Never Have I Ever (2024) Movie Script
Fuck me that's hot
Merry fucking Christmas.
God! Sorry did that just spill on you
Yeah, it did a bit.
I was just replying to someone
I can see that.
Watch where you're going?
Too many people
with their hands in the phones,
walking around, not paying attention.
Yeah, you're right.
Have a good day.
Happy holidays.
Fucking hate people.
What do you want?
You could be a life saver today.
-I've lost my wallet.
-Not even a hello.
How you been?
You never change.
Hello , have you been?
Anyway, like I said, I lost my wallet.
I really need some cigarettes.
You couldn't spot me some
money could you.
Don't you have any cash.
No. Who carries cash these days?
You are literally asking me for cash.
What about your phone?
What about my phone?
Can't you pay with your phone?
Oh, no.
Don't put my cards on my phone.
I don't trust the big tech.
What if my phone got hacked.
Oh, honestly, I don't care.
I don't know what planet you're
living on that you think
Asking me for a favor is okay.
Me being her friend does not
make me yours. Okay?
I get that but...
There is no but this does not happen aga
Next time you see me around
you steer clear
So its definitely a no on that one?
Oh my God.
Oh you're kidding me?
Oh, I was actually just coming to see yo
What? Why?
What do you want?
Looks like I've lost my keys.
You don't happen to have the spare one
I gave you ages ago?
-Well, did you ever come and get it back
So I still have your key,
No, no.
You can stay here.
I'm staying here.
Moody bitch
I didn't hear from you today.
You were supposed to turn in the next dr
Yeah, it's been a tough day.
Something important I needed to do.
Like this isn't important?
If we dont get things done on time, we'l
investors, which will put us back at squ
Yeah, well, it was important to me.
I'll have it to you by tomorrow.
I just realized
Two years ago. Right?
To the day.
Fuck. I'm sorry, man.
Yeah. Tomorrow's fine.
Oh, Scott, before you go.
You didn't happen to leave me
a bottle of wine, did you?
No. Leave it where?
Someone left a bottle of wine
in my kitchen.
How the fuck would I have
gotten into your kitchen?
I don't know.
Somebody clearly did.
Well, it wasn't me.
It seems like you have an admirer out th
Might want to look at changing your lock
Anyway. Tomorrow. Right?
Look, I'm sure you have an open
bottle of whiskey nearby.
Just don't drink too much.
Don't want you finishing this draft
with a hangover
Scott, stop stressing.
I'm not even drinking.
All right.
Speak to you tomorrow.
Mmm hmm.
Looks like you're getting a hung over
finished draft
Mr. Scott.
-Oh, fuck's sake!
If you'd like to discuss your account
please press one
If you need to report a lost
or stolen card.
Please press two
Thank you.
We'll connect you to one of our members
of staff as soon as we can
...hold. Please be assured your call
is important to us
You're through to Tom
How can I help you today?
Errr...I need to report my cards missing
Or they could have been stolen.
I'm not sure.
Sorry to hear that. Can I just
take a few details from you?
No no no no no.
Hi You alright?
Please tell me
you still got the last draft I sent you.
Yes. Why?
Because I appear to have lost all mine.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
I wish I was.
I just came down this morning
and it's like it never existed.
It's... Everything's just gone.
Did you get fucking hammered
and delete it all?
No I didn't. I.
I think.
I think somebody got into my laptop
when I came down.
My, my card with my passwords
was sat on top of it.
Your card with your what on it?
And so maybe you left it there.
Were too drunk to remember doing it.
Well, considering I lost my wallet
yesterday, I don't think that's likely.
You kept it in your wallet?
So.. wait.
Just to make sure I have this straight.
You, a grown adult man.
Carry a card with all your passwords on
in your fucking wallet.
You, uh, you seem to understand the poin
So somebody has obviously got my wallet.
Jesus Christ, Sam.
For someone who is so obsessed
with big tech stealing his identity,
that's an incredibly fucking cavalier
approach to information security.
And this is a wallet
which presumably has your I.D.
with your name and your address.
Its got my driving license in there.
Anything else?
Well obviously, its got my cash cards.
But I've canceled them yesterday.
They're coming in a couple of days.
Talking of which,
You couldn't.
You couldn't get me some coffee, could y
Because I've got no cash to pay for it.
Oh, Jesus, you're a mess. Yes.
I can order you some coffee.
You probably need it.
I'll get it same day for you.
Maybe you could just bring it round.
No, I can't fucking bring over
some coffee for you.
I'm busy.
And now I need to make some calls
to save our film.
Because apparently my screenwriter
would rather actively invite robbers int
to his house than remember one password
Okay, I get it.
You don't even sound concerned
why someone broke into your home
and erased a bunch of your files.
Of course, I'm concerned,
but it's, you know,
clearly an act of sabotage or something.
It's not something to be scared of.
They haven't taken anything.
Or tried to hurt me.
Yet! They didn't hurt you yet.
You need to be more worried
and more vigilant.
I'm going to try and sort out your mess.
I'll speak to you later.
Don't forget the coffee, Scott.
Jesus Christ.
Oh he's gone.
Oh, what a clusterfuck.
What can I get you today?
I need a beer
But I need to ask a favour
Ah,. Do you now?
Yeah, I've kinda lost my wallet.
Well, I'm pretty sure I had it stolen.
I had to cancel my cards.
Long story short,
I'm not going to have cash for a few day
I'm not a bank Sam, come back in a
couple of days when you can pay.
Please. I need this. I'm having a rubbis
I need to be out of the house.
I need a beer
You know I'm good for it.
Like I said, I'm not a bank.
And I don't know you're good for it
So go home and come back
when you are good for it.
In a more immediate sense of the phrase
Why are you being such a dick about this
That is
not exactly going to help you change
my mind now, is it?
If you've had a tough couple of days,
I'll put your kind words down to that.
And welcome you back when you have money
Until then,
I suggest you turn around and fuck off
before you make me decide
you're no longer welcome here.
Even with money.
Could I pay for his drink?
You can pay for whatever you want.
I just mean if I pay for it.
Can he stay
Looks like it's your lucky day, Sam.
What can I get you both?
A gin and tonic for me
And I believe it was a beer... for him
I'm sure you know what he likes.
You didn't have to do that.
It's alright.
I know what its like to have a bad day
I'm Mara, by the way.
And you must be Sam.
Sam. I don't mean to be rude.
Or nothing, but I'm not really into.
ya know...
I didn't do it to make you sit with me.
Just doing my good deed for the day
But if you do decide you want company,
you could do a lot worse than me
after having a bad day
I'm a good listener
Im sure that's a very kind offer
The least you could do
is chat with her for five minutes.
Who fucking asked you?
Now, that is um 16.75 please
Not cheap here is it
No shit.
I meant the area, not the bar.
There you go.
God's sake
Have a seat.
So, uum, what do you do for work Sam?
That allows you to drink
in the middle of the day.
I'm an alcoholic.
I'm a writer
That's exciting,
Would I have read anything you've writte
Well, I don't know what you've read,
but it's highly unlikely.
I mostly write screenplays.
Even more exciting.
You're in the movie business, get you
It's not really that exciting. I sit
in a small room on my own and I type
That's about it
Not so glamorous after all then.
Definitely not.
But it pays okay.
Which is why I still do it.
I'm not some kind of cinephile
or anything.
You know, don't get the wrong impression
It wasn't my whole life dream to make mo
Just happen to be quite good at writing
Good enough for someone to pay me to do
Anyway, I'm going to stop talking.
What about you?
I'm a counselor.
So not just a good listener. then
A professional listener.
No less.
What sort of stuff do
you counsel in?
Umm, grief mainly.
Bet that can get heavy.
Yeah, it can be.
But, you know, it's important for people
to have someone help them through the
tough days.
Oh, you're you looking at me? No.
I'm fine.
Yeah. No, I've had a shit day,
but some stranger's sympathy
is not going to fix that.
All right. I'm sorry.
Its fine
Your apology's accepted.
Let's just move on to a different subjec
What to?
What about it?
Well, do you like it?
Yeah, I like music.
Who doesn't?
Fair point
So what music do you like?
Yeah, I don't think we're going
to find any common ground here.
No. Why is that?
Cos I'm mostly into hardcore death metal
You're kidding me?
I love hardcore death metal.
So who's your favourite band?
Oh, So many.
-You don't know, any do you?
Metal. Death Metal. All metal.
Fucking awful.
In your opinion
Is it just my opinion though?
Oh, are you sure about that?
Coz objectively it is fucking awful.
You are quite antagonistic aren't you?
At least you stopped trying to empathize
I feel tricked
That sounds like a you problem.
And I feel like you say that
quite a lot too.
So many maybes.
You ever definite about anything?
Do you want another drink?
Yes. See?
I can pay you back though.
And, how are you going to do that Sam?
You don't have any of my details
Oh, I guess we're going to have to
arrange to meet up here again
Will we now?
Another one coming right up.
That was easy.
Here you go.
I know I might come across as a bit of
a dick sometimes,
but I am actually grateful.
You know, this type of kindness
doesn't happen a lot.
Just surprising.
You not with anyone then?
Sorry, sorry! That was far too personal.
Just a bit,
Number one.
