Mondays: See You 'This' Week! (2022) Movie Script

I'm so sorry.
I'll make it up to you.
You know Takako Kimoto?
Runs that huge agency.
They've offered me a job.
I'm going to say yes.
You are?
I've always wanted to work for her.
I need to do my best.
OK. See you tomorrow.
Worst week ever.
A dream?
Where was I?
All right.
- An earthquake.
- Huh?
- Is it Sunday?
- No, it's Monday.
No way.
It's never-ending.
What the hell.
- See that?
- Yeah.
"Ms. Yoshikawa, sorry, but we need
five more proposals by Monday morning!"
"After that, we'll discuss
you joining us. Sakino."
- Is it payday?
- That's next week.
Hope this hell ends next week.
If not, I'll make this come out
of their faucets.
"Slogans for Miso Soup Soda Tablet."
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What's up?
Sakino called Friday night.
Wants five more proposals by Monday.
Monday? That's today.
When are we supposed to sleep?
What the heck is a
Miso Soup Soda Tablet?
Did you try it? It's so radical.
I've sent some new proposals.
Have you replied?
About the job offer?
Not yet.
I'm planning to after
this project is finished.
Hey, Ms. Yoshikawa.
You might not believe this,
but please listen.
in a time loop.
Ms. Yoshikawa, we're
repeating this week.
Can you speak up?
We're repeating this week.
I don't understand.
- I mean...
- Be quiet!
How many times
have we had to redo this?
I don't know.
Watch, he's going to sneeze.
Three, two, one.
And the mailman's going to
make a mistake.
Delivery for Dream Navigation...
No, that's downstairs.
What is this?
Bored with work?
Everyone, let's do our best!
Keep up the good work!
Looks like nobody's listening.
I'm so sad.
I don't want to be 50 years old!
Time, please stop!
"Mr. Sakino, here are ten
more proposals. Yoshikawa"
I'll just wow them
at this presentation.
Endo, send it.
- But don't go by taxi, alright?
- I'm off!
Let's do it!
Right. Ri...
You okay?
- I'm sorry I...
- It's fine. How many stitches?
Mr. Moriyama, thank you.
Hey, if we are in a time loop,
what do you think caused it?
Huh? Me?
- No, no.
- Oh, please.
We think it's Mr. Nagahisa.
- Signature, please.
- Sure.
You see that bracelet?
"The cursed green diamonds".
The root of all evil.
They make your dreams
come true, but at a price!
Go home, already.
I will, tonight.
Let me see.
"Miso Soup Soda Tablet."
"We need a proposal centered around
a slogan with universal appeal."
They're saying we have to promote
this meaningless tablet.
We need a catchy slogan.
For example?
Magnificent Miso!
Miso Madness.
Poppin' Miso!
I'll do it myself.
Howdy! This is
Sakino from Kimoto PR.
Hello. Do you like the slogan?
Not really cool enough.
What a coincidence. I thought so too.
- It was my colleague's idea.
- Oh, that's why!
The slogan's vital. You always
have such brilliant ideas.
I'm on it.
And some visuals would help.
Can you send a video sample?
OK, I'll send one by tomorrow.
Thanks, that would be very helpful!
Call Yamato Vision, they're fast.
I know.
Yamato Vision is busy,
you should call Rockin' Chair.
Thank you.
"Yamato Vision Hirotaka Eguchi."
Hi guys! Today, I'm happy to introduce
a new and innovative product to you.
It's cursed.
It's from Yamato Vision.
They were short-handed. The younger
brother of their teenage intern made this.
Scientific Miso Tablet!
Taxi's here, to the hospital you go.
- Don't do anything until I come back!
- Aye, aye, captain!
- You sent it?
- It was the best we had.
- What?
- Mr. Nagahisa approved it.
Howdy, this is Sakino from Kimoto PR.
Thanks for sending the video.
My pleasure.
But it's not quite what I wanted.
The next meeting is Monday.
I see. I'll send a new one
by Sunday morning.
That'll be perfect!
