Monster on a Plane (2024) Movie Script
(soft music)
(glasses clinking)
(soft music)
(gentle piano music)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(music stops)
(soft music)
- Bill, where are you?
Stop it!
If you don't show yourself,
I will go back to the hotel without you!
(Bill screaming)
You silly goose!
(soft music)
- Come on, baby.
(gentle piano music)
Do you know who I love more than you?
- You love someone more than me, asshole?
Go ahead, tell me. Who
do you love more than me?
- Your tiny boobs.
- You idiot. My boobs belong to me.
(gentle piano music)
Still can't get it.
- Why don't bras have Velcro?
It would make everything a little easier.
(gentle piano music)
(birds singing)
- Bill?
- Yes, my darling?
- I don't want you to leave
your wife because of me.
- Why not? I'm really tired of it.
This sneaking around is
getting on my nerves.
(gentle piano music)
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(gentle piano music)
What are you afraid of exactly?
- If I'm the affair,
you cannot cheat on me.
- Well, I could have an
affair within the affair.
- Oh you moron!
- I love you.
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(Judy shrieking)
- What was that?
- What's the matter?
- I swear, there was
another woman behind you.
- Stop talking nonsense.
I'm not falling for that again.
(monster growling)
You see? We are alone.
Not that I have anything
against the springtime.
Come on.
- No, I wanna go home.
- Judy, what's going on?
- I don't want it anymore.
Let's just go.
- Judy, come on.
Judy, we were going to do it
like baboons in the jungle!
And now you're going?
(birds singing)
(twig snapping)
(monster growling)
(heartbeat thumping)
(Bill screaming)
- Bill?
Look, this is not funny anymore.
(suspenseful music)
Let's just go back.
(suspenseful music)
Bill, please!
(suspenseful music)
(Judy screaming)
(flesh tearing)
(Judy screaming)
(blood spurting)
(Judy shrieking)
(Judy breathing hard)
(Judy crying)
- Judy!
What's wrong with you?
Why are you running away from me?
(dramatic music)
(Judy screaming)
(engine roaring)
- [Anna] Please connect me to the pilot.
- To the pilot?
(siren blaring)
- Yes, to the pilot.
- I'm sorry, but I'm not authorized
to transfer you to the plane.
- This plane cannot leave
this island at any cost.
Do you understand me?
- Hey, what the hell do you
mean that you're not authorized?
We're the police.
Son of a ...
Then dammit, put me
through to someone who is.
- I'll do my best, officer.
(keys clicking)
- Hey, look what's over there.
(siren blaring)
(passengers murmuring)
- Hey, my dear. I just heard.
Oh, I'm really sorry.
- Oh, thank you, Karin.
But, I'm not too sad about this.
You see, I've been working
as a cabin attendant
for so long, and somehow it
doesn't fulfill me anymore.
- Really?
- Well, I expected you to
be more, more disappointed.
- I am disappointed but more
with the way it happened,
as I would have liked to make
the decision to quit myself.
This way, I'm forced to
change and try something new.
- Well, if you ever need
someone to talk to, I'm here.
- Aw, thank you. You're so sweet.
- So, let's hope it'll be
a great relaxing flight,
because you deserve your last flight
as a stewardess to be something special.
- Absolutely.
And we're flying with Touchy Thomas.
(both laughing)
- I'm scared of flying.
- Of flying? You've never been.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Idiot.
- What's wrong with you?
- And how is this my problem?
- [Attendant] Good afternoon.
Can I see your passport please?
- Yes, I am at the airport,
so I can take care of it when I'm back.
These are my students.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
David was supposed to pick
her up in the kindergarten.
No, she's not even my child.
Yes, I will take care of that when,
when I'm back, not the day I'm at work.
Yes, I am at work but
not in Germany obviously.
Yes, I'll be right back. This okay?
- Yes, yeah.
- I'll be right back,
and then you can yell
to me in person, okay?
- Because--
- Have a safe flight.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye.
- Good evening, sir. Can
I have your papers please?
- Good afternoon to you, nice lady.
- Are you carrying any
prohibited items with you,
liquids, firearms or matches?
- These two beauties don't count, right?
- No, you may carry them with you.
Um, here's your boarding pass.
Have a safe flight to Hamburg.
- Thank you. I wish you a
beautiful, charming day.
- Thank you.
(luggage rolling)
(people murmuring)
(paper rattling)
(monster snorting)
(people murmuring)
- Excuse me. Can I take
the suitcase onboard?
- I'm afraid you can't, sir.
This needs to be checked in.
- Can you confirm that
our departure is at 6:05.
- Yes, according to our information,
the departure's at 6:05.
But please note that this is still
subject to final confirmation.
Um, your suitcase, are you carrying
any unsafe or sensitive materials?
- Oh no, no no, no, absolutely not, no.
It's just extremely fragile,
so please take really good care of it.
- What is in the luggage, sir?
- I'm a professor of microbiology,
and I'm presenting all
of my research results
to a laboratory in Hamburg, so.
Don't worry, there are
no dangerous experiments
or stuff like that in the suitcase.
Just a few hairs of Annalise Valburga.
- So your luggage contains a few hairs?
- Oh.
She's my ex-wife.
We got divorced.
She passed away.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Just kidding.
I apologize. Tried to be funny.
So everything in the suitcase
are old memories of my wife.
So please take care.
- Have a safe flight to Hamburg and, uh,
in case there are any changes,
we will inform you immediately.
- Thank you very much.
- Hi, Thomas.
- Hi.
- So great that we are
working together again.
- Yes!
- And you know who else
is working with us today?
Oh God no, I don't mean Thomas.
Nico is copilot today.
- So?
- Nico, you know.
With him, a few weeks ago, I had a ...
- Girls talk.
- Really?
- Yes.
- That day, I didn't wear
underwear. I don't even know why.
It was like I knew we were going to do it.
I was so horny, so I decided
to just let Nico do it.
Man, was I nervous.
My whole body was shaking.
Nico stroked my ass all the time.
- [Nico] Did I just hear my name, ladies?
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi, Nico.
- [James] Hello, everyone.
- Good evening, sir.
- Oh, Thomas.
- Good evening, Captain.
- Were you on vacation?
- N-no.
- Your head is as red as a lobster.
(group laughing)
(James sighing)
- Forecast tonight is for thunderstorms
and heavy rain downpours.
But I'm pretty sure once we get there,
cleared up and, well, it's
not really worth mentioning.
Um, might experience some light turbulence
over the Baltic Sea coast, but all in all,
I think our tour tonight is gonna be
pretty much plain sailing.
- Thanks, good to know.
- Business as usual.
- Uh-huh.
- [Nico] So don't worry, ladies.
(engine humming)
- Are you good?
- Yes.
Especially after our last night.
- We should do it again very soon.
- You bet (chuckles).
- Before takeoff checklist.
- Before takeoff checklist.
- Flaps.
- Flaps 10.
- Flaps 10, cabin?
- Cabin ready.
- [Nico] Weather radar?
- Checked on.
- Before takeoff checklist completed.
Don't look at me like that.
It's lonely in Hamburg at night.
We land in six hours.
- Mm-hm.
- Look at her.
Miss Germany 2020.
Isn't she pretty?
- Beautiful.
- Oh.
- So, where are you
planning on meeting her?
- Nowhere. She turned me down.
- She's a smart girl.
- [Thomas] Welcome aboard.
- Good afternoon, sir.
- Have a great afternoon.
- Welcome aboard.
- Oh, what a nice little machine?
The A-Seven Four Seven?
- No, it's an A-Two Nine 30, to be exact.
Seems like somebody knows his stuff.
Sir, please take a seat.
- Okay.
(Helmut passing gas)
- Please, dumb ass.
Move your ass, I don't
wanna spend the night here.
- Good afternoon.
- Welcome aboard.
(Mikey speaking foreign language)
(soft upbeat music)
- Oh, it stinks. Why
are we not first class?
I'd pay the difference myself.
- Not everyone has as much
money as your parents, Princess.
Besides, this plane
only has economy class.
- Nope. No way I'm
sitting down next to this.
- What's wrong with you?
Hey, forget the bitch.
- Only share.
No, that's really not my problem.
I'm boarding the plane
right now with my students.
(soft upbeat music)
- (laughs) Hey, yeah, there's
no way you're sitting here.
Oh, there's a free seat down there, maybe.
- But that's where my seat is.
- I so don't care, fuckface.
(soft upbeat music)
(MC speaking German)
(bodyguard speaking German)
(both laughing)
(soft upbeat music)
- Yes, I called you
back as soon as I could.
No, that's not my problem.
I hang up now. That's really
none of your business.
(soft upbeat music)
- Could you please stand up, sir?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
(soft upbeat music)
(soft upbeat music continues)
- Do we know each other,
or have you fallen in love with me?
- You look familiar.
- Finally, somebody recognized me.
I was a great movie star.
But then I still was a child.
Do you know Siegfried Nimeskills?
One of the successful films of the GDR?
- No.
(soft upbeat music)
- Oh, excuse me.
Can I put this in the
overhead compartment,
just for takeoff?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
(compartment latching)
- Are you planning to move to Hamburg?
- Um, no.
Not really, I mean.
I'm looking forward to
seeing my family right now.
- When are you gonna
see your family again?
- Right after the semester ends.
I'm flying back to New York?
- Right after?
You should stay just a little bit,
because everyone's gonna party
a little bit after the exams.
- Uh, well, where are you going?
- I don't know yet, but
Berlin has so many places.
Actually, you should
stay a long bit longer
so you can check out everything.
- Yeah, I mean, I'm not really
a party animal, but sure.
- My tone? You don't like my tone?
Rude? I'm being rude?
- Excuse me, sir. We are
going to take off in a moment.
Please switch off your cellphone.
- One second please. This
is really important, okay?
- You have to switch it off now.
- I have to switch off
my phone now, apparently.
I can call you back as soon as we land.
I can. Hey, hey.
She just hung up!
- Thank you for your understanding.
- We can also check out
my aunt's restaurant.
It's opening on Tuesday.
- Your aunt?
- She loves Italian food,
and now has a restaurant
with all her favorite dishes.
She used to cook for us.
- Well, what's your
favorite dish from her?
- I have to say stuffed piccatta Milanese.
It's a classic.
Pork cutlets breaded with
Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.
- Jude, can you stop talking about food?
I'm getting hungry.
- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard
our seven four seven
on its way to Hamburg.
Please take your seats now.
In a few moments, we are going to show you
the safety features of this aircraft.
- What do you call a Black pilot?
- I don't know.
- A pilot, you racist.
- That's so typical coming from you.
- Here's the flight execution plan.
- Thank you.
- [Nico] You're welcome.
(soft ominous music)
(intercom dinging)
- Thank you.
- [James] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
- Are you wearing your seat belt?
- Captain Pillow.
- Thank you.
- [James] I'm going to land your plane
as soft as a feather.
- Sir, are you wearing seat belt?
- What do you think?
- I think not.
- Don't you have anything else to do
other than going on my
nerves all the time?
- Well actually I do, but
I'm here for your safety.
Let's take this.
- That's mine.
- [James] Smoking is not allowed onboard.
