Mouse of Horrors (2025) Movie Script

(eerie music) (water pattering)
(birds squawking)
(eerie music continues)
We are so lost.
You realize that, right?
I have no idea where we are.
There's a water.
That's where he said his boat would be.
He said Pier 47.
I haven't seen any numbers, have you?
I'm really thinking this was a bad idea.
I'm tired and I'm cold.
Molly, come on. We're almost there.
It is not that much further
and I don't wanna go by myself.
[Woman] You up at the bar.
He didn't even notice me.
He gives me the creeps anyway.
I don't know.
I thought he was kind of cute, you know?
Like a John Oliver type. (Dana growls)
Are you crazy?
He's like 103 years old.
Yeah but he's also rich.
Oh, yeah.
Did he tell you that?
He's got a boat, Molly?
Last time I checked poor
people owned boats too.
Yeah. Name one.
Okay, listen, let's just
go have a drink or two,
see how it goes.
And if we still get creepy
vibes, we just bail, okay?
Creepy vibes?
All there are is creepy vibes around us.
(Dana sighs)
Will you just show some
guts and follow my lead?
Maybe we'll get lucky and
he'll have some coke, right?
(Dana chuckles)
- At-a-girl.
(Dana laughs) (birds squawking)
(eerie music continues)
No way. Is that the boat?
He said he was a doctor
so he's probably rich.
And I'm in the market for a sugar daddy.
So, let's just go.
One drink and then we are out.
- Agreed?
- Agreed.
Let's just have one drink.
Try to relax and let's have
some fun with it, okay?
- Okay.
- Come on.
(crows cawing)
(ladder tapping)
(eerie music)
(Dana gasps)
I don't think there's anybody on board.
Is there anyone here?
Are you in there?
Are you in there?
It's us, Dana and Molly.
Are you in there?
(door clicks) Hello?
(eerie music continues)
I think we have the wrong boat, Dana.
(birds squawking)
We've gotta get out of here.
(ladder tapping)
(both screaming) (blood gushing)
(flesh squelching) (Dana screams)
(footsteps tapping) (Dana screaming)
(ominous music)
(Dana whimpering)
(Dana grunting) (ominous music continues)
(Dana crying)
(wooden door banging)
(ominous music continues)
(Dana crying)
(footsteps tapping)
(body thudding)
(footsteps tapping)
(eerie music continues) (footsteps tapping)
(Dana gasping)
(Dana screams)
Oh, my God.
(Dana screams) Oh my God.
Oh my God! (Dana screams)
Oh my God! (Dana screams)
(footsteps tapping)
(ominous music)
(lights clicking) (Dana whimpering)
(The Mouse laughing) No! No!
(Dana screaming) (eerie music continues)
(flesh squelching)
(blood sloshing)
(The Mouse laughs)
(dramatic music)
[Reporter] Well folks, as
we near the top of the hour,
it's time for the sound of the underground
to fade out for tonight.
[TV Host] And tonight with that fade,
I wanna thank Madam Nevaria
for joining us to talk
about urban legends and...
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(birds squawking) (water crashing)
I'll tell you a lot of stories.
Some of them are true.
Since I'm from the States originally,
I want to tell you an American story.
The story is about... Uh,
it's not a great story.
(both laugh)
I was on the beach once when I was 14.
And I got attacked by flies, this big.
(ominous music continues)
Are you sure they were flies?
(both speaking indistinctly)
Not kidding.
They chased me into the water.
- Why? Why?
- I don't know.
I didn't do anything.
I got into the water. I went underwater.
They waited up top for me.
- Really? Were they bees?
- Oh, maybe.
Thought they were flies.
Yes, I think bees actually might do that.
You're making me think.
(both laugh) Anyway,
it wasn't a very fun experience.
(heavy breathing)
Can I talk to you
about something actually?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Sure, let's talk.
I feel really nervous
about going to the States.
For sure. I'm nervous too.
I was nervous when I moved to Europe
but it's a normal country.
Obviously, it's like, really far away.
And I'm used to us being at home.
I'm used to you being at home.
Wish you were going to stay there.
