Naked Tango (1990) Movie Script
Naked Tango (1990)
Why do we have to stop?
Be topped.
But I need practice. In case it's very soon embarrasing in front of your friends, I'll never be able to make...
Don't worry. You are getting better every day.
Finish your buschette, Stephanie.
Or maybe he'll dance with me. Can you tango?
Sorry, the best Valentino on board is your father.
He's not my father. He is my husband.
Leave us, you idiot.
Come on, it's fine.
You'll love it.
Leave the poor man alone, Stephanie.
Stop making a scene.
You are acting worse than a whore.
What's wrong, I'm just doing your damn tango.
You don't know what tango is.
I don't want you doing it with other man, ever.
Not even as a joke.
Well, how about with other children, then?
September 12, 1924 S.victoria
Come on be quick
Someone fell into the sea! run.
What happened here?
Man overboard, they say it is a young woman.
Captain! Captain! Captain!
I guess these are women's shoes.
Right here.
Give me that.
Did you know her?
- Calm down, calm down!
- Stephanie!
She is my wife.
She is just a child! Child!
Stephanie! Stephanie!
Just a child!
My wife!
Stephanie! My wife!
When papa died, I thought we would all die too.
But mama found a way to save us.
Men in Argentina pay a lot of money
for mail-order brides from Poland.
We'd only been married for 3 weeks.
Should I save she was Roman Catholic?
Of course, She was.
But the main thing is that my family is Catholic.
This wasn't, the first time.
She tried it in Paris.
So all records must show it was an accident,
without even a hint of suicide.
I'll fill up the death certificate in my office.
I'll go with you.
You are making me feel better already.
It began as a prank.
To make him stop treating me like a child.
But then,
I had a better idea.
I hoped I had the courage to do it.
I've never felt so...
Alba Delinsky. Is that your married name?
No. It's Alba Borenstein.
Show me your wedding license.
You have a photo of your husband?
No. How do I find him?
Husbands are beyond the goats. Show this to the guard at the gates.
Welcome to Argentina.
Zico Borenstein! Zico Borenstein!
Shut up.
Show some respect.
I am your husband.
I hope I am not a disappointment.
You don't look like a man who needs to get married by mail.
Well, we all do here.
There is only one woman for every fifteen man in this country.
May I show you to your new home?
Alba! I am so glad to see you.
I am Zico's mama.
Tomorrow, after the
wedding I'll be your mama too.
We're already married.
That's what the government says.
But nobody is married
until the Rabbi says so.
what do you want to eat? Em?
You must be starving.
We don't have much but I hope you'll find something you like.
Alba! May I come in
Here. This will make you look like a lady.
You mustn't let anyone see you in those rags.
Is this your son's room?
Don't worry.
He's sleeping
with friends tonight.
I won't let him touch you until after the wedding.
Now, hurry.
We've got so much to do.
She's a real beauty.
She's a little older than I expected.
A beauty like that deserves the best diamond in town.
Perpahs a smaller ring might be more appropriate.
Mr. Bertoni, are you trying to insult my daughter in-law?
Of course not, I just...
Look at her.
She's descended from the Royal House of Krakow.
Does she look like a street urchin?
A century ago she would have been a virgin dutchess.
So, show us the best diamond you have.
It's extremely expensive.
You mean it's too good for us?
Of couse not.
I just meant that you might...
You two...
Take a walk.
Why did she say I am a dutchess?
Oh, mom is just trying to take care of us.
May I...
put my hand around your lovely waist?
I guess so.
Thank you.
You're gonna be very happy here.
It's so much better than the old country.
We are very proud of our Jewish community.
Before we go back, I'll introduce you to
our Kosher butcher, grocer, the baker, or doctor.
Everyone with money. I mean everyone important.
You'll be surprised how fast they'll make you feel at home.
I had no intention of going this far.
I have to tell the truth soon.
But I've never seen a Jewish wedding.
And a Jewish wedding night.
Alba, come here.
Let's have a talk.
Sit beside me.
Tell me dear,
Are you a virgin?
Of course you are.
But it's not always easy to tell.
Just to be on the safe side,
I want you to use this.
What is it?
A chicken heart.
You'll slip it under your...
And it makes a perfect stain.
Just the right size and color.
I'll put it over here next to your pillow, okay?
So it's easy to reach when...
You know, when he is too busy to notice.
I am sure it's not necessary, but use it anyway.
So, everyone can be happy.
Who are they?
Pay no attention.
They're from the radical Synagogue.
They're jealous.
I told her there is no woman in this city.
You look like an Angel.
Don't be afraid.
All I want to do...
is to make you happy.
Tell me Alba.
I need to know.
Do you wanna make me happy?
You're wonderful.
Zico, do you love me?
I love you Alba.
I would do anything to make you happy.
Would you do anything to make me happy?
Would you?
I can't hear you.
Tell me Alba.
You do anything to make me happy.
Come on.
You promise?
I promise.
You are an Angel.
Stay just like that. I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
I forgot something, to make it perfect.
You remember our jeweler, Mr. Bertoni?
What? ..
The way to make me happy,
is to make him happy.
But you are my husband.
Yes. And you swore to obey me.
This isn't Europe.
We are a lot more modern here.
That's right.
And much more sophisticated.
Kneel down and let him have his fuck.
Never! Let...
Let me go!
Don't make me hurt you.
Unbutton his floppy.
That's it.
Now, you are making me happy.
I can handle it now.
Let me know if you need any help.
Don't worry, my child.
