Moon Over Miami (1941) Movie Script

Mornin', friend
We recommend blue plate number two
Our food is the best
in the whole southwest
What can I do for you
I'll take hotcakes
and a glass of beer.
Mornin', friend
We recommend blue plate number two
Our food is the best
in the whole southwest
What can I do for you
I'll have a large glass of tomato juice
and a couple of aspirin.
Mornin', friend
We recommend blue plate number two
Our food is the best
in the whole southwest
What can I do for you
I'll have a double order of you.
- On toast.
- On white or whole wheat?
Barbara! Barbara!
Look, he's here! Come on!
- Have you got it, Joe? Have you got it?
- Now, girls, stop it.
- It's due here today!
- Stop jumping! Stop jumping!
- Oh, come on, Joe. Where is it?
- I'm not sure.
- I'm not sure now.
- We'll help you!
- Is it in there? Is it in there?
- Now, girls!
If the letter's here, it's here.
Your looking won't put it here.
- Please hurry, Joe.
- It'd be addressed to one of you sisters?
- No, probably to Aunt Susan.
- Miss Susan Latimer.
- Oh, please, please, please, please.
- Here. Here it is.
Bigelow, Bigelow, Bigelow and Bigelow!
- Yippee!
- Whoopee!
Susan! Look! It's here!
It's come!
- Joe just brought it.
- Open it! Open it!
- Oh!
- Come on, hurry, Susan.
All right. All right. Don't hurry me.
Don't get me excited.
Um, "According to the final will...
"whereas the state of lowa therewith,
therefore and whereas-"
Oh, get to the point quick, Susan.
How much is our legacy?
All right. Here it is.
"And your share of the estate...
"to be divided equally with your nieces,
Kay and Barbara Latimer is-"
Well, what is it?
$55,000! Oh!
- 55,000!
- I knew it!
- I knew it! I knew it'd be that much!
- Yes! Yes!
Well, girls, that's the end of that!
- How much is a third of 55?
- A third of-
Five, uh-
Let's see what it looks like.
- What?
- 4,000?
Oh, let me see it.
"Twelve percent federal tax, six percent
state tax, three percent probate tax...
"$2,500 administrators fees...
"4,800 to lawyers and therefore,
after these deductions...
the balance is $4,287.96."
Well, girls-
But, Aunt Sue, are you forgetting?
No, Kay. I'm afraid that idea wouldn't work.
We might even lose the 4,000.
But we agreed, didn't we, that if it was less
than 10,000, it was the only thing we could do?
Now, if we put it out in postal savings at three
percent with the good old U.S.A. behind it-
Oh, no, Susan.
We can't get rich that way.
Your idea is such an awful chance, Kay.
l-lt is sort of crazy.
Crazy? What's crazy about
marrying a millionaire?
That Southern Texas Gas and Power Corporation
is a mighty nice, safe investment.
Oh, please, Susan. Barbara.
- You still want to
go through with it, don't you?
Well, I don't know. I just don't think
you can marry a man without loving him.
But how long does love last?
Besides, it's just as easy to fall
in love with a millionaire...
as it is with a truck driver.
Truck driver, yes!
There is a 50 truck driver outside
waiting for you for service.
- You-You are all three-
- Quitting!
That's what we're all three doing, Mr. Simon
Legree. We're resigning! Walking out on you!
- We're going to Miami!
- Miami?
That's right, Miami.
Where rich men are as plentiful as grapefruit
and millionaires hang from every palm tree!
- Come on!
- And so long!
Put 'em in the bedroom.
Well, is this quite satisfactory,
Miss Latimer?
Why, yes, Miss Sears,
quite satisfactory.
I believe all this
will work out very nicely.
Yeah, this is some joint!
Susan, will you take care
of the bellboys, please?
Sure. Wait a minute,
kids. Here.
- All right, boys. Split this buck.
- Thank you.
Don't mention it.
Ah, Miss Latimer.
You have arrived.
I am Mr. Pretto.
Oh, how do you do, Mr. Pretto? And
thank you so much for these lovely flowers.
The pleasure is mine, Miss Latimer. I do
hope you find your accommodations suitable.
Oh, I'm sure they'll serve
their purpose.
After all, it's only myself,
my secretary and my maid.
Well, Miss Latimer,
your every wish is our law.
- Thank you, Mr. Pretto.
- Not at all, not at all.
And I hope you'll be as happy here
as Miami is happy to have you.
- Oh, that's very nice.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Miss Latimer.
Did you hear that, Miss Latimer?
You've even made Miami happy.!
And you better be good.
- Oh, it's beautiful, Kay.
- Do you like it better than
the brown and white one?
- l- I think so.
- Hmph.
Let's see the back.
Susan, will you get this table and stuff
out of here, before I ruin my new wardrobe?
I used to eat my meals
in with the folks.
Now that we've inherited money,
I have to eat in the kitchen!
Shh! Suppose someone heard you?
Yes, and calling this place a joint
in front of those bellboys.
All right.
I'm doomed.
Might as well move
my bed in here too.
All my life, I've been trying to
get out of a kitchen.
Susan, the door.
I heard. I heard.
Always the perfect servant.
- Hello. Champagne for Miss Latimer.
- Huh?
- Good evening.
- I'm Miss Latimer.
Compliments of Mr. Jeffrey Bolton.
Really? And, uh, who is Mr. Bolton?
He's the gentleman who lives
across the court in bungalow "A".
- Oh. Did he see me arrive?
- No, he just told me to take care of everybody.
- Oh.
- He's the one giving the party.
You might have heard it.
- Oh, yes, we have.
- Sounds like quite a clambake.
Well, it's been going on long enough.
This is the third day.
Oh, I'm sorry, madam.
Sorry, madam.
A party like that must be costing
Mr. Bolton a- a small fortune.
- To him, a mere pittance.
- Does, uh, Mrs. Bolton like it?
There ain't no
Mrs. Bolton.
Oh, say, I better not open this here
with all these dresses around.
I'll take it in the kitchen.
- Say, have you a fresh napkin, please?
- A napkin? Oh, yes. Here.
Thanks. Say, I should've been here earlier.
This'd gone kind of nice with your dinner.
Believe me, it needed something to
wash down that breast of guinea hen.
- For mine, I'll take a
good-old hamburger anytime.
- You would?
That's what I'd like, a girl to be
satisfied to tear a hamburger with me.
That's if I could find a girl
who could cook one the way I like it.
Yeah? Well.
You never had a hamburger till you've tasted
one the way I cook it-with guacamala sauce.
Guacamala sauce?
Sounds kind of interesting.
We'll have to go
into that sometime.
- You bet we will.
- Oh! Oh, excuse me.
Oh, my goodness.
- Oh, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
- That's quite all right.
Sometimes this stuff
fizzes all over the place.
- I just didn't want to take any chances.
- No, of course not.
You're fond of champagne, I trust?
Oh, I don't know what I would have done
without it all these years.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Madame.
- Oh, thank you.
- To the gracious Mr. Bolton.
- To Mr. Bolton.
- Something wrong?
- Oh, no! It's perfect!
Uh, that is, it's-it's quite nice.
I, uh, I suppose the hotel's full of
wonderful people this season as usual.
Oh, yes, ma'am.
There's some awful nice people here.