I don't get the leap
from what I said to me
not being with anyone and two,
I don't particularly
want to talk about it.
How come?
That's not exactly not talking about it.
Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right.
I'm sorry
What about you?
What about me?
Oh my God.
Do you answer every question
with a question?
Are you with anyone?
no. I used to be, but I'm
not anymore.
Did you leave him?
Not exactly.
Don't want to talk about it?
Not exactly.
Oooooh. Somebody's not chatty anymore.
That's fine. Yeah, well, I get it.
I prefer to keep it to myself.
It stops judgment from people
who don't know the first thing about you
And it keeps the empaths away from the d
which is always a bonus.
Most of all,
it stops me having to think about it.
Yeah, that's not healthy Sam.
I mean, take it from me
as someone that sees it all the time.
Oh, and you're such an open book.
If you go,
I'll go.
You sure you want to do that?
You've known me for, like, five minutes,
and you want to
know my deep, dark secrets.
Yeah, I do.
I mean, I'm never really off the clock
when it comes to listening to people, so
You know all this is a bit weird
from my side, right?
You know, you buy me drinks and
now you want to know
the darkest shit about me.
I guess.
Yeah, but
that's what counseling is.
You know, it's getting into those things
Look, it's entirely up to you, Sam,
but wouldn't
it feel like a passed up opportunity?
You know, that we were both here,
and well you ignored help
from someone that could give it to you
All right, fine.
Let's do it.
Where to start
When I was younger,
my dad used to have
these massive mood swings.
I mean, I'm talking
from the happiest man in the world
to white hot rage.
To crippling depression in
a split second type deal.
At least that's how it appeared to me
and my brother
never really knew what to make
of it when it happened, so
I guess I always blamed myself.
It was easier that way, you know?
I've been a shit son.
Or I've messed up or my brother had.
Yeah it was definitely easier to blame o
than to blame him
Anyways, for all his.
I guess you call it emotional abuse.
He only got physical once.
But he lost it with my brother
I mean he....
Punched him square.
In the face.
It might not sound much,
but you should have seen it.
It was like his
nose exploded.
Blood everywhere.
I remember my brother lying on the floor
clutching his face, screaming....
screaming the house down
But my dad just walked a way
like it was nothing.
Thats.. . awful.
-I'm sorry.
You know, I guess they'd
handle it a bit smarter now wouldn't the
find out a name for
why he was acting like he was acting and
get him help
Treatment. Medication.
That sort of stuff wasn't talked about
back in the day, was it?
Do you think he would've
accepted the help if it were offered to
I'm not sure
I have thought about that.
But it's irrelevant isn't it.
Because it wasn't.
That's the man he was
That's the man he stayed
Until a few years back,
when he killed himself.
Couldn't even get that fucking right.
He took my brother with him.
He totalled his car
While he was taking my brother to see hi
and his newborn baby.
Is what it is.
So that was that.
You know, I was left behind.
Social drinking got
more frequent and less social.
When that didn't cut it
added a few substances into the mix.
That's the sort of thing
you're looking for?
The writer's tragic backstory.
Do you feel sufficiently moved?
Do you feel like you.
You know me a bit better now.
After all, that could be just
another piece of fiction.
From in here.
Another fantasy
Was it true?
Do you think it was?
Does it matter if it is?
What I'm trying to say is
are you any better
or worse off for knowing?
Assuming it is true
I've learned at least one theory as to
why you are the way you are.
You've obviously been grappling with
this for a very long time.
I can see that you are
angry that you finally opened up
to someone about it.
You can join the dots however you want.
Truth is, you don't know me.
You don't even know my last name.
What difference does that make?
Do you know what?
From this,
I feel like I know you a bit better.
Oh really.
Well please continue.
Well, I'm not the professional
at the table
But I think the reason you're so content
to swim around in superficialities
Is that that's all you've got to offer.
You can't bring anything
else to the table yourself.
You need other people to do that for you
To distract from your own
crushing, painstaking blandness.
They come away feeling like they've had
Meaningful interaction.
And you just sat there, smiled, nodded.
And gave fuck all back
Look who's the expert now.
But hey,
what does it matter
what we think of each other anyway?
Did either of us come
here to make a new friend?
I sure as fuck didn't.
You just needed a drink.
And you got one. Two even.
I just thought I'd do
something nice for someone.
Feel a bit better about myself
in the process.
See, now, that sounds more like
the situation we're in here.
Very transactional.
We can call a halt to
all of this right now.
If you're as sick of me as you're making
However, if we do that
Well, you're out of booze
So either I walk out of here
and you have that to deal with,
or I stay and you play nice
Your move
Think I'll play nice
Okay, well, we are going to have to save
playing nice for another day.
But it's been
Just before you go.
I never had a brother.
So at least you know some of its bullshi
That's fine.
I'm not here to be your lie detector Sam
Why are you here?
Another for my new friend here
Everything okay?
Not really.
Do I have time to do the redraft?
If you consider by Monday time
That's like three days. I can't do that.
You think I don't know that?
There you go. It can't be done.
Regardless, if its not then
they're pulling you out and
want you to pay back your advance.
If you don't, you're getting sued for it
I don't have the money.
Well not all of it anyway.
Barely affording to live as it is
That's the whole point of the advance in
Not their problem.
You're weeks past deadline.
They've lost patience and
honestly so have I
So what are you saying?
Get it done by Monday.
Save this project and then we're done
We need anymore drafts I'll
find somebody else
Don't worry you'll still get paid
and still get a credit
That's not fair.
Fuck you Sam. After everything I've done
for you, its very fucking fair.
Yeah, and I appreciate all of that.
But you can't do this to me, Scott.
Get me a new draft by Monday,
or you've got a hefty debt brewing
And I lose a film
I'll send over the last draft so you
at least have something to work from
Oh, that's fucking kind of you.
All right, we're done.
Look, I know you're up there
I'm warning you I've got a knife,
so it's not my fault if you get stabbed.
Alright I'm coming up
You've been warned
Oh, my fucking.
This is fucking cunting bullshit.
Oh for fucks sake
What do you want me to do?
Clap or something?
Beer would be fine.
Busy in here today
Well if that isn't excellent timing
What do you mean?
Your charity case from a couple of days
ago also just walked in.
He's around in that booth there
Able to pay for his own drinks today
We'll see if he talks to me
when he doesn't owe me
Well don't worry
He's not the type to ever
thought he owes you.
Can I get a gin and tonic, please?
Mind if I join?
Uh....yeah, I do
Kind of having a rubbish day
Wasn't that where you were
when we first met?
I'm a good listener, remember?
what's made it such a bad day
Oh, you don't want to... It's a long sto
My favorite kind.
Who likes things that end quickly hey?
So I'm writing this screenplay.
Oh, that didn't take much convincing.
Do you want to listen to this or what?
As I said, I'm writing this screenplay,
which I've already been paid for.
But the other night, someone.
Someone broke into my house
and deleted the entire thing.
I've got to hand it over on Monday.
And if I don't,
I've got to repay the advance.
Okay. How much is it?
Enough that I can't repay it
I mean, I've got some left, but that's
what I'm using to live off. If they....
If they take it, I'm broke
Okay, so you thought spending
what little you did have left on
beer was the best way forward?
Are you going to sit there and listen
or sit there and judge me?
Probably a mix of the two.
So can you get it rewritten by tomorrow?
Think I'd be here if I could.
For some people, drink
can help to deal with the stress.
Well, I was doing better
than I thought I'd be
But then, obviously,
because someone got into my laptop,
I reset the password,
then I forgot the password I reset.
And now I've locked myself
out of my own fucking computer.
Do you want to take your
mind off things?
I think that's blatantly obvious.
How about a drinking game?
Honestly, that sounds awful.
Trust me?
Fair enough
All I can say is
I think this'll be cathartic
for the both of us.
The fuck are you talking about?
Only time will tell Samuel
Only time will tell.
Don't call me Samuel.
Never been Samuel. Sam.
Samuel's on my birth certificate
We playing this game or what then?
Have you heard of.
Never have I ever.
He's definitely a creature of habit.
Same coffee shop.
Same pub.
Fairly standard routine.
Course today he did something different.
And of all things to do there .
He chose to drink alcohol.
It's almost like he's gloating.
Today of all days it
it really does.
So you ready to do this?
I think so.
You can't think.
You need to be sure
I'm sure
Oh, sorry.
Did that just spill on you?
Yeah it did a bit
I was just replying to someone
I can see that
Watch where you're going
Too many people with their heads in
their phones walking around not paying a
Yeah you're right
Have a good day and happy holidays
-Fucking hate people
Did you get it?
And these. Keeps them in
the same pocket
We've got debit cards.
A card with every single
password on it.
You're kidding
What a fucking idiot
And a copy of a driver's license
Kept like a trophy
If I'd known he'd been this stupid
I wouldn't have bothered following him h
Well just look on the bright side
Now you can just walk right in
You all set?
His lights usually go
off around the same time
So he'll be pretty hammered by then.
Give him an hour and
he'll be dead to the world
Its risky, you know.
I know.
Look, I know you need to do this.
But I'm here for you.
I just....
don't want you to end up in a
situation you're not in control of
I know
And that's why in spite of everything.
I still love you.
But if somthing does happen to me.
