National Anthem (2023) Movie Script

I know that someday
You'll want me
To want you
When I am strong
On somebody new
Somebody new
And though you don't
want me now
I'll get along somehow
And then I won't
Want you
I said that someday
You'll want me...
We're past due
on our gas bill again.
I don't have a lot of clients
this month.
Was kind of hoping
you could maybe...
pull up the slack.
Start focusing
on more reliable income.
My income's more reliable
than yours is right now.
You might want to check
those numbers again.
It's not my fault
people in this town
don't get
their hair done enough.
Don't hurt yourself.
No, no, she was chill.
She got one of those
fat pussies, though.
Pretty boy doesn't like it
when we talk about pussy, right?
Did you know that hummingbirds
are the only type of bird
that can fly forwards
and backwards?
-I did not know that.
No, I did not drink.
Yeah, you're proud of me,
Shut up. You're such a bitch.
-You hungry?
What you hungry for?
Um, mac and cheese.
Yeah, I'm home.
Mac and cheese coming up.
What do you say?
-Thank you.
-There you go.
You are lying.
Shut up.
Did you know
the, um, hippo can run
as fast as a racehorse?
-A hippo?
-That's not true.
-Mm-hmm. It is.
They're so fat.
What are you talking about?
All that, quote, unquote,
"fat" is muscle.
On a racehorse?
-On a hippo.
-Oh, right.
-Oh, on a hippo?
That's cool.
-What's he doing?
-I don't know, man.
Will you take
your chameleon back?
Yeah, well,
you got me on that one.
Hell yes, I am.
Yeah, girl, I'm walking
out the door right now.
I'll meet you there.
Guys, don't stay up too late.
I don't know why he likes me
more than you.
I don't know.
Okay. Okay.
-Quiet, quiet.
Hey, bud.
I need you to go sleep
with your brother.
That looks great, baby.
Mom, I'm filming.
Excuse me.
This looks fucking fire.
It does.
Hey, is that homework done?
I'll get on that right now.
Oh, you'll get on that
right now?
You said it was gonna be done
two hours ago.
Hey, don't be so hard on him.
Probably gonna be out
real late tonight.
Did you do his ear drops yet?
Oh, shit. I forgot.
Can you just do it?
So it's gonna be, like,
a 3:00 a.m. type of night or...
What are we thinking?
Just because your
boring ass doesn't have a life
doesn't mean
I shouldn't have one, right?
Right, I'm boring
'cause I don't need to drink
to have fun.
How about giving me a little
credit for this last year, huh?
Listen, babe,
you don't like it here,
how about you go stay
with your dad?
If you can find him.
They'll eat...
they'll sometimes eat meat.
Oh, really? What kind of meat?
Mainly, like,
rats, mice, small birds.
You okay?
-What's the matter?
Is everything okay with Mom?
I hope.
-Yeah, she's gonna be okay.
-Okay, good.
But you know I'm always here
for you.
-I'm your person, all right?
-Okay? I got you.
Two more ear drops,
then we're done, okay?
Sorry if it hurts.
All right.
What about you?
Can you get a ride home?
Yeah, sure.
Get in the back.
Welcome home.
How was the trip?
-It was good.
See you in a bit.
You, my friend,
you come with me.
We're gonna move the hay.
You have gloves?
Uh, no.
You can use mine.
Just don't lose them.
They normally
drop them off here.
We need them stacked up
over there at the empty barn.
-Can you lift one of these?
We got three-string,
so it's pretty heavy.
Just... There it is.
Grab 'em by the tie.
Good. All right.
Leave that there.
Stack these up over there,
and I'll come back
to help you out, all right?
Oh, and, uh,
don't break the bales.
I need them to last.
You don't talk much, huh?
What's your name?
Uh, Dylan. Sorry.
I'm Pepe.
How old are you?
I'm 21.
You have
construction experience?
Yeah. I've been, um...
working, you know,
here and there
the last year and a half or so.
All right.
