My Country, My Country (2006) Movie Script

Yes, hello.
How are you?
How are you?
What's new?
We don't have electricity.
What do you mean you'll walk?
How can you walk?
How can you walk?
There is bombing and shooting.
What you talking about!
Earlier this morning, the Minister
of Interior was almost assassinated.
Yes. He was hit
and one of his bodyguards was killed.
They consider this the fruits of
The outcome of democracy.
Dad, are you going to vote?
I don't want to vote!
You don't want to vote!
You don't want to vote!
Let them mark it!
A military sisters' day...
We are ready.
I want to see you when you laugh.
When will the sadness
release your sadness?
God bless you.
Here you go.
He'll measure your blood pressure
and do an EKG.
Have a lab test done.
Then come back.
He died in the hospital.
Take a breath.
Open your eyes.
- "Say 'ah..."
- Ah...
When my son goes to school,
he doesn't feel safe.
Some people aren't even
going to Friday prayer.
They're afraid they might face fighting.
Or be arrested.
We're subjected to all this.
How is your condition?
As for my leg,
I didn't have the surgery.
America is concerned
about its national security.
Bush said it's better to
Find us here!
To move the battle to their cities.
So the goal has been achieved.
- What's the boy's name?
- Sufian.
- Sufian what?
- Ahmed.
So whether there is chaos or not,
they don't care.
As long as the main goal has achieved.
Which is moving the battlefield
to the enemy's land.
We have this little mantra we
are using... think about February 1.
On February 1, what you are really
concerned about...
Here's you boil
down your end state.
How you want to
think about what it is
you want to do with
your security system.
You have to think February 1.
I don't mean to be disparaging
here, but you're Joe Iraqi.
You want to think
about what is Joe Iraqi
going to think on February 1 after
all these elections have happened.
Because spoilers are going
to stand up everywhere.
And try to make the case that
these elections were illegitimate.
And you want to say, okay, I'm Joe
reasonable Iraqi.
Am I going to buy their argument?
What I'm trying to make
with that point is that
I don't really care
what the international -
I don't care what Denmark
thinks about these elections.
I don't really care what happens with
those international observers personally.
Yeah, we've got to protect them.
But notice I put them
like almost last on the list.
I personally don't care
about them because
I only care about what Denmark thinks
about these elections to the extent
that Denmark can somehow
lend some legitimacy to the process
and convince Joe Iraqi that
they were in fact legitimate.
Primarily what I care
about is Joe Iraqi's opinion.
I don't think Joe Iraqi cares
about Jimmy Carter so much.
The number one threat
to this elections process
is the disenfranchisement
of a willing minority voting sect.
Quite frankly, if Sadr City
doesn't vote,
you lost a whole bunch of Shia voters.
But there's a lot of
Shia voters out there.
If Fallujah and Ramadi don't vote,
you lost far fewer voters.
But they're
of a key minority voting sect
that doesn't have
a lot of voters to spare.
Sunni voters, in particular, are
the ones we're concerned about.
If you don't put Islam
as a "top priority,".
If you don't put Islam
as a "top priority,"
this is a shortcoming.
Denying your religion is
like denying your identity.
Denying religion is
denying your country.
There's more justice in Islam
than in any other system.
Secularism won't give us our rights.
America is secular but his
democracy hasn't achieved justice.
The government
does not follow secularism.
All religions preach justice.
They don't call for people to occupy,
kill, rape, or marginalize others.
These things should not exist.
What the coalition forces
failed to accomplish in 1991.
Under President Bush the father,
Was completed by Bush the son,
Throwing a rack into a state of
chaos and an uncertain future.
Good evening.
Thank you very much.
I've got a very simple mission here in
It was to come and kind of put
the stamp on this mission that
shows that the U.S. Department
of State has planted a flag.
And we're going to run this show better
than anybody ever thought was possible.
And if we're successful,
and we fully intend to be,
it's an endeavor that will
change the face of the Middle East.
Let the guys come forward.
Let them come.
If anyone has a problem,
we'll record it.
We are from the Baghdad City Council.
We are from the Baghdad City Council.
How are you?
What's going on with you?
Doctor, I've been here
for one year and 13 days.
Have you had a hearing?
Where are you from?
Where in Baghdad?
Muwaslot neighborhood.
You've been here for a year?
One year.
Without an investigation?
Without investigation.
Doctor., doctor.
I've been here for eight months
I've been here for three months.
Hold on a minute.
Praise be upon you.
How many are there?
How many are there?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
I am nine years old.
You are nine years old?
This is a type of punishment.
This type of punishment, they can't beat
it because they are children.
We have looked through
every one of these files.
These juveniles are dangerous.
Old people, young people,
and those who've been here for a year.
Doctor, you didn't take my name.
Brother, I recorded everyone with chronic diseases.
