Mysterious Skin (2004) Movie Script

The summer I was
from my life.
Gone without a trace.
Last thing I remember I was
sitting on the bench...
at my Little League game.
It started to rain.
What happened after that
remains a pitch black void.
You, dork.
What the heck are
you doing in there?
You're bleeding.
Whew! It is
terrible out there.
Hello, sweetheart.
What happened to you?
Brian got a bloody nose
hiding in the cellar.
Whatever on Earth were
you doing down there?
Are you okay, sweetheart?
You poor little baby.
They had me cooped up all
night in that awful mailroom.
I didn't even know it was
raining till I got off work.
Hold still.
Did one of the other moms
give you a ride home?
- I'm going to bed.
- I hope you're happy.
I knew he'd get hurt playing
sports out there in the field.
You know, when I was a kid, I wasn't
exactly a star player either.
But at least I gave it my all,
I wasn't a quitter.
Sorry, Dad.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I told your father that
Little League thing...
was a stupid idea.
Hold your nose.
Mom made me quit baseball
the very next day.
This was when
the nightmares began...
...and the nose bleeds.
I wet the bed several times...
...and then there
were the blackouts.
I'd feel my eyes
roll back in my head.
I'd crumple to the floor
like a dropped puppet.
The darn thing's not
even a year old yet.
Maybe it's screwed up from
all the lighting last week.
Oh, your father's going to be
overjoyed about this.
What time's Dad getting home?
Not for another hour,
at least, honey.
Mom. Deborah.
Come look!
It's a UFO!
Oh please, it's just a
weather balloon or something.
No, look what it's doing to the TV.
It's flying over the house!
Let's go up on the roof.
No, wait!
Children, be careful!
That summer, those were the
two things I'd never forget.
The cramped, stale
darkness of the crawlspace.
And, equal in power
and mystery...that UFO,
out there somewhere traveling
across the universe.
The summer I was 8 years old,
I came for the first time.
I was watching my Mom going at it
with her boyfriend of the moment,
Alfred, in my old swing set.
Alfred was all Marlboro man,
dumb as a fucking rock.
What I would, years later,
come to call "my type".
And only the most boring,
stupid things...
have ever come out of his mouth.
But seeing him like this,
whimpering and grunting...
like a helpless animal, I
couldn't take my eyes off of him.
I'd been masturbating for
years, but it wasn't till...
that summer that jizz actually
squirted out my dick when I came.
Couldn't wait to show Coach.
Oh, maybe I should start
at the beginning.
Back in June, my Mom signed
me up for Little League.
It was Alfred's idea, a way
for them to fuck freely,
without the expense
of a sitter.
Are you excited?
Coach Heider?
Desire sledgehammered me.
He looked like the lifeguards,
cowboys and firemen,
I'd seen in the Playgirls that my
mom kept stashed under her bed.
Back then, I didn't know
what to do with my feelings.
They were like, a gift I had
to open in front of a crowd.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'm Ellen McCormick.
And this is my son, Neil.
Hello, Neil.
Honey, don't you want to
say hello to your new coach?
Don't worry, it takes him a
while to warm up to strangers.
I quickly became the
team's star player.
Which wasn't saying much
considering the other kids...
were a bunch of
hopeless spazzes.
Our first game,
bottom of the eighth,
I whacked a triple
with the bases loaded.
The crowd went fuckin' nuts.
But I didn't care about that.
All that mattered was
it made Coach proud.
After that first victory,
the coach called my Mom...
to tell her he was taking the team
out to a movie to celebrate.
Hey, big guy,
ready to go?
- Coach?
- Yeah.
Where's everybody else?
Well, it looks like it's just going
to be you and me today, bud.
- Really?
- Yup.
I picked "Blood Prom," an
R- rated slasher flick...
with tons of cool gore
and murders in it.
When this one really
annoying blonde chick...
got her head chopped off,
I cheered.
After the movie, we
we picked up a pizza...
and headed back to Coach's.
Coach's house was awesome.
He had a giant TV, an Atari with
Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Frogger.
All my favorite games.
Hah. You exploded.
My turn.
Sure your mom's
not expecting you?
She works.
She's probably got a date
with Alfred afterward.
My guess is you spend a lot
of time by yourself, huh?
But I kind of like it.
I just ride my
bike and watch TV.
It's cool.
Oh shit!
You made me mess up!
Hold on.
Come here for a sec.
Bring one of those
bottles of Peach Nehi.
Now, this might seem a
little weird at first.
But I need to record
my team's voices,
especially my best players.
Take this.
Now just speak into it
using your normal voice.
Well, what should I say?
Whatever you like.
Start with your name.
Now take a big sip
of pop and belch.
Say that again.
Shit, shit,
shit, shit, shit.
