My Sailor, My Love (2022) Movie Script

Uh, hi.
I'm Mary, and I'm here because...
it feels like I live
for everyone but myself.
Hi, um...
I'm here because of my boyfriend,
-[woman] It's okay.
-...and the things he does to me.
I'm Emily. Um...
I'm divorced nearly three years.
My children have decided
they don't want to see me anymore.
-[Grace] I'm...
-[woman] Take your time.
I'm... Grace.
[woman] Okay.
So can you tell us
why you're here today, Grace?
[roaring sound]
[waves hitting the shore]
[gentle piano playing]
-Are you okay?
-[Grace] Yeah.
-There you are.
Look what I have.
[bored grunt]
[flies buzzing]
So listen.
Shall we do a bit of a clean
before Terry and Walter get here?
What is it?
You aren't using
the washing machine we bought you.
I do my clothes my own way.
If you're having a hard time managing,
Dad, we could get someone in.
A housekeeper.
Yeah, right.
Well, at least it'd give us
more time together when I'm down.
I know what you're up to.
I said, "I know what you're up to."
Any minute now, you'll be talking
about retirement homes again.
All right, Howard.
You wouldn't mind giving us a hand
with some of our stuff, would you?
-Let me...
-Relax. I'm fine.
[car horn honking]
[honking persists]
[rapid honking]
Here they are.
[family greetings]
How are you?
Your favorite Cuban hand-rolled cigars.
Here you go.
-Oh, lovely. Thank you.
-You look amazing. Happy birthday.
-How are you?
-Great to see you.
And as befits a seasoned sea captain,
here's the finest rum in all of Cuba.
I did lots of research, didn't I?
Going to loads of bars.
And Havana is such a vibrant city,
isn't it, love?
You told them that
the last time we were there.
-No, it really is an incredible city.
-Really. Really beautiful.
Although it took us forever
to determine the itinerary.
And to grace us with your presence.
No, but you guys should absolutely go.
You would love it.
And Dad, you would just love
the bars with all the rum.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear --
No. I'm saving myself.
Happy birthday to you
Here you go.
Best dad in the world.
Well, it was about 250 miles
southwest of the Cape of Good Hope.
We were stacked with a cargo
of wild, savage animals
when we were attacked
by a terrible hurricane
and the skipper's daughters
were all around us.
Skipper's daughters? What are they?
Well, that's the white foam that you get
from the big rolling waves.
Anyway, the crates went up in the air
and then came crashing down,
and before I knew it...
-Oh, thank you, my dear.
And before I knew it,
there was a gorilla.
Yes, a gorilla.
And he's dancing a jig.
On the engineer's head.
Well, I was so angry. So outraged.
I strangled him like that
with my bare hands.
-Now that's a true story.
-No, it's not.
-Not a true...
[sheep bleating]
It must've been a beautiful garden.
[Grace] I only wish my husband
and I had time to visit more often.
There he is.
-Martin, this is Annie.
-Hi, Annie. How are you?
-Grand, thanks.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you as well.
-This way.
Just to warn you,
my father can be a little bit tricky.
Right, I see.
He very much needs to be
in command of his ship.
So I'd recommend when you're here,
that you try to be
as unobtrusive as possible.
Just one minute.
Dad, we have a guest.
[footsteps climbing]
Here you are.
Can a man not be left in peace
in his own home?
Dad, please.
The housekeeper's here, Annie.
-She's waiting downstairs.
-I want to introduce you.
-I don't care. No.
Sorry. He's busy with something.
Oh. Well, should we do this
another time, or...?
No, no. It's fine.
So, could you do,
say, two days a week?
-Sorry, love, I'm in a bit of a rush.
-Where you off to?
-I'll call you later.
[horn honks]
[phone rings]
[door creaks open]
Oh, my God.
Grace said
I should let myself in, if you...
You know,
you have a very caring daughter.
So have I. Two actually.
Kelly, my youngest,
works in her husband's pub.
