Miracle Valley (2021) Movie Script
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(door rattles)
(woman knocking)
Anyone home?
I could've sworn I had those dates right.
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
- Erika!
- Hey.
I'm the fool who came all the way down
to a creepy ass town for
a job interview, at night.
Should have known better.
[Woman] I can barely hear you.
[Erika] Girl, this signal's shit.
[Woman] Whatever-
- I'm probably gonna be late to the party,
but I'm gonna figure something out
because I need a drink.
(Erika laughs)
Okay, okay, now I'm just rambling.
I'll see you in a bit.
(phone crackles)
Love you.
(suspenseful music)
No, thanks.
(keys jingling)
(car door slams)
(engine sputtering)
Oh, come on baby.
Come on, come on.
(engine sputtering)
(horror music)
(eerie whistling)
(horror music)
(suspenseful music)
(Erika knocking)
(ominous music)
Oh thank god, sir!
(electricity buzzing)
No no, wait, wait!
(ominous music)
(Erika gasping)
Oh come on man, please, no!
(Erika screaming)
(man grunting)
(Erika screaming)
(intense music)
(upbeat funk music)
The machine of war is
swooping down the skies
Sunshine keeps it company
As the world goes down in flames
Angels dancing, God's gone fishing
One true world is hiding
In the basement of
eternities where I'll starve
Goodbye my love
You can crawl on home
Goodbye, goodbye
My love
There's no service.
Can't believe I agreed to this.
What if the hospital tries
to reach me, and they can't?
They're not gonna try to reach you.
Oh, there it is, right
there, the copper pit.
The most haunted place in the Southwest.
That's where we're
gonna spend our weekend.
Are you excited?
Did you even hear what I said?
All these miners come here,
they try to get rich off
6,000 tons of copper?
Wasn't there, so they
ended up eating each other.
Never would, for Christ's sake.
But your mom would be happy
that you're taking time for yourself.
I'm trying to get a photo of this hawk.
If that happens, our life changes.
You care more about that
bird than you care about me.
Well, maybe you should
be a little grateful.
Remember what we talked about in therapy?
I think you kind of wanna be the victim.
Right, coming out
here, this is all for me.
Just like the last decision
that you made for us.
That is, that is really
fucked up to say that.
I can't believe you would go there.
Goodbye my love
You could cry, my love
Goodbye, goodbye
My love
(motorcycles rumbling)
(engines revving)
(suspenseful music)
(engines revving)
(tires squeal)
(motorcycles rumbling)
(hand thuds)
[Woman] What the hell?
(horns blaring)
(motorcycles rumbling)
(gas pump clanging)
You gotta be kidding me.
Sarah, let's go!
(motorcycle rumbling)
(engine rumbling)
I promise you're gonna love the surprise.
[Sarah] If we don't run out of gas.
(ominous music)
All right, should be
coming up anytime here.
We're gonna see a sign for the lake,
and that's gonna be our turn in,
so keep your eyes out.
Why does this place have no address?
It's a private residence.
Not everybody gets to go there.
They go off coordinates.
They don't want just anybody showing up.
What place goes off coordinates?
That's so sketchy.
[Sarah] I think I see it.
It's on the right.
Miracle Lake, we made it.
(intense music)
You've got to admit, it's pretty nice.
(suspenseful music)
Finally, we're here.
Beautiful, right?
(intense music)
Hey, you made it!
What's up, man?
You said it was just
gonna be you and me.
You knew I wanted to be alone right now.
Hey, something different.
It's gonna be fun.
[Scott] You're still
living out of this thing?
Hell yeah.
What's up, buddy?
Not too much.
How'd you get down here?
Oh, we hitched.
Dude, this place is far out.
Is that a new camera?
A new, new camera?
It's a new, new camera.
[Scott] You think it's gonna make
your photography any better?
- See you got the guitar.
- Well, well, well.
If it isn't the elusive Sarah.
When did you go blonde?
[Sarah] A few months.
And when's the last time we saw you?
Just been taking care of my mom.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
I didn't mean anything by that.
Is she, is it okay to ask about it?
It's not great.
If you want, I can
burn some sage for her,
to take away any negative energy.
All right, you've all been
here at least two minutes,
so that means it's way past
time for some welcome shots.
Woo, shots in Mexico!
We're in Arizona.
And, does it taste any different?
All right, I propose this
toast to our friend, Davy.
That he finally finds that
Bigfoot photo he's looking for.
Silver hawk, dipshit.
(glasses clink)
(Scott coughs)
More where that came from.
Let's check out the house.
(upbeat music)
Okay, so just so I have it straight,
one of the eight people who
actually bought your book
says to themself, get this guy
to a luxury ranch, no questions asked.
[David] Dude, they invited me.
[Scott] Right, but who is they?
The owners of this ranch, all right?
They know I'm an amazing photographer.
Silver hawk was spotted down here,
and they want me to be
the first photographer
to ever get a photo of it.
Don't be jealous.
I believe in you.
Unlike you, buddy, I actually
did a little bit of snooping
before we came to a place
that no one on earth has ever heard of.
Forget the silver hawk.
Better news, this place is creepy as shit.
Oh that's a great photo of you, man.
All right, all right, so check it out.
This cult settled in
this valley a while back.
They wanted to make some kind
of mystical, weird ass utopia.
You know, some kind of cult shit.
But, didn't take very long
for the locals to realize
that instead of Bible study,
they were abducting kids,
and holding them against their will.
So these kids start showing up at school
looking like fucking
vampires got 'em, right?
The locals and the sheriffs get involved,
and shit goes haywire.
The cult leaders, and the cult
members start fighting back
with hammers and pitchforks and shit.
The sheriff gets killed,
a bunch of the cult members get killed,
and then, they disappear,
like abandon the valley, off the map.
Maybe stick to music.
- It's true!
- So romantic.
Okay, so let's say the story's true.
Where'd the cult members go?
- I don't know.
- Who cares?
All I know is this place
has some top shelf tequila.
I don't know about you,
but I wanna try again.
Hell yeah.
This is gonna be a hell of a weekend.
(gentle guitar music)
Hello, mortals.
Welcome to Miracle Valley,
where strange and
exhilarating things happen.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Dr. Truman,
and I'm a longtime
resident of Miracle Valley.
Weird, I swear the shit people do
to get that five star review.
You very well may be the
brightest star in our galaxy.
This is our symbol.
May your stay here bring
you internal peace.
(motorcycle rumbling)
(eerie music)
[Scott] Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm looking for the
guy driving this Bronco.
I don't think he's around right now.
- Well, fucking get him!
- All right, all right.
(Scott knocks)
Dave, there's some
motorcycle dude out front,
says he has a question about your car.
Just tell him I'm not here.
[Scott] I don't think he's gonna leave
until he talks to you, man.
Well, I don't know,
just have him leave his
number or something.
Look, I don't know
what this guy's issue is,
but he's really intense.
So just see what he wants,
and get him outta here.
Well, just give me a minute then.
All right.
(suspenseful music)
Hey, atado.
Hey man, I'm David.
You know what atado means?
It's a type of bullfighter,
where he teases the bull so badly,
the bull wants to kill
him, and usually does.
I didn't know that.
That's interesting.
My friend was just saying
you kinda came up here
and were asking about the
car, or you had a problem, or?
Yeah, I was wondering what
fuckin' idiot was driving it.
I'm sorry man, I didn't-
- You fuckin' brake checked me back there.
I got two broken legs from guys like you.
This one's got pins in it
holding it all together.
Luckily, I heal like a motherfucker.
I wasted an hour of my
time, hunting you down.
What do you got there?
What are you gonna trim
my nails with that thing?
Put it back.
- Look man, what do you want?
- Put it fuckin' back!
Is that your woman up there?
Oh, I think it is.
Well, she looks worried about you.
Are you this reckless and
inconsiderate with her too?
Look man, would you just let it go?
(tense music)
Don't, please, come on.
Don't do this, don't do this.
Cool bike.
I'm Sarah.
Well Sarah, you've
quite an aura about you.
A lot of positive and
healing energy, it's nice.
I should probably go.
You know I was thinking,
anybody who rides in a rig like this
has got style, not a trend follower.
Definitely not.
I belong to a group
that's all about creating our own trends.
A group that helps people
live the lives they were meant to live.
I mean, if you're not
living your best life,
what's the point, right?
(eerie music)
You know what, we got a gathering tomorrow
called The Awakening.
I'd like to invite both of you.
I've got a pamphlet here.
Hey, you know what?
Your friends are invited too.
Father Jake, he'd love to meet you.
That's cool, man.
I appreciate the invite.
Hey guys, dinner's up.
Good, I'm fuckin' starving.
I'm kidding, I gotta go.
We'll see you there.
It'll change your life.
How's it going?
With what?
With you and Sarah?
(David chuckles)
How do you mean?
I mean, it seems like
it's going awesome.
Shut up, come on.
Well, what gave it away?
A little bit of a hint
when she looked really, really
unhappy when she got here.
Or the fact that she looks
really fucking miserable right now.
- Yeah, she's miserable.
- What's going on?
And I'm miserable.
I mean, I feel like I've
been forced into being
the perfect, supportive
boyfriend, and I'm not.
Do you wanna be?
I mean, I've tried,
but she's impossible.
She never sleeps, she's gotten into
this really weird meditation cult stuff.
She's drawing morbid things,
we have nothing to talk about,
we have nothing in common.
Shit, I didn't know she was like that.
She seems just your type.
She's maybe still in college,
and doesn't seem to like you very much.
(both chuckle)
So, are you getting out of this thing, or?
This is my plan.
I'm gonna stay in until
her mom gets better,
and then I'm gonna bail,
'cause I got a lot of
women to hang out with.
All right.
What are you boys talking about?
Nothing interesting at
all, just David's sex life.
Kinda interesting.
It's a little bit interesting.
Sounds interesting.
Where'd Sarah go?
Oh, I just remembered, here.