Now, look up
into the camera.
Now stick your tongue out.
Make a funny face.
Good. Good.
Yes, Neil, yes.
Open your mouth real wide.
Neil, that's perfect.
July 2nd.
We had a 7:30 game against
Hutchinson Taco Hut.
I know you're gonna kick
their butts tonight?
You gonna knock one out
of the park for your poor,
hard-working mom?
So you're gonna get a ride
home with Coach, right?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You're mine and I love you
and don't you ever forget it.
Boy, were you
on fire tonight!
It's the best
you've ever played!
Thanks, Coach.
Hey, can we play some more of
those game cartridges tonight?
Sure we can.
But I gotta show
you something first.
I look stupid in this one.
You look perfect.
Your expression.
Like you're having
a wonderful dream.
Neil, I've been thinking
a lot about you this week.
I'm hungry.
You want a pizza?
I might have something
here you'd like.
What'll it be, little buddy?
My mom never buys
these things.
She says they're a
big waste of money.
Let's eat then.
Which one do you want?
I don't know,
what are you having?
Corn pops.
Then I'll have uh...
Cocoa Krispies.
You do one.
Here we go.
I like you, Neil.
I like you so much.
When I really, really
like someone...
...there's a way I
show them how I feel.
There's nothing wrong with
kissing someone like this.
Don't ever let anyone
tell you that it's wrong.
It happened.
That's what I told myself.
It just happened.
And after it was over,
I looked down...
at the mess on the floor.
It was like a kaleidoscope
had shattered.
And when I swallowed, the taste
of Coach's tongue seared my mouth.
You liked it.
It's okay that you liked it.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Do you know him
or something?
I met Wendy Peterson
when I was ten.
She was eleven, one grade
ahead of me in school.
What are you doing?
Damn. No razor.
You're insane.
If I wasn't queer we would
have ended up having...
sloppy teenage sex and
getting pregnant...
contributing more fucked up,
unwanted kids to society.
But instead, she
became my soulmate. true
partner in crime.
Let's kidnap him.
His mom says we're
supposed to take him home.
Where are you taking me?
A house with lots
and lots of candy.
These are the eyes of the
Axe Murderer's victims.
- Come on, Satan.
- Hurry up, Chicken.
I never much cared
for Halloween,
but this particular year,
I couldn't shake the feeling...
that something
horrible was gonna happen.
And there was nothing
I could do to stop it.
Wait outside for me.
I'll be done in a minute.
You hold him while
I go get something.
- What are we gonna do?
- Have some fun.
- What's the matter, Satan?
- What did you say, Punk?
What a loser!
I thought that was you.
Lie down.
Lie down, retard.
What are you doing?
Shut up!
Shut up, or we'll kill you.
Point the beam over here.
Open your mouth.
I said open your mouth.
Keep these in your
fucking mouth.
You better do what we say,
or I'll kill you, I swear.
Give me the matches.
Wendy, come on, give me
the damn matches!
Shine the flashlight on him.
Neil, he's gonna tattle!
Don't worry.
I know what to do.
There are things we can
do to get him on our side.
That's it.
Just lay still for a minute.
You're my little green buddy
and there's this cool thing...
I wanna show you.
When I was little, a man
used to do this to me.
You're really gonna like it.
That's it.
That's my boy.
Wendy never looked at me
quite the same after that night.
Sharing this part of myself...
I'd never showed
anyone else ever before.
I knew we'd be bound
I woke up, once again not
knowing where I was...
or what had happened to me.
By the time I
made my way back,
Deborah said I'd been
missing for over an hour.
But I couldn't
remember a thing.
All I knew was that it was somehow
linked to the other time,
the night I
woke up in the cellar.
And I also knew that,
no matter how long it took,
I had to find out what
had happened to me.
I had to find an
answer to the mystery.
When I was 15, I overheard some
kids at school talking about a place.
A place that you could find even in
a dumbass hicktown like Hutchinson.
Here we go.
- How's it going?
- Okay.
- I'm Charlie.
- Neil.
Wanna go for a ride?
You got cash?
I'll pay 50, no higher.
You've got to be
careful out here.
The cops patrol this
whole entire area,
and they've got brains
enough to know what's up.
I'm in Hutchinson
on business.
I supply snack foods
to the local markets.
Go ahead.
Take whatever you want.
Hungry, huh?
We've only got an hour,
so we'd better get busy.
Let me.
So, what do you like to do?
Tell me what you
want me to do.
You like older guys, huh?
Tell me.
That feels nice.
You are such a beautiful,
beautiful boy.
I'm gonna come.
I'm gonna come.
I know what you're thinking.
That wasn't safe.
But we're in
Kansas, thank God,
not some big city
full of diseases.
Plus, you're only a kid.
You scared me!
