My Home Unknown (2023) Movie Script

[lively music plays]
[all laughing]
[partygoer din]
[laughter, quiet chatter]
[Schizzo] Wake up.
[air whooshing]
[Schizzo] Wake up.
[seagulls cry distantly]
[rapid snuffling]
[hiss of indrawn breath]
Ah, shit.
All right.
[sighs heavily]
[gentle, hopeful music]
[sighs heavily]
[waves lapping gently]
[zipper rasps]
Are you ready?
Let's go. Come on.
[sighs heavily]

[traffic rumbles distantly]

[Schizzo] Crooked teeth,
small left eye,
elephant nostrils,
no upper lip,
thin hair, ugly,
no one likes you,
nobody can stand looking at
filth, disappointment,
dirty scum, ugly.
[spits forcefully]
Fuck you!
[seagulls cry]
What? What do you want?
What do you want, huh?
What do you want?
We-- [chuckles]
You and me.
You and me.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's go!
[Schizzo] You know, you're
better off on your own.
You can't trust anyone,
because you're never gonna be
good enough for them.
All you will do is disappoint.
And then they will
come after you,
and fuck you over,
and over, and over.
Go hide!
Go hide.
Hide. Hide.
[metal can clinking]
Run off.
Run, run away,
and never come back.
You can do it!
Do it!
Listen to me.
Listen! Kiddo.
You're still a child.
An infant.
A fucking child.
You will always be.
Dig a black dark hole
so deep you disappear,
'cause that's where you belong.
Dissolve forever.
You're worth nothing.
You are nothing.
Fucking waste of time.
You are a waste of time.
Dirty scum. Ugly.
Why are you even trying?
[bag rustles]
[Schizzo] You are my friend.
You can't hide from me.
You can't run away from me.
I'm always here.
[horn honks]
[Schizzo] I'm here forever.
Come on.
Come on!
Oh, yay!
Good boy!
He's a good boy.
[makes kissing noises]
[gentle music]
[Schizzo] I told you to go hide.
You can't trust them.
Why the fuck are you here?
Disappointment. You are nothing
but a disappointment.
I know it, you know it,
everybody knows it.
So, here's some
breaking news for you.
This world is full of leeches,
and they will crawl
all over you.
Inside of you,
and they will fester,
until you are eaten up
from the inside out.
They will destroy you.
Stop! Don't you dare.
It's a trap.
You don't need them.
You've got me.
[pensive music]
Filth. Disappointment.
Dirty scum. Ugly!
[sighs heavily]
Come on.
[seagulls cry]
Come here.
Oh! Home.
Sweet home.
[traffic rumbles distantly]
[Mina] We're surrounded
by all this unknown.
And so much known
that we don't even understand.
You've got it easy, Burrito.
My home, unknown.
[rapid rustling of wings]
[Burrito barks]
[Schizzo] Wake up.
[Burrito barks]
Shut up, Burrito.
[Schizzo] Good morning, America,
Where the rich watch news,
and the dirt keeps rottin'.
Congratulations on being
the scum of the earth.
The filth and the ugly
that no one cares about.
This is going to be the worst
day of your life,
because they're coming for you.
-[Burrito barks repeatedly]
Yeah, that's what I thought.
[Mina sighs]
[Schizzo] They are coming
for you today.
You don't even know,
but I know.
I know everything.
[laughs] You are so fucked!
Oh, they are coming for you.
Let the nightmares begin.
[tense music]
Motherfuck-- oh, fuckin' hell!
Piece of shit fucking hell!
Son of a fucking cunt!
What are you looking at?
Burrito, I'm sorry.
Come here.
Come here, baby.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
Come here. Come here, baby.
Come here. I'm sorry.
Look at me.
Look at me. No.
Come-- come on. Burrito.
Look at me. No.
Come-- come on. No!
Hey, Burrito!
-Look at me!
-[Burrito yelps]
I said, look at me, Burrito!
-[Burrito yelps, whimpers]
-No! No, wait!
[Mina panting]
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Oh, fuck. Fuck.
[loud whoosh of air]
[Schizzo] Cursed.
[Mina] Burrito!
[man shouting incoherently]
-[woman] Hola.
Have you seen my dog, Burrito?
Burrito? [speaking Spanish]
Carnitas, carne asada--
No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, my dog.
Um, he's, like, this white,
like, brownish dog.
He comes around the back.
You feed him leftovers
No, no.
Hold on, wait. Here.
Let me show you.
-Oh, Pepo.
[speaking Spanish] No?
Yes, his name is Burrito.
My dog, Burrito.
-Ah. [speaking Spanish]
-Hey, hey, hey!
[speaking Spanish]
No, I don't want your food,
I want my dog!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
[speaking Spanish]
No, no, I'm sorry.
No policia.
Please, please, sorry.
No trouble.
I'm leaving, okay? Sorry.
Please. I'm leaving.
No trouble.
[sighs heavily]
[labored breaths]
I can't lose you.
I can't lose him.
I can't lose Burrito.
Think, think, think,
think, think, think,
think, think, think,
think, think, think,
think, think, think,
think, think, think!
Ah! I'm the last samurai,
[Mina] Yo, Mikki.
