Magnifica presenza (Magnificent Presence) (2012) Movie Script

My friend says she's never
seen so many handsome men.
- Please, please come in.
- Thank you.
I can believe it.
After a 20-day march
only the fittest make it to Santiago.
The slow ones, the ugly ones
die early on, right?
Look at all this space!
And so charming!
Sure, but this room has no windows.
- Yes, but there's a sunny balcony
over here. - It's wonderful.
My mother inherited the house...
...from Countess Casanova,
a great lady!
She helped so many poor souls
during the war.
- She was a true noble woman.
- May I? - Please, look around.
How did your mother
know this woman?
She was her lady's companion.
The maid!
- What a big kitchen!
- Maria, come and see.
Excuse me.
- This house is awful.
- What? It's beautiful.
Are you kidding? It's a wreck.
It's lovely and it's in great shape.
The maid inherited everything:
house, furniture and jewels.
I see...
What a loony!
- What?
- What's in here, ma'am?
Sorry, I store all
the useless items in that room.
- Please forgive me.
- Pietro!
What is it? What happened?
What are you shouting for
you gave us a scare!
It's a storage area, but could
be considered another room.
It's huge, 1.40 meters high.
- That's convenient.
- Yeah, for gnomes!
What are you doing here again?
- I just came back to get...
- No!
The contract doesn't provide
for repayment of the deposit.
- We were here first. - I just want
to get the things I left behind.
Well, if that's all...
You can go in.
I can't.
I'll go.
Excuse me.
Another nutcase.
Here, goodbye.
So, where were we?
Oh yes, I wanted to say...
...if you have four months deposit
on the rent for me...
...we could wrap it up now.
- No!
- Yes.
Hold on to your hat,
I have great news: I found it!
In the old Monteverde area,
it's amazing!
It's big, beautiful.
I don't know how I did it.
That's all I wanted to tell you.
I never catch you at home.
I can't wait to show it to you.
Let me know, I'm here.
Did you know I found a place?
In the Monteverde area.
It's old, but won't take much
to get it in shape.
I don't even have
to touch the bathroom...
...just fix a tile or two,
but I can do that later.
And it's convenient.
I can get there by tram...
...and a short walk.
It's even got a balcony.
Good for hanging out the washing.
Do you have a balcony?
- Will it get through?
- Go.
It's a beautiful house, I still
can't figure out how I did it.
I can't afford a house like this!
I was lucky.
Can you make it?
Come over, we'll spend some
time together, have something to eat.
We can talk about us, our future.
For the first time
we have a place all to ourselves.
What do you say?
Tell me when you can come.
I know you're busy.
Well then?
Hey, I mean you.
Have you moved in?
Yes, almost. I'm almost done.
How come you didn't bring
your girlfriend for breakfast?
- Girlfriend?
- We saw you with that girl...
No, that's my cousin.
Your cousin.
- We're always together.
- Bye, girls. - Bye, Paolo.
- Bye.
- So, you're in Gea's house?
Yes, Mrs. Gea,
do you know her?
- Do you live alone?
- I do for the moment.
- What do you do?
- I make croissants at night.
You should try ours
they're delicious.
No, I make them but I don't eat them.
Is everything alright in the house?
- Why, is something wrong with it?
- No!
Why are you leaving?
Have you really thought about it?
I don't think you're ready.
You don't know what it means
to cook alone, eat alone, sleep alone.
Do you realize
you'll be sleeping alone?
Yes, I think about it every night.
I can't sleep because
you snore like a fog horn.
I'm worried,
all alone in that house...
I won't be alone,
Massimo will be there too.
This Massimo!
I don't see you together.
I've never seen you together.
- When can I meet him?
- You will.
Come here.
- I'm sorry to leave too.
- Very sorry.
But don't worry.
- Maria!
- What?
- You went there on purpose.
- Where?
Maria, I can't handle being gay...
...let alone straight!
From one to ten?
- Seven.
- Praise from a pastry chef!
- I'm not a pastry chef, I don't make
cakes. - You make croissants.
- It's not the same thing.
- That's true.
Actually, if all goes well,
I won't be making anything.
- Meaning?
- I have an audition.
- For what?
- For an acting job.
- Why, are you an actor?
- Trying to be.
- Why, huh?
- Yeah, why?
- It's the best job in the world.
- No way!
I was an extra for one day,
it was super-boring.
They didn't even pay you.
- If you're famous, okay...
- That's why I came to Rome.
- It is?
- Good luck, then.
Pietro Pontechievello.