Thanks for meeting me.
Yeah, well,
This better be good.
My mom will kill me if she
finds out I snuck out this late.
I have something
I wanna show you.
Yeah. So?
That's me.
You're such a liar.
I don't believe you.
I'll prove it.
Okay. How?
Oh, my God, what are you...
Put that back in your
pants, exhibitionist!
No way, perv.
Look what the guy did to me.
Are those bruises?
Fucker gnawed on my dick like
it was a fucking candy cane.
I didn't even realize he was hurting
me till after I blew my load.
Well, you better
watch out, McCormick.
Next time someone might
chomp the whole thing off.
Even Hutchinson has
its share of freaks.
You trick with the wrong guy and
I'd find pieces of you everywhere.
Okay, "Mom".
I wish there's a movie
showing right now.
Me too.
A film about our lives.
Everything's that's
happened so far.
And the last scene would just
be us standing right here.
Just you and me.
I hear something.
It's the voice of God.
I hear him.
I hear him.
It's about to begin.
Alright, I'm coming.
VCR on?
I checked it twice.
It's probably going
to be a little silly.
The commercial showed this
crazy old man claiming...
aliens beamed him up right
out of his bathtub.
If you're going to make fun,
I'd just as soon watch by myself.
Shh, it's starting.
Tonight on "World
Of Mystery",
we investigate the
terrifying world of UFOs.
Is it mass hysteria or
something all too real?
They kept me
prisoner for hours.
They examined me like I was
a frog in biology class.
And then they stuck a
probe in my stomach.
I still got the scar
here to prove it.
Look at that.
I always got scared anytime
I watched movies about UFOs.
Even "E.T." scared me.
Poor thing.
She looks so homely and sad.
Avalyn Friesen lives in the tiny,
ordinary town of Inman, Kansas.
That's only 30 miles away.
she is unmarried.
Lives with her father
and works part-time...
as a secretary.
But there is something
unusual about Avalyn.
For as long as
she can remember,
things have happened to her,
things she cannot explain.
I'd heard about people who've
experienced missing time.
Whole chunks of their lives
they couldn't account for.
Under hypnotic regression
I learned that...
I had been abducted
more than 20 times.
Oh, please!
The first time
was when I was 6.
I was on my way home from a
picnic with my grandparents.
It was dark and we got lost,
driving down a dirt road.
Grandpa lost control of the
car and we went into a ditch.
There was this
blinding white light.
But the aliens weren't
interested in my grandparents.
They floated me up
out of the car...
using some sort
of gravitational ray.
That's it.
I've had enough.
I'm gonna get some ice cream.
- Want some?
- No, thanks.
I remember lying on a table.
It was cold,
smooth and shiny.
The aliens surrounded me.
They were bald with huge
marshmallowy heads and tiny arms.
But the worst part
was their eyes.
The only way I can
describe them is big,
black diamonds,
all liquidy and jellyish.
I can't believe I'm finally getting
out of this fucking nowhere town!
You better let me know
the second you're settled.
Or else.
You better come.
Or else.
New York City.
You're so lucky!
Hey, assface.
What you gawking at?
Shit, go, go, go!
Fuck you!
Remember the guy I told
you about last week?
White Camaro?
That's him.
Parked by those trees.
I've fucked every single
john in this park.
Except for White Camaro.
So it's time for
you two to get lost.
Stop scaring my
business away.
You want us to come
pick you up later?
Yeah, if you want.
I'll be done by, like, 7.
We'll meet you.
Speak for yourself, Eric.
I gotta get home
and start packing.
Alright, call me tonight.
I'll see you later.
You better be careful.
Of what?
I'm serious, Eric.
You're not in
Modesto anymore.
I see the way
you look at him.
He's so beautiful.
I can't help it.
He's like a god.
You don't have to tell me, I
was infatuated with him too once.
But I know all Neil's secrets
and there's shit there...
you don't even want
to know about.
Trust me.
Once I'm gone, you'll
be all Neil has...
and you have to
understand one thing.
Where normal people
have a heart,
Neil McCormick's has a
bottomless black hole.
And if you don't watch out, you can
fall in and get lost forever.
Brian, you home?
Yeah, Mom.
In here.
No class today?
I've got English Comp
discussion group at 7:30.
You have mail.
Looks like one
from your sister.
And one from "A. Friesen"?
I can't believe
she wrote me back.
Avalyn Friesen.
The woman on TV.
She didn't have to dump a whole
gallon of perfume on it, did she?
What did she say?
She wants me to
visit her in Inman.
Thanks for the ride, Preston.
You just missed it, sweetie.
This little old lady
just won both showcases.
What did she get?
She got a trip to Scotland,
beautiful living room set,
a brand new car.
