Memoir Seorang Guru (2024) Movie Script

I'm Sunan.
This is my story.
A story that starts with...
Apparently, people fish
to calm their mind.
-As if you don't have problems.
-I do.
Whenever I have a problem,
I ask for advice. Unlike you.
Look at you.
You now have another illness.
They said they will
unwrap my leg next week.
Brother, stop controlling Kama.
You have rejected every guy
who was interested in her.
Nobody is right for you.
Now what?
You don't know why I did that.
It's because you didn't tell me.
Here. Finish it.
Daddy, please listen to me once.
Kama, I don't want you to end up like me!
You're not me and I'm not you.
We're two different people.
Listen, I don't agree
with whatever you say.
Finish this.
Are you mocking me?
All right.
I'm going for a stroll over there.
It's getting hot over here.
I won't fill and sign this form!
Mr. Sunan, you've been teaching
for so long.
You still don't know?
You must fill the performance form
four times a year.
Sir, I'm 40 years old now.
Why should I fill this form?
My grade remains the same.
A lot of unnecessary things
and instructions I need to follow
that are unrelated to the subject.
What is all of this?
A bootlicker.
You can request to be posted
back to the city.
It's not for long.
It's five years, not five days.
Maybe you can heal yourself over there.
-Don't do it. There are nestlings.
-I don't care.
-Poor them.
-You're always up for this, Mat.
-Let's foster its babies.
Mat, how could we separate
the bird and her babies?
Try to imagine ourselves in her place.
Birds and humans are not alike.
-It's hard to climb this tree.
-I can do it.
If you want to, you try.
If my dad asks,
don't tell him I climbed the tree.
Tell him you climbed it.
Me? I don't want to lie.
Sir! I need your help
to take someone to the hospital.
O Allah! Hang in there, Mat!
-Honey, help him out.
-Be patient.
Help me, Mom! It hurts!
Help me!
Be patient!
-Help him out, honey!
-Be patient!
Mom, it hurts!
I told you not to climb the tree!
Manon, your nephew's buttock is torn.
Help me, Mom! It hurts!
Be careful!
O Allah! My son.
It hurts!
It hurts!
Kama, get inside the car. Go.
O Allah.
-O Allah!
My son. Help him out.
O Allah. Help me, sir.
Help me, sir.
-I have a lot of stuff in here.
-Remove it.
Hey, Pak Mat's here! Let's go!
O Allah.
-Be careful.
-O Allah.
Move! Quick!
Daddy, hasn't it been a while
since you last fished?
Right from the start,
I worked for the money.
Because I didn't have any other option.
Every day, I go to school
and face everything that I hate.
It's my own fault.
I can't bring myself to like this job.
Will these new surroundings
be able to change my mind?
From merely being a teacher
to giving it a meaning in life?
Mr. Sunan, I'm very honored
to have you here.
You came from the city,
so I believe you have fresh ideas.
I'm asking you a favor,
make a change here.
Enhance our performance. Will you?
Sure, I'll try.
People say the devils like to gather here.
But the students here are angels.
I'm just joking.
It sounds clichd, doesn't it?
-Yes, it does.
Every year, this school ranks
the lowest in the district level.
As such, I appoint you
as 6 Gemilang's classroom teacher.
-The teacher's here!
-Stand up, everyone.
Peace be upon you, sir.
Peace be upon you, sir.
And upon you be peace. You may sit down.
What day is it today?
Today is Monday.
What date is it today?
12 April, 2004.
My name is Cikgu Sunan.
Don't ever forget.
Starting from today...
I'm your classroom teacher.
And I'll teach you Malay subject.
-Do you understand?
I want to get to know everyone.
-Abdul Halim Bin Osman.
-It's me.
-Ainur Amira Binti Tajudin.
-It's me.
Alias Bin Abdul Rahman.
Where's Alias?
He'll be coming a bit late, sir.
-Why is that?
-Because he lives far from school.
Remember, if your house is far,
you should wake up early.
