Night Waitress (1936) Movie Script

Morning, girls.
- Morning.
Come on. Come on.
No, Miss Carson.
How many times did I tell you?
A little bit, yes.
But not like an Indian.
Stick out your tongue.
Come on, stick it out.
Come on. More.
That's better.
Such a strong perfume don't smell
good with the devilled crab.
It's just like ..
Like you put garlic on ice-cream.
Yes, papa Torre.
Just a minute, Miss Roberts.
You know, we missed you very much.
You're the best girl to ever work here.
Thanks papa Torre.
You've had lots of trouble. Poor kid.
But now you're back you forget
all about the rotten mix-up.
I tell the judge you're a fine girl.
Maybe that's why he
put you on probation.
So don't you worry.
Nobody is going to bother you here.
You're swell.
Next time you pick better
people for your friends.
Don't worry, papa Torre.
From now on I'm taking up with nobody.
Unless they have a reference
from St. Peter himself.
Hello Helen. Glad you're back.
- Take over.
Just the usual ten o'clock
drinking crowd.
All the booths are satisfied except
number 5. He just came in.
That's her. Helen Roberts. She's back.
They found the bonds in her apartment.
Her room mate hid them there for some
guy without this girl knowing about it.
At least that was her story.
That's tough.
Yeah. Probation.
The cops will get her the first
time blows her nose crooked.
Hey, Miss.
- Yes, sir?
What's your name?
Number 9, sir.
Did you want something?
- Yeah.
When do you get off?
I don't get off.
What are you going to have?
What time do I meet you?
What, no play?
I forgot how.
I'm just the man you've
been looking for.
I play all the games.
I play them anywhere.
When do we start the lessons?
Listen, mister. I just work here.
Will you give me your order please?
I'm the one who's
getting sore, blue-eyes.
I was just admiring the cut of your jib.
When you've made up your mind ..
- Made up my mind?
Where's that glass of beer I've been
demanding for the last hour and a half?
Martin Rhodes speaking.
How do I know this is Martin Rhodes?
I can't take any chances.
I gotta make sure.
Do you own a schooner?
What's its name?
What was its name before repeal?
Listen, Rhodes. This isn't Ted Rigo.
This is his Mario, his brother.
You don't know me.
I was too young for the rum running.
Ted was killed right after
we sent you the cable.
They tortured him to death
trying to make him talk.
Now they're after me.
That's bad. But how do I figure?
Listen. I'm all alone in this.
The only one who knows
where the cargo is.
I'm afraid to go anyplace unless
there's a crowd and cops.
I'm hot with them too.
What's this all about?
They're here. I gotta hang up.
Wait for me every night .. at Torre's.
I'll be there when I shake them off.
It's all plenty crazy but I'll be there.
In Booth 5.
Alright. Alright. Booth 5.
I only heard the tail end
of the conversation.
I just got sat in the next telephone
booth when he spotted Dorn.
Alright, Borgum. I tell you we
couldn't grab him this time.
He ducked into the crowd
and the place is full of cops.
But we'll be at Torre's
every night at twelve.
Yes, sir?
I want to reserve this booth
for every night at twelve.
Every night?
How many in the party?
- All of us.
And how many would that be?
- Here we are.
What name?
Martin Rhodes. And yours?
I am not in your party.
Another night sat in
here and still no Rigo.
Two nights to be exact if you refer to
our pleasant sojourn in this restaurant.
Not bad.
Cut it out, Dorn.
That's not what we're chasing.
If it isn't my little iceberg.
Listen, mister.
This is all the chat I take from you.
I'm going to Mr Torre tomorrow to tell
him to put someone else at this table.
So my three nights have been
wasted trying to brighten your life.
You're probably alright
in your own way, but ..
I'm just not interested.
Is that clear?
Why don't you give
the big sailor a break?
What he needs is an emergency brake.
If it isn't the countess herself.
Wait a minute. You forgot me.
So that's it.
The gang waits for a sailor.
- Wait a minute.
I only came back to avoid a row.
Not to make one.
No. Don't.
Let's go.
You can either take me home or ..
You can go back and fight.
Alright, kid.
Where do you live?
Man and girl round the corner.
Step on it.
I guess I'm still just a beef-on-rye
and a glass of beer to you.
Thank you. Good night.
When can I see you?
Tomorrow night.
Booth 5 at twelve.
Nothing doing. I must see what you look
like when you're not balancing a tray.
Look, Miss .. Miss ..?
- Roberts.
Miss Roberts.