Our flight attendants are here to help you
with any questions or concerns.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- [James] Thanks for you attention.
- Asshole.
- [James] And we're excited to give you
a safe and pleasant flight.
- Nathalie, is everything okay?
- Oh, yes.
(engine humming)
(metal rattling)
(soft ominous music)
- You seem so absent-minded today.
- Well.
Look at those kids.
I think youth is really wasted on them.
I wish I had their energy.
- Getting old is not as bad as many think.
The more relaxed you are with your age,
the more fun and young
you look, look at me.
- But your life is exciting.
- But you can't stop aging.
It's the circle of life.
So why not just adapt to
it and make the best of it?
- Where did you pick up those words?
- My mother (laughs)?
Seriously, you are as old as you feel.
- (exhales) It's easy for you to say that
with your 24 years.
Let's talk again in 20
years when you get hit
by menopause and you have
to deal with hot flashes
and sleepless nights--
- Come on, I will age gracefully,
like Sarah Jessica Parker or J-Lo.
- I'm sure they had plenty of surgeries.
- I've read something about that,
but I have heard women are supposed
to get really hot in
bed from the age of 40.
- Well, um ...
It doesn't.
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
(engine buzzing)
(monster growling)
(upbeat suspenseful music)
(tires rolling)
- That's it there.
Now listen.
We can't let that bastard
leave this island.
No matter what.
So, we shoot to kill.
- Okay.
(door opening)
(plane roaring overhead)
- Dammit. Give me the phone.
Renata, yeah, put me through
to the pilot right away.
- We're, we're on it.
I need assistance here!
Where is Giovanni?
I need to authorize a pilot transfer.
- This is like in the damn Middle Ages.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey.
Isn't that MC Fitti?
- So what?
I don't like his music,
and he's definitely not my type.
- I'm gonna go over and
ask for a selfie for Insta.
(engine humming)
- Hello, Pudding.
- Not now, Mikey.
- Why don't you like me?
- I don't even know where to start.
Now get outta my face.
- That was not nice.
I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss.
(engine humming)
Saying it's not a good time right now?
I'll be back later.
- MC Fitti!
- Hey uh.
- Oh come on. Let me through for a second.
- It's okay.
- Yeah.
- Just one picture.
- A photo of us?
- Yeah.
(Mia speaking German)
(MC speaking German)
- Mm-hm.
- Mia is the shit. Literally, the shit.
What are you reading?
Kevin's Survivor Manual.
Are you planning to travel
into the wilderness?
- No, but somebody forgot it here, and
it's more entertaining
than the flight magazine.
Accidents and natural disasters can happen
anytime anywhere.
This volume aims to prepare the reader
on how to survive such disasters.
How do I open a car door underwater?
How many times has that happened to you?
- You never know.
- Yeah.
(keypad beeping)
- Hi, guys.
Can I get you the usual?
- Always.
- Okay.
- [Thomas] Is everything okay?
- Oh yeah, it's fine.
When do you think we
are landing in Hamburg?
- We're just on time. Don't worry.
You need something to drink?
- Why don't you just bring
me a cup of water please?
- With or without gas?
- Without gas.
- Okay.
(engine humming)
(door clicking)
(door closing)
(Thomas exhaling)
(Thomas inhaling)
(Thomas exhaling)
(Thomas inhaling)
(saxophone music)
(Thomas sighing)
(saxophone music)
(engine rumbling)
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning cracking)
(soft suspenseful music)
- I believe the drinks will have to wait.
Please fasten your seat belts.
- Ladies and gentlemen, this
is the captain speaking.
There's a rather large
storm cloud in front of us.
Naturally, I'm gonna
try and fly around it,
but might get bumpy for
about five to 10 minutes,
so please take your seats
and fasten your seat belts, thank you.
- Will you please put your seat up now?
Thank you.
(thunder rumbling)
(metal rattling)
(soft suspenseful music)
(thunder rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
(metal rattling)
(soft music)
- Hello, Giovanni.
Giovanni listen, the police officer
wants to be connected to the pilot
and I need authorization to do that.
Yes, now!
All right, thank you.
(thunder rumbling)
(plane rattling)
(thunder rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Nothing too serious.
Slight electromagnetic interference.
(thunder rumbling)
- Flight One Two Three, this is the tower,
requesting acknowledgement of receipt.
Flight One Two Three, urgent
message from the police.
(soft suspenseful music)
(breaking) Flight One Two
Three, this is the tower,
requesting acknowledgement of receipt.
- Tower, this is Flight One Two Three.
Having trouble receiving you.
Our radio seems to be
affected by the storm.
- [Tower] Flight One
Two Three (indistinct).
- Tower, this is Flight One Two Three.
Can you hear me, copy?
(transmission breaking up)
(lightning cracking)
(suspenseful music)
(metal clattering)
- Officer Manado, the
aircraft's communications system
seems to be disrupted by the storm.
I'm not getting a clear connection.
- Okay, what's the planned
destination of the flight?
- The plane is headed to ...
(keys clacking)
- They're in Hamburg.
- Hamburg?
- Uh-huh.
- We must contact Hamburg right away.
- Hamburg, do you read me?
- [Hamburg] Go on.
- This is Air Traffic
Control Delta Two Three One.
We have a serious situation onboard.
I repeat, a serious situation onboard.
- [Hamburg] Delta Two Three
One, this is Hamburg tower.
Please confirm the
nature of the situation.
- Yes.
(engine rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Ladies and gentlemen, this
is the captain speaking.
Good news.
Left the storm behind us.
I can assure you that there will be
no more turbulence for the
remainder of the flight.
Gonna switch off the safety belt signs,
and you are now free to
move around the cabin.
Thank you.
(James exhaling)
- "Gone With the Wind," I love that movie.
Don't look at me like that again.
I'm a romantic guy, afterwards.
(suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
- Thomas, where have you been?
- I was on the other side of the cabin.
There was a problem, and
then it got turbulent
and I strapped myself in.
- Uh, okay.
(footsteps padding)
(monster growling)
(rock music)
(monster growling)
- You know you don't stand
a chance against me now.
- Shut your trap.
- Ow, ah, ah!
(Mia laughing)
(Mia laughing)
- Guys, what did I tell
you? You're not 12 anymore.
(monster growling)
- Know what I love about being a pilot?
- I'm sure you're gonna tell me in a sec.
- Makes me feel like I'm a human being.
Having the opportunity to fly
to all these exotic destinations,
meeting people from all walks of life.
Experiencing different
cultures. Oh, it's a blessing.
Huh, I made my hobby my profession.
I'm a lucky man.
- You aren't.
- I would fight you,
but I see that you are mentally unarmed.
Um, have a look at the upper
display here, will you?
What do you see?
- The hydraulic fluid gauge.
- Exactly, and?
- It's slightly below average.
- Hm, and what does that tell you?
- An indicator could be broken.
- Okay. Why didn't you notify me?
- Because the fluid level can also vary
depending on the flight pace
or operating conditions.
- There is a recommended fluid level.
It depends on the number and
type of hydraulic systems.
If I were you, I would check the manual
for this specific aircraft.
- Yes, sir.
- Mm-hm.
If you focused more on
flying and less on ...
You could become a good pilot.
- [Nico] The fluid level is
just within the recommend range.
- So all clear?
- Mm.
- But keep a check on the display.
- Of course.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
Long time no see.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Sorry, Nico, I didn't--
- [Nico] No, it's fine,
it was, it was my mistake.
- Wait, wait wait wait,
I'll get more napkins.
- Don't worry, I'm gonna do it by myself.
Captain, may I?
- That's disgusting.
- Uh.
(engine humming)
(rock music)
(electricity buzzing)
(monster growling)
(engine humming)
(knocking on door)
(romantic music)
- Are you sure no one saw you come in?
- I was invisible like a ninja.
You don't have to worry.
If we get caught, I'll
get the biggest trouble.
- Oh, are you afraid?
- I'm not afraid of anyone.
What would you say if
the sky marshal saw us?
- I would scream very
very loudly for help.
- You don't think I can handle these guys?
- I don't know. Would you?
- First, I'll take his
gun out of its holster.
- And then?
- Then, I will smash it against his face.
- Keep going.
- And then, I'll do a Van Damme.
Spin kick, and I break his arm.
I would beat him until
he is begging for mercy.
And then I would say--
- What would you tell him?
- No one messes with Nico Torrez.
- Oh, you're so hot
when you talk like that.
You know that?
- You bet, baby, you bet.
(both moaning)
(suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
(alarm blaring)
(alarm stops)
(intercom dinging)
- James?
- Nathalie, is Nico back there somewhere?
I need him here now.
Thank you.
(tapping on door)
- Nico, are you in there?
- Karin here.
- [Nathalie] Oh, do
you know where Nico is?
- Maybe in the other toilet.
- [Nathalie] All right,
I'll check the other toilet.
(Nico laughing)
- That was close.
- Oh yes.
Maybe we should go back.
- What about, nobody
mess with Nico Torrez?
(saxophone music)
(monster growling)
(suspenseful music)
(keypad beeping)
- Excuse me, sir. I
cannot find Nico anywhere.
Can I be of help?
- I need someone to go
down into the cabin hold
and take a look.
Keep an eye out for any
set of cables, blown fuses,
and report back to me.
- I'll take care of it. Consider it done.
- Good.
- Please remember smoking is not allowed
on this flight, thank you.
- Thomas?
The captain needs our help.
- Really?
And so I have to do it?
- No, we have to help him.
- Actually, I have a break.
- You had your break
earlier. Please come on.
- But I want to eat a sandwich.
- You can eat that later.
I need your help right now.
(passengers murmuring)
- Dammit.
(engine humming)
- Captain, can you hear me?
It's a complete chaos here.
And the floor is wet too.
(soft suspenseful music)
Excuse me, Miss.
How did you get down here?
- I wanted to see you, sweetheart.
The others don't know anything
about good things. Do they?
- (chuckles) That's
true, but I'm responsible
for the safety of the aircraft.
- For safety?
Are you responsible also for my safety?
(soft suspenseful music)
- Maybe.
- I lost my dress anywhere.
Can you help me to find it?
- Your dress?
- Mm-hm.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Your dress is
there, on the floor.
- Oh.
Never mind.
Come here to me.
Touch me.
- You want ...
- Yes.
(saxophone music)
(woman moaning)
(Thomas breathing hard)
(saxophone music)
(monster growling)
(Thomas screaming)
(Thomas screaming)
(Thomas screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Thomas screaming)
(engine humming)
(footsteps padding)
- Well, how are you?
- Shit.
- I think you're letting yourself
get a little too stressed?
- How would you know?
Your biggest concern is
whether your Prada belt
matches your Gucci shoes.
Walk a day in my shoes, then you'll see.
- Hey.
That was mean.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- Who would wear a Prada
belt with Gucci shoes anyway?
- Is that about it? I really
have some work to do here.
- Well I can help you.
- What makes you think I need help?
And how would you wanna help me anyway?
- Well, financially of course.
It's, quite clear you have some
financial problems.
- Don't get smart with me.
I'm still your teacher.
- I get more pocket money
than you earn in a full
year with your job.
We could work together.
- Oh shit.
I don't know what I find more shocking.
