes, that's most important now!
What is happening here?
In four days we'll be forced to evacuate,
and you are busy painting with the kids.
Even if the verdict goes against us,
at least let them be happy these few days.
They have lived here all their life,
they want to leave their signature behind.
-When the bulldozer brings it down,
your signature and fate lines
will be immaterial.
Bhai, big shots like you will prevent it,
you'll handle it very well.
-Come with me, let us paint.
-Hey, leave...
-Waste of paint and time!
Spray here. Here.
Express it from within you.
Government wanted
to demolish this place
as it was a hindrance to tourists.
When tourists made a beeline to see this
as part of their sightseeing tour,
officers left it as it was.
Sometimes to save us
from an earth-shattering issue,
we don't need a clever manipulator,
just a true artist...
and his art will do.
Actually, I have met both Maara and David.
David and his beach shack, jeep...
Awesome chap!
-Just a minute.
-No, no, chill.
Hey, Jemcy...
-Hi, Mom.
Is your work done?
-It's going on, Mom.
Did you talk to Kishore?
Yeah...I spoke.
You actually did?
What did he say?
I can't tell you all that, Mom.
You've given me one week time, right?
Never mind that.
Won't you know if you like him or not
when you speak with him?
His parents had called me
even yesterday.
I think even your grandma approves of him.
Shall I give the phone to her?
Will you talk now?
I'll talk to her tomorrow, okay?
-Hey, Paaru!
This is...the man from Pirates Club.
Do you know him?
Not really.
But definitely he belongs
to the Pirates Club.
[indistinct chatter]
[overlap of voices]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Should we interfere?
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey! Paaru! Where...
Roll the dice in your favor
Taste success with fervent fervor
-Why are you stalking me?
Sorry! Sorry!
Let go of him, sir, please! Sorry!
He will say come and go
but he won't step out of his house.
Hey! You...
He will say come and go
but he won't step out of his house.
Who is he?
Sorry, please let go of him.
Tongue is the answer!
Tongue, man! Tongue!
Will you tell me why you followed me
or shall I pull your tongue out?
It's all my fault, sorry.
We'll leave right away! Please!
We came to this place
to know about him.
Paaru, let's go.
Who is this?
-Let's get out of here!
-Yeah, whore!
Where's the booze?
Hey! You said you'll bring it
and now you're asking me?
I want booze now!
-Even I want to drink.
-I want booze now!
Hey, Chokku?
You seem familiar to me.
What are you doing in my boat?
Leave! Leave! Get off my boat!
You bring me to mid sea
when I am sleeping,
are you asking me what I'm doing here?
Oh! When this innocent babe
was simply twiddling her thumb,
-I kidnapped her.
Aren't you the kulfi guy?
Hold this.
Why did you choose this place to drink?
My father used to take me in his boat
when I was very young.
Only one day in a year,
on my birthday.
Nostalgia brought me here.
Does that mean today is your birthday?
Like a snake with a tattoo branded
Winner in this game singlehanded
Right time, roll the dice in your favor
Chase, purse, grab by the collar
This is the climax of her story
Time for the actor to rewrite history
Stop, drop, time is right now on top
Hey! Careful!
Hey! Shucks!
Happy birthday...
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Bite the bullet, grab the gauntlet
[incoherently singing]
-Did you see that?
The lighthouse.
Where is Selvi?
It is looking for Selvi, you know?
But only that lighthouse will look for me,
no one else will search.
Why? Won't your husband search?
-Who? Logu?
I have stopped that
age old profession, right?
Then why will he look for me?
Beyond the light from that lighthouse...
Somewhere in a faraway place,
I dreamt of being with him.
Do you know what he told me
the first time he set eyes on me?
"I don't want your body,
give me only your heart," he said.
But I didn't realize then
that prostitution
would become my profession.
Whatever he may have done...
he gave me Rani.
She is his heart and heartbeat.
Rani also loves him
more than she loves me.
Hey, kulfi.
Hey, Chokku.
Shall I ask you a riddle?
Okay. Go ahead.
It's like selling salt to the sea!
Go on.
If it is there,
you feel like sharing,
and when shared, it won't be there.
What is it?
If it is there,
-you'll feel like sharing...
-when shared, it won't be there.
-Come here.
What is it?
Think again.
I got it! Chastity!
It's chastity, right?
Wrong again. Think.
Wrong, huh?
Come here.
You can't see the shore from here.
The beacon of light
from the lighthouse won't search for you.
Steer wherever your heart tells you.
Damn you, drunken female!
Happy birthday, Selvi.
What is the answer?
Hey! She asked you, right?
So you tell me.
I accept defeat. Tell me, please?
What's secret about this?
Simply share it with me.
Answer is "secret."
Check with her if it's right.
If it is there, you feel like sharing,
when shared, it won't be there.
Secret... Hey, Selvi! I know the answer!
Where is she?
Hey! Where did you disappear?
