Night After Night (1932) Movie Script

Hi, Leo.
Say, kid, if these flowers ain't | any fresher than they were yesterday,
we're gonna switch, see? Okay.
Hey, Blainey. | Put these on ice.
Here you are, kid.
Hiya, Leo.
What time is it? | Quarter after three.
What's new? We had a | big night last night.
What's new about that?
Well, we took in plenty | of dough!
Are you readin' where Walker | knocked out Red Nolan in the fourth?
Yeah. Got a great left hand, that kid.
When he lands, | they can all go home.
What's that? From your | shirtmaker. Fifteen bucks apiece!
Why, that dumb cluck!
Look at the size of | those initials!
Why, they're great. I told | 'im to make 'em smaller.
And the last time they | wasn't big enough. I know.
But I found out | the big ones were bad taste.
Oh, so they made a mistake | for fifteen bucks apiece, huh?
Well, don't get sarcastic. | They're silk, ain't they?
Well, this ain't tin. | Only cost me a buck apiece.
I call that silk. Why, ya mug, | don't ya know ya got stung?
Boy, ya wanna fight, do you? I love it!
Gee, ya ain't forgot | a thing, have ya, kid?
That's for nothin'. | Now, start somethin'.
Now cut it out,Joe, cut | it out, will ya? All right.
You're feelin' pretty good, | ain't ya?
Yeah, I feel great | after that workout.
I wonder if she'll | be here tonight?
Who, Iris? Sure.
No, not Iris. | The lady.
The lady? Yeah, the | lady that sits alone.
Why, ya don't | even know her!
That's it. She's got me guessing. | Just the way she sits there.
Well, how does | she sit there?
The way she sits, | she stands out.
Oh, I get it. She's one of those | standin' and sittin' ladies.
Well, wait a minute. | I'll ask him.
Say, McFadden wants the | Beach Room tonight. Who?
Tim McFadden, the promoter. No.
Well, McFadden'll spend a | couple of grand. Can't have it.
Buy a lot of shirts.
I said he can't have it.
He can't have it. | Two thousand bucks.
Good-bye, glad | to have met you.
Money means everything | to you, don't it?
Well, what are you | in the racket for?
I don't know.
Say, what do you think I could | get for this joint if I sold it?
Listen,Joe. What's gettin' into you?
I can't stand it no more. | I'm sick of the smell of booze.
I'm sick of noise, of being | a pal to a lot of drunks.
I'm not getting anyplace! | What are you talkin' about?
Ain't you the owner of the | ''swellest'' speak in New York?
How long ago was it when you was a | third-rate pug, takin' it on the chin?
You don't call that travelin'?
No. I'm only wearin' | a tuxedo instead of tights.
I'd give the joint away.
See who that is, | will you?
Oh. Did he cut off | the fat?
Okay, | put it over there.
Come on,Joe. | Your breakfast's getting cold.
Oh, how do you do, | Miss Dawn? Hello,Jimmie.
Well, good afternoon, | bright eyes. Had your bath?
Hello, Iris.
Well, smile, | it's me.
How are ya?
What's the idea of | the bad mood?
Did you | dream of me?
What are you so cheerful | about? Three cocktails, dearie.
You're drinkin' too much. | Oh, yeah?
What'd you want to do, | end up just bein' a souse?
Hmph. Where do you | lecture tomorrow night?
You think you're gonna keep that | face all your life. Uh-huh, I hope so.
You know what you're gonna | look like in ten years?
You'll still love me, | won't ya,Joe?
What for, your brains?
Now, don't you worry | about my brains.
Well, that's a help.
Say, I can take care | of myself, see?
Sure you can.
Joe, what's the matter? Nothin'.
Yes, there is. I feel like | I'm losin' out in some way.
Beat it, dear, | I gotta get dressed.
What of it? You heard me. I gotta dress.
You're getting | mighty particular.
Oh, thank you,Jenkins.
I don't like being | rousted around.
What's up? Frankie Guard's | downstairs. Wants to see you.
What about? | I don't know.
Anybody with him? | Yeah, a couple of mugs.
Tell Blainey to come up.
Hey, Bill. | Yeah?
Tell Blainey to come up here. Okay.
Who wants him?
Well, what'd you know about | that? When did you get in?
Yeah? Wait'll I see | if he's here, Maudie.
The ball game.
He's gone to | the ball game, Maudie.
Yeah, sure, he'll be | here by that time.
All right, I'll tell him. | You bet. Good-bye.
What do you know | about that.!
So she's back, huh? | Yeah,just got off the boat.
Hmm. Said she'd phone you tonight.
Hey, what is this thing you've got | with women? They always come back.
Say, I'm through knockin' around | with every dame I ever went with.
Even Maudie? | Yes, even Maudie.
But she was pretty swell to | me in the old days, at that.
She seemed pretty classy | to ya then. No cracks.
Okay, but don't worry about | Maudie. She ain't crying over you.
She still has class | for plenty of'em.
Yeah. | Come on in.
Wait a minute,Joe.
Hello, Frankie.
Glad to see you again. | Glad to see you. Hiya, boys.
You're lookin' swell. | You think so?
Yeah, how is he? Oh, swell. | He's very fond of you,Joe.
Say, he's a swell fella too.
What's on your mind, | Frankie?
Jimmy Gaston and his mob was | around to see me last night.
They're pretty sore at you.
