Nine Dead (2010) Movie Script

Hey, Sully.
Baby, I just needed to rest
my feet for,
like, one second.
So that's why you can't
work right now?
You get paid to dance,
not to sit on your ass drinking.
Now get to work!
You can be a real asshole
when you want to be.
Stupid bitch.
Lock up the joint
when you're done.
I'm going out.
Hey, dude!
Get the fuck off of me!
Get your hands off!
And then they beat them by,
like, 65 points last year.
That wasn't even football game.
That was a basketball score.
You know,
he could have said USC.
He could have said
a lot of other things.
Now he's going to the Aztecs.
My friend.
If I'd only gotten sober
Our attention turns back
to a story
that we have been following
for the past several days.
The greater Los Angeles area
has been plagued with a rash
of kidnappings
with as many as 4 victims
disappearing in separate attacks
and all possibly by the same
masked individual.
Now, a source inside the LAPD
refuses to say
whether or not there is
a connection
between the kidnapped victims.
I'll take the check.
A detective with
the West Los Angeles division
has also fallen prey
to this masked criminal.
You want to get out
of the car?
Well, isn't that cute?
Sorry, guys.
Gotta go. Gotta go.
Got an audition in the morning.
Hey, I saw your commercial
the other day,
and you sucked, asshole.
Hey, it's Kelley.
No, I don't know any more
than the cops do.
Jackson got nabbed,
and they think it might
be linked to a priest
who got nabbed in the valley
on Thursday.
And then I got a report across
my desk this morning
about a kidnapping in Barstow,
and they like Jackson's guy
for that too.
I don't know.
I guess we got to pull over every
green Chevy Malibu in the state
and see if Jackson's locked
in the trunk.
Yeah, I know that's
not practical,
but we got to do something.
I mean, who knows who's next
on this guy's shit list?
No, no.
You're dead.
Do you have any idea who I am,
you son of a bitch?
You're messing
with the wrong woman.
Do you hear me?
Much thanks.
Dear Lord.
You're never gonna
get away with this.
Let me out of here,
or you're dead.
I'm gonna bust out of here.
I'm gonna bust your head.
And I'll take that gun
and stick it up your ass.
I brought the 9 of you here
today for a reason.
And your survival depends on you
discovering what that reason is.
I'm gonna leave you alone
for your discussions,
but I'll return every
until you either figure it out
or until you're all dead.
If you do manage
to figure it out,
I'll free the survivors,
notify the police
of our location,
and make a full confession
to all the crimes
I will commit here today.
Wait; I don't get it.
I mean, I didn't do anything.
You have 10 minutes.
I don't know
who all of you are,
but somebody better
start talking,
'cause I am not
dying here today.
Dude out there's full of shit.
What makes you say that?
I just know.
No one does this deal for real.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is--
the Lord is--
Dude, how does
the rest of it go?
One of you has to know
What did you do?
Don't look at me, bitch.
There's 8 other guys
in this room.
Can anyone think of a reason
why they're here?
He's gonna kill us,
so there has to be something.
Well, I'll be the first
to admit
that I have
a pretty messed-up history,
but I don't know
who that guy is
or why I'm here.
And I'll be the last to admit shit.
To hell with that guy.
He's a punk,
and my money says
that he's a cop.
You're insane.
The punk-ass pig
puts a bunch of criminals
in one room.
All right?
Gets them all scared and crowing
about the shit that they did.
The cops write up a list
and bust us all.
I'm not saying shit.
This is not a setup
by the cops.
I had a friend
a couple years ago,
got in a barroom fight
with a guy.
Guy turns out to be a cop.
A couple hours later,
he's in room like this.
They threw him a hell
of a blanket party.
The guy never did
walk the same since.
It's not the cops.
How can you be so sure?
Because I'm
a fucking genius, okay?
Yeah, well,
anything is possible.
I had a customer
a couple of weeks ago
threaten to kill me
when I cut him off at the bar.
But then he drove his car
into a building.
Maybe this is all just
a mistake.
What, do you think he
kidnapped all of us by mistake?
Look, he's obviously crazy,
so that's something we can
use to our advantage.
Are we supposed to think
of a crime that's so horrible
that he would kill 9 people
as a result,
some horrible crime that we did?
I'm sorry, Father,
but the worst
thing one person
can do to another
is child molestation.
I never would do such a thing.
I have.
Was it, like, boys or girls?
Does it matter to you?
No, no.
Me neither.
You sick son of a bitch.
You put me in a room with you
and no windows and no doors,
and you're gonna wish
that you were never born.
Sweetie, we are in a room
with no windows or doors,
and the only thing you're gonna
do is try to survive,
just like me.
Maybe you deserve to die.
What I've done might have
gotten me here,
but you two
and all of you...
What have all of you done
to deserve
the death penalty?
My name is Eddie Vigoda.
Hi, Eddie.
Maybe that helps somebody.
No, Eddie.
No, it doesn't.
I'm Dean Jackson.
I'm Kelley Murphy.
I'm an assistant
district attorney
for Los Angeles County.
Can you think of anyone
you've put away
that would want revenge,
like a crazed killer,
you know, some escaped psycho?
Take your pick.
I mean, I've made more
than a few enemies,
but there are people that keep
tabs on parolees
that might come after me.
And no one saw this guy coming.
Jackson, anything you'd
like to add?
I know you.
Says you.
We did some business together
years ago.
I'm sure it was small-time stuff
for you,
but it was pretty big for me.
My name
is Christian Collins worth.
What kind of business
are you in?
Sully's with the mob.
You know, it doesn't surprise me
that you don't remember me.
It's been a long time.
What's your name, anyway, man?
Sully Fenton from Vegas.
What kind of business
did you two do together?
Ask the kid.
Hell if I know.
A deal came my way,
some pharmaceutical-grade speed.
