New Blood (1999) Movie Script

[sultry jazz music]
[man laughs]
- [Man] One more pop for daddio.
- [Man] No, no,
why draw attention?
He's dead anyway.
Let's go.
[ominous music]
[man laughing]
[gun firing]
[intense music]
[dog sniffing]
[somber music]
[dog barking]
[dog barking]
- Ah shit!
- He's alive!
- Where's my son?
Where's Danny?
- Where you doing?
We can't just leave him.
- [Man] The fuck do I
look like, a doctor?
- Where's my son?
- [Man] Hang on, I'm
calling an ambulance.
I'm calling an ambulance.
- Where's my son?
- [Announcer] Paging Dr. Pryce,
Dr. Pryce to cardiology please.
Dr. Pryce to cardiology.
- Morning sir.
- Morning.
- [Man] What do we got?
- Victim's alive, Alan
White, 50, Caucasian.
He was brought here an hour ago.
He's been shot several times,
but his condition's
stable for now.
Follow me, I wanna
show you something.
We found this along
with eight dead bodies
littering a farmyard on the
outskirts of the west side.
- My name is Robert Williams
and I'm going to
die here tonight.
- You know this Robert Williams?
- Williams?
Not that guy who owns
all the auto malls
along the I-90.
- He's sort of a recluse, right?
- Yeah except this ain't him.
This is our shooting
victim, Alan White.
Two kids found him
earlier this morning.
- All right.
So what does the real Williams
have to say about this?
- We don't know, he's missing.
Kidnapped last night.
- My death should be a
lesson to others like me.
If you're watching this,
this tape do whatever
they tell you to do
or you'll end up where I am now.
- Sweet huh?
It gets worse.
- Ooh.
- Jesus Christ.
Victor Ryan?
- He was one of the bodies
we found in the farmyard.
- Well it'll be a pleasure
closing up that file.
- Alan White here
is our only link
to what actually
happened last night.
This is big, gentlemen.
I got politics to deal with.
I want you to pay a
visit to Mr. White,
and get some answers, quickly.
He doesn't look like
he has much time.
- Is my son here?
- [Nurse] No, Alan.
These are detectives
Harris and Berkley.
- You must find him.
- [Harris] Look, we need to
know what happened last night.
- Was a long night.
Was one hell of a night.
- Then you'd better
get on with it.
- How's Emma?
- [Nurse] She's fine, Alan.
She had a good night.
- Emma's your daughter?
- Yes.
She's very sick.
She needs a heart transplant.
Everything I did, I
did for my daughter.
It was all for nothing.
- Then it's a terrible tragedy,
but maybe you could give us
an idea of what
you're talking about.
- Well, I'd just come home from
seeing Emma.
[door creaks]
[somber music]
It was my son, Danny.
- Hi Dad.
Long time no see, Dad.
Ah, I've been shot.
- Jesus, Danny.
Last night was
the first night in
seven, eight years I think
that I saw him.
- So he's shot, no place to go
and he comes to you for
shelter, is that it?
- No, not shelter.
He came to make a deal.
Now I have to phone
the hospital with...
Could bleed to death.
- Put the phone down.
Put the fuckin' phone down!
[gun cocks]
- Jesus!
- Shh.
I'm on borrowed time here.
So let's get started.
I got a family to protect.
- You've got a family now?
- Yeah, right now
they're in danger.
[clock ticking]
- Who shot you?
- Man called Frayerling.
He's my business partner.
We'll come back to that.
I have something that you need.
You help me, I help Emma.
Emma's dying, right?
I read about it in the papers.
Still no donors.
Very sad.
- Take that smirk off your face.
If you're going to have
a go at Emma's condition
then you can fuck off
out of here right now!
- Pay attention!
I've been shot.
I can't go to no hospital,
and that makes me
a fuckin' dead man.
But we know that my heart
is a perfect match for Emma.
If I die, and she gets my heart,
then she lives.
I'm Emma's last chance.
You want my heart,
you gotta earn it.
- All right, all right.
So what's the trouble?
- I fucked with
the wrong people.
I'm part of what
you call a crew.
The other day, we got the
contract on a kidnapping.
The target was a mark called
Robert Williams, rich guy.
The man who set the
kidnapping up was Mr. Ryan.
He's the one that's
gonna kill my family
when he finds out what happened.
- What happened?
- Well it was me
that got us involved.
[upbeat music]
- You gonna get the door?