Then so be it
I'd rather die trying to make this right
than have never tried
All go okay?
I found his new screenplay
It seemed like the most obvious thing
to take.
Most likely his most prized possession.
He can just rewrite it.
He could, but
he won't.
You need to rest now.
Will you be able to sleep?
Probably not.
Just be the same dream.
the one where
things were as they were before.
Where I dreamt of
sun kissed holidays abroad and
too many cocktails.
Having a dog named dog and
having a family.
You can still have those things.
You just have to choose to
want to have them
I don't want them anymore.
Not now.
You know, when I was a little girl, I um
I always believed that
when you found your Prince Charming.
Everything would be alright forever.
But that was just a lie
that was sold to us.
That happiness was there for the taking
when actually.
It was there to be taken.
And when you think you found your foreve
It's just gone in a
In a puff of smoke and
It never disappears.
It just.
It wraps
itself around you until you can't rememb
what it was like before.
It's just.
Its just smoke
Was everything that good at the start?
No. You made sure of that.
But mostly.
And mostly was enough
Enough to make you want it back again
as much as you do.
Because if the smoke disappears
maybe I can sleep again.
Once you see this through, you will.
You need to be strong.
I wish I shared your optimism Porter
Even with all of this.
Making him go through all of this.
What if he doesn't get it?
He needs to experience it.
To help him understand.
And to help you get what you need.
I really don't know what that means.
Yes you do.
Hi. yeah.
I called yesterday
about reserving the bear.
Yes, yes. That's right.
Would you be able to get it
couriered to the address that I left yes
An hour? No, no, that's absolutely fine.
Just one more question.
Could you send me a message
to this number when its there?
Brilliant. Thank you.
-What can I get you tonight?
-Hey, Jo.
-I'd love a beer,
but I need to ask a favor.
-Oh, do you now?
-I've kind of lost my wallet.
-Well, I'm pretty sure I had it stolen,
but I had to cancel my cards
-Long story short I'm not going
to have cash for a few days.
-I'm not a bank Sam
-Come back in a couple of days.
Could I pay for his drink?
So, either I walk out of here
and you have a lot to deal with.
Or I stay
and you play nice.
Your move.
I think I'll play nice.
Okay, well, we are gonna have to save.
playing nice for another day.
-Look, I know you're up there
I'm warning you, I've got a knife,
so it's not my fault if you get stabbed
-Alright I'm coming up
You've been warned.
Have you heard of.
Never have I ever.
I've Never heard of.
Never have I ever.
Well you're gonna love it
And we get to know some of each
other's deep, dark secrets?
Okay, so we'll take in turns.
One person says never have I ever.
And then picks something
they've never done.
If the other person has done it,
they take a drink.
But you can also pick something
you have done, and then you both drink.
Unless the other person hasn't. Clear? .
Define clarity.
You'll be fine.
Okay, I'll go first.
Never have I ever
Surely you've lied.
Well you're gonna find out
If I have, I drink.
If you have, you drink.
Why would you make yourself drink?
If you want to find out if someone else
has done something that you've also done
So if you've lied
We drink in three,
Okay, so you get it.
I get it.
Right. Your go
Sam, the man.
Never have I ever
stolen something.
You know, You don't have to pick
something you've also done too
Yeah, I get it.
I'm not slow.
Look, I'm not keeping score.
But if I was,
I'd say you're losing.
Yeah, but you are definitely drunker.
Shall we turn it up a notch?
Never have I ever.
Fucked someone on a first date.
Oh, okay.
I feel like there is a story here.
Not really a story.
Couldn't even call it a date
because we met at a party
But she did....she did end up marrying m
So I guess we both knew
it weren't just going to be sex.
Sorry but that.....
God. Okay.
You definitely didn't make that up.
Because if you did, it wouldn't be
that fucking dull
-Your go
Never have I ever
put something in my bottom.
Okay. Nice.
Yeah. You gotta experiment
from time to time, right?
Yes. You do.
How dark have these
experimentations gone?
Have you ever had a
sexual encounter you regret?
You're not even playing
the game properly now.
-You're right.
Never have I ever had a sexual encounter
I regret.
Ooooh. How bad was it?
Well, I fucked this girl at a party
Who I didn't know, but it happened to be
the same party that I met my future wife
And it was after I'd been with her.
Oooh, did you tell her?
Course not
And would you?
That would be a little bit tricky
where she is now.
Well, if you believe in life after death
then she's probably listening.
And she already knows.
So I won't have to tell her
Nor do I have to tell her that
The girl that I fucked kinda....
kinda passed out.
And then I heard that a few other
guys had a go
Wait, so if if she passed out, how, with
it was she when you were with her?
I dunno
It was ages ago.
We were young.
-Let's just leave it there.
It's not an excuse, Sam
Oh, do you think I don't know
that? Listen.
All right. Fine.
If I could take it back. I would.
Yeah, she got known as a bit
of a slut after that I'll tell ya.
A few weeks later.
She messaged me saying she missed her pe
Messaged her back saying,
why are you contacting me?
Coulda been anybody at the party
Blocked her.
Went back to being a good boyfriend.
Is there a thing after that?
Probably not.
Played the part quite well.
Were you not curious
as if it were your baby?
God no
Tell ya the last thing
a baby needs in his life is me
And quite frankly,
I don't need a baby in my life.
Sorry, but I'm not going to
lie and pretend that I don't think that
pretty repulsive. Sam
Yeah, I'm aware.
How did, er , how did your wife die?
Fuck me.
Just put it out there
No filter
Why am I even telling you
all this shit.
I'm a counselor remember?
Trap of the trade
So what happened?
It was a car accident.
It was a wet night.
Are you okay, Sam?
Where've you been?
-I know that
For drinks with a friend.
I told you that
That's what you told me.
Have you been out as well?
And have you been drinking?
I'm so tired of your maybe's
Sam just say what you want to say.
You remember we can see
where each other is
On our phones, right?
Actually I'm gonna assume
that you've forgotten
Thing is
There didn't seem to be any
pubs near to where you were
So I went and looked for myself
I can explain.
I'm sure you can
Whose house was it?
A friend's
A girl friend's?
See now you're trying to work out
If I'm trying to catch you in a lie
No. Course not
Was it a girl friend?
Which one?
You don't, you don't know her
That's not what I asked
Which one?
Ellen what?
Parker.... Ellen Parker
Ellen Parker
So if we were to hop in the car now
and drive back there,
Ellen Parker would
answer the door?
Yeah of course
Let's do that, then.
Be lovely to meet Ellen
So what's his name?
What difference does it make?
There's no difference at all.
It's no difference to you
being a cheating cunt.
Yeah, that's exactly what I am.
Is that what you want to hear?
How could you do this to me?
To you?
Do you think that you're the victim here
I'm not the one who's cheated.
No, no you're not.
And that is the one thing
that you can hold your head up high abou
What's that supposed to mean?
You are so fucking self absorbed
Did you.
Did you never stop to think why I did it
Why? I felt the need to go
and find someone else to give me.
What you can't?
Did you never think about
how your constant temper
tantrums might get a bit difficult
for me to deal with?
Or the fact that you
spend all of your time brooding
and ignoring me so that
I feel like a ghost in my own house.
Maybe those are the reasons
why I had to go and fuck someone else.
You choose your words
very fucking carefully
Or what?
You going to hit me again.
The thing is...
You don't even know the worst of it.
Enlighten me
This baby inside me.
The one that you think you put there
on the rare and unpleasant
occasion that we actually fucked.
You didn't.
It's not yours
It's his
I'll tell you what you can do
You can get the fuck out
of my house!
Get out!
He knows.
I told him everything.
It's not safe for me
here anymore
Can I stay at yours?
You can stay here until Mara gets back
After that you'll need to find a place t
And I'll need to tell her everything too
Thank you!
Why would she tell you it wasn't yours?
To hurt me.
But why would she do that
if you were the good boyfriend?
Look, I feel like we're
getting away from the game.
Never have I ever.
After drinking.
Naughty boy.
Just the once?
More than once.
But I know my limits.
That's not how the law works.
Oh, fuck the law. Don't make any sense.
You got someone who can get
drunk off two glasses of wine and test
below the limit.
And you got someone who can hold their
drink who has three.
I know where the real danger is.
No, I'm sorry,
but that is bullshit, and you know it.
People can't just go around
deciding these things for themselves.
That's ridiculous.
Whoa. Okay.
You can clock off at some point, you kno
Never have I ever.
Been naked in public.
And before you do.
It has to be somewhere where
being naked in public is not expected.
Not, like a public sauna
or anything like that.
Somewhere where it's not normal
and there has to be witnesses.
Nothing changes.
Aren't you the wild one
Do you want to get really wild
and really dark?
I'm already there.
You need to catch up.
have I ever.
Killed someone.
Okay, dare I ask?
I was at a Christmas industry event.
Where I won an award.
Wine was flowing.
I had a little bit too much.
I drove home
on the journey back
car skidded off the road and hit a tree.
As it happens, there was a man
between the car and the tree.
Did you,
did you go to jail?
God, that was lenient.
Well what can I say, I charmed the judge
with my glowing personality.
No, seriously, how did you manage
to only get probation?
I got lucky.
