Moondance Alexander (2007) Movie Script

We rock! We rock!
I am outta here!
Dear Sara.
Thanks for being so special.
- So my mom took away my iPod.
- No way.
Can you believe it? For a whole month.
I don't know how I'm gonna live without it.
- Rachel?
- But you still have your Blackberry, right?
- Yeah.
- Rachel?
Do you think you could sign
my yearbook?
- Don't have a pen. Sorry.
- Right.
I can't believe she just asked me that.
- Thanks, Fiona.
- Have a super summer.
Could you sign my yearbook?
Oh, I'll have to get
back to you on that.
Uh, Sara, could you please
just give me a mercy signing?
- Who are you?
- Moondance Alexander.
- What grade are you in?
- Ninth.
I'm just really short.
Thank you.
Well, have a good summer.
See you later.
Oh, there's Fiona.
- Hey, girls.
- Hey.
Megan, my gum is stale.
And... I'm supposed to do what?
Duh! Kleenex.
- Don't have one, Fiona.
- Don't look at me.
- Hey, Moonwalk.
- Hi. Well, it-it's Moondance, actually.
Whatever. Do you want me
to sign your year book?
Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great.
- Cute shirt, Moondance.
- Oh, totally.
- Thanks.
- Is it vintage?
Um, I don't think so.
I had onejust like it...
when I was 12.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
Hey, Josh. Did you sign
Moondance's yearbook?
Um, no, not yet.
- Oh, no.
- Oh! That's foul.
What a freak!
Hey, Moondance.
Is it true your middle name is Uranus?
Hey, man!
(# Can't hold on to the words)
(# I seem to be so ordinary)
(# Not like I've everheard)
(# It seems to be the same old story)
(# No more waiting patiently)
(# For you to make a fool of me)
(# So I can't hold on)
(# So I will finally walk away)
(# And call it a day)
(# And call it a day)
(# Call it a day))
Hi, Daddy.
School's out today and I made
a complete idiot of myself again.
I won't go into all the gory details,
but trust me.
It was really horrific.
And, in case you were wondering...
my friend roster
is at an all-time low.
I don't mean to complain.
It's just...
you're the only one I can tell.
Mom would only flip out
and try to fix it.
She keeps saying that I'm different because
I'm destined for something special.
Only wish I knew what
that something was.
That way it could start happening.
Like... now.
Maybe you could put in
a rush order for me?
I gotta go...
but thanks for listening, Dad.
You always make me feel better.
I love you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Hi, Mr. McClancy.
Oh, hello, Moondance.
Well, I see you got through
another year of school.
Yes, thank goodness.
I don't think I could have lasted another day.
Oh. Well, you've got
the whole summer ahead for fun.
- You got any big plans?
- No.
- I think I'm just gonna focus on my work.
- Your work?
Well, that- that's good.
Well, I got a couple of deliveries here for you.
One of 'em goes to
your mama's studio.
And these are horse supplements
that, uh, go to this address.
Now, it's on the edge of town, so I drew
a little map for you on the back of the receipt.
- Okay.
- And you can drop it off there.
If there's no one around,
you can just drop it in the mailbox, okay?
Sounds good.
Thanks, Mr. McClancy.
Yes, yes.
Let's see. Oh.
Very... nice, Rose.
But I'm still sensing
some anger in your work.
I tried to soften the eyes a little.
Yes, and that- and that helped.
I would just love to see you
branch out a little.
Maybe try a more uplifting
subject matter.
I paint what I feel.
Okay then.
Oh, Ben, that is really very nice.
- Oh, uh, thank you, Gelsey.
- That was great choice of colors.
- Hey, Mom.
- Oh, hey, honey.
- I got your supplies.
- Hey, would you like to stay
for our visualization exercise?
- The subject today is fruits of the garden.
- Uh, no, thanks.
I think I know what
a tomato looks like.
I still have another delivery to make,
but I will make sure I am home by dinner.
Okay. Don't be late.
I'm making something special.
- Special?
- Mm-hmm.
Miso-baked tofu
with Cambodian-style pineapple glaze.
Cambodian pineapple?
It sounds wonderful.
It is.
It really is.
Okay, Mom, I'm gonna go.
- Okay.
- I'll see you later.
You know, with the sweet
and then the spicy...
- it's just a really interesting combination.
- Yeah.
- Hi there.
- Hi, Moondance.
Hmm? Well, this must be the place.
Who's there?
Is anyone there?
Hey there.
You just about gave me
a heart attack.
Where's your owner?
Are you alone out here?
You look like you
could use a good brushing.
Or a bath.
Or both.
Where do you live?
Well, what am I supposed
to do with you?
It's getting dark out.
And I can't just leave you here
in the middle of the road.
I think you're gonna
come home with me.
It's okay.
I'm just gonna put this around you.
You ready? Come on.
Come on.
- Mom.
- Yeah?
- Stop cooking.
- Why? What's the matter?
- I need you to come with me.
- Well, w-w-wait. Moondance.
- Honey, where are we going?
- You'll see.
Moondance, why are you
being so mysterious?
Don't worry.
It's all good.
- I hope it's all good.
- It is.
- Ta-da!
- What am I looking at?
- Well, he was just right here.
- Who was?
- There you are.
- It's a horse!
- It's a pinto.
- It's eating my organic apples!
Can you believe it?
I found him.
- What do you mean, you found him?
- Well, I was doing a delivery.
You know, the one
right after I saw you.
I was on this really creepy road and I thought
that somebody was following me.
But then he jumped out and I thought
that he was a possible stalker.
But he's a horse. You can obviously tell
that he's neglected and really hungry.
So I couldn't just leave him
there in the middle of the road.
Mom, I think he's homeless.
Moondance, this horse is not homeless.
He's gotten out somehow
and now he's lost.
But we don't know that.