Of course, a rich resort like Miami
also gets some that ain't so nice.
- Really?
- Sure, they just come down here
to chisel, that's all.
Uh, just what are these people
you seem so much against?
Fortune hunters, gold diggers.
Yes, and if there's anything in life
I hate, it's gold diggers.
But I can spot 'em. I can spot fortune
hunters the minute I see them. Like that.
- You can?
- I certainly can.
And, uh, all the gold diggers
ain't women.
Well, maybe-
Well, I was thinking-
- Maybe you could help me.
- Me?
Yeah, you bet.
I could steer you straight.
When you're mingling with rich people
who wouldn't be after your money...
I'll give you the okay.
But if I see you in danger of any of
those chiselers, I'll signal keep clear.
- And you'll do it. Promise?
- I promise.
Well, I guess I'd better be
getting back to the party.
If you want anything,
just ask forJack, bar service.
- Thanks very much, Jack.
I'll depend on you.
- You're welcome.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
Oh, uh, "walla-maca"?
- Guacamala.
- Guacamala.
I'll open the door
for you.
- You'll be seein' me.
- I hope so.
How am I doin'?
Will you connect me
with Mr. Bolton, please?
- Kay, what are you doing?
- I'm going to that party.
But- But rich girls don't invite themselves
to parties. Hang up, Kay.
I'd like to speak to Mr. Bolton, please.
Miss Katherine Latimer calling.
- Barbara's right. That's a crazy thing to do.
- Is it? Just keep listening.
Hello, Mr. Bolton.
Miss Latimer.
Yes, I just arrived today. Bungalow "C".
Just can't throw yourself at him.
No, no. We've never met.
I would like to thank you
for that champagne you sent, Mr. Bolton...
except that, well,
it was pretty awful.
Mmm. Flat.
He's gasping too.
I thought you
might want to know.
I don't imagine you intentionally
send people anything so inferior.
Well, possibly. If you come over
right away. I-I was going to retire.
But, well, I just hate
to go to sleep when I'm upset.
Very well. Bungalow "C". Yes.
- I knew it'd work!
- Yippee!
Come on. We've got to get these dresses
out of here. Susan, straighten your apron.
Barbara, your glasses.
I don't want you to look better.
Better worry about
what he'll look like.
Must be an awful drip if he's that rich
and nobody's bothered to grab him off.
He's probably something I wouldn't
even marry, and I'd marry almost anybody.
- How's my hair? Is it all right?
- Oh, it's fine, honey.
Oh, Susan,
fix my shoe.
- Oh, there he is. Let him in
and then announce him.
I'll bet he's got no teeth.
- Good luck, darling.
- Thanks.
- Oh, my book. Where is it?
- Your book!
Miss Latimer's expecting me.
I'm Mr. Bolton.
Oh, uh, won't you come in?
- Uh, Miss Latimer?
- Why, no. I'm- I'm Miss
Latimer's secretary.
Mmm. Well, I must
have a secretary sometime.
- I'll tell Miss Latimer you're here.
- Oh, thanks. Thanks.
- Oh, uh, she'll be out in just a minute.
- Fine.
Oh, you've got
an awful shock coming.
- New low?
- Wait till you see him.
A broken-down lounge.
Well, I got you two into this,
so I'll try and be brave.
- Uh, Miss Latimer?
- Yes.
- Mr. - Mr. Bolton?
- Yes.
I was just giving
the culprit a trial.
No wonder you gave such a going-over
on the phone. It is pretty bad, isn't it?
I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll forgive you, if you'll forgive me.
Mmm, we might be able to work out
something along those lines.
- Say, why don't you come over
to the party and work it out?
- Oh, no. I couldn't possibly.
- What time is it?
- Time?
Oh, don't ask me that. Here in Miami,
it's just light at first...
and then it's dark,
and then it's just light again.
Well, what do you-What do you say?
Won't you come over?
- Maybe I will come over, for a little while.
- Oh, fine.
- Good night, Barbara.
- Good night, Miss Latimer.
Any appointments Miss Latimer may have had
for tomorrow are now purely tentative.
- I'll check with you later.
- Don't forget.
- Good night.
- I won't. Good night.
- Good night, Susan.
- Good night.
Well, we're off!
Uh, what do people call you, Miss Latimer,
when they get to know and love you?
- I imagine the process
is more or less automatic.
- Kay.
Kay? Okay, Kay.
I'll pretend I didn't hear it
on account of the music.
- Sounds terrific.
- Oh, just a few friends that dropped in.
Just a few friends
that dropped, period.
You want to meet some of them?
I'll wake 'em up.
Oh, no. Not now. They look so peaceful.
Let's not disturb them.
I know what you must think. They're really
just exhausted. They're still alive out here.
- Hello, Jeff.
- Hello, Martha.
- Miss Latimer, Miss Winton.
- How do you do?
- Hello, Miss Latimer.
- Having a good time?
- Oh, fine.
- Good.
Think they'd do their sleeping at home,
wouldn't you?
I'm sorry.
Come on. On your first night
here, you wouldn't want to delve
into Miami's seamier side.
- Don't like him?
- Yeah, I like him all right,
when he's asleep.
Oh, Miss Mason,
I'd like you to meet Miss Latimer.
- Miss Latimer, Miss Mason.
- How do you do?
- And Mr. Mason.
- How do you do, Mr. Mason?
May I bring you a touch of wine,
Mr. McNeil?
No. No, no. Just bring me
a little sleep, that's all.
All right, sir.
This is Mr. Henderson. Mr. Henderson's
an old friend of mine from Santa Barbara.
- And, uh, Mr. Burns. And Miss Bryan.
- Jack.
- Yes, sir.
- What's the idea, all this thumb stroke?
Oh, that. That's for Miss Latimer,
the young lady with Mr. Bolton.
You see, she's very rich,
and it's sort of up to me to protect her.
Are they leaving?
What's up, Oscar?
You going?
I'm sorry, Mr. Bolton. The union won't
allow us to play longer than 16 hours.
Oh. When's the next
shift come on?
The other band oughta
be here any minute.
- Sorry.
- It's all right.
Oh, Jeff. Don't tell me we aren't
gonna have any more music!
- Life can't do this to us!
- Yes, Connie. It's an
awfully tough situation.
Oh, excuse me.
Miss Latimer, Miss Fentress.
- How do you do?
- And Mr. Lester.
Jeff, be a gallant lad
and give us a little music.
I don't deserve the ordeal
of a lull with Lester.
Well, uh, personally, I wouldn't mind
a little lull with Miss Latimer.
Oh. Oh, no. No lull
and no Miss Latimer for you, son.
You'll get your music, Connie.
Dance this wolf off to the tall timber.
- Make it something soft and dreamy, huh?
- All right.
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even try to
You smiled, and my heart
began to fly to the moon
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even know it
And now, I'm as wacky
as a poet
In June
I believe in fairy tales
I believe in Santy Claus
I believe
that dreams come true
I do, because
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't know what I knew
I knew right away
that you were my new romance
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even try to
You smiled, and my heart
began to fly to the moon
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even know it
And now, I'm as wacky
as a poet in June
I believe in fairy tales
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe
that dreams come true
I do, because
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't know what I knew
I knew right away
that you were my new romance
Come on. Get up, you lug.