Where did you...
Check if she is over there?
She was suffering
from some terrible illness.
She would have died, anyway.
But she died happily that night!
What happened to her daughter?
Father is a pimp, mother is dead.
What do you think
happened with her?
She went to school.
He was the one...
He admitted her in a school.
-Untie me!
Untie me now!
Untie me!
-Come! Come!
Untie me!
Chokku! Chokku!
Chokku, wait please!
What is it?
Do you know where Maara is now?
Maara... Maara...
Maara... Maara... Maara...
Ha! There he is! Maaran!
Maara was here
now here...somewhere here.
Maara... Maara...
Brainless bum!
What is this game?
-Vella, when did you come?
-Shut up!
What is this game you're playing?
Why are you playing with death?
Let me explain.
-Don't get mad at me.
If I don't lose my cool even for this,
then I'm...
I should be a lunatic!
Look at this gang,
total bad influence on you.
They know no etiquette!
Hey! You branded us as mad, right?
Then what's this new mudslinging?
-You'll get a tight smack on your mouth!
-Vella, just ignore him!
-You are the bad influence on him!
-Hold it, one minute.
What is your problem?
That we announced he is dead?
Or that he isn't?
What did you say? Good-for-nothing oafs!
Don't hit him!
-I'll chop you to pieces!
-Vella, listen to me! Leave him!
Listen to me. Vella, leave!
-Why are you losing your cool?
-Look what he is saying!
-He's going to kill me.
Just shut up, man!
What crime did I commit?
Come on, tell me.
Look at this oldie boiling with rage.
Let go of me.
Okay, relax.
Whew! That outburst of rage!
Some female who hasn't seen
good people in her lifetime
has jumped into the sea
like an orphan.
What's wrong if we wished a few good men
like you attend her funeral?
Hey, keep quiet...
Zip your bloody lips
or I'll beat you to death!
Ignore him. Come with me. Come.
Just come with me. Come.
Sorry, guys.
Come and sit down. Sit here.
Watch your step.
I am fit as a fiddle, right?
They came here just like you,
They yelled at me
and even had a fist fight.
After that, in the midst
of such good hearted people,
we held a procession for Selvi.
What's wrong with this?
What would you've done if something
had happened to me seeing this?
As if you'll die!
Given a chance,
he would've killed me.
Do what you want!
Shut up!
-Vella, listen to me.
-Hey! Where are you off to?
You just shut up! I'll handle this.
What happened to you?
Will you eat something?
It must have been a tiring journey.
Come, let's eat.
We know the list of guests
who will wish us on our birthday,
but do we know
who will be attending our funeral?
But he saw that!
Cheeky bugger.
Do you know where Maara is now?
That was the last time I saw him.
When I got up in the morning,
he was gone.
Where does he go?
Sometimes he comes back
with foreigners, really tanned,
or with frostbites on his nose,
with a beard and long hair
like a Godman or seer!
I never ask him where he goes,
neither he tells me.
Does Maara know that a beautiful girl
is looking for him?
Where have you hidden yourself truly?
Where does one search for you duly?
Your imprints are seen now here
Yet you are seen nowhere
How many days at a stretch
For my thoughts to quench?
Will this be an endless quest?
Or this second celebrate success?
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
Whether I wet my feet or walk away
Destiny's magic play
Without any address to go to,
Without arguing or much ado
Why did I stand here?
Tell me, my friend very dear
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
With the brush of solitude
A pretty snowflake I drew
Thanks to the sun's rays on me,
I melted into nothingness really
This is a secret design
No one else has seen
Only you and me will unite
On this bridge not yet in sight
I was like a fish roaming
In unknown waters swimming
You were in the distant horizon looming
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
This river flows down past my door
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
Relentless river of hope flows faster
No full stop to my quest hereafter
You know Maaran?
-Do you know where he is?
-I don't know.
I'm sorry.
Is there any way I can help?
This child has been missing
from school since yesterday.
Maara had entrusted her towards us.
We are teachers from the nearby school.
If you can find something about her
or know something about her,
can you please help us?
Okay, sure, ma'am.
-Thank you. Thank you so much.
Where is Rani?
Rani, huh?
Rani isn't here.
-Where is Rani?
-I know.
Room number 207.
Hey! Take her outside.
Let's go.
Do you have children?
Tell me!
-One daughter.
What do you think she's doing now?
-Tell me!
-Gone for her dance class.
Dance class.
You'll send your daughter to learn dance,
but if it's another man's daughter,
you will...
Move away! Take off your hand!
Will you come or not!
Attacked him...
-Where is he?
-He's coming.
Are you here with sir, my dear?
I was looking...
Come! Let's go!
Come, dear!
She is my daughter, sir. It's fine.
Why do you lay your hands
on a poor man's belly, sir?
Don't poke your nose, sir.
I'm taking Rani with me.
From now on Rani will live the life
her mother Selvi intended for her.