Well, we got a lot of work
these next few weeks, so, uh,
don't fuck it up, I guess.
Good boy.
Almost done.
Cash doesn't like boys.
Oh, I'm sorry. Um...
I was just...
told to give him a wash.
Yeah, no, it's okay.
I can help you.
You're Dylan, right?
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, Pepe told me
all about you.
I think he's got
a little bit of a crush.
Oh, well, um...
I don't think Pepe's
really my type.
Yeah, no, I'm just...
I'm just teasing you.
How long have y'all
had this place for?
It's been in the family
for a while now.
Do you like it?
I always dreamed of having
a place like this.
Yeah. Me, too.
More water?
Yeah. Sorry.
Oh, wait. You, uh...
You got a little bit
on yourself.
-That's funny.
Don't fuck up my boots.
Fair enough.
-Stay away from the boots.
You're trouble, huh?
-No, ma'am.
I'm Sky.
Like the sky?
Yeah, it's spelled the same
and everything.
I want to be naked
I don't mean my body...
Thank you.
-I'll let you go.
I'm going quietly.
I'm floating away
I'm floating away...
I just don't understand why
it has to be so far out here.
But you said they were nice?
Some of them were.
You saw they had
one of those flags?
You just can't be too careful
with people, Dylan.
I might need to borrow
the truck tomorrow.
Where the hell you going now?
Just need to...
go for a drive
and clear my head,
if that's okay.
You're gonna work
with these guys today.
You don't speak any Spanish,
I take it?
Uh, no.
I mean, I understand some,
All right.
Just follow their lead.
You'll figure it out.
All around me now...
-I'm Carrie.
-Oh, I'm Dylan. Sorry.
-How long you been here?
-Just a couple days now. Yeah.
-Are you liking it?
-Oh, it's beautiful.
It's kind of... unique.
-In the best of ways.
In the best of ways. Yeah.
And when
We're out of
I'll keep
Your love
With mine
Get back to work.
All around me now
Your love...
We collect a bunch of rainwater
and use it for everything
that's in here.
You got to overdo it
a little bit?
-Not too much, though.
-All right.
Oh, my God. That is...
Do, like, four.
I love this 'cause it's like,
chop 'em up,
and then take all the seeds out.
And we collect those kind of
like we do with the chilies.
Wow. You can grow
anything in here?
Yeah, I mean,
it just makes it easier for us
to have a plethora
of those things, you know?
Like, a lot of this
wouldn't normally, uh, grow
at the same time
out there, but...
I don't want
to even eat this one.
-We should name it.
-What are you thinking?
-I'm thinking Terrance.
-I like that.
My friend Carrie
gave me some of these chilies.
But you got to really pat it
down and make it even, okay?
And then we're gonna
let 'em grow.
It's gonna take a few weeks.
-A few weeks?
-I know.
You got to work
on your patience.
They're gonna taste so good.
Who's that?
That's Mom's sponsor.
-Hey, boys.
Why don't you start
on another one right here?
You're doing a great job, man.
Not too much, now, 'cause
you want to dig 'em back up.
There we go.
Now, remember,
we're here for toilet paper
-and literally nothing else.
-Okay. Nothing else.
I don't want to see any dresses
or anything in the cart, okay?
How's it going?
I love this.
-What did she just say?
-Barnyard Barbie.
-Barnyard Barbie.
-It's actually...
-It's very Barnyard Barbie.
-Hey. Watch it.
That looks good. Let me see.
-I like the separation...
What the hell?
Why are you following me?
I'm not following you.
I know. I'm joking.
Oh, my God. Hi.
How are you?
-I, um...
I really need
to get back, so, uh,
I'm gonna need that back.
Think you're gonna
have to come with us now.
Come on. Everybody's gonna
be so happy to see you.
Hey. Look who I found.
I didn't spit in it.
Don't we think
he'd look better in a wig?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
-yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, my God. I know my cue.
There's another one over here
that I think
is more your speed.
Ooh, blonde.