You've slept long enough.
Come on! Come on.
All he does is sleep around here.
- Oh, isn't he wonderful?
- Well, I made it.
When I see him standing there,
so straight and sleek and handsome.
So clear-eyed
and happy at seeing me.
All I can think of
is endearing names.
- Well, anyway, this is Miss Latimer.
- How do you do?
How do you do?
And how do the... thumbs do?
You see, Latimer,
it's all so utterly senseless.
I don't know why I like him myself,
but I won't stand here to quibble about it.
I'm strangely lacking
in tiger blood.
I was using that chair
for my feet, but you can use it.
Well, thanks.
Uh, it's a lovely party, isn't it?
What's the matter?
If you're gonna sit there and talk about
the party, I'd rather put my feet back.
How would you like to-
How would you like to
buy me a drink?
- I'd like it very much. Jack, Jack.
- Yes, sir.
A little nourishment
please, hmm?
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Thanks, Jack.
- Oh, uh, yes, sir.
Very well.
- Here's to you, lassie.
- Thanks, laddie.
Now, just who are you?
- Oh, just a girl.
Very out of the ordinary.
- Mm-hmm.
Jack tells me you got
a lotta dough.
Oh, I do all right, thanks.
You know, you're-
You're not very pretty.
No, it's not a beautiful face
by a long ways.
- Cute, maybe, for people
who like cuteness.
- Go on.
Oh, I am. I've, uh, been
noticing your figure.
Oh, well, thank you.
Mmm. That's practically perfect.
But it has no poetry.
It's built on, uh,
architectural principles.
Like the sculpture
on radiator caps.
You want this chair back
pretty badly, don't you?
Your voice isn't pitched
very nicely either.
Suits your personality,
but that doesn't make it good.
Anything else?
I think you're wonderful.
And I hope I fall in love with you.
I can hardly wait.
Oh, there you are, Kay.
Forgive me.
- I didn't know you were alone.
- Yeah, sad, isn't it?
You know, I get so tired of
looking at that face of yours.
I find myself a girl, and the first
thing I know, you've got her.
I like your girl,
if she is your girl.
- She is. Definitely. Ask her.
- Are you?
Yes, Jeff.
I think I am.
Fine. I feel
just like annoying you.
- Come on. Know how to dance?
- No, no. But I've always
wanted to learn.
This is the first
of those six lessons.
Very funny.
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even try to
You smiled, and my heart
began to fly to the moon
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't even know it
And now, I'm as wacky
as a poet in June
I believe in fairy tales
I believe in Santa Claus
I believe
that dreams come true
I do, because
You started something
Yes, you did
But you didn't know what I knew
I knew right away
that you were my new romance
- Oh, Barney.
- Yes, Mr. Bolton.
Pittsburgh calling
Mr. McNeil.
- Pittsburgh, sir?
- Uh, yes! Pittsburgh.
Must be that redhead from Pittsburgh
calling him. Sit down.
He'll never find us here.
I think Pittsburgh's
the redhead.
He has so many, many girls
scattered all over the country.
From what you say, he must be
very attractive to some women.
Wait a minute. I didn't want to give
you a good impression about him.
After all,
the McNeil steelworks, you know.
Some girls will put up with
an awful lot if a fellow's got money.
Yes, isn't it awful?
I could never understand.
The trouble is, he hasn't
got any mind of his own- about women.
Like with you tonight. He never
knows a good one unless somebody
else picks her out first.
He'd leave other people's girls alone
if he had any sense of decency.
The trouble is, he hasn't.
I've got you all to myself
Here we are, alone
And I can't think of a thing
better than that
I've got you all to myself
Now we're on our own
It's all like pullin' a dream
out of a hat
My lucky day is here
No one else is near
And it seems that we're
Somewhere in the stratosphere
I've got you all to myself
And I mean all to myself
'Cause now, at last
I've got you alone
Good evening, friends
I thought you said
this thing could jump.
It can jump plenty. I'm not gonna
take chances with you in it.
Aw, come on. Give it the gun.
Let's have some excitement.
- Oh, no.
- Hey.! Sweetheart.!
- Do it again, Jeff!
- All right!
I'm, uh, not by
any chance intruding, am I?
- Did you two want me to be alone?
- How'd you guess?
Uh, tell me. You don't happen
to have a sister, do you?
- Uh, a sister?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- ForJeff.
Oh! No, no.
I'm sorry.
Anyway, one of you, then the other,
day after day, that's all right with me.
Yeah, but, uh, tomorrow's my day.
Just remember that.
Now, wait. I may have
something to say about that.
I'm afraid, old fellow, I'm awfully
afraid, you're going to miss us.
- Garon.
- Hey.!
You can't have a picnic
without me! And the lunch!
Get us in there quick.
Come on. Hurry up.
- Your ticket, please.
- I'll get one when we come back.
- I'm sorry. That's too late.
- Now, look, bud. Let's not be technical.
Hey, you-
Now if you'll give me your
attention, I shall explain
the wonders that meet the eye.
- And don't be afraid to ask questions.
- All right.
What kind of fish
are those?
Uh, uh, those are
clupea sapidissima.
- Are you sure?
- Are you?
- Then I'm sure.
- Oh, Phil, look.
You'll find, madam, that under water,
everything is reversed.
On land, there's a tendency
for the male to pursue the female.
- Perhaps you've, uh, noticed that.
- Yes, sir.
Well, down here, as you see,
Neptune is pursued by mermaids...
technically known
as mare nympha.
- Say, you're pretty good
with that Latin, aren't you?
- Oh, yes, yes.
I'm an old amo, amas, amat man.
Amo, amas, amat?
Yeah. I love, you love, he loves.
Say, I'm getting into
kind of deep water down here.
Oh, this is fun, Phil.
- I'm glad you're enjoying it.
- Well, aren't you?
I don't know.
Looking at those fish has, uh, sort of
made me feel about as foolish as they look.
Oh, maybe it's the altitude
down here that affects you.
No. Something has
affected me though.
All this clowning around
suddenly has lost its kick.
Well, I thought that was about
all you wanted in life.
I wouldn't suspect you
of having a-a serious side.
Nobody knows anything about anybody.
Didn't you know that?
No. But I'm learning.
- And, uh-
- What?
- I'm glad you told me.
- Why?
Well, it becomes you,
Kay, listen-
I give up!
Did you get them figured out?
How do we stand?
Well, to pay the hotel bill up
until tonight, it'll take $150
more than we have left.
We're 150 short?
How can that be?
Well, darling, you don't realize
what all this is costing a week.
- We've been here three weeks.
- What's the difference?
Who cares about money?
Milady goes to the races,
cocktail parties, tonight dancing.
Have a good time!
That's all we came here for.
You don't have to be sarcastic. I've got
two pretty good prospects, you know.
Kay, do you think
either one is in love with you?
That's beside the point. Do you think
either one will ask you to marry him?
He certainly can't if I'm never alone
with either one of them!
And what's so funny?
We were so afraid you couldn't get
one millionaire, and now
you've got too many.
Oh, grow up. Yes!
- That's it! You're going
to have a birthday.
- Me? When?
Today. Tonight! That's why
we're taking you dancing with us.
- Oh, Kay, are you really?
- Yes. They'll be here any minute,
so you've got to get fixed up.
