Man Who Haunted Himself, The (1970) Movie Script

- Goodnight, Tom.
- Goodnight, Mr Pelham.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Jim, I think he's gone.
What's the matter with
the bloody thing, looks
as though we've got two
heartbeats there now.
Ah, that's better.
I hope you're not going back
to the office too soon.
Of course not. Good as new.
Goodbye, Daddy.
Goodbye, darlings.
Michael, will you please
go back and finish
your breakfast. You'll
be late for school...
You too, James.
Why did we have to have the
same sort of car again?
I'm used to them.
Damned good motor cars... Didn't
seem any point in changing.
- I'll put that on your tombstone.
- What?
- Don't forget the seatbelt.
- I don't forget things like that...
not important things.
Like " kissing me goodbye.
- Goodbye, darling.
- Take care.
- Alex.
- Sorry... Sorry, Mr Chairman, gentlemen.
Traffic, I'm afraid.
No, no, we hadn't really started. I
was just bringing Pel up to date...
apart from saying how glad
we are to have him back.
So, well now, that's...
There it is then, on the table. Do we merge
with Electronics General or don't we?
Pel, look... it's quite simple...
The offer's there.
E.G.O. have made it. They
want it" we want it...
Just a question of agreeing a
statement, I should have thought.
What d'you think, Freddie?
If a merger's right, and
we can make it look right,
presumably we come out of
it smelling like roses...
and with a few extra pennies
in the bank, eh Hugh?
Well, it's in our
own best interests.
In the best interests of our shareholders.
That's what you meant, Hugh.
If I'd meant that
I'd have said that.
Shall I take it, then,
that it's the feeling of
this Board that the
proposed merger with E.G.O.
is a forward-looking step
for the good of all?
It's not quite as simple
as that, Charles...
I've thought a good
deal about it lately...
Would you mind if
I said my piece?
We've all been
waiting for it, Pel.
The one word I haven't heard
mentioned so far is 'takeover'.
No... no... no...
- A takeover" that's what it is.
- Not as I see it.
A merger.
Joint partnership, I'd say.
A takeover... However
you like to dress it up
that's what it is,
staring you in the face.
- Well, I don't agree, but...
- Look at the facts...
E.G.O. isn't out to do anybody any favours.
Never have been...
until recently...
and since we entered into
Marine Electronics we've
not exactly set the
shipping world on fire.
A nice, steady old firm,
Freeman, Pelham and
Dawson. One or two bright
young lads coming up.
- Thank you.
- But that's... about it...
- until recently.
- What d'you mean?
What have we got recently
that they haven't?
You mean our new Marine
Automation system?
I mean just that.
But that's top secret!
Perhaps we only think
it's top secret.
But how? Alex, how?
How do most leaks leak?
Through an open mouth.
I think this is a very
serious allegation...
and if Pel can't substantiate
it, he should withdraw it.
All right, I withdraw it, fine.
No... no... I think this whole matter's
got to be thoroughly investigated...
It could affect our whole
bargaining position.
Our own security's
got to be checked.
Perhaps we can probe E.G.O.
for any
indications that they
know of our new system.
I know some of their chaps socially...
Ashton, for instance.
I could chat him up, I suppose.
Right. Er, soft-pedal it, though.
We still want it to go through.
But we've got to know
where we stand...
Right, thank you, gentlemen.
If you ask me, Pel, you're stirring
up a lot of trouble about nothing.
I hope you're feeling quite fit again?
I was a bit worried about you.
Walked right by me in
Cheapside last week.
Last week, B.J.?
Wednesday... Cut me stone dead.
Anyway, glad you're all right.
Silly old sod. I was
in Spain last week.
If E.G.O. get him they won't
need the secret weapon.
- Good to see you, Pel.
- Thank you, Freddie...
Well, I'm going for a swim,
doctor's orders. You coming?
Why not.
We've got it. Great
shot, Timothy!
Have you clocked David
Bailey in the bikini?
Oh, d'you know, I think she'd like to
point her camera in your direction,
- if you'll forgive the expression.
- Oh, sure.
Pity you're a happily
married man...
What would you do if she was to give
you the old exposure meter treatment?
Oh, I'd probably give her
F8 at 1000th of a second...
Hold it while I check...
What about Ashton? When
are you seeing him?
This evening.
Give me a call if you get
anything out of him.
Hold it!
Can you move in... some more...
come on.
- You'll be in this evening, will you?
- Yes, we very rarely go out.
Oh! I'm sorry.
I'd say F4...
with a very slow shutter.
D'you know this? It's Pel's
latest craze. He played
it all the time in hospital.
Drove the nurses mad.
I'm sorry Frank. I've no
idea why he's so late...
I'm worried about
him driving anyway.
Thank you, Luigi.
- Where are the boys?
- Oh, there you are!
- Now what does that mean?
- Hallo, Daddy.
I've done a painting of
your car all smashed up.
Oh Michael, you're covered in it,
can't I leave you for a second?
I said you'd be cross.
Mummy, has that man gone yet?
No, he hasn't... Now, will you both
go back upstairs again at once
Go on! And wash that
paint off, Michael.
Has who gone?