That you're trying to seduce your teacher,
that you're offering money for sex,
or that you still get
pocket money at your age.
Why don't you go back to your friends
and forget about this absurd thing?
- I don't think you understand.
- Less talking, more walking.
- But I ...
(engine humming)
You don't deserve me anyway.
(passengers murmuring)
(Nico and Karin moaning)
- Not so loud. Not so loud.
- No no, no no no, not my hair.
It took me forever to style it.
(both moaning)
(soft dramatic music)
- [Nico] You all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.
(both moaning)
(saxophone music)
(Karin moaning)
(Nico groaning)
(Nico breathing hard)
(soft upbeat music)
(monster growling)
- Oh, God. You are so big.
(monster growling)
- Don't get rude.
After the main course,
sometimes it gets a bit smaller.
(monster growling)
- Hey, sweetie.
Who let you in?
Oh, goochie, goochie, goochie.
Don't get angry.
(Nico groaning)
(Karin screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Karin shrieking)
(dramatic music)
(Karin crying)
(Karin screaming)
- Uh, excuse me.
- [Nathalie] Yeah.
- Still waiting for my water.
- Oh, with or without gas?
- Without gas.
- One second.
- Thank you.
- I would like to order something to eat.
I think I still have a Snickers somewhere.
(dramatic crescendo)
You guys, are seeing this too?
It's gone.
What? What the fuck?
- I don't think you're an actor.
- In 1989, I had a show in
a Las Vegas comedy club,
with the team of Cirque de Soleil.
- No, I think it must
be something current.
- Well, keep thinking.
I'm curious whatever you will find out.
Excuse me, I have to stretch my legs.
(engine humming)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
- Here you go. You're so ugly.
Better take care of your stuff.
Not everybody will return it.
- Thank you.
- You're very welcome, darling.
(soft suspenseful music)
(skin stretching)
(hard breathing)
(soft suspenseful music)
(engine humming)
(engine humming)
- What kind of person does
his business for so long?
(knocking on door)
Excuse me, are you staying much longer?
(dramatic music)
Oh, ooh.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Thank you.
- Listen, there is a problem.
We have to land right now.
- Well, if this is a joke,
it might get quite expensive.
- I'm not joking. You gotta understand.
- What is it?
- Oh my God.
My name is Professor--
(Melanie screaming)
- Oh God.
(soft suspenseful music)
(knocking on door)
Are you injured? Can you open the door?
(latch clicking)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Are you okay?
- Don't you see the blood?
- That's probably nothing.
- Oh my God, what have I done.
- A nosebleed or a period or something.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
Did you see how much that is?
- I did. Just go back to your seat.
(engine rumbling)
(professor retching)
- I'm opening the door.
- What the heck is going on here?
- Sir, please go back to
your seat and calm down.
- I wanna help.
- Okay.
(door jiggling)
(Nathalie gasping)
(dramatic music)
- Jesus.
- What the hell?
(soft suspenseful music)
let's not spook the passengers.
You get something to clean up now.
- Mm.
- And you,
you saw nothing.
- Says who?
- Says me.
- You cannot clean up the crime scene.
It's still needed because
of all the traces,
the crimes investigation and so on.
- I know that, but we
need to clean up outside
so we don't panic the passengers.
We'll deal with everything
inside when we land, okay?
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
- I think we better inform the pilot.
- Go ahead.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Hey, hey.
You always take those
anxiety pills like M&Ms?
You got any left?
You ugly toad.
- What?
- The fucking pills, can I have one?
- Yes.
(suspenseful music)
- Thanks.
- Hey, can I borrow your
charger for a second?
- Yes.
(engine humming)
- Great. Saved my life.
You all right?
- Yeah.
The most weird, with Melanie.
- Yeah, I know, makes me
feel dizzy sometimes too.
Wish she wasn't so arrogant.
What are you gonna do
on the semester break?
- I don't know yet. I
haven't thought about it.
- Me either.
Probably just chill, party a little bit.
Maybe with Melanie?
(soft suspenseful music)
(dramatic crescendo)
(soft suspenseful music)
Hi, Melanie.
I've been waiting a
long time for this day.
(monster growling)
What the actual fuck?
(Melanie screaming)
- [Melanie] Oh, God!
What the fuck?
- All passengers, come to
the front of the plane, now!
(passengers screaming)
- Passengers, please stay calm.
There is no need to panic.
(monster growling)
- No no no! To the back of the plane, now!
Barricade the doors!
(passengers screaming)
(dramatic music)
(MC speaking German)
- [Woman] Move! It's right behind us, go!
Go go go!
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(MC speaking German)
(MC screaming)
(suspenseful music)
- [Melanie] Okay, close
the door. Close the door.
- Barricade the door
with everything you have.
- What about you? You
have to get to safety too.
- I will follow you. Now block the door.
Block the door!
- That's a good idea.
- Use the boxes.
- Come on, hurry up!
- Take this one as well.
- Come on, hurry.
(Mikey groaning)
- [Mia] Oh my God, are you okay?
(Mikey groaning)
- Over there.
- It's okay, it's okay now.
- Did you see that thing?
- [Mikey] What on Earth was that?
(engine humming)
- What's with those boxes?
- Some of these airlines use the passenger
cabins to transport cargo.
- Botanic Bliss from Tropical Gloss.
Let's take a look.
(dramatic music)
Okay, some plants that look really weird.
I don't know, maybe they're
some type of medical plants.
(monster growling)
Did you hear that too?
- I didn't hear nothing.
Let's, let's all be careful, yeah?
- Do we have to thank you for this?
- What?
I don't, I don't know what
you're talking about really.
- That's a lie.
Just before the chaos breakdown,
I heard him talking with the stewardess.
He knows what's going on here!
- What?
- Is that right?
- Well, I understand your frustration
but I have no idea what happened, really.
- Come on, tell us what this monster is.
- Hey hey, hey hey.
Y-y-you mean that?
Well, please, I,
I made a mistake.
I should've been more careful.
I fed it, but the freaking
delay. It got hungry.
Somehow it must've gotten out of the cage.
So there are five to 80
million species of animals
around the world, but we
only know about a million.
- I don't give a shit. Get to the point!
- Me and my team have
found a strange animal
on Mermaid Lagoon Island that
we have never seen before.
However, the island's
government has forbidden us
to research or to take
it outta the country.
- Well, now we know why.
- Those little brains aren't even aware
of the importance of my discovery.
And under EU regulations,
they would have never
allowed me to do this!
That's why I had to smuggle it
out of the island, onto this plane!
- Shut up, man.
Tell us, what exactly is this monster?
- That little hairy
squirrel that I discovered
has a special name.
I named it after my
ex-wife, Annalise Valburga.
But what makes it so
special are its anal glands
that secrete a secretion
that alters perception.
In other words, when it
farts, we all get high.
(engine humming)
- Great! How do we defend ourselves?
- First of all, we should take care
not to get hallucinations.
If we notice anything,
that animal might be
only a few meters away from us.
- You better hope this
fucking thing eats you first.
- (chuckles) What?
(engine humming)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
- I don't hear anything.
Maybe it's gone.
- I doubt that.
It'll be lurking somewhere.
The question is,
(engine humming)
(knocking on door)
(door creaking)
- What the hell is going on?
Where the heck is Nico?
- Nico and Karin are dead.
- You're joking.
- No, she's not.
Something's in the cabin.
It's killing the passengers.
And we need to land.
- What? What do you mean by something?
- I don't know.
What I do know is you need
to land the plane right now!
- A passenger said it's
some kind of a predator.
- Doesn't matter what it is or who it is.
Land the goddam plane now!
- Jesus Christ.
- What are you doing here?
- I wanna help.
- If you wanna help,
stay with the passengers
and keep them quiet.
- I am not a child, and they
can take care of themselves.
- Mayday, mayday, this
is Flight One Two Three
requesting emergency
landing at Berlin Airport.
We have a predator of some
kind on this aircraft.
We have deceased and injured passengers.
We need emergency services.
Do you copy?
- [Tower] Please remain on standby.
- Roger.
(controllers murmuring)
(keys clicking)
(engine humming)
(monster growling)
(sparks buzzing)
(alarm blaring)
Oh for Pete sake.
(James sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Shouldn't you be piloting the plane?
- The plane is flying on autopilot.
There's a problem with the
landing gear suspension.
- You need to get down
into the cargo hold.
- Check one of the fuseboxes.
Otherwise, I won't be
able to land this plane.
- You're going nowhere.
You're the pilot, the only one we've got.
You stay in the cockpit, and I'll go.
- Let me go.
You are the only one
with a working weapon.
Take care of the bunch back there
and make sure the pilot stays alive.
- Don't do anything stupid down there.
I need you to locate the
hydraulic system fusebox.
Before you touch anything, contact me.
- All right.
- Stay vigilant, and if anything aqueaks,
get your ass back here, right?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Flight One Two Three,
clearance for landing granted.
Flight safety has an important message.
- Tower, this is Flight One
Two Three, please repeat.
- According to police information,
while reviewing the passenger list,
we noticed a Mr. Helmut Hoenig.
He's been extremely dangerous,
repeatedly sought out for murder,
known as Helmut Schmidt.
Everything suggest that he's responsible
for the murders on your plane.
- What?
Are you kidding?
Those passengers look like they've been
attacked by a rabid alligator.
(soft suspenseful music)
- [Caller] Thank you and goodbye.
- The SWAT team has been informed.
They are gonna storm the plane.
- Our job's done here.
(door closing)
(suspenseful crescendo)
(suspenseful crescendo)
(suspenseful crescendo)
- Guys, there's a badly
beaten up steward here.
Definitely dead.
- Thomas.
- Wait, calm down!
- Let me go!
- Wait, stay!
(soft suspenseful music)
Well look who we have here.
- You would find out soon enough, asshole.
(marshal groaning)
There, it's mine now.
It was a piece of cake.
(suspenseful music)
(marshal groaning)
(punches thudding)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(gun firing)
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(soft dramatic music continues)
- Finally.
(door jiggling)
(door cracking)
- Holy shit.
(Ben sighing)
Oh, Ben, what are you doing here?
(engine humming)
(Ben sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
Ben to pilot. I have now
arrived at the obstacle.
There's a red light above the fusebox
and a sign that says
aircraft hydraulic system.
The problem seems to be
somewhere around here.
- It's right there.
If the red light is on,
the fuses aren't working.
- Got it.
- You have to look in
the box. You'll see--
- A lot of switches that
are all turned to off.
- [James] That's good.
The circuit breakers must have tripped.
- So I'll just switch them back on then?
- Exactly, and by the way,
you can call me James.
- Ben.
- That's great. You can
come back up now, Ben.
- [Ben] All right then,
I'm on my way back.
(soft suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
What the?
What are you doing down here?
(monster growling)
(Ben shouting)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(door banging)
(monster growling)
What the fuck?
(soft suspenseful music)
(dramatic crescendo)
What the hell are you doing here?
- What the hell happened to him?
- [Ben] By the looks, he has been eaten.
- Eaten?
- James, we're coming back
now. What's going on upstairs?
(soft suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
(alarms blaring)
- What is this?
(alarms stop)
Ben, hang on.