-Oh, you next.
-[Mina] Whoa!
-Get that thing away from me.
-Oh yeah.
-Yo, what the fuck?
Chill, I'm just
fucking with you.
Hey, you like my new tanto?
This shit's for real, yo.
Dating back to the Heian Period,
samurais been using this shit
to slash motherfuckers up!
Okay, impressive, have you seen
Burrito come around?
I'm telling you,
this is some ancient fuck!
Because the tanto,
it came the hell a way
before the katana.
This right here,
this is the real OG samurai
weapon, boy!
So... how can I serve you
today, Princess Jasmine?
I wanna know
if you've seen Burrito.
Nah, that rat knows better
than to come around here
-begging for some food.
You're looking like shit.
Oh, fuck off.
[Mikki] You want a little
I got you.
It's gonna feel good.
We all wanna feel good,
don't we?
[both moaning]
There's a fog
down on the street
You can't tell
who you're supposed to meet
Life is full of mysteries
Life plays with
the things you see
Maybe you'll be stronger
You don't believe in mirrors

'Cause they only
see reflections
They don't see
what's inside your head
The truth is,
you're not sure sometimes
They're only
your collections
Waiting to be noticed
And fed
You know there are more
sides to you
Than you began to show
And so if you say goodbye
You might really mean hello
If you say goodbye
You might really mean...
[Mina] Gross.
[traffic rumbles]
[long moan]
[pained groan]
[sighs heavily]
[seagulls cry]
[wind howls]
[somber music]
[sighs heavily]

[lighter rasps]
[siren wails distantly]
[hopeful music]
[pencil rasps on paper]
[spits forcefully]
[dog barking]
[gentle music]
[pencil rasps on paper]

[Schizzo] He doesn't want
to be with you.
That's why he ran away.
He can't stand you.
No one can.
You will never find him,
because you don't deserve
to find him,
because you don't
deserve anything.
[Schizzo] You don't belong here.
Look around, kiddo.
You are dirty scum.
What if anybody sees you?
Just go hide. Hide!
Mina? You're in the wrong
running from the po-po,
unless you're into
some serious burglary, nowadays.
-What's up?
-How you been, girl?
-Sorry, I mean,
this is not what it looks like.
I was just, like,
searching for my dog.
Oh, pffft! Whatever.
-Gosh, you look good, and shit.
-[Raffie] Yeah?
Yeah, I mean, so not like you.
What's this all about?
Uh, church clothes drive.
-Yeah, they hooked me up.
[Raffie] I'm actually teaching
some poetry to their youth group
-now, once a week.
-No shit.
Yeah, I mean, I'm not
buying into all the Jesus
gospel nonsense, but whatevs.
Yeah, it's a trade-off.
If I teach their rich kids
some street culture,
and they give me some--
a hot meal,
and some fancy-ass
so I can go to court,
take care of my probation,
you know, so I can see Manny.
-Hey, that's great.
-Yeah. Yeah.
Hell, they're even
gonna give me a phone,
so I can apply for jobs,
maybe even open a bank account.
Huh. A phone?
Fuck, that's fancy.
[Raffie] Yeah, yeah,
he's seven now.
-[Raffie] Manny, he's seven.
Yeah, you know,
that was the same age I was
when my uncle started, you know,
doing all that shit to me.
-[Raffie] Beat me up,
burned me with cigarettes
in my arms,
to see how long I could take it.
Yeah, I know it fucking
made me stronger,
but, you know, no seven-year-old
should have to stand up
-for himself like that.
See, I don't want anything like
that to happen to Manny,
you know, I-- fuck, I wouldn't
have any control over it,
so I, you know,
I want to change that.
I mean, I-- f-- I gotta
fucking change that, you know.
Fuck, sorry, I'm dragging you
down in my stuff.
How you been?
You don't look so fresh.
Ah, it's just, like,
my tooth's been bothering me.
-[Raffie] Oh, fuck.
-Then I got angry,
and my dog ran away,
and I-- I can't find him.
Anyway, I'm sorry about Manny.
Thanks, love.
Hey, if you're ever down
in Venice, come holler at me.
Or come by the courts,
hey, Malik and Ramy
are still high as fuck,
shooting hoops
like some NBA
fucking superstars.
-For real.
-[Raffie] I swear.
-I'll see you around.
Hey, Mina, sometimes
it's about accepting help.
-[makes whooshing sound]
-Take a shower, you stink.
[Schizzo] He ain't never
coming back,
'cause you're not worth it,
worthless piece of ass.
[percussive electronic music]
Yo, Mina!
Alaykum Salaam.
Girl, where you been?
Get your ass over here,
and show these pussies
how it's done.
Oh, that's what's up, huh?
Well, at least you look good,
because you're about to get
your ass whooped, Malik.
[lively dance music]
-[all cheering]
Hey! What's up!
-All good.
-[Ramy] Yo, you good?
-I'm fine, I'm fine.
[Ramy] Hey man, yeah,
good seeing you, bro.
-All right, have a good one.
-[Malik] Good game, bro.
-[Ramy] Yeah.
-Oh, fuck.
-[Malik] Tomorrow?