How about an afternoon drive?
In my motor special.
Drive you any place you want to go.
Show you anything you want to see.
Like to look at boats?
Monkeys in the zoo?
City hall?
You don't hate trees, do you?
Or birds in the country?
We'll start at four and stop
at the first birds we meet.
If they don't sing what we like we'll
put in an order for some that will.
You're the craziest man I ever met.
But thanks again.
Hey. Was it a date?
You'll wake the whole neighborhood.
Quiet? Say yes or I will holler.
If you let me in the
house I'll tell you.
Alright, you.
You win.
- Four o'clock?
If you find me in.
Something wrong?
I don't know.
I think somebody has been trailing
me all the way from Frisco.
When wise-guy sees goose cook.
He does not linger to feed on bird.
Shall we sail?
I'd like to know what
it's all about first.
It smells to me like
that trouble in Cuba.
That time I got shot.
You Chinamen never forget
catching a little lead.
Who does?
Look. Give the cabin a good
cleaning in the morning.
Get some flowers.
It's coming.
She has nothing to do
with that Rigo business.
Whatever it is. So keep your shirt on.
When lady's skirt come in door,
man's shirt go out window.
You'd better tighten your belts.
There's plenty of storm back there.
We got something, Borgum.
It's getting hot.
- Hot, hot?
So are we.
So hot we'll be in the electric chair
before you stooges can do anything.
But listen, Borgum.
- More alibis?
You're just as helpless as if you
really were a bunch of detectives.
You see, Rigo didn't show up.
But there's one man that's
waited at Torre's every night.
A man?
Who is he?
Well, we didn't get that.
But we do know he belongs
to a small schooner.
It's moored to a wharf on the
south shore. Do you get it?
A man with a schooner.
Waiting for Rigo.
Have him followed.
We tailed him and the girl to her
house and then out to the schooner.
Where does she fit in?
- She probably doesn't.
Just one of Torre's waitresses
he picked up to pass the time.
Keep her watched.
Show me where the schooner is.
Cover it night and day.
Simple. We put a man in the
shack at the foot of the dock.
Where does the girl live?
Pins for where Rigo was.
And where he is going to be.
But no pin for where he is.
That's the pin I want
to place, you nitwits.
Those ships have been everywhere
I have dreamed of going.
Why just dream? Why not go?
I started to once.
Torre's Fish Palace was as far as I got.
I know some of those ships.
See that one with the green stack?
We ran into it last year in Bali.
Yeah. We put in there to
dodge some rough weather.
Balinese dancing girls.
I've seen them in pictures.
Finally we got away.
Without the dancing girls.
Tell me.
Are these places really
like their names?
So strange and beautiful?
Well, they're not meeting Rigo today.
Yeah. The little schooner and I
have seen and done a lot together.
You know how it began?
We started out to buck
the prohibition racket.
Boy, what a run we gave
them for their money.
After repeal, we tried gun running ..
For some poor devils who were
fighting for what they called freedom.
You ought to see my schooner.
There's a story in every plank.
Adventure in every beam.
She's anchored not far off.
Shall we drive by it?
No thanks. Not today.
I would rather see those birds
and trees you promised me.
You know, a man and his ship are one.
You can't get the idea of
the one without the other.
But I have the idea.
The kind of man you are.
No fooling?
What kind of a man am I?
The kind who started
out as a bootlegger.
Who hires himself out
to upset governments.
Maybe you'd better call out the G-Men.
Listen. Repeal put an end to all that.
And the gun-running business?
Look at the American revolution.
Where would they have been ..
- Make it as romantic as you like.
But I am sick of it.
Rackets. Racketeers.
That's all I seem to meet.
Why can't you do something useful
and decent with your schooner?
I imagine you'd fall for
me if I were a tame guy.
With a ship hauling coal or potatoes.
It wouldn't make a bit of difference.
That's what I mean by useful and decent.
That's just a bridge.
Those men up there.
Hanging on to nothing.
They take chances too.
They risk their lives every day.
They do it to build something.
That means something.
Mr Rhodes.
Where are those birds and trees
that we started out to see?
What are you afraid of?
So every girl that doesn't want
to visit your schooner is afraid?
Now listen here ..
- I want you to get this straight.
You're not kidding me.
I admit you seem different from the rest
of the gang that hang out at Torre's.
But you are always there.
And I just don't want any part of it.
That's what I've tried
to make clear to you.
But you work there.
What about that?
Not from choice.
The first break I get.
