Nickel Boys (2024) Movie Script
Mom, did you see El?
He is back,
looking like he fell.
Damn, Evelyn.
Are you going to expose everything?
Gin is gin.
You know that Percy can't
Count and drink at the same time.
Are you very tired, Percy?
After this next defeat,
I will have to listen
You talk about the whole way to Cali.
No, look, she knows
that is not driving.
She is already complaining.
You know what I'm
saying? She ... look.
She knows she's not
Driving, she is already complaining.
What you need to do is
Put that boy in bed.
No, what you need
To do is take care of your life
And receive what is coming to you.
What is coming to me?
Okay, Elwood.
Go down now.
I will get what
It's coming to me.
I will clean, Mom.
Come back and help me
Winning, Evelyn.
Did you hear?
I said you would wash
The dishes, mom.
At least leave the child
Knowing you are leaving.
Hello Elwood.
Oh, I'm doing a
Elwood bed sandwich.
Ah, Elwood.
Honey, I'm not going anywhere.
I don't go anywhere.
Come here. He comes!
Nana is not going anywhere.
Come here.
Hattie, you don't look like mod.
No one will call her a grandmother.
I would be happy to have a grandson
to carry my purchases.
You created a
Great boy, Hattie.
Well, Elwood doesn't
I needed a lot of correction.
He spends more time reading
than anything else.
You heard of everything
Is it happening in Selma?
Mr. Parker telling us
not to talk
on matters
politicians 24 hours a day.
Said: This has nothing
to do with you all .
Hell, no.
As long as we are
Working, I don't see
how this will make a difference.
And we work hard too.
Well, Jim Crow simply
It won't escape your wicked self.
More difficult
May the moment ...
Yes sir.
As frustrating as it is
Time, it won't be long.
- No, sir.
Because the truth crushed in
Earth - will resurface.
- Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- Yes sir.
Because no lie
You can live forever.
Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- How long?
Because you will reap what you plant.
Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- How long?
The first thing
do in my class will be
all the latest epithets
of white young people, who
They are quite imaginative.
Mr. Hill, you are a
Liberty Knight?
This is how you got it
That scar in the eye?
The white man hit me
with a wheel key.
Where did you come from?
Two of the 850 pounds satellites
orbited the moon, photographing and
mapping vast areas, sometimes
scanning up to 40 kilometers
above the surface.
Here are some of the photos.
Images that help determine the
height and slope of the mountains
lunar and the depth of the craters.
These remarkable views
Show the co -person crater.
Photos also from the back of the moon.
And a view of the earth at 380
A thousand kilometers away.
- Mr. Marconi?
- Yes.
Meet you, Lord.
- Ah, thanks.
- I heard a lot about you.
Oh well.
I'm, ah ... I'm
Looking for Elwood.
- I'm his teacher.
- Oh. Uh ...
Right there.
- Mr. Hill. - Mr.
Don't worry. Good news.
You know that college
of color south of Tallahassee?
Melvin Griggs Technical School?
They just opened courses
For teaching students
medium with high performance.
And I thought of you right away.
That looks great, Mr. Hill.
But I ... I think
We have no money
Pay for classes like this.
Oh. Well, that's it.
They are free.
They are?
In this fall, at least.
So the news
spread throughout the community.
Imagine a didactic book
with nothing to scratch.
Here it is, sir.
We pass through the Express Way
going to the airport in Atlanta,
We go through what is known as Funtown.
-I didn't want to ...
I have to tell my little daughter
that she couldn't go to Funtown
because of the color of your skin.
To make us feel
that we do not count.
We must believe in our
souls that we are someone,
that we are significant ...
that we are worthy,
and we must walk
Streets of Life every day
With this sense of dignity
And that feeling of someone.
By the ninth day in a row,
those students
continued their protests
against segregation and ...
You cannot separate us.
Mr. Hill said
that you could come.
We are organizing bail.
Can we count on you, Elwood?
I can give half of my salary.
I'll be back next week.
Glad you felt the
need to get up.
Well, it was a good
of his photograph at least.
Now you are not proud
of your Elwood for standing out.
Of course I'm
proud that he is there.
Your mother too
It would be proud of him.
Yes, she came back now, she
would not recognize your child.
This theater displayed The Ugly
American and Invaders from Mars.
Everyone in the County
de Leon went crazy?
It's okay, yes, I'll tell him.
- Goodbye. - All good. Goodbye.
Nana, next time I want
Civil disobedience.
I love you, El.
I love you too, Nan.
- Are you hungry?
- I am not well.
-Set the valley -God knows I know
Every Son of God has the guarantee
There will be peace in the David Valley
said: "Although I walk
by the valley in the shadow of death
I will not fear any
badly "now, I can imagine
I hear another soldier
with battle scars ...
Enter the car!
Okay, I'm going.
All good.
Let's go.
Stay quiet.
Although I walk through the Valley of
shadow of death,
I won't fear any harm.
For you are with me.
Your stick and your staff comfort me ...
- Going north?
- Huh?
Where did you go?
Melvin Griggs Technical College.
I never heard of it.
Let's go.
There it is. Let's go.
This thing always
It causes me problems.
Oh, yes, we go.
What is your name, man?
Elwood Curtis, Lord.
I like that.
Do you like my wheels?
I just got them.
I went to New York
To see my lady.
You are not, but what?
Fifteen, for its appearance.
Is it already a college student?
Almost 17, sir.
Still and all young.
Leaving our race proud, boy.
When I was his age, I was
Working in a catfish factory.
Hey, children, deliver
your bulletins for a
free admission in
Funtown this vacation season.
Take a walk on the wheel
Giant,-The Tilt-a-Whirl ...
- Damn. What is that?
Don't look back.
- Be cool.
- Try your throwing skills against the father ...
- huh?
..In Goofy Golf.
You don't know me, do you?
I mean, we just met.
I will tell them that.
Keep your eyes low.
Don't look back.
What do you mean?
Let me deal with it.
Well, look here.
The first thing I thought
When they said to be
Eye on an emerald turquoise
Impala ...
Just a fright ...
would steal that.
The boy was walking.
He was walking.
The man simply stopped
and offered him a ride.
He just ... he just ...
He simply got into the wrong car.
There has to be something we can do.
Why? Why?
Why a boy of age
his going to college ...
So is that it?
And that?
Act out of your station ...
And you will pay.
White woman ...
accused my father ...
On the way home ...
of your second job ...
My great, cheerful daddy.
I saw you.
I waved to you ...
across the street
On my path from school home.
White woman says ...
"He didn't leave my way."
Two days later,
Still waiting for the judge,
hanged in your cell.
God was the judge that day.
Sir, I didn't get
Nothing but my portion.
White man teaches you
no longer accept
crumbs of what he gives you.
No. I paid.
My father paid.
My Monty paid,
protecting others from paying.
Percy paid when he got home.
The army does not protect
You here, dear.
Because your portion ...
It is pain.
But not my Elwood.
Not my Elwood.
I'll be back soon.
You saw what Mr.
Hill brought you?
Isn't it cool?
Come on, feel with Nana.
Eat a cake.
This is a repetition
For you, my young man?
No, sir.
You two are sitting next door
from a good-faith car thief.
It's gone ...
For Kentucky as
It's gone ...
What I mean ...
Sam for a long time in Bowlin 'Green
Shut up, did you hear me? Shut up!
It's gone ...
Did you hear what I said?
I said shut up!
Isn't he lucky?
Shut up, yes?
It's gone ...
For Kentucky
It's gone
It looks alive back there.
Here we are.
Welcome to Nickel
Academy, boys.
Old nickel.
All good.
You both, let's go.
You stay there.
Now let's go.
- Good morning, Dan.
- Hello, Joo.
It's always good to see you.
- I have two for you.
- Rust never sleep.
- Hey, how are you?
- swell.
Okay, if you don't care
in sharing a seat next to ...
All good.
Let's go.
When Trevor Nickel
passed the baton to
the current director,
Harde, he created
These four categories
of behavior here.
You start as GRUB,
advances to Explorer,
Then Pioneer and finally Ace.
Uh, win merits acting
correctly and you
will rise on this stairs.
Reach the most
high, ace, you form and can
go home
and for your family.
If they want you.
This is among you.
Now an ace hears the
men of the house and your father.
And do your work
without dodging or pretending.
And he is dedicated to studies.
An ace does not make violence.
He doesn't curse, no
blasphemma doesn't even act.
He works to reform
from birth to sunset.
It depends on you how much
Time you spend here with us.
We don't ...
We don't play with idiots.
You mess up and us
We have a place for you.
And you won't like it.
I will take care of it personally.
It's you there.
Desmond, show you how it works.
Yes, sir, Mr. Blakeley.
You know when to say,
"Yes, sir," which is always.
- Chicinha.
- You'll be fine.
Chickie Pete.
Don't think I won't
keep an eye on you.
Well, then ...
Brian already has $ 1.50.
On Tuesday, he
Won, uh, 50 cents.
And finally, on Wednesday,
He earned a dollar.
How much does he have so far?
He broke!
Zero, ten.
You carry that.
You carry that one, see?
Ok, here it is. Here you go.
Oh my God.
- Cool.
- Jaime!
We can play soccer.
- Jaime!
- They do.
It looks good, ladies.
Is this boy in trouble?
He is kind of Mexican.
They don't know that
Side of nickel put it.
What is that?
What is that?
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
You have two minutes.
You won't want it anymore.
Hey, return the soap to him.
Hey, stop it now!
All good,
This is enough now.
I said it's enough.
Hey, move, move.
Stop it!
Big children cannot
sit at the table of young children.
You eat that porridge
oatmeal as your mother did.
I've never seen someone eat
This food like that.
As if they liked it.
I played a lot of cinnamon in it.
I'm Turner.
I am Elwood.
From Tallahassee.
French city.
French city.
French city.
I don't know why you
It's talking so loudly.