-[Ramy] Catch you later,
tomorrow, same time,
all right.
Oh, man.
Hey, man, I haven't seen you
in what, like--
Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm fine,
it's just, like,
a stomach bug or something.
I mean, my tooth's
been bothering me.
Girl, you're falling apart.
You still haven't found
a place yet?
Yo, you still out
on the streets?
You got a tent
or something, at least?
Hey, I'm good.
It's-- It's just temporary.
I could use something
for the pain, though.
Careful, man,
because before you know it,
it ain't so temporary no more.
You know, I see them
motherfuckers out there,
camped out, getting just
a little too used
to that lifestyle,
slipping into all kinds of shit.
You know what I'm saying?
And before you know it, boom,
-it ain't so temporary no more.
-[Ramy] Yo, Malik, chill.
You know, I mean,
what I'm asking is,
when does the word
"temporary" expire?
Okay, I said I'm good,
all right?
For real, I'm good.
Yo, aren't we glad
to see our homegirl?
[Mina] Thank you.
You know I'm just
looking out for you.
-I know, I know, I know, I know.
-That's all I'm doing.
You know, you can crash
with Ramona and me
for a night or whatever.
Shit, can I?
Let Ramona tuck me in
real nice and tight.
Man, shut up.
That's what I'm talking about.
Read me a little
cozy bedtime story.
-[Mina laughs]
What? [chuckles]
I thought we was friends.
Look, at least you made
this girl smile.
-Mission accomplished.
-So mad.
-I told you dreams come true.
Hey, if you want to make
my dream come true,
why don't you roll
one of them fat boys,
and light that shit up?
Oh, still bossing around, huh?
Yeah, shit.
That's what I'm talking about.
-Tell him.
I got something
for you right here.
Here we go.
-I'm Grandpa Malik.
-[Malik] Hold on a second!
What the fuck you
calling Grandpa?
-Yeah, yeah, Grandpa Malik.
-What the fuck?
-[all laughing]
-What's going on?
-What's up?
Raffie, that's the second
time, man.
-What's going on?
-Look at you, man.
-He about to go--
-What you got there, man?
Look, he-- you just came off
the substitute teacher job.
-[all laugh]
[Mina] Hey! Oh, yeah!
Hey, so, man,
how's it goin', man?
Good, it was good.
I mean, I have a little
fuckin' money now, so--
[Mina] Ah, fuck.
You do not disturb
an artist at work.
-[Mina] Oh-- yeah.
-Yes. Yes.
-This is the best shit.
-[Mina]] Oh, shut up.
Hey, what about that one time
when the guy was telling me
all about it,
and then-- fuck!
-Oh fuck, yeah!
-That's some dope sh--
-Aaah! Fuck!
-That's some dope-- yo!
-Man, shit!
-[Malik] Yo!
-[Mina] Okay, cool.
Okay! I saw that.
-Yo, he's always skating bad.
-Oh my God.
[Ramy] I've got more
interesting things to achieve.
Yo, I'ma head back.
Ramona's cooking tonight.
-[Malik] Whipped!
-[Ramy] Well?
You wish!
All right, listen,
uh, I'm going to chase
that Raffie down in Venice,
all right?
All right.
-You coming with?
Uh, no.
Uh, shit, I actually--
I have to, uh, find Burrito.
I lost him.
He ran off.
You've still got the turd
of a dog?
Hey, you're not going
to find him tonight.
-It's going to get dark soon.
He probably found himself
some cozy-ass spot
with some lady friend already.
Funny, ha-ha.
No, you guys go.
I'm-- I'm good.
Hey, I wasn't going
to say anything,
but... [sniffs]
girl, you need to shower.
-Ooh, snap!
Straight up.
All right, listen.
Peace, all right?
I told you we've got it,
looking out for you, all right?
[laughs] See ya.
-Come on!
-Oh, stop.
[sniffs] Yo, I'm going
to help you find Burrito
tomorrow morning, all right?
But all we can do tonight
is get higher!
-Higher than some--
-All right, well, fuck off.
Fuck off.
We're going to get higher.
Damn, we're really
gonna get you some--
Man, Ramona's got some organic
soaps and shit.
We're going to get you
in a bath.
Hey, goddess!
-There she is.
Uh, I'm not actually
going to go.
-I forgot--
-This early?
I'm making Kafta
and grape leaves.
-Ramy's favorite.
-Oh, my mom used to make those.
Well, I can't compete with that,
but I'll try my best.
-She needs a shower.
No, it's true.
I-- I do.
Yeah, she does.
Okay, I'll get you a towel.
You check on the rice
for the grape leaves.
Follow me.
[lively music plays]
[woman] But this one, right
insisted-- thank you.
Insisted, you know,
that we are-- thank you.
Yeah, he insisted, so--
[Ramy] Well, no, hold on.
The professor was like--
[Ramona] No! No, no, no.
[Ramy] He said, only get
your head in there.
[laughs] Stop.
Okay, I want to have a cheers
with you.
[Ramona] Cheers.
[Ramy] It's good
to have you here.
Thank you.
Mm, this is really good,
you know?
You okay?
It's just this tooth thing.
I thought you had
a stomach bug.
That, too. That's new.
