Major Grom: The Game (2024) Movie Script

Hello everyone! This is Yulia Pchelkina!
Soon, St. Petersburg will celebrate
the one year anniversary since the defeat
of the Plague Doctor.
As well as pay its respects
to its savior, police major, Igor Grom!
For those who missed
the epic events for some reason,
a true hero's journey
unfolded right before our very eyes.
Let me break it down for you. Let's go!
Major Grom, a real life superhero!
Incorruptible, with a heart of gold
and muscles of steel,
he single-handedly saved our city
from the Plague Doctor!
Let me remind those of you
who didn't follow the news!
A year ago, computer genius
and multi-millionaire, Sergei Razumovsky
lost his mind and decided to rid
the city of its plague of lawlessness.
For that, he called himself
the Plague Doctor,
purchased a high-tech suit
fitted with flamethrowers
and started burning the corrupt,
villains, and the rich.
But few know that Razumovsky
was suffering
from split personality disorder.
He thought all the murders
were committed not by him,
but by his childhood friend,
the mercenary, Oleg Volkov.
Grom backed Razumovsky into a corner
and proved to him
that he had acted alone,
since Volkov died
several years prior in Syria.
When Sergei realized this, he lost it
and blew up the police department,
urging his followers to pursue
vigilante justice in the city streets.
Grom risked his own life
to stop Razumovsky.
Today, he's in a mental asylum,
that's tougher than Arkham City.
And Major Grom is the most
famous person in the city.
A symbol of honor and justice.
Phew, that was a lot!
Like, share, and subscribe!
Now, back to the news!
Especially for you, I've compiled a list
of Major Grom's top ten arrests!
Let's watch it!
At number ten, we have the skate park
on Betancourt. My personal favorite.
You're mincemeat!
Why we stalling? Who are we waiting for?!
Come on, come on!
Open up! It's the police!
Go, go, go!
We're gonna have us some fun!
Three years left till retirement!
As usual, more journalists than cops!
I said get every officer,
but you brought the press!
Can you see what a fuss
there will be about this?!
Hi! I'm the prison warden, Leonid Frolov.
There's a problem!
Hello, Sergei!
There's about 100 inmates
rioting right now,
some with batons and riffles
they took them from the guards.
Live ammunition?
God no. I wouldn't trust
my own men with that.
Rubber rounds, but still dangerous.
What I mean is, maybe we need more backup?
- How about a tank?
- Do we have tanks?
- How long have you been doing this job?
- A long time!
- Good eyesight?
- 100 percent!
Look around then,
all the city police are here.
Right, got it! Let's storm them then!
With your brave guys.
We'll mess them up real good.
Why feel sorry for them?
There are hostages. We need to negotiate.
We're waiting on a negotiator.
Gotcha! Another one?
- What do you mean another one?
- Well, um
Where's Grom?
My man, can we do this the right way?
I still need to take my kid off to school.
I don't think
they're taking us seriously, fellas!
They think we're joking, fellas!
I was thinking maybe like on Dumskaya?
What do you mean Dumskaya, hello?!
You really don't get who I am?!
You! You're supposed
to be scared shitless right now, pal.
Don't you stare at me!
Get me my money now!
And my armored helicopter!
In that case, like on Nekrasova.
Back up, now! Back away!
St. Petersburg PD, drop your weapon!
Guys, I'll be back!
Instruction manual, where is it?!
Oh, damn it!
How?! How does this work?!
Got it!
- Everyone back off!
- On the ground!
Well hello there, buddy!
And you all!
No one!
Has ever!
Thanks, Dima.
You know, this isn't like Nekrasova
- Ripped it.
- Are you wearing a bulletproof vest?
It's hot outside.
You know, after Nekrasova, I sleep in one.
- Oh, and
- My man!
Thanks, fellas
Been meaning to ask, when you
gonna shave that thing?
Are you crazy?!
I've been growing it for 6 months!
- Fyodor Ivanovich!
- Quiet down, Sergei!
And here they are!
- Hello, Fyodor Ivanovich.
- Howdy!
You! I already
- I will What are you
- My bad. Yeah.
"Your bad"?!
- And you, Dubin, good job.
- Thank you!
- Everything alright?
- Yeah.
- Sure?
- Yeah.
- Right then
- Ah, there are the heroes.
Oh, I will now
You're in trouble now!
Right, make a sour face
and drop those shoulders.
What is this insanity?! I don't get it!
- Leonid, don't go easy on him.
- That's right!
This is madness!
You risked the entire operation!
There were hostages in there!
Actual people!
I'm filing a report against you!
Complete abuse of power!
Is that what you wanted?!
Well, you got it! Just you watch!
You're going to get it now! Listen up!
A few questions!
Greet your heroes! Go on!
Leonid, you're an important man, I think
it's time for a promotion,
let's go discuss how many stars you want?
Please, can you answer a few questions?
Please tell us, what actually happened
in there?
Can I please ask you a question?
- You there.
- Igor, what happened inside?
How many criminals did you manage
to neutralize today?
You know, I really wasn't counting
You can pop in and check for yourself.
- Igor, another question.
- Go on.
Are you aware that they want to make
a comic book about you?
Although, to be honest,
I don't really like local comic books.
What? Why?
Igor, are you planning to attend
the anniversary event
over the defeat of the Plague doctor?
And how has such fame affected you?
A great question, I think my partner,
Dmitry Dubin, should answer that.
Please forgive me, I need to run. Sorry.
Let's go, this is our chance.
Dmitry, what is it like to be
Major Grom's partner?
It's really cool.
If the city does have a symbol
of law and order,
it's definitely Major Grom.
So, what are the plans for tomorrow?
It's our anniversary tomorrow, remember?
I remember. Yes.
Booked a table too?
My queen does not trust me, huh?
You sure?
Stand here a sec.
Oh, woah!
What's happening?
Igor, the audience remembers
only the first emotion.
Did you know that?
Listen, you may have issues
after that interaction with the press.
I think that it can be fixed with
an exclusive interview.
On my channel, right now.
- Seriously, right now, huh?
- Just like that.
Alright, so here's what went down.
Dima, my boy, and I
are throwing them around.
I check the main
dude who ain't getting it,
and then I go wham!
I give him one, and then the rest
of the bastards attack me!
I start rag-dolling them!
Are you done?
That's what I said, enough.