Attend school.
Do you understand?
-Yes, sir.
Chan Chee Heong.
-Fatin Amira Binti Yahya?
-It's me.
Mihad Bin Jali?
Is Mihad Bin Jali also late?
He's outside, sir.
There he is.
What are you doing here?
As usual, brother, it rained yesterday.
-So this became a puddle, brother.
-I mean, Uncle.
Look over here. I'm not your brother.
Nor am I your uncle. I'm your teacher.
Look very carefully.
What is that? Give it to me.
Give it to me.
This is sustenance.
What is this?
Frogs? They aren't sustenance.
Do you think this is a zoo?
This is school!
-Do you get it?
-I'm sorry, Uncle. I mean, Teacher.
Go back to your class.
Muhammad Desa Bin Bakar.
He's in the hospital.
-Why is he in the hospital?
-He got stuck on a tree.
Hey, be quiet!
Don't laugh! Pity him.
Yes, we can't laugh at someone's misery.
We have to pray for them.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, sir.
You. Come here.
Who else if not you? Come here.
-What time did you wake up?
-I woke up before fajr prayer.
But today, my ape escaped our house.
Your ape escaped your house?
-What made you late?
-I was looking for my ape.
-Were you able to find it?
So you prioritize your ape over school?
Sir, I treat him like my brother.
His name is Chot. I love him so much.
Go to your seat.
You have to aim at the right spot.
I don't feel like going to school.
I was on sick leave for too long.
You don't want to go to school?
You have to, no matter what.
That's right. It's not fun without you.
The new teacher is too fierce.
I don't want to go to school.
Mat, he would not scold you
without a valid reason.
Am I right?
All teachers hate me.
I was even punished
by the kind-hearted Ustaz Kamarul.
I can understand.
You know, I always pray
that you get well soon.
Thank you for the prayers,
but what if I skip school?
-Then we're no longer friends.
-Don't be like that.
We've been friends since we were little.
It hurts.
Idioms are...
simplified proverbs.
It consists of two or three words
with different meanings.
All right, who can tell me
the meaning of this proverb?
-Who can tell me its meaning?
Go on, Sakinah.
-It's a type of fruit.
A smart cookie.
Who wants to answer?
-Me, sir.
-Who wants to answer?
-Yes, Sakinah?
Fire victim.
Everyone is laughing at her.
When I asked you to answer,
nobody did. At least she tried.
Sakinah, have you seen a fire victim?
I've seen them
in the English movies on TV.
Alias, answer this question.
Get up.
Just now you laughed at Sakinah.
Now, get up and answer me.
Quick, answer me.
You eat it with laksa, sir.
-He said eat it with laksa.
-Everyone, stand on your chairs.
Quick. Stand on your chair.
You too, Sakinah.
Say it together.
-We are...
-We are...
Mat! Are you okay?
I'm fine.
-It hurts!
-Mat, are you okay?
-It hurts!
-Call the teacher.
Teacher's here.
Don't disturb me. I'm dancing.
I'm Muhammad Desa Bin Bakar,
the one who fell on the tree.
I tore my butt.
Silence, everyone.
Stand up on your tables. Everyone.
We're not here to joke around.
We're here to gain knowledge.
To do so, you must have morals.
If not, how are you
going to excel in your exams?
UPSR is around the corner.
-Do you understand?
What are you going to be
if you live with no morals?
-All right.
-Here, Mihad.
-I forgot to give you mine.
-Thank you.
-Is it enough?
All right.
-Do you want syrup drink?
We usually drink tap water.
It's more nutritious.
That's tap water. Wait here.
Alias! Do you have money?
Would you like to order?
-Can I have one cup of syrup?
-Just a second. How much is it?
-Fifty sen.
-I only have ten sen.
-You may pay the balance later.
-Okay. Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Do you know?
Since you moved here, I think...
I like you.
Don't tell anyone.
This is a secret between us.
Don't be shy.
Smile for me.
Hey, are you asleep?