-[Ramona] Huh.
-Everything's broken.
I'm fine.
So, what happened?
-Ramy said--
He says that you were
super talented,
that you were
the best in class.
She was. You are.
So, that's-- that's why
I'm asking.
I just want to know
what happened.
Are you living on the streets?
-Baby, why don't you let her
enjoy your beautifully cooked
-Here, want some more?
Wow. This is really good.
-You did a great job.
It's a legitimate question
that I'm asking.
A very talented, badass woman
that you went to college with,
why has she been
on the streets?
It's just temporary.
I just lost my dog.
-I know. I'm sorry.
-That sucks.
No, I'm really fucking bummed.
Actually, you know what?
I got to go.
I got to find him, my dog.
-He's probably out--
-I'll help you
find him tomorrow.
I'll smoke you out.
-I can read your tarot.
[indistinct conversing]
[Mina gasp] No.
Sit back.
[Ramona] I know that this snake
has this representation,
and, you know, different
modern ways of looking at it
in terms of being--
-[Mina] That woman?
-[Ramona] Yeah.
The woman is--
could be represented as you.
Umm, and this snake
is transformation.
It's healing
in ancient cultures.
It's medicine.
So this woman could be
just going through
some of these trials.
And getting through
the other side of it.
[pensive orchestration]
[breathes deeply]
- Mina! Hey, what is this?
-No, no, no. I'm fine.
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
-What! What's all this blood?
No, I should have never
accepted your--
No, no, listen.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Listen to me. Hold on, okay?
-Ramona, get the first aid kit.
Ramona, wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
The first aid kit.
Ow. Fuck.
[crying] Stupid, Mina. Stupid.
[Schizzo] You're more than
stupid, you stupid fuck.
You're a curse. So stop
pretending now and listen to
[Schizzo] Listen,
they are not your friends.
They are not your family.
You have no one but me.
He ain't never coming back.
Please come back to me.
[soft dramatic music]
[muffled screaming]
[emotional music]
[Schizzo] His blood is
on your hands, cursed one.
You know what to do.
Yo, Mikki, I need
those magic pills again.
A lot this time.
Like, a whole bag.
-I'm out.
Come on, man.
Don't do me like this.
Hey, you know I'm going
to make it up to you, right?
I just need to feel
something different than
what I'm feeling right now.
[Mikki] The tanto is a sword,
but it's used as a knife.
Its blade has a single
or a double edge,
and its length is from
15 to 30 centimeters long.
One Japanese shaku.
The tanto is primarily
a stabbing weapon,
but its edge can also
slice as well.
Fuck, Mikki.
Burrito is dead.
Sorry about your
little doggy friend.
Hey, where are you staying
at these days?
I get by. Pills?
Yo, these are going to be
hella mellow,
unlike the last ones
I gave to you.
Which I'm out of right now,
because some dude in
Highland Park decided
that blue pills
are trending right now, so all
them hipster sheep that come
flocking over here to get the
best trip in town.
But, yeah.
It's good business for me.
I ain't complaining.
Whoa, this is all yours?
But hey, even though
these are mellow,
they're still something, right?
Something's something
good enough for me.
Yo, I said I'm going to need
a lot this time.
That's all you're
going to need.
Trust me on that.
I need a full bag today,
and I swear
I will leave you after that.
What the fuck you need
a full bag for?
Wait a minute.
You're not thinking
about joining
your little furry friend,
are you?
Forget it.
Yo, why are you always
running off like that?
Where are you going anyway?
I just... go.
Why don't you just chill out
and enjoy the ride here?
Huh? Hey, if you stay,
I'll take it with you.
As if you're already on one.
Hey, it's about having
an experience together.
Well, I'm fully capable of
enjoying the experience
on my own.
Yo, why do you always got to be
such a hard ass, Mina?
Your dog is dead.
You're sad as fuck.
Look, it's about
enjoying an experience
with another human creature
that you might actually
find has some pretty
decent qualities
and you might care for if
you just let him in a little.
Was that your attempt of trying
to tell me that you like me?
Because that's the last fucking
thing I need right now.
Let's [indistinct].
Yeah, right.
You're going to want
to cuddle with me too?
Make me feel like you need me
just so that I get used to it?
And before I know it, bam,
you're going to piss off.
Or you dare to stay.
And then you tell me what to do
and what not to do.
And how I disappoint.
And how I hurt you.
And how you hurt me.
And how I do this wrong
and how I do that wrong.
It all fucking ends
in shit, Mikki.
Because humans are
too fucked up.
Even dogs are! God.
[breathing heavily]
Let's face it.
You and I,
we have an exchange going.
I let you fuck me
behind the dumpster
and you hook me up
with pills and that's it.
No need to romanticize
this shit.
Damn, that's cold.
I don't like you.
And I don't need to let you in.
I don't need to let anyone
in again, ever.
I'm fine on my own.
I don't like you.
Are you done?
Come on.
It's okay, come on.
[soft music]
You're legit the first person
I ever brought here.
Don't get too carried away.
Yo, I didn't know ya,
I don't know this.
Yeah. There's a lot about me
you don't know.
Like, whose is it?
-My family's.
-Why are they?