When Dima and I walked in, I realized
Straight away that things were serious.
After thoroughly
assessing the situation, I
You're so hot!
Buy it!
The ceremonial unveiling of the monument
dedicated to the anniversary
of the defeat of the Plague Doctor!
POLICE DEPARTMENAnd then I tell him
Have you read Dostoevsky?
Right, students, the lesson's over.
Okay, okay, okay, easy right there,
Zhenia's talking!
Fellas, we've uncovered three booked
tables at a bar on Konyushennaya.
- Possible crime. Let's go?
- Now we're talking!
Okay, bye, thank you so much!
Leonid Arkadievich, you coming?
Igor, come here.
Hey, negotiators, we're leaving!
Yeah, I'm coming.
Listen, something's wrong with this riot.
Did you know no one's ever
escaped from that prison?
Let alone cause a riot.
The prison warden is suspicious as well.
Seems he initially wanted
to storm the building.
Then suddenly started feeling sorry
for the inmates whom you
Well, I mean, we, neutralized.
Igor, seriously now, give that here.
Sorry, you're right.
It really is suspicious.
It's unimaginable that someone
might want to escape such a quiet,
secluded place, where everyone's
well fed, has heating
Pure luxury, right?
Really strange people, yeah!
Yes, guys, I'm coming now!
Mustache man, you coming?
Anyway, come join us
when you're done here.
Okay, see you!
- Wait up!
- Hurry up!
Say what? No, as you were.
Hi there.
Hello, Fyodor Ivanovich.
Working late again?
Come with me, quick.
You can walk me out.
The main thing, don't listen to anyone.
Do everything yourself.
You're a detective,
so what's the most important?
Intuition. And you have it.
When you first showed up, I thought,
"Now this is a real detective."
Tatiana, here's the keys. I'll be in
- Good night.
- Thank you, Fyodor Ivanovich.
Been working with Grom for a year, huh?
Yeah, and it's worth three years
of experience, right?
Time for your own case.
I will help you.
I won't let you down.
Dima, shave the mustache.
It doesn't suit you.
See you.
Time to stop crime!
- To victory over thugs!
- To victory over thugs!
- To the negotiator!
- Shit!
- Feodor Ivanovich is coming! Quiet.
- Easy now, the old man's here!
What's that you got there, Igor?
The guys went out foraging
by Ladoga, in Kilgod.
Every berry, one by one.
274 cranberry shots, I'm buying.
PRISON LAYOUCome on, jump in!
Come on!
You're welcome!
Grom's shawarma! No, this isn't right!
I haven't even tried it yet!
Open up! Yo!
Are you crazy, they'll call the cops!
Stop it.
They are already here!
- You saw that?
- Yeah!
- Lie down.
- Do what?
Lie here, that's an order.
Come on!
Go on!
Hold the dumplings.
Good, huh?
When your dad and I
graduated from the academy,
we polished two bottles of 1972 port wine
on this very spot!
And killed a whole pack of dumplings!
250 g, freshly frozen.
I miss him.
Yeah, me too, me too, me too.
Fyodor Ivanovich.
Thanks for
Being there for me. For a happy childhood.
Stop it! Don't you start.
No, seriously, honestly.
How are the dumplings?
I wouldn't say they're good,
but they're good.
It's nice, huh, Igor?
It's nice.
It's nice.
Igor, are you happy?
I am.
Treasure it.
Treasure, treasure, treasure it.
Oh, wow!
Time to get up!
There we go.
- Look that way. Do it.
- Where?
Just like your dad.
Same old sad-sack.
It's over now!
You forgot the hat, I lost it to you.
No, no need, they never suited me anyway.
I'm off.
- Okay.
- You go there, I go there.
Treasure it!
Anna Terepkina is live, good day.
The ceremonial unveiling
of the statue in honor
of the defeat of the Plague Doctor
was held in St. Petersburg today.
Major Grom was not present
at the ceremony.
It can't be ruled out the reason
had to do with the visit
of Maria Arhipova,
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs
to St. Petersburg.
Her visit is connected with
the final phase of modernizing the police,
which will result
in mass layoffs within the force.
Why target us? We're doing fine! Great!
Our stats are better than the rest!
Who got the Plague Doctor? It was us!
My boys! Igor Grom!
You created your own problem,
then fixed it.
- Deputy Minister, ma'am
- Forgive me.
Hold this!
Some sort of circus.
Drones are faster, more accurate
and tougher than people.
They don't get tired.
They aren't programmed to drink
or take bribes.
They don't disobey orders.
That's not my opinion,
it's a scientific fact.
The purpose of testing
is to uncover ineffective personnel.
Who could be replaced
by drones in the future, is that clear?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I get it, all you want is to downsize,
fire people.
And who will work then? Who?
People, those people down there.
One guy, right? He has a huge family,
eight people, eight!
Four boys and four girls!
They've been in a communal flat
for 25 years and have nothing!
He works here for pennies!
And if need be, he will give his life!
His life!
How about a competition?
One drone against your best men.
A good proposition.
On one condition.
If you win, fine, I will help you.
You'll have my full support in everything.
And the entire city will help.
But if we win
You go and modernize Siberia, okay?
I expect to see you at 6:40 p.m.
on your training ground.
Today, you mean?
Yes, and don't forget your famous Grom.
I'll bring it tomorrow.
Yeah, that's how you do it!
Good job fellas, good job!
Great guys, huh?!
By the way, Dubin!
That's the one who isn't married, Dubin.
- Good job!
- So, who are we competing against?
Right, who's this fashion designer?
It's Augustus van der Holt.
You mean the one
who sold Razumovsky his suit?
No, that was his father.
Augustus inherited his empire.
Seems he's desperate to sell us
those drones, since he's here personally.
You look amazing!
General-Colonel Prokopenko, Mr. Holt.
- A pleasure.
- Pleased to meet you.
No one cares that half the city
was torched because of his technology?
Look at that rooster.
I'm pleased to present our latest
invention to you.
Our police drone, Raven.
It is a revolution in the world
of civil defense systems.
Sorry, how much does
a vacuum cleaner like that cost?
Igor, Igor!
It is no vacuum cleaner.
What's wrong?
Just kidding.
A significant moment, gentlemen!
The future of policing
Meets its past.
- Fyodor Ivanovich?
- What?
Shall we begin?
