Mind Leech (2023) Movie Script

[underwater bubbles]
[eerie music]
[engine revving]
[rock music]
I suppose now's a good a time as any.
You ever wonder what's in these?
No, I wonder who's going to pay me more
to do anything else in this world.
Sick of selling hot dogs to tourists
and popping oxies all winter.
I could murder a hot dog
and some oxy right now.
You live on the water.
Why do you bring these here?
Why don't you bring them home?
Because no one comes here.
You don't shit in your
own backyard, do you?
I don't even have a backyard.
You don't shit on your balcony?
No, but I don't shit in anyone's balcony.
Just be done with it.
Working for Chem Corp ain't so bad.
It's Friday and I told the boss
this is going to take all day.
Still might.
This one does not want to sink.
I think it could use some persuasion.
Put a slug in it.
Jesus fucking Christ.
We should've been doing it
like that the whole time
[water bubbling]
We probably shouldn't breathe that.
[upbeat music]
[music fades]
[snowmobile engine sound]
[chainsaw buzzing]
I think it's dead, Detective
Unless you want to dust for prints
I just figured that because Gladys called
in about that weird dead animal
on her property, maybe it was related.
Well Gladys calls in when
she takes a solid shit.
You're terrible.
This is not how I pictured
my Christmas holiday.
This is exactly how I pictured
my Christmas holidays.
I'm freezing.
Let's go warm up.
I was just teasing you back there.
I remember hearing that you wanted
to go for Detective back in the city.
I hope it didn't come off as mean.
Everybody gets on me about that shit.
I'm used to it by now.
on a big force, you're just a number.
It didn't matter how hard I worked,
I was just never getting where I wanted to.
When my partner got the offer to come
out here and work with Chem Corp,
it was like his dream.
It just seemed like if
I can't get my dream,
then at least we can go for his.
If he's going for his dream,
and I've still got a steady job,
I can't complain.
He must be a pretty smart guy.
Yeah, he's a chemical engineer.
Real nerd.
Honestly, working on a small
force isn't a bad thing.
I felt like I'd be a little busier,
and at least it gives me a chance
to climb that ladder a little faster.
Not like I'm coming for
your job or anything.
You got to earn this stripe.
Did you always know you wanted to be a cop?
Well, my dad was Sheriff.
It's a small town.
Everyone's got a nickname.
People have been calling me Sheriff
since I was three years old.
I never really thought
about being anything else.
Maybe it'd be different if my Dad
owned a hardware store or something.
Fair, Fair
We made it, buddy.
Yeah Another year.
We're fishing now, baby!
Hell yeah.
Are you ready to catch the big one?
I hope so.
I want to catch something today.
- Fifty bucks says I catch one first.
- Fifty bucks? You don't have fifty bucks.
Maybe not, But what I do have,
I've got a secret weapon.
What's that?
See this, baby?
This is going to guarantee it, baby.
Fish locator.
Crank this puppy up to max.
This is going to bring me the money.
You just toss that
little thing in the water
- and it picks up their sound?
- You know what, bro? I really don't know.
I basically won the bet already, man.
All right there, big boy.
Have a beer, bro.
No, Thanks.
Too early for that shit.
Whatever, man.
Let's get fishing then.
It's a myth that fish get
scared by talking, man.
Come on.
What's wrong with you, man?
Lighten up, bro.
I don't know.
I've been thinking a lot lately.
We come down here every year.
We do.
For the past 10 years, ride down
on the sled, freezing our nuts off.
- Sit here drinking our asses off. Yeah.
We put it on a line, we don't catch shit.
That's correct.
And I'm tired of it.
Why do we got to come
to this tiny little fucking pond?
Don't you want to go to a bigger lake?
Expand your horizons?
The fuck are you talking about?
Water is water, man.
You can find everything
you're looking for right here, man.
You just need to have a
drink with your buddy.
I come out here, and it's
supposed to be an escape.
Lately, it's just reminding
me how I feel trapped.
Day in, day out,
I'm just driving my shitty little truck
to my shitty little job.
After work, I go drive home
to my shitty little house
and live out the rest
of my shitty little meaningless life
like one of these pathetic
little fish in this pond.
With your little dick and yeah and what?
I've got the fish locator.
I've got beer.
I've got my uncle's fucking hooch.
What more do you want, man?
I want to go to a bigger lake.
I don't know.
You know what, motherfucker?
You're not at work.
You're with your best buddy!
Who you love dearly.
You're right.
You're right.
Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it.
Well, you know what?
