Macabre Mountain (2023) Movie Script
(film whirring)
(film whirring continues)
(gentle music)
(techno music)
(moose braying)
(tense music)
(Sally gasping)
(light buzzing)
(Sally whimpering)
(light buzzing) (tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Sally gasping)
(tense music)
(Sally gasping)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(dramatic music)
(Sally yelling)
(tense music)
(Sally yelling)
(tense music)
(Sally whimpering)
(tense music)
(Sally whimpering)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Robert] I'm not that
far out, I can make it.
(tense music)
(Sally panting)
(tense music)
[Colton] Where are you?
[Robert] Five minutes out.
[Colton] Don't.
[Robert] Too late.
[Colton] Local is
mobilizing, let them catch up.
[Robert] That's what you're for.
[Colton] I'm 30 out.
[Robert] She's dead in 10.
(Sally panting)
(Sally yelling)
(Sally whimpering)
(foot thudding)
(Sally panting)
[Janie] Colton just called.
[Robert] Don't start.
[Janie] Wait for backup.
[Robert] No one is telling him to wait.
[Janie] Robert.
[Robert] Sorry.
(Sally panting)
(drone whirring)
(drone whirring continues)
(Sally panting)
(Sally panting continues)
(Sally whimpering)
(Sally panting)
(Sally panting continues)
Hey, over here.
(Sally panting)
(Sally sighing)
(tense music)
(gun cocking)
(Sally whimpering)
Oh God.
(tense music)
(sirens wailing)
(sirens wailing continues)
(tense music)
FBI, hands in the air.
Jeremiah Doubleday,
you don't wanna do this.
Oh, I really do.
What do you people want?
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Take the knife away from her throat.
[Robert] Jeremiah.
(dramatic music)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(body thudding)
(tense music)
(Sally screaming) (man laughing)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
[Xavier] Wait here.
Call if you need to.
Of course.
(car door thudding)
I'm going to the hardware store.
You got the list?
Of course you do.
(tense music)
Well, hello there.
Mayor Carl.
And welcome to Buckhannon.
Yeah, I was not expecting to see you.
I am everywhere.
It would seem so.
I wanted to be the
first to welcome the man
who's bringing Macabre
Mountain back to this town.
Are you really gonna
open up that place again?
I am.
One day only?
One day only.
Well you sure got the
people in this town all excited.
Half of 'em love you, the other half,
they're saying the name Xavier Knox
through gritted teeth, my friend.
Well some people,
they just don't like to deal
with the harsher side of history.
But if you don't deal with it...
Oh, I know, I know, it repeats itself.
That's right.
You just make sure that check clears,
and I'll see that any and all complaints
are screened properly.
Well, now to that I say wonderful.
I bid you a good day, sir.
Oh, Mr. Knox?
[Xavier] Yes.
Is it true Lisa Lovejoy
is coming to town?
[Xavier] That I guarantee.
[Xavier] Yes, sir.
I like that a lot.
I like it.
(traffic rumbling)
I guess it's time to
make some new friends.
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(manager inhaling)
(footsteps pattering)
[Colton] Hello?
What's up man?
I'm looking for someone.
Aren't we all?
[Colton] He's staying here.
All right, well, I
mean, I can't just tell you
the names of people staying here, you know?
[Colton] Mm.
It's a little illegal.
I know the name, I need his room.
Well, what was the name?
(door knocking)
(Colton sighing)
Should have guessed.
(Colton sighing)
(water running)
What time is it?
[Colton] It's a little after eight.
In the morning?
Are you serious?
Get dressed.
Let's get some breakfast.
There's a diner just up the street.
I've been there before.
I haven't, so get dressed.
(truck engine rumbling)
[Maggie] Sorry I'm late.
You're fine.
Zeke has me on for an extra
hour this morning anyways.
Because you're always late.
Not always.
What do we got?
[Lilly] Just check on
them, I know the friend's
in the bathroom, I guess.
[Maggie] I can handle it.
Oh, don't offer them straws.
Yeah, I could see that.
I've been advised.
(paper rustling)
Good morning.
[Maggie] Can I get
you started on anything?
Yes, can I please have a coffee?
For your friend?
She'll have diet whatever you got.
[Maggie] We have that.
I'll be right back.
No straws, please.
[Maggie] Oh, of course.
Thank you.
Did you order me something to drink?
Yes, diet.
You should see the bathrooms.
They're really nice.
That's super weird.
[Shelby] What are you reading?
[Monica] I am just going
through the Slasher files.
The cops here were dicks.
Yeah, because they're
probably hiding something.
You know, what I really want to interview
that agent if we can.
The one that shot him?
I just think he's the
missing piece in all of this.
Not a chance, he's long gone.
So what's next.
Oh, Monica?
We already did a show on it.
Not a fan favorite.
[Monica] But they're reopening, so...
For one night.
Yes, and for that one
night we are gonna be there
and we are gonna go live.
[Shelby] I guess.
[Maggie] Here you go.
[Shelby] Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Sorry, just kind of overheard,
are you two reporters?
We've got like 200,000 subscribers.
I'm not sure what all that means,
but it sounds impressive.
It's a start.
We have a YouCast Live
show where people can call in,
giveaways, Q&As, that kind of thing.
A radio show?
Sort of.
We talk about murder
cases, follow the details.
Even try to solve them on occasion,
when Monica gets too invested.
Sometimes you gotta
step in when like the cops...
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, well, let me know
if you guys need anything.
Food, desserts.
[Shelby] Thank you.
[Shelby] Where are the straws.
Hey, can I see the Slasher file again?
- Why?
- Gimme.
Hey, do you remember
how many people died?
- 11, all kids.
- Yes, that's right.
That's right.
Yeah, that's crazy.
20 years to the day.
Definitely have the timing right.
How about that?
[Monica] What are you talking about?
- Look.
- What?
[Maggie] Morning, Robert.
Morning, Maggie.
You want the usual?
Yes, please.
Can I get you anything?
I'm good.
- See you in there.
- Thanks.
[Colton] I guess
you've eaten here before.
Yeah, a few times.
You really look like shit.
Thank you.
No, I mean it.
You really know how to
make me feel good, don't you?
Sorry, I've just never seen you this low.
I can't handle all this flattery.
Forget it.
It wasn't your fault.
It's too soon.
It's never too soon to talk.
I hesitated, Colton.
The guy was a psycho.
And she was a young kid.
I know.
You need to call Janie,
she's worried about you.
[Robert] I'm sure she is.
She's your sister, she worries.
She analyzes me.
She's also a therapist,
it's what she does.
I don't need a therapist.
Just talk to her.
Try again.
[Maggie] I can't let you back there.
[Dale] Look, I just need talk to her.
[Maggie] Dale, I can't do that.
[Dale] I'm just gonna talk to her.
[Maggie] Okay, I think
it's best if you leave.
All right, then tell
her to come out here.
[Maggie] Wanda?
(tense music)
Go home, Dale.
She ain't coming out.
Wanda, God damn it,
would you just stay outta this?
You tell Lilly to come out
here, or I'm gonna go back there
and I'm gonna hit her.
I'm sorry.
Oh, you're gonna be.
Get out of my way.
[Robert] Hey!
Now you stay outta this.
Help her up.
You heard me.
(tense music)
I'm sorry, she's resting.
(tense music)
What the hell, man?
You need to learn how to treat a lady.
Hey, forget this jerk.
(dramatic music)
(Colton thudding)
(fists thudding) (men grunting)
(tense music)
[Maggie] You know, I had that jerk
right where I wanted him.
Sorry to take him off your hands.
Well, I'll let you get
away with it this time.
Hey, so we saw what you
did and that was very cool.
Not a lot of guys
would've stood up like that.
So that's pretty awesome.
Also, my friend Shelby
says you look really familiar,
like maybe you're in movies or TV.
Not if I can help it.
Okay, I'm Monica, this is Shelby,
and we have a podcast called "Nightscare."
Well we investigate true crime stories.
We're in town for the
Circle City Slasher case.
Well, we'd just really
love to interview you.
Monica, I don't think
this is the best idea.
Listen to your friend there,
we aren't interested in talking about it.
Well, if you change your
mind, just give me a call.
People would really love to hear the truth.
Have a nice day.
You sure attract the weird ones, bud.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(bird cawing)
(tense music)
[Bird] Get 'em, Scarecrow.
(tense music)
(wire clicking)
(victim groaning)
(tense music)
I get that.
Well, it's not my first day in forensics.
No, it just doesn't add up.
There's nothing tying
the girl to the Mountain.
Sure, I'll keep looking.
I'll see you tomorrow at the station.
Ah, so you are still alive?
Yeah, maybe.
How are you, Janie?
I'm okay.
The question is, how are you doing?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Quiet as ever.
I'm sorry.
It's okay, you know
I'm not your therapist.
You act like it sometimes.
So I heard what happened the other day.
The diner.
No, that's Colton's fault.
Colton talks way too much.
(Janie chuckling)
Always the hero.
I'm no hero.
Colton said it was the first
time that you actually seemed
like yourself since, you know.
Yeah, maybe.
You always did stand up to
a bully, and I'm proud of you.
If you say so.
So how are you really doing?
I'm done.
- I'm done.
- Please.
Don't go, I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Sit down.
I won't be your therapist anymore.
You know how you get.
We all do.
When you're on a case.
You know, when you have a puzzle to solve,
it gives you purpose.
Yeah, so what's your point?
My point is maybe you should
stop wallowing in your misery
and get back to work.
You know, get your mind
off things for a while.
You aren't my therapist.
I'm sorry, true that.
But you are my brother.
And I love you.
(gentle music)
[Robert] What is this?
[Janie] It's Macabre Mountain,
they're reopening this weekend.
I've seen this before.
Well, yeah, I mean those are everywhere.
Oh, and the Lisa Lovejoy,
she's gonna be there signing autographs.
I'm so gonna get one.
Who's that?
The actress?
It's just a case that I'm working on.
Some guy came in the station last weekend
and said his daughter was missing
and he thought it might have
something to do with that.
I don't know.
I think he's grasping at straws.