Let's go!
The thing's busted.
Our drones have come a long way.
They were torched, shot down
and blown up in the Middle East
and Africa.
All that, so today, we could present you
with a perfect version.
Fyodor Ivanovich, I believe
this question is settled?
Augustus Thank you.
Your drones are even better
than you described.
If everything is to your liking,
we can sign the contract right now.
Of course, I'm ready
to purchase one unit from you.
We will test it, install a Russian OS,
and if everything works,
then within the next few years we
A few years?
Are you joking?
I need to implement a police reform,
get rid of those slackers.
I promise you, we will return
to this conversation.
Just a little later.
You used me.
I thank you for your assistance.
- So, fellas? Lunch? I'm hungry!
- Today's a holiday.
Needed to book a table yesterday.
We just need Grom to call.
We'll get a table like that.
Hey, mustache, where's Grom?
Where's Grom?
Hello there!
Can I book a table?
There are none free at the moment.
Alright then.
Look there! It's Major Grom!
Yes, I am.
Listen, is there a place for Major Grom?
Can I have a selfie?
I didn't know they had tables on the roof.
Neither did they.
Do you like it?
I do.
I really do.
In fact I do have
an anniversary present for you.
Is this for me?
Oh, Yulia!
Well, you know that with this thing
Every villain will know where you live,
who you sleep with, what you eat.
- I heard it all before.
- Yes.
Why? Is it some big secret?
Igor, listen to me, my dear.
You single-handedly do more
than everyone else put together.
But even a superhero is vulnerable
in the public eye.
I can't keep working on your positive
image on social media forever.
You have to learn to do it yourself.
- Come on!
- You understand?
Turning me into a blogger.
And I'm not your press attach, Igor.
Turn it on.
Come on.
You will figure it out.
And I will help you with it.
I have something for you too.
I was just thinking.
Igor, maybe
Move in with me.
Although, I don't have a second set.
What the hell is that?
- Are you alright, baby?
- Yes, what the hell was that?
I don't know.
Stay here and don't move.
Igor, be careful!
- Igor?
- Yulia, stay there, don't come closer!
Don't even think about it!
Don't even think about it!
- Had a nap? Feel rested, Igor?
- Who's this?!
It's me, Igor Grom.
Surely you recognize me?
Listen here, copycat!
Where'd you run off to?
You and I aren't done!
Through the arch, straight, then left.
I wanted to find out if you are
as good as they say.
Let's play a game.
Somewhere nearby, a bomb is hidden.
In order to find it, you'll need to
use your head.
The bomb is in a place consisting
of six letters.
Good luck, hero.
Wagon, five letters.
Igor! Igor! Can I have an autograph?
Later, later, later!
Think, think, think!
Six letters.
The palace?
What's that?
Column, Igor, six letters.
I'm disappointed.
What do you want?
You need to retire
and then the explosions will stop.
Keep dreaming, I'm not going anywhere.
This is my city!
Then the game continues. One on one.
If anyone finds out about our chat,
your loved ones will suffer.
Hold on! Wait!
We return to today's emergency.
Around 4 p.m., on Palace square,
a bang was heard.
A bang was heard.
A bang which caused
the collapse of the Stella.
Experts are on site,
the situation is under control.
Situation is under control.
This is a difficult situation,
but our experts are on the case,
so everything's under control.
Where is Major Grom?
Does he have nothing to say to us?
As usual, Gabrelianov, you ask questions
at the wrong time.
Excuse me, we need to work.
The subscriber you have dialed is
unavailable at present, please try
Increase the street patrols.
If anything happens, let me know. Got it?
- Yes, sir!
- Fyodor Ivanovich!
- Hey! Shaved the mustache, good.
- Hello!
Good job.
Find Grom, find him immediately! Urgently!
Yulia! Yulia!
Yulia, where is Major Grom?
Yulia, what is Major Grom's response?
Please email all your questions.
Excuse me.
Yulia, can you make a few comments?
I know where he is.
Sorry, what?
Right here!
Once upon a time you were
an independent reporter, Yulia.
Conducted investigations.
And now you shoot laudatory videos
about your police boyfriend.
And respond with preset phrases.
It's pathetic.
At least I have the guts
to call things as they are.
This is a bang!
And what happened in the square
was a terrorist attack.
Keep your form! Less emotion!
Keep a cool head!
So then, firefly, shall we continue?
Bomb in a toy. What kind of toy?
Remote control car.
A remote control car
Check the database for anyone
marked with 1526 on their arm.
Alright, we're on!
Is there nothing you want to tell us? We
I'm sorry, babe. Are you alright?
And your hand?
It's fine.
Sprained it.
- Why'd you disappear?
- I was gathering intel.
I had this thing somewhere here.
Looking for this?
Yeah, thanks.
Igor, who was on the roof?
What mark, what are these numbers?
Can we help you at all?
Guys, please leave this to me.
I beg you to not get involved.
It's very dangerous.
Igor, last time, you also
wanted to go at it alone,
but we did it together.
Just describe him.
- I'll draw him.
- Dima, this is nothing like last time.
Just trust me.
Can you bend your fingers? Not too tight?
So then, firefly, shall we continue?
How tall was he? Voice? Male? Female?
That's a microphone.
Are you for real?
Total mess.
As a senior officer,
I forbid you from working on this case.
We can no longer see each other.
Would be best if you left town.
Everything clear?
Igor, don't rush it, alright?
Breathe, calm down.
I am calm.
- Chill out.
- I am chilled out!
Let's get out of here.
Come along.
Wait for me here, please.
For how long, five, six years?
I hope it won't take that long.
Hi, buddy. Tell them to leave, would you?
You can go!
Ladies, where are you off to?
Won't you stay for tea?
Kirill Evgenievich, hello.
We know each other,
but I'll remind you. Lt. Dubin.
I know they don't feed you well here.
For you.
Grilled chicken.
Is it the one you can eat afterwards?
I'm certain that someone on the outside
helped you organize the riot.
Who was it?
Hold up!
Where's the guy that keeps you
on his leash?
Guarding a corn field somewhere?
Back to business.
This is your last chance.
Help with the investigation
will be considered in court.
You have my word.
- Will you reduce my sentence?
- I will.
For real?
About the riot.
This is what happened.
Here, behind bars, even the craziest
sons of bitches call me "Mister."