We'll take it nice and slow.
Why are you doing this?
What do you think that ring is for?
You cost me a fortune.
No, you're worth it.
Let's go real slow.
I... I need something.
Some lotions,
to make it better.
A real live wire.
Happy wife ...
Zico, you'll pay for this.
This what you pay. You pay.
Get off!
You alright?
Help me ... help me
You stupid little bitch!
You wanna cut my customers husks?
Son of a Bitch!
What happened?
I'm fine.
Is he gonna make it?
Yes. I'll get the doctor.
Cholo! ..
Go get the doctor.
He's coming.
Just take care of your son.
Don't look me like that.
No! They'll kill us all!
No, this is the only way they won't kill us. He's right.
Now, kill the whore. She's crazy.She cut me.
So bad, you can't hold my hat?
I don't need this.
I use yours.
Come closer and I kill you.
Here is the jugular.
Go ahead.
Kill me.
Let me live.
That's it. Drown yourself.
Did the condemned man enjoy his last meal?
No, he had stomach trouble.
At a girl Sweet dreams.
I would like to see you lug it from the macaroni.
Give us a hand.
You killed him.
That's right.
I'd hate to see my lovely bride hang by the neck.
Get her outta here.
Why? What are you gonna do?
Not enough blood.
I'll get it out.
Come on, move.
See what you started?
Right here.
Keep the change.
I can sleep forever.
Don't touch me. Leave me alone.
Do not touch me!
Good night.
Why are you doing this? Who are you?
I hate you.
What time is it?
2 o'clock.
Breakfast will be ready in an hour.
Give me that ring.
What if the police connect you to the murder?
That's better.
Can you open these?
Cut it short.
Make these point forward.
Like daggers.
And make it black.
Of course.
Excellent idea.
Where were we darling? We'll make him happy.
Does he own this place?
Cholo? He doesn't own a thing.
He sleeps with horses.
How did you meet him?
Did Zico introduce you?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Welcome to the club!
We'd all give our long lost cherry
to sleep with him But he sleeps with horses.
He has never given any girl a second look.
Does he like boys?
Don't I wish?
No darling, the only thing Cholo likes is himself.
And tango.
Get to work, hurry up!
Flora... Is she ready?
Why is Cholo so interested in her?
I don't know. Let Cholo play his games.
Just keep an eye on him.
Didn't know they came so big.
Macaroni crates.
Big. Not now, please.
This is for his family.
We won't forget.
The Blackhand never forgets.
It's a terrible tragedy. How did it happen?
Don't worry. We'll find out.
Ey, Zico. What time did Bertoni leave your house?
He... never got there.
We kept waiting for him.
Give my respects to your boss.
Sure, Cholo...
Does all this belong to Zico?
Of course.
He'll be back soon.
We got no choice. We gotta kill her for it.
Wait a minute! Who does she belong to?
You or me?
You had your chance to kill her but you couldn't do it.
You couldn't either.
No, you couldn't but I wouldn't.
Big difference.
Why do you want her? I don't get it.
What do you want out of this?
Okay... Have your fun.
I'll even help it.
But there's gotta be
Three days, that's it.
You gotta kill her in three days.
You know I'm right.
Beside you we think what it for.
Help! Please!
Help me, I am a prisoner...
In a whorehouse.
Take it easy, miss.
You're safe now. Who made you a prisoner?
You know his name?
Zico Borenstein.
He married me just
to make me his slave.
Sure... He says his wives
are virgins from Paris.
But they're always
Jews from Warsaw.
Where do you wanna go miss?
Take me to the house of Judge Torres.
Hold your horses, miss.
Before we see the
judge, we need...
I know, it's okay.
He's my hus...
I'm his...
He's a friend of my family.
You know where he lives?
Sure... It's not very far.
I don't know, miss. The judge might be sleeping .
Thank God
Oh, no No!
Good work. Mama, see that these fine officers are well rewarded.
For this, you get the the best.
Flora can't wait to take you around the world.
Welcome home.
Aren't you gonna thank me?
For what?
Police were looking for a killer.
The one who stabbed the jeweler.
I didn't say a thing.
Isn't that worth a "thank you"?
No wonder you buy
poor girls from Poland,
you can't get one on your own.
No, no, no!
No, don't kill her here. Not now, the police.
I'll be good.
I promise.
I'll do whatever you want.
Please, Cholo.
I won't do it again
Please help me.
Take me away from here.
I need you to... help me.
Help me.
No! No!
If you run away again, I'll kill you.
I hate you.
Why do you want me to hate you?
Don't leave me!
Tell him to stop.
Was your first one that fat jeweler,
or the doctor with one leg?
Did you have the Jewish wedding?
It's all fake, you know.
Even the Rabbi.
He's really a gangster.
Everything is fake
Even you.
Don't be so sad.
I was a virgin twenty-eight times.
It's really easy.
Yes, there's nothing to it.
Except for that screaming and ecstasy. I don't know.
It always gives me a sore throat.
You know men. They've no imagination.
Come on.
Bye, Alba.
Didn't I cheer you up?
You look worse than Lilian Gish in broken blossoms.
I think,
I think you've got a fever.
Come on, let's go to the kitchen, get some hot soup.
Come. Come.
Here we are.
And who did it?
Here is the whore!
She is the one. She
knows what happened.
Who killed Bertoni the Jeweler?
Just tell them the truth, darling.
So that they won't kill us all!
Shut up!
Talk! Or I cut your tongue out.