It can be hard for them,
what with the late nights
and early mornings
and running after kids,
so I try to help out as much as I can.
Suzy's daughter Melanie,
now she's already grown up.
In fact, pretty soon I'd say
she'd be married
with a child herself,
which will make me
a great-grandmother, of course.
You wouldn't have a larger bag,
by any chance?
Your favorite.
I'm sorry, Martin.
Carol just called.
They're short-staffed again.
If I take this shift,
I get the weekend off to see Dad.
I'm sorry.
See you later, all right?
[phone plays a tune]
-Annie? Hi, it's Grace Grimes here.
Oh, hello.
-Is this a bad time?
-No, not at all.
Just a sec.
Sorry, go on.
So... how's my dad getting on
with the new regime?
-Well, it's still early days.
-Of course.
But yes, I think it should work out okay.
Well, that's good to hear.
-Thanks again, Annie.
-No problem.
-Yes. Bye now.
Let's see now if that passes the test.
How much is she paying you?
My daughter. How much a month?
Four hundred.
I'll give you five
if you never darken my door again.
-Mam. Mam!
The gorilla man.
Hi, Mr. Grimes.
Can I help you with something?
I was just looking for Annie.
If you want to take our nana out,
you have to take us with you.
-Mam's working.
-Oh, no, not at all.
-Sure I can look after the kids.
No need.
Mr. Grimes and I will only be a minute.
See ya.
How dare you
just turn up here at my home?
I just came to apologize.
Are you the kind of man
who puffs himself up
by humiliating women?
Well, let me tell you,
Howard Grimes, I am nobody's fool.
I just came to apologize
and to ask you to come back.
Oh, thanks.
What is it?
I was hoping
that we could have a little chat.
-About what?
-About us.
-About what our future is.
This isn't working, Grace.
Not now.
I'm stretched to breaking point as it is.
I have my father to worry about,
these hours I'm working.
I have this useless bloody therapy
I go to week after week
because you asked me to.
My company
are setting up an audio book arm,
and they need an editor.
Well, that's good, right?
-Well, it's based out of Munich.
I've just told you what I'm dealing with.
[lawn mower whirring]
Just a minute.
You know, you should really do
something with those apples back there.
Like what?
I don't know.
It just seems such a waste
to leave them to the wasps.
-Oh my God.
-What is it?
The girls. I was supposed
to pick them up from their dance class.
Now I missed the bus.
Oh, girls, I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
C'mon, into the car. Into the car.
-Hey, mister.
Did you really strangle that gorilla?
Why, do you think I was making it up?
What if I told you
I have a necklace made of its teeth?
-Oh, can we see?
-Can we see it?
Well, I don't have it with me.
-Where is it?
-It's at home. In my treasure chest.
Can we see it?
I wanna see it.
Please. We wanna see.
You're still having a bit of pain?
I'll see if I can get
your dosage increased, all right?
Thank you.
Has your husband been in yet?
No. With his leg,
he can't come every day.
Of course.
Owen, isn't it?
-What about your son?
-Oh, he'll be in tonight.
And that's Chris, right?
You remember their names.
What an angel you are.
Rest now.
-Looks great. Well done.
-Thank you.
Carol, we need to uptitrate
the morphine dosage for Bed 4.
Would you clear it with Miller?
-Thank you.
Am I still good for my long weekend?
-Of course.
-So, how's your dad, anyway?
-Well, good, I hope.
I'll have to see when I get there.
-And how's the therapy going?
-Don't ask.
-You have to commit, Grace.
-Yeah, well...
If you saw what it was
I had to commit to.
Okay. Anybody like to share with group?
Belinda, come help! Come on!
-[Howard growling]
-[girls screaming]
Right. Can you go and get some more?
There we are.
Off you go.
Got you.
-You need a hand?
-Sure. There we are.
Youve seen this?
It's taken me years to learn.
Ready? Right.
[both laughing]
[happy voices outside]
We're trying to do
this really stress-free wedding,
and someone over here
can't keep a bloody secret.