Frank Bellamy. You
asked him for a drink.
- I did?
- Why didn't you tell me?
Because I didn't ask him.
Ah, there you are, old love.
Hallo, Frank. What a
pleasant surprise.
What, surprised I'm still here?
No, I'm... I'm sorry. Sorry I'm late.
You had a drink?
Just finished the third, Eve and I
have been getting quietly smashed.
Good " then you'll
have another.
Oh, no... no... no... I'm off.
Can't drink and drive, old love.
Well, I'm sorry...
what else can I say?
Don't give it another thought. It's not
often I get a pretty woman to myself!
- Keep him guessing, eh?
- Yes,
goodbye Frank and I'm
sorry about the muddle.
I must go and hurl the
children into bed.
Frank I had no idea. It must have
gone completely out of my mind.
Oh, that's all right, old son. I say,
I'm... I'm sorry I landed you in it.
You don't want an alibi, do you?
- No, why should I?
- Oh, just asking.
You know I thought after last Thursday
you might have.. made it away.
What on earth's last
Thursday got to do with it?
Oh, you are a cagey old
sod, aren't you...
You don't have to play it
straight with me, you know.
I was there, remember?
At the Club.
I won't forget that game
of snooker in a hurry.
Nor the little party
we had afterwards...
but don't worry, old son... prenez garde...
prenez garde...
You can read until
Daddy comes up.
- Go and settle them, will you?
- Yes, in a minute.
Why have you taken up
with Frank Bellamy again?
I might ask the same of you.
- I didn't invite him.
- Nor did I.
He bores me to tired sobs.
You must have asked him.
Darling, I'm telling
you, I didn't.
Frank Bellamy has
got mental B.O.
Well, why would he turn up
here unless you invited him?
Probably after you. You
seemed matey enough together.
- Well I had to entertain him, didn't I?
- God, what's that?
Cleaning ticket.
Well, the bloody pin
stuck in my neck...
Now look, darling... he says I invited
him last Thursday at the Club. Right?
Now, just ask yourself...
where was I last Thursday...
On holiday, right? Not
at the Club, right?
You sure?
Now don't you start.
Am I sure what?
- Sure he said at the Club?
- He said at the Club.
Well, don't get at me.
I've just had him
breathing heavily down
my neck for an hour...
Read the riot act, will you?
Daddy, what lies at the bottom
of the sea and quivers?
Oh God, not riddles!
D'you give up?
All right, what does lie on the
bottom of the sea and quiver?
A nervous wreck!
- It's for you.
- Ho... ho... ho... I'm coming.
Right, books away, lie
down, go to sleep...
and you, monster...
nervous wreck!
Sleep tight boys, see
you in the morning.
It's Alex.
Yes, Alex? Don't tell
me I stood him up too?
Well, did he admit it?
Well, what did he say?
Tonight? I've just got in...
O.K. Alex... O.K.
- No dinner?
- Sorry, darling. Crisis.
You mean another crisis? Apart from
the Italian one in the kitchen?
Charles has called a meeting.
Can't it wait until
after dinner?
No, apparently not.
It's pretty important.
- Oh dear, I wish to God...
- I'll be back soon as I can.
Drive carefully.
I'll drive carefully.
You mean Ashton
actually admitted it?
You know Ashton...
He gave a few clues across and down,
and left me to fill in the blanks.
But you're convinced?
Mm... I'm convinced that E.G.O.
know we've made the breakthrough.
- I can't believe it.
- It's inconceivable. It's top secret.
So there has been a leak.
Well, I don't know, I'm getting too old for
this jungle... How could it happen, Pel?
Come on, Charles. Espionage isn't all James
Bond and Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Industry goes in for
it too, you know.
They could be shooting at us right
now from across the street...
Infra-red film... rifle mikes...
pick up every word.
Look... it's obvious that
something's going on...
though God know I don't
want to believe it...
So we have to take decisions.
It's inconceivable that there could
have been a leak at Board level...
So... where could it originate?
Research? The Labs?
- Alex?
- Well, that's an obvious guess.
If there's a leak... if... then we've got
to try and trace it as fast as possible...
find out the extent
and then plug it...
in the meantime, we'll have
to play it very carefully.
What else did Ashton say, Alex?
Well, he plays his cards
very close to the chest...
He could have a full house or be
bluffing on a pair of twos...
I have learned one
thing, however...
E.G.O. have a large
tender out at the moment.
Who to?
Some characters with
snow on their boots.
Their bid is to supply the Soviet shipping
industry with monitoring components.
What's the point, then?
The point is, dear Tom,
that our breakthrough
in Marine Automation
would be the clincher.
Well, if they need us so badly
they'll have to up the ante.
Once they get us they'll eat
us with not even a burp.
All right, listen...
I've always held with certain
principles in business...
and I do not propose to negotiate any
further until this matter's resolved.
Their offer will not be
put to the shareholders.
Alex. If there's been a
leak, you and Pel have
damned well got to find
out how it happened.
That you, darling?
What are all the lights on for?
I don't like being in
the house on my own.
Well, you're not exactly
on your own, are
you? There's Maria and
Luigi and the boys...
Who were you going to telephone?