Excuse me, we recorded the elderly
and everyone with chronic diseases.
Even if you were 300,
Should we help all 300,
not just individuals?
Pray that God will help us.
We are in occupied country
with a puppet government.
What do you expect?
By God that is right.
Okay. Hello everybody.
So the first step, as always, is a
briefing on where we are.
The commission has decided on
the timing for the voter registration.
Which is 1 November to 15 December.
The commission has
not yet established
officially the dates for the
certification of political entities.
And candidate lists.
But it will have to happen
during November.
There are 13.9 million eligible voters.
The registration kits are all in Iraq as
of a couple of hours ago.
The distribution to the different food
warehouses all over the governorates has
already started and it will be completed
in a couple of days.
"Fellow citizens, if you
find an error in the registration form,
Please go to the polling center
at the girls high school".
I'm a candidate.
I'm one of the candidates.
I'm running
for the Governorate Council of Baghdad.
The country has been
preparing for the first election
since the American
occupation began.
Despite their resistance
to the occupation,
the Sunni minority have decided
to participate in the elections.
Open your hands.
If there were elections,
would you take part?
Of course we would.
Would you participate
willingly or by force?
I mean, voluntarily?
Well, it depends on the candidates.
What if someone like me ran in
the election, would you vote for me?
Someone like you?
You'd be the first one I'd vote for.
I bring the whole district to
vote for you. You're one of us.
But we would never vote for an outsider.
As far as elections go,
we are carrying these elections
smart cards in our Humvees.
It gives you the basic
generic answers if
a local Iraqi wants
to ask you something.
Because right now we are
getting told we are hands off,
no face of American or
coalition forces on the elections.
Hey, today unfortunately we have to do
some time on route oilers.
Take senators out of the 14 July bridge.
Go down on Tennessee.
Probably drive Ohio and Illinois too.
Just to vary our routes
around the sector.
Hey, come here.
You, come here.
You, come here.
I can't.
Come here.
I can't.
I'm coming there.
Yeah, you can't come in here.
What was the deal with his arm?
With the arms?
What are you doing with your hands?
I'm not doing anything.
It's just... with the music?
Yeah, yeah.
It looked like he was making a gesture,
like he was wanting to shoot at us.
We thought you would shoot us.
No, no, no
Okay, okay, okay.
Ho! Ho!
They keep screaming for help,
but we couldn't help them.
I screamed "don't shoot,"
but no one was listening.
They didn't stop firing.
They kept shooting for six hours.
Even their faces were changing.
God have mercy on this man,
he was shot in the head.
I asked the Americans,
"why did you shoot him?"
I don't understand what they were doing.
The medical team is reporting
A number of casualties on the street.
Young people, old people,
women and children
Were cut off from any communication.
Our doctors were bombed the first day.
Whether the entrance is legal or
illegal, you can't get inside Fallujah.
The American Army is forbidding.
You need their approval
to bring in aid, doctors and supplies.
Will they give you the okay?
Yes, they'll give us permission.
But the cars are all stopped outside.
No one can go in.
The first time they bomb them all.
When you try to enter,
planes are bombing.
Do you want something
like this to happen to you?
They need doctors and surgeons like you.
I saw some evacuations yesterday.
They brought patients to the hospital.
Yeah. There were
eight people. I saw them.
So there is an evacuation process?
Yes but it's under American control.
I know people who went,
But they don't let them in.
Even the doctors who went were bombed.
The refugees
have become a problem because
109,000 have fled to Amiriyya.
The refugees are our problem now.
Fallujah we are with you.
Fallujah we are with you.
"Our hearts and homes are
open for the people of Fallujah."
If there had been an ounce of freedom
and democracy what happened in
the city of Fallujah would
never have happened.
Homes were destroyed.
Residents became homeless.
Children were murdered
and they were innocent.
These catastrophic events
are taking place
amidst talk of elections.
What election?
Before we talk about elections,
What are the voters' rights?
What are the voters' rights?
And I do understand
that the conditions
here make election
seem very very doubtful
and credible elections
very very doubtful.
I am not completely
hopeless they could be done.
I have seen it happen in another places.
And I think it can happen here.
And the important thing for the election
is that people
believe in the election.
They believe in the process.
And that is one of the big challenges
of the Commission.
To convince the Iraqi
people that they are
organizing a process
that is transparent.
That is non-partisan.
That is not manipulated.
And that will allow them
to express their voice.
And we, as an international community,
under the UN umbrella, will be
doing our best to support their effort.
- I got your message.
- Yes, thank you.
Shall we sit for half an hour to discuss
some things?
If you would like to.
- Yes.
- Okay.
What is the misunderstanding point that
leads to this aggression of a city?
Many innocent people will come.
It is a process of mass killing.
This is not Vietnam.