His lot show up
for an actual wedding.
They're literally from head to toe
spangles and bangles
and all sorts of little foofy bits
going on all over here.
And our lot,
shorts and T-shirts, sunburned, sweaty.
Pretty sure there was some...
Oh, hi, Grace.
-Am I intruding?
-No, no, not at all.
We've been collecting the apples.
This is my family.
This is Grace, Howard's daughter.
-Hey, Grace.
-Hello. Nice to meet you.
So, he didn't tell you I was coming.
That I took the weekend off to come.
You didn't tell them, Dad.
-I forgot.
-Oh, you forgot.
There's hot food if you're hungry.
-Here. Let me grab you a plate.
-No, no, no thank you. I ate on the way.
This is Grace.
This is Howard's daughter.
-You wanna go say hi?
Hi, Grace.
Nice to meet you.
These are gorilla teeth.
Uncle Howard gave them to me.
Uncle Howard,
as you call him, lied, I'm afraid.
-All they are is fish teeth.
-How do you know?
Well, because they belong to me.
-Hi, love.
Wait up.
-Explain something to me, will you?
-You and Howard are friends, right?
-That's right.
-But you work for him?
Do you need the money, though?
Because me and Brian,
we can help you out.
I'm fine, love.
I'm just worried
about you and wearing yourself out.
Can I tell you a secret?
I'm actually quite enjoying myself.
[banging sounds]
How do you get this thing to work?
You're a man of many surprises.
Oh? What?
This was Elaine's.
It's been lying here for years.
Since she drowned.
That must've been very hard for you.
A long time ago.
-Your husband must be here.
You want to visit his grave?
No. That's okay.
I haven't been since they buried him.
Why? Was he bad to you?
And the girls.
How bad?
I'd rather not get into the details.
Of course.
It messes you up, though,
that kind of relationship.
You get so you barely know
who you are by the end.
And how have you been since?
This has helped.
[cell phone plays tune]
-Hello, Annie. Its Grace.
Oh, hi, Grace.
I didn't get a chance the last time.
There was so much going on.
Well, I wanted to thank you
for the work you've been doing.
And the effect you've had on my father.
Thank you.
Since he retired,
I've bent over backwards,
trying to fix his obstinate,
counterproductive ways.
Then you come along.
What's your secret?
I don't know.
I suppose I just take him as I find him.
You know he's getting on.
And as time goes on,
a certain amount of peace and quiet
will be essential to him.
A certain amount of routine.
I'm not quite sure what you're saying.
I've put his name on the list
for St. Bridget's Residential Care Home,
So whenever a place opens up for him,
your employment at the house
will come to an end.
I just wanted to warn you of that.
I see.
And, of course, I expect you,
as my employee,
to keep this information confidential.
Including from my father.
He doesn't always know
what's best for him.
Let's go for a spin.
Come on.
I used to come here quite a bit.
-With Elaine?
-No, Grace.
This is where she'd watch
the cargo ships coming in.
She loved the sea.
-Because of you?
-I suppose.
She had this map
where she used to mark off
all my ports of call, you know.
And when I returned from my travels,
there she'd be at the gate,
waiting for me.
Must've been tough for her.
And her mother.
Well, Elaine.
Well, perhaps,
she should've never married a sailor.
What do you mean?
it got harder and harder.
-To leave?
-To come home.
I started to feel like a stranger.
In my own home.
And then one day, no Grace at the gate.
What's wrong?
Grace is making plans for your future.
She's put your name down
for St. Bridget's.
-How do you know?
-She told me.
Why don't she mind
her own bloody business.
Maybe she's just doing
what she thinks is best for you.
Yeah. Right.
Anyway, she told me not to tell you.
And now you know. And I'd better go.
-Do you agree with her?
-God, no! Of course not.
Well, what if...
Never mind.
No, go on, say it, Howard.
Well, what if...
you moved in here?
With me.
As an employee?
What we have here
is not gonna happen again.