Let's see. You can wear my white dress.
And get rid of those glasses.
- Susan, get the white shoes.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hurry, now. Hurry.
- Am I supposed to look
good for a change?
Good enough to keep one of them interested
while I get the other one alone.
- Well, at least I'm doin' all right.
I've had a proposal.
- You have?
- From Jack?
- Already?
- Already. Now let's see you get going.
- I'll get going...
if Barbara could just split up the McNeil-
Bolton anti-proposal trust a little.
Which one of the gentlemen
would you like her to fascinate first?
Yes, Kay. Which one
do you like best?
Gee, I don't know.
They-They both have nice eyes.
- Now, ifJeff only had Phil's hair.
- Jeff has much the nicer hair.
Who cares if they're both bald-headed?
This is a business proposition!
Well, I've got a right to pick
my own business partner, haven't I?
- You know, I have a feeling
you'd pick Phil McNeil.
- Phil?
Yes, I guess maybe I would.
Well, here. You girls better
take this five bucks.
You may need mad money
before this night's over.
- Five dollars?
- You've been holding out on us.
- Where'd you get five dollars?
- Jack gave me a tip on a horse.
- The same one he won $150 on.
- Jack did?
Jack won $150?
Bless his little heart.
Oh, Susan, we're so glad you and Jack
are getting along.
- He's a darling. Really, he is.
- You're so sweet. You deserve
a sweetheart likeJack.
- I think he's just the man for you.
- I won't do it.
- Yes, you will, darling.
- Oh, you can't refuse us.
- Positively will not do it!
- Oh, Susan, you have to!
You know how Jack feels
about gold diggers.
You know how the hotel feels
about rent dodgers.
You don't want to be kicked out.
What would Jack think then?
Well, anyway, he's only got
enough to pay up until tonight.
What'll we do about next week?
- We'll worry about next week next week.
- Oh.
They're here, Barbara.
Hurry up and get ready.
- Where's my scarf?
- You know, you're supposed to be
the vamp around here, not me.
I'll let them in. You go talk toJack.
Oh, the Miami twins.
Come in, gentlemen.
Company.! Halt.! Hut, two.!
- Now, what do you want?
- Let's see. What do we want?
Well, I've always wanted
the China wall.
We want you, the juice of the grape,
and a good hot dance band.
But right now, we'll settle for those
potato chips and cheese.
Look, it's, uh, it's Barbara's birthday.
You know, my secretary, Miss Sears.
Well, I knew you wouldn't mind,
so I told her we'd take
her dancing with us.
- Oh, you did, eh?
- Well, that's certainly
big of you, Miss Latimer.
Good evening.
Well, Miss Sears
certainly improves with age.
I hope you're ashamed, putting up
such a holler against taking her along.
I beg your pardon. I insist she go.
Happy birthday, Miss Sears.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations, Barbara.
- Thank you.
- Say, she's good-looking enough
to be one of your own family.
What's the idea
holding her out on us?
I really didn't know
she'd turn out so well.
You knew it all the time. You just kept her
undercover so she wouldn't outshine you.
Don't get me in trouble
with my boss, Mr. Bolton.
If you want to say nice things like that,
you'd better tell me in private.
That I'll do. Come on.
Make an attractive couple, don't they?
- Good-bye, Susan.
- Good-bye, Susan!
Good-bye, everybody.
- Don't forget to bring home the bacon.
- Huh?
- Oh, oh. We ran a little short today.
- Good old Susan.
- And, uh, who is Susan?
- Susan? Oh, she's my maid.
- They've gone.
- Yeah. Gee, it's swell
to be alone with you.
- Is it?
- Yeah.
When I'm alone with you,
it don't feel like I'm with anybody.
- Oh, I mean-
- I know. Me too.
Say, uh, there's something that I've been
wanting to do for a long, long while.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- What?
- Uh-
I don't know
day from night
I don't know
left from right
I've got no appetite
Is that good
I don't know
my own house
I don't know
moose from mouse
I don't know
north from "souse"
Is that good
I'm goofy
So crazy for you
That I put salt
in a chocolate malt
And mustard on a honeydew
I don't know
Gin from tea
I sat down on a bee
But that lift you give me
Is that good
I can't sleep
Not a wink
I can't think
Not a think
I see stars in the sink
Is that good
I don't know sweet from swing
I don't know Kate from Bing
But I hear bluebirds sing
Is that good?
My cashier tells me
I act like a dope
I get my pay
throw the check away
Then try to
cash the envelope
I don't know what I do
But I do dream of you
And that dream
woo, woo, woo
- Is that good
- It ain't bad.
- Is that good
- Wahoo!
Is that good?
I'm woozy
I'm weak in the pins
But I know this. Every time we kiss
I don't need any vitamins
I go round in a trance
You got oomph
in your glance
We got ants
in our plants
- Is that good
- Yes, sirree
If it's good for you,
it's mighty good for me
- Why, uh, I think the squab, Victor.
- Uh, very good, sir.
The duck is very nice tonight,
Mr. Bolton.
Oh, no, thanks.
I'm not very hungry.
- Uh, just a chicken sandwich.
- On white or whole wheat?
Well, I know what I want.
Yes. How am I doin', pal?
- I guess that's it, Victor.
Coffee, of course.
- Uh, yes, sir.
- Oh, shall we?
- Let's not.
Well. Finally, a girl
who doesn't like to dance.
Oh, I like it very much.
Only, you don't want to,
really, do you?
- How'd you know?
- You're a little on the sad side
tonight, aren't you?
- What makes you say that?
- Oh, I've noticed a touch
of it several times.
Tonight, I could see
you were particularly sad.
In other words,
I'm just a sad man, huh?
- I know why you're that way.
- You do?
Mm-hmm. Out there.
Everything'd be perfect if that were
you with Miss Latimer, wouldn't it?
Everything'd be fine.
Have, uh- Have you and Mr. McNeil
been friends long?
Oh, yes. Years.
We went to school together.
- We've played around ever since.
- And, uh, every time you play, he wins.
Yes. Yes,
I guess he does.
Frankly, this is the first time
it's made any difference.
Well, then, why don't you
do something about it?
Ah, there you have me.
Or rather, there Phil has me.
- But why?
- Oh, I don't know.
l- I guess I just have
the wrong approach.
You see, I-I've never really
had to go after anything.
My father was such a success,
that anything I wanted was-
Well, just there.
- Your father must be a grand person.
- Oh, he is. He's a great guy.
That's exactly it.
It makes me just Bill Bolton's son.
The number two boy.
Just somebody who sits in the audience.
Well, then, get out of the audience.
Just because of your father's success,
you don't have to be overshadowed by him.
That should make you
want to do something all the more.
- Say, maybe you're right.
- No maybes about it.
I know I'm right.
You're really a swell person.
You've got everything it takes.
So use it.
Get out and go to work.
Do something on your own...
instead of running around here like
some of these rich, young drips that are ju-
Oh, I-I'm terribly sorry,
Mr. Bolton.
- I apologize.
- Oh, no, no. Don't apologize.
You're right.
Maybe I needed somebody to tell me.
Right or wrong, it's swell talking with you.
You know, Barbara,
you're a wonderful girl.
Someday some man's gonna get a real prize.
Uh, shall we dance?