I can't remember the name of
it but it cost over 27 grand.
Are you wearing cologne?
Was work okay?
It was the pits.
When is our ship
gonna come in, huh baby?
Soon, Ma.
Oh, Neil, don't forget.
Tomorrow's my date.
That hot Italian.
The guy who always comes
through my checkout lane.
Don't worry, because
I'll be at work.
It's the last tournament
of the season.
Brian, hey!
Patches, down.
Sorry, she gets a
little excited.
Hi, you must be Brian.
I'm Avalyn, obviously.
It's okay, Daddy.
This is the young man
I was telling you about.
Don't mind him.
He's just a little
wary of strangers.
I'm so glad you're here.
Come on.
It isn't showy, but it's home.
Here, have a seat.
Have you eaten?
I was just in the middle of lunch.
- I hope you don't mind.
- No, go ahead. I ate earlier.
So, you saw the show?
Several times.
I videotaped it.
They left some stuff out, but they
managed to get the major points across.
I think I was taken too.
You mentioned that
in your letter.
You're at the point I
was a few years ago,
where you're just starting
to remember things.
There are many of us and
we all have this drive...
to know what happened. think that's
what happened to me.
Just from what I told you
about the missing time and...
I'm sure of it.
Feel like going on a walk?
What's that you're carrying?
It's a Dream Journal.
I keep a log of
all my dreams.
Whatever bits and pieces
I can recall at least.
I feel like it's slowly
helping me remember.
That's a really good idea.
Your subconscious is where
all your memories are buried.
For you and me and people
like us almost every...
single thing we do stems
from our being abducted.
Come here, I want to show you
something they wouldn't allow...
on "World of Mystery".
I've been tagged.
Part of their experiments.
Touch it.
When I was taken,
my leg was bleeding,
but I didn't remember
being cut, nothing.
Then, under hypnosis is when
I discovered that's where...
they implant the
tracking device.
Now everything
I do, they know.
In fact, I wouldn't be
surprised if they were...
spying on us right now.
When I was found that
night, my nose was bleeding.
The old up-the-nose trick,
so the scar can't be seen.
Don't forget to write.
Don't you forget
what I told you.
You better come see
me soon, asshole.
I will.
I will.
Stay out of trouble, you two.
I can't believe it's so late.
My mom's gonna worry.
You still live with your mom?
My dad moved out 7 years ago.
I don't see him much.
You wanna read me
one of your dreams?
I just, you know, scribble them
out in the middle of the night.
Sometimes I can
barely even read them.
That's okay.
This is from 2 nights ago.
"There's a blue light.
I'm in my Little
League uniform,
and a tall alien is
hovering over me."
"Someone else is with me.
Another boy, also in uniform."
That was the name
of my baseball team.
Let's see, uh...
"The alien has big black eyes.
He's touching my face."
"I want to cry out
for help, but..."
"I can't. I can't."
You're on your way to
uncovering the truth.
Think of yourself as a
detective, following clues.
Maybe concentrate on the
other boy in your dreams,
he could help you find the
answers you're looking for.
Two outs.
Third baseman Jackson up,
with Hinton..
on deck.
Check out that Jackson.
Hubba hubba.
are you joking?
No, I'd fuck him for free.
Please return all foul
balls to pressbox.
Thank you.
You don't think
Jackson's hot?
Dude, he's fat and bald!
Different folks,
different strokes.
My Daddy hit this.
Well, come here, come on in,
collect your prize.
Thank you so much.
One second...
what will it be, big guy?
Cash or bubbles?
You can't decide.
Alright, hold out your hand.
- Thanks!
- You're welcome.
See you later.
When kids do good,
you gotta reward them.
Oh, Christ.
It's Hinton,
a.k.a. "Ass of the Gods".
I am so, fucking wasted!
Oh, shit!
- Where's your mom?
- I don't know.
She's probably out with her
new boyfriend, Vincenzo.
I've got a wicked headache.
- Do you have any pot?
- Yeah. Come on.
Knock yourself out.
There's a porno in the
VCR if you wanna jack off.
You got a lighter?
Yeah. Here.
You like that?
It tickles a little.
That feels good,
doesn't it, Neil?
Can we put the blanket over our
heads like we did last time?
Here we go.
Find what you
were looking for?
Thanks a lot.
Glad I could help out.
I used to write for
my school paper too,
back in the day.
Well, this will really make a
big difference in my article.
Maybe you'll win
a Pulitzer Prize.
Just let me know if there's
anything else you need.
Thanks so much.
You done already?
I'm on kind of a
tight deadline.
Well, good luck.
That's two outs.
Garfield the batter...
Heim on deck.
Scoot your chair back
a little further.
That's better.
Hold on a sec.
And at the end of 3
innings, the score is...