The police... I don't know how to shout
'help' in Italian... I'll get your dinner.
It doesn't matter now. I don't
want it now, I'm past it.
Well you'd better go and put
it down the Wastemaster then
Because if they find it in the morning
they're going back to Sorrento.
Oh, screw them. I'll
eat it for breakfast.
It's pasta. It'll be
cement by breakfast...
You know I read in a book
it's a sign of middle
age when a man starts
switching off lights.
I am middle-aged.
You're just grumpy, that's all, and I'm
going to get you something to eat.
I honestly don't want anything.
Well, you'll have to go down
and dispose of the pasta...
Don't make a noise, otherwise
they'll come out and investigate.
Look, if I can't chuck
some spaghetti down the
bloody sink in my own house
I'm going to emigrate.
Did you see a car
when you came in?
Car? What car?
A silvery car. It's been
outside all evening...
a beautiful, long,
low, silvery car.
Well, what's it got
to do with us?
Nothing... it was just...
For god's sake!
Get into bed and I'll
massage your back.
- I want to go to bed to sleep.
- It'll put you to sleep.
Yes, we've heard that before.
I'll just massage your neck.
It's no good, Eve.
I don't want you to
make love to me.
You're a super girl, you
know that, don't you?
No, I'm not... I'm an average,
grasping married woman.
And what am I?
You're an above-average,
overworked young executive.
Who doesn't make love
to his wife very often.
I didn't say that.
I said it for you.
It doesn't matter.
It isn't that I don't love you.
No, I know. We're just used
to each other, I suppose.
You'd like another
baby, wouldn't you?
I thought you were worried
about your figure.
I've got over that.
D'you suppose this happens
to lots of people?
I expect so...
but I don't care
about other people.
I only care about us...
what's going to happen to us.
What is, do you think?
I don't know...
I only hope that whatever it is, it
doesn't last too long, that's all.
I do assure you, the decision
wasn't taken lightly, Sir Arthur...
It was only after very lengthy
and protracted discussions that
we decided against recommending
your offer to our shareholders.
Oh I see...
Well, I was definitely led to understand
that it would be acceptable to your people.
I don't know the source of your
information, but obviously
a Board decision could
not be known in advance.
Oh no, no, no, of course not.
Er, Pelham, I'd like
to ask you a question
which you may or may not
feel you can answer.
Go ahead.
Were you, yourself, in favour
of accepting our offer?
I don't think there'd be any breach in
my telling you... I was against it.
- I thought you said Pelham was in favour?
- That's what I was led to believe.
Now look, Pelham, let's not
close the door completely...
perhaps I could persuade my
people to improve our offer.
Say, another two shillings a share...
and a bigger holding in E.G.O...
Well, I will, of course, report this
conversation to my Board, but...
quite frankly I think you'd be wasting your
time to pursue the matter any further.
Ah, maybe, but get
back to me as soon as
you've discussed it with
the Board, will you?
- I'll do that.
- Right, goodbye.
On what basis is our tender to
the Russians being computed...
- with or without their new process?
- With
We've got to have it...
Mm? Speaking... right,
I'll be right up.
There you are, the Soviet Trade
Attach is in my office now.
Pelham is obviously
the stumbling block.
I can't understand it.
What the hell is Pelham
playing at? I thought I'd
got him in my pocket.
Well, my job could depend on landing
this contract ...yours too.
We'll have to try a little
friendly persuasion.
Don't involve me.
Of course not, Sir Arthur.
Yes, Charles, he took it quite well...
offered to improve the terms.
- Come down will you, please?
- Straight away.
Charles wants us both
to go up to Rugby to
see if the leak comes
from the works end...
Research and Development
Alex... Would you say there's
anything strange about me?
No more than usual. Why?
You remember after the
Board meeting, B.J.
accused me of cutting him
dead last Wednesday?
But you didn't get back
from Spain till Sunday.
Now Frank Bellamy says I played snooker
with him at the Club on Thursday.
Oh, he's having you on. Hah, you
know what a boring old joker he is.
Yes, you can say that again.
Well, you can always
check up at the Club.
I might do that. I'm no bloody
good at snooker anyway.
Good evening, Mr Pelham.
Oh, good evening, Bert.
You " er"
looking for a game?
I doubt if anyone'll
take you on after last
Thursday. What a great
game that was, sir.
Game? What game?
Well, with... er... with
Mr Bellamy, of course.
- You did say Thursday?
- Yes, Thursday.
You and Mr Bellamy had won a frame
each and decided on a decider.
Ah! A generous break.
How's Eve these days?
Love to see her again.
You must come in for a drink.
My blue's on...
Oh, blast!
Bad luck!
- When, old love?
- Why not... Monday?
- About six thirty.
- It's a date.
You've never played
so well, sir.
- I wasn't here on Thursday. I was in...
- Ah, Pelham, here's the fiver I owe you.
What for?
I bet you five quid you wouldn't
beat Frank Bellamy last Thursday.
Did me a power of good to
see his pants taken down.
Hello darling.
You look quite done in.
What is it?
I don't know. It all sounds
too preposterous for words.
What does?
Oh, I called in at the Club, to check
on that story of Frank Bellamy's.