And what about Grace?
Well, what about her?
I work for her, Howard.
I can't just do that behind her back.
Well, I'll talk to her.
You will? Truthfully now.
I promise.
Okay. Straight in the back,
on the side, okay?
-[girl 1] Which side?
-[girl 2] This side.
-Sure you're okay with all of this?
-Girls, I'm terrified.
[indistinct chatter]
You think she's alright?
[woman] Yes, she'll be okay.
Shall we...
call it a day? Yes.
-Good night.
-Good night.
You're really selling it to me, Martin.
-So what do you do?
-Oh, me? I'm a publisher.
I mean it looks like a bit of a mess,
but it's actually organized chaos.
-Oh, hi.
Estelle, Sunnyside Properties.
-Such a charming house.
-Thank you.
This is Grace, my wife.
-Oh, is that you?
-Uh-huh, yes.
I actually took that photo.
It was Barcelona.
That was a great night, actually.
Im going to take a look
in the kitchen, Martin.
-What the hell's going on?
-I'll talk to you later, all right?
So yeah, we knocked through,
so we could get, you know,
extra square footage.
You can see
what we did with the light as well.
[woman] It's lovely.
[waves roaring]
[jazz piano playing]
[rock 'n' roll playing]
Oh, God. Turn that off.
Is it not yours?
Well, I bought it, but Grace
used to play it over and over again.
I think it's really good.
-C'mon, Howard.
-No, youre joking.
-C'mon, Howard.
-No, no. Two minutes.
-Where you going?
-Two minutes.
Do you remember
if you blacked out first?
-You don't remember?
-No, I didn't black out.
-I told you. I slipped.
In terms of physical damage,
there doesn't seem to be
a cause for concern.
Why all this, then?
With your medical history,
we have to be careful.
You know the drill, Howard.
Overnight observation.
-You didn't contact her, did you?
Good. That's just the excuse
she needs for starting in on me.
-So what did they say?
-High blood pressure.
-And that's it?
A lot of fuss about nothing.
What is going on?
Have you seen
what houses are going for
around here at the moment?
What are you talking about?
This is not the time
to be selling, Martin.
Who's selling?
I only asked for evaluation.
-And why did you do that?
-Im sorry.
Why did you do that
without consulting me first?
I tried to consult you, Grace,
but you refused to talk about it.
Like you refuse
to talk about a lot of other things.
-I lost my job today.
-Oh, Im sorry, love.
Yeah. The HSE restructuring.
Well, maybe all the more reason
for this opportunity in Munich.
You know what?
Go. Go to Munich.
Enjoy yourself.
But I would appreciate it
if you would leave a roof over my head.
Okay. Okay. Look,
I was only trying to help, you know.
[Howard and Annie laughing]
[Annie laughing]
Wait here a minute.
What's going on?
It's Christmas.
I don't want any arguments.
Is she living here?
Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?
-She's your housekeeper, Dad.
-My employee.
-She was your employee.
If you want me to pay you back
the money you've spent on her,
I'm happy to do that.
But listen. I've invited
her family for Christmas, right?
Now you're welcome to join us,
but if you do, I don't want
any unpleasantness.
Do you understand?
Do you understand, Grace?
[boisterous laughter]
Well, first I'd like to thank you
for sharing this day with us
in our home.
To hear the sounds of children's voices
in this house again is a...
Well, it's a rare joy.
I'd like to make a toast to a lady
whose love and kindness
has made my life complete.
To Annie.
To Annie.
-What are you doing?
-Come on, look at me.
It's fine.
My friend would always put garlic inside,
tons of garlic inside, you know.
-Was it all right there?
-Oh, I'm not hungry.
Did your husband not come down
with you?
-No, he's working.
-Over the Christmas?
I'd have stayed at home myself,
but I assumed my father was alone.
And what about your brothers?
Somewhere hot and ultra-exclusive.
Right, Dad?
Any Christmas cards this year?
Any gifts in the post?
