Missing (2024) Movie Script

Please help us.
Any information helps.
Please help us.
Any information helps.
We ask for your help.
Thank you for your help.
You're getting in the way.
Excuse me.
- Please help us.
- Thank you.
Please help us.
Please help us.
- Thank you for coming.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
We used to get nationwide coverage,
but nobody wants to report it anymore.
Well, we're just a local TV station.
Networks have a lot to cover.
Is that so?
We need a little more time.
We appreciate your patience.
You have our full cooperation.
I'm sure Miu will come home.
I hope so.
I wish we could train you.
But we're understaffed.
You'll be working alone in two weeks.
Wait. Alone?
- Miya, listen.
- Yes?
You got declined
by all the flagship stations?
That's right.
It's not like this
was a compromise though.
I really wanted to work here.
Yeah, yeah. Don't give me that.
It's not a glamorous job,
but we're busy. Hang in there.
I will.
You'll measure the time.
This stopwatch is for Studio V.
For commercials, you'll...
We're live in four, three...
EVERY SATURDAY 17:00 - 17:45
Good evening.
January 21, Friday.
You're watching Evening Yell.
Thank you.
Can I grab more flyers?
I can hand some out in Nagoya next week.
Are you sure?
I'll take two.
Thank you so much.
By the way,
I met a good fortune teller.
Are you interested?
- No, thank you.
- Are you sure?
You should ask which direction to look.
No, thanks. I appreciate your concern.
Let me know if you change your mind.
Sorry for the poor turnout.
Don't be.
I invited a lot of people.
Thank you. I'm really grateful.
Not much change from the last show.
Because there's been
little progress on the case.
I wish we could approach it
from a few more angles.
We've reached out to the kindergarten,
but we haven't heard back yet.
It's more important
to contact Saori's brother.
Her brother?
There are some rumors about him.
They're just baseless rumors
on social media.
But he's the key person.
He's already refused to be interviewed.
Make it work somehow.
Meguro, please take a look.
The guy that was arrested for fraud.
His name is Nagahama. It seems
he's the mayor's illegitimate child.
We interviewed some people and...
Hey, I've been trying to get hold of you.
It's about the interview, right?
I'm not good with that stuff.
But I need your help.
No, it won't make a difference.
Come on! They said it's necessary!
Do you not realize?
You were the last person with Miu.
I'm Sunada from Shizuoka Television.
And I'm Fuwa.
My name is Miya.
Thank you for taking the time
to meet with us.
Wait. It's a mess over there.
Put the mic up higher.
Let's start the interview.
would you be able to share
your current feelings with us, Keigo?
Excuse me.
Your feelings?
Oh, I'm supposed to talk?
Yes, please.
I'm worried.
I can imagine.
I heard you were with Miu
right before she went missing.
Could you describe the situation?
It was ordinary.
What do you mean?
Nothing unusual.
According to the police,
you said you saw a suspicious white car
when parting with Miu.
Why did you retract this statement later?
It was just a mistake.
But you saw a ladder in the car,
didn't you?
Well, I thought I did.
But I was wrong.
Does this look okay?
He's so suspicious.
He definitely had a hand in it.
Don't judge based on impressions.
Didn't you learn that in journalism,
you report the facts?
I did.
Misconceptions lead to biased reporting.
Sorry, I'll be more careful.
I think he did it too.
Traffic accident at Ashida Intersection.
Miya, grab my tripod!
Throw it in.
Leave it as is.
The concrete mixer
and the ocean are suggestive.
You think so?
Even if it's something small,
please help me.
Three months have passed since
six-year-old Miu Morishita went missing.
Her parents continue
to face days of despair.
The Morishitas hand out flyers every day
in hopes of finding her,
but no clues have been found yet.
Miu vanished last year
on October 23, at around 5:30 p.m.
After playing at a nearby park
with Saori's brother Keigo,
Miu vanished while she was
walking back home on her own.
It's only 300 meters
from the park to her house.
It's a five-minute walk for a child.
What could have happened?
Her father noticed her missing at 7 p.m.
He called Saori and Keigo
but couldn't get hold of them.
The couple reported to the police
when Saori came home at 10 p.m.
You usually walk her home,
but she was alone that day.
Was there a reason for that?
Something out of the ordinary?
No. No reason.
You usually walk her home, right?
But it's not that far.
It's not far.
What did you do after parting with her?
I was here.
You were at home?
What is all this?
I'm getting nasty comments again.
"A mother who neglects her child
for a concert deserves this."
Don't take it seriously.
I'm fighting back.
Stop. I said stop.
It was my first Blank gig in two years.
And I was a good mother.
You're just going to get more backlash.
I'm calling Sunada.
Good morning.
There you go.
Keigo, show me your work schedule.