Well, you know what?
We'll call Mr. McClancy.
I'm sure he can help us
find the owner. No!
Sorry, Mom.
Okay, Buck. Yeah, thank you very much.
I really appreciate all your help.
We'll talk to you tomorrow.
Mr. McClancy said that there are only
a few farms in that area.
So he's gonna make some calls
and get back to us tomorrow.
I never made my other delivery.
You'll have to do it first thing in the morning,
after you find the horse's owner.
- That stinks.
- Well, that's life.
Why don't I finish dinner and you go say
good night to your temporary visitor?
Oh, and whoa, whoa.
- Give him this and tell him to lay off my art.
- Thanks, Mom.
Hi there.
Oh, your forelock's all dirty.
Want some apple?
There you go.
You like that, don't you?
I wonder who your owner is.
Well, whoever they are,
they should be flogged, 'cause you're a mess!
See, if were your owner,
I would take really good care of you.
And you know what else?
I- I would name you Checkers.
I think you would like Checkers.
Well, then, I think Checkers it is.
My name is Moondance Alexander.
That was a little painful,
but fun. Yeah, old buddy?
- Moondance!
- Come on. Let's do it again.
Moondance! Young lady,
what do you think you're doing?
Um, nothing. Just going
for a little workout.
No, you're not!
Get down off that horse right now!
- But, Mom, can't-
- Moondance Alexander, this is not your horse.
Now get off.
I'm not gonna tell you again!
- Why are you freaking out?
- I just saw you flying through
the air like Wonder Woman.
I mean, thank goodness you're not hurt.
You're not hurt, are you?
- No!
- Look, honey, you don't know this horse.
He-He could have
trampled you to death...
and goodness knows whatever else
a wild animal like this is capable of.
- Checkers isn't wild.
- Checkers?
I-I named him... temporarily.
Mr. McClancy is here
to get the horse.
- I'm sorry, sweetheart.
- That's all right.
I guess all good things
must come to an end.
No. Come on, Checkers.
Hi there.
- Well, I take it, uh, this is the escape artist, huh?
- Yes, sir.
Well, good thing you caught him.
No telling what kind of trouble he'd gotten into.
Who's he belong to, Buck?
A guy over at, uh,
Tumbleweed Stables.
Would you mind if l went
with you to drop him off?
I think you have that delivery
to make this morning.
Oh, right.
I'm sorry about that, Mr. McClancy.
Well, that's all right. You can make it
up to me if you help me load the horse.
Yeah. I'd like that.
Come on, Checkers.
- Well, that does it.
- Thanks again for everything, Buck.
No problem.
No problem at all.
Bye, Checkers.
Don't worry, honey. We'll find something fun
for you to do this summer.
Sure, Mom.
Oh, well, this is just perfect.
Tumbleweed Stables?
No way!
Is anyone here?
How are you?
They got you locked up, don't they?
Well, can't say that I blame them.
- Who are you? What do you want?
- Oh, um, I'm the one who-
- Speak up.
- Well, I-m-I'm-
- I'm trying.
- You're trespassing.
You know that, don't you?
I'm the one who found your horse.
You found my horse?
Yes, sir. Um, I was just coming by to check
and make sure that he's okay.
He's fine.
Right. Well...
I can see that.
Can I ask you what his name is?
- Tinkerbell.
- Tinkerbell? But... he's a boy.
Well, I was wondering.
How did he get out?
That's for me to worry about.
Okay. I guess I'll be leaving then.
Can I ask you just one more thing?
Do you need any help
around this place?
- I mean, I was looking for a second summer job.
- I'm not hiring.
Right. Well, you don't
have to pay me.
- How about a trade?
- What kind oftrade?
I could clean out the stalls
and feed the horses...
and in exchange, you can
let me ride... Tinkerbell.
What's your name?
Moondance Alexander.
Hmm. Good name.
Thanks. Nobody's ever said that before.
Well, except my mother.
I'm Dante Longpre.
It's nice to meet you, Mr. Longpre.
So, what do you say?
Is it a good trade?
Well, is- is that a ''no'?
- I'm thinking.
- Right! No. You-You think.
Check that out.
It was off the wall.
Loved it.
Nice pants.
You know, Moondance, we do have
this new thing called dry cleaning.
- I had an accident.
- That's more than we needed to know.
I'm just curious. Do you ever look in the mirror
before you leave the house in the morning?
I- I never really thought about it.
- You should try it sometime.
- Yeah, it's actually offensive...
that we have to experience
your fashion disasters on a daily basis.
Well, then- then don't look.
- Like we have a choice.
- Whatever.
Oh, my God.
That is such a great shot.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, I gotta get this.
Freddie, you're such an oaf!
This is going straight
on the Internet.
Hey! Megan, Fiona, check this out.
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry.
Well, it looks like you ate it.
Yeah. It- It was really intense.
- What happened?
- I hit a rock.
- Oh.
- Yeah, guess it's really stupid, huh?
Nah. You're bleeding.
I am? Oh, yeah, I am, I guess.
I got this skateboarding yesterday.
- Oh, that looks like it really hurts.
- Ah, no biggie.
'Kay. Well, see you around.
Yeah. I'll-
I'll see you, Josh.
Well, what do we have here?
- Do you think you can fix it?
- Oh, I don't know.
Looks pretty serious.
- I think I can fix it.
- Thanks.
I'm working on some really big plans for
this summer. So I need to be pretty mobile.
- Oh, big, huh?
- Yeah.
- There's just one more hurdle I have to get over.
- Well, what's that?
- My mother.
- Oh.
Mom, I need you to put down your paint brushes
and just breathe for a second.
Moondance, I have
a class in five minutes.
Well, then clear your chi
or cleanse your chakra...
or whatever it is that you have to do
to have a fresh perspective.
Mom, please.