Something's blocking the
hydraulic motor pump unit,
The landing gear is at the
aircraft's center of gravity.
So that's from where you are,
more to the rear of the aircraft.
- Okay, we're having a look.
- Here we are. It's behind this cover.
- Okay, let's do this.
I'm sorry about being
such a dickhead earlier.
- I think you were behaving
more like a stubborn child.
- I was acting like a total idiot.
Not exactly my finest manner.
- Don't worry. I'm used to worse.
- Oh, so you're married.
- Um, no.
- Oh, it wasn't supposed
to sound like this.
Just one good piece of advice.
Don't get married too early.
Divorce is damnably complicated.
- You never really know a
woman until you divorce her.
- Exactly.
Besides the taxes, I
see no other advantages.
- I think a successful marriage means
falling in love again and again,
but always with the same person.
- And what if that same person falls
in love with someone else?
- Then she wasn't the right one.
- You know how it really is?
50% of the marriages are being divorced.
- And I hope to be one of
those other 50% one day.
- I can't see why you shouldn't.
- Really?
What the hell?
Passengers are not allowed down here!
- And what is this idiot doing here?
- I wanna help.
- Sir, please go back upstairs.
- The pilot told me to help you.
- With what?
- Besides my main job as a travel agent,
I'm a trained electrician.
I even can provide you with electronic--
- Thank you, but we are already done.
- Captain, we were able
to repair the objects.
The landing gear should work now.
- [James] Great. Come back now.
- Well done, my boy.
- Ben!
(blows thudding)
- You blasted piece of grass!
Come on, you blank cover!
I will take you out!
(dramatic music)
(monster groaning)
(Helmut screaming)
Come back! Help me please (screams)!
(dramatic music)
- Oh my God, what was that?
- No clue, but reminded
me of a rat, which I hate.
- I'll take care of the passengers,
and you report to the captain.
- Okay.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
- Good job.
- [Ben] Thank you very much, sir.
- What happened?
- Let's just say the
passenger form seat oh four
won't bother us any longer.
He was apparently eaten by a huge rat.
- Excuse me.
- We have a stowaway onboard,
with fur and very sharp teeth.
- Christ almighty.
There's a monster on the board.
(dramatic music)
- Hello, this is Nathalie
the flight attendant.
Are you okay in there? Can I come in?
- No.
- Why?
- Something's going on here,
and as long as we don't
know what it is, this door stays closed.
That's what we decided together.
- What the fuck are you talking about?
Open the door.
- No. Maybe it's not real.
Weren't you listening, idiot?
Hallucinations and all.
- You know, maybe Mia's right.
- Bullshit!
- Hey, the door stays closed.
- Who the fuck are you?
If anything, we should all vote on it.
- Please stop it, and
please open the door.
The creature is locked in the cargo hold,
so everything's under control for now.
But you must open the door now.
- [Mia] No!
- What the fuck?
(dramatic music)
- We do not open the door.
- You both, stop it. Don't
act like idiots, calm down.
- The door stays closed.
(punches thudding)
- [Melanie] Guys, stop!
- Stop this!
- [Melanie] Stop, you're
gonna hurt yourselves!
- Oh!
- Clean your wounds.
- No thanks, I'm fine.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
- James, we have a problem.
The passengers are in a state of panic,
and they refuse to open the door.
- Seriously?
(upbeat dramatic music)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(punch thudding)
- Isn't there a solution for
this in your survival book?
- There's a lot about
animal fighting in there,
but unfortunately,
nothing about stupidity.
- Look at them. They are animals.
- Good one.
- And on we go.
Macho M, works forward with one foot,
throws a straight job.
His opponent, MC Fitti,
fumbles back from a hard hit
and flings his hand into a warm up, bam!
That's three points!
(both breathing hard)
- All those in favor of opening the door?
(engine humming)
- I told you, the door stays closed.
- [Mikey] It's a fucking mistake.
- Melanie, I need to get out of here.
(soft suspenseful music)
(passenger screaming)
- He's here.
(monster roaring)
(women shrieking)
- Annelise, I beg you now.
Calm down, calm down, it's okay.
She knows.
You're a good girl.
I know you know me.
Now I can continue my research.
Not only does the secretion
alters perception.
It possibly can cure cancer.
When we found this beautiful creature,
we opened a door into the new world.
(women screaming)
Annelise, no! Why, why?
(dramatic music)
Annelise, what did you do?
(women shrieking)
(monster roaring)
(passengers panicking)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(monster growling)
(soft dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(monster breathing)
(monster growling)
(Mia screaming)
(dramatic music)
(monster roaring)
(Mia screaming)
(jaws clenching)
- Why are you doing this to me?
- Fuck.
I didn't mean to.
I thought the animal was just here.
(monster roaring)
- Fuck!
(monster roaring)
(dramatic music)
(bodyguard screaming)
(monster roaring)
- Listen, if they're
safe in the rear cabin,
we should just leave
them there until we land.
- James is right.
At least they can't
cause any trouble there.
- And, we could monitor them,
through this camera here.
(upbeat dramatic music)
- I have to go and save them!
- Wait, that's not a good idea!
(dramatic music)
Stay here!
I'm the captain!
(dramatic music)
- Open the door!
Please, you have to get out of there!
(dramatic music)
(monster roaring)
(dramatic music)
- Let's go back to the captain.
- We have to get them out of there!
- There's nothing you can do!
There is no one to save there.
Come on.
They're dead. Come on!
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(music ends)
(engine humming)
- I have a great idea.
Let's lower the cabin pressure.
Whatever is out there will pass out.
- But, what if there's
any survivors in the back?
- That's okay, I'm just
gonna lower it slightly.
It causes momentary unconsciousness.
It's a risk.
- Sounds good.
(soft suspenseful music)
(air hissing)
(intercom dinging)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
Something's moving.
The monster got out!
(soft suspenseful music)
- That's not the monster.
(soft suspenseful music)
- That's Alina.
I have to go and save her.
- Ben, take one of the oxygen masks.
- [Ben] Thank you, sir.
(soft suspenseful music)
(Nathalie sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
(dramatic music)
(punch thudding)
- Come on, babes!
(Nathalie moaning)
Open the door, Captain!
I mean it, Captain. Open it!
- Don't do it!
- Captain! Captain!
(dramatic music)
Come on, Captain! Don't be a spoil sport!
- No! Don't open the door!
He'll kill us both.
(Nathalie shrieking)
- It will be simple, or it
will be complicated anyway!
Captain! Do you want us to take off?
(dramatic music)
(buttons beeping)
(dramatic music)
(air hissing)
(dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music)
(gun firing three times)
Die, you motherfucker!
- Drop it, drop it!
(gun firing)
(James groaning)
- Hey, you fucking pilot! Stay here!
Don't even think about closing the door,
you son of a bitch!
I hate you, asshole!
It's a party for you!
- Come here.
(punch thudding)
(Helmut screaming)
(dramatic music)
(keypad dinging)
(alarms blaring)
You'll be safe here.
James, what's going on with these lights?
- Everything's under control.
(engine blowing)
We're about to land.
Fasten your seat belts.
Don't you even think
about going out there.
- I am going out there to help Ben.
Please take care of Alina and make sure
that this door stays closed.
(dramatic music)
- For crying out loud.
- Flight One Two Three (indistinct).
Can you hear me?
Flight One Two Three, this is the tower.
You're approaching the runway.
You have to extend the
landing flaps for landing.
(punch thudding)
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
(Helmut groaning)
- Don't do that!
Don't come near me!
I will open the outside door!
- No, that's a very dumb idea.
(monster growling)
Ben, watch out! Behind you!
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
- Hang on! I'm out of here!
(Helmut screaming)
(intense dramatic music)
(tower speaking indistinctly)
(intense dramatic music)
- Captain, please, this
is the tower (indistinct).
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(wheels screeching)
(controller sighing)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
- [Helmut] Get off me, you son of a bitch!
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
You're coming with me!
You're gonna die (laughs)!
- Oh my God.
(intense dramatic music)
(Ben screaming)
(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music continues)
- Can, can you walk?
- I think so.
- Go out of the cockpit, and
find our head stewardess.
- Right now?
- Go.
(dramatic music)
- Can anybody hear me?
If anybody can hear me, you need to stop.
You're quickly approaching
the end of the runway.
- [James] Ladies, I can't stop the plane.
So your exit's going to
be a bit unconventional.
You have to jump.
- He can't be serious!
- I'm afraid we have no choice.
I think it's best if you
lie down on your stomach
and slide backwards.
That way it's not too fast to the ground.
Come on, hold onto me.
- Okay.
- Careful!
- Hurry up.
The runway's coming to an end.
(dramatic music)
- I'm ready.
- Careful.
(monster growling)
- Mother of God.
(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music continues)
(monster roaring)
- Hey you!
Get this! Come here!
Come here! Over here!
(James screaming)
- No!
(engine roaring)
(monster growling)
(James groaning)
- Flight One Two Three, you're
deviating from the runway.
Please, can anybody copy?
(upbeat dramatic music)
(James groaning)
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(plane exploding)
(soft piano music)
(soft piano music continues)
(Nathalie breathing hard)
(soft piano music)
(helicopter chopping)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
- I'll be back in a few minutes.
- Okay.
(soft music)
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
How are you?
- I'm fine, but one of my
students, Mia, didn't survive.
- Shit.
I'm really sorry to hear that.
- How about you?
- Well, so far so good,
but the police now thinks
I'm mentally ill and I'm imagining things.
- No wonder, considering the
things that happened up there.
Don't worry.
As soon as they find the
remains of the monster,
they'll release you from
the psychiatric institution.
- Don't get two excited yet.
They'll question you too.
You might end up in the same cell as me.
- (chuckles) I'd gladly end
up in the same cell as you,
if you promise not to be
annoying all the time.
- Okay, I'll try my very best.
- Good.
(monster growling)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker's scream echoing)
("Rescue Me" by Bell Book and Candle)
Let your, let your
Let your amazement grow
Oh whatever you do, I can't leave you
Don't ever let me go
Don't ever let me go
- We interrupt our current programming
to bring you breaking news.
Moments ago, an airplane
was forced to make
an emergency landing at
Berlin International Airport.
It is being reported that
the pilot's skillful actions
saved many passenger lives.
More as this story develops.
We are learning that German
serial killer Helmut Schmidt
was likely onboard the plane at the time.
Authorities are investigating.
More, to come.
Rescue me, rescue me
Let me have a good time
I wanna be loved
I wanna feel you touch me
And I wanna hear you sigh
You gotta rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
I wanna feel love
and I wanna feel good
I wanna feel love for sure
(upbeat rock music)
(upbeat rock music continues)
(music slows)
(voice echoing)
Oh whatever you do
I can't leave you
Don't ever let me go
Don't ever let me go
Rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me
(soft music)
(glasses clinking)
(soft music)
(gentle piano music)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(music stops)
(soft music)
- Bill, where are you?
Stop it!
If you don't show yourself,
I will go back to the hotel without you!
(Bill screaming)
You silly goose!
(soft music)
- Come on, baby.
(gentle piano music)
Do you know who I love more than you?
- You love someone more than me, asshole?
Go ahead, tell me. Who
do you love more than me?
- Your tiny boobs.
