Never Give Up (2023) Movie Script

(logo whooshing)
(funky music)
('No Easy Road'
By Rick Eldridge)
Ain't no easy road
It ain't no
easy road No no
It ain't no easy road
This old road we're
traveling on
Many have stumbled,
slipped and fell
carring that
load Heavy load
Heavy load
Ain't no easy road
This road is
rocky and bare
Drive along that
desolation everywhere
Desolation everywhere
If you're lost and
lonely, you can try the road I'm
The road is narrower,
but each step lead you home
If you're weak and
weary, you can just reach out
your hand
Find the strength you need
to help you stand
Ain't no easy road
It ain't no easy road
Ain't no easy road
Welcome to the 15th
World Games for the Deaf.
You're joining
our coverage
of the men's singles
tennis finals.
I'm Dan Cort,
along with good friend and
tennis legend Stan Smith.
Stan, good to see you.
It's great to be here.
Yeah, we really felt
like there would be
a little more drama
and competition to this match,
but it just hasn't turned
out that way, has it?
You're right, Dan.
I really thought newcomer Brad
Minns would have a great shot
against the reigning gold
medalist, Jeff Osborne.
But that's not what's
happening today.
[Dan] Yeah, Osborne won
the gold in Cologne in '81
in men's singles
and men's doubles.
And he's just been
dominant today,
clinching the first two sets,
and he's way up in the third,
just points away from victory.
So let's join the action
on court number one.
We are in the third set of
the men's singles finals.
(ball smacking)
(crowd cheering)
Well, that just
about seals the deal.
[Stan] It'll take
a miracle now, Dan.
[Luis] Why are we coming
if everyone else is leaving?
[Deb] Come on, Luis!
This way.
What are we doing?
This event is not
on my schedule.
You're gonna get me
fired from the paper.
If you're going to date me,
then you need to
understand Deaf tennis.
Brad, my mixed doubles partner.
I promise you this will be the
best match you've ever seen.
[Luis] Maybe not.
That big dude
is way ahead.
[Dan] Osborne is
serving now for the match,
so let's watch as USA's Jeff
Osborne brings home the win.
(suspenseful music)
(ball smacking)
- (crowd cheering)
- Yeah, Osborn!
Osborne leads, 40-love.
Five games to love.
Third set.
Game set, match point.
Match point, Osborne.
I know.
(peaceful music)
[Brad] God, help me.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
[Umpire] 40-15.
(crowd applauding)
(ball smacking)
[Dan] This is
getting interesting.
[Stan] Minns is staying strong.
It looks like Osborne is
getting a bit tentative.
[Dan] Minns is
really going for it.
[Stan] He's
pressing Osborne, wow.
[Umpire] 40-all.
[Dan] This is what we've
been expecting, this match.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
[Umpire] Out.
Advantage Minns.
(Crowd Cheers)
(dramatic music)
(ball smacking)
(case clatters)
Game, Minns.
[Stan] The kid can play.
[Umpire] Osborne leads,
five games to one, third set.
Looks like we're staying.
At least for one more game.
My hearing aids were
knocked out of my tennis bag.
May I put them back?
Yes, you may.
He can't leave the
court on an even game.
Unless the chair umpire
grants him permission,
which I did.
That's bogus.
Why does he need
permission to go get his bag?
You can only go to the bench
over a changeover on
odd numbered games.
You cannot leave the
court for any reason.
And what if you have
to go to the bathroom?
Oh, you gotta hold it.
There are some unique
rules for Deaf tennis.
For one, you can't
play with hearing aids.
Which means they're
playing in complete silence.
That's gotta be
incredibly difficult.
On the pro tour, sound
is hugely important.
Different shots
sound differently.
[Dan] Minns has been
Deaf since age three
when he had a high
fever as a child.
[Stan] That's hard to imagine.
That must have
been really scary.
[Dan] Yeah, I'll bet it was.
(solemn music)
I'm afraid it's not good news.
Your boy's fever was intense.
We estimate between 80%
and 90% hearing loss.
You mean, temporary?
There's nothing you could
have done differently.
Now you have to make
some hard decisions.
Most families choose special
education with sign language.
Your son can be sent to
a school for the Deaf
where he'll be around
others like himself.
Is there another option?
I mean...
It's a much more difficult road.
Teach him to lipread,
maybe get a pair of
high-end hearing aids.
But I must warn you,
they're very expensive
and he will probably
have a difficult time
differentiating sound
and word recognition
due to the severity
of his hearing loss.
What do you think, Fran?
Doc, what do
you recommend?
You're both social people,
and I don't mean to be harsh,
but he's always going to be a
Deaf kid in a hearing world.
would probably be best.
Come in.
- Hey, buddy.
- Hey.
Oh my goodness.
We've made our decision.
Where do we get hearing aids
and how do we teach
him to lipread?
Come here.
It's gonna be okay.
We are gonna do
this as a family.
[Brad] Mom, Dad,
you've always been there.
How am I supposed to
do this without you?
What is he asking you?
Those seats are
reserved for his parents.
They come to all of his matches.