"Journey into the future
at your dining table."
Who wants to join me for a drink?
Yeah, I thought so.
I'm sorry we can't join.
See you.
See you.
It's coming.
Yup, it's coming.
Here it comes. 3, 2, 1...
- Eh?
- What?!
- Did you save your data?
- No.
We have to work all night again!?
Please, no!
"Kota: Where r u?
I'm at your apartment."
I'll make it up to you.
You said so last week.
When are you not busy?
How about tomorrow night?
I'm so sorry.
You know Takako Kimoto?
Runs that huge agency.
They've offered me a job.
I'm going to say yes.
You are?
I've always wanted to work for her.
I need to do my best.
OK. See you tomorrow.
Sorry to bother you on Sunday.
- Are the proposals ready?
- I'm terribly sorry.
I know I'm asking a lot, but...
Don't worry. It's totally fine.
By tomorrow morning.
- Thanks, I'll be waiting.
- Yes, goodbye.
I'm going to take a nap.
"Kota: We should take a break."
"It's not working out."
No way.
That's to protect your forehead.
Let's play a game.
Write any word and turn it over.
We're not looking.
"Success" with an exclamation mark.
- How...
- We did this last week.
Listen, we'll forget everything
and think it's a dream.
In order to remember this,
we need to change how we think.
Remember this.
A pigeon.
Time loop, you say?
Worst week ever.
I've always wanted to work for her.
I need to do my best.
Poppin' Miso!
I don't want to be 50 years old!
Howdy, this is Sakino from Kimoto PR.
Here it comes. 3, 2, 1...
A dream?
Where was I?
All right.
- An earthquake.
- Huh?
- Is it Sunday?
- Nope. It's Monday.
No way.
It's never-ending.
What the hell.
A pigeon. A pigeon.
A pigeon. A pigeon.
A pigeon. A pigeon.
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What the heck is a
Miso Soup Soda Tablet?
Did you try it?
Huh? Where's the data?
Have you replied?
About the job offer?
I don't want to be 50 years old!
Time, please stop!
Hey, listen, no taxi, okay?
I'm in a hurry!
No way.
For example?
Magnificent Miso!
- Miso Madness.
- MisoTab!
- Cool!
- I'll do it myself.
Done and sent!
You always sleep here.
You guys at Yamato Vision
are so professional.
I know you can do it.
Today, we're searching for the
mysterious Miso Soda civilization.
It's very dangerous and
full of miso-teries.
They used archive footage?
They were short-handed,
so their retired president made this.
Oh no, I forgot.
To the hospital you go.
Try it for yourself!
I'll send a new one
by Sunday morning.
Who wants to join me for a drink?
Remember what happens next?
Oh crap!
"Kota: Where r u?
I'm at your apartment."
Oh no, I forgot again.
How about... tomorrow evening?
I'm so sorry.
"Kota: We should take a break.
It's not working out."
Oh, that's right.
We need to stop this to move on.
See you again this week.
This week.
A dream?
Where was I?
All right.
- An earthquake.
- Huh?
- Is it Sunday?
- Nope, it's Monday.
No way.
It's never-ending.
What the hell.
A pigeon. A pigeon.
A pigeon.
The next meeting is Monday.
Worst week ever.
Wanna join us?
He's secretly practicing golf.
But he gets interrupted.
- Too bad.
- Next, over there.
The lady drops her handkerchief,
and the man picks it up.
The lady looks back.
What a romantic scene.
Hope this hell ends next week.
If not, I'll make this come out
of their faucets.
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What's up?
Sakino called Friday night.
Wants five more proposals by Monday.
Monday? That's today.
What the heck is a
Miso Soup Soda Tablet?
I'll go to the presentation.
I'm off!
Off you go.
It is repeating.
Why don't you just ditch work, then?
Yes, we did the first few times.
But Murata said...
Unless we're 100% sure of the cause,
next week might come.
The possibility of it ending
suddenly is more than zero.
That would be a disaster.
Fine, what next?
This cursed bracelet is
the same as Mr. Nagahisa's.