You're working in Kawahira?
Kimura will handle this.
You know,
Kawahira can be a stressful place.
Kimura, what's your schedule?
I'm heading to Nagata Daini.
That's not the best fit either.
Hey, is there a smaller work site?
Why did you use that photo?
Well, you gave us permission
to use any of your photos.
I guess I shouldn't have said that.
But you knew there was backlash
about the concert.
And I deeply apologize for that.
Your smiles caught my eye,
but I should've been more careful.
Okay, it's fine.
Just show us the new tips you got on Miu.
We don't have anything
in particular at the moment.
But you said the ratings were good.
You got zero tips?
No, but it's all unverified.
Just show us what you got.
We need to check...
We don't have time! Don't you get it?!
He's doing everything he can.
That's his job!
Please show us everything.
There's personal data...
This is just another
news story for you, huh?
You don't care about Miu.
- Saori.
- That's not true.
Listen, I'm not taking his side,
but he's doing his best.
Maybe, but I don't feel
their commitment to finding Miu.
They're just reporting the facts.
And we're responsible
for the backlash too.
It's not your fault.
That's not what I meant.
REPORTING DEPARTMENSir, we got an email
from one of our viewers.
It says that Saori's brother
lied in the interview.
He was seen driving home late at night.
That's a false tip.
We got a bunch of rubbish last time too,
saying the brother was digging a hole
and that Miu was heavily insured.
Everyone was just like,
"Oh, where's Keigo?"
Wasn't a big deal at all.
Our stupid boss is just overthinking.
I have an idea.
Let's cover his new car in concrete, huh?
I'll tell him that everything is fine.
Don't worry.
Hey, guys, look.
I saw him on TV yesterday.
It was about a missing child.
I live nearby, so I know it's him.
This guy kidnapped a little girl.
- Isn't that crazy?
- Seriously?
You some kind of perv?
Hey, answer me.
Not me.
You're under arrest!
It's not me!
Not me!
Guys, stop it.
Pedal, pedal!
Look at him go.
Here he is!
You're late.
I had some research to do.
Sunada, did they have welcome parties
like this back in the day?
I don't think so.
See? I told you, Miya.
You're getting special treatment.
Thank you.
The mayor's press conference
was hilarious, wasn't it?
It was a weak excuse.
The cover-up of his son's assault
and his look when I grilled him about it,
it was comedy gold.
- Hey, you should stop.
- Why?
Wasn't it hard not to laugh?
You were laughing.
But the way you interrogated him
was impressive.
Politicians are all corrupt.
They deserve it.
But I wouldn't be where I am
without my mentor's guidance.
- You don't mean that.
- I do.
You deserve all the praise.
I'm still learning.
This is off the record,
but I have a huge scandal on the mayor.
About how he's a freak
with prostitutes, right?
You'll laugh your head off.
It's not really our job
to make people laugh.
What's wrong?
Exposing abuse of power is fine, but...
it doesn't mean you can
dogpile someone for a mistake.
That's not my intention.
Besides, I have a real scoop on him too.
- You went too far.
- Sorry.
I have two.
Do I have three? Can I get four?
Now I have four.
I'm at four.
We are still at four.
No further takers?
The next lot. I have four.
Still at four.
And sold.
This is it.
No, it's not Miu's shoe.
Sorry about that.
It's fine.
Here's some cash. It's not much.
Any new tips from the last broadcast?
Oh. Not even a sighting
of a girl like Miu?
I said no.
I wonder where she went.
You should look farther...
We are.
You are?
You can get volunteers...
We're doing everything we can,
but we just can't find her!
So don't give me that crap.
It irritates me.
I'm sorry.
Should take about 30, 40 minutes.
Please wait over there.
What happened to your car?
Oh, it got vandalized.
Yours too?
No, mine just broke down.
Who would do such a thing?
Could be a neighbor.
Have a seat.
The interview didn't make you look good.
It'll make people
treat you like a suspect.
I became a bit skeptical too.
Morishita, your car is ready.
Hey, come here.
Look at this message I just got.
"A suspicious man was with a girl"?
It says suspicious,
but what made this person think so?
That I don't know.
But the girl was dressed just like Miu.
Should we contact the police?
No, the police are unreliable.
We need to take action.
He says he can meet us
the day after tomorrow.
He lives in Gamagori, right?
Is that a pain?
I never said that.
I'm talking about credibility.
There are tons of kids who dress like Miu.
But this is the only lead we have.
Okay, let's go see him.
The day after tomorrow, right?
Tell him we'll meet him.
Did he reply?
Not yet.
He read the message?
Yeah. I already told you.
Don't take it out on me.
I'm not.
It's been over an hour.
Send him another message.
Just text him.