Please no. We won't tell the Zwi Migdal
Was the jeweler at your wedding?
Wha, what jeweler?
Don't play dumb with me, you bitch.
Get outta here, Cholo.
This is between us and the Jews.
You stay out of it.
We're leaving with the girl.
After she talks, we bring her back.
No need to bring her back.
She's not leaving.
Put your blade on the table.
Go ahead and kill me.
I'll shoot your legs.
How's the king of tango
could have danced then?
On his hands like a cripple.
Take the girl to the car.
Is the dance over?
Or is it just getting hot?
And the key, dammit.
Give my respects to your boss.
He won't forget this.
Neither will I.
I'm sorry.
This won't happen again.
Don't worry, Alba.
I'd never let anyone else kill you.
Come on.
Everyday he lights a candle for his dead wife.
She fell off a ship from France.
My God.
He does it to shorten the mourning period.
He has already chosen his third wife.
Shall we offer our sympathy?
Stephanie is dead.
Alba is alive.
What will she say?
She didn't break when the Italians came.
The police don't stand a chance.
What about the sex?
Does she give you trouble in bed?
It's nothing I can't handle.
Don't be so sure. She's too smart.
She's nothing special.
So, why can't Cholo kill her?
You bitch, you want me to break your teeth?
Can I go now?
Just shut up.
Cholo wouldn't be such a baby.
How do you know?
You don't even know what he is.
What is he?
Just get away from me.
Go downstairs, find somebody to dance with.
Cholo told me to never dance with anyone else.
Did he tell you never
to fuck anyone else?
I know he didn't.
So go down there, make some money.
Earn your keep.
Does he work for you?
Just go downstairs and dance alone.
Not until you tell me what he is.
Look, the more you know tango,
the more you know Cholo. Okay?
How long have you known him?
Get the fuck outta my office, you faggy!
Out, now!
Let's dance in the bed.
Listen to the music.
Just tell me why.
Just listen.
The answer is in the music.
Why, you are insane.
Love me, Cholo
Tell Zico to go.
Get out, take them with you.
Is that what you want?!
You don't know what sex really is.
I don't know what sex with you is.
Yes, you do.
All sex is the same.
It just leaves you more sad.
What you are born with.
Doesn't count.
The only thing that counts.
Is the beauty you make.
Let's go.
She's busy.
Alba! Come here!
Looking all over for you,
you don't understand.
She has to meet this Fee McDowell tonight.
They're waiting.
I must have heard you wrong.
Almost sounds like she belongs to you.
Right, it's just that.
Forget it.
Give me the key to your car.
Alright, where are you going?
Italians deliver her body to the police.
All we do it turn over. All you do is pay damages.
So, why didn't you bring her?
Why didn't you make the deal?
They didn't have any proof.
Proof? We don't need proof and we don't need
the police chief snooping in our place of business.
Just wanna make money.
The Italians don't want war.
We don't want war. Nobody wants war.
And one dead whore fixes everything.
where the hell is she?
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
No, the Italians will take care of it.
Just give him the dagger she used.
Did you bring that?
Where is the whore?
Cholo's not gonna like this.
You promised to keep him out of this.
You better talk to my boss.
We know what we promised.
Nobody wants trouble with Cholo.
He is your friend, so you deal with him.
I have.
But this girl.
He's attached.
So, get him another whore!
Buy one right now! Buy him all five!
We need a dead body.
And we got three choices.
Your mama.
Or the whore.
So take your pick!
Something wrong?
Don't move, Cholo.
All I want is the whore.
Oh yeah? What do you want her for?
Come on... Give me a hard time.
I'm dying to make brains dance on her face.
Open the door and get out.
Move bitch.
What do you want her for?
Give her to the cops.
Who told you how to find us?
Who told you? Who? Who told you?
Zico, it was Zico!
Let's go!
Not yet.
Not yet.
Kill him!
Kill him!
I've seen him with blood in his eye.
He will get over it.
Cholo can't love anyone.
He doesn't know how.
He once said.
That he would never let himself killed
by a stranger, only by a friend.
Don't make a scene in here.
You tell the police your car was stolen.
What happened?
Give me a reason.
For what?
Give me a reason.
What for?
For not killing you.
What does that mean, Cholo?
It was Blackhand. Zwi Migdal!
I tried to stop them.
How did they know I had your car?
Don't, really Cholo.
No, no!
Don't die with a lie in your mouth.
Stop it.
No Cholo.
Let me go.
Dance with this.
Get the police.
Is he alright?
It's fine. Go.
Don't you ever get soft?
The police, police They're downstairs.
Get em'!
Help me.
Same as you helped me?
Wake up, there is a fire!
She is in shock but she keeps calling your name.
What's her name? We are not sure.
She once mumbled a name, Stephanie Torres.
Does that ring a bell?
That's not possible.
But it might be someone she knew.
A friend, a relative.
People in trouble often try to reach me.
Right this way, your honor.
No, it's not her.
Stephanie had long, blonde hair.
Honey blonde. I don't know this woman at all.
Mother of God.
Stephanie, Stephanie!
It's me.
I don't understand.
This is a miracle.
My wife has turned back from the dead.
What happened to you?
Just hold me tight.
And please don't leave me again.
It seems so long ago.
It is if all my things belong to someone else.
And then, you danced with a waiter.
And make everyone laugh at him.
Acting like he was Valentino.
Why did I dance with a waiter?
Actually, we were having a little... spat.
About what?
Who was angry? You or me?
It's not important.
Go through it again.
Let's try to...