And we are now in a new century.
This behavior is an upsetting behavior,
especially for us and Amiriyya.
Because you know that most of all,
our people have relatives in Fallujah.
Also, the Islamic leader of Sunnis are
from Fallujah.
They have no food, no blankets,
no roof.
This is a shame.
The war had been over since last May.
But it seems to be continuous.
I've heard everything that you've said.
Thank you.
Some of what you've said
has touched me in my heart.
When the people feel despondence,
and using the violence with them,
aggressive force with them,
their reaction increases.
And I expect that it will increase.
It will not decrease.
Four people were killed
at Abu Hanifa Mosque
in Baghdad's Amiriyya neighborhood.
When the Iraqi National
Guard and US forces
raided the mosque during Friday prayer.
Some attribute the increased tension
in Iraq
to the current situation in Fallujah.
It was the Americans who did
the killing, not the National Guard.
It was the tall ones
with the green eyes.
They stand out.
What happened?
As we were leaving,
we heard a blast outside.
The next thing we knew, all these men
had entered the women's prayer area.
"stay inside, it's the Americans."
They imprisoned us, and they fired
sound bombs in the middle of the mosque.
It felt like the mosque
was going to collapse on us.
It went boom!
The Americans outside
were shooting people.
And the people shot back.
They were shooting ordinary people?
Just like that?
They were shooting at the building.
Rex fell and hit people.
Those who were hit just dropped.
Oh my dear!
19 were wounded.
And five or six were killed.
People who saw us coming
home started praying for us.
There was blood on the street.
Mom, what kind of life is this?
Just stay home!
No mosque, no prayers.
They write on in in English.
"Sheik deputy."
They sprayed me.
With something red, in the face.
It made me choke.
It was like fire coming out of my face.
Take a deep breath, please.
Are there any young people
they haven't released yet?
Yes, there are a few.
Do we have a list of names?
I don't think you should be worried.
It's not serious.
Peace be upon you.
Chuck, uh.
We just had a report of a car bomb out
near the hospital.
Can you tell me if
the airport is still open?
Or if you've heard anything about it?
Yeah, out near the hospital.
We've got a load that we're
going to take out of the airport now.
We just wanted to see if
you knew anything about it
because if the airport is shut down,
we'll have to leave this stuff here.
This event was about 20 minutes ago.
Hey Rob, we're loading now.
We should be out of here within five
A car has exploded?
It's not near the hospital.
Very well, thanks very much.
We appreciate it.
Just don't hit anyone, Scott.
I'm with the Australians.
We are on our way to the airport.
We have registration forms with us
Look, the thing I want to talk about is
the threat.
More than likely they will attempt
to have spectacular events
that will get themselves
some form of news coverage
for their cause and
probably kill a lot of people.
So that may well occur
prior to the actual polling day.
It may be in the lead up period.
Just remember that the threat in the
Sunni areas is always going to be high.
Pretty likely that they
will attempt to disrupt
the election process
in the non -Sunni areas.
So in other words, areas in the
Kurdish areas and in the south
where there's large groups
of people meeting
are going to be
likely to be targeted.
Any questions on the threat?
Do you have a phone?
Come inside.
What's going on? It sounds
like a rocket fell nearby.
Where? Where?
Come in here. What's going on?
Come, get in the storage room!
That was a rocket.
Where? Where?
Get inside the storage room.
Come in and close the door!
What's that?
It sounds dangerous!
Right by the hospital.
There are police over there.
They were wearing red, the Mujahadeen.
I was standing there looking at them
and they threw it like this.
I was on the roof,
watching them with Khaled.
They're fighting against the police.
They threw a bomb and it went against
Abu Answar's house.
Where is the fly?
Did it fly away?
I have a lot to do.
You're not going out, are you?
Yes, I'm going out.
What are you talking about!
It's not safe, stay-at-home.
I went through my papers. There are things
people have asked me to do for them.
I had forgotten.
Good gracious!
Why is this happening?
More and more work keeps piling up.
Politics are not good for you.
You do more good as a doctor
For us and other people.
Do I get this outside?
Yes, at Bilad el Shohada pharmacy.
Thank you, Doctor.
Don't forget your x-ray.
Are you still living in Najaf?
No, I'm back from Najaf.
I can't live there anymore.
I keep telling my husband
to look for a job.
He just sits 24 hours a day
and does nothing.
All he does is spend his time
with Muqtada al-Sadr.
I support the family month-to-month.
Is he with the Mahdi Army?
Yes he and his brother-in-law.
They want me to bring them money.
But I don't have it.
I see.
Without your help,
I would've died long time ago.
I would have been erased from existence.
I asked God to protect you.
Pass by Adil and take
50,000 dinars from him.
Ernie taken 20,000 from him
You took it?