I was saving this for a special occasion.
Oh shit, you brought it.
All right, man, all right.
Light this up, man.
[Jane] Come sit with us.
I'm just gonna go to bed.
- Sweet dreams, babe.
- Stop, that's not nice.
- Whatever.
- Sorry, come on.
- All right.
- Get her baked.
Come on, let's do it
All right.
(eerie music)
Goodnight, sir.
I've had enough.
I'll see you in the morrow.
All right, I'll see you in a little bit.
(Jane laughs)
I know they give you a hard
time about your pictures,
but I personally love 'em.
You really mean that?
It's like, you really know
how to capture your subjects,
and their soul.
I think you'll capture that silver hawk,
and become really famous one day.
I think so, too.
(fire crackling)
And maybe, one day
you'll take pictures of me.
Well, how about right now?
I mean, you can set it up.
It's probably not the best idea, right?
But it's also not the worst.
(suspenseful music)
If you say so.
All right.
We got 10 seconds.
That's all I need.
(eerie music)
(camera clicking)
- Hey, good morning.
- Morning.
How'd you sleep?
That's good.
Can I have the car keys?
For what?
- I wanna go out.
- Go out where?
We're in the middle of nowhere.
To The Awakening.
Come on.
We're gonna go horseback riding today.
Scott and Jane are coming.
Sam's gonna be there with his girlfriend.
Sam is here?
Well yeah, they were just
passing through the area.
I mean, what am I supposed to?
You know what, it's fine.
I knew you would say this,
so I'll just walk away.
I don't need you to drive me.
Don't even worry about it.
All right.
Sarah, come on.
Hey, where are you two sneaking off to?
Listen, I just talked to the donkey guy.
He says we can get on the
donkeys in like, 45 minutes.
Man, we're gonna go check
out this Awakening thing.
Oh, okay, wow.
Well yeah, knock yourselves out, I guess.
Will you be back for the barbecue?
- Yeah, I'll be back.
- So what's the plan?
What are we doing?
These two are going to church,
and we're going on the trail.
Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey!
- What's up?
My lambchop, Cher.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Bring it in here.
Good to see you.
Where are you guys off to?
We just got here.
What about the basketball tournament,
are you trying to flake?
No, I'll embarrass you later.
Hey, get some green chilies
on your way back, okay?
We need those for dinner.
I'll be waiting on you.
Let's get the party started!
And don't drink the Kool-Aid!
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
[David] I feel awakened already.
La la la la la la
Not sure if we're in the right place,
but we're supposed to
come to some seminar?
This is a familial gathering.
We are family.
Is this Father Jake's Awakening?
(both giggle)
Please, no cameras or cellphones.
It deteriorates your mind and body.
Don't be so attached.
Enjoy the changes to your
life this seminar will offer.
Everyday miracles.
I mean, we're in Miracle Valley, right?
[Member] Yes, Father.
[David] Oh, not this guy.
As we touched on earlier,
once you know how the mind works,
you can use that.
You can live the lives you deserve.
You deserve it, don't you?
Of course you do.
All of you are here,
because there's something
missing in your lives, right?
I mean, you're lost, you're afraid.
You're seeking something you can't find.
I look at faith as a game of galactic tag
where someone reaches out and touches me,
and I've got it,
and then I reach out
and touch someone else,
and they have it.
And then, they reach out and touch others,
and on and on.
You need to have faith that you
can be touched, and changed.
You can't play tag alone, you can't.
Tag, you're it.
I wanna know, if you could
be anywhere, with anyone,
what would that look like?
I don't know.
Oh for God sakes, people.
These are the questions
you need to ask yourself!
What do you want?
Where do you wanna go,
and who do you wanna be with?
You need to live that life.
Yes, you.
I like your initiative.
Where do you wanna go?
What do you wanna do?
If I could be anywhere with anyone,
it would be the Maldives Islands
with my ex-boyfriend, and we
would write songs together,
and we would perform them together,
and then watch a sunset
at the end of a nice day.
Well, that's beautiful.
Ask yourself what it is that you want,
and then go for it.
And Sarah.
What would your perfect
scenario look like?
Don't be afraid.
(gentle music)
It's okay.
I had an abortion.
(people gasping)
I'm sorry.
But look, there's no
judgment here, it's okay.
Go on if you can, Sarah.
It's not something
I've spoken about before,
but I need to get it off my chest.
I've always seen myself as
someone who's responsible.
And you know, I want kids.
I want a family.
I thought, maybe I'm ready.
But then, the decision was made for me.
And I'm not proud of it,
so my wish would be to go
back to my old apartment
and just, do everything over again
before she was gone.
But I can't do that.
That might be the most honest, courageous,
transcending contribution we've had, ever.
Thank you Sarah, for that.
And what about you, pal?
Yeah, I think being in here,
listening to that,
maybe I, maybe we made a mistake,
and maybe I'm ready for a family.
I don't know.
Losing a child at any stage is a tragedy.
I'm sorry for both of you.
Is he up here?
Is he here, or here?
I still pray every night.
Who do you pray to?
Anyone who will listen, I guess.
Well, who do you think's gonna listen?
That's just a book, pal.
Anybody could've written that.
I want to share an incident with you.
A few years back, I was
a border patrol agent
involved in a high speed chase.
I was going after some drug smugglers,
and I rolled my truck in a tight corner
and I was hurt pretty badly, I was dying.
Did God save me?
A blood transfusion saved me.
God would've just let me
bleed to death right there.
But to be fair, it wasn't God's job
to drive my truck for me, was it?
If you ever had the chance to live,
take it.
Now, it wouldn't be a proper ceremony
without asking for a donation.
But I don't want your money.
We want your blood.
Mira and Kelly are here to
take your blood donations.
This helps not only your
family, but friends of yours,
people that have been in car accidents.
Please help if you can.
We'd appreciate it, and we appreciate you.
God bless you.
Please come up.
(eerie music)
- Thank you.
- Your sermon was so good.
[Member] Your story was so brave.
Thank you for telling it today.
Fuck was that?
Did you even think to ask me,
or did you just come here to embarrass me?
I've tried to talk to you so many times,
and all you care about is yourself
and the stupid bird.
Maybe I'm ready for a family too?
Give me a break.
Who was the one who didn't
think she needed a plan B?
Are you?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight.
Look, you both clearly have
feelings for one another.
You've been through a lot.
Yeah, we're gonna get going.
Wait, maybe I can help
you sort things out.
Maybe make it right again.
Oh so you're a priest, and
a relationship counselor?
Hey well, some of us
have more than one talent.
I know this great little
hole in the wall bar
called the Wagon Wheel.
We can talk things over.
(upbeat rock music)
[Sarah] David, I've tried.
You're either too tired, or too distracted
to ever talk about things.
I'm sorry if I'm tired
of spending every weekend at the hospital,
if I needed a moment for myself.
Oh, so my mom being sick is my fault?
God, I didn't even say that.
This is what she does, every time.
All right, calm down, all right?
If you really love her,
you need to make her your priority.
Are you doing that?
(people chattering)
Well think about it, okay?
Anyway look, let's change the subject.
What are you guys doing down here?
I'm a photographer, so.
Yeah, that's what he
cares about the most, so.
Okay, okay, that's good.
It's good to be passionate.
What kind of photography?
I shoot really good nudes.
Well, you're gonna need
a soft focus down here.
A lot of retired folks.
(Jake chuckles)
No, I shoot birds.
No kidding.
I was into that for a while.
I mean, down here it's
world class for birding.
So I'm obsessed with the silver hawk,
and apparently she doesn't believe this,
but it was spotted down in this area.
Yeah, by me.
- Yeah right.
- No.
You saw it?
Clear as day.
Yeah, down at the lake,
right near the Sphinx.
I mean, there it was.
And I wish I had had a camera.
That would've been awesome.
Are you serious?
It really exists?
I could've grabbed it.
It's real.
Where is it, do you
have a map of this place?
You don't need a map.
Look, better than that,
I'll take you out on my boat.
I'll show you exactly where I saw it.
Oh, I wouldn't expect that.
I mean, just a map-
- Didn't you learn anything
from The Awakening?
This is your moment.
You need to seize it, right?
- Let's go, yeah.
- Okay, all right.
We're in, let's do it.
(crickets chirping)
This is beautiful.
This is so beautiful
here, this is amazing.
[Scott] Hey Sam, can I get another one?
Yeah, for sure man.
I'm really having a good time.
Wait, so Sam and Cher.
How did you guys get together exactly?
(cork pops)
I'mma break it down to you guys.
Hey, cheers to y'all, cheers.
Cheers to us, babe.
All right guys, don't laugh, all right?
We met online.
(all laugh)
I said don't laugh, man.
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
Hey, I swiped right, she swiped right,
and we matched, and it
was amaze, oh my god.
I'mma confess to you tonight.
I want you to have my kids.
(Jane laughs)
I really do.
I haven't felt like
this in a long ass time.
I've dated a lot of women in my life,
so I know what I need now.
And that's you.
So Cher, where are you from?
[Cher] Miracle Valley.
Let me tell you something,
the women in Miracle Valley?
They know the value of a man.
(all laughing)
They really do.
They fucking do, man.
(voices whispering)
[Woman] Help me, Sarah.
(door creaks)
They're gonna kill us.
(door creaks)
(crickets chirping)
(horror music)
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
Sarah, Sarah!
(baby crying)
(Jane knocking)
Blood is life.
(intense music)
Blood is life.
(voices shouting)
(Sarah panting)
(Sarah sighs)
(gentle guitar music)
(birds chirping)
(boat engine rumbling)
Hey, the sun gets
pretty intense out here.
You guys should put some
lotion on, here you go.
Oh, thanks man.
You too.
It's really bad.
You'll get burned before you know it.
You seem nervous.
Yeah man, I'm ready.
I've been waiting a long time for this.
[Jake] So why is this
so important to ya?
What's the deal?
It's everything.