Are you giving me the third degree
or are you taking me for a drive?
Come on aboard.
We need something to brighten us up.
Would you mind taking me home?
The cabins are cleaned.
Don't you understand?
I don't want to visit any schooners.
Not even if it defeated the whole navy.
Alright. You win this time.
Home it is.
The monkeys have no tails in Zamboanga.
The monkeys have no tails in Zamboanga.
The monkeys have no tails.
They were bitten off by whales.
The monkeys have no tails in Zamboanga.
You're laughing now you're safely home.
You're a nice person in
spite of everything.
No. I was wrong.
You're nothing but a gorilla.
A crazy, stupid ..
Why, you little ..
Sorry, sir. This table is reserved.
- I know. I know.
A man is expecting me.
Bring me a brandy.
Yes, sir.
Here he is.
Yes, sir?
Keep the change.
Tell the man I couldn't wait any longer.
Tell him I'm taking the first plane out.
Give him this.
Good evening, gentlemen.
- Sit down and take it easy, Torre.
Everything is going to be alright.
Hello Rigo.
Do you know who wants to talk to you?
Come on.
Come on, you double-crosser.
You're coming with us.
- No shooting.
Don't anybody move.
A nice quiet neighborhood you got here.
That's the way I like them.
Here they come and there they go.
But when they stop ..
Helen Roberts.
You were waiting on the
man when he was shot?
Yes, sir.
A probationer, eh?
Yes, sir.
- Take her to headquarters.
Question her later.
- George Skinner.
What did you see?
I was reading my newspaper.
I didn't see a thing.
What's wrong? Why are they taking you?
Who is this guy?
- I don't know.
Never saw him before.
A wise-guy, huh?
Beat it before I run you in.
Trouble for you, Torre?
This accident has not hurt nothing.
You think you can sell
the cops that idea?
Nobody can blame the Fish Palace.
- So who's to blame for my indigestion?
You think shooting is good for it?
You'll never see me in your place again.
It's sure to bring more
customers than that guy.
I'll make plenty money on that
table where the man was killed.
People will pay extra to sit in Booth 5.
Booth 5?
Certainly, yes. Booth 5.
Why did they take the girl?
She's in no trouble whatsoever.
She served the man. The only eyewitness.
They take her to headquarters
for a statement.
You'll see. She'll be back
on the job tomorrow.
She is a very good girl.
Very good.
Too bad this had to happen at her table.
The police are so hard
on the probationers.
So that's it.
Hey, what's been going on around here?
What kind of a party have
you been staging here?
You see. What I tell you?
Just like Cuba.
That isn't lead. That's just a sock.
Well anyway. Almost.
They jump out of dark and hit me down.
Who did?
No chance to see.
Sound like whole army.
What time did this happen?
Come eight o'clock. Me fight.
They plenty kick and hit.
All the time, keep asking for Rigo.
Then top man say:
'Search all papers'.
When no find news they
kick and hit some more.
You've just been dreaming
you're a football.
Ah. You think so?
People who get injured.
They kick them too.
No fooling?
Let's take a look at him.
There's not much real
damage to the engine.
A day's work will fix it.
Hey, take it easy.
No likee this place.
San Francisco? Phooey.
When we sail?
- Now calm down.
We're through with the whole mess.
And well out of it too.
The bird I've been trying to
meet has just been murdered.
The whole cockeyed thing
is a mystery to me.
But as far as we're concerned the
whole thing can go to the devil.
When we sail?
I've got a little unfinished
business ashore here.
With a lady.
One day.
Maybe two days.
Then we'll shove off.
Now listen, sister.
Don't be afraid to talk.
If you recognise any of
those killers speak up.
But I told you that ..
- Don't get frightened.
We're friendly to you.
We don't think you did anything wrong.
But remember. You are a probationer.
We can put more pressure on
you than those mugs can.
But I keep telling you I never
saw any of those men before.
Why can't you believe me?
Now think carefully.
Did the dead man say anything
to you besides ordering his drink?
You know of anyone in the
restaurant he was connected with?
- Think.
You connect him with anyone?
- No.
Did he mention anybody or
ask if anyone had been in?
Did he look around as
if expecting somebody?
- Goodnight.
Give me that napkin.
Let me go.
Give me that.
- Let me go.
Give me that.
[ Whistle ]
What's going on up there?
3rd floor I think.
It's up there.
He just fell out of that window.
A waitress lives in that room.
She works for Torre's.
Oh yeah?
That little probationer.
But Rigo reached for his gun.