Did you give the money
to the Mahdi Army?
No, I need to eat and stay alive.
Okay, don't worry.
How much money do you still need?
Yes 22,000. Come by on
Thursday and I'll give you the rest.
Yes, sir.
At the moment we have a new contract.
And I need to...
I need to raise another 20 teams.
And I need to do this very quickly.
In order to do this quickly and
to be able to equip them correctly,
I need to buy some
weapons and ammunition.
Obviously we need to buy
weapons that are within the budget.
What I wanted to talk to
you about is what is available.
And how quickly can you
get it and what the prices are.
We have AK-47, the short one.
It's the new one.
You will buy it by $550 to $600.
- $550?
- Yeah.
This is AK-47 short, new.
- RPD?
- RPD.
I need...
Let's see...
I need 40 of those.
- 40?
- 40.
I need...
50 AK-47 normal, Russian.
Can you see if you can
get that for $200 each?
Maybe cheaper.
Maybe cheaper, yes.
And we have Bulgarian.
It costs $350 to $400.
So the AK-47 normal, $200 to $250,
where is that made?
Which one?
We have Russian,
also we have China.
Russian is better.
I would like to have my people test-fire
them first, eh?
To make sure they work.
We are leaving a little bit later.
But in the future, can all drivers just
make sure the vehicles are ready to go?
The car is here.
Will he make it?
For 30 35 years, 25 million people
Shia, Sunnis, Arabs, Turds,
Turkmans, Christians and all ethnicities
suffered under Saddam's
cruel dictatorship.
It's a great feeling to see
Saddam in prison, isn't it?
Yes, of course.
Kurdistan in particular is grateful
to America and its coalition
for removing an enemy who
was a menace to the people.
Not only Iraqis, but the whole world.
Especially Kurdistan.
Arabs are criminals.
Not all, but most of them.
Many of them are murderers.
And they're arrogant.
They are selfish.
They've always been like that.
These are there ideologies. They
terrorize. They are terrorists, period.
Saddam taught them how to
behead people, electrocute them,
Mutilated bodies
and cut the tongues out of people.
They dipped people in
sulfuric acid to burn them.
Saddam sick mentality is
like a virus you can't get rid of.
Isn't that snow on the mountain?
Yes, it is.
Roger, how many can
you fit in, do you reckon?
All three.
All three?
All three.
Yes, I think the next couple of days I'm
just gonna spend sleeping.
See you later.
And I told you, I have guys
better than even these guys.
If you need for dangerous
area, just let me know.
They can go now to Fallujah,
they don't care.
We want this election
just to show, like a show,
not more, otherwise we
don't believe this election.
How you can make
election in this situation?
Let's see how it is.
And again, I Fallujah not
optimistic about the election.
There will not be election, they
will delay it maybe six months.
I think George Bush wants this to happen
on the 30th of January.
If they can't make it the 30th of
January, they'll make it soon after.
George Bush can say everything that he
I know, we are agree, we like
America, we are pro-Americans.
Especially my tribe, my family,
we are pro-Americans, pro-coalition.
But when something
is wrong, is wrong,
when you are my friend,
but when you make mistakes,
I have to tell you that
this is wrong, this is right.
George Bush can say what he likes.
But he cannot control the situation.
Look, after two years, everything is
getting better?
You go to Baghdad.
Baghdad, there is no power, no water,
no security, nothing.
If you saw my name on the
list, would you vote for me?
Of course I would.
Some lists will be coming out.
You should read all the names.
A relative or someone
from your neighborhood
might be on the candidate list.
Honestly, extremism turns me off.
People should be moderate.
Live and let live.
The issue is very important.
Participation is very important.
All Sunnis must participate.
If you don't participate,
it will go to others.
For example, the other coalitions,
the Kurds or the Shia.
Why shouldn't we participate?
Of course we will.
We will not accept the
exclusion of any part of Iraq.
Fallujah, Ramada, they can be excluded.
This is 400,000.
Each one inside is 10,000.
This is 80,000.
There's a lot of anti...
now we're seeing a lot more
anti-American sentiments.
I don't know if you
can read them all there.
The one in the upper left says,
Fake you, USA.
Because they don't quite have,
"fuck you" down.
Okay, they got fake you.
Because they don't quite
have the spelling part down.
But they got it on there, okay?
And that's what they're saying.
That's what they're trying to say there.
Vietnam Street.
This is painted right
on the side of the building.
And what you can't read
there in the small lettering,
it says we'll make your graves
in this place.
So, just be aware that
when you're in these areas,
this is some of the sentiment of
the people you're going to see around.
Now, as bad as all that
seems, if you can't see it,
it says, Still safer here
than at Michael Jackson's.
Bad things can happen.
And you guys, you guys
need to be prepared for this.
These are two interpreters
that got killed.