You didn't witness
the child yourself, correct?
But there was a sighting here,
so I'm asking for support.
And the person
who contacted you is unreachable?
For now, yes.
Then, we can't help you.
He won't reply. What do we do?
If we have reliable information,
we can take action.
Yes, I understand.
I got a reply.
"Something urgent came up.
Today might be difficult."
What? You're kidding me.
"We won't take up your time.
Is it possible to meet up later today,
after you finish your business?"
Please take the elevator
to the fifth floor.
For dinner...
Maybe meeting in person is too much?
Should I say he can just give us details
and we don't have to meet?
Sounds good.
Take this seriously.
I am. I said your plan was good.
I'm sorry, ma'am. Hinata, let's go.
You can't wander off like that.
She couldn't possibly be here.
What are you doing?
You scared me.
Calm down.
Calm down.
You're not serious enough.
What do you mean?
She couldn't possibly be here?
You've already given up.
I meant she couldn't
possibly be at this hotel.
Got that?
How can you be so calm?
The two of us panicking
won't solve anything.
Stop acting like
you're the only one suffering.
It's painful for me too.
You have no clue how I felt that night.
I know.
What's done is done.
We were just unlucky.
But I care as much as you do.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry.
I got approval from our manager.
We can help you.
Here. Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.
- Thank you.
I asked if we could
leave Miu's flyers here.
Excuse me. Can I borrow your lighter?
Thank you.
We're looking for this girl.
She was seen around here.
Thank you.
What the heck?
- What?
- His account's gone.
- What?
- It's gone.
- The guy who contacted us?
- Unbelievable!
Your child is missing?
In this neighborhood?
- Were we tricked again?
- She disappeared in Numazu.
It's written here.
What the hell?
- I can't reach him anymore.
- How old is your child?
How old is your child?
Six. It's all written in the flyer.
- Oh no.
- What do we do?
- A boy?
- It's a girl.
Read the flyer, will you?
New developments in the fraud case
involving the mayor's son.
Nagahama was arrested last month.
Our investigation
has uncovered new testimonies.
Today's show was truly wonderful.
We've received favorable comments
online saying that
the mayor ignored his son's fraud
and should resign immediately.
It was, however, unfortunate to find
an error with the on-screen text,
but I still think it deserves
a long-awaited Network Chief's Award.
So, Komai, that was a job well done.
Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- Congrats!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!
- Congratulations.
- I was just lucky.
Your story on the seals was cute.
I didn't know they came to Ohama River.
It's a weak story.
No, it was heartwarming.
I might go see them sometime.
See you tomorrow.
Saori? Are you returning to work?
I am. Only three days a week though.
Are you sure you can handle it?
I can't take work off forever.
It's must be tough.
Oh, meet Maki. She just joined.
She's the mother of the missing child.
It's on the news a lot.
I've seen it.
It's a big story.
- Hello.
- Hey.
These are Miu's new flyers.
Can I leave them here?
Sure. We'll get the word out.
Thank you so much.
Oh yeah.
Here's the donation from the union.
Thank you. It's a huge help.
Are these flyers different?
We added a photo here.
You're not feeling good?
Sorry. Could you just eat
whatever we have?
Reading the comments again?
Don't read them.
You know they're going to hurt you.
When I read the comments...
it makes me think you feel the same way.
You blame me more than anyone
for going to the concert that day.
I'm not blaming you.
You are.
No, I'm not.
From that day on,
you've been blaming me,
all the while denying it.
Just admit it.
You'll never forgive me.
How could you say that?
You know I'm your strongest supporter.
I'm aware of that too.
So, make up your mind.
Are you going to blame me,
or are you going to support me?
Saori, does this look okay to you?
That's Grade B. It's damaged.
This one's damaged too?
Can't you tell?
- Saori, where do I store these?
- Where?
Yes, please.
Sunada, you're the only person
I can count on.
I'm truly sorry for being rude
the other day.
I'll make time for interviews
or anything you need.
Please help me find Miu.
This time, we'll create a program that
won't give viewers the wrong impression.
We appreciate your cooperation.
I promise to do anything.
There's not much I can do on my own.
I'm so desperate.
I brought new pictures of Miu.
I borrowed them from her kindergarten
and friends from piano class.
Well, you've already
given us enough photos.
I have? Okay, I'm sorry.
Don't be.
I couldn't come up
with anything else to do.
Actually, may I look at the pictures?
Thank you.
How cute.
Miu quit that piano class
after just two months.
Oh really?
She joined the class with her friend Saki.
Saki was a quick learner,
but Miu didn't make any progress at all.
So she got frustrated and lost interest.
That's how kids are.
her piano classes were on Saturday.
If she had kept attending,
she'd have been in class that day.
She might still be here.
