My Dreams of You (2024) Movie Script

We meet again.
You know, for a minute there
I didn't think
you were gonna show up.
- What?
No, I just didn't want
to interrupt your book.
Well, I'm glad you did.
This place is really cute.
You come here often?
Oh, that was...
That is not a line, I swear!
About twice a week.
They make really great macarons.
You really haven't been?
I travel a lot, so...
Can I ask you
a strange question?
What's your name?
You've never told me.
- No.
It's Michael.
- Michael.
- Yeah.
- Grace.
- I know.
Because it is written on my cup.
Yeah, that, but you
also told me last time.
Oh, wow, these are good.
Oh, um, Michael what?
- Michael...
Can I borrow your black heels?
They're in the
back of my closet.
The temp agency is sending me
to the Connor Building today.
The one on Fifth?
What are you doing there?
I dunno.
Filing, answering phones?
So, uh, Monday's the 1st...
Ooh, uh, spot me?
I'm a little short.
Grace, you're always short.
Being an adult means paying
your half of the expenses.
You sound like Mom.
Look, I'm good for it,
I promise!
The agency said that this job
could last two months.
Could or would?
Once I dazzle them
with my skills.
Ah! Of course!
One moment while I
connect your call!
Your buttons are off.
Look, I know temping
isn't ideal,
but it gives me time to write
and helps me pay my bills.
And once I sell my book,
I will be paying for
your half of the expenses.
- Mm-hm.
Hey, uh, do we know a Michael?
- Michael who?
- I dunno.
Uh, six feet tall,
dark hair, handsome?
That doesn't ring any bells.
I've been dreaming about him.
Every night for the last week.
Dreaming about him?
Yeah, like, I'll be going
for a walk in the park,
or I'll be back in my
junior year chemistry class
and forget we had a test.
- Classic.
And then he's just... there.
What does he do?
Well, we usually just... talk.
Most of my recurring dreams
involve Ryan Gosling.
I need, ah, caffeine.
I'm in court all day.
What if we get coffee
at Julia's?
What time do you get off work?
Uh... 5?
My friend John's in town.
You met him at my birthday
last year.
Uh... sure.
Well, he remembered you.
Asked how you were.
Thought you two
could go for drinks.
I am not going
on a blind date.
It's not a date!
Nor is it blind.
Just old friends catching up.
We exchanged two words.
And they made an impression.
I just think you should
put yourself out there.
When was the last time you went
out with someone interesting?
Well, I...
I'll let him know
you'll meet him at 6.
Okay, maybe he goes to my gym.
Or maybe he works at the bank?
Or maybe he's a figment
of your imagination.
I mean, I must have
met him somewhere.
Where else do dreams come from?
to where dreams are made!
Our staff is hard at work
building tonight's dreams today.
As newly hired dream associates,
you will soon be
working on this floor,
where you will have
the awesome responsibility
of creating the framework
for dreams.
Dreams can reveal deepest
desires to the dreamer,
unlock hidden inspiration.
Some of you might be familiar
with Otto Sandman.
His most famous assignment?
Sir Isaac Newton got
the idea for gravity...
from a dream!
Many credit the apple,
but it was all Otto.
Ah! One of our supervisors!
Any words of wisdom
for our new recruits?
Whoops, looks like we caught
him before his morning coffee!
Come on!
Alright, right this way!
Last stop on the tour!
Hiya, Marge!
You'll recognize these
from your orientation.
Dreams are built from...
Every moment of a person's life
is sent here to our library.
Every second of every day,
of every person on Earth,
logged and filed
within the hour,
and ready to use
for dream creation.
Looks like
we've got a request!
Resource centre.
Is that M-C or M-A-C?
What date?
Now Marge will pull
the requested memories
and send them off to one of
our many dream associates
who will use it
to build the dream.
How far back can we go?
As far as you'd like.
First day of pre-school,
humiliating prom night;
a whole life is
at your disposal.
And there's only one rule.
A subject's dreams must be
constructed from their memories
and their memories alone.
You cannot introduce
people, places, or things
to their dream that they
have not encountered in life.
Consequences would be...
Prom... dress...
It's Kevin's birthday.
We've got a card.
Got a moment to add
your John Hancock?
How's it going?
Learning curve can be pretty
steep that first month.
Not for me.
I've already scripted
the next three nights
for all of my assignments,
with an extra dream ready to go
in the event of
an impromptu nap.
I have a system.
Make sure you're not biting off
more than you can chew.
I've always been
but I graduated top of my class.
Double major,
lucid slumber and whimsy.
You've mentioned.
I also minored in
political science.
Save the hard stuff
for the dream council.
Don't forget, your first
performance review
is this Friday.
- Mm-hm.
Oh, Harvey?
Who do I call to request
more Post-Its?
Hi, I'm looking for Edward.
Hi... Edward?
Grace, from the agency.
We're replacing all the
old monitors in the office.
Replace, like...?
The old ones out,
carry the new ones in,
hook 'em up.
Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
I was told you need
someone for data entry.
We do.
Once we get all these
up to the sixth floor,
find you a chair,
then you can start
entering the data.
