Nishabdham (2020) Movie Script

[cicadas chirping]
[animal howling]
[music playing]
[music playing in distant]
[indistinct whispering]
[music continues playing]
[gramophone stops]
[electricity buzzing]
[indistinct groans]
[light flickering]
[toy laughs]
[indistinct groans]
[clock chimes]
[electricity buzzing]
[indistinct groans]
[woman sobbing]
[Melissa crying]
[Melissa screams]
[siren wailing]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[woman] The police department
was unable to find out
the reason behind Peter
and his wife Melissa's deaths.
Everyone believed that the Villa's owner
Josephine Wood's ghost
had killed both of them.
The place became popular
as a haunted house.
Duvall County took over the property
and auctioned it
as there were no heirs to it.
No one came forward to buy that property.
At last, in 2019,
a Columbian businessman named
Martin Escavado bought that Villa bravely.
It all started from then on.
In this world, every human has a story.
And every story has a crime.
Some crimes are exposed,
while some are faded away with time.
But not everyone who commits a crime
is a criminal.
I've witnessed a lot
of crimes in my career
and solved a lot of them.
But one case...
challenged my experience and intelligence.
I'm Maha,
crime detective, Seattle PD.
[music playing on radio]
[music playing on radio]
[music continues playing on radio]
Hey, come on!
Are you mad or what?
[music playing on radio]
[music playing on radio]
[music continues playing on radio]
"It's you that I have in my eyes"
"It's you that I've placed in my heart"
"Love letters that cover more than words"
"I read them in your mute signals"
"The naughty things that
Are deep inside the heart"
"I know them with your touch"
"I'm climbing up to the clouds"
"When your stare pokes me"
"I'm coloring the rainbow"
"When I hear symphony
Being played in your smile"
"It's you that I have in my eyes"
"Why do I need sleep"
"When you are before me"
"Why do I need to breathe"
"When I pay attention to you"
"A foot in my eyes and a foot in my heart"
"You've placed them so beautifully,
Now tell me your wish"
"In the lake of love"
"Let's roam around like
Twin waves from now on"
"I'm climbing up to the clouds"
"When your stare pokes me"
"I'm coloring the rainbow"
"When I hear symphony
Being played in your smile"
[automated woman voice] Take left.
[automated woman voice] You have reached
your destination.
Finally, somehow we reached the place.
This is a beautiful place!
The house looks good though. Beautiful!
So, the Josephine Wood painting
you are looking for
is in this haunted house?
And you'd feel satisfied
only if you paint it?
Your wish is my command.
Let me get the bags.
Yeah... Open.
Oh, wow!
Stylish but creepy!
Ho-ho! I'm scared.
Where is it?
Okay. I'll go this way.
You didn't find it?
Shall we check the bedroom?
How did you get up there so fast?
You go there. Check that side.
[electricity buzzing]
[indistinct groans]
[indistinct groans]
[light flickering]
[flickering stops]
[indistinct whispering]
Something is fishy.
So Josephine Wood painting is here?
[tires screech]
Oh, Sam! What did you do?
I didn't do anything!
Oh, my God, Sam!
What do we do now?
What else do we do?
Let's take her to the hospital!
"To Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva"
"To the head of Gods who brings luck"
"To the one who is the teacher
Of all art forms"
[mobile chimes]
"To the one who is worshipped
Throughout the world"
"Victory to him always"
"Victory to him always"
Why are you messaging amidst worship?
You don't even have a bit of devotion.
I do have it,
it's my producer who doesn't.
He kept on calling,
so I just messaged him.
Okay, dear, we shall leave now.
I have a lot of appointments.
So, Seattle is buzzing with psychos,
keeping you occupied.
Have a great time!
Come on, Maha! She is a psychiatrist.
That's her profession.
Well, you can go but let her stay.
-Thank you, aunt!
-Okay, I'll see you then.
-[mobile chimes]
-See you, Mom. See you, Dad.
The Woodside Villa
known as "The Haunted House,"
which was shut down 46 years ago
is back in today's news.
This morning, it was reported
by the neighbors and police
that another major incident had occurred.
[siren wailing]
[reporters clamoring]
Captain! Captain!
Can you tell us what's going on here?
What's going on inside the house?
-Is there a murder?
-Is it the ghost again?
[Maha] With lot of girls
already missing in Seattle,
-Richard became the media's target.
-I don't know. Move aside.
Will you please let us know
what's going on?
I have no idea.
-Captain, please tell us.
-Get out of my face.