By the time they breathalised me
I was just below the limit.
So it went down as causing
death by dangerous driving?
Plead guilty.
That's how it went from potentially
two to six months
to probation.
How convenient.
Besides, I thought you knew your limits.
I do know my limits.
Was a lapse in judgment.
We all have em
Yeah, they don't usually end in someone
Do you um...
Do you know who he was?
Some poor guy
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You sound super remorseful.
It was a fuckin accident.
Shit happens
No. An accident
is spilling beer on someone.
This has all got
A little bit too judgmental for me now
I think I think it's time we stop.
Just er,
Just one last question.
The man you killed.
Was he holding anything?
Was he what?
I said.
Was he holding anything?
How am I supposed to know that.
Why do you want to know
if he was holding anything?
So you don't remember if he
was holding a teddy bear?
Who the fuck are you?
Did he look like this?
Okay that's it. You tell me who you are.
Or I swear to God, I will fucking hurt y
Like you did your wife.
Where was she going, that night in her c
She was leaving me.
Because she was fucking another guy
and she got knocked up.
don't last past that point, usually.
So you didn't hit her
and kick her out, then?
Do you know what, this is your last chan
You tell me who you are.
That man.
The one that was holding the teddy bear.
Well that teddy bear
was meant for me
It was one that he said he'd found onlin
Because it was like one
I had when I was a little girl.
That I loved. So much.
No special occasion.
He just wanted to do something kind.
For someone he cared about.
Because that's what he was like.
The man who died between your car
And the tree you ran him into.
He always did random kind
shit just for the Hell of it
And he was still holding
that fucking bear
That man
That was my husband
He was such a devoted husband.
For the most part anyway
You'd feel that
things were getting too much for him.
I was crippled by depression and
I could see that he was finding it
harder and harder to live with me
He did what he could.
He stuck by me for as long as he could.
These things, they um....
They can push people apart.
And in the end.
He strayed.
But he came clean about it.
He told me about this
married woman he'd met
Told me things he'd heard about her
Dreadful, unconscionable things.
About how he'd fucked
some girl at the party.
They first had sex at.
About how the other girl she was....
she was passed out after
And that she was semi-conscious
at the start.
But let's be honest,
Well you already knew that part.
Didn't you Sam
I was on my way to the toilet
And I saw you two looking
deadly serious
And I said to myself "Alex...."
" need to go cheer em up"
So here I am
We're fine
This is giving, awkward
First date vibes
He's fit darlin
Don't need to worry about the conversati
much then do ya?
Um, what was I doing?
You were going to the toilet
We're actually busy
So if you don't mind leaving us be
Alright. Hold your horses. Don't
get your panties in a twist.
I know when I'm not wanted.
You sure?
Honestly Mr Sir I'd have
swiped left
Look, I'd really appreciate it
if you fucked off.
Gonna wet myself anyway
She was your genius escape plan?
You just keep getting dumber and dumber
Right where were we?
Oh yeah.
Your wife
She got a visit one day.
I'm looking for Sam.
Does he live here?
Yeah, he does,
but he's not in at the moment.
Can I help you?
Do you know when he'll be back?
Probably not for a while.
I really need to know what this is about
If I'm going to be able to help you.
My mum said I'd find him here
Okay. And who's your mum?
She knew Sam back when they were younger
Can I come in? This might
take a little explaining
I have a feeling
I'm not going to want to hear this, but.
So what did you want to tell me?
My name's Sarah.
My mum forwarded me this text message
exchange from before I was born.
She transferred it from phone to phone
ever since.
He blocked her after that
What's your mum's name?
Ellen Morgan?
Well she got married a few years
ago so its Parker now
But yeah.
Her maiden name was Morgan.
How did you know?
I think I was at the same party.
That was when Sam and I first.....
Uh, that's not for your ears
He had sex with you before
he had sex with my mum
I don't know, I.
I didn't know that.
So I can't really help you with this.
So I guess you're
here to tell him that you're his daughte
I am, yes.
Okay, well, if you want my advice.
Just don't.
But he needs to know.
Look, at the end of the day,
he's bad news.
And that is all you need to know.
If he's that bad, then
why are you still with him?
People don't start like that.
They change over time.
Think of it this way.
If you lived with someone
and they grew their hair long
or lost weight,
you wouldn't notice the gradual changes.
And then one day you notice that they ju
looked completely different.
Suddenly find yourself in this place
and you have no idea how you get there.
So trust me,
he didn't want you in his life.
Please don't make space for him in yours
So I just never get to know my real dad.
If that's what you're looking for,
you're not going to get that with Sam
I promise you will just be disappointed.
And look, I don't know you,
but I know that I don't want that for yo
Okay, so just go home and think
about it at least
If I go home to think about it.
I'll probably never come back.
Yeah, that's kind of the idea.
How do I know it's not just you wanting
to stop him from seeing me?
You don't.
You just have your mum's messages
and my word to go on.
If I say I won't leave
til he gets back?
Well, that is not going to happen.
Look, I just don't want him
to hurt anyone else, okay?
So go home and
just try and forget about him.
-She knew the story of the raped girl.
Yes. Raped. At the party.
She just didn't know
that her husband had been a part of it.
So there you have it.
Two strangers.
Both struggling with their lives,
found comfort in each other.
One of their partners
forgave them
The other.
Well her hit her
and kicked her out
And that was the last time he saw her.
I never hit her
After everything I've just said.
Do you think that's
what I'm worried about?
So all this
weird shit that has been
happening to me.
The wine,
the teddy bear, deleting
my screenplay
That was all you?
If you could just look past
your own nose.
For one fucking second
You'd realise that.
The same girl that was buying
you drinks in here
is the same person that bumped
into you in the street the other day
And yeah. That's when I
took your keys and wallet
Why all the games?
Why not just do this?
Oh no.
No it couldn't be that simple
I needed you in the right frame of mind.
Ready to... to talk.
The little things
Like the the wine and the bear
Right on the anniversary of his death.
That did just enough
To keep it on your mind
Not to mention the
creeping feeling of being stalked
Threw you off balance
Ripe to pull a confession out of you
-Although I'm sure you've got
plenty more you could tell me
How could you possibly know
that this would have worked?
Oh, I didn't.
I just had hope.
A psychology degree and.
A few years practicing it.
How did you know about that night.
Oh, the night that you.
You didn't hit your wife?
She called the man she
had an affair with
told him everything.
He even offered to put her
up to help her out
But she never made it that
fateful wet night did she?
Okay, here's what's gonna happen.
We're gonna get up
And we're gonna take a walk
And don't
even think about trying anything.
Cause if you don't think, I'll shoot you
in front of all these people.
Then you are sadly mistaken
Oh and in case you think
that I can't shoot straight.
Well, just know I took
a dihydromyricetin
before I came in here
A what?
It reduces the effect of alcohol on you.
Oh its great for a morning
so you don't get a hangover
So with all that in mind
My recommendation is that you do exactly
as I say so we can get this
over and done with.
And I never have to see you again.
Get what over and done with?
No I don't want to ruin the surprise.
Now let's go.
You first
Where are you taking me?
Somewhere nice and quiet. Don't
worry we won't be disturbed
How do I know you're not
just going to kill me
You don't
[Drunkenly] Merry Christmas friend!
Have you been naughty or nice?
It's very complicated question.
Ho ho ho.
Turn around.
Get on your knees
How many glasses of water did you have?
The night you killed my husband?
I told you
too much.
You said you knew your limits.
There's a big difference between knowing
hat you're too drunk to drive
nd being able to pass a blood
alcohol test.
So how many?
Okay, I had two.
When you usually have two glasses of win
Do you generally get so fucking out of i
that you lose control of your car.
That doesn't sound like the grizzled
alcoholic writer that I know
Why only two?
What do you mean, why just two?
It's not a complex question Samual.
It was the festive season
Drinks were flowing.
You were celebrating
Why would a hopeless
piece of shit like you choose that night
of all nights to take it easy?
I don't know how to answer that question
Yes you do.
How much do you weigh?
I don't know.
12, 13 stone maybe.
And I presume there was food
at the event
Yeah, there was a meal.
So you know where this is going
So you can either tell me
or I can carry on
I don't know where
this is going
Yes you do.
But I'll continue.
It's pretty easy to find out
that with two glasses of wine.
and your size,
some food in your system.
You would
you'd pass the blood alcohol test
So you cannot be done for death
by drink driving.
Because that would come
with quite the stretch
Even if you pleaded guilty.
But with a small amount
of alcohol in your system.
It'd be seen as an accident.
So you got a very
easy careless driving ruling
And that way,
they didn't have to look deeper
into the two of you
to potentially find a connection
cos that would have been way worse
I can only imagine how
premeditated this was
He was on his way back from work
that night.
How long
did you stalk him?
To find our every detail
of his daily routine
When he left.
What route he took.
I don't know what you want to me to say.
I want you.
To say you meant to kill my husband.
He wasn't the man you thought he was
I don't care
It's done now
You need to let go.
I don't know how to.
He was all I had left
to keep me going
He took everything from me.
And he became my purpose
Its time to find a new purpose
I don't have the energy.
Nor the desire
How many bullets do you left?
I'm gonna leave it to fate
Just like that girl being raped
15 years ago at that party
Fated you to your death.