Ali on the left and Riyadh to the right.
They were targeted.
A vehicle pulled
across in front of them.
Another truck pulled up beside them.
Gunman jumped up out
of the back of the truck
and killed them with
multiple AK-47 fire.
We miss those guys every day.
Excuse me.
They were part of our team.
It's not all bad.
You can have some fun.
While you're out on patrol,
you can have some fun.
These are guys from our team.
Ah, you talk to the populace,
you talk to the kids.
The guys riding the donkey there.
You can have some fun.
It's not all bad.
Some Sunni political leaders are
threatening to boycott the elections.
They say the escalation of violence,
but gone with the attack on Fallujah,
will push many Sunnis away
from the political process.
Everyone must decide.
Should you vote or not?
Do you want to postpone
the elections? Why?
If the elections take place,
what are you going to do?
Are you going to go or not?
If you participate in
this "great" Iraqi election,
You will have no right to complain
later on, because you voted!
The question is The Constitution
will be drafted by this so-called.
"Democratically" elected government.
But what if this Constitution opposes
America's interests by, let's say, 60%?
What will America do?
I don't think they will
shed any tears for Iraq.
Captain King.
Just so you understand
what we are doing,
the voter registration phase that
we attempted to provide security for
finishes for us on
the 17th of December.
We are now doing the security for the
ballot phase as well.
What we want to try and
achieve now is to conduct
a reconnaissance of each of
the warehouses that we will use.
Well, actually, I was trying to help as
much as I can.
Part of the misunderstanding is
the fact that there is
a security company
involved in providing
this sort of support.
And the reason
they are doing this is
because they want the elections
to look as Iraqi as possible.
So they don't want uniformed soldiers.
And I guess one of the ways they can
achieve that is to use
a security company.
This morning during rush-hour.
For election workers were
dragged from their cars
and executed.
How are you?
The wedding will be at our
house this coming Wednesday.
Okay, God willing.
Bring your daughters and wife.
Should we expect you?
God willing.
God bless you.
You must be exhausted
with all this hard work.
What time?
From two or three till four five.
I mean really
The girls can come
There really isn't much
to be happy about.
Isn't there any happiness
after all your hard work?
Before you begin the lottery, I like
you to stand for a moment of silence.
In honor of the martyrs of
the Election Commission of Iraq.
The Communist Party of Iraq
will be number 213.
The number 7 on the list, the Iraqi
Islamic Party, will be number 351.
Our religious and wise scholars agree.
That it is necessary to push
back, and resist an enemy
who tries to take over a Muslim country.
The question is achieved is by
participating in these
elections, or not?
God Almighty has entrusted
us with this sacred country.
Our country.
How can we give in a way?
Everything depends
on the National Assembly.
Including future of the occupation.
The occupation will stay or go,
depending on a decision by the Assembly.
If we boycott, you will be
left on the sidelines watching.
We will be powerless.
God will reprimand us from that.
The Sunnis must participate.
The brothers who boycott the elections
must consider the consequences
if the National Assembly
does not represent us.
Thank you.
If a person does not have freedom, how
will he participate in the elections?
Tell me, do any of
you have total freedom?
If you want to leave this hall and
an American patrol showed up,
can you guarantee 100%
that they would not shoot at you?
On a daily basis, we
hear of countless incidents
where Iraqi people are
murdered in cold blood.
I believe that if one person's freedom,
one person's dignity is being abused,
such elections must be stopped!
The whole nation since stand
on its feet and stop the elections.
What sort of elections are these?
Indy Pool out DO.
Baghdad bomb DO.
And terror video DO.
Stand by.
Iraq's top Sunni announces it is
withdrawing from next month's election.
A live report now from Fox's David Piper
in Baghdad. David.
Hi, John.
The decision by the top Sunni party
to actually withdraw their candidates is
potentially a damaging blow
for the credibility
of the election here
on January 30th.
Now, the head
of the Iraqi Islamic party says
the persistent violence
will stop people from voting
in the north and west of the country
where the Sunni are concentrated.
Meanwhile, there has been more violence
linked to the election today.
A suicide bomber detonated his car...
- That's the one from China, right?
- Yeah.
So we should be with China.
We should have everything shipped out of
there by the 18th.
I'm anticipating between
North America and Europe,
everything should be shipped
out of there by the 19th.
Yeah, the sensitive materials should be
the first thing to move
forward to the warehouses.
And the non-sensitive material,
like the plastic ballot boxes and lids,
I mean, they could sit on the ramp for
hours, as far as we're concerned.
I mean, that's not a showstopper.
Once we get that
flight off, it looks a little
better as far as
ballots being in country.
You've run 14 elections, right?
Yeah, well, I've been involved in 14
Been involved in 14 elections.
How does this one differ
from the previous elections?
You know,
not because of the level of violence.