Well, I'd love to, but, uh, don't you think
we'd better wait until the music starts?
Oh, thanks very much.
I guess we had.
Palm trees gently swaying
Moonlight beaming
You and I together
Drifting, dreaming
Loveliness and love
Tonight, we have found the two
I'm in a paradise with you
Cooling tropic breezes
Shadows, flowers
Tender sighs that promise happy hours
Loveliness and love
How lovely the world will be
Now that you're in love with me
Palm trees gently swaying
Moonlight beaming
You and I together
Drifting, dreaming
Loveliness and love
Tonight, we have found the two
I'm in a paradise with you
Cooling tropic breezes
- Shadows
- Flowers
Tender sighs that promise happy hours
Loveliness and love
How lovely the world will be
Now that you're in love
With me
Mmm. Kay.
We're gonna have
a wonderful life together.
- Where'll we live, darling?
- Where would you like to live?
Oh, anywhere.
A cozy little hut's good enough for me.
Funny, that's exactly the kind of spot
I've been looking for.
Darling, have you ever counted
how many places you own already?
Mm-hmm. Three.
House in Maryland, place in
Santa Barbara, penthouse in New York.
Suppose we might drop in and blow
the dust off them sometime?
No. No, I, uh, think we'd be
happier in our little hut.
You see, one reason is,
there aren't three anymore.
So, you've been misleading me.
How do you manage to struggle
along without one of them?
It's without all three.
And I don't manage
to struggle along very well.
Now you are misleading me, Phil.
You see, it's like this, darling.
This is supposed to be
a deep, dark secret.
But the McNeil mills have been
running on credit for the last year.
About all we have left
is a good reputation.
We were nice guys
when we had it.
Yes, I'm s-sure you were, Phil.
So, Kay, my darling...
you'll have to hold down
the fort for about five years.
Things get normal again,
then it will be my turn.
You mean, you really
haven't any money now?
As a matter of fact, I didn't even know
how I was gonna pay my hotel bill.
What's the matter?
- Phil?
- Yes, darling?
I was marrying you
for your money.
My secretary, Barbara, is my sister,
my maid is my aunt...
and my bank account is
exactly $150 in the hole.
Holy Catawba.
Well, now we know what it feels like
to almost fall off a cliff.
Is money really the big thing?
I mean, is it so
awfully important?
I liked it when I had it.
Very, very nice stuff.
And it's evidently
what you came here for.
Yes, that's what
I came here for, all right.
Then you ought to
have it, Kay.
You ought to have it.
Well, I guess
we might as well go back.
Here you are, Mr. Bolton.
- Double scotch, Frank.
- Coming up, Mr. McNeil.
I can't get over it. Saying all those
wonderful things to be leading me on...
and all the time, he was just
trying to marry me for my money.
- I think it's terrible.
- The big four-flusher.
Jack warned you to
watch out for gold diggers.
Yes, Jack. He gave me the thumbs up
on the great Mr. Mc- McHeel.
Well, anyway, Jack came through.
We can stay another week.
- Yes.
- And you've still gotJeff Bolton.
- Or haven't you?
- I haven't got a chance after tonight.
Say, you don't suppose that skunk McNeil
will tellJeff you're out after money?
Of course he will.
Why shouldn't he?
After all, they were friends
long before I turned up.
He'll side with Jeff.
It's only natural.
I'm sorry, kids. Really I am.
It-lt just didn't work.
Oh, let's pack and get out of here.
We're sunk.
You were right.
It was a crazy idea.
Kay? Kay.!
- It's Jeff.
- He sounds in a fine humor.
Well, I might as well take it on
the chin. I certainly got it coming.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Won't you sit down, Jeff?
- Uh-
- Yes?
I thought you were
going to say something.
I was. It's not true, that stuff
McNeil tells me about you.
He didn't lose any time
in telling you, did he?
I can't believe it, not of you.
Well, it's true, Jeff.
Do you mean to stand there
and tell me that-
that you like me
better than you do him?
What? Is- Is that
what he told you?
Of course that's what he told me.
Even Barbara says you do.
- Oh.
- They're both crazy, aren't they?
- Are they?
- Yes! Yes, they are! You don't
like me better, do you?
Yes, Jeff, of course I do.
You do?
But all I can say is,
I think you're crazy too.
What are you laughing at?
You're so- I ought to be-
But you're so humble.
Well, I can fix that right now.
- Will you marry me?
- Uh-huh.
I don't believe it.
Suzanna Beecher
A kindergarten teacher
Went for a thrill to Havana
Ai, yi, yi, yi
Suzanna is still in Havana
The first night she got there
they took her to a spot
Where a conga
is really a conga
And Suzanna Beecher
The kindergarten teacher
Got up and sang this way
Ring around the rosie
Pocket full of posies
Conga to a nursery rhyme
Pick yourself a playmate
Any cute or gay mate
Like you did at recess time
You don't have to know your ABC's
You only have to know
how to say s, s
So ring around the rosie
Thumb your little "nosie"
At old Father Time
And conga to a nursery rhyme
Sing a song of sixpence
Pocketful of"ry-eye"
Goosey, goosey, gander
Where do you wander
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
baker's man
Bake me a cake
as quick as you can
Little Tommy Tucker
Conga for your supper
Do you always give your girl
such nice engagement parties?
I'll know better next time. Too tough
getting a dance with my own fiance.
- All ready to leave in the morning?
- All set.
- How far is your island, Jeff?
- Oh, about 30 miles off the mainland.
- Nice going, Kay.
- We enjoyed it very much.
- Thank you. Jeff?
- Huh?
- Who is that girl?
- Connie Fentress. You know.
You met her at my party.
Yes, I know, but, well, who is she?
- The Fentress grocery stores.
You've heard of them.
- Oh. The chain stores?
That's the outfit.
All over the country.
- They do pretty well, don't they?
- Oh, they do awfully well.
So does Connie. Only child.
She's always been crazy about Phil.
Looks like now the idea
is beginning to appeal to him.
- Jeff.
- Uh-huh?
Uh, let's leave tonight.
Now. Could we?
Tonight? Well, swell.
But why all of a sudden?
Oh, I don't know. I-I just thought
the trip would be nicer at night...
- moonlight on the water and everything.
- Well, fine.
I've got a couple of things to
do first, but it won't take long.
Come on. Let's duck.
Did you have a good time?
- Say, what about Barbara?
- Oh, I'll send Susan over for her.
All right. I'll check out
and be over before you know it.
Fine, Jeff.
I'll be ready.
Won't be more
than 15 minutes.
Oh, hello.
- Did you have fun?
- Oh, I had a wonderful time. Thanks.
How are you doing
with Connie?
- I'm leading.
- Good.
Yeah, I guess that's it.
Well, plenty to eat.
You can honeymoon
for one store to another.
Fine steaks too.
Best meat in the country.
I'm glad. We're, uh, leaving
in a few minutes.
Tonight? Well, Jeff said you're going
tomorrow. Why the sudden change?
Oh, I just felt like it.
That's the best reason.
- Big wedding?
- No. Nobody.
Hi, there, Mr. Sylvester.
- Is somebody down there?
- Yeah, there he is.
The old gentleman himself.
Come on. I don't believe
you two have ever met.
You'll like him.
He's been a pet around here for years.