Okay, I'm as ready as I can be
on such short notice.
Okay. I'm going to clean stalls
and work around the barn for Mr. Longpre...
and in exchange he's going
to let me ride Tinkerbell.
I'm sorry. Can you run that by me again?
Who's Mr. Longpre?
He's the owner
of Tumbleweed Stables.
Well, what were you doing there? I thought
you had that delivery to make this morning.
Yeah, and I did.
That's how I found the place.
See, all I need is
to have your permission.
- Who's Tinkerbell?
- That's Checkers.
- Moondance.
- Mom, please. Think about it.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime
I mean, it'll help me build
valuable life skills.
- Cleaning stalls?
- It'll help build my character.
I think your character is big enough.
Oh, and it'll teach me humility.
Oh, you know what?
You just stop quoting me.
- What about your job with Mr. McClancy?
- Well, I can do both.
Before I say anything,
I want to meet this Mr. Longpre.
Great! Thank you.
We can go after your class. Thank you, Mom!
So, Mr. Longpre...
what exactly do you expect
from my daughter?
- Mom, I already told you-
- Excuse me.
I would like to hear it from Mr. Longpre.
- What time do you want her
to start in the morning?
Did you hear that, Moondance?
She's really not a morning person.
I am too.
Well, I will be for this.
And I don't want any of
your noisy friends around here.
- No problem there. Don't have any.
- Well, that's not true.
Yes, it is.
Mom, come on.
It's time that you face reality.
Anyway, about her riding,
I really must insist that she wears a helmet.
And I don't want her doing
anything crazy when no one's here.
- Mom, I don't need a baby sitter.
- And about that horse.
Is there something you can do
to settle it down before she gets on it?
The two of them were just tearing around
our yard like maniacs this morning.
Look, I don't need
your daughter's help.
She came to me,
she asked for a fair trade.
I agreed. She works hard,
she gets to ride.
And that's all I expect out of her.
You can borrow this.
Well, um, great.
That's- That's all I needed to know.
Well, here you go. I thought I'd jazz up
our veggie burgers with soy cheese.
What I would give for a Big Mac right now.
Well, you used to let me eat them.
Well, that's before I saw Super Size Me.
Do you want some amino acid?
No, thanks. I'd rather die.
You know, honey, you said something
today that... was a little upsetting.
Yeah? What was that?
That you don't have any friends.
Oh. Yeah, that.
Well, what happened to Mary Powell?
Did you guys have a falling out?
Uh, no. She was my math tutor.
You paid her to come over.
Oh. Well, how about Ernie Shmelding?
- Uh, he moved.
- He did?
Yeah, like last year.
Wow. Oh! You know that
Veronica from my art class?
Now, she seems like a really nice girl.
Maybe we could invite her over for tea.
Mom! She's old.
She's like 20.
Well, then I don't know what to say.
You don't have to say anything.
I mean, I've come to grips with my situation.
And besides, I've got
a new four-legged friend.
Just promise you'll
be careful out there.
I will. Don't worry.
I'll even wear that funky helmet.
Thank you.
Now eat your dinner.
Yeah, that, uh, soy cheese
really kicks it up a notch.
I don't know why you make me eat these.
- Kids should not have to eat veggie burgers.
- It's not that bad.
Mom, it's not beef.
I love beef.
(# Tired of waiting Gets so frustrating)
(# Well, it's time to move)
(# Gonna make changes
Some rear ranging)
(# Got nothing to lose)
(# I've been lost it seems most all the time)
(# Now on my own and I don't mind)
- (# The sun's about to shine)
- Hot!
(# It only gets better from here)
(# Clouds are starting to clear)
(# There'll be no more stormy weather)
(# It's gonna get better than this)
Hi there, big boy.
How are you doing this morning?
I have a treat for you if you
promise not to tell my mom.
Good morning, Mr. Longpre.
You may as well start
with Tinkerbell's stall.
- You gonna help?
- Here.
Probably need that too.
- (# It's a long road home)
- Tinkerbell.
(# And I'll get there)
(# When I do I'll be so aware)
(# Everytime that someone cares)
(# It only gets better from here)
(# Clouds are starting to clear)
(# There'll be no more stormy weather)
(# It's gonna get better than this)
(# 'Cause now I insist)
(# I've got my life together)
(# The time is finally here)
(# It only gets better)
Wait. Wait.
(# If you never take chances
you will never know)
- Okay.
- (# It's a wonderful feeling)
(# To finally let go)
- Okay.
- (# Through all this confusion you'll find you'll be)
Well, that- that was
supposed to be my job.
- Okay. Okay.
- Have at it.
(# It only gets better)
Yeah. Good, huh?
(# There were times I thought I never should)
(# Somehow I felt I understood)
I'm gonna come back later.
(# It only gets better from here)
(# Clouds are starting to clear)
(# There'll be no more stormy weather)
(# It's gonna get better than this)
(# 'Cause now I insist)
(# I got my life together)
(# My time is finally here)
(# It only gets better)
I'm finished, Mr. Longpre.
- Did you give Fireball his supplements?
- Yes, sir.
What about the water trough in the pasture?
Did you check it?
I filled it to the brim and made sure
that I locked the gate behind me.
Okay, go into the tack room...
get that little western saddle
with the striped blanket.
- I'll be in there in a minute.
- Yes!
I won't make any more noise.
Give a good tug on
the cinch like that...
and the rabbit back
through the hole, got it?
Got it. Now, how often do you
wash the saddle blanket?
- Don't worry about the saddle blanket.
- Okay.
- You can get on now.
- Okay.
Uh-uh. Wrong side.
Don't be darting around.
Horses are unpredictable animals.
You gotta think before you move.
Get on the box.
Here. Come on, Tinkerbell.
And always get on from the left.
- How come?
- Stop asking so many questions.
- Sorry.
- And stop apologizing all the time.
