Melted Lipstick (2024) Movie Script
(mellow soothing music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person whimpering)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(water dripping) (person whimpering)
It won't come off.
It won't come off.
(person sobbing)
(static crackling)
(person sobbing)
(blood sizzling)
Oh no.
(person sobbing) (blood sizzling)
Fucking bitch.
Please, no.
No (sobs).
You, this is your fault.
(person sobbing)
(person spits and coughs)
(person sobbing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person gags)
What's happening to me?
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person panting)
(person spits)
What's happening to me?
What's wrong with me?
(eerie suspenseful music)
(gun cocks)
I'm waiting.
Come and get me.
(bone cracking)
(person gasping) (bone cracking)
(gunshot blasts)
(ominous somber music)
(mellow hiphop music)
Babe, won't you look at those peepers
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Shit can get ghastly, I may go haunter
Put a Gengar in your speaker
I make that boy swipe that visa
I'm way too good for his features
I know that girl, she a eater
So guess what I'm gonna feed her
Yeah I'm gonna (indistinct)
[Singer] Bitch
Back on the track, wish
it was blacker than black
'Fraid of them buttons, no
funeral, all on the well
Just had a convo with Charlotte
She said everything was beautiful
Haunted House Studios,
I be trying on my demons
Liquor all night in my cuticles
Blood on the dance floor
She dressed like I'm Michael
Been all the places I was juvenile
Unh, ey
I welcome come sis
like Rihanna, aye, aye
Shot through the city, katana, aye
I just went platinum all summer
So I could go do what I wanna
Bare yellow shit I be on
Keep that thing warm like a sauna
Gotta thank God for my mama
No, you ain;t getting my number
But rain on my umbrella
Make that thing clap like it's thunder
Ey, that kid end up in a reefer
Such a bad lil diva, diva
Is she, ain't she a keeper, yeah
Pretty picture Mona Lisa, yeah
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Hop out like hasta la vista
I'm with the bunnies like Easter
We be grinning like we evil
Babe, won't yo look at those peepers
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Shit could get ghastly,
I may go haunter
Put a Gengar in your speaker
I make that boy swipe that visa, swipe
I'm way too good or his features, yo
I know that girl, she a eater
So guess what, I'm gon'
feed her, yeah, yeah
(mellow hip hop music)
(Jada sighs)
(lid clacks)
(Jada sniffles)
(door knocking)
It's occupied.
Are you okay in there?
Yeah, Jen, I'm fine.
Look, breakup's so hard.
But the way you're going about this
is not the best way to deal with it.
And what way is that, crying?
No, the drinking.
Drinking, why would I be
doing something like that?
(door rattles)
What did he say to you?
(door thuds)
He told me every way possible I'm ugly
and I should be thankful he dated me.
Girl, and he cheated on me too.
But that's not even what hurt.
It was the ugly comments
that hurt the most.
I'm sorry he's such an asshole.
Yeah, I was thinking
more of an egotistical
little dick mama's boy,
but I like asshole better.
That puts more a little more oopmh in it.
Yeah, it does.
Did Marvin send you to find me?
Girl, you know we busy and
we need people out there.
God forbid the red
neck with the F-150 truck
don't get his country fried steak.
I really don't wanna be here, I gotta go.
Well if you don't wanna do it for him,
can you please do it for me?
(Jada sighs)
(object thuds)
(light switch clicks)
(Jada sighs) (door thuds)
You suck, I hope you know that.
I wish you'd just disappear.
(scoffs) I didn't think so.
(mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(utensils clatter)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(utensil thuds)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(object clatters)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(toilet paper thuds)
(mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(metal clanking)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
How did you do?
300, not bad for a slow day.
What about you?
$30 and three pieces of candy.
Well, maybe if you lose the attitude
and the bitch face, you will make more.
You're a very pretty girl.
Girl, stop.
You do not gotta say nice
things to make me feel better.
You are gorgeous.
I would kill to look like you.
I'm fat and my skin is oily.
Shut up and can you come
help me take out the trash?
(Jada scoffs)
(hinge creaks)
You're my only friend.
(somber emotive music)
Ugh, eww.
(somber emotive music)
Ugh, God.
(Jada sighs)
Why can't I look like the
girls in the magazines,
on TV, everywhere?
(Jada sighs)
I'm never gonna be good enough, am I?
(somber emotive music)
I know you won't judge me.
(somber emotive music)
(bottle clatters)
(somber emotive music)
(Jada sighs)
(somber emotive music)
Yo, what's good, social media?
This your boy, Jaylen.
And right now,
I know all my millions
and millions of followers
tuned in right now.
Right now, we at my arcade/studio.
Take y'all on a little tour.
Let y'all know what we got going on.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Okay, you know we got the
fresh new pool tables on deck.
Two new pool tables.
You know, if you want to get your pool on,
you know I'm the champion at that,
but we ain't gon' talk
about that right now.
You know what I'm saying?
You know we got the games on deck.
Yes, sir.
This where the magic happened at.
We live in the studio.
Okay, we live in the studio.
Yes, sir, you see it.
Got the booth right here.
What y'all feel about the booth?
Lemme know what y'all
think about the booth.
So any of y'all kids want to
come in, get your recording on,
drop you a few tracks, we got
it on deck, we got it for you.
Yes, sir.
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
Can I have the salad, please?
[Jen] So what did he say to you?
(sighs) He said he wanted me
to make him feel more like a man.
[Jen] And you did right?
No, girl, he is too soft
and he don't command to the scene.
I feel you.
Someone that just looks
like he is in control.
Yes, girl, that is not Jason.
I think I found him.
Found who?
Someone to be in command.
(mellow sultry music)
Girl, he is going to your table.
(mellow sultry music)
(foot stomps)
- Oh.
Is it normally a stumbling
ground for beautiful women,
or am I just lucky today?
Oh no, it's just me, I'm
the only one stumbling.
(indistinct) too.
Don't be so modest.
You know, stumbling only
adds to the charm, right?
Right, a charm.
So are you having a table
for one, two, or five?
Not assuming you have friends
or you don't, I just need to know.
Just me today, unless you want to join.
Oh, no, I can't, I'm at
work so I have to work.
Oh, in that case, I'll take
your best recommendation.
Okay. So the fish is really good,
but if you don't like
fish, the steak is good
and if you don't like meat,
the salad is good too.
It was a hot summer's night
I'm pretty sure whatever you
recommend will be all right.
Lord, you couldn't close your eyes
Real smooth, I like how
you tried to walk all sexy
and stumbled in front of him.
Girl, shut up.
Summer night, mmm
Lord, you couldn't close those eyes
So how's the food?
Good, I hope.
Really good.
You know, you got a real
talent for recommendations.
Yeah, you know, I don't
cook it, I just serve it.
What do you do for work?
For work, I'm a computer
programmer, I specialize in AI.
AI, okay, I don't know
too much about that,
but that seems cool.
So making computers more humanlike,
it's a tough job and
somebody's gotta do it.
Human-like, that's cool, I guess.
I mean, what are you coming out with,
the next super intelligent
computer or something?
Not quite, but I am working towards it.
Okay, well, cool.
I don't know too much about
that, but I'm interested.
It's people like you
that I really like telling,
you know, make you more interested.
Well, like I said, I don't
know too much about it,
but I'm interested.
Well, who knows what the future holds?
It's people like you that, like, curiosity
and like genuine excitement for it
really get like tech
folks talking about it.
Yeah, but I don't know too much about it.
Honestly, I really don't
fully understand it.
That's what makes it more
exciting to talk about,
(mellow soulful music)
But oh, oh, oh, oh, that's
when it all went wrong
(mellow soulful music)
Hey, girl.
[Jen] Girl, I see you over
there getting your mack on.
He is way out my league.
What do you mean?
Girl, he works with
Als, computers and shit.
You always downplaying yourself.
So should I ask him out?
[Jen] That might be a little too strong.
You should write your.
(mellow soulful music)
(pen clatters)
How's my makeup?
You look beautiful like a sunflower.
Thanks, girl.
[Jen] You're welcome.
Here you go.
What's this?
This is the secret code?
No, that's just like
if you have any questions
for like Ais, or the menu,
or something like that.
AI, okay.
I mean, perhaps we can talk about it more
over a cup of coffee?
Coffee, sure, I mean,
you really don't have to,
but if you want to that would be nice.
I think it'd be more than nice, yeah.
I get to know more about the person
that picked the perfect dish, you know.
Well, charming, I don't know about that,
but I can definitely serve you some coffee.
Maybe a coffee, maybe
we can do, you know,
a side conversation as well?
Yeah, I can manage that
Then it's a date.
(mellow soulful music)
Girl, he wanna have coffee with me.
Wow, to be honest, I didn't think
you'd go all the way through with it.
So you might as me do
all my closing duties for me tonight, girl.
Girl, hell no.
Come on, help a bitch out.
Hell no.
(mellow soulful music)
(Jada sighs)
Hey, dad.
[Dad] Hey, baby girl, how are you?
I'm doing good. I hate my job,
I can't get a date and
I can't keep no friends.
[Dad] Jada, I thought therapy fixed this?
Well, it didn't.
[Dad] Why don't you just come home
to me and your mom, please?
No, that's not happening.
[Jada] Why?
We already pay for your apartment now.
I know and I was actually gonna ask you
if you can, you know-
- [Dad] Send some money?
[Dad] Jada, aren't you working?
Yeah, but it's slow right now.
[Dad] Listen, baby girl,
why don't you just come home
and work at my firm?
No, that's not happening, I can do this.
[Dad] There is no shame in
coming home and trying again.
Look, I did not call you
for you to give me a lecture.
I'm sorry I'm not successful at Samantha,
but just send the money.
[Dad] Why the fuck
would you bring her up?
Just send the money.
[Dad] Do I send it to
the same account or what?
[Dad] Okay.
Hey, also your mom and
I love you very much.
Yeah, okay, bye.
(Jada scoffs)
(mellow soothing music)
He's not gonna show up.
- Hey, I'm over here.
- Hey.
Hopefully, I didn't keep
you waiting too long, did I?
No, it's okay. You're
actually 10 minutes early.
Whew, that I am.
Well, it shouldn't take too long then.
What are you talking about?
So tell me about your job.
[Jada] My job?
What's the best thing
about it, you would say?
What the hell is this?
[Harrison] What do you mean?
I thought we were
having coffee and talking.
We are, coffee and talking.
You know what I'm talking about.
I thought we were talking, talking.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Sometimes I forget to
say my true intentions.
Sorry, if I, you know,
misjudged the situation.
So we're not having coffee and talking?
Listen, Jada, I'm creating a new AI
that's gonna help you
with an easier lifestyle
such as servers as yourself.
And what kind of AI is that?
I can't tell you about it just yet,
but just know it'll make your
lifestyle a whole lot easier.
I'm so stupid (sighs).
Don't tell yourself that.
To think a guy like you
with like me, yeah, I am.
Listen, Jada, I'm flattered and all,
but you're not exactly my type.
So what's your type
blonde hair and blue eyes?
I'm his type.
- Harrison.
- Hey, baby.
Is this who you were telling me about?
Jada, meet Imani,
His girlfriend, how are you?
I need to go.
Yeah, maybe you should go.
She might have gotten
like a wrong impression
of our little get together.
(scoffs) Yeah, because I don't know
what she thought this was.
- Bye.
- Bye.
(Imani scoffs)
No sleep, thinking 'bout dipping
No sleep, thinking 'bout
Enough of the shit that yo be on, yeah
All the cussin' we you
do, it was on your snap
You ain't calling me back
Where the fuck is you at, yeah
And I ain't trying to be in my feelings
Even though my thug game
got me in my feelings
If it does get wide, break two
I wanna know
Dang, boy.
Damn, she fine.
Feeling you play with my mind
(keys jingling)
(vehicle door thuds)
(vehicle door locks click)
Let's see what's up with this?
(Jaylen exhales) (hands swishing)
Yes, sir.
Yeah, gotta help her.
Yes, sir.
(hands swishing)
(keys jingling)
Hey, what's up, you need some help?