Oh. And?
- The photos.
- Sure.
I studied time loop movies
to find a solution.
The protagonist is usually the cause.
Several things point to
Mr. Nagahisa being the protagonist.
His complex about aging,
a cursed item...
It's almost his birthday.
He always mentions it.
"I don't want to be 50 years old!
Time, please stop!"
And the cursed stones
made his wish come true.
In conclusion,
we have to make him
destroy the bracelet.
So we have to convince him.
"Escalation process"?
In a company, the safest way...
to resolve complicated issues is
to push it up the chain of command.
Your job is to convince Mr. Moriyama
that we're going through a time loop.
He'll tell Mr. Taira, who can
convince Mr. Nagahisa.
"Endo, Murata."
Huh? Why not tell him directly?
- Go ahead.
- Let's see what happens.
Mr. Nagahisa, excuse me.
We're repeating this week
over and over.
We're doing the same thing
over and over.
Go home, get some rest.
No, listen, we're doing it
over and over.
Okay, fine.
I'll do it.
First, become a fan of Mr. Moriyama.
Are you serious?
After observing him, show him
you can predict his next move.
Get him to open his mind.
And then, you immediately do...
the Pigeon Flashback.
Nobody listens otherwise.
I'm so sorry.
A new job?
I've always wanted to work
at that company.
I need to do my best.
Where was I?
Is it Sunday?
- Is it payday?
- That's next week.
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
- There's no time to work.
- I know.
But, I agree with you, Murata.
What if the loop ends when we
aren't ready? We need to work smarter.
Wanna drink?
Thank you very much, Mr. Yamaguchi.
Oh, you're Mr. Hamaguchi!
I'm terribly sorry.
There's gonna be a blackout!
Save your data.
Thanks, Yoshikawa.
You're a lifesaver!
Why did this happen!?
I only sing for myself.
Everything comes true.
While I'm in this world.
Run with your imagination.
Like a fantasy.
This is a fantasy.
Magnificent Miso!
Miso Madness.
MisoTab! How's that?
Mr. Moriyama, that milk's expired.
Wow! How'd you know?
Who wants to join me for a drink?
- Yes, yes.
- Hamaguchi, not "Yamaguchi".
Thank you so much, Mr. Hamaguchi.
Yes, thank you.
Mr. Moriyama, get the ticket now
or you'll regret it.
Blackout's coming. Save your data.
This is your last chance.
You saved my life, Yoshikawa!
Did you get it?
Yeah, but how did you know?
The blackout will last for 15 minutes.
"Don't worry even if it's a bad ending.
The moonlight is there for you."
You mean "we party
under the moonlight"?
That's so cool!
Let's sing.
Ironically, the first song is "Last Dance".
Once the last song starts
Just gonna end like always.
Next week will be future
Everything'll be gone by then.
Mr. Moriyama, we're repeating
the same week over and over.
In other words, a time loop.
What, is that a new song?
Which album?
No, just watch.
The lights come on in...
three, two, one...
This is my eighth time.
This is our twentieth.
What the hell?
Mr. Moriyama, I know it's unbelievable,
but whatever happens, remember this.
A pigeon.
- Pigeon?
- A pigeon.
What's this?
The lady drops her handkerchief,
and the man picks it up.
The lady looks back.
What a romantic scene.
The man will notice
his zipper is open in...
three, two, one...
Wait, there's more.
Hope this hell ends next week.
If not, I'll make this come out
of their...
Well, my life was like a repetition.
Yeah, scary though.
Well, we can work on the project
until it's perfect.
Even scarier.
"Moriyama to Taira."
It's impossible!
All Mr. Taira thinks about is work.
You're the only one who can
escalate this to him.
We'll need a plan, then.
- Say, Endo.
- Yes.
Can you do his job?
Are you kidding?
I can't do design.
It's okay.
I'll teach you.
- You can do it like this.
- Wow.
OK, I'll send you
a video by tomorrow too.
Alright? You can count on me.
Hello, is that Ms. Fujioka
of Rockin' Chair?