- He belong to the hotel?
- Sort of.
And the hotel sort of
belongs to Mr. Sylvester.
You see, he won't let another crow
come within miles of this place.
Mr. Sylvester, I want you to meet
a very good friend of mine.
That's it.
Mr. Sylvester, Miss Latimer.
Hello, Mr. Sylvester.
Well, aren't you- aren't you gonna
shake hands with the lady?
Shake hands.
That's a good fellow.
Here. With the compliments
of Mr. Sylvester.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Look, he wants something.
Hmm. He wants us
to dig worms for him.
Mr. Sylvester doesn't
want very much, does he?
And Mr. Sylvester always
gets what he wants.
Hey, you two.
You look lovely
down there together...
butJeff's been looking
all over for you, Latimer.
and I've been looking
all over for McNeil.
I'm, uh, gonna stay down here
for a little while, if you don't mind.
Of course I mind.
But you'll stay down there anyway.
I'll be right up. And if you
seeJeff, tell him Phil and
I were just saying good-bye.
And laughing at the moon?
- Yes, that's right.
Laughing at the moon.
- Watch out.
Sometimes the moon strikes back.
It's been laughing
longer than you have, you know.
Guess I'd better be going.
Yeah. Better had.
Wait a minute.
- I'm wondering.
- What?
What it's gonna be
like here tomorrow.
Oh. The weatherman says
it's going to be fine.
I wonder.
I've never missed
anyone in my life.
I've got a hunch I'm gonna find out
what that's like for the first time.
- Do me a favor?
- Mm-hmm.
Go up these steps,
just for a minute, out of sight.
I want to see what
it feels like to be alone.
All right.
Well, what's it like?
Oh, it's not so bad.
- You'll live?
- Oh, yes. And you?
Oh, I guess I'll live too.
But I've had a very pretty
time, mister. And thanks.
It was a very pretty time.
And if I ever see you again-
- Where's Susan?
- Outside somewhere
saying good-bye toJack.
What's the matter with you?
Why aren't you gay?
We've got what we wanted,
haven't we?
Well, of course, darling.
I'm gay.
No, kidding? You really got
a farewell present for me?
I certainly have.
I'll join you right after the wedding.
In the meantime, here's a jar of
guacamala sauce to remember me by.
Oh, that's swell. That's wonderful.
But I'd have remembered you anyway.
Oh, Jack.
What are you gonna do
for guacamala with me away?
I don't know. I guess I'll have to
get it someplace else.
- Oh, Jack, you won't find it
as good anyplace else. Mmm?
- Kay, when are you gonna tell Jeff?
- Tell him what?
That I'm your sister and
Susan's our aunt,
and this is all an act?
Well, not until after we're married...
but I guess I'll have to
confess the whole trick sometime.
- What is she talking about?
- Nothing. Nothing at all.
Small talk. Small talk.
I still think you're gonna get in
trouble marrying for money, instead of love.
- Good-bye, Jack. Good-bye.
- Good-bye. Shh.
- Turn that water off.
- I'm thirsty! Aren't you? I'm very thirsty!
Ready, Susan-
Hello, Jack.
- How are you?
- So...
Gee, I-I-I'll bet
you're gonna miss Susan.
Why, hello, Jack.
Don't you "hello" me.
I been took by gold diggers.
- What till Mr. Jeffrey Bolton
hears about this.
- Oh, but, Jack, you-
- No buts. I'll break this up good.
I'm gonna tell him.
- No, you don't.
- Let me go! Get out of the way!
- No!
Let me out of here!
Let go! Let go! Let go!
Let me-
I'll get out of here!
Barbara, over there!
She's fainted.
Look what you've done to your great love!
And it's all your fault!
- Oh, poor Susan.
- She's hardly breathing. Quick,
Jack, get the smelling salts.
- Where is the smelling salts?
- In the bathroom.
l-ln there!
Hurry, Jack! Please!
Come on.
- Hey.! Open the door.!
- Come on, get the bags!
Let's get away from here quick!
- Let me out ofhere.!
- Go put your coat on!
Open the door!
You can't do this to me!
- I'll get out ofhere somehow.!
- Get going! Get going!
You won't get rid of me.! Hey.!
I'll get out of here!
I'll get out of here someway!
You wait and see!
I'll follow you
no matter where you go!
I'm mad now!
I'm real mad!
- Good evening, miss.
- How do you do?
- Ah, Mr. Jeffrey, welcome home.
- Thank you, Brearley.
- Well, is everything here?
- Why, I think so.
- Oh, Brearley?
- Yes, sir?
I think finally I've got a surprise to
bring at least a little flicker from you.
I shall try to meet the situation
adequately as always, sir.
Fine. Darling, as you may
have gathered, uh, this is-
- Brearley. How do you do?
- How do you do, miss?
- And, Brearley, this is Miss Latimer.
- Miss Latimer.
- Miss Latimer will be
the new mistress of the house.
- Really, sir?
That is supposed to be the surprise.
May I say that I hope
you'll both be very happy.
Oh. Well, that's very kind of you,
Brearley, and thank you.
Yes, it's really wonderful.
- This will be a happy
surprise for you, sir.
- Uh-huh?
- Your father got home a few minutes ago.
- What? 2:30 and home?
He must be slipping.
Uh, with a, uh, lady?
No, sir. A business affair
I believe, sir.
Oh, well, he is slipping. Uh, where will
we find the lord and master?
The master, I believe, sir, is, uh-
in the kitchen.
In the kitchen.
Let's go see the old boy, shall we?
- All right. I've give Susan my coat.
- Fine. You too, Barbara.
You mean that, Bolton? We can go ahead?
We get the appropriations?
Yes, yes. Uh, you get
the million and a quarter.
I'll get the eggs.
If you've never had eggs this way,
you have a treat coming.
- Hello, Dad.
- Now- Now just a minute.
Am I seeing double?
No, Dad, it's
your one and only son.
- Well, congratulations, old man.
- Congratulations on the level, Dad.
- I've gone and got myself engaged.
- To both of them?
- No. No, just one.
- Oh, and a very nice one,
too, I should say.
- I couldn't have done better myself.
- No, Dad. This is Miss Sears...
my fiance's secretary you've got.
Oh, if I've got her, that's fine.
But let's see, what have you got?
- Miss Kay Latimer, my father.
- How do you do, Mr. Bolton?
Well, not so badly, really.
- And thank you so much for not saying it.
- For not saying what?
For not saying "I've heard so much
about you. I feel I already know you."
- I'll thank you so much, darling.
- Well, I can say this.
You're-You're just as charming
as you've been painted.
- You know, we're going to do all right.
- I hope so.
- I hope you feel the same, Miss Sears.
- Oh, I do, Mr. Bolton.
Oh, come join us. Oh, Jim.
Uh, Jeff, you know Reynolds.
- Oh, yes, certainly.
Glad to see you again.
- How are you, Jeff?
Miss Latimer, Mr. Reynolds,
manager of our South American interest.
- How do you do?
- Miss Sears, Mr. Reynolds.
- How do you do?
- Miss Sears. Congratulations
are certainly in order.
Well, I think a party is in order...
the biggest party
we've ever had on the island.
- How about it, Jeff?
- Right, Dad.
Sit down. Sit Miss Sears right
over there where I can look at her.