What made you angry? Was it me?
Of course not.
Okay, you didn't wanna dance anymore, so we sat down.And,
oh yes. The waiter.
That's it.
It's all a blank until I saw you in the hospital.
Welcome, your honor. A pleasure to see you.
Send those to my house.
The mannequins.
Yes, sir.
No, no, no...
She wears it longer.
Don't you have one?
Of course, your honor.
Yes That's better.
Yes, yes.
That's the one you like, isn't it there?
That's almost perfect.
Send this to be cleaned.
As you wish, madam.
And this...
And this, too.
As you wish, madam.
Send them all.
Of course, madam.
And all this too.
Excuse me, madam. Your teacher is waiting at the front door.
He says he is your tango teacher.
What do you want? I want you.
I want you.
If you're looking for a slave.
To blindfold and abuse.
I suggest you go back to your damn whores.
Alba was in such a hurry...
To die.
She left this behind.
Would you put it in the coffin.
Where she sleeps.
Give me that, you've read it, haven't you?
I wonder how it ends.
It ends...
With you.
Getting out of my house.
I have the power now!
You always had the power.
You just didn't know it.
Never come back.
My house and my husband are my happiness now.
You don't belong here.
It doesn't matter.
What husband you belong to
The real you...
Belongs to me.
I belong to no one...
But me.
You cut out my heart and left me for dead.
Why don't you finish the job and kill me?
I'm not me anymore.
I don't know whether to love you or kill you.
Excuse me, madam.
If there is anything wrong, I can summon the guard.
No he, uh...
He's showing me how to tango.
We'll be in the music room.
As you wish, madam.
This can't be love.
It hurts too much.
This is the last...
I don't love you.
I don't want to love you.
Tell me I don't love you.
You don't love me.
And tell me you don't love me.
Say it.
Say I don't love you Alba.
Judge is here.
Oh my God ...
Put your jacket on, hurry.
What do you mean, the teacher?
What kind of teacher?
Good evening my dear.
Good evening.
This is wonderful, Stephanie.
I'm so glad that you've changed your mind.
About what?
About trying to jog your memory.
I knew music would be the key.
Yes, yes
We, we found a song that...
Tries a very deep chord.
But, I'm not sure why.
A beautiful tango.
Very old.
You from the old school?
In Paris, They consider me a tango master.
I've been giving the Stephanie her lessons.
She is a real champion.
What's your secret?
It's simple.
To bring out her best performance,
The man...
Must drive a woman like a race car.
But with a championship car.
... The man must drive harder.
Drive me like a man.
Drive me harder.
Drive me harder.Like this!
That's stupid!
I've never replaced a woman! Not even as a joke.
Then drive me harder.
I'll drive you back to the hell.
Drive, drive.
I am a man bastard!
Stop it. Let me go.
Guard! Don't move.
Go ahead and shoot.
Wait. Wait.
Now, I remember.
A man with a gun tried to kill me.
And no one cared if I lived or...
Take him away!
Show that gutter thrash to the gate.
As you wish, madam.
As you wish, madam.
Take him to the police.
I'll press charges in the morning.
Damn coward!
Where did you get such a man?
Where did you meet such a cheap hoodlum?
I want an explanation.
Take her to the bedroom.
Should I call her doctor?
Where is he?
What happened to your gun?
Cholo has stole my soul.
I don't know if I
am Stephanie...
Or Alba.
Here I found you! Hurry up.
Hey, tell everybody to go home.
Stop playing!
How about you get outta here, okay?
The place is closed.
We're closed.
Flora, help me!
Go home!
Get outta here!
You bastard!
Why did Cholo tell
you about my husband?
He didn't.
You did.
First time you ran away, you told those dumb cops about the judge.
Oh no.
And you think you are so smart?
Why are you helping the police?
I thought Cholo was your friend.
My only friends are the kind you put in the bank.
I should thank the best.
You're worth more than I've ever dreamed.
You're scared to death he is going to kill you
That's why you want him caught.
He'll make you pay for doing this.
I know Cholo.
He is long gone and dancing with some new whore.
Then my husband will make you pay.
No! He'll make you pay, every single day, for the rest of your...
Oh, Darling help me!
Of course. Stephanie.
Release her. Now.
When I see the money, your honor.
Here is your key.
Don't worry Stephanie. We'll never mention this nightmare again.
And never tell another living soul.
Who raped my wife? Was it you?
For me, sex is business.
Then, who the hell did?
No idea, your honor.
Ask her.
Let's go home.
You cheap Jew pimp.
If you're lying,
you'll hang for it.
I'll hang you Jews for at long last.
Go to the cops, he's here.
You tell them.
Stop it.
Hold it, hold it.
Don't make a mistake.
Okay, the problem is downstairs, a killer.
He wants your wife!
He has tried to kidnap her before.
You lie, you son of a bitch!
No, really Let me help you to the door.
The cops are outside, really
He's wanted for murder
If anybody raped
your wife, it was him!
Is that true? Stephanie?
Can't you remember any of this?
Of course she can, she's been with...
Dame it!
Stop him.
Slow down.
I told you he would come.
Who told you to come back!
Stop playing!
See, Cholo.
You were wrong about me.
I found her for you.
Look at her.
She loves you.
Take her!
Stephanie, come here.
You son of a bitch.
I knew it was you.
Stephanie, stand back.
Stephanie Come here!
Come here!
Demon bitch.
Don't let me die alone.
I'll never leave you.
I feel So naked.
Let me die dancing...