I have a feeling
you might be a secret glam girl.
-Now we can be sisters.
That's okay.
Let's see if that's true.
Whoa... Oh.
This is why
we get kicked out, guys.
-Look at that.
-Look at the angularity.
-Good bones.
-You really...
-You really do have
good bones for it. -Yeah.
Who is she?
Look at that.
Can I have my hat back now?
Is that all right?
Mm, no. Time for makeup.
Go easy on him.
That's what we're here for.
Nothing. You just keep peeking.
I don't mean to.
You're an eye person.
An eye person?
Like, an iPhone?
-What do you mean?
You know,
there are two types of people.
There are eye people,
and there are lip people.
And then there's Dolly Parton--
she's both.
But you are an eye person.
Why can't I be both?
I guess you can.
Oh, I didn't see you there.
I, uh, have a special delivery.
The finest grapes in the area.
-No. Come on, now.
-Straight from the teat.
Come on. You can do it.
Would you please hurry up?
Okay. All right. Don't...
Don't waterboard him, please.
Okay, bye.
Okay. I'm almost done.
I mean...
I am fucking good.
You look fucking amazing.
You're just saying that.
No, no. I'm serious.
Your eyes are like, pow!
Like, pow?
What's wrong?
Why are you mad?
Oh, I'm not mad.
Sorry, I'm...
It's just not really
my scene, you know?
What are you doing tomorrow?
just looking for work.
Well, we're all going
to a rodeo.
A rodeo?
A rodeo. Yeah.
You know, I get this feeling
that you don't have,
like, a ton of friends.
Oh. Yeah, I just...
I don't really have time
for that.
Uh, I'm usually just working.
Or watching my little brother.
Parents aren't around?
My mom's around, but I don't...
She doesn't help out too much.
If you know what I mean.
Yeah. I do.
So, what's your plan?
Now, I don't really know,
but, uh...
I want to get an RV.
Drive all around.
But I-I have this...
...guilty kind of feeling.
I just...
I don't want to leave them.
So I'm gonna try to...
make as much money on my own
and then have enough
to get out of here
but some left over
for my family.
That's really nice.
But in the meantime,
there's no harm in having
a little fun.
You got to come.
It's really fun.
There's a lot
of good people, and...
I'll make sure
nobody corrupts you.
I'll buy you a drink
with the money I win.
What if I win?
Be at the ranch at 7:00,
or we're leaving without you.
Oh, hey. I-I don't actually
have the, uh, truck tomorrow.
So I'll just... I'll catch
the next one, though.
Give me your address.
We're coming to pick you up.
All right.
See you tomorrow.
Why do you care about me?
I mean, I'm...
I'm pretty boring.
I don't think you're boring.
I just think you haven't met
your people yet.
Hey, buddy.
Is Mom asleep?
Uh, how you doing?
What's on your face?
It's gonna stay
our secret, okay?
Don't tell Mom.
Look at me.
Don't tell Mom. You promise?
You want to wash it off?
That's a little too much, but...
-It's okay.'ll do.
It'll do.
Thanks, buddy.
You're doing a great job.
Thank you.
I like the color blue.
I thought green was
your favorite color.
Greenish blue.
-Greenish blue?
-Like turquoise?
-Yeah. I like it.
Looks good on you.
I've got the middle.
Now I just need to get
right here and here.
Well, it's okay. I got time.
We need to make sure
Mom doesn't see it
when you wake up.
I trust you.
You want me
to do your lips, too?
Sure. Thank you.
Okay, that's my ride.
-You want to come say hi?
Will all thrills be gone?
Who do we have here?
Oh, uh, this is
my little brother Cassidy.
Oh, got some real-life cowboys
on our hands.
All right. You head inside,
and I'll see you tomorrow night,
all right?
Okay, I love you.
Get in, bitch.
To linger on
Your lips
Are so tender
Your heart is beating fast
And you're willing
to surrender
Tell me, darling,
will it last?
Tomorrow night...
Girl, look at that.