They're flying
from Toledo.
They aren't here yet.
Happy birthday
(Brads perspective.. High
pitch and warbled sound.)
Day to you
(Brads perspective.. High
pitch and warbled sound.)
Happy birthday
(Brads perspective.. High
pitch and warbled sound.)
(guests clapping)
(Brads perspective.. High
pitch and warbled sound.)
(crowd applauding)
Minns has amazing
tenacity, we gotta say that.
He's digging deep
to keep fighting
and staying in this match.
(ball smacking)
[Umpire] Out.
[Dan] Can you imagine growing up
and being the
only Deaf kid
and trying to figure
out what's happening,
say, at a ball game, or
the movies, or even at school?
[Stan] It's gotta be tough.
Hello, Mrs. Minns.
I'm Ms. Dickerson.
Hello, Ms. Dickerson.
This is my son, Brad.
Brad, this is Ms. Dickerson.
Hello, Brad.
You're going to need to
put him in the front row
so that he can read your lips.
He's learning, but he's
really quite good for his age.
- [Ms. Dickerson]
- Can he hear anything?
He can hear some muffled sounds.
Does he speak?
Yes, of course.
Can he read and write?
Brad is very smart.
He does all of those
things, he just can't hear.
Excuse me for
saying so, Mrs. Minns,
but don't you think he
should be at a Deaf school?
Good Shepherd for the Deaf
has a wonderful program.
Ms. Dickerson, have
you heard of a boy
named Tom Edison?
He was born not too far
from here, Milan, Ohio?
Of course, Thomas Edison,
the famous inventor.
80% Deaf.
Never went to a Deaf school.
Neither will my son.
Thank you, Mrs. Minns.
Come with me, young man.
Rex, please take the empty seat.
Look at sissy boy's
mommy brings him to class.
(kids laughing)
- [Ms. Dickerson]
- You can sit here!
Osborne leads.
The third set,
six games to five.
[Dan] Who would've thought
this was even possible?
Minns has won five outta
the last six games.
(crowd applauding)
[Umpire] Love-15.
[Stan] Minns suddenly
has that look in his eye.
He's in the zone.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
[Umpire] Love-30.
[Dan] Oh, Osborne
sent Minns flying
into the back fence.
Come on, we can do this.
Hey, let's go.
Go get some ice
cream afterwards.
Good afternoon, Brad.
Good afternoon.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
We brought these.
We're gonna test your hearing
for some new hearing aids today.
Do you understand?
Okay, good.
I'm gonna put these on here.
And raise your hand when
you hear a beep, okay?
(Low frequency tone)
(second tone)
(siren wailing)
(firetruck honking)
Brad, did you hear the firetruck
or did you just see the lights?
I saw the lights.
Okay, I need you to be
really honest with me, okay?
I'm gonna try
something and maybe,
maybe just maybe next time
you'll hear a real firetruck.
Hold on.
Do you know
what these are?
They're real
powerful hearing aids
and you wear them on
a harness like this.
I want you to help me out, okay?
I want you to hold them
in your ears for me,
and we're gonna fit you
with the correct size
once we do our next test, okay?
And we'll fit you just
perfect in a little bit.
You put one there, Mom,
you can help me out here.
Okay, gonna do another test.
(High pitch tone)
Good job.
You can hear that, Brad.
That is wonderful.
Good job.
Yes, excellent.
Oh, that is fantastic.
[Waitress] All right,
here we go, guys.
- Wow.
- Salad.
- Thank you very much.
- There you go, Mom.
Big parfait for you, big man.
[Fran] Whoa, buddy.
- Y'all enjoy.
- Thank you.
Hey Chubs, look
what we have here.
It's Brad Pee.
The little boy who
always needs his mommy.
[Chubs] Yeah,
he's a mommy's boy.
[Rex] And what's
that around his neck?
His hearing aid.
No, that's his bra.
Like my sister.
Or maybe he's an alien
like Uncle Martin
from "My Favorite
(kids laughing)
Boys, boys, boys,
let's settle down, okay?
Bring it in.
Let's celebrate our win, okay?
I like "My Favorite Martian."
Don't listen to them.
Whatever they're saying,
he's just acting
like a first grader.
In a third grader's body.
He's been held back twice.
Might be a third time
if he's not careful.
Children can be mean.
But you don't let
them get to you.
[Stan] Looks like he's okay.
[Dan] Boy, I've seen
a lot of tennis matches,
but I don't think I've ever
seen two guys fight this hard
for every single point.
(crowd applauding)
Game, Minns.
Games are six-all.
Gentlemen, the set
will be decided by a.
Okay, Stan, you got your wish.
A tiebreaker is a
real test of tennis.
Yeah, you won
something like, what,
85% of the tiebreakers
you played?
What's the secret?
It all goes back to training.
I started playing tennis
seriously when I was about 15,
so I always felt that those
guys that started earlier had
something of an edge.
So I had to practice
harder and make up for lost
When did Minns start
playing tennis?
Maybe around six
or seven years old.
That's pretty young.
Makes a difference.