Thanks for last week...
I mean, nice meeting you.
I'd like to discuss a video project.
Thanks for the video.
It's fantastic!
Really? I'm so glad you like it.
I knew you could do it, Ms. Yoshikawa.
I'm done!
It's perfect.
- Wow, you're good.
- Thanks!
Now I have nothing to do.
- Can I borrow your charger?
- Sure.
- Mr. Taira, I...
- Sorry, later.
Can we talk?
Not now.
I'm done!
- Wow!
- You're good.
Now I have nothing to do.
- Can I borrow your charger?
- I forgot it.
- Murata?
- Me too.
I might have one.
- Ah, never mind.
- Too bad.
Maybe Seiko has one.
Crap, I can't charge my phone.
What's up?
Doesn't it feel like we're
repeating the same week?
I know, I've felt that
for the past 10 years.
What if we really are
repeating the same week?
Like Happy Death Day and
Edge of Tomorrow?
Or Groundhog Day.
I'd hate that. I'm going on
vacation with my wife next month.
- We've been arguing a lot these days.
- I see.
We haven't talked about
your family for ages.
A blackout's coming.
How'd you know?
Truth is...
That's it.
I thought it was weird.
I mean, when did Endo
learn graphic design?
But this is a joke, right?
OK, but there's one thing
I want you to remember.
A pigeon.
A pigeon.
Sorry to bother you on Sunday.
Are the proposals ready?
That's great. I really like
the word "MisoTab".
Was that in there?
It's so cool! Was it your idea?
- No.
- It wasn't you?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
Hey, your moves were so cool.
- Like Indy Jones.
- You mean Indiana.
Did it work out?
- I think so.
- I wonder.
Look, a lady drops her handkerchief,
and the man picks it up.
The lady looks back.
What a romantic scene.
The man will notice
his zipper is open in...
three, two, one...
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What, a new joke or something?
I can't believe it.
Now, let me explain the next step.
What's wrong?
When will this end?
You're surprisingly lively.
Well, our lives were
always like this.
That's scary.
And a video too! How did you
get it done so fast?
Well, I thought it'd be helpful.
You're amazing!
Wow, I'm so impressed!
It's all about team
management, isn't it?
- I'm off to lunch.
- Have a good one.
Mr. Nagahisa.
May we start the meeting?
"Regarding this week's time loop."
In conclusion, we're repeating
October 25 through 31.
Any questions?
- I see. Is this a joke?
- No.
Look at this.
"Why this is not a joke.
Five staff members have noticed."
- Any evidence?
- Look at this slide.
"Why we don't need evidence:
300% increase in proposals."
"Why we don't need evidence."
How did you know what
I was gonna say?
"It's the third time we've done this."
"This isn't magic!"
"It's a repeat."
It's raining...
"cats and dogs."
This is scary!
"This is scary."
Must be a trick.
"Must be a trick."
She sells seashells...
Coco dada ba!!
"Coco dada ba!!"
Time is really...
"Time is really repeating."
Oh my.
- Time loop, eh?
- Are you convinced?
Well, you sound so earnest.
It can't be a joke.
- Yes!
- Finally!
It's over!
He gets it!
Hey, hey.
Was it that hard to convince me?
It sure was.
Sorry, sorry.
Sorry, sorry.
No, it's fine now that you understand.
Nope, there's one more step.
- I'm finished.
- Thanks.
Me too.
Thank you very much. Great work.
- We're off.
- See you.
- See you next week.
- See you next week.
"Sorry, I have work tomorrow.
Let's meet next week!"
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What's wrong?
We're repeating again.
Mr. Nagahisa, why?
What do you mean?
How come?
The cursed green diamonds!
Give them to me!
Wait, what?!
- Hand it over!
- Where'd you get that?
My daughter gave it to me.
They're just beads.
That wasn't it?
I'm gonna quit.
We came this far.
I have things more important than work.
for Dream Navigation...
No! That's not us.
70 times! It's been 70 times already.
It's a time loop.
Sorry for not telling you.