Yeah, they're probably up
in their mansions
sipping martinis and cosmoses.
Just talking about
irrelevant bullshit
that they don't give
a damn about.
Wait, your family's got money?
-Shit, Mikki.
Then why are you living
in a garage fort?
Hey, I mean, don't get me
wrong, you got a nice
little situation going here,
but shit, man, I mean...
Not even like...
Like a beach shack or...
I don't know,
like a mountain cabin?
Or, or, or, like a lake house?
Mmm, cozy-ass lake house, dude.
Far from that.
I always like going
on trips too much.
-You know?
Make me feel
something different.
Something better.
I'm long cut off
from my family.
My father.
You know?
Like money can't buy you
affection or decency,
or even acceptance.
And, you know,
like, as a samurai--
Yo, why are you always blabbing
about the samurai bullshit,
Cause they're loyal as fuck,
Everybody wants to be
a samurai.
I don't want to be like them.
Well, then who do you want
to be like, Princess Jasmine?
No one.
-No one?
-Yeah, no one, dickface.
-People are awful, man.
That's some cold-ass shit.
Trust me, there's no one
you really want to be like,
because everyone is
just fucking hiding shit.
And there's no point of chasing
what people want you to be
or who you think you want to be.
Or who people expect you to be.
Because you're just going
to end up disappointing
either yourself or them.
And then they expect that.
They expect you to disappoint,
which you will continue to do.
And then you're wrapped up
in this fucked up cycle
that just keeps
repeating itself.
And this is going on for, like,
generations and generations
through families, I'm saying.
Until finally one person is
brave enough to end it all.
To end the cycle.
The curse that's been passed on
for years and years,
and over generations
and generations.
That is the only way to restore
honor for your family.
Shit, man.
I mean, for the whole
collective human kind, man.
That is the fucking code
of honor.
[emotional music]
[music stops]
What am I gonna do with you?
Ah! [groaning]
[breathing heavily]
Ah, ah.
Oh, what the fuck?
[tense music]
[sinister tone]
[brooding dramatic music]
[screams in the distance]
[screaming] Ah!
[Schizzo laughs]
[breathing heavily]
[Schizzo] Cursed.
They all died because of you.
You're the curse of death.
[somber music]
[breathes deeply]
Hey, Mikki, I need you.
-The fuck!
I finally figured it out.
Code of honor.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
End the cycle.
No, you fucking idiot,
not you too.
Hey, it's okay,
Princess Jasmine.
No, no,
that's not what I meant.
-What the fuck?
-Yo, I don't know.
End the curse.
I hope I didn't disappoint you.
No, no, no, no, it's okay.
It's okay.
No, you can go as a true
fucking samurai now, okay?
Ritual suicide by disemboweled
samurai. Code of honor.
-[emotional music]
-Oh, fuck.
[breathes deeply]
[dramatic tense music]
Nothing. Nothing.
[crying] He's gone.
Everyone is gone.
[Schizzo] Murderer.
It's your fault.
Their blood has seeped deep
into your veins
-and you will pay for it.
-I didn't do nothing.
They're coming for you now.
-I didn't do nothing.
-[Schizzo] Hide. Be gone.
You don't belong here.
He is gone.
[Schizzo] Stop. Stop.
I still got you.
I still got you.
[Schizzo] Filthy, filthy.
[Mina] I still got you.
[Schizzo] Run.
Gone. Everyone's gone.
Everyone's gone.
Well, we're gonna find you
a good spot.
We're gonna find you
a good spot, okay? Good boy.
Good boy. Good boy.
["Cages" by Owen Rivera]
[music stops]
[soft music]
-The fuck!
-Oh, thanks God.
Oh, you're alive.
I'm so glad.
-Of course I'm alive.
I'm so glad.
Hi, I'm Lynn.
I work with the Church of Christ
for Angelenos and Friends.
And today we are out on
the streets for our very own
Pastor's Daughters
special project.
We are offering assistance
to our dear, less fortunate,
and most vulnerable community
on the streets.
We're offering prayers.
Would you like one?
I don't believe in God.
God doesn't need you
to believe in him.
-He believes in you.
-I'm not a Christian.
A prayer can be received
by anyone with an open heart
and can offer miracles
if only you accept your path
and put your faith in Jesus,
the Son, our Savior.
Yeah, I'm not a church lady.
You're a little late for that.
There's nothing
to save here anymore.
Your life doesn't have
to be like this, darling.
If you...
I'm not your fucking darling.
And you know nothing
about my life.
That is true.
I apologize.
I don't know anything about
your past life or you.
But we all can start a new life
in God's house if we...
Meh! Breaking news.
Your so-called God
doesn't fucking exist.
And he sure as hell doesn't
give a fortified fuck about me.
As a matter of fact,
not even you.
No matter how much you pray
to some man in the sky, really,
come on, to confess your sins
just so that you can do them
all over again, repeat them
over and over, and over,
and over, and over, and over,
and over, and over.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
Life can be rough.
And when that happens,
we can all heal down sometimes.
I know what that's like.
Even more so a reason for you
to put your faith
in Jesus Christ.
-Fuck off!
-Fuck off, I said!
-Oh, God!
-Bless you.