But there were some people
that died there years ago,
and he thought it might be related to it.
Actually there may be something to it.
Hold on, I have to take this.
You want a puzzle to solve?
Why don't you piece that one together?
(tense music)
Clyde Chambers.
Hey, guys, I know that
we normally do our YouCast
at the end of the month.
But it's all going down
here tomorrow night.
And we'll be there.
We are totally gonna be at
- Macabre Mountain.
- Macabre Mountain.
So excited.
Are you excited?
[Shelby] Hey, someone's
calling in already.
[Monica] Oh, cool.
All right.
Hello, "Nightscare," you're on speaker.
Who is this?
And please don't be offensive.
[Trevor] Hi, so cool you're going live.
I love you gals.
Thank you.
Thank you.
[Monica] Very cool, what's your question?
[Trevor] What were the actual number
of deaths at Macabre Mountain?
I've always heard 11, but
there have been recent accounts
that there were 12.
Yeah, so there's a lot of
rumors going around about that.
But with everything going on,
I'm sure there's gonna
be more to the story.
It's been clearly
documented that there were 11.
Not sure where you're hearing that from.
[Trevor] I read on the
SlashKillThrash forums that-
- Oh, that's a favorite source around here.
[Trevor] I can't wait
to finally meet you guys,
especially you Monica.
Okay, what do you mean meet?
Weird, he hung up.
All right, hey, you're
on with "Nightscare."
[Caller] Hey, I was just
wondering why only one night?
Yeah, that is kind of
weird that they'd go through
all the effort for just a
night, but I don't know.
[Caller] Sounds like too
many skeletons in the closet,
if you ask me.
- Yeah.
- Maybe.
Hey, you are on with "Nightscare,"
what's your name?
Where are you calling from?
[Phoenix] I'm Phoenix.
Okay, cool name.
What have you got for us?
[Phoenix] You're missing a few details.
[Phoenix] Look, we all know
how Clyde the king Chambers
convinced several of his cult members
to force 12 kids to run the corn maze.
They hunted those children
and picked them off one at a time.
Wait, so you're...
You're talking about 12 kids too.
[Phoenix] A lot of people
don't know, but it was 12.
One was even the preacher's son.
There is no record of that.
Wait, he killed his own son?
[Phoenix] That's what
people get confused.
12 kids entered, 11 died.
That one child was a little psychopath
and wasn't in the maze to run
but to watch the other
children get mutilated.
He thought if his only
child could see the horror,
his child would no longer
want to be part of it.
How do you know about all of this?
[Phoenix] People that
wanna believe, wanna believe.
The king was very good
at making people listen.
All right, Phoenix,
where are the receipts?
Where are you getting
all your sources from?
We love the truth around here.
[Phoenix] I didn't read
it on SlashKillThrash,
I'll tell you that.
He hung up.
There goes another one.
(eerie music)
Who's that?
[Max] No clue.
Lisa Lovejoy.
The actress?
She's part of the reopening
of Macabre Mountain.
I guess I better go over and say hi, huh?
Ma'am, we're here.
Oh my God, already?
[Bill] Yes, ma'am.
All right, Lisa, we left
the airport over an hour ago.
Honestly, do you think
anybody's really gonna show up
- to this?
- Okay, you need to stop.
You are Lisa Lovejoy.
Actress, author, model.
- Boom.
- Okay.
We need to upsell.
All right, okay, stop.
Model, really?
You did JC Penney's print, remember?
Yeah, that is true.
I did, I did do that.
And you looked beautiful.
Oh my gosh, I had a
lot of vodkas that day.
Ooh, that was fun.
But, honestly, you are really
stretching it with the model.
Hey, you will always
be a model in my eyes.
- Thank you.
- No matter what gravity does.
And you are way too kind.
Please, kind is not in my repertoire.
Hardworking, check.
Overbearing, check.
On top of it?
Sometimes, check.
On the bottom of it?
Always, double check.
Oh, you are too much.
Check, double check.
Yes, too much.
(window tapping)
- Ooh.
- Oh.
Oh my God.
- Heart stroke.
- Who the hell is that?
It's Xavier Knox.
Lisa, a limo, really?
Hello, she's a scream queen.
Scream queens have to make their entrance.
[Xavier] I see Ian came.
I'm not gonna touch that one.
For now.
What do you mean for now?
Hello, silly goose, I
told you I had that thing.
You know.
I'm just... You son of a bitch.
I'm just here to make
sure you're tucked in.
No, you set this up.
Yeah, thank you very much.
But it's your gig, don't blow it.
(Ian speaking indistinctly)
[Mayor] Hello, again.
Oh, you're here.
Like I said...
You're everywhere.
There you go.
Oh, is she...
Lisa, this is Mayor Carl.
Welcome to Buckhannon, Miss. Lovejoy.
We are so very pleased to have you.
[Lisa] Aww, that's so sweet.
It's very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, Miss. Lovejoy.
(lips smacking)
Okay, shoo, shoo, shoo.
All right, you two, move along now,
leave the poor lady alone.
All right, we really need
to get her to the hotel.
Hey, I'll meet you over there.
No, really, you don't have to.
Not a problem.
I'll see you there.
[Lisa] Oh, absolutely.
I'll see you there.
[Ian] That's not creepy at all.
All right, sorry about that.
Bill, just follow me.
Okay, we're gonna go right
down the the highway here
- to the hotel.
- Okay, we get it.
- We get it.
- Okay, perfect, thank you.
- We gotta go.
- We'll see you there.
[Bill] I heard.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
One of us tips.
Welcome to the Wild Wonderful.
State that it's all relative.
Actually, I think you're thinking
of somewhere a little further south.
Oh, I think I have the right estate.
Is this a funeral home?
Oh, you made it.
Well, it was a rough
ride, but we slipped in.
And who are you?
This is Ian, this is Lisa's manager.
Oh, oh, Mr. Mayor, I was
just, I wanted to ask you
a little teeny favor.
[Mayor] You name it, little lady.
Oh, you're so sweet.
Do you think you could just go inside
and check to see if my room is ready?
You know, that's not really...
Your room?
All right, I most certainly will do that.
Oh, my knight in shining armor.
I'll be right back with you.
And I'll come to see you.
All right, spectacular.
Did that really just happen.
[Lisa] Oh, okay, I still got it.
- Okay.
- Never lost it.
[Ian] I'll be sure to post on ARP's chat.
Whatever with you.
This is Doug.
He can take your things
up to your room for you.
Oh, no, Bill can carry my bags.
Really, Miss, Lovejoy, I have no problem.
I got 'em.
Sure thing, buddy.
Whatever floats your boat.
No skin off my back.
Thank you, Doug.
Glad we settled that.
This way, please.
Actually, this is where my quarter ends.
Xavier can handle it from here.
Oh my God, seriously?
Yeah, seriously.
I told you I have that thing.
You're just a shit head.
Sticks and stones can break my bones.
Bill, won't you be a doll
and take your bags up,
hustle back down, get
your little tushy in the limo
and give me a ride to the airport.
Sorry, I'm not leaving Miss. Lovejoy.
Oh, see that?
Because Bill is like the
only loyal man in my life.
Remember I sign your checks.
Listen, I have someone
who can take you to the airport.
Ooh, it's not that dead guy, is it?
- With no skin.
- No.
It's not Doug, no.
[Ian] God.
Yes, sir.
I need you to run Mr. Ian to the airport.
He has a... We can take our time
actually, we don't have to run.
Well he has a... I have a thing.
A thing.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Yeah, we cold take
the scenic route.
He could take the scenic route.
You got any bags?
Just this one.
Good luck.
It's gonna be great.
This is nice.
We have arrived.
Let's make sure we have a reservation.
You remember what happened in the spring?
Hotel overbooked.
[Lisa] Ah, life, this is it, Bill.
Holy shit, you're Lisa Lovejoy.
Oh, hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Can I have your autograph?
Now isn't the time.
Well, actually, you know what,
I'm doing a meet and greet
later, you should come by.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Really nice to meet you.
- Nice meeting you too.
- Thank you.
Hi - Yes.
Excuse me, hi, what's your name?
Oh, hi, Bert.
Hi, I'm Lisa Lovejoy.
Nice meeting you.
I was wondering,
do you happen to have
maybe a sauna or a hot tub?
No, I'm sorry we don't.
Damn it, mama needs a time out.
We got a game room.
A game room?
Not exactly the same thing,
but I totally appreciate it.
Thank you.
Lisa, are you causing
trouble with the locals?
Bert, great job, you're killing it.
Lisa, come with me.
I'll show you where to set up.
- Come on, Bill.
- Oh, thank you.
And I just have one question,
do you think we'll have time to change?
Did you just see that?
With my very eyes.
Oh my God, we are
staying in the same hotel
as Lisa Lovejoy.
I don't think we have that many options.
Room okay?
Perfect, let's go.
(tense music)
[Ian] Erm, what are we doing?
[Kyle] Pulling over.
I can see that.
I think we got a freaking flat tire.
But I have a thing to get to, you know.
It's gonna take a
second, don't worry about it.
Please, thank you.
(tense music)
It figures I'd break down
where there's absolutely no cell service.
Freaking life.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
How we doing back there, Kevin?
Kyle, whatever your name is.
(tense music)
(tense music)
What's the update?
(tense music)
Well that's kinky.
(chainsaw roaring)
(dramatic music)
Can I get you ladies a drink?
[Monica] Two more of the same, please.
All right, coming right up.
I don't get it.
The name.
They're not on a mountain.
Well, yeah, it's like King's Island,
it's not actually an island,
it's just the attraction name.
At least here we can see the mountains.
[Shelby] I guess.
I really wanna try
and get her on the show.
[Monica] Lisa Lovejoy.
[Shelby] Oh, shoot, I
should have asked her
when I talked to her in the lobby.
You talked to her?
Shelby, extrovert.
[Ollie] There are so
many hot girls at this thing.
Dude, I told you it's
like a horror convention
here this weekend.
Oh, there's so many hot
chicks at horror conventions.
Like her?
(tense music)
Oh, exactly like her.
Creepy and hot.
(tense music)
Hey, what the hell was that for?