You know they are
With an eye on you this week.
I am from Houston.
This is a real city right there.
None of this country shit
that you are doing here.
Hey, thanks for that.
I didn't do any shit.
You eat that porridge
oatmeal as your mother did.
Someone eat this food like that.
As if they liked it.
I played a lot of cinnamon in it.
I'm Turner.
I am Elwood.
From Tallahassee.
French city.
French city.
French city.
I don't know why
You speak so loud.
You know they are
With an eye on you this week.
I am from Houston.
This is a real city.
None of this country shit
that you are doing here.
Thank you for that.
I didn't do any shit.
This is not a good omen.
I can't avoid, we don't have
All cans of beans he asks for.
Uh, five?
Ah, ten. For stress.
I received my warning of
recruitment this morning.
You are lucky to be in nickel.
Will you miss your girl?
Do we have molasses there?
The next steakhouse.
- Boss.
- Hey, don't hurt them.
Hello, El.
Start with those who
They are at the bottom.
Fill the baskets near
trees and take them to the truck.
And that.
You work
on this side of the line.
What are you going to do, um?
Hey! Leave it alone!
Oh shit.
To fight!
Damn, Mike, why did you have
What to hit him so hard?
Back up.
Aren't you the new boy?
He started.
I don't care who was the
guilty, who started or why.
Mr. Spencer will take care of it.
Dead man walking.
Man, he doesn't even know.
He will learn today.
Come on, boy.
Let's go.
All good.
Here we go.
Let's go.
All good. Let's get up.
You know the procedure.
I thought you were already
Fed up after the last time.
Pissed again.
I'll wait ... and ...
Stay ... Be quiet.
I go...
Wait and ...
Shut up, idiot.
Okay, Corey, let's go.
Let's go.
Elwood Curtis.
Cling to
handrail and do not release.
Do not make noise.
Or you will get more.
Elwood, dear, blink.
Who will separate us
of the love of Christ?
"The tribulation, or anguish ..."
"or persecution ..."
"As it is written, for your
Cause we are dead all day.
We are considered
sheep for the slaughterhouse .
"No, in all these
things are more than
winners, through
of the one who loved us .
I am convinced that
neither death nor life,
neither angels nor principalities,
no powers,
no things present,
Not even things to come,
Neither height nor ... "
Young, you know, uh,
A student named Elwood Curtis?
Yes I want.
Thank God.
They told me that he
cannot receive visits.
I ended up ...
Could you please?
Yes, ma'am.
I came here.
It's a crime they don't
Let me see you.
It is a crime.
What kind of place
This is what I ...
They don't let me see him.
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
- Ah.
I thank.
What is your name?
Yeah ... it's Turner, ma'am.
Well, I'm happy to power
Trust someone around here, Turner.
When it was the last time
Did you have family come to visit you?
Uh ... um ...
- You know, they don't ...
- You know...
I came here ...
And I can't hug Elwood.
So I think you will have to do it.
What are they feeding you?
You can't give a
Hug greater than this? You...
I'll remember that next time.
Embrace me again.
What are they feeding you?
You can't give a
Hug greater than this?
I'll wait for it from
Next time, Turner.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll see if Elwood gets that.
Thank you, son.
How are you
Leaving here, hero?
What do you think of that wizard?
Come here with your head
cut and he will give you an aspirin.
Come here, head
cut, both arms,
The two legs cut ...
..and that damn
Wizard will say:
"Do you want a pill or two?"
How did you come in here?
I ate some powder soap.
I have stomach pain
For a whole day off.
Or two.
I know how to sell it.
Man, you are not worried
May they know that you are pretending?
Dude, I'm not pretending.
This powdered soap is horrible.
But I choose.
No one else.
Go look.
See who it is.
Ask what's wrong with him.
Man, I'm not
Asking anything to anyone.
Damn, you don't know.
Go back there to take a look, maybe
You have to change places with him.
- As in a ghost story.
Where is Dr. Cooke?
I need to talk to him.
I think he's
in a pause to smoke.
All good.
Tell him that I'm looking for
for him. I'll be back later.
I was never sent to
The White House first.
I took a slap on
Dude for smoking once.
Do they do this to everyone?
Man, you already had luck.
Sometimes they play
You in hell.
Sweat box on the eave
That tar roof?
Sweat your soul out of you.
They take you,
We'll never see your ass again.
Parents ask
school what happened,
And they just say you've run away.
I will show you someday.
Show something that
It is not in the books.
Where it is.
Hill of the boot.
See, the problem is, Elwood,
You didn't know how it works.
You wanted to do some
Lone Ranger shit.
Run and save a boy.
And they expelled
Corey for a long time.
Mike and they play hard.
This is how they do it.
I used to think outside
It was out there,
And when you are here,
You are here.
But now that I left,
And I was brought back,
I know.
Outside, here, it's the same thing.
Here, no one
You need to pretend more.
If everyone looks
to the other side,
So everyone is involved in this.
If I look the other way,
I am as implicated as the rest.
It's not as it should be.
No one cares
with the "should"
The correction has always existed.
The game is fraudulent.
This is what I am telling you.
It is not like in the old days.
We can defend ourselves.
Dude, this shit hardly works outside.
What do you think this will do here?
You say that because you don't have
No one out there defending you.
I have my grandmother.
I have a lawyer.
When it was the last time
What did you hear about them?
You have to observe how people act.
What they do.
And then try to find out how
circumvent them, like an obstacle track.
I mean, if
You want to get out of here.
Get out of here.
Because no one
It will get you out of here.
Not your grandmother.
Not your lawyer.
Only you.
Give me $ 40 ... $ 40 ...
This will pay you. Do
again. Do it again.
To attend. Check it out.
Check it out. See the ball.
What are you going to play then?
The ball, the ball, the
ball. Find it, which one?
Give me $ 40.
Hey! OK. OK.
- See.
- Forty.
An ace.
He hears the men from the house and the father of the house.
He does his job
without dodging or pretending.
And he is dedicated to studies.
It does not make violence.
He doesn't curse, no
blasphemma, continue.
Why are you doing this?
He works from birth to
sunset to reform.
Now, when Trevor Nickel passed the baton
For our current director, Hardee, he created
These four levels of behavior here.
You start here as a grub.
You get to Explorer,
then to pioneer ...
And finally, Ace.
Get merit for good behavior
And you will rise on this stairs.
You reach the classification
higher and then forms.
And you can go back to
home, for their families.
If they want you.
But this is among you.
I'm not afraid of you.
My aunt Mavis
guaranteed that I had
beautiful clothes for
school and three meals.
A guy at the airport of
Houston started to go out with her.
He taught me to box.
The day I
I put between Aunt Mavis and
With the fist, he
He took ice cream.
"Bring this boy the
Greater sundae you have. "
Each bite was like
One more punch in the mouth.
I don't think
I would like them to visit me.
I don't know how I would feel
My parents showed up here.
Hey, beware!
They know I hate
this shit. Fuck you!
You know you miss it.
Hello Turner!
I have to keep them alert.
I don't want to hear anything
About your itching on the skin,
You have bubbles,
It's very hot.
You need to increase
The count, otherwise they will say ...
- Blakeley.
I'm not working
Hard enough.
Mr. Blakeley.
Mr. Blakeley, Lord,
Elwood was transferred.
Rectablished? According to Who?
Ah, ah ... Harper.
Mr. Harper, sir.
You know, we need
of an extra pair of hands.
Well, we also need
With extra hands, son.
So, can we take it?
You keep your nose clean.
Yes sir.
Well, we lower our hand.
But, boys,
This can stop anything.
Turner here says you don't
It is an idiot of math and
You know how to keep your mouth closed.
What are we doing?
Sometimes the state gives us
more than we need.
So we passed on.
For a small rate.
Community service.
In the old days it was much worse,
so my aunt says, but the
They kept sniffing.
Now we just stop
Side the things of the southern campus.
You mean things
of black students.
We had a good boy,
that drove to Nickel, Roberts.
He would have sold the air that
You breathe if you could.
This was a real bandit.
It had to end somewhere.
It's better than working
The fields, if you ask me.
It's better than being
mutilated on a machine.
A bad penny?
You keep your nose clean.
May I smell it
in it in the morning. Phew.
Keep your nose clean.
Keep your nose clean.
Enough reasons to drink here.
Do you think he came here?
They say his name
It's in the sweat box.
Well, this is so exciting.
Thank you, Mrs. Harde.
You, boys, are so cool
To come to help today.
Ah, I almost forgot,
I have a box of books for
donate to the nickel library.
Yes, we can help with that.
The box is in the garage.
It's trollope, and Austen and Dickens,
And people with names like that.
Well, ta-to.
It used to be worse here.
It used to be, when you graduated,
You didn't go back to
your family. Jizze green
You just obtained parole.
And they sold your ass
for the people of the city.
I had to work to
pay your debt. Rebe
What debt of what?
I never thought that.
This can be a job
Three days if we do it right.
We cultivate the garden
And we got her house.
Shit, it can even adopt
Our black ass.
Well, you don't. You have family.
I would say "yes", for
A chance of Nickel.
This is not freedom.
I mean, you know
Director Harde and his wife
should not use us father
as if we were slaves.
Man, all those
faces of the paint in
PAINT School Board
send us to do tasks.
Sometimes they are favors, use
PA, sometimes it is for real money.
And it is against the law.
The law is one thing.
You can march
and shake posters if
convince a number
enough whites.
I saw painting those
In Tampause Paint I saw those
college students in lid with their beautiful
Paint shirts and ties
sitting on Woolworths.
I had to work, but
They were there protesting.
And it happened.
They opened that counter, but,
I mean, I didn't have the money
To eat there anyway.
I have to change the economy
Father for all this too.
My grandmother hired me
That lawyer, man.
Make a movement there first.
The courts play so much with
white as with black.
They just transport us
When they are ready.
So we have to
Be like Knights.