- Okay.
- Put your helmet on.
- Right.
- All right. Good.
- You've got a natural seat.
- I do?
Yeah. Sit up straight.
Keep the weight on the balls of
your feet and your heels down.
- Can I ask you one more question?
- If you must.
How did he get the name Tinkerbell?
He, uh- He came with that name
when I bought him.
Well, I don't think he likes it.
Does he look like a Tinkerbell to you?
- No.
- I think that he should be called Checkers.
Call him whatever you want.
Take him in the ring.
Good name.
- Sweetheart?
- Mm-hmm?
Sweetheart, have you, uh,
seen my car keys?
No. Did you check your purse?
Oh, no.
Where is my purse?
I'll help you find it.
Oh, where did I put it?
- I wonder if l left it upstairs.
- Ah, here it is.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
- Ah.
- What's going on, Mom?
Um, nothing.
- You look pretty.
- Well, thank you.
I mean, you always look pretty.
It's just that... today you look extra pretty.
Well, remember I told you,
I'm going to that poetry reading.
And... that's it?
All right. If you must know,
I'm- I'm meeting someone there.
Oh, you are? Well, who?
It's no big deal. I mean,
it's just a casual thing.
No big deal? Well, when were
you planning on telling me this?
Well, who is it, Mom?
I-I need names.
Names? How many people do
you think I'm going out with?
So it is a date. It's that guy
from the juice bar, isn't it?
No, it's not the guy from the juice bar.
His name is Ben.
Ben, your student Ben?
The one with the tie and the button-down?
Well, yeah, but why do you
say it like that?
Just be prepared.
- For what?
- I think that he's a meat eater.
Well, I ju- Okay, you know what?
Just hold on. Why?
Why are you being so negative?
Because you've tried this before
and it's never worked.
You know, I've- I've gone on four dates
in the last three years.
- Oh, no, I'm missing a button.
- See? He's already got you all off-kilter.
No, he hasn't.
You have.
I just don't understand why you
can't be happy with the way things are.
Why do you have to go
and change everything?
Sweetheart, I'm not
changing anything.
I'm going to a poetry reading.
Oh, and now I'm late.
So go.
Well, I don't feel good
about leaving you like this.
Mom, I'm fine.
- I don't believe you.
- I am.
- Really.
- All right.
- Well, how do I look?
- You look great.
- Thanks. Okay, I'll be home before 9:00.
- Okay.
And, um, I have my cell phone
if you should need me.
Mom, just go.
Okay. I'm going.
- I'll be fine.
- Okay.
There you are.
I wish you were here, Dad.
I just wanted to let you know
I was home.
Mmm. How'd it go?
It was very nice.
That's good.
Is that Daddy's sweater?
Sweetheart, I want you
to know something.
You're the most important thing in the world
to me and nothing would ever change that.
I know that.
And I will always love your father.
No matter what happens,
I would never try to replace him.
You understand that, don't you?
I'm trying to.
I know.
I know it hurts.
But it's gonna be okay.
Really, it is.
I love you, Mom.
I love you too.
Moondance. Hi.
- You trying to wear a hole in that leather?
- No.
- Sorry.
- You know what time it is?
Around 8:00?
No. It's time for
your one-month evaluation.
- It is?
- Mm-hmm.
- What evaluation?
- To see if you and Checkers
are ready to go out on a trail.
- A trail?
- Yeah. And you passed.
So saddle up.
This is a really pretty area.
And I can tell Checkers
likes it too.
You're a good match for that horse.
- It's funny how we met each other, isn't it?
- Yep.
- Some might call it destiny.
- That's what my mom says.
So, how long have you
been riding, Mr. Longpre?
If you're gonna keep up with the questions,
you may as well call me Dante.
Okay. How long have
you been riding, Dante?
- Pretty much my whole life.
- Oh, wow.
That's a long time.
You're really lucky.
I think Buddy's picked up
something in his hoof.
- Well, is that bad?
- No, I'll just have to pry it out.
Hey, while you do that, can I go trot Checkers
around that bend and bring him back?
Yeah, okay.
Just don't go too far.
Come on, Checkers.
Hi, Megan. Hi, Fiona.
Hi, Moondance.
I didn't know you rode.
- Yeah. I just started this summer.
- What kind of a horse is that?
This is Checkers.
He's a pinto.
I've never seen one at Devonshire.
- Because we don't ride that breed.
- Why not?
Because pintos can't jump.
Come on, Megan.
Let's get out of here.
- You know them?
- Yeah. They're friends from school.
Hmph. They don't seem very friendly.
No, I guess we're more like rivals.
Well, they shouldn't talk about things
they don't know anything about.
What don't they know?
- Checkers is a very good jumper.
- He is?
Excellent, as a matter of fact.
How do you think
he keeps getting out?
Wait! Well, Dante!
When were you planning on telling me this?
Dante! Wait for me.
Checkers, I don't know what I'm doing,
so I'm just gonna follow you.
Checkers, you were great.
- I can do better.
- Moondance!
- What are you doing?
- Oh-
You see- Oh, well, um...
Checkers and I were just testing out
his jumping capabilities.
Not like that you're not.
Come on.
But, it- it was just
our first attempt.
I'm sorry, Dante.
Just-Just don't- don't be mad at me.
- Why were you riding bare back?
- Well, I read that the western
saddle is too heavy for jumping.
Well, that's right.
But that's still no excuse.
I know it was stupid.
I'm sorry.
If you're gonna jump
that horse, do it right.
This is an English saddle.
- The girth's right there.
- Oh.
Hey, this is you!
- Yeah. So what?
- You never told me that you jumped.
- You never asked.
- Well, can you teach me?
- Nope.
- Why not?
'Cause that part of my life is over.
What do you mean by ''over'?
If you know how to jump,
then why not teach?
