Monster Beach (2014) Movie Script

Hey, that's me. Dean.
Dropping in
on the wave of my dreams.
The most perfect thing
I've ever seen.
Sa-weet! I'm even better
than I really am!
I could go pro!
Wait, my sister?
What gives Jan? This is my dream.
Look out, goofy foot!
Wiped out.
Why can't I just be a great surfer?
What am I missing?
Why can't I just...
Why can't you just stop snoring,
goofy foot!
Hey, Jan. Are we there yet?
That's why I woke you up.
Get my board.
I'm not your slave.
And don't flick my lobe.
Look, that must be
the way to the beach.
Beach closed. Dangerous undertow.
Treacherous riptide.
High waves. Stinging jellyfish.
No swimming, no surfing, no fun.
Get lost.
Really, Dean?
This is where you wanna spend
our summer vacation?
I think I'd rather
be stuck at work with Mum.
Why didn't you choose
to go to Fiji with our cousins?
Because Uncle Woody is fun.
And it was my turn to pick.
Besides, it's gotta be fake.
You know Uncle Woody
and the locals put that there
to keep the non-surfers out.
And where's Uncle Woody, Dean?
He was supposed to meet us.
Relax, Jan.
You know what Woody's like.
He's probably waiting for us
on the other side anyway.
See? It's safe.
Don't be such a chicken, Janny.
I bet you wouldn't be such a chicken
if Ritchie O'Donnell was here!
You're dead meat!
See? I told you it was safe.
Hey, Check it out.
Hello? Anybody home?
I think it's the maid's decade off.
It's creepy.
This whole place is creepy.
Keep that ugly thing away from me!
Relax, Jan.
It's just a tiki souvenir.
I found a whole stack
of them back there.
Put it back, Dean!
You need to lighten up, sis.
Welcome to Butterfield's Surf City!
It's a like a day at the beach
with all the comforts of home.
In Surf City, you can ride
a radical wave without getting wet.
Get brown as a nut
while you're eating
at the Tan-n-Taco.
Sit on the beach and wax your board
in air-conditioned comfort.
Learn to speak Surf Cool
with our founder,
Francis B. Butterfield III.
Hit the beach. Bodacious, dude.
I'm the Big Kahuna.
Well, Mr. Butterfield, sir
it looks like another
record-breaking day at Surf Cit...
I'm bored.
- Excuse me, sir?
- This is all boring. I'm bored.
You're bored
and most importantly, Hodad...
They're bored.
I'm bored, sir?
Boring, Hodad. You're boring.
How many resorts
have I now built, Hodad?
With the grand opening
of Surf City Kyrgyzstan
next month, sir
I believe that makes...
And what would one find different
about those 43 parks?
Well, we do find
we need a higher lifeguard
to patron ratio
at Surf City Tibet, sir.
You're not hearing me, Hodad.
Do you know who they have minding
the playground at Wonderland Beijing?
Look, this whole Bogus surfer thing
is a license to print money
but they are getting bored, Hodad.
Market expectations are changing,
people want...
What? No! Something different.
And you are gonna go find it for me.
I am, sir?
Because I don't do well
in warm weather climes
I'm very susceptible to heat rash
and my allergies.
Something different.
Somewhere different!
Ever heard
of Icki-Icki island, Hodad?
Neither have I, Hodad,
neither have I.
Uncle Woody'll be here.
You said that two hours ago.
And an hour ago. And half an hour...
Jan! Dean!
How are you, grommets?
I thought you were coming
in tomorrow.
Jan thought you'd forgotten us.
You're such an embarrassment.
Stop flicking me!
No way!
I mean, how could I forget
my favorite little gromms, man?
I just had to...
What was I saying?
Oh, yeah. Dudes,
it's just I live on island time.
Let's roll out to the old surf shack.
Local point of interest,
over to the left, you'll see...
I've never seen that before.
Okay, over to the right,
the local campground.
Where people camp on the ground.
This island is trashed!
Who would live in a place like this?
What was that?
It's just some of the locals, man.
They like to burn
a bit of rubber now and again.
Don't worry about that.
You live in a shack.
It's an actual shack.
I've always wanted
to live in a cubby.