If you come looking for Rani...
[indistinct chatter]
Looking only for you
My sleepless eyes scan high and low
All over the town searching for you
I want to share my thoughts with you
In a language no one else will know
Mystical river I follow!
I crossed the seven seas to search for you
My feet still wet, I stand here now
A moment in time, poignant
Answer my question, this instant
Looking for only you all the way
I will meet you one day
Crossing the seventh mountain and sea,
I will meet you soon verily
Hey! Hey!
Why this sudden dashing madness?
You knocked everything down.
Sorry. Sorry.
Got caught?
Not his fault, sir. My box just fell down.
Don't be so forgiving.
Just look up, sir.
He has scribbled all these silly doodles.
Travelling without a ticket
and thinks he's Michelangelo!
Couldn't he get any other place to draw?
He seems very talented, sir.
Sir, are you supporting him?
You didn't buy a ticket, right?
Pay up the fine.
Sir, how do you expect him
to have money...
He has, huh?
All good now?
Name, Maara.
Lovely name.
Has no home of his own,
doesn't know his home town.
You are roaming around like a wanderer?
Are you a retired postman?
Are those letters you never delivered?
Letters that were returned.
Oh! That's why they all had
a seal with "Return" on it?
You noticed that too?
Why are you writing over it?
-It's fading, right?
-Whose letter is it?
-My letter, of course.
-Oh! This is also returned, huh?
To draw.
The vowel marker is
missing in the letter "ka."
Neither was it written earlier.
You can at least rectify it now.
To even read someone else's letter
is height of un-refinement,
you're finding faults in it too!
Even at this age you have 20/20 vision.
Even if the letters are faded,
you overwrite so clearly.
Even if this fades completely,
I won't forget every letter
and line here till I die.
Oh! Love letter, huh?
Where are you going now?
Eight thousand feet from here...
in between the sky and the clouds,
a beautiful hill-town.
I own a farm over there.
A property I inherited.
That's where I'm going.
Will I get a job there?
You can't get a job as an artist there!
Any job is fine with me.
Oh! You don't mind any job?
Not like that...
Either the job should be new
or the town, that's enough.
Will you employ me, huh?
Okay, come.
Hey! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Hey! Here... Here.
Aren't you a thief?
This is Maara!
This is me!
How come?
Looks great.
Did you draw this?
That's okay. Sir must have drawn it.
-What happened after this?
Why didn't he draw what followed?
Only after this,
surprising events followed.
Let's look for it.
-Must be here somewhere.
-Hey! Hey!
I need to know what happened after this.
-It isn't anywhere here.
-Is that so?
I was the one who climbed up first.
You know, I usually climb
however high in a jiffy.
I climbed up.
Maara was coming behind me.
I removed the tile,
kept it aside and peeped in.
-Oh! Please, let go of the gun!
Let go!
Stop her! Hello! Madam!
Madam, where are you running? Madam...
She should have died that night.
Just missed!
From that day on, I gave up
my profession as a thief.
I mean, I gave up robbing tiled houses!
Okay, show me that house please.
Go there again, huh?
There's a gun in that house!
And a lunatic carries it all the time.
What are you saying?
Is that you?
Okay, fine, if you want,
I'll take you there tonight.
How can we go now?
I won't know the route during the day.
Inky, pinky, ponky,
king, queen, jackie...
Uh, nothing.
Gold, silver, copper, brass,
no space in the cupboard, boss.
This house! This one!
I am 100% sure! You can go.
Hello! Your coolers.
-It's yours now.
How do you know Mr. Maara?
I don't know him yet.
One room is yours, one room is mine,
Will a door between open for a lifetime?
One wave is yours, one wave is mine,
Will the sea in between melt by design?
One end is yours, one end is mine,
Will both our poles meet to combine?
One cloud is yours, one cloud is mine,
Will the moon cross in between anytime?
One story is yours, one story is mine,
Will this riddle be solved soon sometime?
I see before my eyes nowadays,
100 hues and 100 gateways
I turn into and fly as a nightingale
Crossing many a hill and vale
A house came into my view
Through grey clouds and blue skies
I saw a swing gently sway
Which any wayfarer can swing and play
Floral breeze blows through
Like a counterpane to cover you
How do you know my name?
How do you know my name?
I just know.
What do you want?
Oh! Where is Dr. Kani?
You'll find her near that nursery.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
I found Nithya! Out! Out!
Out! Out! Out!
Just sprinkle water
on the new saplings over there.
-Over there?
-Next to it also.
Sir, someone has come.
Whom do you want?
Can I meet Dr. Kani?
Dr. Kani, huh? She was here.
Someone has come in search of you.
Your name?
She's coming.
Hi, I'm Paaru.
I went to your house in search of you.
Just a minute.
Have you come this far
in search of this story?
-Vella, listen to me...
-Just a minute.
Let go! Don't drag me like an accused!