No, you think just because I'm a woman,
I need help from a man?
(Jaylen sighs)
What's this?
Oh, I see you like this movie too.
Why are you gonna judge me?
Just chill, man.
All I'm saying is we both
got good taste in movies.
That's it.
Yeah, I really like
the director in this one.
I ain't gonna lie, the
director, (exclaims)he on point.
Okay, thanks for helping me,
even though I didn't need it.
It's all good. So next time I see you,
maybe we could talk about it.
Aren't you gonna tell me your name?
Isn't that how you holler at a girl?
(Jaylen laughing)
I mean, maybe.
But the thing about it is,
I ain't trying to holler at you, so.
I mean, I stay across the street.
I'm pretty sure we'll see each other again.
(Jada scoffs)
(mellow synth music)
Every single day, I feel
the pressure, pressure
Double up the weight,
let's make it extra, extra
Crackings on my mind,
getting extra, extra
Cracking like I never
know I'm blessed, yeah
Every single day I feel
the pressure, pressure
Diamonds in my eyes,
I know I'm special, special
In the gym, I gotta get my reps up
(indistinct) I know I'm special
Hey, girl, how'd it go?
How did what go?
You know the tech guy?
Oh, Harrison, he said I'm not his type.
Well, maybe if you was a
robot, you'll be more his type.
Girl, shut up and help
me take this trash out.
You know what I think we need?
A weekend getaway.
They're not gonna let both of us
take off at the same time.
I'm already off this weekend
and I think you just got sick as hell.
(Jada coughs)
Yeah, girl, I think I
don't feel good today.
(water gurgling)
All hail queen mimosas.
Are you okay?
Yeah, it's just seeing all these couples
make me feel like there's
nobody out here for me.
Just because you feel like that
doesn't mean that it's true.
Yeah, everybody says that,
but I don't think there's
nobody out here for me.
[Jen] Girl, there's
somebody out here for you now.
Don't feel like that
Thanks, girl, you always
give the best advice.
Oh, well, thank you, thank you.
See, this why I don't
be nice in your ass.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
[Jen] Girl, these drinks is good.
[Jada] Yeah, a little watery though.
- I wish it was more stronger.
- Right?
(Jen and Jada laughing)
Let's go back.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
(anticipatory percussive music)
Hello, ladies, it's Imani here
and I'm here to talk to
you about Cocoa Wave,
the latest hair serum.
So you guys, I've been using
this product for the last week
and let me tell you the results, ooh,
absolutely game-changing, y'all.
Just one application and look at my hair.
So soft and glossy.
And guess what?
If you use my promo code, ImaniHairLove,
you'll get an extra 20% off.
All right, you guys, that's it for today.
Remember, always let
your hair do the talking.
Love you all, bye.
(lips smack)
(water sloshing)
[Harrison] Mani.
Baby, I'm home.
(water sloshing)
[Imani] Gotta wash this thing out now.
(water sloshing)
(foot stomps)
Goddamn it, Harry,
don't scare me like that.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
What you doing, another product promo?
Yes, they're paying me decent,
but the product just feels so cheap.
You okay with promoting something
that you don't believe in?
It's not always about
what I believe in, Harry.
It's a job, I got bills to pay.
What bills?
Nah, I get you, I'm just messing.
But just promise me one thing, all right.
No matter how big you get
or how much they pay you,
stay true to yourself, all right.
I promise.
Good girl.
Now what's for dinner?
Whatever you want.
Ooh, don't say that now.
Oh, I happened to see on your social media
that you're doing a meet
and greet next week.
Yeah, at the club.
Which club?
Club Euphoria, yeah, yeah, Club Euphoria.
Why, what's up?
Imani, you know Club Euphoria closed down
three months ago, right?
Oh, there's so many clubs Downtown.
I must have got the names
mixed up, no big deal.
I really wanna believe you, Imani,
but after everything that
happened, I don't think I can.
I just thought-
- You thought what?
You thought you could sit
here and lie to me again?
I'm not lying, Harry.
There really is a meet and greet.
I don't know if I can believe you again.
Just gimme a chance to
make it right, I'm sorry.
I don't know how many
more chances I can give you.
Babe, you can trust me.
Come on, let's go eat.
Come on, let's go eat. Call my name
Can I say, but you do it
[Jen] Ooh, girl, that
chocolate bar had me full.
If I eat anymore, I'mma
turn it to a chocolate
Girl, chocolate covered Jen and Jada?
Now that's the sight.
Yes, girl.
You know, I was thinking,
with all these dating
failures, I might become a nun.
What you swapping the dating
apps for hymns and rosaries?
Girl, it's just a thought.
Think about it, peaceful monasteries,
No more first awkward dates,
and a lifetime of wine.
That wine do sound good.
But are you really ready
to give up on love?
I'm not giving up.
I just don't wanna deal
with the shit that comes with it.
I understand,
but just because it's not
working out right now,
don't mean it won't ever work out.
Yeah, you are right, but for now,
I just want a peaceful life,
that sound more better to me.
Well, whether you choose
to date or become a nun,
either way, we're gonna have
an unlimited supply of wine.
Yes, girl.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
(mellow suspenseful music)
(air whooshing)
(mellow suspenseful music)
(keyboard keys clacking)
(door knocks)
Look, I know I messed up in the past,
but all that is passed us now.
Can we just move on?
I can't, not with
everything that's happened.
Please, don't say it.
Don't say what?
You know, you beat me
up every day about it.
Say that like I'm supposed
to feel sorry for you or something.
You should, I'm your woman.
Oh yeah, when's the last
time we made love, Imani?
(Imani sighs)
You know, the last time we
were talking about this,
you were giving it up to somebody
else and you got pregnant.
So don't talk to me about shit in the past.
When you know it took
everything in me to forgive you.
(cushion rustles)
(mellow synth music)
What you're doing to me, can't
[Jen] Ooh, girl, I feel so bloated.
Yeah, girl, me too.
I think I ate way too much today.
[Jen] I did that.
Looking for something to
transform your life, Miss Jada?
Who are you and how the
hell do you know my name?
Oh, I know many things.
Names, faces, all the tiny threads
in this grand tapestry of life.
What do you want?
What I want is of little consequence.
See, is what you desire to bring to you.
Change, perhaps.
A chance to walk on someone else's shoes.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't you?
A young woman with dreams, insecurities,
looking for a way to change her life.
Lucky for you, I have just a thing.
What's that?
Why, it's the key to
being anyone you want to be.
Simply persuade someone else
to wear it, apply it yourself
and voila you become
them in all their glory.
That's impossible.
Is it?
See, magic often finds himself
in the most mundane objects.
But heed my warning here, Jada,
for every action, there's a reaction.
What do you mean?
Ah, see, that's for you to discover.
But remember, it may
change your appearance,
but it won't change what's inside.
(somber suspenseful music)
Choose wisely, Jada.
(somber suspenseful music)
Wait, what's your name?
(somber suspenseful music)
(chuckles) You can call me Bobby Murder.
[Jen] Hey, girl, you okay?
What? What happened?
You over there standing
at the sky and shit?
You didn't see him?
See who?
(sighs) Nobody, let's go.
[Jen] Girl, you tweaking,
come on, I'm hungry.
(anticipatory percussive music)
(vehicle door rattles)
(vehicle door thuds)
[Jaylen] So how you like the movie?
It was cool, I watched it like twice.
Okay, see, I told you,
I knew you was gonna like it.
Boy, what's up with you?
You starting to gimme creep vibes.
My bad, man.
I don't mean to give you creep vibes.
If you say so.
So, I'll see you at seven?
Excuse me.
I'm saying we both like
movies, so why not go watch one.
Are you serious?
Oh yeah, my name's Jaylen, by the way.
You are serious.
Okay, so I'll see you later.
I can't promise you
nothing, but we'll see.
Yeah, I'll see you later.
Oh yeah, Jada.
What's up?
You look beautiful, by the way.
- Really?
- Yeah, I'll see you later.
See now, I can't get mad at you
He said I'm beautiful.
Baby, just look at you
I can't get mad at you
That movie was crazy.
It was pretty dumb to me.
I love - Really?
You thought it was dumb?
Yeah, movies are stupid,
that's why I don't come here.
I thought it was crazy (laughing).
Well, thanks for walking me to my car.
You really didn't have to.
No problem, you know
how I do, I'm old school.
Well, aren't we a macho type.
(Jaylen laughing)
[Jaylen] How you figure?
I bet you hold doors for girls
and think we belong in the kitchen, huh?
I mean, hey, everybody got they place.
(scoffs) Yeah, macho type.
(Jaylen laughing)
Well... You crazy, man.
Well, I don't feel like leaving,
so tell me about yourself.
What you want to know?
I'm a open book.
You look like a football player.
You ever played before?
Actually, I did, man.
I really miss my teammates,
being on the field.
[Jada] So why did you stop?
Well, crucial game, tore my ACL.
(exhales) What I did, man, you know.
You know what they say,
when one door close-
- Another door opens.
Exactly, so, you know, I went back home,
built a studio for kids, you know.
A studio, how did you get into that?
I mean, where I'm from,
we don't really have avenues like that.
So I wanted to do something
for the kids that, you know,
I ain't have the chance to do really.
Well, I mean, you're doing
something great for them.
So how about you?
(scoffs) That's a
story for another movie.
Well, all right, have a good night.
What, no hug or kiss?
(Jaylen laughing)
I don't kiss on the first date.
What's that, one of your rules?
[Jada] You can't break 'em?
Nah, not tonight (chuckles).
(scoffs) Whatever.
(mellow hip hop music)
Can you just come on?
Girl, I'm not going in there.
You do this every time.
Well, I'm not going.
Well, come on man, it'll be fun.
I'll be here when you get out.
Girl, get your ass out the car, let's go.
(sighs) All right, damn, girl.
(vehicle doors rattle)
(mellow hip hop music)
Yo, what's up, mama?
Get in the car.
I don't want nobody to see you.
(mellow hip hop music)
(vehicle door thuds)
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
What's up?
Shit, you look good tonight.
Thank you, (indistinct).
Hey, so we doing, what we
gon' do, what's the plan?
I mean, we can go in here,
have us a good time or whatever.
But you know, we gotta be discreet.
We can't let nobody know.
(sighs) So this your idea of a good time,
to go in here, stand apart from each other,
like we don't know each other-
- Christian, Christian.
- No, no, no, wait.
- I really don't wanna
do that tonight.
Like, come on, you know.
I know things are a little,
you know, come on, man.
I guess, I guess, I guess, whatever.
So I guess you don't
want this gift I got you?
What is it, what is it?
Open it up.
(paper rustles)
Oh, you got me Ryan S. tickets.
Oh, you know I love Ryan S..
- Oh, oh my goodness.
- You already know.
[Imani] I wonder who
I'm gonna take with me.
(Christian sucks teeth)
I'm just playing.
Boy... Who else would I take?
All that money I spent on them tickets,
- you know you taking me.
- Come on.
Don't play with me.
You know I'm gonna take you, babe.
(lips smack)
(mellow hip hop music)
I'm (indistinct), yeah,
I'm on that (indistinct)
I'm trying to run and go
[Jen] Come on, girl, let's have some fun.
No, I'm good.
[Jen] Come on, man, it's lit out here.
I'm good.
[Jen] Girl, bye.
Twirl, get the lean (indistinct)
Ain't that why they tell it I'm magic
Remember we can be here, but
we gotta be the discreet.
What's the fun in that?
Bet I get rich tomorrow
[Christian] Come on, girl.
(singer vocalizing)
Girl, what's going on with you?
Girl, I'd like to go
throw up in the bathroom
than do this.
Let's go have some fun.
All right.
Getting to the money, it
don't matter where I go
Niggas ain't familiar,
we ain't in the same lane
(Christian sighs)
Imani, come dance with me.
I'm tired right now.
Besides, I'm checking to see
if my follower count went down.
Oh my God, just-
- And it did, oh my God.
Come dance with me.
Oh, I can't believe this.
Oh my God.
My numbers are going down, which
means I won't get no money.