- If Pontechievello doesn't come forward
I'll call the next one. - I'm here.
- My name is Pietro Pontechievello.
- Pontechiavello?
- Pontechievello, with an "e".
- I'd suggest Pietro Ponte.
- It sounds better.
- We'll cut the 'chievello'.
Like a stage name?
- Pietro Ponte.
- Pietro Ponte, smile.
My name's Pietro Ponte.
I'm an Aquarius with Gemini rising,
and from the province of Catania.
- Serious now, Pietro Ponte. - I've
always dreamed of being an actor.
Pietro Ponte, be surprised.
Although it's always been a thing
I've done in secret.
Pietro Ponte, laugh!
Because my father didn't approve.
He always said:
"If you want to be an actor... have to wait till I m dead"
- Then? - And then he died.
I meant...
professional experience?
I've done small local ads.
Pietro Ponte is afraid.
Like, for instance,
Resilio Jewelers in Catania.
Maybe you know it, it's famous.
Now he's sad.
Then the Rizzo Car Dealership... Ragusa.
- Show me your right profile?
Left! - And then I came to Rome.
Thank you.
- Pietro Ponte's finished, thank you.
- Already?
Okay, thank you.
- It's for a laundry powder, right?
- A softener.
Pietro Ponte is afraid.
Pietro Ponte is very afraid.
Pietro Ponte, be surprised.
Pietro Ponte
be a little more surprised.
Pietro Ponte, you're not surprised!
Smile now, Pietro Ponte.
Smile more.
Pietro Ponte...
...will never make it.
Pietro Ponte is tired.
Very tired.
Mommy, is that you?
No sign of a break in,
the windows are fine...
...the door was locked
Let's check in here.
Go in.
It's so cold in here!
There's no one here either.
Stop saying I was dreaming...
...and it was dark.
- You're a bitch!
- Sorry.
At least tell me what they look like... they talk,
if they're violent, ragged, smelly.
- I bet they're illegal immigrants.
- How would I know!
- They were all made up, dressed...
- They're made up.
Trannies! They're trannies.
That's odd, because they earn a lot.
Maybe you had a beer and...
Yeah, a guy drinks a beer
and people come in his house!
You, with the gay, will let anyone in.
You're tickling me, Maria,
that's so nice!
No, hold my hand...
I like it, makes me feel secure.
Thank God you're here.
Hug me tight.
Your hand's a bit cold.
Cold hand, warm heart.
Pietro, what is it?
Did you call me?
You're not well.
I'm off, I'm already late.
Listen, I've been thinking
about this all night.
You need to get laid.
I don't know how, or who with..., woman, your choice
but you have to get laid.
Hold it, don't move.
- Maria! - What is it?
- Don't move.
What is it?
Oh, right.
What an idiot!
My bosses would freak out!
Oh, my God!
- Tell me I wasn't wearing earrings.
- You weren't! - Good.
So I haven't lost them.
So, everything's okay.
Have a good day, Pietro.
Wait, I'll come with you.
You gave me a contract
for a house that's already occupied,
Did you know that?
You thought I was an idiot, right?
I trusted you.
You seemed like a nice person.
Do you have to be
an asshole in this world?
Listen, I have a signed contract.
Kick them out, whatever,
but you have to resolve this.
Thank you so much, ma'am.
"Let's make it Thursday night,
send the address. Massimo".
"Let's make it Thursday night,
send the address. Massimo"...
Thursday night...
Let's make it Thursday night...
Send the address.
Thursday night.
Let's make it Thursday night...
Thursday night, thursday night.
Where's Garibaldi?
I don't know.
- Where's Garibaldi?
- Give me that, I'll look.
I'll look.
Excuse me, do you have Garibaldi?
Have you got Garibaldi?
I don't have Garibaldi,
it's extremely rare.
- Don't touch my things.
- You're very aggressive.
- You're scaring the boy.
- I'm scaring the boy?
You're scaring me.
Don't touch, they're my things.
You can't go into someone's home
and start touching things...
- I'm helping you.
- I can do it, I don't need any help.
Who turned this? I want it facing
the living room, okay?
And they even want to be in charge
with what I paid for this place.
Yusuf, what are you doing?
He's the only one who can help.
Do you want him to report us?
- We have to talk, you know that?
- Talk? About what?
You have to get out
this is my house.
You have to leave me alone.
Hear me?
Just wait, I'll show you.
- What would you like?
- I need an eviction letter.
You saw them again?
- Do you know who they are?
- No, I don't.
Yes sir, what is it?
- You did something to your hair?