-You are an accused.
-Yes, Vellaiya.
You gave tablets to Sampath
because he is unwell, right?
You know what he did?
He gave him a bottle of brandy.
-He doesn't even drink, poor thing.
-What do you mean just brandy?
As if it is medicine
if you add a few peppercorns?
Booze is booze, drunkard!
-Tell him your verdict.
-Don't do this hereafter, Selvam.
I didn't give him
as much as we drink.
One small shot.
-He's overreacting for that!
What does that mean?
Kani'ma, you too?
I should be knocked down
for asking you to mediate!
Daily add a stiff drink
as nightcap to your diet,
only then you won't need
this scarf and this sweater.
You guzzle a few extra pegs
and strip all this.
No problem.
Here...all yours.
Don't forget to down a neat into you!
Oh, dear drunkard...
You just can't be reformed, I swear.
Biggest boozer in this world...
Is she your friend?
Look, how it flies. It's coming.
It's coming...
Move aside. Move. Move.
This is...This is Paaru.
He is Vellaiya.
-Who is...
-Oh, no!
-Hey, Mithra.
-What, Vella?
One of these days
I will shoot it down like a sparrow.
Chill, Vella! Chill. Chill.
Go, go, go! Great escape!
If I ask him to sprinkle fertilizer
on my land, he does it from a flight!
Vellaiya is all-in-all here.
How can a single man do all this?
I have a lot of support.
Why did you keep your bag over there?
Take it inside.
-I have to leave.
You came just now
and you want to leave right away.
How did you come?
-By bus.
-In the afternoon bus, right?
Okay. The same bus comes here
tomorrow at noon,
forget that,
you can take the same bus
day after tomorrow.
Don't you agree with me? Isn't it right?
Lingam. Lingam, come here.
Listen, look at me.
-Don't we have a room facing east?
Get that room cleaned up for our guest.
Take her bag in.
-Why are you hesitating?
No, sir, if Maara brother comes...
He comes once in a blue moon
like a fig tree blooming!
Can we keep that room empty always?
Just do as I say. He is Lingam.
-Greetings, madam.
-Her name is Paaru.
Doctor's friend.
Take her bag inside.
-I can carry it.
-No, that's okay.
Listen, Paaru,
you can ask any help you need
anytime from anyone here,
no worries at all.
You shouldn't do that.
Vella, look what has
happened to my remote.
-Hey, Vella!
Let me go check on him.
How drunk are you?
Postman, where is my money order?
Vella has come, give me the remote.
Let's go inside, madam.
You go rest, I'll meet you at dinner.
-Oh! I would've served myself.
-Please sit.
What brings you here?
Why? What will you do knowing that?
Look who's talking!
Came on a sightseeing tour?
No, Kamalamma,
she got lost in a story,
and she's here looking for something.
-Good boy.
-What is that story?
Shut up! Why are you yelling?
Lingam, water.
-Listen, Paaru...
-Thank you.
don't even by mistake tell these old man
you're here for a story.
Listening to stories is like
eating a dessert for them.
Especially, this man, Vellaiyan,
if he starts talking about Meenakshi...
-Hi, Vellaiya.
-Hi, Vellaiya.
Looks like you're talking about me.
When I came, you suddenly zipped your lips
and greeted me, what does that mean?
I've become old, right?
Thought it's better to speak less.
-That's good. Good decision.
-Thank you.
Is Paaru married?
Not yet.
I'm not married either.
I'm a bachelor too!
-Where are you from?
Madurai is my home town.
Where in Madurai?
Melamasi street.
Near Meenakshi Amman Temple.
Look, how he manages to somehow
bring up Meenakshi's name!
I know a Meenakshi too.
Why is money changing hands?
Nothing, Vella,
within two minutes of sitting at the table
you'll bring up Meenakshi's story
with Paaru was their bet.
-Lingam has won!
Has my Meenakshi's story
become a gambling game for you?
Not like that.
Vella, why are you
getting angry about this?
Paaru, I told you to be cautious.
Thanks to you, I've lost Rs.20 now.
Who is Meenakshi?
Meenakshi was our Vellaiyan's girlfriend
in his past.
Hey, what do you mean by
girlfriend in my past?
-Listen, dear, she is...
-Eat, Vella!
We will tell her. What do you say, Mithra?
-Of course, we can tell.
Alangulam is a town...
A river flows in the middle of that town.
This side of the river bank
was Vella's house,
on the other side...
-Meenakshi's house.
With Vella looking out of his window,
and Meenakshi looking out of her window,
-love floated in midair to-and-fro.
-Height of love!
Vella sir will keep Meenakshi's photo
under his pillow and you should see
the way he romanced...
-A-ha! Whoa!
why don't you show that photo to Paaru?
Just show it,
she won't become less beautiful!
Can my Meenakshi's beauty
be confined to a mere photo?
Then where else can it be fitted into?