I mean, why do you live in this place all alone?
Where are all your customers?
That's enough!
What I do with my life
is none of your business.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to ask
so many personal questions.
You don't need to apologize.
They were good questions.
Deserve an answer.
You want to know why
I don't have any customers?
I made some...
bad choices in my life...
and... it's affected my reputation.
And once you've lost that,
it's... hard to get back.
I think everyone deserves
a second chance.
- You think so, huh?
- Yeah.
I mean, you're a cool dude
and have a lot to offer.
''Cool dude."
- I've never been called that before.
- Well, it's true.
And all you need is one spunky,
hardworking student who believes in you...
and... the word will get out.
And just where do you think...
I'm gonna find this spunky student?
Drop your weight in your heels.
You want to stay perfectly balanced.
Extend your arms.
Okay, take the reigns.
That's good.
Very good.
Anticipate his every move.
Soft hands. Good.
Right leg. Good.
Keep your eye on the jump.
Soften your hands.
Sorry, Dante.
Here, Checkers.
Are you ready?
Come on!
All right!
I'm over here! Now I'm over here!
Wanna see this one?
Come on, Checkers!
Oh! Yeah!
Up! Up!
Mom, I'm home.
We're pretty good eaters.
There you are.
Uh, gentlemen, this is my
not seriously late daughter, Moondance.
- Honey, this is Ben.
- So nice to meet you officially, Moondance.
And I think you already
know Ben's son, Josh.
Hey, Moondance.
- Hi.
- Nice crash helmet.
Oh. Right.
Um, I'm- I'm sorry, but would you
please e-excuse me for a moment?
Well, uh, we could all use
a little more iced tea. I'll be right back.
Moondance, wait up!
- I can not believe that you did this to me.
- Did what?
I told you Ben and his son were coming for dinner.
The least you could've done was been on time.
I think you owe me an apology.
I'm sorry I was late.
I completely forgot.
- Are you sure you didn't forget on purpose?
- No! I promise!
All right.
You're forgiven.
I can't believe he saw me like this.
I don't understand why
you're being so dramatic.
Because you never told me that
Mr. Button-down's son is Josh Wilson.
Now he's here in this house
and I look like this. Thank you!
First of all, his name is not Mr. Button-down.
It's Ben, and he's wearing a V-neck.
Well, whoop-di-la-da-do!
Well, if you're done, I'll take your plates.
That was a, um- a wonderful
and very innovative dinner.
I could've sworn
that egg plant was chicken.
Mom can make anything
taste like chicken.
Well, I'm glad you liked it, Ben.
Uh, um, yeah. Thanks.
That was- It was really good.
You're welcome.
Mom, let me help you
with the dishes.
- Oh, no, I'll get it.
- We'll be right back.
I hope you have a fire extinguisher,
because I think I'm going down in flames.
It wasn't that bad, was it?
Yeah, you're right.
Ben, I'm sorry.
Nah, don't be. We all just have
to get to know each other.
Well, I found out that Josh
is definitely not an egg plant man.
But it's good for him to expand
his palate. You should try it sometime.
- Me?
- Uh... or maybe not.
Uh, y- your mom seems pretty cool.
She is.
I mean, besides her recent obsession
with tofu, she's awesome.
Yeah, I guess my dad
really likes her.
Where's your mom?
Uh, she took off to Miami
with her boyfriend.
Yeah. He's a jerk.
I'm really sorry.
It's okay.
This is weird, huh?
Hey, Moondance.
So, are you gonna go
watch the Bow River Classic?
Um, I'm not sure.
Are you?
- You're kidding, right?
- Fiona won the Classic last year.
And Megan came in fourth.
- Third!
- Sorry! Third.
Hey, I have an idea.
Since you like being around horses,
you could volunteer as one of our grooms.
Love it!
- You don't know how to tack up a horse, don't you?
- Of course she does.
Remember, Megan.
She rides that little Indian pony.
What's his name?
- It's Checkers.
- Whatever.
- And he's actually jumping now.
- Really?
In that case, why don't you
enter him in the competition?
Oh. Gotta run. Toodles.
- What's this?
- Checkers and I want to enter the competition.
Don't be ridiculous.
Checkers can't compete
in the Bow River Classic.
Why not?
He loves to jump.
It's not his place.
But it is. That's why he kept
jumping out of the paddock.
He was trying to tell you something.
And that's how we met each other.
- Hmm.
- See? It's his destiny.
I don't care how well he jumps.
The fact is...
Checkers isn't
a blue-blooded thoroughbred.
But that's why he's so special.
He won't be judged fairly.
- Well, they have to at least give him a shot.
- They won't.
It's the unspoken rule.
I'm sorry.
But... that's just wrong.
Think about all the pinto ponies that can't
compete just because they're the wrong color.
Checkers can out jump
those fancy horses any day.
It's impossible.
Be up against some of the best
trainers in the country.
Are you afraid that Checkers
won't be judged fairly...
or that you won't?
Maybe both.
Well, then you both have
something to prove.
People are never going to change
unless you give them a reason.
All right, fine.
Let's see ifwe can
give 'em a reason.
- Like that?
- You rushed it a little.
Try it again.
Come on.
Was that good?
Where are we going?
- Walk the course.
- Wh-What about Checkers?
Leave him.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Okay, I counted eight paces.
Checkers' stride is three.
How many strides
are you gonna make...
if you add two for
the take off and landing?
- You mean we have to do math?
- Yep.
Well, can I go get
my pocket calculator?
- Kidding!
- Well, get serious.
You entered into
the Hunter division.
And that means you can't just
run around clearing jumps.
The judges are going to
be looking for finesse.
- They are?
- Yes, ma'am.
And if you know how many
strides you're taking...
then you and Checkers
will be in sync.
So, how many times does three
go into eight, minus the two extra?
- Two.
- Good!