They'll turn up eventually,
won't they, Dad?
In about six months' time
for your birthday.
Hand over
this year's bottle of rum or tequila
or whatever the national drink
of wherever they've been
most recently is.
The mad thing is
if you look in his drinks cabinet,
it's stuffed to overflowing
cause neither of these precious sons
of his ever bothered to notice
their father quit drinking
about a hundred bloody years ago.
-And I'll tell you what else--
-That's enough!
Where the hell are
your bloody manners?
There's something about Grace. She's...
She's not like your daughters.
That's right.
Because she's your daughter.
And you've hurt her.
She wouldve set her cap
against us right away.
If you'd given her half a chance,
the idea might've grown on her.
Well, I wanted her to accept us.
As a fact.
Why should I have to ask
for her permission?
That's no excuse
for breaking your promise to me.
I promised you I was going to tell her.
I love you, Howard.
But if this is the way you treat
your own flesh and blood,
then I don't know what to think
about me and you.
-What am I looking for?
To be recognized.
And what does that mean to you?
I know what it doesn't mean.
Go on.
That I have to be constantly punished
for caring for others.
First for my mother,
and now for my father.
And how does that feel?
It's not a feeling.
It's a fact.
As you will see
when we go through a process,
we become aware of our life patterns.
Then we observe ourselves.
And we ask, "What does this mean?"
-You know what? I'm sick of this.
Forget it.
This is a waste of my time.
Good bye now. God bless you both.
Hey, look at Mam.
-This is so embarrassing.
-C'mon, I'll show you. Like this.
-Excuse me.
Quick photo.
Oh, lovely.
Oh, great. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Now you're getting it.
-I think you're a natural.
-I don't think so.
You are. You are.
I said, "Would you marry me?"
Hi, Dad.
-Hello, Grace.
Will I make some tea?
No. Just get the girls off to bed.
C'mon, girls.
-And when would this be?
Right away.
-What about your furniture?
-In storage, for the time being.
Moving in on top of us,
its not gonna work.
Well, the house is sold.
Martin's gone. Where the hell else
am I supposed to stay?
Well, if you're planning to get
another job around here,
you can always rent an apartment.
Why should I?
This is my home.
Mam's home.
Well, I'm sure the hospital will provide
staff accommodation.
Is this because of her?
-Does she not want me here?
-No, you hold it right there.
You are welcome to visit
as often as you like,
but you contact me first.
-Do you hear what you're saying?
-Would you keep your voice down.
-The girls are in bed.
-They're not your girls.
Dad. I'm your girl.
But when did that ever matter anyway?
You never cared about me.
Or Mom.
I'd like you to go now, Grace.
[car starting]
[indistinct chatter on television]
[mellow music playing]
[Grace] Dear Annie.
When I employed you last year,
it was to help my father
with the housekeeping.
I never imagined
he would manipulate you into moving in.
Can't you see what's happening here?
Instead of paying you for your labor,
he's getting it for free.
As well as whatever else it is
he has you doing for him.
His whole life
has been about making sure
that all of his needs were met.
[children] Higher, higher, higher!
[Grace] He's never given a thought
to anyone else's,
certainly not mine or my mother's.
And soon enough,
he won't give a thought to yours.
He may tell you he loves you, Annie,
but there's only one person
he cares about.
Jesus, Mom.
Do you believe her?
I don't know what to believe.
Whatever you do, put yourself first.
Morning, everyone.
This is Grace,
who'll be standing in for Dorothy.
Hello, everyone.
Grab yourself a tea or a coffee
before we start.
No, no, I'm fine. Thanks.
-Grace Grimes, isn't it?
Joyce O'Malley.
-I think we were in school together.
-Oh, really?
You had to look after your mam, right?
That's right, yeah.
I always thought that was
pretty amazing, I have to say.
-So Howard's your dad, then?
All right.
Oh, me and Kelly are pretty close.
-Annie's daughter.
Ah, yes, of course.
-Oh, so cute, that old pair.