Now, Kay, you sit here,
so that I'll be next to you.
I'll only be a minute.
Uh, pour the wine, Jim.
By all means. We certainly have
plenty to drink to tonight.
Did you have a nice trip over?
- Oh, yes, wonderful. Thank you.
- Good.
- Couldn't I help you?
- Oh, no, dear.
- What are you cooking?
- Gas House eggs.
- Gas House eggs?
- You never heard of them?
- No.
- Well, your education has been
sadly neglected, young lady.
You see, you dig a round hole
in the bread like this...
drop it into the melted butter...
break and egg
and drop it into the hole...
- and voila, you have a masterpiece.
- Oh.
- It looks delicious.
- Oh, doesn't it?
Think you could put one away?
Oh, I'm sure I could, Mr. Bolton.
Oh, now wait a minute. Don't call me
Mr. Bolton. Makes me feel too old.
All right, what shall I call you?
Oh, call me Willie.
All the girls call me Willie.
All right, Willie.
Yes, indeed.
We're gonna get along all right.
Well, how about it? Did it look
like a pretty nice island?
- Oh, yes. It's a lovely island.
- Thanks, Henry.
- Morning, Brearley.
- Good morning, sir. Morning, Miss Sears.
- Morning.
- Did you enjoy that
ride as much as I did?
- Did I? Oh, it was glorious.
- That's good. We're gonna
do this every morning.
- Are-Are we really?
- You bet.
- Oh, food.
- Good morning, Mr. Bolton.
Well, the happy bridal couple.
No, Dad. I tried to convince you last night.
It's the other girl I'm going to marry.
Oh, my mistake, old man. Or is it?
I still say she's not such a bad idea.
- Aw, thanks.
- Uh, where is the charming
bride this morning?
- She doesn't like horses, just me.
- Oh, strange choice.
- Good morning, everybody.
- Good morning, darling.
Sorry about the ride.
I just couldn't make it.
- That's all right.
Barbara and I had a swell ride.
- Oh, you did?
- Next time I'd better go along.
- Here, take mine, dear.
Kay, try some of these chicken livers.
I taught the cook
how to saut them in burgundy.
Thanks. I will.
They look delicious.
You know, Susan, it's very nice of you
to help out like this.
With the party and all tonight, sir,
I'd rather, if you don't mind.
You could consider this
something of a vacation, you know.
- Lots of nice fellows
working around the place.
- Uh-huh.
Susan's not interested
in things like that, Willie.
What, a woman and not
interested in romance?
No, sir. I'm afraid all the romance
has been locked out of my life.
Locked out?
Well, what might that mean?
- Well, sir-
- Uh, uh, Susan, some rolls, please.
Some rolls, please.
Right away. Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
- Susan's such a quaint character.
- Ha! Good old Susan.
- Hello.! Where is everybody?
- Well, who's that? Mac?
- Well, I finally made it.
Been worried about me?
- Mac, this is a surprise.
- Willie, I'm glad to see you.
- Oh, I'm glad to see you, boy.
Just in time for breakfast.
Thanks. I've already had mine.
But I'll be glad to sit with you.
- Jeff, how are you?
- I remember you.
Barbara. And, Kay,
you remember me.
- You don't let anybody forget
you very long, do you?
- Mmm.
Mac, sit here. How'd you manage
to get over so early?
I didn't think I was going to
get away at all. But I thought it over...
and decided it was only fair toJeff,
after the way he begged me to be best man.
When did I beg you to be best man?
When did you beg me
to be best man?
Why, that's all we talked about last night,
uh, when we shook hands good-bye.
Are you gonna sit there
and tell me you don't remember that?
I remember very well what I thought
when we shook hands good-bye.
I thought isn't it
gonna be wonderful...
not to see that silly pan
of yours again for a long time.
Hmm. Funny. I didn't
get that thought at all.
- Obviously, because here I am.
- Yes, that's the important thing.
You're here.
Yes, that's very important.
Hmm. Brearley tells me you're
having a brawl tonight.
Yes, indeed.
Everybody for miles around.
Party for the bride, huh?
Ah, wonderful idea, marriage.
Wonder who thought of it?
Why, funny. I wonder who did?
Well, they certainly started something.
I've even thought of
marriage myself lately.
Lovely idea. But you've got to be
awfully particular whom you marry.
- Well, naturally. Weren't you?
- Mm-hmm.
What does Connie think
of the lovely idea?
- Why, she thinks it's... lovely.
- Connie?
Why, that's the grocery store
gal, isn't it?
That's right, Willie.
Lots of potatoes there.
Well, now that we're on
the subject of romance...
have you two decided where you're
gonna go on your honeymoon?
No, we haven't, not definitely.
That's one reason I come over here so early.
I knew Jeff wouldn't be able to handle this.
Look, there's plenty of time
for Kay and me to decide where we're going.
Oh, no. No, there isn't plenty of time.
The most important thing about
a honeymoon is to have it well-planned.
- Well, how about Honolulu?
- Oh, I'd love Honolulu.
I'm against it.
I'm definitely for Honolulu.
How about you, Jeff?
I like it.
Supposing your bride's
a bad sailor...
and you spend your entire honeymoon
sitting in the men's smoking room?
Well, I assure you, Jeff isn't
going to spend his honeymoon
in the men's smoking room.
How about Brazil? If you go there,
I'll be able to join you.
I've got a job in Brazil.
- Uh, smuggling in rumba dancers,
I presume?
- No, no. This is a real one.
- I'm selling refrigerators.
- Selling refrigerators.
Wouldn't just delivering ice
suit your talents better?
I think Brazil would be fine, Jeff.
- We've got a plant there.
- Yes, I know, Dad.
Uh, Mr. McNeil isn't
the only who's going to work.
Mr. Jeff has been talking
about getting a job too.
What, Jeff work? Oh, no.
He's been kidding you, Barbara.
Jeff, I think it would be marvelous.
I think it would be
the marvel of the age.
Uh, no. I'm afraid Jeff
is just the ornament of the family.
Uh, has that Mr. Reynolds
we met last night gone back yet?
No, he's over in Miami
on business. Be here for the party.
Say, maybe Reynolds has something open.
I think I'll talk to him tonight.
That is, if nobody seriously objects.
I'll take those.
- Good morning.
- Ah, Jack, here you are.
- Yep, I'm here.
- Hello, Jack.
I wired the hotel to send over some
of their staff to service the party tonight.
- Rest of them here, Jack?
- Yes, sir. But I came right in.
I had something to say
to Mr. Jeffrey.
Get with you right
after breakfast, Jack.
- Good morning, Miss Latimer.
- G-Good morning, Jack.
- How are you?
- I never felt better.
Oh, y-you look fine.
Doesn't he look fine, Barbara?
Oh, yes.
Yeah, he looks wonderful.
Yeah? Well, everything
is far from wonderful.
- What's the matter, Jack?
Something wrong?
- Yes, sir, there is.
I've got to speak to you,
Mr. Jeff. It's very urgent.
What was that?
Pardon me, sir.
Miss Latimer's maid just fainted.
Oh, dear. Poor Susan! Come on, Jack!
You're the only one
that can help Susan when she faints.
- I'll come along, Miss Latimer.
- Can we help, Kay?