In your arms.
Why do we have to stop?
Be topped.
But I need practice. In case it's very soon embarrasing in front of your friends, I'll never be able to make...
Don't worry. You are getting better every day.
Finish your buschette, Stephanie.
Or maybe he'll dance with me. Can you tango?
Sorry, the best Valentino on board is your father.
He's not my father. He is my husband.
Leave us, you idiot.
Come on, it's fine.
You'll love it.
Leave the poor man alone, Stephanie.
Stop making a scene.
You are acting worse than a whore.
What's wrong, I'm just doing your damn tango.
You don't know what tango is.
I don't want you doing it with other man, ever.
Not even as a joke.
Well, how about with other children, then?
September 12, 1924 S.victoria
Come on be quick
Someone fell into the sea! run.
What happened here?
Man overboard, they say it is a young woman.
Captain! Captain! Captain!
I guess these are women's shoes.
Right here.
Give me that.
Did you know her?
- Calm down, calm down!
- Stephanie!
She is my wife.
She is just a child! Child!
Stephanie! Stephanie!
Just a child!
My wife!
Stephanie! My wife!
When papa died, I thought we would all die too.
But mama found a way to save us.
Men in Argentina pay a lot of money
for mail-order brides from Poland.
We'd only been married for 3 weeks.
Should I save she was Roman Catholic?
Of course, She was.
But the main thing is that my family is Catholic.
This wasn't, the first time.
She tried it in Paris.
So all records must show it was an accident,
without even a hint of suicide.
I'll fill up the death certificate in my office.
I'll go with you.
You are making me feel better already.
It began as a prank.
To make him stop treating me like a child.
But then,
I had a better idea.
I hoped I had the courage to do it.
I've never felt so...
Alba Delinsky. Is that your married name?
No. It's Alba Borenstein.
Show me your wedding license.
You have a photo of your husband?
No. How do I find him?
Husbands are beyond the goats. Show this to the guard at the gates.
Welcome to Argentina.
Zico Borenstein! Zico Borenstein!
Shut up.
Show some respect.
I am your husband.
I hope I am not a disappointment.
You don't look like a man who needs to get married by mail.
Well, we all do here.
There is only one woman for every fifteen man in this country.
May I show you to your new home?
Alba! I am so glad to see you.
I am Zico's mama.
Tomorrow, after the
wedding I'll be your mama too.
We're already married.
That's what the government says.
But nobody is married
until the Rabbi says so.
what do you want to eat? Em?
You must be starving.
We don't have much but I hope you'll find something you like.
Alba! May I come in
Here. This will make you look like a lady.
You mustn't let anyone see you in those rags.
Is this your son's room?
Don't worry.
He's sleeping
with friends tonight.
I won't let him touch you until after the wedding.
Now, hurry.
We've got so much to do.
She's a real beauty.
She's a little older than I expected.
A beauty like that deserves the best diamond in town.
Perpahs a smaller ring might be more appropriate.
Mr. Bertoni, are you trying to insult my daughter in-law?
Of course not, I just...
Look at her.
She's descended from the Royal House of Krakow.
Does she look like a street urchin?
A century ago she would have been a virgin dutchess.
So, show us the best diamond you have.
It's extremely expensive.
You mean it's too good for us?
Of couse not.
I just meant that you might...
You two...
Take a walk.
Why did she say I am a dutchess?
Oh, mom is just trying to take care of us.
May I...
put my hand around your lovely waist?
I guess so.
Thank you.
You're gonna be very happy here.
It's so much better than the old country.
We are very proud of our Jewish community.
Before we go back, I'll introduce you to
our Kosher butcher, grocer, the baker, or doctor.
Everyone with money. I mean everyone important.
You'll be surprised how fast they'll make you feel at home.
I had no intention of going this far.
I have to tell the truth soon.
But I've never seen a Jewish wedding.
And a Jewish wedding night.
Alba, come here.
Let's have a talk.
Sit beside me.
Tell me dear,
Are you a virgin?
Of course you are.
But it's not always easy to tell.
Just to be on the safe side,
I want you to use this.
What is it?
A chicken heart.
You'll slip it under your...
And it makes a perfect stain.
Just the right size and color.
I'll put it over here next to your pillow, okay?
So it's easy to reach when...
You know, when he is too busy to notice.
I am sure it's not necessary, but use it anyway.
So, everyone can be happy.
Who are they?
Pay no attention.
They're from the radical Synagogue.
They're jealous.
I told her there is no woman in this city.
You look like an Angel.
Don't be afraid.
All I want to do...
is to make you happy.
Tell me Alba.
I need to know.
Do you wanna make me happy?
You're wonderful.
Zico, do you love me?
I love you Alba.
I would do anything to make you happy.
Would you do anything to make me happy?
Would you?
I can't hear you.
Tell me Alba.
You do anything to make me happy.
Come on.
You promise?
I promise.
You are an Angel.
Stay just like that. I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
I forgot something, to make it perfect.
You remember our jeweler, Mr. Bertoni?
What? ..
The way to make me happy,
is to make him happy.
But you are my husband.
Yes. And you swore to obey me.
This isn't Europe.
We are a lot more modern here.
That's right.
And much more sophisticated.
Kneel down and let him have his fuck.
Never! Let...
Let me go!
Don't make me hurt you.
Unbutton his floppy.
That's it.
Now, you are making me happy.
I can handle it now.
Let me know if you need any help.
Don't worry, my child.
We'll take it nice and slow.
Why are you doing this?