(calm music)
Okay, Brad, this
is a forehand grip.
Okay, so look,
the V between your thumb
and your fingers goes
against the side of the bevel
of the racket like that.
Here we go.
See, just like
you're shaking hands.
My hand doesn't fit.
Your hand is almost as
big as mine, it'll fit.
But it feels funny.
You'll get used to it.
I'll never get used to it.
Listen to me, Bradford Minns.
This is a sport you can play.
You can be really good at this.
But Mom!
We'll take it one
shot at a time.
(ball smacking)
[Dan] Minns's older
brother Jimbo taught him how to
[Stan] Way to go, Jimbo.
I imagine it's
pretty challenging
to teach a Deaf
kid to play tennis.
It's tough teaching
any kid to play tennis.
I was so clumsy at first,
they wouldn't even
let me be a ball boy.
(Dan laughs)
(ball smacking)
That's too hard, Jimbo.
You want me to go
easy on you, Brad?
I'm just learning.
Mom told me not to baby you.
That's 'cause I'm not a baby.
You can do this.
I doubt it.
It's too tough.
Hang in there, little bro.
Let's work on your serve.
I'll never be good at this.
If I can't hit a forehand,
there's no way I'll be
able to hit a serve.
Look, dork butt.
Mom told me to teach
you, so you will learn.
[Umpire] The tiebreaker
score remains tied, 10-all.
[Osborne] Out!
[Umpire] Second serve.
[Dan] A very close call.
(dramatic music)
(crowd applauding)
Service ace.
[Dan] Takes guts
to go for that big
second serve like that.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
[Dan] Holy cow,
Minns took the set!
Third set, Minns.
Seven, six.
Set score stands.
Two sets for Osborne,
one set for Minns.
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] Now we've got a match.
What's going through
Osborne's head at this point?
[Stan] He's gotta find
a way to turn the tide
on Minns' momentum.
[Dan] You've been
in spots like this.
What did you do?
[Stan] Anything.
Everything you can
do to bring it back.
You can't get ahead of yourself.
Back in 1971, I
remember thinking at
about winning and dancing
at the Wimbledon Ball.
[Dan] (laughs) Yeah.
Yeah, and then you lost
the next two sets to Newcombe.
[Stan] Yeah, my point exactly.
It's not over until it's over.
[Brad] Okay, concentrate.
Come on, Brad, you can do this.
Stay in this, focus.
I need some inspiration.
[Fran] We'll take
it one shot at a time.
[Dan] Both these players
are incredibly resilient.
Big kudos to the coach of
Team USA, Mike LaPierre,
on their training.
[Stan] I wonder if
it's more than that.
If the obstacles these
guys faced growing up Deaf
helped prepare them
for a moment like this.
(Rock music starting)
I got a feeling, I
can't shake it loose
It's now or never,
there's no time to lose
Start believing,
it happened so soon
A new beginning, right
here in this room
It's now or never
It's now or never
It's now or never
It's now or never
It's now or never
(crowd applauding)
Oh, gotcha.
(fingers snapping)
Bradley Minns!
My name is Bradford.
Well, right now
your name is mud.
No, really.
It's not Bradley, it's Bradford.
You must pay
attention, young man.
Your disability
doesn't entitle you
to stare out the window
when I am teaching.
Yes ma'am.
The reason you're
in the front row is
so that you can read my
lips and pay attention.
Do you think you can do that?
I don't know.
Your lips move very fast.
(kids laughing)
Do they?
Now you're criticizing
my teaching too.
No ma'am.
But if you could just slow down,
maybe say the words with a
little bit better diction?
You know, pronouncing
better and slower?
I know what diction means,
but I'm not slowing
down my teaching
for any of the students.
It's your job to keep up.
Okay, class.
Let's go through some
of our vocabulary words.
All right.
Now let's think about
how to say this word.
(kids laughing)
Please do not answer out loud
until you're given permission.
(Brad gasps)
Back off!
You ungrateful
little troublemaker.
Now let's see what the
principal has to say
about your unseemly behavior.
But what about them?
I'd worry about you.
They will be learning the
next five spelling words
and be getting prepared
for a pop quiz when I return.
(kids groaning)
I am not paid enough for
this kind of rudeness.
This child belongs
in a special school.
Come in.
What seems to be the
problem this time, Ms.
This young man is unruly
and doesn't belong here.
Well, where does he belong?
In a school for the Deaf.
Is he Deaf?
Well, yes.
Young man, do you understand me?
Does he talk?
Yes sir.
Well, if he's Deaf,
how did he understand me?
He reads lips.
Have you not been
reading my memos?
I don't like memos.
Looks like he's
wearing hearing aids.
Well, they don't work very well.
When I turn my back
to write on the board,
he doesn't learn a thing.
Young man, do you
think you should be here?
Maybe you belong with people
who can help you
better than we can.
Well, you got hearing
aids and you're here.
I lost most of my
hearing in World War II.
I was a tank commander.
Did you know General Patton?
He's a hero.
My dad let me see the movie.
(laughs) I served
under General Patton
in the Battle
of the Bulge.