-Hey, stop it!
Irritating that poor man.
Listen to the rest
of his love story, my dear.
Even though it was a classic, epic love,
our Vellaiyan hasn't uttered
a single word to that girl.
When this love was in process,
one day,
he decided to express his love.
Therefore he erected a stage
in the middle of the town just for her,
and staged a play,
that's our dear Vellaiyan for you.
[singing a dance-drama song]
Please stop, Bhagavathar!
Pattaya, I beg you to stop singing!
Get up, devotee.
-Thank you.
Is that right?
Just as I expected,
-Meenakshi came to watch my play.
Whatever I wanted to tell her,
I spoke as dialogs in my drama.
Her family came to know of it
and it became a major issue.
Along with that problem,
torrential downpour also.
When it rains, visibility across
the river is bare minimum.
-So, window-love vanished into thin air.
-Gone with the wind!
I was in such a tizzy
not able to meet her for a week.
I somehow managed to bring
the courage and wrote her a letter.
I took that letter with me...
I stood outside her house
after the rain stopped.
The whole town was submerged in the flood.
People took their belongings
and evacuated the place.
-Then what?
Meenakshi got her golden chance
for a great escape!
Till date, he is hell-bent
on giving her that letter.
I am determined!
I will stand waiting
for the next seven births!
What do you care?
Suit yourself.
Hey, they are teasing you
and you are taking it to heart?
Take it easy.
All of you finished eating?
Get up, plate is getting dry.
Your hands are dry too, get up.
There's a pleasure mixed
with the pain in waiting.
No one understands it
until they experience it.
-It is over.
-Thank you, Doctor.
-That's it.
-Thank you.
Paaru, where are you?
Your mobile was unreachable.
Your friend is covering up for you.
You lied to me
saying you spoke to Kishore.
What is your problem?
Whatever! Your wish!
-Hello, how are you?
-Throw it to me.
Don't throw the ball with such force,
it will get away.
-Hi, sister.
Here, I'm throwing it slowly.
Sorry, I'm late.
More patients today.
-No problem.
-Would you like to have some biscuits?
Thank you.
When I first met you,
I thought you are another reporter.
Until now my photo has been
published twice in the newspaper.
Once when I came first
in the State in school-level,
another time was when I killed a baby!
When I came first in the state,
a frowning photo of mine was in papers.
But the photo published second time,
I was smiling ear-to-ear
flashing my teeth!
Headline next to that photo,
"Lady doctor who killed
a ten-year-old girl."
I insisted, fought with my chief doctor
and this was my first operation.
It was a very simple case.
But I killed a young girl.
All her dreams in life...
I snuffed with a minor mistake of mine.
That guilt...
I was angry with myself...
All these emotions multiplied...
I went to the brink of committing suicide.
Madam, what is your problem?
Hey! Hey!
Listen to me, put that gun down!
Put the gun down, let's have a chat.
Listen to me! Lower your gun!
Don't do it!
Please let go of the gun!
-Let go!
-Let go!
-Okay! Okay! Just leave it!
Okay, fine! Fine!
No point in holding that gun
because the bullet is with me.
Whatever it is, we can discuss, right?
Tell me what your problem is.
Madam, give me that gun!
Hello! Hello!
Hello! Is no one at home?
Hello! Please stop her! Hello!
Wait! Wait!
Hello, why are you running away?
I'm short of breath,
let's sit and talk it over.
Listen to me. Hello!
Please stop! Hello?
You ran all the way
just to come to this place?
Doesn't look like a special place to me!
What do you want now?
I'll hand you over to the police!
You broke in to steal, right?
Do you want a hefty sum
for saving my life?
I have nothing to offer!
Hey, do you think you are a hero!
Then you shouldn't have saved me at all.
If you find out what I did,
you would kill me...
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Do you know how hard
it is to kill yourself?
I don't know who you are
or what your problem is.
You don't have to tell me either.
Because you'll regret it after that.
Entire town knows what I did.
How does it matter
whether you know it or not?
Whatever it is...
But if you kill yourself
the reason behind that
will be remembered, not you.
I don't even know your name,
I don't even have the right
to say you can't die either,
but knowingly or unknowingly
I've delayed your death a little bit.
After this, it's your call.
But just in case you change your mind,
I will be the most jealous
person in this world!
Because after this, the same world
will look very different to you!
I'm actually jealous.
I'll walk you home.
I'm not going home.
Then shall we have tea together?
Best tea in this world.
With honey from the mountains, huh?
My name is Maara.
Nice to meet you, Kani.
O beautiful strokes of nature,
Sky paints a touch-me-not picture
As you withdraw or shy away,
A golden dawn is on display
Immersed in that sight
My mind blooms in delight
O mind with memories anew
Below the sparkling droplets of dew
I yearn ever so truly
To hide in the dewdrop deeply
Searches for shelter duly...