Hutchinson First
National Bank, 3;
Wichita Coleman
lndustries, 0.
Okay. Go on.
Where have you been?
I should've called.
I didn't realize the time.
Well, your dinner's
cold as ice.
That's okay.
Brian, what's going on?
You've been acting
so strangely.
Disappearing for hours.
It's just school, Mom.
College is way different
than high school.
Did you ever call
your father back?
I've been busy.
I'll get it.
You finish your dinner.
He's eating his
supper right now.
- Who is it?
- It's that UFO woman.
I'll get it in the hall.
Got it.
I was just going
to call you.
I found a photo of the boy.
The one from my dreams.
That's amazing.
What are you
doing right now?
There's something
I need to show you.
Something important.
Can you come out here?
Hi, honey.
How was work?
Fuck you.
I'm so fuckin' sick of this
stinky little buttcrack of a town!
Patches, shhh, quiet!
You'll wake Daddy.
Thanks for coming.
No problem.
I stole this from the
Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce.
That's him.
The boy from my dreams.
Look at his face.
It's almost like you can
tell he knows something.
What are you doing?
"N. McCormick."
You can start looking for
him first thing tomorrow morning.
Maybe he still
lives in Hutchinson.
Meanwhile, I have to show you
something only you will understand.
I've fucked every single guy and
his ugly uncle in this podunk town.
You want one?
One of us has to drive.
I got a postcard from Wendy.
I think she's mad at me
because I owe her like 3 letters.
Yeah, her last P.S. is...
"Tell Fuckface
to write me".
So you wanna hear
what she says?
"Hey, ass.
So New York is insane and
crazy in the best possible way".
Pardon me.
Can we help you?
I was wondering if I might
buy you boys a drink.
Fuck off.
You heard me, fag.
Stuck up little pricks.
Wasn't he kinda your type?
I hate it when they look like
Tarzan and sound like Jane.
Let's get out of
this shithole.
But we just got here!
Patches, get
away from there!
Farmers have been finding
mutilated cattle like this...
around here for years.
I told "World of Mystery", but
they conveniently edited it out.
Daddy says it's just a bunch
of "Satan worshippers"...
going around chopping up cows.
Ha! Come here.
Let me see your hand.
Feel that?
Its sex organs.
They're gone.
The aliens, they experiment
on cattle because the...
poor things are so defenseless.
Us, on the other hand,
they can't kill us,
so they just leave behind
the hidden memories...
of what they've done.
Which in a way
is almost worse.
Notice anything
else strange?
There's no blood.
They took that, too.
Oh, my God, Brian!
Here we go.
Oh, my God.
Tell him you like it.
Oh, Brian, are you okay?
Oh, God.
Neil. What are you doing?
Come on.
It's 2:30 in the morning.
You called me
your fucking...angel.
Are you sure Wendy's going
to meet you at the station?
I don't want you getting
lost in that crazy city.
Ma, you don't have
to worry, okay?
Call me collect the
minute you arrive.
- Promise me.
- Okay.
Promise me, Neil.
We should've at least gotten
you a decent hair cut.
I have to take a piss.
We'll be right back.
- Fuck, man!
- What's the matter?
I don't know.
My fucking dick itches
like motherfucking fuck!
What do you want
me to do about it?
Just look down there.
Preston, come on,
help me out here.
What the fuck's
wrong with me?
You've got crabs.
I mean, it's no big, man.
You just go to the drug store
and get this stuff called Rid.
You better be
playing safe.
I stay in control.
Honey, your bus is boarding.
My baby.
You're all grown up.
You gonna be careful?
Yeah, I will.
You're mine and I love you.
Don't you ever forget it.
Come on.
I'll buy you Dairy Queen.
So what are you gonna
do now that Neil's gone?
- Kill myself, I guess.
- Eric, that is not funny.
Well, I start Hutchinson
Community College next week.
That's so wonderful.
Pathetic is more like it.
Well, you know you are
always welcome to come over...
to the house, even
without Neil around.
Thanks, Mrs. M. I may
just take you up on that.
You better.
Who the hell is that?
Incognito Boy Scout?
Can I help you?
- Is this your house?
- Yes.
I'm really sorry
to bother you,
but I got your address
out of the phonebook.
I've spent the whole
afternoon checking every...
McCormick in Hutchinson and
you're the last one on my list.
Anyway, I don't
mean to babble...
What do you want?
I'm looking for an N. McCormick.
Are you FBl?
Sorry honey, but it looks
like you are shit outta luck.
You mean there's no
N. McCormick living here?
I mean we just put him on
a bus headed for New York City.
I'm Neil's friend, Eric,
and this is his Mom.
His name is Neil?
I'm Brian.
Brian Lackey.
So you still
haven't written.
Big surprise.