That was just rude.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
As I promised, the
numbers are looking good
and the prospects are plentiful.
All are fair game?
All except for her.
She's spoken for.
Damn, I would've paid double.
What are you talking about?
Double for what?
This is just a little game
that we're playing, Mayor.
Hey, you know me.
Do what you want, but pay to play.
Yeah, I heard you like money.
Honey, I just love money.
Kelly, hello.
Could you please show this
lovely couple to our boardroom?
- Absolutely.
- Thank you.
[Kelly] This way.
Oh, don't you worry about that.
I just want you to look after Lisa,
make sure that she's well taken care of.
It's my pleasure.
Okay, so it's S-H-A-W-N?
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Thank you, Shawn.
Thank you.
[Lisa] Oh, you're welcome, of course.
You know, I've always
heard being on camera
adds 10 pounds, but, looking at you,
I don't think that's true.
Okay, thank you.
I don't know.
Nah, they don't say that anymore.
That was all film.
- Really?
- Yeah, absolutely.
He's right, film always
made us look bigger.
[Fan] Oh.
Yeah, she just naturally looks like this.
Oh, okay, well thank you.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, have a great day.
Okay, bye-bye.
Those two...
Miss. Lovejoy, it's so nice to meet you.
Hi, how are you?
What's your name?
Bert Jones.
Oh, Bert.
Oh, Bert, from the hotel.
Of course.
I have seen every one of your movies,
except for "Bite" and "Riverwalk."
They just didn't seem that interesting.
But I'll get around to them when I'm bored.
Oh, oh, okay.
Well, Bert, I hope you enjoy it.
Oh, I think they'll be fine.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Okay, bye-bye.
Erm, could you get me
another fucking drink, okay?
Make this one like a triple.
I'm on it.
Thank you, Bill.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(brakes squealing)
(papers rustling)
You know, I don't know
if it's women, or true crime.
They say guys are messed
up, but girls, they're into that.
It just seems, it seems
a little weird to me.
And I remember when horror
conventions used to be about
freaking Freddy Krueger, "Friday the 13th."
Now it's just real life psychos in fields,
dancing draped in kids blood.
So, yeah, getting back
to those "Nightscare" girls,
are they good looking?
Are they hot?
They're beautiful.
This them?
I have seen Doug.
(tense music)
oh, hey buddy, relax.
[Man] Take it back.
Fuck you.
And those girls.
(man groaning)
(man muttering indistinctly)
(man groaning)
(no audio)
(no audio)
What are you, a freaking idiot?
(tense music)
Bert, step outside and
take a breather, you're drunk.
You take a breather too.
(tense music)
Monica and Shelby.
Oh, do we know you?
Sort of, I'm a listener.
Oh, nice.
Glad somebody's listening.
Well, with this group here,
I'm sure you have a lot of followers.
We live for this shit.
Not wrong.
You from round here?
I am.
Your voice sounds familiar.
[Phoenix] You can call me Phoenix.
Oh, Phoenix like on the
phone the other day, Phoenix?
The very same.
So where'd you get your info?
You made it up, didn't you?
I'm a local, a little
insider trading, if you will.
He really sacrificed his own kid?
They all did.
You think those kids were random?
What happened to the one that survived?
Ask them.
[Monica] What?
[Phoenix] He just walked in.
[Shelby] Him?
[Monica] The millionaire guy.
No, there's no way.
I call bullshit.
[Monica] Where'd he go?
What the hell just happened?
Hey, who was that guy?
I need another drink.
No, man, no.
Come on, man, you had one too many.
Let's just go back to our room, okay?
Come on.
(bodies thudding)
[Quinn] You bitch.
You have no idea.
(Quinn groaning)
Ladies and gentlemen,
the witching hour is upon us.
The haunted house is now open.
So for the next five
hours, roam these halls,
explore these rooms for this is the place
where Clyde the king Chambers
ordered five of his cult members
brutally murder 11 innocent children.
[Man] Screw the cult.
What's that?
How about we talk about
the murders happening now?
Not some God damn shit
that happened decades ago.
I think it might be past
your bedtime, little man.
You son of a bitch.
You took my little girl.
(Xavier grunting)
(woman gasping)
(fists thudding)
All right, man.
That's enough, he's out.
Help me get him outta here.
[Robert] Okay.
Okay, well that was fun.
It's good.
Everything's good.
For those of you riding the bus,
it's out in front right now.
(gentle music)
[Bill] I've got him.
(Xavier gasping)
[Kelly] How is it?
I've seen worse, but that's
not necessarily a good thing.
Hey, buddy, EFTs are on their way.
We need to keep this going.
He's got a final check to sign.
You'll get your money.
Damn straight I will.
All right, looks like I'm
hosting this party now.
Come on, darling, you
can be my running mate.
It's all right, I'll be right behind you.
No, you go ahead.
I'll stay with him.
(Kelly sighing)
New plan.
Is he dead?
He will be.
Take care of him.
(helicopter engine rumbling)
(helicopter engine rumbling continues)
(helicopter engine rumbling continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
I know we are.
Oh, that's right, we are.
Okay, nice to see you.
Okay, Bill.
Oh my God, really, this
is what I'm doing now?
Oh, group number two, come on up.
Is it crazy in there?
What's it like?
Oh my gosh, it's like an old house.
Oh, this is gonna
be crazy, I just know it.
Oh, well maybe you should
lower your expectations
and that will heighten your satisfaction.
What does that mean?
Whatever you want it to mean.
She's being cryptic.
You're so freaking good at this.
Come on.
Oh, thank you so much.
Have fun.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
They love you.
No, no, no, don't say that.
Okay, I don't wanna be like the gatekeeper,
hostess to this thing.
But you're killing it.
No, I wanna kill myself.
I can't stand...
Oh my gosh, come on up.
So nice, can I get a hug?
Nice to see you.
- Hi, Lisa.
- Hi.
Hi, Lisa.
Thanks for being here.
(tense music)
Hello, hello.
Good evening.
[Kelly] Good evening.
Welcome, everyone, to the boardroom.
Where's Xavier?
George Knight, correct?
Unfortunately, George, he's been cut
from the weekend's festivities.
But the show goes on.
This here is the command center.
Kyle, change the page.
So we've set up cameras
all over the grounds.
This evening you're invited to watch
as they roam and play through
the old house and house.
And what are these?
Ah, Mr. Slade, those are the drones.
They provide coverage
even in the blind spots.
I mean, they certainly seem fancy,
but will they actually
hold up to a field test?
It already has.
We have successfully completed
multiple test hunts, all right.
Just to be sure, of course.
Everything is ready.
Once you've made your
decision, just let us know
who you want for tomorrow's hunt
and we'll see it gets done.
We certainly do enjoy a good show,
don't we, Sondra, darling?
Very much so.
The quality looks a little grainy.
Sure we can even see on these things?
I'm sure it'll be perfectly serviceable.
Artemus, your wife seems
a little less than enthused.
[Artemus] Don't mind Martina.
My dear, do you have any idea
of the magnitude of what
we're about to participate in?
Honey, have you ever
done one of these before?
Even just on regular animals?
Well, we did do that elephant hunt once.
(Sondra laughing)
I cannot believe it.
You are so lucky.
This is your first time,
and for it to be this,
recreating Macabre Mountain.
What a thrill.
Remember my first
time, it was in Iceland.
A shot a young woman
in the back of the head
who was running away from me.
It was horrible.
Only that I didn't let her face me first
so I could see the look in her eyes
as the bullet pierced her fucking skull.
[Artemus] That is dark.
I love it.
Canada, five years ago,
that was my first time.
This is the first hunt
where we get to recreate
an actual event.
Yeah, but unfortunately
they're all basically adults.
Having children in the mix, that would...
That would really raise the bar.
[Sondra] You are a devil.
I love it.
How'd you come by this land?
Land owners sold for cheap.
Secrets are no fun.
Yes, unless they hurt someone.
There's my girl.
(tense music)
[Monster] Boo!
Hell no!
(tense music)
Help, they're hunting me.
You can't run.
(chainsaw whirring)
Oh, that's enough.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
That's that.
Can't polish a turd.
(branch snapping)
(tense music)
If there's any coyotes out
there, you better watch out.
Great, now I'm talking to
myself as well as coyotes.
You know what, I'm outta here.
(tense music)
Who the hell are you?
(man grunting)
(tense music)
(metal clanging)
I haven't gotten that
much exercise in months.
That maze was kind of crazy.
What's wrong?
I left my card at the bar.
Are you sure?
Lemme get it.
[Shelby] Well don't mind me if I'm asleep
when you get back.
Sleep tight.
(tense music)
(door knocking)
Hey, is anyone in there?
Oh, hey.
(door knocking)
Hey, excuse me, I left my card in the bar.
Can someone open?
Okay, cool.
[Trevor] Hello, Monica.
What is going on here?
[Trevor] It's so great
to finally meet you.
Oh, shit.
(Monica gasping)
[Trevor] Gotcha.
What's wrong with you?
It's me, Trevor, I'm your biggest fan.
[Monica] Stay the fuck away from me.
What a bitch.
It was just a game.
It was just a game.
(door rattling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Good morning, have
you seen Miss. Lovejoy?
No, not today, I'm sorry.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Bill sighing)
(tense music)
(elevator creaking)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(elevator dinging)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
Miss. Lovejoy, it's Bill,
you don't wanna miss breakfast.
(tense music)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
Miss. Lovejoy, I'm coming in.
(door lock beeping)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Bill groaning)
(Bill groaning)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(no audio)
(footsteps pattering)
What are you doing?
Everything's fine, all right.
Second floor, 210, 213.
Got it.
Got it.
(man muttering indistinctly)
(indistinct chattering)
I don't have any service.
Sounds about right.
You have any wifi I could jump onto?
Sorry, stand outside, when
the wind blows just right,
you can snag an incoming
call off of the Valley Tower.
That really doesn't help me.
[Bert] That's all I got.
(TV chattering indistinctly)
(birds tweeting)
(birds tweeting continues)
[Shelby] Good morning.
Good morning, it's a greeting often used
at the start of the day.