It's the trade of the season.
What does that mean?
It means she thinks you're cute.
Um, I have to go get ready
for my event,
so you should go look around
and I'll come find you.
If you got a lonely heart
I would be a lonely heart
for you
If you want a rocket ship
I would be a rocket ship
for you
If you walk the galaxies
I would walk the galaxies
for you
I would be a universe
for you
Always together with you
If you got
a lonely heart, too
Always forgetting with you
If you got
a lonely heart, too
Always together with you
If you got
a lonely heart, too
Always forgetting with you
If you got
a lonely heart, too
Always together with you
If you got
a lonely heart, too.
You ever been on a bull?
-Oh, God, no.
-But I tell you what,
it's the greatest rush
of adrenaline.
It's like a first kiss.
We got one person
left on the barrel race.
From New Mexico, we have Sky.
Let's go, Sky!
-Let's go, Sky!
-Get it, girl!
She's gonna clear
that last barrel clean.
Cowgirl's kicking
for the finish line.
Come on, buddy, get in there.
Get out there and get it.
All right, buddy,
make this happen.
Next, from
New Mexico, we've got Pepe.
Let's go. Let's go.
Hang in there. Hang in there.
You got it. You got it.
And Pepe goes
to the buzzer on Nightmare.
We'll see what the judges
have to say.
That was a real Western ride.
Remember to breathe.
Keep breathing.
Keep breathing.
There you go. There you go.
All right. Give me some slack.
Up next is
a first-time bull rider today.
From New Mexico, it's Dylan.
Remember to breathe.
Don't tighten up.
Got to dance with him.
Whatever happens...
that's between you
and the universe.
And Dylan comes off Mango
before the eight-second buzzer,
but I'll tell you what,
that was a fine effort
for the young cowboy.
Look what I got.
You should be careful with that.
Um, I got you something.
It's the belt buckle that I won.
Maybe it'll inspire you
to win one of your own one day.
-Are you serious?
-Yeah, it's yours.
Thank you.
I can't understand
No, I can't understand
How life goes on
the way it does
Don't they know
It's the end of the world?
It ended when you said
Okay, okay.
All right, all right.
Thank you.
Okay, everyone.
I have a very, very special
treat for you all.
Um, I begged...
I begged a friend of mine
to come and perform tonight.
Um, yes, you.
Get your sexy ass up here.
Please give a warm welcome
to my friend Sky.
Break it
To me gently
So my tears
My tears won't fall too fast
If you must go
Then go slowly
Let me love you
Till the last
The love we shared
For oh so long
Is such a big part of me
If you must take
Your love away
Take it gradually
Oh, oh, break it
Break it to me gently
Give me time, oh,
give me a little time
To ease the pain
Love me just a little longer
'Cause I'll never, never
Love again
'Cause I'll never
Never love again.
Come here.
No more
No more
Tea time.
Yeah. Tea.
Yeah. You're dressed for it.
Hey, sug'.
-Oh. Thank you, mama.
-Oh, okay.
Thank you.
How are you feeling
after working so hard?
I'm feeling good.
My body's a little sore.
Yeah, it is.
What is that?
It's mushroom tea.
Keep drinking.
It'll... it'll get better.
Trust me.
I've never... had that before.
Well, um, I'll be right here
the whole time, so...
Tomorrow night
Will it be
just another memory
Or just another lovely song
That's in my fool heart
To linger on?
Your lips are so tender
Your heart is beating fast
And you're willing
to surrender
But tell me, darling,
oh, will it last?
Tomorrow night
Will you be with me
when the moon is bright?
Tomorrow night
Will you say
those lovely things
You said tonight?
Did you like that one?
That was beautiful.
-Hey, babe.
He learned the Elvis song.
I loved it.
Yeah, I was just
showing it to her.
Yeah. It was good.
The rest are over there,
if y'all want to come.
Yeah. Totally.