Unfortunately, the
elevators are out, so...
Nice shoes.
Benedict Literary Agency.
How can I help you?
Grace McMahon
for Tom Benedict.
Grace, hi!
How's Kalamazoo?
Uh, can't complain.
Yeah, well, I would
if I lived there.
I'm sure it's nice.
Look, um, I was
just calling to see
if we'd heard anything back
from the publishers' yet...
about my manuscript?
No, nothing yet.
Well, it's been a month.
Yeah, these things take time.
Publishers have stacks of
submissions just like yours.
- Okay.
- Just sit tight.
I promise I'll call you the
moment we hear anything, yeah?
- Well--
- I gotta run.
Okay, bye.
Oh, no, no, no, no, I--
No, Becky...
But what a lot of
people don't realize
is that it's actually not hard
to outperform the SNP,
especially if you know
where to put your money, so...
That's me.
Uh, what do you do?
Um, sorry.
I was just asking
what you do for a living.
Oh, um, I work
for a temp agency.
Well, temping allows me
flexibility in my schedule,
so I have time to write.
Oh, you're...
you're a writer?
Uh, have I read
any of your work?
Well, I'm not published...
But I have an agent.
Kind of.
He's a friend of my grandmother.
He's been taking
my book around, and uh...
we've been getting
some good response.
And, uh, what's your fallback?
My fallback?
If it doesn't work out.
I try not to think like that.
It's just...
it's just not
a very practical career.
Uh, but... but, hey,
you, uh...
seem to have a plan,
so maybe you'll...
maybe you'll beat the odds, huh?
You into ballroom dancing?
So I said to him,
"You can't move all of
your money into crypto.
"It's important to
diversify your portfolio."
Of course, you have to do
the cost-benefit analysis
of high risk versus low.
Low risk being CDs, bonds.
Or hey, if you're
willing to go high risk,
you can go stocks,
options, futures.
Personally, I feel
annuities get a bad rep.
But, actually,
if you're really willing...
He seems... nice.
That's 'cause
you're out of earshot.
You look so beautiful.
Thank you.
Though, I have to say,
I don't remember
wearing this on my date.
Yeah, I guess
my subconscious had notes.
- Yeah.
I wore this to my spring formal.
In high school?
I can't believe it still fits!
Well, you're
putting me to shame.
You look very handsome.
I gotta tell you, though.
I am starving.
Everything on this menu is in
French, so I ordered a salad,
but you know what this
dream really needs?
- What?
- A cheeseburger.
With onions and extra pickles.
Ooh, that sounds so good.
I would love a cheeseburger.
I'll give you my pickles.
Hey, thanks
again for the save.
Any time.
I don't think I could have
survived an encore of that date.
You wanna dance?
I don't think it's
that kind of restaurant.
I... didn't
see that before.
I guess your
subconscious had notes.
Do you work at a bank?
I'm just trying to figure out
where I know you from.
You really don't know?
Do you?
But I must know
you from somewhere.
Otherwise... otherwise,
where else would...
Dreams come from?
That's what I said!
Well, whatever the reason...
I'm glad I'm here with you.
If we never met,
if our paths never crossed,
part of me would always
be looking for you.
I wish this were real.
But I'm gonna wake up
and you're gonna be gone.
So come find me.
I can't.
I don't even know
your last name.
What? What? I...
I can't hear you!
Hey, Grace!
Wrong truck!
why did you get olives?
Because I like them.
How was the date last night?
You said it wasn't a date.
I lied.
How'd it go?
If I told you it was amazing,
could I have a slice of pizza?
Are you gonna see him again?
All he did was talk about
his investment portfolio.
Oh, no.
A man with a retirement plan!
How awful!
I just...
I didn't feel a spark.
You're too picky.
Well, what's wrong
with having standards?
When they're
impossible to meet?
He was there again last night.
- Who?
- Michael!
That's eight dreams in a row.
They're just dreams, Grace.
And they star the most
amazing guy I've ever met.
It's like...
I can't explain it.
We have this connection,
and then...
he'll look at me, and...
What does it say about me
that my dreams are
my best part of my day?
That you need to get out more.
I just...
I never met anyone
like him before, you know?
He's smart and funny,
and he loves old sci-fi novels
and flea markets, and...
he's just like me.
Please tell me
this isn't the reason
you're not seeing John again.
A man who's actually real?
Michael might be real.
He told me his last name!
Oh yeah?
What was it?
Michael Roy,
ladies and gentlemen!
Let's welcome him
to the stage, come on!
Thanks so much, everyone.
Um, it's so nice to be
back in Grand Rapids.
- Oh...
Heh, sorry.
Listen, if you like what
you hear, tell your friends.
I got another show
tomorrow night, 8 o'clock.
Play "Free Bird"!
Wait... this isn't right.
The tapes are swapped!
Oh, no!
- Harvey, I need to talk to you.
- I'm on break.
It can't wait.
Hi, Marge.
I would like to remind you
that we are currently
at the resource desk,
and cannot accommodate
your multiple requests a day.
Won't happen again.
Harvey, wait, please!
It's important.