-Captain, please respond.
-Get the fuck out of my face!
Give us some information
on what's going on.
-Captain! Please!
-Shut up.
Sir, this is an active crime scene.
-Nobody goes in until we clear the area.
-What was that about?
I own this property. I have rights.
Listen, listen, if you don't shut up,
I'm going to read your rights.
This is fucking crazy!
[laughing] Yeah.
-Come on, Captain. Please!
-Detective, how about you?
Hey! Watch it.
And why is he limping?
He got shot in the line of duty
in the year 2010.
-Where is the basement?
-That way, Captain.
This way, right?
This way, sir.
[dog barking]
[Maha retching]
Today, America lost
one of its celebrated musicians.
Woodside Villa is back
in the news after 46 years.
What is going on at this Villa?
Is there really a demon
haunting this place?
[key clinks]
Sorry, Captain. I'm not good with blood.
Yeah, I kind of noticed that.
My top investigative detective
is scared of blood.
-I couldn't help it.
Oh, really? What a pity.
Let's go to the hospital.
-Good morning, Captain.
-Good morning.
This is the couple that brought her here.
We might need you guys
for further questioning.
-So stick around.
-Yeah... Yeah.
-Excuse me.
We are Sakshi's friends. Can we meet her?
-Yes, South Indian.
-Yes, Virudhunagar.
-Hey! I too hail from Virudhunagar.
Let's go inside.
-Captain! He is from my hometown.
-He has to wait.
We'll do this later.
Let's go. Please.
Good morning.
Good morning, Captain.
She has been traumatized.
We are not getting much out of her.
Ma'am... My name is Richard Dickens.
Captain, she can't hear you
and she can't speak.
Isn't that terrific?
Just what I need. A mute for a witness.
Sakshi is a Tamil speaking girl.
If you can talk slowly,
she can understand by lip reading.
Look here...
My name is Maha Lakshmi.
Can you understand what I'm speaking?
The killers might have
gone too far already.
If you can cooperate with us at least now,
we can nab him.
Before it's too late.
[monitor beeping]
[Maha] Sakshi said that
after her engagement with Anthony,
they went on a holiday,
and on their way back
they went to Woodside Villa
to replicate the Josephine Wood painting.
While she was searching for the painting,
as she couldn't see Anthony,
she said she went to the cellar
in search of him.
[electricity buzzing]
[indistinct groans]
[indistinct groans]
[light flickering]
[demonic growling]
[demonic growling continues]
[woman sobbing]
[monitor beeping rapidly]
Someone attacked her
there in the darkness.
But she says she couldn't see who it was.
-[door opens]
Sakshi, are you okay?
She needs to rest.
Please, she is drowsy
because of the pain killers.
-Please, leave!
She has lost a lot of blood.
Doctor, it's okay. We are leaving.
-It's time to get the fuck out. Let's go.
[Richard] Come on. Everybody, come on.
[phone ringing]
[phone ringing]
Is script writer Sun Gold-God there?
There is no one
with that name in this house.
-Who was it, Dad?
-Someone was asking for Sun Gold-God.
I told him there is no such person here.
Why? That's me!
But your name is Surya Thangasami!
How do you translate
Surya Thangasami to English?
-Sun Gold-God.
-That's what I said.
-[Maha chuckles]
Yeah, you consider Manoj Night Shyamalan
from Hollywood as great
but Sun Gold-God sounds funny to you.
Is it that bad?
Uh... Is Anthony already married?
Yeah, I think the girl was a model.
Shreya Bhupati. Man, she was hot!
She committed suicide?
Yeah, I felt very bad.
It was due to drug overdose, right?
I remember pretty well.
And, yeah...
Was it really a ghost that killed Anthony?
Fame doesn't bring in just money.
-It brings enemies too.
-[Vidya] I don't want it!
Shut up and eat it.
How can I eat if I shut up?
Vidya! Will you eat now
or shall I take aunt to Dallas?
-No! I will eat.
-Eat then.
-I hate you!
-Yeah, okay. Eat.
Who is this girl?
She's standing so close to them.
True friend, maybe.
[mobile vibrating]
-Hey, listen.
We need to find out about anybody
who has any contact at all with Anthony.
-Yeah, Captain.
I'll be at the station in a while.
-I'll be there. I'll be there.
[woman on TV] Today, America lost
one of its celebrated musicians.
Woodside Villa is back
in the news after 46 years.
What is going on at this Villa?
Is there really a demon
haunting this place?
We tried to get some answers
from Captain Dickens.