Hey, this ain't your ordinary shack,
little lady.
It's totally pimped!
I mean it's got... tennis courts.
Private gymnasium.
I don't really have time
to get in there
as much as I'd like to these days.
And over there the pool moi amigos.
Yeah, probably time
for its spring clean, dudes.
And this,
this is the pice de rsistance.
That's Spanish for awesome.
Super sweet!
But don't put the boards away.
Let's go down and surf that break.
Actually, I was wondering
if you could give me a few pointers.
It's been a while.
Well, grommets, the beach is...
it's dangerous.
- Bad surf.
- You're nuts!
I can see the break from here.
Yeah, looks really great!
No! Stay off that beach!
But the beach
is the whole reason we came here.
I'm sorry, gromms.
Monster, I mean "Mondo" Beach,
is bogus.
It's a bad break.
Enough with my angry face.
There's a great beach
on the other side of the island.
I'll take you there tomorrow.
Now, who needs grindage?
How 'bout some
of my classic surfer burritos, huh?
The ones with fresh pineapple
and mango salsa?
Bring it on!
Monster Beach?
Jan? You awake?
What gives, goofy foot?
I think Uncle Woody just snuck out.
This place sucks.
I've been bitten
by every bug on the island.
Why couldn't you have chosen Fiji?
Check out the break.
Why wouldn't he let us surf here?
It's the best I've ever seen.
Let's find him and ask.
Hey, kid, so nice to meet ya
Hey, kid, you're as white as a sheep
You got to look at your face
Says you never seen a place like this
Oh, yeah!
Hey, kids, don't go to pieces
Come here, ain't you the sweetest
The moon is bright
It's a beautiful night
I'll take you down to the sand
If you take my hand
Never gets old, that one.
- Monster beach
- We got some out-of-towners
- Monster beach
- Mighty glad you found us
It's been a while since we've done
Our welcome speech to Monster Beach
- Monster Beach
- Where the living's easy
- Monster Beach
- Even though it's queasy
A paradise that's full of rich
Monster Beach
Say you need a place to unwind
If you got a lot on your mind
It's great therapy
You should have seen me before
If you are chasing advice
Come out, go surfing with us
And if you come for a dip
It's a monster's rip
You better know how to swim
You don't want to be saved by him
- Monster Beach
- It's a hidden treasure
- Monster Beach
- We got lots of leisure
Come have some
Of my mouth-watering treats
Monster Beach
- Monster Beach
- What he said.
Welcome to our Monster Pacific
Even the plank is monsterific
If you wanna hang here
We're terrific and free
- Monster Beach
- Monster Beach
That was awesome.
Grommets? You here?
Stay back, Surf Monster!
You won't eat me!
Here, eat my sister.
Chillax. Nobody's getting eaten.
I don't think. No, no eating.
Anyway, we need to talk.
This vacation
just gets better and better.
So, let me get this straight.
You own a beach
full of monsters who like to surf?
You know, "monster" has such
a negative connotation.
Yeah, 'cause they're monsters!
They eat people!
Fiji doesn't have any monsters!
Yeah, look, man,
I was hoping you'd sorta warm-up
to the whole monsters
at the beach thing.
I mean, it's pretty cool, actually.
Really it's more hot.
Tropical and all.
But hey, you should get to know them.
They're good people!
Well, they're not really people.
Anyone who surfs can't be all bad.
Unless they want to eat your brain!
They don't eat brains.
Mutt was scared to death of you guys.
Folks see monsters
and form mobs chase 'em out of town.
They're usually
not treated very well by
you know, normal dudes.
That's okay. We're not normal.
And not everyone normal
is a dude, man.
Look, I wanted a nice,
relaxed vacation
at a resort that has room service.
Like normal people.
Is that too much to ask?
Okay, okay, so none of this
is, like, totally normal, right.
But normal is boring, man.
Monster Beach
wasn't always like this.
Goin' way back,
I came here to Icki-Icki Island
chasing my endless summer.
But as soon as I saw that break,
man, it was the best in the world.
The beach belonged to King Aina Haina
The last of a long line
of proud rulers of Icki-Icki Island.
He was a pretty cool man, man.
I taught him how to surf
and he taught me how to find
my subconscious dude.