Maybe if you just had a fucking beer
and chilled the fuck out,
you'd enjoy yourself.
This is going to make a
great, great film, man!
In the fishing hut!
- Get that outta here.
- My boy.
My best friend Craig doing some fishing.
Here we are.
I'm recording this.
Top of the line.
Look at that.
We got the heater going over here.
Keeping toasty.
Got the hooch.
- What do you think, Craig?
- No!
- Is that your uncle's shit?
- Yeah, this is my uncle's.
Everybody knows my uncle makes
the best hooch in the fucking world.
This man is too pussy to drink it with me,
so this is for you, Uncle Jeff.
Are you going to catch
anything big today, buddy?
Big headache if you don't shut your yap.
My God!
I'm going to take a piss.
When I get back try and be cool.
All right.
You filthy animal.
[eerie sounds]
[eerie sounds]
Come on.
Jesus Christ!
Holy shit!
Oh fuck yeah.
[eerie music]
Where are you?
I got you. I got you.
You're a big fucker.
Where'd you go?
Shit, buddy.
Someone's got a big fish.
What the fuck?
The Fuck!
[man screams]
911 Dispatch, How may I direct your call?
Routine traffic stop,
we run the guy's plates,
and he just takes off.
And all of a sudden we're fucking chasing
through these alleyways and shit.
I've got them cornered
in an industrial section.
I jumped out of the car,
my partner jumps out.
He's got nowhere to go.
I figure, okay, we got him.
We're telling him, "Get out," whatever.
It looks like he's about
to get out of the car
and all of a sudden, he
just floors it at us.
I had to shoot out his tire.
I'm a good shot, thankfully.
And he just spun out, hit a dumpster and-
Pailey, are you there?
got him.
Pailey here.
Go ahead, Dispatch.
I just got a call about a fire
down at old Miller's pond.
Do you mind checking it out?
Copy that, we're on it.
Looks like it's going to be a busy day.
Looks like someone's Christmas dinner
just went up in smoke.
Yeah, well, it wouldn't be
the first time around here
that someone lit an old
fishing shack on fire.
Well, better try and salvage
what we can for them.
- Watch your step, Chief!
- Yeah.
We got a body in here, Chief.
Any idea who that is?
That there is juicy Josh Henderson.
Or what's left of him.
Is that a friend of yours?
No, just a guy from town.
I know enough to know, he
wouldn't be out here fishing
without his buddy Craig.
So are we looking for a perp,
or are we looking for a body?
Maybe this will tell us something.
Isn't that evidence?
[music playing on walk-man]
Previously on Golly Farm.
What the?
[eerie music]
Your dead sucker.
That sounds like it came
from Floyd's place up over that hill.
On any other day, I wouldn't think
nothing of it, but today
Let's let the Smokies take care of this,
and we'll go check on Floyd.
God-damn it.
Dispatch, we got a 1054 here.
Two people down
Oh my God! A 1054?
Do you need an ambulance?
Probably a 1066?
Roger that.
What's your location?
5509 Old Mill Road.
Copy that.
Put out an APB for Floyd's blue pickup.
Dispatch, we need an APB
on a blue pickup. Over.
Is that Floyd's pickup?
I'm on it.
Who could do something like this?
Calling all cars,
putting on an APB on a blue pickup.
License 945 Xavier 4 Lion
I just stopped a vehicle matching
that description on Highway 2.
That's Floyd's truck!
That's got to be our guy.
10-4 Shaw, proceed with caution.
Suspect considered dangerous.
On our way.
Copy that.
Look, I'm sorry about
your friend back there.
I know this must be hard, but
at least we've got a lead.
You said that this guy Craig
is always fishing with Josh.
There's Snowmobile tracks
that led straight to Floyd's place.
We know who we're looking for here.
Craig couldn't have done that.
Anyone's capable of that.
- Someone could just snap.
- No one from around here
could have done that.
I don't know.
How well did you know this guy?
I know everybody in this town.
License and registration.
What the
Buddy, are you okay?
Mother fucker.
[engine revving]
This Is Deputy Shaw Officer down.
- Suspect heading south on Highway 2.
- Fuck.
I repeat, suspect heading
south on Highway 2.
Pailey here, headed west on 17.
We'll cut him off at 2.
Now we'll find out who
this son of a bitch is.
- Shit. There he goes.
- Got him.
Come in, dispatch.
We've spotted the blue truck.
We're currently following on
- South on 2.
- South on 2.
Look, this guy's all over the road.
Is he drunk?
All right, he's turning in there.
I know this place.
There's an old barn up ahead.