What are they sore at me for?
Well, before | you opened up here,
I was gettin' | all the business on this block.
Since you moved in, | trade's been pretty slow.
Oh, I see.
You know. You can't | reason with that mob.
In other words, you're tellin' | me to close up, is that it?
Oh, no, don't take it | that way,Joe.
We don't want no trouble. | I'm-We're willing to buy you out.
Yeah? What'll you give?
50 grand.
Make it 250 | and the joint is yours.
Don't be humorous!
Listen, that's final. And I | won't sell for a nickel less.
Well, if that's | the way you feel,
you're liable to have some | visitors one of these nights.
Well that's really funny. | Will ya do me a favor, Frankie?
Sure,Joe, anytime. | You know me.
Tell Gaston and his mob the sooner they | come around, the better I'll like it.
These quiet evenings | are getting on my nerves...
and a little excitement'll be | as welcome as the flowers in May.
I'll tell him that,Joe. | Leave it to me. Don't forget.
And, uh, | speaking of flowers,Joe,
just what kind | would you prefer?
Oh, anything at all, | except pansies.
Your last wish'll be | fulfilled,Joe. Okay.
Now, take care of yourself. | So long, boys.
Say hello to the wife, will | you? I'll tell her I saw you.
So long,Joe. So long, | Leo. So long, boys.
All right, Blainey, | get back to work.
I don't like it. | Aw, I love it.
Say, ain't Jellyman here yet? | Yeah, she's waitin' for you.
I'm sorry to be late. I had a | little business to attend to.
That's quite all right, Mr. Anton, | quite all right. Shall we begin?
Thank you. Where did we leave | off yesterday? Let me see.
You were tellin' me about | Andrew Carnegie. Yes.
I found out he gave a lot of | libraries away. Is that right? Yes.
He wanted everybody | to read, didn't he?
Presumably that was his | idea. Smart guy, wasn't he?
Ah. You mean he was an | intelligent gentleman, don't you?
Yeah, that's it. | I'm sorry.
He was an intelligent gentleman, | wasn't he? Yes, he was.
Was his folks rich?
You mean were | his folks rich?
Yes, did they have money? | No, they were very poor.
But they were educated, | though, weren't they?
No, I believe they were | very simple people.
How did he get | where he got?
I thought we'd agreed not | to use the word ''got.''
Well, how did he get | where he-
You mean, how did he | accomplish what he did?
Tha-that's it, | Miss Jellyman.
By courage, honesty, | perseverance and visin.
Visin. That-
That means looking | ahead, doesn't it? Yes.
Oh, excuse me, won't you? Certainly.
Hello. Yes, Leo. No.
You know I don't want to be | bothered! I'm taking my lessons!
No imagination.
Now supposing you | read this to me aloud.
It is an article that | you should know about.
It is the most important | question of the day.
''The settlement at 'Lousane''' | - Lausanne.
Lausanne. Lausanne. It's | a place in Switzerland.
''Assuming that the reasonable prompt ratifi'' | - Ratification.
''Ratification | follows by the''-
This is a long one.
''Partic...pating.'' | Participating.
''Participating nations.'' | That means ''sharing.''
Umm. ''The settlement of | reparations reached at Lausanne''-
I got it that time. | Very good.
''must stand as a forward step | of tremendous importance.''
I'm doin' pretty good, | ain't I?
Oh, excellently, but not | ''ain't I'', ''am I not.''
Hiya, sugar. How's the show? Okay.
Why, how are ya, Mr. Wilson? | Where have you been? Europe.
Oh. Say, Mr. Wilson, I've been | reading about this Lausanne conference.
Is that a lot of talk, or, or | will the nations get together?
Well, uh, nations are like | people,Joe, and do people get together?
That's a swell way of puttin' it. | I never thought of it that way.
See ya later, Mr. Wilson.
Hiya, mug. They're bringing my mother | home tomorrow from the hospital.
You don't know how much I appreciate | - Listen, mug,
if you mention | that again, I'll-
Why, how are you? | I'm better now,Joe.
Have you been sick? No, | I just got my divorce.
I didn't know | you were married.
Joe, I'm afraid you've been | watching me too closely.
Oh, you got me | that time.
Give us a drink, will | you? What'll you have?
You wanna okay this,Joe?
You'd better look at it. | It's Georgie Harrison's check.
Tell him no. | Okay.
Hey,Joe. | Maudie's on the phone.
Oh, well, I mean | - You mean what?
I mean I'm not here. | That's what I mean.
You can't still be at | the ball game. It's night.
I'm at a show. They're | open nights, ain't they?
Yeah, sure, | they're open nights.
Well, that's great. Give | me a drink of water, Tom.
Well, I told her. | Give us a drink, Tom.
What are you | so sore about?
All the time I've wasted with | dames like Maudie and Iris.
You can't have a woman like her, | you're better off with nothin'.
Oh, she's | here again.
Look at the way | she sits there.
It's funny, but to me she don't seem | to sit different than anybody else.
Oh, you don't know class | when you see it. Yeah?
I didn't know classy gals | went alone to nightclubs.
That's the mystery. Oh, | she's a lady, all right.
You don't think she's here for a pickup?
I'll say she ain't. ''Keep off the | grass'' is written all over her.
Well, there's a guy | who don't see the sign.
You can't sit here. | Oh, come on.
