Main Krishna Hoon (2013) Movie Script

Seema! Christmas!
What are you doing here in water?
go into your room.
You'll fall sick.
Where is brother Nattu?
He disappears whenever he is needed.
Brother Nattu !
'Heavy rains in Jaamnagar..'
Sister Kanta, did you hear?
There was 1 4 inch rainfall in godra.
There was 20 inch rainfall in Rajkot.
Jaamnagar has heavy rainfall.
Do you know? The roof of
our orphanage has come down? - What?
The water is flowing inside.
Children are swimming in it.
You are sitting here
and listening to the radio.
All the children have got drenched.
Brother Nattu, what's the matter?
- l'm not crying.
Then.. is this voice
coming from your radio?
No, the radio is off.
Where's the voice of
a baby crying coming from?
Sister, it is coming from outside.
A baby is crying in such heavy rains.
go and see where that poor kid is.
Sister, l'll go and see. - go.
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.'' - Come soon.
Sister, the baby is so cute,
isn't it? - Yes.
How cruel his parents must be,
who left him here to die.
This is god's grace that he
came in front of our house. - Yes.
l'll take care of him.
You go and get the kids out of water.
Yes, sister.
l'll go and see them. - Come on.
Oh, you got drenched? No, don't cry.
Brother Nattu ! - Coming, sister.
Hurry up.
Your little brother
has come to the house today.
Wonderful. Come here, dear.
Sister, who is he?
This.. this is Krishna.
My Krishna, our Krishna.
Krishna? Why Krishna?
Brother Nattu, don't you remember.. Lord Krishna
met His mother Yashoda?
Yes, l remember. - Yes.
Kids, even that night
it was raining heavily..
..when Lord Krishna came
to meet His mother Yashoda?
Brother Nattu, he didn't come to meet,
but was brought.
Yes, he was brought.
- He was brought? from where?
Do you want to know?
How Lord Krishna was born
and how he met his mother Yashoda?
Yes sister, please tell us.
- Yes sister, please tell us.
Okay, listen.
This happened when
Mathura was ruled by Kans.
Even that night,
it was raining heavily like this.
King, why are you worried?
You all know very well that
the eighth child born to Devaki..
..will be the reason for my death..
..and now today Devaki is
giving birth to her eight child.
l'm very restless.
Moreover, this nature problem.
Such heavy rains..
l've never seen such rain till today.
lt looks like this rain
is going to flood over Mathura.
Lord, you are very powerful.
You have the powers
to overpower the gods.
..the same way,
you will kill her eight child too.
l have faith.
You don't worry and go
to your bedroom. Take rest. - No.
Until l don't kill
the eight child myself..
..l won't be able to sleep.
go and see Devaki. - As you order.
Be alert, as soon as Devaki
gives birth to her child..
..inform the king immediately.
- As you order.
glory to the king.
King, you don't worry.
l don't think Devaki
is going to deliver today.
So, you don't worry and take rest.
By the way,
all our soldiers are on guard.
Be careful.
Devaki, you've given birth to a son.
See this. Our eighth
son will kill Kans one day.
But.. - Devaki, don't worry.
l'll take him to gokul.
Lord, l'm blessed.
Oh Lord, how will l
cross this dangerous river?
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
How will l repay your favor?
What are you saying?
This is Lord's wish.
Did you all like the story?
Very much. - Very much.
So, like Lord Krishna met his mother,
..the same way, we got
this little Krishna to our house.
Just like that! - Yes.
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''The women are smiling within.''
''Smiling within.''
''They come without
being pulled by a rope.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Lord Krishna of three worlds.''
''He breaks the pot
and eats the butter.''
''He jumped in the Yamuna river.''
''He jumped in the Yamuna river.''
''He gave salvation
to the black cobra.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.''
''We are enjoying it.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
You are stamping
over the poppadums. Run.
Hey, stop. Stop!
''We are praying with folded hands.''
''You sat on the chariot
and showed Arjun..''
''You sat on the chariot
and showed Arjun..''
''..your divine form of Lord Vishnu.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.''
''We are enjoying it.''
''Kanha is playing the flute.
We are enjoying it.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
Krishna, what happened to you?
- Krishna?
Everything is normal, just give
him the medicine. Okay? - Okay, sir.
Sir, how is my Krishna now?
- You need not worry.
The child will be
normal in half an hour.
Doctor, what is wrong with him?
What? - You need not worry.
lt is a fact that..
..there are many medicines
available to cure this disease.
So, please don't worry. Okay? - Okay.
You'll have to take extra
care of this child. That's all.
Okay? - Okay.
Brother Nattu..
- Sister, everything will be alright.
Krishna, do you know..
Hurry up, brother Nattu is here.
l'm telling the truth,
l saw it with my own eyes.
His hair was as long as his teeth.
Teeth as long as the hair?
- Yes. Even l saw him.
His legs were in
the opposite direction.
He comes here every night. - ls it?
Does Kalicharan come here daily?
Yes. He comes here every night..
the ghost comes here.
Even today he will come here..
Brother Nattu will
not be spared today.
Do you mean,
today is brother Nattu's last day?
Yes, absolutely.. last day.
Brother Nattu, where are you going?
Sister, children are
talking about BP inside.
BP, what do you mean?
They are talking about
Bhoot Pret ( ghost and spirits ).
Brother Nattu,
you are younger than the children.
They scare you intentionally..
just like that.
Brother Nattu, we've to give
medicine to the children. Let's go.
Tempo, why do you scare brother Nattu?
Sister, he always gets scared
with these kinds of stories. So..
Look at him..
Sister, stories are always fake,
isn't it? - Yes.
So, even you joined their gang.
Hold this.
Take this.
Why should l eat this medicine?
Am l sick that l'll eat this medicine?
l'll not eat this medicine.
- Who told you that you are ill?
This is calcium tablet.
Calcium makes bone stronger.
Just like that.
Brother Nattu, give calcium
tablet to all the children.
l? - Yes.
There's good news.
What is it? - What is it?
Tomorrow is our Diya's
happy birthday. - Yeah !
Yes, we all will go out tomorrow.
We'll eat nicely and have fun.
What else?
Yeah ! - Just like that.
Brother Nattu, give tablets to all
of them and turn off the lights. Okay?
Sister, one minute.
You stay here for two minutes..
..l'll give tablets to everyone.
Brother Nattu.. - Sister, please.
Why do you get scared?
Kalicharan.. - Kalicharan..
l'll leave the tablets here,
you all eat them.
give it to me.
Run.. take a run.
You would've taken a run.
Sister, shall l ask you something?
Do ghosts exist?
l mean, have you seen them in real?
Brother Nattu.. come on,
everything is ready. Call everyone.
Come on. - Okay.
Sanskar, golu, Vitamin.
Come on. Come on, Diya.