And then You know
Little pups, still wet behind the ears,
come here to tell me something?!
And all I hear is bark, bark, bark!
Bark, bark, bark!
Who?! Name!
Who even let you out of your kennel?!
Who? Who could have organized the riot?!
The prison warden!
- He can't hear you right now!
- He helped us!
You cops are all dumb!
Sofia, a coffee please.
Three sugars, and a drop of cream.
You did your homework well,
Yulia Valerievna.
So what did I miss, Veniamin Samuilovich?
Sofia wears heels.
And, honestly, it annoys me a little bit.
Besides, I'm a longtime fan of yours,
of your investigations.
I've heard a lot about your methods.
Tell me
Why is it that all you ever do lately
is post videos about Major Grom?
The city needs to know its hero.
To what do I owe the pleasure?
I discovered that several years ago,
a certain person
was undergoing treatment with you.
I've dug through your files, so yeah.
May I?
He had a mark
in the form of numbers, 1526.
What do you know about him?
Veniamin Samuilovich, I suggest
we resolve this peacefully.
Okay then.
Alright, we'll do it the other way.
You asked about my investigations?
I could publish
some very interesting material
About your
Secret experiments.
When I snap my fingers, you will sleep.
Now you will wake up and answer
my questions, quickly and honestly.
How did you get in here?
Found a nurse and bribed him.
What do you know about my work?
They say you experiment on your patients.
No one knows, only rumors.
Your investigation?
I have nothing.
It was a lie.
Why do you need the person with the mark?
What do you want with this person?
It's because of Igor.
I have to prove
You don't have to do anything.
Excuse me
Veniamin Samuilovich, excuse me,
you asked me to remind you about Sergei.
Thanks, Sofia.
You can go, thank you!
Don't come near me!
Haven't you lost something?
Listen here, doctor!
Either you give me information,
or I'll return with the police,
and I doubt they'll make you coffee.
There's no need for police.
No need.
Put that thing down. There's no need.
You know what? I'll give you an address
where you'll be able to find
the person you're looking for.
And I'd appreciate it
if your next visit were by appointment.
Just some friendly advice.
Pay attention to the monsters
you yourself create.
The patient exit is over there.
Thank you.
Good day, Sergei!
I see you're making progress in chess.
Allow me to distract you for a minute.
I have
Good news for you.
He's still here, huh?
Take it quick, don't torture yourself.
Don't even think about it.
Easy there, shh.
Don't open your eyes.
It's okay, it's okay.
One day, everyone will understand
how important our work is here.
It's okay, it's okay.
Please try to rest.
I can't anymore.
He will be back, he always comes back.
The Philidor defence.
That's an interesting debut.
Who are you? I didn't call you! Get lost!
I came for advice!
I suggest you clear out of here!
I'm looking for a person with a mark,
number 1526.
You're the journalist, Alexei Prishurov.
We can help each other.
You came to the right place, young man.
No one needs real journalism anymore.
It's uncomfortable, so to speak.
And the times are interesting.
And only I, an old man, care.
Do you really not remember me?
Who do you think I am? Of course, I do!
You caught the Plague Doctor.
Haven't had time to sort through it yet.
But together, we'll do it in no time.
The mark which you're interested in
Is the symbol of the "Corpse Legion."
An elite military unit.
Mercenaries from that unit are connected
with the most vicious and insane
military operations.
What does the time 15:26 mean?
It isn't time.
It's their motto.
First message to the Corinthians.
Chapter 15, verse 26.
"The last enemy to be destroyed is death."
Who do they work for?
For whoever pays the most.
From the Black Moon.
Local kings, from South Africa.
For businessmen,
such as Holt and Nakamoto.
Holt is connected with the Corpse Legion?
Holt provokes military conflicts
all over the world.
And then sells weapons to both sides.
Creates demand for his product,
so to speak.
Why don't you go public with all this?
Because Holt and his people
are good at covering their tracks.
All witnesses either disappear,
or die in mysterious circumstances.
Then I'll catch his mercenary
and make him talk.
I think you deserve my artisan tea.
Only one person ever managed
to leave the Legion.
But, it looks like it is impossible
to find him now.
The bomb will go off at 3 p.m.
Vitebsk Train Station, the code is 1703.
Right, here goes.
So, 1703.
What the f?
This is a breathalyzer?
Oh, come on!
Do you have a knife or a bottle opener,
maybe a screwdriver?
Had one somewhere.
Yes, this one. This is good.
- Do you need help?
- No.
Is there anyone drunk here?
It's a weekday.
Then pour.
- We have Japanese gin
- Anything, just pour.
Okay. Good.
No no! It's on the house,
Igor Konstantinovich!
Ah, thanks.
And that there is?
Keep pouring.
Here's the case, just pour!
Pour, pour, pour!
Mom! Mommy!
Take a photo of me with Major Grom!
Major, please, take it easy!
Just like my dad on a Friday.
I can't anymore.
And please say hi
to my subscribers, please!
Is that Grom?
Major Grom, can I have an autograph?
Yasha, get down there.
Get out.
Igor, do you maybe need some help?
Let's move, people.
And get the people out of here.
Get them out of here.
Come on, nothing to see here.
Think, think!
Get the people out of here!
Young man, it's a police investigation.
Okay. Okay.
The Circus on the Fontanka.
Where are you going?!
And Hah!
Get out of here, quick! Leave!
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is our special guest!
- His Superhero Excellency
- Get out!
Major Igor Grom!
The show's over! Get out of here!
There's a bomb in here!
Vacate the premises!
Major Grom! Major Grom!
To the exits, quickly!
What are you doing?
Give me the mic!
Get the people out of here, now!
This is Major Grom.
Everyone out now. That's an order!
There's a bomb in the building!
Looks like he's drunk!
Hey, what the hell are you doing here?
Be quiet! What are you, deaf?!
Get out of here, I beg you!
Get the hell out of here!
It's an order!
Move away!
Move away, it's dangerous here!
Got everyone out of the circus.
From the circus?
On my right, you can see footage
that we just received
from the city of Peterhof.
Ten minutes ago, during the fountain show
There was a new explosion.
Back off! I told you: a bang was heard!
This is the second terrorist act
over the past two days.
No one has taken
responsibility for either.
Mute her, now!
The police insist
that the investigation is ongoing.