Did you hear that, Checkers?
We got a ''good"!
That was for the math,
not your riding.
By the weekend, you need to
be practicing in your show boots.
- But I don't have show boots.
- You'd better get some.
- Get Checkers tacked up.
- Yes, sir.
Hurry up!
Let me see.
Ladies riding boots.
There's, uh-
Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Oh, those are lovely.
Except that they're $549.
Oh, my goodness!
You could buy a whole horse for that!
There must be something cheaper in here.
Let's see if we can find it.
Oh, you know what?
Those are better- 185.
Mom, have you forgotten about
our little financial situation?
Got a winner.
I think I got a winner.
How about ladies
rubber riding boots.
- 29.99.
- Perfect!
- Did you say they were rubber?
- How soon can you get them?
I can get those in a couple of days.
All right! What about
the riding jacket?
th-they start at 275.
Oh, man.
Second hand coat?
- Sounds great.
- Oh, yeah!
- Good choice.
- Yeah.
Hey there, Fireball.
Lunch is coming right up.
What's the matter, boy?
Oh, my goodness.
Something's wrong with Checkers!
Easy, big boy.
What's wrong with him, Dante?
Looks like a colic.
Hand me that lead over there.
I've got to get him up.
Easy. Easy.
Easy. Easy.
Go call the vet.
I gotta keep him moving.
Go on.
The number's on the phone.
Good boy. Good.
Well, thanks for coming out, Tom.
- Wish I could do more.
- We tried to keep Checkers
walking as long as possible.
That was the right thing to do.
But Checkers doesn't want
to walk anymore right now.
Only thing you can do is let him rest
and try again a little later.
I don't want to paint
a hopeless picture...
but if that horse doesn't
get back on his feet tonight...
there's slim chance he'll
make it through till morning.
- I understand.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll check in on you later.
Call me if there's any change.
Will do.
we're gonna let Checkers
rest for a while.
I talked to your mom.
She's bringing some supper over.
Checkers has to get better, Dante.
He just has to.
Well, we're not gonna lose hope.
That horse has got a strong spirit.
Just like the little girl
who rides him.
Sweetheart, you're not eating.
I can't.
Just take a couple bites.
May I go see Checkers now?
May as well let her go.
Thanks for bringing dinner, Mom.
I'm so sorry.
I know that this is
a difficult time for both of you.
For her.
Hi there, Checkers.
Checkers, I- I know you're tired...
and I know you don't
feel like walking, but...
can you please
just try and get up now?
Y-Y-You don't even have to walk.
You could just-
You could just try and stand up.
Come on, Checkers.
I know you can do it.
If you could just try, please.
I love you so much.
You're my best friend, and-
and I don't know what
I'd ever do without you.
Please don't give up.
I will help you.
If you could- you could just-
just try, Checkers.
Just try.
That's it, boy. Come on.
I-I know you can do it. Please?
Come on, Checkers.
You can do this.
Try moving your foot again.
That's it.
Come on, Checkers.
Lift your head up. Come on!
Come on, Checkers. Come on!
There you go, boy.
Come on, Checkers.
Oh, yeah!
That's right!
Come on!
Oh, Checkers!
Dante! Mom!
Come see!
It's so good!
He did it!
That's incredible.
Ah, you're looking strong.
Let's see if he'll eat
some warm bran.
Wait a minute.
He's hungry.
- Well, that's a good sign.
- That's the best sign.
That means in a few days
he'll be good as new.
Be the strongest horse
in the competition.
That taste good, Checkers?
This is posh.
Well, don't be intimidated by it.
It's just a barn like any other.
Just fancier.
Name, please.
I got Moondance Alexander
from Tumbleweed Stables.
- And Checkers.
- A-And Checkers.
Okay, you can go on through.
Huh. Well-
Moondance, I want you
to take Checkers into his stall.
- Buck and I'll bring the tack.
- Okay. Come on, boy.
Good job.
- What's that pinto doing here?
- Who knows.
Here we go.
This is nice, huh?
It's like a four-star hotel.
With room service.
Thank you!
Say it isn't so.
Hey, Checkers,
don't get too chummy with this one.
He's the defending champion.
Right there.
- Good job.
- Hey!
What do you got in there?
Gold bullion?
- Well, we have to be prepared.
- Yeah.
Why don't you go sign in,
get your number.
- We'll get Checkers ready.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Hey, Mom!
- Hey!
Oh, this is so exciting!
Isn't it amazing?
- Hi, Mr. Wilson.
- Hi.
- Hi, Josh.
- Hey.
- We're really looking forward
to watching you ride today.
Oh, thank you.
The warm-up ring is now available
for the Hunter division.
Well, that's me.
I gotta go.
- Okay. Don't forget your jacket.
- Oh. That's right.
- Good luck.
- Uh, hey, Moondance.
I just wanted to, uh,
wish you good luck.
I-I'll see you later.
Great. You haven't
painted his hooves yet?
Can you please do it now?
You're showing today?
Yeah. I-I took your advice
and I entered my pinto.
That's amazing.
You'd better get ready.
They just called our division.
I-I'll be ready.
Oh, my goodness!
You look so handsome!
You guys are awesome.
Well, Team Tumbleweed
at your service.
- Better get your boots on.
- Okay.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Is that Moondance?
- Can you believe it?
Oh, my gosh.
Please tell me she isn't putting
on rubber boots right now.
No way.
She is!
I can't believe
she's gonna show in those.
Who cares?
It'll just make us look better.
Don't let them get to you.
You know why they're
putting you down, don't you?
- Why?
- 'Cause they're not sure of themselves.
- Get Checkers warmed up.
- Yes, sir.
I'm gonna go get myself
a good seat.
Good luck, darlin'.
Knock 'em dead.
We're sure gonna try.
Let Checkers
get used to his surroundings.