- I'll call you later.
- Usual place for lunch?
- Let's say coffee? - Okay.
Seeing as...
...Massimo's coming to dinner...
Massimo's coming?
- Are you an idiot?
- At last.
He's a successful assistant director,
he doesn't have much time.
I need the house to be free.
Of course, dining with people staring
at you in the dark can't be easy.
Don't be funny.
You still owe me a favor.
- What?
- It's me who told you to cut your hair.
Remember that.
Leone Attorneys & Associates
Notice of summons...
...for the release of an apartment,
occupied without authorization.
I, the undersigned,
Pietro Pontechievello...
...tenant of the apartment
situated at 37 Via Cavalcanti...
...hereby make known that
I have signed a rental contract...
...and have paid a deposit,
equal to four month's rent.
Furthermore, there's all
the money I spent...
...on new furniture,
the energy spent moving.
This is my house, mine,
even the contract says so.
...on Thursday evening...
...a very important person
is coming to dinner here.
So, for that date, I'd like
your definitive departure.
Have I made myself clear?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Here we are... well?
- I prepared a small aperitif.
- You shouldn't have.
A drop of wine...
For a toast.
Have a seat.
Correct me if I'm wrong... and I were together for three
days, and we spent a night together.
Was that three years ago?
Actually wasn't even a night
it was an evening.
An hour.
One hour three years ago...
...cost me 300,000 text messages
...notes, letters...
Do you remember those phone calls
with all that sighing and crying?
Not to mention the flowers!
You buried me under like
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
I changed numbers twice
but you always tracked me down.
Now you're in Rome
and say I told you to come.
You stalk me,
leave poetry on my car...
...and invite me to dinner.
What the fuck do you want from me?
Tell me, what the fuck do you want?
I have a private life, you know?
Why don't I answer your texts
your e-mails, and the rest?
Either I have to slap you
or you apologize.
Apologize, pack up and get back
to where you fuckin' came from.
You're crazy, you're sick.
Stop bustin' my balls.
Forgive me,
but you're doing it all wrong.
You're too insistent,
it's like you were asking...
- Stop, Lea. - Why?
I wanted to tell him a few things...
I wanted to compliment him
on the table, the food, the wine.
- It's all wonderful.
- Good evening.
- Fruitcake!
- Yusuf!
I understand it's a bad moment
but we have to talk.
My name's Filippo Apollonio.
Elena Masci, Lea Marni,
Beatrice Marni. They're cousins.
- Actually our parents are cousins.
- We're almost not related.
- And then there's Yusuf Antep.
- My husband.
- And little Ivan.
- You know it's not allowed.
Ambrogio Dardini, a pleasure.
Well, that's all of us...
no, one's missing.
Here he is, Luca Veroli.
Now this gentleman will help us
get out of here, right?
- We'll never make it.
- Elena!
What's the plan?
- Did you talk to Countess Casanova?
- So, did Livia send you?
Livia Morosini.
Tell me, is Livia safe?
Talk, don't be afraid.
Don't worry, we won't betray you.
- Never!
- We're used to these things.
And besides, for us you don't exist.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to wake you.
I was just watching you sleep.
I thought you wouldn't wake up.
You know, when you sleep
you have a special glow?
If I were a painter,
I'd do your portrait...
...but unfortunately, I only write.
Stay like that, don't wake up.
While you sleep, you're my secret.
In waking you will be real
and be everyone's.
Can you confirm
that the house is occupied?
- Yes, it's occupied.
- Of course it's not!
Old houses are solid,
but they do make strange noises.
Thet creak.
And anyway,
I've never seen a soul in there.
If my client has proof
the house is occupied... must consider
canceling the contract...
...and refunding the deposit.
- That's going overboard.
No, we haven't been clear.
I've never returned the deposit
to any of the previous tenants.
They hear noises, they leave,
they don't respect the contract...
...and I should return their deposits,
oh, come on!
- May I say something?
- Of course.
Ma'am, there's actually
been a big misunderstanding.
I've already spoken with them...
...and they told me they're leaving.
- Well, it's all settled.
Pardon me, what does that mean?
- You won't be leaving the house?
- I'm just fine in your house.
- You are?
- I am.
You text me every minute,
drag me all this way...
...and you won't even leave the house?
What manners!
I'm warning you, if you're even just
half a day late with your rent...
...I'll kick you out, understand?
- You can explain later.
- Maria, what am I like when I sleep?
Get lost!
Want to ride it?
- Sorry, is it yours?
- Yes.
- I was just standing it up.
- Thanks. - I live up there.