Right, sorry.
Good morning.
Hey, you haven't seen
Monica by chance, have you?
My friend, the kinda crazy
one who confronted you
back at the diner about
the Circle City case?
No, sorry.
Is she missing?
No, I'm just not sure
where she ran off to.
I'll find her.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Now, everybody, welcome
to your humble beginnings.
Make yourself at home.
What a beautiful day for a hunt.
I hope you choose well,
you never want this to end too soon.
[Artemus] I went with
innocent and sporty this year.
We're missing someone, your wife.
It appears she didn't have
the stomach for it after all.
This won't cause any issues, will it?
None at all.
She knows who pays her bills.
So what about her target?
Up for grabs.
Four of you.
Five of them.
Choose your character.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Monica screaming) (man shouting)
Will everyone shut the fuck up!
(captives screaming)
(gun firing)
Jesus, fuck.
Thank you.
You're probably all wondering who I am.
Not important.
You're probably wondering
where the fuck you are.
Also not super important.
And last, and this part is important, okay,
you're probably wondering why.
Will everyone please look up at the board?
Hey, hey, hey.
Okay, this is the hunt.
The hunt is a super fun time
where humans get to hunt other humans.
In case none of you are
sure, you are the fucking prey.
(Lisa screaming)
Okay, hold on, hold on.
Don't start freaking out on me.
Chill out.
Chill out.
Let's go over the rules, okay?
Rule number one, free yourself.
Rule number two, run.
Rule number three, try not to get killed.
And number four, if you survive, you win.
(Kelly laughing) (Monica groaning)
Wait, wait, wait.
You gotta read the fine print.
Okay, check it out right here.
There is a 99.9999999%
chance you will not win.
But, hey, it's better than 100, right?
(tense music)
You're gonna need that.
Oh, and they're gonna
be here in like 30 minutes,
so I wouldn't just sit there.
Good luck, and goodbye.
(tense music)
You see, I picked a good one.
He's not waiting around.
Give the others some time.
What about that one?
Get away from me.
Time's up for that cheating slut.
You are evil.
[Artemus] Oh, you have no idea.
(no audio)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
[Robert] Hey.
What a greeting after I
can't get ahold of you all day.
Something happened
with the service out there.
I'm serious.
I'm heading home, I
didn't find anything out there.
I heard about Sally's father.
So you don't think that
there's more to that?
I don't know.
I'm not convinced.
I thought something
would happen at the event,
but nothing did.
I see.
I mean, it felt like a dead case anyways.
It can't be.
Son of a bitch.
[Janie] What?
[Robert] I'll call you later.
Robert, it's good to have you back.
[Robert] Yeah, you too.
(gentle music)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
There has to be something in here
that we can use as a weapon.
You have a fucking knife, genius.
Okay, one knife.
I doubt she would've
left it if she thought
we're gonna win with it, so...
You can't.
[Monica] What?
[Martina] Nothing.
[Monica] Why, why us?
Does anyone even know why we're here?
I don't know about you,
but I know why I'm here.
I figured it out.
They know that I was getting too close,
so I'm here, on death row.
That sucks.
So what about me?
Why am I in here?
Now how would I know that?
You know things.
I know about my life.
I don't know shit about your life.
[Lisa] Stop.
We've got 10 minutes.
They can come and they can find you,
but they're not gonna find me.
How come I think that you know more
than what you're saying?
You can stay here and die
or leave and probably still die,
but I'm giving myself a fighting chance.
So get outta my way.
(tense music)
Well, I'm sold.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not sold.
I don't wanna get out there and get killed.
(tense music)
(vent hissing)
Tear gas!
(captives coughing)
[Monica] Run!
Wait, where are you going?
(captives coughing)
Oh, no.
Help us!
(drone whirring)
Wait, what was that?
(bomb exploding)
- What was that?
- Oh my God!
I think it's started.
She said run, I'm gonna run.
- Screw it!
- Let's go.
No, we have to stick together.
[Slade] Game time.
[Artemus] Here I come, my love.
Thank God you're back.
[Robert] Did you find your friend?
[Shelby] No, and all the phones are out.
Even the landlines.
[Robert] Follow me.
What are you doing?
(gentle music)
What room were you in?
[Shelby] 107.
(tense music)
[Kyle] What are you doing?
It's too early.
Everything's fine.
All right?
210, 213.
Get on it.
210, 213.
210, 213.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Kyle] What are you doing?
[Man] Watching.
Dude, have you lost it or what?
Look, out there.
So what?
It's like five miles away.
What's out there?
I'm not sure, but I know who does.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(door handle rattling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Robert] Freeze.
(tense music)
(man grunting)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
What is this?
Macabre Mountain.
Look, there's the house, the corn maze.
Monica, she's there.
Where are you going?
[Robert] I'm driving up there.
Then I'm coming with.
No, get in your car, drive
into town, get the police
and get them up there.
[Shelby] What do I tell them?
Someone just died on Macabre Mountain.
(car engine firing)
(gun firing)
[Slade] That was just a warning shot,
don't make this too easy.
Hello, are you still there?
Field tested, my ass.
The equipment is junk.
Hello? Hello?
All right, going in blind.
Gonna take things up a notch.
(Lisa whimpering)
(Lisa shouting)
Help me!
(Lisa screaming)
[Sondra] Woo-hoo, run you dirty slut.
[Lisa] Please, help!
[George] What the hell?
What the fuck is she doing?
(tense music)
Help me!
Help me!
(Lisa whimpering)
I can't...
I can't take it...
(Lisa crying)
(Lisa crying)
(digger rumbling)
(digger crashing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Yeah, baby.
(gun firing)
[George] That was my kill, you bitch.
Now rest in peace.
Who's next?
(gun cocking)
(tense music)
(Martina chuckling)
Oh, honey, let me say
you've never looked better.
Who's the newbie now, bitch?
(gun cocking)
My turn.
(tense music)
(Monica sighing)
Oh, shit.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Artemus] Honey, that you?
(tense music)
(car engine roaring)
[Slade] Gotcha.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
(car engine rumbling)
Who the hell's that?
(Slade thudding)
(brakes squealing)
(tense music)
(tense music)
I know, I know.
(tense music)
[Robert] Drop it.
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(tense music)
[George] I know you're here.
I don't see any blood,
so I must have missed,
and I never fucking miss.
Come out.
Fine, fine.
New game, old school, just you and me.
Come on.
I'm waiting.
Now I'm just getting bored.
(men grunting)
(Monica gasping)
(Monica panting)
(tense music)
(Mayor humming indistinctly)
All righty, one last payment
for the Mayor Carl reelection fund.
(gentle music)
Oh my.
What the hell happened with this?
(tense music)
Hello in there.
Good Lord.
(tense music)
What is all this crap?
(tense music)
[Martina] Here for your blood money?
Hey there, sweetie.
You just relax now, I don't
have nothing to do with this.
You did this.
You think, I don't know
what it's like to be paid off?
Oh, thank God.
Well then you understand
it's just business.
[Martina] Not this time.
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(ax thudding)
(Martina gasping)
Fucking cry baby.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Monica gasping)
It's me, it's me.
It's me, it's me.
It's me, it's me.
It's me.
- Oh God, thank you.
- How are you?
Oh, shit.
(tense music)
[Artemus] Now someone is cheating.
(chicken clucking)
Ah, fuck.
[Artemus] I don't think so.
(tense music)
(Monica gasping)
(tense music)
You'll be a nice warmup
before that darling wife of mine.
(weapon clattering)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(door creaking)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Monica gasping)
(Monica yelling)
(Monica yelling)
[Artemus] No more running.
(tense music)
(tense music)
(blood squelching) (Monica grunting)
(Monica panting)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
[Phoenix] Hmm.
Help me.
Help me.
[Monica] Sorry.
Quick, untie me.
How did you get in here?
I'm not sure, it went dark.
I killed a man in the other room.
There you go.
I had to though.
Do you have any other weapons?
How do you kill someone for fun?
I just, I don't understand.
It's really fucking horrible.
[Kelly] They're just
wired differently from you.
(tense music)
[Kelly] It's the surprise.
The look of not believing
you'd actually do it.
Stabbing someone in
the heart, it's so personal.
[Monica] How did you know?
Know what?
That I stabbed him in the heart.
Oh, I watched.
We both did.
I watched them all.
It's exciting.
Ever since that first
time when I was a child,
it just gave me such a rush.
The story you told,
you talked about sons.
I guess I might have
had some of the details
wrong after all.
[Monica] Okay, you're both in on this.
You did this.
The Chambers family
never owned this land.
I did.
And I convinced him to
create the hunt for my little girl.
We had some really special times back then.
This is, it's pretty fun
too, isn't it, baby doll.
This has been the best game ever,
watching the prey become the predator.
Just amazing.
Thank you so much, Daddy.
I never thought I'd get to feel this again.
Oh, you're welcome, honey.
Nope, no.
I won the game, so I get to go home.
That's the rules.
I've won the game, so I get to go home.
Oh, poor girl.
Poor girl.
No one wins,
it just ends.
[Robert] Don't.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(tense music)
(Kelly screaming)
(Monica screaming) (Kelly grunting)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(body thudding)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
Oh my God.
Oh my God, Monica.
Oh my God.
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
What's keepin' you awake
Someone stole away your dreams
Your dreams
Opened the lock on your heart
Performed some reckless surgery
And I was never there
To hold your hair
I was never there
To hold your
There to hold your hair
There to hold your hair
Drink yourself to sleep
Guttural porcelain emptiness
You got tile imprints on your knees
Vodka morning SOS
[Paramedic] Hey, over
here, we've got a live one.
(tense music)
(Lisa sobbing)
Easy does it.
It's Lisa Lovejoy.
Oh my God.
[Officer] Are you okay?
The trauma.
You would not believe it.
You are one lucky lady.
The stories you could tell.
Honey, it's all going in my next book.
(Lisa sobbing)
[Director] Cut.