If this is about adding
accounts, I told you,
ten is the limit until
after your first review
from the Dream Council.
I made a really big mistake.
How big?
You should probably
put down that donut.
Uh, Tom Benedict.
Do you have a minute?
Uh, yeah, of course.
Uh, so the publishers...
they got back to us
about your book.
They're passing.
All of them?
They all said the same thing.
but feels... small."
"Lacked a 'wow' factor.
Played it too safe."
Ugh, look, Tom,
I worked really
hard on this book.
I mean, can't we
bring it somewhere else?
There is nowhere else.
Let me ask you a question.
What did you do last week?
I... I worked.
I had dinner with my sister.
I... watched a documentary
about sharks.
Yeah, see...
you gotta get out, travel,
get into a little trouble.
Fill up your creative tank.
I feel like you have a lot
of potential, you just...
you need to find
a story worth telling.
Is my life small?
Who said that?
You know that lit agent
that Nana introduced me to?
He said that all the publishers
he submitted my book to passed.
I'm sorry, Grace.
And the mechanic
called me today.
My car's not gonna
be ready till Monday.
Would you mind giving me
a ride to work tomorrow?
How much is that gonna be?
I dunno.
More than I have.
Do you think...
maybe it's time to
look for something
a little bit more...
with a steady income.
Becky, all I've ever
wanted to be is a writer.
I promised I'd give myself
three years to make a go of it.
It's been four.
Hey, I think you're
an amazing writer,
but what you're doing now,
it's not sustainable.
And I think you know that.
Page 130.
"Deciphering Dreams"?
I had time to kill
before my deposition.
And you made it to page 130?
Just read.
"According to Freud,
dreams are wish fulfilment.
"Your greatest desires
You're dissatisfied
with your life,
so you created
the ultimate fantasy.
You're... you're right.
What am I doing?
I'm hung up on some
figment of my imagination.
Hey, it's just a rut, Grace,
but the answer isn't to escape
into some dream world.
It's to go out and have real
and meaningful adventures
of your own.
You can't go through life
with your head in the clouds.
You gotta come join the rest
of us down here sometime.
Hello, Grace.
My name is Harvey,
and this is Alura.
We'd like
a moment of your time.
Do I know you?
Do you go to my gym?
I assure you, I do not.
We are from the Land of Dreams.
Oh, isn't that that
ice cream place in Glen Park?
It is a plane of existence
above the one you know.
Uh, you know, I'm actually
expecting someone,
so I'll have to
catch you another time.
But it was nice to meet you.
You won't find him.
He's not here.
How do you know about Michael?
I know many things, Grace.
Who are you?
Perhaps it's better
if we show you.
Welcome to Dream Central, where
the world's dreams are made.
my dreams come from you?
Alura is your case manager.
I thought I was
responsible for my dreams.
You are.
All the dream associates
do is set the scene.
They populate the dreams with
familiar sights and sounds.
We set the pieces on the board;
you play the game.
You know that dream last week,
with the hot air balloon?
I loved it!
That was an all-timer.
I double-majored in--
and giving me an ulcer.
Which brings us
to why we're here.
Right this way...
There has been
a mix-up, I'm afraid.
Alura put one of her other
assignments into your dreams.
It could've happened
to anyone.
And yet it didn't.
Michael Roy.
He's a musician
out of Portland, Maine.
He... he's from Oregon.
He could be in Maine;
he could be in Portland.
Where he cannot be
is your subconscious.
Wait, so...
Michael is real?
That's irrelevant!
You're not supposed to know him.
Uh, I think it's
a little late for that.
Not entirely.
While this mistake is
rather unprecedented,
there is a remedy.
What's that?
We help you forget.
you're just gonna take
my memories of Michael?
You have to agree to it.
I do?
She does?
As I told you,
there is a protocol
to all of this.
What if I don't
want to forget?
It's really simple,
it's not painful,
and Michael will be gone.
But... I like Michael.
If he's real,
I want to meet him.
You can't meet him!
I am hoping, when you
hear what we have to say,
and understand the
gravity of the situation,
you will accept the term.
We are talking
about a disruption
to the universal order,
the very fabric of existence.
He asked me to come find him.
He wasn't aware
of the consequences.
I'm sorry, it was my mistake.
But... you have to say yes.
Up and at 'em!
Wake up!
If I'm gonna give you a ride
to work, we need to leave soon.
Because your car's
in the shop?
Are you okay?
Uh... yeah.
I think so.
Let's go!
So then they took me to, like,
this office in the sky.
I mean, I assume it was the sky;
they didn't specify.
But then they said that
because I've been dreaming
about this guy,
I've doomed the universe.
I don't know.
I woke up.
What'd you have for
dinner last night?
Leftover pizza.
I can't eat anything
spicy past 6 pm.
If I do, bad dreams.
Like clockwork.
I mean, I guess it did
have pepperoni on it.
I need more torque.
It's him!
Bye, Eddy.
See ya tomorrow.
Today's your last day.
No, uh...
Wait, no, no,
that can't be possible.
I was told there's
another three weeks.
I'm sorry.
We're all done.
Okay, well, thanks.