Oh, Pel, you didn't
take it seriously?
- Well, not really, until I went there.
- Well, what happened?
The marker confirmed that I played
snooker with Frank last Thursday.
That's impossible...
Frank must have put him up to it. What
a bore these practical jokers are.
- One of the members handed me five pounds.
- What on earth for?
A bet on the game
with Bellamy...
Oh, it's really too preposterous. Grown
men indulging in these sorts of jokes.
I suppose it must be
something like that.
This is a serious
matter, Mr Pelham...
- Very - That's why
we've come up here.
We've never had a leak before.
We're not suggesting that
anyone here is implicated.
I think it would be most
useful, Henry, if you
outlined the way the
experiment was organised.
The project was to develop equipment for a
new monitoring and data-logging system.
Slocombe worked on the
materials, hardware, etc and
Rogers developed the
monitoring ware and equipment.
Who co-ordinated the work?
I did.
So, you were the only one
who had complete knowledge
of the nature of the
work being undertaken?
That is correct.
Thank you, Henry, you've
been most helpful.
But the cat's still
out of the bag.
Don't worry. We'll nail
him if it takes every one
of his nine lives. Come on,
we're due at personnel.
Bye Henry.
What the hell did they have to
go over all that again for?
All what?
The details of the experiment.
Science doesn't mean a bloody
thing to these money boys.
But I told it all to him before.
He was up here asking
questions about ten days ago.
There's been a leak,
that's all...
Something we were working on, top secret,
has apparently got out to a competitor.
The firm was making a
profit before you invented
the thing, so presumably
it will again...
You can invent something else
and be more careful next time.
I don't care about 'the business'.
All I care about is you and me.
Unless, of course, you've invented
something to hold a marriage together.
Like another baby, I suppose.
Anything else, sir?
- No, just the check please.
- Very good, sir.
What d'you want to do now?
Go home, or what?
No, I don't want to go home. I
want to enjoy myself for once.
What does that mean?
Oh, anything... gamble...
I'd like to do something
reckless like, lose
five pounds in one mad
spin of the wheel...
anything to stop us being so
bloody dreary and suburban.
All right then,
let's go upstairs.
Will you play too?
No, I'll watch... One gambler's
enough in any family...
especially a suburban family.
Faites vos jeux, mesdames et messieurs...
faites vos jeux.
Rien ne vas plus
Trente six rouge, pair et passe.
You can't win in the long run...
suppose I shouldn't say
that as the manager...
It's a disease, you know.
Take Mr Martin over there...
Nice man. Always
loses steadily...
Always come back to the
table for one last bet.
Has to have that last one,
then he can go home...
Rien ne vas plus.
Vin cinq, rouge impair et pass.
I'm sorry, that's mine.
I won that.
I'm sorry, I did... I'm sorry.
Apparently, madam, the
croupier says he placed
the bet himself... Final cinq...
I'm so sorry...
Thank you for supporting me...
Cash those in for me.
I'll get my wrap.
- Oh, hello, Eve darling.
- Oh, hello, Frank.
The old boy's striking it rich again.
Two nights in a row.
What does that mean?
Ah! Oh, good old Frank puts his
foot in it again, ha ha...
Well, I thought he must have told you
of his fantastic win last night.
Why don't you get lost, you
bloody great overgrown
schoolboy. We're tired of
your damn silly jokes.
Not so lucky tonight, sir.
I haven't been playing,
that's my wife's.
You didn't tell me
you were married.
At the swimming pool?
Should I have done?
Oh, not then, but I never
did ask you, did I?
I don't suppose
I'll see you again.
No, we've had the wedding
photographs taken.
Well, call me if you
change your mind.
What did she say?
Nothing. Nothing important...
Here... your winnings.
Well, we must do
this more often.
Why bother to cook up all these
fantastic lies about Frank Bellamy?
They are not lies.
If you want to go
out gambling and
womanising on your own
why don't you say so?
Because I don't and I didn't.
Don't shout, you'll
wake the children.
I have not been in that club since we
were there together six months ago.
Well, you seem on very intimate
terms with the customers.
For God's sake Eve, I've
told you, she came up and
mistook me for somebody else.
It's as simple as that.
What d'you want me to say? That
I'm seeing her in office hours?
It's possible. I don't
know what you do.
I just work hard, that's all.
Well, so do I, and I'm sick of it.
Sick of this house
and sick of pretending
that everything's fine.
If you want other women
you can have them.
Eve... I don't want other women.
Well, you certainly
don't want me...
It's the boys' half-term. I'm taking
them home with me in the morning.
It'll give you a chance to
see all you want of her.
How many bloody times do I have
to tell you. I've never seen her.
Morning, Philip.
Good morning, Mr Pelham.
Are you going to be long?
How do you mean, sir?
Well, before you can do me.
Do you, sir?
My hair.
But I did your hair
yesterday, Mr Pelham.
Yesterday? But my
appointment was for today.
Excuse me sir.
Yes, sir, but if you remember
you rang up yesterday
and asked if I could
take you then instead.
Does my hair look as
if it's been cut?
You didn't want much off sir...
Well, I can take a little
more if you'd like.