- You idiot. My boobs belong to me.
(gentle piano music)
Still can't get it.
- Why don't bras have Velcro?
It would make everything a little easier.
(gentle piano music)
(birds singing)
- Bill?
- Yes, my darling?
- I don't want you to leave
your wife because of me.
- Why not? I'm really tired of it.
This sneaking around is
getting on my nerves.
(gentle piano music)
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(gentle piano music)
What are you afraid of exactly?
- If I'm the affair,
you cannot cheat on me.
- Well, I could have an
affair within the affair.
- Oh you moron!
- I love you.
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(Judy shrieking)
- What was that?
- What's the matter?
- I swear, there was
another woman behind you.
- Stop talking nonsense.
I'm not falling for that again.
(monster growling)
You see? We are alone.
Not that I have anything
against the springtime.
Come on.
- No, I wanna go home.
- Judy, what's going on?
- I don't want it anymore.
Let's just go.
- Judy, come on.
Judy, we were going to do it
like baboons in the jungle!
And now you're going?
(birds singing)
(twig snapping)
(monster growling)
(heartbeat thumping)
(Bill screaming)
- Bill?
Look, this is not funny anymore.
(suspenseful music)
Let's just go back.
(suspenseful music)
Bill, please!
(suspenseful music)
(Judy screaming)
(flesh tearing)
(Judy screaming)
(blood spurting)
(Judy shrieking)
(Judy breathing hard)
(Judy crying)
- Judy!
What's wrong with you?
Why are you running away from me?
(dramatic music)
(Judy screaming)
(engine roaring)
- [Anna] Please connect me to the pilot.
- To the pilot?
(siren blaring)
- Yes, to the pilot.
- I'm sorry, but I'm not authorized
to transfer you to the plane.
- This plane cannot leave
this island at any cost.
Do you understand me?
- Hey, what the hell do you
mean that you're not authorized?
We're the police.
Son of a ...
Then dammit, put me
through to someone who is.
- I'll do my best, officer.
(keys clicking)
- Hey, look what's over there.
(siren blaring)
(passengers murmuring)
- Hey, my dear. I just heard.
Oh, I'm really sorry.
- Oh, thank you, Karin.
But, I'm not too sad about this.
You see, I've been working
as a cabin attendant
for so long, and somehow it
doesn't fulfill me anymore.
- Really?
- Well, I expected you to
be more, more disappointed.
- I am disappointed but more
with the way it happened,
as I would have liked to make
the decision to quit myself.
This way, I'm forced to
change and try something new.
- Well, if you ever need
someone to talk to, I'm here.
- Aw, thank you. You're so sweet.
- So, let's hope it'll be
a great relaxing flight,
because you deserve your last flight
as a stewardess to be something special.
- Absolutely.
And we're flying with Touchy Thomas.
(both laughing)
- I'm scared of flying.
- Of flying? You've never been.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Idiot.
- What's wrong with you?
- And how is this my problem?
- [Attendant] Good afternoon.
Can I see your passport please?
- Yes, I am at the airport,
so I can take care of it when I'm back.
These are my students.
- Yeah.
- Yes.
David was supposed to pick
her up in the kindergarten.
No, she's not even my child.
Yes, I will take care of that when,
when I'm back, not the day I'm at work.
Yes, I am at work but
not in Germany obviously.
Yes, I'll be right back. This okay?
- Yes, yeah.
- I'll be right back,
and then you can yell
to me in person, okay?
- Because--
- Have a safe flight.
- Thanks.
- Goodbye.
- Good evening, sir. Can
I have your papers please?
- Good afternoon to you, nice lady.
- Are you carrying any
prohibited items with you,
liquids, firearms or matches?
- These two beauties don't count, right?
- No, you may carry them with you.
Um, here's your boarding pass.
Have a safe flight to Hamburg.
- Thank you. I wish you a
beautiful, charming day.
- Thank you.
(luggage rolling)
(people murmuring)
(paper rattling)
(monster snorting)
(people murmuring)
- Excuse me. Can I take
the suitcase onboard?
- I'm afraid you can't, sir.
This needs to be checked in.
- Can you confirm that
our departure is at 6:05.
- Yes, according to our information,
the departure's at 6:05.
But please note that this is still
subject to final confirmation.
Um, your suitcase, are you carrying
any unsafe or sensitive materials?
- Oh no, no no, no, absolutely not, no.
It's just extremely fragile,
so please take really good care of it.
- What is in the luggage, sir?
- I'm a professor of microbiology,
and I'm presenting all
of my research results
to a laboratory in Hamburg, so.
Don't worry, there are
no dangerous experiments
or stuff like that in the suitcase.
Just a few hairs of Annalise Valburga.
- So your luggage contains a few hairs?
- Oh.
She's my ex-wife.
We got divorced.
She passed away.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Just kidding.
I apologize. Tried to be funny.
So everything in the suitcase
are old memories of my wife.
So please take care.
- Have a safe flight to Hamburg and, uh,
in case there are any changes,
we will inform you immediately.
- Thank you very much.
- Hi, Thomas.
- Hi.
- So great that we are
working together again.
- Yes!
- And you know who else
is working with us today?
Oh God no, I don't mean Thomas.
Nico is copilot today.
- So?
- Nico, you know.
With him, a few weeks ago, I had a ...
- Girls talk.
- Really?
- Yes.
- That day, I didn't wear
underwear. I don't even know why.
It was like I knew we were going to do it.
I was so horny, so I decided
to just let Nico do it.
Man, was I nervous.
My whole body was shaking.
Nico stroked my ass all the time.
- [Nico] Did I just hear my name, ladies?
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi, Nico.
- [James] Hello, everyone.
- Good evening, sir.
- Oh, Thomas.
- Good evening, Captain.
- Were you on vacation?
- N-no.
- Your head is as red as a lobster.
(group laughing)
(James sighing)
- Forecast tonight is for thunderstorms
and heavy rain downpours.
But I'm pretty sure once we get there,
cleared up and, well, it's
not really worth mentioning.
Um, might experience some light turbulence
over the Baltic Sea coast, but all in all,
I think our tour tonight is gonna be
pretty much plain sailing.
- Thanks, good to know.
- Business as usual.
- Uh-huh.
- [Nico] So don't worry, ladies.
(engine humming)
- Are you good?
- Yes.
Especially after our last night.
- We should do it again very soon.
- You bet (chuckles).
- Before takeoff checklist.
- Before takeoff checklist.
- Flaps.
- Flaps 10.
- Flaps 10, cabin?
- Cabin ready.
- [Nico] Weather radar?
- Checked on.
- Before takeoff checklist completed.
Don't look at me like that.
It's lonely in Hamburg at night.
We land in six hours.
- Mm-hm.
- Look at her.
Miss Germany 2020.
Isn't she pretty?
- Beautiful.
- Oh.
- So, where are you
planning on meeting her?
- Nowhere. She turned me down.
- She's a smart girl.
- [Thomas] Welcome aboard.
- Good afternoon, sir.
- Have a great afternoon.
- Welcome aboard.
- Oh, what a nice little machine?
The A-Seven Four Seven?
- No, it's an A-Two Nine 30, to be exact.
Seems like somebody knows his stuff.
Sir, please take a seat.
- Okay.
(Helmut passing gas)
- Please, dumb ass.
Move your ass, I don't
wanna spend the night here.
- Good afternoon.
- Welcome aboard.
(Mikey speaking foreign language)
(soft upbeat music)
- Oh, it stinks. Why
are we not first class?
I'd pay the difference myself.
- Not everyone has as much
money as your parents, Princess.
Besides, this plane
only has economy class.
- Nope. No way I'm
sitting down next to this.
- What's wrong with you?
Hey, forget the bitch.
- Only share.
No, that's really not my problem.
I'm boarding the plane
right now with my students.
(soft upbeat music)
- (laughs) Hey, yeah, there's
no way you're sitting here.
Oh, there's a free seat down there, maybe.
- But that's where my seat is.
- I so don't care, fuckface.
(soft upbeat music)
(MC speaking German)
(bodyguard speaking German)
(both laughing)
(soft upbeat music)
- Yes, I called you
back as soon as I could.
No, that's not my problem.
I hang up now. That's really
none of your business.
(soft upbeat music)
- Could you please stand up, sir?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
(soft upbeat music)
(soft upbeat music continues)
- Do we know each other,
or have you fallen in love with me?
- You look familiar.
- Finally, somebody recognized me.
I was a great movie star.
But then I still was a child.
Do you know Siegfried Nimeskills?
One of the successful films of the GDR?
- No.
(soft upbeat music)
- Oh, excuse me.
Can I put this in the
overhead compartment,
just for takeoff?
- Of course.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
(compartment latching)
- Are you planning to move to Hamburg?
- Um, no.
Not really, I mean.
I'm looking forward to
seeing my family right now.
- When are you gonna
see your family again?
- Right after the semester ends.
I'm flying back to New York?
- Right after?
You should stay just a little bit,
because everyone's gonna party
a little bit after the exams.
- Uh, well, where are you going?
- I don't know yet, but
Berlin has so many places.
Actually, you should
stay a long bit longer
so you can check out everything.
- Yeah, I mean, I'm not really
a party animal, but sure.
- My tone? You don't like my tone?
Rude? I'm being rude?
- Excuse me, sir. We are
going to take off in a moment.
Please switch off your cellphone.
- One second please. This
is really important, okay?
- You have to switch it off now.
- I have to switch off
my phone now, apparently.
I can call you back as soon as we land.
I can. Hey, hey.
She just hung up!
- Thank you for your understanding.
- We can also check out
my aunt's restaurant.
It's opening on Tuesday.
- Your aunt?
- She loves Italian food,
and now has a restaurant
with all her favorite dishes.
She used to cook for us.
- Well, what's your
favorite dish from her?
- I have to say stuffed piccatta Milanese.
It's a classic.
Pork cutlets breaded with
Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce.
- Jude, can you stop talking about food?
I'm getting hungry.
- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard
our seven four seven
on its way to Hamburg.
Please take your seats now.
In a few moments, we are going to show you
the safety features of this aircraft.
- What do you call a Black pilot?
- I don't know.
- A pilot, you racist.
- That's so typical coming from you.
- Here's the flight execution plan.
- Thank you.
- [Nico] You're welcome.
(soft ominous music)
(intercom dinging)
- Thank you.
- [James] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.
This is your captain speaking.
- Are you wearing your seat belt?
- Captain Pillow.
- Thank you.
- [James] I'm going to land your plane
as soft as a feather.
- Sir, are you wearing seat belt?
- What do you think?
- I think not.
- Don't you have anything else to do
other than going on my
nerves all the time?
- Well actually I do, but
I'm here for your safety.
Let's take this.
- That's mine.
- [James] Smoking is not allowed onboard.
Our flight attendants are here to help you
with any questions or concerns.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- [James] Thanks for you attention.
- Asshole.
- [James] And we're excited to give you
a safe and pleasant flight.
- Nathalie, is everything okay?
- Oh, yes.
(engine humming)
(metal rattling)
(soft ominous music)
- You seem so absent-minded today.
- Well.
Look at those kids.
I think youth is really wasted on them.
I wish I had their energy.