Today is your happy birthday.
ls everyone here? Yes.
Hey Sanskar..
Tempo, why have you come alone?
Where's Krishna?
Take this, it is not bitter.
Krishna! Krishna!
Krishna! - What's the matter?
Can't you hear me? l've
been shouting your name from long.
Why are you shouting so much?
- No.. - One by one.
Here he is.. where had you been?
Always stay with Tempo. ls that clear?
Vitamin, Sanskar..
- When will l get parents?
Why do you need parents suddenly?
l'm here..
l'm your mother as well as father.
Do l lack in giving you love
that you are thinking like this?
No.. but still l want parents.
Won't l get parents?
- You'll get. You'll surely get them.
Why won't you get them? Not only you,
all the children will get.
Nice parents.
Promise. - Sister guarantees it.
Yes. - Sanskar won't get
parents because he is dark.
He is dark.
- No, you shouldn't say that.
Lord Krishna was also whitish.
Do you know, all the colors
have their own importance? - Yes.
Once all the colors started fighting.
Blue color said l'm very important.
So the color of the sky is blue.
Then green color said, 'get lost,
not you, but l'm important.. all the trees and
the leaves are green in color.
The same way,
red, yellow, orange, everyone said..
..'l'm better than you,
l'm important.'
The rain was listening to them.
She said, 'you all are
important in your own place.'
Then there was a strong
lightening in the sky.
All the colors got scared
and hold each other hands.
Then a beautiful rainbow
was seen in the sky.
All the colors were smiling together.
Just like that.
Everyone hold each others hands.
These kids..
Sister, what's the matter?
Brother Nattu,
the way Krishna spoke about parents..
..did you hear that?
But his disease.. who will adopt him?
l get scared when
l think about his future.
Sister, you are
worrying unnecessarily.
Krishna is a unique child.
god has his mercy on him.
You say all these things,
don't you? - Yes.
So, god would've surely
thought something good for him.
Sister, l guarantee you.
Children, tell me.. who made
Agra's world famous Taj Mahal?
Who made it? - Tell me, who made it?
Sister, a carpenter made it.
Who is that carpenter? Krishna,
Taj Mahal was made by Shah Jahan.
Sister, Shah Jahan got it made.
But the carpenter made it. - Oh.
He said it right, isn't it?
- lntelligent. Very intelligent.
Okay.. l'll ask you one
more intelligent question.
Yes, it is 1 4. - 1 4!
This is a very simple thing.. but
l'm telling that 1 0 + 4 is equal to 2.
What? - How is that possible?
lt is possible.
See this.. 1 0 o'clock plus 4 hours.. equal to.. - 2 o'clock! - Yes.
This is an intelligent thing,
isn't it?
l remembered one more thing..
do you know.. ostrich's eyes
are bigger than his brains?
Star fish..
it doesn't have a brain at all.
What's the matter?
- Sister, the family is here.
l had verified them yesterday..
- They are here? - Yes.
Do one thing.. - Yes.
You make the children ready,
l'll chat with them. - Yes.
Tell me,
why do you want to adopt a child?
Actually.. - Actually ma'am,
she had a miscarriage thrice.
The doctors say that
she cannot conceive now.
So, we've decided
to adopt a child now.
Okay.. - Yes,
whichever child we adopt from here..
..we'll take care
of him very well. - Yes.
You have to do it.
we give our children only to those..
..who are responsible,
caring, and gentle.
l don't let my children
suffer for anything here.
All the children stay happily.
We all stay like a happy family.
So, when we get a
better family than this..
..only then l allow my children to go.
Brother Nattu has seen
our office and house.
He doesn't have any problem.
Tempo, why are you applying
so much of oil on your head?
So that l look like a fool.
Why do you want to look like a fool?
Because l don't want to
go from here leaving sister.
Why should l go?
lf l go away..
..where will l find brother
Nattu to scare him? - You are right.
Tempo, give me some oil. Even
l don't want to go leaving sister.
l've even prayed to god
that they take Krishna with them.
Why do you want to send Krishna away?
Shall l tell you?
Sister Kanta loves Krishna very much.
So, this girl is jealous.
- Why should l feel jealous?
You may feel jealous.
Krishna is my best friend.
lf he goes away, even l won't like it.
But l wish that these
people take Krishna with them.
golu, why have you
become like a ghost?
No one applies so much of powder.
give me some, l'll apply it.
We follow all the rules of adoption..
..but there are some
rules of this orphanage too.
Sister, no problem.
We'll follow all the rules.
Okay, you can meet the children.
We'll complete
the rest of the formalities later.
Please, come. - Let him also come.
These are our cute children.
She is our cute child Diya.
He is Krishna, Sanskar, Vitamin..
Vitamin is not his real name.
His real name is Vineet.
We call him Vitamin with love. - Oh.
He is golu.
He is Tempo..
we found him in a tempo, so..
He is Christmas.
- You would've found him on Christmas.
Wow.. you are very intelligent.
They want to take one
of you to their house.
You meet them. - Okay.
Brother Nattu..
he is going to Krishna..
Sister, l've told them.
You are number 1 mischievous.
Sister, we would like
to adopt Sanskar. - Yes.
Wow.. very nice. Come on.
We'll talk in the office.
- Okay. - Okay. - Let's go.
Yeah ! - Sanskar..
Sanskar, you got new parents.
- Sanskar, you got new parents.
lf someone gets help
from our orphanage.. is like a big achievement for us.
Sister, shall l go? - Yes.
Sanskar, you are going
to your new house. - Yes.
Behave nicely. go.
Bye! - Bye!
Bye. Bye, Sanskar. - Bye.
Why are the children shouting so much?
Sister, they all are watching
Hrithik Roshan's movie.
Brother Nattu, did all the
children have food? - Oh my god.
All the children had food,
but not one.
Who didn't eat? - Krishna.
l'm trying to explain to him from
so long, but he is not ready to eat.
Moreover, he is not ready to watch..
..his favorite hero,
Hrithik Roshan's movie. - See this.
You are a good spy. Where is he?
- There, he's sitting outside.
Krishna, what are you
doing here sitting alone?
You are sitting upset here.
Tell me.. what's the matter?
Nothing. - You won't tell me?
Piping hot food.. - Tell me.
Krishna, come on. - Yes.
Sister, take this food.
Look, l've cooked
your favorite food today.
l'm not hungry. l won't eat this.
You are not hungry?
What did you eat? - Nothing.
l'm still not hungry.
So, l don't want to eat.
Your answers and your style..
is like Krishna.
But sister, he is Krishna, isn't it?
l'm not talking about him,
but about Lord Krishna.
While eating food,
he used to trouble his mother Yashoda.
The same way? - Yes.
He is nothing,
but he was more stubborn.
More stubborn.
- No, he was so mischievous..