It's respect.
You know, photographer, you're struggling,
and you know what, it's money.
Well, hopefully you'll
get your shot here.
See that, top of that rock up here?
That's it.
It was right around this
time of day that you saw him?
Yeah, it was late afternoon.
It was incredible.
All right.
(David sighs)
(David grunts)
All right, now listen.
Work your way up to the top of the peak.
Find a shady spot, and a
good perch for a lookout.
Throw a rock, or a twig or something.
Hawks move on instinct.
They might just see that stuff as prey,
and you get your shot.
[Jake] Just make sure
they don't see you as prey.
It's all good, thank you.
I'll see you in an hour.
- Couple hours.
- Two hours.
- Two.
- I'll get it.
(grass rustling)
(David grunting)
All right.
Where are you at?
(eerie whistling)
(ominous music)
So much has been hitting
me at once, you know,
with my mom and everything?
I've never even had to
think about death before.
You can get through this.
A lot of it depends on who
you surround yourself with.
You mean like, like David?
Yeah, I mean, he seemed
pretty mad yesterday, and look.
I don't know if the
decision was all on him.
Look, if I'm being honest,
I did blame him for a lot of it,
but with everything happening with my mom,
how was I supposed to take care of a kid?
You have the power to change all that.
I mean, do you have any
idea how powerful you are?
You know, talking to
you has helped a lot.
That warms my heart.
(birds chirping)
(hawk screeches)
(eerie whistling)
(dramatic music)
I've never really told
anybody about this before.
Years ago, I was in Vietnam
and a lot of my friends were killed,
and I came back to the States,
I was broken.
But, an ex-colonel,
Ernst Ramba took me in,
and he rebuilt me.
He showed me a way to heal.
Not just physically, but mentally.
He told me about rare blood types,
which I found fascinating,
and especially the ancient three.
Which, they can survive anything,
they can heal anything.
(eerie music)
Here's a sacred cocktail of life.
He left us too soon, God rest his soul.
But I vowed to fulfill his
quest for these bloods,
and I found two of the ancient three.
Here's to, here's to you,
and your new path.
(glasses clink)
So it's a metaphor, right?
For the blood types.
You'll find out soon enough.
(grass rustling)
(ominous music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(David grunting)
(rocks clattering)
[Sarah] So what do you use that for?
Oh, this little beauty,
it's so damn sharp.
Shave with it.
I can see that.
No you don't.
(both laugh)
Ah, shit!
Oh, that looks really bad.
You know, I think David has a
first aid kit in his backpack.
Let me-
- Ah man, that'd be great.
I'm sorry, Sarah, damn it.
That's what I get for screwing around.
Oh my god.
That fucking piece of shit.
I was sleeping in the other room.
Jake, I was sleeping just a few feet away.
No, no, no, no, no.
He brings me all the way out here,
after everything I've gone through,
and then this?
And promising me all
weekend just he and I,
and he invites Jane, and Scott?
I don't even like Jane, and she's here
fucking being with him, sleeping with him,
in the same house I am?
What if it's not even the first time?
What if it's not even the first time?
[Jake] Look, I'm gonna take
you home, 'cause you're upset.
I'll take care of David later.
(suspenseful music)
(insects chirping)
(eerie music)
(camera clicking)
(gentle guitar music)
(boat engine roaring)
Sarah, I got the photo!
I got it!
(David panting)
(David sighs)
Oh shit.
(heavy metal music)
(upbeat music)
(women giggling)
You must be Scott, and Jane.
Yeah sorry, do we know you?
David invited us to join you.
Right, sorry, where's David?
They're down at the lake.
But they told us that we
could come help set up.
We even brought some stuff.
They're still at the lake?
- Yeah, they're fishing.
- Birdwatching.
Well yeah, if David said so, come on in.
All of you, have some chips,
salsa, peanuts, olives,
some beer if you want.
(women giggling)
(thunder booms)
(rain pattering)
(eerie music)
Come on.
(David panting)
Come on.
Sarah, thank you for
cooperating with our mission.
Your blood is going to change everything.
You're about to experience
the power of your healing abilities.
(Jake chuckles)
Sarah, there isn't anything
that we can't do, together.
This could save my mom.
It could.
It could.
(Jake laughs)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
Guys, it's been over an hour.
Where's Sarah and David?
Father Jake should be here soon,
and he said that he was with them.
Father Jake, who's Father Jake?
The Messiah.
The Messiah?
He's a force.
David and Sarah are in good hands.
(crickets chirping)
(woman giggles)
Excuse us for just a sec.
Cheers to the Messiah.
- To the Messiah.
- Cheers.
There's something
wrong with these girls.
I mean, obviously they're
high as shit or something,
but there's something else,
and I don't think that David and Sarah
would just leave without calling.
What is that?
- I don't know.
- Everything okay?
Yeah, I put some moisturizer
on in the bathroom,
and it's just itching
like crazy ever since.
- So glad you guys made it.
- I think they need to go.
Now there's more?
(Scott coughing)
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
I don't know, I think
it's the wine or something.
I feel really, really nauseous.
Okay, hey everyone.
(Scott coughs)
All right, it's time to go.
Did we do something wrong?
No, it's just been a really
long day for some of us and-
- He's here.
(motorcycle rumbling)
(crickets chirping)
(Scott coughs)
It's you.
Well, good for you.
You fucking recognized me.
(women giggle)
You know, your friends
had a great day today.
David thinks he spotted the hawk,
he took off to who the hell knows where?
(people laughing)
(Scott coughing)
So the hawk kidnapped him?
I don't know, who cares?
I mean, he's gone, right?
Sarah's on her way.
Hey, listen.
You have another fuckin' hot dog,
and the rest of you,
let's go party inside.
I got something to show you.
You're gonna fucking love this.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Join in, come on.
(crickets chirping)
(engine rumbling)
(door slams)
(heavy metal music)
(people laughing)
The fuck?
Watch what you're fucking doing!
What's wrong with you?
(people laughing)
All right, guys.
Thanks for the wine and company,
but y'all need to fuckin'
go out of this house, man.
Oh shit.
Hey, did you drink that wine?
Oh man, hey, hey, hey.
You guys gave him some of that wine?
(people laughing)
Oh fuck, you okay, you feeling all right?
Listen, within the hour,
you're gonna disintegrate.
You won't be able to breathe.
(Scott coughs)
What is wrong with you?
This shit ain't funny, bro.
(people laughing)
Watch out!
Actually, it's kind of funny.
Listen, you gotta watch this.
Hey, roll the tape.
[Truman] We have a special
presentation for you,
a film I made here at
Miracle Valley Ranch.
(eerie music)
Hey guys, it's been a minute.
It's really a shame I have to
sneak around to get the truth.
What is she talking about?
I know everything.
(eerie music)
What is this?
Turn this off.
(people laughing)
Jane, you are not my fucking friend!
You and David fucking deserve each other.
It's completely out of context.
Oh, I don't think so.
Hips and lips?
It's definitely in context.
(Scott retching)
(Jane screams)
[Jane] Scott!
[Sam] Somebody fucking do something!
- Scott!
- Scott.
- Get up!
- Get him some water.
[Jane] Scott!
Don't just fucking
stand there, get away!
Get him some water!
Hey, hey, hey.
Scotty's having a meltdown.
- He's getting worse!
- Buddy.
How many fingers am I holding up?
Stop fucking around.
What did you put in that fucking drink?
- Get your hands off him!
- Help me, help him.
Come on, let's get him up.
Come on, help me out, come on.
- Bro.
- Come on.
- Bro.
- That's it.
Let me try something,
it's okay, all right.
(Jake grunts)
(blood splattering)
(people screaming)
(Jake chuckles)
(people screaming)
(blood splatters)
(eerie music)
(crickets chirping)
(owl hoots)
(blood trickling)
[Truman] I'm proud of you
for confronting your demons.
I mean, the look on Jane's face.
That had to feel good.
I feel so much better.
Did they leave yet?
[Truman] They're about to leave.
For good.
[Woman] This is all for you.
Prepare yourself
physically and mentally.
This is your night.
(fire crackling)
(Cher screaming)
Cher, you showed us your
strength, and your courage.
You are now a member.
We welcome to our family our
sister, and our savior, Sarah.
Restorer of the life-giving blue blood,
healer of all disease.
With you, we create our new blood society.
It was 30 years ago this night
that our founder, Reverend
Ron, was massacred.
They destroyed our church, and our people.
But Miracle Valley never lost hope,
or the need for revenge.
Tonight, everything changes.
To our new miracle.
(crickets chirping)
Blood is life.
Blood is life.
[Members] Blood is life.
(ominous music)
Blood is life.
[Member] Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
And now, the sacrifice.
(Jane sobbing)
(women giggling)
We take from those who
have caused us pain,
and restore justice.
We use their life blood to heal others.
This is your time.
You deserve this, Sarah.
She deserves this.
Face your demons, and
show us your loyalty.
Take the knife.
Kill your past,
embrace your future.
Kill her, Sarah.
Kill her!
- You're sick!
- She fucked your boyfriend!
Kill her, come on!
Take her life!
Fuckin' cut her throat, she's
a slut and a whore, kill her!
I can't!
This will heal you.
This will heal others.
Her blood is more important
to us than her life.
- I can't, I can't.
- Sarah!
Come back!
(camera clicks)
(David grunts)
(Jane screams)
(woman shuddering)
Mira, find out what that was.
Yes, Father.
What the fuck was that?
Border light, perhaps?
You better fucking hope so.
(suspenseful music)
(Mira laughs)
Look what I found!
It's a fucking camera.
You were supposed to kill
that bird man, weren't ya?
I'll handle it.
No, you're not gonna handle it, she is.
Clean that fucking mess up.
Kill him, Mira.
(ominous music)
[Mira] Hey there.
(Mira laughs)
You're the one we've
been waiting for, Sarah.
You're all we need.
(machines beeping)
Just one cup, and my life's
work will be complete.