- You knew?
- Why didn't you tell us?
"Send by 6 December, or give up."
What's this?
I know, it's surprising.
Good morning.
Oh. This is awful.
"Send by 6 December, or give up."
Yes! We passed the audition!
We've got a record contract!
- Drugs?!
- He's always been on them.
- He's been arrested.
- The band's finished.
- But it was our dream!
- It's over.
- He never gets visitors.
- No family.
I'm dying, with nothing
to show for my life.
Mr. Nagahisa began this after
he won a manga award 15 years ago.
But for several years, he was
busy fixing a mistake his staff made.
He never finished it?
But he never gave up his dream.
He promised a publisher that
he'd finish it and send it off.
I guess he's always regretted
never sending these drafts.
So that's it!
- What?
- How we can end this.
Some time loops occur because of
the protagonist's regrets.
It wasn't a curse!
I think this caused it.
So we have to make him finish it,
send it to the publisher,
and get it published?
He won't be convinced
unless we help him.
We need to make a fair copy.
Then he'll listen.
Why didn't you say this earlier?
You might not believe this,
but we're repeating this week.
- What?
- I have work to do.
It's repeating. Are you listening?
- I know how you feel.
- No, really.
It's repeating! Please believe me.
This week...
Worked all night?
- Delivery.
- Downstairs.
Worked all night?
Great to be young!
What the heck?
All night?
I'm dying.
- Don't you understand?!
- What?
A pigeon's going to hit the window.
Like this!
Never mind. It's all in the past.
Let's do it.
Rid him of his regrets.
We need to convince him
we're in a time loop.
No need for that.
He's not here when the pigeon hits.
That's true.
Our only chance is to get him
to finish it and send it off.
Ink it in?
I used to have a manga pen.
I have the presentation.
- Are you serious?
- I'm sorry.
- No taxi.
- I'll run.
Hey, how did it go?
Yeah, thanks to the time loop.
"Do not disturb."
- What's this?
- Let's do it, Yoshikawa!
"Mr. Sakino, sorry, but the proposals
won't be ready till tonight."
Ms. Yoshikawa, you've got nothing done.
Ah, I see you need some advice.
When you dip it in,
just do it lightly.
Makes it easy.
- Good job.
- I like your work.
I knew it.
We're not going to finish in time.
We need to get out of the loop first.
- Yoshikawa.
- You're not working on the manga?
- Hello?
- Where are the proposals?
My apologies, I've been busy.
- I'll...
- Ms. Yoshikawa.
About you joining us.
We have to reconsider.
No, wait!
You broke a promise.
- But I...
- Don't you get it?
I'm really...
Forget the manga this week.
- It'll loop again, right?
- Not sure.
We can try harder next time.
Hey, we all have lives, you know.
Murata's got his wedding.
Endo wants a girlfriend.
- And Moriyama...
- Who cares?
I worked so hard for this!
I'm not the same as you guys
who have no ambition.
I'm going home. See ya.
When will this ever end?
- See you.
- See you.
It's done.
Hello, Yoshikawa speaking.
Can you come to our office?
This feels like dj vu.
That's 'cause your brain is tired.
Here you are. Come in.
It feels like we're having
blackouts every week.
My assistants were worried
that I was overworking.
Breaks are important.
- I'm sorry for being so demanding.
- Not at all.
It's a major client. Success will
lead to bigger opportunities.
- I see.
- I wanted you to do your best.
I get it. Your colleagues
are causing trouble, right?
I wanted to talk to you about this.
- It's not my place to say, but...
- Yes?
You should quit that firm.
Sakino. Here you are.
Got the music data?
- I'll go get it right now.
- OK.
- Excuse me.
- Yes.
"Takako Kimoto."
- Ms. Kimoto.
- Yes?
I really admire you.
I'm Yoshikawa from Z Communication,
handling the Miso Soup Soda Tablet.
- Oh, the one joining us.
- Yes.
Hope that idiot Sakino
hasn't been too demanding.
Not at all.
- Here it is.
- OK.