..that he was ahead of everyone.
He and his team used to
create a chaos in whole gokul.
Everyone used to complaint
about him at home.
Do you want to know how he
used to trouble his mother, Yashoda?
Yes, sister. l want to know.
- Sister, even l want to know.
But l'm not getting
any answer from him.
Krishna, tell her. Tell her or
sister will not tell the story to us.
Yes, l want to know.
But there's one condition,
you have to eat food.
Sister, our Krishna
will surely eat food.
You will food, won't you?
- No food, no story.
No sister, one minute.
Eat a little. Come on. - Very good.
Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!
What's the matter, Sudama?
We searched the whole village,
but we couldn't find any butter.
But where did the butter go?
l feel Lala has hidden
all the butter. - Yes.
l see.. come with me.
You go and have food. - Okay, sir.
Wow.. - So,
all the butter from gokul is here.
You come soon. - Okay, sir.
There's lot of butter here.
Butter? Hurry up. l'm famished.
But how will we go inside?
''l'm Krishna.''
Krishna, how do we come inside?
- Come near that door.
Hurry up.
Wow! - There's so much butter here.
Krishna, you are great.
Wow, a river of butter.
There's butter in this too..
l'll eat the whole thing.
Wow, there's butter here also.
What have you done?
Who is it? Who is inside? Who's there?
Open it.
l'm telling you, open the door!
l'll not spare them today.
Krishna? Oh, it is you?
What is this? l'm ruined.
Krishna, you ruined all the butter.
l'll not spare you all.
Krishna, open the door.
- Lala, we'll not open the door.
Oh god, l'm ruined.
Aunt, did you see Krishna?
- No, l didn't see him.
l looked for him in the whole village.
l don't know where he is.
He is hungry since morning.
Poor guy. - Poor guy?
Do you think your
Krishna will stay hungry?
He has eaten all
the butter in my house.
He didn't eat alone,
he made all his friends eat it.
Why should l lie to you?
You come with me and
see it for yourself. - Okay.
Come. Look there.
- Oh god, he is telling the truth.
What do l do with Krishna?
Sister, the story is
over as well as the food.
give me. - Sister, did you have food?
lt is good. You at least
remembered me after the story.
l'll have it now.
Oh god.. dear Krishna..
Krishna, come on wake up.
Come on. - Brother Nattu,
what is this? l've just slept.
You didn't sleep now,
but you slept last night.
Hey, give my water.
What are you doing?
- Why are you yawning?
lt is my mouth, l can yawn. - ls it?
Then go ahead. get lost! - go.
Hey, give me my towel back!
Brother Nattu !
Coming, brother.
Yes, Mr. Mehta.. greetings.
l'd delivered the poppadum
to you yesterday itself.
Look, poppadum are not grown on trees.
So.. what?
Mr. Dipen Bhai Mehta?
Sorry, sorry. l mistook you.
Yes, l remember. l remember it. Yes.
Welcome, please come.
Please come, sister Deepali.
Mr. Dipen, this is our orphanage.
Mr. Dipen,
all the children that we have here..
..they are so sweet and
cute that you'll get confused..
..who will you take
and who will you leave.
But you don't get confused.
l'll give you a child
that you'll become very happy.
Brother Nattu.. - Yes?
Do you have a factory
of making poppadum?
No, sister Deepali.
We don't make poppadum to earn money..
..but to run this orphanage.
Our sister Kanta has
dedicated her whole life.. help these helpless
woman and orphan children.
l'm very happy to hear
that there's a woman.. Mother Teresa in gujrat too.
Boss, l salute sister Kanta.
- l salute her daily.
Children, don't do mischief.
Hey golu..
Sanskar, Vitamin..
- Very cute children.
They are cute, isn't it? - Yes.
give me the ball..
- They are very mischievous too.
You take this. - Oh pal..
Dear, what's your name?
greetings.. - Sister Kanta.
greetings, sister Kanta.
l've checked your files.
Everything looks okay.
Okay. - You can meet the children.
Sister Kanta,
l think, we got our child.
Look, you.. - No, you go.
Brother Nattu,
you told them about Krishna, isn't it?
l really like him. - ls it?
Sister, l think we
shouldn't tell them.
We shouldn't tell them?
What do you mean?
l mean, we shouldn't tell them.
He is looking so happy.
- He is really sweet.
That's okay, but some day
they'll know about it, isn't it?
Yes, so what. You think, what if
their own child was in this condition?
So.. what.. - Sister,
nothing will happen. l guarantee you.
Please.. please. not this time.
Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !
Hi, happy birthday son. - Thank you.
- Happy birthday. - Thank you.
''Happy birthday to you.''
''Happy birthday to you.''
''Happy birthday dear Krishna.''
''Happy birthday to you.''
Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !
Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !
Yeah ! Yeah !
Sister? What's the matter?
Brother Nattu.. - Yes.
l don't know why l felt
something happened to Krishna.
l'm feeling very scared.
l hope nothing happened to him.
Nothing would've happened to Krishna.
Since Krishna left,
you've been only thinking about him.
That's the reason, you feel so.
No, brother Nattu..
it is not like that.
Sister, he must be very happy there.
They'll keep them happily.
l guarantee you.
You know, when l guarantee something,
it is true.
So, stop thinking about Krishna and..
..take Lord Krishna's
name and go to sleep.
He will surely do that.
goodnight. - goodnight.
Brother Nattu, l shall leave now.
goodbye. - goodbye.
Krishna! - Brother Nattu !
- Sister Kanta, Krishna is here.
Hi, brother Nattu.. - Come on.
Hi, brother Nattu.. - Very good.
Please come. - How are you?
greetings. - greetings.
Krishna, how are you?
- l'm good. l'm absolutely fine.
Do you know, they had organized
a party for me last night?
l cut the cake.
Do you know l even danced? Like this.
Then, what happened?
- Then.. after that..
Krishna? - Dear Krishna,
what happened to you?
Call the doctor..
- What happened Krishna?
l don't remember what happened then.
You don't remember.. what do you mean?
Sister Kanta, we need to talk to you.
You go inside and play..
meet everyone.. - Yes.
Brother Nattu.. - Yes, come on.
Brother Nattu..
- How are you? - l'm good.
Have a seat.
What do you want to say?
Sister Kanta,
whatever you asked us, we told you.
But you had to tell
us everything about Krishna.
Don't you think you have..
- Cheated you.
You want to say this, don't you?
Yes, l've cheated you.
l had to tell you
about Krishna's ailment.
But Mr. and Mrs. Mehta, he is
not suffering from any big ailment.. which his life is in danger.
He has epilepsy.
But now there are medicines
available to cure epilepsy.
Just you have to take some extra care.
This is what our doctor told us.
Sister Kanta, he has lied to you.
Krishna is suffering from such
ailment, which can never be cured.