Before we draw
My dear, dear friend
I promise you my word
If we should part
My dear, dear love
You know
You're in my heart
And though I may be
getting older
Know that I'm going with you
Know that I'm hanging on to
The things that you said
The things that you said
I felt my soul
Rise up from my body
When I look into
your blue eyes
If cosmic force
is real at all
It's come between you and I
I'm recharging with the sun.
I want to be naked
I don't mean my body.
Don't stop.
You're still here.
Yeah. Um, sorry.
I don't mind. Really, it's...
You can stay
as long as you want.
You know, I actually just,
like, wandered in here one day,
and I never left.
I'm still looking for an exit.
Um, but it's...
also, it's, like...
it's not entirely
my place to say, so...
You have fun last night?
Yeah, you-you could say that.
Morning, Car'.
How you feeling?
Not so bad. How about you?
Good. I'm good.
Do you want to take my wig
for a walk?
I would love to take
your wig for a walk.
When it comes to threesomes,
I-I have to be the star.
I have to be top-billed,
above the title.
Carol Channing, Ethel Merman.
-At least those.
Yeah, you get it.
So, how did you get into drag
in the first place?
Oh, my God, you are really
coming for me this morning,
aren't you?
I'm sorry. I'm not trying to.
I'm just...
-No, it's... it's okay.
-I'm just curious.
Well, uh,
I was raised conservative.
And I went to
a Christian school.
Um, and when I...
when I came out...
I don't know, I just...
I looked around,
and I suddenly didn't have
a family anymore.
For a lot of us,
that is the price
of being yourself, you know?
But, um... drag.
Drag, for me, was...
I don't know, it was just...
it was this way for me
to sort of just
show up for myself
and love myself in a way that...
that at the time
nobody else really could.
I just, you know,
always wanted to be
the beautiful creature
I knew I was on the inside.
What about you?
Have you ever done it before?
Aside from that night
at the store?
Nah. I mean...
I guess I just never really felt
it was a possibility.
I guess...
I just always thought that
whatever I am is set in stone.
Nothing's set in stone.
I'm gonna need your help, okay?
-Little... little horns.
Yeah, exactly.
Right there.
Oh, no, no.
This wind is so transphobic.
Is that right?
You have so much hair.
This is something else.
You look absolutely gorgeous.
Well, I feel
absolutely gorgeous.
Oh, my God.
Look what I got.
Fried green tomatoes tonight.
Look who's home.
Can you watch Cassidy tonight?
Going out.
Uh, I can't really tonight.
Uh, got a party at the ranch
I got to be at.
A party?
I get it now.
Got a special person, don't you?
Kept wondering why you seemed
so happy at this new job.
Well, I don't see you
about the money
I'm bringing home.
Must be nice to get away
from us, too, I guess, huh?
It's, uh...
nice to have a little life
for myself, yeah.
Whatever. It's fine.
Go to your party.
I'll go out another night.
Just don't forget about us
over here, okay?
Spent $48 last night
at the county fair
My long-lost buddies say
I'm gettin' in too deep
But I like it, I love it
-Whoa, am I getting it?
-I want some more of it
I try so hard
-Okay, yep.
-I can't rise above it
Don't know what it is 'bout
-Okay. This way?
-That little gal's lovin'
But I like it, I love it,
I want some more of it.
Yeah. There you go.
Hey. That's enough.
You two were amazing out there.
-Good morning.
-Oh, don't get too excited.
Most of it's for me.
Oh, that's tasty.
That line dancing
was something else.
Oh, that was a hoot, wasn't it?
There is nothing going on
between Dylan and I.
I want him out of here.
We built this ranch
to give people a place to go.
We're not gonna kick him out.
Hey, is everything okay?
Is everything okay?
I'm really sorry
about everything.
I hope I didn't mess
anything up.
It's fine. It's fine.
Are we gonna get Cassidy?
Uh, yeah.
-If that's still okay.
-Want me to drive?
-Uh, no.
It'd be better if I fucked up
Pepe's truck than you.
Fair enough.
We're stopping to get
Dylan's little brother.