- How's it going?
- Pardon?
Yes, it's almost finished.
- Hope it's not like last time.
- Don't worry.
They were completely useless,
but she's talented.
Talented, huh?
My team helps me out.
- Yoshikawa, was it?
- Yes.
Think only about yourself
if you want to succeed.
All you have is yourself in the end.
I have high hopes for you.
Sorry about that. Take a seat.
Where were we?
Yes, we're extremely
busy at the moment.
My apologies.
I made so many mistakes in my life.
Hey. Hey!
Hey, human. Wake up.
- I'm alive?
- No, idiot, you're dead.
- That's why I can speak Fox?
- No, I'm brilliant.
- No! Give me another chance!
- Alright, go back to the living.
"31 April 1995."
The day we formed the band!
This time, we'll succeed!
Like it?
I never knew he thought this way.
I'm terribly sorry!
I'll make up for it, even if
it takes the rest of my life.
Yes, of course.
I apologize.
It's probably our fault.
We prioritized the manga.
My sincerest apologies.
- Morning.
- Worked all night? Great to be young!
Watcha doing? A meeting?
- See you later.
- See you.
Excuse me.
What's up?
Your own dream, or everyone else.
Which is more important to you?
Dilemmas of youth, huh?
My own dream.
That's what I want to say, but...
there's not much you can do alone.
Is this a quiz?
Thank you very much.
- What about this part?
- Paint it white.
I'll join you.
What about the Miso Tablet?
I don't care.
I'm so sorry.
I've realized what's most important.
Working together...
so that we can escape
this awful time loop.
Ditch all our work,
and focus on the manga.
All our work?
We can't do that, can we?
We need to do the minimum,
so we don't lose clients.
Let's do it.
But yeah, we have to do the minimum.
Or our reputation will suffer.
Thank you very much.
Sit down.
- Here.
- It'll go much faster now.
- Brought your own?
- Bought them.
Huh? Depression!?
- I wanna quit.
- It's because of mental stress.
I failed again.
- See you!
- See you!
Failed again, idiot?
Want another chance?
- Kill yourself? Why?
- I failed my exam!
No! Wait!
- Why did you stop me?
- Don't do it.
You probably won't believe this,
but I'm reliving my life over and over.
But I mess it up
each and every time.
Maybe I should never
have been born.
This story's deep.
I really like it.
I won't kill myself.
Tell me all your troubles.
It's alright.
What's your band called?
I'm sorry I've been so self-centered.
Ignoring those most precious to me.
What brought this on?
I'm gonna live in the present,
not just for my own future.
Hey, human. Wake up.
Failed again, idiot?
I really like your slogan.
Oh, that was my colleague Endo's idea.
He's brilliant, so very talented.
Let's go with it.
We'll send you the video by Monday.
Mr. Nagahisa.
Where did you...
Sorry for not asking.
Your manga's brilliant.
We want you to finish it.
We've inked everything.
Wow, this is amazing.
You all worked on it?
Oh, wow.
This takes me back.
Brings back memories.
How was it?
- I really liked it.
- Really?
I see.
You know a publisher, don't you?
Let's send it to them.
No, I can't.
I don't think it's any good.
- Eh?
- What?
But I'm really happy you did
all this for me. I'm ever so grateful!
- So...
- But I won't send it.
But I'm so happy!
I'm really touched!
50% of people polled
relate to the story.
It shows how insightful it is.
But others say it irritates them.
That's scary.
Art always polarizes people's opinions.
It shows that you're a real artist!
- So true!
- Exactly!
No, no, no.
You're right. But no.
The artwork is outdated.
I'm 50 years old.
You're still young!
Colonel Sanders launched
KFC when he was...
I said no!
It isn't that you doubt
your work is good.
You just don't believe in yourself.
No! Give me another chance!
Again? You never learn.
Why do I always fail?
You always make foolish decisions.
Bad decisions? What am I
seeking in the first place?
- Broke your arm!?
- Might never be able to play again.
Am I fired?
No, we'll wait till you're healed.