(all laughing)
(no audio)
(film whirring)
(film whirring continues)
(gentle music)
(techno music)
(moose braying)
(tense music)
(Sally gasping)
(light buzzing)
(Sally whimpering)
(light buzzing) (tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Sally gasping)
(tense music)
(Sally gasping)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(dramatic music)
(Sally yelling)
(tense music)
(Sally yelling)
(tense music)
(Sally whimpering)
(tense music)
(Sally whimpering)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Robert] I'm not that
far out, I can make it.
(tense music)
(Sally panting)
(tense music)
[Colton] Where are you?
[Robert] Five minutes out.
[Colton] Don't.
[Robert] Too late.
[Colton] Local is
mobilizing, let them catch up.
[Robert] That's what you're for.
[Colton] I'm 30 out.
[Robert] She's dead in 10.
(Sally panting)
(Sally yelling)
(Sally whimpering)
(foot thudding)
(Sally panting)
[Janie] Colton just called.
[Robert] Don't start.
[Janie] Wait for backup.
[Robert] No one is telling him to wait.
[Janie] Robert.
[Robert] Sorry.
(Sally panting)
(drone whirring)
(drone whirring continues)
(Sally panting)
(Sally panting continues)
(Sally whimpering)
(Sally panting)
(Sally panting continues)
Hey, over here.
(Sally panting)
(Sally sighing)
(tense music)
(gun cocking)
(Sally whimpering)
Oh God.
(tense music)
(sirens wailing)
(sirens wailing continues)
(tense music)
FBI, hands in the air.
Jeremiah Doubleday,
you don't wanna do this.
Oh, I really do.
What do you people want?
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Take the knife away from her throat.
[Robert] Jeremiah.
(dramatic music)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(body thudding)
(tense music)
(Sally screaming) (man laughing)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
[Xavier] Wait here.
Call if you need to.
Of course.
(car door thudding)
I'm going to the hardware store.
You got the list?
Of course you do.
(tense music)
Well, hello there.
Mayor Carl.
And welcome to Buckhannon.
Yeah, I was not expecting to see you.
I am everywhere.
It would seem so.
I wanted to be the
first to welcome the man
who's bringing Macabre
Mountain back to this town.
Are you really gonna
open up that place again?
I am.
One day only?
One day only.
Well you sure got the
people in this town all excited.
Half of 'em love you, the other half,
they're saying the name Xavier Knox
through gritted teeth, my friend.
Well some people,
they just don't like to deal
with the harsher side of history.
But if you don't deal with it...
Oh, I know, I know, it repeats itself.
That's right.
You just make sure that check clears,
and I'll see that any and all complaints
are screened properly.
Well, now to that I say wonderful.
I bid you a good day, sir.
Oh, Mr. Knox?
[Xavier] Yes.
Is it true Lisa Lovejoy
is coming to town?
[Xavier] That I guarantee.
[Xavier] Yes, sir.
I like that a lot.
I like it.
(traffic rumbling)
I guess it's time to
make some new friends.
(eerie music)
(door creaking)
(manager inhaling)
(footsteps pattering)
[Colton] Hello?
What's up man?
I'm looking for someone.
Aren't we all?
[Colton] He's staying here.
All right, well, I
mean, I can't just tell you
the names of people staying here, you know?
[Colton] Mm.
It's a little illegal.
I know the name, I need his room.
Well, what was the name?
(door knocking)
(Colton sighing)
Should have guessed.
(Colton sighing)
(water running)
What time is it?
[Colton] It's a little after eight.
In the morning?
Are you serious?
Get dressed.
Let's get some breakfast.
There's a diner just up the street.
I've been there before.
I haven't, so get dressed.
(truck engine rumbling)
[Maggie] Sorry I'm late.
You're fine.
Zeke has me on for an extra
hour this morning anyways.
Because you're always late.
Not always.
What do we got?
[Lilly] Just check on
them, I know the friend's
in the bathroom, I guess.
[Maggie] I can handle it.
Oh, don't offer them straws.
Yeah, I could see that.
I've been advised.
(paper rustling)
Good morning.
[Maggie] Can I get
you started on anything?
Yes, can I please have a coffee?
For your friend?
She'll have diet whatever you got.
[Maggie] We have that.
I'll be right back.
No straws, please.
[Maggie] Oh, of course.
Thank you.
Did you order me something to drink?
Yes, diet.
You should see the bathrooms.
They're really nice.
That's super weird.
[Shelby] What are you reading?
[Monica] I am just going
through the Slasher files.
The cops here were dicks.
Yeah, because they're
probably hiding something.
You know, what I really want to interview
that agent if we can.
The one that shot him?
I just think he's the
missing piece in all of this.
Not a chance, he's long gone.
So what's next.
Oh, Monica?
We already did a show on it.
Not a fan favorite.
[Monica] But they're reopening, so...
For one night.
Yes, and for that one
night we are gonna be there
and we are gonna go live.
[Shelby] I guess.
[Maggie] Here you go.
[Shelby] Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Sorry, just kind of overheard,
are you two reporters?
We've got like 200,000 subscribers.
I'm not sure what all that means,
but it sounds impressive.
It's a start.
We have a YouCast Live
show where people can call in,
giveaways, Q&As, that kind of thing.
A radio show?
Sort of.
We talk about murder
cases, follow the details.
Even try to solve them on occasion,
when Monica gets too invested.
Sometimes you gotta
step in when like the cops...
You know what I'm saying?
Oh, well, let me know
if you guys need anything.
Food, desserts.
[Shelby] Thank you.
[Shelby] Where are the straws.
Hey, can I see the Slasher file again?
- Why?
- Gimme.
Hey, do you remember
how many people died?
- 11, all kids.
- Yes, that's right.
That's right.
Yeah, that's crazy.
20 years to the day.
Definitely have the timing right.
How about that?
[Monica] What are you talking about?
- Look.
- What?
[Maggie] Morning, Robert.
Morning, Maggie.
You want the usual?
Yes, please.
Can I get you anything?
I'm good.
- See you in there.
- Thanks.
[Colton] I guess
you've eaten here before.
Yeah, a few times.
You really look like shit.
Thank you.
No, I mean it.
You really know how to
make me feel good, don't you?
Sorry, I've just never seen you this low.
I can't handle all this flattery.
Forget it.
It wasn't your fault.
It's too soon.
It's never too soon to talk.
I hesitated, Colton.
The guy was a psycho.
And she was a young kid.
I know.
You need to call Janie,
she's worried about you.
[Robert] I'm sure she is.
She's your sister, she worries.
She analyzes me.
She's also a therapist,
it's what she does.
I don't need a therapist.
Just talk to her.
Try again.
[Maggie] I can't let you back there.
[Dale] Look, I just need talk to her.
[Maggie] Dale, I can't do that.
[Dale] I'm just gonna talk to her.
[Maggie] Okay, I think
it's best if you leave.
All right, then tell
her to come out here.
[Maggie] Wanda?
(tense music)
Go home, Dale.
She ain't coming out.
Wanda, God damn it,
would you just stay outta this?
You tell Lilly to come out
here, or I'm gonna go back there
and I'm gonna hit her.
I'm sorry.
Oh, you're gonna be.
Get out of my way.
[Robert] Hey!
Now you stay outta this.
Help her up.
You heard me.
(tense music)
I'm sorry, she's resting.
(tense music)
What the hell, man?
You need to learn how to treat a lady.
Hey, forget this jerk.
(dramatic music)
(Colton thudding)
(fists thudding) (men grunting)
(tense music)
[Maggie] You know, I had that jerk
right where I wanted him.
Sorry to take him off your hands.
Well, I'll let you get
away with it this time.
Hey, so we saw what you
did and that was very cool.
Not a lot of guys
would've stood up like that.
So that's pretty awesome.
Also, my friend Shelby
says you look really familiar,
like maybe you're in movies or TV.
Not if I can help it.
Okay, I'm Monica, this is Shelby,
and we have a podcast called "Nightscare."
Well we investigate true crime stories.
We're in town for the
Circle City Slasher case.
Well, we'd just really
love to interview you.
Monica, I don't think
this is the best idea.
Listen to your friend there,
we aren't interested in talking about it.
Well, if you change your
mind, just give me a call.
People would really love to hear the truth.
Have a nice day.
You sure attract the weird ones, bud.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(bird cawing)
(tense music)
[Bird] Get 'em, Scarecrow.
(tense music)
(wire clicking)
(victim groaning)
(tense music)
I get that.
Well, it's not my first day in forensics.
No, it just doesn't add up.
There's nothing tying
the girl to the Mountain.
Sure, I'll keep looking.
I'll see you tomorrow at the station.
Ah, so you are still alive?
Yeah, maybe.
How are you, Janie?
I'm okay.
The question is, how are you doing?
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Quiet as ever.
I'm sorry.
It's okay, you know
I'm not your therapist.
You act like it sometimes.
So I heard what happened the other day.
The diner.
No, that's Colton's fault.
Colton talks way too much.
(Janie chuckling)
Always the hero.
I'm no hero.
Colton said it was the first
time that you actually seemed
like yourself since, you know.
Yeah, maybe.
You always did stand up to
a bully, and I'm proud of you.
If you say so.
So how are you really doing?
I'm done.
- I'm done.
- Please.
Don't go, I'm sorry, I'll stop.
Sit down.
I won't be your therapist anymore.
You know how you get.
We all do.
When you're on a case.
You know, when you have a puzzle to solve,
it gives you purpose.
Yeah, so what's your point?
My point is maybe you should
stop wallowing in your misery
and get back to work.
You know, get your mind
off things for a while.
You aren't my therapist.
I'm sorry, true that.
But you are my brother.
And I love you.
(gentle music)
[Robert] What is this?
[Janie] It's Macabre Mountain,
they're reopening this weekend.
I've seen this before.
Well, yeah, I mean those are everywhere.
Oh, and the Lisa Lovejoy,
she's gonna be there signing autographs.
I'm so gonna get one.
Who's that?
The actress?
It's just a case that I'm working on.
Some guy came in the station last weekend
and said his daughter was missing
and he thought it might have
something to do with that.
I don't know.
I think he's grasping at straws.
But there were some people
that died there years ago,
and he thought it might be related to it.
Actually there may be something to it.
Hold on, I have to take this.
You want a puzzle to solve?