Selfish part of me wishes
you weren't leaving,
- but you have to.
- I know, I wish I wasn't.
It'll be good for you and you're strong.
(Dad chuckles) (waves
crashing in background)
I think you've got more
faith in me than I do.
(ominous music)
But look, you're gonna go,
you're gonna be successful.
You're gonna come back.
Look at your own stories
that you can tell me
so I don't have to tell you
mine, (Chloe laughs) okay?
Enough of that.
Got some good news. Take a look at this.
I got the new cover art from my new book.
Just arrived today.
It's even better than I
thought it was gonna be.
Mouseboat Massacre. (Chloe laughs)
Is that that, it's like a man mouse
who's like sails some
boats and eats kids legs.
- Look, when I'm done,
every household is gonna
know about the mouse.
The only problem is I
don't have an ending yet
for the story.
You say that every time.
Yeah, but this time it's different.
- Why?
- This time,
I'm losing my muse to Southern California.
I know.
Well, I'll be back in a
few months of break, okay?
Look, there are universities at Durham,
at Birmingham, at Edinburgh.
And I can see you in four hours by car
instead of 20 hours by plane.
I know, Dad, okay?
I'm leaving tomorrow, okay?
(waves crashing)
Chloe, Chloe.
That's my friend, I need to go.
- Sorry, love you.
- Love you.
Love you.
Wake up. (laughs)
You look so great!
Oh, my God, Chloe!
It's so good to see you.
Also stop leaving your shit in my place.
- Oh my God.
- Or else,
I'm not gonna give it back to you.
I did wear it on a date.
- Oh.
- No, we don't need
to date that anyway.
All right, they're waiting for us.
(upbeat music)
Girl, you said he's a hiker and a pilot,
I've never seen him flying no damn plane.
Like sure boy.
But, before we go in,
I know you're really nervous.
The guy is from the States
and you've never been,
but I don't want you to be in your head
about this like you're gonna do amazing.
I am nervous.
- Get it?
- I'm excited a little bit.
- Absolutely.
- But I'm just not used
to not being here with everyone.
- Yeah.
- And,
I just don't feel comfortable,
like, I don't know,
I'm at my comfort zone.
It's your biggest
adventure though, Chloe.
- I know.
- And I'm from Los Angeles,
so you're gonna love it.
If you love me, you're gonna love that, so-
- Are you gonna miss me? (both laugh)
Hey babes,
- sorry I'm so late.
- It's okay.
I couldn't get anything
to go right today.
Well, everybody's waiting inside, so.
- Everyone?
- Yeah, they've been waiting.
- Okay. Let's go, then.
- Let's go.
(upbeat music) It's on the other side
Might've seen through
a different paradise
(attendees chattering)
You two are gonna get us
kicked out of here again.
Like she said, cool it
you two or you're gone.
I don't have the patience tonight.
I'm under staffed and I'm
down to my last nerve.
So don't, Steph.
But how about round of
tequilas from the table?
(all cheering)
Just a little going away.
Thank you to you Chloe.
You're one of our best employees
and we're really gonna miss you.
The next person I hire,
they're gonna have some big boots to fill.
Thank you.
I will actually, genuinely,
actually miss this place.
Actually. (Chloe laughs)
We're really gonna miss you too.
Actually, I'm looking
for a job if you hire me.
And my shoe size is a 10 and a half.
So why don't you get an
application form on the way out?
I'll see you.
(upbeat music)
So did you guys hear. Trying
to put any good word for me.
Will you?
- Okay.
- I mean, I'd hire me.
Oh mate,
I'd hire you too just to
fire you and watch you cry.
(all laugh)
Has anyone heard from-
they're super late again.
Shit, they're always like hanging out,
they start to piss me off.
Should I, should I call them now?
[Messenger] Hello.
Please leave your message after the tone.
(messenger beeps)
- Hey, Dana,
I thought you and Molly were coming out
for Chloe's leaving drinks.
Just gimme a call when you get this.
Okay, bye. Bye.
They knew what the plan was today.
It's so rude.
- Yeah.
- Meg,
- can you pass the salt?
- Sure.