Let's have a little ''drinkie.'' | Let's, let's have a little talk, huh?
You know him? | No.
Come on, get out of | here. Oh, don't do that.
I'm sorry I can't talk, I'm leaving | right away. Forgive me, will you?
You mean, you don't want | to talk? Not tonight.
Aw, that's all right, | old girl, that's all right.
There's no hard feelings, | huh?
None at all. | That's splendid.
It's a good thing you didn't | try to pull any stuff with me.
A very lonesome man.
Why, he's just a drunk.
Well, can't a drunk | be lonesome?
Yeah, he can be. I never | thought of it that way.
Well, think of it next time | before you throw somebody out.
It's no fun being lonesome, | Mr. Proprietor.
What's the matter, | are you lonesome?
Who isn't?
So that's it. | So what's it?
You had me guessin', | the way you come here alone.
Look. If you're lonesome, | I won't bother you, see?
I mean, if you're just lonesome, I | can't make you any ''unlonesomer.''
Get me? | Yes, I get you.
What I mean is, | if there's anything else,
if you're in wrong, | maybe I can, uh-
You'd rush to my rescue. | Yeah, that's what I mean.
For instance, | what could you do?
Well, when you put it like that, I | guess there's just one thing, I suppose.
If you need money, I mean | - That's very gallant of you.
No, there's another thing. If | there was any guy troubling you-
More gallant still.
Well, what do you say? I'll | say you're very gracious.
No, I don't want your money, mister, uh | - What is your name?
Anton. | Mr. Anton.
I don't want your money, and I | don't want anyone hit on the head.
That wouldn't solve | my problem.
You won't tell me about it? | It wouldn't interest you.
But it might interest you | to know why I come here. Why?
I used to live here. | You did?
I was born here.
Yeah? | When was that?
About sixty years ago.
Oh! At least it seems that long.
What's your name? | Healy.
Miss? | Um-hmm.
Well, well. It must | look plenty different.
It does.
How would you like to | see the house? I would.
Now? | Not now.
Well, well.
Oh, hello!
Hello. | This is Mr. Anton.
How are you, Mr. Bolton? Hello,Joe.
Well, pardon me. Will, | uh, will you excuse me?
I might like to see the house | later. Come back, will you?
You bet. | Pardon me, Mr. Bolton.
Well, how do you do? | And how are you?
The end of a three-day | search, that's how I am.
I even had detectives looking for | you. I had to do some thinking.
Evidently, you had to do something. | I'll tell you all about it.
My ears are yours. Maybe | that's all you want of me.
That's what I had | to find out.
Look, Dick, something happened | when I said I'd marry you.
You left and I was going | to bed, remember? I do.
Well, | I didn't go to bed.
I just told the man of | my choice that I was his.
Why didn't my heart leap?
Not a little?
Then the years fell away | and I was a girl again.
The first thing I knew, | I was here.
I got dressed | and came over here.
But why here?
This was my home | when I was that girl.
Oh. Oh, yes.
So I made believe | I was her again,
the girl who found her first | dream of love in this house.
And I matched that man | of her dream against you.
I suppose I showed up | very badly. I don't know.
I didn't want to see you the | next day because I didn't know.
So I came here again | last night and tonight,
and I still don't know.
Jerry, I'm up against it. The dreams | of a young girl are hard to beat.
Oh, but I'm not young | any more, Dick.
I've changed just like | my house has.
Look at it.
It was such a lovely house.
Well,Jerry, what am I | to say to all this?
You thought I was rich, didn't | you? I didn't think about it.
I was. | A month ago I lost it.
And I realize | - I'm going to be cruel, Dick. Go ahead.
I realize if I still had it, | I wouldn't marry you.
My money keeps me | in the race?
Now, I suppose you'll decide | the race by walking out on me.
No. I suppose | I ought to...
but, no.
Well, see me tomorrow.
Yes, I'll know then... | tomorrow.
- [ didn't finish my drink.! | - Shut up! Get out of here!
Wait a minute. | Don't throw him out.
Why not? | He's lonesome.
Say, you goin' daffy? I said, | don't throw him out. Take him out.
Suppose he don't want to be | taken? Then, leave him here.
You really want to stay here, eh? Yes.
Well, good night. | Good night, Dick.
You're crazy if you don't think | we're crazy about each other.
Are you going | to sweep me off my feet?
You'll never know | what hit you.
Umm. Where am I? I'm swept! Oh, shut up.
You're not leaving, Mr. Bolton? Yes,Joe.
Yes, he's off | in search of a broom.
A broom?
Yes, he's going | to be a sweeper.
I'm afraid | I don't get you.
Good night,Joe. | Good night, Mr. Bolton.
Good night, Mrs. Bolton. | Good night, Mr. Healy.
I'm afraid I- | You got me guessin' again.
Oh, a little gaiety | is all it means, Mr. Anton.
It's the influence of your | charming inn. Sit down.
Even the wine seems | more like wine.
Magic spreads | its wings afar.
Yeah, that's the word.
That's the way I feel. | Huh?
Everything looks different,
new, brand-new, | and shiny-like.
Get me? | No. Why does it?
Oh, I don't know, | but it does.
aren't you going to introduce | me to your friend?
Miss Healy, Miss Dawn. | How do you do?
I don't think I've | seen you around before.
This is my third visit.
You don't waste much time, | do you? Wait a minute, Iris.