I was about 5 grand short,
so I went to Sully.
I heard he was in the business
of loaning money for drugs
for part of the product
and profits.
I'm sure 5 grand sounded
pretty sweet to me at the time,
especially selling meth.
So what happened?
I sold the stuff
to these 2 cool guys
who turned out to be
undercover cops.
And I went in for 3 years.
But you still paid me, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Everybody knows what happens
when you don't pay Sully Fenton.
I'm not stupid.
Are you sure about that?
I had nothing going
into prison.
I had even less getting out.
But I got what I needed
as soon as I hit the streets
in May.
You were paid
by the end of the month.
Now I'm an actor and bartender
in Hollywood though.
Good for you.
I'm gonna miss
my sitcom audition.
Your audition?
Where the hell do you think
you are?
Jesus, will you
cut the kid some slack already?
We're all scared here.
He's doing his best.
Hey, is Sully the only one
who's not from Los Angeles?
My travels have
taken me all over,
including Los Angeles.
More than a few prisons.
I'm Father Michael Francis.
I have Catholic parish
in the San Fernando Valley.
Eddie, where are you from?
You guys forgot about me.
You said you ain't talking.
I just figured you're
from Los Angeles,
since, you know,
the city's chock-full
of you pussies.
I got your pussy.
Excuse me.
No one appreciates your
pissing match more than I.
But I think we're forgetting
about someone.
Do you speak English?
Say something.
I know you understand us.
Does anybody know
what this language is?
Anyone know what it is?
Chinese, I think.
How the hell do you know?
Old-school kung fu flicks.
It's annoying, whatever it is.
I hope he cap her ass first.
The chick does speak English.
Yeah, she's funny.
Let's see who lives
and dies first.
This situation stinks
of a pig setup.
Told you.
God, for the last time.
This has absolutely nothing
to do with the cops.
How can you be so sure?
Because I am a cop!
I knew it.
I thought if I told you
scumbags I was L.A. County,
you wouldn't say anything,
knowing I was one of the good guys.
Good guys?
You're one of the good guys?
In my old neighborhood,
the cops weren't the good guys.
I'm not a scumbag.
I'll make you a bet
that our masked host
comes back in here,
grabs one of us,
brings him outside,
shoots the gun up into the air,
and we all think he's dead.
Yeah, that's what
he's gonna do.
He's gonna sweat us.
That's what he's gonna do.
You think?
Yeah, he's gonna do that.
Come on, guys, come on.
We can do this.
If he figured out
why we're all here,
we can figure it out.
You know what?
I really appreciate
your can-do spirit,
but if this pig is wrong,
my name's Coogan.
And I got to say,
what a pleasure it was
to spend the last 10 minutes
of my life with you all.
Well, we still haven't
gotten your name.
You didn't?
Miss chink over there said it
plain as day.
It's what you and
everyone else think: nigger.
All right?
Yeah, is that with 1 G or 2?
With 2.
You think this is funny?
This isn't funny.
Hey, what else am I gonna do?
In about 3 seconds
we're gonna find out
if Coogan's right about this
being a bust,
or we're gonna find
one of us dead.
Why are you here?
You got to give us more time.
You're asking the impossible.
We're all willing to do
whatever you want.
But you have to give us
something in return.
Okay, okay.
How could I have known that?
Please just wait a second.
Please don't!
What are you doing, man?
Sorry to see him go,
but that's one less
to worry about, right?
As I said,
you have to know why I brought
each and every one of you here
in order to survive.
If you want to walk
out of here alive,
you'd better figure out
why he was here as well.
I can't die like this.
Please, God.
We ask that you--
Hey, Father.
You think we can toss the idea
of him faking the killing
outside the door?
Who are you praying to?
God's not here.
You still think
this is the cops?
If we don't figure out
what's going on
before somebody else dies,
we're not gonna get
out of here alive.
Well, does anybody here
speak Chinese?
I speak a little Spanish.
Habla espaol?
No dice.
Padre, you sure you didn't
touch no kids?
I have never harmed a child
in my life.
Anyway, that thing over there,
he's already admitted to the crime,
so stop looking at me.
Guys, I might be a little
screwed up,
but I just spent
I'm trying to be a reformed man.
What did you serve time for?
Grand theft auto.
Not child molestation?
No, that's all they could
hit me with.
You see,
they couldn't find a body.
You're a winner, ain't you?
Thank you.
Piece of shit.
I think it's about time
we heard from you.
All right.
I'm Leon, from L.A.
My brother and I used to do work
up and down the West Coast.
What kind of work did you do?
Looking for this?
Don't give me those
fucked-up looks.
At least I never sexed
and killed no kids.
I never killed anybody.
But I'd rob your ass
if the price was right.
Cash is king,
and I stick to what works.
But guns?
Guns can be better
than cash.
Kelley, did you ever
prosecute Leon?
No, he doesn't look familiar.
That's because
I never got caught.
Yeah, well, our friend
out there caught you.
Yeah, coming out the USC
library no less.
The library?
Yeah, it pays to do research
in my business.
If the cop and Kelley
know each other
and Christian and Vegas Sully
know each other,
then it would make sense
that we're all connected here,
whether we know it or not.
Well, if I busted you, you guys
would know better than me.
I mean, that list is long.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat.
I wouldn't even know
where to begin.
But in my business,
we don't do this shit.
I forget how you people can be
so thoughtless and careless
when it comes to human life.
I spend every waking moment
serving God
by trying to help people
in my community,
and all you seem to do
is try to destroy life.
You put yourself
up on a pedestal,
but you're here
just like the rest of us.
So why don't you stop talking
about why you shouldn't be here,
and let's figure out
why you are.
Hey, Eddie.
Nobody's stopping you
from talking, Eddie.
I work for
a health insurance carrier.
I'm from Barstow.