Anyway, the King had a son,
His subconscious dude,
well, it was pretty bogus.
He wasn't interested
in the island ways, man.
All he ever thought about
was how much he couldn't wait
to be the big kahuna himself.
This worried King Aina Haina
so he sent him away to learn
the meaning of responsibility.
Did it work?
Nah, man, Knutt studied law,
sued his father for everything.
But he never did give up the island.
And when the time came for King Aina
to go to that big break in the sky
well, he handed
the beach to the only guy
left here on the island.
Yours truly dude.
Years later,
an enraged Knutt came back.
Found the place populated
with me and my surf'n buddies here.
He tried to use magic to curse me
and take ownership of the island
but instead,
he accidentally cursed the beach
and everybody on it except me.
But how come you weren't cursed too?
Because of this.
This Idol,
it's the tiki deed to the beach.
As rightful owner
it protects me from Knutt's magic.
Where's Knutt now?
You don't have to worry, little dude.
See, even Knutt himself wasn't immune
from the effects of his curse.
Self-imposed exile, man.
It's a downer.
See, now what you've gone
and done is spoil the best part
and I really do hate it
when things get spoilt!
Little people?
Arrived on Monster Beach?
I think Woody's
brought in reinforcements!
If it wasn't already bad enough
with that current stock
of cursed beach bums.
Now he's inviting more!
I never understood
what Daddy saw in that loafer.
This Island should be mine.
If I only knew where he hid that idol
then my magic would work a charm.
I could reverse this wretched curse
and rid this island
of that Soggy bottomed dunderhead!
Wait a moment.
Describe these little people.
Children. They're children!
They must be relatives.
This is too good.
Just as all those years ago
Woody tricked my poor Daddy
into turning against me.
I'm going to trick his family
into turning against him.
Okay. I shall drive them
all of this island
and force them to accept me
as the rightful King
of Icki-Icki island!
What's that, poppa?
Yes, yes, of course.
I plan to make you very proud.
Daddy, I want you to be proud of me
I'm gonna be the son
That you wanted me
- To be but Daddy
- Daddy
I got to do things my own way
Let me off the leash
To carve my own knees
Into the faces of my enemies
Cast them to the bottom
Of the Seven Seas
And I will crush them and defeat them
I will mash them
And let's meet them, you'll see
Understand it's a different time
The problem you faced back then
Are not like mine
Not today, but, Daddy
This whole island has gone apart
And before you say
That's because I cursed it
It's definitely not
So let's bury the hatchet
Into the helmets of my enemies
And I will chop them
Till they fall like trees
Those kids, my key to glory
I will use them to restore me
I'll speak my children morely
I'm a cheat
You'll be proud of me
Or I will sink this island
Into the sea
Now bring me those kids.
Okay, beached whales!
Monster Beach is now open!
Is he like suggesting
we get in that like
what do you call it?
Like, water.
- Like, ew!
- Like, ew!
So, I've kept my word
to the Big Kahuna
and taken care of Monster Beach.
Monsters on a monster break.
- Sa-weet.
- Monsters?
Oh, yeah it's monstery but cool.
I was kinda hoping you two
would learn to love it
the way that I do.
I'm a long way
from loving any of this.
C'mon, gromms,
stop watchin' and start carvin'!
Surf's up!
If I were a better surfer,
I'd be liking this more.
Hey little man, it's cool.
My monstery buddies
can give you some pointers.
Why don't you get out
to the sun before you melt?
Never mind her, man. That's Widget.
Shaka-nar-nar, brah! Whoa, dude!
Who are your little buddies?
He's riding backwards!
Yeah, that's why
he's called Brain Freeze.
Oh, and that's Amphibia!
Hola, Woody!
- Nice hat.
- That's her hair.
Does it always get this crowded?
Not if order is maintained!
Thanks, Lost Patrol,
for taking charge.
Good-to-go, commander!
The Mutt!
Hey, watch it, wave dog!
Hey, take a chill pill, Mutt.
This is my nephew.
I was kinda hoping
you'd show the little guy
the way of the monster style.
Monster style?
This place is like something
out of an old horror movie.
Well, at least
the bugs aren't so bad.