Then once he settles in,
take him over to that jump a couple oftimes.
- All right.
- Okay.
- Hey!
- Slower horses stay on the outside.
Dante, surprised to see you here.
Not as surprised as I am.
- That has got to be your pinto.
- Yep.
You have got to settle down, girl.
- Right.
- That turn was way too sharp.
Checkers can feel your energy,
so if you're focused, he'll be focused.
- Okay.
- Remember.
You're a team.
We're a team.
- Good. Try it again.
- Okay.
That's an unusual choice
for a hunter.
Uh, any room over there?
Oh, yeah.
Right here.
- Yeah. There we go.
- There you go.
- Good to see you, Buck.
- You too.
- Where'd you get that hot dog?
- I got it over there.
What- Did I miss somethin'?
I'll tell you later.
- Hey, guys. Hi.
- Hey.
This should be a riot.
Check out the guy in the monkey suit.
Freddie, if you're just gonna bash everyone,
sit somewhere else.
- Chill, dude.
- I'm serious.
I'll go bash where I'm wanted.
Good move.
- Hey, hot stuff.
- Hey. Josh is being moody again.
- Oh, forget him.
- Yeah.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to
the 10th Annual Bow River Classic.
Joining us today from REV Sports TV...
our friends
Joe Cipriano and Mike Weir.
Well, thank you, Kirk.
It's starting.
I'm so nervous.
She's gonna do great.
I love this. I really love this.
We're starting with Junior Hunters.
Our first entry,
from Sonata Farms, number 230...
Shannon McGinnis riding Uptown Girl.
Mike, Shannon is coming off a big win in Indio...
in the modified Hunter Classic.
I really think this horse suits her style.
They are moving nice
and quiet down this line. Very good.
Aspen should be so much fun!
Megan, you're next.
Now approaching the brown oxer.
She took off a little close.
She's gonna have to pick up the pace.
- Good luck with your lead changes.
- Thanks for reminding me.
Now coming up to the final jump.
Oh, that's a very solid ride
for Miss McGinnis!
Next entry, from Devonshire Farms...
number 246,
Megan Montgomery riding Avalon.
This is a new horse for Megan.
That's right. He 's a terrific Irish thoroughbred.
Ooh, good take off there.
This horse could give her
the edge she needs with the judges.
Get off the phone, Fiona.
Hey, I gotta go.
I'll call you later.
Do you wanna go over the course
one more time?
Please. I can do this blind folded.
So far, this is a stylish presentation.
- I am very impressed.
- Okay.
All right, you see
this combination here?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's gonna be tight.
You want to be nice and quiet
going into it.
- Okay. Nice and quiet.
- Yeah.
Great ride for Megan Montgomery!
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
She might have had
a slight bobble in her last lead change.
But she was in that far corner-
I'm not so sure the judges even saw it.
If that's the case,
it would put her in the running for the top five.
Checkers, no, no.
You can not eat the flowers.
We're watching Ted Michaels now.
He's an impressive competitor,
always in ribbons.
- Nice ride.
- I missed my lead change.
- Well, besides that.
- Don't worry, Megan. It was just a hop.
Judges probably didn't even notice.
Trained by his father, James Michaels...
who is a former
Olympic champion, of course.
That take off
was a little rushed there.
The one thing you can count on from Ted
is that he always remains cool and confident.
- Remember, you're the cham pion.
- I know.
Next entry, from Devonshire Farms...
and last year's Bow River
Junior Hunter Champion...
number 251, Fiona Hughes,
riding Monte Carlo.
- Yes!
- Yea! Whoo!
Everyone has their eyes on this young lady.
She is the one to beat.
Let's not count out
Shannon McGinnis or Megan Montgomery.
They both had excellent rides today.
Monte Carlo is a six-year-old Hanoverian
gelding with a championship pedigree.
So far she is riding this course perfectly.
Mike, you were asking me what the judges
are looking for. Well, this is it.
Exquisite horse, superb equitation.
Perfectly turned out.
Rider elegant- coat, custom boots.
I mean, it's the whole package.
They are flawless.
Coming up to the last line.
She'll need to slow it down
to make this tight combination.
And what a performance
by Fiona Hughes!
Absolutely beautiful.
Joe, do you think it was enough to win it?
You never can tell
which way the judges will go.
You rock! You rock!
But that was outstanding!
- That was a lovely ride.
- Yeah, it's a fancy horse.
And now we're down to our last competitor.
- That was perfect.
- What did you expect?
That was a really good ride.
- Oh, thanks.
- This is a new name on the circuit, Mike.
I don't know too much about her
or her horse, for that matter.
Okay, take a nice, deep breath.
I'll update you as soon
as we have more information.
You might want to exhale.
All right.
Got the course visualized?
You're ready.
Thank you, Dante.
Go get'em.
Our last entry,
from Tumbleweed Stables, number 224-
- There she is.
- There she is.
Moondance Alexander riding Checkers.
- All right, Moondance!
- All right!
This ought to be interesting.
Hey, Moondance, the rodeo was last week!
Joe, have you ever seen
a pinto entered in this division?
Not in a major classic like this one.
Hey, why don't you get a real horse!
Okay, Checkers.
We can do this.
Oh! Oh, she made it!
She made it!
- Breathe. It's only the first jump.
- Yeah!
He seems to be moving well so far.
He certainly does. Pintos usually
have a much shorter stride than this horse.
Look at that!
Moondance is trained by Dante Longpre.
Now, there's a name
we haven't heard in quite a while.
Dante fell out of the scene after one of
his young riders crashed through a jump...
and was seriously injured.
- It wasn't certainly anything
Dante could have prevented.
Nice to see him back.
Wow! This little horse can really jump!
I can't help wonder what the judges
are thinking right now.
And Moondance seems very relaxed
for her first time in a major competition.