- Ah, they weren't supposed
to be here 'til noon.
Webster was state raised.
By the age of 12, he
got certified sociopath.
What is the occasion?
- Not guilty!
- [Danny] Too many fires, dead
house pets, that kinda thing.
Yin Yang thinks he's the
brains of the outfit.
Never saw the point in
ruining his fantasy.
- Oh man!
- Oh you fuckin' dope.
- [Webster] Sorry.
- [Danny] What's happening?
Valentine is like
a brother to me.
- Cooling son?
- [Danny] We started out
together in New York,
doing small jobs.
- Morning.
- [Woman] It's two o'clock.
- I've known him the longest.
- Okay, afternoon.
- [Danny] We been
through a lot together.
- Got milk?
- This is my good suit.
- We gotta talk.
- Right.
- That thing that we
talked about before?
We're in.
It's on in a couple of days.
I got a call from Mr.
Ryan in fucking person.
- Yeah, did Mr. Ryan
say anything about me?
- Yeah, he said bring
the crappy suit wearing
psychotic gay boy.
[men laughing]
- [Webster] I'm not gay!
- He didn't mention
any of us by name,
but he knows who we are.
Christ knows we've stolen
enough cars for him.
This is like a promotion.
And this got brought
over here last night.
- Fuck me.
Don't fart around.
- Now I said that we'd meethim later today at the factory.
Hellman is gonna be there.
- Hellman?
Fuck this D, I'm out.
- You don't have to
be scared of Hellman,
we're on the same side.
- Guys like Hellman
don't have a side,
and I'm scared of him.
You think they send him
in on the soft, easy jobs?
- Well yeah, sometimes.
- Bullshit, that man is evil.
He has Satan's
number on speed dial.
- Well he's on this one,
just to check up on us.
Now I don't know about you guys,
but I don't wanna be stealing
cars for a living when I'm 30.
End up like Puddle John, workingfor Mr. Ryan for 20 years
and still being in charge of
keeping the shine on his limo.
'Cause that is what happens
if you fail this kinda test.
Well we're at least gonna
hear him out, right?
I said we'd be there!
- Yo Danny, I'm with ya.
Besides, I wanna meet
this fuckin' Hellman.
- I'm going too.
- You and I.
- I'm in for it, Danny.
I trust ya.
- Come on, Valentine.
I need you to be part of this.
I can't do this without
you, you know that.
- Okay.
- Yeah!
- Let's go hear what
they have to say.
- That's it, we're going.
- [Webster] Yeah!
- [Danny] Put it away,
come on, put it away.
- [Alan] What about your wife?
Does she come into this?
You told me that
you had a family.
- You don't get it, do ya?
Those guys are my family,
and now they're all dead men
unless you do what I say.
- Go on, tell me.
- [Danny] So we
went to the factory.
- Yeah, you better
fuckin' be there.
- Yo give me my phone back, man.
- Yeah sure, sure.
- Hope you didn't
call Japan on my shit.
- Fuck you.
- Fuckin' yuppie.
- Y'all know we don't
have to do this, right?
- Don't talk like that.
This is us moving up.
- Yo man, trust me man,
this is gonna work out fine.
[door creaks]
- [Danny] The man's
name was Lawrence.
- So you're the new blood.
- [Danny] Everybody
says he's unkillable
'cause he's got that scar on
his neck and he's not dead.
I'm pretty sure he'd done
time at Attica with Hellman.
[ominous music]
- What the fuck is
this, a school trip?
- [Danny] I never did
find out that man's name.
Doesn't matter now.
Their leader is called Hellman.
Don't know his first name,
much too scared to ask.
What I do know is if you
want someone killed--
- They'll do just fine.
- [Danny] He's the man you call.
- I know Danny, the one
with the tear drop tattoo,
known him almost a year.
- [Danny] Frayerling the fat man
was the connection to Mr. Ryan.
Guy looked like a moron with
the stupid hat he was wearing.
The dish in the
corner's name was Lee.
Official story was that she
was Mr. Ryan's accountant,
but I bet his books
weren't the only thing
that she straightened
out for him.
- Mr. Ryan wants them involved.
- So that you know
why you're here,
the man who lives in thishouse, Robert Williams, is rich.
Mr. Ryan does not like him.
Mr. Ryan wants us to go in,
get him,
and you'll get your money.
- I have a question,
Benjamin Franklin.
- [Hellman] Benjamin
Franklin, very good.