Widget, I know you're a monster,
but why do you live here?
Oh! I can't hear you.
Must have water in my ears.
Whoa, I'm losing it!
You've got potential,
little crusher, but...
But you've got to unleash
the inner monster, little Kahuna.
Fine. But how
am I supposed to do that?
It's easy, watch.
Monster style!
But I can't do that!
You only think you can't do that.
The answer, therefore,
is not to think.
That's it?
- I've got night watch. Aloha!
- Later, LP.
- What does he watch for?
- Night, I guess.
I dig this place, cool break,
monster dudes, sunset beach party.
You're mental, goofy foot.
Monster Beach? Really?
This rotting, awful place
is just a freak show.
You're such a pain all the time!
It's our vacation!
We're here! Deal with it!
You ruined my whole summer!
I'm stuck here because of you!
Gromms, chill! You're scarin' me.
And I'm a monster.
- She okay?
- Sometimes Jan just doesn't get it.
A good joke might cheer her up.
What's gray and white and can't surf?
A parking garage.
I thought you said a good joke.
Harsh. Look, the vibe here
can mess with your head.
Give her time.
But you, crusher, you get it.
With a little training,
some of my tutoring
you could really bring it.
You mean you can teach me about
unlocking my inner surf monster?
He totally can!
Brain Freeze taught me
to be fierce with that water.
To go Monster style.
- Who was that?
- Tourists.
I can't understand
a thing you're saying.
Stop babbling, Hodad!
You're not coming home
until you tell me about that island.
But, sir, you don't want this island.
- Why?
- Well, sir
if you could see this place
for yourself.
I have and I love it!
You, you do?
Wait, how did you get here?
My luxury yacht.
I asked you to find me
something different, Hodad.
Something unique.
This is a beach populated
with real living surfing monsters.
It's perfect!
Twilight fall
Night bird caw
Sing your song of mystery
Soon your secret will be
Known to everybody
And the whole moon flock
Will come to see
Bag that up for me, would you, Hodad?
It's an island with the smile
And groove of ghouls
Greeting guests at the gate
But they won't be eating brains
They'll be trained
We'll raid them in, they'll behave
A mysterious adventure into mystery
Delivered with
Professional consistency
And I wouldn't need
To change a thing at all
See, it's a mighty nice slice
Of paradise
But it ain't weather-proof
It will be even more pristine
With a little lick
Of paint and a roof
There ain't no problem
That a little bit of mini golf
And a tiny umbrella
And a drink can't solve
And I wouldn't need
To change a thing at all
What could be better than
A Monster Beach
A Monster Beach themed Monster
I put the creatures
In the people's reach
Folks can only dream it
But I have seen it
I just have to theme it
So get the hell of a bit of frills
And fun in me
Once we got all of that money
We can scare them away
And I wouldn't need to change a thing
I wouldn't re-arrange a thing
I wouldn't need to change a thing
At all
You ain't changing at all
Except for that.
Tomorrow, Hodad,
we find out who owns this island
and we buy it!
That's it, grommet! You're improving.
So, what's the secret
to monster style?
The secret is nothing.
Yeah, I mean you gotta totally
let go to let it out.
Stop holding back
and out comes the inner monster.
So practice doing nothing.
Do nothing.
That wasn't nothing, crusher.
That was wiping out.
It's hard being a monster.
Tell me about it.
I can't even see
through my hair most of the time.
Hello? Excuse me?
We were wondering
if you have any rooms available?
A roo... how did you get in there?
Game, Teddles want to play game.
I'm losing patience, Hodad.
Sorry, we've had a rather
overwhelming day and we...
You go first!
I spy with my little eye,
something that starts with...
- "T"!
- I give up.
Trailer. I go again.
I spy something starting with "T".
Gee, I dunno. Trailer?
You cheat! Teddles get another turn.
I spy with my little eye,
something start with "T".
Give up? Trailer. I go again.
I spy something starting with "T".
Trailer. Teddles get another turn.
So, as you can see
despite being cursed
everyone has sort
of adjusted to life here.
They're safe in the sun.
Which is more than I can say
for the food.
What is that?
Hey, Madgey? What flavor is this!
What? I dunno let me see.