Now you've lost everything.
You've killed the only man
who knew where the stuff was.
Just like a mob of dumb gangsters.
That includes you, Borgum.
You got sore and gave him too much heat
just as we were about to make him talk.
Where's Skinner and Dorn?
Why don't they report?
First the Rigos doubled crossed us.
Now Skinner and Dorn.
Skinner is dead.
He fell from the window
of the waitress's room.
And the cops have the napkin.
But the waitress knows what's on it.
And she has some kind
of a message from Rigo.
Bring in that waitress.
Halt. Don't move.
I must see Martin Rhodes.
- What goes on around here?
If it isn't the little no-girl herself.
A little late.
But if you really insist
on seeing the schooner.
Am I surprised.
Especially after the goodbye you
gave me in front of the restaurant.
What did you expect me to do?
Put my arms around the neck of
man who was mixed up in a murder?
You're a fine one.
Psalm singing to me
about being a racketeer.
And all the time you're
out on probation.
Wait a minute.
I didn't mean that.
Come on down to the cabin
and we'll talk it over.
He followed me out of the crowd.
He kept looking at me in the same
horrible way he did in the restaurant.
That dirty ..
- I didn't know where else to go.
This was the only
place I could think of.
You are in a jam.
And all on account of me.
I wish he'd drawn it on a piece
of paper instead of a napkin.
Then it might have looked like
something you could recognise.
I can't remember the other word.
But the rest of it looked
something like this.
The word you cannot remember.
Exactly where did it go?
Look, it's ridiculous that you can't
remember one simple little word.
Was it the name of a town?
A vegetable?
A mineral or animal?
Captain. Come up. I got something.
You stay right here.
He hide in sack. Watch schooner.
Who are you?
- What do you care?
I care enough to kick the blazes out
of you if I catch you round here again.
It's a cinch you're not a cop.
Who planted you here?
Go on, get going.
- What's the idea?
Come on, get going.
Up forward.
Now don't worry.
He can't get away.
When I figure how to get you out of this
mess I'll turn him over to the police.
Now get yourself some sleep.
The cabin is all yours.
I'll call you for breakfast.
Well, I'll be ..
Rise and shine, sailor,
You're holding up breakfast.
Bring on the food, skipper.
I'm practically starved.
No wonder we're always broke.
How long has that oil been leaking?
I bet we've left a trail of oil all
the way from here to Nicaragua.
No can be.
This oil come aboard yesterday.
Well, speed it up, Fong.
And then bring on the chow.
Well, if it isn't the first mate.
Let's get down to business.
We have to remember that missing word.
Listen. If you don't quit rushing me
I'll deny there was any old word.
Or any murder.
Or prisoner.
Did you find out anything from that man?
How's your room mate?
- Very much tied up. Snug.
Let's eat.
I'm so hungry.
Before we do anything
about our uninvited guest.
Or anything else for that matter.
We've got to know just what happened.
How much the police know.
And how much you are in it.
Jump ashore and get the morning papers.
Engine ready now.
Much better for sail away.
'Right after the murder in Torre's ..'
'The man identified as George Skinner'.
'An operative for the
Borgum Detective Agency'.
'Fell from the room of the waitress who
served the bandit when he was shot'.
''The police are searching for her'.
Quite a mess. No doubt of that.
'Mr Borgum, when contacted, denied
Skinner's connection with his agency'.
'He said he discharged
Skinner two months ago'.
'Continued on page 5'.
There's that napkin.
Fong was right.
The only thing to do is to cast
off and beat it out of here.
Get under way.
Not with me.
You'll be far away and safe.
And be a fugitive all my life?
It's the very thing I was trying to
keep away from when I first met you.
I see it all now. I haven't a chance.
I'm going to give myself up.
Hold on. Don't be a fool.
Don't be a fool.
- Let me go.
Let me go.
You'll go in that cabin and stay there.
- I won't go.
Put me down.
Worse than Cuba.
You must stay aboard here until I think
of a way to get you clear of this mess.
You got into it for my sake.
Now it's up to me.
But I'm sticking by you
whether you go or stay.
I had nothing to do
with that gold truck.
You will see. I can prove it.
I didn't even know there was a robbery.
If Rigo had told me what the cargo was.
I wouldn't have hauled it,
murder or no murder.
You must believe me.
See? I was in Nicaragua.
That was the word that I forgot.
Our dock.
- Yes.
The Falcon tied to it.
What's that got do with the gold?
Know what you are?