In other words,
the same thing they always say.
Yet the explosions keep happening.
You're fired! Fired!
Did you see that?
If the main channels
are talking about terrorism,
things are really bad.
The second explosion confirms
that it was premeditated.
Terrorists are trying to destroy
the main symbols of our city.
And while our valiant police do
as they always do
people are asking questions:
who is behind the explosions?
I know who definitely is not a suspect.
Major Grom, as whenever terrorists
need to be stopped,
he's off getting wasted.
Shtepsil, Tarapunka, Karandash, Nikulin,
Kuklachev, Major Grom.
That's the list of the country's most
famous circus clowns.
Did you see that circus video?
Dude's a disgrace!
This is Major Grom. Everyone out.
That's an order!
Is he drunk?
What will happen next?
Write in the comments!
And they made a film about that drunk!
But that's not surprising,
we do like comedies about alcoholics.
And this is the person we entrusted
with our safety?
If this is the best
the police have to offer,
we're all in serious trouble.
I'm going to call the cops right now!
Get out of here!
- Let's get out of here!
- Let's go!
It's so nice to meet someone who believes
in the power of technology as much I do.
Not everyone gets
that it makes our life better.
It takes a while for common folk
to get such things.
Technology saved my life.
Unfortunately, the spine
which allows me to live a full life,
is also killing me slowly.
According to the doctors,
I won't make it to 35.
But it has its advantages, too.
I've learned to live in the moment.
When I experience emotions,
my spine produces energy.
The stronger the emotion,
the stronger the charge.
Did you feel that?
Those sparks flying between us?
With all due respect.
How much time do you need?
If you sign the contract
and transfer the money today,
then in two days, your marvelous,
besieged city
will be fully patrolled by drones.
Although, the price has increased
a bit due to the urgency.
Money isn't an issue for you
right now, yeah?
Aren't we lucky
that you didn't leave immediately,
but decided to stay awhile?
At the same time as
a terrorist appeared in the city.
Yes, and I think
we need to celebrate that.
What do we have here?
Look at that! For you!
Not bad!
Wrap it up for later,
you can eat it at the station.
Young man.
At first, your rather pretentious
exclamations induced a kind of stupor.
Now, they're simply annoying.
Grom, what do you think you're doing?
Hear me out first, then you can bark
Holt has been planning
to take over the city for ages,
and he almost succeeded.
Last year, he became
the main shareholder of Vmeste,
the social media site, which databases
the info of all its members.
Then he installed CCTVs
all over the city for pennies.
Cherry on top are the drones,
which gather intel from the cameras
and social media.
Just a little longer and the city
would have been yours, huh?
He orchestrated a series of terrorist acts
to intimidate the public
and then sell you his damn drones!
Of course, he didn't act alone.
His mercenary from the Corpse Legion
was also involved.
- Igor, are you sure?
- He's got the mark on his forearm.
The symbol of the Corpse Legion.
Right, let's just all calm down.
Tell him to show his right arm.
Go on, beardy, move it!
The mark is supposed to be there.
Wrap it up for him.
You almost ruined a deal which is critical
to the safety of millions.
Holt organized these terrorist acts!
He isn't even hiding it.
Why the hell are you buying into this?!
And how are you planning to stop
the explosions?
Before accusing someone of their standing,
you need serious evidence first!
A systematic approach,
not this performance of yours!
Don't throw me under the bus
and you will have your proof.
What evidence did you have
when you stormed the circus blind drunk
and frightened children?
Listen up, your theatrics
have reached the very top.
You're going on trial.
I do have this one idea.
Fyodor Ivanovich.
What are you doing?
We know this top of yours.
Throwing someone under the bus.
Do you play chess?
Sacrifice a single piece
to win the whole game, right?
I will be that piece.
Fyodor Ivanovich
Considering the situation
That has unfolded in the city,
if we want to expose Holt,
we need to catch the terrorist.
And only one person can do that.
Obviously, everything will be
under your supervision, Maria Andreevna.
Let Holt think that he won.
Major Grom carried out
a personal order from me.
The details of which are classified.
I take full responsibility
for what happened in our city.
That is why I have decided to resign.
Shame on you!
I would like to introduce you
to Maria Arhipova.
She will be replacing me and completing
the police reforms as planned.
It's not right.
It's just not right.
We have never played. Let's play?
No, later, always later.
Please call back later.
Igor, don't worry about me.
I believe you're doing the right thing.
That's what I told Arhipova.
Only Major Grom can do this.
I'm scared.
Good, only fools know no fear.
- So?
- I can't believe it, even this time.
You walked away scot-free.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, congrats.
Holt sold his drones.
What more do you want?
The game will end when I want it to end.
Or you can resign your post,
then the explosions will stop.
Let me repeat myself: this is my city
and I'm not going anywhere.
Awesome! I love gamblers,
let's play some more then.
You'd better pray that someone else
finds you before I do!
Do you hear me?! Hello?!
- Thank you.
- All the best.
I'll ask the questions here.
I'll ask the questions here.
I'll ask the questions here, jackass!
I will.
I'll ask the questions! Yes, yes!
I'll ask the questions here, jackass!
You got far!
Who are you?
St. Petersburg Police, Lt. Dmitri Dubin.
We need to talk.
- About what?
- Remember the prison riots?
You know what?
Go talk to my lawyer, got it?!
I'll ask the questions here, jackass!
Don't want to play nicely?
Damn it!
Damn it! Damn it!
The Plague Doctor bombs
had a very specific scent.
It was the same smell
With that car explosion!
Where are those explosives kept?
This is where we store them, our
This is where the bombs
for the attacks were acquired.
I'll get fired.
But how? There's cameras everywhere!
They were shut down
the day everyone was deployed, huh?
Damn it!
The inmate riot was just a distraction
to clear this place of cops!
I'm going to prison.
Let's do this
We won't tell anyone about this.
But, I need a list of all the evidence
on the Plague Doctor case.
It's kind of urgent.
Thank you.
Can you help me find someone?
Hello, I'm Yulia.
To get here, I had to take the train,
Hitchhiked, took a boat.
Made deals with cops and poachers.
I was almost mauled by a bear.
So if you think that after all that
a simple rifle is gonna scare me,
well, you're wrong.
Besides, it's not loaded.
What do you want?
I need to find someone
with the same mark as you.
Help me.
