Mary Reilly (1996) Movie Script

I won't bite you.
I'm sorry, sir.
You gave me a fright.
You're up very early.
I'm generally up by 5, sir.
Otherwise, I get behind.
I used to be able to stay up all night
and suffer no ill effects whatsoever.
Oh, well.
Those scars.
Would you mind if I examine them?
It's a purely professional curiosity.
I don't like to talk about them,
if it's all the same to you.
There are some on your neck as well.
They look almost like teeth marks.
Yes, sir. That's what they are.
Mary, you'll find an eel in the
fish pantry. Fetch it in, will you?
It's alive!
Warmth of your hands revived him.
Put him here.
Difficult buggers to kill, these eels.
Now, keep hold of its tail.
Go on. Don't be soft.
Fetch the skinners.
What's the matter with you?
I'm all right.
- You're as white as a sheet.
- Sorry.
Well, fetch us that big
saucepan off the range.
What's he do there, on his own,
all those hours?
He's after something. I don't know.
Last year, he gave weekly
lectures in that operating theatre.
He had patients,
like a regular doctor.
He just stopped?
Just like that.
From one day to the next.
Perhaps he's looking
for a cure for something.
For what ails him,
if he's got any sense.
Shall I leave the candle a while,
or do you want to sleep?
I always want to sleep.
I can't understand why it should take
so much effort to look after one man.
I don't mind hard work.
Well, I do.
I've been in service since I was 12,
and this is the best place I've had.
He's a kind man, the doctor.
Anyone can see that.
If he was that kind,
he'd let me sleep in till 6.
Good night, then.
I feel safe here, is all.
Good morning, sir.
Mary, this is most welcome.
I'm ravenous.
I'm pleased. I wasn't sure
whether I should wake you.
You can't have had much sleep.
I heard you coming in three hours ago.
Last night, I came to the end
of a very long journey.
For months now...
...I have been engaged
in the driest kind of study.
But last night, all the barriers
fell before me.
I have made a great breakthrough.
I'm very happy to hear it, sir.
Yesterday, I looked into the library,
and there you were with a book.
I had no idea you were able to read.
I'm very sorry.
You're most welcome to borrow
any book that takes your fancy.
I wouldn't want the other servants
to think I was getting above myself.
No, I can't eat any of this.
Why don't I ask Mrs. Kent
to coddle you some eggs?
Are you sure you don't want
to tell me how you got those scars?
I'm sorry. I won't ask you again.
Leave the tray.
Would you ask Poole to organize
the removal of that to my cabinet?
Yes, sir.
I hope you haven't been making
a nuisance of yourself.
No, sir.
The doctor was just telling me he wants
his mirror moved to his cabinet.
Can you account for why the master chose
to issue these instructions through you?
No, except I told him I'd heard him
coming in late last night.
You did what?
You were in the master's bedroom
some considerable time.
What else did he say to you?
We talked about doing something
with the garden.
The garden?
It's gloomy out there.
We could plant out a flower bed or two.
Who's gonna do all this?
I would. I don't mind.
Not enough work for you?
I could do it on my afternoons off.
My last place in the...
We're familiar with your
reminiscences, Mrs. Kent.
The master used to send for one
of the housemaids every morning, 9:00...
...regular as clockwork.
In the end,
she fell in the family way...
...and was dismissed
without a reference.
I often wonder what become of her.
I expect now she entertains gentlemen
all hours of the day.
Yes, Mr. Poole?
Save your breath
to cool your porridge.
Yes, Mr. Poole.
What are you doing?
Mr. Poole doesn't allow me
in the theatre.
Does he not?
Mirror's in place.
Thank you.
Mary tells us you've been holding
a discussion about the garden.
Remind me what conclusion
we arrived at, Mary.
Flower beds there and at the corners.
And a herb garden here
by the kitchen.
The very thing.
Just what we need.
And would you gather the staff
in the dining room at about 6:00?
I have an announcement to make.
As I'm sure you're all aware...