761st Tank Battalion.
The Black Panthers?
The greatest tank battalion
the army ever had!
- I don't know about that.
- (laughs)
Your motto was
"Come out fighting."
I like that.
Ms. Dickerson, you have
a great opportunity here.
Don't ever turn your
back on this young man.
But Principal.
When you turn your back,
he can't read your lips.
Now can he?
Yes, Principal Boyd.
Come on, young man.
Let's see if we can
learn some math.
(laughs) Black Panthers.
You got sent to the
principal's office.
That's where a Minns
boy should never be found.
It wasn't my fault!
[James] Doesn't matter.
It matters to me.
Ms. What's Her Name
doesn't like me.
I'm sure Ms. Dickerson
is doing her best.
Stay outta the
principal's office.
We don't need any more trouble.
But Principal
Boyd is really cool.
He served under General Patton!
You didn't tell him
you saw that movie?
Fran, what was the
rating on that?
GP, I think.
The kids make fun of me.
They think I belong
in a special school,
that I don't belong
with regular kids.
Maybe they're right.
Are you a man or a mouse?
That's right.
I knew I did not
like that teacher.
You can't fight City Hall.
There are no quitters
in the Minns family.
Okay, you are every bit as
smart and every bit as talented
as any other kid at that school.
You just have to
prove it to them.
But how?
They all hate me.
They don't hate you.
Well, they treat
me like a freak.
[Fran] You need to
learn to get along.
And don't go to the
principal's office.
I'm trying.
May I please be excused?
I need to finish my homework.
Both of you.
Are you sure we're
doing the right thing?
And I pray every day that
Ms. What's Her Name does too.
Ms. Dickerson.
You know I know what
you know her name is.
(Fran laughs)
(upbeat music)
('In My Room' By The Beach Boys)
There's a world
where I can go
And tell my secrets to
In my room
In my room
(repeat) In my room
In this world I lock out
All my worries and my fears
In my room
In my room
(repeat) In my room
Do my dreaming
and my scheming
Lie awake and pray
Do my crying and my sighing
Laugh at yesterday
Now it's
(Record scratch)
Wow, what's this for?
Well, what did you do yesterday?
Got a C on my math test?
(laughs) That
was, C's for Clever.
Okay, who did
you beat at tennis?
(Fran laughing)
Took a set off
me fair and square.
Now I have to go back
to playing baseball.
[Fran] We are going to get you
a new tennis teacher.
You are going to be a great
tennis player, Bradford Minns.
I'll settle for pretty good.
You are going to be great.
So, you want to win at tennis?
Yes sir, Mr. Davis.
Then we're gonna
make you a champion.
(cheerful music)
Get around this one.
Good job.
Feeling it? Watch it.
Give it here.
We videotaped your lesson.
We videotaped your lesson
so you can see exactly
what I'm saying.
Then, maybe if you're lucky,
your parents will buy
you a Betamax machine
so you can take the tape
home and you can watch.
All right, step around it.
Right through.
Nice job.
Can you hear the ball
hit your strings?
Can you hear the ball
when it hits my strings?
Then you're gonna need to
watch the ball very closely.
Watch how it hits my racket.
Watch the speed.
What's the spin?
Do you understand?
Sort of, but what
difference does the spin make?
If you hit the ball like this,
catching over the top of
it, that's called top spin.
That's gonna make the
ball bounce higher.
If you hit the ball like this,
kind of like a karate chop,
slicing it, that's gonna
make the ball drop faster.
That's underspin.
You're gonna need to learn both
if you want to be a
great tennis player.
Am I gonna be a
great tennis player?
Well, that depends on you.
On how I play?
On how you think.
What you believe in here.
What about these?
What about 'em?
I can't hear the
ball hit the strings
or the other players.
Or even my coach.
You need to make up
for what you can't hear
with what you can see.
Watch the fuzz of the
ball as it hits my racket.
Mom says I should
watch the seams.
Your mom's a smart woman.
I like that.
Watch the seams of
the ball over and over
and over
and then slam it!
Now you try.
Gonna teach you how to volley.
Oh, one more, ready?
And harder!
Harder! (Echos)
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] They're
still slugging away.
[Stan] And Osborne is not
going to give up anytime soon.
[Dan] Yeah, neither is Minns.
[Stan] It's tough to
keep this level of play
this deep into a match.
Somebody has to crack.
[Brad] Come on, man,
you can't do that.
Easy put away, you can't
give any points away.
(ball smacking)
(dramatic music)
[Dan] Oh, oh, that
doesn't look good.
[Stan] No, it doesn't.
[Umpire] Game, Osborne.
He leads three games
to two, fourth set.
That's his calf.
Is that bad?
If it's popped, he's cooked,
but if it's strained,
he might have a chance.
Tough break.
[Dan] Oh man, that
must be painful.
[Stan] It's a
sharp stinging pain.
I'm sure he's strained
his calf muscle before,
but he's gonna have to massage
the muscle a little bit,
get it loosened up,
and figure out a way to
keep Osborne on the run.
[Dan] (laughs) So.