You are telling, a little care..
..not a little,
but he needs care all 24 hours.
He can have an attack
anytime and anywhere.
Who will stay with him for 24 hours?
Why will anybody with him?
We took him from here thinking
he will support us in our old age.
But he himself needs
support all the time.
One minute..
so, you don't want a child..
Just because you feel that Krishna
cannot support you in your old age.. don't want to
keep him with you, isn't it?
Okay, no problem. No problem at all.
l'll take care of my Krishna
all the 24 hours.. like you said.
l can take care of him.
You can leave him here.
But Mrs. Mehta, tell me something.
lf you had given birth to a child,
who was suffering from same ailment..
..which Krishna is suffering from..
what would've you done?
Would you leave him.. this logic that he
can't support you in your old age?
Mr. Mehta, you tell me.
You wouldn't have left him, right?
Because, he was your own son.
..thanks a lot for that.
You can leave. - Let's go, Deepali.
Sister, my parents.
Where did they go? Sister?
They left. You'll stay here now.
But sister, they are my parents.
l want to go with them.
Sister, my parents left.
- They are not your parents.
They are not related to you in anyway.
lt is too late, go to sleep.
Brother Nattu, l cannot sleep..
as l've seen tears in Krishna's eyes.
Did you see how sad
Krishna's face was..
..when Mr.
and Mrs. Mehta left him here?
Sister, you don't get tensed.
He will forget them
in a couple of days.
He will forget? Will he forget?
He will not forget anything.
He will remember everything and cry.
All this happened because of you.
Brother Nattu,
it is all because of you.
You told me not to tell
them about Krishna's ailment.
Don't say anything.
Hiding the truth is equal to lying.
Krishna is suffering from
epilepsy and this is the truth.
We have to live with that truth.
lf we would've told them,
what would happen?
They wouldn't have adopted Krishna.
That's all, isn't it?
But Krishna or we wouldn't
have endured so much pain.
lt is a different thing
if you are an orphan..
..but he got parents, but they
let go off him after accepting him.
Krishna would be heartbroken by this.
Do you realize that?
l made a mistake. A grave mistake.
You are right.
All this happened because of me.
This happened because of me.
l thought.. l was wrong. l was wrong.
You can punish me the way you want.
No.. brother Nattu, l'm sorry.
Brother Nattu, please don't cry.
Please, don't cry.
ln anger, l told you many things.
lt is not only your fault,
l'm also a part of it.
Whatever you thought
was for Krishna's betterment.
Our way was wrong,
but our intention was not wrong.
Please, don't cry.
What worse can happen?
No one will adopt Krishna..
he will not get parents. much that he'll
not think about anyone. Yes.
This is right.
Today, l guarantee this.
''l looked in the earth,
l saw the sky..''
''l looked in the earth,
l saw the sky..''
''l looked in the whole world.''
''ln the crowd of this world,
where are you lost?''
''Why did the dream
in my eyes shatter?''
''Why did you leave my hand suddenly?''
''l stood seeing you helplessly.''
''Mother, where are you?''
''l looked for you in the whole world.''
''Mother, where are you?''
''l looked for you in the whole world.''
''Who do l ask here?''
''Who will tell me?''
''l've never seen my mother.''
''l've never seen any affection.''
''He has seen god who
has seen his mother's face.''
''Mother, where are you?''
''l looked for you in the whole world.''
''Mother, where are you?''
''l looked for you in the whole world.''
You are Krishna, aren't you?
Even l'm Krishna.
But everyone worship you.
They love You. They come to You.
They want you to always
stay with them.. be with them.
But no one wants to
keep me with them. Why?
After so many days,
l met parents, but even they left me.
Why did they leave me?
Because l have ailment?
Why am l sick?
Sister says that you
give everything to everyone.
You gave this ailment to me,
didn't you?
Why did you give me this ailment?
Did you give me so
that l don't get parents?
Sister told me Your story.
You had two parents.
l don't have even one.
Why is it like that?
Everyone say that You are very nice.
You help everyone..
but no.. you are not good.
You are too bad, Krishna.
You are too bad.
Krishna, you are too bad.
lf l don't get my parents,
then l'll never talk to you.
l'll never talk to You.
You wait and watch.
Krishna? - What happened? Who is it?
You.. are you calling me?- Yes.
Then why can't l see you?
- Turn behind and see.
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Krishna.''
Who are you? - l'm Krishna.
Who are you?
- l'm Krishna.
But l'm Krishna.
- l'm Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna? Why have you come here?
You called me.
Krishna, l know everything about you.
You know? What do you know?
l know everything.
A little while ago, whatever
you told me.. l know everything.
Did you hear everything?
- Yes.
Whenever somebody
calls me wholeheartedly..
..l come to them.
So, even today l had to
come for my friend.. as a friend.
One minute.. but how do l believe
you that you are really Lord Krishna?
You tell me, how will you believe me?
You do some miracle and show me.
Some magic..
- Magic?
lf it was someone else,
l wouldn't have agreed to him.
But l've made you my friend,
so l can deny you. Tell me.
What do you want to see?
Can you make this temple disappear?
- Temple?
Yes, why not? Here.
Wow.. he really made it disappear.
This is a fairy world.
Wow.. it is very beautiful.
Krishna.. you are great.
You really made that temple disappear.
Do you believe me now that l am real?
Yes, now l believe
you that you are real.
Hail Lord Krishna.
Sister Kanta's Lord Krishna. lsn't it?
Hail Lord Krishna. Hail Lord Krishna.
Now l don't have any problem
because You are with me.
My best friend, aren't you?
- Yes, why not?
Krishna, shall l go?
- You are going?
When will you come again?
- Again?
l'll tell you.
Take my flute.
Wow.. this is a beautiful flute.
Whenever you have to call me,
you play this, l'll come.
l don't know how to play a flute.
You know.. - How do You
know that l know to play flute?
l am telling you,
you know to play a flute.
Keep them on your lips
and see it for yourself.
Krishna, l really know
to play a flute. - Yes.
you bring back the temple soon.
People may come to worship.
lt is going to be morning.
- Yes. Here it is.
Yes.. it is okay now. Krishna,
l'll meet you tomorrow. Okay? Bye.
gudiya.. oh god.
Dear, Diya..
- Brother Nattu, please let me sleep.
Come on, wake up soon.
You keep playing the horn whole night.
Come on, wake up.
Where did Krishna go?
Krishna! He is great.
Tempo, l'll not spare you !
Krishna! Krishna!
Someday, l'll die because of them.
Krishna! Krishna!
Where did he go early in the morning?
Brother Nattu, what's the matter?
Why are you shouting?
Sister, Krishna is
not to be seen anywhere.
What do you mean
by he is not to be seen?
l mean, he is not here.
l searched the whole place.
See properly,
he must be somewhere around.