- How you plan on gettin' in?
- Knock on the door?
- [Valentine] We
were given guns.
- Oh right, well
getting to the house
is going to require
waving them around a bit.
- [Valentine] We're just
gonna wave 'em around, right?
- Right, you know, for show.
- So we don't even
need to load them?
- No.
Well, maybe, yeah.
You know, in case of
unforeseen circumstances.
- Yeah, it's better to have
a loaded gun and not need it
than need one and
not have one, right?
- Now once we get into
the house, we'll split up.
Frayerling here used
to work for this man.
He knows what he looks like.
He'll get him.
- You don't even know what
the fucking guy looks like?
- No, best picture the
fat man took was this.
Annie Leibovitz he's not.
- My fuckin' camera's
a piece of shit,
what am I supposed to do?
- [Hellman] That's why
he's coming with us,
so he can ID him.
- I'll take Danny with me
in case he gives us a fight.
- Right, and the rest of us
have other tasks to complete.
There's a safe.
We find it, blow it
up, take the money,
extra added bonus for Mr. Ryan.
- So boys, Mr. Ryan
is offering you a job.
Are you gonna take it or not?
[suspenseful music]
- Get scared?
- I ain't scared of nobody.
- Well, some people it's
worth being afraid of, kid.
You'll learn that.
- Okay boys, go
home, stay there.
I'll call you.
- [Danny] They called
the very next day.
- I don't think these
motherfuckers are coming.
- They're coming, all right?
- You said that an hour ago.
Remember, we're dealing
with a bunch of idiots here.
I wouldn't be surprised
if they showed up in
a yellow school bus.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- It means they're not coming,
and we're gonna die out
here from this cold.
- Are you sure about
the time, Danny?
- I'm sure about
the time, 12:30.
- AM or PM?
- Oh, very fucking funny.
- I'm serious, man.
If they're not coming
'til tomorrow man,
I'mma take my black ass
home and get some sleep.
- Does this strike you
as the sort of thing
that you would do
in the afternoon?
- Who gives a fuck what time
you would do some shit, man?
Let's just do it and
get it over with.
Now are you right
about this time?
- I'm right about the time.
- Friday or Saturday?
- They didn't say what
fuckin' day, they said 12:30
and then they hung up.
- Hey didn't the clocks
just get set back recently?
- That was a month ago.
- You set yours back, man?
- I swear I'm gonna
shoot you in a minute.
They're coming, told ya.
- Ain't cut for size.
Everything looks the same.
You got your guns,
are they loaded?
- We're not gonna need 'em.
[Hellman laughs]
- [Man] Blood's gonna be spilt.
- [Yin Yang] That's
not what you said.
- Shooting people
wasn't part of the deal.
- You don't have a deal.
- I can't do this.
I don't wanna be down.
- Okay, go on, get outta here.
I know what you're
thinkin', and you're right.
I might shoot ya
in the back.
Look, you're coming with
me now, dead or alive.
And it wouldn't be
the same without you.
All right, let's go.
Danny, you go with Frayerling.
We'll see you at the gate.
[suspenseful music]
- [Frayerling] Hey kid.
- What's my part in this?
- You ain't gonna like it.
- Danny, just tell me.
- [Frayerling] Stay down.
- [Man] Frayerling,
what are you doing here?
- Good evening, gentlemen.
I got a call from the man.
Come on, let's go.
I'm tired!
- It's too late.
- For Christ's sakes you guys.
You know me!
[gate creaks]
[gun firing]
[ominous music]
[tires squeal]
[guns cocking]
- [Hellman] Move it, now!
- [Man] Stay down.
- Mr. Ryan is not paying
you to stand on your knees.
Now let's go.
[somber vocal music]
[guns firing]
- [Man] Come on, get up kid!
- [Man] Start shooting,
now or I shoot you.
[guns firing]
- Come on you fucks!
It fuckin' cut off
my fuckin' finger!
- Shut the fuck up!
- Cover me bro, cover me!
- No!
[guns firing]
[intense music]
- Fuck!
- Wait!
[guns firing]
[man grunts]
[ominous music]
[Yin Yang panting]
- We'll get you outta here.
I promise.
- Sometime today, gentlemen?
[door slams]
[intense music]
[gun fires]
[woman screaming]
[suspenseful music]
- Where is he?
- He's in here, kid.
[woman shrieks]
- What do you want?
- You're coming with us.
[woman screams]
- Shut up and stay still, lady!