So all Minns has to do is
come back and win the set
while playing in sharp,
stinging pain? (Laughs)
Is that even possible?
[Stan] Well, you watch.
This kid never gives up.
Look, you bunch
of freshman dweebs.
We've got one open
spot on this team left.
And I should just...
Unless you can play
as tough as Nastase,
you should go home now.
What'd you say?
I said that a little wussy
cream is not gonna help you
get on this team, crip.
Ha, you stink.
(freshmen laughing)
Oh, really?
We got a problem.
The kid with the
bum calf muscle?
He's Deaf too.
And how can he play
tennis if he can't hear?
I think we should cut him.
Cut who?
Hello, gentlemen.
Francis Minns.
Assistant Coach Phil Hogarth.
Coach Perry.
That is my son, Brad.
He's going to be a tremendous
asset to your team.
He can read lips.
He knows everything
you're saying.
Let him...
(clears throat) Let him
try out against Duke
with no special treatment.
Understand me?
What is going on with you?
I strained my calf muscle.
It's really sore.
Well, you're just going
to have to run the
other boy around.
These guys don't want me, Mom.
You can do this, Brad.
You just have to show
'em, one point at a time.
Come on over here, Minns.
Come on over here, Minns!
You're gonna play
our captain, Duke.
You don't need to shout at him.
I'm gonna wipe you off
the face of the earth,
you freshman slime.
(dramatic music)
(ball smacking)
[Brad] Analyze
your opponent's game
and then pummel him
into the ground.
Strong forehand,
top spin backhand.
Let me move this guy around.
All right.
How about a lob?
Okay, now let's see what
happens if I hit it right at
This guy's pretty good.
That freshman
nobody looks as good
as our number one
singles player.
He sure does, Phil.
Look at him run Duke around.
Well done, Minns!
He can't hear you.
I don't need him to hear.
I need him to win.
[Umpire] Minns leads five
games to three, fourth set.
[Stan] The crowd's
getting into it.
I think the fans
have been filling up
ever since Minns
started fighting back.
[Dan] We're seeing how
tough Brad Minns really is.
[Stan] He has to stay focused.
(crowd applauding)
(ball smacking)
(dramatic music)
(crowd applauding)
[Umpire] 40-love.
[Dan] Osborne's won
the last three points.
Minns' lead is
about to disappear.
(ball smacking)
[Umpire] Out, 40-15.
Every time you think
Minns is finished,
he just keeps fighting.
[Dan] Now if he comes
back from 40-love,
that'll be something.
[Brad] Okay, time to attack.
[Umpire] 40-30.
(crowd groaning)
40-all, deuce.
This kid is scrappy.
[Stan] And it looks like
he's moving better on that leg.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
Advantage Minns.
(ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] Holy cow!
Minns somehow returned
it and he takes the game!
This is a perfect example
of why Deaf tennis
is more difficult
than the kind of
matches I played.
I would've heard the
ball hit the strings.
Osborne didn't.
Oh, that's a great point.
[Umpire] Game and fourth set
to Minns, six games to three.
How about that?
(laughs) Just like Bjorn Borg.
Or like Jimmy Connors.
(laughs) I told you this
was the match to watch.
You were right.
Great save.
[Dan] And so what should
Minns be thinking about now?
[Stan] Right now, he's
gotta think about the basics.
Everything he learned
in the hours of hitting,
conditioning his body, and
listening to his coaches.
We're late.
It's time to win, Finn.
Hello, hit the road, Toad.
Time to shake, Jake.
Time to fly, Guy.
What's the fuss, Gus?
I feel weird.
What do you mean you feel weird?
They hear a little better.
That's wonderful, son!
Is that the new hearing aids?
That's great!
Now get out there
and make the team.
I know they don't want me.
They don't know you yet.
No one's gonna hand you a
position on that college team.
And you've known
that your whole life.
You have to be the best.
You have to be
better than the best.
You played on your high
school varsity tennis team
as a freshman.
You played number one
singles as a senior.
You have the under 18
number one singles ranking
in northwestern Ohio and the
number three doubles ranking
in the Western
Tennis Association.
And you know what else you
got, many people don't?
New hearing aids?
You have charisma.
And those folks at the
University of Toledo
have never seen anyone like you.
Do you understand?
[Brad] Now I know why my
dad is so good at sales.
(James laughs)
(ball smacking)
(dramatic music)
(crowd applauding)
[James] Brad, you can win this.
You have charisma.
(voice echoing) Charisma,
charisma, charisma, charisma.
- Hey, good one.
- Thanks.
How'd you do?
Pretty well, I think.
Hey, no matter what happens,
know that your mother
and I love you very much.
I want you to work
harder than anyone.
I want you to focus
on your goals.
And I don't want you
to listen to anyone try
to tell you what you can't do.
Okay, let's go home.
All right.
Could you drop me at the gym?
I gotta strengthen my calves.
(laughs) You just played
almost four hours of tennis
and you want to go to the gym.
You're in the best shape
of any tennis player I know.
Gotta be better than the best.