You are as walking map
to a heap of gold bars.
No wonder they're all after you.
We'll find the gold and then
you'll be free and clear.
I don't see how.
You'll see a lot of things before
you're through with me.
But the first thing is that gold.
Rigo would never risk his life to leave
a map showing me where the Falcon is.
I already knew that.
If he'd just wanted me to take
the schooner to Vera Cruz ..
He'd have written that on the napkin.
He wouldn't have drawn a diagram.
Yes. But what about the dollar mark?
It can only mean the
gold and where it is.
Come on.
Fong. Fong.
That crazy drawing means the
gold is somewhere around here.
First, we'll search the dock.
You haven't even found the
truck much less the gold.
It was bad enough before this
murder gave you a clue, but now?
I tell you flatly if you don't break the
case and find this gold you're through.
We're all through.
But they couldn't hide a truckload of
gold in the places we've been looking.
Well, what else does
that dollar sign mean?
Except the gold is right
on or over the Falcon.
Or under it.
That's it.
Mr Rhodes.
Keep inside if you don't want
to see some fancy diving.
The waitress is on Rhodes' schooner.
Don, this is your last chance.
Don't fumble it.
That waitress knows where the gold is.
Take her and the schooner
up the coast to Gun Cove.
Alright. What are you waiting for?
Don't harm the girl.
I found it.
It's right under us.
Don't let anyone aboard
until I get back.
And keep your eye on the prisoner.
Whatever happens, take care of my girl.
I take care of everything.
I think everything is
going to turn out alright.
I won't be long.
I'm going to settle this whole thing.
Stay out of sight, will you.
- Yes. I will.
Just a minute, young man.
It's alright, son.
What does this mean?
- Who are you?
Do you want to solve that
gold robbery or don't you?
Gold robbery? You must be crazy.
- He's a maniac.
Just a minute.
Let me talk to this man.
Pardon me, gentlemen.
Alright. What do you know?
I've solved the gold robbery.
- Oh yeah?
And I've spotted the gold.
And I've got a man safely
tied up and waiting for jail.
Halt. Don't move.
You go in cabin. Please, Missy.
You go inside.
Fong do alright. Lock the door tight.
Don't worry about her. She's safe there.
Come on. Get the boat under way.
Do you want to tell me
something or don't you?
Sure I do.
On one condition.
How much?
This much.
I solved this thing for the sole purpose
of protecting two innocent people ..
Who got mixed up in it without knowing.
Who are these people? Where's the gold?
One is myself.
The other is that poor little waitress
your smart cops are hounding.
They can't find the gold or the
mob so they take it out on her.
Never mind that.
That's the whole point.
Listen, D.A.
Unless you see the light and forget the
two innocent bystanders I mentioned ..
I'll let these cops go
green in the face ..
While those smart crooks smuggle
the gold out of the country.
The girl thought I was involved in the
killing and was trying to shield me.
And got herself suspected of
everything in the calendar.
It's clear that I didn't murder
the man or steal the gold.
I was just trying to find out what they
wanted me to carry on my schooner.
Take it or leave it.
You can put me in jail and keep me there
if you can for what little I have done.
I won't talk unless you deal.
I tell you what I'll do.
If you and the girl aren't really
involved, I'll forget technicalities.
Provided, of course,
you take me to the gold.
Alright. Let's go.
I told you the guy was crazy.
Put him under arrest.
Wait a minute.
The schooner was here an hour ago.
That must be its trail.
Now what do you mean?
She was leaking oil. I know.
Listen to me. That gang must have
taken the boat and my girl is on it.
They'll stop at nothing.
If you think I'm following an oil trail
across the 7 seas you are crazy.
Listen, chief.
In the war my destroyer followed a
submarine for half a day that way.
A trail of oil not half
as plain as that.
If you want that gold you'll
have to follow that oil.
The gold is on the schooner.
Drive to the nearest phone.
Call the police boat to pick us up here.
We ought to be seeing it pretty soon.
- How fast can your schooner go?
About eight miles an hour on the engine.
We're doing forty.
There she is now.
Open the door.
Fong. Come up here.
Why you ..
Keep your hands up. Come over here.
Well, there it is.
Well, goodbye and good luck.
And Rhodes.
About that probationer.
I place her in your custody for life.
Aye aye, sir.
Just a minute.
He's in the clutches of
the law too, you know.
Of course. So he is, Miss Roberts.
Well, how about you
taking custody of him?
Do we haul potatoes and coal?
We sure do.
Can we sail now?