Oh my God, oh my God.
Oh, I'm getting so stressed out.
(footsteps receding)
This girl is tripping, oh my goodness.
I'm ready to fucking go.
(sighs) Told her I
didn't want to come here.
(mellow hip hop music)
(sighs) I can't believe this shit.
(door knocking)
Wanna fucking be here.
Somebody's in here.
(singer vocalizing)
(hinges creak)
[Jada] Oh, it's you.
Excuse me.
Don't act like you don't remember me.
Hmm, you know what, you right.
You are the girl from
the coffee shop, right?
Yeah, you look beautiful, by the way.
Hmm, think so?
I bet Harrison's all over you, huh?
(Imani laughing)
Yeah, he is.
Is he here tonight?
No, just me.
Not to be crushing on your man,
but I wouldn't go nowhere without him.
Hmm, I mean, Harry is attractive and all,
but that can only get you so far, hmm.
Yeah, that's enough for me.
I'll kill to have a man like him.
Lucky for me, you're not
crazy enough to do that.
(phone thuds)
(object shuffling)
(lipstick thuds)
(object shuffling)
Hmm. (pills rattling)
This looks cool.
Where'd you get this from?
Hmm, let me guess, Makeup Mine?
No, no, no.
Kim's Makeup Box?
No, someone bought it for me.
[Imani] Oh.
I thought maybe you were
in an influencer like me.
See, you're around.
[Imani] What?
I think this will
actually look good on you.
[Imani] Hmm, you think so?
[Imani] Hmm.
What color is it?
(ominous suspenseful music)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(heels clicking)
(hinges creak)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(air whooshing and zaps)
[Demon] Apply the lipstick.
Smooth it out.
Choose wisely, Jada.
(lips pop)
You're right, it does look good on me.
(air rumbles)
(Jada exclaims)
(bones cracking)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Jada exclaims)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Jada panting)
Oh my God.
What have I done?
(Jada panting)
It worked.
(Jada laughing)
It fucking worked.
Oh my God.
(Jada laughing)
Let's go have some fun.
(fire crackling) (somber ominous music)
Fucking up all that shit I be on
Party with y'all friends, I can see
Yo, this is the last straw.
After the night, I'm done, for real.
Why you tripping?
Why I'm tripping?
You wanna dance?
Oh, now you want to dance.
Come on, let's dance, come on.
(air warbles)
(sheets rustling)
Imani, baby, are you okay?
Yeah, I just had a real bad nightmare.
It feel like my lungs are crushed.
Lemme get you some water, all right.
Yes, please.
(Imani sighs)
(door rattles)
(Jada retching)
(Jada coughing)
(Jada retching an coughing)
(Jada panting)
(Jada sighs)
Lemme call this girl.
Oh, she's about to go off on me.
[Jen] Hello?
Hey, Jen.
[Jen] Hey.
Look, I'm sorry about the other night.
I didn't mean to leave you.
[Jen] You stormed out the club.
I know, I really didn't mean to.
When do I ever leave you at the club?
[Jen] The other day.
You could at least told me,
sent me a message or something.
Girl, I know. That's why I'm
calling to apologize to you.
[Jen] Okay.
So what you been up to?
Nothing, just home.
[Jen] Are you gonna come back to work?
[Jen] Why?
Because I have a man now,
I don't have time for anything.
[Jen] You don't have time to go to work?
Girl, no.
[Jen] So who your man is?
See, this is why I did
not wanna fucking call you.
You're always in my fucking business.
You know what, bye.
Dang, I was just... 'Cause you're-
- [Jen] Asking a question.
Yeah, but you're always
in my fucking business.
If I wanted you to know,
I would've told you, bye.
(exclaims) So annoying.
(hinges creak)
Hey, Imani, you need any help?
No, I got it.
Seems like you had a wild
start to your morning, huh?
Yeah, actually I did.
You feeling any better?
Yeah, but my neck and
my back, they killing me.
See what time it is.
Maybe a little later on, we can see about
getting you checked into a hospital, yeah?
I don't know about that.
I got so many videos to
record, so much shit to do,
I just, I don't know.
Oh, how'd your little meet
and greet go last night?
I really don't remember.
Was it because he was there?
He was, wasn't he?
I don't wanna talk about this right now.
You know, you can tell
me the truth sometimes.
But answer me this one
question, I promise we drop it.
(hands smack)
What, what?
Does he know?
About us?
Yeah, sure.
That's not what I'm talking about.
The other thing.
He doesn't.
He doesn't need to know
the abortion is done.
Now leave me alone about it.
Okay, well, I guess I'll
see you later then, yeah.
Love you.
I love you too.
(footsteps thudding)
(bag thuds)
Oh, I fucking love this stuff.
I can have Harrison.
I can be an influencer like Imani.
I can fucking actually be Imani.
(lips smack)
(Jada sighs)
I can be a bad bitch whenever I want to.
(sighs) I'm so obsessed
with this fucking stuff.
Harrison's gonna be mine.
We're gonna have a baby. (door knocking)
(exclaims) Who the hell is that on my door?
(Jada sighs)
Hi, honey, I brought
you some food and things.
Your dad was worried about you.
I'm fine, mom, I'm fine.
Are you sure you don't have a fever?
Mom, stop, I'm not 12, ugh.
Well, doesn't mean you
still don't get a fever.
- Mom.
- Have you been eating?
Oh, here we go.
(Jada sighs)
(heels clicking)
(glass thuds)
(heels clicking)
(bag thuds)
What is your problem?
I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm fine, I'm just
not in the mood... I came to cook for you
and make lasagna.
No, I don't want it, I'm fine.
(mellow groove music)
(door knocking)
I wonder who that could be.
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
(door rattles)
Hello, how may I help you?
Hey, I'm looking for Jada,
but it look like I find a
source of her beauty instead.
(laughing) Well, thank you.
And you are?
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Jaylen.
Nice to meet you, Jaylen.
You're welcome to come and eat with us.
Okay, thank you.
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
Thank you, thank you, Ms...
Kim, you can call me Kim.
Kim, Kim, it is.
Man, this smells so good in here.
I haven't even made the best part yet.
I can't wait.
Oh, what's up?
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
Honey, he is fine.
Nice to meet you, Ms. Kim.
Mom, don't embarrass me.
Nice to meet you too.
Honey, are you stable enough
to be dating right now?
What do you mean?
Well, you remember what happened
last time with Sean and Kevin,
and you were not eating
and drinking all the time.
- Mom.
- Are you sure you're not
doing that again?
I'm not doing that again, mom, I promise.
Okay. I love you, honey.
I love you too, mom, bye.
(heels clicking)
(door thuds)
(footsteps shuffling)
[Jaylen] Jada.
Why you lie to your mom?
What did I lie to her about?
About you still drinking.
How you know?
Because when we was at
the movies the other night,
I smelled it on you but-
(Jada scoffs)
I ain't wanna say
nothing, but I smelled it.
So what?
I'm sure you do something like watch porn.
(chuckles) Look, it
ain't nothing like that.
I played football, tore my ACL.
I was devastated, couldn't
even play no more.
Oh wow, so how did you get through it?
Only way I knew how, painkillers.
One bottle turned into two
bottles, three bottles.
Next thing you know I'm
taking a whole bottle.
Damn, so you was addicted?
(exclaims) What?
Bad for three years?
How did you stop?
Well, I had a homeboy, Quan,
you know, we was real close.
Played football together.
He ended up passing away from liver cancer.
So before he died, I made a promise to him
that I'mma get help, and that's what I did,
went and got help.
Well, damn, I'm sorry about your friend.
Why are you so close to me?
Thinking about kissing you?
Are you asking or telling me?
I ain't gotta ask
'cause I know you want to.
She got me in the friend zone
(ominous eerie music)
(person screams)
(Jada exclaims)
(sheets rustling)
(hand thuds)
(shoes shuffling)
(Jada sighs)
I gotta be sure.
(Jada sighs)
(air whooshing)
(Jada sighs)
(air whooshing)
(Jada exclaims)
(Jada exclaims)
Ow, fuck, ah.
(gasps) It worked.
Oh my God, oh my goodness,
I thought it was a dream.
(Jada laughing)
I wonder how much time do I have?
Woo, hmm.
What? (keys jingling)
Let's have some fun.
(mellow hip hop music)
Own it, own it, own it
(Jada laughing)
(singer vocalizing)
I learned to own my style
How I got me this, you
better own it, own it, own it
All they wanna do is copy and paste
But you, they can't replace
So own it, own it, own it, own it
You a baddie, baby, you
gotta own it, own it
Hey, yeah, with the girls,
with the girls, we love it
(mellow hip hop music)
(mellow R&B music)
(door thuds)
(Harrison sighs)
Girl, what you doing still up?
You're supposed to be in bed by now.
How could I be asleep
when I got such a fine
man coming home to me?
What you just say?
You heard me.
Thinking about those big muscles
really got a girl going crazy up in here.
(Harrison exhales)
Now, I know something's going on.
That's it.
(door thuds)
You've been drinking.
Maybe a little, but I still
let you take advantage of me.
I'mma go take a shower.
Tonight, we can both be dirty.
Now, see, it must be them
hair care products or something.
But something's got into you.
(chuckles) Maybe I want
something to get into me.
I've been wanting you ever since I seen you
in the restaurant.
What restaurant?
We met at a bookstore.
(laughing) I know, my bad.
Maybe I have had too many drinks.
Take me.
(sultry R&B music)
See, you looking at me
Ma, you, you, girl, I see you looking
Girl, I see you, girl, I
Girl, I see you looking, girl I see you
Girl, I really, oh
Turn around, turn around, turn around
Girl, don't you be shy, don't be shy
(singer vocalizing)
Girl, I see you
(air whooshing)
[Demon] Find the lipstick.
(air whooshing)
(bones cracking)
(sheets rustling)
(mattress creaks)
(sheets rustling)
(hinges creak)
(Jada coughing)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada shudders)
Oh my God.
(Jada panting)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada panting)
(air whooshing)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(bed creaks)
(Imani exclaims)
[Imani] Ow.
Oh my God, my legs.
What's happening to me?
[Harrison] Imani, you okay?
[Imani] My legs.
Oh my God.
[Harrison] What you on about now?
[Imani] Oh, my legs, Harrison.
God, Imani, what the
hell happened to your legs?
[Imani] I don't know,
but it hurts so bad.
[Harrison] Oh hell no, come
on, we going to the doctor?
[Imani] No. No.
Maybe it's, maybe it's just
a reaction to something.
Imani, a reaction?
Look at your damn legs.
Come on, we going to the hospital.
Okay, okay.
Just help me up.
Nah, miss all that, come here, come here.
Come on.
- I don't understand.
- Goddamn.
I don't understand how this happened.
I don't know, but we'll
figure it out, I promise.
Come on.
(gate rattles)
Hey, Jada, Jada.
Hold on, man.
Damn, why you running from me?
What happened to you last night?
I guess your egos hurt, huh?
I mean, I thought we were-
- We were what, what
You mad or something?
Look, you're cool and all, but-
- But what?
[Jada] There's somebody else.
Somebody else?
Yeah, we're serious.
So this whole time
you've been leading me on?
You're not my type and I'm not your type.
It was good while it lasted, that's it.
(somber piano music)
(door rattles) (Jada sighs)
[Jaylen] Hold on, hold on.
So you just gon'-
(Jada scoffs)
Just like-
(door thuds)
(somber piano music)
You want me to stop and get you anything?
No, I'm fine.
These painkillers are working.
Can I ask you a crazy question?
Yeah, what?
When did you start drinking?
Yeah, came home last night
and you had a bottle of wine in your hand.
Harry, my memory is kind of fuzzy.
What else happened last night?
Well, I came home late as normally.
And you were sitting up on
the countertop with this robe
and some sexy lingerie.
[Harrison] Yeah, I didn't
even know you owned any sets.
I don't own any sets.
What else happened?
Well, you got off that countertop,
started touching up on me
and grabbed me by the hand
and walked me to the room.
And you know, we made love.
You telling me you don't
remember any of that?