(dramatic music) (ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] Perfect.
! iEs estupendo!
[Umpire] Game, Minns.
He leads four games
to three, fifth set.
[Dan] Four to three.
Nobody wants to go home a loser.
[Stan] Nobody will.
This match has lasted
almost five hours.
Four hours and 53 minutes.
[Dan] This is some match.
I wonder what Minns is reading.
[Stan] He's looking
for checkout time.
He may need to extend his
hotel stay for another night.
[Dan] It could be.
Yeah, this is the longest
match I've ever seen.
[Fran] So let us run
the race that is before us
and never give up.
Your mother's paraphrase
of Hebrews 12:1.
So who do you think will win?
Player with the best coach.
Oh, you can quote me on that.
He's the coach for both players.
(laughs) I got it.
Brad Minns has worked harder
than any player
I have ever seen.
Maybe all those extra hours
in the gym will pay off.
- Hey, Coach.
- Hey, Brad.
Your high school coach
told me what to expect,
but honestly I've never
seen such hard work
from a walk on.
How does a scholarship sound?
I probably shouldn't
use that word.
Sounds great.
What position do
you think I'll play?
Number three singles, maybe
number two doubles for now.
I hear you loud and clear.
Or I read your lips
loud and clear.
This might be of some
interest to you also.
World Games for the Deaf?
What's that?
Deaf Olympics.
Tennis is a sport.
Tryouts are next week.
I hear...
I hear.
A lot of great
international players are
Maybe you could
play for Team USA.
Do you really
think I'm that good?
You're the best Deaf
tennis player I know.
How many Deaf tennis
players do you know?
(papers smacking)
(machine beeping)
They have a spot for
me to try out if I want.
What do you think?
Tryouts are next week?
And being on the Rockets
tennis team doesn't get you
on the squad.
No, I have to try out.
Gallaudet University in DC.
Do we have that in the budget?
Remember last time we
took the boys to DC,
it was pretty pricey.
You and I can road trip it.
Just like when you
and Jimbo go fishing.
We can stay in the dorm.
Okay, but..
But you have to
win or lose quickly
because I have a sales
meeting in Toledo
on Thursday afternoon
I can't miss.
I will crush them all.
Oh, I think we've
created a monster.
(James laughs)
(cheerful music)
[Brad] It says here
that Abraham Lincoln founded
Gallaudet University in 1864
and President Ulysses
S. Grant attended
the first commencement in 1869.
What's a Gallaudet?
He was a guy who started
the first school for the Deaf
and helped develop
sign language.
Do you see the tennis courts?
Let's ask somebody.
Hey, ask him.
Uh, excuse me, do you know...
[James] What'd he say?
I have no idea.
I don't know
sign language.
(laughs) Me neither.
Ask those girls.
Excuse me.
Can you tell me where
the tennis courts are?
[James] It looks
like you offended them.
Think it's my Ohio accent?
Let's do what your mother
and I did in France.
Point at the ad.
There you go.
Calm down, young man!
You speak?
Of course I speak.
And a piece of advice.
This is a university
for the Deaf.
Everyone can see you just fine,
so you can drop
the wild gestures
and quit making fun of the hard
of hearing, especially here.
I'm not, I'm sorry.
Can you tell me where
the tennis courts are?
Out back of the field house.
What did she say?
I couldn't read her lips.
Over by the field house.
What is a field house?
It's kinda like
a big indoor gym.
What am I doing wrong?
Why don't these people like me?
They don't think you're Deaf.
I'm Brad.
What's your name?
I don't know what
you're signing.
Do you know where we
can find Mike LaPierre?
The tennis coach?
Hey, I'm Coach LaPierre.
You must be Brad Minns.
That's me.
All right.
- And you're Deaf?
- I am.
Hey, Brad's dad.
We taught Brad how to
read lips as a boy,
so just make sure
he can see your lips
when you're speaking to him.
No need to sign with him.
Oh, okay.
Well, dorms are over that way.
And here's your schedule.
You play tomorrow.
You do sign right?
Nope, never had to.
Never met a Deaf person
until I got here.
You made it through
elementary school, high school,
and college by reading lips?
That's right.
And with help from my family.
You should be very proud.
Go get some rest.
You have a tough match tomorrow.
You're playing against the
number one singles player
from the last World
Games for the Deaf.
All right?
Nothing like an
easy first round.
Let's go find the dorm.
(Rock upbeat music)
Four o'clock in the morning
Been awake since three
Got the whole wide
world searching for us
I got blood, I got sweat
I got no tears for you,
I got no tears for you
I got pain, nothing to prove
But there's no...
Oh, thank you.
Is that a you're welcome?
I'm not sure about
that hand gesture.
Means something completely
different to my Italian friends.
Hi, do you know
where room 313 is?
[Brad] I don't
know what she said.
I think the room's
right over here.
Here we are.
I call top bunk.
Okay, yeah.
Hey, going to the
little boys' room.
Oh, bathroom?
I'm sorry, I don't
know what that means.
Yes, thank you.
There's, yes,
there's got to be a bathroom
around here somewhere.