But Wendy says you're
doing okay, which is cool.
I've been wanting to tell
you about this strange guy...
I met 3 weeks ago.
No, we're not fucking.
Get your mind out
of the gutter, perv.
He's not even gay,
I don't think.
In fact, his vibe is
kinda weirdly asexual.
His name is Brian Lackey.
He lives in Little River
and, like yours truly,
attends Hutchinson
Loser Community College.
Anyways, the day you left...
...your mom and I found him
literally on your doorstep,
looking for you.
He says you and him played
Little League together...
like 10 years ago.
He was the worst player on the
team, blah, blah, blah...
He's full of
questions about you.
But, of course, I
haven't told him much,
i.e. about your
"line of work".
I did say you were
queer like me,
only because I figured
you wouldn't care.
But now, are you ready
for the good part?
He thinks that when you
and him were little... were both abducted
and examined by space aliens.
How brilliant is that?
But he was completely
serious when he told me this.
Like you should've seen
the look in his eyes.
So, what's the story, dude?
Were you abducted
by a UFO or what?
P.S. - Are your crabs gone yet?
- Brian?
- Yeah?
- You have a visitor.
- Hi Brian.
I was just in the neighborhood
and I thought I'd stop by,
see how you're doing.
I'll be in the front
room if you need me.
Thanks, Mom.
Didn't care for that film.
That, I didn't see.
Your Mom doesn't
like me very much.
She thinks I'm trying
to steal you away.
Any luck in your
search for "N. McCormick"?
I met his mom and
his best friend,
but he's in New York right now.
New York. Really?
Here. Sit down.
Had any more of
those dreams?
But they seem to
be slowly evolving.
Maybe it's just because I've
been spending a lot of time...
with Eric, Neil's friend.
But it's becoming clearer
and clearer that he...
Neil that is, is a
key figure in all this.
Like he was there with me
the night it all happened.
I can't.
I can't.
Don't. No.
I can't.
It's okay.
No. No.
It'll feel good.
I'm sorry.
You better go.
I'm sorry, Brian.
I pay 120.
Not a cent more.
Shall we?
Fuck me!
Fuck me up the ass with
your hot, teenaged cock!
What the fuck are you doing?
I'll put it on for you.
Well, come on, stud.
We're on the clock here.
We're not in Kansas
anymore, Neil.
You have got to
be so careful.
I know.
Don't "I know" me,
Neil McCormick.
This is New York City.
You do the wrong thing with
the wrong person and you die.
End of story.
Just promise me
you'll be safe.
Are these the only kinds
of movies you watch?
Why? You don't like it?
No, it's cool.
So, has Neil gotten
back to you yet?
Let me explain The
Universe of Neil McCormick.
He's like a planet,
Saturn say.
And we're all like little
moons orbiting around.
Now, do planets
write letters?
But I do know that he'll be
in Hutchinson for Christmas.
His mom told me that she sent
him a ticket to fly home...
for Baby Jesus's Birthday.
So I'll introduce you then.
Thought you two might
like a little study break.
Thanks, Mrs. Lackey.
Thanks, Mom.
It's 11:30.
If it's Avalyn...
tell her I'm not here.
No, I'm sorry, Avalyn,
he's out with his friends.
No problem.
I thought you
kinda liked her.
I just...
I don't know.
I think I just need a little
space from her right now.
I always thought she
was a freak anyway.
So, I'm off to bed.
Good night, boys.
I'm a...I'm Zeke.
From LA.
What are you doing
in New York City?
That's a..
that's a Vermeer.
Well, it's sort of a Vermeer.
You are exquisite.
I guess it's my turn, huh?
Hope these don't
frighten you too much.
They...have a habit of popping up
in the most inopportune places.
Oh, I know.
Don't be worried.
This is gonna be the safest
encounter you ever had.
If you could
just rub my back.
Really, I need to be touched.
Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes.
Oh, make me happy.
Make me happy,
make me happy...
Yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes.
Oh, make me happy.
You were 100
percent safe, right?
I told you I just jerked off.
He watched from
across the room.
For the first time in my
life I'm bothered by it.
Maybe you should try and find
some other safer way to make money.
You know,
like everyone else.
Yeah, maybe.
You're the only
one I've ever told.
I know.
I never told Eric,
or my Mom.
And I know some people
might think it's fucked up,
or terrible, or whatever?
But what happened that a huge part of me.
No one ever made me feel
that way, before or since.
Like I was, I was special. were 8 years old.
Yeah, but he really loved me.
I mean, there were other
kids sometimes, but...
I was his prize.
I was his one true love.
Happy birthday.
You didn't have to
get me anything.
It's just a little
something I picked out.
I thought it'd go great
with your hair color.
It's so cool.
You alright?
I'm drunk.