She's right. | I have stayed too long.
Will you see that I get my | check? It's all paid for.
Oh, Mr. Bolton, | of course. Good night.
I'll see you to a cab, Miss | Healy. Don't bother, Mr. Anton.
It's no trouble at all, | I'm sure. Good night.
Wait a minute, Iris. | Let me go!
Come on, be a good sport. I'm not | a good sport, I'm a tough loser.
Come on, I'll buy you a drink. | You ain't lost nothin' yet.
No? And I'm not | gonna loose nothin', either.
He's mine, and no gal from | Park Avenue can take him away.
He's only showin' the gal to a | cab. He's tryin' to be polite.
Polite! A mug tryin' to | be a gentleman.
Now, listen. No cracks about him | or I'll punch you right in the nose.
Guy's got a right | to do what he wants.
What's got into him, Leo?
He ain't the same guy | anymore. I don't know.
He just wants | to injure himself, I guess.
Give us a couple of drinks, | Tom. Make mine a double.
Well, good night, | and thanks again.
Will I see you tomorrow? Tomorrow?
Yeah, you said you | wanted to see the house.
But why tomorrow? You're | not thinking of closing?
You never can tell. I have some friends | that may drop around any evening now.
Oh, friends, huh? Yeah,just | pals with a gun in each pocket.
You lead a happy life, don't you? Do I?
Um-hmm. | The pirates of today.
That's funny. I just finished | reading a pirate story.
They stole a lot of women in it.
Happy days!
Well, good night.
Tomorrow? | All right.
Dinner? | Why, all right.
You know, you have something | you must never lose.
Yeah, what? | Something different.
I don't know exactly | what it is. It's, well,
Or, is it | my imagination?
Well, good night. | All right, driver.
Start with the hors d'oeuvres. | I want the Michigan celery.
But that is out of season. Get it!
Then assorted olives, | the, uh, California Jumbos,
and the Italian Palmeros.
In the center, | I want the antipasto.
Around the edges, | Italian salamis...
and in between, | plenty of Russian caviar.
Hello. Yeah,Joe.
Wait a minute and I'll see.
Did the squabs come yet? | Oui, Monsieur.
Yeah, they're here,Joe.
All right. | He wants oyster dressin'.
Very well, | oyster dressing.
Yeah,Joe, everything's | coming along just lovely.
No. How many times I gotta tell | you it ain't time forJellyman yet?
Aw, she'll be here.
Hello, Miss Jellyman. | I'm glad you showed up today.
Well, don't [ always, | Mr. Anton?
Yes, but I wanted to see you so bad I was afraid | - Badly. Badly.
So badly I was afraid | you'd break a leg.
This sounds like | something special.
It's the most special night | of my life and I need you bad.
Badly. Badly. Let's | can that stuff a minute.
Sit down. I wanna tell | you something. Of course.
And now, tell me. There's a | lady coming to dinner tonight...
that I can't afford to pull any | boners with. Boners? Tsk, tsk.
I've got to make a hit with her, to | impress her. And you've got to help me.
Anything that I can do. You | must come to dinner with us.
To dinner? | Yeah.
Here? | Yeah.
Upstairs? I want her to feel | that you and I are old friends.
I want us to talk about things that'll | make her think I'm a big leaguer.
I getcha. Oh, heavens, did I say that?
Yeah, but don't say it tonight. I | want you to use all the ritz you got.
Oh, Mr. Anton, I have | never been so excited.
Imagine dining | in a speakeasy!
I wouldn't be able to go | through with it without you.
Just seeing you there would | steady me. I quite understand.
Now, what shall we talk | about tonight at dinner?
Because I shall have to leave | you and go home to dress.
And what shall I wear? | What shall I wear?
They look nice, don't | they? Oh, they're gorgeous.
Tony, the table is | exactly right, ain't it?
You're not gonna change | it again, are you?
What's the matter with you? | Don't you like it? Oh, I love it.
In fact, I've had | a lovely day,
and I'm charmed to have | met'n up with you!
Oh, Mr. Blainey.
I've always wondered | what it was like up here.
Here you are, Miss | Jellyman. Oh, thank you.
How do you do, Miss Jellyman? | Gee, you look great. Do I?
You bet you do. | Do I really?
Oh, I'm so excited. | This place is so wonderful.
It's like something out of a | book. Anything might happen here.
Aw, there's nothing much | goin' on.
Oh, but there is. There's | a smile on everyone's face.
How does the table look? | Lovely, but we don't need these.
Why not? | We can't see each other.
That's all right with me. | I don't want to be seen.
Oh, nonsense. | Jim!
How thoughtful of you, Mr. | Anton. These are beautiful.
Well? | Well?
Well? | I'm sorry.
Say, I was about- | No, don't say ''say.''
Look. If I want to be alone | with her after dinner,
I'll give you a high sign like | this, and that means you blow.
Blow? Blow what?
You leave us.
Oh, Mr. Anton, | do I have to go home?
No, no.
Spend the rest of the evening here. | Leo will get you another table.
Oh, I feel as though | I'm going to see life...
for the first time tonight.
I feel like I'm gonna get it in the neck. | I've never been so nervous in my life.
Oh, look. | Here she comes.
Get up, get up!
I feel like I'm hanging onto | the ropes. Go and meet her.
Remember the introduction, | just as we rehearsed it,
and then bring her | - Hello.