He's been setting bombs off in the city.
People are in danger.
You're here praying for your sins, right?
I'm giving you a chance.
So, are you going to help me,
or are we going to stand here in silence?
My dear friend, when you suggested
this idea, I had my doubts.
But, your results are incredible.
I want to thank you for everything
you did for me and my family.
I paid a heavy price to never hear
about the Corpse Legion ever again.
Are the explosions their doing?
You are a perfect professional.
Unfortunately, you were spotted.
You undermined me and my family.
I know you wanted to leave the Legion
after the mission.
But, you need to be eliminated.
I truly am really very sorry.
The person causing the explosions
could be anyone from the Legion?
It is, in fact, a specific person.
What's his name?
Oleg Volkov.
Before anyone joins us in the Legion,
their death is faked.
No person, no trail.
That's why they call us corpses.
And how dangerous is Volkov?
He's a phenomenal tactician,
explosives expert.
Any item in his hands
becomes a deadly weapon.
Once, in Syria, he got chased
into an abandoned house by militants.
An entire squad against a wounded,
unarmed Volkov.
Not one of them survived.
He must have a weak spot.
How do you catch him?
You can't.
He's a phantom.
That's his codename.
You will only see him, if he so wishes.
They are waiting.
Thanks for the new suits.
You shouldn't have trusted
these useless fighters though.
So then? Did you pawn your junk
to the cops?
Now get out of the city,
you are not welcome here.
It's Yulia Pchelkina.
And today's programme is not
about Major Grom
but about someone who is holding
the whole city in terror.
I'll cut to the chase,
we've already wasted a lot of time.
The terrorist's name is Oleg Volkov.
An explosives expert, who declared war
on the city.
The police cannot stop him,
they simply aren't good enough right now.
- We have to help! Stand side by side!
- Attention colleagues.
Oleg Volkov,
a member of the Corpse Legion,
a terrorist organization.
Officially he's dead,
disappeared without trace in Syria.
Be careful, he is armed and dangerous.
Do not try to detain him alone,
only as a team.
Scan all city CCTV footage
for any individuals
who bear a resemblance to Volkov.
Everyone, my friends, no exceptions!
Why are we still here? Get to work!
Let's get to work!
I am addressing all residents of the city,
only together can we catch Volkov.
To stop the terrorist acts, we need to
stand together.
Hello, have you seen this person?
- What's happening?
- Come with us.
If you care about your loved ones,
get down to it.
Our safety is in our hands.
Your safety is in your hands.
He lives in that house, you see?
It's not him, you don't have
to take him anywhere.
Just look at me!
- Is that you?!
- Let me go!
You owe me money!
Hello there, my friend.
Well, get your stuff.
Time to get you out of here.
Sergei, what's up?
What are they feeding you?
I will kill him.
Igor! Igor we found him!
Tracking his location.
We have his position. Address.
Igor, we have an address.
He went into an abandoned casino.
Dmitri Evgenievich.
You should see what's going on upstairs!
Woah, woah, woah! Be careful.
Don't step on that.
Dmitri Evgenievich, are you planning
to sleep this week?
How many days have you spent in here
like a mole?
No, thank you, I can't anymore.
Something doesn't quite add up.
Volkov wouldn't have been so careless,
he was clearly
looking for something else here.
What could he want here?
Razumovsky's t-shirts?
Busy Fighting Dragons.
Virtual reality glasses, one pair.
Fine, vape.
- No, vape!
- Vape what?
Razumovsky doesn't smoke!
Somewhere around here!
Black Margot.
This is no vape.
This is
A safe for a flash drive.
Work it! Work it! Work it!
Team deployed.
Come on fellas, follow me!
Work it! Work it! Work it!
Going in!
All clear.
Going in!
Three go right, go to the right.
We're in.
Attention, keep your eyes open.
- Attention, subject is not here.
- Unidentified target.
Everyone out.
- Retreat.
- Mine disposal, now!
- Mine disposal.
- Clear.
Howdy, Igor!
What took you so long?
You alright?
Want to scratch my nose.
But I can't.
And I'm hungry.
- No, no, no!
- Okay, okay, okay, okay! We're fine.
We're fine. We're fine. We're good.
Can you answer that?
I've kind of got my hands full here.
- Yeah?
- Here's another game for you.
For our little gang!
For our tiny little gang!
I will resign today,
just let him go, please!
Except we aren't going to play this time.
You broke the rules, got the entire
department to look for me.
See you later, Igor.
But Wait!
I know who is behind all this.
Comrade Major,
show your pass all the same.
What's on the Black Margot drive?
I don't remember!
I know he came to see you!
Why does Volkov need that USB?!
Tell me!
- Speak!
- Volkov?
Your childhood friend, Oleg Volkov.
Quit pretending.
Maybe we take it easy?
The door!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Help me!
- Open the door!
- Help me!
Where is Volkov?
I don't understand.
Where is he?! Tell me!
Open the door!
Help me!
- This jog your memory?!
- Igor, stop!
Hold the door!
Igor, please!
Welcome back, Igor Konstantinovich.
How how long was I? What time is it?
It's 1:30. Lunch is scheduled for 2:00,
you will still make it.
No, stay seated, it's still too early.
What's with Razumovsky?
Lucky for you, alive, he was given
the necessary medical attention.
He's pretending
that he doesn't understand anything.
Or is he?
Inside Sergei there's two beings.
One is a normal person, the former owner
of the Vmeste social media site.
An introvert, a human rights activist,
and so on.
Now the other guy,
he is a being of supernatural origin.
What does that mean?
That's what I'm busy with right now.
In his altered state of consciousness,
Sergei's brain develops unique impulses
which not only transform
the nature of his personality,
but also the physical properties
of his body.
The first sign is the change
in the color of his pupils.
Do you remember the color
of Sergei's eyes?
Some light color.
Take a look.
- Yes, they are blue.
- Correct.
Turn the page.
Yellow, what does it mean?
That his illness has progressed
to the point
where he's no longer
a danger to society, only to himself.
Concentrate on this please.
I would like to figure out
what happened yesterday.
No no, attention over there!
Right there, look there.
At this stage of the ailment,
Sergei can't even take medicine
by himself.
So please admit that you assaulted
an innocent and rather unfortunate man.
Are you comfortable?
Now I will ask you some questions.
And you will answer truthfully,
nothing but the truth.