I've never been
drunk in my life!
I'm corrupting you.
At last!
That's pretty good.
Yeah, sure.
No, really.
You have definite
artistic talent, my boy.
That's an interesting touch.
So, what's the "deep meaning"
behind the baseball cleats?
I have no idea.
- How was work?
- Fuckin' boring.
- You need a hand?
- Sure.
So, I've got news for you.
Hey, me too.
You first.
Look what my Mom
sent me today.
She wants me to come
home for Christmas.
Your mom is the coolest.
Like mine would
ever do that for me.
It's weird.
I hate Hutchinson
more than anything but...
But I'm kind of looking
forward to going back...
just for a short visit.
- Plus you get to see Eric.
- Yeah.
So what's your news?
I think I found you a job.
A what?
I was talking to this friend
at work, Rachel, about you.
It's only minimum wage at a
stupid sandwich place, but...
You're not into it.
It's cool.
No, no, tell me
more about it.
Yeah, really?
I want to hear more about it.
- You do?
- Yeah.
You sure you're
gonna be okay?
I'm just glad my
Mom's working late.
Thanks for everything.
This has been...the
best birthday ever.
You're welcome.
Oh shit.
- Who's that?
- It's my Dad.
I caught you.
Your Mother said she didn't
know whether you'd be home or not.
Happy Birthday.
What are you doing here?
I'm not allowed to wish my
only son a happy birthday?
Dad, I haven't seen
you for what, 2 years?
Well, maybe if you returned
my calls once in a while...
Maybe I don't want to return
your phone calls, Dad.
Maybe I just want you
to leave me alone.
Brian, don't be like this.
I drove all this way.
I just wanted to see
how you're doing?
Well, let me tell you
what I want to know.
Something happened to
me when I was little.
Do you know what
I'm talking about?
What happened to me
that night I woke up...
bleeding in the cellar?
Where were you that night?
God, I can tell you
don't even remember!
You're drunk.
Quit avoiding the subject!
I was bleeding,
I kept passing out!
I wet my fucking bed
and you never asked why!
And what about that Halloween
when I blacked out again?
Something happened to
me both those nights!
What do you know about it?
Tell me!
I'm sorry, Brian, I...
I can't help you.
Welcome to Subz.
May I help you?
- Redecorating?
- Sort of, yeah.
So how ya been, Bri?
How's Berkeley?
Hold on, you two.
Why don't we continue this
conversation in the front room...
over the peanut-butter peach pie
I baked for this occasion?
Good to see you,
little brother.
You too.
Need a lift?
Where we going?
My place.
Don't worry, I'll pay.
- It's Christmas Eve tomorrow.
- No more talking.
- Where are we?
- Brighton Beach.
Bedroom's this way.
Do it.
Open wide and suck it, slut.
What are you
waiting for, slut?
Suck it!
You like that,
don't you, slut?
Take it deep.
Moan for me.
Wait, wait.
Slut knows what's
coming next.
I'm gonna give the slut just
what he's begging for...
Wait, wait, wait.
There's some
things I don't do.
I gotta take a piss.
Hold on.
I'll be right back.
You're getting fucked, slut,
whether you like it or not.
Slut! Slut! Slut!
Slut! Slut! Slut!
God, you love it!
Take that cock all
the way up there.
Take it, slut.
Yeah. Yeah!
Are you ready?
Here it comes.
Are you ready?
You ready? Ready?
Today is the day.
Now where are you off to?
I'm going out with Eric.
You don't want to stay and
talk with your sister a while?
I'll be back soon.
Don't be late, young man.
Christmas Eve dinner's at 6 sharp.
Here we are.
Do I look okay?
Okay's a relative term.
I'm kidding.
You look fine.
And nervous.
Don't worry.
I'm sure you guys
will hit it off great.
I hope you're right.
Oh, hi, Eric.
Hey, Mrs. M.
Merry Christmas.
You remember Brian.
Of course I do.
Hi, Brian.
Merry Christmas.
So where's the
Man of the Hour?
I was going to call you.
What happened?
There's been an accident.
Neil, he got mugged on
the way to the airport.
Is he okay?
He's going to be fine.
He's asleep in his room.
Well, maybe we should
come back tomorrow.
Or you stay if you'd like,
have some cookies...
and we'll see if he's...
Honey, you're up.
The fuck you staring at, Preston?
Brian says that you both were
in Little League together.
So how long has it been since
you two last saw each other?
Well, you must have a lot
of catching up to do.
Turn right off Main
by the fairgrounds.
So what the fuck happened?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you later.
Just drive for now.
It's nice to see New York hasn't
hardened you one bit, McCormick.
So you're the legendary Brian.
We have a lot in
common, don't we?
I think so.
Make a left at the
next stop sign.