Oh, hello.
Gee, you look great. | You're right on time.
You look | very sweet.
I want you to meet an old friend | of mine. Miss Jellyman, Miss Healy.
I'm so pleased. How do you | do? Are you dining with us?
Yes. | Oh, how lovely.
Oh, oh!
Oh, I'm so sorry. It really | doesn't matter. It's only water.
It won't spot. Oh!
A toast.
To our house, Mr. Anton.
It is a lovely place.
Andrew Carnegie had a room | similar to this.
I mean that | the decorations were-
He was a remarkable man, | don't you think?
Oh, yes. He was | very charitable.
Yes, and he had great visin, Miss | Healy. That's what the nations need today.
Quite so.
What is your opinion of the | Lausanne conference, Mr. Anton?
Oh, uh, you're referring to | the conference in Switzerland?
Uh, quite so.
Do you thing that it's just | a lot of talk,
or that the nations | may finally get together?
Well, uh, nations | are like people.
Do people get together, | Miss Jellyman?
Charmingly put.
Don't you think so?
Oh, yes. That was, very. | Have you a match?
We're going in with you, | Maudie. My father's very strict.
He don't let me | see boys after 9: 00.
Aw, cut the kidding, Maud.
Why don't you guys be good and | go home to your wives? Who is it?
The fairy princess, you mug! Maudie!
Say, don't let those guys in. | They'll wreck the joint.
Hey, gorilla!
Come here.
Hello, Maudie. Where's Joe? | I gotta see that little rat.
He's pretty busy right now | - Aw, don't give me that. You gave it to me twice.
Yeah, but | - No sale, no sale! I'm gonna see him tonight.
Wait here. I'll see if he's | here. I'll be right up after you.
Hello, honey, how's business? Fine.
Been insulted lately? Goodness, | what beautiful diamonds.
Goodness had nothin' | to do with it, dearie.
No. No, thank you. | No more.
No, indeed. I couldn't | take another drop.
Pardon me, Mr. Anton.
Oh, uh, excuse me. | Certainly.
Tell Mr.Jones I can't | see him tonight. Yes, sir.
Joey!Joey! Well, well. Come | here and kiss me, you dog!
Let's take a look at you.
You're lookin' great. | Who's your tailor now?
Not bad, huh?
Who's the dames? This is Miss Jellyman.
How do you do? | Pleased to meet ya.
And, uh, Miss Healy. You're not bad to | meet, either. You're still pickin' 'em.
What's your name? Maudie Triplett, | one of the blue bloods from Kentucky.
If you don't like the color, | we'll change it. Sit down, dearie.
Oh, waiter, waiter. | Yes, madame.
A chair, you mug. The | service here is terrific.
- Have you had your dinner? | - Yes, and a lovely one.
But I could go for some | of that stuff in the bottle.
Well, how about a cordial? | Oh, not for me, honey.
I always take care of this-a | and that-a. How about it, baby?
Mr. Anton, what is your opinion | of the Russian five-year plan?
Do you think it will work?
Oh, uh, that depends, | Miss Jellyman.
That all depends on how | the Bolsheviki conference-
Bolsheviki! Why,Joe, don't | tell me you've gone Bolsheviki?
That reminds me. Remember the night | we were all at the Eaton House...
when a flock of them gangsters came | in and tried to take me from you?
You should have seen this kid | fight for me that night.
This is a delicious wine.
I suggest | that we should try some.
You've got a customer!
Honey, remember our last bout with | champagne? Why, we got so plastered...
why, they threw us out | in the gutter...
and it took five waiters to do it and | it took five cops to land us in jail.
Oh,Joe, it's just life to see | you. Come here. Crawl to me, baby!
Are you a member of the | Red Cross, Miss Healy?
Oh, yes, I am.
As I was saying, | life is very sad.
This is the first happy time | I've had since I was 27.
You've been buried, | dearie. You're right.
I do nothing | but teach, teach!
I hate Miss Prinny's school | and Miss Prinny!
Come on, we'll all | hate her, how about it?
I guess it's about time to see | the house. All right, let's.
Where are you going? We'll be back.
Do you want a cab? | I don't want to go home.
He said I didn't have to. Yeah, | we're gonna make a night of it.
You go ahead. | We gotta talk it over.
Maudie and I have a great | deal in common. You said it.
Well, I'll see you later, Miss | Jellyman. It's been a great success.
It's been delightful, Miss | Triplett. All right, honey.
Anything you do | is okay with me.
Oh, she's a great gal. She's | all right. And isn't he lovely?
Ain't he, though? When I first | met him, he was a third-rate pug.
But I always said he | had the makings, Mabel.
Maudie, do you believe | in love at first sight?
I don't know, but it saves | an awful lot of time.
Your glass is empty. I | couldn't drink anymore.
Now listen, Mabel, if you're gonna be | Broadway, you got to learn to take it.
You may as well break in | the act right now.
This night will read great | in your diary.
You said it, baby. | Aw, hotcha!
Maudie, do you really think I | could get rid of my inhibitions?
Why, sure. I got an old trunk | you can put them in. Hotcha!
This was our music room.
There were | sliding doors there.
They used to lock me in | and make me practice.
The piano- | Let me see-
Yes, it was | over there.
Dad loved this room.
[ can just remember | mother singing to him.
Your father liked | nice things, didn't he?