The truth and nothing else.
What are you feeling?
- Hatred.
- Towards?
- Oleg Volkov.
- Did he do something?
- Yes.
- What exactly?
- Everything.
- Elaborate.
Everything that is happening.
You wish to harm him?
- Yes.
- What exactly do you want?
To kill him. He set everything up.
What exactly is Oleg Volkov guilty of?
He set everything up,
he killed Fyodor Ivanovich.
He killed him?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
Yes, dammit! He killed him
right in front of me!
And you?
I couldn't help him.
- Do you blame yourself?
- No.
- You could have saved him?
- Yes.
But you failed.
You could have avoided the situation?
- No!
- Could you have prevented it?
- Why did he do it?
- I don't know!
- Why?
- I don't know!
Why did he specifically kill him?
To punish me.
Punish you for what?
What are you feeling now, Igor?
You need to accept it.
And calm your anger.
Otherwise it might end
Poorly. Alright?
You need to get some rest.
And then come back to see me.
I give you my word that the conversation
we had is confidential.
- Alright?
- Thanks.
Before we begin the ceremony,
I would like to say a few words
about Fyodor Ivanovich Prokopenko.
He was a man of sheer will.
And regardless of obstacles,
he never gave up,
he never abandoned his duties.
To serve and to protect.
He was the giant whose shoulders
upheld the safety
of all the people in this city.
And today, we say goodbye
to Fyodor Prokopenko.
But not to the principles
by which he lived.
I am honored to continue his fight.
I want everyone to know.
We shall not be broken or intimidated.
The harder we are pressed
The harder we will push back
And the person who declared war
on our city will answer for everything.
I give you my word.
HOLPatrol mode initiated.
If Volkov is still in the city,
we'll find him quickly.
Everyone to the exit!
Get out!
This wolf's gonna blow
your house down, piggies.
My dears
Today's a holiday now,
thank you all, you're free to go.
Since I no longer need an introduction,
let's not waste any time.
I have two pieces of bad news for you.
But, there is also some good news.
I set explosive charges
in the metro stations
and blocked the exits.
People who were there at the time
are trapped.
Do not try to evacuate them.
The metro was built like a bomb shelter.
All the doors are sealed shut.
I also disabled all the drones
which could locate and defuse my bombs.
What the heck is going on?
The system has been sabotaged.
It's like it was put through a mincer.
- I'm going to continue.
- We have no chance.
Very bad news.
The man who is personally responsible
for all this is Igor Grom.
I told him to leave the police force
in order to prevent the attacks.
He refused.
He chose to play hero
and risk all your lives.
We'll then, game over.
Let me repeat: this is my city
and I'm not going anywhere!
That's that, you see
This is his city.
I have a question.
If he doesn't care about you,
why should you care about him?
I promise
I'm prepared to stop the detonations
in return for the death of Major Grom.
And that's the good news!
You have three hours.
If, at the end of the three hours,
I do not have proof of his death,
half the city will be blown sky high.
The time starts now.
I know where that scum lives,
gather the guys.
Wait, hold on, don't go just yet.
This is specially for the police.
If you try to storm the building
where I'm holed up.
I will activate the detonators
ahead of time.
Good luck.
And be safe out there.
No sudden movements.
Find Grom.
We're gathering
an emergency response commission.
What's that?
We're screwed, Dima.
It's a screw up.
- No, what is that?
- Where?
Black Margot.
Likely the name of the virus.
It was on that USB!
Stop! Everyone back!
Back up!
Back off!
I told you he'd be here.
You shouldn't have come here.
We will fix this.
Whatever we can fix.
I love the optimism, but
The whole city has been taken hostage.
And it's all my fault.
I have to give myself up.
No, wait.
That's exactly what Volkov is expecting.
He tricked you.
He played on your savior complex.
You thought you alone
were responsible for the city's safety.
And Volkov made you play a game
which is impossible to win!
He's sitting there,
absolutely convinced that he beat you!
That he broke you. But that's not true.
You cannot give up right now.
You have no right, you hear me?!
My man
Now is not the time for monologues
about cowards and dogs.
- I shouldn't have done that.
- Yulia.
Just listen.
We both know
That if it wasn't for my report
on Volkov, then
Fyodor Ivanovich
Forgive me.
- Yulia!
- Please forgive me!
Isn't that enough waterworks already?
Can we decide later
who of us is most to blame?
Right now, we need to save the people.
Is that quite clear?
Volkov hacked the drones
using the virus Razumovsky created.
That means he can turn it off.
You catch my drift?
Here, eat, you look awful.
And listen up. The plan is complicated.
There will be lots of violence.
You will enter the hospital
through the staff entrance.
You remember how bad their security is.
But take it easy on them.
They don't have anything to do with it.
Alright, so I grab Razumovsky
and his pills, what then?
I'll be waiting quietly for you
by the shore.
Come on, come on, come on!
You need to get to the southern shore.
There is one safe place.
I'll be there in a car.
In pursuit of a red vehicle!
Alpha 108 Uniform, Mike.
They'll still catch us.
Get out of the vehicle, now!
Show me your hands, do it!
Yep, that's the plan.
Calm down guys, take it easy!
The pack.
The pack.
Pop a few extra, just in case.
When this is over,
don't take me back to that hospital.
Anything is better than being there.
I'll think about it.
If Oleg really is alive,
what will you do to him?
He definitely won't make it to his trial.
Will you kill him?
I had a higher opinion of you.
Why don't you tell me about mercy as well?
You were ready to kill
thousands of people!
Even if it was your other personality,
that doesn't excuse you!
I am not hoping for forgiveness.
But if I have to sacrifice my life
to save people, I
I will do it.
Don't screw that up.
We won't get a second chance.
Hands off!
Let go of me!
Both of you in my office, now.
Telephone call
Order, go forth
Pull yourself together!
Come on, please, come on!
You tired, my boy?
It's ok, rest!
That's why we need Razumovsky.
I know it's risky, but it has to work.
You have to trust us.
Maria Andreevna!
You have to see this!
- Ma'am, the Metro doors are open.
- And the drones?
- The drones are online.
- They're working!
- Report that to HQ.
- Quiet!
I played my part.
Go on.
What have they done to my beautiful face?
I will kill him.
I have a better idea.
We will make him
Oh, damn you.