I mean, that's been the one factor that
everybody is focused on.
What makes this election
a lot more complicated than any other
is that it holds the interest
of so many actors.
And it is the focus
of so much attention.
What about the withdrawal
of the Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party?
Once you are...
Once the certification
period is finished,
you can't withdraw
for a very simple reason.
The ballot paper is immediately designed
and printed.
What will happen is
that their name will be on the ballot.
So voters can obviously decide
to vote for them.
And those votes will
have to be counted.
So later we will have the
situation where it is very likely that
one of those parties that
have withdrawn will have people elected.
So it will be up to the individual
candidates then to determine whether they
decide to accept the seat that they won
or not.
Open your eyes!
A little more.
Open your mouth.
Lift your eyebrows.
How long has she been in this condition?
About 15 days.
Have you received your voting papers?
No, we haven't.
Why not?
Our papers are
with the food ration agent.
The agent doesn't have them.
You should go to the voting center.
Who are you voting for?
Saddam Hussein.
Shields up, drag, step.
Same thing, raise the arms...
in one hand and in the other.
Good, good.
And one of you look at him, so there's a
distance between you.
We're going
to be talking about election security.
God bless you.
Policing in a democracy.
And you're going to see that democracy
policing is somewhat different.
What you are involved in here is
a very important process.
You are coming to your first election.
You folks are going to be on television
all over the world.
You have the front row
of one of the best shows that's going
to be in the world.
You are going to be
in the history books.
Your country is filled
with much history.
And I want you to remember that.
Election for sure?
For sure?
How do you say sure?
What meaning of show?
Because everybody looks at it as a show.
Everybody watching on television.
No, it's not a show, show.
It's going to be a real live history.
It's very nice.
I've been to many hospitals in Baghdad.
This is very nice compared
to the hospitals.
How many doctors work here?
We are twelve doctors.
Twelve, okay.
How do you support the clinic?
We are supporting,
all the doctors are volunteers.
I see.
Let me just ask you personally,
how large is your family?
I have six children.
You have six children.
Four daughters and two sons.
And what did they think of you
running for council in the elections?
What did your family say
when you told them?
That I'm upsetting the process for them.
Because it means that we are
at more risk for my family.
The people which have been
threatened us, they don't know me.
That's right.
We regard ourselves as a resistance.
But a civil resistance.
A political resistance.
Yes, a civil type of resistance.
I love my country, my district,
my neighborhood, my people.
I will work with them
until the last minute of my life.
Crimes that might be committed.
During the election period.
Assassination of electoral candidates
Yasir, pass the bread.
I know that there are
many people who are
calling for a postponement
of the elections.
My newspaper, I think, has supported a
But it's obvious now,
with only one week left,
that the elections
are going to happen.
There's not going to be a postponement.
So the party is still
on the ballot right now.
What is your opinion that people should
What will you yourself do?
Will you take part?
Will you not take part?
What is your opinion about
what should be done on election day?
We are pushing our party to share
in the province.
Because Baghdad is important.
We have an important governorate.
So you would like to take part in the
Yes, in the province now.
In the province now, we are waiting for
the decision of the party.
We have to wait until they decide about
this thing.
You're talking about your party,
the top members of your party.
And what about the Iraqi Islamic Party?
How many names are on your list
of candidates
for the Baghdad Provincial Council?
- Fifty-one.
- Fifty-one?
And where is your name on that list?
You're number two? Okay.
So you will almost certainly get enough
votes to get a seat.
I've been in Baghdad for one year.
And I know that the party has a lot of
support here.
Okay, moving on to MND Baghdad,
We need an update
as to where you stand
in regards to
your warehouse stockage levels.
Do you have all of your stock?
Do you have sufficient warehouse
If not, are you going to be able to make
your deliveries for the 29th?
We've got 29 of the 32
pieces in the four warehouses are set.
We anticipate all 32 to be up and
operational tonight.
Okay, moving on to MND Center South,
It's still pretty sketchy down
at Center South.
I'm not feeling real comfortable.
You know, tomorrow is the 26th.
And we're within
about three and a half to four days
to executing this thing here.
And, you know, maybe behind the scenes
all this is working out.
But right now, just based on the report,
not feeling real confident about it.
Moving over to North East, over.
Hello, peace be upon you.
This is Dr. Riyadh.
I have someone here in a bad situation.
He's a relative of mine.
He needs money.
Poor Yasir was shaking.
I told him, "they only want the car."
I told him, "calm down,
son. Let them take it."
"The most important thing is your
safety, don't resist or say anything."
When they took Yasir,
my whole world vanished!
When they took Yasir, the
world disappeared with him.
I swear to God.
They claim to be resistance and
they are doing this to buy weapons.
Saudi Arabia is giving money,
Syria is giving money.