- Getting old is not as bad as many think.
The more relaxed you are with your age,
the more fun and young
you look, look at me.
- But your life is exciting.
- But you can't stop aging.
It's the circle of life.
So why not just adapt to
it and make the best of it?
- Where did you pick up those words?
- My mother (laughs)?
Seriously, you are as old as you feel.
- (exhales) It's easy for you to say that
with your 24 years.
Let's talk again in 20
years when you get hit
by menopause and you have
to deal with hot flashes
and sleepless nights--
- Come on, I will age gracefully,
like Sarah Jessica Parker or J-Lo.
- I'm sure they had plenty of surgeries.
- I've read something about that,
but I have heard women are supposed
to get really hot in
bed from the age of 40.
- Well, um ...
It doesn't.
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
(engine buzzing)
(monster growling)
(upbeat suspenseful music)
(tires rolling)
- That's it there.
Now listen.
We can't let that bastard
leave this island.
No matter what.
So, we shoot to kill.
- Okay.
(door opening)
(plane roaring overhead)
- Dammit. Give me the phone.
Renata, yeah, put me through
to the pilot right away.
- We're, we're on it.
I need assistance here!
Where is Giovanni?
I need to authorize a pilot transfer.
- This is like in the damn Middle Ages.
(suspenseful music)
- Hey.
Isn't that MC Fitti?
- So what?
I don't like his music,
and he's definitely not my type.
- I'm gonna go over and
ask for a selfie for Insta.
(engine humming)
- Hello, Pudding.
- Not now, Mikey.
- Why don't you like me?
- I don't even know where to start.
Now get outta my face.
- That was not nice.
I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss.
(engine humming)
Saying it's not a good time right now?
I'll be back later.
- MC Fitti!
- Hey uh.
- Oh come on. Let me through for a second.
- It's okay.
- Yeah.
- Just one picture.
- A photo of us?
- Yeah.
(Mia speaking German)
(MC speaking German)
- Mm-hm.
- Mia is the shit. Literally, the shit.
What are you reading?
Kevin's Survivor Manual.
Are you planning to travel
into the wilderness?
- No, but somebody forgot it here, and
it's more entertaining
than the flight magazine.
Accidents and natural disasters can happen
anytime anywhere.
This volume aims to prepare the reader
on how to survive such disasters.
How do I open a car door underwater?
How many times has that happened to you?
- You never know.
- Yeah.
(keypad beeping)
- Hi, guys.
Can I get you the usual?
- Always.
- Okay.
- [Thomas] Is everything okay?
- Oh yeah, it's fine.
When do you think we
are landing in Hamburg?
- We're just on time. Don't worry.
You need something to drink?
- Why don't you just bring
me a cup of water please?
- With or without gas?
- Without gas.
- Okay.
(engine humming)
(door clicking)
(door closing)
(Thomas exhaling)
(Thomas inhaling)
(Thomas exhaling)
(Thomas inhaling)
(saxophone music)
(Thomas sighing)
(saxophone music)
(engine rumbling)
(thunder rumbling)
(lightning cracking)
(soft suspenseful music)
- I believe the drinks will have to wait.
Please fasten your seat belts.
- Ladies and gentlemen, this
is the captain speaking.
There's a rather large
storm cloud in front of us.
Naturally, I'm gonna
try and fly around it,
but might get bumpy for
about five to 10 minutes,
so please take your seats
and fasten your seat belts, thank you.
- Will you please put your seat up now?
Thank you.
(thunder rumbling)
(metal rattling)
(soft suspenseful music)
(thunder rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
(metal rattling)
(soft music)
- Hello, Giovanni.
Giovanni listen, the police officer
wants to be connected to the pilot
and I need authorization to do that.
Yes, now!
All right, thank you.
(thunder rumbling)
(plane rattling)
(thunder rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Nothing too serious.
Slight electromagnetic interference.
(thunder rumbling)
- Flight One Two Three, this is the tower,
requesting acknowledgement of receipt.
Flight One Two Three, urgent
message from the police.
(soft suspenseful music)
(breaking) Flight One Two
Three, this is the tower,
requesting acknowledgement of receipt.
- Tower, this is Flight One Two Three.
Having trouble receiving you.
Our radio seems to be
affected by the storm.
- [Tower] Flight One
Two Three (indistinct).
- Tower, this is Flight One Two Three.
Can you hear me, copy?
(transmission breaking up)
(lightning cracking)
(suspenseful music)
(metal clattering)
- Officer Manado, the
aircraft's communications system
seems to be disrupted by the storm.
I'm not getting a clear connection.
- Okay, what's the planned
destination of the flight?
- The plane is headed to ...
(keys clacking)
- They're in Hamburg.
- Hamburg?
- Uh-huh.
- We must contact Hamburg right away.
- Hamburg, do you read me?
- [Hamburg] Go on.
- This is Air Traffic
Control Delta Two Three One.
We have a serious situation onboard.
I repeat, a serious situation onboard.
- [Hamburg] Delta Two Three
One, this is Hamburg tower.
Please confirm the
nature of the situation.
- Yes.
(engine rumbling)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Ladies and gentlemen, this
is the captain speaking.
Good news.
Left the storm behind us.
I can assure you that there will be
no more turbulence for the
remainder of the flight.
Gonna switch off the safety belt signs,
and you are now free to
move around the cabin.
Thank you.
(James exhaling)
- "Gone With the Wind," I love that movie.
Don't look at me like that again.
I'm a romantic guy, afterwards.
(suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
- Thomas, where have you been?
- I was on the other side of the cabin.
There was a problem, and
then it got turbulent
and I strapped myself in.
- Uh, okay.
(footsteps padding)
(monster growling)
(rock music)
(monster growling)
- You know you don't stand
a chance against me now.
- Shut your trap.
- Ow, ah, ah!
(Mia laughing)
(Mia laughing)
- Guys, what did I tell
you? You're not 12 anymore.
(monster growling)
- Know what I love about being a pilot?
- I'm sure you're gonna tell me in a sec.
- Makes me feel like I'm a human being.
Having the opportunity to fly
to all these exotic destinations,
meeting people from all walks of life.
Experiencing different
cultures. Oh, it's a blessing.
Huh, I made my hobby my profession.
I'm a lucky man.
- You aren't.
- I would fight you,
but I see that you are mentally unarmed.
Um, have a look at the upper
display here, will you?
What do you see?
- The hydraulic fluid gauge.
- Exactly, and?
- It's slightly below average.
- Hm, and what does that tell you?
- An indicator could be broken.
- Okay. Why didn't you notify me?
- Because the fluid level can also vary
depending on the flight pace
or operating conditions.
- There is a recommended fluid level.
It depends on the number and
type of hydraulic systems.
If I were you, I would check the manual
for this specific aircraft.
- Yes, sir.
- Mm-hm.
If you focused more on
flying and less on ...
You could become a good pilot.
- [Nico] The fluid level is
just within the recommend range.
- So all clear?
- Mm.
- But keep a check on the display.
- Of course.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
Long time no see.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Sorry, Nico, I didn't--
- [Nico] No, it's fine,
it was, it was my mistake.
- Wait, wait wait wait,
I'll get more napkins.
- Don't worry, I'm gonna do it by myself.
Captain, may I?
- That's disgusting.
- Uh.
(engine humming)
(rock music)
(electricity buzzing)
(monster growling)
(engine humming)
(knocking on door)
(romantic music)
- Are you sure no one saw you come in?
- I was invisible like a ninja.
You don't have to worry.
If we get caught, I'll
get the biggest trouble.
- Oh, are you afraid?
- I'm not afraid of anyone.
What would you say if
the sky marshal saw us?
- I would scream very
very loudly for help.
- You don't think I can handle these guys?
- I don't know. Would you?
- First, I'll take his
gun out of its holster.
- And then?
- Then, I will smash it against his face.
- Keep going.
- And then, I'll do a Van Damme.
Spin kick, and I break his arm.
I would beat him until
he is begging for mercy.
And then I would say--
- What would you tell him?
- No one messes with Nico Torrez.
- Oh, you're so hot
when you talk like that.
You know that?
- You bet, baby, you bet.
(both moaning)
(suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
(alarm blaring)
(alarm stops)
(intercom dinging)
- James?
- Nathalie, is Nico back there somewhere?
I need him here now.
Thank you.
(tapping on door)
- Nico, are you in there?
- Karin here.
- [Nathalie] Oh, do
you know where Nico is?
- Maybe in the other toilet.
- [Nathalie] All right,
I'll check the other toilet.
(Nico laughing)
- That was close.
- Oh yes.
Maybe we should go back.
- What about, nobody
mess with Nico Torrez?
(saxophone music)
(monster growling)
(suspenseful music)
(keypad beeping)
- Excuse me, sir. I
cannot find Nico anywhere.
Can I be of help?
- I need someone to go
down into the cabin hold
and take a look.
Keep an eye out for any
set of cables, blown fuses,
and report back to me.
- I'll take care of it. Consider it done.
- Good.
- Please remember smoking is not allowed
on this flight, thank you.
- Thomas?
The captain needs our help.
- Really?
And so I have to do it?
- No, we have to help him.
- Actually, I have a break.
- You had your break
earlier. Please come on.
- But I want to eat a sandwich.
- You can eat that later.
I need your help right now.
(passengers murmuring)
- Dammit.
(engine humming)
- Captain, can you hear me?
It's a complete chaos here.
And the floor is wet too.
(soft suspenseful music)
Excuse me, Miss.
How did you get down here?
- I wanted to see you, sweetheart.
The others don't know anything
about good things. Do they?
- (chuckles) That's
true, but I'm responsible
for the safety of the aircraft.
- For safety?
Are you responsible also for my safety?
(soft suspenseful music)
- Maybe.
- I lost my dress anywhere.
Can you help me to find it?
- Your dress?
- Mm-hm.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Your dress is
there, on the floor.
- Oh.
Never mind.
Come here to me.
Touch me.
- You want ...
- Yes.
(saxophone music)
(woman moaning)
(Thomas breathing hard)
(saxophone music)
(monster growling)
(Thomas screaming)
(Thomas screaming)
(Thomas screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Thomas screaming)
(engine humming)
(footsteps padding)
- Well, how are you?
- Shit.
- I think you're letting yourself
get a little too stressed?
- How would you know?
Your biggest concern is
whether your Prada belt
matches your Gucci shoes.
Walk a day in my shoes, then you'll see.
- Hey.
That was mean.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- Who would wear a Prada
belt with Gucci shoes anyway?
- Is that about it? I really
have some work to do here.
- Well I can help you.
- What makes you think I need help?
And how would you wanna help me anyway?
- Well, financially of course.
It's, quite clear you have some
financial problems.
- Don't get smart with me.
I'm still your teacher.
- I get more pocket money
than you earn in a full
year with your job.
We could work together.
- Oh shit.
I don't know what I find more shocking.
That you're trying to seduce your teacher,
that you're offering money for sex,
or that you still get
pocket money at your age.
Why don't you go back to your friends
and forget about this absurd thing?
- I don't think you understand.
- Less talking, more walking.
- But I ...
(engine humming)
You don't deserve me anyway.
(passengers murmuring)
(Nico and Karin moaning)
- Not so loud. Not so loud.