Fuck me that's hot
Merry fucking Christmas.
God! Sorry did that just spill on you
Yeah, it did a bit.
I was just replying to someone
I can see that.
Watch where you're going?
Too many people
with their hands in the phones,
walking around, not paying attention.
Yeah, you're right.
Have a good day.
Happy holidays.
Fucking hate people.
What do you want?
You could be a life saver today.
-I've lost my wallet.
-Not even a hello.
How you been?
You never change.
Hello , have you been?
Anyway, like I said, I lost my wallet.
I really need some cigarettes.
You couldn't spot me some
money could you.
Don't you have any cash.
No. Who carries cash these days?
You are literally asking me for cash.
What about your phone?
What about my phone?
Can't you pay with your phone?
Oh, no.
Don't put my cards on my phone.
I don't trust the big tech.
What if my phone got hacked.
Oh, honestly, I don't care.
I don't know what planet you're
living on that you think
Asking me for a favor is okay.
Me being her friend does not
make me yours. Okay?
I get that but...
There is no but this does not happen aga
Next time you see me around
you steer clear
So its definitely a no on that one?
Oh my God.
Oh you're kidding me?
Oh, I was actually just coming to see yo
What? Why?
What do you want?
Looks like I've lost my keys.
You don't happen to have the spare one
I gave you ages ago?
-Well, did you ever come and get it back
So I still have your key,
No, no.
You can stay here.
I'm staying here.
Moody bitch
I didn't hear from you today.
You were supposed to turn in the next dr
Yeah, it's been a tough day.
Something important I needed to do.
Like this isn't important?
If we dont get things done on time, we'l
investors, which will put us back at squ
Yeah, well, it was important to me.
I'll have it to you by tomorrow.
I just realized
Two years ago. Right?
To the day.
Fuck. I'm sorry, man.
Yeah. Tomorrow's fine.
Oh, Scott, before you go.
You didn't happen to leave me
a bottle of wine, did you?
No. Leave it where?
Someone left a bottle of wine
in my kitchen.
How the fuck would I have
gotten into your kitchen?
I don't know.
Somebody clearly did.
Well, it wasn't me.
It seems like you have an admirer out th
Might want to look at changing your lock
Anyway. Tomorrow. Right?
Look, I'm sure you have an open
bottle of whiskey nearby.
Just don't drink too much.
Don't want you finishing this draft
with a hangover
Scott, stop stressing.
I'm not even drinking.
All right.
Speak to you tomorrow.
Mmm hmm.
Looks like you're getting a hung over
finished draft
Mr. Scott.
-Oh, fuck's sake!
If you'd like to discuss your account
please press one
If you need to report a lost
or stolen card.
Please press two
Thank you.
We'll connect you to one of our members
of staff as soon as we can
...hold. Please be assured your call
is important to us
You're through to Tom
How can I help you today?
Errr...I need to report my cards missing
Or they could have been stolen.
I'm not sure.
Sorry to hear that. Can I just
take a few details from you?
No no no no no.
Hi You alright?
Please tell me
you still got the last draft I sent you.
Yes. Why?
Because I appear to have lost all mine.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
I wish I was.
I just came down this morning
and it's like it never existed.
It's... Everything's just gone.
Did you get fucking hammered
and delete it all?
No I didn't. I.
I think.
I think somebody got into my laptop
when I came down.
My, my card with my passwords
was sat on top of it.
Your card with your what on it?
And so maybe you left it there.
Were too drunk to remember doing it.
Well, considering I lost my wallet
yesterday, I don't think that's likely.
You kept it in your wallet?
So.. wait.
Just to make sure I have this straight.
You, a grown adult man.
Carry a card with all your passwords on
in your fucking wallet.
You, uh, you seem to understand the poin
So somebody has obviously got my wallet.
Jesus Christ, Sam.
For someone who is so obsessed
with big tech stealing his identity,
that's an incredibly fucking cavalier
approach to information security.
And this is a wallet
which presumably has your I.D.
with your name and your address.
Its got my driving license in there.
Anything else?
Well obviously, its got my cash cards.
But I've canceled them yesterday.
They're coming in a couple of days.
Talking of which,
You couldn't.
You couldn't get me some coffee, could y
Because I've got no cash to pay for it.
Oh, Jesus, you're a mess. Yes.
I can order you some coffee.
You probably need it.
I'll get it same day for you.
Maybe you could just bring it round.
No, I can't fucking bring over
some coffee for you.
I'm busy.
And now I need to make some calls
to save our film.
Because apparently my screenwriter
would rather actively invite robbers int
to his house than remember one password
Okay, I get it.
You don't even sound concerned
why someone broke into your home
and erased a bunch of your files.
Of course, I'm concerned,
but it's, you know,
clearly an act of sabotage or something.
It's not something to be scared of.
They haven't taken anything.
Or tried to hurt me.
Yet! They didn't hurt you yet.
You need to be more worried
and more vigilant.
I'm going to try and sort out your mess.
I'll speak to you later.
Don't forget the coffee, Scott.
Jesus Christ.
Oh he's gone.
Oh, what a clusterfuck.
What can I get you today?
I need a beer
But I need to ask a favour
Ah,. Do you now?
Yeah, I've kinda lost my wallet.
Well, I'm pretty sure I had it stolen.
I had to cancel my cards.
Long story short,
I'm not going to have cash for a few day
I'm not a bank Sam, come back in a
couple of days when you can pay.
Please. I need this. I'm having a rubbis
I need to be out of the house.
I need a beer
You know I'm good for it.
Like I said, I'm not a bank.
And I don't know you're good for it
So go home and come back
when you are good for it.
In a more immediate sense of the phrase
Why are you being such a dick about this
That is
not exactly going to help you change
my mind now, is it?
If you've had a tough couple of days,
I'll put your kind words down to that.
And welcome you back when you have money
Until then,
I suggest you turn around and fuck off
before you make me decide
you're no longer welcome here.
Even with money.
Could I pay for his drink?
You can pay for whatever you want.
I just mean if I pay for it.
Can he stay
Looks like it's your lucky day, Sam.
What can I get you both?
A gin and tonic for me
And I believe it was a beer... for him
I'm sure you know what he likes.
You didn't have to do that.
It's alright.
I know what its like to have a bad day
I'm Mara, by the way.
And you must be Sam.
Sam. I don't mean to be rude.
Or nothing, but I'm not really into.
ya know...
I didn't do it to make you sit with me.
Just doing my good deed for the day
But if you do decide you want company,
you could do a lot worse than me
after having a bad day
I'm a good listener
Im sure that's a very kind offer
The least you could do
is chat with her for five minutes.
Who fucking asked you?
Now, that is um 16.75 please
Not cheap here is it
No shit.
I meant the area, not the bar.
There you go.
God's sake
Have a seat.
So, uum, what do you do for work Sam?
That allows you to drink
in the middle of the day.
I'm an alcoholic.
I'm a writer
That's exciting,
Would I have read anything you've writte
Well, I don't know what you've read,
but it's highly unlikely.
I mostly write screenplays.
Even more exciting.
You're in the movie business, get you
It's not really that exciting. I sit
in a small room on my own and I type
That's about it
Not so glamorous after all then.
Definitely not.
But it pays okay.
Which is why I still do it.
I'm not some kind of cinephile
or anything.
You know, don't get the wrong impression
It wasn't my whole life dream to make mo
Just happen to be quite good at writing
Good enough for someone to pay me to do
Anyway, I'm going to stop talking.
What about you?
I'm a counselor.
So not just a good listener. then
A professional listener.
No less.
What sort of stuff do
you counsel in?
Umm, grief mainly.
Bet that can get heavy.
Yeah, it can be.
But, you know, it's important for people
to have someone help them through the
tough days.
Oh, you're you looking at me? No.
I'm fine.
Yeah. No, I've had a shit day,
but some stranger's sympathy
is not going to fix that.
All right. I'm sorry.
Its fine
Your apology's accepted.
Let's just move on to a different subjec
What to?
What about it?
Well, do you like it?
Yeah, I like music.
Who doesn't?
Fair point
So what music do you like?
Yeah, I don't think we're going
to find any common ground here.
No. Why is that?
Cos I'm mostly into hardcore death metal
You're kidding me?
I love hardcore death metal.
So who's your favourite band?
Oh, So many.
-You don't know, any do you?
Metal. Death Metal. All metal.
Fucking awful.
In your opinion
Is it just my opinion though?
Oh, are you sure about that?
Coz objectively it is fucking awful.
You are quite antagonistic aren't you?
At least you stopped trying to empathize
I feel tricked
That sounds like a you problem.
And I feel like you say that
quite a lot too.
So many maybes.
You ever definite about anything?
Do you want another drink?
Yes. See?
I can pay you back though.
And, how are you going to do that Sam?
You don't have any of my details
Oh, I guess we're going to have to
arrange to meet up here again
Will we now?
Another one coming right up.
That was easy.
Here you go.
I know I might come across as a bit of
a dick sometimes,
but I am actually grateful.
You know, this type of kindness
doesn't happen a lot.
Just surprising.
You not with anyone then?
Sorry, sorry! That was far too personal.
Just a bit,
Number one.