- No, no! Don't you come.
We just need Jack!
- Uh-
Give her the water right away.
Quickly. Quickly.
Oh, poor Susan.
Please don't crowd around her.
Wh-What she needs is air.
Just leave her to us.
- All right. Come on. Come on.
- Thank you so much.
Oh, Barbara, what'll I do?
l- I believe she's really sick.
- Well, go ahead.
Let's see you lock me up now.
- Shh! Jack.
And don't ask me to get the smelling salts,
'cause I got 'em right here.
- Shh!
- I had plenty of time locked up
in your bathroom to find 'em.
- This time nothing's gonna
stop me from telling Mr. Jeff.
- Jack!
If you tell him,
I'll never speak to you again.
Aha! I knew you was faking.
Well, it won't do you any good.
Jeffrey Bolton is too fine a fella to
have some girl that don't love him...
take him for his money,
like I was took for 150.
If he's so swell,
why couldn't I know it?
You admire him. Why couldn't I
admire him and care for him?
Why would I just be
marrying him for his money?
What makes you say I don't love him?
You see how unfair you are? You see
how she's crying because she loves him so?
She might be crying at the thought of
losing 20 million bucks. I don't know.
Losing 150 hurt me plenty.
If you were half the man I thought
you were, you'd know when
you saw a woman in love.
Oh, don't cry, darling.
All right. But I'm gonna keep
my eye on you, Miss Latimer.
And if I think for one moment
that you don't love him...
I'm going to Mr. Jeff
and tell him the whole thing.
All right, Jack. I'll show you.
But beware.
I intend to be a hard judge.
Thank you.
Solitary Seminole
Oh, Seminole
Boulevard in the sky
Big street
Oh, whoa
Traveling on this
Oh, whoa, oh
You've got to dance
Dance away with longing in your soul
Hear the tom-tom talk
Do the tom-tom-tomahawk
Solitary Seminole
- They're all right, aren't they?
- Yes.
Shall we?
Uh, wait a minute, Jeff.
Long as you're gonna have
Kay all the rest of your life...
don't you think the best man ought to
have one last dance with her?
- That's up to Kay.
- Well, he's had his way so far.
Mmm. Pardon us.
- There you are.
- Sorry I'm so late.
- Hello, Mr. Reynolds.
- Hello, Jeff. Good evening, Miss Sears.
Sit down.
I been watching you all day.
- You're a very unhappy girl.
- Really?
I thought I was happy.
No, you're not. Not really.
You want more than money now,
a whole lot more.
- What more do I want?
- You're in love, Kay.
- I am? And with whom, may I ask?
- Me.
I see.
And I suppose now you love me?
I might. I might love you.
I don't know.
Well, don't bother too much to find out.
I can't think of anyone who'd be interested.
I wonder about the plant down in Brazil,
if there'd be any chance for me there.
Yes. He's been talking
about going to work.
What'd Miss Latimer go in the house
for in such a hurry?
- How do I know?
She probably went upstairs.
- What'd she go upstairs for?
What's the matter with you?
What do you think she went upstairs for?
- To steal the family jewels.
- Oh, to steal the-
It won't be much fun, Jeff.
It's a tough job.
You'll really have to
work, old man.
Maybe you'd like to
think it over first.
No, I'll tell you right now.
I'll take it.
I'm not looking for fun.
You're gonna see work.
And you're gonna see that Brazil branch
jump right to the top of our list.
- Good.
- Isn't it wonderful what that
girl Kay has done for him?
Wonderful stuff, love.
Uh-huh. What did Mr. Mac
run in the house for all of a sudden?
- Did he run in the house all of a sudden?
- Sure he did. I just saw him.
Maybe he got caught in the draft.
Maybe he's writing home to mother.
- I wouldn't know.
- I'm getting the runaround here.
- I'm gonna tell Mr. Jeff
all about this right now.
- Oh-
- Jack will take these.
- The party in the corner.
Yes, sir.
Well, what do you want now?
I want you to keep right on packing,
'cause we're getting out of here.
I'm getting out of here, all right,
with Jeff. I've just sent for him.
He and I are going someplace
where nobody'll ever bother us again.
Kay, there's no use in
our pretending any longer.
You know we're in love with each other
and have been all along.
Yes, you love me.
That's a fine thing to come and tell me now,
after you threw Jeff and me together.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
I thought that was your best chance, Jeff.
Well, you're too late now, mister.
I'm going to marry somebody
that's grand and charming.
- And I'm going to do everything
I can to make him hap-
- You listen to me, Kay.
I meant it when I said
you're not gonna marryJeff.
I'm not going to let you botch up
the lives of all three of us.
There's only one thing for us.
That's life together.
And that's what we're gonna have.
It won't be the rich,
easy life we thought we wanted.
It'll be a little tough.
But we're gonna work things out.
And there's no choice
about that for either of us.
Well, what do you say?
Are you gonna go quietly like a nice girl,
or do I have to carry you out?
You wouldn't have the nerve
to make a spectacle like that.
You wouldn't dare take me
out of here by force!
Wouldn't I? All right, here we go,
right out through that party.
Stop it! Stop it! Put me down!
- Blubbering won't help you a bit.
- Oh, shut up! Shut up!
- I got proof now.
- Not now, Jack. Not now.
It's got to be now. There's something
that you ought to know.
I already found out what
I ought to know. Kay! Kay!
Oh, uh, we were just
coming to see you.
Yeah? Well, you certainly
got a long way.
Jeff, I know Kay sent for you,
and I'll tell you why-
- This time I'll do the talking.
- Now wait a minute and listen-
- You wait a minute and listen.
Barbara's coming up here-
- Barbara?
She can't change the situation any.
Nothing can.
Barbara has changed the situation.
She's changed it inside out!
What was that?
What happened?
Oh, she locked me in the bathroom.
They're always locking me in bathrooms!
- Who?
- Susan. They do it every
time I try to tell you.
- Tell me? Tell me what?
- Oh, plenty, Mr. Jeff.
- And when I tell you, you won't
want to marry Miss Latimer-
- Miss Latimer?
Well, the funny part about it is that l-
I don't want to marry Miss Latimer.
You see, uh,
I want to marry Miss Sears.
Sure. I'm the one who's
gonna marry Miss Latimer.
- You can't! They're both in
on this trick! They're sisters!
- S-Sisters?
- That's right, Jeff.
- Well, fine. I-I was in
the right family all the time.
It's not the right family.
- Huh?
- That's true, Jeff.
We're not from the rich Latimer family.
We're from a Texas hamburger stand.
I guess the only real thing
about me is my loving Phil.
The rest was just an act
I talked Barbara and Susan into...
because I thought the one thing
I really wanted was to
marry a rich husband.
You did?
And look what you got.
And icebox peddler.
Your future brother-in-law.
Oh, greater love hath no man
than that. It's all right, Kay?
All right? Oh, Jeff.
Phil, it-it's perfect.
Isn't it perfect?
Now it's perfect.
Well, it may be perfect for all of you,
but how about my 150 bucks-
You started something
Yes, you did, but you
didn't know what I knew
I knew right away that it was
Loveliness and love
How lovely
the world will be
Now that we're in love
I love kids
- So do you
- And we'll have
- One or two
- Is that all
- Woo-woo-woo!
- Is that good