Well, I shouldn't have gone
to the concert in the first place.
That disappears after a week.
Here comes Sunada.
Hey, come here!
Turns out Saori's brother
did come home at night.
Good job finding this.
It was captured
on a security camera of a caf.
He has to be guilty.
He did lie,
but we can't jump to conclusions.
Either way, we need to pursue this.
Ask Saori for another interview with him.
But I just promised her
we'd make a show that'll be for Miu.
Just find the right balance.
That's not possible.
Good evening.
What do you want?
I have a few questions about Miu's case.
You know I can't speak
about our investigation.
It's about Saori's brother.
I told you I can't say anything.
I understand.
Is that a new car? Looks nice.
It's used.
Please help us.
What should we do?
Next time someone rejects your flyer,
could you look down with a sad face?
Can you try it right now?
Say someone didn't take the flyer.
Never mind.
Oh, I'm sorry.
By the way,
I spoke with her teachers
at the kindergarten the other day.
They persuaded the principal
to get permission for an interview.
Well, that's not necessary for now.
But you said before...
Instead, is it possible to set up
another interview with Keigo?
I'm sure you saw it last time,
but he's such a mess.
Yes, but we'd like to talk a bit more.
You want to publicly shame him again?
No, of course not.
Will interviewing him help us find Miu?
We won't know unless we...
My goal is to find Miu.
Of course. We know that.
That's our number one priority too.
Let us talk to Keigo again, please.
I knew it.
You don't care about Miu, do you?
All you care about is TV ratings.
- No.
- Forget it. That's enough.
I don't want any more interviews.
Excuse me.
Wait! Please!
I take it back!
Don't go!
I'll do anything. I swear.
I'll make sure Keigo cooperates too!
So, please...
How was it?
I talked to Keigo's former classmates,
and they said he was bullied badly.
He had to get
mental health treatment for it.
I guess it was pretty bad.
He'd just start screaming on the street.
Keigo, I called you several times.
Don't film me.
Could you help us?
How did you find out my address?
Who told you?
We interviewed you here before.
Oh, right.
It won't take long. Do this for Miu.
- No.
- Wait, please. Keigo!
We'll keep it short.
If Keigo's the culprit, we need footage
of Saori's reaction to finding that out.
That's too cruel.
But it'd be a huge scoop.
Much bigger than Komai's.
I'm not competing with him.
If Keigo's not the culprit,
there's hope that Miu's safe.
But can we air that?
We'd have to heavily emphasize
the bond between mother and child.
The viewers
are getting bored of this story.
Yesterday's footage was the same old.
What sort of results do you want?
It's not about results.
It's about capturing the truth.
I want to support the couple
throughout their struggles.
I thought finding Miu was your goal.
Here you are.
Please scroll down.
Please stop there.
Such horrible comments.
It's all right. You can stop there.
You told me before that you wanted
to celebrate Miu's birthday.
She's not here,
but we should celebrate for her.
Of course.
May we film that?
Of course.
I'm sure the viewers
will sympathize with your feelings.
- Thank you.
- That's true.
We should film that.
- Next Sunday, right?
- Yes.
That's right.
Wait. Next Sunday?
Oh, I forgot.
I'm sorry. There's an election next week,
and all reporters have to attend.
Wait, but...
we should definitely film the birthday.
Yes, I agree. So...
What if we celebrate
her birthday right now?
Could we do that?
People celebrate birthdays early
all the time.
If that's okay with you...
- Yes, absolutely.
- Okay.
Find a cake shop around here.
Have them write
"Happy Seventh Birthday, Miu" on the cake.
- Sure.
- Thank you very much.
Wait, isn't this a little weird?
How so?
They're doing this for Miu.
You should be grateful.
Should I get last year's
birthday decorations?
- Let me help.
- It's okay.
I'd like a shortcake, please.
I should be able to get there
in about ten minutes.
Could you write a message on it?
- Her name is Miu.
- Take your time.
Sorry to trouble you
while you are so busy.
Please write
"Happy Seventh Birthday, Miu".
This isn't right.
It's fine.
- No, it's not.
- It's fine!
Thank you. We got really good footage.
We'll edit it and make sure
it gets broadcast.
Thank you so much.
We're always available for interviews.
Great. Thank you.
Thank you.
I don't think we should trust them.
Something's wrong with them.
I'll do it alone if you don't want to.
I don't know what I'd do without Sunada.
Yeah, but...
We'll find Miu as long
as we listen to what he says.
I know it.
Hurry up! Sunada's waiting.
You can't just do this.
I texted you a bunch of times.
I never accepted.
Just open the damn door!
No more interviews!
I've troubled my colleagues enough.
That's because you act like an idiot.
If you do the interview, you can
clear things up with your colleagues.