I don't get the leap
from what I said to me
not being with anyone and two,
I don't particularly
want to talk about it.
How come?
That's not exactly not talking about it.
Yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right.
I'm sorry
What about you?
What about me?
Oh my God.
Do you answer every question
with a question?
Are you with anyone?
no. I used to be, but I'm
not anymore.
Did you leave him?
Not exactly.
Don't want to talk about it?
Not exactly.
Oooooh. Somebody's not chatty anymore.
That's fine. Yeah, well, I get it.
I prefer to keep it to myself.
It stops judgment from people
who don't know the first thing about you
And it keeps the empaths away from the d
which is always a bonus.
Most of all,
it stops me having to think about it.
Yeah, that's not healthy Sam.
I mean, take it from me
as someone that sees it all the time.
Oh, and you're such an open book.
If you go,
I'll go.
You sure you want to do that?
You've known me for, like, five minutes,
and you want to
know my deep, dark secrets.
Yeah, I do.
I mean, I'm never really off the clock
when it comes to listening to people, so
You know all this is a bit weird
from my side, right?
You know, you buy me drinks and
now you want to know
the darkest shit about me.
I guess.
Yeah, but
that's what counseling is.
You know, it's getting into those things
Look, it's entirely up to you, Sam,
but wouldn't
it feel like a passed up opportunity?
You know, that we were both here,
and well you ignored help
from someone that could give it to you
All right, fine.
Let's do it.
Where to start
When I was younger,
my dad used to have
these massive mood swings.
I mean, I'm talking
from the happiest man in the world
to white hot rage.
To crippling depression in
a split second type deal.
At least that's how it appeared to me
and my brother
never really knew what to make
of it when it happened, so
I guess I always blamed myself.
It was easier that way, you know?
I've been a shit son.
Or I've messed up or my brother had.
Yeah it was definitely easier to blame o
than to blame him
Anyways, for all his.
I guess you call it emotional abuse.
He only got physical once.
But he lost it with my brother
I mean he....
Punched him square.
In the face.
It might not sound much,
but you should have seen it.
It was like his
nose exploded.
Blood everywhere.
I remember my brother lying on the floor
clutching his face, screaming....
screaming the house down
But my dad just walked a way
like it was nothing.
Thats.. . awful.
-I'm sorry.
You know, I guess they'd
handle it a bit smarter now wouldn't the
find out a name for
why he was acting like he was acting and
get him help
Treatment. Medication.
That sort of stuff wasn't talked about
back in the day, was it?
Do you think he would've
accepted the help if it were offered to
I'm not sure
I have thought about that.
But it's irrelevant isn't it.
Because it wasn't.
That's the man he was
That's the man he stayed
Until a few years back,
when he killed himself.
Couldn't even get that fucking right.
He took my brother with him.
He totalled his car
While he was taking my brother to see hi
and his newborn baby.
Is what it is.
So that was that.
You know, I was left behind.
Social drinking got
more frequent and less social.
When that didn't cut it
added a few substances into the mix.
That's the sort of thing
you're looking for?
The writer's tragic backstory.
Do you feel sufficiently moved?
Do you feel like you.
You know me a bit better now.
After all, that could be just
another piece of fiction.
From in here.
Another fantasy
Was it true?
Do you think it was?
Does it matter if it is?
What I'm trying to say is
are you any better
or worse off for knowing?
Assuming it is true
I've learned at least one theory as to
why you are the way you are.
You've obviously been grappling with
this for a very long time.
I can see that you are
angry that you finally opened up
to someone about it.
You can join the dots however you want.
Truth is, you don't know me.
You don't even know my last name.
What difference does that make?
Do you know what?
From this,
I feel like I know you a bit better.
Oh really.
Well please continue.
Well, I'm not the professional
at the table
But I think the reason you're so content
to swim around in superficialities
Is that that's all you've got to offer.
You can't bring anything
else to the table yourself.
You need other people to do that for you
To distract from your own
crushing, painstaking blandness.
They come away feeling like they've had
Meaningful interaction.
And you just sat there, smiled, nodded.
And gave fuck all back
Look who's the expert now.
But hey,
what does it matter
what we think of each other anyway?
Did either of us come
here to make a new friend?
I sure as fuck didn't.
You just needed a drink.
And you got one. Two even.
I just thought I'd do
something nice for someone.
Feel a bit better about myself
in the process.
See, now, that sounds more like
the situation we're in here.
Very transactional.
We can call a halt to
all of this right now.
If you're as sick of me as you're making
However, if we do that
Well, you're out of booze
So either I walk out of here
and you have that to deal with,
or I stay and you play nice
Your move
Think I'll play nice
Okay, well, we are going to have to save
playing nice for another day.
But it's been
Just before you go.
I never had a brother.
So at least you know some of its bullshi
That's fine.
I'm not here to be your lie detector Sam
Why are you here?
Another for my new friend here
Everything okay?
Not really.
Do I have time to do the redraft?
If you consider by Monday time
That's like three days. I can't do that.
You think I don't know that?
There you go. It can't be done.
Regardless, if its not then
they're pulling you out and
want you to pay back your advance.
If you don't, you're getting sued for it
I don't have the money.
Well not all of it anyway.
Barely affording to live as it is
That's the whole point of the advance in
Not their problem.
You're weeks past deadline.
They've lost patience and
honestly so have I
So what are you saying?
Get it done by Monday.
Save this project and then we're done
We need anymore drafts I'll
find somebody else
Don't worry you'll still get paid
and still get a credit
That's not fair.
Fuck you Sam. After everything I've done
for you, its very fucking fair.
Yeah, and I appreciate all of that.
But you can't do this to me, Scott.
Get me a new draft by Monday,
or you've got a hefty debt brewing
And I lose a film
I'll send over the last draft so you
at least have something to work from
Oh, that's fucking kind of you.
All right, we're done.
Look, I know you're up there
I'm warning you I've got a knife,
so it's not my fault if you get stabbed.
Alright I'm coming up
You've been warned
Oh, my fucking.
This is fucking cunting bullshit.
Oh for fucks sake
What do you want me to do?
Clap or something?
Beer would be fine.
Busy in here today
Well if that isn't excellent timing
What do you mean?
Your charity case from a couple of days
ago also just walked in.
He's around in that booth there
Able to pay for his own drinks today
We'll see if he talks to me
when he doesn't owe me
Well don't worry
He's not the type to ever
thought he owes you.
Can I get a gin and tonic, please?
Mind if I join?
Uh....yeah, I do
Kind of having a rubbish day
Wasn't that where you were
when we first met?
I'm a good listener, remember?
what's made it such a bad day
Oh, you don't want to... It's a long sto
My favorite kind.
Who likes things that end quickly hey?
So I'm writing this screenplay.
Oh, that didn't take much convincing.
Do you want to listen to this or what?
As I said, I'm writing this screenplay,
which I've already been paid for.
But the other night, someone.
Someone broke into my house
and deleted the entire thing.
I've got to hand it over on Monday.
And if I don't,
I've got to repay the advance.
Okay. How much is it?
Enough that I can't repay it
I mean, I've got some left, but that's
what I'm using to live off. If they....
If they take it, I'm broke
Okay, so you thought spending
what little you did have left on
beer was the best way forward?
Are you going to sit there and listen
or sit there and judge me?
Probably a mix of the two.
So can you get it rewritten by tomorrow?
Think I'd be here if I could.
For some people, drink
can help to deal with the stress.
Well, I was doing better
than I thought I'd be
But then, obviously,
because someone got into my laptop,
I reset the password,
then I forgot the password I reset.
And now I've locked myself
out of my own fucking computer.
Do you want to take your
mind off things?
I think that's blatantly obvious.
How about a drinking game?
Honestly, that sounds awful.
Trust me?
Fair enough
All I can say is
I think this'll be cathartic
for the both of us.
The fuck are you talking about?
Only time will tell Samuel
Only time will tell.
Don't call me Samuel.
Never been Samuel. Sam.
Samuel's on my birth certificate
We playing this game or what then?
Have you heard of.
Never have I ever.
He's definitely a creature of habit.
Same coffee shop.
Same pub.
Fairly standard routine.
Course today he did something different.
And of all things to do there .
He chose to drink alcohol.
It's almost like he's gloating.
Today of all days it
it really does.
So you ready to do this?
I think so.
You can't think.
You need to be sure
I'm sure
Oh, sorry.
Did that just spill on you?
Yeah it did a bit
I was just replying to someone
I can see that
Watch where you're going
Too many people with their heads in
their phones walking around not paying a
Yeah you're right
Have a good day and happy holidays
-Fucking hate people
Did you get it?
And these. Keeps them in
the same pocket
We've got debit cards.
A card with every single
password on it.
You're kidding
What a fucking idiot
And a copy of a driver's license
Kept like a trophy
If I'd known he'd been this stupid
I wouldn't have bothered following him h
Well just look on the bright side
Now you can just walk right in
You all set?
His lights usually go
off around the same time
So he'll be pretty hammered by then.
Give him an hour and
he'll be dead to the world
Its risky, you know.
I know.
Look, I know you need to do this.
But I'm here for you.
I just....
don't want you to end up in a
situation you're not in control of
I know
And that's why in spite of everything.
I still love you.
But if somthing does happen to me.