You'll get a call telling you
when and where to
deliver the ransom.
Then you'll get
your husband back.
Careful with that!
[woman groaning]
[explosion booms]
What the fuck?
- It's fine, they're just
blowing the safe is all.
Let's go, we got
our own job to do.
- So we're leading Mr.
Williams out the door,
and I got the sick
feeling, Webster's dead.
Yin Yang, maybe he's dying
and it's all my fault.
I fucked everything up.
And then there was this thumpingand banging from the trunk,
and that's when things
got really fucked up.
- Give me your keys.
- What if he's got loose?
- Give me the fuckin' keys.
- What if he got loose?
- You got a fuckin' gun right?
Ah Christ.
You stupid, fat fuck.
Oh god, oh god.
Get that fuckin'
tape off him man.
Get it off!
- Back off!
- Get it off him!
Get it off him!
Get it off.
Fucking fat fuck!
Oh Christ!
He died on us.
Ah Christ!
[somber music]
We are fucking dead men.
You just killed us.
- Fuck I'm fucking done!
- You stupid fat fuck!
Shut up!
Stop fucking shit up!
[gun fires]
Ah Christ!
- Hey Danny.
[gun fires]
[Danny groaning]
[gun firing]
- [Danny] Frayerling
was the only one
that knew what he looked like.
- You want me to take
this man's place?
- That's the deal.
I'm sorry.
You go through with this,
and Emma can have my heart.
- What happens when they have to
return me to this man's family?
- That was never
part of the plan.
We get the ransom,
we kill Williams.
That's the way
Mr. Ryan wants it.
- If you're going
to kill Williams,
then why not take the body
and explain what happened?
- Ryan wants Williams alive.
He wants him to do
something for him.
- What?
- He wants him to make a video.
- [Alan] What?
- A deathbed testimonial.
A warning to anyone he wants
to put the fear of God into.
- Yes, but surely if
anybody sees the tape,
then they'll know
that I'm not Williams.
- That doesn't matter.
By then you'll be dead,
but my family will be safe.
Ryan's people have gotta believe
that everything's going to plan.
Frayerling's missing, but
I think I can explain that.
They gotta believe thateverything's run like clockwork,
or they're gonna kill us all.
In the morning,
they'll let us go.
- I have to die
in this man's place?
I can't trust you.
- Just ask yourself,
can you live with it
if you don't do this?
Are you strong enough to
go back to the hospital
and watch Emma slip away?
Because now, at the
back of your mind,
you'll always know that
you chose to save yourself.
I know it's a big risk,
but it's the only
shot she's gonna get.
Are you gonna take
that away from her?
Can you live with that?
If you say no, then
my options are up.
I'll pull the trigger.
- I have no choice do I?
You know I'd do anything
for your sister.
- If there was any other way--
- Save it.
Probably lying anyway.
- We got work to do.
- [Detective] You
agreed to this?
- What else could I do?
Emma's illness is the worstthing that ever happened to me.
I already failed
Danny as a father,
and didn't want to
do the same to Emma.
This was the only way I
could live with myself.
- [Detective] Can we
just get on with this?
- [Alan] Danny had
it all planned.
- You gotta put these on.
- What for?
- I told you, Lawrence
saw Frayerling and me
dragging him to the door.
They didn't see his face, but
they saw what he was wearing.
Now you put these on.
- I'd really rather not.
- [Danny] Come on, back inside.
- Where are you going?
Let me ask you a
question, Danny.
I have to have an answer.
What ever happened
to your mother?
- In 10 years, haven't
you once had an urge
to look in the phone book?
It's funny, you
know I knew exactly
where you lived before tonight.
Well, she died.
Truth is she stopped livin'
the second you took herdaughter without an explanation.
Come on, get changed.
[intense music]
He's in.
Come on, we're late.
- Here I am wearing
a dead man's clothes.
- You are a dead man.
We both are.
Everybody dies.
- Not Emma.
You and I die.
She gets her chance.
[dramatic music]
- Right.
Time to get you ready.
- Listen Danny,
I'm really sorry
for what happened.
If I could turn the
clocks back, then I would.
- You can't.
- I might not get another
chance to put this straight.
- Oh shut up.
In a few hours, you
can tell me in heaven.
[dramatic music]
- Where ya been?
Where's Frayerling?
- I told you, inside.
- [Young] Keys.
- [Alan] The man's
name was Young.
He was hired to collect Mr.