I know, I'm below you, I hear you.
I'm doing some DIY.
- My name's Pietro.
- Nice to meet you, Paolo.
- Sorry once again.
- No, no...
- Bye.
- Bye.
What are you doing?
- Sticking in the duplicates.
- Want to trade?
I'll give you these shells
in exchange for these chocolates.
I stole them from Livia's dress,
but don't tell Filippo.
- Livia Morosini?
- Yes.
Can we trade?
- No.
- Nitwit.
- Nitwit?
- You heard me, you're a nitwit.
Wait. Where are you going?
Good, take your positions,
light, and keep the beat.
You are actors!
Beatrice, up.
- I'm an actor too.
- I hope you at least have a voice...
...and can move more gracefully.
Don't look at your feet,
you're distracted!
Ambrogio, louder!
- What's the name of the company?
- Apollonio.
- You haven't heard of us?
- No, but...
What's the name of the show?
- "Forbidden Dream".
- We dance, we sing, we act!
- It's a musical.
- Stop, stop, stop.
It's not a musical, it's something
more, at least I hope so.
- Would you leave us, please.
- Sorry for disturbing you.
Thank you.
Filippo Apollonio,
born in Italy in 1905.
Founded the company in '39,
in '43 he vanished mysteriously.
The Apollonio Company...
An outstanding tour abroad.
Known for satirical adaptations
of classical works.
no trace of them since 1943.
Livia Morosini, actress, made
her debut as a vaudeville dancer.
Adored by audiences and the press,
famous for her outlandish costumes.
Seems to have vanished, perhaps fled
to Buenos Aires using a new identity.
It's late, shouldn't you wake up?
Yes, you're right.
Thank you.
I was awake.
Were you writing?
I get ideas at night...
...but by the morning
they're always disappointing.
People meet, love...
...then they break up
and find one another again.
I usually stop at the break-up.
When I leaned over you
as you slept...
I blew on your eyelids
to wake you.
You were so handsome,
You have to get up, it's late.
It's late.
Good morning.
Coming to work on your day off?
Are you alright?
I've felt better.
Do you need anything,
some disinfectant?
Some cognac.
I don't understand
why they had it in for me.
Why did they beat me up?
I knew leopard skin was out of
fashion, but to do this...
Three against one, cowards.
- Did you know them?
- One, but only from the waist down.
And only to the touch.
That park's so dark, your fingers
are your eyes, it's like braille sex.
- Ever been there?
- Who is this nympho?
- Are you listening?
- Yes, it's just that...
You were saying?
It's like when you have
a rough stone in your hands...
...and then you realize it's valuable.
Trust me,
I'm an expert in this field.
With that make up, those clothes...
Cut it out now.
Sorry, I'm talking too much,
and you're a bit distracted.
No, I wasn't...
I was listening
to what you were saying...
...that you're a nympho...
You're getting me mixed up.
Excuse me, continue.
- I'll tell you what happened.
- Please.
He was rather ugly,
but there wasn't much around...
I like the ugly ones, they feel
they owe you, so they give you more.
And this one had a huge dick!
- So vulgar!
- So vulgar...
- Can't I even say dick?
- Right, it's him that...
- Him?
- Me!
Of course!
- Do you see him too?
- Frankly?
He's a ghost,
although he thinks he's still alive.
What are you saying?
- Would you please leave?
- No, I'm staying.
It's been...
Goodbye, it's been a pleasure.
Thank you, I'm staying.
- He won't leave.
- He's crazy about me!
- No way.
- No way.
That's what they all say.
What role is she playing?
I don't understand.
- What part's she playing...
- Me?
I play only myself.
What could be more natural
than real fiction?
Ugly, old...
- But intelligent... good!
- What did he say?
He said you're intelligent...
...and that you're unique...
- Unique.
- Yes, as a woman.
- So, ugly and old.
- No!
Pietro, careful!
Careful of what?
Is there anyone else I should know
about in this house?
There might be someone else.
I just love this game of yours.
We all fight solitude
the best we can.
You know what I was thinking
as they were beating me up?
I thought how much Marlene Dietrich
suffered that night in Sydney...
...when she fell on the stage
and remained there...
...waiting for 3,000 people
to leave before she got up.
Such dignity, such style!
What exactly do you see? Ghosts?
Poor things.
Poor things...
Just imagine being trapped
forever in this house.
Okay, but me too...
So, you believe me?
Darling, look at me.
If I still believe in myself,
how can I not believe in ghosts?
I'll call you,
so you can tell me how you are.