That's fascinating.
Any other useless facts
you'd like to pass around?
I'm doing my best.
Tell us about your work.
What do you do?
Come on, what do you do, Eddie?
A couple of years ago,
I helped out my brother-in-law.
He has colon cancer.
My company does a lot
of experimental medical work,
and I falsified his forms
so that he can get
the treatment.
But I did it to help
my brother-in-law.
I mean, this doesn't make sense.
I'm a good person.
I don't deserve to be here.
I shouldn't be here.
Relax there, leaky faucet.
I'm human.
Jesus Christ, Eddie.
So you know, I mean,
all right.
Everybody have a look.
You know, laugh.
But you know what?
If we don't start confessing,
I mean,
we're never gonna
make it out of here alive.
everybody's got to help.
Jackson and I
used to sleep together.
Yeah, until my wife found out.
Would your wife go this far
to get back at you
for cheating on her?
No, she divorced me
and moved to Arizona.
I think that's far enough.
Plus, she has no way of getting
us all here together.
And she has no reason to.
I pay my alimony.
I don't think she hates me that much.
No ex-wife would want her man dead.
That's her money train.
Look, no one knows you two,
so I doubt it's the ex-wife.
And nobody really wants
to hear about your sex life.
Yeah, well,
she's just pissed off,
'cause we got caught.
Yeah, it was your
big mouth that got us caught.
You know what, Kelley?
You're not the only one who got hurt.
I lost my wife.
Yeah, and I was labeled
the home-wrecking slut.
That did wonders for my career.
And I wasn't the only person
you were screwing around with.
What was it, a month before
some judge knocked you up?
Hey, kitty cats.
Why so hostile?
An affair is an affair.
Now we're getting relationship
advice from a pedophile.
What the fuck
you looking at?
You one tall drink of water.
You're turning faggot now?
No, I just realized
how I'm getting out of here.
None of you guys are gonna
come up with shit.
Closest one to me.
What are you doing?
So start kicking.
You are crazy, man.
You got a better idea?
Break my hand
so I can get out these cuffs.
You're crazy.
I'm not kidding.
Start kicking, man.
All right.
My pleasure.
Come on, game it up.
I'll get it.
Come on!
Wait, I almost got it.
Come on.
One more, one more.
Just do it.
Okay, okay, okay.
All right, all right.
Leon, Leon, get up.
Hey, get behind the door.
And when he comes in,
you push him in,
and we'll attack him.
Yeah, bring him my way.
Leon, get behind the door.
Come on.
That's a good idea.
But I got a better one.
You can't leave us.
Bitch, you think I give a damn
about you?
To hell with you.
Leon, you can't
leave us in here like this.
You stupid piece of shit!
Don't do it.
You know you can't
leave us in here.
Don't leave us here.
Damn it!
Punk-ass bitch.
You stupid fucking bitch.
The thoughts that's been going
through my mind
while I was in
that fucked-up room.
And that's a fucked-up room!
Now that I got this gun,
the shit that I got
in store for you.
I have been planning this
for 2 years.
Nothing is gonna take away
what I have in store for you
and the others.
And I mean nothing.
Before I enter,
I place one bullet
into that gun you hold.
But this gun?
This gun holds 6.
He didn't make it.
Why are you here?
Maybe you should move them
out of the way of the splatter.
I'd hate to see somebody die
before you get a chance
to kill 'em yourself.
That's a good reason.
God, please.
You don't have to do this.
Up until now,
the order has been random.
I just want you to know
that you're next.
Fuck you.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou--
Blessed art thou amongst women.
I can't remember
the prayer either.
I used to know it.
I've said it like
a million times.
Can you help me, Father?
What's wrong?
I don't know.
I can't remember,
but it's so familiar.
We got another 10 minutes.
It can take me that long
to find my keys in the morning.
You finding something
funny there, bleeding boy?
I'm gonna die
like the man said,
and you guys are gonna
die with me.
I got 8 minutes to live.
And I've been thinking
about you bitches.
I got to make peace.
Look, if you're gonna die
a happy man,
then I'm gonna die a happy man
laughing at your misery.
Look, we know Leon's
next to go.
That means we have 8 minutes
to figure out why he was here
and another 10 minutes
before somebody else dies.
Come on,
we can figure this out.
Let's put our heads together,
Come on, we can do this.
Something turned the slant on.
It's almost comical
if you watch it right.
I haven't worn glasses
in years.
I remember when
you wore glasses.
This lady knows you,
or she did know you.
Bang, bang!
A shooting?
Some kind of shooting,
a shooting?
Mrs. Chan?
Chan, Chan!
Her name is Nhung Chan.
Did you get the guy
who robbed her?
Yeah, Chan picked him out
of a lineup.
I prosecuted.
He went to San Quentin.
What was this guy's name?
Greeley, Wade Greeley.
He was a total punk kid,
A total loser.
So that's it?
That's why we're here?
Because this kid Wade Greeley
is pissed off that you sent him
to prison?
All we have here
is a robbery and a name
and a whole hell of a lot
of unanswered questions.
Okay, I don't even remember
busting this guy,
Wade Greeley.
What about you, Father?
Does any of this
mean anything to you?
I'm sorry.
I can't help you.
Okay, if Wade Greeley
going to jail
is the end-all-be-all,
then we must fit in to this
before that happened.
I think I've got us
a time line.
You know,
listening to you guys,
I've got a glimmer of hope.
I thought for a sec
you had the son of a bitch beat.
Well, well, well.
Look who's back from the dead.
Ease up, man.
Ease up.
I'm having a change of heart
or something like that.
I'm thinking letting
you people die,
it's not right.
I haven't done nothing good
in a long time.
I said I never killed nobody.
That's a lie.
I want my cut of cash
you gave that bitch of yours.
What cash?
Man, you fucking tripping.