Alias, what are you doing?
-It's already night time. Come in.
-Sure, Mom.
Who knows the meaning of similes?
Similes are words
that contain an implied meaning.
Let me copy yours.
You know I'm blind, right?
-Have you been copying from him?
-He's short-sighted, sir.
Is it true?
Why didn't you buy spectacles?
My father said he'll buy one
once we have enough money.
Chan, exchange your seat with Palaniapan.
-But, sir...
-Are you short-sighted as well?
Exchange your seat with him.
Alias, what's your excuse today?
Did your ape's chain break again?
Then what?
-He's sulky, sir.
He gets hurt by my words easily.
If he does, what do you do?
I make it up to him.
So you're late today
because of your sulky ape?
Yes, sir.
Everyone, say "ape" thrice.
Ape, ape, ape.
Ape, ape, ape.
Thank you, everyone.
Are you playing the fool with me?
-Not at all, sir.
-Then what?
-Why are you smiling?
-Because they prayed for my ape.
That's right. My grandmother said
if everyone says the same thing,
it becomes a prayer. Amen.
-I'll be going home now.
-Sure, see you tomorrow.
-God willing.
-Peace be upon you.
And upon you be peace.
Safi's aunty is still single.
If you're interested,
I can introduce you to her.
Sir, I...
still haven't cleared my debt
with Bank Rakyat
for my late wife's hospital bills.
This can't be.
Sir, can I...
-Peace be upon you, sir.
-And upon you be peace.
-May I help you with the books?
-What has gotten into you?
I'll put the books here.
What is taking you so long?
What's wrong with you?
Close the door.
I'm sorry, sir.
-You still have a lot to do, Kama?
-I'm almost done.
Get it done quickly and go to bed.
But I want to watch TV.
UPSR is at the end of this year.
You can watch TV later.
Are you upset?
Hey, you left this.
Stand up. Peace be upon you...
Next time, do your homework properly.
Don't play the fool! Are these doodles?
Take your books and do it again.
Alias, come forward.
What's up with your ape today?
Oh, my ape. He climbed a tree.
Get out.
Stand outside.
What are you looking at? Do your work.
Where do you want to sit?
Please sit here.
-Just a second.
-It's okay.
I don't want your feet to be dirty.
Who came, honey?
Alias's teacher, Mr. Sunan.
I hope it's not too much trouble.
I'll be in the kitchen, okay?
Please, excuse me.
May I know what happened to your leg?
I fell from a coconut tree.
-Wait, Chot.
Your teacher is here.
-Peace be upon you.
-And upon you be peace.
Manan, did you get
a lot of coconuts today?
No, brother.
Chot's in a bad mood today.
Sir, this is Manan. He's my brother.
-Peace be upon you, sir.
-And upon you be peace.
Geez, Chot.
Don't misbehave today, Chot.
Mr. Sunan is a kind man.
I'm sorry, sir.
Let's go, Chot.
You acted up, today.
Others were behaving so well,
but you were acting up?
Here, have a drink.
-Thank you.
-Most welcome.
-Suddenly, he has hearing problems.
Sorry, sir.
Let me have a look at your ear.
Move closer to him.
It's badly abscessed.
-Why didn't you go to the clinic?
-We treat it the traditional way.
Let go of him! He's my teacher!
Let go of him! He's my teacher!
Forgive me, Chot.
I didn't mean to kill you.
It wasn't because I didn't love you.
Let's meet again in heaven, Chot.
The wound is deep.
The wound in my soul is deeper.
Maybe Allah wants me
to always remember it.
-Is everything ready?
Take it out.
I'm not a disabled person.
I just broke my leg.
You don't have respect for me?
It's done.
Brother, Kama cooked
something special for you tonight.
Your favorite dish.
But promise me that you won't be upset.
What's up with you two?
Peace be upon you, sir.
And upon you be peace.
I'm truly sorry, sir.
I wanted to visit you at the hospital.
-But they said you're already home.