Leave me alone!
No more interviews.
I can help you hand out flyers.
There's nothing else you can do to help.
- Then, what do you want?
- The interview!
I said I don't want to!
I'll break this door!
Stop it!
This won't help.
They're out of their minds.
So are you.
You've been out of your mind too.
But everything will go back to normal
once Miu comes back.
Could you describe where you were
and what you were doing that day?
I don't remember.
Did she play on the slide?
Don't remember.
Be serious!
Saori, please.
Maybe it's best if you leave us alone.
Keigo might feel
more comfortable that way.
You do this seriously or I'll kill you.
Excuse me.
Then, Miu started walking home, correct?
That's right.
And you returned home.
Miu's father texted you,
saying she wasn't home,
but you didn't reply.
Why is that?
You read his message but didn't reply.
I did reply.
Right, after he texted you
multiple times, you replied once.
He kept contacting you after that
but couldn't reach you.
Why is that?
I was sick and sleeping.
You just want to make me the culprit.
That is not our intention.
Knowing exactly what happened that day
would help solve the case and save Miu.
We need your help.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Excuse me?
Save Miu?
You've never even met her.
Can you truly care
about a stranger like that?
It makes no sense.
We're done.
Please, wait.
One of your neighbors witnessed
your car come home late at night.
Who said that?
I can't tell you.
They don't know that it was me.
We checked the footage
of a nearby security camera.
You're sure it was my car?
We verified the license plate.
I don't think it was me.
Maybe it had the same
license plate by coincidence.
That's not possible.
Get your act together.
Don't you think your vague testimony
and your being unresponsive
caused a delay
in the initial police response?
Please. I need you to take this seriously.
You must be aware of the pain
that Miu's parents are going through.
This is a very serious matter.
If you're not truthful,
the situation will only get worse.
What did you do after you parted with Miu?
Slot machines.
So you were gambling?
Which slot machine parlor?
We can find out.
It wasn't a typical one.
It was...
So he lied to hide the fact
that he was at an illegal casino?
This brother is hopeless.
He's probably a timid man.
The worse the situation becomes,
the more you lie and ignore people.
Weak people do unnecessary things.
He probably panicked
and couldn't think clearly.
But he wasn't thinking about
the danger Miu was in.
Then the central theme
of our next program can be
how irresponsible adults
can put children in danger.
Good idea.
There was that child who was left
in a car and died from heatstroke.
Hold on a second.
If we air that, Miu's parents
will face even more backlash.
But it'll prove her brother's innocence.
- That's a different matter.
- You're overthinking it.
We should be overthinking.
We understand that
you sympathize with Miu's parents,
but the key principle of journalism
is to deliver the facts.
You can't just sweep things under the rug.
At least...
make the decision after we film
the next interview with Miu's parents.
Hear what they have to say
before deciding what it is
we have to tell our viewers.
What is this?
Your writing is complete trash.
Did you even read it over?
Some grade-schooler
could write better than this.
You got anything to say?
- I'm sorry.
- It's too late.
I'm sorry. I know it's gross.
You're a mess.
Why can't I do my job right?
There's too much work. That's why.
But you and Komai do your job so well.
We're just used to the work.
They're making a documentary film
out of Komai's story about the mayor.
Yeah, I heard.
That's incredible.
Did you also hear that he's being
transferred to the flagship station?
No, I didn't.
Oh, maybe I wasn't supposed to tell you.
I thought they told you already.
But Komai's
such a sharp interviewer, isn't he?
I was hoping to take on big projects
with nationwide coverage
and get recruited by the network.
But now, I respect reporters like you,
who are rooted in the community.
It's a low-profile job
full of small stories.
I'm okay with that.
I'll work hard to become your successor.
Low profile, high profile, ratings.
I don't understand what they are.
What even is television?
Everything fell apart that day.
A lot of people are helping us out,
but we're not getting any information.
I'm really struggling.
We need to find Miu as soon as possible,
but time keeps ticking away.
I feel pressed.
The more I rush,
the more negative I become.
I get irritated.
Then I take it out
on the people around me.
I get so worked up.
I feel ashamed.
This all happened because
I left my child and went to a concert.
I tried my best to raise Miu
with love and care.
I devoted most of my time to her.
I thought it wouldn't hurt
to take a break.
I just went to the concert
without much thought.
The music was blaring,
and I was jumping around like an idiot.
But Miu must have been terrified then.
My husband contacted me a dozen times,
but I didn't even notice.
I was ignorantly clapping for an encore.
All the criticism on social media
is actually correct.
That's why it makes me angrier.
I don't know how to interact
with my brother anymore either.
What was Miu like?
She's friendly.
Everybody gets along with her.
She's always laughing
and having a good time.
She has dimples.