And he knew. Excuse me, Mr. Anton.
What is it,Jerky? Frankie | Guard's downstairs.
Alone? | Yeah.
I'll be | right down.
Don't you think you'd better wait in | the dining room with Miss Jellyman?
Let me wander around | by myself.
All right. I'll | be back in two seconds.
Wait a minute,Joe. | What's the matter?
Don't sell the place. | Why not?
I know what you're aimin' at, | kid. You ain't gonna make it.
Stay on your own | side of the fence.
How do you know what | my side of the fence is?
What made you change your | mind? I don't like trouble.
You know, if you can avoid | - Come to the point.
Well, you're askin' 250 grand. I'll | give you 200. Don't say that ain't fair.
Sold! See you later. Wait a | minute,Joe. We've got papers to sign.
Can't tonight, see you tomorrow | night. Don't worry about it.
What's the matter | with you?
I don't like you | interfering in my business.
All right, kid, I won't | say nothin' more about it.
Wait a minute, Leo.
What do you care which way I'm goin'? | You're goin' with me, ain't you?
I don't know about that. What | kind of guy do you thing I am?
I never turned a pal down | in my life, and you know it.
That's different. Why didn't | you say so in the first place?
How much did you get? Two hundred | grand. Twenty-five is yours.
Gee, | that's swell,Joe.
When I say I'm warnin' you, Miss Park | Avenue, that means I'm warnin' you.
But my dear girl, Mr. | Anton means nothing to me.
Hmph. Tell that | to Sweeney.
And I'm not | your dear girl.
Pardon me.
Hey, wait a minute! You might | as well get used to me...
because I'm gonna be your | companion for the rest of the night.
Throw her out. You | mean, ''take'' her out.
I mean throw her out | and keep her out.
Come on, Iris. I want | to talk to you. Huh?
Hey, you! | No cracks.
Have you been looking | at this room? Oh, yes.
That's what you get | for lovin' a guy: the air.
It's got nothin' | to do with me.
Don't throw me out, Leo. Sorry, | Iris. I gotta do what I'm told.
If I promise you I won't make no trouble, | let me stay. He won't know I'm here.
Aw, Leo, don't throw me | out. Orders is orders.
Yeah, but I swear I won't do | nothin'. I wouldn't lie to you, Leo.
I'll go crazy out there | on the street. Please!
I'm liable to get into a | jam. No, I give you my word.
I won't do anything | to get you in a jam.
Well- | Thanks!
Hey, Leo, | that newspaper guy,
the one who writes the | columns, says he's gotta get in.
He's gonna stay out. Joe don't want | him in here. He squeals on everybody.
Going home, Iris? | Maybe.
Not the one thatJohn knows? Yes.
What did he do?
Is this the room? Yes.
What do you know | about that?
Only my bed | wasn't there.
It was over here... | Yeah?
by the window.
And some nights, the | moonlight used to sneak in.
I made believe | it was a sea.
My hand was a boat. | Yeah.
I can just see | you doin' it.
I never saw | so many pictures.
Ain't they | swell?
I had one | over there.
Only one? Uh-huh. A | Rembrandt lithograph.
Did you ever see anything | like mine? No, I never did.
I got | 18 of'em.
I could have got the other | seven, only I was a day late.
Perhaps it's | just as well.
What do | you want?
You! Nobody turns me down! Nobody!
Get over there, | Miss Park Avenue.
Come on down,Joe.
Near enough?
The show don't go on without | me. If I'm not in it...
you don't play.
That's right, go on | and gasp, Miss Park Avenue.
You're going to see a show | you don't see on Park Avenue.
Well, well, if it isn't | Iris, the little gun girl!
Say your prayers,Joe.
Dear little Iris | with her water pistol.
['m afraid you're going to | see a rotten show, Miss Healy.
Yeah? I'll give you | ten seconds to say your prayers.
So soon? Give us | a square count, will you.
Sure. I'll start right now. One, two,
four, five,
six. | Don't hit her, Leo!
Oh, leave me alone.
Well, well, your little show is over. | Didn't I tell you it would be terrible?
Oh,Joe, I'm sorry. | I didn't mean it, honest.
Did I hear a shot? Yeah, the playmate | was trying out her water pistol.
Why, you lying little rat! | Double-cross me, huh?
I've got a good mind to | throw you out the window.
Don't do that. | She might be lonesome.
Come on. Get goin', get goin'.
All right. We're all | washed up, Mr. High Hat.
I wouldn't walk across | the street to see you!
I'm awfully sorry | that this had to happen.
I'm not. I loved it. Pirate!
You gone daffy? Get away from that | window before you get moon burned.
When you can't sleep, | nobody else can, is that it?
She kissed me! | You told me that before!
I'm tellin' you again. | You don't mind, do you?
I'm a little tired, | but I don't mind.
She kissed me. She must | love me. How do you know?
Because she kissed me, | and a kiss is a kiss, ain't it?
I don't know anything about them | women. What do you mean, ''them women''?
Maybe they kiss because | they like it. They love it.
All right, maybe they love | it, but not the guy they kiss.
What do they kiss him | for? They love to kiss.
What do you know?
You're right. | Nobody ever kisses me.
- I bet you ten bucks you never see her again. | - You're on!
Yeah, I'm on, | and you're off your nut!
Hey, Puggie! | Yeah?