...the pressure of my work
has increased of late.
Consequently, I have decided
to take on an assistant.
His name is Mr. Edward Hyde, and I
intend to give him the run of the house.
Of course, as a rule, he will come and
go by the side door of my laboratory.
But when he does have the occasion
to step over here...
...treat him with the same respect
that you've always shown toward me.
You may rely on it.
Will the gentleman be
taking his meals here?
Not as a rule, no.
There really is no cause for concern.
He is a quite remarkable young man.
He's a solitary one,
isn't he, the doctor?
He used to have dinner parties regular.
- Then he just stopped.
- Shame.
Oh, no. Best thing ever happened.
Think of the washing up.
And he's never had any sort of...
...a lady friend?
Never a woman stepped in the front door.
Not since I been here.
- Strange.
- Bradshaw says he goes to houses.
Bradshaw says he goes to houses.
What do you mean?
You know...
No, I can't believe that.
You best get off, if you're going.
I'll finish up here.
It was very good of you
to back me up about the garden.
Yes, I think I did rather well.
Mr. Poole questioned me about why
I was so long with you this morning.
It was the only excuse
I could think of.
So thank you.
Are you sure he's not out on the landing
right now, the virtuous Poole?
No, sir. He's gone to bed.
I thought if you'd like
to examine these scars...
Come here.
Raise your sleeve.
These go very deep.
Did they never affect
the use of your fingers?
I couldn't move my thumb for a while,
but gradually it came back to working.
Does it still cause you any pain?
Gives me gyp when it's damp.
Otherwise, it's right as rain.
What did this?
Sit down.
Oh, no, sir.
I insist.
Something to drink perhaps?
No, sir.
So how did it happen?
It was a punishment, sir.
You done that on purpose, didn't you?
No, sir.
What do you think...
...I'm made of money,
you careless little bitch?
I'm going out now, Mary.
See what I can find.
He was gone some time.
He had a strange way of walking,
not exactly a limp.
But his footsteps...
I always knew it was him.
It was like...
...every step was calling my name.
Are you still there, Mary?
I found you something
to keep you company.
We wouldn't want you
getting lonely now, would we?
Was it a rat?
Yes, sir.
He knew the way I felt about them.
He knew I couldn't abide
even the idea of them.
And he knew, sooner or later... was...
- Going to bite its way through.
Bite its way through.
Where was your mother all this time?
She was working.
She never got home till late.
She took me away that night, tried
to decide what to do for the best...
...and thought I'd be safest
if she put me into service.
What happened to him?
I never seen him again,
from that day to this.
It is a terrible story, Mary.
I can see why you were
so reluctant to tell it to me.
Thank you...
...for being so candid.
I shan't forget it.
I must go to my laboratory.
There's something I need to do.
You're up early, sir.
As a matter of fact, I didn't
go to bed at all last night.
You've been out,
by the look of your shoes.
Yes, I needed some fresh air.
I was thinking a great deal
about the story you told me last night.
You must've really hated your father.
I don't know, sir.
Surely, he was a monster.
When I was little and he was in work,
he wasn't so bad then.
The drinking did it.
You think it was only the drink?
- It turned him into a different man.
- A different man?
Yes, he even looked different.
What do you mean?
It was like he carried
another person inside him...
...and the drinking brought him out.
Or maybe set him free.
I'd like you to do something for me
in strictest confidence.
I want you to deliver this letter.
You know where that is.
There'll be no reply
other than a yes or a no.
- Very good, sir.
- You'll do it, then?
If you want me to, sir.
Thank you, Mary.
Haven't you ever wished
for a completely new life?
No, sir. What good would that do?
Suppose you were able to do
whatever you wanted...
...with no consequences
and no regrets. Then what?
I don't believe there are
actions without consequences.
Strictly speaking,
I've no vacancies at the moment.
We might be able to come
to some particular arrangement.
- Are you Mrs. Farraday?
- Who wants to know?