O wild wind carefree
On an uninterrupted spree
Blustery wind boisterous
Turbulent and tempestuous
Distant waves caress feet
This is a river of magical feat
Porch is sprinkled with clouds yielding
This is rain pure and pristine
Standing in a corner can see
During festival days especially
Even the sky can become silent
Without the moon as an ornament
When a house reaches out immediately
With a warm welcome compassionately
Chit-chat with that hospitality encore
What other boon can you wish for?
O wild wind unrestrained
Choppy and unconstrained
Huffy wind unruly
Strong gust squally
Preventing happiness available
From bursting like a bubble
One who brings people together
Provides shelter from rough weather
Time has a way
Of being foresighted and wise
To bring forth such a man before your eyes
Even in dreams, a rarity,
This magic happened in reality
Who is that man with the wand of destiny?
Is he a mirage in the horizon imaginary?
A divine chariot of glory
Or prologue in pages of history?
A glimpse of a fleeting smile in theory?
O beautiful strokes of nature,
Sky paints a touch-me-not picture
As you withdraw or shy away,
A golden dusk/dawn is on display
O mind with memories anew
Below the sparkling droplets of dew
I yearn ever so truly
To hide in the dewdrop deeply
O wickedly wild wind carefree
On a rebellious relentless spree...
Good morning.
Let's go.
you can stay here as long as you want,
no one will question you.
From here you can go
in any direction you want.
You can leave whenever you want to.
But when you leave, don't inform them.
They won't let you go.
And one small favor.
There's a village nearby.
Name is Malaivaasal.
In case of any emergency,
villagers have to travel 20 km.
whenever you are free,
when you feel like going somewhere,
please visit that village.
I'll really appreciate it.
Okay. I have to leave now.
Bye, see you later.
Hey, where are you going?
To your town.
I promised a beautiful 80-year-old-girl
that I would return.
She will be waiting for me. Bye.
Vellaiya says Maara enters
someone's life
only if it's predestined.
Someone else could've
saved me that day,
but a chance like this to live
with such endearing people,
I doubt if I would've got it.
Maara visited us only a few times
this year.
Every now and then he calls.
Last time he came here with Rani
and we haven't seen him since.
Is she asleep?
Yes, she is.
If this is home to Maara,
where else you think
he would go?
No idea.
He will wander around
for two or three days happily,
then all of sudden,
as if he remembered something
he will just leave.
But everyone will miss him like crazy.
Vellaiya's birthday in another two days.
Everyone is getting geared up for that.
Why this tearing hurry?
You can stay a few more days.
I came all this way only to know
the epilog of your story.
I have to leave now.
You came this far
just in search of my story?
I think Maara will come
for Vella's birthday.
I think you should stay.
Okay, shall we have dinner?
-I'll get changed.
-Will Vella go or not?
Why is he still sitting here tonight?
shall we go?
I am not going anywhere,
I'm sitting tight right here!
Carry on if you have any important work.
Shall we go?
Oh! Let's escape then.
-Leave then!
-Shall we go?
Leo, come.
-Sir, let's go inside.
-Come. Come.
Sir, come inside.
Where are you off to? Come.
-We shall gaze at the stars in the sky.
-Come with me.
Don't gaze too much,
do so in moderate measures!
[man singing indistinctly]
They are all rushing off to get sloshed.
Out of a semblance of a tiny bit
of respect they didn't want to announce.
-I am going to booze.
Want to join?
How did you manage
without speaking a single word?
With Meenakshi.
In our days it wasn't that easy
for lovers to meet alone or chat.
As a drama artiste, I wanted to meet
and talk to Meenakshi a lot...
True, I've enacted many dramas...
In a way, we met often and we spoke a lot.
But not just the two of us, that's all.
Where is Meenakshi now?
I don't know.
You never met her after that?
Didn't you search for her?
What a question!
I got the job as a postman
only to look for Meenakshi!
Return Letters Office.
I should deliver letters
without any address
in various villages and small towns.
Twenty-seven years.
I kept knocking on doors hoping
Meenakshi would answer
with a racing heart, you know.
I went from many villages
to innumerable towns,
and I landed up here in the end.
I last saw her about 50 years ago.
"Whichever corner of the world you are in,
I will come in search of you."
I've uttered these dialogs
in a play for her.
Why are you playing
with electricity so late at night?
-Nothing. Nothing.
-Don't worry, Vella.
Don't be such a strict daddy, Vella,
we will take care of ourselves.
Strict daddy, huh?
I had a strict, disciplined upbringing.
My father would yell at me
if I went to a theater.
If he had known my plays
were only for Meenakshi,
I wonder what he would have done?
Maybe he knew.
That's why he sent for me
and slapped me twice for no reason.
Perhaps, he knew.
I don't remember clearly.
I'm forgetting my past.
More than the fact
that I haven't found Meenakshi,
the fear of forgetting her
really haunts me.
Can I see Meenakshi's photo?