I know about the money belt
and those Brentwood bitches
last month.
You accusing me
of holding out?
Nah, I'm straight saying it.
Don't turn your back to me, man.
Pull guns on people?
For sure, motherfucker.
I got a gun too.
I dumped his body in a dumpster
in downtown L.A.
at the Cinco de Mayo festival.
He said he never liked
the Mexicans
and their parades.
One last childish act
on my part.
A couple of days later I went
to the morgue with our mother.
I stood over the body.
I didn't say anything.
I went to the street and sold
the rest of our stuff.
I never told nobody that.
I didn't speak or see too much
of my mother after the funeral.
I'll never see either
of them again.
I'll never have a chance
to say I'm sorry.
I want my mother
to forgive me.
I deserve to die.
I want to be forgiven.
Somebody just forgive me.
He who seeks forgiveness
shall find it.
We're no better off
than we were before.
We have nothing new,
and there's like a minute left.
Here's something new.
That guy said he's been
planning this for 2 years.
Okay, what were we all doing
for busting some joker
in the head
for hassling one of my dancers.
But no one is going to give
I had the same job
selling insurance,
approvals, dismissals.
I don't know.
It's nothing unusual.
Why are you here?
We know part of the answer.
We've got some of it.
All or nothing.
Son of a bitch.
I'll see you in hell.
I know.
What are you doing?
Stop this!
Father, you still with us?
You're not going to like
what I have to say.
Anything is better
than nothing at this point.
Either say it or don't.
I figured out why I am here.
Well, holy shit!
I know why someone else
was in this room as well.
I know what we have done
to the man that holds
us captive.
So what is it?
Yeah, spill it.
I can't.
What do you mean, you can't?
Come on, Father.
What was said to me
was said in confidence.
I can't repeat it.
You want to play Pictionary
or something? Fine.
Me and you, Father,
against her and Mandarin Duck.
I can't reveal
what was said to me.
There's nothing I can do.
My relationship with God
goes beyond my life and yours.
This is bullshit, Father.
You better start talking
right now, or so help me,
I will goddamn crack that head
of yours.
You'll do what?
I'm facing death already.
I have no fear of death
when it comes to upholding
the Lord's law.
My loyalty will not
be questioned.
My devotion does not exist
only when the situation deems
People are dead because
of you.
You don't know that
to be true.
The hell I don't, cocksucker!
Leon laid there dying,
but at least he had the balls
to speak his mind,
even though it went against
his own fucked-up judgment.
And now you're going to have
all of us die
because you're gonna keep quiet
behind some collar
and dusty oath?
Sully, would you turn in
your brother
for a lighter sentence?
My brother's dead.
So then your father.
Would you give up your father
to save your own skin?
I would never cross my father.
So then you can understand
my situation.
No, I can't!
It's like waking up from one
nightmare into another.
Shut the hell up, Eddie.
If Father Francis
has made up his mind,
we're just gonna have to
get out of here
without him.
You're defending the cocksucker?
But I got a wife to get home to,
and we're wasting time arguing.
To hell with Francis, okay?
If he's not gonna talk,
we're never gonna figure out
why he's here.
So if we want to live,
we're gonna have to escape.
Okay, we're gonna have
to take him down.
And we have to face the fact
that we may have to kill him.
On, I ain't got no problem
with that.
Okay, hold on.
What do we know?
We know Greeley robbed
Chan's liquor store.
And we know Kelley prosecuted him.
Okay, well, that's 2 out of 9, Eddie.
Maybe there's more to it.
Maybe it goes beyond
those people
who are directly responsible
for him going to jail.
Maybe he's thinking
in bigger terms.
Yeah, maybe we're not
all connected in this.
Maybe he's going after everybody
that's ever done
anything wrong to this guy.
We need to come clean.
Completely clean
about everything, right now,
all of us.
All right.
You want a story?
this old man came in
and slapped me around
in front of my crew.
Some crazy bastard
who owed me money
came in and tried to punk me
in front of my people.
I went back to his pawn shop
that night.
Yeah, I went back,
and I firebombed it.
The problem...
the problem...
I didn't know he lived upstairs
in an apartment
with his grandkids.
That's why I deserve to die.
It was my first year
on the force,
I was working
the valley division,
and my partner got into it
with this speed freak.
It was bad.
The kid was all tweaked out,
and my partner was having
a really rough day.
The kid took a swing
at my partner,
and that was it.
He beat the hell
out of this kid.
I really wanted to stop it,
but he looked up at me.
He looked at me, and he asked me
if I wanted to join in.
You joined in?
Yeah, I didn't want
to hurt my reputation.
You know, I mean,
it was my first year out on the street.
I mean, you know what I mean, Kelley.
So you beat the kid.
Yeah, but God damn it,
I'm not proud of it.
Well, did you go
to Internal Affairs?
I stuck around
for 2 more years
and got transferred
out of there.
So why would your old partner
pull you down here
if you never turned him in
or told anyone?
It wasn't my partner.
I was thinking maybe the kid
finally tracked us down
not for beating him up.
For blinding him.
That's awful.
What was the kid's name?
Alfie Martinez.
And I don't know if that's
the reason why I'm down here,
but that's what haunts me
every day of my life,
that I didn't stand up.
I didn't have the courage
to do anything,
to stand up to my superiors.
So if your old partner
is still alive,
wouldn't it make sense that
he'd be in here with us?
Yeah, that's just a dead end,
another dead end.
I'm telling you,
we're wasting time.
We've got to find our own way
out of here like Leon did.
Yeah, that worked out
real well for him.
Yeah, sing it, sister!
Right, cocksucker?
Shut the hell up, Sully!
We got to think of something.
I just thought of something.
I don't know if this
is anything,
but since we're confessing
our sins,
and there is a priest here--
All right, just spit it out,
When I was in college,
we had some girls--
strippers over for a party.