No... no, it doesn't matter...
I, er... I must have forgotten.
Ah, here's your hat and
umbrella, Mr Pelham.
Oh... sorry, sir. I...
er... I thought...
Wait a minute... Did
I give you those?
Well, I thought you did, sir...
about an hour ago.
Pel... you look as if you
need another drink...
I thought you'd gone
down to play snooker.
Where is he?
- Is he here?
- Is who here?
Where are you?
What have you come back for, Pelham?
Made me miss my shot.
Who are you?
Come on!
I wondered what had
happened to you...
Finish your drink and
we'll get some lunch.
The afternoon mail, Mr Pelham.
- Thank you.
- Tea?
Yes please.
Miss Bird...
Have you noticed anything strange about
me lately? Since I've been back?
- Strange?
- Odd... Strange. Unlike my usual self?
Oh no, Mr Pelham.
You're always the same.
The girls say we could
set the clocks by you.
Do they indeed.
I'm going out.
- What about your tea?
- To hell with it!
Ah, good afternoon, sir.
I believe this was bought here.
Ah, yes... I remember you
buying it quite well, sir.
Oh yes, I remember
it particularly...
When I told you it's believed
to have once belonged to
Lady Hamilton you replied...
'How very appropriate'.
Rather tickled me, sir.
- Did you send it?
- Oh yes sir, as instructed.
- Oh, anything wrong, sir?
- No... No...
Perhaps you could tell
me who you sent it to?
I've forgotten which
particular lady.
Really, sir?
Ah yes, here we are...
A Miss Julie Anderson, 47
Cheyne Street, Chelsea sir.
As you can see, I was
expecting you...
Well, you'd better come in.
Go on in. Fix yourself a drink.
That was a give-away, wasn't it?
Having your record on?
I should have known, shouldn't
I, that you'd be married...
You're a sod... like all men... but
a better-looking sod than most
Look, be fair, I didn't
make a scene last night...
that rates nine out of
ten for good behaviour.
You're clever, I'll
say that for you.
Thank you sir, she said.
Who put you up to it?
- Put me up to it?
- That's what I said
What on earth are
you talking about?
- Listen, just tell me the name.
- What name?
What are you talking about?
Let go of me!
Is it blackmail? Is that why you faked
the photograph? And bought the record?
- You bought the record!
- I bought nothing!
I didn't buy that jewellery and I've
never been in this house before.
- Get out of here! You're mad!
- Now listen to me, listen!
I" I saw you for the first
time at the pool that day.
That was the first time. I thought
you were a very attractive
girl. The sort of girl I might
fall for if I weren't married.
But I am married.
It's not a brilliant marriage and
I'm not a brilliant husband...
but I have a wife and two kids... and I
want to know what's behind all this.
And I suppose you didn't
sleep with me, either?
- Do what?
- Sleep with me!
In there...
on that bed...
you made love to me four nights ago...
You stayed until three in the morning...
and the next day you
sent me this...
So don't you ask me what I'm up to!
Get out...
Go play your sick jokes on someone else.
Get out, before I call the police.
But none of that's true...
I didn't...
I swear to you I didn't.
Get out!
Pel, I... Oh, sorry.
O.k. Alex, come in.
Are you feeling all right?
Yes... I just didn't
fancy lunch, that's all.
You're letting this stupid business get you
down, you know. Have you heard from Eve?
Yes, I've spoken to
her on the phone.
Have you convinced her that
you're not leading a double life?
Hope so...
How can I give her any rational explanation
when I... don't have one myself?
But she's coming back?
Yes, at the end of the week. The
boys have to go back to school.
I've, erm, I've just come back
from lunch with Ashton...
They don't seem to
understand our refusal...
- Did you get anything about the leak?
- Not a thing.
He seemed obsessed by the fact
that you'd... misled them.
Me misled them? What the
devil's he talking about?
I don't know...
He seemed quite insistent...
Why don't you go and see him?
See him? You bet I will!
Ah, good to see you, Pelham...
sit down, cigar?
No, thanks.
I think you owe me
an explanation.
Of what?
Of why you suggested to
Tony Alexander that I had
misled you over my
attitude to the takeover.
Well, you must admit things haven't gone...
quite as we'd planned.
What the hell do you mean?
Well, things haven't gone...
quite as we'd hoped, have they?
- We'd hoped?
- Yes...
I thought we understood
each other, you and I.
Understood..? What
are you getting at?
Do I have to remind you of our previous
conversations? ...three in all.
You do indeed... I've no
recollection whatsoever. None.
You don't recollect your somewhat
whimsical suggestion as to
where for security reasons we
should have our first meeting?
Since we are to set the electronics
industry ablaze, you said,
- how about...
- The Monument
it commemorates the starting place
of the Great Fire of London in 1666.
Not many people know that.
This cloak and dagger stuff is all very
well, Pelham, but come to the point...
what are you offering?
What do you think?
You've made it,
the breakthrough?
It'll revolutionise the system.
Costs will be halved...
efficiency up thirty per cent.
Our second meeting was
even more way out.
You can carry your Board?
Naturally I can.
- And for yourself?
- Managing Director.
- Of E.G.O.?