"I have always depended
on the kindness of strangers."
Blanche DuBois.
Hello there...
Hello there!
Excuse me.
What happened to Marlene?
How is she?
She must have turned
her accident into a show.
Why are you whispering?
Has something happened?
No, just trying not to disturb you.
We wanted to know
if your friend who knows Marlene...
...knows Livia Morosini too.
Who's Livia Morosini?
She's the greatest actress
in Italian theater!
She's the greatest whore
in Italian theater.
Don't speak about Livia like that,
you're obsessed.
If she were the only one! She was
just the latest, the youngest.
What an idiot you were
and what a mistake you made!
My mistake was
keeping you in the company.
How dare you say that to me?
It's no use arguing
among yourselves now.
- Don't butt in.
- I'm butting in?
I'm taking a bath in my own house,
in my own tub.
You're the ones
who should leave this house!
You don't understand a thing,
we can't leave here.
Do you think we wanted to stay
in this rat hole?
This isn't a rat hole!
That's enough.
For us it's a matter
of life and death...
...every minute is vital for us.
Life and death...
Try to find out
what happened to Livia...
...if they caught her, if she escaped.
Let her know we're here.
I don't think that's too much to ask.
Fiction, fiction...
This is our code word.
Not fiction, reality.
That's the counter code word.
It's a disaster.
We'll think of something.
There are lots of ways now...
...we could get the saliva
from one of the lawyers analyzed...
...and if he's not the father,
it's the other one.
What if it's the one after that?
Then we'll get him legally recognized
by the whole office.
Go ahead and cry.
That's what we'll do.
Cry, let it out.
Will you stop
ripping those packets open?
Pietro, relax.
These are the duplicates, this is
the album I use for the duplicates.
I'll give them to you, so you can
stick them in, carefully.
Let's start, what did you find?
- This one?
- I have it.
A duplicate!
We'll never fill all these albums.
The Carbonari coat of arms.
Show me their faces.
- 83?
- Just a second!
- I'm missing Carlo Alberto!
- Good for you.
Attention everyone, excuse me.
Nino Bixio.
Cavour! He looks like me.
This is Garibaldi, number one.
I'll give it to you.
- Number one?
- One?
- It's very rare, it's Garibaldi!
- I was joking.
It's Giuseppe Verdi. I'm number one.
"And the softener?"
I say to her.
"What softener?" she says to me.
"Pietro Ponte,
you've been very lucky.
Your audition ended up
in the wrong place".
Actually, I noticed there was
a hell of a mess and said to myself.
"How will they ever find anything
when they need it?"
And as it turns out...
They're going to send me the lines
for another audition.
Lies can be very convincing.
Truth is even more so, lies...
Lies can be very convincing.
Beatrice, please...
...don't blame yourself.
Don't you think I'm sad too?
Our son is safe.
We have no news because of the war.
I'm sure he's in a safe place.
Stop, that's enough!
I'll never forgive myself.
Beatrice, don't torment yourself so.
Please, we did the right thing.
He's in good hands, don't worry.
He's in Istanbul now, I'm sure.
Didn't you hear
what happened at the station?
It was all the talk at the theater.
No, I feel that your son's safe.
Really, it was a very touching scene.
I was moved!
I'm preparing too...
I am going to audition.
This isn't an audition
and this isn't a comedy.
It's a tragedy,
it's the tragedy of our lives.
Excuse me...
do you know what happened
in Milan?
Was the station bombed?
Tell me, I beg you.
Yesterday, recently.
We need to know if the trains
for the North, Switzerland...
...are running.
Why don't you tell her?
Why don't you tell her the truth?
Milan's been bombed, the theaters
the stations, the hospitals...
- Why don't you tell her?
- No.
In Milan...
...everything is just fine.
I heard it on the radio,
there are no problems.
...the trains are running regularly...
...even going North, Switzerland.
You see, Beatrice?
It might be harder to go South...
...but that's normal.
Lies can be convincing.
Luckily, truth...
Lies can be very convincing.
Luckily truth is even more so.
Luckily, truth... even more so.
Lies can be convincing...
...luckily, truth is even more so.
Someone believed me,
that's what matters...
...when you're locked in there...'s hard to distinguish
what's real from what's imaginary.
Those are my lines...
...for my audition.
Good, very good.
What is it?
Are you sure all
this make-up is right?
- Perfect, why?
- Hold still.
I don't recognize myself,
it's just not me.
Excellent! You have to vanish.
- There's an actor in your place now.
- Finally.
If you say so.
Make-up is the start of everything.