Right, well, I took
the assignment
because it was
a guaranteed month.
Do you have another placement?
I'll take anything.
Uh, no, I understand.
Um, if something comes up...
Pick-up for Grace?
Uh, yeah.
Hop in.
Oh, uh, can I
change my destination?
Where are you looking to go?
Like I'd always known you,
no surprise...
Feel it in my bones
and I realize...
Time to wake up
from my fantasy.
Can I take you with me?
Thanks so much, everyone.
Don't forget to
tip your waiters.
Oh, hi.
Uh, it's me.
from the last two weeks.
From, well, you know.
Oh, I'm sorry...
Oh! Were you at
one of the Denver shows?
Uh... no.
You really don't know who I am?
Hey, nice show, man.
Oh, thanks so much.
Thank you.
Another round of applause
for Michael Roy!
Come on!
All good here?
I know that look.
Boyfriend trouble?
Not exactly.
You know, you need to
get it off your chest,
I'm all ears.
Might make you feel better.
That's okay.
Um, what are your specials?
Come on, don't be shy.
I've heard it all before.
I've dreamt about the same guy
for the last ten nights,
and it turns out that
he was put into my subconscious
because of some sort of
cosmic clerical error,
and I came to Grand Rapids to
see him before the dream police
could erase him from my memory.
And it turns out he
has no idea who I am.
So... yeah.
Yeah, we have tuna melt
and meatloaf.
I'll just take a cheeseburger.
Uh, onions, extra pickles.
Hey, Liz.
- Menu?
- Yeah, thanks.
Excuse me, miss,
can we get some menus, please?
Hi, excuse me?
We meet again.
Sorry, I, um...
I don't wanna
interrupt your book.
I'm glad you did.
If you haven't
ordered yet, uh,
I recommend getting
the cheeseburger.
You know, she could
hear you better
if you were sitting
at the same table.
Stay close.
It's easy to get lost
if you've never been down here.
- Hi, kitty.
You're so soft and fluffy.
And you shouldn't
touch anything!
Okay, so I'm carrying
this monitor down
six flights of stairs, and I
finally get to the bottom
and security stops me.
They think I'm
robbing the place.
In heels?
I know!
Apparently they'd had
some kind of theft issue.
So I say to the guy, "Don't
you think if I were robbing
"the place, I would have chosen
something more discreet?"
And then he tells me
to empty my pockets.
Walked right into that one.
- Yeah.
How long you been temping for?
Uh, a few years.
It's alright.
Not the most reliable.
Kind of, uh,
in between gigs right now.
What do you really wanna do?
I want to be a writer.
I can see that.
You're a great storyteller.
So, I gotta ask...
What was that back
there at the bar?
a mistake.
I thought you were
someone I knew.
This might sound crazy,
but I really thought
I knew you from somewhere too.
That doesn't sound
strange at all.
And here we go.
Have you two had a chance to
check out the Taste of Summer?
What's that?
It's a pop-up street fair.
You know what you should do?
As soon as you're done here,
you should just
walk on over there.
It's just a few blocks
from here.
Do they have churros?
Well, it wouldn't be a street
fair without them, would it?
What do you say?
Okay. Pickles?
I don't know why I just assumed
you'd just want that.
Well, you...
assumed right.
That's fine.
That's good.
We're looking for Grace.
She's not in.
Uh, how do you know... Grace?
We go way back.
She'd definitely be happy to
see us and not at all alarmed.
Do you know
where we could find her?
It's really important.
I don't, but I can tell her
you dropped by, Mr. ...?
We'll try again later.
Have a nice night.
Yeah, you too.
Thank you.
Grace, your friends
are so weird.
Why are we leaving?
One thing you must
understand about people
is that they are
naturally suspicious.
Do we not look trustworthy?
We're both wearing
company-issued blazers!
You have a pocket square!
Yes, well, that aside,
she wasn't going to help us.
Oh, this is bad.
This is really bad.
My... my performance review
is on Friday.
If the Dream Central
finds out about this...
I can't go back to cataloguing.
We have a few days.
Let's not panic.
We just need to find Grace
and make her see
how important this is.
Before I'm cast
out of Dream Central
and lose the only job
I've ever wanted...
That wasn't panic!
Where do we look next?
If I had to guess,
she's gone to find Michael.
We told her not to!
Another thing you must
understand about people
is that they are stubborn.
What happens if she finds him
before we find her?
Then you are free to panic.
So, um,
what's your book about?
Well, it's fiction.
Based on a summer I spent at
sleepaway camp when I was 12.
Sort of a coming-of-age romance.
Well, the romance
part is fictional.
So... no first kiss
by the lake?
Though I did get poison ivy
at that lake.
Oh, no.
People would tell these stories
at camp fires that we did,
and one night I finally worked
up the confidence to try,
and made one of my counsellors
laugh so hard
he fell off his chair.
It was the best
feeling in the world!
I'm not superstitious,
I swear.
Okay, maybe a little.
My lucky penny.
Have you seen her?
Who wants to know?
I'm her uncle.
I thought we were
supposed to meet.
I can't seem to locate her.
Well, maybe you
should give her a call.