Hey, lose the goddamn belt.
I don't want him to hear us coming.
Shouldn't we call for backup?
You are my backup.
Besides, this fucker's mine.
[footsteps running]
Got him!
Get out here, scumbag,
or I'm going to blow your head off.
Come out.
Hands where I can see them.
Hands, hands up.
Help me.
Shit. Is he dead?
He's got a pulse.
Go get the kit.
[door creaks]
What did you do, Craig?
What could have made
you flip out like this?
What the fuck?
What the fuck.
What the fuck.
The fuck, Craig.
The fuck!
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck?
What the hell is this?
What is on your head?
Stop right there.
Back the fuck-up.
Are you fucking kidding me?
[tires squealing]
Chainsaw, yes!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey Pailey, are you there?
Pailey, are you there?
Can you hear me?
Does anyone copy?
Move to the country they said.
It'll be fun they said.
Nice and slow.
Not going to see a lot of action
until you find a giant slug
attached to your boss's face.
Nobody's going to fucking believe this.
You guys, where are you?
Do you copy?
You guys, what's going on?
Pailey, where are you?
Ben, Ben, Ben.
Where are you going?
Yeah, baby, I know where you're headed.
All right, let's go to the water.
I'm coming for you, Ben.
Hang on!
You guys, why aren't you answering me?
Is anyone there?
Please copy.
Pailey, are you there?
Does anyone copy?
Is anyone there?
[sirens blaring]
Pailey? Shaw? TJ?
Are you there?
Don't leave me hanging you guys.
I'm playing this solitaire
game and this sucks.
TJ, are you there?
Hello? Where's everyone?
Please tell me he took this route.
Please tell me he went this way.
There he is.
Fuck me!
Jesus. Fuck.
Are you fucking kidding me?
It wouldn't fucking sink,
so I went back to the car and get the gun.
- So you have a gun on you?
- No, not on me.
I've got priors.
Ben, stop!
Ben, listen to me.
If there's any of you left in there,
I need you to hear me out.
I can help you.
We can get you help.
I just need you to come back this way.
Okay, buddy?
Come on, you got to trust me on this one.
I got your back.
All right? Come back this way.
Come on. Good boy.
That's the way to do it.
Come back this way.
Make it slow now, okay?
We're going to get you some help.
Come back this way That's it, buddy.
Fight it. Let's go.
Come back this way, okay?
Come back this way.
We're going to get you some
Don't make me do this!
Ben, no!
Come on.
What's with the handcuffs?
Come on, get them off.
- But she a
- She's one of us.
Take them off!
[keys rattling]
Thanks, partner.
I mean, detective.
Some privacy?
Come on, give us the room.
Please tell me you're here
to get me out of this joint.
They haven't given me a
lawyer, a phone call, nothing.
- They're like backwards here.
- Teej, what really happened?
What do you mean?
Didn't you read my statement?
How are you here?
A giant leech killing people?
You expect me to believe that?
I know it's crazy, I know.
But I couldn't even come up
with a lie that was believable
so I just told them the truth.
Come on.
I know it's weird.
Trust me, I just lived it.
One minute, it was your run-of-mill
Boxing Day in the boonies
and the next, I'm chasing this blood
sucker through the fucking forest.
You know me, Prez.
they brought me in to
assess your mental capacity.
My mental capacity for what?
Shooting an invertebrate?
You shot the sheriff!
In the leg.
I was trying to stop him.
Well, he's dead.
I know, but that wasn't me.
He's dead on the beach,
outside of your jurisdiction.
You know how this goes.
The official story they're going out
with right now is that you're in a coma.
But that's just to buy them time
to come up with a better story.
They're going to need someone to pin it on.
No, no, no. They are not
trying to pin this on me.
There's video footage.
If you go back to the original scene of
the crime, we picked up a video camera.
- It was recording.
- They seized everything.
They seized it all.
They're just going to
sweep it under the rug.
You know how this works, Teej.
I chased that thing all
the way down to the lake
and I mean, I shot it, but it didn't stop.
If it's in there waiting and breeding,
they're going to have a massacre
on their hands this summer.
[tape inserts]
You behaving, Josh?
Get that camera out of my face.
The best hooch in the fucking world
and this man is too pussy
to drink it with me.
[eerie sounds]
The evidence points
towards cerebral imperium.
The surviving deputy describes it as
a large leech originated in a small pond
and seems to have used its
host to get to the lake.
Make it go away.
Copy that, sir.
We'll make it go away.
[creature shrieks]
[Christmas rock music]
[music fades]