I have a letter from Dr. Jekyll.
Oh, Harry Jekyll?
- Are you...?
- Yes, yes.
I'm Farraday.
Keep your wool on. Come inside.
Dear old Harry...
...ever the Good Samaritan.
Not required in the House of Commons,
Sir Danvers?
I imagine they can rub along
without me this once.
And vice versa, I shouldn't wonder.
Sir Danvers is a prominent
spokesman on foreign affairs.
Aren't you, Sir Danvers?
You're too kind, Mrs. Farraday.
Got any questions on any sort of
exotic customs, Sir Danvers is your man.
Perhaps I've been a bit hasty.
No, no, no. She's not even
an apprentice. Not yet.
Oh, pity.
I look forward to meeting you
in due course.
You rub along for as long as you like,
Sir Danvers...
...or as long as you can manage.
I'll say this for Harry Jekyll:
He may ask for special services
but he doesn't mind paying top whack.
I'm to say your answer is yes?
My answer's always yes.
I have my obligations.
It'll take a week
to clear out a tenant.
I'll need another week to make
these alterations he's asking for.
Then his assistant can move in.
Can't say I've ever noticed him
in need of any assistant.
She said yes, but she needs
two weeks to get it ready.
Hard on my young man.
No hardship to stay away
from that place.
He's robust enough and needs to live
within easy reach of the hospital.
- Where's he living at the moment?
- Why do you ask?
No one has seen him.
He tends to come and go during
the night. I think that will be all.
- I've seen him.
- Yes, he just crossed the bridge.
But I couldn't really make him out.
What was he like?
...he moves funny.
Not so much a limp.
More of a shuffle.
And he's sort of stooped.
- Did you see his face?
- No.
Just his eyes.
He came out of the dark... he was made of it.
- What's this? A mother's meeting?
- No, Mr. Poole.
...come here.
What am I going to do with you?
You should have no trouble cashing this.
I think we've had enough
excitement for one evening.
Close the door behind you.
My lord, what have you done?
It's all right.
Is it broken?
No, it's only a sprain.
I shall need helping into the house.
Shall I fetch your assistant?
What did you say?
I thought...
...I heard him moving
around the house last night.
If he were there, would he leave me
to crawl out here on my own?
I'm sorry, sir.
If you'll allow me to lean on you...
...I'm sure the thing
can be accomplished.
You work too hard. I'm not
surprised you had an accident.
- What's going on?
- He had an accident.
Why didn't you come for me?
Hold your tongue. Go upstairs
and light the bedroom fire.
I was out late last night.
I must have...
...somehow put my weight on it.
Dr. Jekyll is all
too benevolent an employer.
It falls to me to draw
attention to occasions...
...when members of the household
are failing in their duties.
It is also my task, may I remind you... dismiss those staff
who persistently overstep the mark.
Yes, sir.
Have you any idea
to what I may be referring?
It's not my place to advise him
not to go back to work?
Now, help me.
The master requires certain
supplies from the chemist.
We're all concerned
when Dr. Jekyll is unwell.
We won't improve his condition by
drawing attention to our own opinions.
Many young women in straightened
circumstances could fill your place...
...and observe a few
elementary regulations.
Remember that.
Yes, sir.
When we had our talk, you refused
to say you hated your father.
I don't.
Why not?
He put a dark place in me,
and I can't forgive him for that.
But it's part of me now,
and how can I regret what I am?
Though it often makes me sad.
Oh, well, sadness, yes.
That can't be helped.
That comes in like the tide.
I know you're afraid of rats.
You told me.
But what else are you afraid of?
I don't know, sir.
Bad dreams.
I see.
Confined spaces.
Yes, of course. But what you're saying
is you're never afraid of yourself.
No, I didn't say that.
You are afraid of yourself?
I thought so.
God, Mary...
...I'm so cold.
My hands are frozen through.
Take some broth, sir.
I don't know, Mary.
Why is it you strike me as you do?
Get some warmth into you, sir.