She's not
answering her phone.
What is this?
That's apple pie.
You want a slice?
I've never had it.
You've never had apple pie?
I've never had pie.
She's not
from around here.
Now, about Grace?
Oh yeah, they went
to the street fair.
Yeah, she left
with that musician
who's been playing
across the street.
He's been in here
every day this week.
His name's Michael.
He's really sweet.
He's a good tipper.
We appreciate your help.
Let's go.
Uh, hold on.
This is on the house.
Thank you!
I bought my first guitar
when I was 15.
I spent all summer mowing lawns
so I could afford it.
Have you always
wanted to be a musician?
My mom was a singer.
She taught me how to play.
Are you from the area?
I'm from Kalamazoo.
So what brings you
up to Grand Rapids?
Well, um...
the churros.
Did you grow up in Portland?
How did you know
I was from Portland?
Um, you mentioned it earlier.
Yeah, I love Portland.
My grandmother lives there.
I was just there at Christmas
with my sister.
Well, I'm actually headed back.
I gotta catch a train
later tonight.
But I still have time.
I'd like to spend it with you.
Uh, sorry.
Oh, uh, it's actually my sister.
Now, gimme just a sec?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Where are you?
I went out for dinner.
You wouldn't know it.
Are you at a carnival?
Okay, well,
your friends stopped by.
What friends?
I don't know.
They didn't give names.
An older guy, a younger girl.
Looked like they were trying
to sell me a reverse mortgage.
Uh, did they say
what they wanted?
Just that they
needed to talk to you.
It seemed urgent.
You're not in some
kind of trouble, are you?
No, of course not.
Because you can't
afford my retainer.
Hah! Funny.
Gotta go.
Ring toss?
Michael Roy,
you're goin' down.
This is...
the best thing I've ever eaten!
Yeah, now that she's
actually met the young man,
it's gonna be harder to
convince her to give him up.
Maybe she won't like him...?
You think there's a chance
they might not get along?
He's really nice.
And absurdly handsome.
- Mmm!
I've always seen
pie in memories,
but I never knew
it could be so good.
Why don't we have pie?
You can put in a request
when we get back.
- This way.
- Okay.
Now boarding,
the 11:45 to Portland.
I had a really
nice time tonight.
Yeah, me too.
I'm glad I got
the chance to meet you.
Even if it was a case
of mistaken identity.
Funny... how that happens!
Well, uh, if you're
ever in Portland, uh...
If you're ever in Kalamazoo...
You know, uh, let me, um...
let me give you my number.
We can...
Oh! Please.
And this is gonna sound crazy...
Take the ride with me?
You can tell your grandma
you're in her neck of the woods.
You're close, right?
Well, yeah, we are,
but I mean, I...
I can't just drop everything
and get on a train.
Why not?
Your temp gig's over.
It'll be like...
An adventure?
I'm just...
I'm not ready for
this night to end.
Are you?
Um... yes.
- So, c'mon, let's get a ticket.
- Yeah, okay!
Come on!
What are we gonna say
to convince her?
We need to find her first.
There she is!
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa...
Tickets, please!
We're not travellers.
We need to speak to the couple
who just went through.
I can't let you
onto the platform
unless you have a ticket.
You can purchase
one at the window.
We don't have money!
We accept all
major credit cards.
What is your last name?
You don't need my last name.
And you're from the area?
What are you writing?
The train is leaving!
Are you gonna
complain to my manager?
No, I will
be reporting this
to someone much higher up.
Childhood fears?
Clowns, perhaps?
Did you get in touch
with your grandma?
- I did, and she is excited.
I also texted my sister.
She's a little excited too.
Let me just, uh, silence that!
Whatcha writing?
Oh, just had a story idea.
I'm jotting it down
before I forget.
- Can I see?
- Sure.
Alright, let me
check this out.
"Story Ideas (Hopefully)."
I love that.
I keep a notebook on me.
For when I feel inspired.
This is awesome!
I write my lyrics on napkins.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Works great, till you lose
a killer song to a coffee spill.
Are you, uh, working
on anything at the moment?
Yeah, I am.
Um, but...
it doesn't really matter.
Why not?
This was my last show.
Of... the tour?
I'm gonna work for my dad
at his distribution plant.
One of his accountants
just quit.
He needs me to
fill the position.
So it's just temporary
until they hire someone?
He's been trying to get me
to join the family business
for years, and uh...
I tried to fight it
with my music...
but, uh, nepotism won.
what about your music?
Well, you know...
road life's hard.
There's no money in it.
And, uh, it's really lonely.
It's not the most, uh...
You still love it, though?
I do, yeah.
But, uh, sometimes...
a dream just isn't meant to be.
My book was rejected.
I'm sorry.
I worked really hard on it,
and everybody passed.
My sister wants me to get
a real job, but I just...
I don't want to spend
my whole life wondering
if I could have made it
if I had just kept trying.
I don't think dreams
are supposed to be easy.
They're supposed to be worth it.
Hey... here you go.
We should probably try
to get some sleep, huh?
Yeah, um...
I'm not quite tired.
I'm gonna read for a bit.