Why do you needed to pass the salt?
We got T-Rex on.
You see that's nothing
but bad luck right there,
I'm telling you.
- What?
- No.
Just see what I do for good luck.
(all laugh)
(all chattering)
- I'm sorry.
[Meg] Let me see it.
Why would you do that?
(all chattering)
Maybe next time just
look before you throw.
Can we just change the subject, yeah?
Yeah, yep, yep, yep.
So the reason we're
here, our world traveler,
so excited for your California adventure.
Oh, how's your dad have been?
Better than I expected him to, I guess.
Yeah, it might be hard for him.
I mean, your first time away
in empty nest and everything.
Well I'm not gonna be gone for very long,
so I guess it's okay.
And he's actually working
on a new book again.
Oh, my gosh. What's it about?
So he's actually calling
it "Mouseboat Massacre."
No way.
Your dad's new book is an urban legend.
(footsteps plodding) (chains rattling)
(ominous music) (The Mouse laughing)
(chain rattling)
(The Mouse grunts) (guy screaming)
So it's basically about a
guy that's a mouse thing,
and he eats children,
if they don't eat their
vegetables and go or bed on time.
Oh, yeah, my mom always
used to tell me that story
to get me to do my homework.
(guy screaming)
(guy whimpering)
(guy grunts)
No, no, that's not how it went.
Well, at least it's not
the way it used to be.
What do you mean?
So the story basically goes
that this mad doctor created
a giant mutated mouse,
it transformed the body of a
psycho in me with a rodent.
Nah, mate.
You're just quote that Jeff Gold blue film,
- and what's it called?
- Eat your
- You mean the lie?
Anyway, the, the way I heard it,
the killer goes from port to port,
not to punish bad children,
to collect body parts of women to build.
Oh, wait, I've heard this.
Yeah, but that was the original version.
Kids' thing was more of
a recent twist on it.
(guy screaming)
(guy screaming)
(guy screams) (flesh squelching)
The best part of the story
is the murder though.
He makes the killer do the craziest shit.
One of the weirdest
stories takes place in LA.
(imitates laughing)
- Ah, very funny.
The killer who was a victim
into a pool with Portuguese man.
- Ew, okay, that's disgusting.
- What that is is bullshit.
Why would this crazy killer
mouse do something like
that anyway?
How have you guys not heard
this part of the urban legend?
I guess,
and that's fucking gross.
(dramatic music) (guy screaming)
(flesh squelching)
You talk so much shit, Charlie.
All right fine. We'll stop.
We still doing the fun fair or what?
It's closed. What?
Just figured since Meg works at the fair,
we could sneak in and have a fair fun.
Are you serious?
I mean, when are we
gonna get the chance again?
And what, you're okay with this?
Listen then I think if we're quiet,
we all act mostly normal.
Actually you, Charlie.
We should be able to have one last night
at the fun fair.
But seriously, if we get
caught, I'm super fired.
So please, please just like be chill.
What'd you say, Chloe?
Last night in this shit town,
might as well walk out with a bang.
Yeah. Okay. (all laugh)
All right.
Okay, so before we go, a toast to Chloe,
here's to you and your
Hollywood adventures.
To Chloe.
- [All] To Chloe.
(all cheering)
All right.
Right, come on, let's go.
It's gonna take 10 minutes to walk there.
(ominous music)
(all screaming) (saw scratching)
(girls screaming)
(girls crying) (girls screaming)
(ominous music)
So, you brought me any
functional body part?
We said size eight.
The last foot you brought
me was not a size eight,
it was a size five, I could see by looking.
Your bride cannot have
different sized feet.
She'll fall over.
And can you imagine the difficulty you
will have buying shoes for them.
And Mouse, how many times
do I have to tell you not
to cut the hand too close to the wrist?
You leave me no room for stitches.
And this is a man's hand.
You killed some poor bastard for nothing.
Female part, female.
Like the one Bear just brought me.
If you have to kill
some poor son of a bitch
because he wants to stop you, hurt you,
point you out to the
authorities, then do it.
Rip his guts out for all I care.
But don't bring me his body parts.
I don't need them.