(door squeaks)
(eerie music)
She won't speak to me.
(crickets chirping)
(door creaks)
(someone coughs)
[Erika] Who the fuck is that?
[David] David.
You're not one of them, you're
not part of Miracle Valley?
They've been taking my blood, testing it.
Sometimes they keep other
people down here too,
but then they disappear, except me.
There's a blood lab up there.
[David] Let me untie you.
What do they want?
[Erika] They're after some
rare golden blood or some shit.
We're all gonna die.
What are you doing down here?
They took my girlfriend,
killed my friends,
and I lost my camera!
[Erika] Fuck your camera.
[Mira] Come out, come out-
- Someone's coming.
- Wherever you are.
- Crow what?
- Crowbar, you idiot.
The crowbar, yes.
Get out of here.
[Mira] Stop hiding, David!
(eerie music)
(pleasant music)
(crickets chirping)
(Mira laughing)
Fear is our enemy,
and I understand that
you have some empathy.
No, I didn't feel fear.
I can't justify killing.
But what you have to understand
is that, we're not doing
things normal here.
And in order to help,
sometimes it doesn't take a linear path.
No, I need to help my mom.
I need to be with my mom.
That's what I care about, not any of this.
You wouldn't know anything
about this, your power,
if it wasn't for me.
That's pretty ungrateful.
No, no, no, no.
I didn't say that I was ungrateful.
Look, you'd be in the
dark about everything,
and you know it.
I want you to be part of this.
You don't believe in me?
I didn't know how to tell you this,
but we found David's phone at the sermon,
and we checked.
There's a message from the hospital.
Your mom's not doing very well.
Read it.
(suspenseful music)
Look, we can help her,
but we need your blood.
Sarah, we can save her.
Help us.
(crickets chirping)
(eerie music)
Now what?
Let's just go home.
I'll handle it from here.
(ominous music)
(man groans)
Oh, what the fuck?
(intense music)
And a lot of good is
gonna come from this,
and we're going to help your mom.
Excuse me.
Fuckin' bird man.
Come on, let's go.
Get the fuck up, let's go.
Sarah, we'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
(soothing music)
(suspenseful music)
[Woman] But you will.
We've heard the sound of broken
souls have come to meet us.
What is the point of everything?
(eerie music)
(women laughing)
(haunting music)
What the fuck?
(intense music)
(both grunt)
(David grunts)
(David grunting)
That's the spirit, come on!
(both grunting)
(David panting)
(David groaning)
(man laughs)
(gun fires)
(body thuds)
(machines beeping)
Feel better, you all right?
Yeah, can I just get some fresh air?
I'm just, I'm a little nauseous.
Yeah, go ahead.
(machines beeping)
Jesus, fuck.
(intense music)
(man clapping)
[David] Where is she?
David, David, David.
Son of a bitch!
(man laughs)
(somber music)
[Jake] Get her in here.
Sit down.
I'll take a couple of
these vials to my church.
You mean our church.
Look, you guys fuck
everything, all right?
Just give me the fucking injection.
We've never tried this
combination of blood types before.
Give me the fucking injection, Truman.
This could backfire, and even kill you.
Okay, okay, try me, let's go.
- It's your life.
- Do it.
(tense music)
I don't feel a fuckin' thing.
(Jake yells)
(eerie music)
(Jake groans)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
[Truman] You sure?
I'm sure!
(ominous music)
(glass tinkles)
- Sit down.
- No, no.
(Sarah grunting)
(intense music)
(Jake groaning)
(eerie music)
(Mira giggles)
Come on, David.
Please come out, my little birdwatcher.
(Mira laughs)
How the fuck did you get out?
It's a miracle.
Well, I think it's time to
go back to the barn, bitch!
(Erika screams)
(both grunting)
What the?
(Mira choking)
(Mira gasping)
(Erika screams)
(crickets chirping)
(Erika laughing)
(intense music)
(man laughs)
Oh, we're gonna take you to your camera.
Oh, be careful what you wish for, David.
Oh fuck, man.
Look at your arm.
Fuck, it don't look so good.
Hey, that's the stage two.
Just wait 'til stage five.
(man laughs)
Have you heard of this shit?
It's called Cannibal Cream.
Doc developed it to
strip away the collagen,
hence loosening the skin,
making it easier to eat.
(ominous music)
[Man] You tormentor.
You tormentor, Satan.
I know you, you devil you.
(ominous music)
(Jake groaning)
(heartbeat thudding)
(bones creaking)
(Jake screams)
(Jake panting)
(somber music)
(eerie whistling)
(suspenseful music)
It wasn't supposed to go this way.
It wasn't supposed to
go this way, Jake, Jake.
Well, that didn't work.
(Erika grunts)
(Truman groans)
Now it's time for you
to be an experiment.
It was a misunderstanding!
(tense music)
Was it the accommodations?
I'm sure we could find you a better room.
(Erika growls)
(Truman groaning)
(Erika growls)
You get what you fucking deserve.
I'm gonna give you one more
fucking thing to whack off to.
(Truman screams)
(Truman groaning)
(Jake panting)
(suspenseful music)
No, no!
No, no, no.
(Jake screaming)
(doors creak)
(eerie music)
Hey, hey, you all right?
I'll get you out of here, okay?
[Jake] David!
I have your goddamn camera!
Father Jake, I'm gonna kill him.
I'll be back, okay?
(coyotes howling)
(David grunts)
(both grunting)
(ominous music)
Come on, David.
Fucking fight me!
Think about this,
I fucking got closer to
Sarah than you ever did!
I got her blood in me!
Goddamn, take a shot!
(both grunting)
That's all you fuckin' got, huh?
(David groaning)
You looking for something?
You want that fucking camera?
(David groaning)
This won't hurt.
No, no.
(both yelling)
(Jake laughs)
(eerie music)
Nice fucking pictures.
Shit, you got the ceremony.
Those are incriminating, David.
I don't like it.
What the fuck?
You got the hawk!
Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete.
Hey, I'm gonna fucking take this last one
and sell it for a couple
of million dollars.
Think about that!
Now you're gonna see what it's like
to be on the other end of
the fucking camera, smile!
(intense music)
(camera thudding)
(Jake panting)
(crickets chirping)
Oh my god.
Hey, listen to me.
Hey, hey, wake up.
Hey, it's gonna be okay,
but you have to help me
get your ass outta here.
Here girl, I got you.
[Sarah] Ooh, ow.
Come on, come on, we gotta go.
Okay, all right, I'll go this way.
You got this, you've got this, okay, okay.
(Sarah sobbing)
(somber music)
You found your camera.
I'm gonna go take care of your girl.
(Jake groans)
You had one fucking job to do!
- No, no.
- You let her go!
Listen, listen, listen.
I, I tried to just help the situation.
It's okay, it's all
right, it's all right.
It's fine, it's all right, it's okay.
All right, calm down, okay?
Son, it's all right.
I forgive you.
(Jake grunts)
(intense music)
(Sarah grunts)
(Jake grunting)
Why, Sarah?
Sarah, Sarah.
(Erika screams)
(Jake groaning)
Get him, Sarah, get him!
(Sarah screaming)
Angels dancing, God's gone fishing
The one true love is
hiding in the basement
Of eternities lost love
Gone by
Kill him, Sarah!
(all screaming)
Get him!
Don't stop!
(Jake groaning)
(blood splattering)
(Sarah gasping)
(Erika gasping)
(Sarah panting)
Let's crucify the bastard.
(eerie music)
(both grunting)
(ominous music)
(Erika laughing)
Did you see the way he screamed
when we tied him to that fucking tree?
Like a lil' bitch?
(Erika laughing)
David, we need to go back for David.
I'm sorry, girl.
He, he didn't make it.
How do you know he didn't make it?
He could be back there.
We don't know, we have to go back and try.
He left this.
Maybe there's some good memories on it.
(somber music)
(Sarah sobbing)
It's gonna be okay, I promise.
My love
(dramatic music)
Tonight, we bring you the
story of medical miracles
at the Silver Pines Retreat.
[Reporter] An inspiring
story we have here
from victims to heroes, and now saviors,
a pair of former kidnapping
victims have recently opened
the Silver Pines Retreat,
a medical center dedicated
to healing long term disease.
They allegedly got the
funds to open the center
from selling a photo
of an ultra rare hawk.
As soon as the two founders discovered
that the combination of their hemoglobin
cured even late stage terminal cancer,
they quickly set about
creating a free clinic
to help those in need.
(ominous music)
(voices whispering)
(woman singing in foreign language)
So what do you think of these ones?
I think that's a cool design right here.
This one's better.
- Hi.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi.
He said this is from Reverend Ron.
[Erika] Okay, thank you.
Tell Mrs. Philips we'll be right with her.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
(crickets chirping)
(intense music)
(eerie whistling)
(voices whispering)
[Man] The devil's under
that door you're headed for,
and he won't see the rope
that you're hanging from.
(eerie music)
(wind whistling)
How many broken souls
told you to hunt me down
While I was praying over you
I gave you all my love
Wrapped in a couple crowns
The one thing in life
that's always true
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the floods
I carried you here on my shoulder
You're in my blood
I couldn't stop him from
taking what's left of me
Always the cowl over your head
You never found the
stairway to turn the key
So I made you captain of the dead
Well maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the floods
I carried you here on my shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
(haunting music)
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the flood
Who carried you here like a soldier
Yeah maybe you think this is over
Who saved you from the flood
Who carried you here on his shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the flood
Who carried you here like a soldier
Yeah maybe you think this is over
Who saved you from the flood
Who carried you here on his shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
I saved you from the flood
I carried you from the flood
You're on my shoulder
Saved you from
Heal my soul
My shoulder
You're on my shoulder
I carried you on my shoulder
The blood
[Man] When I was praying over you
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(door rattles)
(woman knocking)
Anyone home?
I could've sworn I had those dates right.
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
- Erika!