-Annie and Howard?
Oh, imagine finding love
that late in life.
You see,
there's still hope for you yet, Peggy.
-So when's the wedding?
-I don't know if theyve set a date yet.
Have your dad and Annie set
a date yet?
[Howard and the girls playing]
Catch me! Catch me!
-All right, that's enough.
-Oh, no.
-You'll have me in the morgue.
-Or in the old folks' home.
What's an old folks' home?
It's like a place where you can leave
old people when they get too old
or maybe if your family's gonna want
to go on holidays or something.
Like with a dog?
Yeah, sort of like with the dog.
Even if they don't need a leash.
Howard. Howard. Jesus.
It was an ischemic stroke.
So the TIA was
more than likely a warning.
What TIA?
The one he had in November.
What are you talking about?
Why wasn't I told?
Told what?
That he had a TIA in November.
He told me
it was just high blood pressure.
And you think
they'd do an MRI for that, do you?
All right.
Let me fill you in on what
my father's been hiding from you, Annie.
He had a very serious stroke at sea
five years ago
after which he was forced to retire.
-I wish I'd known this, Grace.
-I told you when I hired you.
Peace and quiet, yes?
Give him his space.
And what has it been ever since?
You put your grandchildren in a car
with a man who was banned
from driving for life.
-Oh, my God.
-You just let it happen.
-I had no idea.
You see this charming, lovable man,
but I told you he does what suits him
and to hell with the consequences
for you or for anyone else.
What did he tell you
about my mom and me?
He said he wasn't there for you
as much as he should've been.
He left me
with my clinically depressed mother.
I was barely fourteen years of age.
Feeding, washing her,
changing her clothes
if I could get her out of bed.
All I knew was: get her up,
dress her up for Dad
when he got home.
But the worse she got,
the faster he disappeared
conveniently far, far out to sea.
And when she drowned,
he blamed me.
Because I wasn't there.
I wasn't there.
I should leave.
And now that I need help,
he won't give it to me.
-You know why?
-I should leave.
-Because of you, Annie.
-I should leave you to your father.
Yes, run.
Run away and stay away!
Dad, wait there. I'll help you out.
Here we are. Welcome home.
That's it.
You're doing great, Dad.
We'll have you shipshape
in no time, all right?
That's it. You have to keep
making the effort. That's it.
Would you like a cup of tea?
I'll put the kettle on.
And I've arranged to shorten my hours
so I can be with you
as much as you need me.
We're gonna be fine, Dad.
[cell phone tune plays]
[cell phone continues]
[door creaks]
Here we go.
Where's my phone?
Grace, what have you done
with my phone?
Now, Dad.
Hello, Grace.
-I would like to talk to Howard.
-Please. What harm could it do?
He doesn't need the excitement, Annie.
If you care in any way
about him getting better,
I need you to leave.
[unimportant voices on the radio]
-I'd like to talk to him.
I need you to leave.
Dad, please. What are you doing?
You must be hungry.
What did you say to her?
Answer me.
That you need rest.
That you need to be taken care of.
She could take care of me.
Do you want the same thing
to happen again?
Only worse.
If I can't have her here with me,
I might as well be dead.
That's what Mam used to say.
About you.
-Okay then.
Dad. Dad. Dad.
Hey, Dad. Look at me.
How can I help?
I'd like to see Howard Grimes.
Howard Grimes. Yes.
Are you family?
-No, but I'm--
-I'm sorry.
Could I leave
something for him, please?
Of course.
-Who will I say it's from?
-Annie Bell?
He's resting outside.
So, there he is, just by the bench.
-I'll leave you to it.
-Thank you.
I brought you something.
Don't cry, my love.
I'm sorry.
What we had together was wonderful.
Yes. Yes.
Are we still getting married?
Do you still want to?
With all my heart.
Then nothing would make me happier.
Well, it's settled then.
-Was he alone?
-You were with him when he...
I just wanted to say...
thank you.
Thank you.
[mellow music playing]