-It's okay.
This is for you.
You don't have to bring me this.
Keep it inside.
It's nothing compared to your sacrifices.
You came to our house and...
How do you know I like murrel?
You like it?
Praise be to Allah. It's meant for you.
-But it's big. It must be pricey.
-I didn't buy it.
Mihad went fishing
and got a lot of fishes.
He gave one to Alias,
which is the one I gave you.
For catching frogs.
What are you reading?
-A novel.
Is it a romance novel?
Hey, Mat!
Mat, pass it to me!
Pass it. Quick!
-Pass it here.
-Give it back.
Pass it to me, Chan.
The teacher's here.
Get up!
Sit down, everyone.
You. Stand up.
You're the class monitor.
You should set a good example.
But you're just the same.
Do you want me to demote you?
No, sir.
-Serves him right.
Get up and take your bag with you.
-Exchange your seat with Sakinah.
I don't like to sit at the back.
It's noisy and hard to concentrate.
You can learn from everywhere.
Take your bag with you.
Mat, come to the front.
Maisarah, you sit here.
Alias, exchange your seat with Siti.
Mihad, get up and take your bag with you.
Exchange your seat with Halim.
-But I'm the class monitor, sir.
-Get up.
Sir, even if I sit at the back,
I'm still the class monitor, right?
-I promoted you.
-As the school's guard.
Quick. Climb it, Mihad.
-Jeez. He got caught.
Where do you go fishing?
I think this is a trap.
What do you mean?
Well, he doesn't like us.
But he asked Mihad to go fishing.
There must be a reason.
Like my grandmother said,
he has something up his sleeve.
-You're speculating.
-It's true.
What is true? To me, it sounds wrong.
-Why don't you guys accompany me?
-One mistake and you'll get slapped.
I was slapped for being late.
-It was my fault.
-What's wrong with you?
Don't you remember
that he caused your ape to die?
I asked you guys to accompany me,
not to fight each other.
If you don't want to, just say so.
I'll get going. Peace be upon you.
-And upon you be peace.
-And upon you be peace.
Be careful.
-Peace be upon you, sir.
-And upon you be peace.
I'm sorry for being late.
It's okay. We're not at school.
Let's fish leisurely. There's no rules.
Mihad, where's the murrel's spot?
-Follow me.
Are you sure there's a murrel
as big as Alias's mom gave me?
God willing.
Usually, how many fish
do you get from fishing?
It depends. Sometimes, five to six.
Sometimes, two to three.
There are times
where I don't get any at all.
What kind of dish will your mom prepare?
It's simple for me.
I wrap it with banana leaves,
cook it and eat it with rice.
And dip it in dried shrimp sambal.
It's simple, but tasty.
It means easy.
It's was bit complicated
when my late wife did the cooking.
-It means something is hard to do.
When she did the cooking,
she would mix grated coconut
with mashed chilies.
She would slice averrhoa bilimbi thinly
and mix them together.
Slice the back of the murrel,
fill in the mixture and grill it.
That is even tastier.
How does your mother cook it?
My mom isn't good at cooking.
-She asks me to sell the fishes.
-You don't eat even one?
-We used to.
When was that?
When my father was still alive.
I want to try to cook it
like my late wife used to.
-Do you want to try it?
-Can I?
-Why not?
-Come and have a lunch at my house.
Thank you, sir.
Bring your books along.
You're right. This is a trap.
My grandmother was right.
-What are you doing?
-He wanted to check my homework.
-Have you done it?
-Not yet.
You're doomed.
It would be nice if I was the chosen one.
How nice would it be?
Why are you surrendering yourself?
Guys, it's not only the Malay homework.
He wants to check all!
Mihad, can I come with you?
-Because of Kamariah!
Oh, you like Mr. Sunan's daughter?
-He's in love.
-Hold on.
Hey, what are you doing?
I'll look after her for you.
Thank you.
-Thank you?
-Thank you?
You're embarrassing!
-You're embarrassing!