But, um... sweet dreams.
- What?
Oh, it's just, um...
I don't dream.
Everyone dreams.
Well, if I do,
I don't remember them.
That explains a lot.
What do you mean?
Goodnight, Grace.
She could be anywhere!
We're never gonna catch her now.
How am I gonna face
the Dream Council?
I've been waiting my whole life
to do this job.
My father was a dream-weaver,
my father's father...
I'm legacy!
I've been reluctant
to suggest it,
but we're going to
have to go to plan B.
What's plan B?
Right here.
These used to be
on every corner.
You've got Fred!
It's Harvey.
Where are you?
Thought we were
grabbing lunch today.
Uh, I've been...
Well, you missed
a great lasagna.
I need you to get
some memories for me.
Sure. I was heading over
to the resource desk anyway.
What's the name?
Grace McMahon.
ID number Kilo Alpha Lima.
I need the last 24 hours.
Got it.
I'll swing by your desk.
It's not going
to my desk, Fred.
Where's it goin'?
I must have misheard you.
Thought you said "Chicago."
I did.
What are you doing down there?
I'm dealing
with a Code Blue.
Rogue nightmare?
Unauthorized dream inhabitant.
Fred, are you still with me?
You lost her!
That's why you
need the memories.
To find out where she's been!
Stay with me, Fred.
Do you know how many rules
this is breaking?
I wouldn't ask
if it wasn't important.
Give me an hour.
Well, we got
six hours to kill
before our connecting train.
Whoa, six hours.
What do you wanna do?
Pick a hand.
One of the best parts about
travelling is checking out
all the obscure
travel attractions.
Like the world's
largest ball of yarn?
If we're lucky.
Come on, pick.
Where are we going?
Best part
of travelling, huh?
Yeah, maybe
we should get lunch.
Yeah. Let's do that.
McMahon, McMahon...
Can I help you, Fred?
Lisa on the first floor
mentioned needing... a tape.
Why didn't she
put in a request?
I know how stretched
thin you are.
I offered to grab it.
Whose memories do you need?
Madonna who?
Mmm, she doesn't...
have a last name.
Just "Madonna."
Like international pop star...
Are you hiding something?
Best part
of travelling, huh?
Yeah, maybe
we should get lunch.
[video] Yeah.
They're in Montana.
Hi, folks,
what can I help you with?
You can't, thank you.
Electronics, uh,
sports memorabilia?
Now, you look like a man
that appreciates a nice watch.
Now, I'm not really in the...
Oh, my!
Try it on, give her a spin.
That's genuine Swiss technology,
by the way.
Rather sporty as well.
Oh, very sporty.
Now, can I
wind this myself?
Oh yeah, definitely.
Definitely you can.
Now, I'll give this to you
for $325...
Can I interest you in a kayak?
Just got it in.
What's a kayak?
Do you believe in fate?
Like, there are just certain
things in life that are...
I'd like to decide
my own future.
I'm glad you walked
into that bar last night.
I'm glad you mistook me
for your friend.
And that we both
wound up at that diner.
I'm glad that the waitress
talked us into
going to the street fair.
That you beat me at ring toss.
I'm glad you're
here with me now.
I don't know how to explain it.
It's like...
if we never met...
if our paths never crossed,
a part of you would
always be looking for me?
Me too.
That's great.
Can I use that?
It's all yours.
If we never met...
You know, I...
I realized I've never
actually heard you play.
I came when you were
finishing your set.
Well, um, there's a song
I've been working on,
and uh, I dunno, I can't
quite figure it out yet.
Well, I'd love to hear it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Alright, well,
it's not finished, so...
be nice.
I was always
searching for something.
Never settling
for anything less...
Than what I was dreaming of.
Everyone tells you,
play it safe.
That's the...
And then this is the part
I'm kinda stuck on.
I dunno, I'm sort of thinking,
um, it goes...
What if it's...
"If we never met"...
If we never met...
If our paths
never crossed...
Part of me would
always be lookin' for ya.
Part of me will
always be...
Oh, thank you!
That's so sweet.
And you said there
was no money in this.
Sounds amazing.
Thank you.
You should finish it.
Buy you an ice cream?
Look, there's something
I need to tell you, and I, um...
I'm not really sure
how to say this.
There's a reason I thought
I knew you at the bar.
And, um... the thing is,
I know how this is gonna sound,
it's just...
- Oh, ah!
Come on...
That came outta nowhere!
I was really enjoying this!
You think it's still any good?
- No!
It stopped.
That was fast.
Buy you another ice cream?
Okay... how about I'll pick
yours and you pick mine?
- Deal.
Be nice.
I'll try.
Look at you.
Really brings out your eyes.
I got you something.
"Where words fail,
music speaks."
When I saw it,
I thought of you.
I love it.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
Oh, hey, um, what was it
you wanted to tell me earlier?
Before the rain.
It sounded important.
You know...
I don't remember.
What if...
what if we didn't find them?
Don't worry.
She can't dodge us forever.
No, I mean,
what if we let her
keep the memories?
- That's not an option.
- But...
No, we're running out of time.
We have to finish this.