Then so be it
I'd rather die trying to make this right
than have never tried
All go okay?
I found his new screenplay
It seemed like the most obvious thing
to take.
Most likely his most prized possession.
He can just rewrite it.
He could, but
he won't.
You need to rest now.
Will you be able to sleep?
Probably not.
Just be the same dream.
the one where
things were as they were before.
Where I dreamt of
sun kissed holidays abroad and
too many cocktails.
Having a dog named dog and
having a family.
You can still have those things.
You just have to choose to
want to have them
I don't want them anymore.
Not now.
You know, when I was a little girl, I um
I always believed that
when you found your Prince Charming.
Everything would be alright forever.
But that was just a lie
that was sold to us.
That happiness was there for the taking
when actually.
It was there to be taken.
And when you think you found your foreve
It's just gone in a
In a puff of smoke and
It never disappears.
It just.
It wraps
itself around you until you can't rememb
what it was like before.
It's just.
Its just smoke
Was everything that good at the start?
No. You made sure of that.
But mostly.
And mostly was enough
Enough to make you want it back again
as much as you do.
Because if the smoke disappears
maybe I can sleep again.
Once you see this through, you will.
You need to be strong.
I wish I shared your optimism Porter
Even with all of this.
Making him go through all of this.
What if he doesn't get it?
He needs to experience it.
To help him understand.
And to help you get what you need.
I really don't know what that means.
Yes you do.
Hi. yeah.
I called yesterday
about reserving the bear.
Yes, yes. That's right.
Would you be able to get it
couriered to the address that I left yes
An hour? No, no, that's absolutely fine.
Just one more question.
Could you send me a message
to this number when its there?
Brilliant. Thank you.
-What can I get you tonight?
-Hey, Jo.
-I'd love a beer,
but I need to ask a favor.
-Oh, do you now?
-I've kind of lost my wallet.
-Well, I'm pretty sure I had it stolen,
but I had to cancel my cards
-Long story short I'm not going
to have cash for a few days.
-I'm not a bank Sam
-Come back in a couple of days.
Could I pay for his drink?
So, either I walk out of here
and you have a lot to deal with.
Or I stay
and you play nice.
Your move.
I think I'll play nice.
Okay, well, we are gonna have to save.
playing nice for another day.
-Look, I know you're up there
I'm warning you, I've got a knife,
so it's not my fault if you get stabbed
-Alright I'm coming up
You've been warned.
Have you heard of.
Never have I ever.
I've Never heard of.
Never have I ever.
Well you're gonna love it
And we get to know some of each
other's deep, dark secrets?
Okay, so we'll take in turns.
One person says never have I ever.
And then picks something
they've never done.
If the other person has done it,
they take a drink.
But you can also pick something
you have done, and then you both drink.
Unless the other person hasn't. Clear? .
Define clarity.
You'll be fine.
Okay, I'll go first.
Never have I ever
Surely you've lied.
Well you're gonna find out
If I have, I drink.
If you have, you drink.
Why would you make yourself drink?
If you want to find out if someone else
has done something that you've also done
So if you've lied
We drink in three,
Okay, so you get it.
I get it.
Right. Your go
Sam, the man.
Never have I ever
stolen something.
You know, You don't have to pick
something you've also done too
Yeah, I get it.
I'm not slow.
Look, I'm not keeping score.
But if I was,
I'd say you're losing.
Yeah, but you are definitely drunker.
Shall we turn it up a notch?
Never have I ever.
Fucked someone on a first date.
Oh, okay.
I feel like there is a story here.
Not really a story.
Couldn't even call it a date
because we met at a party
But she did....she did end up marrying m
So I guess we both knew
it weren't just going to be sex.
Sorry but that.....
God. Okay.
You definitely didn't make that up.
Because if you did, it wouldn't be
that fucking dull
-Your go
Never have I ever
put something in my bottom.
Okay. Nice.
Yeah. You gotta experiment
from time to time, right?
Yes. You do.
How dark have these
experimentations gone?
Have you ever had a
sexual encounter you regret?
You're not even playing
the game properly now.
-You're right.
Never have I ever had a sexual encounter
I regret.
Ooooh. How bad was it?
Well, I fucked this girl at a party
Who I didn't know, but it happened to be
the same party that I met my future wife
And it was after I'd been with her.
Oooh, did you tell her?
Course not
And would you?
That would be a little bit tricky
where she is now.
Well, if you believe in life after death
then she's probably listening.
And she already knows.
So I won't have to tell her
Nor do I have to tell her that
The girl that I fucked kinda....
kinda passed out.
And then I heard that a few other
guys had a go
Wait, so if if she passed out, how, with
it was she when you were with her?
I dunno
It was ages ago.
We were young.
-Let's just leave it there.
It's not an excuse, Sam
Oh, do you think I don't know
that? Listen.
All right. Fine.
If I could take it back. I would.
Yeah, she got known as a bit
of a slut after that I'll tell ya.
A few weeks later.
She messaged me saying she missed her pe
Messaged her back saying,
why are you contacting me?
Coulda been anybody at the party
Blocked her.
Went back to being a good boyfriend.
Is there a thing after that?
Probably not.
Played the part quite well.
Were you not curious
as if it were your baby?
God no
Tell ya the last thing
a baby needs in his life is me
And quite frankly,
I don't need a baby in my life.
Sorry, but I'm not going to
lie and pretend that I don't think that
pretty repulsive. Sam
Yeah, I'm aware.
How did, er , how did your wife die?
Fuck me.
Just put it out there
No filter
Why am I even telling you
all this shit.
I'm a counselor remember?
Trap of the trade
So what happened?
It was a car accident.
It was a wet night.
Are you okay, Sam?
Where've you been?
-I know that
For drinks with a friend.
I told you that
That's what you told me.
Have you been out as well?
And have you been drinking?
I'm so tired of your maybe's
Sam just say what you want to say.
You remember we can see
where each other is
On our phones, right?
Actually I'm gonna assume
that you've forgotten
Thing is
There didn't seem to be any
pubs near to where you were
So I went and looked for myself
I can explain.
I'm sure you can
Whose house was it?
A friend's
A girl friend's?
See now you're trying to work out
If I'm trying to catch you in a lie
No. Course not
Was it a girl friend?
Which one?
You don't, you don't know her
That's not what I asked
Which one?
Ellen what?
Parker.... Ellen Parker
Ellen Parker
So if we were to hop in the car now
and drive back there,
Ellen Parker would
answer the door?
Yeah of course
Let's do that, then.
Be lovely to meet Ellen
So what's his name?
What difference does it make?
There's no difference at all.
It's no difference to you
being a cheating cunt.
Yeah, that's exactly what I am.
Is that what you want to hear?
How could you do this to me?
To you?
Do you think that you're the victim here
I'm not the one who's cheated.
No, no you're not.
And that is the one thing
that you can hold your head up high abou
What's that supposed to mean?
You are so fucking self absorbed
Did you.
Did you never stop to think why I did it
Why? I felt the need to go
and find someone else to give me.
What you can't?
Did you never think about
how your constant temper
tantrums might get a bit difficult
for me to deal with?
Or the fact that you
spend all of your time brooding
and ignoring me so that
I feel like a ghost in my own house.
Maybe those are the reasons
why I had to go and fuck someone else.
You choose your words
very fucking carefully
Or what?
You going to hit me again.
The thing is...
You don't even know the worst of it.
Enlighten me
This baby inside me.
The one that you think you put there
on the rare and unpleasant
occasion that we actually fucked.
You didn't.
It's not yours
It's his
I'll tell you what you can do
You can get the fuck out
of my house!
Get out!
He knows.
I told him everything.
It's not safe for me
here anymore
Can I stay at yours?
You can stay here until Mara gets back
After that you'll need to find a place t
And I'll need to tell her everything too
Thank you!
Why would she tell you it wasn't yours?
To hurt me.
But why would she do that
if you were the good boyfriend?
Look, I feel like we're
getting away from the game.
Never have I ever.
After drinking.
Naughty boy.
Just the once?
More than once.
But I know my limits.
That's not how the law works.
Oh, fuck the law. Don't make any sense.
You got someone who can get
drunk off two glasses of wine and test
below the limit.
And you got someone who can hold their
drink who has three.
I know where the real danger is.
No, I'm sorry,
but that is bullshit, and you know it.
People can't just go around
deciding these things for themselves.
That's ridiculous.
Whoa. Okay.
You can clock off at some point, you kno
Never have I ever.
Been naked in public.
And before you do.
It has to be somewhere where
being naked in public is not expected.
Not, like a public sauna
or anything like that.
Somewhere where it's not normal
and there has to be witnesses.
Nothing changes.
Aren't you the wild one
Do you want to get really wild
and really dark?
I'm already there.
You need to catch up.
have I ever.
Killed someone.
Okay, dare I ask?
I was at a Christmas industry event.
Where I won an award.
Wine was flowing.
I had a little bit too much.
I drove home
on the journey back
car skidded off the road and hit a tree.
As it happens, there was a man
between the car and the tree.
Did you,
did you go to jail?
God, that was lenient.
Well what can I say, I charmed the judge
with my glowing personality.
No, seriously, how did you manage
to only get probation?
I got lucky.
By the time they breathalised me
I was just below the limit.