Why don't you piece that one together?
(tense music)
Clyde Chambers.
Hey, guys, I know that
we normally do our YouCast
at the end of the month.
But it's all going down
here tomorrow night.
And we'll be there.
We are totally gonna be at
- Macabre Mountain.
- Macabre Mountain.
So excited.
Are you excited?
[Shelby] Hey, someone's
calling in already.
[Monica] Oh, cool.
All right.
Hello, "Nightscare," you're on speaker.
Who is this?
And please don't be offensive.
[Trevor] Hi, so cool you're going live.
I love you gals.
Thank you.
Thank you.
[Monica] Very cool, what's your question?
[Trevor] What were the actual number
of deaths at Macabre Mountain?
I've always heard 11, but
there have been recent accounts
that there were 12.
Yeah, so there's a lot of
rumors going around about that.
But with everything going on,
I'm sure there's gonna
be more to the story.
It's been clearly
documented that there were 11.
Not sure where you're hearing that from.
[Trevor] I read on the
SlashKillThrash forums that-
- Oh, that's a favorite source around here.
[Trevor] I can't wait
to finally meet you guys,
especially you Monica.
Okay, what do you mean meet?
Weird, he hung up.
All right, hey, you're
on with "Nightscare."
[Caller] Hey, I was just
wondering why only one night?
Yeah, that is kind of
weird that they'd go through
all the effort for just a
night, but I don't know.
[Caller] Sounds like too
many skeletons in the closet,
if you ask me.
- Yeah.
- Maybe.
Hey, you are on with "Nightscare,"
what's your name?
Where are you calling from?
[Phoenix] I'm Phoenix.
Okay, cool name.
What have you got for us?
[Phoenix] You're missing a few details.
[Phoenix] Look, we all know
how Clyde the king Chambers
convinced several of his cult members
to force 12 kids to run the corn maze.
They hunted those children
and picked them off one at a time.
Wait, so you're...
You're talking about 12 kids too.
[Phoenix] A lot of people
don't know, but it was 12.
One was even the preacher's son.
There is no record of that.
Wait, he killed his own son?
[Phoenix] That's what
people get confused.
12 kids entered, 11 died.
That one child was a little psychopath
and wasn't in the maze to run
but to watch the other
children get mutilated.
He thought if his only
child could see the horror,
his child would no longer
want to be part of it.
How do you know about all of this?
[Phoenix] People that
wanna believe, wanna believe.
The king was very good
at making people listen.
All right, Phoenix,
where are the receipts?
Where are you getting
all your sources from?
We love the truth around here.
[Phoenix] I didn't read
it on SlashKillThrash,
I'll tell you that.
He hung up.
There goes another one.
(eerie music)
Who's that?
[Max] No clue.
Lisa Lovejoy.
The actress?
She's part of the reopening
of Macabre Mountain.
I guess I better go over and say hi, huh?
Ma'am, we're here.
Oh my God, already?
[Bill] Yes, ma'am.
All right, Lisa, we left
the airport over an hour ago.
Honestly, do you think
anybody's really gonna show up
- to this?
- Okay, you need to stop.
You are Lisa Lovejoy.
Actress, author, model.
- Boom.
- Okay.
We need to upsell.
All right, okay, stop.
Model, really?
You did JC Penney's print, remember?
Yeah, that is true.
I did, I did do that.
And you looked beautiful.
Oh my gosh, I had a
lot of vodkas that day.
Ooh, that was fun.
But, honestly, you are really
stretching it with the model.
Hey, you will always
be a model in my eyes.
- Thank you.
- No matter what gravity does.
And you are way too kind.
Please, kind is not in my repertoire.
Hardworking, check.
Overbearing, check.
On top of it?
Sometimes, check.
On the bottom of it?
Always, double check.
Oh, you are too much.
Check, double check.
Yes, too much.
(window tapping)
- Ooh.
- Oh.
Oh my God.
- Heart stroke.
- Who the hell is that?
It's Xavier Knox.
Lisa, a limo, really?
Hello, she's a scream queen.
Scream queens have to make their entrance.
[Xavier] I see Ian came.
I'm not gonna touch that one.
For now.
What do you mean for now?
Hello, silly goose, I
told you I had that thing.
You know.
I'm just... You son of a bitch.
I'm just here to make
sure you're tucked in.
No, you set this up.
Yeah, thank you very much.
But it's your gig, don't blow it.
(Ian speaking indistinctly)
[Mayor] Hello, again.
Oh, you're here.
Like I said...
You're everywhere.
There you go.
Oh, is she...
Lisa, this is Mayor Carl.
Welcome to Buckhannon, Miss. Lovejoy.
We are so very pleased to have you.
[Lisa] Aww, that's so sweet.
It's very nice to meet you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, Miss. Lovejoy.
(lips smacking)
Okay, shoo, shoo, shoo.
All right, you two, move along now,
leave the poor lady alone.
All right, we really need
to get her to the hotel.
Hey, I'll meet you over there.
No, really, you don't have to.
Not a problem.
I'll see you there.
[Lisa] Oh, absolutely.
I'll see you there.
[Ian] That's not creepy at all.
All right, sorry about that.
Bill, just follow me.
Okay, we're gonna go right
down the the highway here
- to the hotel.
- Okay, we get it.
- We get it.
- Okay, perfect, thank you.
- We gotta go.
- We'll see you there.
[Bill] I heard.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
One of us tips.
Welcome to the Wild Wonderful.
State that it's all relative.
Actually, I think you're thinking
of somewhere a little further south.
Oh, I think I have the right estate.
Is this a funeral home?
Oh, you made it.
Well, it was a rough
ride, but we slipped in.
And who are you?
This is Ian, this is Lisa's manager.
Oh, oh, Mr. Mayor, I was
just, I wanted to ask you
a little teeny favor.
[Mayor] You name it, little lady.
Oh, you're so sweet.
Do you think you could just go inside
and check to see if my room is ready?
You know, that's not really...
Your room?
All right, I most certainly will do that.
Oh, my knight in shining armor.
I'll be right back with you.
And I'll come to see you.
All right, spectacular.
Did that really just happen.
[Lisa] Oh, okay, I still got it.
- Okay.
- Never lost it.
[Ian] I'll be sure to post on ARP's chat.
Whatever with you.
This is Doug.
He can take your things
up to your room for you.
Oh, no, Bill can carry my bags.
Really, Miss, Lovejoy, I have no problem.
I got 'em.
Sure thing, buddy.
Whatever floats your boat.
No skin off my back.
Thank you, Doug.
Glad we settled that.
This way, please.
Actually, this is where my quarter ends.
Xavier can handle it from here.
Oh my God, seriously?
Yeah, seriously.
I told you I have that thing.
You're just a shit head.
Sticks and stones can break my bones.
Bill, won't you be a doll
and take your bags up,
hustle back down, get
your little tushy in the limo
and give me a ride to the airport.
Sorry, I'm not leaving Miss. Lovejoy.
Oh, see that?
Because Bill is like the
only loyal man in my life.
Remember I sign your checks.
Listen, I have someone
who can take you to the airport.
Ooh, it's not that dead guy, is it?
- With no skin.
- No.
It's not Doug, no.
[Ian] God.
Yes, sir.
I need you to run Mr. Ian to the airport.
He has a... We can take our time
actually, we don't have to run.
Well he has a... I have a thing.
A thing.
- Yeah, no problem.
- Yeah, we cold take
the scenic route.
He could take the scenic route.
You got any bags?
Just this one.
Good luck.
It's gonna be great.
This is nice.
We have arrived.
Let's make sure we have a reservation.
You remember what happened in the spring?
Hotel overbooked.
[Lisa] Ah, life, this is it, Bill.
Holy shit, you're Lisa Lovejoy.
Oh, hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Can I have your autograph?
Now isn't the time.
Well, actually, you know what,
I'm doing a meet and greet
later, you should come by.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Really nice to meet you.
- Nice meeting you too.
- Thank you.
Hi - Yes.
Excuse me, hi, what's your name?
Oh, hi, Bert.
Hi, I'm Lisa Lovejoy.
Nice meeting you.
I was wondering,
do you happen to have
maybe a sauna or a hot tub?
No, I'm sorry we don't.
Damn it, mama needs a time out.
We got a game room.
A game room?
Not exactly the same thing,
but I totally appreciate it.
Thank you.
Lisa, are you causing
trouble with the locals?
Bert, great job, you're killing it.
Lisa, come with me.
I'll show you where to set up.
- Come on, Bill.
- Oh, thank you.
And I just have one question,
do you think we'll have time to change?
Did you just see that?
With my very eyes.
Oh my God, we are
staying in the same hotel
as Lisa Lovejoy.
I don't think we have that many options.
Room okay?
Perfect, let's go.
(tense music)
[Ian] Erm, what are we doing?
[Kyle] Pulling over.
I can see that.
I think we got a freaking flat tire.
But I have a thing to get to, you know.
It's gonna take a
second, don't worry about it.
Please, thank you.
(tense music)
It figures I'd break down
where there's absolutely no cell service.
Freaking life.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
How we doing back there, Kevin?
Kyle, whatever your name is.
(tense music)
(tense music)
What's the update?
(tense music)
Well that's kinky.
(chainsaw roaring)
(dramatic music)
Can I get you ladies a drink?
[Monica] Two more of the same, please.
All right, coming right up.
I don't get it.
The name.
They're not on a mountain.
Well, yeah, it's like King's Island,
it's not actually an island,
it's just the attraction name.
At least here we can see the mountains.
[Shelby] I guess.
I really wanna try
and get her on the show.
[Monica] Lisa Lovejoy.
[Shelby] Oh, shoot, I
should have asked her
when I talked to her in the lobby.
You talked to her?
Shelby, extrovert.
[Ollie] There are so
many hot girls at this thing.
Dude, I told you it's
like a horror convention
here this weekend.
Oh, there's so many hot
chicks at horror conventions.
Like her?
(tense music)
Oh, exactly like her.
Creepy and hot.
(tense music)
Hey, what the hell was that for?
That was just rude.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music continues)
As I promised, the
numbers are looking good
and the prospects are plentiful.