[Brad] Those are the courts
that I will try out on tomorrow.
Gotta get some rest
and kick some butt.
This is my chance
to be the best.
(James yawning)
(dramatic music)
Brad, wake up, wake up.
(dramatic music)
What's happening?
I'm not sure.
I think the fire alarm went off.
You didn't hear it?
No, there's no alarm sound.
It's just flashy lights.
No, it's just, it was
just flashing lights.
Ah, I'm sorry, I don't
know sign language.
Jeff Osborne.
Number one singles.
Ah, look forward to
playing you tomorrow.
Me too.
You don't sign?
Not at all.
I lip read.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning,
good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Oh, it's all clear.
The fire drill
is finished.
Good morning.
Hey, you guys okay?
It was just a fire drill.
Yeah, no, we're fine, thank you.
All right.
Hey, look what
I learned to sign.
Do you know what that means?
Yeah, good morning.
I figured it's an early
morning, so good morning.
That means "Up yours."
This means good morning.
(James laughing)
You know, I was thinking,
maybe we need to learn how to
sign a few words correctly.
Yeah, sure, sure.
Something like, "Hey baby, you
wanna go on a date with me?"
I was thinking more like
thank you or you're welcome.
You're thinking
too small, my boy.
(calm music)
[Coach] Minns, you're late.
Sorry, Coach.
I was at the gym working out.
Before your match?
I always work out
an hour before I play.
Well, that's fine.
Get your butt over to court
number one, all right?
You'll be playing Osborne.
Stay away from his girlfriend.
Okay, thank you.
Where are my rackets?
Hey, son.
Where's your rackets?
I left them here a minute ago.
Well, we gotta find them.
I'll keep looking.
What's the problem now?
Somebody swiped my rackets.
Brad, look, you're not
in Ohio anymore, okay?
You can't just leave
your rackets unattended
in Washington DC.
(sighs) I know that now.
What do you play with?
I could loan you a Wilson
or maybe a Head racket.
That's it.
Oh, Brad doesn't sign.
Oh, you can use mine.
I already qualified.
I string it like a man's racket,
but the grip is a bit smaller.
Oh, this is perfect.
Thank you.
Okay, go.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
(gate clinking)
Sorry, I'm sorry I'm late.
Let's play.
(ball smacking)
(suspenseful music)
[Osborne] Kid's
better than I thought.
Should be a good match.
Jeff doesn't like to lose.
Good to know.
What now?
He can't play with those.
Why not?
Olympic rules.
He can't use hearing
aids in competition.
He shouldn't be allowed
to use them to qualify.
I apologize, this is my
first Deaf coaching job.
I should have made that call.
Brad, you're gonna have to
play without your hearing aids.
I've never played
without 'em before.
I'm sorry.
That's the rules.
[Brad] I'm playing
in complete silence
with a borrowed racket against
the reigning gold medalist.
Good luck.
When will I stop
having to prove myself?
How many times do I have to
face this in a hearing world
and now in a Deaf world?
When will it get easier?
When will people just
accept me for who I am
and what I can do?
(ball smacking)
(suspenseful music)
That's it, I won!
Nice match.
Oh, I don't sign.
Congratulations on beating
the reigning world champion.
Thank you.
I'll be more prepared next time.
I'm glad you're on our side.
Does that mean
that I made the team?
I think I found my
mixed doubles partner.
As long as we don't have
to share the same racket.
I found your rackets
in the dumpster.
Hazing the new guy.
What, what's hazing?
It's kinda like really
bad teasing, it's...
I'm used to that.
Hey, I'm glad you found
your rackets, all right?
But could you do me a favor?
Please don't flirt
with your potential
mixed doubles partner.
Why does everyone
think I'm flirting?
I'm just trying
to be nice.
You do.
All right, hit the showers.
I'll announce who made
the team in half an hour
in the cafeteria, all right?
We're good.
Listen, I gotta go find a
phone and call the office,
so I'll meet you there.
Can you take my rackets?
Yeah, yeah, I'll lock
'em up in the trunk.
Do you have clean clothes?
My backpack.
Hey, Dad.
Thanks for everything.
It was a nice win.
(water running) (playful music)
Where's my towel?
And my backpack?
I was waiting until
we were all here,
but I guess Minns got held up.
(tennis players laughing)
Give him back his clothes.
Come on.
Does this mean I made the team?
Yes, it does.
Get dressed.
Nice abs.
Welcome to the
Deaf Olympic team.
[Brad] This is where the
finals match will be played.
Can I beat 32 players
from around the world?
Can I make it through four
rounds to play on this court?
I feel like everything in
my life has been leading up
to this moment.
I'm Bill Austin.
Brad Minns.
I've been watching you, Minns.
You use Starkey
hearing devices, right?
Ever since I was a little kid.
I know you can't use
them in the matches,
but can I fit you
with some new high-end
models we're testing?
They are the best ever.
Thank you, Mr. Austin, but
that's not really in my budget.
I'm a University of
Toledo college student
and I just spent most of
my savings just to get here.
I believe in you, son.