I'm very tired.
...will you get dressed? There's
something I need you urgently to do.
What's all this about?
How should I know? You'll have to do
the blackleading this morning.
I'm afraid this won't be
a very pleasant errand.
- Is it to Mrs. Farraday?
- It is.
And I can't tell you
how important it may be.
Come in here, you!
He won't slip out of this
with a few quid and a smarmy letter.
All the same, you'd better read it.
He ought to have had the courage to
clean up after that mad dog of his.
- He said there might be a reply.
- And so there might. Come with me.
In you go.
Don't even ask.
What should I tell him?
Tell him no need to panic.
I'll do anything he wants.
And you take this home with you
to Harry Jekyll.
What am I supposed...?
Oh, yes. It takes all sorts.
Tell him even his old friend Farraday
can't clean such linen for him.
You've taken your time.
The master's waiting
in the laboratory. Go there.
The rule is relaxed.
And shift yourself!
What did she say?
She said she'll do everything
you want her to.
But she said this is such linen
as even she cannot clean.
She's always
been prone to exaggeration.
I saw the room.
There was blood on the ceiling.
And did Mrs. Farraday explain?
No, but I felt sure someone
had been torn to death in that room.
- She said you should've gone.
- I couldn't.
I'm sure you understand.
A place like that!
I sent my assistant.
She called him a mad dog.
On those occasions, when a woman
like Farraday is not at fault herself...
...she is liable to experience a rush
of righteous indignation.
I happen to know that Mr. Hyde...
...did everything that he could.
The girl had already lost
too much blood.
These amateur operations,
as I'm sure you...
Well, let's not discuss the details.
Just rest assured
that I shall continue... look into the matter.
I suppose it would've been too much
to expect a bit of gratitude.
I'm sorry I doubted you, sir.
I'm going to lock my door and work.
Tell Poole he may
close up as he pleases.
I may not go back
into the house tonight.
Mary Reilly.
Do you know who I am?
You're Mr. Hyde,
the master's assistant.
You may say so.
What do you think?
I always had an artistic temperament.
I know I owe my existence to science...
...but I've never been able
to whip up much enthusiasm for it.
The thoughts that come unbidden,
don't you find?
If you mean we're not always
in control of our ideas...
Why should we want to be?
That's the question.
I've never been in favour of control.
By all accounts...
...your father was no paragon
at controlling himself.
Men will chatter amongst themselves,
you know.
I wasn't able to find out
how far it might've gone...
...between your father and yourself.
Didn't you look forward
to them sometimes?
Those evenings when your mother
was out working?
Still, wouldn't you like
to come in town with me tonight?
Good morning, Mary.
What's the matter?
I thought, sir, when we spoke
of private matters...
...those were confidences
you would never repeat.
I'm afraid you've been upset
by my assistant.
No, sir. I was more upset by you...
...that you told him.
As a doctor, I've always taken
notes after any kind of consultation.
I'm afraid my young man is less
scrupulous than he should be.
He read my notebook.
I see, sir.
Well, in that case, I...
I can't deny that his manners are rough,
but I look beyond that.
I know he likes you very much.
I see no reason why you
shouldn't become friends.
As a matter of fact...
...I was hoping you'd accompany him
this afternoon on a scientific errand.
I thought it might make a break
from this perpetual housework.
Of course, I'll send Bradshaw
if you prefer.
And now to where they
butcher human meat.
This hospital and the slaughterhouse
share the same gutters.
Most convenient.
You just can't say no
to our employer, can you?
And you believe every word he says?
The doctor's been very kind to me.
He's much too old for you.
I don't know what you mean.
I keep telling him he works too hard.
Are you ever aware of how much
he longs to touch you?
Of course not.
He conceals it that well, does he?
I don't want to talk about this.
Whatever you say.
It is difficult to understand someone
who is entirely incapable...
...of simply asking for what he
most wants in the world.
How can you presume to know
what goes on in his mind?
Inspired guesswork, instinct...