How many people do you know?
There are four
ways to leave nickel.
Fulfill your time or age.
The Court may intervene,
If you believe in miracles.
You could die.
They could kill you.
You could run.
Only four ways to get out of nickel.
Home painting
An hour late.
Once, I sat down to
Dinner at that guard's house.
Roast beef.
His wife made an angel food cake.
I was in the scouts with their children.
He taught us how to make fire.
Take it seriously ...
What is it about?
A British mother is trying
Marry your daughter
older so that
They can maintain
your goods and titles.
No one wants to marry her?
Is she ugly?
It is described as
Having a beautiful face.
I know my mother loved me.
She simply loved
More alcoholic beverages.
Whether you love me or not,
I want you to know
You can use
The steps here, if
You don't know how to swim like your friend.
Things will warm up.
Take off the overalls.
I would like
You stay here.
Who can say that I hope you do it
And if you arrive a day in
that you are satisfied
Now go and wait for remembering yet
I would like you to stay here
Stay around
I found a girl a
Since I said she would be mine
Fun every night
And my life was divine
Until a guy appeared
that had more than me
So she changed
Idea and I had to be ...
Chickie Pete.
There it is.
I have not seen you
Lately, Elwood.
Have you kept your nose clean?
Yes, sir, Mr. Blakeley.
You know, you can have ..
Great dreams and
large projects for you.
But if God says
that you should
being sweeping streets,
You sweep the streets,
like Michelangelo
He painted the chapel.
This is Dr.
Grandma, how are you?
She says she visited,
But they don't
They let her see me.
He is sick and not
You can receive visits.
"What's wrong with him?"
"As the hell I
Should you know, ma'am? "
How can they do this?
Am I sick?
Scientist, engineer,
Astronaut the world.
All followed the progress of Apollo 8.
For this there was preparation.
An advanced beater marking the
Way to those who would follow.
Those who would orbb.
Those who would land,
would sail, track,
They would observe, record, describe.
The bones would break
before they let go.
They grew up in
Heart of the forest.
No matter who you are - or
Where do you want to go ...
the new models
1976 hatchback
Provide the maximum in
Style, comfort and practicality.
And for a limited time, in all
New York dealers,
Get discounts on
Money of up to $ 500.
Now, award -winning sedan models what ...
Do you hear me out there?
A rat runs through
My feet, and I shouted.
- It was me.
- Oh!
Denise Hather, with fear
of a small rodent?
Silence. It was big like a dog.
He barked like one too.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Maybe it was a dog.
Look here.
I found one.
- And that?
- Yes, that's it.
'67 Econoline.
Need a new finish,
But the guys of
125 owe me one.
I can complement the works
from Horizon with my own work.
Bring Larry. Let's go.
You think you can
Count on Larry?
Larry, complain about this
It's so reliable
As for US steel.
If there is one thing he will do,
It's work.
Well, that's great, El.
It's happening.
How are you going to call it?
I don't know.
Something easy to find
on the yellow pages.
- This has rum.
- Ah, God bless.
It also brought some sandwiches to us.
- Can you turn on the TV?
- Hum-hmm.
Come on, let's go.
Pineville. Let's go to Pineville.
It started.
South of Pineville. I don't go south.
I knew a girl in Pineville.
If it is still there, we will be bankrupt.
-Now, let's go. -And then?
"You're married to me now."
- "And here is the ring."
- What?
Get out of my foot, I'm not married to you.
Now, what does I care about? Let's go!
- You're married to me, okay, Joker.
- Now here is the ring ...
"You better be careful - what you say, El."
- Um.
I would marry Sidney Poitier.
- Oh yes?
I believe it.
Come get Terebintina every day.
Get out of the west, enter the swamp,
crossing the line, towards
to the painters in northern Ohio.
Now we try to get that train.
My mother's clock.
A deck of marked cards.
My father's purple heart.
He threw away.
It seems that I lost control.
Uh, my big nail.
Is that all you have?
I really don't have
No more nothing to lose.
This makes you
A dangerous mother ...
Tradition dates back to 40 years.
If you hear the
Birds singing ...
Let's get in here.
You have to understand.
Sometimes for the
your biggest good, you
Need to do a little
of bad. This is Shakespeare.
Sometimes a branch
You have to double.
Not to let go of the tree.
Sometimes good spirit
Let the other team win.
I suppose it is right, Mr.
Okay, you are ...
You are not receiving me
Clearly here, Griff.
You will have to
dive into the third round.
Do you mean giving up the fight?
Lose, sir?
That's right. Third round.
Am I contacting you now?
- Did you hear me?
- Yes. Yes, sir.
- Did you hear me now?
- Yes, sir, Mr. Spencer.
All is well then.
Now you know you can beat you.
So it will have
that is enough.
Spirit of the time
Donations, Griff.
Good boy. Let's go.
Well, this is not shit.
Don't people bet on that?
Every year.
Man, this game unites us
365 full days
of humiliations.
I'm dreaming
Dreaming of a white
White Christmas, Personal
Just like the one who
I used to know
Dear, this is where the trees are
Tree Cups Shine
Tiny, little children
They try to hear
To hear
Before the sledrous bells
Who are playing in the snow ...
The first Christmas
It is the hardest.
That's right!
Come on, Griff!
Chet! Chet! Chet!
Cracker looks like
with Frankenstein.
Square head.
Look at these arms, man.
These things are pistons.
Smoked hamters.
Take it to dinner now,
Take it, big chet!
See Griff's posture.
If I had all
this respect ...
When it will be next time,
fools that hate and fear you
Let's treat you as
Harry Belafonte.
Come on, Griff.
Come on, Griff.
Right there, right there.
Turner, this is a $ 100 note!
He is hurting that
White boy, at least.
It makes me feel good.
He is dancing and dodging.
Run straight to it!
Stick! Stick!
Stick! Move it!
Wow! Yes! Let's go!
You got it! You got it!
You got it! You got it!
Earl too, huh?
And that.
That's it, El.
Third round.
He is about to go.
He is about to fall.
He is about to fall, El.
You don't think Griff could
Get down Big Chet by accident, do you think?
He is making
It seems good, for sure.
Jab! Jab!
Work this shoulder!
You didn't get me!
Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
This is not the fight!
The Academy of Nickel Championship
Annual boxing, by unanimous decision ...
The winner is Griff!
Let's go!
I thought it was the second.
I thought it was still the second.
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
I thought it was still
The second, Spencer.
Spencer, wait, hey, I thought
It was the second, I don't know! Spencer!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
I thought it was the second.
I didn't know! Interest!
I ... I don't know, I thought
that was the second.
Honey, are you okay?
When you will give
A clearance to the computer?
Just a few more minutes.
They are digging, I'm digging.
Can we squeeze with you?
Come on, dear.
It was a long wait
for good news.
Good news,
Good news, good news.
Lyndon Johnson continues
with President Kennedy
Civil Rights Bill.
So you know if
That good ole boy is ...
doing the right thing ...
Things are changing.
Things will be quite different
When you come home.
El. You can
Continue exactly where it stopped
without further complications.
I'm sure Melvin Griggs will
accept you.
And those books
that you are reading,
They are not going anywhere.
I was, um,
taking less hours.
Spend more time in the church.
And I said to that
trash to be careful
with that big truck
and old blocking the road.
And so early in the morning,
When you can really hear
Everyone gets up.
Nan, what is this?
What is wrong?
You know, Mr.
Our lawyer who was so
enthusiastic about your resource.
I went to see him.
I went to the center, took the bus.
I paid him $ 200.
It was not enough.
But he was so adamant and
persuasive with the
Mr. Marconi that ...
he and his
wife contributed with another $ 100.
The owner was showing
your office to a dentist.
A dentist.
When I asked
by Mr. Andrews, they just
looked through
of me as if I wasn't there either.
He took bets,
For Atlanta without saying a word.
He took those $ 300.
And he knows.
You ... you want
say he is gone.
He is gone. He ... he doesn't ...
After all this time ...
He said ...
Look at me, son.
He said that what we have here
It is a classic judicial error.
This is what he said.
And me
I know we expected to have you at home
Now, El, - And I think ...
- It's okay, Nan.
All good.
I disappointed you.
I'm fine, Nan.
- El, I disappointed you.
- No.
I am not well.
I'm holding on.
I'm sorry, El.
I don't know
Why I won't give you this letter.
- I think I was just ...
- It's okay, Turner.
It doesn't matter now anyway.
Hey! Come on, man.
Yes. Okay. I understood?
- Ah.
- Yes yes.
This can be massive brass, man.
I have rights over it.
Someone died.
What, in this bed?
Let's go.
All good.
- You are over?
- Yes.
Almost. All good.
- I'm clear.
- Of course?
Let's go.
Where ... Where will we rest?
Elwood. This
getting heavy, man.
Let's go, I need to open this door.
It's weird to be here, man.
Wait until you are "out".
How would you do that?
Well, I don't
would run to the swamp.
Hide there
so that the coast is clean and then
Take a ride somewhere
to the west or north.
Okay, that's how
that they take you.
And you can't take
No perfume.
This is only in movies.
So what would you do?
So I would come here
to the free world.
Take clothes from ...
Take clothes out of the clothesline ...
And then go south, because
They are not waiting for it.
Put the maximum kilometers
possible between me and the dogs.
Tire them.
See, the trick is not to do what
They know you will do it.
Yes, why they don't
They would think you won't ...
- Oh!
And don't take anyone with you.
Sure, not one of those mannequins.
They simply
They will bring you down with them.
- I have to go alone.
El, what time do you think they are?
Elwood, what ...
Be careful, you idiot!
What the hell, Elwood?
You think Reverend King
It's here
in Marianna opening supermarkets?
You dropped it.
Why do you have
What to carry this with you?
I would think you are a student.
I have noted everything.
Everything that?
Our community service.