I need you to focus.
I will.
I, uh...
I want to take you to dinner.
I'm thinking table, chairs,
cutlery, indoors?
Tables and chairs.
There's this really cute place
downtown called Fauna.
How about tonight?
Uh, I'd love to.
How about 8 o'clock?
I'll be there.
Oh, okay, yeah.
Oh, there she is!
Hi, Nana!
Oh, sweetheart!
I missed you.
Me too.
Oh, look at you!
Look at you.
You look fabulous.
Oh, pfft!
Come on in.
The world's largest
spider sculpture?
I know it sounds crazy,
but it was so cool.
And then we went to
this beautiful park,
and then he sang me this song,
and we got caught in a downpour
and had to run for cover.
It was... the best.
Oh, you've been so busy!
Uh, tell me, have you heard back
from any of those publishers?
they all passed on my book.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Do you think I'm
wasting my time?
The pursuit of a dream
is never a waste of time.
Well, Becky thinks so.
Well, she's just
trying to protect you.
But if all you've ever
gotten is rejection,
don't you eventually
have to throw in the towel?
Grace, what is it
that you wanna do?
I wanna write.
The publishers said
that my world is small.
And you know what?
Maybe they're right.
You know, what do I
really have to say?
Well, sounds to me that
you have had quite an adventure
over the last two days.
Well, I have sort of started
working on a new story, but...
it's rough.
You know, I'm not really sure
if it's anything yet.
Grab your stuff.
There is only
one way to find out.
Come with me.
I will make us some lunch.
And when you have
something to share,
we'll read it together.
Oh, there are extra pencils
in the left drawer.
We'll start you off
in bookkeeping
until you get caught up
in operations.
I can't tell you how glad I am
to have you home, Mike.
It's good, steady work.
And you'll have lots of time
for your hobby.
It's not a hobby, Dad.
I know this isn't
how you pictured your life.
But you could build
a career here.
Ten years, you're
running the place.
It's a smart play.
I need to talk to you.
I am not gonna forget him,
and you can't make me.
I know.
I'm here to help you.
Harvey will be right behind me.
We need to go
before he gets here.
Uh, I'm supposed to
meet Michael.
If we stay, it won't matter.
Where are we going?
I haven't really
thought that far ahead.
Well, then why
are we doing this?
I thought you
wanted me to forget.
You know you were
my first ever dream?
They give you ten
assignments when you start.
I was really nervous,
but then...
I started watching
your memories, and...
I felt like I knew you.
And then inspiration
just hit me.
I found this old memory
of your driver's test--
Wait, the driver's test dream?
That was you?
I loved that dream!
That was a great dream.
I wrote 13 pages of a story
after that dream.
See, that's what every
dream-weaver hopes for!
That their work helps a dreamer
figure something out,
make a breakthrough.
We build a dream, you live it.
If we build a great dream...
we make a real difference
in your life.
Being down here,
it just made me realize
how little I really know.
About the world, people.
Like, what does it feel like
to swim in the ocean?
Fall in love?
How often are you
supposed to exfoliate?
Twice a week, I think?
I never would have guessed.
Everything I know
about this world
I know through
other people's memories.
Your memories.
But since I've been down here,
I've felt rain...
and the breeze on my face!
I met a cat!
It's pretty awesome, right?
The best!
Look, Alura...
I think you are doing
an amazing job.
I mean, all of my dreams
lately have been...
You're not just saying that?
Oh, yeah!
I mean, the dream
the other night
when I was wearing
the spring formal dress?
Great pull!
I love that dress.
Me too.
I'm really grateful for you.
And I am so, so glad that
you are my dream-weaver.
They said this was
"lemon meringue."
You really don't
have pie in Dream Land?
No. We do have
some things from down here,
but it's a whole process.
You gotta submit
a request to the Council.
It's a lot of paperwork.
Well, if things can
change in Dream Land,
maybe you can change the rule
about meeting someone
in a dream.
Seems like a bigger
ask than pie.
I'm sorry, Grace.
I never meant for
any of this to happen.
You don't need to apologize.
Of course I do!
This is all my fault.
These have been the best
two days of my life.
I mean it.
I've been sort of lost,
sleepwalking through my days,
and this sort of forced me
to take some real chances.
- Okay.
- What's gonna happen to you?
I dunno, probably sanctioned.
Definitely fired.
I'll be okay.
Maybe I'll get a job at
the department of weather.
There's a department
of weather?
- Yeah.
- What's it do?
- The weather.
- Right.
Harvey, we can't
take her memories!
I've told you,
it's not our decision to make.
I'll explain everything
to the council.
I'll take all the blame!
There is
an order to things.
A providence.
It is not our place
to interfere.
We already have.
We're not just
talking about one life.
We're talking thousands of
fates thrown off course.
Every little change
causes a ripple effect.
What do you mean?
Every person has
their own trajectory,
a destiny.
Your friend Michael,
for example,
is meant to go on to a very
successful music career,
one that brings his life
meaning and fulfilment.
Are you saying that...
if I keep my memories of him...
that doesn't happen?
Fate is
a delicate thing, Grace.