All are fair game?
All except for her.
She's spoken for.
Damn, I would've paid double.
What are you talking about?
Double for what?
This is just a little game
that we're playing, Mayor.
Hey, you know me.
Do what you want, but pay to play.
Yeah, I heard you like money.
Honey, I just love money.
Kelly, hello.
Could you please show this
lovely couple to our boardroom?
- Absolutely.
- Thank you.
[Kelly] This way.
Oh, don't you worry about that.
I just want you to look after Lisa,
make sure that she's well taken care of.
It's my pleasure.
Okay, so it's S-H-A-W-N?
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Thank you, Shawn.
Thank you.
[Lisa] Oh, you're welcome, of course.
You know, I've always
heard being on camera
adds 10 pounds, but, looking at you,
I don't think that's true.
Okay, thank you.
I don't know.
Nah, they don't say that anymore.
That was all film.
- Really?
- Yeah, absolutely.
He's right, film always
made us look bigger.
[Fan] Oh.
Yeah, she just naturally looks like this.
Oh, okay, well thank you.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, have a great day.
Okay, bye-bye.
Those two...
Miss. Lovejoy, it's so nice to meet you.
Hi, how are you?
What's your name?
Bert Jones.
Oh, Bert.
Oh, Bert, from the hotel.
Of course.
I have seen every one of your movies,
except for "Bite" and "Riverwalk."
They just didn't seem that interesting.
But I'll get around to them when I'm bored.
Oh, oh, okay.
Well, Bert, I hope you enjoy it.
Oh, I think they'll be fine.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Okay, bye-bye.
Erm, could you get me
another fucking drink, okay?
Make this one like a triple.
I'm on it.
Thank you, Bill.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(brakes squealing)
(papers rustling)
You know, I don't know
if it's women, or true crime.
They say guys are messed
up, but girls, they're into that.
It just seems, it seems
a little weird to me.
And I remember when horror
conventions used to be about
freaking Freddy Krueger, "Friday the 13th."
Now it's just real life psychos in fields,
dancing draped in kids blood.
So, yeah, getting back
to those "Nightscare" girls,
are they good looking?
Are they hot?
They're beautiful.
This them?
I have seen Doug.
(tense music)
oh, hey buddy, relax.
[Man] Take it back.
Fuck you.
And those girls.
(man groaning)
(man muttering indistinctly)
(man groaning)
(no audio)
(no audio)
What are you, a freaking idiot?
(tense music)
Bert, step outside and
take a breather, you're drunk.
You take a breather too.
(tense music)
Monica and Shelby.
Oh, do we know you?
Sort of, I'm a listener.
Oh, nice.
Glad somebody's listening.
Well, with this group here,
I'm sure you have a lot of followers.
We live for this shit.
Not wrong.
You from round here?
I am.
Your voice sounds familiar.
[Phoenix] You can call me Phoenix.
Oh, Phoenix like on the
phone the other day, Phoenix?
The very same.
So where'd you get your info?
You made it up, didn't you?
I'm a local, a little
insider trading, if you will.
He really sacrificed his own kid?
They all did.
You think those kids were random?
What happened to the one that survived?
Ask them.
[Monica] What?
[Phoenix] He just walked in.
[Shelby] Him?
[Monica] The millionaire guy.
No, there's no way.
I call bullshit.
[Monica] Where'd he go?
What the hell just happened?
Hey, who was that guy?
I need another drink.
No, man, no.
Come on, man, you had one too many.
Let's just go back to our room, okay?
Come on.
(bodies thudding)
[Quinn] You bitch.
You have no idea.
(Quinn groaning)
Ladies and gentlemen,
the witching hour is upon us.
The haunted house is now open.
So for the next five
hours, roam these halls,
explore these rooms for this is the place
where Clyde the king Chambers
ordered five of his cult members
brutally murder 11 innocent children.
[Man] Screw the cult.
What's that?
How about we talk about
the murders happening now?
Not some God damn shit
that happened decades ago.
I think it might be past
your bedtime, little man.
You son of a bitch.
You took my little girl.
(Xavier grunting)
(woman gasping)
(fists thudding)
All right, man.
That's enough, he's out.
Help me get him outta here.
[Robert] Okay.
Okay, well that was fun.
It's good.
Everything's good.
For those of you riding the bus,
it's out in front right now.
(gentle music)
[Bill] I've got him.
(Xavier gasping)
[Kelly] How is it?
I've seen worse, but that's
not necessarily a good thing.
Hey, buddy, EFTs are on their way.
We need to keep this going.
He's got a final check to sign.
You'll get your money.
Damn straight I will.
All right, looks like I'm
hosting this party now.
Come on, darling, you
can be my running mate.
It's all right, I'll be right behind you.
No, you go ahead.
I'll stay with him.
(Kelly sighing)
New plan.
Is he dead?
He will be.
Take care of him.
(helicopter engine rumbling)
(helicopter engine rumbling continues)
(helicopter engine rumbling continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
I know we are.
Oh, that's right, we are.
Okay, nice to see you.
Okay, Bill.
Oh my God, really, this
is what I'm doing now?
Oh, group number two, come on up.
Is it crazy in there?
What's it like?
Oh my gosh, it's like an old house.
Oh, this is gonna
be crazy, I just know it.
Oh, well maybe you should
lower your expectations
and that will heighten your satisfaction.
What does that mean?
Whatever you want it to mean.
She's being cryptic.
You're so freaking good at this.
Come on.
Oh, thank you so much.
Have fun.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
They love you.
No, no, no, don't say that.
Okay, I don't wanna be like the gatekeeper,
hostess to this thing.
But you're killing it.
No, I wanna kill myself.
I can't stand...
Oh my gosh, come on up.
So nice, can I get a hug?
Nice to see you.
- Hi, Lisa.
- Hi.
Hi, Lisa.
Thanks for being here.
(tense music)
Hello, hello.
Good evening.
[Kelly] Good evening.
Welcome, everyone, to the boardroom.
Where's Xavier?
George Knight, correct?
Unfortunately, George, he's been cut
from the weekend's festivities.
But the show goes on.
This here is the command center.
Kyle, change the page.
So we've set up cameras
all over the grounds.
This evening you're invited to watch
as they roam and play through
the old house and house.
And what are these?
Ah, Mr. Slade, those are the drones.
They provide coverage
even in the blind spots.
I mean, they certainly seem fancy,
but will they actually
hold up to a field test?
It already has.
We have successfully completed
multiple test hunts, all right.
Just to be sure, of course.
Everything is ready.
Once you've made your
decision, just let us know
who you want for tomorrow's hunt
and we'll see it gets done.
We certainly do enjoy a good show,
don't we, Sondra, darling?
Very much so.
The quality looks a little grainy.
Sure we can even see on these things?
I'm sure it'll be perfectly serviceable.
Artemus, your wife seems
a little less than enthused.
[Artemus] Don't mind Martina.
My dear, do you have any idea
of the magnitude of what
we're about to participate in?
Honey, have you ever
done one of these before?
Even just on regular animals?
Well, we did do that elephant hunt once.
(Sondra laughing)
I cannot believe it.
You are so lucky.
This is your first time,
and for it to be this,
recreating Macabre Mountain.
What a thrill.
Remember my first
time, it was in Iceland.
A shot a young woman
in the back of the head
who was running away from me.
It was horrible.
Only that I didn't let her face me first
so I could see the look in her eyes
as the bullet pierced her fucking skull.
[Artemus] That is dark.
I love it.
Canada, five years ago,
that was my first time.
This is the first hunt
where we get to recreate
an actual event.
Yeah, but unfortunately
they're all basically adults.
Having children in the mix, that would...
That would really raise the bar.
[Sondra] You are a devil.
I love it.
How'd you come by this land?
Land owners sold for cheap.
Secrets are no fun.
Yes, unless they hurt someone.
There's my girl.
(tense music)
[Monster] Boo!
Hell no!
(tense music)
Help, they're hunting me.
You can't run.
(chainsaw whirring)
Oh, that's enough.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
That's that.
Can't polish a turd.
(branch snapping)
(tense music)
If there's any coyotes out
there, you better watch out.
Great, now I'm talking to
myself as well as coyotes.
You know what, I'm outta here.
(tense music)
Who the hell are you?
(man grunting)
(tense music)
(metal clanging)
I haven't gotten that
much exercise in months.
That maze was kind of crazy.
What's wrong?
I left my card at the bar.
Are you sure?
Lemme get it.
[Shelby] Well don't mind me if I'm asleep
when you get back.
Sleep tight.
(tense music)
(door knocking)
Hey, is anyone in there?
Oh, hey.
(door knocking)
Hey, excuse me, I left my card in the bar.
Can someone open?
Okay, cool.
[Trevor] Hello, Monica.
What is going on here?
[Trevor] It's so great
to finally meet you.
Oh, shit.
(Monica gasping)
[Trevor] Gotcha.
What's wrong with you?
It's me, Trevor, I'm your biggest fan.
[Monica] Stay the fuck away from me.
What a bitch.
It was just a game.
It was just a game.
(door rattling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Good morning, have
you seen Miss. Lovejoy?
No, not today, I'm sorry.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Bill sighing)
(tense music)
(elevator creaking)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(elevator dinging)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
Miss. Lovejoy, it's Bill,
you don't wanna miss breakfast.
(tense music)
(door knocking)
(tense music)
Miss. Lovejoy, I'm coming in.
(door lock beeping)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Bill groaning)
(Bill groaning)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(no audio)
(footsteps pattering)
What are you doing?
Everything's fine, all right.
Second floor, 210, 213.
Got it.
Got it.
(man muttering indistinctly)
(indistinct chattering)
I don't have any service.
Sounds about right.
You have any wifi I could jump onto?
Sorry, stand outside, when
the wind blows just right,
you can snag an incoming
call off of the Valley Tower.
That really doesn't help me.
[Bert] That's all I got.
(TV chattering indistinctly)
(birds tweeting)
(birds tweeting continues)
[Shelby] Good morning.
Good morning, it's a greeting often used
at the start of the day.
Right, sorry.
Good morning.