I don't want them and I can't use them.
And you do your wives no
favors by bringing them to me.
Do I make myself clear?
How are we supposed to
make the perfect bride
if neither you nor the Bear
can bring me the body parts
for the perfect bride?
(upbeat rock music) (water crashing)
Do I wanna be sunken
And I don't wanna be sunken
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let me present the fun thing.
Before you make a run, there's
secret dashes over the back.
And if you throw up Charlie,
you clean it up, all right?
Meg, this is kick ass.
It's so great Meg.
I mean, it's so great
that you've done all this.
Oh, I mean, is that a compliment?
Do you know what's wrong?
What do you mean, do
you know what's wrong?
- Just tell me, just tell me.
- Tell you what?
What the fuck you
talking about a double lie.
What, what do you mean a double lie?
What did she say?
Hey, are you coming?
Yeah, we're gonna catch you up.
Why don't we just go?
(all chattering)
(upbeat rock music) Sunken
(uneasy music)
(ominous music)
Boys, come here.
I don't understand the pair
of, I made you to be the best.
I made you to be perfect.
But you always seem to
find the wrong body parts.
You are wicked temper when
you don't get your way.
It won't do.
I want you to have perfect wire.
And the sooner we get the
right parts for your wife,
the sooner I can start on yours.
Let's try this.
Let's see who can find the
best body parts by midnight.
Look everywhere.
Go into town.
Hell, go to the fairground if you must.
Doesn't matter who they belong to,
just as long as they are perfect.
Well, go on.
Tick-tock. (ominous music)
I don't think we're gonna be
in this world for much longer.
(flesh squelching)
I sense blood in the forecast.
(distant traffic humming) (birds chirping)
(door knocking)
- We are closed.
Come back tomorrow, we open at 12.
(dramatic music)
Look buddy, we're closed.
Come back at 12 tomorrow.
We're not open.
Whoa, whoa.
Okay, buddy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not open.
Oh, it's not fucking Halloween, buddy.
Try to go home.
Okay. Jesus!
(bar owner screaming)
(flesh squelching)
(man grunting)
(flesh squelching) (pub owner grunting)
(exciting music)
What's the matter now, Kayla?
What's the actual matter?
What the fuck have I done now?
What's the matter?
I saw the app on your phone.
- An app?
- Yeah.
What fucking app?
Are you gonna tell me?
- Tinder.
- Tinder.
I saw Tinder on your phone.
I saw the notifications flash up.
Why fuck the would I Tinder?
- Huh?
- You tell me.
Also, why the fuck are
you looking at my phone?
I looked at it when we
were next to each other,
Why are you acting like a fucking crazy?
You're gonna tell me that?
You're not fucking gonna lie to me.
You tell me,
you don't have that app on your phone?
I don't have any fucking app.
You're lying!
I'm not fucking lying to you.
You have it on your phone,
get it out right now and show me.
No, I'm not showing you.
If you have nothing to
hide, you get your phone out.
I don't have to fucking show
you my phone to prove shit.
I should have-
So why'd you always fucking do this?
If you have nothing to hide
then you'd get out your phone.
Look, I shouldn't have to
fucking prove shit to you.
Why should I have to prove anything to all?
- Oh, shit.
- What?
(bees buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(Kayla screaming)
(upbeat exciting music)
(footsteps tapping) (thrilling chase music)
(The Mouse laughs)
No! (electric zapping)
(The Mouse laughs)
(electric buzzing) (The Mouse laughs)
(eerie music continues)
(toy car buzzing)
(blood splats) (flesh squelches)
(ominous music)
Help me! Help me, please!
(ominous music)
Help, help me!
- Please!
- I'm sorry, my dear.
No one can hear you.
Please, please, let me go.
Darling, I can't do that.
You see our bride is almost ready.
You crazy fuck!
Don't, don't you dare hurt me.
Hurt you, darling?
I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to heal.
You see our Mouse craves love.
But no one woman will do.
The Bear on the other hand,
I'm not quite sure what he craves.
Though, he is my second creation.
I always find the second child
more difficult to understand.
The stories?
The stories are real?