What do you think that ring is for?
You cost me a fortune.
No, you're worth it.
Let's go real slow.
I... I need something.
Some lotions,
to make it better.
A real live wire.
Happy wife ...
Zico, you'll pay for this.
This what you pay. You pay.
Get off!
You alright?
Help me ... help me
You stupid little bitch!
You wanna cut my customers husks?
Son of a Bitch!
What happened?
I'm fine.
Is he gonna make it?
Yes. I'll get the doctor.
Cholo! ..
Go get the doctor.
He's coming.
Just take care of your son.
Don't look me like that.
No! They'll kill us all!
No, this is the only way they won't kill us. He's right.
Now, kill the whore. She's crazy.She cut me.
So bad, you can't hold my hat?
I don't need this.
I use yours.
Come closer and I kill you.
Here is the jugular.
Go ahead.
Kill me.
Let me live.
That's it. Drown yourself.
Did the condemned man enjoy his last meal?
No, he had stomach trouble.
At a girl Sweet dreams.
I would like to see you lug it from the macaroni.
Give us a hand.
You killed him.
That's right.
I'd hate to see my lovely bride hang by the neck.
Get her outta here.
Why? What are you gonna do?
Not enough blood.
I'll get it out.
Come on, move.
See what you started?
Right here.
Keep the change.
I can sleep forever.
Don't touch me. Leave me alone.
Do not touch me!
Good night.
Why are you doing this? Who are you?
I hate you.
What time is it?
2 o'clock.
Breakfast will be ready in an hour.
Give me that ring.
What if the police connect you to the murder?
That's better.
Can you open these?
Cut it short.
Make these point forward.
Like daggers.
And make it black.
Of course.
Excellent idea.
Where were we darling? We'll make him happy.
Does he own this place?
Cholo? He doesn't own a thing.
He sleeps with horses.
How did you meet him?
Did Zico introduce you?
I don't wanna talk about it.
Welcome to the club!
We'd all give our long lost cherry
to sleep with him But he sleeps with horses.
He has never given any girl a second look.
Does he like boys?
Don't I wish?
No darling, the only thing Cholo likes is himself.
And tango.
Get to work, hurry up!
Flora... Is she ready?
Why is Cholo so interested in her?
I don't know. Let Cholo play his games.
Just keep an eye on him.
Didn't know they came so big.
Macaroni crates.
Big. Not now, please.
This is for his family.
We won't forget.
The Blackhand never forgets.
It's a terrible tragedy. How did it happen?
Don't worry. We'll find out.
Ey, Zico. What time did Bertoni leave your house?
He... never got there.
We kept waiting for him.
Give my respects to your boss.
Sure, Cholo...
Does all this belong to Zico?
Of course.
He'll be back soon.
We got no choice. We gotta kill her for it.
Wait a minute! Who does she belong to?
You or me?
You had your chance to kill her but you couldn't do it.
You couldn't either.
No, you couldn't but I wouldn't.
Big difference.
Why do you want her? I don't get it.
What do you want out of this?
Okay... Have your fun.
I'll even help it.
But there's gotta be
Three days, that's it.
You gotta kill her in three days.
You know I'm right.
Beside you we think what it for.
Help! Please!
Help me, I am a prisoner...
In a whorehouse.
Take it easy, miss.
You're safe now. Who made you a prisoner?
You know his name?
Zico Borenstein.
He married me just
to make me his slave.
Sure... He says his wives
are virgins from Paris.
But they're always
Jews from Warsaw.
Where do you wanna go miss?
Take me to the house of Judge Torres.
Hold your horses, miss.
Before we see the
judge, we need...
I know, it's okay.
He's my hus...
I'm his...
He's a friend of my family.
You know where he lives?
Sure... It's not very far.
I don't know, miss. The judge might be sleeping .
Thank God
Oh, no No!
Good work. Mama, see that these fine officers are well rewarded.
For this, you get the the best.
Flora can't wait to take you around the world.
Welcome home.
Aren't you gonna thank me?
For what?
Police were looking for a killer.
The one who stabbed the jeweler.
I didn't say a thing.
Isn't that worth a "thank you"?
No wonder you buy
poor girls from Poland,
you can't get one on your own.
No, no, no!
No, don't kill her here. Not now, the police.
I'll be good.
I promise.
I'll do whatever you want.
Please, Cholo.
I won't do it again
Please help me.
Take me away from here.
I need you to... help me.
Help me.
No! No!
If you run away again, I'll kill you.
I hate you.
Why do you want me to hate you?
Don't leave me!
Tell him to stop.
Was your first one that fat jeweler,
or the doctor with one leg?
Did you have the Jewish wedding?
It's all fake, you know.
Even the Rabbi.
He's really a gangster.
Everything is fake
Even you.
Don't be so sad.
I was a virgin twenty-eight times.
It's really easy.
Yes, there's nothing to it.
Except for that screaming and ecstasy. I don't know.
It always gives me a sore throat.
You know men. They've no imagination.
Come on.
Bye, Alba.
Didn't I cheer you up?
You look worse than Lilian Gish in broken blossoms.
I think,
I think you've got a fever.
Come on, let's go to the kitchen, get some hot soup.
Come. Come.
Here we are.
And who did it?
Here is the whore!
She is the one. She
knows what happened.
Who killed Bertoni the Jeweler?
Just tell them the truth, darling.
So that they won't kill us all!
Shut up!
Talk! Or I cut your tongue out.
Please no. We won't tell the Zwi Migdal
Was the jeweler at your wedding?