-Do it yourself!
It's done. I'm not sure if it's tasty.
-What are you looking for?
In the name of Allah,
bless us with everything you give,
and keep us from hell fire.
Here. Wash your hands.
Let's eat. After that, we pray.
And then we study together.
-She wore the same shirt as you.
You're right. They wear matching shirts.
She only ties her hair
when she comes to school.
At home, she leaves it loose.
Look over there.
-Hey, Suria!
-Where are you going?
-I'm giving Kamariah a ride home.
-Where are you coming from?
-My house.
What? Since when was she at your house?
This morning.
Mr. Sunan asked us to study together.
Bye. I'm going to take her home.
Where's he? Hey!
You lied to me!
Come here!
The questions were hard.
They were complicated.
He said it was complicated.
It's not a problem if they were simple.
Mihad, how can you speak English?
-Mr. Sunan taught me.
-Mr. Sunan.
Look at your results.
It's so disappointing.
I teach all of you wholeheartedly,
but you take it easy.
Look at this.
You have to study hard.
Once in a lifetime.
Why are you grinning, Sakinah?
Do you think you scored B grade?
I think so. The questions were easy.
-Indeed, your result is the best.
Enough. Sit down.
You and Chan both scored C grade.
You're happy that you scored C.
Look at this, Alias.
Because a lot of you scored D and E,
I will hold tuition classes.
Remember, everyone must attend it.
-You must attend it. Understand?
-Sakinah and I are exempted, right?
-Why is that so?
Do you think you're cool
for scoring C grade?
I want you to score B grade.
Do you understand?
Is there any fee, sir?
If there is, I can't afford it.
Listen to what I have to say, everyone.
I will hold a tuition class every day.
For an hour after school time.
It is free. Okay?
You're afraid, huh?
Good morning.
And upon you be peace. Good morning.
Morning, sir.
I found this money on the ground.
-Where did you find it?
-Over there.
I'll pass it to the headmaster.
Kamariah Binti Sunan, please come forward.
In the last Test One,
Kamariah's result is truly excellent.
So I want everyone
to make her your role model.
I want to be like her.
Hey, be quiet!
Don't laugh at her.
It's not impossible for her
to succeed one day.
Good job, Sakinah. I like your spirit.
All right, we just spoke about education.
Now, we're going to talk about morals.
Our school celebrates the student
who's honest and trustworthy.
These two admirable qualities
should be found in your forever, okay?
Okay, sir.
I want to announce a name.
Alias, who told you to come out?
-Wasn't it me, sir?
-Go back to place.
Enough! Be quiet!
I'd like to call Adibah Binti Muhammad.
From 6 Cergas.
-Yes, sir?
Is there a proverb from your grandmother
that can explain Alias's absence
for a week?
Only the doer will know.
Why do you want to change schools?
I don't know, sir.
I've asked him many times.
He remains silent
and doesn't tell me anything.
I don't mind if the student
wants to change school.
It's easy.
But the closest school from here
is ten kilometers away.
But a fit and strong boy like Alias,
I believe he can walk
20 kilometers round trip
from home to school.
Alias, look at me.
If you can travel the world
and visit all the schools,
believe me,
you will never find friends
like Mat and Mihad.
Are you willing to lose them?
If you are, I can arrange it for you now.
-All right, I'll do it now.
-Don't, sir.
Alias, you don't want to change schools?
I'm sorry, sir.
I couldn't make it on time.
Alias has changed his mind.
Thank you so much, sir.
Alias has changed his mind.
He'll stay here.
Thank you, sir.
I wasn't able to convince him.
It's okay. This is a common thing.
All right. I will leave now.
I have a lot to do.
Shake hands with the headmaster.
Mr. Sunan too.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry, sir. I forgot to ask you something.
Last week, the school organized
a fundraising event for the school, right?
I can't recall the name.
But I gave 10 ringgit to Alias
for him to donate.
Did you receive it?
-Yes, sir. Alias donated it.