- Hey.
I'm the fool who came all the way down
to a creepy ass town for
a job interview, at night.
Should have known better.
[Woman] I can barely hear you.
[Erika] Girl, this signal's shit.
[Woman] Whatever-
- I'm probably gonna be late to the party,
but I'm gonna figure something out
because I need a drink.
(Erika laughs)
Okay, okay, now I'm just rambling.
I'll see you in a bit.
(phone crackles)
Love you.
(suspenseful music)
No, thanks.
(keys jingling)
(car door slams)
(engine sputtering)
Oh, come on baby.
Come on, come on.
(engine sputtering)
(horror music)
(eerie whistling)
(horror music)
(suspenseful music)
(Erika knocking)
(ominous music)
Oh thank god, sir!
(electricity buzzing)
No no, wait, wait!
(ominous music)
(Erika gasping)
Oh come on man, please, no!
(Erika screaming)
(man grunting)
(Erika screaming)
(intense music)
(upbeat funk music)
The machine of war is
swooping down the skies
Sunshine keeps it company
As the world goes down in flames
Angels dancing, God's gone fishing
One true world is hiding
In the basement of
eternities where I'll starve
Goodbye my love
You can crawl on home
Goodbye, goodbye
My love
There's no service.
Can't believe I agreed to this.
What if the hospital tries
to reach me, and they can't?
They're not gonna try to reach you.
Oh, there it is, right
there, the copper pit.
The most haunted place in the Southwest.
That's where we're
gonna spend our weekend.
Are you excited?
Did you even hear what I said?
All these miners come here,
they try to get rich off
6,000 tons of copper?
Wasn't there, so they
ended up eating each other.
Never would, for Christ's sake.
But your mom would be happy
that you're taking time for yourself.
I'm trying to get a photo of this hawk.
If that happens, our life changes.
You care more about that
bird than you care about me.
Well, maybe you should
be a little grateful.
Remember what we talked about in therapy?
I think you kind of wanna be the victim.
Right, coming out
here, this is all for me.
Just like the last decision
that you made for us.
That is, that is really
fucked up to say that.
I can't believe you would go there.
Goodbye my love
You could cry, my love
Goodbye, goodbye
My love
(motorcycles rumbling)
(engines revving)
(suspenseful music)
(engines revving)
(tires squeal)
(motorcycles rumbling)
(hand thuds)
[Woman] What the hell?
(horns blaring)
(motorcycles rumbling)
(gas pump clanging)
You gotta be kidding me.
Sarah, let's go!
(motorcycle rumbling)
(engine rumbling)
I promise you're gonna love the surprise.
[Sarah] If we don't run out of gas.
(ominous music)
All right, should be
coming up anytime here.
We're gonna see a sign for the lake,
and that's gonna be our turn in,
so keep your eyes out.
Why does this place have no address?
It's a private residence.
Not everybody gets to go there.
They go off coordinates.
They don't want just anybody showing up.
What place goes off coordinates?
That's so sketchy.
[Sarah] I think I see it.
It's on the right.
Miracle Lake, we made it.
(intense music)
You've got to admit, it's pretty nice.
(suspenseful music)
Finally, we're here.
Beautiful, right?
(intense music)
Hey, you made it!
What's up, man?
You said it was just
gonna be you and me.
You knew I wanted to be alone right now.
Hey, something different.
It's gonna be fun.
[Scott] You're still
living out of this thing?
Hell yeah.
What's up, buddy?
Not too much.
How'd you get down here?
Oh, we hitched.
Dude, this place is far out.
Is that a new camera?
A new, new camera?
It's a new, new camera.
[Scott] You think it's gonna make
your photography any better?
- See you got the guitar.
- Well, well, well.
If it isn't the elusive Sarah.
When did you go blonde?
[Sarah] A few months.
And when's the last time we saw you?
Just been taking care of my mom.
I'm sorry, Sarah.
I didn't mean anything by that.
Is she, is it okay to ask about it?
It's not great.
If you want, I can
burn some sage for her,
to take away any negative energy.
All right, you've all been
here at least two minutes,
so that means it's way past
time for some welcome shots.
Woo, shots in Mexico!
We're in Arizona.
And, does it taste any different?
All right, I propose this
toast to our friend, Davy.
That he finally finds that
Bigfoot photo he's looking for.
Silver hawk, dipshit.
(glasses clink)
(Scott coughs)
More where that came from.
Let's check out the house.
(upbeat music)
Okay, so just so I have it straight,
one of the eight people who
actually bought your book
says to themself, get this guy
to a luxury ranch, no questions asked.
[David] Dude, they invited me.
[Scott] Right, but who is they?
The owners of this ranch, all right?
They know I'm an amazing photographer.
Silver hawk was spotted down here,
and they want me to be
the first photographer
to ever get a photo of it.
Don't be jealous.
I believe in you.
Unlike you, buddy, I actually
did a little bit of snooping
before we came to a place
that no one on earth has ever heard of.
Forget the silver hawk.
Better news, this place is creepy as shit.
Oh that's a great photo of you, man.
All right, all right, so check it out.
This cult settled in
this valley a while back.
They wanted to make some kind
of mystical, weird ass utopia.
You know, some kind of cult shit.
But, didn't take very long
for the locals to realize
that instead of Bible study,
they were abducting kids,
and holding them against their will.
So these kids start showing up at school
looking like fucking
vampires got 'em, right?
The locals and the sheriffs get involved,
and shit goes haywire.
The cult leaders, and the cult
members start fighting back
with hammers and pitchforks and shit.
The sheriff gets killed,
a bunch of the cult members get killed,
and then, they disappear,
like abandon the valley, off the map.
Maybe stick to music.
- It's true!
- So romantic.
Okay, so let's say the story's true.
Where'd the cult members go?
- I don't know.
- Who cares?
All I know is this place
has some top shelf tequila.
I don't know about you,
but I wanna try again.
Hell yeah.
This is gonna be a hell of a weekend.
(gentle guitar music)
Hello, mortals.
Welcome to Miracle Valley,
where strange and
exhilarating things happen.
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Dr. Truman,
and I'm a longtime
resident of Miracle Valley.
Weird, I swear the shit people do
to get that five star review.
You very well may be the
brightest star in our galaxy.
This is our symbol.
May your stay here bring
you internal peace.
(motorcycle rumbling)
(eerie music)
[Scott] Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm looking for the
guy driving this Bronco.
I don't think he's around right now.
- Well, fucking get him!
- All right, all right.
(Scott knocks)
Dave, there's some
motorcycle dude out front,
says he has a question about your car.
Just tell him I'm not here.
[Scott] I don't think he's gonna leave
until he talks to you, man.
Well, I don't know,
just have him leave his
number or something.
Look, I don't know
what this guy's issue is,
but he's really intense.
So just see what he wants,
and get him outta here.
Well, just give me a minute then.
All right.
(suspenseful music)
Hey, atado.
Hey man, I'm David.
You know what atado means?
It's a type of bullfighter,
where he teases the bull so badly,
the bull wants to kill
him, and usually does.
I didn't know that.
That's interesting.
My friend was just saying
you kinda came up here
and were asking about the
car, or you had a problem, or?
Yeah, I was wondering what
fuckin' idiot was driving it.
I'm sorry man, I didn't-
- You fuckin' brake checked me back there.
I got two broken legs from guys like you.
This one's got pins in it
holding it all together.
Luckily, I heal like a motherfucker.
I wasted an hour of my
time, hunting you down.
What do you got there?
What are you gonna trim
my nails with that thing?
Put it back.
- Look man, what do you want?
- Put it fuckin' back!
Is that your woman up there?
Oh, I think it is.
Well, she looks worried about you.
Are you this reckless and
inconsiderate with her too?
Look man, would you just let it go?
(tense music)
Don't, please, come on.
Don't do this, don't do this.
Cool bike.
I'm Sarah.
Well Sarah, you've
quite an aura about you.
A lot of positive and
healing energy, it's nice.
I should probably go.
You know I was thinking,
anybody who rides in a rig like this
has got style, not a trend follower.
Definitely not.
I belong to a group
that's all about creating our own trends.
A group that helps people
live the lives they were meant to live.
I mean, if you're not
living your best life,
what's the point, right?
(eerie music)
You know what, we got a gathering tomorrow
called The Awakening.
I'd like to invite both of you.
I've got a pamphlet here.
Hey, you know what?
Your friends are invited too.
Father Jake, he'd love to meet you.
That's cool, man.
I appreciate the invite.
Hey guys, dinner's up.
Good, I'm fuckin' starving.
I'm kidding, I gotta go.
We'll see you there.
It'll change your life.
How's it going?
With what?
With you and Sarah?
(David chuckles)
How do you mean?
I mean, it seems like
it's going awesome.
Shut up, come on.
Well, what gave it away?
A little bit of a hint
when she looked really, really
unhappy when she got here.
Or the fact that she looks
really fucking miserable right now.
- Yeah, she's miserable.
- What's going on?
And I'm miserable.
I mean, I feel like I've
been forced into being
the perfect, supportive
boyfriend, and I'm not.
Do you wanna be?
I mean, I've tried,
but she's impossible.
She never sleeps, she's gotten into
this really weird meditation cult stuff.
She's drawing morbid things,
we have nothing to talk about,
we have nothing in common.
Shit, I didn't know she was like that.
She seems just your type.
She's maybe still in college,
and doesn't seem to like you very much.
(both chuckle)
So, are you getting out of this thing, or?
This is my plan.
I'm gonna stay in until
her mom gets better,
and then I'm gonna bail,
'cause I got a lot of
women to hang out with.
All right.
What are you boys talking about?
Nothing interesting at
all, just David's sex life.
Kinda interesting.
It's a little bit interesting.
Sounds interesting.
Where'd Sarah go?
Oh, I just remembered, here.
I was saving this for a special occasion.
Oh shit, you brought it.
All right, man, all right.
Light this up, man.