Bring on the bromo | seltzer, will you? Okay.
No sir, there's nothing | like your own bed.
You said it. Well, it ain't | goin' to happen again.
Ooh. You think | I might've caught cold?
No, it's only a kink.
Are you sure | it ain't a cold?
No. What's | the matter?
You gettin' to be one of | those ''hypocrondicracks''?
Are you studyin' | with that teacher too?
Hey, Puggie, can you imagine | that guy worryin' about a cold?
Come in.
There you are, Mabel.
Oh, Leo. Put it right over there, honey.
What'd I tell you, Mabel? | You can always depend on Leo.
How long you two dames | goin' to stay in here?
My dear young man, that's a very | difficult question to answer.
Well, I gotta have | this bed tonight!
Lovely boy.
The price of pleasure.
Come on, dearie, stick | this under your belt.
What is it? Never mind what it is.
It'll put you right back on your feet.
I shall never stand on | my feet again. Atta girl!
Conscious now, dearie? Ah.
This'll | do it, honey.
Chemistry's | a wonderful thing.
I'll say it is, but I know | a couple of druggists...
that never made a dime | until prohibition.
Oh! That reminds me.
I've got a class in political | science the first thing this morning.
Not this morning, dearie. | It's 4:30 in the afternoon.
Are you telling me the truth? | I wouldn't fool you, honey.
Oh, Miss Prinny! Why, I've | never missed a day in my life.
Miss Prin- | What'll Miss Prinny think?
Why, she'll think | you double-crossed her.
Oh, no, dear. | Don't- Don't say that.
Come on, dearie, take this and | Prinny'll take to the woods.
No. No, thank you, dear, | nothing more to drink. Thank you.
If Miss Prinny finds out that | I've been in a speakeasy all night,
[ shall never teach again. That's great.
Maudie, be serious.
Why, this is my livelihood.
Your livelihood? Why, | dearie, you're wasting time.
Why, a gal with your poise and class, | you'd make thousands in my business.
Your business! Are you asking | me to come into your business?
Why, of course. Why not?
It's one of the best payin' | rackets in the worid.
Oh! Oh, of course I | - I recognize that your business has been...
a great factor in the | building of civilization.
And, of course, it has | protected our good women...
and thereby preserved | the sanctity of the home.
And there, there were | such women as Cleopatra,
and, of course, France owes | a great deal to Du Barry, and-
But me, dear?
Don't you think | I'm just a little old?
what kind of a business | do you think I'm in?
Oh! Oh, please.
Oh, dear. Don't let's | say anymore about it.
Say, listen, dearie, | you got me all wrong.
Why, I got a chain | of beauty parlors.
Oh, I see. That is the | business, a cosmetician.
Yeah, that's it. | Oh, I see.
But how do I fit in? Like a | glove. You'd make a swell hostess.
Oh, yes? | Go on.
You see, I'm opening a | little place here in New York.
I'm calling it ''Institood de | Beaut.'' Not bad, huh? Quite all right.
I gotta have someone who | looks distinguished, like you.
That's kind of you. | Tell you what I'll do.
I'll give you $100 a week and | - $100?
I'll cut you in on the | profits. What do you say?
Oh, it's | too wonderful!
Stick with me, dearie, and | I'll make you a platinum blonde.
It's too enchanting! | I- I can't grasp it.
Can I have some of that stuff that | makes Miss Prinny go to the woods?
You bet you can. | Oh!
I thought you were so | sure she was comin' back.
Well, I'm not takin' any | chances. Call up all the Healys.
But there's 1,700 of'em. I don't | care if there's a million. Find her.
I got Bolton's office | on the phone for you,Joe.
Hello. Mr. Bolton there?
Joe Anton.
You think he'll be there | this afternoon?
You know where I can | locate him? Aw, never mind.
Here's the | city directory,Joe.
Oh, here | he is,Joe.
Well, did you find | her? We never fail, kid.
Does Miss Healy | expect you?
Yes, in a way she does. | I'll see if she's home.
Your name again, please? Mr. Anton.
Wait in here.
Oh, hello.
Well, this is a surprise! | Anymore exciting times?
Yeah, uh, this really | excites me.
What does? | This view.
Oh, yes, the buildings | are rather exciting.
But that view's nothing | compared to- Come here.
You can see the harbor | from here.
Say! | Well, say it.
I wouldn't know how | to say it. Gee!
What a place | to live in.
Yes, it is nice.
This bedroom's got it | all over your old one.
I'll bet the moonlight | comes in there, all right.
I suppose it does. I don't | notice it as I used to.
That's a picture of | Bolton, ain't it? Uh-huh.
That's another one, huh?
Yes, that's | his favorite pony.
Some nag, all right.
You and Mr. Bolton are old | friends, ain't you? Of course.
By the way, what happened to | your friends? What friends?
Miss Jellyman and Miss Trip | - What was her name?
Triplett? | Yes, that's it.
Oh, nothing. I thought | they were so nice.
Mr. Anton!
What? | Please!
What do you mean?
Well, it's | rather sudden.
What's sudden about it? Isn't it?
Didn't you kiss me | last night?
Oh! | Didn't you?
Well, yes, of course.
But that was last night. I was | thrilled. I had to do something.
Oh, you were thrilled, | eh? Yes, terribly.
So that's all it meant. | Well, but of course.
What did you think | it might mean?
I'll tell you what I thought.