No, I don't remember any of that.
I must have had an out of
body experience or something.
That's weird.
(mellow anticipatory music)
(door knocking)
[Jen] Open up.
I know you in there.
Girl, why the fuck is
you knocking on my door?
Damn, I was just trying
to come check on you.
Well, I'm good.
You haven't even been to work.
Girl, so what?
Mind your fucking business.
If I wanted you to know my business,
I would've told you.
Well, you supposed to be my friend,
so you are my business.
We are not friends.
So we, us working
together, that's not friends?
Girl, you're my friend at
work, not outside of work.
You're fucking delusional.
That's crazy as fuck.
I know Harrison ain't
got you acting like that.
Don't worry about him.
Girl fuck you.
Fuck you.
Bye, bitch.
And don't call me no more either.
[Jen] I ain't calling you
no more, don't worry about it.
I'mma delete your number
- right now.
- Bye.
(door thuds)
Oh, come on man.
[Announcer] This next
position, (indistinct) know
time and space (indistinct) to run it to=
(phone ringing)
(sighs) Fuck.
[Announcer] But that doesn't always last.
Well (indistinct).
All right, I got you.
What's wrong?
The AI crashed.
They want me to come in, but
I'll let 'em know I can't.
No, you go ahead.
No, I need to be here with you.
Go, I'll be fine.
- You sure?
- Yeah, go ahead.
All right.
(keys jingling)
Hey, want me to get you some Chinese food?
- Yeah, thank you.
- All right, babe.
- Love you.
- I love you too.
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada sighs)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(lid clacks)
(bones cracking)
(heart beating)
Oh my, oh my God.
Oh, oh.
Ah, ah.
Oh my, ah.
Oh my god.
Baby, the Chinese place
was closed, so I got tacos.
What the hell?
Yo, Imani.
Where the hell that girl go?
(bones cracking)
Hmm, let's go have some fun.
(mellow groove music)
Woo (door knocking)
- Who is it?
- It's me.
- Imani?
- Yeah.
Imani, I wasn't expecting you.
What you doing here?
[Jada as Imani] What's wrong?
You not happy to see me?
I mean, I am, but sheesh.
(keys clatter)
(Christian exhales)
What's going on?
So we need to talk.
I mean, you know, you can
talk to me about anything.
What's going on?
So you remember that
night we were together?
I got pregnant and I got an abortion.
Yeah, I mean, I didn't think
you were ready for a child.
I mean, I know I wasn't ready for a child.
Imani, how could you make a
decision like that without me?
Like, that was my child too.
Okay, and I didn't wanna burden you.
I definitely didn't wanna burden myself.
A child is not a burden, Imani.
Like, it's a life, our life.
And you just threw it away.
Okay, so what's done is done.
Are you not gonna mess with me anymore?
This is just, this is, I need some time.
I need some time to think
'cause this is just too crazy for me.
Like, I can't even believe you.
Well, that's fine
For the record, Imani
never liked you anyways.
What, you said-
(horn blares)
I can do whatever I want,
whenever I want to whoever I want.
And in the morning it never happened.
It's great.
(Jada scoffs)
- Man, come man.
Get off.
Goddamn, Jada.
- Move, I gotta throw up.
- What's going on?
(footsteps receding)
(Harrison exhales)
All right, come on, come on.
(dial tone ringing) Pick up the phone,
pick up the phone, pick
up the phone, come on.
Hey, is Imani with you?
All right, appreciate it.
(Imani screams)
Yo, Imani.
(dramatic suspenseful music)
Goddamn, are you all right?
Been looking everywhere for you.
- Harry.
- What happened?
Where'd you go?
[Imani] I don't know,
Harry, I don't know.
But the pain, the pain was so unbearable.
I'm scared, please protect me.
I don't wanna go back.
Go back, girl, what
are you talking about?
Come on, what happened?
Did you see anything?
[Imani] I didn't see, only felt.
Girl, come here, what did you feel?
It was pain.
It was like a thousand
knives stabbing me all over.
It was heat.
Heat all around me.
I'm so scared, Harry,
I don't wanna go back.
I don't want go back.
I got you, Imani, I'm here.
No one's gonna hurt you, all right.
Nothing's gonna happen.
[Imani] I wish I could
explain Harry, but I can't.
It's like nothing I've ever before.
I don't wanna go back, Harry, please.
(Jada coughing)
[Jaylen] Whoa.
Now what you got going on?
(Jada coughing)
I know you not pregnant.
No, I'm not.
(Jada scoffs)
I mean, that's what it
looked like, I'm just saying.
[Jada] And if I am, what
are you gonna do, choke me?
Man, you crazy as hell.
Where you going?
Just fucking choke me.
Stop playing with me, man.
Stop being a bitch, Harrison would do it.
Man, stop playing with me.
Harder, kiss me.
(mellow emotive music)
Yeah, I got something that'll
stop you from talking crazy.
You can believe that.
(ominous tense music)
(Imani screaming)
Imani, whats going on?
(Imani screaming) (bone cracking)
Hold on, hold on.
(bones cracking)
Imani, hold on.
(ominous tense music)
(bones cracking)
(ominous tense music)
What the fuck?
What the hell?
- Hey.
- What's going on?
- What's wrong, Jaylen?
- Who the hell are you?
It's me, Jada, what's wrong?
- No, no, no.
- You don't recognize me?
No, I was just with
Jada five minutes ago.
No, really, it is me.
I can just look like whoever
I want whenever I want.
What? How?
The lipstick, it's magic.
The world is my playground.
All those insecurities,
all those doubts, gone.
Just a swipe of the lipstick
and I can be anyone I want.
That don't make sense.
But Jada, how?
What about the people
that you turning into?
Where do they go?
Details, details, darling (chuckles).
I've been a wallflower all my life
and now it's my time to blossom.
So there's no way I'm letting
any pesky morals get in my way.
Look, you can't just be playing
with people live like this.
You wrong, you need to stop.
Oh, Jaylen.
(chuckles) And another thing.
You was just something to play with.
The best thing about it,
you don't need batteries.
Look, Jada, this isn't you.
(chuckles) You think you know me, Jaylen?
This is me unapologetically and unchained.
If you can't accept it,
then maybe you're the
one who needs to change.
No, I get the feeling that
you're not happy for me.
That might be a problem.
No, Jada, you got a problem.
Maybe I do.
But you know what?
You can get the fuck out
before I slice your shit.
(ominous tense music)
Mmm, hmm.
My new best friend.
(lips smack)
(ominous suspenseful
music) (Imani whimpering)
(Imani exclaims)
(Imani whimpers)
Oh my God.
Oh, oh.
(Imani groaning)
Please, please, please,
just let me go, please.
I'll do anything, I'll do
anything, just tell me.
(fabric creaking)
(somber tense music)
Let me do something, just
tell me what you want.
Just please lemme go.
Please, please, just, just lemme go.
I'll do anything, I'll do anything.
Please, just lemme go.
[Demon] One person.
Okay, anytime, I'll
give you anybody just-
- [Demon] In your place.
Yes, I know someone, I know someone.
[Demon] Choose wisely.
Okay, I know someone. (Demon laughing)
I'll do anything, I'll do anything.
Just give me a name, just gimme a name.
Tell me who, please, just tell me who.
[Demon] Who?
The one that got you here.
(fingers snap)
(air rumbles) (Imani screams)
What happened?
Harry, I know what's going on now.
I'll explain everything later.
Hey, later?
What, talk about it, what happened?
What's going on?
(lips smack)
- Love you.
(door pounding)
Open the fucking door.
What the fuck are you doing here?
And how did you find me?
How you think I found you?
How did you find me?
We're connected.
All that soul snatching you've been doing,
I thought you would've
figured that out by now.
What do you want?
I want the lipstick, Jada.
Gimme the fucking lipstick, bitch.
Bitch, gimme the lipstick, Jada.
No, bitch, you don't know
how it feels to be insecure.
Hate what you... That's not my problem.
That's not my problem, Jada.
You don't deserve him.
You not gonna take him from me.
I'm fucking pregnant by him.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We're having a fucking
baby and he got me pregnant.
The way I fucked him last
night, bitch, he's already mine.
Yeah, he's wrapped around
my fucking finger now
Bitch, I'm gon' kill you.
Bitch, this is your last night alive.
(bat thwacks)
(Jada thuds)
Oh, I'm so glad you're here
(indistinct) Now watch out.
I'm about to bury this bitch.
No, no.
What you mean no?
She's the reason you've been
going through all this shit.
Do you trust me?
What's I gotta do with anything?
Of course.
Do you love me?
Okay, I made a deal
that I can't go back on.
What are you talking about, what deal?
Girl, what is that,
- some lipstick?
- This.
You're not gonna wanna
watch this next part.
I ain't going anywhere anytime soon.
(lips smack)
I love you.
No, don't put that on.
(bones cracking)
Okay, so that's it for
today, beautiful ladies.
Remember, it don't matter how you look.
Just keep smiling and
make sure to use my code
to get 20% off at my store.
Hey, beautiful.
Hey, you're home early today?
Of course, came home to see you.
Can we go out for dinner?
I really don't feel like cooking tonight.
Yeah, what you want?
I don't know, surprise me.
All right, go get dressed.
Don't take too long though.
I won't.
(Jada panting) (fire crackling)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs) (fire crackling)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs)
[Bobby Murder] Come to me.
(leaves rustling)
(lipstick rattling)
(bird cawing)
(air warbles and whooshes)
(Bobby Murder laughing)
(mellow soothing music)
Yo, what's up, girl?
Yeah, I am walking through
the park right now.
I really don't feel like going in tonight.
Yeah, I can't wait to play this job, girl.
I got about two more
weeks left and it's over.
Hopefully, they...
What the hell is this?
(Bobby Murder laughing)
Looking to transform
your life, Miss Bailey?
[Miss Bailey] Who the hell are you?
(anticipatory percussive music)
(static crackling) (display beeps)
Shut up and come help
me take the trash out.
What is it?
(Jen laughing)
- I'm I saying it right?
- Cut.
- Okay, so you say shut up.
- That wasn't-
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Harrison] Life a whole lot easier.
I forgot.
(laughing) I'm sorry, I forgot.
- Line.
- Line, yeah.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
You know, the tech guy.
Who Harrison?
- Mm-hmm.
- He said I'm not his type.
What, I'm sorry, maybe it's 'cause...
[Director] Right back to
one, run it back to one.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
Oh, Harrison, he said I'm not his type.
Well, maybe you had a whole bunch of arms
and metal wires and
stuff hanging from your-
- [Director] Run it back to one,
run it back to one, here we go.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
And action.
(door rattles)
(door thuds)
Cut, do it over.
- My bad.
- Do it over.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
That's... Yes, girl.
You could laugh when you say that
because it's like, you know.
- Yeah, okay.
- That was good.
- All right.
- It was good?
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] And action.
Imani, there you are, come on, come on.
Her shoe done fell off.
(people laughing)
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Cameraperson] Lemme
frame you up and make sure
so when you pop out, you
gonna be by (indistinct).
- Done?
- Yup.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] Just put her
up against that wall though.
- Yeah.
- And when y'all kiss,
there ain't no chicken pecking.
I told her that.
[Terrell] That wasn't
no chicken peck, bro.
- Yes it was.
- Bro.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] All right, camera one rolling.
Quiet on the set.
(people laughing)
[Director] She wanted to say that so bad.
She wanted say it, she
just wanted to say it.
I kid, I kid (laughing).
[Director] Okay, yeah, all
right, camera one rolling.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
And action.
The way I fucked him last night,
he's wrapped around my finger.
[Imani] Bitch, I'm finna kill you.
Bitch, this your last night, oops, sorry.
- Run it back, run it back.
- Sorry, sorry.
[Director] Run it back.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
I don't have to ask
because I know you want to.
(lips smack)
(people laughing)
(mellow soothing music)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person whimpering)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(water dripping) (person whimpering)
It won't come off.
It won't come off.
(person sobbing)
(static crackling)
(person sobbing)
(blood sizzling)
Oh no.