No, remember you should never
fold your arms...
...or let them dangle.
They have to participate...
But not too much, don't exaggerate.
Beatrice, would you help me?
Actresses used to have
these unnatural poses.
Like that, always the same, all fake.
Suddenly, something happened.
Arms down, face forward,
hands on your face...
there, then she came along.
- Who's she?
- Who? Greta!
Smile off!
Like that, try it.
Guys, I can't do it, I'm embarrassed.
That's not how it is...
.an actor has to know
how to do everything.
For instance...
Hear that beat?
Get it, now?
Stand straight, shoulders back...
...head high, strong chin.
Look at your interlocutor: if he
squints, he can't hear you very well...
...your voice is too low.
If he blinks as you talk,
you're speaking too loudly!
Keep your hands still
when you talk... a little more manly!
When you leave that room,
your voice must remain inside... their pockets!
Now forget your memory, movements
gestures and all the rest...
...concentrate on your character.
You want to learn to act, right?
Then try attending an autopsy.
You have to scrutinize,
observe, investigate...
...pull the guts out.
What's inside tells us
what's outside, the secret.
Is my tie on straight?
Red ears?
It's all just fine.
Thank you.
I hear your heart pounding so hard
that it numbs me.
Well, I'm off.
Well, Pietro...
You've read the scene,
I won't tell you anything...
- Start.
- Should I start?
Today my nightmare is over.
Sorry, I'll stop you right away
and then I'll be quiet.
Try saying it to me, a real person
speaking to a real person.
- I should look there?
- Yes, look at me.
I won't interrupt you again, go.
Lies can often be convincing.
Reality is even more so.
Someone believed me,
that's what matters.
Because when
you're locked in there...
...reality and fantasy mingle.
The rain has stopped now...
...and all I want... to find a park bench... sit and wait
for the clouds to go away.
It seems that the sun...
...has decided to show itself again.
I didn't mind the way you did that.
Pietro, we've seen many people... stand out
for some strange reason
I'd like to know
why you're dressed like that.
For the audition.
We like original, curious people
who are a bit peculiar.
What's your background?
Who have you studied with?
I studied with a theater company
called Apollonio.
- I don't know them.
- It's a theater company.
Let's do this,
we'll just chat for a moment.
Should I ask him to remove his tie?
You want him freer, looser?
I like him, he's not bad.
Well, I'm off.
Can I show you
a trick to ease tension?
You know, in those moments
of embarrassment and silence?
You know those?
Know what you should do?
At most...'ll welcome me...
...with the coldness...
...that you've never had.
Yet, you know...
...that a girl like me...
...doesn't joke about love...
...has never joked.
At most...'ll offend me...
...and then send me away...
...telling me that by now...'re no longer interested... a girl...
...who's only good...
...for playing around with...
...and then I'll leave.
What can we do with you,
Pietro Ponte?
We'll let you know, thank you.
...make-up is the key to everything!
...try singing,
if you're in difficulty!
Where are you all?
Are you hiding in here?
You made me look like shit!
You're hiding, huh? You're scared.
They took me for a madman!
And they're right...
I don't just see you, I talk to you
and even do what you say!
Now I'm going to look for
this Livia Morosini... you'll leave here
once and for all.
- Mr. Ennio, please.
- Who should I say it is?
- Pietro, we spoke earlier.
- This way.
- Mr. Pietro is here.
- Just a second, I've finished.
- Thank you, Alessandra.
- Please go in.
Sorry, my dear, I made you wait
but I have lots to do.
No problem.
- What have you come to ask?
Tell me. - It's that...
I can't stand
living like this anymore.
I can't go on like this.
They're becoming oppressive,
they stick their noses in everything.
Then when I need them,
I can't find them.
And they're strange,
they say they're actors...
...but they have code words,
they hide.
I wanted to ask you...
...since you're the only one
who believes me...
Have you ever heard
of Livia Morosini?
She must be an actress.
Do you know how to trace her?
Speak formally to her,
don't look at her too much...
...don't ask her name.
that's what they all call her.
Just let me handle it.
- Abbess.
- Hello.
Livia Morosini
can change her name...
...neighborhood, city, planet...
...but we know how to find her.
Aren't you coming?
At a certain age, it's best to limit
affairs with young women...
...and totally avoid affairs
with the old ones...
...they might be contagious.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Who is it?
I'm looking for Alice Tempesta.
- Is that you?
- Yes, that's me.
I have a message for you.
- What's it about?
- It's from...
...your company,
the Apollonio Company.
Fiction, fiction.