Deliveries, rewards,
gardening work, the
tasks, the names
of all and the dates.
Why would you do
Such a thing?
You told me.
No one else will get me out of here.
Just me.
Dude, no ...
No one ever listens to me.
All good,
Why do you have to start?
Damn, it's not a
Obstacle track, Turner.
Well, you can't get around it,
So you have to go through this.
And walk with the
head erected,
No matter what they play in you.
Okay, I understood. You are crazy.
And precise
take it out of your chest. This is cool, but ...
-No, I'm telling you.
There is a fifth exit.
Get rid of nickel.
They would put us
in the damn land.
They will
take back and bury your ass.
Dude, shit.
Ah, Jesus ...
Man, they will
Take it there too.
For you,
face. What's wrong with you?
- Turner!
- Where is he going?
Take your black ...
Bring your butt back here.
I'm tired of your shit, man.
Do you have the keys or not?
Damn baby.
It is a waste of time.
Head full of stump water.
Give you a while.
What are you, his girlfriend?
Holy crap.
A long time,
A long time, a lot of time.
How are you?
All good.
It's me, man. Peter Evans.
- Chickie Pete.
- Chickie Pete. Man.
- Hey. Hey.
- How are you?
You look well.
Yes sir.
It's been a long time.
Ah, drinks.
- Hey.
- In me.
- Dawn early.
- No.
- I go...
- You have to ...
You have to
Let me pay a drink for you.
Excuse me. Excuse me, sir.
I can, um ...
Can I get two?
Uh, pure whiskey, please.
Well, you
You know, I just said the same thing.
I look at
Back, I think about it, and I say if I ...
I could have played professionally,
Well, if things
had been different.
- Do you think?
- Ah, man, I know yes.
I used to ...
I used to hit them with ...
Oh, man, I could have
I was in a funk band,
An orchestra.
I could have
was like one of those cats, like, uh,
Haydn, Bach, Vivaldi.
Supporting Miles.
I could have been a doctor,
inventing shit, saving lives.
I have ideas, man.
For nickel.
It's been a long time.
Yes, my hands, man.
You know, I spent the last 30 days
Drying me.
- Oh well...
- Um ...
My hands, man.
You know, I spent the last 30 days
Drying me.
Ah, man. Uh ...
All good. All good.
I can handle it now.
I always drank, um ...
I used to be,
Uh, the more I
I tried to calm me down,
I would be stained every night.
You know?
I couldn't sleep in the dark.
Not yet
I can sleep in the dark, but, um ...
I told this guy last May ...
Just tell me
How is the prison ...
The whole program ...
I'm living with
My sister at Harlem now.
You know? Until
That I can discover my next step.
I like up there, but, uh,
You know that
Chickie Pete will be fine, dear.
The only thing that
Nickel taught me is
How not to die.
How are you, man?
I have one, um,
- Change company. You know?
Trucks, employees.
All good.
Okay, rising.
- Hey.
- I see you.
I see you.
Do you have a lady?
Hum ...
No, I mean, I did,
But it didn't work out.
She, uh ... she said that
I had a lot of work to do alone.
Yes, I'm still
looking for this one.
I hear you.
I hear you,
I mean, you can, um ...
It can be difficult
Find someone you can understand.
- Maybe one day.
- Yes.
You saw any of the
other guys lately?
I found some
in recent years.
Black Mike, uh, is a criminal.
Nate, hum, addict,
And, um, Desmond
He had his arm burst in Vietnam.
You left in 67, right?
Don't you remember?
Remember what?
Don't you really remember?
I mean, I remember ...
What they did with Griff.
I remember what they did to me.
How they stuck that
child inside the washing machine.
How they did another
eat a lamp.
Do you know what I remember?
I remember slipping on the skin,
In the flesh,
And, uh, all
More than they had inside the showers.
So, um ...
I don't ... I don't know
What else you
You want me to remember.
Nothing, man.
- Time fulfilled.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- They expelled me.
- Um.
Uh, I went to Atlanta
And then I trained in the north.
You know, I've been here since 68.
Twenty years.
- Very cool.
This is very cool.
All are welcome here.
- You know?
What happened to that ...
For that boy who did you
usually get out all the time?
- What boy?
- A child.
Man, you know that, boy,
You all thought that hiding place
It was so secret.
- Huh.
- Yes.
Well, maybe that comes back to me.
I have to leak.
Hey, I need to leave.
Oh no, I understand, I understood.
Oh yes, yes.
Hum ...
Look, man, me, uh ...
I hate to ask you, but, uh,
If you need an extra hand,
I could use the work.
Staying on a couch now.
- Right.
- Yes.
Do you have a card with you?
- Not with me.
- Good...
I can handle work
That's what I'm disclosing, ok?
Hum ...
Now, go ahead and call me.
Of the old days, I remember.
There we go.
I go.
Alright, man.
All good.
Did you wake up anytime sooner?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Well, they found more graves.
Not marked.
Ah, God ...
They are asking people that
introduce yourself.
- Get testimony.
- Oh.
Will there be a judgment?
We need more pants.
This shit
Inspection, we count on you.
Spit, shine them very well.
Like I don't know when.
They should
Inspect this place all the time.
Why are you talking, man?
Just eat.
I'm not eating, huh?
Ice cream!
Hey, guys, feel.
Son, feel.
I will get to everyone.
Hold it.
You want
They think this is a kind of circus
Are we running here?
It seems that
You have never had ice cream before.
Lee, keep one, boy.
In truth,
Put both back.
What are you going to do?
What do you think
that they will put your photo
On the cover of Life magazine?
You think someone cares about
What is happening at Nickel?
This is just a place.
There are nickels
across the country.
You are dreaming.
What the hell?
Will you get it?
Where are you going?
- Oh ...
- Elwood.
Don't do that, El.
No no.
Wait a minute, Elwood.
What is it,
Mr. Harper?
I need you
Go to the Farm
and find Mr. Gladwell.
Those men of the state will not
there today.
They will send
Some other experts for this.
So, you will
there, find it, and say the
he can relax.
I like the repair of the stands.
We ... we still need
Paint too.
One of the children
To do this?
I don't even know the
that Mr. Gladwell looks like
With Mr. Harper, sir.
Sir, I would prefer ...
I prefer to work
in the stands.
You are acting like crazy today,
All of you.
He has a hat
of straw and a tan of farmer.
You do what
I ask and on Friday,
it returned to normal.
Elwood, wait.
What, Turner?
That notebook that
You have in your pocket,
I will take to them. Sick...
I will do that.
Look at you, man.
Come on, you look sick.
I will take this to the inspectors.
I can put it in
their car window
when they are not looking.
They won't even see me.
In control of the mission,
They anticipated
Apollo signal loss 8.
With the moon between the spaceship and the earth,
Every contact would be lost
until it appeared on the other side.
OK. It is now or never.
Timmy is afraid ...
And that is natural.
But it's not good for him to be scared.
At this moment, Timmy
is starting to decide
If he will be afraid
of things for a lifetime.
Now, mission control
And the world could only wait.
Wait for the first contact with Apollo 8
when he emerged from behind the moon.
I see you on the other side.
It's very difficult
to give children
the type of care they need.
Suppose these were your children.
What would you do?
Hello, cousin.
They will take you tonight.
Damn, I said
He would happen.
I didn't hear anyone
go out for ice cream.
When did they take him?
They caught him soon
After lunch.
Where is he?
Sweat box.
Has he been there all day?
They will take you
There tonight.
- El, come on.
- Um.
El, let's go.
I can't. I can't.
El, come on. We have to go.
I am tired.
El, get up. Let's go.
El, please.
El, come on.
El, let's go.
El, we have to go.
Turner, why?
How long have you been planning this?
Shit, they are running
as cockroaches, all
These scoundrels.
Spencer, Harde.
Jaime heard them
Talking about taking you to the back.
That's it.
Tonight or not.
It seems very humiliating.
There it is. I call.
Will they close us?
I will be cursed if
Tallahassee Me
say what to do.
Will anyone open a window?
It's hot here.
To call.
Let's go.
Why do you come with me?
They will catch you
In a minute, as stupid as you are.
No deceiving the
Dogs when they are on the pursuit.
The maximum you can
To do is go to the farther you can.
Put miles between you and them.
Yes, well.
We have to go far until the sunrise.
We can jump into a train and
those dogs will need wings to
catch us.
They were going to kill me
And bury me outside?
Of course as shit.
Can you assemble it?
I can do that.
You took me out of here.
That's it, El.
You are doing very well.
We understand.
Hello Turner.
How much do you miss?
Come on, follow me!
Come on, El!
Zigzag, El!
Run in zigzag!
Come on, El!
He's fine!
He's fine!
He's fine!
He's fine, he's fine!
He's fine.
So, what's up
New in this year's fashion?
- Like you...
- Uh, balls.
ACE Change Company.
ACE Change Company. 8:22 pm
- Blame.
- Bam.
We are.
- Yes, the big box man.
- Let's see this ...
Oh. As we see ...
How do we see each other?
- How are you...
- I think we ...
- Hey, what is he looking at?
- Um, two beautiful beings.
- Hum-hmm.
- I love you.
- I love Milie. you,
Facial approach and overlap
About 3D Reconstruction, Burial 36
African American/Possible
133 News at 10
African American/Possible White
Turner, what are you going to do?
Will you really go?
I left my house in Nashville
Look here what I got
Twenty long years in
a chained gang
Sweating and rocking rock
Judge, he came from Memphis
Put me on the pen
If I ever see your
face once again
He never comes home again
This judge has been gone for a long time.
For Kentucky
It is gone, it does not mean perhaps
Far was what I mean
A judge who has been a long time
Time in a Bowlin 'Green
Green bowling
Sewing machine
A kitten sitting
On a sewing machine
Sewing machine
Sew so fast
Sew eleven points
In the tail of a kitten
Green bowling
Mom, did you see El?