-I don't think we have one.
-No, sir. There's none.
We didn't raise a fund.
-There's no fund?
Come here!
What did you do with that money?
I gave you 10 ringgit.
What did you do with it?
Do you think it's easy
for me to get money?
Your father is paralyzed
and I'm working two jobs!
Why did you lie to me?
I never taught you to lie.
Even if we're poor, don't ever lie.
Don't ever steal from anyone.
Do you understand?
-Come here!
-I'm sorry, Mom.
-Mr. Sunan.
The Gemilang class mid-year
exam results have improved a lot.
Praise be to Allah.
Mihad showed a lot of improvement.
From scoring a lot of D grades,
he now scored C grade.
Mihad has potential, sir.
Maybe because of family issues,
the surroundings,
bad influence made him like that.
Your tactics worked on him.
You even baited him with murrel.
Also, I want to know, how do you feel
after six months of being a teacher here?
Sir, I think,
to be frank,
this is
the first time and the first school
that make me feel like a teacher.
I can tell.
Keep up the good work.
Do you want to give it a try?
-May I?
-Come here.
Stand here.
Okay. Look over here.
You have to roll this up later.
But before that,
we have to open this to throw it.
Hold it here.
Be careful.
One, two, three.
Close this one and roll it up.
This is fun.
-Let's go, Alias.
-Wait a moment.
For what?
He won't invite us. He doesn't like us.
He likes Mihad. Mihad is a clever boy now.
-Let's go!
-I don't want to go!
-He's our friend!
-No, he's not!
-He's Mr. Sunan's friend.
-Don't say that!
Mr. Sunan stole Mihad from us.
Alias, no matter what happens,
we only have each other.
Mihad, the headmaster praised you.
-Yes. He only mentioned you.
-What about Sakinah and Chan?
-No. You've surpassed them.
Listen carefully, Mihad.
Do your best for UPSR trial exam.
God willing, sir.
I don't watch TV anymore at night.
I do revision for two hours,
like you asked me to.
That's great.
It's stuck.
It's stuck?
-Hold this. Let me check.
-It's okay, sir. Let me do it.
-Let me check. You stay here.
-No, sir. Let me do it.
I'm used to the mine.
-Are you sure?
If we achieve remarkable results,
could you cook grilled murrel for us?
-Sir, I found this on the ground.
-I'll pass it to the headmaster.
What did you do with the money?
I gave you 10 ringgit.
What did you do with it?
What happened to your ape?
Oh, my ape. He climbed a tree.
Alias's family had a lot of debts,
to the extent that they had to mortgage
this house and land.
How about Mat?
I haven't heard about him,
after he went to the rehab center.
Peace be upon you, Mihad.
It's me, Mr. Sunan.
I came to apologize to you.
Please forgive me, Mihad.
Sorry, sir.
-What is this?
-It's a sustenance.
Frogs are not sustenance.
-Can you show it to me?
-Show you what?
The place you go to fish.
Mihad, the headmaster praised you.
-Yes. You've surpassed them.
It's okay, sir. Let me do it.
I'm used to this mine.
I'm sorry, Mihad.
-Where's his family?
-They're not here.
-Who brought him here?
-Caretaker from the cemetery.
It's abnormal. We need a specialist.
-Get his family's phone number.
-Sure, Doctor.
O Allah, help him.
Have mercy on him.
Shower him with love.
Ease his burdens.
O Allah, heal him.
Hear my prayer. Amen.
Doctor, I'm the daughter
of a patient named Sunan.
I don't know who to contact,
but I need to see my father.
It's okay, Doctor. Thank you.
-You're Kamariah, right?
-Yes, I am.
From 6 Gemilang. Your father's student.
O Allah! Sakinah!
Kama, don't worry.
God willing, he'll be all right.
Alias, do you remember her?
Of course.
Praise be to Allah. He's awake, Alias.
-He's in hospital because of me!
-No, he isn't!
If he hadn't slapped you,
you wouldn't be sick.