-Or I'll show you
how the most vulnerable is in
the fucked up fucking community!
Oh, motherfucker!
Fucking piece of liquid!
Cunt! Shit!
Piece of cock!
Cock! Cock!
I hate you!
I'm never gonna
let you go again!
[gentle music]
Hello, Mr. Gina.
Mina, what happened to you?
So, um, would you like
to come sit?
So how's your drawing coming?
Oh, I lack in practice.
-Ah, yes.
I had a dog, Burrito.
I used him as an object
for a while.
But then he ran away,
and I tried to find him,
but I couldn't.
And when I did,
he was already...
My condolences.
-[gentle music]
-What a cute little dog.
I'm sure he's in doggy heaven.
You haven't lost your
confidence, I see.
You still use a 9-H.
Yeah, only the bold draw
on and on with a 9-H,
knowing that what
they create on the paper
right then and there is
so beautiful it deserves
to stand for all time, because
it probably would never smudge.
Some people call it arrogant.
Practice is essential, Mina,
but what you lack is softness.
I come from an immigrant
family, as you know,
and that's been weird,
because I feel like
I never fully feel like
I'm at home or I fit in.
And I was even born
in this country.
I guess I just always
felt unsettled somehow.
And when we used
to go back home,
we were different there, too,
because we were from the West
and we were the ones that left.
I don't know, I guess I just
felt like I always had to fight
extra hard to be accepted
in either place.
And society pressures you, too.
They're like, what are you?
Are you this or are you that?
I don't fucking know.
I'm me.
And is-- is if I even know
what that means.
I thought that once I freed
myself from my past and,
you know, the religion,
that I could finally be myself.
Only to find out
I have no idea who I am.
I mean, does anyone really?
It's so dumb.
I can see that you've been
through some horrors in life.
And maybe some
unimaginable depth of pain.
But, um...
so what?
Mina, we're artists.
And nothing in life
is foreign to us.
Quite the opposite.
We, um-- we just have to
understand how to be with it.
To use it.
Use it as our weapon.
Draw from the heart.
Go back to your childhood.
That is where
you're gonna find you.
It's where you're gonna
find your softness.
So I don't know what's happened.
I-- I don't wanna know.
It's not my place.
But there are some wonderful
people who can help you.
If you are willing to be helped,
and there's no shame in that.
One thing, Mina, I do know:
you are an extraordinarily
talented young woman.
So don't throw that away.
I don't really know
why I came here.
But you know how, um...
the people that
you're closest to,
the ones that
you love so much...
You know how they can become
total strangers overnight?
Well... complete strangers
become the most important ones.
I feel like that a lot.
What am I,
the stranger or the loved one?
I guess we'll find that out
overnight. [chuckles]
So I assume you need
a place to stay tonight.
-Yes, I am gonna pull out
the sofa bed in my son's room
and put some towels out
so you can freshen up.
This is not why I came, okay?
I-- I'm fine. I'm totally okay.
No, you're not.
Otherwise you wouldn't
have showed up at
your college professor's house
after God knows how many years.
[grunts, chuckles]
We're old.
Thank you.
[gentle music]

[music turns ominous]
[man laughing] I told you so!
Who's the idiot now? Filth.
You're a fuck-up.
Dirty scum. A disgrace.
Just fuckin' end it, you
-End it all!
[high-pitched ringing]
[call to prayer playing]
[ringing fades]

Could we talk?
Have you spoken to your dad?
Well, it's a relief
to see you're still alive.
No one knew anymore.
Okay, no need to be
overly dramatic, Kerem.
Of course I'm fucking alive!
I'm sorry.
[sighs] I just needed
a little time after--
after Anna died.
You know how my family is.
he has his own battles to fight.
And my father just runs
everything into shit
with his religion and
his tradition, especially--
You didn't just
leave them, Mina.
You left me, too.
Like we meant nothing.
I thought we had
each other's back.
This had nothing
to do with you, Kerem.
You accepted my ring when
I asked you to marry me.
You gave me a promise.
I couldn't be that person that
gave you that promise anymore.
I'm not that person.
I had to--
I had to take it off first,
on my own.
I told you I would stand by you,
no matter what decision
you were gonna make.
Yeah, well, thank you.
I don't need your permission to
be a woman with
a birthright to choose
how she wants to live her life.
Clearly not. I see
you're finally a free woman.
I made that choice on my own.
-Yeah, I love it, okay?
I fucking love my life!
You know I would have
supported that decision.
I'm not the enemy, Mina.
You are.
-You always have this anger--
-How's John?
He's always gonna be John.
Not let anything
stand in his way.
He has a boyfriend now.
Sometimes I think
it's easier to stay covered,
'cause at least you can hide.
I wish I was more like him.
Hey, Kerem,
I came 'cause I wanted--
You should go see
your dad, Mina.
He came a long way
in these five years.
Five years?
Since you left.
What are you talking about?
I was just...
I-- I just needed
a break after...
It's only temporary.
Five years?
What are you talking about?
You left us
five years ago, Mina.
Don't you know that?
We tried to help you,
especially the first year
when you lost your dog.
It was too late by
the time they found him.
-What are you talking about?