Get well soon.
You're always thinking about us.
And so...
Think about yourself, too.
Not just about others.
We couldn't release our music
this time either.
I'm never afraid to say
what I think of others,
but when it comes to me,
I lack courage.
So I can't.
I- -
We want to see your dream come true.
I'm sick of this life.
I'll jump, like she was going to.
Let's move forward.
Don't be afraid.
We're all here for you.
Is the heater on?
I feel so hot.
My eyes are sweating!
Mr. Nagahisa, let's do it.
We want to know how it ends.
Got it.
Wow. Are you all psychic?
Nothing like that.
"Sorry I missed your call."
"Unfortunately, the proposals
aren't ready yet."
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
Your turn.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
I'll jump, like she was going to.
It's you!
- Now you want to die!?
- I'm sorry!
Your music gave me the
courage to live. I love it.
"Ohira Hospital."
They stayed together
until she breathed her last.
What a boring life that was.
Wanna try again?
Thanks everybody, it's finished.
Great work!
"Curse of the Fox Demon"
"Mr. Sakino,
apologies for the delay."
"You will receive them
in the next two hours."
A dream?
It's been a while since
I worked all night!
- Did you send it?
- Yup.
Seiko sent it.
No, no, no, it's different!
They're gone!
Everything's new!
It's different!
Yes! Yes!
We did it!
So young!
It's a brand new day.
"Incoming call: Sakino."
Good morning! It's Sakino
from Kimoto PR.
Good morning.
I've been waiting for
your proposals to arrive.
It's my first time experiencing this.
I thought I could trust you!
- Well...
- You have an excuse? Go ahead!
I'm sorry.
Hello, this is Nagahisa speaking.
Thank you for your custom.
I'm ever so sorry about this.
I take full responsibility for
failing to manage my team,
and so, I will apologize
to Kinopy on your behalf.
- "Kinopy"?
- Yes.
Kimoto and I were classmates
from junior high up to university.
And also,
about your job offer to Yoshikawa.
Please, stop.
I want her to stay here.
She's excellent, and we need her.
So please accept my apologies.
Look forward to working with you again.
- Please forgive us.
- Goodbye.
I'm sorry for being selfish.
I still want to work with you.
Thank you.
Me too.
- Really?
- Yes.
Thank goodness for that!
After sending that manga off,
I feel I can do anything!
I'm so happy.
Thanks for everything.
Me too. Here's to
our future together.
That's a promise?
Let's do it!
- Oh, right, here.
- Thank you.
What a boring life that was.
Wanna try again?
Nope, I'm fine.
I have to go fly a kite with
my grandchild. Thanks.
Humans sure are weird.
I'm flying to Spain.
- When?
- The day after tomorrow.
It's from the publisher.
Yes, that's me.
They said it was good.
Send us more, they said.
That's it?
- No serialization?
- Nope.
- It's not gonna be published?
- No, no.
But thanks, everybody.
I'll draw again.
Yes, I will.
Life is long.
Story Development
Saeri NatsuoRyo TakebayashiBunkei.
Screenplay by
Saeri NatsuoRyo Takebayashi.
Daisuke NoroFumika Fukuda.
Music by Takao Ogi.
Director of Photography
Tatsuyuki Kozen.
Lighting Design Kei Kubota.
Audio Shingo Ootaka.
Production Designer
Teruko Saegusa Ami Okazaki.
Comics Yajimari.
Jo Kobayashi Bellamy Ryo Takebayashi.
Sound Effects Ryo Nishikawa.
Colorist Ai Hirata.
Costume Design Chihiro Iima.
Hair & Makeup Mari.
Kayo YamamuroMariko Karasaki.
Assistant Director
Takenori Tokuyama.
Eiichi TanigawaNatsumi Hosaka.
International Sales NIKKATSU.
Directed by Ryo Takebayashi.
Where's this? Ronda in Spain?
That's very niche.
Huh? He...
Right from the start, he went
seeking the love of his life.
Looks like he finally found her.
She's cute.
Edited by Martin Turner