You were right, Igor.
Right from the very beginning.
Order the drones to neutralize Volkov.
HQ, come in!
HQ, do you read me?
HQ, this is patrol.
Petya, you try it.
Maria Andreevna,
they aren't responding to us.
Is this also part of your plan?
And now, get comfortable.
This is going to be a spectacular story.
A villain monologue, seriously?
Don't interrupt me!
It all started a year ago
when my good old friend Oleg
infiltrated my ward to save me,
purely out of love
Love for money, of course.
But I didn't just want to escape.
I dreamt of vengeance!
So I studied you, your weaknesses.
And I figured out
how to humiliate your intellect.
Robbed you of the support of your friends.
Made you the most hated man in the city,
so that you would come
crawling to me for help, all on your own.
I needed a pawn for that.
Holt was ready to do anything
for his ego and to sell his drones.
Oleg approached him with a proposal
to orchestrate several explosions,
thus creating a demand.
And Holt lapped it up.
Oleg bribed the prison warden,
and then a spectacular show ensued.
And the entire city police
force rushed there!
Later, he entered the police department
and retrieved everything.
Explosives for the terrorist acts.
And the USB drive with a virus
to crack any security system.
Good job, Oleg.
In the meantime, I created a synthetic
voice from your numerous interviews.
I created riddles.
I created the perfect plan for revenge
in the confines of my prison cell.
In a way that even our good doctor
Rubenstein didn't notice!
And it worked.
didn't just give up
You freed me yourself.
But you didn't solve
a single one of my riddles.
I'm disappointed.
But admit it, it was genius!
You seriously wanted to blow up
half the city just to get square with me?
There are no bombs in the metro.
No one could plant bombs in
all the stations in one day!
We need to go, Sergei.
Do not
interrupt me!
I forgot where I was.
Ah, right! People were so scared
that they believed it all.
That is the beauty of modern society!
Emotions race ahead of logic and facts,
you just need to pull the right strings!
And even when everything is uncovered,
everyone will still hate
So, you like it?
Bravo, nice work.
Come on, you missed me!
You still won't get away,
everyone knows what you look like.
You underestimate me.
Listen, finish him off and let's go.
The safety's on, villain.
Change of plans.
- What's that?
- Oh, that?
A little algorithm I came up with
while I was locked up thanks to you.
Get up.
I'll show you.
I ordered the drones to find and kill you.
And since you don't have a public life,
they will kill anyone connected to you.
Even those who just took a selfie
with you.
That's enough to add that person
to the list.
The drones will find their geolocation.
And kill them!
- Calm down!
- And then we ran!
You ruined my empire.
You ruined my life!
- Why?
- Shut up!
Do not interrupt me.
And Volkov?
And after everyone you know and love die
I will disable the drones and kill
two of the most hated people in the city.
Volkov and you.
And then
They will believe in me once again.
Will love me.
Everyone get down!
Calling all units! Calling all units!
Are you kidding me?
This is getting ridiculous!
Don't move!
Think, think, Igor!
Turn this thing off, now!
Want to kill me?
Go on, maybe you'll just wreck
everything in here?
It is your style, after all.
The protocol is irreversible.
The drones will kill everyone you know
and love, until they have your location.
- Enjoy the show!
- No, no, no, no!
This is not the last drone in the
If you want to survive,
we need to fight back!
Those who cannot shoot,
please help the wounded.
You've got two options.
You either shut it down,
or you die with me.
Because you are now my best friend.
That's not fair.
Dima, Dima, Dima!
Does he have an armoured jacket?
- Not breathing, no pulse!
- Move!
- Come on! Hurry up!
- Don't distract me!
Come on!
I'm not dying here!
Come on!
Come on!
Are you crazy, Dubin?
Did we
Do it?
Did we manage?
Yeah, yeah.
Evil never acts in the open
It is cruel and treacherous
It stabs you in the back.
But we survived.
We survived and paid a heavy price for it.
Dozens died, hundreds lost
their loved ones.
We've yet to find out how a single man
managed to take an entire city hostage.
But this I know for certain.
If it wasn't for Major Grom,
I wouldn't be alive today.
Just like many who are watching
this video right now.
That is why I implore you
to come out
to the court house today to support him.
Your help is needed more than ever before.
The shoes are really tight,
I'll get a blister.
Igor, calm down, everything will be fine.
You have the best lawyer in town.
And plenty of witnesses.
I spoke to the guys at the PD,
and every one is ready to vouch for you.
Give me a bite.
It's a prom shirt.
- Dammit!
- You got anything normal to drink?
Yeah, look in the fridge.
It's fine, I'll just hide it under
the tie.
Igor, here.
I double-checked with the lawyer.
It's perfect.
- Just stick to the script. It'll be okay.
- Alright.
The court decision depends on this speech.
So read it word for word.
Guys, sorry, but we're running late.
We have five more minutes,
I need to dry my hair.
Hold on, you shaved the mustache?
Wow, he's a detective too!
Let's go.
Numerous disciplinary violations,
abuse of power,
use of force against suspects
and deliberate concealment of evidence.
All these violations occurred
during the work of Major Grom,
and this isn't a complete list
of his violations.
I confirm that Major Grom committed
all of these violations.
But he acted in an emergency.
Protecting people's lives
while risking his own.
I kindly ask the court
to take this into consideration
when reaching its verdict.
Because Major Grom acted like a true hero.
Igor Grom, it is your turn to speak.
Good luck.
Igor, we're behind you!
I'm no spokesman, so I'll read off
my paper. Forgive me.
We all make mistakes.
But it is our mistakes
that makes us stronger.
And I wish to confess that
Sergei Razumovsky was right.
I am no hero.
I used to think that
because I do my job really well,
the methods I use to achieve results
are irrelevant.
My partner once told me that it blurs
the line between myself and a criminal.
It's true.
Victory doesn't wash the blood away.
Unfortunately, it took way too much time
for me to understand that.
And too many victims.
My actions threatened the lives
of many people.
And that is why I can no longer remain
on the police force.
It's not a question of duty
But of honor.
Igor are you really leaving?
Silence please!
Any comments?
Thank you.
I relinquish all powers
and request to be tried
to the fullest extent of the law.
Let my story be an example
that the ends do not justify the means.
The court is leaving to make a decision.
Igor, a few questions!
Igor, just a few questions, please!