Ryan's share of the money
stolen from the safe.
He seemed pissed
about something.
[suspenseful music]
- Hello, Mr. Williams.
- They killed Yin Yang.
- He was dead already.
Get over it.
[man chuckles]
Where's the fat man?
- I shot him.
The fucker pulled a gun on
me, trying to take Williams--
- Don't you lie to me.
- I swear.
He waits 'til we're
in some country lane,
starts saying some
bullshit about a flat.
I know there's something wrong.
We pull over, and he
pulls a fucking gun on me.
Says he ain't gonna shoot
me 'cause he likes me,
but he wants to keep
the ransom for himself.
I'm like yeah, sure,
right, whatever.
I'm standing there.
[gun fires]
That's all she wrote.
[ominous music]
I mean I'm fucking tired.
I don't want to do
all that walking.
- Even Frayerling wouldn't be
dumb enough to cross Mr. Ryan.
- Oh and I would, right?
I made all this shit
up to get in with you?
- Mr. Ryan's not gonna
be happy about this.
He liked that porky bastard.
You know you think you know
somebody, you never do.
Oh shoot.
[percussive music]
- [Lee] Guess why I'm here.
- Brought those
little sandwiches.
[man chuckles]
- Mr. Ryan said if I don't
get a good explanation,
none of you get to see the
weekend, his words, not mine.
- I can explain.
- Be quiet.
- Kid here says he
killed Frayerling.
Says the fat man tried to get
off with Mr. Williams here.
I believe him.
We still got Mr. Williams.
- We ain't fucked that up yet.
- You better give
me an explanation
as to why Mr. Ryan
won't be collecting
his share of the safe money.
- Right.
- Inside, I'm cold.
[eerie music]
- [Alan] She knew.
- Do you have to do that?
- Shouldn't have been
any amateurs on this job.
- Mr. Ryan's decision.
New blood gets spilled,
it doesn't matter so much.
No offense.
Now I came for an
explanation, so explain.
- Right.
- Do you know who
planned this job?
I did, and it took
me three months
so I want an explanation
just as much as Mr. Ryan.
[gun fires]
- We followed your plan.
Frayerling and the
kid went for Williams.
Lawrence and I did the safe.
[intense music]
It was a really good idea
to put Lawrence in
charge of the explosives.
[explosion booms]
It was a fucking mess.
- Uh fellas?
This shit is empty.
- The safe was
supposed to be loaded.
- Well it wasn't.
It was empty.
Look, Mr. Ryan knows
I wouldn't cross him.
I've seen him do things,
things even I wouldn't do.
Now there's not a lot of
people I wouldn't fuck over,
but Mr. Ryan is one of them.
- Well you better hope
that he believes you.
- Mr. Williams,
there is something
I'd like you to do for me.
[Alan shouts]
Now, I'd like to be
civilized about this,
and I don't wanna make a mess.
So I'm going to ask
you politely, once,
to do this for me.
- You're gonna kill
me, aren't you?
- And I thought rich
people were stupid.
- Why should I do
what you want me to?
- Oh well because Mr. Williams,
there's dying
and then there's dying.
And the death I have
planned for you is painless.
Take a second.
But, plans can change.
- What do you want me to do?
- We're gonna make a video.
A memento of this occasion.
What I need you to do is
just read this card for me,
and don't get me in the shot
this time, you fucking idiot.
- All right, go.
- My name is
Robert Williams
and I'm going to
die here tonight.
My death should be a
lesson to others like me.
If you're watching this tape,
then it's a warning.
Do whatever they tell you to do,
or you'll end up where I am now.
My name is Robert Williams,
and my death is a
warning to all of you.
- Thank you, Mr. Williams.
You know, from what
I heard about you,
I thought you'd cry like a baby.
- You heard wrong.
Not like that.
- In a couple of hours,
I'm gonna get a call
to say they picked
up their ransom.
For all of your sakes you
better hope that his wife
comes up with the cash.
'Cause if Mr. Ryan
hears any more bad news,
you're all fucked.
- Mr. Ryan will get his ransom,
and we'll take care
of Mr. Williams here.
Hopefully we'll be able to
salvage part of this mess.
- I say we do it now.
- What if his wife
wants to talk to him?
- While we're waiting
for that phone call,
why don't we get some sleep?
Take Williams and
the boys upstairs.
The rest of you
find beds down here.
- That's a good idea.
Hey boys, you want me to
read you a bedtime story?