Oh. Fun.
There he is.
Hey, Cassidy.
-Hey there, kiddo.
-Do you remember me?
-What's my name, then?
All right, well done.
-Are you a boy or a girl?
No, it's... it's okay.
I'm neither.
Okay. Come on.
Okay, everybody in?
Everybody in!
If I could be
Baby, where you are
If I could be
Baby, where you are
If I could see
Baby, what you see
Then I would know
Where's she going?
Baby, what you know
Don't worry about it.
She's just working
through something.
Just to be
Baby, where you are
All right, so kettle corn,
chili dog and a Diet Coke.
Just to be
Baby, where you are...
Yes, I love your top!
It's so pretty.
Thank you. You can borrow it
whenever you want.
That looks incredible.
Wait, let me see.
Look at that.
You like this?
-I like it.
You know, it's a little
sneak preview
of what I'm gonna be
wearing later.
I think we got to get it
for you. Yeah?
That hat looks real good, too.
You want to go take it up
to the cashier?
Oh, my God.
Cassidy's so sweet.
Baby's first dress.
We totally did it.
I can definitely do better.
Just give me time.
Practice time.
Okay, you're pretty good
with those panties.
I try to be.
You were, too.
Hey, I-I am going to take
Cassidy over to the corn maze
'cause I think that'll be
a lot of fun, so...
-Is that cool?
-You want to go get lost?
Should we never be seen
ever again?
-Let's do it.
-All right. Have fun.
-I'll see y'all later.
You want to go over there?
-Yeah? Come on.
Wait. Hold on, hold on.
-Hold on.
I just, uh...
I just want to be sure
that you know my deal.
What do you mean?
I know your deal.
No, not that.
Pepe. We're open, but...
I just...
If we're gonna do this, then
I want you to know what it is.
Well, what is it?
It's just for fun.
I'm okay with that.
-Are you sure about that?
-Does that feel good?
-Is it good for you?
Any man of mine
Better walk the line
Better show me a teasin',
squeezin', pleasin'
Kinda time
I need a man who knows
How the story goes
He's gotta be a heart-beatin',
earthquakin' kind
Any man of mine
Well, any man of mine
better disagree
When I say another woman's
looking better than me...
Take a breath.
You're gonna
knock 'em dead, kid.
Now, just remember, just because
I'm putting you in drag
for the first time
does not make me your drag mama.
I do have a waiting list,
you know.
Well, how could you resist?
You do look hot.
Actually, it's kind of annoying.
Don't ever come to Brooklyn.
Is that where you're from?
Yes, girl. Casa Cunt.
If you ever come to the city,
hit me up.
Don't listen to her.
You don't go to the city
to be a queen.
You go to the city
to be a yuppie, okay?
Well, isn't that where
they make the big money, though?
And spend it on what, honey?
A parking spot?
Break a leg tonight.
Please, baby
Can't you see
I'm trying to explain?
I've been here before
and I'm locking the door
And I'm not going back again
Her eyes and arms and skin
won't make it go away
You'll wake up tomorrow
and wrestle the sorrow
That holds you down today
Oh, my God.
Go on and hold her
till the screaming is gone
Go on, believe her
When she tells you
nothing's wrong
But I'm the only one
Who'll walk across the fire
for you
And I'm the only one
Who'll drown in my desire
for you
It's only fear
that makes you run
The demons that
you're hiding from
When all your promises
are gone
I'm the only one.
Hey, sleepyhead.
Where the fuck have you been?
Mom, are you okay?
Oh, you brought
your little friends, huh?
Come on, Cass.
He doesn't need
to fucking hide from me.
You need to calm down
and go inside, okay?
Calm down?
Don't tell me to calm down.
You got my son
in a fucking dress.
-Are you the reason that my son
never comes ho... -Hey.
Hey, Dylan?
-Dylan, what are you doing?
Where's my RV money?
Mom, where the fuck
is my RV money?
-Did you spend it?
-Did you fucking spend it?