We were all drinking,
and I spent some time
with one of them.
We both got really drunk, and--
And you banged her.
Yeah, but she said
it was rape.
And here all this time
we thought you were so perfect.
It turns out you're just another
asshole frat boy.
They dropped the charges
due to lack of evidence.
Mom and dad must have been
so proud.
I'm just trying to help.
I mean, something might click.
Isn't that the whole point?
No, you're getting us further
away from the point
I was trying to make.
Guys, look,
this is about the robbery.
We're missing something.
I know we are.
No, there's nothing else with
the robbery; I promise you.
What was that, Francis?
You know we're going down
the wrong road, don't you?
Yeah, 20 years of poker tells
me that's a "yes."
What do you know, Father?
Forget about the robbery!
Okay, it doesn't matter what he knows.
Shut up, Kelley!
You were about to beat
that kid to death,
and now you won't help me
kill the guy
who's ready to execute us all?
What the hell is wrong with you?
What's wrong with all of you?
Hey, I'm with you, Kelley.
But this cocksucker here
is about ready to crack,
and I'm pretty damned interested
to hear what he has to say.
I know you want to tell us,
Come on.
You ready to break that oath, Father?
This isn't easy, okay?
Just say it.
It's the right thing to do.
What if I said
that I knew for a fact
that Wade Greeley did not
rob Chan's store?
Chan was the eyewitness.
Greeley didn't have an alibi,
and I had the evidence,
concrete evidence.
Did Greeley say he was innocent?
Of course he said he was innocent.
Everybody's innocent.
Nobody wants to be convicted
once they're caught.
What do you know about it,
No, I'm telling you.
Greeley was guilty.
Son of a bitch.
One of us confessed to the crime
in Father Francis' confessional.
I bet that's it.
Is that it?
Is it, Father?
Whatever Father Francis knows,
he knows from the confessional.
Otherwise, he would tell us.
Has anyone ever been
to confession
in the San Fernando Valley?
Yeah, right.
It has to be Christian.
You all saw the father's face
when I couldn't remember
the Hail Mary.
I reminded him of Christian.
He forgot
the same prayer earlier.
What could Christian have told
Father Francis?
That he robbed
the liquor store.
You've known this whole time?
I did not know the whole time.
It wasn't until after Chan came
up with the robbery
that I knew for sure.
I told you you wouldn't like
what I had to say.
Are you absolutely positive
that it was Christian
in the confessional?
The Lord is with thee.
Dude, how does the rest
of that go?
If I had a Bible,
I would put my hand on it.
You got the wrong man,
Wade Greeley's the wrong guy.
I had the evidence
against him.
Regardless, I mean, this is
a whole new ball game now.
Holy shit.
Christian got out of jail
the same time
Chan's store was robbed.
So what does that
have to do with me?
What happens to people
who don't pay you?
If they owe a little,
I go for their knees.
If they owe a lot,
I go for their jugular.
Yeah, well, does Christian
look like the type of kid
that could take a beating?
So what?
What are you saying?
Christian robbed Chan
to get you the money.
He said that he got
out of jail in May
and paid you soon after.
How else could he have gotten
the money?
It fits.
Wait a second.
So you're telling me,
of all the fucked-up shit
I've done
through the course of my life,
I loaned some dead dumbass
and that's what
I'm gonna die for?
The kid needed a motive.
I think you're it.
That's goddamn ridiculous.
You're serious?
All I did was give him
some cash.
I got to die for that?
That's bullshit!
The connection between you
and Christian
has been there the whole time.
We just never thought
anything of it.
And I still don't.
Of all the shit I--
Hey there, asshole!
Why are you here?
You know what?
We don't know.
But guess what.
I don't give a fuck.
I don't know what kind of shit
you got going on here,
but I'm sick of it.
You've got me sweating,
rethinking all the horrible
things that I've done in my life
and all the people I've crossed.
For what?
For some dumbass that I loaned
$5,000 to?
Well, guess what.
That's how I do business,
and that's how I get shit done.
I don't apologize for shit.
Knowing what you know,
knowing how your life will end,
would you change the way
you do business?
Hell no!
I don't regret anything.
I wouldn't do a damn thing
What's the matter?
You don't like that, do you,
you dirty revenge-seeking pussy?
I don't regret anything.
What, you want me
to regret my life?
Fuck you.
Tou want the satisfaction
of me begging for my life,
don't you?
Fuck you.
You want the satisfaction
of killing all of us,
thinking it's gonna change
our lives.
Well, fuck you!
I take that back.
I take all that back.
I'm not gonna give you
the satisfaction
of me being pissed off
while I die.
Of all the shit
you could have killed me for,
Fuck you!
Come on, bastard.
Let's do this.
Hit me right here in the head,
just like my brother.
Reunite me with him.
Come on, asshole!
Pull the trigger.
But it's not your turn.
It's Eddie's.
No, no, no.
Please, no.
No, no.
Don't kill me.
Just tell me why I'm here.
Damn it!
That's what you said!
Father Francis is dead.
You cannot take Eddie now.
You shouldn't be
in such a hurry to die.
If this is the end for you,
you'll want to make
every minute count.
This doesn't
have to continue.
Okay, we know why
you brought most of us here,
and we know what
you must have been feeling,
what you must be feeling now.
Okay, I think I speak for all
of us
when we say we wish we could
go back and change history,
but we can't.
Wade Greeley?
Whatever it is that you think
we've done to you, whatever--
whatever it is
you've done here today,
we can make right.
You just have to talk to us.
Look, we can help.
I can help.
Okay, whatever it is you want,
I can make that happen.
Do you understand
what I'm telling you, Wade?
I'm not Wade Greeley.
It's not Wade Greeley.
This doesn't make any sense.