- Fuck you.
- Well if it'll help you sleep.
[man laughs]
- Come on.
[man grunts]
- [Alan] It was so
weird, but at this point
I really did want to sleep.
I was so tired.
As it turned out, I didn't
get any sleep at all.
[door creaks]
- Yo D, I can't take
this shit no more, man.
Let's get the fuck
outta here, come on.
- Come back.
- Get off me D!
- Come back.
- Get the fuck off me man!
What's wrong?
- We can't go, Valentine.
We can't run.
- That's the only way
we're gonna survive.
You didn't see what these
motherfuckers did to Yin Yang.
- Hey.
Look at this.
He's still alive.
- No, wait!
[Valentine screams]
[gun fires]
We're in over our heads, D.
[Danny groans]
What the fuck happened to you?
- Frayerling shot me.
If Hellman finds out, then
I'll end up next to Yin Yang.
- That's why we gotta
get the fuck outta here.
These people are psychos, andwe don't belong with them man.
They don't give a fuck.
- You think I wanna be here?
I came back here for you.
If we run now, then
Mr. Ryan will find us.
We won't last a fucking day,Valentine, not a fucking day.
- What the fuck are we gonna do?
- I came here for you.
And I know you don't
know what's going on,
but if you follow my lead,
I can get us outta this.
Come on.
Come on.
[somber music]
- I know.
I know he's not Williams.
Part of planning the kidnapping
meant getting to know
Mr. Williams very well.
And he is not Mr. Williams.
- [Danny] Why didn't
you tell the others?
- No offense, but you don't
have the balls or the brains
to pull a switch on Mr.
Ryan all by yourself.
Double crossing is my specialty,
and I am dying to know
how this one works out.
- [Danny] If I don't tell you?
- Then I'll wake up Hellman
and I'll get him
to do the asking.
He's so much better
at it than I am.
Either way you'll tell me.
How many fingers you end
up with is up to you.
- First you let
Valentine go back to bed.
He don't know
nothing about this.
I wanna keep it that way.
Go on, it's okay.
I'll straighten this out.
The less you know, the better.
How do I know what I tell
you stays in this room?
You work for Mr. Ryan, right?
You're loyal to him.
- My loyalties are only to me.
What Mr. Ryan doesn't
know can't hurt us.
Mr. Ryan is a very ruthless man,
but he's not terribly clever.
Look schoolboy, I got a
bank account full of money
that he never even knew was his.
I ripped off the safe.
Like any man, Williams
was predictable.
Getting what I wanted
was just a matter
of stroking him the right way.
[suspenseful music]
[lock clicks]
Hello money.
The money's outside in
the trunk of my car.
Go check for yourself.
- Don't worry, I believe you.
- [Lee] Now how does
this scheme work?
- We needed a
Williams for Hellman.
He had to be alive, or
Hellman would smell a rat.
- So you needed
someone willing to say
they were Williams
right up until the end?
How the hell did you find
someone willing to do that?
- You ain't gonna believe this,
but that's my dad.
- That's what I'd call
unconditional love.
You oughta be committed.
You would have your
own father executed
just to pull this off?
Jesus Christ, you're gonna be
another Mr. Ryan in 10 years.
- You got that wrong.
The whole idea was Frayerling's.
I know it, the guy comes onlike some stupid harmless oaf,
but that's just
part of his genius.
That fucker makes Mr. Ryan looklike a kindergarten teacher.
- So Frayerling's still alive?
- Yep.
And so is Williams.
- I think we deserve a
drink, don't you huh?
[Williams chuckles]
Did you see my wife's face?
And her pathetic whimpering
when you hauled my
ass out of the room?
- Get changed.
- Right.
- The only reason I'm still
here is for Valentine.
Mr. Ryan finds out
my dad's a fraud,
Valentine's a dead man.
- I'm fucking
touched, I really am.
So does Frayerling
have Williams still?
- Not quite.
Frayerling's smart, but
he ain't running the show.
- Then who is?
- Robert Williams.
He's the mastermind
behind his own kidnapping.
He's been looking to
disappear for years now.
Tax problems, bad
debts, hates his wife.
Frayerling goes to
Ryan with the idea.
- So I have spent months
setting this guy up
and he has been setting
me up all along?
- And if Ryan ever finds outthat he's killed the wrong guy,
Williams has vanished.
Rich, free, and single.
- Hold it a minute.
What happened?
- [Danny] Aw, you
sound like you care.