He is back,
looking like he fell.
Damn, Evelyn.
Are you going to expose everything?
Gin is gin.
You know that Percy can't
Count and drink at the same time.
Are you very tired, Percy?
After this next defeat,
I will have to listen
You talk about the whole way to Cali.
No, look, she knows
that is not driving.
She is already complaining.
You know what I'm
saying? She ... look.
She knows she's not
Driving, she is already complaining.
What you need to do is
Put that boy in bed.
No, what you need
To do is take care of your life
And receive what is coming to you.
What is coming to me?
Okay, Elwood.
Go down now.
I will get what
It's coming to me.
I will clean, Mom.
Come back and help me
Winning, Evelyn.
Did you hear?
I said you would wash
The dishes, mom.
At least leave the child
Knowing you are leaving.
Hello Elwood.
Oh, I'm doing a
Elwood bed sandwich.
Ah, Elwood.
Honey, I'm not going anywhere.
I don't go anywhere.
Come here. He comes!
Nana is not going anywhere.
Come here.
Hattie, you don't look like mod.
No one will call her a grandmother.
I would be happy to have a grandson
to carry my purchases.
You created a
Great boy, Hattie.
Well, Elwood doesn't
I needed a lot of correction.
He spends more time reading
than anything else.
You heard of everything
Is it happening in Selma?
Mr. Parker telling us
not to talk
on matters
politicians 24 hours a day.
Said: This has nothing
to do with you all .
Hell, no.
As long as we are
Working, I don't see
how this will make a difference.
And we work hard too.
Well, Jim Crow simply
It won't escape your wicked self.
More difficult
May the moment ...
Yes sir.
As frustrating as it is
Time, it won't be long.
- No, sir.
Because the truth crushed in
Earth - will resurface.
- Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- Yes sir.
Because no lie
You can live forever.
Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- How long?
Because you will reap what you plant.
Yes sir.
- How long? Not long.
- How long?
The first thing
do in my class will be
all the latest epithets
of white young people, who
They are quite imaginative.
Mr. Hill, you are a
Liberty Knight?
This is how you got it
That scar in the eye?
The white man hit me
with a wheel key.
Where did you come from?
Two of the 850 pounds satellites
orbited the moon, photographing and
mapping vast areas, sometimes
scanning up to 40 kilometers
above the surface.
Here are some of the photos.
Images that help determine the
height and slope of the mountains
lunar and the depth of the craters.
These remarkable views
Show the co -person crater.
Photos also from the back of the moon.
And a view of the earth at 380
A thousand kilometers away.
- Mr. Marconi?
- Yes.
Meet you, Lord.
- Ah, thanks.
- I heard a lot about you.
Oh well.
I'm, ah ... I'm
Looking for Elwood.
- I'm his teacher.
- Oh. Uh ...
Right there.
- Mr. Hill. - Mr.
Don't worry. Good news.
You know that college
of color south of Tallahassee?
Melvin Griggs Technical School?
They just opened courses
For teaching students
medium with high performance.
And I thought of you right away.
That looks great, Mr. Hill.
But I ... I think
We have no money
Pay for classes like this.
Oh. Well, that's it.
They are free.
They are?
In this fall, at least.
So the news
spread throughout the community.
Imagine a didactic book
with nothing to scratch.
Here it is, sir.
We pass through the Express Way
going to the airport in Atlanta,
We go through what is known as Funtown.
-I didn't want to ...
I have to tell my little daughter
that she couldn't go to Funtown
because of the color of your skin.
To make us feel
that we do not count.
We must believe in our
souls that we are someone,
that we are significant ...
that we are worthy,
and we must walk
Streets of Life every day
With this sense of dignity
And that feeling of someone.
By the ninth day in a row,
those students
continued their protests
against segregation and ...
You cannot separate us.
Mr. Hill said
that you could come.
We are organizing bail.
Can we count on you, Elwood?
I can give half of my salary.
I'll be back next week.
Glad you felt the
need to get up.
Well, it was a good
of his photograph at least.
Now you are not proud
of your Elwood for standing out.
Of course I'm
proud that he is there.
Your mother too
It would be proud of him.
Yes, she came back now, she
would not recognize your child.
This theater displayed The Ugly
American and Invaders from Mars.
Everyone in the County
de Leon went crazy?
It's okay, yes, I'll tell him.
- Goodbye. - All good. Goodbye.
Nana, next time I want
Civil disobedience.
I love you, El.
I love you too, Nan.
- Are you hungry?
- I am not well.
-Set the valley -God knows I know
Every Son of God has the guarantee
There will be peace in the David Valley
said: "Although I walk
by the valley in the shadow of death
I will not fear any
badly "now, I can imagine
I hear another soldier
with battle scars ...
Enter the car!
Okay, I'm going.
All good.
Let's go.
Stay quiet.
Although I walk through the Valley of
shadow of death,
I won't fear any harm.
For you are with me.
Your stick and your staff comfort me ...
- Going north?
- Huh?
Where did you go?
Melvin Griggs Technical College.
I never heard of it.
Let's go.
There it is. Let's go.
This thing always
It causes me problems.
Oh, yes, we go.
What is your name, man?
Elwood Curtis, Lord.
I like that.
Do you like my wheels?
I just got them.
I went to New York
To see my lady.
You are not, but what?
Fifteen, for its appearance.
Is it already a college student?
Almost 17, sir.
Still and all young.
Leaving our race proud, boy.
When I was his age, I was
Working in a catfish factory.
Hey, children, deliver
your bulletins for a
free admission in
Funtown this vacation season.
Take a walk on the wheel
Giant,-The Tilt-a-Whirl ...
- Damn. What is that?
Don't look back.
- Be cool.
- Try your throwing skills against the father ...
- huh?
..In Goofy Golf.
You don't know me, do you?
I mean, we just met.
I will tell them that.
Keep your eyes low.
Don't look back.
What do you mean?
Let me deal with it.
Well, look here.
The first thing I thought
When they said to be
Eye on an emerald turquoise
Impala ...
Just a fright ...
would steal that.
The boy was walking.
He was walking.
The man simply stopped
and offered him a ride.
He just ... he just ...
He simply got into the wrong car.
There has to be something we can do.
Why? Why?
Why a boy of age
his going to college ...
So is that it?
And that?
Act out of your station ...
And you will pay.
White woman ...
accused my father ...
On the way home ...
of your second job ...
My great, cheerful daddy.
I saw you.
I waved to you ...
across the street
On my path from school home.
White woman says ...
"He didn't leave my way."
Two days later,
Still waiting for the judge,
hanged in your cell.
God was the judge that day.
Sir, I didn't get
Nothing but my portion.
White man teaches you
no longer accept
crumbs of what he gives you.
No. I paid.
My father paid.
My Monty paid,
protecting others from paying.
Percy paid when he got home.
The army does not protect
You here, dear.
Because your portion ...
It is pain.
But not my Elwood.
Not my Elwood.
I'll be back soon.
You saw what Mr.
Hill brought you?
Isn't it cool?
Come on, feel with Nana.
Eat a cake.
This is a repetition
For you, my young man?
No, sir.
You two are sitting next door
from a good-faith car thief.
It's gone ...
For Kentucky as
It's gone ...
What I mean ...
Sam for a long time in Bowlin 'Green
Shut up, did you hear me? Shut up!
It's gone ...
Did you hear what I said?
I said shut up!
Isn't he lucky?
Shut up, yes?
It's gone ...
For Kentucky
It's gone
It looks alive back there.
Here we are.
Welcome to Nickel
Academy, boys.
Old nickel.
All good.
You both, let's go.
You stay there.
Now let's go.
- Good morning, Dan.
- Hello, Joo.
It's always good to see you.
- I have two for you.
- Rust never sleep.
- Hey, how are you?
- swell.
Okay, if you don't care
in sharing a seat next to ...
All good.
Let's go.
When Trevor Nickel
passed the baton to
the current director,
Harde, he created
These four categories
of behavior here.
You start as GRUB,
advances to Explorer,
Then Pioneer and finally Ace.
Uh, win merits acting
correctly and you
will rise on this stairs.
Reach the most
high, ace, you form and can
go home
and for your family.
If they want you.
This is among you.
Now an ace hears the
men of the house and your father.
And do your work
without dodging or pretending.
And he is dedicated to studies.
An ace does not make violence.
He doesn't curse, no
blasphemma doesn't even act.
He works to reform
from birth to sunset.
It depends on you how much
Time you spend here with us.
We don't ...
We don't play with idiots.
You mess up and us
We have a place for you.
And you won't like it.
I will take care of it personally.
It's you there.
Desmond, show you how it works.
Yes, sir, Mr. Blakeley.
You know when to say,
"Yes, sir," which is always.
- Chicinha.
- You'll be fine.
Chickie Pete.
Don't think I won't
keep an eye on you.
Well, then ...
Brian already has $ 1.50.
On Tuesday, he
Won, uh, 50 cents.
And finally, on Wednesday,
He earned a dollar.
How much does he have so far?
He broke!
Zero, ten.
You carry that.
You carry that one, see?
Ok, here it is. Here you go.
Oh my God.
- Cool.
- Jaime!
We can play soccer.
- Jaime!
- They do.
It looks good, ladies.
Is this boy in trouble?
He is kind of Mexican.
They don't know that
Side of nickel put it.
What is that?
What is that?
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
You have two minutes.
You won't want it anymore.
Hey, return the soap to him.
Hey, stop it now!
All good,
This is enough now.
I said it's enough.
Hey, move, move.
Stop it!
Big children cannot
sit at the table of young children.
You eat that porridge
oatmeal as your mother did.
I've never seen someone eat
This food like that.
As if they liked it.
I played a lot of cinnamon in it.
I'm Turner.
I am Elwood.
From Tallahassee.
French city.
French city.
French city.
I don't know why you
It's talking so loudly.
You know they are
With an eye on you this week.