He wouldn't had gone to your house.
Chot wouldn't have died.
Why do want to visit
a bad teacher like him?
A bad teacher? He's our teacher!
Here, Sakinah.
Get well soon.
Don't be too stressed out.
Get plenty of rest.
How do you know that I was a teacher?
We're both
your students.
Good night, sir.
Good night, sir.
Peace be upon you, sir.
Peace be upon you, sir.
The proudest moment of a teacher
is when we don't recognize
our students, but they still remember
and appreciate us.
The boy who climbed coconut trees
with his ape
to support his crippled father.
He once had to choose
between saving his ape and me.
He's a successful entrepreneur.
He's kind and doesn't hold
a grudge against me
for the death of his ape.
Sakinah. Dr. Sakinah.
A girl with high confidence.
She got to serve me as a doctor.
Sakinah and Alias used their money
to pay for my operation.
Halim, the funny class monitor.
The small leader in the class
is now an agricultural entrepreneur.
He leads the young farmers.
Whose father had to save money
to buy him spectacles.
He's now a respected lawyer.
Chan chose a popular career in this age.
He works as a content creator
in the digital world.
As for Mat, his story hasn't ended yet.
But I believe
the little kid who welcomed me on the tree
will have a good ending.
But where is he now?
Why didn't you join us?
-I'm shy.
-At least meet our teacher.
-It's him, right?
-How are you?
-Praise be to Allah.
I want to apologize to you.
I've realized that
you scolded us because you loved us.
You were fierce because
you didn't want us to be failures.
Like me.
You're still young.
It's never too late.
God willing.
We'll leave first.
-See you again, sir.
-Peace be upon you.
-And upon you be peace.
-And upon you be peace.
-Yes, sir?
-Wait for a moment.
This is the 10 ringgit note
that your mom gave you.
O Allah. Sir?
-I keep it with me for 20 years.
-You still remember?
-I never forget about it.
Please put it in the mosque's fund
and donate it on behalf of Mihad.
I want to apologize to you.
I was too proud to admit my fault.
I didn't give the money to the headmaster.
-It was all because I...
-Enough. You never did me wrong.
You're the light of my life.
Your prayers
are the reason I'm successful.
You never did me wrong.
Do you still want to be a teacher?
It will never happen, Dad.
It seems like I'll have to spend
my whole life as a banker.
I'm asking you once again.
Are you willing to be a teacher?
I am.
If you are, I'll let you be a teacher.
But with one condition.
You have to be a true teacher.
Not just in name.
God willing.
I'll apply to be a teacher
at DPLI tomorrow.
Thank you.
This is a letter from Alias to you.
He gave it to you
when he was 12 years old.
I forgot to give it to you.
I'm sorry.
I heard that Alias
is a widower without children.
Jeez, Dad.
My daughter, Kamariah.
being a teacher is not a disgrace.
In fact, it's a noble job.
But I'm afraid
that those who work as teachers
would not be able
to put up with the students.
Plus, in this age,
everyone must have inner strength.
I hope, Kamariah,
you don't end up like that.
Apparently, in this life,
I learned the hard way
to be a true teacher.
my students were the ones
who shaped me as a teacher.
I'm grateful
I was born a teacher.
May this title I carry
be a beneficial knowledge
and useful to me in the afterlife.
O Allah,
forgive all of
me and my parents' sins.
Bless and have mercy
on my students
and all teachers out there.
If today, a prime minister is powerful
If today, a king ascends the throne
If today
You are the president of a country
If today
You are a respected religious scholar
If today, a lawyer won the trial
If today, you are an infamous writer
If today, anyone becomes an adult
It all started with a teacher
With their patience
To teach us how to read and write
A poem titled Guru Oh Guru.
Written by National Laureate Usman Awang.
-Peace be upon you!
-And upon you be peace.
I'm Kamariah Binti Sunan.
I'm here to report for duty.
Oh, so it's you.
-Welcome to our school.
-Thank you.