There's way too many
coincidences for it not to be
this guy, Greeley.
I've spent 5 grand
on a bottle of whiskey
without a care in the world.
Sully, we get it.
I'm telling you, he's gonna kill us all.
Okay, he doesn't care
if we come up with his plan.
If he just wanted to kill us,
we'd be dead already.
He's here to make a point.
But do we really think this
isn't Greeley?
If it isn't, it has to be
somebody close to him,
somebody that could help him
plan this.
Kelley, back at the trial,
was there anyone there?
Were there any friends
or family,
anyone who stood by him?
No, no, he didn't have
anything or anyone.
I don't even think he made bail.
Can you give us a few more
Jeez, this was so long ago.
Do you realize how many trials
I've had since then,
since before then?
Okay, let's think.
Leon said that he'd been
planning this for 2 years.
When did Greeley's case
go to trial?
I don't remember.
Can you at least tell us
how many years he got in prison?
Armed robbery, assault, no plea.
Well, then the years
don't add up.
If I was wrongly convicted
of a crime,
I would start plotting my
revenge the day I was convicted.
That's what I'm saying.
Nothing about this makes sense.
The only way we're gonna get
out of this is if we escape.
Was Christian in the lineup
when Chan picked Greeley?
No, if Christian was
in the lineup,
Chan would have recognized him
when we pulled the hoods off.
She didn't recognize Kelley until later.
Well, maybe she did. I mean, nobody
understood what she was saying.
Mrs. Chan?
Give it up.
We're getting off track.
I'm just coming up with possibilities.
Well, to hell with your possibilities.
Why are you pissed at me?
Because maybe we still
don't know jack about you!
Are you really that stupid
to think I'm hiding something?
I told you everything that
I can think of, so don't blame me.
Something about you
still doesn't sit right with me, Eddie.
You know, you've been riding me
and picking on me this whole time.
What is your problem?
I might be dead in 10 minutes!
That's my fucking problem!
I think we all know who's next.
Calm down.
What about you, Jackson?
We still don't know why you're here.
All we know is that you
beat a kid blind
and cheated on your wife.
Well, look who's
grown some balls.
I think I got it.
You better watch
your tone Eddie,
or I'm gonna start thinking
you're the psycho's partner,
or at least until I see your
brains against the wall.
Yeah, yeah, well,
not if I see yours first.
Fine, go ahead!
Sign me up!
Hey, shut up!
All right, you guys are worse
than my strippers.
Now listen.
Leon said that
he killed his brother
and dumped him during the
Cinco de Mayo parade, remember?
So what?
Well, Christian said
that he got out of jail in May.
What if that was around
the same time?
Look, Christian
got out of jail, right?
And he said he got my 5 grand
right afterwards, right?
Well, if we go back
and think about it,
Christian said that he had
nothing when he left jail.
I had nothing
going in to prison.
I had even less getting out.
But somehow he was able
to pull off
this big liquor store
robbery heist?
Where did he get a gun
to rob Mrs. Chan?
Leon said the easiest product
to move were guns.
Guns can be better than cash.
So you think Leon sold the gun
to Christian
that he used to rob Chan's
liquor store?
So Sully gave Christian
the motive for the robbery.
Leon gave him opportunity.
Chan identified the wrong man.
Kelley locked him up.
And Father Francis didn't
go to the cops
after he found out the truth.
Okay, so that leaves Jackson,
me, and Coogan.
But we can all agree that this
all started with Christian
borrowing money from Sully.
Between that and Greeley
going to jail
is our new time line.
When Christian borrowed
the money from Sully,
I was studying
pharmaceuticals in Arizona.
Okay, well, Christian said
that he was dealing drugs.
Could he have gotten them
from you?
I didn't have any access
to drugs.
All right, all right,
we've narrowed this down some.
Narrowed it down?
All we got is a robbery,
drug dealing, and a pedophile.
Sorry, buddy.
Look, Sully is a criminal.
Okay, he's a killer.
We would have taken him down
Now he's your best friend?
I'm sorry for liking the guy
who's trying to save my life.
Thank you.
And for bacon,
you're not so bad yourself.
Look, our only chance is that
we think Eddie might be next.
And then hopefully after that,
Sully's next.
So you and I can take him down.
God, you are one twisted
home-wrecking bitch.
Well, it's good to know
it only takes a gun to your head
for you to speak your mind.
You know what?
The worst thing I did was not
beating that kid till he was blind.
It was fucking the lawyer.
That hurts.
Jackson, I hope you die
for getting me into this.
What are you talking about?
I didn't get you into this.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
No, no, wait, wait, wait.
You just said that Jackson
got you into this.
What does that mean?
What does what mean?
We have, like, seconds left
till he comes in.
Why are you here?
Because this bitch
knows something,
and she won't talk!
Please, please!
I beg you!
You can't kill me.
You have to let me go.
My child needs me.
Okay, my son needs his mommy.
You're a human being.
You can understand.
You can't take a mother
away from her son.
Your son William goes
to the Sacred Heart School,
where he is picked up every day
by your hired help.
And when was the last time
you actually spent time
with him?
And how long will it be
before you pack him off
to some boarding school?
Do not use your child
as an excuse.
It pisses me off.
And it should piss you off
as well.
What was he talking about,
It looks like you might be
a dad, Jackson.
Billy's mine?
I didn't think I could.
My wife and I,
we'd been trying for--
I didn't think it was possible.
Yeah, well, it's possible.
Maybe if you had spent a little
less time with me
and a little more with her.
How could you do that to me?
How could you just
keep that from me?
I know our relationship,
the breakup was bad,
but how could you just
cut me off like that?
I had to do what was best
for me.
Okay, jackass over there was
never gonna leave his wife.
He would rather just lead me on.
So when I found out,
I just blamed it
on someone else.
What you did was wrong
and downright selfish.