Wha, what jeweler?
Don't play dumb with me, you bitch.
Get outta here, Cholo.
This is between us and the Jews.
You stay out of it.
We're leaving with the girl.
After she talks, we bring her back.
No need to bring her back.
She's not leaving.
Put your blade on the table.
Go ahead and kill me.
I'll shoot your legs.
How's the king of tango
could have danced then?
On his hands like a cripple.
Take the girl to the car.
Is the dance over?
Or is it just getting hot?
And the key, dammit.
Give my respects to your boss.
He won't forget this.
Neither will I.
I'm sorry.
This won't happen again.
Don't worry, Alba.
I'd never let anyone else kill you.
Come on.
Everyday he lights a candle for his dead wife.
She fell off a ship from France.
My God.
He does it to shorten the mourning period.
He has already chosen his third wife.
Shall we offer our sympathy?
Stephanie is dead.
Alba is alive.
What will she say?
She didn't break when the Italians came.
The police don't stand a chance.
What about the sex?
Does she give you trouble in bed?
It's nothing I can't handle.
Don't be so sure. She's too smart.
She's nothing special.
So, why can't Cholo kill her?
You bitch, you want me to break your teeth?
Can I go now?
Just shut up.
Cholo wouldn't be such a baby.
How do you know?
You don't even know what he is.
What is he?
Just get away from me.
Go downstairs, find somebody to dance with.
Cholo told me to never dance with anyone else.
Did he tell you never
to fuck anyone else?
I know he didn't.
So go down there, make some money.
Earn your keep.
Does he work for you?
Just go downstairs and dance alone.
Not until you tell me what he is.
Look, the more you know tango,
the more you know Cholo. Okay?
How long have you known him?
Get the fuck outta my office, you faggy!
Out, now!
Let's dance in the bed.
Listen to the music.
Just tell me why.
Just listen.
The answer is in the music.
Why, you are insane.
Love me, Cholo
Tell Zico to go.
Get out, take them with you.
Is that what you want?!
You don't know what sex really is.
I don't know what sex with you is.
Yes, you do.
All sex is the same.
It just leaves you more sad.
What you are born with.
Doesn't count.
The only thing that counts.
Is the beauty you make.
Let's go.
She's busy.
Alba! Come here!
Looking all over for you,
you don't understand.
She has to meet this Fee McDowell tonight.
They're waiting.
I must have heard you wrong.
Almost sounds like she belongs to you.
Right, it's just that.
Forget it.
Give me the key to your car.
Alright, where are you going?
Italians deliver her body to the police.
All we do it turn over. All you do is pay damages.
So, why didn't you bring her?
Why didn't you make the deal?
They didn't have any proof.
Proof? We don't need proof and we don't need
the police chief snooping in our place of business.
Just wanna make money.
The Italians don't want war.
We don't want war. Nobody wants war.
And one dead whore fixes everything.
where the hell is she?
Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
No, the Italians will take care of it.
Just give him the dagger she used.
Did you bring that?
Where is the whore?
Cholo's not gonna like this.
You promised to keep him out of this.
You better talk to my boss.
We know what we promised.
Nobody wants trouble with Cholo.
He is your friend, so you deal with him.
I have.
But this girl.
He's attached.
So, get him another whore!
Buy one right now! Buy him all five!
We need a dead body.
And we got three choices.
Your mama.
Or the whore.
So take your pick!
Something wrong?
Don't move, Cholo.
All I want is the whore.
Oh yeah? What do you want her for?
Come on... Give me a hard time.
I'm dying to make brains dance on her face.
Open the door and get out.
Move bitch.
What do you want her for?
Give her to the cops.
Who told you how to find us?
Who told you? Who? Who told you?
Zico, it was Zico!
Let's go!
Not yet.
Not yet.
Kill him!
Kill him!
I've seen him with blood in his eye.
He will get over it.
Cholo can't love anyone.
He doesn't know how.
He once said.
That he would never let himself killed
by a stranger, only by a friend.
Don't make a scene in here.
You tell the police your car was stolen.
What happened?
Give me a reason.
For what?
Give me a reason.
What for?
For not killing you.
What does that mean, Cholo?
It was Blackhand. Zwi Migdal!
I tried to stop them.
How did they know I had your car?
Don't, really Cholo.
No, no!
Don't die with a lie in your mouth.
Stop it.
No Cholo.
Let me go.
Dance with this.
Get the police.
Is he alright?
It's fine. Go.
Don't you ever get soft?
The police, police They're downstairs.
Get em'!
Help me.
Same as you helped me?
Wake up, there is a fire!
She is in shock but she keeps calling your name.
What's her name? We are not sure.
She once mumbled a name, Stephanie Torres.
Does that ring a bell?
That's not possible.
But it might be someone she knew.
A friend, a relative.
People in trouble often try to reach me.
Right this way, your honor.
No, it's not her.
Stephanie had long, blonde hair.
Honey blonde. I don't know this woman at all.
Mother of God.
Stephanie, Stephanie!
It's me.
I don't understand.
This is a miracle.
My wife has turned back from the dead.
What happened to you?
Just hold me tight.
And please don't leave me again.
It seems so long ago.
It is if all my things belong to someone else.
And then, you danced with a waiter.
And make everyone laugh at him.
Acting like he was Valentino.
Why did I dance with a waiter?
Actually, we were having a little... spat.
About what?
Who was angry? You or me?
It's not important.
Go through it again.
Let's try to...