Sister, l saw all the
rooms upstairs and downstairs.
You don't worry.
l will go out and check.
Krishna! Why are you troubling?
Where would he be gone?
Where did he go early in the morning?
lf he goes away from the orphanage..
..l wonder what will
happen to sister Kanta.
Please bring him back to me.
Wow. lt is a wonderful flute.
Brother Raghu, did you see Krishna?
- No, l didn't.
You should have take care.
Brother Nattu !
Here he is.
- Why are you screaming?
l'm screaming?
lf not screaming do
you expect me to cajole?
Where had you been
early in the morning?
And why are you laughing?
You know how worried sister Kanta is?
We'll teach you a nice lesson today..
Don't laugh. Sister Kanta!
l found Krishna, sister Kanta!
l found Krishna.
- You found him?
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Everyone was so worried..
..and moreover,
sister Kanta was weeping.
Hey, where had you been?
Where had you been, Krishna?
Sister, l was around.
Where would l go? Just like that.
You were around?
But l looked for him everywhere.
- Brother Nattu..
You made me worry unnecessarily.
Just like that.
lt's because of you.
Stop laughing.
Wow Krishna,
how did you get such a cute flute?
lt just came to me.
- What do you mean?
But who gave it to you?
My friend gave it to me.
l can say that. Now go from here.
Alright. You have flute
but do you know how to play it?
l do.
- Then play it.
l can't. - That means you
don't know how to play flute.
l know how to play.
- Then play it.
Who's playing flute?
lt's Krishna.
- Wow.
He is playing the flute so well.
He is playing it so well, isn't it?
Wow Krishna, where did you
learn how to play flute to well?
Will you teach me too?
No, me first.
- Me first!
Me first!
l'm his best friend,
so l will learn first.
So what if you are his friend?
l will learn first.
Stop it!
l will teach everyone, okay?
- Pudding is ready, kids!
Pudding !
Come on ! lt will be fun.
- Thank god.
You are here?
You played the flute,
that's why l'm here.
But l didn't play it to call you?
l played it since Diya provoked me.
You came here unnecessarily.
But we gods keep up our promises.
Now that you are here, go away.
Hey, what kind of a friend are you?
l'm here for the first time..
By the way, a guest is next to god.
And l'm god myself.
Yes, that's right.
Tell me, what do you want?
Wow. The aroma of
the pudding is great.
l think pudding is being made.
l.. l will have pudding.
You? You will have pudding?
- Moreover, in front of everyone?
Yes. - What if you
everyone learns about you?
Krishna, where are you?
- l'm coming.
l'm going now, okay?
l will think of an idea for you.
The pudding is so tasty.
- The pudding is so tasty.
Why did you come now?
What if somebody sees you?
- No one can see me.
l will leave only
after having pudding.
You are taking from my plate?
Here, have it.
Whenever sister makes pudding,
l'm in trouble.
Who wants pudding?
- l want.
- So?
l served you pudding
a little while ago?
l just started having pudding,
brother Nattu.
lf you started now
when will you finish it?
Here, have it.
Tasty, isn't it?
- l will take some pudding too.
Krishna, give me more pudding.
How much will you have?
Your stomach will burst.
Sister, l'm tried going there.
Oh god.
What's this?
The pudding vessel is still full..
..even after the kids
had so much pudding?
And sister.
- Yes?
Krishna had almost 20
bowls of pudding. - Really?
Then why isn't it getting empty yet?
- Yes?
Did you put any special
ingredient in it?
Yes, l did.
l now realize why
they are eating so much.
l've put love.
And how many times have l told you..
..ot to cast your
evil eye on kids' food?
lt isn't love.
l feel something fishy.
Oh no.
l hope Kalicharan's
ghost didn't posses Krishna.
l will not go to serve pudding.
Kids, it was fun, isn't it?
The pudding was tasty, isn't it?
Shall l tell her l liked it too?
- No.
Krishna, didn't you like the pudding?
No, sister.
l liked the pudding very much.
But Tempo didn't like the pudding.
l see.
Why, Tempo? What's the matter?
No, l liked the pudding very much.
He is lying.
Oh no. You kids..
Oh yes, shall l give you good news?
Krrish is being
telecasted on TV today.
Oh. Krrish !
lt will be a lot of fun today.
Well Krishna,
at least now tell me what's Krrish..
..on hearing it all the
children became so happy?
Krrish is a film.
Super hit? Meaning?
Super hit means.. you are everyone's favorite.
l see. Even l want to watch Krrish.
You want to watch Krrish?
- Yes. - Okay.
Today we will watch Krrish together.
Wow. Wonderful jump.
Oh my god.
- Look. He runs so fast.
Wow. Wonderful jump.
Hope l could jump like him.
What a stunt?
Oh, he is running faster than a horse.
Who is he?
Talk softly. They will hear you.
Okay, but who is he?
He is Krrish.
- He is as powerful as you.
He can do many things.
He can climb trees.
He can jump from one
building to the other.
As yours and mine,
his name is also Krishna.
He becomes Krrish later.
- You will find out later.
But it is just the
character name in the film.
Otherwise, his name is Hrithik Roshan.
Hrithik Roshan.
Hrithik Roshan?
- l'm a huge fan of his.
Krishna, you know everything.
Then why don't you
know the meaning of it?
The person whom we like
very much we become his fan.
Then from today,
even l've become his fan.
You too? Very good. Very good.
ln that case, l have to meet him.
Meet him?
- Yes.
- Yes.
And him?
- Yes.
lt is not possible.
No one can meet him.
But l want to meet him.
l can't take you to him..
..because he stays in Mumbai..
..and this is gujarat.
lt is not possible.
Now, watch the film.
He's gone?
He should've watched the whole film.
The real fun begins now.
Sister, what is it we are doing?
Dear, today's is Janmashtami(birth
of Lord Krishna).
Meaning? - Janmashtami
means Lord Krishna's birthday.
What? Today's Krishna birthday?
Not Krishna but Lord Krishna birthday.
got it?
Really? So we will
get cake today for sure.
Not cake, dear.
Everyone will get sweets today.
- lt will be fun today.
And see this.. his new dresses.
Wow. The dresses are so beautiful,
isn't it?
This one! This one! This one!
Wait a minute.
Pink dress, isn't it? - Yes.
We will make him
wear pink dress. - Yes!
What's this?
Today's your birthday,
so l brought Halwa( sweet) for you.
Halwa? Wow.
The aroma is really great.
Yes, sister Kanta made
it with nova ghee. - Nova ghee?
Yes, she was also saying
that we will go to see..
..Dahi Handi(program ) tomorrow.
You will join us, won't you?
Well, l will be there.
Really? lt will be great fun then.
''Lord Krishna.''
''Lord Krishna.''
''We will enjoy.''