- Of course I do.
Now tell me what happened.
- I was gettin' to that.
- You got a half hour
to drive to your dad's.
Better get going.
- Where's the fake blood?
- Change of plans.
Just in case your father isn't
quite as stupid as you are.
[ominous music]
[gun fires]
[Danny groans]
- Christ, you've killed me!
- Had to make it look real.
You're hurt, but
you ain't gonna die.
Now deal with it.
If you run now,
go to a hospital,
your friend Valentine is
gonna spend his final hours
being dragged to
death behind my car.
You understand me boy?
- Painkillers.
Now go and carry out the plan.
Get yourself to this address.
We'll be waiting.
So will the doctor.
I'll have your money, all of it.
Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- [Frayerling] Good.
- [Lee] Charming
friends you have.
- Yeah, nobody said
they were my friends.
- Do you have any idea
what Hellman would do
if I told him about
your little story?
- Yeah, and with my dying breath
I would reveal the
contents of your car.
So can we quit it with
the scare tactics?
All you gotta do is hold tight,
and let this go down.
Then I tell you how
Williams is holed up.
I'm sure blackmail is
in your bag of tricks.
- You got a deal.
- I'm gonna stay here,
make my peace with my dad.
- Sure you're gonna be able
to go through with this?
You know you can't
pull out now, kid.
- Yeah.
- That's right, that
can't fucking happen
or we're all dead.
[door creaks]
- You mick bastard!
Why'd you lie to me?
- Don't be so
fucking stupid, Dad!
- Why'd you lie?
- That was bullshit.
It was bullshit on the fly.
I walk into the room,
some psycho bitch is
pointing a fucking gun at me.
Now we're partners,
and she's gone.
Frayerling and
Williams are dead.
They're in a ditch off a countryroad, like I said, I swear.
Now you help me save Valentine,
and I'll help you save Emma.
Like I promised.
- You don't understand,
do you Danny?
You think I'm only
here for Emma.
No, I'm here for
you just as much.
I was a worthless father to you,
and I've been wrestling
with that for years.
Since I was watching Emma,
dying, in front of me.
Helpless to do anything.
And now,
you're in danger.
I can help you.
And I will.
No regrets.
I was so drunk that night.
And I really think that
had I been sober, I think Iwould not have reacted that way.
- Bullshit.
You always treated me like
a worthless piece of shit.
I was the family fuck up, and
Emma was your little princess.
- I know, Danny.
Look, I certainly was
out of order that night,
and I wanted to relive that
night a thousand times.
- Yeah, well you beat
the shit outta me.
I was in more trouble
than I could handle,
and you beat the shit outta me.
But that's okay, you know
that's all right 'cause
bruises heal, but you
know what I can't forget?
You know what I can't forgive?
Was the way you left.
Me and Mom, you just ditched us.
Not a phone call, not a letter,
not a postcard.
What stopped you from calling me
in the last eight years?
[emotional music]
- Nothing.
To tell you the truth,
I was hoping that you
would offer me redemption.
- Oh Christ.
Oh Christ, you really mean that.
- I love you, Danny.
- I can't do this.
I can't go through with this.
- You have to.
- I can't do this.
- You have to, son.
Son, you have to.
[door creaks]
It wasn't until then that
the realization hit me
that I really was going to die.
I'd been too distracted
by the guns and lies
to really think about it before.
For the first time, I
became really frightened.
[intense music]
[phone rings]
[bell tolls]
- Killing time.
[ominous music]
- We got the ransom.
If you have any last words
I'd suggest you say them now.
[emotional music]
- Remember what I told you.
- That was deep.
What's that supposed to mean?
- It's private.
- Well if you're
not going to share,
then you do the honors.
[emotional music]
- Get it over with.
- I can't.
- What?
- I don't feel like doing this.
- You don't feel like it?
Can you believe this?
You know Mr. Ryan oughta
have his head examined,
bringing guys like
this in on his job.
I'll show you how you do it.
[gun cocks]
- No!
[gun fires]
[Hellman groans]
[gun fires]
- Stupid fuck.
- Don't move fucker!
- Drop the gun, bitch!
- Fuck you, Lurch.
What the fuck is goin' on, D?
[Hellman groans]
[suspenseful music]
[gun fires]
- No don't shoot!
- What the fuck is going on?
- I know where the
money from the safe is!
- He's fucking lying!
- I know where it is!
- Shut up!