As I've tried to explain,
if you alter
the course of things,
it is unclear if they
will ever come to be.
I agree.
Grace, no!
Michael was born
to play music.
It's what makes him happy.
I can't ruin that.
But he lives here, Grace.
The chances you'd ever cross
paths again are almost zero.
If you do this...
you'll never see him again.
I know.
But it's okay.
This is my choice.
Thank you for all the help.
What do I have to do?
Just close your eyes.
Oh, I thought I missed you!
Sorry I'm late.
I, uh...
I tried to call you,
but then I realized
I didn't have your number.
I'm sorry, do I know you?
One sec.
Wha-- what do you mean?
I think you might have me
confused with someone else.
Did I... did...
did I do something?
Look, I'm really sorry.
I've got a flight to catch,
but I hope you find
who you're looking for.
Hey there,
I'm headed to the airport.
What just happened?
I'm so sorry.
I think I can shed
some light on that.
If you come with me,
I can explain everything.
How you doing, kiddo?
It's not fair.
They were so happy.
They'll go back
to their lives.
Neither will know
they've lost anything.
I'll know.
It might not seem like it,
but we did the right thing.
What is meant to be
will always be.
Sorry, what a nightmare.
My flight was delayed
for six hours in Portland.
I still can't believe
you went to Portland on a whim!
No notice!
Well, I texted you!
From the train!
Well, you were
the one that told me
to get out of my comfort zone,
so if you really
think about it,
I was just taking your advice.
- Nice try.
Okay, look, I'm sorry I
didn't text you sooner, but...
it was so inspiring!
And I wrote this story
that I'm really proud of.
I know you think
this is a mistake, but...
writing is what
I was meant to do.
I owe it to myself to try.
So... does that mean
back to temping?
For now.
You sure?
I am.
Let's go get some pizza.
You can tell me
all about your story.
No olives.
By the way...
Whatever happened
to your dream man?
For your first review,
the Council has evaluated
your work performance,
including quality control
and dream output,
and compliance with
all required regulations.
We've also taken
into consideration
assessments from your superiors.
You have achieved strong
marks across the board.
We'll be increasing your
case load to 30 assignments.
You don't seem pleased
with your review.
I mean, yes, yes!
I am.
Congratulations, Alura.
You have a bright future
ahead of you at Dream Central.
Francis, O'Maley & Steele,
how can I help you?
Of course.
One moment while I connect you.
The New Yorker
loves your story.
Loves it!
They want it for
their October issue.
I mean, it's great stuff.
Dream police,
a hunky musician...
Where do you come up
with this stuff?
Honestly, I...
I don't know.
Well, I've set up
some meetings for you.
This is just the beginning.
We'll definitely be in touch.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
Michael and Grace
are in the same place...?
Excuse me, excuse me!
Sorry, sorry!
I need Grace McMahon's
memories from last night.
Please, it's important.
Sorry, sorry,
sorry, sorry!
To my sister, the author!
- It's just one short story.
That's how it all starts.
I'm proud of you.
This is a celebration.
What's with the look?
I know. I...
I'm happy.
I am.
You know, this is everything
I've ever wanted.
I just...
I don't know.
I can't shake the feeling
that there's something...
I'm Michael Roy.
How's everyone else doing?
Yeah, yeah!
Good to hear, good to hear.
Uh, this is a new one
I've been working on.
I was always
searching for something.
Never settling
for anything less
than what I was dreaming of.
Everyone tells you,
play it safe.
Kept hearing a voice,
she said...
"Have grace, have faith."
Kept hearing a voice,
she said...
"Have grace, have faith."
If we never met...
If our paths
never crossed...
Part of me would always
be looking for you.
Part of you would
always be looking.
If we never met...
If our story got lost...
Part of me would always
be looking for you.
Part of you would
always be looking.
A part of me...
is a part of you.
Life is a delicate,
delicate thing.
Sleepwalking, ignoring...
He's good.
Everyone tells you
play it safe.
Kept hearing a voice,
she said...
Have grace, have faith.
Kept hearing a voice,
she said...
Have grace, have faith.
Kept hearing a voice,
she said...
Have faith, find grace.
Michael Roy, come on!
Thank you!
Thank you.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Hey, man, can I
get a water, please?
You got it.
Come on...
Come on, say something!
Um, I really liked your set.
I'm Michael.
My new song is called "Grace."
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Okay, that is so odd.
- Why?
Um, well, I'm a writer,
and I just published
my first story.
It's about a musician
named Michael.
- Wow.
- Yeah!
This must be fate.
Here you go.
Thank you.
Have a good night.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you too.
I believe you can get me
through the night...
No, don't go!
Come back!
Hey, Alura!
Good stuff!
Oh, Dream Weaver...
I believe we can reach
the morning light.
Fly me high through
the starry skies...
Or maybe to
an astral plane...
Cross the highways
of fantasy...
Can I get you a drink?
That's not... water?
I would love that.
- Great.
Oh, Dream Weaver...
You're a writer?
That's awesome.
I told you, kid.
What is meant to be
will always be.
Come on.
They've got cherry pie
in the cafeteria.
That's right...