Dante is known for his strict conditioning
of his riders. We're seeing the result today.
She's approaching the single oxer.
I can't watch!
It's been giving riders trouble all day.
- It's no trouble for Moondance.
- Yes!
- Did she make it?
- Keep your eyes open.
You're gonna miss the whole thing.
The most challenging part
of the course is still ahead.
Beautiful lead change right there.
Quiet him down, Moondance.
She needs to down-shift around this corner.
- Easy, boy.
- She's heading in way too fast.
They're gonna crash and burn
on this combination.
This is where experience really comes into play...
which is something this young lady
just doesn't have yet.
Come on. Come on.
This is it. The final combination.
But can Moondance maintain her focus
and composure over these last two jumps?
This little horse might have
a big enough heart to take her all the way!
If they can just keep
this last stride into the final oxer.
Unbelievable! They've done it!
What an amazing event
this has turned out to be!
It's this kind of talent that makes this sport
so exciting and so unpredictable.
Way to go!
Yeah! She made it!
How was it? Was it all right?
It sure was.
I can't believe she made it through
with no mistakes.
There's still no way she can win.
Not on that horse.
These two underdogs,
Mike, have come out of nowhere.
Checkers, you were brilliant.
A good boy.
Let's go.
I am very, very proud of you.
Thank you.
Wasn't Checkers amazing?
You both were.
Good job, buddy.
But was that good?
- It was great.
- Oh, yeah!
Checkers! We got a ''great!"
Thank you, Dante.
Now what's happening?
Well, now we have to
wait for the results.
There seems to be a heated
conversation going on at the judges'table.
- It's a pinto.
- It's a horse.
- When was the last time we had a pinto in this-
- What seems to be the problem?
We're having a disagreement
about the black-and-white horse.
What kind of disagreement?
- We don't know where he fits in.
- He doesn't.
A pinto doesn't fit in the Winner's Circle
of the Junior Hunter Classic.
- I disagree.
- You need to make a decision.
We've got to announce a winner.
I'm not budging on this.
Moondance and Checkers
might be forcing them to consider...
a more diverse playing field
than they're used to.
While we 're waiting
for a decision from our judges...
could we have the Junior Hunter division
trot into the ring, please?
Well, win or lose, you gave 'em
something to think about.
All right.
All right, Moondance!
Let's go, Megan!
And now for the results of
the Junior Hunter Bow River Classic.
Sixth place goes to Jill Blake
riding Hot Tamale.
Fifth place goes to Katie Harrison
riding Tango Dancer.
- 4th place goes to Olivia Kay
riding Sophie's Trophy.
Third place goes to Ted Michaels
riding Alexandra.
Another good ride.
Second place goes to Shannon McGinnis
riding Uptown Girl.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.
And for first place...
we have a tie.
Our Bow River Junior Hunter Classic
champions are...
- Fiona Hughes riding Monte Carlo-
- Whoo!
and Moondance Alexander...
riding Checkers!
- We won?
- What?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Are you kidding me?
We won, Checkers! We won!
Oh, good job, boy!
Oh! They won!
I'll be right back.
I will be right back.
Congratulations once again.
Very good ride.
- There we are.
- Thank you.
Not a bad little horse you got there, Dante.
Not bad at all.
Congratulations. This was a very good
victory for you and your horse.
Thank you!
But we did have a lot of help.
We'd like a photograph in a moment.
Oh, sure!
Oh, good job, Checkers.
Let's put the blanket on the horse.
Hey, um, Fiona, congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Oh, you're welcome.
I really like your horse.
Oh! Thank you! Yeah,
he's a pretty good boy.
I've actually been looking for a new place to ride.
How is Tumbleweed Stables?
Well, it's nothing fancy, but you really get
a lot of personalized attention.
- Sounds great. I'll have to check it out.
- Moondance!
Can you hold this for just one second?
Thank you.
Let's give a hand to our
Junior Hunter Classic champion Fiona Hughes!
Well, that was the most fantastic
and hair-raising experience of my life.
- You were amazing!
- Thank you!
- Looks like you're going to the winner's banquet.
- You mean we're going.
They're ready for your photo!
I gotta run.
Hey, Mom, um, do you wanna
invite Ben to come with us?
Yeah, I mean, I was thinking...
Ben may be different,
but he still deserves a chance.
What about Josh?
Is he invited too?
Yeah, sure.
Why not?
Ladies and gentlemen...
let's hear it for our Bow River
Junior Hunter Classic champion...
Moondance Alexander and Checkers!
Thanks, Daddy.
Oh, and don't worry
about me and Mom.
We're gonna be all right.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
How do you do?
Let's have a look at that pony.
(# I choose you)
(# From the billions and billions)
(# I will be changed from the moment I do)
(# Yeah, I'll choose you)
(# When the clouds part)
(# A thousand guitars start)
(# I choose you)
(# I choose you)
(# I choose you)
(# Choose me too))
(# You were there for me)
(# Someone kind and gentle)
(# But like stars in the night)
(# You slipped away)
(# I wish you could be)
(# With me on this journey)
(# All my fears inside)
(# Would fade away)
(# If l could find)
(# A place of mine)
(# For memories)
(# And secret dreams)
(# And hopes that never die)
(# If l could see)
(# My destiny)
(# Be my guide)
(# And I won't hide)
(# From life's uncertainties)
(# Time moves on)
(# I hold on)
(# Try to wait patiently)
(# Must be strong)
(# What could be in store)
(# For me)
(# Ohh-ohh)
(# If l could find)
(# A place ofmine)
(# For memories)
(# And secret dreams)
(# And hopes that never die)
(# Ohh-ohh-ohh)
(# If l could see)
(# My destiny)
(# Be my guide)
(# And I won't hide)
(# From life's uncertainties)
(# If l could)
(# Oh, if l could)
(# If l could)