(person sobbing) (blood sizzling)
Fucking bitch.
Please, no.
No (sobs).
You, this is your fault.
(person sobbing)
(person spits and coughs)
(person sobbing)
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person gags)
What's happening to me?
(eerie suspenseful music)
(person panting)
(person spits)
What's happening to me?
What's wrong with me?
(eerie suspenseful music)
(gun cocks)
I'm waiting.
Come and get me.
(bone cracking)
(person gasping) (bone cracking)
(gunshot blasts)
(ominous somber music)
(mellow hiphop music)
Babe, won't you look at those peepers
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Shit can get ghastly, I may go haunter
Put a Gengar in your speaker
I make that boy swipe that visa
I'm way too good for his features
I know that girl, she a eater
So guess what I'm gonna feed her
Yeah I'm gonna (indistinct)
[Singer] Bitch
Back on the track, wish
it was blacker than black
'Fraid of them buttons, no
funeral, all on the well
Just had a convo with Charlotte
She said everything was beautiful
Haunted House Studios,
I be trying on my demons
Liquor all night in my cuticles
Blood on the dance floor
She dressed like I'm Michael
Been all the places I was juvenile
Unh, ey
I welcome come sis
like Rihanna, aye, aye
Shot through the city, katana, aye
I just went platinum all summer
So I could go do what I wanna
Bare yellow shit I be on
Keep that thing warm like a sauna
Gotta thank God for my mama
No, you ain;t getting my number
But rain on my umbrella
Make that thing clap like it's thunder
Ey, that kid end up in a reefer
Such a bad lil diva, diva
Is she, ain't she a keeper, yeah
Pretty picture Mona Lisa, yeah
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Hop out like hasta la vista
I'm with the bunnies like Easter
We be grinning like we evil
Babe, won't yo look at those peepers
Dressed in all black like a reaper
Shit could get ghastly,
I may go haunter
Put a Gengar in your speaker
I make that boy swipe that visa, swipe
I'm way too good or his features, yo
I know that girl, she a eater
So guess what, I'm gon'
feed her, yeah, yeah
(mellow hip hop music)
(Jada sighs)
(lid clacks)
(Jada sniffles)
(door knocking)
It's occupied.
Are you okay in there?
Yeah, Jen, I'm fine.
Look, breakup's so hard.
But the way you're going about this
is not the best way to deal with it.
And what way is that, crying?
No, the drinking.
Drinking, why would I be
doing something like that?
(door rattles)
What did he say to you?
(door thuds)
He told me every way possible I'm ugly
and I should be thankful he dated me.
Girl, and he cheated on me too.
But that's not even what hurt.
It was the ugly comments
that hurt the most.
I'm sorry he's such an asshole.
Yeah, I was thinking
more of an egotistical
little dick mama's boy,
but I like asshole better.
That puts more a little more oopmh in it.
Yeah, it does.
Did Marvin send you to find me?
Girl, you know we busy and
we need people out there.
God forbid the red
neck with the F-150 truck
don't get his country fried steak.
I really don't wanna be here, I gotta go.
Well if you don't wanna do it for him,
can you please do it for me?
(Jada sighs)
(object thuds)
(light switch clicks)
(Jada sighs) (door thuds)
You suck, I hope you know that.
I wish you'd just disappear.
(scoffs) I didn't think so.
(mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(utensils clatter)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(utensil thuds)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(object clatters)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(toilet paper thuds)
(mellow synth music)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
(metal clanking)
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
How did you do?
300, not bad for a slow day.
What about you?
$30 and three pieces of candy.
Well, maybe if you lose the attitude
and the bitch face, you will make more.
You're a very pretty girl.
Girl, stop.
You do not gotta say nice
things to make me feel better.
You are gorgeous.
I would kill to look like you.
I'm fat and my skin is oily.
Shut up and can you come
help me take out the trash?
(Jada scoffs)
(hinge creaks)
You're my only friend.
(somber emotive music)
Ugh, eww.
(somber emotive music)
Ugh, God.
(Jada sighs)
Why can't I look like the
girls in the magazines,
on TV, everywhere?
(Jada sighs)
I'm never gonna be good enough, am I?
(somber emotive music)
I know you won't judge me.
(somber emotive music)
(bottle clatters)
(somber emotive music)
(Jada sighs)
(somber emotive music)
Yo, what's good, social media?
This your boy, Jaylen.
And right now,
I know all my millions
and millions of followers
tuned in right now.
Right now, we at my arcade/studio.
Take y'all on a little tour.
Let y'all know what we got going on.
Let's get it.
Let's get it.
Okay, you know we got the
fresh new pool tables on deck.
Two new pool tables.
You know, if you want to get your pool on,
you know I'm the champion at that,
but we ain't gon' talk
about that right now.
You know what I'm saying?
You know we got the games on deck.
Yes, sir.
This where the magic happened at.
We live in the studio.
Okay, we live in the studio.
Yes, sir, you see it.
Got the booth right here.
What y'all feel about the booth?
Lemme know what y'all
think about the booth.
So any of y'all kids want to
come in, get your recording on,
drop you a few tracks, we got
it on deck, we got it for you.
Yes, sir.
(singer vocalizing) (mellow synth music)
Can I have the salad, please?
[Jen] So what did he say to you?
(sighs) He said he wanted me
to make him feel more like a man.
[Jen] And you did right?
No, girl, he is too soft
and he don't command to the scene.
I feel you.
Someone that just looks
like he is in control.
Yes, girl, that is not Jason.
I think I found him.
Found who?
Someone to be in command.
(mellow sultry music)
Girl, he is going to your table.
(mellow sultry music)
(foot stomps)
- Oh.
Is it normally a stumbling
ground for beautiful women,
or am I just lucky today?
Oh no, it's just me, I'm
the only one stumbling.
(indistinct) too.
Don't be so modest.
You know, stumbling only
adds to the charm, right?
Right, a charm.
So are you having a table
for one, two, or five?
Not assuming you have friends
or you don't, I just need to know.
Just me today, unless you want to join.
Oh, no, I can't, I'm at
work so I have to work.
Oh, in that case, I'll take
your best recommendation.
Okay. So the fish is really good,
but if you don't like
fish, the steak is good
and if you don't like meat,
the salad is good too.
It was a hot summer's night
I'm pretty sure whatever you
recommend will be all right.
Lord, you couldn't close your eyes
Real smooth, I like how
you tried to walk all sexy
and stumbled in front of him.
Girl, shut up.
Summer night, mmm
Lord, you couldn't close those eyes
So how's the food?
Good, I hope.
Really good.
You know, you got a real
talent for recommendations.
Yeah, you know, I don't
cook it, I just serve it.
What do you do for work?
For work, I'm a computer
programmer, I specialize in AI.
AI, okay, I don't know
too much about that,
but that seems cool.
So making computers more humanlike,
it's a tough job and
somebody's gotta do it.
Human-like, that's cool, I guess.
I mean, what are you coming out with,
the next super intelligent
computer or something?
Not quite, but I am working towards it.
Okay, well, cool.
I don't know too much about
that, but I'm interested.
It's people like you
that I really like telling,
you know, make you more interested.
Well, like I said, I don't
know too much about it,
but I'm interested.
Well, who knows what the future holds?
It's people like you that, like, curiosity
and like genuine excitement for it
really get like tech
folks talking about it.
Yeah, but I don't know too much about it.
Honestly, I really don't
fully understand it.
That's what makes it more
exciting to talk about,
(mellow soulful music)
But oh, oh, oh, oh, that's
when it all went wrong
(mellow soulful music)
Hey, girl.
[Jen] Girl, I see you over
there getting your mack on.
He is way out my league.
What do you mean?
Girl, he works with
Als, computers and shit.
You always downplaying yourself.
So should I ask him out?
[Jen] That might be a little too strong.
You should write your.
(mellow soulful music)
(pen clatters)
How's my makeup?
You look beautiful like a sunflower.
Thanks, girl.
[Jen] You're welcome.
Here you go.
What's this?
This is the secret code?
No, that's just like
if you have any questions
for like Ais, or the menu,
or something like that.
AI, okay.
I mean, perhaps we can talk about it more
over a cup of coffee?
Coffee, sure, I mean,
you really don't have to,
but if you want to that would be nice.
I think it'd be more than nice, yeah.
I get to know more about the person
that picked the perfect dish, you know.
Well, charming, I don't know about that,
but I can definitely serve you some coffee.
Maybe a coffee, maybe
we can do, you know,
a side conversation as well?
Yeah, I can manage that
Then it's a date.
(mellow soulful music)
Girl, he wanna have coffee with me.
Wow, to be honest, I didn't think
you'd go all the way through with it.
So you might as me do
all my closing duties for me tonight, girl.
Girl, hell no.
Come on, help a bitch out.
Hell no.
(mellow soulful music)
(Jada sighs)
Hey, dad.
[Dad] Hey, baby girl, how are you?
I'm doing good. I hate my job,
I can't get a date and
I can't keep no friends.
[Dad] Jada, I thought therapy fixed this?
Well, it didn't.
[Dad] Why don't you just come home
to me and your mom, please?
No, that's not happening.
[Jada] Why?
We already pay for your apartment now.
I know and I was actually gonna ask you
if you can, you know-
- [Dad] Send some money?
[Dad] Jada, aren't you working?
Yeah, but it's slow right now.
[Dad] Listen, baby girl,
why don't you just come home
and work at my firm?
No, that's not happening, I can do this.
[Dad] There is no shame in
coming home and trying again.
Look, I did not call you
for you to give me a lecture.
I'm sorry I'm not successful at Samantha,
but just send the money.
[Dad] Why the fuck
would you bring her up?
Just send the money.
[Dad] Do I send it to
the same account or what?
[Dad] Okay.
Hey, also your mom and
I love you very much.
Yeah, okay, bye.
(Jada scoffs)
(mellow soothing music)
He's not gonna show up.
- Hey, I'm over here.
- Hey.
Hopefully, I didn't keep
you waiting too long, did I?
No, it's okay. You're
actually 10 minutes early.
Whew, that I am.
Well, it shouldn't take too long then.
What are you talking about?
So tell me about your job.
[Jada] My job?
What's the best thing
about it, you would say?
What the hell is this?
[Harrison] What do you mean?
I thought we were
having coffee and talking.
We are, coffee and talking.
You know what I'm talking about.
I thought we were talking, talking.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Sometimes I forget to
say my true intentions.
Sorry, if I, you know,
misjudged the situation.
So we're not having coffee and talking?
Listen, Jada, I'm creating a new AI
that's gonna help you
with an easier lifestyle
such as servers as yourself.
And what kind of AI is that?
I can't tell you about it just yet,
but just know it'll make your
lifestyle a whole lot easier.
I'm so stupid (sighs).
Don't tell yourself that.
To think a guy like you
with like me, yeah, I am.
Listen, Jada, I'm flattered and all,
but you're not exactly my type.
So what's your type
blonde hair and blue eyes?
I'm his type.
- Harrison.
- Hey, baby.
Is this who you were telling me about?
Jada, meet Imani,
His girlfriend, how are you?
I need to go.
Yeah, maybe you should go.
She might have gotten
like a wrong impression
of our little get together.
(scoffs) Yeah, because I don't know
what she thought this was.
- Bye.
- Bye.
(Imani scoffs)
No sleep, thinking 'bout dipping
No sleep, thinking 'bout
Enough of the shit that yo be on, yeah
All the cussin' we you
do, it was on your snap
You ain't calling me back
Where the fuck is you at, yeah
And I ain't trying to be in my feelings
Even though my thug game
got me in my feelings
If it does get wide, break two
I wanna know
Dang, boy.
Damn, she fine.
Feeling you play with my mind
(keys jingling)
(vehicle door thuds)
(vehicle door locks click)
Let's see what's up with this?
(Jaylen exhales) (hands swishing)
Yes, sir.
Yeah, gotta help her.
Yes, sir.
(hands swishing)
(keys jingling)
Hey, what's up, you need some help?
No, you think just because I'm a woman,
I need help from a man?
(Jaylen sighs)
What's this?
Oh, I see you like this movie too.