- No no, no no no, not my hair.
It took me forever to style it.
(both moaning)
(soft dramatic music)
- [Nico] You all right?
- Yes, I'm fine.
(both moaning)
(saxophone music)
(Karin moaning)
(Nico groaning)
(Nico breathing hard)
(soft upbeat music)
(monster growling)
- Oh, God. You are so big.
(monster growling)
- Don't get rude.
After the main course,
sometimes it gets a bit smaller.
(monster growling)
- Hey, sweetie.
Who let you in?
Oh, goochie, goochie, goochie.
Don't get angry.
(Nico groaning)
(Karin screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Karin shrieking)
(dramatic music)
(Karin crying)
(Karin screaming)
- Uh, excuse me.
- [Nathalie] Yeah.
- Still waiting for my water.
- Oh, with or without gas?
- Without gas.
- One second.
- Thank you.
- I would like to order something to eat.
I think I still have a Snickers somewhere.
(dramatic crescendo)
You guys, are seeing this too?
It's gone.
What? What the fuck?
- I don't think you're an actor.
- In 1989, I had a show in
a Las Vegas comedy club,
with the team of Cirque de Soleil.
- No, I think it must
be something current.
- Well, keep thinking.
I'm curious whatever you will find out.
Excuse me, I have to stretch my legs.
(engine humming)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
- Here you go. You're so ugly.
Better take care of your stuff.
Not everybody will return it.
- Thank you.
- You're very welcome, darling.
(soft suspenseful music)
(skin stretching)
(hard breathing)
(soft suspenseful music)
(engine humming)
(engine humming)
- What kind of person does
his business for so long?
(knocking on door)
Excuse me, are you staying much longer?
(dramatic music)
Oh, ooh.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Thank you.
- Listen, there is a problem.
We have to land right now.
- Well, if this is a joke,
it might get quite expensive.
- I'm not joking. You gotta understand.
- What is it?
- Oh my God.
My name is Professor--
(Melanie screaming)
- Oh God.
(soft suspenseful music)
(knocking on door)
Are you injured? Can you open the door?
(latch clicking)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Are you okay?
- Don't you see the blood?
- That's probably nothing.
- Oh my God, what have I done.
- A nosebleed or a period or something.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
Did you see how much that is?
- I did. Just go back to your seat.
(engine rumbling)
(professor retching)
- I'm opening the door.
- What the heck is going on here?
- Sir, please go back to
your seat and calm down.
- I wanna help.
- Okay.
(door jiggling)
(Nathalie gasping)
(dramatic music)
- Jesus.
- What the hell?
(soft suspenseful music)
let's not spook the passengers.
You get something to clean up now.
- Mm.
- And you,
you saw nothing.
- Says who?
- Says me.
- You cannot clean up the crime scene.
It's still needed because
of all the traces,
the crimes investigation and so on.
- I know that, but we
need to clean up outside
so we don't panic the passengers.
We'll deal with everything
inside when we land, okay?
- Okay.
(suspenseful music)
- I think we better inform the pilot.
- Go ahead.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Hey, hey.
You always take those
anxiety pills like M&Ms?
You got any left?
You ugly toad.
- What?
- The fucking pills, can I have one?
- Yes.
(suspenseful music)
- Thanks.
- Hey, can I borrow your
charger for a second?
- Yes.
(engine humming)
- Great. Saved my life.
You all right?
- Yeah.
The most weird, with Melanie.
- Yeah, I know, makes me
feel dizzy sometimes too.
Wish she wasn't so arrogant.
What are you gonna do
on the semester break?
- I don't know yet. I
haven't thought about it.
- Me either.
Probably just chill, party a little bit.
Maybe with Melanie?
(soft suspenseful music)
(dramatic crescendo)
(soft suspenseful music)
Hi, Melanie.
I've been waiting a
long time for this day.
(monster growling)
What the actual fuck?
(Melanie screaming)
- [Melanie] Oh, God!
What the fuck?
- All passengers, come to
the front of the plane, now!
(passengers screaming)
- Passengers, please stay calm.
There is no need to panic.
(monster growling)
- No no no! To the back of the plane, now!
Barricade the doors!
(passengers screaming)
(dramatic music)
(MC speaking German)
- [Woman] Move! It's right behind us, go!
Go go go!
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(MC speaking German)
(MC screaming)
(suspenseful music)
- [Melanie] Okay, close
the door. Close the door.
- Barricade the door
with everything you have.
- What about you? You
have to get to safety too.
- I will follow you. Now block the door.
Block the door!
- That's a good idea.
- Use the boxes.
- Come on, hurry up!
- Take this one as well.
- Come on, hurry.
(Mikey groaning)
- [Mia] Oh my God, are you okay?
(Mikey groaning)
- Over there.
- It's okay, it's okay now.
- Did you see that thing?
- [Mikey] What on Earth was that?
(engine humming)
- What's with those boxes?
- Some of these airlines use the passenger
cabins to transport cargo.
- Botanic Bliss from Tropical Gloss.
Let's take a look.
(dramatic music)
Okay, some plants that look really weird.
I don't know, maybe they're
some type of medical plants.
(monster growling)
Did you hear that too?
- I didn't hear nothing.
Let's, let's all be careful, yeah?
- Do we have to thank you for this?
- What?
I don't, I don't know what
you're talking about really.
- That's a lie.
Just before the chaos breakdown,
I heard him talking with the stewardess.
He knows what's going on here!
- What?
- Is that right?
- Well, I understand your frustration
but I have no idea what happened, really.
- Come on, tell us what this monster is.
- Hey hey, hey hey.
Y-y-you mean that?
Well, please, I,
I made a mistake.
I should've been more careful.
I fed it, but the freaking
delay. It got hungry.
Somehow it must've gotten out of the cage.
So there are five to 80
million species of animals
around the world, but we
only know about a million.
- I don't give a shit. Get to the point!
- Me and my team have
found a strange animal
on Mermaid Lagoon Island that
we have never seen before.
However, the island's
government has forbidden us
to research or to take
it outta the country.
- Well, now we know why.
- Those little brains aren't even aware
of the importance of my discovery.
And under EU regulations,
they would have never
allowed me to do this!
That's why I had to smuggle it
out of the island, onto this plane!
- Shut up, man.
Tell us, what exactly is this monster?
- That little hairy
squirrel that I discovered
has a special name.
I named it after my
ex-wife, Annalise Valburga.
But what makes it so
special are its anal glands
that secrete a secretion
that alters perception.
In other words, when it
farts, we all get high.
(engine humming)
- Great! How do we defend ourselves?
- First of all, we should take care
not to get hallucinations.
If we notice anything,
that animal might be
only a few meters away from us.
- You better hope this
fucking thing eats you first.
- (chuckles) What?
(engine humming)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
- I don't hear anything.
Maybe it's gone.
- I doubt that.
It'll be lurking somewhere.
The question is,
(engine humming)
(knocking on door)
(door creaking)
- What the hell is going on?
Where the heck is Nico?
- Nico and Karin are dead.
- You're joking.
- No, she's not.
Something's in the cabin.
It's killing the passengers.
And we need to land.
- What? What do you mean by something?
- I don't know.
What I do know is you need
to land the plane right now!
- A passenger said it's
some kind of a predator.
- Doesn't matter what it is or who it is.
Land the goddam plane now!
- Jesus Christ.
- What are you doing here?
- I wanna help.
- If you wanna help,
stay with the passengers
and keep them quiet.
- I am not a child, and they
can take care of themselves.
- Mayday, mayday, this
is Flight One Two Three
requesting emergency
landing at Berlin Airport.
We have a predator of some
kind on this aircraft.
We have deceased and injured passengers.
We need emergency services.
Do you copy?
- [Tower] Please remain on standby.
- Roger.
(controllers murmuring)
(keys clicking)
(engine humming)
(monster growling)
(sparks buzzing)
(alarm blaring)
Oh for Pete sake.
(James sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
- Shouldn't you be piloting the plane?
- The plane is flying on autopilot.
There's a problem with the
landing gear suspension.
- You need to get down
into the cargo hold.
- Check one of the fuseboxes.
Otherwise, I won't be
able to land this plane.
- You're going nowhere.
You're the pilot, the only one we've got.
You stay in the cockpit, and I'll go.
- Let me go.
You are the only one
with a working weapon.
Take care of the bunch back there
and make sure the pilot stays alive.
- Don't do anything stupid down there.
I need you to locate the
hydraulic system fusebox.
Before you touch anything, contact me.
- All right.
- Stay vigilant, and if anything aqueaks,
get your ass back here, right?
- Sure.
- Thank you.
(soft suspenseful music)
- Flight One Two Three,
clearance for landing granted.
Flight safety has an important message.
- Tower, this is Flight One
Two Three, please repeat.
- According to police information,
while reviewing the passenger list,
we noticed a Mr. Helmut Hoenig.
He's been extremely dangerous,
repeatedly sought out for murder,
known as Helmut Schmidt.
Everything suggest that he's responsible
for the murders on your plane.
- What?
Are you kidding?
Those passengers look like they've been
attacked by a rabid alligator.
(soft suspenseful music)
- [Caller] Thank you and goodbye.
- The SWAT team has been informed.
They are gonna storm the plane.
- Our job's done here.
(door closing)
(suspenseful crescendo)
(suspenseful crescendo)
(suspenseful crescendo)
- Guys, there's a badly
beaten up steward here.
Definitely dead.
- Thomas.
- Wait, calm down!
- Let me go!
- Wait, stay!
(soft suspenseful music)
Well look who we have here.
- You would find out soon enough, asshole.
(marshal groaning)
There, it's mine now.
It was a piece of cake.
(suspenseful music)
(marshal groaning)
(punches thudding)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(gun firing)
(soft dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music continues)
(soft dramatic music continues)
- Finally.
(door jiggling)
(door cracking)
- Holy shit.
(Ben sighing)
Oh, Ben, what are you doing here?
(engine humming)
(Ben sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
Ben to pilot. I have now
arrived at the obstacle.
There's a red light above the fusebox
and a sign that says
aircraft hydraulic system.
The problem seems to be
somewhere around here.
- It's right there.
If the red light is on,
the fuses aren't working.
- Got it.
- You have to look in
the box. You'll see--
- A lot of switches that
are all turned to off.
- [James] That's good.
The circuit breakers must have tripped.
- So I'll just switch them back on then?
- Exactly, and by the way,
you can call me James.
- Ben.
- That's great. You can
come back up now, Ben.
- [Ben] All right then,
I'm on my way back.
(soft suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
What the?
What are you doing down here?
(monster growling)
(Ben shouting)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(door banging)
(monster growling)
What the fuck?
(soft suspenseful music)
(dramatic crescendo)
What the hell are you doing here?
- What the hell happened to him?
- [Ben] By the looks, he has been eaten.
- Eaten?
- James, we're coming back
now. What's going on upstairs?
(soft suspenseful music)
(monster growling)
(alarms blaring)
- What is this?
(alarms stop)
Ben, hang on.
Something's blocking the
hydraulic motor pump unit,
The landing gear is at the
aircraft's center of gravity.
So that's from where you are,
more to the rear of the aircraft.