- Of course.
- What else?
- Fifty thousand a year.
- Is that all?
- No...
Thirty thousand E.G.O.
preference shares.
My dear fellow, you're
asking for the earth.
Ladies and gentlemen Welcome
to the London Planetarium.
- Sssh!
- Welcome to the London Planetarium.
The Earth and the stars...
Thousands upon thousands of suns...
and the nearest
our sun
ninety-three million
miles away...
and the Earth... a
tiny speck in space...
and man, a speck
upon the speck...
Thirty-five thousand for
the first year. Plus the
M.D.ship... Fifty thousand
by the end of the second.
- Agreed... shares?
- Thirty thousand 'B'.
- Non-voting? You must be joking.
- I never joke.
For a man who never jokes
you're a bundle of fun.
Now look, Ashton, I don't
know what this is all
about, what you hope to
gain by discrediting me
but if you repeat one word,
one syllable, of this
preposterous Alice-through-the
Looking-Glass fairy story,
I'll slap a writ on you for
defamation of character
and believe me, I'll ask
such damages you won't even
be able to afford your
taxi fare back from court.
One thing before
you go, Pelham...
- It's been agreed.
- What has?
The shares... the thirty thousand
preference you specified.
Get me Alexander.
Ashton phoned me himself...
immediately after his
meeting with Pel.
I've never heard anything so
preposterous in all my life.
Are you suggesting that Pel's
been playing a double game?
I'm afraid so...
I think this extraordinary
story of his about
someone going around
impersonating him is...
simply something he's invented
as a sort of cover-up.
I refuse to believe it.
Ashton stated categorically that Pel
had been in negotiations with him.
They're trying to blackmail him
into going ahead with the merger.
If a slander like this got around,
Pel would be finished... ruined.
Yes, that's what they're after.
He would have to resign.
If that's what they're up to, Pel
should slap a writ on them...
Ashton's story is
a clear slander.
- Unless it's true.
- I'm convinced it's not.
Then how could they hope
to get away with it?
This business of Pel's double...
Mightn't this be a bit
of Ashton's work?
You mean if Pel went for
him in court, Ashton could
plead that it was a case
of mistaken identity?
Exactly, and that's why
he's been creating all
this evidence of the
existence of Pel's double.
Then they must actually have got hold of
someone who is Pel's spitting image...
Is that likely?
Pel believes it.
Well, I'm afraid it's all too
damned outlandish for me.
Then we're left with
only one alternative...
Pel's guilty.
- Mr Alexander in?
- I'm afraid he had to go out, Mr Pelham.
- I've got to see him.
- Well, he'll be at home this evening.
Call my home.
Oh, Mr Pelham here.
I won't be in...
Yes, sir. What name shall I say?
- What do you mean?
- I say what name shall I say?
I know you did. What the
devil did you say it for?
I'm afraid I do not
hear you very well...
I will get Mr Pelham if you
wish to speak to him...
But please to give your name.
My name is Pelham... I rang...
Luigi... has anyone...?
I mean...
are there any messages for me?
A man... he did ring up, sir.
- Who? Who?
- Well, there was, how you say
- confusion... about the name.
- Well?
I was going to get you, sir...
when he put the phone down.
You were going to get me?
Si, senori.
You were in your room.
When was this?
Just before you went out.
- Went out, you say?
- Yes, sir...
A short time ago.
Did you see me go?
No, sir. I was in the
kitchen with Maria.
I heard you cross the hall,
then the front door go... bang.
Thank you, Luigi.
Same collar...
Same tie...
Both exactly the same...
the same as I'm wearing now.
But thousands of businessmen
wear that kind of stiff collar.
Of course they do I have one for
every working day of the week.
The tie's not all that uncommon.
Of course it isn't,
but don't you see...
Each night when I get home from
the office, I take off this.
I get into something more comfortable
a sweater, a scarf, like you...
And every morning, I put
on a clean stiff collar...
but always the same tie.
I arrived home this evening...
after that phone
call to Luigi...
and found this on the bed.
Couldn't it have been the
collar you wore yesterday?
That went to the laundry
this morning...
I only have one of these.
I wear the same tie to
the office every day.
Well, you're certainly
a creature of habit.
How do you account for the
phone conversation with Luigi?
He asked me my name so that he could
fetch Mr Pelham to talk to me...
then when I got home he...
was surprised to see me.
Swore he'd... heard me in my
room a few moments earlier.
have you seen your doctor?
This morning.
He talked to me just like you...
Nice and soothing.
An old nanny's voice...
just before you're
going to bed...
just before the lights go out.
Afterwards, in the dark... you
haven't got anybody to listen to...
- all you've got is yourself.
- Well, what did he say, Pel?
The doctor.
Oh, he said there was nothing
wrong with me physically...
- But...
- But what?
He suggested I saw
a psychiatrist.
I think you should.
Well, you must admit it's
a pretty tall story.
He might be able to help you.
Well, that's certainly more
than you bloody well do.
Don't worry, Alex I can
work it out for myself.
Well, Mr Pelham...
we seem to be faced with several
alternatives, do we not?
First of all there is the possibility,
however unlikely, that...
there is an actual double
dogging your footsteps. If that
is the case then I can be
of very little help to you.