I am from Houston.
This is a real city right there.
None of this country shit
that you are doing here.
Hey, thanks for that.
I didn't do any shit.
You eat that porridge
oatmeal as your mother did.
Someone eat this food like that.
As if they liked it.
I played a lot of cinnamon in it.
I'm Turner.
I am Elwood.
From Tallahassee.
French city.
French city.
French city.
I don't know why
You speak so loud.
You know they are
With an eye on you this week.
I am from Houston.
This is a real city.
None of this country shit
that you are doing here.
Thank you for that.
I didn't do any shit.
This is not a good omen.
I can't avoid, we don't have
All cans of beans he asks for.
Uh, five?
Ah, ten. For stress.
I received my warning of
recruitment this morning.
You are lucky to be in nickel.
Will you miss your girl?
Do we have molasses there?
The next steakhouse.
- Boss.
- Hey, don't hurt them.
Hello, El.
Start with those who
They are at the bottom.
Fill the baskets near
trees and take them to the truck.
And that.
You work
on this side of the line.
What are you going to do, um?
Hey! Leave it alone!
Oh shit.
To fight!
Damn, Mike, why did you have
What to hit him so hard?
Back up.
Aren't you the new boy?
He started.
I don't care who was the
guilty, who started or why.
Mr. Spencer will take care of it.
Dead man walking.
Man, he doesn't even know.
He will learn today.
Come on, boy.
Let's go.
All good.
Here we go.
Let's go.
All good. Let's get up.
You know the procedure.
I thought you were already
Fed up after the last time.
Pissed again.
I'll wait ... and ...
Stay ... Be quiet.
I go...
Wait and ...
Shut up, idiot.
Okay, Corey, let's go.
Let's go.
Elwood Curtis.
Cling to
handrail and do not release.
Do not make noise.
Or you will get more.
Elwood, dear, blink.
Who will separate us
of the love of Christ?
"The tribulation, or anguish ..."
"or persecution ..."
"As it is written, for your
Cause we are dead all day.
We are considered
sheep for the slaughterhouse .
"No, in all these
things are more than
winners, through
of the one who loved us .
I am convinced that
neither death nor life,
neither angels nor principalities,
no powers,
no things present,
Not even things to come,
Neither height nor ... "
Young, you know, uh,
A student named Elwood Curtis?
Yes I want.
Thank God.
They told me that he
cannot receive visits.
I ended up ...
Could you please?
Yes, ma'am.
I came here.
It's a crime they don't
Let me see you.
It is a crime.
What kind of place
This is what I ...
They don't let me see him.
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
- Ah.
I thank.
What is your name?
Yeah ... it's Turner, ma'am.
Well, I'm happy to power
Trust someone around here, Turner.
When it was the last time
Did you have family come to visit you?
Uh ... um ...
- You know, they don't ...
- You know...
I came here ...
And I can't hug Elwood.
So I think you will have to do it.
What are they feeding you?
You can't give a
Hug greater than this? You...
I'll remember that next time.
Embrace me again.
What are they feeding you?
You can't give a
Hug greater than this?
I'll wait for it from
Next time, Turner.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll see if Elwood gets that.
Thank you, son.
How are you
Leaving here, hero?
What do you think of that wizard?
Come here with your head
cut and he will give you an aspirin.
Come here, head
cut, both arms,
The two legs cut ...
..and that damn
Wizard will say:
"Do you want a pill or two?"
How did you come in here?
I ate some powder soap.
I have stomach pain
For a whole day off.
Or two.
I know how to sell it.
Man, you are not worried
May they know that you are pretending?
Dude, I'm not pretending.
This powdered soap is horrible.
But I choose.
No one else.
Go look.
See who it is.
Ask what's wrong with him.
Man, I'm not
Asking anything to anyone.
Damn, you don't know.
Go back there to take a look, maybe
You have to change places with him.
- As in a ghost story.
Where is Dr. Cooke?
I need to talk to him.
I think he's
in a pause to smoke.
All good.
Tell him that I'm looking for
for him. I'll be back later.
I was never sent to
The White House first.
I took a slap on
Dude for smoking once.
Do they do this to everyone?
Man, you already had luck.
Sometimes they play
You in hell.
Sweat box on the eave
That tar roof?
Sweat your soul out of you.
They take you,
We'll never see your ass again.
Parents ask
school what happened,
And they just say you've run away.
I will show you someday.
Show something that
It is not in the books.
Where it is.
Hill of the boot.
See, the problem is, Elwood,
You didn't know how it works.
You wanted to do some
Lone Ranger shit.
Run and save a boy.
And they expelled
Corey for a long time.
Mike and they play hard.
This is how they do it.
I used to think outside
It was out there,
And when you are here,
You are here.
But now that I left,
And I was brought back,
I know.
Outside, here, it's the same thing.
Here, no one
You need to pretend more.
If everyone looks
to the other side,
So everyone is involved in this.
If I look the other way,
I am as implicated as the rest.
It's not as it should be.
No one cares
with the "should"
The correction has always existed.
The game is fraudulent.
This is what I am telling you.
It is not like in the old days.
We can defend ourselves.
Dude, this shit hardly works outside.
What do you think this will do here?
You say that because you don't have
No one out there defending you.
I have my grandmother.
I have a lawyer.
When it was the last time
What did you hear about them?
You have to observe how people act.
What they do.
And then try to find out how
circumvent them, like an obstacle track.
I mean, if
You want to get out of here.
Get out of here.
Because no one
It will get you out of here.
Not your grandmother.
Not your lawyer.
Only you.
Give me $ 40 ... $ 40 ...
This will pay you. Do
again. Do it again.
To attend. Check it out.
Check it out. See the ball.
What are you going to play then?
The ball, the ball, the
ball. Find it, which one?
Give me $ 40.
Hey! OK. OK.
- See.
- Forty.
An ace.
He hears the men from the house and the father of the house.
He does his job
without dodging or pretending.
And he is dedicated to studies.
It does not make violence.
He doesn't curse, no
blasphemma, continue.
Why are you doing this?
He works from birth to
sunset to reform.
Now, when Trevor Nickel passed the baton
For our current director, Hardee, he created
These four levels of behavior here.
You start here as a grub.
You get to Explorer,
then to pioneer ...
And finally, Ace.
Get merit for good behavior
And you will rise on this stairs.
You reach the classification
higher and then forms.
And you can go back to
home, for their families.
If they want you.
But this is among you.
I'm not afraid of you.
My aunt Mavis
guaranteed that I had
beautiful clothes for
school and three meals.
A guy at the airport of
Houston started to go out with her.
He taught me to box.
The day I
I put between Aunt Mavis and
With the fist, he
He took ice cream.
"Bring this boy the
Greater sundae you have. "
Each bite was like
One more punch in the mouth.
I don't think
I would like them to visit me.
I don't know how I would feel
My parents showed up here.
Hey, beware!
They know I hate
this shit. Fuck you!
You know you miss it.
Hello Turner!
I have to keep them alert.
I don't want to hear anything
About your itching on the skin,
You have bubbles,
It's very hot.
You need to increase
The count, otherwise they will say ...
- Blakeley.
I'm not working
Hard enough.
Mr. Blakeley.
Mr. Blakeley, Lord,
Elwood was transferred.
Rectablished? According to Who?
Ah, ah ... Harper.
Mr. Harper, sir.
You know, we need
of an extra pair of hands.
Well, we also need
With extra hands, son.
So, can we take it?
You keep your nose clean.
Yes sir.
Well, we lower our hand.
But, boys,
This can stop anything.
Turner here says you don't
It is an idiot of math and
You know how to keep your mouth closed.
What are we doing?
Sometimes the state gives us
more than we need.
So we passed on.
For a small rate.
Community service.
In the old days it was much worse,
so my aunt says, but the
They kept sniffing.
Now we just stop
Side the things of the southern campus.
You mean things
of black students.
We had a good boy,
that drove to Nickel, Roberts.
He would have sold the air that
You breathe if you could.
This was a real bandit.
It had to end somewhere.
It's better than working
The fields, if you ask me.
It's better than being
mutilated on a machine.
A bad penny?
You keep your nose clean.
May I smell it
in it in the morning. Phew.
Keep your nose clean.
Keep your nose clean.
Enough reasons to drink here.
Do you think he came here?
They say his name
It's in the sweat box.
Well, this is so exciting.
Thank you, Mrs. Harde.
You, boys, are so cool
To come to help today.
Ah, I almost forgot,
I have a box of books for
donate to the nickel library.
Yes, we can help with that.
The box is in the garage.
It's trollope, and Austen and Dickens,
And people with names like that.
Well, ta-to.
It used to be worse here.
It used to be, when you graduated,
You didn't go back to
your family. Jizze green
You just obtained parole.
And they sold your ass
for the people of the city.
I had to work to
pay your debt. Rebe
What debt of what?
I never thought that.
This can be a job
Three days if we do it right.
We cultivate the garden
And we got her house.
Shit, it can even adopt
Our black ass.
Well, you don't. You have family.
I would say "yes", for
A chance of Nickel.
This is not freedom.
I mean, you know
Director Harde and his wife
should not use us father
as if we were slaves.
Man, all those
faces of the paint in
PAINT School Board
send us to do tasks.
Sometimes they are favors, use
PA, sometimes it is for real money.
And it is against the law.
The law is one thing.
You can march
and shake posters if
convince a number
enough whites.
I saw painting those
In Tampause Paint I saw those
college students in lid with their beautiful
Paint shirts and ties
sitting on Woolworths.
I had to work, but
They were there protesting.
And it happened.
They opened that counter, but,
I mean, I didn't have the money
To eat there anyway.
I have to change the economy
Father for all this too.
My grandmother hired me
That lawyer, man.
Make a movement there first.
The courts play so much with
white as with black.
They just transport us
When they are ready.
So we have to
Be like Knights.
How many people do you know?