What are you saying?
Does the apartment at 37 Via
Cavalcanti mean anything to you?
Livia Morosini...
...does it mean anything to you?
He's always been problematical,
even as a kid, and lately...
- Pumpkin!
- What happened?
You fainted.
Good thing Paolo
was on the tram with you.
He was so nice,
he came in the ambulance.
- Hi.
- How's it going?
I'm Dr. Cuccurullo.
Are you up to
answering a few questions?
How long have you been
having these visions?
Maria, what did you tell him?
Don't be angry with your cousin.
First of all, she's not my cousin... mother and hers are cousins,
we're almost not related.
And these people... see in your house...
...what do they do?
Do they walk through walls?
Are they transparent, can they fly?
Maria, you're a real asshole!
No, calm down, relax.
Your cousin
is only trying to help you.
...they're normal people.
Men, woman...
Except I'm the only one
who can see them.
Now, that's interesting.
- There's a little boy too.
- What's he like?
He's a boy.
A bit fat, always wants to eat.
- What were you like as a child?
- Normal.
No, remember, you were tubby.
Absolutely not.
Not much, but you were
slightly overweight.
I was never a fat boy.
You see? I didn't say "fat"...
...but you said "fat boy".
- Admit it, come on.
- What? Maria, tell him.
If the doctor says so...
- Okay, I was a tub of lard.
- Good.
Your cousin told me
you had a nervous breakdown.
She also said
your father passed away recently.
Don't worry, we'll cure you,
but you need absolute rest.
Then these symptoms will go.
Let's hope the ghosts go too.
So, Pietro, we're agreed:
no more auditions
or things like that.
- Things like what?
- That cause anxiety.
Dreams lead to disappointment
and then a sense of failure.
Why failure?
An audition could go well.
You see? You're deluded.
- Just croissants?
- Just croissants.
But in the daytime.
Doctor, we don't make croissants
in the daytime.
I want you back on your feet.
We'll release you tomorrow...
- I'll only work...
- You'll work?
- Only during the day.
- During the day, it's simple.
- Only during the day.
- Only during the day.
Doctor, am I really, really cured?
- Cured...
- Of course.
Actually, tomorrow
I'll even explain how to...
Excuse me a moment.
Get off.
Any trouble, let me know
before it's too late, okay?
You'll see, it'll all work out.
But I'm fine.
I'm completely cured.
- But how are you?
- Just great.
You're sure?
I'm angry.
I didn't want things to go this way.
But I'll find a solution.
I already have an idea.
You know what they say?
When one door closes, another opens.
I've already seen it,
I just have to ring the bell.
I'm off, I have three divorces today.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Go home.
- I am home.
Let's see...
...maybe there's a Garibaldi.
One of the satin-like ones.
Nothing, just the usual duplicates.
Anyway, I have another album
for the duplicates.
How does it go?
I don't remember the steps.
There was this one.
On my own it doesn't...
Alright, forgive me.
Forgive me.
I'm apologizing.
What fiction?
Who are you?
How do you know our code word?
I don't know
what they told you about me... I'll tell you everything I know...
...but then I never want
to speak about this again.
It's too painful for me.
My name is Livia Morosini...
...and I should have been
here too, with them... this house...
...69 years ago.
They were hidden... a small room...
...with a low ceiling, somewhere.
The opening had been blocked... a piece of antique furniture
which was very heavy.
The one who hid them
was tortured and killed.
They put a small heater in the room...
...a very old one.
With all that was happening outside... die in 1943...
...because of a faulty heater.
Excuse me a moment.
The company was on tour.
They crossed borders
and moved freely in Europe.
We'd be invited to embassies,
to official dinners.
We were at war,
yet we were drinking champagne.
But meantime we were in contact
with the partisans.
They were spies...
We were spies.
All I remember about that evening
were the shots and screams.
Fifteen minutes before curtain...
...all hell broke loose.
When I heard they'd found bodies...
...I knew right away it was them.
But by then I was far away
in Buenos Aires...
...with another identity...
...another life.
What's the matter?
- Meaning?
- What's he doing here?
Don't worry, he's here for me
not for you, understand?
- Understand?
- What?
Look at this beauty...
...we're going to Naples,
he wants me to meet his family...
...maybe we'll move there.
Don't tell me,
another door opened!
And the baby?
I still have to give him
the good news.
But he's a doctor, he'll know.
- No, he won't, he's so good-hearted.
- Okay, but he's a doctor.
Let's go, he wants
to have a toast with you.
- Where?
- At the snack bar.