-I know how much you loved
that little thing, but you
never accepted any of our help.
You just kept running.
Your father was worrying
himself to death, Mina.
I had to convince him to
finally stop looking for you.
[Schizzo] Five years!
[Kerem] Do you even
realize how hard it was
-for me to let you go?
-[Schizzo] Five years!
[Kerem] But I had to
continue living.
[Schizzo] This is a setup.
He's part of them.
He wants you dead.
Everyone wants you gone
'cause you are the curse.
You're a goddamn curse.
[Kerem] I have two
beautiful daughters...
[Schizzo] You're never
gonna get out of this.
Die, die, die!
-No, I gotta go. I gotta leave.
-Mina, please, don't run again.
-No, let go of me!
Please, sit back down.
I'll get you a glass of water.
Just stay right there.
[sullen music]
[heartbeat thumping]

I'm sorry, [indistinct].
[call to prayer playing]

[music stops]
Wait. What?
Where-- where'd it go?
[scoffs] For real?
You're fucking
kidding me, right?
I am homeless.
Apparently for
five fucking years.
So how the fuck
am I supposed to call, huh?
Where's Burrito?
Homeless people don't
have a fucking phone,
you fucking idiot.
How can I even call?
bitch ass-licker, cocksucker!
Hi, have a good day.
[passerby] Okay.
[birds chirping softly]
[grunts, pants]
[breathing heavily]
[snarls, shouts]
[inhales sharply, exhales]
[Schizzo] Shh.
Hush now, darling.
Your nightmares
are finally over.
if you listen to me carefully,
I know how to set you free.
Trust only me.
Hey, you okay?
[Schizzo] Ah, fuck.
-[Mina grunts]
-You need any help?
I'm-- I'm fine.
You don't look fine, Miss.
[Mina groans]
What happened to you?
I-- I just took
a few wrong turns.
Are you sure you're okay?
'Cause we're pretty far
from civilization right now,
and you're missing a shoe.
Oh. Oh...
I mean, if you want,
I can get six feet apart.
If you just let me take you
down to the main trail.
Yeah? All right.
Watch out right there, yeah.
So, do you come here
to hike a lot?
-Oh, I don't hike.
-That was-- that was a joke.
Oh. [forced chuckle]
Um, yeah.
A little bit about myself.
I actually come here every
single day to hike and run.
Um, as of three years,
I got a divorce.
So in case you're wondering,
I am single.
Yes, ladies, that's right.
I am single and ready to mingle!
-Oh, embarrassing.
And I actually
used to be 245 pounds.
-I literally had a beer belly
up to here and,
like, a triple chin,
and now I, like, look at my
stomach, I look at myself,
and I'm like,
"Eddie! Like, dude."
-Proud, right?
I would have
never thought, yeah.
Yeah, I was literally like that.
-I feel like it's really hard
in the beginning--
let me know if you can relate--
to, like, change your life,
you know, and it's like,
I just wanted to drink beer
and forget about it.
And then I would wake up,
and I would be like,
"Eddie, you are awesome.
People love you.
You are great."
And in the beginning,
I felt so corny about it.
And then I started to rewire
my brain, which was really cool.
And I started to love myself.
[laughs] I love my life.
Like, I love life.
Like, I love loving love life.
Uh, how can you be
so fucking happy?
Sweat box.
-It's a place where--
Well, never mind,
it's a long story.
So... are you just
one of those lucky people
that's just
naturally born happy?
Naturally born happy.
No, I am not.
Were you listening
to what I was saying?
It's, like, a lot of work.
Lost all that weight.
Every single day, taking action,
and it's about
rewiring your brain.
That's what it comes down to.
But how do you rewire
your brain, or whatever?
So, if you do what is easy
in your life right now,
your life will be very hard.
But if you do what is hard,
your life will be very easy.
And that's the challenge,
catching that pattern, you know?
I don't know, my coaches
know a lot better than I do.
-If you want, I can hook you up.
-[call to prayer playing]
But I find it inspiring that you
can wake up any single day
and have the ability
to change your life.
What happened?
Wait... do you hear that?
[Eddie] Do I hear what?
What are you doing?
Hey, come on, don't--
What are you doing?
[muffled] I think you hit
your head too hard.
Get off the ledge.

[Mother] Mina.
-[music stops]
[Mina] Mom!
Are you real?
And did I die?
Is this the in-between?
Depends on how you see it.
We all die and rebirth
every moment of life.
And yes, I am real.
You've been out for a while.
Oh, God. I look like shit.
I just came off a double.
I don't usually look like this.
You look fine.
Eddie, the guy that
found you on the trail?
I fuck him.
Even though he thinks
he fucks me.
Ha! Let a man dream.
He's got brains, though.
He brought you here.
Thought it'd be
a good idea for you to
have somebody
take a look at you,
since you fainted and seemed
not in the best condition.
I'm a registered nurse,
but I like to refer to myself
as a healing practitioner.
You know, the nurse thing is
just to be acknowledged
by certain assholes out there.
How are you feeling?
I don't know.
You're a healer?
Fatigue is a normal symptom
after a loss of consciousness.
Healing practitioner,
but you can call me "nurse"
if you feel more comfortable.