The whole world is giving
money to the resistance.
They don't need this money.
It's still ringing.
Okay, okay.
He hung up
try again.
He hung up.
The keys are locked
. How do you unlock it?
This morning, Dr. Riyadh.
When I left home to visit you,
the roads were blocked.
Around 9:30 Fallujah, I saw
American soldiers in the street.
I talked to their officer.
I told him, I Fallujah a physician.
My son has been kidnapped.
And I need to get
money to give to the gang.
The guy was very sympathetic.
The American?
He wrote down the incident.
And notified
the American army checkpoints.
I've been trying to reach
you all morning.
What? Yes, yes.
Yes. I'm still here.
No, no. We didn't report
anything to the Americans.
No, no.
We didn't tell them.
No, no, no
Dr. Riyadh, he overheard
me talking to you.
He overheard me talking to you.
God, we have a disaster today.
My friends, how could the phone be on?
Why Fallujah I so unlucky?
These are such bad times.
I shouldn't have said anything.
I shouldn't have spoken.
My boy is gone gone gone.
I will never see Yasir again.
Where is the polling site,
left or right?
Yeah, take a right.
I think some of the places need these
registration form boxes we have here.
Does Sunni want to go in?
I don't really want to go in.
I want them to go in.
Anyone who's taking photos.
Or anything like that, they see Iraqis
hauling this stuff into all
the different polling sites.
We've already seen some people trailing
Yeah, I told my gunners, I raised the
ROE, if somebody comes in on us,
we're probably going to light them up.
Never before have elections been held in
conditions quite like this.
There were two car bombs
in Baghdad today.
One targeted a police station.
The second a school,
likely to be a polling center.
Along with this kind of campaigning,
there's been another campaign of
intimidation by militants.
Here in Baghdad, chilling leaflets
have been distributed,
threatening to wash the
streets with the blood of voters.
And to turn queues at polling
stations into lines of death.
No, I swear to God!
I wanted them to open the road for me.
The road was blocked, please listen.
I'm telling you, the road was blocked.
I told them to open the road for me.
The road was blocked.
Hello, I hear you Hello, hello.
He said I won't live.
They'll kill me now.
They will really kill me.
My brother.
"Nothing will come upon us
except that which God has written."
I have done my pilgrimage.
I do have faith.
Don't blame yourself.
Whatever happens
has been written by God.
Hopefully, God will protect us.
The boy is going die
and we are going to hell.
Pray for the Prophet.
No, Doctor, we're done for.
- Pray for the Prophet!
So I have been thinking about
this conflict. What's it all about?
Because the country has oil?
Oil is become a curse on us.
All this vicious fighting over it.
What will happen next
is the division of Iraq.
We are fed up with this situation.
When they say that the
North will take Kirkuk,
Let them take Kirkuk, we don't want it.
The South will be Just take it.
Good riddance.
If only Baghdad remains,
that's fine too!
We are reaching a point
when even this would be fine.
Dad, are you going to vote?
I'm waiting for instructions
from the Islamic Party.
Polling center.
Good morning.
How are you all doing?
Is everything ready?
At 7 AM, lock the boxes
and start voting.
This is for the Kurdistan Assembly.
This is for the local election.
And this is for Iraq.
Do you know why the Kleenex is here?
It's for voters to wipe their
finger after dipping it in the ink.
Okay. Remember that.
They're going to hit something and
they're going to hit something big.
The detected frag order for today.
The Bolo vehicle was
a white Toyota Corolla.
No Baghdad plates.
But there's a side note
that the Bolos today
is anything suspicious because a lot of
cars aren't supposed to be moving today.
Oh, my country.
May you have a happy morning.
Reunite, everyone.
Heal your wounds.
I yearn to see you smile someday.
When will sadness set you free?
Oh, my country.
Oh, my country.
May you have a happy morning.
Reunite, everyone. Heal your wounds.
I yearn to see you smile some day.
When will sadness set you free?
Oh, my country.
Dad? Are you going to vote?
No, he's not voting.
Who should they vote for?
Ballot number 351, the Islamic Party.
He was with his son.
They were going to the farm.
As he was leaving the clinic,
a car stopped him.
Four masked men with guns got out.
He told them to take the car. They said,
"no, we're taking your son."
They took his son, Yasir.
Now they are negotiating.
Riyadh, I heard the school was packed.
There is it even standing room.
I wonder if someone is filming voters
so they can kill them later.
Are they going to kill
the whole neighborhood?
She's coming to get you
so you can vote for 351.
We will not vote, never!
You will not go!
Why this decision?
It's my duty as head of the household.
I know the interest of the country.
Please, there is no country!
Our country was lost!
You can't say that.
Don't tell me what I can't say.
Yes, it's lost and you're
the ones who lost it.
How did we lose it?