She has a mischievous side too.
she loves putting stickers
all over the place.
Miu drew this.
I tried so hard to erase it,
but it wouldn't come off.
That's why I'm hiding it.
I shouldn't have gotten mad at her.
I'm sorry, Miu.
I wonder what she's doing right now.
I know she's safe.
I wonder if she's eating properly.
When Miu comes home,
I want to cook her favorite food.
We'll eat together.
In the morning,
I want to brush her hair and tie it up.
Looking back...
it was the small things
that brought happiness.
The small things?
"The small things bring happiness."
Can we change that line?
It sounds like something from a pop song.
I'm sorry. It does.
Don't worry about it.
I just want Miu back.
I am so sorry.
Why don't we take a break?
I'm so sorry.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to make light of the situation.
Here, have some water.
Answer it.
Sorry, I'm in the middle of something.
This is she, but...
Are you serious?
Really? Miu is? Right now?
Yes, yes. We'll be right there.
They found Miu! She's in custody!
- Really? Are you sure?
- They are going to find her!
- I'll take this.
- Got it.
Miu. Where is Miu?
What happened?
You found her, right?
I got a call saying you found her.
No, that's not true.
Please calm down.
My wife received a call from the police,
saying they found Miu.
Well, we didn't call you.
I'm sorry, but I think
it was a prank call.
A prank call?
There are sick people out there.
You shouldn't put your phone number
on the website.
Why did you stop filming?
We don't need it.
This is journalism. We need to...
I said we don't need it!
Journalism isn't about
pursuing any and every scoop.
That's not what we're doing.
Muraoka. You knew that Keigo
was at an illegal casino.
Why didn't you tell me?
How could I?
We're trying to arrest the owner.
Catching a customer is meaningless.
Don't report this.
If we let them get away...
Oh, come on. Anyway,
you need to arrest the prank caller.
We're on it. But remember,
you guys created the problem.
What do you mean, "created the problem"?
Your broadcasts that sensationalize
this case are attracting nutjobs.
We're not sensationalizing it.
We're just reporting facts.
And those facts are sensational.
Wait, just hear me out.
Enough already.
The decision's already been made.
Get off my case.
It'll get so much backlash.
We need to reconsider the format.
It's already set in stone.
Besides, Saori knows
nothing about the casino.
It'll only make things worse
with her brother.
The decision's been made.
You used to be a reporter too!
You taught me a lot.
You know what will happen.
You've been through a lot.
Take a deep breath.
Coming up next, an ongoing story.
We followed up on Miu Morishita,
who's been missing for six months.
Ready for playback.
Six months have passed since
first-grader Miu Morishita went missing.
Miu has now turned seven,
but there have been no leads.
Miu, happy birthday.
What about the casino?
It's coming up.
We'll celebrate
your eighth birthday together.
Hey, I told you.
Stop reading the comments.
It's just rubbish.
Rubbish doesn't come attack you.
These posts are attacks on us.
- Attacks?
- They can hurt you or even kill you.
Rubbish doesn't do that.
Then don't read them.
I know!
But I just can't help myself.
You make no sense.
I MEAN IIT'S ALL YOUR FAULThank you for everything.
To be honest, I was hoping
to scratch up the boss's car.
But I didn't because you could be blamed.
I want to get back at that jerk somehow.
If money's tight until your next job,
I can lend you some.
As much as you need.
I'm good.
I'm serious.
I'm sorry.
It's all because I invited you
to the casino.
It was my fault,
but you took all the blame.
Excuse me. Two more of these.
Two beers, okay.
You know what?
I didn't watch your interview last night.
I watched a baseball game instead.
I was pumping my fists
after that three-run homer.
What was I thinking?
I'm partly responsible,
but I forgot about your interview.
It's unbelievable.
I can never watch baseball again.
You could've bumped into me.
But I didn't, so shut up.
Using a cell phone
while walking is prohibited here.
I didn't bump into you, idiot.
What did you say?
Just quit it already.
That's it. I'm calling the cops.
Do it, asshole!
Don't go anywhere.
I'll make you apologize.
I'm calling the police.
What do you mean by gross? Gross?
- What does that mean?
- Shut up!
- Lower your voice.
- Why are you using childish words?
- Are you stupid?
- Well, I am young.
You really need to shut up.
Are you an idiot?
Please switch it to this.
NEWS DEPARTMENDid you check your bag?
Let me double check.
He lost the donation money.
We look forward to your continued success.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you!
Thank you for everything.
In the last hour, the wind and rain
have steadily gotten stronger.
This burger's loaded with meat.
You've been doing this for a year
with barely any progress.
The new album
by the popular boy band Blank
has gained 110,000 downloads
in its first week.
Do you go to school?
Only once.