- Okay, we're having a look.
- Here we are. It's behind this cover.
- Okay, let's do this.
I'm sorry about being
such a dickhead earlier.
- I think you were behaving
more like a stubborn child.
- I was acting like a total idiot.
Not exactly my finest manner.
- Don't worry. I'm used to worse.
- Oh, so you're married.
- Um, no.
- Oh, it wasn't supposed
to sound like this.
Just one good piece of advice.
Don't get married too early.
Divorce is damnably complicated.
- You never really know a
woman until you divorce her.
- Exactly.
Besides the taxes, I
see no other advantages.
- I think a successful marriage means
falling in love again and again,
but always with the same person.
- And what if that same person falls
in love with someone else?
- Then she wasn't the right one.
- You know how it really is?
50% of the marriages are being divorced.
- And I hope to be one of
those other 50% one day.
- I can't see why you shouldn't.
- Really?
What the hell?
Passengers are not allowed down here!
- And what is this idiot doing here?
- I wanna help.
- Sir, please go back upstairs.
- The pilot told me to help you.
- With what?
- Besides my main job as a travel agent,
I'm a trained electrician.
I even can provide you with electronic--
- Thank you, but we are already done.
- Captain, we were able
to repair the objects.
The landing gear should work now.
- [James] Great. Come back now.
- Well done, my boy.
- Ben!
(blows thudding)
- You blasted piece of grass!
Come on, you blank cover!
I will take you out!
(dramatic music)
(monster groaning)
(Helmut screaming)
Come back! Help me please (screams)!
(dramatic music)
- Oh my God, what was that?
- No clue, but reminded
me of a rat, which I hate.
- I'll take care of the passengers,
and you report to the captain.
- Okay.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
- Good job.
- [Ben] Thank you very much, sir.
- What happened?
- Let's just say the
passenger form seat oh four
won't bother us any longer.
He was apparently eaten by a huge rat.
- Excuse me.
- We have a stowaway onboard,
with fur and very sharp teeth.
- Christ almighty.
There's a monster on the board.
(dramatic music)
- Hello, this is Nathalie
the flight attendant.
Are you okay in there? Can I come in?
- No.
- Why?
- Something's going on here,
and as long as we don't
know what it is, this door stays closed.
That's what we decided together.
- What the fuck are you talking about?
Open the door.
- No. Maybe it's not real.
Weren't you listening, idiot?
Hallucinations and all.
- You know, maybe Mia's right.
- Bullshit!
- Hey, the door stays closed.
- Who the fuck are you?
If anything, we should all vote on it.
- Please stop it, and
please open the door.
The creature is locked in the cargo hold,
so everything's under control for now.
But you must open the door now.
- [Mia] No!
- What the fuck?
(dramatic music)
- We do not open the door.
- You both, stop it. Don't
act like idiots, calm down.
- The door stays closed.
(punches thudding)
- [Melanie] Guys, stop!
- Stop this!
- [Melanie] Stop, you're
gonna hurt yourselves!
- Oh!
- Clean your wounds.
- No thanks, I'm fine.
(knocking on door)
(keypad beeping)
- James, we have a problem.
The passengers are in a state of panic,
and they refuse to open the door.
- Seriously?
(upbeat dramatic music)
(upbeat dramatic music continues)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(punch thudding)
- Isn't there a solution for
this in your survival book?
- There's a lot about
animal fighting in there,
but unfortunately,
nothing about stupidity.
- Look at them. They are animals.
- Good one.
- And on we go.
Macho M, works forward with one foot,
throws a straight job.
His opponent, MC Fitti,
fumbles back from a hard hit
and flings his hand into a warm up, bam!
That's three points!
(both breathing hard)
- All those in favor of opening the door?
(engine humming)
- I told you, the door stays closed.
- [Mikey] It's a fucking mistake.
- Melanie, I need to get out of here.
(soft suspenseful music)
(passenger screaming)
- He's here.
(monster roaring)
(women shrieking)
- Annelise, I beg you now.
Calm down, calm down, it's okay.
She knows.
You're a good girl.
I know you know me.
Now I can continue my research.
Not only does the secretion
alters perception.
It possibly can cure cancer.
When we found this beautiful creature,
we opened a door into the new world.
(women screaming)
Annelise, no! Why, why?
(dramatic music)
Annelise, what did you do?
(women shrieking)
(monster roaring)
(passengers panicking)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(monster growling)
(soft dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(dramatic music)
(monster breathing)
(monster breathing)
(monster growling)
(Mia screaming)
(dramatic music)
(monster roaring)
(Mia screaming)
(jaws clenching)
- Why are you doing this to me?
- Fuck.
I didn't mean to.
I thought the animal was just here.
(monster roaring)
- Fuck!
(monster roaring)
(dramatic music)
(bodyguard screaming)
(monster roaring)
- Listen, if they're
safe in the rear cabin,
we should just leave
them there until we land.
- James is right.
At least they can't
cause any trouble there.
- And, we could monitor them,
through this camera here.
(upbeat dramatic music)
- I have to go and save them!
- Wait, that's not a good idea!
(dramatic music)
Stay here!
I'm the captain!
(dramatic music)
- Open the door!
Please, you have to get out of there!
(dramatic music)
(monster roaring)
(dramatic music)
- Let's go back to the captain.
- We have to get them out of there!
- There's nothing you can do!
There is no one to save there.
Come on.
They're dead. Come on!
Come on.
(dramatic music)
(music ends)
(engine humming)
- I have a great idea.
Let's lower the cabin pressure.
Whatever is out there will pass out.
- But, what if there's
any survivors in the back?
- That's okay, I'm just
gonna lower it slightly.
It causes momentary unconsciousness.
It's a risk.
- Sounds good.
(soft suspenseful music)
(air hissing)
(intercom dinging)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
Something's moving.
The monster got out!
(soft suspenseful music)
- That's not the monster.
(soft suspenseful music)
- That's Alina.
I have to go and save her.
- Ben, take one of the oxygen masks.
- [Ben] Thank you, sir.
(soft suspenseful music)
(Nathalie sighing)
(soft suspenseful music)
(soft suspenseful music continues)
(dramatic music)
(punch thudding)
- Come on, babes!
(Nathalie moaning)
Open the door, Captain!
I mean it, Captain. Open it!
- Don't do it!
- Captain! Captain!
(dramatic music)
Come on, Captain! Don't be a spoil sport!
- No! Don't open the door!
He'll kill us both.
(Nathalie shrieking)
- It will be simple, or it
will be complicated anyway!
Captain! Do you want us to take off?
(dramatic music)
(buttons beeping)
(dramatic music)
(air hissing)
(dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music)
(gun firing three times)
Die, you motherfucker!
- Drop it, drop it!
(gun firing)
(James groaning)
- Hey, you fucking pilot! Stay here!
Don't even think about closing the door,
you son of a bitch!
I hate you, asshole!
It's a party for you!
- Come here.
(punch thudding)
(Helmut screaming)
(dramatic music)
(keypad dinging)
(alarms blaring)
You'll be safe here.
James, what's going on with these lights?
- Everything's under control.
(engine blowing)
We're about to land.
Fasten your seat belts.
Don't you even think
about going out there.
- I am going out there to help Ben.
Please take care of Alina and make sure
that this door stays closed.
(dramatic music)
- For crying out loud.
- Flight One Two Three (indistinct).
Can you hear me?
Flight One Two Three, this is the tower.
You're approaching the runway.
You have to extend the
landing flaps for landing.
(punch thudding)
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
(Helmut groaning)
- Don't do that!
Don't come near me!
I will open the outside door!
- No, that's a very dumb idea.
(monster growling)
Ben, watch out! Behind you!
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
- Hang on! I'm out of here!
(Helmut screaming)
(intense dramatic music)
(tower speaking indistinctly)
(intense dramatic music)
- Captain, please, this
is the tower (indistinct).
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(dramatic music continues)
(wheels screeching)
(controller sighing)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music continues)
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
- [Helmut] Get off me, you son of a bitch!
(Helmut groaning)
(dramatic music)
You're coming with me!
You're gonna die (laughs)!
- Oh my God.
(intense dramatic music)
(Ben screaming)
(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music continues)
- Can, can you walk?
- I think so.
- Go out of the cockpit, and
find our head stewardess.
- Right now?
- Go.
(dramatic music)
- Can anybody hear me?
If anybody can hear me, you need to stop.
You're quickly approaching
the end of the runway.
- [James] Ladies, I can't stop the plane.
So your exit's going to
be a bit unconventional.
You have to jump.
- He can't be serious!
- I'm afraid we have no choice.
I think it's best if you
lie down on your stomach
and slide backwards.
That way it's not too fast to the ground.
Come on, hold onto me.
- Okay.
- Careful!
- Hurry up.
The runway's coming to an end.
(dramatic music)
- I'm ready.
- Careful.
(monster growling)
- Mother of God.
(intense dramatic music)
(intense dramatic music continues)
(monster roaring)
- Hey you!
Get this! Come here!
Come here! Over here!
(James screaming)
- No!
(engine roaring)
(monster growling)
(James groaning)
- Flight One Two Three, you're
deviating from the runway.
Please, can anybody copy?
(upbeat dramatic music)
(James groaning)
(dramatic music)
(monster growling)
(dramatic music)
(plane exploding)
(soft piano music)
(soft piano music continues)
(Nathalie breathing hard)
(soft piano music)
(helicopter chopping)
(soft music)
(soft music continues)
(soft music continues)
- I'll be back in a few minutes.
- Okay.
(soft music)
- Hey.
- Oh, hey.
How are you?
- I'm fine, but one of my
students, Mia, didn't survive.
- Shit.
I'm really sorry to hear that.
- How about you?
- Well, so far so good,
but the police now thinks
I'm mentally ill and I'm imagining things.
- No wonder, considering the
things that happened up there.
Don't worry.
As soon as they find the
remains of the monster,
they'll release you from
the psychiatric institution.
- Don't get two excited yet.
They'll question you too.
You might end up in the same cell as me.
- (chuckles) I'd gladly end
up in the same cell as you,
if you promise not to be
annoying all the time.
- Okay, I'll try my very best.
- Good.
(monster growling)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker screaming)
(upbeat hard rock music)
(worker's scream echoing)
("Rescue Me" by Bell Book and Candle)
Let your, let your
Let your amazement grow
Oh whatever you do, I can't leave you
Don't ever let me go
Don't ever let me go
- We interrupt our current programming
to bring you breaking news.
Moments ago, an airplane
was forced to make
an emergency landing at
Berlin International Airport.
It is being reported that
the pilot's skillful actions
saved many passenger lives.
More as this story develops.
We are learning that German
serial killer Helmut Schmidt
was likely onboard the plane at the time.
Authorities are investigating.
More, to come.
Rescue me, rescue me
Let me have a good time
I wanna be loved
I wanna feel you touch me
And I wanna hear you sigh
You gotta rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
I wanna feel love
and I wanna feel good
I wanna feel love for sure
(upbeat rock music)
(upbeat rock music continues)
(music slows)
(voice echoing)
Oh whatever you do
I can't leave you
Don't ever let me go
Don't ever let me go
Rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me, rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me
Rescue me, let me have a good time
Rescue me