Chicken with fish balls
and gravy circa 199...
What? You don't like it?
Mummy's boy, fix the Mutt
something else, would ya, honey?
He don't like his breakfast.
Pro-tip, Gromms.
No matter how much
you might hate the food here
never, ever tell the chef.
Nah... man, I... I love it.
the food is great, isn't it, guys?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Down the gullet,
little man, same time!
My brother, the little monster.
Something the matter, Hodad?
No, nothing,
just mild scoliosis likely
due to fanning you last night
as you slept, sir.
The air con was out, Hodad.
Yes, sir...
Excuse me, madam
it appears someone has misplaced
their eyeball in my tea.
You okay, Jan?
As okay as I can be.
I get why goofy foot
likes this place.
But maybe it's not for me.
do you remember when you were little?
You were more
of a monster than your bro.
- I was?
- Totally. You were a handful.
But you were fun and in the moment.
You need more of that in your life.
Besides, these monsters
are people, too.
Or they used to be.
And you used to be a monster.
You know what I'm trying to say?
- No.
- Bummer.
I was hopin' you could tell me.
I think you're saying to just chill
and give these people a chance.
Wow. I'm really deep sometimes.
I thought this place would be
A sun-soaked wonderland
Teenagers frolic to the sounds
Of a surfing band
But as soon as I arrived
I started fearing for my life
This holiday's a nightmare
That won't end
I think they build this place
Out of all of my bad dreams
You put your ear to a shell
And you just hear horrible screams
And the cook should get the sack
Even the seagulls send food back
I hate this place
That guy's molding
And that guy's starting to smell
- She really hates it
- She really hates it
She's revolting
And he just looks unwell
- She really hates it
- She really hates it
- She really, really hates it
- She really, really hates it
She's half girl half trout
- She's half girl half trout
- I guess I'm the odd one out
I hate this place
- I can't believe it
- I hate this place
- She doesn't like it
- I hate this place
How could you hate a place like this?
- It's easy
- We open arms of friendliness
- And queazy
- Whatever you request, you'll get
Just leave me be
- Just leave her be
- Just leave her be
When the moon comes out at night
You know it's not gonna be all right
- I hate this place
- She hates it
- I hate this place
- She hates it
I hate this place
I got one.
Sir, I got... one.
Dean? Dean? Are you there?
Good to go, Mutt.
Thanks for the quick lube.
That will keep your brain-cage firing
on all cylinders.
Dean, Uncle Woody says
it's almost time for...
Dig your place.
Part garage, part dog house.
What's under here?
Our beach beaters.
Dad used to fix cars. Jan loves them.
Or at least, she used to.
Wanna go for a ride?
LP, go get the Freeze-man.
Last one to the volcano is lame-o!
What? I mean I was never one for kids
but these are the ugliest children
I have ever seen.
You! Small hairy child,
what is your name?
Do you have any idea who I am?
No, that's precisely
what I'm trying to establish.
Who do you think you are?
I asked you first.
Same time?
One, two, three!
Knutt! True King of Icki-Icki...
Fantastic. Just fantastic.
- Isn't that special, Hodad?
- Really special, sir.
My head of entertainment
can never manage to put together
a tropical show this amusing.
And I love your workspace.
Always intimidate others
with your presentation, I say.
That is the idea.
See now, King Knutt
you may just be the man
I've been looking for.
You know that derelict,
monster-infested mud flat down there
well, I was thinking
of making you an offer for it.
We have a guest. Refreshments!
You mean the place
they call Monster Beach?
Beach. Sure, whatever
you whimsical natives call it.
See being a King,
would it be correct to assume
that this particular beach
belongs to you
and that,
should that indeed be the case
you, as the proprietor
could indeed sell it to me?
Why, yes.
I can sell you that beach.
But what is in the deal for me?
Well, the money and...
I'll make you
the official chief of Surf City.
Hold on.
Did you say you'd officially make me
the "Chief" of a... city?
And I was gonna settle
for being king of a deadbeat island.
Not just any city. Surf city!
You just have to sign this contract
bestowing a few things to me
approving some permits,
it's all very technical boring stuff
and of course,
protecting your interests.
You surely,
don't think I'm that stupid.