[Jane] Come sit with us.
I'm just gonna go to bed.
- Sweet dreams, babe.
- Stop, that's not nice.
- Whatever.
- Sorry, come on.
- All right.
- Get her baked.
Come on, let's do it
All right.
(eerie music)
Goodnight, sir.
I've had enough.
I'll see you in the morrow.
All right, I'll see you in a little bit.
(Jane laughs)
I know they give you a hard
time about your pictures,
but I personally love 'em.
You really mean that?
It's like, you really know
how to capture your subjects,
and their soul.
I think you'll capture that silver hawk,
and become really famous one day.
I think so, too.
(fire crackling)
And maybe, one day
you'll take pictures of me.
Well, how about right now?
I mean, you can set it up.
It's probably not the best idea, right?
But it's also not the worst.
(suspenseful music)
If you say so.
All right.
We got 10 seconds.
That's all I need.
(eerie music)
(camera clicking)
- Hey, good morning.
- Morning.
How'd you sleep?
That's good.
Can I have the car keys?
For what?
- I wanna go out.
- Go out where?
We're in the middle of nowhere.
To The Awakening.
Come on.
We're gonna go horseback riding today.
Scott and Jane are coming.
Sam's gonna be there with his girlfriend.
Sam is here?
Well yeah, they were just
passing through the area.
I mean, what am I supposed to?
You know what, it's fine.
I knew you would say this,
so I'll just walk away.
I don't need you to drive me.
Don't even worry about it.
All right.
Sarah, come on.
Hey, where are you two sneaking off to?
Listen, I just talked to the donkey guy.
He says we can get on the
donkeys in like, 45 minutes.
Man, we're gonna go check
out this Awakening thing.
Oh, okay, wow.
Well yeah, knock yourselves out, I guess.
Will you be back for the barbecue?
- Yeah, I'll be back.
- So what's the plan?
What are we doing?
These two are going to church,
and we're going on the trail.
Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey!
- What's up?
My lambchop, Cher.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Bring it in here.
Good to see you.
Where are you guys off to?
We just got here.
What about the basketball tournament,
are you trying to flake?
No, I'll embarrass you later.
Hey, get some green chilies
on your way back, okay?
We need those for dinner.
I'll be waiting on you.
Let's get the party started!
And don't drink the Kool-Aid!
(upbeat music)
(eerie music)
[David] I feel awakened already.
La la la la la la
Not sure if we're in the right place,
but we're supposed to
come to some seminar?
This is a familial gathering.
We are family.
Is this Father Jake's Awakening?
(both giggle)
Please, no cameras or cellphones.
It deteriorates your mind and body.
Don't be so attached.
Enjoy the changes to your
life this seminar will offer.
Everyday miracles.
I mean, we're in Miracle Valley, right?
[Member] Yes, Father.
[David] Oh, not this guy.
As we touched on earlier,
once you know how the mind works,
you can use that.
You can live the lives you deserve.
You deserve it, don't you?
Of course you do.
All of you are here,
because there's something
missing in your lives, right?
I mean, you're lost, you're afraid.
You're seeking something you can't find.
I look at faith as a game of galactic tag
where someone reaches out and touches me,
and I've got it,
and then I reach out
and touch someone else,
and they have it.
And then, they reach out and touch others,
and on and on.
You need to have faith that you
can be touched, and changed.
You can't play tag alone, you can't.
Tag, you're it.
I wanna know, if you could
be anywhere, with anyone,
what would that look like?
I don't know.
Oh for God sakes, people.
These are the questions
you need to ask yourself!
What do you want?
Where do you wanna go,
and who do you wanna be with?
You need to live that life.
Yes, you.
I like your initiative.
Where do you wanna go?
What do you wanna do?
If I could be anywhere with anyone,
it would be the Maldives Islands
with my ex-boyfriend, and we
would write songs together,
and we would perform them together,
and then watch a sunset
at the end of a nice day.
Well, that's beautiful.
Ask yourself what it is that you want,
and then go for it.
And Sarah.
What would your perfect
scenario look like?
Don't be afraid.
(gentle music)
It's okay.
I had an abortion.
(people gasping)
I'm sorry.
But look, there's no
judgment here, it's okay.
Go on if you can, Sarah.
It's not something
I've spoken about before,
but I need to get it off my chest.
I've always seen myself as
someone who's responsible.
And you know, I want kids.
I want a family.
I thought, maybe I'm ready.
But then, the decision was made for me.
And I'm not proud of it,
so my wish would be to go
back to my old apartment
and just, do everything over again
before she was gone.
But I can't do that.
That might be the most honest, courageous,
transcending contribution we've had, ever.
Thank you Sarah, for that.
And what about you, pal?
Yeah, I think being in here,
listening to that,
maybe I, maybe we made a mistake,
and maybe I'm ready for a family.
I don't know.
Losing a child at any stage is a tragedy.
I'm sorry for both of you.
Is he up here?
Is he here, or here?
I still pray every night.
Who do you pray to?
Anyone who will listen, I guess.
Well, who do you think's gonna listen?
That's just a book, pal.
Anybody could've written that.
I want to share an incident with you.
A few years back, I was
a border patrol agent
involved in a high speed chase.
I was going after some drug smugglers,
and I rolled my truck in a tight corner
and I was hurt pretty badly, I was dying.
Did God save me?
A blood transfusion saved me.
God would've just let me
bleed to death right there.
But to be fair, it wasn't God's job
to drive my truck for me, was it?
If you ever had the chance to live,
take it.
Now, it wouldn't be a proper ceremony
without asking for a donation.
But I don't want your money.
We want your blood.
Mira and Kelly are here to
take your blood donations.
This helps not only your
family, but friends of yours,
people that have been in car accidents.
Please help if you can.
We'd appreciate it, and we appreciate you.
God bless you.
Please come up.
(eerie music)
- Thank you.
- Your sermon was so good.
[Member] Your story was so brave.
Thank you for telling it today.
Fuck was that?
Did you even think to ask me,
or did you just come here to embarrass me?
I've tried to talk to you so many times,
and all you care about is yourself
and the stupid bird.
Maybe I'm ready for a family too?
Give me a break.
Who was the one who didn't
think she needed a plan B?
Are you?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight.
Look, you both clearly have
feelings for one another.
You've been through a lot.
Yeah, we're gonna get going.
Wait, maybe I can help
you sort things out.
Maybe make it right again.
Oh so you're a priest, and
a relationship counselor?
Hey well, some of us
have more than one talent.
I know this great little
hole in the wall bar
called the Wagon Wheel.
We can talk things over.
(upbeat rock music)
[Sarah] David, I've tried.
You're either too tired, or too distracted
to ever talk about things.
I'm sorry if I'm tired
of spending every weekend at the hospital,
if I needed a moment for myself.
Oh, so my mom being sick is my fault?
God, I didn't even say that.
This is what she does, every time.
All right, calm down, all right?
If you really love her,
you need to make her your priority.
Are you doing that?
(people chattering)
Well think about it, okay?
Anyway look, let's change the subject.
What are you guys doing down here?
I'm a photographer, so.
Yeah, that's what he
cares about the most, so.
Okay, okay, that's good.
It's good to be passionate.
What kind of photography?
I shoot really good nudes.
Well, you're gonna need
a soft focus down here.
A lot of retired folks.
(Jake chuckles)
No, I shoot birds.
No kidding.
I was into that for a while.
I mean, down here it's
world class for birding.
So I'm obsessed with the silver hawk,
and apparently she doesn't believe this,
but it was spotted down in this area.
Yeah, by me.
- Yeah right.
- No.
You saw it?
Clear as day.
Yeah, down at the lake,
right near the Sphinx.
I mean, there it was.
And I wish I had had a camera.
That would've been awesome.
Are you serious?
It really exists?
I could've grabbed it.
It's real.
Where is it, do you
have a map of this place?
You don't need a map.
Look, better than that,
I'll take you out on my boat.
I'll show you exactly where I saw it.
Oh, I wouldn't expect that.
I mean, just a map-
- Didn't you learn anything
from The Awakening?
This is your moment.
You need to seize it, right?
- Let's go, yeah.
- Okay, all right.
We're in, let's do it.
(crickets chirping)
This is beautiful.
This is so beautiful
here, this is amazing.
[Scott] Hey Sam, can I get another one?
Yeah, for sure man.
I'm really having a good time.
Wait, so Sam and Cher.
How did you guys get together exactly?
(cork pops)
I'mma break it down to you guys.
Hey, cheers to y'all, cheers.
Cheers to us, babe.
All right guys, don't laugh, all right?
We met online.
(all laugh)
I said don't laugh, man.
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.
Hey, I swiped right, she swiped right,
and we matched, and it
was amaze, oh my god.
I'mma confess to you tonight.
I want you to have my kids.
(Jane laughs)
I really do.
I haven't felt like
this in a long ass time.
I've dated a lot of women in my life,
so I know what I need now.
And that's you.
So Cher, where are you from?
[Cher] Miracle Valley.
Let me tell you something,
the women in Miracle Valley?
They know the value of a man.
(all laughing)
They really do.
They fucking do, man.
(voices whispering)
[Woman] Help me, Sarah.
(door creaks)
They're gonna kill us.
(door creaks)
(crickets chirping)
(horror music)
(eerie music)
(ominous music)
Sarah, Sarah!
(baby crying)
(Jane knocking)
Blood is life.
(intense music)
Blood is life.
(voices shouting)
(Sarah panting)
(Sarah sighs)
(gentle guitar music)
(birds chirping)
(boat engine rumbling)
Hey, the sun gets
pretty intense out here.
You guys should put some
lotion on, here you go.
Oh, thanks man.
You too.
It's really bad.
You'll get burned before you know it.
You seem nervous.
Yeah man, I'm ready.
I've been waiting a long time for this.
[Jake] So why is this
so important to ya?
What's the deal?
It's everything.
It's respect.