-I didn't take all of it, okay?
Do you understand
what you just did?
Do you? Why do you have to make
my life so fucking hard, huh?
My life is hard!
Okay? I'm doing
the fucking best I can here.
I could use a little support.
All I do is support you.
You take everything.
Do you understand that?
And you have to be
a fucking adult, okay?
Jesus Christ.
If you have any bad dreams,
you know what to do, right?
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Thank you for letting us
stay here.
Yeah. Of course.
Ooh, this is cute.
I like this a lot.
Do you want some on you?
Did you notice
We sleep through the night
I wonder how this would look.
-Let's see.
-That's a beautiful gold.
I've never been more attracted
to you.
-Can you do some more on me?
-Yeah. Absolutely.
That's it. That's the look.
-That's the one.
Pucker up.
Possibilities are endless
when it comes to makeup.
Carrie has
taught you well, hasn't she?
Oh, this is nice, actually.
You're the new makeup icon
around here.
I tell you what.
This is brilliant.
Want to go play with sheep?
-Up, up. Cross arms.
In twice.
-Whip, then turn around.
And then you do the same thing
with the...
When you cross, go ba-ba-ba-ba.
In, in.
Whip, and down.
This, this.
Then you speed that up.
You do that to the side.
Put your... you put
your right leg forward.
-And then you...
One, two, three,
four, five, six.
Four, five, six.
He really likes it
out here, huh?
Let's try this again.
Yeah. I mean... who wouldn't?
Can't stay forever, though.
Elbow to elbow...
I'm here
How weird.
Hopefully, she's just
embarrassed, you know.
That's all it is.
Um, Cassidy's going crazy
about the sheep.
It's really funny.
You guys should come out.
I'm not really in the mood.
Yeah, that's okay.
I'm gonna go
hang with the sheep.
I didn't know about your mom.
I had, like, a similar thing
with my dad.
he kicked me out
when I was like 15.
I'm sorry.
Luckily, he let me keep Cash.
Or... he didn't stop me
from taking him.
I didn't realize you had him
for such a long time.
Yeah. Ten years.
When I first got him,
he couldn't do anything.
Now he's winning
damn near every rodeo we go to.
Are you serious
about that RV thing?
Yes, ma'am.
You're just gonna take off
all alone?
You don't like being alone
too much, do you?
Think I was alone enough to know
that it's just not for me.
Do you want to go for a ride?
-Let's go.
That had to be
the most beautiful weekend
of my life.
-Honestly, yeah.
When's the next rodeo?
Uh, it's next month.
Um, Pepe and I are gonna be
looking at cattle that weekend.
So, we won't be there, but...
you should go
with Carrie, everyone.
So beautiful.
Yeah, it really is.
You know
there are caves over there?
We should check them out.
I think it's gonna rain.
Oh, yeah?
We should probably get back.
Come on, just ten more minutes.
Pepe doesn't like it when I have
Cash out after dark, so...
I'm sure if we're a little bit
late, it will be fine.
-Got him?
-I got him.
Come on. Come on.
Hey. Fuck!
Go to the house to get Pepe.
I'm gonna follow Cash.
-What happened?
-Cash ran off.
He got lost in the storm.
Oh, shit.
Sky's still out there.
-Come on!
-Come on. Come on, come on.
Show me where they are.
It's gonna be okay.
I'm sorry.
He's not gonna make it.
Thank you.
I saw that you were cold,
so I thought I would
bring you something.
-Is Cass asleep?
-Thank you.
Oh, thank you.
How's Sky?
She's... she's pretty upset.
You know.
But, um...
It wasn't your fault.
I really hope you know that.
No, I don't know about that.
You must really love her.
Being with her...
...was really the first time
that I've felt like
I was a part of something.
Now I guess I, uh...
I might not have anywhere
to belong anymore.
You belong here.
I just don't really think I do.
You do. You really do.
You just think that
it's supposed to be bigger
or better than it is,
but it-it's not.
It's me telling you right now
you belong.