...fellow feeling.
What does he want them for?
I've never bothered to ask.
I just supply the organs as required.
You've no idea how strange
and twisting are the ways of science.
Wait there.
Afternoon, doctor.
Visit from the butcher.
What's that?
He can't tell why, but the doctor
feels a bit hungry.
Tea and sandwiches perhaps?
For two, sir?
Why not?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
would like some tea.
How do you get on with
that Mr. Hyde then?
He manage to keep his hands to hisself?
You shouldn't judge everyone by
your own standards, Mr. Bradshaw.
I hope Hyde was politer to you
than he was to old Poole.
What do you mean?
Just before you went off,
he sends for Poole...
...tells him to get on the train.
Go off to some chemist,
way out in the country.
Poole says, "Is there
anything else I can do for you?"
He says, "Mind your own business"
and slams the door in his face.
Mr. Poole was that upset.
I wouldn't cross him in the next
day or two, if I was you.
He said to me...
..."No matter how well he speaks...
...Mr. Hyde could never be mistaken
for a gentleman. "
Who is he then?
You ask me, he's got one
over on the doctor.
You know, a spot of blackmail.
Or maybe he's a souvenir
from the doctor's student days.
Sort of a grown-up wild oat.
Now they do look a bit alike.
Mary don't like to think the doctor's
ever had any fun in his life.
Mary, you go.
Oh, it's you, is it?
Butler's night off, is it?
- What do you want?
- A word with the gentleman.
- Which one?
- Harry Jekyll, of course.
If I never saw that other devil again,
it'd be too soon for me.
- They're in the laboratory.
- That'll do as well as anywhere.
The doctor doesn't admit
visitors when he's working.
I think he'll admit me.
Very likely he'll admit both of us,
if you play your cards right.
Wait here.
What is it?
- Mrs. Farraday's here to see you, sir.
- Who?
Mrs. Farraday.
- What do you want?
- Just a word.
Thought we'd have a chat about
improving our financial arrangements.
Stay where you are.
I'll be with you in a moment.
There's something I have to do first.
Don't be too long.
It ain't very festive down here.
- I'll bring the tea in a minute, sir.
- What?
Mr. Hyde ordered
some tea and sandwiches.
Cancel the tea.
Hold you horses, I'm parched.
I'm sure you'd prefer
something stronger.
It won't take me a moment
to prepare it.
Have it your own way.
I'm very sorry to disappoint you,
but it isn't the doctor.
He chivalrously insisted on seeing
Mrs. Farraday all the way home.
He told me he couldn't
go to that house.
She's moved.
Will there be anything else, sir?
Yes, there will be.
Come here.
There's been something
I've been trying to say to you...
...ever since our first conversation
in the library.
Yes, sir?
I want to apologize
for some of the things I said.
...I was unnecessarily...
Now look what you've made me do.
Don't you know who I am?
Must be some misunderstanding.
I thought you invited me here.
I did.
What's the matter with you?
I'm sorry, bad dream.
Didn't sound too bad.
Mrs. Kent tells me
that while I was away... had some dealings
with the master's assistant.
Did you hold much conversation?
No, sir.
But I understand a cup was broken.
That's right, sir.
How did that happen?
- I dropped it, sir.
- You dropped it?
- On the carpet?
- No, sir.
It landed on the fender, sir.
I see.
By rights it should be stopped
from your wages.
I'll discuss it with the master.
You may go.
Poole tells me
you've confessed to breaking a cup.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
After the story you told me,
I can't understand... you could bring yourself
to say you'd broken a cup.
Especially when you didn't do it.
Yes, sir, I can't rightly
understand it myself.
I'm sorry you don't care for Mr. Hyde.
Who told you that, sir?
Well, you don't, do you?
He troubles me, sir.
Leave me.
- May I open it, Mr. Poole?
- Very well, be quick about it.
What is it? Is it bad news?
My mum's passed away.
You come and sit down a minute.
I'll make you a nice cup of tea.