I'll get my legal team
to give this the once-over.
That's it, sign away all your rights.
Very well. Now, we dance!
Big Chief, Big Chief
Finally, I'm the Big Chief
Excellent, now as you would've
noted in section 235A.
I'm going to need some form
of formal deed to seal the deal.
You will provide that, I am sure...
- Excuse me, the deed?
- You do have the deed?
Yes... of course.
I have it in a very secret place.
Might just take me
a couple of days to retrieve it.
I like secrets.
So long as only I know them.
I'll give you seven days, Knutt.
I'll be back then to collect
my deed or the deal is off.
Daddy always said
"If you want something done right,
do it yourself."
Hey, whatcha got, dawg?
More than you, blondie!
Gonna win this race monster style!
- You drive.
- What? Seriously?
- I don't have a license.
- Use mine.
It's a dog license.
And it's 20 years out of date!
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Just let go and drive like a monster.
I gotta get some air.
I don't know why this feels so good!
Sa-weet! I'm a road monster!
Now that was
a totally monster-style win, Jan.
Love this view.
I never realized it was so beautiful.
Sometimes all you gotta do
is take a step back, Jan.
See things from
a different perspective.
Now, how to get a deed.
You wicked things!
But no...
Far too barbaric.
No, we are going to use...
Now, charm her with your eyes!
Super sa-weet!
- Does he...
- Dude is an artiste.
Or a monster-tiste?
Best to let him do his thing.
A board to bring out
your inner monster.
Can you make me one? Hey!
- Can you make both of us one?
- For sure.
Mutt here already helped me cut
the planks for your monster boards.
You gotta help me shape 'em. Coolio?
- Absolutely!
- Absolutely!
I got all my surfing here
It's on my bedroom wall
Looking down on me expectedly
I want to show them all
'Cause I know everything
That you can know about the surf
I've been dreaming
Of the perfect tube ride
Since the moment of my birth
But when I get out there
I just can't compare
To these monster freaks
How they ride those foamy peaks
Get off on my end, you monster
Do it monster's style
Get off on my end, you monster
When I find it I'll stop trying
To catch the perfect wave
I'll let the wave catch me
- That's the way to surf monsterously
- Monster style
Now you getting it, kid
- Monster style
- Monster style
- Get off on your end, you monster
- Get off on your end, you monster
Do it just like us
- Get off on your end, you monster
- Get off on your end, you monster
You're thinking way too much
- Get up on the board
- Get up on the board
- And lose your mind
- And lose your mind
- Just check out for a while
- Just check out for a while
- That's the way
- That's the way
- To surfing monster's style
- To surfing monster's style
What do you mean you
are having problems with the workers?
You're like that stress-induced
rash of yours, Hodad
irritating and totally useless!
Oh, no, sir.
I did have some problems with the...
some union issues, sir,
but I can assure you
it's all sorted out.
We are right on schedule
for phase two, sir.
You really should come down here
and see it for yourself.
I have.
Yes, sir! Well, I think this calls
for a little celebration.
Look, I even got
your favorite little umbrella!
Just make sure everything is ready
for the big day tomorrow, Hodad.
It's time to turn Monster Beach
into Monster Beach TM!
You trademarked the beach, sir?
Of course, I did.
Now. Let's go pick up my deed.
I'm so glad we came here,
Uncle Woody.
Best vacation ever.
All right, my fellow compadres,
surfers, monsters, and...
whatever it is
you're classified as, Boogie.
I like to say something.
It has been most privileges
to have been the caretaker
of Monster Beach
since the passing of my buddy
the great King Aina Haina.
But as some of you may
or may not know
something happened to me
some months back.
Something really deep
and profound, man.
But I forgot what it was... Oh, yeah!
My parakeet died, man!
I loved that parakeet!
One day, he just dropped straight off
his perch for no reason.
Or maybe there was that little dude
used to party pretty hard
but the point was, man,
what would happen
if without warning, I fell off
my metaphorical perch, man?
I'm glad you like it here, Jan
because, well, my plan
is to give you kids Monster Beach.
- Give us the beach?
- That's right.
This place is special
and it needs a guardian.
Someone to act
on behalf of these guys
with the rest of the world.