What made you angry? Was it me?
Of course not.
Okay, you didn't wanna dance anymore, so we sat down.And,
oh yes. The waiter.
That's it.
It's all a blank until I saw you in the hospital.
Welcome, your honor. A pleasure to see you.
Send those to my house.
The mannequins.
Yes, sir.
No, no, no...
She wears it longer.
Don't you have one?
Of course, your honor.
Yes That's better.
Yes, yes.
That's the one you like, isn't it there?
That's almost perfect.
Send this to be cleaned.
As you wish, madam.
And this...
And this, too.
As you wish, madam.
Send them all.
Of course, madam.
And all this too.
Excuse me, madam. Your teacher is waiting at the front door.
He says he is your tango teacher.
What do you want? I want you.
I want you.
If you're looking for a slave.
To blindfold and abuse.
I suggest you go back to your damn whores.
Alba was in such a hurry...
To die.
She left this behind.
Would you put it in the coffin.
Where she sleeps.
Give me that, you've read it, haven't you?
I wonder how it ends.
It ends...
With you.
Getting out of my house.
I have the power now!
You always had the power.
You just didn't know it.
Never come back.
My house and my husband are my happiness now.
You don't belong here.
It doesn't matter.
What husband you belong to
The real you...
Belongs to me.
I belong to no one...
But me.
You cut out my heart and left me for dead.
Why don't you finish the job and kill me?
I'm not me anymore.
I don't know whether to love you or kill you.
Excuse me, madam.
If there is anything wrong, I can summon the guard.
No he, uh...
He's showing me how to tango.
We'll be in the music room.
As you wish, madam.
This can't be love.
It hurts too much.
This is the last...
I don't love you.
I don't want to love you.
Tell me I don't love you.
You don't love me.
And tell me you don't love me.
Say it.
Say I don't love you Alba.
Judge is here.
Oh my God ...
Put your jacket on, hurry.
What do you mean, the teacher?
What kind of teacher?
Good evening my dear.
Good evening.
This is wonderful, Stephanie.
I'm so glad that you've changed your mind.
About what?
About trying to jog your memory.
I knew music would be the key.
Yes, yes
We, we found a song that...
Tries a very deep chord.
But, I'm not sure why.
A beautiful tango.
Very old.
You from the old school?
In Paris, They consider me a tango master.
I've been giving the Stephanie her lessons.
She is a real champion.
What's your secret?
It's simple.
To bring out her best performance,
The man...
Must drive a woman like a race car.
But with a championship car.
... The man must drive harder.
Drive me like a man.
Drive me harder.
Drive me harder.Like this!
That's stupid!
I've never replaced a woman! Not even as a joke.
Then drive me harder.
I'll drive you back to the hell.
Drive, drive.
I am a man bastard!
Stop it. Let me go.
Guard! Don't move.
Go ahead and shoot.
Wait. Wait.
Now, I remember.
A man with a gun tried to kill me.
And no one cared if I lived or...
Take him away!
Show that gutter thrash to the gate.
As you wish, madam.
As you wish, madam.
Take him to the police.
I'll press charges in the morning.
Damn coward!
Where did you get such a man?
Where did you meet such a cheap hoodlum?
I want an explanation.
Take her to the bedroom.
Should I call her doctor?
Where is he?
What happened to your gun?
Cholo has stole my soul.
I don't know if I
am Stephanie...
Or Alba.
Here I found you! Hurry up.
Hey, tell everybody to go home.
Stop playing!
How about you get outta here, okay?
The place is closed.
We're closed.
Flora, help me!
Go home!
Get outta here!
You bastard!
Why did Cholo tell
you about my husband?
He didn't.
You did.
First time you ran away, you told those dumb cops about the judge.
Oh no.
And you think you are so smart?
Why are you helping the police?
I thought Cholo was your friend.
My only friends are the kind you put in the bank.
I should thank the best.
You're worth more than I've ever dreamed.
You're scared to death he is going to kill you
That's why you want him caught.
He'll make you pay for doing this.
I know Cholo.
He is long gone and dancing with some new whore.
Then my husband will make you pay.
No! He'll make you pay, every single day, for the rest of your...
Oh, Darling help me!
Of course. Stephanie.
Release her. Now.
When I see the money, your honor.
Here is your key.
Don't worry Stephanie. We'll never mention this nightmare again.
And never tell another living soul.
Who raped my wife? Was it you?
For me, sex is business.
Then, who the hell did?
No idea, your honor.
Ask her.
Let's go home.
You cheap Jew pimp.
If you're lying,
you'll hang for it.
I'll hang you Jews for at long last.
Go to the cops, he's here.
You tell them.
Stop it.
Hold it, hold it.
Don't make a mistake.
Okay, the problem is downstairs, a killer.
He wants your wife!
He has tried to kidnap her before.
You lie, you son of a bitch!
No, really Let me help you to the door.
The cops are outside, really
He's wanted for murder
If anybody raped
your wife, it was him!
Is that true? Stephanie?
Can't you remember any of this?
Of course she can, she's been with...
Dame it!
Stop him.
Slow down.
I told you he would come.
Who told you to come back!
Stop playing!
See, Cholo.
You were wrong about me.
I found her for you.
Look at her.
She loves you.
Take her!
Stephanie, come here.
You son of a bitch.
I knew it was you.
Stephanie, stand back.
Stephanie Come here!
Come here!
Demon bitch.
Don't let me die alone.
I'll never leave you.
I feel So naked.
Let me die dancing...
In your arms.