Why are you gonna judge me?
Just chill, man.
All I'm saying is we both
got good taste in movies.
That's it.
Yeah, I really like
the director in this one.
I ain't gonna lie, the
director, (exclaims)he on point.
Okay, thanks for helping me,
even though I didn't need it.
It's all good. So next time I see you,
maybe we could talk about it.
Aren't you gonna tell me your name?
Isn't that how you holler at a girl?
(Jaylen laughing)
I mean, maybe.
But the thing about it is,
I ain't trying to holler at you, so.
I mean, I stay across the street.
I'm pretty sure we'll see each other again.
(Jada scoffs)
(mellow synth music)
Every single day, I feel
the pressure, pressure
Double up the weight,
let's make it extra, extra
Crackings on my mind,
getting extra, extra
Cracking like I never
know I'm blessed, yeah
Every single day I feel
the pressure, pressure
Diamonds in my eyes,
I know I'm special, special
In the gym, I gotta get my reps up
(indistinct) I know I'm special
Hey, girl, how'd it go?
How did what go?
You know the tech guy?
Oh, Harrison, he said I'm not his type.
Well, maybe if you was a
robot, you'll be more his type.
Girl, shut up and help
me take this trash out.
You know what I think we need?
A weekend getaway.
They're not gonna let both of us
take off at the same time.
I'm already off this weekend
and I think you just got sick as hell.
(Jada coughs)
Yeah, girl, I think I
don't feel good today.
(water gurgling)
All hail queen mimosas.
Are you okay?
Yeah, it's just seeing all these couples
make me feel like there's
nobody out here for me.
Just because you feel like that
doesn't mean that it's true.
Yeah, everybody says that,
but I don't think there's
nobody out here for me.
[Jen] Girl, there's
somebody out here for you now.
Don't feel like that
Thanks, girl, you always
give the best advice.
Oh, well, thank you, thank you.
See, this why I don't
be nice in your ass.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
[Jen] Girl, these drinks is good.
[Jada] Yeah, a little watery though.
- I wish it was more stronger.
- Right?
(Jen and Jada laughing)
Let's go back.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
(anticipatory percussive music)
Hello, ladies, it's Imani here
and I'm here to talk to
you about Cocoa Wave,
the latest hair serum.
So you guys, I've been using
this product for the last week
and let me tell you the results, ooh,
absolutely game-changing, y'all.
Just one application and look at my hair.
So soft and glossy.
And guess what?
If you use my promo code, ImaniHairLove,
you'll get an extra 20% off.
All right, you guys, that's it for today.
Remember, always let
your hair do the talking.
Love you all, bye.
(lips smack)
(water sloshing)
[Harrison] Mani.
Baby, I'm home.
(water sloshing)
[Imani] Gotta wash this thing out now.
(water sloshing)
(foot stomps)
Goddamn it, Harry,
don't scare me like that.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
What you doing, another product promo?
Yes, they're paying me decent,
but the product just feels so cheap.
You okay with promoting something
that you don't believe in?
It's not always about
what I believe in, Harry.
It's a job, I got bills to pay.
What bills?
Nah, I get you, I'm just messing.
But just promise me one thing, all right.
No matter how big you get
or how much they pay you,
stay true to yourself, all right.
I promise.
Good girl.
Now what's for dinner?
Whatever you want.
Ooh, don't say that now.
Oh, I happened to see on your social media
that you're doing a meet
and greet next week.
Yeah, at the club.
Which club?
Club Euphoria, yeah, yeah, Club Euphoria.
Why, what's up?
Imani, you know Club Euphoria closed down
three months ago, right?
Oh, there's so many clubs Downtown.
I must have got the names
mixed up, no big deal.
I really wanna believe you, Imani,
but after everything that
happened, I don't think I can.
I just thought-
- You thought what?
You thought you could sit
here and lie to me again?
I'm not lying, Harry.
There really is a meet and greet.
I don't know if I can believe you again.
Just gimme a chance to
make it right, I'm sorry.
I don't know how many
more chances I can give you.
Babe, you can trust me.
Come on, let's go eat.
Come on, let's go eat. Call my name
Can I say, but you do it
[Jen] Ooh, girl, that
chocolate bar had me full.
If I eat anymore, I'mma
turn it to a chocolate
Girl, chocolate covered Jen and Jada?
Now that's the sight.
Yes, girl.
You know, I was thinking,
with all these dating
failures, I might become a nun.
What you swapping the dating
apps for hymns and rosaries?
Girl, it's just a thought.
Think about it, peaceful monasteries,
No more first awkward dates,
and a lifetime of wine.
That wine do sound good.
But are you really ready
to give up on love?
I'm not giving up.
I just don't wanna deal
with the shit that comes with it.
I understand,
but just because it's not
working out right now,
don't mean it won't ever work out.
Yeah, you are right, but for now,
I just want a peaceful life,
that sound more better to me.
Well, whether you choose
to date or become a nun,
either way, we're gonna have
an unlimited supply of wine.
Yes, girl.
(Jen and Jada laughing)
(mellow suspenseful music)
(air whooshing)
(mellow suspenseful music)
(keyboard keys clacking)
(door knocks)
Look, I know I messed up in the past,
but all that is passed us now.
Can we just move on?
I can't, not with
everything that's happened.
Please, don't say it.
Don't say what?
You know, you beat me
up every day about it.
Say that like I'm supposed
to feel sorry for you or something.
You should, I'm your woman.
Oh yeah, when's the last
time we made love, Imani?
(Imani sighs)
You know, the last time we
were talking about this,
you were giving it up to somebody
else and you got pregnant.
So don't talk to me about shit in the past.
When you know it took
everything in me to forgive you.
(cushion rustles)
(mellow synth music)
What you're doing to me, can't
[Jen] Ooh, girl, I feel so bloated.
Yeah, girl, me too.
I think I ate way too much today.
[Jen] I did that.
Looking for something to
transform your life, Miss Jada?
Who are you and how the
hell do you know my name?
Oh, I know many things.
Names, faces, all the tiny threads
in this grand tapestry of life.
What do you want?
What I want is of little consequence.
See, is what you desire to bring to you.
Change, perhaps.
A chance to walk on someone else's shoes.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't you?
A young woman with dreams, insecurities,
looking for a way to change her life.
Lucky for you, I have just a thing.
What's that?
Why, it's the key to
being anyone you want to be.
Simply persuade someone else
to wear it, apply it yourself
and voila you become
them in all their glory.
That's impossible.
Is it?
See, magic often finds himself
in the most mundane objects.
But heed my warning here, Jada,
for every action, there's a reaction.
What do you mean?
Ah, see, that's for you to discover.
But remember, it may
change your appearance,
but it won't change what's inside.
(somber suspenseful music)
Choose wisely, Jada.
(somber suspenseful music)
Wait, what's your name?
(somber suspenseful music)
(chuckles) You can call me Bobby Murder.
[Jen] Hey, girl, you okay?
What? What happened?
You over there standing
at the sky and shit?
You didn't see him?
See who?
(sighs) Nobody, let's go.
[Jen] Girl, you tweaking,
come on, I'm hungry.
(anticipatory percussive music)
(vehicle door rattles)
(vehicle door thuds)
[Jaylen] So how you like the movie?
It was cool, I watched it like twice.
Okay, see, I told you,
I knew you was gonna like it.
Boy, what's up with you?
You starting to gimme creep vibes.
My bad, man.
I don't mean to give you creep vibes.
If you say so.
So, I'll see you at seven?
Excuse me.
I'm saying we both like
movies, so why not go watch one.
Are you serious?
Oh yeah, my name's Jaylen, by the way.
You are serious.
Okay, so I'll see you later.
I can't promise you
nothing, but we'll see.
Yeah, I'll see you later.
Oh yeah, Jada.
What's up?
You look beautiful, by the way.
- Really?
- Yeah, I'll see you later.
See now, I can't get mad at you
He said I'm beautiful.
Baby, just look at you
I can't get mad at you
That movie was crazy.
It was pretty dumb to me.
I love - Really?
You thought it was dumb?
Yeah, movies are stupid,
that's why I don't come here.
I thought it was crazy (laughing).
Well, thanks for walking me to my car.
You really didn't have to.
No problem, you know
how I do, I'm old school.
Well, aren't we a macho type.
(Jaylen laughing)
[Jaylen] How you figure?
I bet you hold doors for girls
and think we belong in the kitchen, huh?
I mean, hey, everybody got they place.
(scoffs) Yeah, macho type.
(Jaylen laughing)
Well... You crazy, man.
Well, I don't feel like leaving,
so tell me about yourself.
What you want to know?
I'm a open book.
You look like a football player.
You ever played before?
Actually, I did, man.
I really miss my teammates,
being on the field.
[Jada] So why did you stop?
Well, crucial game, tore my ACL.
(exhales) What I did, man, you know.
You know what they say,
when one door close-
- Another door opens.
Exactly, so, you know, I went back home,
built a studio for kids, you know.
A studio, how did you get into that?
I mean, where I'm from,
we don't really have avenues like that.
So I wanted to do something
for the kids that, you know,
I ain't have the chance to do really.
Well, I mean, you're doing
something great for them.
So how about you?
(scoffs) That's a
story for another movie.
Well, all right, have a good night.
What, no hug or kiss?
(Jaylen laughing)
I don't kiss on the first date.
What's that, one of your rules?
[Jada] You can't break 'em?
Nah, not tonight (chuckles).
(scoffs) Whatever.
(mellow hip hop music)
Can you just come on?
Girl, I'm not going in there.
You do this every time.
Well, I'm not going.
Well, come on man, it'll be fun.
I'll be here when you get out.
Girl, get your ass out the car, let's go.
(sighs) All right, damn, girl.
(vehicle doors rattle)
(mellow hip hop music)
Yo, what's up, mama?
Get in the car.
I don't want nobody to see you.
(mellow hip hop music)
(vehicle door thuds)
- What's going on?
- Nothing.
What's up?
Shit, you look good tonight.
Thank you, (indistinct).
Hey, so we doing, what we
gon' do, what's the plan?
I mean, we can go in here,
have us a good time or whatever.
But you know, we gotta be discreet.
We can't let nobody know.
(sighs) So this your idea of a good time,
to go in here, stand apart from each other,
like we don't know each other-
- Christian, Christian.
- No, no, no, wait.
- I really don't wanna
do that tonight.
Like, come on, you know.
I know things are a little,
you know, come on, man.
I guess, I guess, I guess, whatever.
So I guess you don't
want this gift I got you?
What is it, what is it?
Open it up.
(paper rustles)
Oh, you got me Ryan S. tickets.
Oh, you know I love Ryan S..
- Oh, oh my goodness.
- You already know.
[Imani] I wonder who
I'm gonna take with me.
(Christian sucks teeth)
I'm just playing.
Boy... Who else would I take?
All that money I spent on them tickets,
- you know you taking me.
- Come on.
Don't play with me.
You know I'm gonna take you, babe.
(lips smack)
(mellow hip hop music)
I'm (indistinct), yeah,
I'm on that (indistinct)
I'm trying to run and go
[Jen] Come on, girl, let's have some fun.
No, I'm good.
[Jen] Come on, man, it's lit out here.
I'm good.
[Jen] Girl, bye.
Twirl, get the lean (indistinct)
Ain't that why they tell it I'm magic
Remember we can be here, but
we gotta be the discreet.
What's the fun in that?
Bet I get rich tomorrow
[Christian] Come on, girl.
(singer vocalizing)
Girl, what's going on with you?
Girl, I'd like to go
throw up in the bathroom
than do this.
Let's go have some fun.
All right.
Getting to the money, it
don't matter where I go
Niggas ain't familiar,
we ain't in the same lane
(Christian sighs)
Imani, come dance with me.
I'm tired right now.
Besides, I'm checking to see
if my follower count went down.
Oh my God, just-
- And it did, oh my God.
Come dance with me.
Oh, I can't believe this.
Oh my God.
My numbers are going down, which
means I won't get no money.
Oh my God, oh my God.
Oh, I'm getting so stressed out.