You know, photographer, you're struggling,
and you know what, it's money.
Well, hopefully you'll
get your shot here.
See that, top of that rock up here?
That's it.
It was right around this
time of day that you saw him?
Yeah, it was late afternoon.
It was incredible.
All right.
(David sighs)
(David grunts)
All right, now listen.
Work your way up to the top of the peak.
Find a shady spot, and a
good perch for a lookout.
Throw a rock, or a twig or something.
Hawks move on instinct.
They might just see that stuff as prey,
and you get your shot.
[Jake] Just make sure
they don't see you as prey.
It's all good, thank you.
I'll see you in an hour.
- Couple hours.
- Two hours.
- Two.
- I'll get it.
(grass rustling)
(David grunting)
All right.
Where are you at?
(eerie whistling)
(ominous music)
So much has been hitting
me at once, you know,
with my mom and everything?
I've never even had to
think about death before.
You can get through this.
A lot of it depends on who
you surround yourself with.
You mean like, like David?
Yeah, I mean, he seemed
pretty mad yesterday, and look.
I don't know if the
decision was all on him.
Look, if I'm being honest,
I did blame him for a lot of it,
but with everything happening with my mom,
how was I supposed to take care of a kid?
You have the power to change all that.
I mean, do you have any
idea how powerful you are?
You know, talking to
you has helped a lot.
That warms my heart.
(birds chirping)
(hawk screeches)
(eerie whistling)
(dramatic music)
I've never really told
anybody about this before.
Years ago, I was in Vietnam
and a lot of my friends were killed,
and I came back to the States,
I was broken.
But, an ex-colonel,
Ernst Ramba took me in,
and he rebuilt me.
He showed me a way to heal.
Not just physically, but mentally.
He told me about rare blood types,
which I found fascinating,
and especially the ancient three.
Which, they can survive anything,
they can heal anything.
(eerie music)
Here's a sacred cocktail of life.
He left us too soon, God rest his soul.
But I vowed to fulfill his
quest for these bloods,
and I found two of the ancient three.
Here's to, here's to you,
and your new path.
(glasses clink)
So it's a metaphor, right?
For the blood types.
You'll find out soon enough.
(grass rustling)
(ominous music)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(David grunting)
(rocks clattering)
[Sarah] So what do you use that for?
Oh, this little beauty,
it's so damn sharp.
Shave with it.
I can see that.
No you don't.
(both laugh)
Ah, shit!
Oh, that looks really bad.
You know, I think David has a
first aid kit in his backpack.
Let me-
- Ah man, that'd be great.
I'm sorry, Sarah, damn it.
That's what I get for screwing around.
Oh my god.
That fucking piece of shit.
I was sleeping in the other room.
Jake, I was sleeping just a few feet away.
No, no, no, no, no.
He brings me all the way out here,
after everything I've gone through,
and then this?
And promising me all
weekend just he and I,
and he invites Jane, and Scott?
I don't even like Jane, and she's here
fucking being with him, sleeping with him,
in the same house I am?
What if it's not even the first time?
What if it's not even the first time?
[Jake] Look, I'm gonna take
you home, 'cause you're upset.
I'll take care of David later.
(suspenseful music)
(insects chirping)
(eerie music)
(camera clicking)
(gentle guitar music)
(boat engine roaring)
Sarah, I got the photo!
I got it!
(David panting)
(David sighs)
Oh shit.
(heavy metal music)
(upbeat music)
(women giggling)
You must be Scott, and Jane.
Yeah sorry, do we know you?
David invited us to join you.
Right, sorry, where's David?
They're down at the lake.
But they told us that we
could come help set up.
We even brought some stuff.
They're still at the lake?
- Yeah, they're fishing.
- Birdwatching.
Well yeah, if David said so, come on in.
All of you, have some chips,
salsa, peanuts, olives,
some beer if you want.
(women giggling)
(thunder booms)
(rain pattering)
(eerie music)
Come on.
(David panting)
Come on.
Sarah, thank you for
cooperating with our mission.
Your blood is going to change everything.
You're about to experience
the power of your healing abilities.
(Jake chuckles)
Sarah, there isn't anything
that we can't do, together.
This could save my mom.
It could.
It could.
(Jake laughs)
(upbeat music)
(people chattering)
Guys, it's been over an hour.
Where's Sarah and David?
Father Jake should be here soon,
and he said that he was with them.
Father Jake, who's Father Jake?
The Messiah.
The Messiah?
He's a force.
David and Sarah are in good hands.
(crickets chirping)
(woman giggles)
Excuse us for just a sec.
Cheers to the Messiah.
- To the Messiah.
- Cheers.
There's something
wrong with these girls.
I mean, obviously they're
high as shit or something,
but there's something else,
and I don't think that David and Sarah
would just leave without calling.
What is that?
- I don't know.
- Everything okay?
Yeah, I put some moisturizer
on in the bathroom,
and it's just itching
like crazy ever since.
- So glad you guys made it.
- I think they need to go.
Now there's more?
(Scott coughing)
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
I don't know, I think
it's the wine or something.
I feel really, really nauseous.
Okay, hey everyone.
(Scott coughs)
All right, it's time to go.
Did we do something wrong?
No, it's just been a really
long day for some of us and-
- He's here.
(motorcycle rumbling)
(crickets chirping)
(Scott coughs)
It's you.
Well, good for you.
You fucking recognized me.
(women giggle)
You know, your friends
had a great day today.
David thinks he spotted the hawk,
he took off to who the hell knows where?
(people laughing)
(Scott coughing)
So the hawk kidnapped him?
I don't know, who cares?
I mean, he's gone, right?
Sarah's on her way.
Hey, listen.
You have another fuckin' hot dog,
and the rest of you,
let's go party inside.
I got something to show you.
You're gonna fucking love this.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Join in, come on.
(crickets chirping)
(engine rumbling)
(door slams)
(heavy metal music)
(people laughing)
The fuck?
Watch what you're fucking doing!
What's wrong with you?
(people laughing)
All right, guys.
Thanks for the wine and company,
but y'all need to fuckin'
go out of this house, man.
Oh shit.
Hey, did you drink that wine?
Oh man, hey, hey, hey.
You guys gave him some of that wine?
(people laughing)
Oh fuck, you okay, you feeling all right?
Listen, within the hour,
you're gonna disintegrate.
You won't be able to breathe.
(Scott coughs)
What is wrong with you?
This shit ain't funny, bro.
(people laughing)
Watch out!
Actually, it's kind of funny.
Listen, you gotta watch this.
Hey, roll the tape.
[Truman] We have a special
presentation for you,
a film I made here at
Miracle Valley Ranch.
(eerie music)
Hey guys, it's been a minute.
It's really a shame I have to
sneak around to get the truth.
What is she talking about?
I know everything.
(eerie music)
What is this?
Turn this off.
(people laughing)
Jane, you are not my fucking friend!
You and David fucking deserve each other.
It's completely out of context.
Oh, I don't think so.
Hips and lips?
It's definitely in context.
(Scott retching)
(Jane screams)
[Jane] Scott!
[Sam] Somebody fucking do something!
- Scott!
- Scott.
- Get up!
- Get him some water.
[Jane] Scott!
Don't just fucking
stand there, get away!
Get him some water!
Hey, hey, hey.
Scotty's having a meltdown.
- He's getting worse!
- Buddy.
How many fingers am I holding up?
Stop fucking around.
What did you put in that fucking drink?
- Get your hands off him!
- Help me, help him.
Come on, let's get him up.
Come on, help me out, come on.
- Bro.
- Come on.
- Bro.
- That's it.
Let me try something,
it's okay, all right.
(Jake grunts)
(blood splattering)
(people screaming)
(Jake chuckles)
(people screaming)
(blood splatters)
(eerie music)
(crickets chirping)
(owl hoots)
(blood trickling)
[Truman] I'm proud of you
for confronting your demons.
I mean, the look on Jane's face.
That had to feel good.
I feel so much better.
Did they leave yet?
[Truman] They're about to leave.
For good.
[Woman] This is all for you.
Prepare yourself
physically and mentally.
This is your night.
(fire crackling)
(Cher screaming)
Cher, you showed us your
strength, and your courage.
You are now a member.
We welcome to our family our
sister, and our savior, Sarah.
Restorer of the life-giving blue blood,
healer of all disease.
With you, we create our new blood society.
It was 30 years ago this night
that our founder, Reverend
Ron, was massacred.
They destroyed our church, and our people.
But Miracle Valley never lost hope,
or the need for revenge.
Tonight, everything changes.
To our new miracle.
(crickets chirping)
Blood is life.
Blood is life.
[Members] Blood is life.
(ominous music)
Blood is life.
[Member] Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
- Blood is life.
And now, the sacrifice.
(Jane sobbing)
(women giggling)
We take from those who
have caused us pain,
and restore justice.
We use their life blood to heal others.
This is your time.
You deserve this, Sarah.
She deserves this.
Face your demons, and
show us your loyalty.
Take the knife.
Kill your past,
embrace your future.
Kill her, Sarah.
Kill her!
- You're sick!
- She fucked your boyfriend!
Kill her, come on!
Take her life!
Fuckin' cut her throat, she's
a slut and a whore, kill her!
I can't!
This will heal you.
This will heal others.
Her blood is more important
to us than her life.
- I can't, I can't.
- Sarah!
Come back!
(camera clicks)
(David grunts)
(Jane screams)
(woman shuddering)
Mira, find out what that was.
Yes, Father.
What the fuck was that?
Border light, perhaps?
You better fucking hope so.
(suspenseful music)
(Mira laughs)
Look what I found!
It's a fucking camera.
You were supposed to kill
that bird man, weren't ya?
I'll handle it.
No, you're not gonna handle it, she is.
Clean that fucking mess up.
Kill him, Mira.
(ominous music)
[Mira] Hey there.
(Mira laughs)
You're the one we've
been waiting for, Sarah.
You're all we need.