You need to start talking.
And it doesn't matter
what you're holding back.
I don't care.
I forgive you, but we have to
get out of here alive.
Do you want to die?
I might as well be dead
if this gets out.
Before, you said Jackson got
you into this.
Wade Greeley was picked up
He was a good match
to Chan's description.
And no one could verify
his lame-ass alibi.
And then Chan picked him
out of the lineup.
I had him.
I had to have him.
You remember what I was
going through, Jackson.
The mother and son,
the abortion case:
two in a row lost.
I was just getting
into the life
that I had worked so hard for,
and I felt the pressure.
You know, I had to have a conviction,
or I was on my way out.
I was the lowest
on the totem pole,
and no one was
taking me seriously.
I had to win at all costs.
Losing cases
doesn't make you incompetent.
No, but combine that
with budget cuts
and an affair with Jackson that was
growing more public every day,
and it doesn't look good.
What did you make me do,
I had Chan's testimony,
but it was shaky at best.
I would never be able convince
a jury that a 60-year-old woman
could positively identify
especially after she'd been
I had to put Greeley
at the scene.
During the struggle,
Chan grabbed Christian
by the head
and got a few couple hairs.
So I knew I just had to
get some of Wade's hair
and make the switch.
So I snuck the sample
out of the lab.
I got a few hairs
from Wade's comb.
and I couldn't get the sample
back into the evidence room.
And I thought me and Coogan
were the most fucked-up
Don't you realize that you
helped kill these people?
How could you not
tell us this before?
Look, if the truth ever gets
out of this room, I'm over.
I'll lose my job. I'll go to jail.
I'll never see my son again.
I might as well be dead.
I committed a felony.
Yeah, welcome to my world.
You know, I know we're not
a team or a family,
but we have a child together.
Doesn't that mean something?
No, he's my son, Jackson, okay?
You're not a father.
You'll never be a father.
You were just a dick, literally.
You're fucking unbelievable, Kelley.
You're not a father.
No, no, no.
Hear me out for a second.
Greeley said that he wasn't
Wade Greeley.
I'm not Wade Greeley.
Did you see how upset he got
when Kelley tried to use her son
for pity?
Do not use your child
as an excuse.
It pisses me off.
I mean,
if it's not really Wade,
then maybe it's his father.
Has anybody thought about what
happened to Wade Greeley
after he went to prison?
Remember when I said
Wade Greeley going to prison
was the end-all-be-all?
Well, I could have been wrong.
Jackson was on to something
a minute ago.
We've been trying to see how
Coogan and I
fit into the time line before
the trial.
We weren't thinking
about what happened
after prison.
You said that Wade
was in San Quentin.
Did Christian say what prison
he was in?
No, but the sick fucker
over there
said he'd been to a couple
of prisons.
My travels have
taken me all over,
including Los Angeles.
More than a few prisons.
This must mean something.
Christian couldn't have known
Wade Greeley.
Christian got out of prison
before Wade Greeley went in.
But Coogan
knowing Wade Greeley,
that's a possibility.
That just leaves me.
Wait, wait!
We need more time!
Why are you here?
Look, we think it has
something to do
with what happened to your son
after he went to prison.
Isn't this what you want?
You want us to think about our lives
and our actions and crimes and
how they've affected other people?
Well, that's what
we are doing,
and it's killing us.
Look, no one has suffered
like you and your son.
Okay, no one here was on trial.
No one here was punished
for their crimes.
We've just gone on with our
lives and never looked back.
But you have to look back
every single day.
Look, you asked Sully
if he would change,
knowing what he's done.
Well, I guarantee,
you ask anyone in this room now,
and we would change.
We would change for the better.
Now, speak for yourself,
Kiss my ass.
You could have died finding
some humanity or humility.
I'd rather go out in style.
Maybe we do deserve to die.
I just wish I knew why.
What, you two are ready
to give up?
You're both ready to die?
Well, fuck you both.
Okay, never give up.
I've lived through worse than this,
and I'll live through this.
Worse than this, Kelley?
What could possibly be
worse than this?
Well, back when you and I
were still dating,
I was stupid enough in this day
and age
to think that I could walk
to my car
alone at night.
Some sweaty, bald-headed bastard
grabbed me from behind
and threw me in his van.
He bashed my head
on the steel flooring.
I was dazed, but I could see
that there was already blood there.
This wasn't his first time.
He put his hand over my face
as he ripped my clothes off.
It's like my--my brain didn't
really register the pain.
I just kept thinking
about how I was gonna
get this guy,
this thing, you know.
And I was gonna put him away
for the rest of his life.
I kept imagining the courtroom
and how I would be looking into
his eyes, and I would say,
"I'm the one
that ruined your life."
But then I realized we weren't
in a courtroom.
There was no judge, no jury.
It was just me and this
shit head who thought he could
put his hands all over me.
Who the fuck was this guy
to violate me, to take my life?
What right did he have
to touch me?
I wasn't scared.
I was furious.
Why didn't you tell me, Kelley?
We could have done something
about that.
You could have searched
You never would have found him.
When he was done,
he rolled off me,
and I saw that there was
a baseball bat in his van.
And I grabbed it,
and I hit him hard.
Then I stepped back,
thinking someone must have seen,
someone must have heard.
And as I waiting for someone to
come help me,
I hit him again.
And then I hit him again.
And I just kept swinging.
And he just kept screaming.
You know, and he begged.
He begged.
Can you believe that?
I swear, I think that made me
hit him harder.
And then--
and then he just
stopped screaming.
He stopped moving.
And I looked around again,
and still no one was there.
No one heard.
No one cared.
So I went home,
and I cleaned up,
and I burned the bat
in my fireplace.
And I just went on with my life
like that.
It was just over.
And the next day when they found
his body,
I made sure no one went looking
for his killer.
And now I'm here.