But, Uncle Woody,
you're not leaving, are you?
Nah. I don't think so.
Nope. Not for a long time, I hope.
But it's time for me to let
a new generation
take care of this place.
Nah, forget it, dudes.
I'm happy to announce
that my little gromms
Jan and Dean,
are now official members
of the Monster Beach Beach Club!
Goofy foot.
I will bring the deed to King Knut.
I will bring the deed to King Knutt.
And you have, thank you very much.
Thank you, little girl,
please go away now
and do whatever
it is little girls do.
Monster Beach is now... mine!
Ours, actually.
Yes. Yes, of course. Of course.
And this means,
that once you build this city...
I will be the Big Chief.
Knutt, a city
like you've never seen before.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Well, nice dealing with you, Nutso.
But I'll be needing you
to clear out of my office
so as to give
the decorators some space.
What? Your office?
But I'm The Big Chief!
Yes, you are
the Big Chief Entertainer
at the Monster Beach...
- Trademark.
- Nightly beach party.
Read your contract.
I shall curse you!
- But, I...
- Take your act on the road, Chief!
Hodad, make sure you lock up
this place nice and tight!
Okay, beached whales!
Monster beach is now open?
Excuse me,
is the eyeball soup gluten free?
Because, I'm intolerant...
Is the rat burger free range?
I asked for a no-foam, 130-degree,
non-fat, free-trade barfacino?
Hiya dudes and dudettes,
welcome to Brain Freeze's surf shack.
To surf the break,
you'll need a board
and we have a wide range available
starting from just $800 and up.
What's that?
I forget what I'm saying.
Oops! Brain Freeze...
Oh, dude. Not cool!
They won't stop!
- Uncle Woody, what's going on?
- I don't know, little dudes.
But I'm gonna find out.
Amphibia. What's going on?
I have no idea.
I wake up to the sound
of dolphins performing in my lagoon!
Here they are, everyone!
My stars of Monster Beach!
- Who's the Barney?
- Excuse me...
Francis B. Butterfield III.
Your Boss!
Dude, the wood burger
barely even works for himself.
He's the guy that owns Surf City.
Then, in that case,
as new owner of Monster Beach
I would like to inform you
that you are all officially squatting
on my property.
I'll tear him to pieces!
And I'll tear those pieces to pieces!
Chill, guys, he can't do anything.
Look, I own this beach
and I have the deed to prove it.
You mean, this deed?
The deed sold to me
by the king of Icki-Icki island?
But... But, Janny, how did he...
I... I thought I was dreaming.
There was a man, with a flaming head.
He tricked me!
- Knutt!
- It's true.
The girl speaks the truth...
- What?
- It was him!
He put a spell on me and made me
give him the deed, Uncle Woody.
I'm sorry.
- What?
- Yes.
Look, it is possible
that I did do that.
But it's hardly my fault,
being practically orphaned.
I never learned right from wrong.
Society is to blame really
when you think about it.
You went to Oxford, dude!
And didn't that just mess me up!
Wait a second.
Is any of this even legal?
I have all the notarized paperwork.
Bottom line... Monster Beach TM
now belongs entirely to me!
Oh, on that topic.
You all thus collectively owe me...
$235,000 and 40 cents.
In back paid rent.
We don't have that kinda money, man!
Technically, I don't even have a job.
You do now, big guy.
Just make sure
he does something about that hair.
Hope you have a permit for that.
Embalming. Call an embalmer.
Get him wormed, de-flead,
and rabies shots.
Actually, rabies shots for everyone.
Anyways, looking forward
to working with you all.
The kids are just gonna love ya!
He can't really do this,
can he, Uncle Woody?
Can he?
I never would have thought
my last night on Monster Beach...
would be like this.
No way! I can't believe
there's nothing we can do.
Well, troops,
it looks like tonight will be our...
last patrol.
What is wrong with all of you?
I can't believe, I'm hearing this!
Look, I hated this place at first,
but I can't imagine just giving up!
Just throwing in the beach towel!
We have to fight them!
We can't just go to pieces!
Totally with you, but what do we do?
I say the Deed was stolen from us
so we issue an order
to steal it back!
Lost Patrol, I don't think...