Don't your teachers or parents get mad?
Huh? I don't care.
My dad's in prison, so it doesn't matter.
Really? What did he do?
He got busted operating an illegal casino.
That's nuts.
Please help us.
I'm looking for her.
These drinks are sold out again?
What's going on?
We're sorry. They arrived this morning
but sold out right away.
Someone must have hoarded them.
Morishita? How have you been?
And Saki. You're a big girl now.
Who is she?
She's Miu's mommy.
Miu? I don't know her.
You went to piano class together.
I'm sorry.
Oh, by the way...
You went camping recently?
I saw your post on Instagram.
We did. I'm really sorry.
Why be sorry?
I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry.
The donation's much smaller this time.
I apologize.
Thank you.
I hate to tell you,
but it's getting harder
to gather donations.
Don't get me wrong.
We're not giving up hope for Miu.
Look, we also need money
to fix the wear and tear in this place.
We're sorry.
Hey there.
Here's the invoice.
Starting next month,
could you print just half as much?
Half? Okay.
I'll give you a quote.
Yes, please.
The health department
is investigating the matter
as possible food poisoning.
Our next story.
There has been
a missing person case in Numazu.
Police have stated
that a girl in second grade
went missing yesterday in Numazu.
The missing girl is named Sakura Uno.
The police are actively searching
for Sakura's whereabouts.
Around 7 p.m. last night,
Sakura went missing
on her way home from swimming class.
The distance is merely 600 meters.
The mother contacted the police
when she didn't return home.
Hey, this could be related to Miu's case.
Wait. That's...
Miu might be
where this girl is being held hostage.
The police suspect
the mother's ex is getting revenge
for refusing
to get back together with him.
Can you contact the ex?
Let's not do this anymore.
It won't be like before.
This is our guy for sure.
Go talk to him before he gets arrested.
I know it's an ongoing investigation
and you can't tell me everything.
Unfortunately, we believe
it's not related to Miu's case.
But there's a possibility, right?
Something might lead to her...
Excuse me.
We understand how you feel, but...
You understand how I feel?
How much of my feelings
do you think you understand?
Could you tell us how you feel
about the missing girl, Sakura Uno?
I'm worried about her.
She's a bright girl. I hope
they find her as soon as possible.
Where do you think she is now?
I have no idea,
but I have faith she's safe.
I've already spoken to the police,
and I'm off to work now.
May I ask one last question?
When was the last time you saw Sakura?
- Igata?
- Excuse me.
Thank you very much.
If we don't act now, it'll be too late.
The police are on it.
And printing flyers costs money too.
Forget about the money.
I can't. We can't borrow
or ask for donations anymore.
We're running out of time.
The news says it's some
relationship dispute. Miu's not related.
We don't know that.
We do! It's the mother's fault!
I shouldn't have said that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for making
an unreasonable request.
Could you possibly print them today?
You want to delay payment on it
but have it delivered today?
Keep in mind we're barely staying afloat.
Long time no see.
How have you been?
Thank you for your time.
I know you're busy.
I agree it's similar to Miu's case
in many ways.
But for now, we consider
the mother's ex as the suspect.
I understand.
That's how it's reported
on every news show.
Maybe it's not related to Miu.
But the possibility isn't zero, I think.
We're going after the ex right now.
But we sometimes
make errors in journalism.
We can make mistakes
due to biases and preconceptions.
Right. Mistakes are very probable.
I sincerely apologize for Miu's case.
My apologies go out to Keigo too.
I've visited him on several occasions,
but I haven't had a chance to talk yet.
It's all my fault.
But I genuinely
wanted Miu to return safely.
I'm aware of that.
I made a mistake somewhere along the way.
We'd like to thank you all
for your ongoing support.
Thank you.
We know how information fades away
as time passes,
so this is a critical moment.
We appreciate your help.
Thank you.
Let's decide where we'll station people.
Let's put up flyers
in the surrounding areas and facilities.
- How many?
- A hundred.
Thank you very much.
Hi, Saori.
Can I help too?
Thank you.
But you're pregnant.
I'm fine. I can help with anything.
Thanks so much.
Please take one.
If you know anything about Sakura Uno,
who went missing last week,
please share with us
even the smallest details.
We're also looking
for information about Miu Morishita,
who went missing two years ago.
Thank you for your help.
Does that look okay to you?
Yes, it looks fine.
Have any strangers come up
and talked to you?
What were they like?
Anyone besides me?
Come on, let's go.
What are you doing? Let's go.
Can you see that
someone's expression is different?
Promise you won't get mad?
Okay, I promise.
I read some comments again.
They're disgusting. I'm so depressed.
What did they say?
We bought Miu's birthday cake
at that new bakery, right?