I'd like to do
a full exam on you.
Eddie said you looked
pretty rough when he found you.
-There were signs of possible...
Do you wanna talk
about what happened?
Not really.
Do you remember what happened?
[solemn music]

My head hurts.
You probably hit your head
when you fell.
I really recommend
a full physical exam.
And if you're not comfortable
with me, that's totally fine.
I'm so tired of waking up
from another nightmare,
over and over again.
Half of the time, I don't
even remember what, or...
It goes dark too many times now.
I can't control it.
And my perception of time.
Five years, he said.
But... that is not possible.
I-- I only lost Burrito
a few days ago.
Wait, someone is following me.
I don't know if it's my dad
that sent someone from
the mosque, or Kerem.
Or-- or maybe it's
the animal services,
because of Burrito
and how I lost him
and because he's dead
-I'm scared.
-No, no, no.
-No, no--
-You're safe.
You're safe here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Healer. You said healer?
Go on.
do you know this, like, uh...
thirst for something?
It's like this unrequited love
that always keeps you
longing for more.
Um, like an urge that keeps
you on edge all the time.
So what I'm trying to say
is basically
that it is pills for me, right?
But then it really isn't.
Because it can shift.
I've seen motherfuckers go
from drugs to having to
hit every single meeting
in town available.
Or, like, from sex to fitness.
That's a favorite
for the guys, right?
Going from sex to fitness.
Do you know what
I'm talking about?
Yes. Addiction.
No! Ah, see, I'm not addicted.
Okay? That's not it.
I mean,
I can quit the pills today.
And it's not about feeling good,
'cause I gave up that illusion
a long time ago, trust me.
It's about that itch, okay?
So for me, it's pills.
And I can just shift it to,
I don't know, food.
Food, for example. Some people
have it with food, right?
Eating. Overeating and stuff.
Um, you just shift it from
something to something else
that's more acceptable by
society's standards,
and the world will
fucking celebrate
and applaud you, you know?
But my question to you, healer,
does it ever really end?
Like, can you heal this?
Well, there are
many treatments for--
I'm not addicted!
You just don't get it, okay?
[breathing heavily]
I think there's something
wrong with my brain, okay?
I-- I hear this man,
and he's singing this song,
this, like, prayer.
And I remember hearing it
from my childhood, okay?
And my mom. My mom,
I swear, I just heard my mom.
-No! She was talking to me.
-Okay. Okay.
-I heard my mom.
-Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
-I swear.
-Keep breathing.
-I heard her.
-Breathe, okay?
I'll be right back.
Breathe. Keep breathing.
I've seen some
dark times in my life.
[Schizzo] Stay with me.
Stay. Stay.
First it starts off with
the occasional argument, and...
[Schizzo] They want you dead.
...used to excuse that
as passionate loving.
We had a beautiful baby girl.
-Things got worse from there.
He continued to get more
violent, and I drank more.
They wanna lock you up.
I was so desperate, you know,
to find the love in his heart
and to feel loved by him.
Happy family.
[Schizzo] Run.
And life teaches us in some
fucked-up ways sometimes--
Violent and abusive situations.
I had to learn the hard way.
Rock bottom doesn't get easier.
-[Schizzo] Stop.
But what got easier
is how I deal with things.
'Cause I have some tools.
I needed help and
I realized that, thank God.
I got the hell out of there
and I'm here now.
But I had to do that.
I had to accept healing
in order to help myself.
No one else can do that for you.
You understand what I'm saying?
What's it gonna be?
You ready to start talking?
You don't understand.
My family...
Has been waiting for you.
Right out there.
Don't fucking leave me.
[Tonya] Are you ready
to receive treatment?
[Schizzo] Don't do it, man.
Don't do it.
You can't trust her.
I'm gonna need an audible
"yes" from you, my dear.
[Tonya] Come in.
[Schizzo] Peace out.
For now.
[Father] Come home, Mina June.
["He Has A Name" playing]
He has a name
But no one ever hears it
He has a face
That no one ever sees
They look away
Whenever they are near him
Lying alone
Down on the street
She has a voice
But no one ever hears it
She has to beg
For something more to eat
They walk away
Whenever they can see her
Sitting alone
Down on the street
But don't they know
That she is
someone's daughter?
Don't they know
That he is someone's son?
Life takes a turn
For oh so many reasons
Trapped in the past
They can't move on
There was a time,
a life of so much promise
It's in the past
And all those days are gone
And they took
some very bad directions
And now they feel
Oh, they can't return
Oh, but don't they know
That she is
someone's daughter
Oh, don't they know
That he is someone's son
Life takes a turn
For oh so many reasons
Trapped in the past
They can't move on
Oh, don't they know
That she is
someone's daughter
Oh, and don't they know
That he is someone's son
She has a voice
He has a name
["I Am Home" playing]
There's a time
for standing still
A time for running
against your will
There's a road to travel on
when dreams are dead and gone
And with every urgent cry
There's our wishes
that don't wanna die
I'm so far done with today
I wanna find another way
Can I find what I misplaced?

Can I change to
find my space?
I've wandered on my own,
I'm not meant to be alone
I am home
I am home
I am home