And I promise you,
I promise you,
I will live through this,
and I will survive at all--
at all costs.
What about rape?
We all heard Coogan.
He didn't care if it was boys
or girls.
And if he was in the same prison
with Wade,
why not a 20-year-old kid?
We did this to him.
How could I have known
what was gonna happen to him?
Think about Wade Greeley,
an innocent kid
and all the things
he went through.
And think about his father
having to think about
what happened to his son.
Think about that.
When Coogan was shot,
when Greeley came in here
and shot him,
what did Coogan say?
I don't remember.
What are you thinking?
He said something about
a splatter and killing everyone
or something like that.
Maybe you should move them
out of the way of the splatter.
I'd hate to see somebody die
before you get a chance
to kill 'em yourself.
Yeah, he was being
a smart-ass.
He was talking about the bullet,
if it went through him
and killed somebody else.
I thought the same thing.
But what if that's not
what he meant?
What if the joke
was about something else?
His blood, for instance.
His infected blood.
What if Coogan had AIDS?
That's a big stretch, Eddie.
Not really.
That's the final piece
of our time line.
It starts with Christian
borrowing money from Sully.
I know you.
Says you.
No, we did some business
together years ago.
But then he loses that money
after a bad drug deal
and ends up in jail.
When he gets released,
he buys a gun from Leon,
uses it to rob Chan's liquor store,
'cause he still owes Sully the money.
Then Chan picks Wade Greeley
out of the lineup.
Kelley makes sure the evidence
fits her case
and uses Jackson to secure
that evidence
against Wade for the trial.
Father Francis learns the truth
during confession
but being bound by God,
says nothing.
So Wade ends up in prison
where he has a run-in
with Coogan.
And that's how I'm tied
into all this.
So why are you here?
Back around the time when Wade
would have been released
from prison,
my company had acquired
the exclusive rights
to an experimental drug therapy
for AIDS patients.
It was said to prolong the life
of people living with AIDS.
It was very new expensive.
I think Coogan infected
Wade Greeley with AIDS.
And the reason Wade's dad waited
is because that's exactly how
long his son lived
outside of prison
before he died.
It's his father
acting out revenge
for the death of his son.
Wade must have been one
of the applicants
for the new AIDS drug.
Part of my job was
to turn down applicants.
Improper insurance,
not enough money,
wrong age, and criminal records.
I was the one whose
name was signed
to all letters
denying applicants.
If I had accepted Wade
into the program,
he might be alive today.
That's it.
That's the answer
he's looking for.
So why are you here?
Because your son died of AIDS.
He contracted it in prison
from Coogan.
When he was released,
you tried to get him into my
company's drug therapy program,
but they--
I turned him down.
Your son could be alive today
if we all hadn't turned our
backs on him and on you.
He was so, so beautiful.
My son was a very brave
and lovely boy.
And all of you made sure
that he would never grow up
to be a man.
It didn't have to end this way.
Any one of you could have
prevented his death.
But you all saw him as a suspect
or a number,
a toy to be played with.
His only fault
was that he became
a part of your lives.
But it was his life.
And you destroyed it.
When we--
when we leave here,
my life will end,
but you will all
still have yours.
And I want you to remember,
just remember this.
Remember what it is you have
And I hope that it haunts you
until the day you die.
Show's over.
The police are already here.
They're in the building.
Unlock yourself
and the other 2.
It's time to leave.
What are you doing?
He was letting us go!
I told you I couldn't have
anyone go to the police
with my story.
I'd be ruined.
Survive at all costs, remember?
So you're going to kill him?
You're never gonna get away,
no matter what you do.
You don't get to make any more decisions.
You don't get to do or say anything.
I can't take this anymore!
Just get me
the hell out of here.
Kelley, look.
It's time for us to leave.
Just calm down,
and we can all go home together.
Kelley, we survived.
Together we can do this.
We have a child together.
Come on.
I can't have anyone know
what I've done, Jackson.
She's gonna kill us!
Shut up, Eddie!
Let me handle this!
Shut up, Eddie!
No, no, look!
I'm not gonna say anything.
I swear!
And you.
You've lost.
I haven't lost.
I've been in control the whole time.
See, everybody's been watching.
Everybody now knows
who the real Kelley Murphy is.
What will Kelley do now?
You don't know me.
You don't know
what I'm capable of.
Good luck.
Move over here.
Come on, this way, this way.
Over here.
[Course of Nature's Anger Cage]
Since the day
that I was born
I've been a prisoner
of the storm
But the time has come
Now I've had enough
I can't take it anymore
The blood rushes to my head
You deserve everything
you get
The love is gone
And there's nothing
left here
But the love you try to hate
Tell me now
who's to blame?
Will I burst from your rage?
Hear it callin' my name
down in your anger cage
You are the cause
of the fightin'
You force my rage out
of hiding
Well do you stop
and look at me
As you bomb the enemy
You know that you've crossed
the line for the last time
When you trampled over me
The blood rushes to my head
You deserve everything
you get
The love is gone
And there's nothing
left here
But the love you try to hate
Tell me now
who's to blame?
Will I burst from your rage?
Hear it callin' my name
down in your anger cage
You are the cause
of the fightin'
You force my rage
out of hiding
I started losing it
I-I'm out of control
This rage is killin' me
Yeah, it's takin' its toll
I'm fallin' apart from here
I can see the end
It's all so clear
I might choke, suffocate
Inside my anger cage
Tell me now who's to blame?
Will I burst from your rage?
Hear it callin' my name
down in your anger cage
You are the cause
of the fightin'
You force my rage
out of hiding
Don't care what you say
I don't give a damn
You talk about me
but you don't know who I am
Don't care what you say
I don't give a damn
You talk about me
but you don't know who I am
Talk about me
but you don't know who I am
Talk about me
but you don't know