Hey, you haven't seen
Monica by chance, have you?
My friend, the kinda crazy
one who confronted you
back at the diner about
the Circle City case?
No, sorry.
Is she missing?
No, I'm just not sure
where she ran off to.
I'll find her.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Now, everybody, welcome
to your humble beginnings.
Make yourself at home.
What a beautiful day for a hunt.
I hope you choose well,
you never want this to end too soon.
[Artemus] I went with
innocent and sporty this year.
We're missing someone, your wife.
It appears she didn't have
the stomach for it after all.
This won't cause any issues, will it?
None at all.
She knows who pays her bills.
So what about her target?
Up for grabs.
Four of you.
Five of them.
Choose your character.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(Monica screaming) (man shouting)
Will everyone shut the fuck up!
(captives screaming)
(gun firing)
Jesus, fuck.
Thank you.
You're probably all wondering who I am.
Not important.
You're probably wondering
where the fuck you are.
Also not super important.
And last, and this part is important, okay,
you're probably wondering why.
Will everyone please look up at the board?
Hey, hey, hey.
Okay, this is the hunt.
The hunt is a super fun time
where humans get to hunt other humans.
In case none of you are
sure, you are the fucking prey.
(Lisa screaming)
Okay, hold on, hold on.
Don't start freaking out on me.
Chill out.
Chill out.
Let's go over the rules, okay?
Rule number one, free yourself.
Rule number two, run.
Rule number three, try not to get killed.
And number four, if you survive, you win.
(Kelly laughing) (Monica groaning)
Wait, wait, wait.
You gotta read the fine print.
Okay, check it out right here.
There is a 99.9999999%
chance you will not win.
But, hey, it's better than 100, right?
(tense music)
You're gonna need that.
Oh, and they're gonna
be here in like 30 minutes,
so I wouldn't just sit there.
Good luck, and goodbye.
(tense music)
You see, I picked a good one.
He's not waiting around.
Give the others some time.
What about that one?
Get away from me.
Time's up for that cheating slut.
You are evil.
[Artemus] Oh, you have no idea.
(no audio)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
[Robert] Hey.
What a greeting after I
can't get ahold of you all day.
Something happened
with the service out there.
I'm serious.
I'm heading home, I
didn't find anything out there.
I heard about Sally's father.
So you don't think that
there's more to that?
I don't know.
I'm not convinced.
I thought something
would happen at the event,
but nothing did.
I see.
I mean, it felt like a dead case anyways.
It can't be.
Son of a bitch.
[Janie] What?
[Robert] I'll call you later.
Robert, it's good to have you back.
[Robert] Yeah, you too.
(gentle music)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
There has to be something in here
that we can use as a weapon.
You have a fucking knife, genius.
Okay, one knife.
I doubt she would've
left it if she thought
we're gonna win with it, so...
You can't.
[Monica] What?
[Martina] Nothing.
[Monica] Why, why us?
Does anyone even know why we're here?
I don't know about you,
but I know why I'm here.
I figured it out.
They know that I was getting too close,
so I'm here, on death row.
That sucks.
So what about me?
Why am I in here?
Now how would I know that?
You know things.
I know about my life.
I don't know shit about your life.
[Lisa] Stop.
We've got 10 minutes.
They can come and they can find you,
but they're not gonna find me.
How come I think that you know more
than what you're saying?
You can stay here and die
or leave and probably still die,
but I'm giving myself a fighting chance.
So get outta my way.
(tense music)
Well, I'm sold.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not sold.
I don't wanna get out there and get killed.
(tense music)
(vent hissing)
Tear gas!
(captives coughing)
[Monica] Run!
Wait, where are you going?
(captives coughing)
Oh, no.
Help us!
(drone whirring)
Wait, what was that?
(bomb exploding)
- What was that?
- Oh my God!
I think it's started.
She said run, I'm gonna run.
- Screw it!
- Let's go.
No, we have to stick together.
[Slade] Game time.
[Artemus] Here I come, my love.
Thank God you're back.
[Robert] Did you find your friend?
[Shelby] No, and all the phones are out.
Even the landlines.
[Robert] Follow me.
What are you doing?
(gentle music)
What room were you in?
[Shelby] 107.
(tense music)
[Kyle] What are you doing?
It's too early.
Everything's fine.
All right?
210, 213.
Get on it.
210, 213.
210, 213.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Kyle] What are you doing?
[Man] Watching.
Dude, have you lost it or what?
Look, out there.
So what?
It's like five miles away.
What's out there?
I'm not sure, but I know who does.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(door handle rattling)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Robert] Freeze.
(tense music)
(man grunting)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(tense music)
What is this?
Macabre Mountain.
Look, there's the house, the corn maze.
Monica, she's there.
Where are you going?
[Robert] I'm driving up there.
Then I'm coming with.
No, get in your car, drive
into town, get the police
and get them up there.
[Shelby] What do I tell them?
Someone just died on Macabre Mountain.
(car engine firing)
(gun firing)
[Slade] That was just a warning shot,
don't make this too easy.
Hello, are you still there?
Field tested, my ass.
The equipment is junk.
Hello? Hello?
All right, going in blind.
Gonna take things up a notch.
(Lisa whimpering)
(Lisa shouting)
Help me!
(Lisa screaming)
[Sondra] Woo-hoo, run you dirty slut.
[Lisa] Please, help!
[George] What the hell?
What the fuck is she doing?
(tense music)
Help me!
Help me!
(Lisa whimpering)
I can't...
I can't take it...
(Lisa crying)
(Lisa crying)
(digger rumbling)
(digger crashing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Yeah, baby.
(gun firing)
[George] That was my kill, you bitch.
Now rest in peace.
Who's next?
(gun cocking)
(tense music)
(Martina chuckling)
Oh, honey, let me say
you've never looked better.
Who's the newbie now, bitch?
(gun cocking)
My turn.
(tense music)
(Monica sighing)
Oh, shit.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
[Artemus] Honey, that you?
(tense music)
(car engine roaring)
[Slade] Gotcha.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
(car engine rumbling)
Who the hell's that?
(Slade thudding)
(brakes squealing)
(tense music)
(tense music)
I know, I know.
(tense music)
[Robert] Drop it.
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(tense music)
[George] I know you're here.
I don't see any blood,
so I must have missed,
and I never fucking miss.
Come out.
Fine, fine.
New game, old school, just you and me.
Come on.
I'm waiting.
Now I'm just getting bored.
(men grunting)
(Monica gasping)
(Monica panting)
(tense music)
(Mayor humming indistinctly)
All righty, one last payment
for the Mayor Carl reelection fund.
(gentle music)
Oh my.
What the hell happened with this?
(tense music)
Hello in there.
Good Lord.
(tense music)
What is all this crap?
(tense music)
[Martina] Here for your blood money?
Hey there, sweetie.
You just relax now, I don't
have nothing to do with this.
You did this.
You think, I don't know
what it's like to be paid off?
Oh, thank God.
Well then you understand
it's just business.
[Martina] Not this time.
(gun firing)
(tense music)
(ax thudding)
(Martina gasping)
Fucking cry baby.
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Monica gasping)
It's me, it's me.
It's me, it's me.
It's me, it's me.
It's me.
- Oh God, thank you.
- How are you?
Oh, shit.
(tense music)
[Artemus] Now someone is cheating.
(chicken clucking)
Ah, fuck.
[Artemus] I don't think so.
(tense music)
(Monica gasping)
(tense music)
You'll be a nice warmup
before that darling wife of mine.
(weapon clattering)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(door creaking)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(Monica gasping)
(Monica yelling)
(Monica yelling)
[Artemus] No more running.
(tense music)
(tense music)
(blood squelching) (Monica grunting)
(Monica panting)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
[Phoenix] Hmm.
Help me.
Help me.
[Monica] Sorry.
Quick, untie me.
How did you get in here?
I'm not sure, it went dark.
I killed a man in the other room.
There you go.
I had to though.
Do you have any other weapons?
How do you kill someone for fun?
I just, I don't understand.
It's really fucking horrible.
[Kelly] They're just
wired differently from you.
(tense music)
[Kelly] It's the surprise.
The look of not believing
you'd actually do it.
Stabbing someone in
the heart, it's so personal.
[Monica] How did you know?
Know what?
That I stabbed him in the heart.
Oh, I watched.
We both did.
I watched them all.
It's exciting.
Ever since that first
time when I was a child,
it just gave me such a rush.
The story you told,
you talked about sons.
I guess I might have
had some of the details
wrong after all.
[Monica] Okay, you're both in on this.
You did this.
The Chambers family
never owned this land.
I did.
And I convinced him to
create the hunt for my little girl.
We had some really special times back then.
This is, it's pretty fun
too, isn't it, baby doll.
This has been the best game ever,
watching the prey become the predator.
Just amazing.
Thank you so much, Daddy.
I never thought I'd get to feel this again.
Oh, you're welcome, honey.
Nope, no.
I won the game, so I get to go home.
That's the rules.
I've won the game, so I get to go home.
Oh, poor girl.
Poor girl.
No one wins,
it just ends.
[Robert] Don't.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(tense music)
(Kelly screaming)
(Monica screaming) (Kelly grunting)
(gun firing)
(blood squelching)
(body thudding)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
Oh my God.
Oh my God, Monica.
Oh my God.
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(gentle music continues)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(dramatic music)
(gentle music)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
(gentle rock music continues)
What's keepin' you awake
Someone stole away your dreams
Your dreams
Opened the lock on your heart
Performed some reckless surgery
And I was never there
To hold your hair
I was never there
To hold your
There to hold your hair
There to hold your hair
Drink yourself to sleep
Guttural porcelain emptiness
You got tile imprints on your knees
Vodka morning SOS
[Paramedic] Hey, over
here, we've got a live one.
(tense music)
(Lisa sobbing)
Easy does it.
It's Lisa Lovejoy.
Oh my God.
[Officer] Are you okay?
The trauma.
You would not believe it.
You are one lucky lady.
The stories you could tell.
Honey, it's all going in my next book.
(Lisa sobbing)
[Director] Cut.
(all laughing)
(no audio)