Stories. (Dr. Rupert laughs)
The stories, yes. Only the good ones.
The ones that make the hairs
on the back of your neck stand up.
The ones that make you wish
you had never been born
into this world.
But I'm glad you are part of this world
because without you, we
wouldn't have this part of you.
I don't think this will do.
The father wants their babies to be happy.
Am I wrong?
And since I have created the perfect beast,
I must create the perfect bride.
I promise this isn't
going to hurt too much.
(Kayla whimpering)
I hope this hurts a lot.
(metal object thuds)
(flesh squelching)
(head thuds)
(exciting guitar music)
You hear the sounds coming back
Oh my God, I think I'm gonna be sick.
Should we go again?
What happened to Jake and Kayla?
Probably somewhere swapping spit.
- Oh, boy.
- I always wanted him do
so much about.
Respectfully, I hate that guy.
(chain rattling in distant)
Can you hear that?
(friend grunting)
I can help you find a
bathroom or a restroom.
No, no.
I, I'm fine. Don't worry.
- I'm gonna get coffee.
- I bet she'd love that.
She flushes her on her hair back.
I mean, just leave it to
go off on her own knees.
Yes, we can. And we will.
See her last night in this town with her.
We can't be her mom forever.
Party, party, party
To raise the dead
You don't have to die
Just to feel the life
Life is just a dream
'Cause once you're underground
You won't hear the sound
You are pathetic, you know that.
I guess to help you out and you say no.
You don't deserve me.
You are just loser.
You always will be.
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(footsteps tapping)
(runner panting)
(eerie music continues)
(eerie music)
(distant object thuds)
(ominous music)
(girl screaming)
(flesh squelching) (girl screaming)
(blood sloshing) (screaming continues)
Meet you in the arcade.
Yeah, we'll see there in a few minutes.
- Yeah, we'll catch up.
- Yeah, right.
We're gonna go home.
I don't know if you're
tired but I'm pretty tired.
- Yeah, I'm tired.
- That's good.
Okay. Oh, I'll get Lucy.
She actually wanted this.
Do you wanna take it to her?
Yeah, you sure hit me. (ominous music)
That could have been bad.
- Behind you, Meg.
- What?
- Behind you.
- What?
(Meg gasping)
(flesh squelching) (blood sloshing)
(dramatic music)
Go, go, go, go, go.
(exciting orchestral music)
(The Mouse laughing)
(orchestral music continues)
(footsteps plodding)
What? Wait?
The killer, killers.
The killer's just-
- What are you talking about?
- Big fucking thing.
The Mouse, with ears.
It's killed, Meg.
You need to call mum,
my phone's not working.
Okay, okay.
(dramatic music)
Hello? (ominous music)
The killer, the killer is on the loose.
The big giant mutated mouse.
(ominous music)
(both screaming)
(ominous music) (killer laughs)
(water sloshing)
(water splashing)
(man grunting)
(water sloshing)
Hey, Cynthia.
- Yeah.
- Cynthia,
there's breaking news story.
Look, it's just crossing the wire.
- Oh, my.
- Oh my God.
[Reporter] It says police
are looking for two women
who were attacked on the pier.
Oh, and they've got it on.
(footsteps tapping)
(girl screaming)
(dramatic music)
(girl screaming)
(footsteps tapping)
(girl screaming)
(screaming continues)
(footsteps tapping) (screaming continues)
(girl screaming) (flesh squelching)
- Come on. Hurry.
- Wait, wait, wait.
Oh, I got front.
- I gotta go.
- Help me!
(girl crying)
They killed all of them.
They killed all of them,
These guys are fucking fast.
What the fuck are we gonna do?
(paint bucket tapping)
(ominous music)
(chain rattling)
- Watch yourself.
- Guys,
we need to get something
to stop the breathing.
(runner sobbing)
I'll go get something.
You just need to calm down, okay?
(girl sobbing)
The killer is coming against us.
- Stop.
Girls, what is going on?
Good Lord, what happened to your friend?
Bring your phone.
Anything, the killer is after us.
What on earth are you talking about?
Look at my stomach.