So it went down as causing
death by dangerous driving?
Plead guilty.
That's how it went from potentially
two to six months
to probation.
How convenient.
Besides, I thought you knew your limits.
I do know my limits.
Was a lapse in judgment.
We all have em
Yeah, they don't usually end in someone
Do you um...
Do you know who he was?
Some poor guy
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You sound super remorseful.
It was a fuckin accident.
Shit happens
No. An accident
is spilling beer on someone.
This has all got
A little bit too judgmental for me now
I think I think it's time we stop.
Just er,
Just one last question.
The man you killed.
Was he holding anything?
Was he what?
I said.
Was he holding anything?
How am I supposed to know that.
Why do you want to know
if he was holding anything?
So you don't remember if he
was holding a teddy bear?
Who the fuck are you?
Did he look like this?
Okay that's it. You tell me who you are.
Or I swear to God, I will fucking hurt y
Like you did your wife.
Where was she going, that night in her c
She was leaving me.
Because she was fucking another guy
and she got knocked up.
don't last past that point, usually.
So you didn't hit her
and kick her out, then?
Do you know what, this is your last chan
You tell me who you are.
That man.
The one that was holding the teddy bear.
Well that teddy bear
was meant for me
It was one that he said he'd found onlin
Because it was like one
I had when I was a little girl.
That I loved. So much.
No special occasion.
He just wanted to do something kind.
For someone he cared about.
Because that's what he was like.
The man who died between your car
And the tree you ran him into.
He always did random kind
shit just for the Hell of it
And he was still holding
that fucking bear
That man
That was my husband
He was such a devoted husband.
For the most part anyway
You'd feel that
things were getting too much for him.
I was crippled by depression and
I could see that he was finding it
harder and harder to live with me
He did what he could.
He stuck by me for as long as he could.
These things, they um....
They can push people apart.
And in the end.
He strayed.
But he came clean about it.
He told me about this
married woman he'd met
Told me things he'd heard about her
Dreadful, unconscionable things.
About how he'd fucked
some girl at the party.
They first had sex at.
About how the other girl she was....
she was passed out after
And that she was semi-conscious
at the start.
But let's be honest,
Well you already knew that part.
Didn't you Sam
I was on my way to the toilet
And I saw you two looking
deadly serious
And I said to myself "Alex...."
" need to go cheer em up"
So here I am
We're fine
This is giving, awkward
First date vibes
He's fit darlin
Don't need to worry about the conversati
much then do ya?
Um, what was I doing?
You were going to the toilet
We're actually busy
So if you don't mind leaving us be
Alright. Hold your horses. Don't
get your panties in a twist.
I know when I'm not wanted.
You sure?
Honestly Mr Sir I'd have
swiped left
Look, I'd really appreciate it
if you fucked off.
Gonna wet myself anyway
She was your genius escape plan?
You just keep getting dumber and dumber
Right where were we?
Oh yeah.
Your wife
She got a visit one day.
I'm looking for Sam.
Does he live here?
Yeah, he does,
but he's not in at the moment.
Can I help you?
Do you know when he'll be back?
Probably not for a while.
I really need to know what this is about
If I'm going to be able to help you.
My mum said I'd find him here
Okay. And who's your mum?
She knew Sam back when they were younger
Can I come in? This might
take a little explaining
I have a feeling
I'm not going to want to hear this, but.
So what did you want to tell me?
My name's Sarah.
My mum forwarded me this text message
exchange from before I was born.
She transferred it from phone to phone
ever since.
He blocked her after that
What's your mum's name?
Ellen Morgan?
Well she got married a few years
ago so its Parker now
But yeah.
Her maiden name was Morgan.
How did you know?
I think I was at the same party.
That was when Sam and I first.....
Uh, that's not for your ears
He had sex with you before
he had sex with my mum
I don't know, I.
I didn't know that.
So I can't really help you with this.
So I guess you're
here to tell him that you're his daughte
I am, yes.
Okay, well, if you want my advice.
Just don't.
But he needs to know.
Look, at the end of the day,
he's bad news.
And that is all you need to know.
If he's that bad, then
why are you still with him?
People don't start like that.
They change over time.
Think of it this way.
If you lived with someone
and they grew their hair long
or lost weight,
you wouldn't notice the gradual changes.
And then one day you notice that they ju
looked completely different.
Suddenly find yourself in this place
and you have no idea how you get there.
So trust me,
he didn't want you in his life.
Please don't make space for him in yours
So I just never get to know my real dad.
If that's what you're looking for,
you're not going to get that with Sam
I promise you will just be disappointed.
And look, I don't know you,
but I know that I don't want that for yo
Okay, so just go home and think
about it at least
If I go home to think about it.
I'll probably never come back.
Yeah, that's kind of the idea.
How do I know it's not just you wanting
to stop him from seeing me?
You don't.
You just have your mum's messages
and my word to go on.
If I say I won't leave
til he gets back?
Well, that is not going to happen.
Look, I just don't want him
to hurt anyone else, okay?
So go home and
just try and forget about him.
-She knew the story of the raped girl.
Yes. Raped. At the party.
She just didn't know
that her husband had been a part of it.
So there you have it.
Two strangers.
Both struggling with their lives,
found comfort in each other.
One of their partners
forgave them
The other.
Well her hit her
and kicked her out
And that was the last time he saw her.
I never hit her
After everything I've just said.
Do you think that's
what I'm worried about?
So all this
weird shit that has been
happening to me.
The wine,
the teddy bear, deleting
my screenplay
That was all you?
If you could just look past
your own nose.
For one fucking second
You'd realise that.
The same girl that was buying
you drinks in here
is the same person that bumped
into you in the street the other day
And yeah. That's when I
took your keys and wallet
Why all the games?
Why not just do this?
Oh no.
No it couldn't be that simple
I needed you in the right frame of mind.
Ready to... to talk.
The little things
Like the the wine and the bear
Right on the anniversary of his death.
That did just enough
To keep it on your mind
Not to mention the
creeping feeling of being stalked
Threw you off balance
Ripe to pull a confession out of you
-Although I'm sure you've got
plenty more you could tell me
How could you possibly know
that this would have worked?
Oh, I didn't.
I just had hope.
A psychology degree and.
A few years practicing it.
How did you know about that night.
Oh, the night that you.
You didn't hit your wife?
She called the man she
had an affair with
told him everything.
He even offered to put her
up to help her out
But she never made it that
fateful wet night did she?
Okay, here's what's gonna happen.
We're gonna get up
And we're gonna take a walk
And don't
even think about trying anything.
Cause if you don't think, I'll shoot you
in front of all these people.
Then you are sadly mistaken
Oh and in case you think
that I can't shoot straight.
Well, just know I took
a dihydromyricetin
before I came in here
A what?
It reduces the effect of alcohol on you.
Oh its great for a morning
so you don't get a hangover
So with all that in mind
My recommendation is that you do exactly
as I say so we can get this
over and done with.
And I never have to see you again.
Get what over and done with?
No I don't want to ruin the surprise.
Now let's go.
You first
Where are you taking me?
Somewhere nice and quiet. Don't
worry we won't be disturbed
How do I know you're not
just going to kill me
You don't
[Drunkenly] Merry Christmas friend!
Have you been naughty or nice?
It's very complicated question.
Ho ho ho.
Turn around.
Get on your knees
How many glasses of water did you have?
The night you killed my husband?
I told you
too much.
You said you knew your limits.
There's a big difference between knowing
hat you're too drunk to drive
nd being able to pass a blood
alcohol test.
So how many?
Okay, I had two.
When you usually have two glasses of win
Do you generally get so fucking out of i
that you lose control of your car.
That doesn't sound like the grizzled
alcoholic writer that I know
Why only two?
What do you mean, why just two?
It's not a complex question Samual.
It was the festive season
Drinks were flowing.
You were celebrating
Why would a hopeless
piece of shit like you choose that night
of all nights to take it easy?
I don't know how to answer that question
Yes you do.
How much do you weigh?
I don't know.
12, 13 stone maybe.
And I presume there was food
at the event
Yeah, there was a meal.
So you know where this is going
So you can either tell me
or I can carry on
I don't know where
this is going
Yes you do.
But I'll continue.
It's pretty easy to find out
that with two glasses of wine.
and your size,
some food in your system.
You would
you'd pass the blood alcohol test
So you cannot be done for death
by drink driving.
Because that would come
with quite the stretch
Even if you pleaded guilty.
But with a small amount
of alcohol in your system.
It'd be seen as an accident.
So you got a very
easy careless driving ruling
And that way,
they didn't have to look deeper
into the two of you
to potentially find a connection
cos that would have been way worse
I can only imagine how
premeditated this was
He was on his way back from work
that night.
How long
did you stalk him?
To find our every detail
of his daily routine
When he left.
What route he took.
I don't know what you want to me to say.
I want you.
To say you meant to kill my husband.
He wasn't the man you thought he was
I don't care
It's done now
You need to let go.
I don't know how to.
He was all I had left
to keep me going
He took everything from me.
And he became my purpose
Its time to find a new purpose
I don't have the energy.
Nor the desire
How many bullets do you left?
I'm gonna leave it to fate
Just like that girl being raped
15 years ago at that party
Fated you to your death.