''We will overpower tomorrow.''
''We will enjoy.''
''We will overpower tomorrow.''
''We will dance and sing. govinda.''
''We will enjoy.''
''We will overpower tomorrow.''
''We will dance and sing. govinda.''
''Take care of the pot.''
''We are coming to create a commotion.''
''We are risking our life.''
''Take care of the pot.''
We are coming to create a commotion.''
''We are risking our life.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''We'll win over everyone's heart.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''Hail Lord Ram. Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Ram.''
''Hail Lord govind. Hail Lord gopal.''
Hail Lord Krishna!
''Hail Lord Krishna! ''
''We've counted days on our fingers.''
''We sing the song of the rowers.''
''Our breath is because of Him.''
''We will fly in the sky like a kite.''
''There's commotion all around.''
''There's commotion all around.''
''There's chaos on the street.''
''Hail to Nand's son.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''We'll win over everyone's heart.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''Hail Lord Ram. Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Ram.''
''Hail Lord govind. Hail Lord gopal.''
Hail Lord Krishna!
''govinda has come.''
''govinda has come.''
''govinda has come.''
''govinda has come.''
''govinda has come.''
''govinda has come.''
''Your waist is swaying.''
''My life is stuck in the pot.''
''Be careful, l'm getting hiccups.''
''Many crazy guys
are losing their heart.''
''The girls are peeping
from the terrace.''
''The fun loving guys
from Brij are here.''
''You be careful or
we'll make you lose your senses.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''There is chaos amongst the girls.
The butter thieves are here.''
''We'll win over everyone's heart.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''govinda has come.''
''The guy from Brij
will break the pot.''
''Hail Lord Ram. Hail Lord Krishna.''
''Hail Lord Ram.''
''Hail Lord govind. Hail Lord gopal.''
Hail Lord Krishna!
Krishna, do something.
Me? What can l do?
You can do everything.
l see. Then shall l break the pot?
You will break it?
- Yes. - How?
Are you out of your mind?
lt's him.
Yes, it is him.
- Come on.
Shut up. l said shut up.
Shut up!
- Let go off me!
Shut up!
- Let go off me!
Shut up!
- Let go off me!
Let go!
l said shut up!
- No!
Let me go.
Let go!
Krishna! - Hey boy, why are you
standing in the middle of the road?
Out of the way else
l will ram into you.
Out of the way, Krishna.
What happened? Come on, let's go.
What are you doing?
- Why isn't the car starting?
Hey. get the car down.
What are you doing?
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
Krishna is doing all this?
Krishna, you are here?
- And.. how did you do all this?
Me? What did l do? l don't know.
But tell me something.
Why were they after you?
..l was working in a circus.
l used to toil hard there.
They used to hit me, beat me.
They also never used
to give me dinner.
One day, l realized that
l should run away from there.
l saw a tempo, l hid inside it.
And that tempo took
me to sister Kanta.
But don't be afraid now.
These goons will
never trouble you again.
And listen Krishna, please
don't tell sister Kanta about it.
She will get very upset.
Okay, l will not tell her.
Now let's go else brother
Nattu will come here.
Hey, who farted?
Who farted?
golu farted.
- golu farted.
golu farted.
Wait a minute. l will tell you.
ln pin safety pin, in pin out..
..out goes the safety pin, in pin out.
golu farted.
- You farted.
You farted. You farted.
- Wait, l found out who farted.
Not golu but brother Nattu farted.
Shut up.
- Shall l call Kalicharan?
Call anyone you want.
l'm not afraid. got it?
No matter how hard you
try to scare me, Tempo..
..l'm not going to get scared.
l see. So you will
not fear anyone now?
l will not get scared of anyone, dear.
Because my Bajju will be
with me all the time. - Bajju?
What's Bajju?
- Bajju?
Bajju means Lord Bajarangabali..
..break the bones of the enemy.
Come on, quickly have
the milk and go to bed.
Dear Krishna, what's the matter?
Brother Nattu, you know
this flute is mightier than a gun.
That's right.
You and your flute are unique.
Come on dear Krishna,
the milk is kept here..
..don't forget to drink it.
Diya? - Diya, what happened?
- Diya, what happened?
Tempo, what..?
Seema! golu !
Brother Nattu, quickly
find out what's going on? - Okay.
Sister Kanta!
Check the report.
- Okay, sir.
Yes. Everything is okay.
- Okay.
give him the injection.
- Okay.
He is fine now.
- Yes?
Are the kids okay?
Don't worry.
The kids are out of danger.
But doctor, what has happened to them?
lt is the case of food poisoning.
f ood poisoning?
- Yes, food poisoning.
The news about food
poisoning is coming from..
..other parts of the city as well.
Several children have fallen
ill due of adulterated milk.
Adulterated milk?
- Yes, adulterated milk.
Oh my god.
May people who do
adulteration be given..
..such a punishment that
they don't get place even in hell.
Hey Lord Krishna..
..protect all the children.
Now what happened, Krishna?
You know what?
All the children
in the orphanage have..
Moreover, several children
in the city have fallen ill.
Please Krishna, do something. Please.
l think those who do adulteration
in milk should be taught a lesson.
What's the need to count,
brother Paddu?
Kalwa, do you mix less
chemical in the milk?
l think the quantity is less.
What to do, brother Paddu?
Kalwa, you are trying
to fool Paddu Singh?
lf l lose my mind, l will
make chemical out of your bones..
..and mix in the milk.
get away, idiot.
Oh. So this is the case.
Adulteration of milk is done here.
Really? l will teach
them a lesson today for sure.
Krishna, you teach them a lesson..
..and l will teach
these a lesson. - Okay.
He is trying to fool me?
Who, brother Paddu?
Kalwa is trying to fool Paddu Singh.
But my name is Paddu
Singh and not insane.
''Paddu's milk store.''
''Paddu is a cheat.''
Wow. Come on..
Who is it? Let's go out and check.
''l'm Krishna.''
What's this?
Someone broke the headlight.
Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!
Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!
''l can cross over
the river in a jump.''
''l'll not come into anybody's hand.
l can do wonders.''
''l can make a chariot
of clouds and fly in the sky.''
''l can fight with
the strong lightening.''
''l'm unique. l'm Nand's son.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
Come and have a look.
- No.
''l'm the king of gokul.
Everyone talks about me.''
''l can fill your mouth with sugar.
l have the power in my fist.''
''Why are you called as butter thief?''
''Why do the girls shout
at the river banks?''
''The guys of Brij watch
stealthily from the trees.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l can cross over
the river in a jump.''
''l'll not come into anybody's hand.
l can do wonders.''
''l can make a chariot
of clouds and fly in the sky.''
''l can fight with
the strong lightening.''
''l'm unique. l'm Nand's son.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
After Delhi, Kanpur and Agra,
those who've been doing..