Is this starting
to look familiar?
Pick us up in a half hour.
You ready?
No one's home.
Let's go around back.
We have to get in.
I know a way, here.
You were the best player
on the team, weren't you?
That's what he
always told me.
This was his bedroom.
At least the ceiling's
still the same.
I used to get lost for hours
staring at all the patterns.
Whirls, speckly,
sparkly things.
Come on.
Oh, man.
What's up with these people?
He used to keep
these things stocked.
This is it, right?
So, why now?
Why did you search me out?
I'm tired of it.
I want to dream about
something else for a change.
"Away in a Manger."
It took till I actually laid
eyes on you today to remember you.
When Eric wrote me about you,
I could only get the vaguest,
hazy picture in my head.
Like a staticky TV.
Same here.
But seeing you here
in this room...
I feel like he's
watching us right now.
I have no idea what
happened to him.
After that summer,
he just disappeared.
I don't even know if
he's alive or what.
Maybe it's his ghost
that's watching us.
Tell me everything you can.
Well, I was his favorite.
Out of everyone,
he picked me.
I know that sounds
kind of weird, but,
when it first
started happening...
I felt honored.
Go on.
I don't know, this is
where the big TV was,
all the cool video games.
That's the kitchen.
The first time,
it happened there.
It lasted that whole summer.
Just me and him.
I saw him one other time.
On Halloween, a
couple years later.
I was lost.
He said my name.
I thought that was you.
The game had just started.
I was sitting on
the bench as always.
It started to rain...
Sprinkles at first,
then a downpour.
The ump called the game.
And no one came
to pick you up.
My Mom was working
and my Dad, who knows?
Everyone else drove
off with their parents.
I was left there all alone.
Then you were in the dugout
with me and you said...
We'll take you home.
And we got in Coach's
station wagon, remember?
He brought us here.
It's all right, Brian.
We're just going to have
a little bit of fun.
And he didn't want you in the
bedroom because that was just for us.
So it all happened
here, in this room.
Keep going.
Don't stop until you've
told me everything.
Anytime there was
another boy involved,
it was always the same.
Coach used me as a
prop to pull you in.
He'd take off my clothes
and it was up to me...
to make it seem like fun, like this
is a really cool game we were playing.
Go ahead, show him, Neil.
All right, here
are the rules.
First I kiss you,
then you kiss me back,
then it's his turn.
Are you ready?
Here we go.
My God!
You want me to stop?
So I put my tongue
in your mouth,
getting it all wet and shiny.
Then it was his turn.
Watching his big lips
sucking your face,
I remember thinking, "oh, he's
going to swallow his head whole".
So we took off your clothes
and you made this...
whimpering puppy sound
that Coach always loved.
Coach and me had this thing
where he would open up his mouth,
and wrap it around my dick and balls
and everything all at once.
He did that to me.
Then I tried to do it to you
but couldn't because...
my mouth was too small.
he went down on you.
For what seemed like
a really long time.
Your eyes were closed mostly,
but every now and then...
they would flutter open, and just
had this glassy, faraway look.
And then I leaned
in and whispered.
It's fun, right?
Tell him you think it's fun.
We're almost finished.
You're gonna be able?
Then we played
the 5 dollar game.
When Coach would ask me to
do things, crazy sex things.
And if I could do them,
he'd give me a 5 dollar bill.
It's okay.
Go ahead, Neil.
He made us fist him.
Do you know what that is?
I went first, of course.
And on that night, the 5 dollars
was mine if I could ram...
my little fist up his ass and
wring it all the way to the elbow.
And goddamn it, I did it.
I'll never forget
how it felt.
It felt like his whole body
was trying to suck me into it.
Devour me.
And then I did it too.
And then we drove you back to
Little River and left you in your driveway.
The End.
And my nose was bleeding.
How did that happen?
When it was over and we
were getting you dressed,
your face looked like
you'd been erased.
Like you were
just empty inside.
And you just fell.
Face first on the floor.
And when we pulled you up,
your nose was bleeding.
Like this?
Like this?!
Shh. Stop. Stop. Stop.
What are you doing?
No one's even home.
No, someone's there.
I can see them.
Look, I see them, too.
What's going on?
I think that
someone's in there.
And as we sat there
listening to the carolers,
I wanted to tell Brian it was over
now and everything would be okay.
But that was a lie, plus,
I couldn't speak anyway.
I wish there was some way for
us to go back and undo the past.
But there wasn't.
There was nothing
we could do.
So I just stayed silent and trying
to telepathically communicate...
how sorry I was
about what had happened.
And I thought of all
the grief and sadness...
and fucked up suffering in the
and it made me
want to escape.
I wished with all my heart
that we could just...
leave this world behind.
Rise like two angels in
the night and magically...