But, er.. could there
be another explanation?
There could...
there could.
Have you ever heard of
'illusion des sosies'?
'Illusions of doubles'. That's
how the French psychiatrist,
Capgras, describes this...
clinical condition. 'Sosies'.
French for 'double'.
But how does it affect me?
You could be suffering from this sort
of psychosis delusion of doubles.
- I could?
- Yes, indeed...
Misidentification with a familiar
person in this case, yourself
- is a classical symptom in these cases.
- Is it?
I have a patient in hospital who suffers
from this delusional misidentification.
Every time his wife
comes to visit him...
he claims she is not his wife,
but resembles her as a double.
Interesting, eh?
Then I have a woman patient...
who claims her son is not her son, but a
double who has done away with her son...
Delusional misidentification.
It's... quite a common
schizophrenic symptom.
Then you think I'm mad?
No... Such emotive words...
do not figure in the modern
medical dictionary, Mr Pelham.
- But that's what you mean.
- Not at all...
Yours does not seem to be a classic case...
there is one important difference.
That you do not claim to have
seen the double yourself.
Other people have.
- Is that important?
- It could be.
Mr Pelham...
I'd like you to come into my clinic
for a few days for exhaustive tests.
We cannot rule out the
possibility of some
physical brain malfunction
due to your accident.
But the doctors said
there was no damage.
Nevertheless, I would like
to make my own tests...
and give you some psychotherapy.
Just for a few days.
I don't know... I'll
have to think about it.
Very well, Mr Pelham, if you
wish me to help you let me know.
That is my card.
Ring me, day or night, if you
decide you need my help.
I will, thank you,
Doctor Harris...
but I'm sure there must be
some rational explanation.
There must be.
I have to find out...
I have to...
Hallo children. We didn't expect to
see you till Saturday, Mrs Pelham.
The children wanted to see their
father before school starts again.
Mr Pelham telephoned, signora;
he will not be home till late.
I see.
Oh, it's you again...
What have you come back for?
Well... come on in you can't
stand there all night.
Huh, you are funny... you're
never the same man twice.
What did you come back for?
I... er..
- I wanted to talk to you.
- Talk?
Why now?
You've only just left.
- Left?
- I mean you've only been gone two minutes,
Two minutes...?
You mean I was here?
Actually here, with you?
Of course... here with me.
I don't remember being here
- I don't remember.
- What d'you mean?
What is it?
Is all this true?
All these times I've been
coming here sleeping with you?
You don't remember?
None of it.
It's not possible...
it's not possible.
Are you sick or something?
- Help me.
- Oh darling, what's the matter?
- I'm drowning.
- What can I do?
Aha... telephone...
telephone this number.
Yes, of course.
Who is it?
Just ring, it's a doctor.
What shall I say?
Tell him to come and fetch me.
These drugs will
help us, Mr Pelham.
Now we can often probe
deeper, in a few days...
than we used to do in
months or even years.
You won't know very much about what's
happening to you in the next few days...
by the end of it, I'll know more
about you than you do yourself.
Who is it?
Oh God, you frightened me.
Why didn't you say
it was you, Pel?
Mr Pelham.
Good morning, Miss Bird.
You gave me quite a shock.
I didn't see you come in.
I was in bright and early.
You said you'd be away
for a few days, I...
I didn't expect you.
I've been summoned by the Board. To
account for my misdemeanours, no doubt.
Oh, Mr Pelham!
So if you'll bring in the
correspondence, Miss Bird,
I'll have time to deal with
it before the meeting...
whilst you make me a cup
of your delicious coffee.
Yes... yes of course, Mr Pelham.
This is perhaps the most unhappy
moment of my professional career.
But allegations have been made and
it is only proper that Pel should
have the opportunity to answer to
them, here, before this Board.
It would be nice to think, Charles,
that business today is the
simple, gentlemanly affair you
still seem to believe it to be
It's not, I'm afraid.
Before we consider the ethics of the
matter, we want to know the facts.
Do you deny Alex's allegations?
Of course not.
Do you mean to say, Pel,
that you admit having
these secret negotiations
with E.G.O...
while you were opposing the merger here..
With your own Board?
If I hadn't... you'd have happily
closed at a ridiculously low figure.
I've nearly doubled it for you.
By disclosing the company's
most secret information?
That's what they are paying for.
But supposing the deal hadn't gone through.
They'd have known we had it.
I made sure it did go through...
at the right price.
Something in that.
But Pel! What I don't
understand is why you
had to go about it in
such an underhand way?
If I hadn't stood out against you here,
the first price would have been accepted.
We had to turn it
down, don't you see?
But you'd already told
them about the new system.
That's what made them so
determined to get us.
I must say, I'll be glad
to get out of it all.
You're right, Pel... Business
is an alien world these days.
Alien world or not, Pel's got a
damn good deal out of them for us.
Pel... You know how worried I've
been about all this business.
The allegations I've
made against you were
because I couldn't
understand your behaviour.
Now I know your motives
I owe you an apology.
I think we owe him
a vote of thanks.
I think it's just as well there's
no place for me in this new set-up.