Saddam destroyed it and you
just sat there. It's gone, over.
Most everybody's treating it like it's a
big holiday today.
Let's get out and party.
Hang a ride on Tennessee.
This woman needs help.
Yes, go ahead. Go inside.
Don't be in a hurry, let them go.
You'll have to wait in a long line.
Are you listening to them, or to me?
You have until 6 PM.
Mom, bring the girls IDs.
Our votes are better off
going to Pachichi...
Why? Knowing it can't win?
It will win
How will it win?
It will win.
351 just go, don't worry.
"My Country, My Country."
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
What did you do, my dear?
"My Country, My Country."
I elected you.
I elected my father.
Good job.
We one of the only votes
from our block who voted.
Some names were missing.
But not ours.
Who did you vote for, my dear?
You put me in an embarrassing position.
I didn't want to vote.
What number did you vote for?
I don't know That Islamic Party.
What do you mean, "good?"
I voted for my father.
Shouldn't something enter my pocket?
We elected 351.
God bless you.
Come here and let me give
you a kiss for the elections.
Elections, elections
Unfortunately, the security situation
and the boycott
of some political parties
will lead to the reluctance
of millions of Iraqis
from participating in the elections.
Enas, I want to work in the other room.
Can you help me?
Later. I'm having my breakfast.
You wake me up and sent me to vote.
Today you need to take care of me.
I gave you my vote. You
don't give a vote every day.
I gave you MY vote.
People pay for it.
I gave it to you for free.
Sir, are you okay?
Yes, we are fine.
This is a day we've been waiting for!
It's like a rebirth.
Who did you vote for?
Isn't he a Muslim?
So he voted for the Islamic Party.
I've been trying to
wash it with kerosene.
I think the resistance
is looking for me.
I had my finger on the way back.
I was afraid people
would know I voted.
I was afraid.
No Sunnis voted. Only us.
All this energy and enthusiasm
And we voted for a party
that had already withdrawn.
Why did you ask us to vote?
Can you scoop me for some lunch?
I want to work.
She went to vote for me.
To make me feel a bit better.
Assel, make a small salad.
I can't, the resistance
is searching for me.
Has a "polluted" stamp.
It goes away.
No, it doesn't. I took a shower.
Great. Now you all
deserve to be slaughtered.
Yes, slaughter us like this.
I congratulate the people of Iraq
on this great and historic occasion.
Thank you very much.
US President George W. Bush calling
the Iraqi election a resounding success.
That'll put me into nine months
I've spent in this country.
Just think of the money, dude.
I need a phone so I can call him.
Give him $6350.
Go and take care of this matter.
My dear, go. Stay calm.
Nothing will happen.
God willing.
Relax, nothing will happen.
If it were me, by God I
would have killed them all.
Even if I die doing it.
You've given up? You act
as if you don't have children.
How have I given up?
They'd kill you, they're strong.
They have weapons. How are
you going to kill them? With a pistol?
If you kill one,
the rest will shoot you.
That's it. "Man is killed over
his blood, honor, and religion."
Life is a tragedy.
I wanted to break the good news.
Hammoudy called to say he arrived..
I said, "what arrived?"
He said, "Yasir arrived."
I couldn't believe it.
Thank God. He's back.
I thought they were
going to kill the boy.
I feel like my head's cracking open.
From the combination
of happiness in fear.
What an unbelievable day!
Some argue that if
Iraq's elections fail,
it will leave the entire
region into chaos.
There is also a justified Arab concern
that success in Iraq will set
the precedent that tempts America
to repeat the experiment
in other countries.
Which is what hawks in the US
administration are calling for now.
Dear brothers and sisters,
saw respected colleagues.
Now, the election results
'for the Transitional National Assembly.
130. The Kurdistan alliance
169. The United Iraqi Coalition.
351. The Iraqi Islamic Party.
I am going to leave Iraq.
Not because of you,
but because every problem
that occurs becomes my problem.
I can't handle it.
This is new?
I've wasted my life with you
for the last 20 years.
All the work with fewer people
has gotten us in over our heads.
How did you discover this now?
I don't have the energy anymore.
Riyadh, do you think just maybe
you can go on living in this country?
You can?
Yes. I can because we are suicidal.
Speak for yourself.
We are a suicidal people,
it's our destiny.
Just you, just you.
Just marry me off, and I will
So there is no prayer and no food?
No, there's nothing.
The boy is back, let us rest.
You've destroyed our nerves.
I'm going to pray.
58% of Iraqis voted
in the elections on January 30, 2005.
44 people were killed at polling sites.
At least 100,000 people have
died of war-related causes
since the US occupation began.
The majority of Sunnis
boycotted the elections.
The turnout in Fallujah was 2%.
Dr. Riyadh was not elected
to the Baghdad Provincial Council.