There are four
ways to leave nickel.
Fulfill your time or age.
The Court may intervene,
If you believe in miracles.
You could die.
They could kill you.
You could run.
Only four ways to get out of nickel.
Home painting
An hour late.
Once, I sat down to
Dinner at that guard's house.
Roast beef.
His wife made an angel food cake.
I was in the scouts with their children.
He taught us how to make fire.
Take it seriously ...
What is it about?
A British mother is trying
Marry your daughter
older so that
They can maintain
your goods and titles.
No one wants to marry her?
Is she ugly?
It is described as
Having a beautiful face.
I know my mother loved me.
She simply loved
More alcoholic beverages.
Whether you love me or not,
I want you to know
You can use
The steps here, if
You don't know how to swim like your friend.
Things will warm up.
Take off the overalls.
I would like
You stay here.
Who can say that I hope you do it
And if you arrive a day in
that you are satisfied
Now go and wait for remembering yet
I would like you to stay here
Stay around
I found a girl a
Since I said she would be mine
Fun every night
And my life was divine
Until a guy appeared
that had more than me
So she changed
Idea and I had to be ...
Chickie Pete.
There it is.
I have not seen you
Lately, Elwood.
Have you kept your nose clean?
Yes, sir, Mr. Blakeley.
You know, you can have ..
Great dreams and
large projects for you.
But if God says
that you should
being sweeping streets,
You sweep the streets,
like Michelangelo
He painted the chapel.
This is Dr.
Grandma, how are you?
She says she visited,
But they don't
They let her see me.
He is sick and not
You can receive visits.
"What's wrong with him?"
"As the hell I
Should you know, ma'am? "
How can they do this?
Am I sick?
Scientist, engineer,
Astronaut the world.
All followed the progress of Apollo 8.
For this there was preparation.
An advanced beater marking the
Way to those who would follow.
Those who would orbb.
Those who would land,
would sail, track,
They would observe, record, describe.
The bones would break
before they let go.
They grew up in
Heart of the forest.
No matter who you are - or
Where do you want to go ...
the new models
1976 hatchback
Provide the maximum in
Style, comfort and practicality.
And for a limited time, in all
New York dealers,
Get discounts on
Money of up to $ 500.
Now, award -winning sedan models what ...
Do you hear me out there?
A rat runs through
My feet, and I shouted.
- It was me.
- Oh!
Denise Hather, with fear
of a small rodent?
Silence. It was big like a dog.
He barked like one too.
- Yes?
- Yes.
- Maybe it was a dog.
Look here.
I found one.
- And that?
- Yes, that's it.
'67 Econoline.
Need a new finish,
But the guys of
125 owe me one.
I can complement the works
from Horizon with my own work.
Bring Larry. Let's go.
You think you can
Count on Larry?
Larry, complain about this
It's so reliable
As for US steel.
If there is one thing he will do,
It's work.
Well, that's great, El.
It's happening.
How are you going to call it?
I don't know.
Something easy to find
on the yellow pages.
- This has rum.
- Ah, God bless.
It also brought some sandwiches to us.
- Can you turn on the TV?
- Hum-hmm.
Come on, let's go.
Pineville. Let's go to Pineville.
It started.
South of Pineville. I don't go south.
I knew a girl in Pineville.
If it is still there, we will be bankrupt.
-Now, let's go. -And then?
"You're married to me now."
- "And here is the ring."
- What?
Get out of my foot, I'm not married to you.
Now, what does I care about? Let's go!
- You're married to me, okay, Joker.
- Now here is the ring ...
"You better be careful - what you say, El."
- Um.
I would marry Sidney Poitier.
- Oh yes?
I believe it.
Come get Terebintina every day.
Get out of the west, enter the swamp,
crossing the line, towards
to the painters in northern Ohio.
Now we try to get that train.
My mother's clock.
A deck of marked cards.
My father's purple heart.
He threw away.
It seems that I lost control.
Uh, my big nail.
Is that all you have?
I really don't have
No more nothing to lose.
This makes you
A dangerous mother ...
Tradition dates back to 40 years.
If you hear the
Birds singing ...
Let's get in here.
You have to understand.
Sometimes for the
your biggest good, you
Need to do a little
of bad. This is Shakespeare.
Sometimes a branch
You have to double.
Not to let go of the tree.
Sometimes good spirit
Let the other team win.
I suppose it is right, Mr.
Okay, you are ...
You are not receiving me
Clearly here, Griff.
You will have to
dive into the third round.
Do you mean giving up the fight?
Lose, sir?
That's right. Third round.
Am I contacting you now?
- Did you hear me?
- Yes. Yes, sir.
- Did you hear me now?
- Yes, sir, Mr. Spencer.
All is well then.
Now you know you can beat you.
So it will have
that is enough.
Spirit of the time
Donations, Griff.
Good boy. Let's go.
Well, this is not shit.
Don't people bet on that?
Every year.
Man, this game unites us
365 full days
of humiliations.
I'm dreaming
Dreaming of a white
White Christmas, Personal
Just like the one who
I used to know
Dear, this is where the trees are
Tree Cups Shine
Tiny, little children
They try to hear
To hear
Before the sledrous bells
Who are playing in the snow ...
The first Christmas
It is the hardest.
That's right!
Come on, Griff!
Chet! Chet! Chet!
Cracker looks like
with Frankenstein.
Square head.
Look at these arms, man.
These things are pistons.
Smoked hamters.
Take it to dinner now,
Take it, big chet!
See Griff's posture.
If I had all
this respect ...
When it will be next time,
fools that hate and fear you
Let's treat you as
Harry Belafonte.
Come on, Griff.
Come on, Griff.
Right there, right there.
Turner, this is a $ 100 note!
He is hurting that
White boy, at least.
It makes me feel good.
He is dancing and dodging.
Run straight to it!
Stick! Stick!
Stick! Move it!
Wow! Yes! Let's go!
You got it! You got it!
You got it! You got it!
Earl too, huh?
And that.
That's it, El.
Third round.
He is about to go.
He is about to fall.
He is about to fall, El.
You don't think Griff could
Get down Big Chet by accident, do you think?
He is making
It seems good, for sure.
Jab! Jab!
Work this shoulder!
You didn't get me!
Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
This is not the fight!
The Academy of Nickel Championship
Annual boxing, by unanimous decision ...
The winner is Griff!
Let's go!
I thought it was the second.
I thought it was still the second.
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
I thought it was still
The second, Spencer.
Spencer, wait, hey, I thought
It was the second, I don't know! Spencer!
Emphasis on! Emphasis on! Emphasis on!
I thought it was the second.
I didn't know! Interest!
I ... I don't know, I thought
that was the second.
Honey, are you okay?
When you will give
A clearance to the computer?
Just a few more minutes.
They are digging, I'm digging.
Can we squeeze with you?
Come on, dear.
It was a long wait
for good news.
Good news,
Good news, good news.
Lyndon Johnson continues
with President Kennedy
Civil Rights Bill.
So you know if
That good ole boy is ...
doing the right thing ...
Things are changing.
Things will be quite different
When you come home.
El. You can
Continue exactly where it stopped
without further complications.
I'm sure Melvin Griggs will
accept you.
And those books
that you are reading,
They are not going anywhere.
I was, um,
taking less hours.
Spend more time in the church.
And I said to that
trash to be careful
with that big truck
and old blocking the road.
And so early in the morning,
When you can really hear
Everyone gets up.
Nan, what is this?
What is wrong?
You know, Mr.
Our lawyer who was so
enthusiastic about your resource.
I went to see him.
I went to the center, took the bus.
I paid him $ 200.
It was not enough.
But he was so adamant and
persuasive with the
Mr. Marconi that ...
he and his
wife contributed with another $ 100.
The owner was showing
your office to a dentist.
A dentist.
When I asked
by Mr. Andrews, they just
looked through
of me as if I wasn't there either.
He took bets,
For Atlanta without saying a word.
He took those $ 300.
And he knows.
You ... you want
say he is gone.
He is gone. He ... he doesn't ...
After all this time ...
He said ...
Look at me, son.
He said that what we have here
It is a classic judicial error.
This is what he said.
And me
I know we expected to have you at home
Now, El, - And I think ...
- It's okay, Nan.
All good.
I disappointed you.
I'm fine, Nan.
- El, I disappointed you.
- No.
I am not well.
I'm holding on.
I'm sorry, El.
I don't know
Why I won't give you this letter.
- I think I was just ...
- It's okay, Turner.
It doesn't matter now anyway.
Hey! Come on, man.
Yes. Okay. I understood?
- Ah.
- Yes yes.
This can be massive brass, man.
I have rights over it.
Someone died.
What, in this bed?
Let's go.
All good.
- You are over?
- Yes.
Almost. All good.
- I'm clear.
- Of course?
Let's go.
Where ... Where will we rest?
Elwood. This
getting heavy, man.
Let's go, I need to open this door.
It's weird to be here, man.
Wait until you are "out".
How would you do that?
Well, I don't
would run to the swamp.
Hide there
so that the coast is clean and then
Take a ride somewhere
to the west or north.
Okay, that's how
that they take you.
And you can't take
No perfume.
This is only in movies.
So what would you do?
So I would come here
to the free world.
Take clothes from ...
Take clothes out of the clothesline ...
And then go south, because
They are not waiting for it.
Put the maximum kilometers
possible between me and the dogs.
Tire them.
See, the trick is not to do what
They know you will do it.
Yes, why they don't
They would think you won't ...
- Oh!
And don't take anyone with you.
Sure, not one of those mannequins.
They simply
They will bring you down with them.
- I have to go alone.
El, what time do you think they are?
Elwood, what ...
Be careful, you idiot!
What the hell, Elwood?
You think Reverend King
It's here
in Marianna opening supermarkets?
You dropped it.
Why do you have
What to carry this with you?
I would think you are a student.
I have noted everything.
Everything that?