This is from her landlord.
- Says she owes him money for the rent.
- Don't worry.
Mr. Poole will speak to the master.
Won't you?
I'll take up the breakfast today.
And then you can see
to things yourself.
I've got my savings.
Nearly eight pounds.
Would that be enough
to pay for a proper funeral?
Why isn't she in her room?
You see, I have a heavy demand
for my rooms.
- Long waiting list, you see?
- Where have you put her?
She's quite comfortable, you know.
Very snug, really.
The parish will provide
the expenses of the burial.
I want her to have a proper funeral.
I can pay.
Let me take you to an undertaker
of my acquaintance.
Thank you, I prefer
to make my own arrangements.
And did you say you were
also owed money?
I took the liberty of selling off her
furniture, crockery and clothes...
...which cleared off
her debt completely.
Let me see...
A shilling over.
A poor wage for a lifetime's drudgery.
Very true, miss.
This is a veil of tears.
What have you done?
You have a knack for being
in the right place at the right time.
Why are you about
at this hour of the night?
My mother died.
Oh, yes, I heard.
Oh, well...
...she's not the only one.
Now, I'm afraid
I must make good my escape.
I suppose you'll never see me again.
Are you Mary Reilly?
This way.
Where have you been?
My mother's died, sir.
I had some arrangements to make.
And when did you last see the doctor's
assistant, Mr. Edward Hyde?
Some time ago, sir.
Not in the last 24 hours?
No, sir.
Another question.
Are you acquainted...
...with a member of Parliament,
Sir Danvers Carew?
What are you up to?
I don't believe so, sir.
But I understand he was a regular
dinner guest here at the house.
Reilly is the most recently engaged
member of staff.
I don't believe Sir Danvers has dined
here since her arrival.
I see.
Now, if you'll oblige us...
...we'd like to search
the doctor's laboratory.
There isn't anyone there.
Will you not interfere in matters
which do not concern you?
You'd best ask the doctor yourself.
May I be of some assistance, gentlemen?
If I had anywhere else to go,
you wouldn't see me for dust.
The police found nothing here.
Or in the laboratory.
This place is going to the dogs.
Murder now, if you please.
He always gave me the creeps,
that Hyde.
What's to stop him coming here
and skewering us when we're in bed?
He won't do that.
You know him well, do you?
Come on to bed.
Still feel safe here?
I don't know what I feel anymore.
Well, I'd watch my back if I was you.
Would you step in here a moment?
I want to speak to you.
Never mind Mr. Poole.
Put those down.
You saw him yesterday?
- I did, sir.
- You told the police you had not. Why?
I don't know, sir.
You know what you've done has
made you an accessory to murder?
In a case like this, not telling the
police everything is a criminal offense.
- I know that, sir.
- Danvers Carew.
I was at school with him.
He was corrupt and frivolous,
but he didn't deserve that.
And he is an important man,
not easily swept under the carpet.
Not like the others.
What others, sir?
What others?
There were others.
Where is he?
Last night, he walked in on me
as bold as brass.
He wanted money
to make good his escape.
I made him promise to disappear
and never show his face again.
What is it you owe this man?
Why are you prepared to risk everything
trying to protect him?
It's myself I'm trying to protect.
As far as what I owe him, strange as it
may sound, Hyde has liberated me.
I no longer care what the world
may think of me.
It is marvelous how much
he loves his life.
And his victims, sir?
Did they not love theirs?
Not as he does.
Not so ravenously.
I trust you as I trust no one, Mary.
My life would be a sad thing if I...
What is it?
He is impatient.
Therefore, do we now commit
the body of our departed sister... the grave.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes...
...dust to dust.
I wanted to make a contribution...
...towards the expense of the funeral.
Looking well.
And settled in service in a big house.
- So I've been told.
- Who told you?
Your mother.
I've seen a bit of her
the past couple of years.
She wasn't one to bear a grudge.
I was just thinking...
...if you and I couldn't get
together again sometime?