I don't know,
if you're waiting on Sky
to be the thing
that makes you make sense,
then it's not gonna work.
And she's gonna hate you for it.
I think she already hates me,
No. No. No, she...
She loves you.
She just doesn't need you.
She needs Pepe. They...
They need each other.
It's the only way
that they work.
And I guess
it doesn't really work for them
to have me around anymore.
I think you need to be
more concerned
about what works for you.
I think you're
a romantic, though.
You know?
So don't lose that.
That common burn
That common burn
You know we have.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Mama's okay, right?
Mama's okay. Look at me.
You're all right.
-We're okay.
-She's safe.
She's okay.
Do you believe in
'Cause I thought I saw
your soul
Flashing and dancing...
And then just like
Little League, right?
One, two, three.
Shades of jade
and emerald...
There you go. Just like that.
Oh, that's perfect.
Ooh! Almost.
That was nice, though. You want
to try another one like that?
Into a crystal pearl...
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate it.
-Have a great rest of your day.
Oh, it was pure bliss
Something I've never
felt before...
Look at that.
Here, I, uh, got
a little bit more for you.
-Thank you.
Do you believe in
'Cause I thought I saw...
Hi. I'm Dylan.
Hi. Jimmy.
Jimmy, good to meet you.
You, too.
You got to promise me
you're just not gonna
park this somewhere.
She's got a lot of good miles
left on her.
Yes, sir, I'll...
-I'll see where she takes me.
-Okay, good.
It's a beautiful country
out there.
Good luck to you, son.
'Cause I turned
the bad world
Into a crystal pearl
And we were loveless
Oh, it was pure bliss
Something I've never...
Oh, this thing's huge.
How much does it cost
to fill her up?
I don't know.
And I don't really care.
What's your plan?
You gonna stick around
for a little while, though?
Yeah, I'm gonna take this week
to kind of figure out
where my first stop
might be, but...
You've got so many clothes.
Oh, I mean,
it's not really too much.
Just... enough, you know?
But, uh, it'll give you
some more space
in the living room now.
-You're gonna be okay.
How you doing? Hmm.
Those are for you, sir.
Better get used to that seat.
It's gonna be real fun.
I think I'm gonna go
in the house.
Would you like me to make you
the very first grilled cheese
that's ever been made
in this bus?
So, now you got the camper,
are you gonna quit doing
construction and all that?
Oh, I'm hoping that
my construction days
are over for a while.
I reached out
to a couple ranches.
I'm hoping to help out
on something in Texas.
So, what, you gonna go look
for your dad or something?
Why would I do that?
I don't know.
I didn't take too much
but just cleaned up a little.
-To see your face.
I just...
...hope you understand that...
I wasn't in my right mind
a lot of the time.
It's okay. You don't
have to say stuff like that.
-I wasn't.
-I don't want you to...
I wasn't, and it's okay
to say I wasn't.
You know,
I only realized recently
that I never really loved him.
And then I started thinking,
who have I loved?
You know?
Like, really loved.
Like the kind of thing
you read about, and...
Pretty sure I've never had that.
I met your dad when I was
in high school, and...
after him, it was like...
...anybody who gave me
the time of day would do.
no matter how hard you try
to make something work... just isn't right.
Well, then that's just not love.
I guess.
That's still love.
But somehow,
seeing you being happy,
living your life,
makes me feel like
maybe things could change.
For all of us.
They will.
I hope so.
O say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hail'd
At the twilight's
last gleaming
Whose broad stripes
and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watch'd
Were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag
was still there
O say does that
Banner yet wave
O'er the land
Of the free
And the home
Of the brave?
I'll be right back.
You look great.
You, too.
So, did you get your RV?
I did.
That's so great.
It's good to see you.
It's really good
to see you, too.
Even in hiding
Find it
Knows you
Rocking you to sleep
From the Otherside
Tethered by timing
Let it
Aimless and ripped from
The root
Binds you
Rocking you to sleep
From the Otherside.