Someone took a photo of us there
and uploaded it.
It said we were buying high-end pastries
and that we were living luxuriously
now that our kid was gone.
That comment had a lot of likes too.
Since when has the world
become so messed up?
Come this way, quick.
- You shouldn't have.
- It's okay.
You'll need more. Take it.
Thank you so much. It's a huge help.
Don't tell my wife I did this.
- Thank you.
- See you soon.
Sakura Uno, the missing girl,
has been safely found.
The police arrested Mamoru Igata,
who was with the girl.
Igata is a former partner
of Sakura's mother,
who unsuccessfully tried
to rekindle their relationship.
He stated to the police,
"I got furious that she kept ignoring me
and wanted to get back at her."
Describe the situation
surrounding Sakura's rescue.
As far as what we know,
Sakura was unharmed when she was rescued.
I see. Has she seen her mother?
I was wrong after all.
How stupid of me.
We found our daughter
because of all of your help.
I'm glad.
I'm so glad she's safe.
I will repeat this news.
Sakura Uno, who went missing in
on the 7th of this month...
Thank goodness.
...was found safely.
I'm so glad.
She had no injuries.
I'm so...
You're incredible.
It's beautiful.
I don't have a whole lot of money,
but I want to sue the people
who slandered my family.
I understand.
I'm not exactly smart,
and I don't know what to do.
But I printed out the comments.
You can cross now.
- Bye.
- Okay, bye.
Please instruct the children to stop
until it's safe to cross.
That's your primary role.
Kids can become unaware of their
surroundings when they're chatting,
so please be extra careful
at intersections.
Good morning.
Who's this old lady?
I'm not old.
You can cross now.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Look, Keigo's listed here too.
We've been getting donations from him?
He wanted to.
We don't need his money.
We do.
I don't want to accept it either,
but I'm okay as long as it helps Miu.
I don't know how much he makes,
but he's been sending us
a decent amount of money.
Mommy, there's a stranger outside.
Hey. Who are you?
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Takashi, there's a stranger outside.
Takashi, it's this man.
Hey, wait.
Stop running away.
Takashi, stop.
Wait a minute.
- You're not going anywhere.
- Let me go.
- What were you doing?
- Let's call the police.
I'll call the police.
When I explained the situation,
they cried.
They wish for Miu's safe return.
I appreciate your support.
I'm sure it was terrifying
having that creep peeking in.
What was he thinking?
He spotted a car similar to the one
he mentioned in his testimony,
and he thought it might be that car.
Wait. I thought his testimony was a lie.
Right, it was a false testimony.
He's out of his mind. I'm really sorry.
I also thought he wasn't
making any sense at first,
but it seems he had
a traumatic experience as a child,
where a stranger pulled him into a car.
He wasn't sexually abused,
but the man held his hands
and patted his head.
The strangeness of it all
frightened him as a child.
And it happened
in a white car with a ladder in it.
But it has nothing to do
with Miu's case, right?
It was a false testimony, right?
Yes, that's correct.
But when you're desperate,
I guess you tend to cling
to the lies you've told.
To cling onto something
is a complicated matter.
"I used to go visit
my parents twice a year,
but it's been getting more difficult
because of my job."
I understand how that is.
Can you drop me off at the station?
I want to hand out flyers.
I went home
for the first time in three years.
My family home is in Akashi City, Nigata.
It is famous for its fireworks.
What's wrong?
Does your finger hurt?
I'm sorry.
It was my fault.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
Is this a joke?!
I'm sorry.
It's way too late for that!
I'm sorry.
What is wrong with you?!
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
I want to see Miu.
Saori, I want to see her too.
Here's Blank's new song, "Masterpiece".
All I can do is laugh.
I got hurt.
Touch my back.
- Go!
- Wait!
Get him!
Now's your chance.
DON'T RUSH OUI don't see any seals.
Should we load more flyers?
Yeah, we should.
I'm going out. Can you get the trash?
Please help us.
Thank you very much.
Please help us. Thank you.
Any information helps.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Please help us.
Thank you.
Excuse me. My name is Uno.
I heard that you helped me
find my daughter.
I truly appreciate your efforts.
I'm sorry we acted on our own.
Don't be.
My daughter returned safely thanks to you.
I'm so glad.
If there's anything we can do,
please let us help.
I want to help Miu.
Thank you.
The parents of the missing girl Miu
have filed a criminal complaint
against Shinji Maruoka for his baseless
slander against the couple.
Server one.
The couple suffered from repeated slander.
Some posts suggested
the couple killed Miu.
Other posts suggested that Saori
went to the concert to create an alibi.
The prosecution charged Shinji Maruoka
of Kanagawa with criminal defamation.
Good morning.
It's green. You can cross now.
Good morning.
Good morning.