..milk adulteration business
in gujarat were exposed.
According to information received..
..the condition of the
children in different places..
..of the city was
quite critical yesterday.
The police were
completely unsuccessful..
..but a brave boy whose name
is Krishna helped the police..
..and told the name
of the place from where..
..this illegal business
was being carried out.
And all the credit goes
to this brave kid Krishna.
f or further news keep
watching channel News Big.
Krishna, you've become famous.
People from different
place have been praising you.
You're becoming famous.
Whatever is happening,
it is all because of you.
Had you not supported
me l could've done nothings.
We gods support only
those who are brave.
You are brave and that's
why l supported you, l did your job.
Now, do my job.
Your job? What job?
You forgot?
You are such a selfish friend.
l supported you so much..
..whereas you don't even
remember my job that l told you?
What job did you tell me, Krishna?
Krishna, l can't take you to him.
l only his fan, l don't know him.
Every kid is his fan.
How is it possible for
all the kids to meet him?
l want to meet him, that's it.
And you will take me to him.
And how, you know better.
l can't take you to him.
Being a god you talk like kids.
l can't take you to him.
Then even l can't come
whenever you call me.
Okay, don't come. Okay?
Think about it.
You cannot do anything with me.
l will manage myself.
When in need, you will call
me for sure. - l will not call you.
lf you are stubborn, l'm stubborn too.
ls that so?
- Yes.
Alright, l will not talk
to you from today. - Okay.
He's gone?
l don't care. l too will go.
There he is, catch him.
He shouldn't get away.
So what if he is god.
What does he think of himself?
Hrithik Roshan will
not come to meet everyone.
Don't talk to me if you don't want to.
l too will not talk to you.
He was Sanskar, right?
Sanskar! Sanskar, stop.
Why are you running?
- goons are after me. - Stop!
You too run else they
will catch you too. - Stop!
l say stop!
Why are Krishna and Sanskar running?
l will inform sister Kanta.
Sanskar. - Yes?
- Why are the goons after you?
And why'd they catch me too?
l will tell you later,
just keep running.
Are you hurt?
No. You are sister Katrina, right?
Yes. But why are you both running?
Sister, some goons are after us.
- Yes.
Come on.
Sister, please help us.
Of course, l will.
Come on. Come in. Sit behind.
Sister, hurry. The goons are coming.
Out of the way!
Hey come on. Throw him out.
What..? - Shut up.
- What are you doing?
Darn it.
Yes, Vishal?
Yes, l'm on my way but..
two kids are with me.
They are.. in a bit of trouble.. right
now. l will call you later, okay?
There they are.
Are you driving a car
or riding a bullock cart?
Duck down.
Well done.
lncrease speed, man. fast.
Well done. faster.
- Come on.
Well done.
get down, come on.
- Come on.
Come on.
- Be seated.
Come on.
Boss, she is Katrina Kaif.
lf she is Katrina Kaif
then l'm Shakti Kapoor.
Madam, hand over the kids
to us and get going from here.
We've nothing to do with you else..
Else what?
Madam, l'm telling you politely.
Bring the kids out
and hand them over to us.
Don't mess with us.
lt is you who messed with me.
l see. Come on.
get them, sister.
Wonderful. He's done.
She is Katrina Kaif.
They've attacked Katrina.
Attack? - l told you
not to mess with us, didn't l?
Come on.
Now.. all the goons ran away.
lt will be great if we
have a group snap with Katrina.
Yes, she thrashed them hard.
l enjoyed it.
Tell me, Sanskar.
Who were those goons?
Krishna, they were dangerous goons.
They kidnap children,
make them work and also beat them.
They had confined me too.
Yes. Like me,
there are many children there.
What? Take me there right now.
No, they will confine you too.
Just take me there.
Okay, let's go.
this kid has seen Sanskar running.
Some men were after him.
l then called Mr. Kumar but no one
answered the call on the landline..
..and the mobile phone
was switched off as well.
l feel something fishy.
Please do something.
l'm worried about the kids.
Do you have the man's photograph..
..who adopted Sanskar?
- We do have. - Yes.
Show it to me.
- Look.
Oh my god.
Sister, he is not Kumar.
He is Natwarlal from gujarat.
Robert D'souza.
He works for Angar Singh.
And Angar Singh is
a very dangerous criminal.
He uses children in
his every illegal work.
Oh my god.
But l talked with
him just 1 0 days ago.
And he was talking
with me very nicely.
He also had Sanskar talk with us.
And regularly, he sends Sanskar's
medical report and academic report.
So there is no scope for doubt.
What has happened?
Look, don't worry.
So far, we didn't have any
evidence or witness against them.
Now, we have evidence and witness too.
Yes. - Neither Robert
nor Angar Singh will get away.
See him off.
- Hurry.
Hurry, come on.
Krishna, this is the
place where they confined me.
Here, there are many kids like me..
..and Angar Singh makes
them work day and night.
Angar Singh?
He is a very cruel man.
He harasses children a lot.
And children who don't work,
he beats with his big comb.
And he makes many
children beg for alms.. breaking their
hands and legs, Krishna.
You know l comb my
hair with this comb and..
..fix people too.
A lame man ran 80-90 miles. Enjoy.
l say laugh.
Daddu ! Daddu !
What happened?
- That kid.. got away.
You scoundrel. You idiot,
you call yourself as Bakhtawar.
You don't do anything,
but still wants to rule over Calcutta.
Strong people like you
couldn't nab a small kid.
Because of you Angar
Singh's back is on fire.
ldiots. You fools.
You couldn't catch a kid.
Hereafter you will not be given food.
Now sit with the
kids and make bangles.
And also wear them.
You scoundrels.
The one who doesn't have
even a single hair on his chest..
..his name is Angar.
Beware of him.
Enjoy. in Angar's den.
Krishna, run.
No, let go!
- Let go!
No, let go!
Help! - Come on !
- Let go! - Let go!
Let go!
- Let go!
Let go!
- Let go!
Let go!
- Let go!
Shut up.
The fool returns home.
And brought another one along.
Alright, l will forgive you. Okay?
- Yes?
He is the kid who ruined
our milk business. - go away.
Rat's life, cock-a-doodle-doo.
Train him too. get to work. Come on.
l'm not here to work..
..but to rescue the kids.
What did you say? Say it again.
l'm here to rescue the kids.
Are you Subashchandra
Bose of Azad Hind Army?
No, l'm Krishna.
Who are you?
- Krishna.
lf you are Krishna
then who am l? - Kans!
You heard that? Kans.
Now Kans of bad era..
..will finish you.
This boy has a flute as well.
Krishna dances..
..playing his flute.
Now l will play the flute.
Why did you come? l didn't call you?
Whenever people like
Kans are born on earth..
Angar Singh !
You idiot!
How dare you call out my name?