No, no. LP is right.
He is? We have to fight.
Listen up, surf-rats
we could fight them
with legal battles and court actions
but that might take hundreds of years
and cost millions of dollars.
No, we have to do something.
- Totally monster style!
- Right.
A monster plan so raggin',
so bodacious
so aggro they'll never see it coming!
Sounds like we'll need
some crazy magic to pull it off.
Oh, we will.
And I know someone
who can help with that.
Poppa, it's time to make some magic!
Biggest break I've seen
in a long time.
Biggest high tide of the year.
Really big. Really high.
You two can totally do this.
Just use your monster style training.
Well, here you go, dudes.
Shaped for my favorite
little monsters.
- Cool!
- Cool!
Now, Amphibia's gonna help you
get out past the break.
But on the way back,
you're on your own, gromms.
Just remember what I taught you.
Feel your inner monster, dude.
In here.
Right. Mutt, Brain Freeze,
and I will be waiting
in the beaters for the getaway.
That's the plan. Or at least,
I'm pretty sure that's the plan?
Be careful.
And please don't tell your mom
I let you do this!
This surf's totally huge.
Can we do this?
Just remember
what Brain Freeze taught you!
You'll be fine!
Surf's up!
Wait right there!
There is half a percent missing
from this quarterly
earnings statement!
You can't let sloppy wor...
You woke me up
on the wrong side of the bed!
This doesn't belong to you.
Come back here!
What? What the...
Hodad! Don't just stand there,
you nincompoop!
Fire up the chopper! Hurry!
Hang tough, Dean.
I'm trying!
The girl, get the girl!
It's up to you! Goofy foot!
I'm losing it!
You better figure out this whole
monster style thing pretty quick!
The secret is nothing.
I'm just learning to relax
and go monster style!
Are you thinking what I'm thinking,
goofy foot?
On three!
- One. Two. Three!
- One. Two. Three!
You lost them, Hodad.
You nitwit! Turn back!
I love the smell
of coconut in the morning.
Come on, boys. Looks like a no-show.
Attention, Visitors.
Due the threat of impending doom,
Monster Beach is now closed.
Please make your way to the exits.
We hope you enjoyed your stay.
And don't forget
to stop by the gift shop.
Jan! Gimme your hand!
Hey! You'll need a reser...
- Look. Uncle Woody! We got it!
- Yeah!
Sure you do, kid!
The deed is mine!
My beach!
We've been
through this before, Knutt!
Your dad left it to me!
And I gave it to them!
I can almost reach it!
Kid, something
is happening down there.
Look, it's working!
Everyone is leaving!
Help me, please. I can't hold on.
I have no muscle tone.
The deed. Get the kid
to give me the deed.
Sir, but I'm...
- I'm slipping.
- Almost. Got. It.
Kid, hand me the deed
and I'll pull you both up.
But, sir...
Come' on, Janny. We better go.
This is about to blow.
Hodad! You get back here
and bring me my deed or so help me
there will be no Christmas bonus
this year!
We gotta book it off the beach!
King Aina Haina?
Look! It's Dean!
Oh! Too cool!
That's my little grommet man!
All right!
Now, that's what I call
monster style!
Crusher! You did it!
Super sa-weet, huh?
Nice work, goofy foot.
Don't you ever do that to me again.
It seems someone has left their...
I now pronounce you. Stress Leave!
That's the spirit.
Help me.
Help me.
I can't swim.
Not until you give us our deed back!
Take it!
Just get me out of the water!
I hate the water.
A beach resort tycoon
and he's scared of water!
- Go figure!
- Totally bogus, dude!
Whoa, dude.
I am not letting this thing
out of my sight again.
Well, that's about it.
That's the end of the story.
This is really quite fun.
And if you ever wondered
what happened to Butterfield
turns out he didn't have
a building permit.
Apparently, the Judge
was really tough.
- Guilty!
- Guilty!
Last I heard, Butterfield was living
in a trailer park somewhere.
I spy something start with "T".
As for me,
I found the wave of my dreams
on a beach full of monsters.
How sa-weet is that?
Totally monster style,
sa-weet, goofy foot!
Hey, my wave, Jan!
Translator: IYUNO