That, huh? That's Maara.
You haven't met him, right?
-He'll be here all the time.
Now and then he will vanish into thin air.
These are old photos of Maara and me.
This is...
This... You asked to see...
Photo is old
and maybe faded here and there
but she is a true beauty.
Should we throw in another log?
I'll do it.
It is said love has the power
to take a man to places
he has never dreamt of visiting.
I went too...
Whether I got back my beloved or not,
this place,
these lovely people around me,
Meenakshi is the reason
for my present comfortable life.
Why are you meddling
with electricity there?
I told you to fix the plug
before you switch it on.
-Big pain, I swear...
-Old man has come here also!
He will make me freeze to death!
I told you right then to stop working.
Can only hold the bulb now!
Ruining my sleep!
Who asked you to meddle with it?
-Vella, we were just testing it.
-Yes, Vella.
You go sleep, Vella.
You don't worry about my sleep,
if your job is done, come in.
[indistinct chatter]
-Is it really required?
-Let me check.
Oh, no! Maara is coming.
He'll get flustered
if he sees me with this!
-Keep it here, we'll check later!
-Catch. Catch.
-You guys are old now!
Catch, catch, catch him!
Don't say anything in front of him.
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Why are you running so fast?
Emergency urgency, Vella.
-Did someone stay in my room?
-Yes, bro.
Doctor's friend, a girl, came here.
She just left and you walk in.
My God!
-Hey! How are you doing?
-How are you?
-I'm fine, thank you.
Some friend of yours came it seems.
She had come...
but not my friend.
She said she came looking for me...
she lied.
-She came looking for you.
You've spoken to each other
over the phone it seems, huh?
Why did she...
Why did she come?
-I don't know.
I really don't know.
I went back to my studio
a few days ago,
everyone said the same thing
you are telling me now
that a girl is looking for me.
But she came this far in search of me?
Does she have some problem?
Only if she has a problem,
should she come in search of you?
Nothing of that sort.
He thinks everyone is waiting
for him to come and save them.
Hey! That's not fair.
I didn't mean that.
How did you get this?
Though a weirdo, he is a good artist.
Don't spoil it.
This brought her here.
But she came in search of you.
To come this far for a story...
I haven't seen a loony female
as bad as you until now.
Come and check on Vella!
What happened?
-He didn't have lunch either...
He has spread out all those letters
and staring blankly at them.
How many more times will you repeat this?
What happened to you?
-Find out what's with him.
Brother, can you get me
some hot water and a towel?
I'll bring it.
What happened?
It has all faded in this letter.
What has faded? Show it to me.
You know this letter by rote.
The ink has faded,
but what if I too forget?
How will you forget?
We can always rewrite.
-Where... Give it.
-What is the problem?
Nothing to worry.
-Sit here. I'll come. Where is your pen?
-Nothing to worry. Come, let's go.
Tell me.
"I, Vellaiya,
am writing..."
" writing this letter
to my beloved Meenakshi."
That is all! Simple.
Why get worked up about it?
"Am writing this letter
to my beloved Meenakshi."
Next line?
"Yesterday when people had gathered
like waves in the sea..."
-" the auditorium..."
-In the auditorium...
-"In the midst of that huge crowd..."
In the midst of that huge crowd...
-"I saw your lovely fish-like eyes..."
-Oh! Wow!
"I...saw your...
I saw your lovely fish-like eyes
from the stage.
We spoke with our eyes."
Vellai is fine.
Blood pressure is normal.
Can't you believe
the diagnosis of a doctor?
Just a bad dream. That's all.
Really, Doctor?
Can a stethoscope find all that, huh?
Okay, if you are so concerned,
why don't you spend more time with him?
Not knowing where you go
or when you'll be back,
you want that man
to keep waiting for you?
Even I have no clue where I go
or when I take off, Kani!
Seriously, I don't know.
He just adopted a wandering tramp
he knew nothing about, raised me,
he gave me a roof over my head
and a family...
Who will do all this, Kani?
This man did that for me.
I told myself, "I will find
your Meenakshi for you, old man,"
I went down this same road
with a lot of bravado 20 years ago.
But till date I haven't found Meenakshi.
Okay, Maara.
But even if you find Meenakshi...
I don't know.
But my responsibility will be over, right?
I don't have to see him daily
like this, yearning to see her.
Kani, if there was a woman
called Meenakshi,
something must have
happened to her, right?
Was she swept away in the flood?
Or did she escape?
Or is she happily married to someone
and named her grandson Vellaiya?
Or just like him...
is she mooning over her past
sitting and crying in a corner?
Or is she dead?
Any news like this? Any grain of truth?
I'm in deep anguish daily hoping
I can convey some news
to him about her, Kani!
Because of your quest...
can this become your life, Maara?
You are 100% right.