Run !
''l'm Krishna.''
Uncle Kans.
- Krishna!
l'll not spare you today!
l've killed Devaki's seven children.
Now it is your turn.
- Paddu, where were you till now?
How do l tell you?
The film heroine, Katrina Kaif..
l think, he has hit you badly.
Stop! Where are you going?
Where is he? Where are you, idiot?
Where's he?
He has torched my back.
Save me. Somebody extinguish the fire.
Krishna, you don't know my powers.
l'll show that to you right away.
See this.
Where is he? Where's Krishna?
Where is Krishna?
What's this?
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
We'll take Krishna with us.
One minute. One minute.
We don't have two Krishnas with us.
l guarantee you that
we have only one Krishna.
Wait, wait.
Yes.. - Only Krishna will
decide who he will go with.
Yes. - Thank you, Krishna.
Angar Singh was caught because of You.
At least now introduce
me to him. - Who?
Hrithik.. Hrithik..
Again Hrithik..
Krishna, to tell you the truth,
l can't introduce you to him.
Then l have to stop
talking to you again.
Hrithik is a big star..
a very, very big star.
He will not come to my house.
He doesn't go to anyone's house. Yes.
Hrithik Roshan?
Hrithik Roshan !
Children, come out.
Hrithik Roshan is here!
Sister Kanta, how are you?
- l'm good. greetings.
Congratulations. You and
your orphanage is doing a good work.
Even l want to join your orphanage
and l've brought a small donation.
You came here,
that's the biggest donation for us.
By the way, our orphanage needs
love and support more than money.
Thanks, a superstar like
you has come here. lsn't it?
The real superstar is your Krishna.
What he has done,
we do it only on the screen.
Can l meet him?
- Yes, why not.
Brother Nattu..
brother Nattu ! Where is Krishna?
Sister, l can't believe it.
Hrithik Roshan?
Can l touch you?
- Yes.
Yes, he is the real Hrithik Roshan.
Krishna.. Krishna!
Krishna, what are you doing here?
Hrithik Roshan is here to meet you.
Hrithik Roshan? Let's go.
Hrithik Roshan?
Enough.. one by one.
- Krishna.
Well done, pal. You are the real hero.
How did you do this?
- With Krishna's help.
May Krishna always
help you the same way.
We are proud of you.
Krishna wants to
talk to me in private.
So, we'll be right back.
Okay? Let's go.
Krishna, tell me.
What do you want to say?
Hrithik, Krishna wants to meet you.
l met you..
- l'm talking about that Krishna.
Hail Lord Krishna. Hail Lord Krishna.
Hail Lord Krishna?
- Yes.
So sweet.
l met you, assume that l met him.
Where are you? Come and meet Hrithik.
You kept torturing me saying
you want to meet Hrithik.
Now that Hrithik is here.
Come and meet him.
Krishna, come. Let's go.
- No, one minute.
Then don't tell me that
l didn't introduce you to him..
..and won't talk to me again.
You? - Yes. Krishna told the truth,
l really wanted to meet you.
l felt nice after meeting you.
Do you know,
even l've become your fan now?
Lord, the whole world
is Your fan.. even l.
l'm very fortunate
that you came before me.
You stay with me like this..
that's all l want.
l'm always with the
people who are truthful.
l'll always stay with you.
Thank you, Hrithik.
You came to meet my friend.
Are you thanking me?
Thank you, Krishna. Thank you.
You made me introduce to him..
..who people cannot see
even after worshiping for births.
Thank you, Krishna. Thank you.
lt is so late..
what is our Krishna talking to him?
Sister, l'll go and see..
- Even l'll go. - Even l'll go.
One minute. Wait for a minute.
Sister, shall l go and see?
- Brother Nattu..
What were you talking?
l hope he didn't bore you.
Not at all. He..
l'll always remember today's day.
Bye Krishna.
Sister Kanta, l shall leave now.
When will you return again?
l mean, when will you return again?
Whenever my friends calls me here.
Okay, l shall leave.
- Bye. Bye. - Bye. Bye.
Bye, Hrithik.
- Bye Hrithik.
Bye Hrithik.
- Bye.
Bye Hrithik.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Please, do come again.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Bye Hrithik.
- Bye Hrithik.
Bye Hrithik. - Bye Hrithik.
- Bye.
Bye Hrithik. Bye Hrithik.
- Bye.
Bye Hrithik.
Bye Hrithik. - Bye Hrithik.
- Bye.
Bye Hrithik.
- Love you.
Sister Kanta.. forgive us.
We made a grave mistake.
We want to repent for our mistakes.
We want to take back Krishna with us.
Don't refuse us.
We were the first one who
took Krishna with us earlier.
Dear, will you come with us?
To your house.
But how can l forget
that sister has brought me up.
She has brought me up with love.
The same way.. as Lord Krishna
was brought up by Yashoda.
Sister is my mother Yashoda.
l can never leave my
mother Yashoda. Nowhere.
l'll not go anywhere
leaving my mother Yashoda.
l'll not go leaving mother.
- Krishna..
Mother.. why are you crying?
l'll not leave you and go.
No Krishna.. l'm not crying.
These tears are of happiness.
Just like that.
The mother who has a son like you,
why will she cry?
''l'm Krishna.''
Did you have fun?
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
Brother, take it up.
Take it up!
Take it up!
''l'm king of gokul.
People talk about me.''
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Sorry.. - ''l'm king of gokul.''
One minute.
- Cut, cut.- ''People talk about me.''
''l can fill your mouth with sugar.
l have the power in my fist.''
''Why are you called as butter thief?''
''Why do the girls shout
at the river banks?''
''The guys of Brij watch
stealthily from the trees.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.'' - No, not that.
You have to look in the front.
She is sitting behind me. Behind me.
Action !
- ''l'm Krishna.''
''l'm Krishna.''
You do one thing, get back the temple.
Everyone would be
coming to play the flute.
That's the reason,
the color of every tree is..
What am l doing? - Not the
color of the tree, but the leaf.
The color of the
petal of the rose is..
Then the sky..
Okay.. then in the sky..
there was a strong lightening.
Sorry.. then in the sky..
there was a strong lightening.
Then all the colors..
- Were smiling.
Were smiling.
They were smiling together.
Run !
''You are unique..''
- Who are you watching? - Brother..
''You are Krishna. You are Krishna.''
''You are Krishna. You are Krishna.''
''You are Krishna. You are Krishna.''
Because that is.. l mean,
when you stand.. it is that much.
''You are Krishna. You are Krishna.''
''l can cross over
the river in a jump.''
''l'll not come into anybody's hand.
l can do wonders.'' - Cut.
''l can make a chariot
of clouds and fly in the sky.''
''l can make a chariot
of clouds and fly in the sky.''
''l can fight with
the strong lightening.''