I'm afraid I can't accept
this modern business
concept that the ends
justify the means.
I'm sorry, Pel... You and
I have been friends and
colleagues for more years
than I care to remember...
but I don't recognise
the man sitting there.
Don't tell me it's this
double of yours, Pel.
I'm afraid that's a mystery that
still has to be cleared up.
However, I can assure you, Charles,
that the only Harold Pelham...
is the one sitting here.
- What have you found out?
- Hm...
you won't remember much about
the past few days, Mr Pelham.
I think I now know quite a
lot about your problems.
Mr Pelham, we are all, in a
sense, more than one man.
Different and often conflicting
aspects of our character
are constantly fighting
for supremacy.
We must try and resolve
that conflict.
You are a man of... rigid habits.
puritanical in the strictness
of your principles
both in business and
your private life.
This may not be apparent in
your outward demeanour...
but it is manifest at its most
extreme in your rejection of sex.
Even with your own wife.
- It wasn't always like that.
- No...
I believe that basically you
are a sexual man. A man
who enjoys life, who has,
shall we say... panache.
But you have fought
against this...
in the way you dress, the
sort of car you drive...
the life you live.
I would like you to release this other
side of your character. The, er...
man who likes to
show off, a bit...
to dress colourfully... to
enjoy, without guilt...
all the pleasures of life.
Oh come on, one more!
No. I'm going to take you home. I don't
want you cracking up on me again.
Besides, there's another reason:
our new toy.
You told me you hadn't seen it.
- Seen what?
- The car like this I told you about.
I must have second sight.
Well, you're going, Mr Pelham...
I hope we've been of
some help to you.
I hope so.
Your immediate reaction to these
phenomena could be most important.
Should anything occur again I want you
to phone me immediately... day or night.
- Very well, Doctor.
- Oh...
I don't like the
look of all that.
- Of all what?
- Your clothes...
the bowler hat and the umbrella and
your er tie and starched collar.
These things symbolise all
that we want to get rid of.
Be yourself, Mr Pelham...
don't be a slave to convention.
Yes, Mr Pelham?
Will you... come in, Miss Bird?
Yes, Mr Pelham?
What's this?
Why, the, er, E.G.O. letter you dictated
after yesterday's Board meeting...
confirming that their
offer had been accepted.
Is there anything wrong with it?
What's the matter?
Are you ill?
Can I get you something?
Yes, get... my home, please.
Oh, there is one other
thing, Mr Pelham.
Will you be taking me with you?
Taking you?
When you go to Electronics
General as Managing Director.
We'll... talk... in the
morning, Miss Bird.
Get me my home, please.
Hallo, who's that?
This is Pelham speaking...
who's that?
No... no, I... I... I... I... I'm Pelham.
I... I... I'm speaking from my office...
- Who are you?
- I've told you. I'm Pelham.
But I'm Pelham... I am!
There's no need to shout.
Your name may be Pelham,
but I am Harold Pelham
of Freeman, Pelham and Dawson.
Let... let... let me
speak to my wife.
Your wife! What on earth would
your wife be doing here?
Well... well... be" because
" I " we live there.
Get off the line unless you want trouble...
just get off the line!
Get Dr Harris to
my house at once!
Certainly, Mr Pelham.
Who is he? Where is he?
I want to see him.
What is it, Luigi?
Who on earth are you?
Who are you?
I'm... Pelham.
Oh, it's you
I told you about the phone
call just now, Alex.
Tell him... Go on,
tell him, you know me.
You must know me.
But this is Mr Pelham...
What do you want with him?
I'm Pelham... I am Pelham!
Don't shout. Shouting
will get you nowhere.
Look at that tie, Alex...
Have you eve seen me wearing
a frightful thing like that?
- Have you, Luigi?
- No, sir.
But... I only bought it today,
I wanted to be different.
We're not interested in
your sartorial taste...
Remember all this, Alex, if
eventually there is a police case.
I'll go to the police.
- Daddy... Daddy... what's happening?
- What's going on out here?
Who on earth is that?
it's the fellow who's
been impersonating Pel.
Eve... you know it's me.
How did he get here?
What does he want?
That's what we're trying
to find out, darling.
It's a conspiracy...
You're trying to drive me mad
I am Pelham... I am Pelham!
- Mummy, I'm frightened.
- Daddy... who is he?
- Why does he look like you?
- I'll tell you later, son.
- Make him go away.
- Take them away, darling.
- Eve, Mike, Jamie.
- Go with them, Alex.
You may go too, Luigi.
You made a mistake
about that tie.
I could have been seen
wearing it, but didn't.
And that suit...
The City expects certain
conventions, you know.
Why have you done this to me?
Don't you see?
Don't you yet see?
I am you.
You died on that
operating table...
for a few moments you
actually died...
That let me out...
Unfortunately you
came to life again...
So now there are two of us...
It can't go on, you know...
One of us'll have to go.
For Christ's sake! Who are you?
Who are you?
I've just told you...
I'm Harold Pelham
of Freeman, Pelham and Dawson.
Now I'm going to
phone the police.
No... no... I'm going to the police.
I am... I am.
Mr Pelham!
Mr Pelham!