I thought you might be in love with | me, see. Now you know how dumb I am.
Oh! Believe it or not, I come | over to ask you to marry me.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry | you took it that way.
Don't be sorry. | I get it all right, now.
You would have kissed any | guy that done the same thing.
Well, I don't know | about that. I-
Anyway, it didn't | mean nothin'.
Yeah, the pirates of today | are pretty dumb.
So long.
Oh, Mr. Anton, | wait.!
I don't know what to say.
But I do know I don't want you | to go away thinking badly of me.
No hard feelings.
And you'll drop in to | ''55'' again, maybe.
Well, I don't know. Mr. Bolton | and I are going abroad Thursday.
Mr. Bolton? We're going to be married.
Oh! | See?
Yeah. I didn't know you | was in love with him.
I'm not. | You're not?
Well, what are you | marrying him for?
Don't | - Don't tell me you're marryin' him for his dough?
Would that | surprise you very much?
So that's it! | Well, well.
Well, what? | Nothin'.
Dough's pretty good stuff, | and he's got his share.
I certainly | congratulate you.
Why, you talk as if | that's all he had.
No, I got | no quarrel with him.
And I'm sure you're gonna be very | happy. You've got all you need.
What did you think I wanted? | Something you had?
Now, now, don't pay no | attention to anything I say.
But I had an idea, see? I had an idea | that up in this part of the worid...
there was somethin' worth the | gettin', and I went after it.
But I see now | it was just my imagination.
In other words, you're | telling me what you think of me.
I'm tellin' you, as I look at you now, | you're just another dame with a skirt.
And there's no difference between you and | Iris, except the way you manicure your nails.
Why, how dare you | speak to me like that!
Well, my dear Miss Park | Avenue, I suppose I dare to,
because I got nothing | but contempt for you.
No, I wouldn't | even say that.
You'd better | take that back!
I ain't even got that. You're | nothin' to me, just nothin' at all.
And if I was a pirate, | and had you on my ship,
I wouldn't | toss you to the crew.
Get out of here! | Get out of here!
I'm on my way.
So long, baby.
I don't get you. You understand | English? I'm not sellin'.
You can't change your | mind like that,Joe.
You're goin' to tell me | what to do, huh? You know it.
You'd better change that tone in | your voice, or I'll change it for you.
Keep your hands out | of your pockets.
Okay,Joe, but you ain't | goin' to be here long.
What you gonna do? Make another | speech and tell me how tough you are?
No, I'm through talkin'.
That's great. | Come on, boys.
See that the boys get out | all right, Blainey. Okay,Joe.
How's business upstairs? Great.
What's the matter? | She let you down?
Never mind that. Did | Hennessey pay his bill?
Atta boy! Back in your own | backyard, huh? You said it!
Number 55 West | - I know the place, lady, I know.
Okay, Tom.
But my good fortune need not | interfere with your lessons, Mr. Anton.
No more lessons, Miss | Jellyman. They're out.
Out? | Out like a light.
And you were | getting on so nicely.
No more gentleman stuff | for me. He's right, Mabel.
What's the sense of trying | to be something you're not?
This guy was all right in the first | place. You only thought you were wrong.
Come on, snap out of it, | ya dog!
Always a pal, eh, Maudie? What do | you think of her, Miss Jellyman?
Wait for me.
Where's Mr. Anton? | He's around.
Something I can do for you? | Yes, tell me where he is.
Sit down. I'll find | him. I won't sit down.
Then stand up, and I'll | see if I can find him.
No man can say the things he | said to me and get away with it!
Oh!Just a minute! | Just a minute!
So long, kid. I know what | to do if the worst happens.
Notify your uncle. | Scram. I'm busy.
There's a tiger in the lobby. | What are you talking about?
The lady, Miss Healy, | the classy gal.
Did you ever see her | with her Irish up?
Where is she? | Down in the lobby.
All right, chief.
Hide your guns | and take it easy.
Buy you a drink, | Joe?
It looks like | you're doin' all right.
So there you are! Go ahead, | don't let me stop you.
Well, you were right, | weren't you? I don't get you.
You said I was a lot of things. | You can see you were right.
There's nobody as bad | as I am, nobody!
You wouldn't throw me | to the crew, huh?
You said I was like Iris | and I'm here to prove it.
This only proves | something very different.
What do you mean?
It proves that you are a lady, | and a little stuck on me at that.
What are you talking | about? What do you think?
Do you think you'd come over | here if you didn't want me?
This roughhousing the place is | just a fancy way of puttin' it.
Now you're boring me.
If I'm boring you, it's because | I'm talkin' instead of takin' you,
and that's what | you came here for.
You let me go! Not a chance! | This is what you want.
How dare you! Our old | friend, ''how dare you''!
Let me go! Let me go! Not a chance!
Frankie Guard's here, | Joe! Get the rods, quick.
No,Joe, you can't! | Look out!
Oh,Joe, wait! You can't go down there!
I love you! I didn't | know it, but I do now.
Do you know | what you're sayin'?
You were right. | That's why I came back.
Oh, I do love you.
Joe!Joe! Come on,Joe! | They're wreckin' everything.
Tell 'em to stop. They're | only wreckin' their own joint.
Oh, Mr. Anton, please | don't say ''joint.''
Come on Mabel. | Get out those books.
Looks like he's goin' | to take more lessons.