Look at it, tried to bury us.
He killed all our friends
and we couldn't save them.
Ah, phone, phone, yes.
I'm, I'm sure there's
a phone in the office.
I'll just go and find it.
Yeah, you go get.
You're gonna be okay. Okay?
Is it bad?
(Kim speaks indistinctly)
(ominous music) (door thuds)
I think I get be safe.
(girl screaming)
(eerie music continues)
(door thuds)
(girls whimpering)
- Please, please.
- I'm actually quite proud
of him.
Let's see if you can
make me proud some more.
(girls crying)
He don't want to hurt
you, you're family now.
What do you mean?
He's so particular about who he loves.
We live in a precise world today.
Everything is so much more customized.
(Chloe screaming)
(Chloe crying)
So why not customize it?
- Brian.
- You don't have to do this?
We can have a normal family if you want.
There's ways of doing this
without hurting people!
We've traveled far
and wide in search of the perfect female
to forage anatomy from.
And here he is tow there.
The name is Mouse.
Dr. Rupert Mouse.
And this is my son,
for this, I was a doctor in
a maximum security prison.
And he was my most violent inmate.
(wooden stick thuds)
I treated some of his victims.
He'd broken their bones, eaten their flesh.
Their faces were unrecognizable
from their files.
It was a magnificent show of power.
He agree. And so did I.
He was crazy enough to agree
to take part in my experiments.
He wanted immortality.
I wanted a family.
(girl crying)
You can't control a normal family, darling.
God created his family and his own image.
And I intend to do the same.
Girls, girls, you must understand this.
It's survival of the fittest
and whatever makes you
fit belongs to me now.
We need a leg.
(girls whimpering)
(girl screaming loudly)
(flesh squelching)
(flesh squelching) (girl screaming)
(flesh squelching)
(girl screaming) (flesh squelching)
(girl screaming) (flesh squelching)
She had such lovely eyes.
Go into town and get me some
more body parts for your bride.
[Reporter] The salan appeared
to be wearing what looks
like, did I check this?
Is this right? Mouse ears.
The names of the women
are unknown at this time,
but it looks like mouse ears.
[Messenger] Hello.
Please leave your message after the town.
(screen beeps)
[Dad] Chloe, where are you?
There's a killer on the loose.
Are you still in town with your friend?
Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
I'm heading to my house right now.
Call me as soon you get this.
And I'll come and pick you up.
(car honking)
Janet, Janet is Chloe in there?
What's going on? Are you okay?
[Dad] There's a murderer on the loose.
On the news they're
calling him, "The Killer."
They said he's got big round ears.
Meg said they're all going
to the fun fare today.
- They're not safe.
- I've got to get Chloe.
(wood banging)
- Call the police.
- Where's the phone?
If the killer comes in
here, he'll be sorry.
Get out through the damn gate.
(glass shattering)
(eerie music)
Never provoke a darts champion.
(dart thuds)
(The Mouse laughs)
(victim screaming)
(victim gasping)
(victim screaming)
(screaming continues)
(footsteps tapping)
Stay away from me. (footsteps tapping)
(ominous music)
(Chloe whimpering)
Chloe, we gotta go.
(both whimpering)
(Chloe gasping)
(both whimpering)
(footsteps tapping)
Right here.
I'm so sorry that I brought you here.
You didn't even want to be here.
- It's not your fault.
- I need you need to go.
I need you to go.
I need you to stop fighting me.
I need you to go.
- Please.
- No.
I need you to go.
(ominous music)
Run, run!
Go, Chloe, run!
(dramatic music)
Chloe! (Chloe whimpering)
- We need to go.
- We can't.
- He got Kim.
- Who's Kim?
And where are your friends?
Chloe, are you sure you are going
to leave your friend to die?
Come on, Chloe.
Chloe, you know my
creation loved your head.
He even liked your hair, Chloe.
That means we don't have to scalp you.
Isn't that good?
You have until sunrise to decide, Chloe.
We hope to see you.
But the frights come alive.
We've gotta get out here now.
No, no, I'm not leaving.
- I'm not leaving, Kim.
- Chloe,
I can't afford to lose you.