Our community service.
Deliveries, rewards,
gardening work, the
tasks, the names
of all and the dates.
Why would you do
Such a thing?
You told me.
No one else will get me out of here.
Just me.
Dude, no ...
No one ever listens to me.
All good,
Why do you have to start?
Damn, it's not a
Obstacle track, Turner.
Well, you can't get around it,
So you have to go through this.
And walk with the
head erected,
No matter what they play in you.
Okay, I understood. You are crazy.
And precise
take it out of your chest. This is cool, but ...
-No, I'm telling you.
There is a fifth exit.
Get rid of nickel.
They would put us
in the damn land.
They will
take back and bury your ass.
Dude, shit.
Ah, Jesus ...
Man, they will
Take it there too.
For you,
face. What's wrong with you?
- Turner!
- Where is he going?
Take your black ...
Bring your butt back here.
I'm tired of your shit, man.
Do you have the keys or not?
Damn baby.
It is a waste of time.
Head full of stump water.
Give you a while.
What are you, his girlfriend?
Holy crap.
A long time,
A long time, a lot of time.
How are you?
All good.
It's me, man. Peter Evans.
- Chickie Pete.
- Chickie Pete. Man.
- Hey. Hey.
- How are you?
You look well.
Yes sir.
It's been a long time.
Ah, drinks.
- Hey.
- In me.
- Dawn early.
- No.
- I go...
- You have to ...
You have to
Let me pay a drink for you.
Excuse me. Excuse me, sir.
I can, um ...
Can I get two?
Uh, pure whiskey, please.
Well, you
You know, I just said the same thing.
I look at
Back, I think about it, and I say if I ...
I could have played professionally,
Well, if things
had been different.
- Do you think?
- Ah, man, I know yes.
I used to ...
I used to hit them with ...
Oh, man, I could have
I was in a funk band,
An orchestra.
I could have
was like one of those cats, like, uh,
Haydn, Bach, Vivaldi.
Supporting Miles.
I could have been a doctor,
inventing shit, saving lives.
I have ideas, man.
For nickel.
It's been a long time.
Yes, my hands, man.
You know, I spent the last 30 days
Drying me.
- Oh well...
- Um ...
My hands, man.
You know, I spent the last 30 days
Drying me.
Ah, man. Uh ...
All good. All good.
I can handle it now.
I always drank, um ...
I used to be,
Uh, the more I
I tried to calm me down,
I would be stained every night.
You know?
I couldn't sleep in the dark.
Not yet
I can sleep in the dark, but, um ...
I told this guy last May ...
Just tell me
How is the prison ...
The whole program ...
I'm living with
My sister at Harlem now.
You know? Until
That I can discover my next step.
I like up there, but, uh,
You know that
Chickie Pete will be fine, dear.
The only thing that
Nickel taught me is
How not to die.
How are you, man?
I have one, um,
- Change company. You know?
Trucks, employees.
All good.
Okay, rising.
- Hey.
- I see you.
I see you.
Do you have a lady?
Hum ...
No, I mean, I did,
But it didn't work out.
She, uh ... she said that
I had a lot of work to do alone.
Yes, I'm still
looking for this one.
I hear you.
I hear you,
I mean, you can, um ...
It can be difficult
Find someone you can understand.
- Maybe one day.
- Yes.
You saw any of the
other guys lately?
I found some
in recent years.
Black Mike, uh, is a criminal.
Nate, hum, addict,
And, um, Desmond
He had his arm burst in Vietnam.
You left in 67, right?
Don't you remember?
Remember what?
Don't you really remember?
I mean, I remember ...
What they did with Griff.
I remember what they did to me.
How they stuck that
child inside the washing machine.
How they did another
eat a lamp.
Do you know what I remember?
I remember slipping on the skin,
In the flesh,
And, uh, all
More than they had inside the showers.
So, um ...
I don't ... I don't know
What else you
You want me to remember.
Nothing, man.
- Time fulfilled.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- They expelled me.
- Um.
Uh, I went to Atlanta
And then I trained in the north.
You know, I've been here since 68.
Twenty years.
- Very cool.
This is very cool.
All are welcome here.
- You know?
What happened to that ...
For that boy who did you
usually get out all the time?
- What boy?
- A child.
Man, you know that, boy,
You all thought that hiding place
It was so secret.
- Huh.
- Yes.
Well, maybe that comes back to me.
I have to leak.
Hey, I need to leave.
Oh no, I understand, I understood.
Oh yes, yes.
Hum ...
Look, man, me, uh ...
I hate to ask you, but, uh,
If you need an extra hand,
I could use the work.
Staying on a couch now.
- Right.
- Yes.
Do you have a card with you?
- Not with me.
- Good...
I can handle work
That's what I'm disclosing, ok?
Hum ...
Now, go ahead and call me.
Of the old days, I remember.
There we go.
I go.
Alright, man.
All good.
Did you wake up anytime sooner?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Well, they found more graves.
Not marked.
Ah, God ...
They are asking people that
introduce yourself.
- Get testimony.
- Oh.
Will there be a judgment?
We need more pants.
This shit
Inspection, we count on you.
Spit, shine them very well.
Like I don't know when.
They should
Inspect this place all the time.
Why are you talking, man?
Just eat.
I'm not eating, huh?
Ice cream!
Hey, guys, feel.
Son, feel.
I will get to everyone.
Hold it.
You want
They think this is a kind of circus
Are we running here?
It seems that
You have never had ice cream before.
Lee, keep one, boy.
In truth,
Put both back.
What are you going to do?
What do you think
that they will put your photo
On the cover of Life magazine?
You think someone cares about
What is happening at Nickel?
This is just a place.
There are nickels
across the country.
You are dreaming.
What the hell?
Will you get it?
Where are you going?
- Oh ...
- Elwood.
Don't do that, El.
No no.
Wait a minute, Elwood.
What is it,
Mr. Harper?
I need you
Go to the Farm
and find Mr. Gladwell.
Those men of the state will not
there today.
They will send
Some other experts for this.
So, you will
there, find it, and say the
he can relax.
I like the repair of the stands.
We ... we still need
Paint too.
One of the children
To do this?
I don't even know the
that Mr. Gladwell looks like
With Mr. Harper, sir.
Sir, I would prefer ...
I prefer to work
in the stands.
You are acting like crazy today,
All of you.
He has a hat
of straw and a tan of farmer.
You do what
I ask and on Friday,
it returned to normal.
Elwood, wait.
What, Turner?
That notebook that
You have in your pocket,
I will take to them. Sick...
I will do that.
Look at you, man.
Come on, you look sick.
I will take this to the inspectors.
I can put it in
their car window
when they are not looking.
They won't even see me.
In control of the mission,
They anticipated
Apollo signal loss 8.
With the moon between the spaceship and the earth,
Every contact would be lost
until it appeared on the other side.
OK. It is now or never.
Timmy is afraid ...
And that is natural.
But it's not good for him to be scared.
At this moment, Timmy
is starting to decide
If he will be afraid
of things for a lifetime.
Now, mission control
And the world could only wait.
Wait for the first contact with Apollo 8
when he emerged from behind the moon.
I see you on the other side.
It's very difficult
to give children
the type of care they need.
Suppose these were your children.
What would you do?
Hello, cousin.
They will take you tonight.
Damn, I said
He would happen.
I didn't hear anyone
go out for ice cream.
When did they take him?
They caught him soon
After lunch.
Where is he?
Sweat box.
Has he been there all day?
They will take you
There tonight.
- El, come on.
- Um.
El, let's go.
I can't. I can't.
El, come on. We have to go.
I am tired.
El, get up. Let's go.
El, please.
El, come on.
El, let's go.
El, we have to go.
Turner, why?
How long have you been planning this?
Shit, they are running
as cockroaches, all
These scoundrels.
Spencer, Harde.
Jaime heard them
Talking about taking you to the back.
That's it.
Tonight or not.
It seems very humiliating.
There it is. I call.
Will they close us?
I will be cursed if
Tallahassee Me
say what to do.
Will anyone open a window?
It's hot here.
To call.
Let's go.
Why do you come with me?
They will catch you
In a minute, as stupid as you are.
No deceiving the
Dogs when they are on the pursuit.
The maximum you can
To do is go to the farther you can.
Put miles between you and them.
Yes, well.
We have to go far until the sunrise.
We can jump into a train and
those dogs will need wings to
catch us.
They were going to kill me
And bury me outside?
Of course as shit.
Can you assemble it?
I can do that.
You took me out of here.
That's it, El.
You are doing very well.
We understand.
Hello Turner.
How much do you miss?
Come on, follow me!
Come on, El!
Zigzag, El!
Run in zigzag!
Come on, El!
He's fine!
He's fine!
He's fine!
He's fine, he's fine!
He's fine.
So, what's up
New in this year's fashion?
- Like you...
- Uh, balls.
ACE Change Company.
ACE Change Company. 8:22 pm
- Blame.
- Bam.
We are.
- Yes, the big box man.
- Let's see this ...
Oh. As we see ...
How do we see each other?
- How are you...
- I think we ...
- Hey, what is he looking at?
- Um, two beautiful beings.
- Hum-hmm.
- I love you.
- I love Milie. you,
Facial approach and overlap
About 3D Reconstruction, Burial 36
African American/Possible
133 News at 10
African American/Possible White
Turner, what are you going to do?
Will you really go?
I left my house in Nashville
Look here what I got
Twenty long years in
a chained gang
Sweating and rocking rock
Judge, he came from Memphis
Put me on the pen
If I ever see your
face once again
He never comes home again
This judge has been gone for a long time.
For Kentucky
It is gone, it does not mean perhaps
Far was what I mean
A judge who has been a long time
Time in a Bowlin 'Green
Green bowling
Sewing machine
A kitten sitting
On a sewing machine
Sewing machine
Sew so fast
Sew eleven points
In the tail of a kitten
Green bowling