You're why I make
these hearing aids,
so you can do your
best, be a champion.
No matter what anyone
else has to say.
I know your whole life
has been a struggle.
Let me do this
one thing to help.
This pair's on me.
We're standing here at 5:30 a.m.
and you've already
run five miles.
Let me help you.
I'll see you after your
finals match, Brad.
How do you know I'm
gonna be in the finals?
You will be.
Game, Minns.
He leads five games
to four, fifth set.
Does this remind you of your
'73 Davis Cup doubles match?
(laughs) Yeah,
that was a long one.
Erik van Dillen
and I were playing
against Cornejo and
Fillol of Chile.
Yeah, so listen to
this score, folks.
Four hours.
Eight-six, six-one, six-three.
Ha, go tiebreakers.
122 games to win the match?
That was an amazing match,
but we didn't come
back from two sets down
and three match points.
If Minns wins this one more
game, he's got the gold medal.
Or he loses two games and
Osborne retains the crown.
[Stan] Are you trying to
ruin Minns' Cinderella story?
[Dan] (laughs) No, no.
I'm just saying that
in this match, Stan,
anything can happen.
[Stan] Fair enough.
(ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] See?
Osborne's not
gonna go down easy.
[Stan] That's an understatement.
(ball smacking)
[Umpire] 15-all.
(ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
(ball smacking)
[Dan] Great lob.
Just out of Minns' reach.
(ball smacking)
[Stan] Perfect shot.
(ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
[Dan] Incredible volley.
Advantage, Minns.
[Dan] Match point, Minns.
Honestly, Stan, I'm
amazed to say those words.
[Stan] You know, if Brad
Minns can pull this off,
I think it will be the greatest
comeback in collegiate,
Olympic, or professional tennis.
We'll take it
one shot at a time.
You have charisma.
You can do it.
[HS Coach] Think
about what you're doing.
Plan your next shot.
(dramatic music)
(ball smacking)
(ball smacking)
(ball smacking)
(dramatic music)
(ball smacking)
(crowd applauding)
(triumphant music)
(triumphant music continues)
Good match.
Game, set, and match, men's USA.
Four-six, five-seven,
seven-six, six-three, six-four.
(crowd applauding)
Good match.
- Good match.
- Thank you.
[Dan] I've never
seen a better match.
[Stan] That's the
match of a lifetime
for both these players.
Congrats, Team USA.
(crowd applauding)
Great job.
(laughs) My boy did it!
I was so worried,
but were you okay?
You made it.
Oh, it was a
thunderstorm in Chicago
and then they put us on
the tarmac for three hours
and they flew
to San Diego!
No, we're so sorry,
we're so sorry.
We were thinking of you
every second, I promise.
It looked like it worked,
that's a gold medal!
I love you guys so much.
You're the reason why I'm here.
Excuse me, sorry.
Can I get a quote
for tomorrow's paper?
This has been the most
amazing tennis match
I've ever seen.
I never came back from that
far down before in my life.
You have been coming
back your whole life.
Thank you.
I'm the best tennis
player in the world.
[James] Yeah, you are.
Just like you said I would be.
We did it as a family.
Ah, there's only one name
on this gold medal, Brad.
Today, you did it.
You did it.
I was never really alone.
Good work.
- Hey, we did it, Dad.
- Oh my god.
- Hey, we got there.
- We got there.
You did it.
So, so proud.
I can't believe...
(gentle music)
Hearing is a lot
different than listening.
I'm still listening to
what God wants me to do,
one day at a time.
What I wanted
to do tonight,
I wanted to give
Bill something back
to say thank you for
everything he's done for me.
And good Lord spoke
to me and he said,
"Brad, give Bill Austin
your gold medal."
(crowd applauding)
Mr. Austin, I just want
to say thank you so much
for everything
you've done for me.
(crowd applauding)
I share this gold medal
with everybody who realizes,
no matter what the score, no
matter how tough things seem,
or how down you may
be, never give up.
Never give up.
(upbeat music)
All roads lead to
All signs point to where
I have no plans to go to
If you thought that I'd
lie down and take this
I will disappoint you
I'm ready for you
Got nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Even when I'm down,
I'm looking up
Never give in and
I never give up
I'm ready for you
Got nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
No matter when,
no matter what
Never give in and I
never give, I never give up
No, no
Lord, help me
rewrite this story
Step by sweat,
stay step to glory
Mountain high
and valley low
I'll tell you without
words how this goes
Mean it, but I don't
Look in my eyes
and you'll know
I'm ready for you
Got nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
Even when I'm down,
I'm looking up
Never give in and
I never give up
I'm ready for you
Got nothing to lose
And nothing to prove
No matter when,
no matter what
Never give in and
I never give up
I never give up
Every storm that came
could've blown me over
Could've blown me over
And every time it
rained, I could've run for cover

Could've run for cover
Just when you might
think it's all over
Look closer
'Cause it's
never give up
I'm gonna go
Even when I'm down,
I'm looking up
Never give in and
I never give up
I'm letting go
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
No matter when,
no matter what
Never give in and
I never give up