(footsteps receding)
This girl is tripping, oh my goodness.
I'm ready to fucking go.
(sighs) Told her I
didn't want to come here.
(mellow hip hop music)
(sighs) I can't believe this shit.
(door knocking)
Wanna fucking be here.
Somebody's in here.
(singer vocalizing)
(hinges creak)
[Jada] Oh, it's you.
Excuse me.
Don't act like you don't remember me.
Hmm, you know what, you right.
You are the girl from
the coffee shop, right?
Yeah, you look beautiful, by the way.
Hmm, think so?
I bet Harrison's all over you, huh?
(Imani laughing)
Yeah, he is.
Is he here tonight?
No, just me.
Not to be crushing on your man,
but I wouldn't go nowhere without him.
Hmm, I mean, Harry is attractive and all,
but that can only get you so far, hmm.
Yeah, that's enough for me.
I'll kill to have a man like him.
Lucky for me, you're not
crazy enough to do that.
(phone thuds)
(object shuffling)
(lipstick thuds)
(object shuffling)
Hmm. (pills rattling)
This looks cool.
Where'd you get this from?
Hmm, let me guess, Makeup Mine?
No, no, no.
Kim's Makeup Box?
No, someone bought it for me.
[Imani] Oh.
I thought maybe you were
in an influencer like me.
See, you're around.
[Imani] What?
I think this will
actually look good on you.
[Imani] Hmm, you think so?
[Imani] Hmm.
What color is it?
(ominous suspenseful music)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(heels clicking)
(hinges creak)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(air whooshing and zaps)
[Demon] Apply the lipstick.
Smooth it out.
Choose wisely, Jada.
(lips pop)
You're right, it does look good on me.
(air rumbles)
(Jada exclaims)
(bones cracking)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Jada exclaims)
(Imani exclaims)
(bones cracking) (heart beating)
(Jada panting)
Oh my God.
What have I done?
(Jada panting)
It worked.
(Jada laughing)
It fucking worked.
Oh my God.
(Jada laughing)
Let's go have some fun.
(fire crackling) (somber ominous music)
Fucking up all that shit I be on
Party with y'all friends, I can see
Yo, this is the last straw.
After the night, I'm done, for real.
Why you tripping?
Why I'm tripping?
You wanna dance?
Oh, now you want to dance.
Come on, let's dance, come on.
(air warbles)
(sheets rustling)
Imani, baby, are you okay?
Yeah, I just had a real bad nightmare.
It feel like my lungs are crushed.
Lemme get you some water, all right.
Yes, please.
(Imani sighs)
(door rattles)
(Jada retching)
(Jada coughing)
(Jada retching an coughing)
(Jada panting)
(Jada sighs)
Lemme call this girl.
Oh, she's about to go off on me.
[Jen] Hello?
Hey, Jen.
[Jen] Hey.
Look, I'm sorry about the other night.
I didn't mean to leave you.
[Jen] You stormed out the club.
I know, I really didn't mean to.
When do I ever leave you at the club?
[Jen] The other day.
You could at least told me,
sent me a message or something.
Girl, I know. That's why I'm
calling to apologize to you.
[Jen] Okay.
So what you been up to?
Nothing, just home.
[Jen] Are you gonna come back to work?
[Jen] Why?
Because I have a man now,
I don't have time for anything.
[Jen] You don't have time to go to work?
Girl, no.
[Jen] So who your man is?
See, this is why I did
not wanna fucking call you.
You're always in my fucking business.
You know what, bye.
Dang, I was just... 'Cause you're-
- [Jen] Asking a question.
Yeah, but you're always
in my fucking business.
If I wanted you to know,
I would've told you, bye.
(exclaims) So annoying.
(hinges creak)
Hey, Imani, you need any help?
No, I got it.
Seems like you had a wild
start to your morning, huh?
Yeah, actually I did.
You feeling any better?
Yeah, but my neck and
my back, they killing me.
See what time it is.
Maybe a little later on, we can see about
getting you checked into a hospital, yeah?
I don't know about that.
I got so many videos to
record, so much shit to do,
I just, I don't know.
Oh, how'd your little meet
and greet go last night?
I really don't remember.
Was it because he was there?
He was, wasn't he?
I don't wanna talk about this right now.
You know, you can tell
me the truth sometimes.
But answer me this one
question, I promise we drop it.
(hands smack)
What, what?
Does he know?
About us?
Yeah, sure.
That's not what I'm talking about.
The other thing.
He doesn't.
He doesn't need to know
the abortion is done.
Now leave me alone about it.
Okay, well, I guess I'll
see you later then, yeah.
Love you.
I love you too.
(footsteps thudding)
(bag thuds)
Oh, I fucking love this stuff.
I can have Harrison.
I can be an influencer like Imani.
I can fucking actually be Imani.
(lips smack)
(Jada sighs)
I can be a bad bitch whenever I want to.
(sighs) I'm so obsessed
with this fucking stuff.
Harrison's gonna be mine.
We're gonna have a baby. (door knocking)
(exclaims) Who the hell is that on my door?
(Jada sighs)
Hi, honey, I brought
you some food and things.
Your dad was worried about you.
I'm fine, mom, I'm fine.
Are you sure you don't have a fever?
Mom, stop, I'm not 12, ugh.
Well, doesn't mean you
still don't get a fever.
- Mom.
- Have you been eating?
Oh, here we go.
(Jada sighs)
(heels clicking)
(glass thuds)
(heels clicking)
(bag thuds)
What is your problem?
I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm fine, I'm just
not in the mood... I came to cook for you
and make lasagna.
No, I don't want it, I'm fine.
(mellow groove music)
(door knocking)
I wonder who that could be.
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
(door rattles)
Hello, how may I help you?
Hey, I'm looking for Jada,
but it look like I find a
source of her beauty instead.
(laughing) Well, thank you.
And you are?
Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Jaylen.
Nice to meet you, Jaylen.
You're welcome to come and eat with us.
Okay, thank you.
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
Thank you, thank you, Ms...
Kim, you can call me Kim.
Kim, Kim, it is.
Man, this smells so good in here.
I haven't even made the best part yet.
I can't wait.
Oh, what's up?
(mellow groove music)
(heels clicking)
Honey, he is fine.
Nice to meet you, Ms. Kim.
Mom, don't embarrass me.
Nice to meet you too.
Honey, are you stable enough
to be dating right now?
What do you mean?
Well, you remember what happened
last time with Sean and Kevin,
and you were not eating
and drinking all the time.
- Mom.
- Are you sure you're not
doing that again?
I'm not doing that again, mom, I promise.
Okay. I love you, honey.
I love you too, mom, bye.
(heels clicking)
(door thuds)
(footsteps shuffling)
[Jaylen] Jada.
Why you lie to your mom?
What did I lie to her about?
About you still drinking.
How you know?
Because when we was at
the movies the other night,
I smelled it on you but-
(Jada scoffs)
I ain't wanna say
nothing, but I smelled it.
So what?
I'm sure you do something like watch porn.
(chuckles) Look, it
ain't nothing like that.
I played football, tore my ACL.
I was devastated, couldn't
even play no more.
Oh wow, so how did you get through it?
Only way I knew how, painkillers.
One bottle turned into two
bottles, three bottles.
Next thing you know I'm
taking a whole bottle.
Damn, so you was addicted?
(exclaims) What?
Bad for three years?
How did you stop?
Well, I had a homeboy, Quan,
you know, we was real close.
Played football together.
He ended up passing away from liver cancer.
So before he died, I made a promise to him
that I'mma get help, and that's what I did,
went and got help.
Well, damn, I'm sorry about your friend.
Why are you so close to me?
Thinking about kissing you?
Are you asking or telling me?
I ain't gotta ask
'cause I know you want to.
She got me in the friend zone
(ominous eerie music)
(person screams)
(Jada exclaims)
(sheets rustling)
(hand thuds)
(shoes shuffling)
(Jada sighs)
I gotta be sure.
(Jada sighs)
(air whooshing)
(Jada sighs)
(air whooshing)
(Jada exclaims)
(Jada exclaims)
Ow, fuck, ah.
(gasps) It worked.
Oh my God, oh my goodness,
I thought it was a dream.
(Jada laughing)
I wonder how much time do I have?
Woo, hmm.
What? (keys jingling)
Let's have some fun.
(mellow hip hop music)
Own it, own it, own it
(Jada laughing)
(singer vocalizing)
I learned to own my style
How I got me this, you
better own it, own it, own it
All they wanna do is copy and paste
But you, they can't replace
So own it, own it, own it, own it
You a baddie, baby, you
gotta own it, own it
Hey, yeah, with the girls,
with the girls, we love it
(mellow hip hop music)
(mellow R&B music)
(door thuds)
(Harrison sighs)
Girl, what you doing still up?
You're supposed to be in bed by now.
How could I be asleep
when I got such a fine
man coming home to me?
What you just say?
You heard me.
Thinking about those big muscles
really got a girl going crazy up in here.
(Harrison exhales)
Now, I know something's going on.
That's it.
(door thuds)
You've been drinking.
Maybe a little, but I still
let you take advantage of me.
I'mma go take a shower.
Tonight, we can both be dirty.
Now, see, it must be them
hair care products or something.
But something's got into you.
(chuckles) Maybe I want
something to get into me.
I've been wanting you ever since I seen you
in the restaurant.
What restaurant?
We met at a bookstore.
(laughing) I know, my bad.
Maybe I have had too many drinks.
Take me.
(sultry R&B music)
See, you looking at me
Ma, you, you, girl, I see you looking
Girl, I see you, girl, I
Girl, I see you looking, girl I see you
Girl, I really, oh
Turn around, turn around, turn around
Girl, don't you be shy, don't be shy
(singer vocalizing)
Girl, I see you
(air whooshing)
[Demon] Find the lipstick.
(air whooshing)
(bones cracking)
(sheets rustling)
(mattress creaks)
(sheets rustling)
(hinges creak)
(Jada coughing)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada shudders)
Oh my God.
(Jada panting)
(Jada exclaims)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada panting)
(air whooshing)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(bed creaks)
(Imani exclaims)
[Imani] Ow.
Oh my God, my legs.
What's happening to me?
[Harrison] Imani, you okay?
[Imani] My legs.
Oh my God.
[Harrison] What you on about now?
[Imani] Oh, my legs, Harrison.
God, Imani, what the
hell happened to your legs?
[Imani] I don't know,
but it hurts so bad.
[Harrison] Oh hell no, come
on, we going to the doctor?
[Imani] No. No.
Maybe it's, maybe it's just
a reaction to something.
Imani, a reaction?
Look at your damn legs.
Come on, we going to the hospital.
Okay, okay.
Just help me up.
Nah, miss all that, come here, come here.
Come on.
- I don't understand.
- Goddamn.
I don't understand how this happened.
I don't know, but we'll
figure it out, I promise.
Come on.
(gate rattles)
Hey, Jada, Jada.
Hold on, man.
Damn, why you running from me?
What happened to you last night?
I guess your egos hurt, huh?
I mean, I thought we were-
- We were what, what
You mad or something?
Look, you're cool and all, but-
- But what?
[Jada] There's somebody else.
Somebody else?
Yeah, we're serious.
So this whole time
you've been leading me on?
You're not my type and I'm not your type.
It was good while it lasted, that's it.
(somber piano music)
(door rattles) (Jada sighs)
[Jaylen] Hold on, hold on.
So you just gon'-
(Jada scoffs)
Just like-
(door thuds)
(somber piano music)
You want me to stop and get you anything?
No, I'm fine.
These painkillers are working.
Can I ask you a crazy question?
Yeah, what?
When did you start drinking?
Yeah, came home last night
and you had a bottle of wine in your hand.
Harry, my memory is kind of fuzzy.
What else happened last night?
Well, I came home late as normally.
And you were sitting up on
the countertop with this robe
and some sexy lingerie.
[Harrison] Yeah, I didn't
even know you owned any sets.
I don't own any sets.
What else happened?
Well, you got off that countertop,
started touching up on me
and grabbed me by the hand
and walked me to the room.