- I can't, I have to go...
- You have to help me, okay?
- Don't be a pain, let's go.
- Okay, let's go.
I have to thank you.
If you hadn't come to the hospital...
Of course, I was concerned
about your physical health...
...but I'd never have met Maria.
So, you're well, aren't you?
- Honey, you've been cured, right?
- Yes.
I'm perfectly cured.
Also because visions
are sort of my field... specialty.
I've cured thirty-two.
Pietro, are you alright?
- Okay, let's have a toast.
- To our meeting.
And one for Pietro.
Excuse me.
- Just a moment.
- Pietro, where are you going?
- What are you doing here?
- Hi, Pietro.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
Come on, take my hand.
Come on! Wait for what...
Are you totally crazy?
It's normal, a minor setback.
Phase B.
That's why I asked him
all those questions.
You're so good!
It's dangerous.
Maria, drink.
- Are the others upstairs?
- Yes.
Never do that again, understand?
Never again.
It's very dangerous outside,
see how bad it is?
No, it wasn't bad.
Anyway, the house is safer.
- I'm happy you're all back.
- But we never left.
Oh, yeah?
What are the pastries like
at that bar?
On a scale of one to ten: four, five.
They look just like the good ones.
- Ivan, where have you been?
- Outside.
Come here.
Listen, Pietro...
...what year is this?
It's 2012.
I had that feeling deep down.
I told you.
So, I'm 92.
Is this any time
to make calculations?
My God, so Ahmet would be...
...the war's over?
- Yes, it's over.
- And Hitler? Nazism?
- He's dead, he killed himself.
- And Communism?
- That got killed too.
- And school is dead too?
- Yes, it's absolutely dead.
Are the Italians free?
Free, really free... We're not having
such a good time of it though...
- Does Fascism still exist?
- And the Jews?
Can people travel freely?
This is Obama...
...the first Afro-American to be elected
President of the United States.
He's handsome.
That's more or less
what's happened up to now.
They even elected a German Pope.
- German?
- I didn't get that.
No, just kidding.
Listen, Pietro... you think we could look
for our son in here?
- If he exists, we'll find him.
What's his name? - Ahmet.
How's that written?
A, H...
Maybe this one here...
There's something.
- It talks about a certain Nesrin...
- Nesrin Antep, my mother.
That's your mother?
It mentions a pharmacy
that had been closed a long time...
...and then this Yusuf Antep...
- That's me.
No, it's someone else,
it says he's 30...
...and that he's managed
to keep the pharmacy open...
...his great-grandfather's pharmacy.
There are some pictures.
- Could this be it?
- Ahmet!
Look, that's our shop in Istanbul.
That's his son...
...our grandson,
he gave him your name.
I thought he was dead,
but I never told you.
I swear, I thought he was dead.
He gave him your name...
...he called him Yusuf.
He made it.
Good for you, Ahmet.
Excuse me...
...if there are the stories
of so many people in that thing...
...then our story's there too!
We can find out what happened
on the opening night.
Only fifteen minutes.
I've already checked, there's
nothing else on that night.
How's that possible?
Did you talk to Livia Morosini?
- What did she say?
- What did she tell you?
- Will you tell us?
- Was she tortured?
You have to help us.
We have to go, someone has reported
us! The theater is surrounded!
The theater is surrounded!
Run, they're coming!
I found them at home.
They were part of your gown,
weren't they?
That costume was created for me.
I was the "forbidden dream"
of the title.
The shells moved
with every gesture...
...and the louder the sound...
...the greater the desire flared.
What crap.
- Why didn't you ever speak of them?
- I should have?
They were courageous,
they tried to change things.
But I wouldn't say they did.
They were stupid.
They threw away everything,
for what?
They died, and for what?
Did you ever find out...
...who reported you?
Who knows, in those days
you could be sold for a cigarette.
You know, many people envied me?
I was beautiful.
I believe beauty is a value...
...that should be recognized... the skill of a doctor.
When I came on stage...
...when I appeared nude...
- Why don't you admit it was you?
- What do you want?
What the fuck do you want from me?
First you sold them out
and then you fled.
And you come here...
...with that air of
a little know-it-all queer... judge me, an actress...
...a great actress!
All that interested me
was the theater.
Only art survives, my dear...
...nothing else.
Why did you betray them?
To betray someone... need to be on their side.
I was just on my own side.
Is that a sin?
Pietro, why don't you
go in the kitchen now?
There's a surprise for you.
Go, Pietro, go on.
You've been
a very important presence for us.
Fiction, fiction...