(machines beeping)
Just one cup, and my life's
work will be complete.
(door squeaks)
(eerie music)
She won't speak to me.
(crickets chirping)
(door creaks)
(someone coughs)
[Erika] Who the fuck is that?
[David] David.
You're not one of them, you're
not part of Miracle Valley?
They've been taking my blood, testing it.
Sometimes they keep other
people down here too,
but then they disappear, except me.
There's a blood lab up there.
[David] Let me untie you.
What do they want?
[Erika] They're after some
rare golden blood or some shit.
We're all gonna die.
What are you doing down here?
They took my girlfriend,
killed my friends,
and I lost my camera!
[Erika] Fuck your camera.
[Mira] Come out, come out-
- Someone's coming.
- Wherever you are.
- Crow what?
- Crowbar, you idiot.
The crowbar, yes.
Get out of here.
[Mira] Stop hiding, David!
(eerie music)
(pleasant music)
(crickets chirping)
(Mira laughing)
Fear is our enemy,
and I understand that
you have some empathy.
No, I didn't feel fear.
I can't justify killing.
But what you have to understand
is that, we're not doing
things normal here.
And in order to help,
sometimes it doesn't take a linear path.
No, I need to help my mom.
I need to be with my mom.
That's what I care about, not any of this.
You wouldn't know anything
about this, your power,
if it wasn't for me.
That's pretty ungrateful.
No, no, no, no.
I didn't say that I was ungrateful.
Look, you'd be in the
dark about everything,
and you know it.
I want you to be part of this.
You don't believe in me?
I didn't know how to tell you this,
but we found David's phone at the sermon,
and we checked.
There's a message from the hospital.
Your mom's not doing very well.
Read it.
(suspenseful music)
Look, we can help her,
but we need your blood.
Sarah, we can save her.
Help us.
(crickets chirping)
(eerie music)
Now what?
Let's just go home.
I'll handle it from here.
(ominous music)
(man groans)
Oh, what the fuck?
(intense music)
And a lot of good is
gonna come from this,
and we're going to help your mom.
Excuse me.
Fuckin' bird man.
Come on, let's go.
Get the fuck up, let's go.
Sarah, we'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
(soothing music)
(suspenseful music)
[Woman] But you will.
We've heard the sound of broken
souls have come to meet us.
What is the point of everything?
(eerie music)
(women laughing)
(haunting music)
What the fuck?
(intense music)
(both grunt)
(David grunts)
(David grunting)
That's the spirit, come on!
(both grunting)
(David panting)
(David groaning)
(man laughs)
(gun fires)
(body thuds)
(machines beeping)
Feel better, you all right?
Yeah, can I just get some fresh air?
I'm just, I'm a little nauseous.
Yeah, go ahead.
(machines beeping)
Jesus, fuck.
(intense music)
(man clapping)
[David] Where is she?
David, David, David.
Son of a bitch!
(man laughs)
(somber music)
[Jake] Get her in here.
Sit down.
I'll take a couple of
these vials to my church.
You mean our church.
Look, you guys fuck
everything, all right?
Just give me the fucking injection.
We've never tried this
combination of blood types before.
Give me the fucking injection, Truman.
This could backfire, and even kill you.
Okay, okay, try me, let's go.
- It's your life.
- Do it.
(tense music)
I don't feel a fuckin' thing.
(Jake yells)
(eerie music)
(Jake groans)
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
[Truman] You sure?
I'm sure!
(ominous music)
(glass tinkles)
- Sit down.
- No, no.
(Sarah grunting)
(intense music)
(Jake groaning)
(eerie music)
(Mira giggles)
Come on, David.
Please come out, my little birdwatcher.
(Mira laughs)
How the fuck did you get out?
It's a miracle.
Well, I think it's time to
go back to the barn, bitch!
(Erika screams)
(both grunting)
What the?
(Mira choking)
(Mira gasping)
(Erika screams)
(crickets chirping)
(Erika laughing)
(intense music)
(man laughs)
Oh, we're gonna take you to your camera.
Oh, be careful what you wish for, David.
Oh fuck, man.
Look at your arm.
Fuck, it don't look so good.
Hey, that's the stage two.
Just wait 'til stage five.
(man laughs)
Have you heard of this shit?
It's called Cannibal Cream.
Doc developed it to
strip away the collagen,
hence loosening the skin,
making it easier to eat.
(ominous music)
[Man] You tormentor.
You tormentor, Satan.
I know you, you devil you.
(ominous music)
(Jake groaning)
(heartbeat thudding)
(bones creaking)
(Jake screams)
(Jake panting)
(somber music)
(eerie whistling)
(suspenseful music)
It wasn't supposed to go this way.
It wasn't supposed to
go this way, Jake, Jake.
Well, that didn't work.
(Erika grunts)
(Truman groans)
Now it's time for you
to be an experiment.
It was a misunderstanding!
(tense music)
Was it the accommodations?
I'm sure we could find you a better room.
(Erika growls)
(Truman groaning)
(Erika growls)
You get what you fucking deserve.
I'm gonna give you one more
fucking thing to whack off to.
(Truman screams)
(Truman groaning)
(Jake panting)
(suspenseful music)
No, no!
No, no, no.
(Jake screaming)
(doors creak)
(eerie music)
Hey, hey, you all right?
I'll get you out of here, okay?
[Jake] David!
I have your goddamn camera!
Father Jake, I'm gonna kill him.
I'll be back, okay?
(coyotes howling)
(David grunts)
(both grunting)
(ominous music)
Come on, David.
Fucking fight me!
Think about this,
I fucking got closer to
Sarah than you ever did!
I got her blood in me!
Goddamn, take a shot!
(both grunting)
That's all you fuckin' got, huh?
(David groaning)
You looking for something?
You want that fucking camera?
(David groaning)
This won't hurt.
No, no.
(both yelling)
(Jake laughs)
(eerie music)
Nice fucking pictures.
Shit, you got the ceremony.
Those are incriminating, David.
I don't like it.
What the fuck?
You got the hawk!
Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete.
Hey, I'm gonna fucking take this last one
and sell it for a couple
of million dollars.
Think about that!
Now you're gonna see what it's like
to be on the other end of
the fucking camera, smile!
(intense music)
(camera thudding)
(Jake panting)
(crickets chirping)
Oh my god.
Hey, listen to me.
Hey, hey, wake up.
Hey, it's gonna be okay,
but you have to help me
get your ass outta here.
Here girl, I got you.
[Sarah] Ooh, ow.
Come on, come on, we gotta go.
Okay, all right, I'll go this way.
You got this, you've got this, okay, okay.
(Sarah sobbing)
(somber music)
You found your camera.
I'm gonna go take care of your girl.
(Jake groans)
You had one fucking job to do!
- No, no.
- You let her go!
Listen, listen, listen.
I, I tried to just help the situation.
It's okay, it's all
right, it's all right.
It's fine, it's all right, it's okay.
All right, calm down, okay?
Son, it's all right.
I forgive you.
(Jake grunts)
(intense music)
(Sarah grunts)
(Jake grunting)
Why, Sarah?
Sarah, Sarah.
(Erika screams)
(Jake groaning)
Get him, Sarah, get him!
(Sarah screaming)
Angels dancing, God's gone fishing
The one true love is
hiding in the basement
Of eternities lost love
Gone by
Kill him, Sarah!
(all screaming)
Get him!
Don't stop!
(Jake groaning)
(blood splattering)
(Sarah gasping)
(Erika gasping)
(Sarah panting)
Let's crucify the bastard.
(eerie music)
(both grunting)
(ominous music)
(Erika laughing)
Did you see the way he screamed
when we tied him to that fucking tree?
Like a lil' bitch?
(Erika laughing)
David, we need to go back for David.
I'm sorry, girl.
He, he didn't make it.
How do you know he didn't make it?
He could be back there.
We don't know, we have to go back and try.
He left this.
Maybe there's some good memories on it.
(somber music)
(Sarah sobbing)
It's gonna be okay, I promise.
My love
(dramatic music)
Tonight, we bring you the
story of medical miracles
at the Silver Pines Retreat.
[Reporter] An inspiring
story we have here
from victims to heroes, and now saviors,
a pair of former kidnapping
victims have recently opened
the Silver Pines Retreat,
a medical center dedicated
to healing long term disease.
They allegedly got the
funds to open the center
from selling a photo
of an ultra rare hawk.
As soon as the two founders discovered
that the combination of their hemoglobin
cured even late stage terminal cancer,
they quickly set about
creating a free clinic
to help those in need.
(ominous music)
(voices whispering)
(woman singing in foreign language)
So what do you think of these ones?
I think that's a cool design right here.
This one's better.
- Hi.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi.
He said this is from Reverend Ron.
[Erika] Okay, thank you.
Tell Mrs. Philips we'll be right with her.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
(crickets chirping)
(intense music)
(eerie whistling)
(voices whispering)
[Man] The devil's under
that door you're headed for,
and he won't see the rope
that you're hanging from.
(eerie music)
(wind whistling)
How many broken souls
told you to hunt me down
While I was praying over you
I gave you all my love
Wrapped in a couple crowns
The one thing in life
that's always true
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the floods
I carried you here on my shoulder
You're in my blood
I couldn't stop him from
taking what's left of me
Always the cowl over your head
You never found the
stairway to turn the key
So I made you captain of the dead
Well maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the floods
I carried you here on my shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
(haunting music)
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the flood
Who carried you here like a soldier
Yeah maybe you think this is over
Who saved you from the flood
Who carried you here on his shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
Maybe you think this is over
I saved you from the flood
Who carried you here like a soldier
Yeah maybe you think this is over
Who saved you from the flood
Who carried you here on his shoulder
You're in my blood
You're in my blood
I saved you from the flood
I carried you from the flood
You're on my shoulder
Saved you from
Heal my soul
My shoulder
You're on my shoulder
I carried you on my shoulder
The blood
[Man] When I was praying over you
(eerie music)