And you know, we made love.
You telling me you don't
remember any of that?
No, I don't remember any of that.
I must have had an out of
body experience or something.
That's weird.
(mellow anticipatory music)
(door knocking)
[Jen] Open up.
I know you in there.
Girl, why the fuck is
you knocking on my door?
Damn, I was just trying
to come check on you.
Well, I'm good.
You haven't even been to work.
Girl, so what?
Mind your fucking business.
If I wanted you to know my business,
I would've told you.
Well, you supposed to be my friend,
so you are my business.
We are not friends.
So we, us working
together, that's not friends?
Girl, you're my friend at
work, not outside of work.
You're fucking delusional.
That's crazy as fuck.
I know Harrison ain't
got you acting like that.
Don't worry about him.
Girl fuck you.
Fuck you.
Bye, bitch.
And don't call me no more either.
[Jen] I ain't calling you
no more, don't worry about it.
I'mma delete your number
- right now.
- Bye.
(door thuds)
Oh, come on man.
[Announcer] This next
position, (indistinct) know
time and space (indistinct) to run it to=
(phone ringing)
(sighs) Fuck.
[Announcer] But that doesn't always last.
Well (indistinct).
All right, I got you.
What's wrong?
The AI crashed.
They want me to come in, but
I'll let 'em know I can't.
No, you go ahead.
No, I need to be here with you.
Go, I'll be fine.
- You sure?
- Yeah, go ahead.
All right.
(keys jingling)
Hey, want me to get you some Chinese food?
- Yeah, thank you.
- All right, babe.
- Love you.
- I love you too.
(ominous suspenseful music)
(Jada sighs)
(ominous suspenseful music)
(lid clacks)
(bones cracking)
(heart beating)
Oh my, oh my God.
Oh, oh.
Ah, ah.
Oh my, ah.
Oh my god.
Baby, the Chinese place
was closed, so I got tacos.
What the hell?
Yo, Imani.
Where the hell that girl go?
(bones cracking)
Hmm, let's go have some fun.
(mellow groove music)
Woo (door knocking)
- Who is it?
- It's me.
- Imani?
- Yeah.
Imani, I wasn't expecting you.
What you doing here?
[Jada as Imani] What's wrong?
You not happy to see me?
I mean, I am, but sheesh.
(keys clatter)
(Christian exhales)
What's going on?
So we need to talk.
I mean, you know, you can
talk to me about anything.
What's going on?
So you remember that
night we were together?
I got pregnant and I got an abortion.
Yeah, I mean, I didn't think
you were ready for a child.
I mean, I know I wasn't ready for a child.
Imani, how could you make a
decision like that without me?
Like, that was my child too.
Okay, and I didn't wanna burden you.
I definitely didn't wanna burden myself.
A child is not a burden, Imani.
Like, it's a life, our life.
And you just threw it away.
Okay, so what's done is done.
Are you not gonna mess with me anymore?
This is just, this is, I need some time.
I need some time to think
'cause this is just too crazy for me.
Like, I can't even believe you.
Well, that's fine
For the record, Imani
never liked you anyways.
What, you said-
(horn blares)
I can do whatever I want,
whenever I want to whoever I want.
And in the morning it never happened.
It's great.
(Jada scoffs)
- Man, come man.
Get off.
Goddamn, Jada.
- Move, I gotta throw up.
- What's going on?
(footsteps receding)
(Harrison exhales)
All right, come on, come on.
(dial tone ringing) Pick up the phone,
pick up the phone, pick
up the phone, come on.
Hey, is Imani with you?
All right, appreciate it.
(Imani screams)
Yo, Imani.
(dramatic suspenseful music)
Goddamn, are you all right?
Been looking everywhere for you.
- Harry.
- What happened?
Where'd you go?
[Imani] I don't know,
Harry, I don't know.
But the pain, the pain was so unbearable.
I'm scared, please protect me.
I don't wanna go back.
Go back, girl, what
are you talking about?
Come on, what happened?
Did you see anything?
[Imani] I didn't see, only felt.
Girl, come here, what did you feel?
It was pain.
It was like a thousand
knives stabbing me all over.
It was heat.
Heat all around me.
I'm so scared, Harry,
I don't wanna go back.
I don't want go back.
I got you, Imani, I'm here.
No one's gonna hurt you, all right.
Nothing's gonna happen.
[Imani] I wish I could
explain Harry, but I can't.
It's like nothing I've ever before.
I don't wanna go back, Harry, please.
(Jada coughing)
[Jaylen] Whoa.
Now what you got going on?
(Jada coughing)
I know you not pregnant.
No, I'm not.
(Jada scoffs)
I mean, that's what it
looked like, I'm just saying.
[Jada] And if I am, what
are you gonna do, choke me?
Man, you crazy as hell.
Where you going?
Just fucking choke me.
Stop playing with me, man.
Stop being a bitch, Harrison would do it.
Man, stop playing with me.
Harder, kiss me.
(mellow emotive music)
Yeah, I got something that'll
stop you from talking crazy.
You can believe that.
(ominous tense music)
(Imani screaming)
Imani, whats going on?
(Imani screaming) (bone cracking)
Hold on, hold on.
(bones cracking)
Imani, hold on.
(ominous tense music)
(bones cracking)
(ominous tense music)
What the fuck?
What the hell?
- Hey.
- What's going on?
- What's wrong, Jaylen?
- Who the hell are you?
It's me, Jada, what's wrong?
- No, no, no.
- You don't recognize me?
No, I was just with
Jada five minutes ago.
No, really, it is me.
I can just look like whoever
I want whenever I want.
What? How?
The lipstick, it's magic.
The world is my playground.
All those insecurities,
all those doubts, gone.
Just a swipe of the lipstick
and I can be anyone I want.
That don't make sense.
But Jada, how?
What about the people
that you turning into?
Where do they go?
Details, details, darling (chuckles).
I've been a wallflower all my life
and now it's my time to blossom.
So there's no way I'm letting
any pesky morals get in my way.
Look, you can't just be playing
with people live like this.
You wrong, you need to stop.
Oh, Jaylen.
(chuckles) And another thing.
You was just something to play with.
The best thing about it,
you don't need batteries.
Look, Jada, this isn't you.
(chuckles) You think you know me, Jaylen?
This is me unapologetically and unchained.
If you can't accept it,
then maybe you're the
one who needs to change.
No, I get the feeling that
you're not happy for me.
That might be a problem.
No, Jada, you got a problem.
Maybe I do.
But you know what?
You can get the fuck out
before I slice your shit.
(ominous tense music)
Mmm, hmm.
My new best friend.
(lips smack)
(ominous suspenseful
music) (Imani whimpering)
(Imani exclaims)
(Imani whimpers)
Oh my God.
Oh, oh.
(Imani groaning)
Please, please, please,
just let me go, please.
I'll do anything, I'll do
anything, just tell me.
(fabric creaking)
(somber tense music)
Let me do something, just
tell me what you want.
Just please lemme go.
Please, please, just, just lemme go.
I'll do anything, I'll do anything.
Please, just lemme go.
[Demon] One person.
Okay, anytime, I'll
give you anybody just-
- [Demon] In your place.
Yes, I know someone, I know someone.
[Demon] Choose wisely.
Okay, I know someone. (Demon laughing)
I'll do anything, I'll do anything.
Just give me a name, just gimme a name.
Tell me who, please, just tell me who.
[Demon] Who?
The one that got you here.
(fingers snap)
(air rumbles) (Imani screams)
What happened?
Harry, I know what's going on now.
I'll explain everything later.
Hey, later?
What, talk about it, what happened?
What's going on?
(lips smack)
- Love you.
(door pounding)
Open the fucking door.
What the fuck are you doing here?
And how did you find me?
How you think I found you?
How did you find me?
We're connected.
All that soul snatching you've been doing,
I thought you would've
figured that out by now.
What do you want?
I want the lipstick, Jada.
Gimme the fucking lipstick, bitch.
Bitch, gimme the lipstick, Jada.
No, bitch, you don't know
how it feels to be insecure.
Hate what you... That's not my problem.
That's not my problem, Jada.
You don't deserve him.
You not gonna take him from me.
I'm fucking pregnant by him.
What the fuck are you talking about?
We're having a fucking
baby and he got me pregnant.
The way I fucked him last
night, bitch, he's already mine.
Yeah, he's wrapped around
my fucking finger now
Bitch, I'm gon' kill you.
Bitch, this is your last night alive.
(bat thwacks)
(Jada thuds)
Oh, I'm so glad you're here
(indistinct) Now watch out.
I'm about to bury this bitch.
No, no.
What you mean no?
She's the reason you've been
going through all this shit.
Do you trust me?
What's I gotta do with anything?
Of course.
Do you love me?
Okay, I made a deal
that I can't go back on.
What are you talking about, what deal?
Girl, what is that,
- some lipstick?
- This.
You're not gonna wanna
watch this next part.
I ain't going anywhere anytime soon.
(lips smack)
I love you.
No, don't put that on.
(bones cracking)
Okay, so that's it for
today, beautiful ladies.
Remember, it don't matter how you look.
Just keep smiling and
make sure to use my code
to get 20% off at my store.
Hey, beautiful.
Hey, you're home early today?
Of course, came home to see you.
Can we go out for dinner?
I really don't feel like cooking tonight.
Yeah, what you want?
I don't know, surprise me.
All right, go get dressed.
Don't take too long though.
I won't.
(Jada panting) (fire crackling)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs) (fire crackling)
Please, let me go.
(Jada sobs)
[Bobby Murder] Come to me.
(leaves rustling)
(lipstick rattling)
(bird cawing)
(air warbles and whooshes)
(Bobby Murder laughing)
(mellow soothing music)
Yo, what's up, girl?
Yeah, I am walking through
the park right now.
I really don't feel like going in tonight.
Yeah, I can't wait to play this job, girl.
I got about two more
weeks left and it's over.
Hopefully, they...
What the hell is this?
(Bobby Murder laughing)
Looking to transform
your life, Miss Bailey?
[Miss Bailey] Who the hell are you?
(anticipatory percussive music)
(static crackling) (display beeps)
Shut up and come help
me take the trash out.
What is it?
(Jen laughing)
- I'm I saying it right?
- Cut.
- Okay, so you say shut up.
- That wasn't-
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Harrison] Life a whole lot easier.
I forgot.
(laughing) I'm sorry, I forgot.
- Line.
- Line, yeah.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
You know, the tech guy.
Who Harrison?
- Mm-hmm.
- He said I'm not his type.
What, I'm sorry, maybe it's 'cause...
[Director] Right back to
one, run it back to one.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
Oh, Harrison, he said I'm not his type.
Well, maybe you had a whole bunch of arms
and metal wires and
stuff hanging from your-
- [Director] Run it back to one,
run it back to one, here we go.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
And action.
(door rattles)
(door thuds)
Cut, do it over.
- My bad.
- Do it over.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
That's... Yes, girl.
You could laugh when you say that
because it's like, you know.
- Yeah, okay.
- That was good.
- All right.
- It was good?
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] And action.
Imani, there you are, come on, come on.
Her shoe done fell off.
(people laughing)
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Cameraperson] Lemme
frame you up and make sure
so when you pop out, you
gonna be by (indistinct).
- Done?
- Yup.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] Just put her
up against that wall though.
- Yeah.
- And when y'all kiss,
there ain't no chicken pecking.
I told her that.
[Terrell] That wasn't
no chicken peck, bro.
- Yes it was.
- Bro.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
[Director] All right, camera one rolling.
Quiet on the set.
(people laughing)
[Director] She wanted to say that so bad.
She wanted say it, she
just wanted to say it.
I kid, I kid (laughing).
[Director] Okay, yeah, all
right, camera one rolling.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
And action.
The way I fucked him last night,
he's wrapped around my finger.
[Imani] Bitch, I'm finna kill you.
Bitch, this your last night, oops, sorry.
- Run it back, run it back.
- Sorry, sorry.
[Director] Run it back.
(static crackling) (display beeps)
I don't have to ask
because I know you want to.
(lips smack)
(people laughing)