The doctor tells me I'm not likely
to live through the winter.
Here, this must have cost you
six months' wages!
You keep it.
Why not?
My money's as good as anyone's.
Have you no heart at all?
I'm your father!
Have you no feelings for me?
We had our good times, didn't we?
We had some good times.
You remember.
Must remember.
Did you miss me?
You promised the master you'd go away.
Easier said than done,
as it turns out.
What did you do to him?
Better you had ask
what he has done to me.
The truth is, I am your master.
What do you mean?
I am the bandit.
He is merely the cave
in which I shelter.
Where are you going?
To raise the alarm.
Last week you saved my life.
Now you want to send me
into the gallows?
Can you explain?
Can you?
I feel differently with you.
Why should that be?
You still the rage.
Where does it come from, sir?
This rage?
How should I know?
It comes in like the tide.
Now are you beginning to understand?
For years now, the doctor has been
suffering from a strange malady.
He experimented with many ways
to keep it at bay...
...but it would always return
more acute than ever.
Finally, he distilled two drugs,
tested them...
...and understood that he had
found the cure...
...which took an unexpected form.
What form?
I was the cure.
The first formula
transformed him into me.
The second formula, which he always
refers to rather insultingly... the antidote,
transforms me back into him.
I've found a way to slip
his leash, to become myself...
...without having to wait
for the injection.
Presumably because I am the stronger.
Is evil stronger than good?
You tell me.
Please let me go.
I am sorry. I thought you were
planning to stay a while.
But perhaps my sense of smell
deceives me.
Where are you going, Mary?
The master's asked me to bring him
something from the lab.
I'll take care of that.
He asked that I do it myself.
I will do it!
You don't know what he wants.
Please don't interfere!
And he's not to be disturbed
for the rest of the morning!
- Yes, Mr. Poole?
- Go and wait in my parlour.
I have something to say to you.
Yes, Mr. Poole.
- Poole, there you are.
- Yes, sir, I...
I want you to pay very close attention
to what I say.
You must make another visit
to Finlay and Sons.
Listen to what I'm saying before
you start raising objections.
Three or four months ago,
they prepared this at my instruction.
There must have been some impurity
in the compound, because since then...
...neither they nor any other chemist
has been able to reproduce it.
You must ask them
to analyze this precisely...
...then wait on the premises...
...until they succeed
in reconstituting it.
Tell them that this is a matter
of the greatest urgency.
Life and death.
I will, sir.
Mary, will you come with me?
At least there is someone
in this house I can rely on.
I didn't know if I could believe what
he was saying. But it's true, isn't it?
I kept thinking you must know
we were the same man.
How could anyone know such a thing?
How could anyone possibly guess?
I want you to do something for me.
I want you to go now,
to my laboratory...
...and make up a bed.
That is where I'll need to spend
most of my time from now on.
Shall I take this with me?
He said you have an illness.
What kind of an illness?
You might call it a fracture in my soul.
...which left me with
a taste for oblivion.
You should've seen him.
Shuffling across the courtyard...
...hanging on to that drawer like
someone wanted to take it off him.
Poor Mr. Poole, run off his feet.
And he's not looking
very well on it, either.
I'm afraid the master's out of patience.
His new consignment of medicine
is not at all satisfactory.
There are a number of broken bottles
in the operating theatre.
I'll go and clear it up, Mr. Poole.
Never mind.
Leave it till the morning.
Best to get it done now.
Is that you?
Who is that?
What stops me from killing you?
I always knew you'd be the death of us.
He took pity on me.
Seems he took pity on me as well.
He mixed something with the antidote.
A poison.
Another cruel trick to take his life
and leave you behind to suffer.
It was the only way he could
devise to set you free.
It was inevitable from the moment...
...I found how to achieve
what I'd always wanted.
To be the knife as well as the wound.
Would you have ever forgiven me?
I wanted the night... see.
And here it is.
You said... didn't care what
the world thought of you.
Nor will I.