But when I sit there
on that hilltop with my friends,
or when I am in bed with a beautiful girl,
whenever I find pleasure
in such precious moments,
I am unable to enjoy it
in every sense of the word
because something keeps nagging me
in some corner of my mind and heart.
I can't focus on anything.
I'm scared, Kani.
In this world a thing considered as
treasure today turns into trash tomorrow.
A man with just one letter,
and an old, faded photograph
incapable of betraying
her even in his thoughts
have been waiting for her for 50 years...
Think about it, Kani.
Can't I help this man
retrieve his peace of mind?
All I did was hunt high and low,
visit every town that gave me a lead,
and ended up as a lunatic scribbling
on the walls of our hill-town!
-Many, many happy returns, Vellaiya!
-Happy birthday, Grandpa!
-Happy birthday, Vella!
-Happy birthday!
Is this an age to celebrate my birthday?
Then why are you tip-top
ready like this?
-You call this tip-top?
-Of course.
-Happy birthday, Vellaiya.
-Thank you, dear.
-Did you see Maara anywhere?
-No, I didn't.
Did you see him?
He said he was going
to the church this morning.
Church, huh?
What work does
that devil have in the church?
Your dear devil has gone to buy wine.
Shut up!
Let that child at least
step into a place of worship.
Spreading atheism all the time!
He took a bundle and said
he was giving a gift to someone.
He is distributing gifts
on my birthday, huh?
Why not give it yesterday or tomorrow?
What's special about today?
He thinks he's Santa Claus.
Will he give it whole year around?
What are you searching?
I wanted a twine to tie this firm...
On that second shelf,
there is a cup on the third spot,
it's there.
You are right.
-Look! A white car.
-Let's see who has come.
-Visu, wait for me!
-What, Lingam?
A big car for our big shot is here?
Let's see who it is.
Wait for me!
I thought...
when you said Maara and church...
Today is your birthday, right?
They have come to bless you.
Well and truly caught!
Maara will go out of his way
to do something I don't like.
-I'll give him a piece of my mind later.
-Vellaiya, wait.
Not knowing who they are
why get annoyed?
-They may get offended.
-Let them be!
-As if I called them!
-Hey, Vellaiya!
Where are you all off to?
Wretched fellows!
At least tell me and then go.
Wait, old man, we'll come and tell you.
Happy birthday, Vellaiya.
Paaru! What a surprise!
When did you come, dear?
Just now.
They have come with me.
What, my dear?
What happened?
I heard a story when I was very young.
That story brought me here to all of you.
In the story you relentlessly
narrate to everyone here,
you often talk of the play you enacted.
But no one knows
the story of your drama, right?
Except one person.
Having lost the fish...
a quest, crossing forests,
climbing mountains,
cruising the high seas...
a soldier's story.
Mary aunty shared the same story with me.
She went from village to village
serving the needy through medical camps,
she had no address to call her own
and decades sped past like this.
She was born in a small village...
Her parents had named her...
Meenakshi? Meen...
I was waiting, awaiting eagerly
To hear your footsteps lead towards me
I was searching here, there,
Restlessly, relentlessly everywhere
Till the farthest distance
My eyes could glance
I lived each day anew
With precious memories of you
Half a picture in my memories eyeful
The other half in my dreams joyful
Same state everyday hopeful
Unable to express my feelings openly
I was in the same plight heartbrokenly
I was searching here, there,
Restlessly relentlessly everywhere
Till the farthest distance
My eyes could glance
Like the first letter without an address
I floated in midair as a paper roaming
With many doors on my face slamming
I knocked many doors longingly
Unknown faces looked out at me
I became a rain bearing cloud expectantly
Looking for a special face I wanted to see
Hundred stories untold within me
When I could share spontaneously
Soulful words sitting tongue-tied
On the brink my lips just died
I became silent inside
Time will freeze to a standstill
Winds will cry, tears spill
If this second I died, I consent gladly
In the rain of tears
Soulfully seas will ripple dolefully
Our Vellaiyan's Meenakshi.
In a small village called Alangulam...
Hey! Hey!
There lived a man named Vellaiya...
who was acting in plays for many decades.
One day,
to meet him and to enjoy his play
a beautiful girl came there it seems.
What did Vellaiya do?
As he was acting
his eyes were only on that beautiful girl.
That soldier...
How did he get his fish in the end?
In your drama...
How did the soldier
get his fish in the end?
That...That I don't remember.
But in the play, it was found
in the next five minutes.
Today...Today is my birthday.
Happy birthday, Vella.
My Meenakshi!
That's my Meenakshi!
Hey, Mithra! Come, hurry up! Come!
Paaru brought her.
If only they had met much earlier,
by now they would have had
grandchildren our age, right?
If not your age...
at least mine.
But this place,
these lovely people and me...
we would have been elsewhere
leading different lives.
Neither would I have
wandered off on my own
and stand here holding hands with a man
who didn't even tell me his name!
You can call me Maara.
subtitled by Rekhs
assisted by Harini