I'm not leaving her.
You're not gonna lose me, okay?
We're gonna get out of here together.
Everything's gonna be fine.
I don't want to lose you
the way I lost your mother.
(eerie music continues)
Everything's gonna be fine.
We need to go, I'm going to save Kim.
We can do it together.
Please help me, dad.
(ominous music)
- We should not be here.
- Yes, we should.
Kim might be in there.
(Chloe gasps)
What the hell are you doing?
- Kim might be in there.
- He might be in there.
It will be quick.
I'll go this way.
You can check the other room.
(ominous music)
(eerie music)
(foreboding music)
(Chloe sobbing)
(Chloe coughing)
(eerie music continues)
(Kim whimpering)
(Kim grunting)
(eerie suspenseful music)
Oh, I hope I have enough gas
to put this place in the flames.
(indistinct) Beautiful.
(object thuds)
Come on up, drop it and come on out.
Well done.
Hey boys, boys.
Come on out, boys.
Come on out.
Daddy has got something to show you.
Ah, they really did a number
on your friends, didn't they?
Why is your brother over there?
He is a reject.
You, the pair of you are useless.
How is it that I am able to find this
and one with such perfect creatures?
Ah, I'll back up and neither of you could.
(Chloe grunts)
Whoever takes her head first.
Pam puts it on the bride.
Go for it.
Whoever puts it on the pride first,
can have the bride first.
(knife whooshing)
You fucking pair of idiots.
The pair of you! (hammer thuds)
(footsteps tapping)
(air whooshing)
(body thuds)
(Mouse laughs)
(footsteps tapping) (eerie music)
(footsteps tapping)
(Kim crying)
(flesh squelching)
(Kim crying)
(Chloe whispers)
- Kim!
(footsteps tapping)
(eerie music continues)
(Mouse claps)
(hammer thuds)
(footsteps tapping)
(both grunting)
(both grunting)
(footsteps tapping)
(chain thuds)
(The Mouse grunting)
(both grunting)
(body thuds)
(knife scratches) (ominous music)
(head thuds)
(flesh squelching)
(The Mouse laughs)
(upbeat music)
A man made of (boat honks)
Steel & concrete
You better worry if you
see him on your street
(upbeat music)
Fist made for smashing
And feet made for mashing
(The Mouse laughs)
(background rock music)
(flesh squelching)
Trick and treat
(both grunting)
(fist thudding)
(both grunting)
(flesh squelching)
(eerie music continues)
(The Mouse gasping)
(feet thuds)
(ominous music)
(water crashing) (Mouse claps)
(Mouse laughing)
Kim, Kim, where are you?
(eerie music)
Hey Mousie!
(footsteps tapping)
Say cheese!
(stick thuds)
(metal stick clings)
(feet thuds)
(eerie music) (Chloe gasping)
Say cheese! (flesh squelching)
(The Mouse gasping)
(body thuds)
(footsteps tapping)
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
- Then we'll go!
- You killed my creatures.
'Cause they deserve
to die, you sick punk!
- What do you actually want?
- You.
What do you mean?
I mean, I want you to be my one.
Either that, or you friend
gets a hit full of lead.
I'll get what I want.
You're gonna give me immortality.
Fuck you. (Kim grunts)
(gun clings)
(indistinct) (shot fires)
(both whimpering)
[Chloe] So glad to see you.
(both chattering)
(both whimpering)
- Let's go!
(footsteps tapping)
Here, hold this.
Oh shit!
That's some ugly bitch.
(glass shatters)
(upbeat music)
Like people dancing on a grave
Things just about to get depraved
We'll party
Party, party, party
To raise the dead
Party, party, party
To raise the dead
In the dark, the plight of demons slay
(upbeat music continues)
(glass shatters)
- What is that? Who are you?
- Sylvia!
Party! Party, party, party
To raise the dead Party, party, party
To raise the dead
To raise the dead
To raise the dead
To raise the dead Party, party, party
To raise the dead
Party, party, party
To raise the dead
(upbeat music)
(exciting music)
(exciting music)
(water sloshing)
(waves crashing)