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[dramatic music]
- Say goodnight, Mr. Williams.
- He's not Mr. Williams!
He's my dad.
We still got the real Williams.
Me and Frayerling still got him,
and I know where the
money from the safe is.
Let us go.
You can have the fucking lot.
No more chump change,
fuck Mr. Ryan.
- Lead the way.
[sultry jazz music]
Hey what are you doing?
Come on!
Hurry the fuck up!
Do him and him.
Danny can take us to Frayerling.
- You kill them, I ain't
taking you anywhere.
Take the money and let us go.
- Young, do his boyfriend.
- Oh fuck.
[ominous music]
- Mr. Ryan.
- Shut up.
Lot of money to find
in an empty safe.
I want to talk to Hellman.
- He's dead, shot
himself, kinda.
And Lee is dead too.
- Why is he still here?
- He ain't Mr. Williams.
He's his dad!
- I see.
[Ryan laughs]
It'd be fair to say this
isn't your best work.
- [Lawrence] Yes, Mr. Ryan.
- [Ryan] Well I'm
glad we agree on that.
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
[intense music]
- [Danny] Valentine!
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
[glass tinkles]
[men grunting]
[gun firing]
[engine sputters]
- Fuck my luck.
[gun firing]
- No!
- Valentine!
[gun fires]
- [Alan] Danny!
[Danny groaning, coughing]
[gun fires]
[guns firing]
[engine sputters]
- I can't feel my legs.
- Don't worry about it.
[gun fires]
[engine sputters]
Say goodnight, son.
[gun fires]
[gun firing]
[engine revs]
- We gotta go back
for Valentine.
- We can't.
[ominous music]
- I'm dying anyway.
[eerie music]
- You have no idea
how much excitement
the death of Mr. Ryan
has caused this morning.
- I really don't care.
- [Detective] What
happened next?
- I found out the truth.
Let me see.
- Get yourself to this
address, we'll be waiting
and so will the doctor.
And we'll have your
money, all of it.
- You told that woman the truth.
- That's right.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Frayerling told me about
Williams and what he needed.
I planned the whole thing.
- It was your idea
to involve me.
- Yeah.
It was the only way
I could think of.
Williams is offering
so much money.
So much money.
- And you wanted
to get back at me, didn't you?
- For Mom.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Don't, Daddy.
- Now it all seems a lot
less simple, doesn't it?
In the end, you couldn't
go through with it.
- I saw you crying.
I ain't never seen you do that.
That's when I understood.
- Understood what?
- That whatever happens,
you're still my dad.
- Maybe this time he
was telling the truth.
Then I remembered, the address.
Danny had said there'd
be a doctor waiting,
and a bag full of money I
knew I could use to help Emma.
At the time it seemed so clear,
that maybe I could
save both my children.
Maybe none of us
would have to die.
- [Robert] 631, you
transfer the money.
Now what the fuck you
think I'm paying you for?
Close out the account.
All right, thank you.
All right, here
comes our loose end.
- [Frayerling] Ah.
- [Alan] There's supposed
to be a doctor here.
- Shouldn't you be dead?
- He couldn't go
through with it.
[Robert sighs]
I have a daughter to save.
I need Danny's money.
I think I've earned it.
- Well, no complaints here.
I can't imagine who
would deserve it more.
Go ahead.
[gun fires]
[dramatic music]
You want us to save
your daughter, right?
He dies, she lives?
- Yeah.
- [Robert] Come on, we
got a delivery to make.
- I'm sorry, son.
I'm sorry.
- Well, your son might be a
lying, cheatin' piece of shit,
but at least he's
got a good heart, hm?
[Robert chuckles]
[Alan chuckles]
- [Frayerling] One
more pop for daddio.
- No no, why draw attention?
Let's go.
[Alan laughing]
[somber jazz music]
[gun fires]
- [Detective] You say
you heard shots fired.
- I did yeah.
[gun firing]
Two, maybe three.
Can't really remember,
was only half there.
- Let's go.
[emotional music]
- Here's our missing man.
So why didn't Danny
take the money?
[Danny panting]
- I am here for my sister.
[gentle music]
Would you like
Hey now
What you're
trying to tell me
You talk about
The things you change
Just call us up
But in our day
Love has to die
It's flickered and dark
Down in the way
Do your spite
And are here
I saw her flailing
But we
Are here in all
And saw her grass
Like the longest days
How you can stretch
Along her grave
When you call
Me yours
Long time you may