In return, he threatened
our reporter with an arrest.
It's high time he learns some manners.
Manners? [chuckles]
It's not the first time Captain Dickens
has reacted arrogantly against the media.
Last weekend, when we asked
Captain Dickens about the...
I'll teach you some manners. How's this?
[Maha] After his wife Catherine's death,
two years ago,
Richard's behavior changed completely.
[man over radio] Many, many women missing
in Seattle.
And Richard Dickens
is a joke in this investigation...
Fuckin' shit!
Have you ever seen a ghost?
Yeah! It's my ex-wife.
[both laugh]
[Maha] Many girls had already
went missing in Seattle.
Public and media targeted
the police department.
Moreover, the murder of Anthony Gonsalves
became a bigger headache.
We questioned everyone
who had connections with him.
We understood that he had
only fans but no enemies.
Our investigation came to a dead end.
[cello music playing]
She plays cello? Are you kidding me?
It's really weird.
We covered every single detail, Captain.
There is no one left to question.
[Richard clears throat]
What about Sakshi?
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[siren wailing distantly]
Sakshi, how are you?
We questioned everyone
connected to Anthony.
A lot of people attended
his cremation yesterday.
He must be a great human being.
And, yeah...
Your mother passed away
in your childhood, isn't it?
You grew up in an orphanage.
Your father used to take care
of that orphanage.
Now you are taking care of it
after him.
Why didn't your best friend Sonali
come yesterday?
You are in such depression,
she should have been by your side, right?
Why isn't she there?
Is something wrong?
"After we were engaged,
Sonali, the next day, went missing.
We filed a report with the police...
With the Captain himself."
She says she went missing, madam.
And they lodged
a complaint with the Captain.
She says she was very attached
to her and very possessive.
I saw your engagement photos
in Anthony's Instagram account.
There was no photo without her
even in the photos at Anthony's house.
It's evident that she is very possessive
by looking at the photos.
Well... how did you meet Anthony?
You are from Sequim
and he is from Seattle.
You are an orphan and he is a billionaire.
Take your own time.
But don't miss any detail.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Give it to Sakshi.
Sakshi, this is for you.
So, you're leaving?
[Sonali] That's your dream
and you've waited so long for this.
Yeah, it's a great opportunity.
Go become a great painter
and stay right there.
Don't come back. Forget me!
[Sonali] Sakshi! Sakshi!
Sakshi, I'll come with you.
Please take me along.
[Sonali] You will take me
after you get settled down.
Oh, Sakshi! So you are here at last. Come.
My name is Kalyana Sundaram.
I hail from Patteswaram,
a small village Thanjavur district.
When I saw your application,
I decided strongly that I should admit
a Tamil girl here.
You know, I had to try very hard
to make this happen!
Whatever the case night be,
being a Tamilian myself
if I don't help a Tamil girl,
then there is no use
in me being a Tamilian.
By the time I made your application pass,
I shaved my head four times.
I too am in this stage
because of another Tamilian's help.
You know, our Tamil Association president?
I came to this art gallery
as he supported me.
A lot...
Well... your name is written
as just Sakshi in the application.
Are you an Iyer?
Well, it doesn't matter if you aren't too.
You are a Tamil girl. Come.
Here, this section
has Western art forms in it.
[man] Actually there are
various species in cats.
-Vivek! Come here.
Thank you so much.
He is Vivek, a fine photographer.
He isn't an Iyer either,
but he is a Tamilian.
She is Sakshi, a great artist.
She arrived just today.
Hi. Very nice to meet you.
Why is she making signs?
She can't hear and can't speak too.
If you had told this earlier,
I wouldn't have talked non-stop
-Oh. Okay.
-Is she saying that I'm mad?
She says she could read your lips
if you speak slowly.
Oh! So should I slow down my pace?
I'll try. Come along.
Come along.
Here, this is your section.
To fill the whole America, uh...
To fill the whole America
with Tamilians is my motto.
And another thing is...
You are provided
with this temporary accommodation.
You can stay here only for ten days.
Okay? Got it?
Yeah, salaam, salaam.
[reporters clamoring]
-[Anthony] How are you?
-[man] I'm fine, sir.
-Sorry, was I late?
-No, sir. You are perfectly on time.
[laughs] Welcome, sir.
My name is Kalyana Sundaram.
I'm the General Manager here.
I was the one who spoke
to you on phone, sir.
Please, guys, not here. Excuse me, please.
So your father is from Goa?
Yes. How do you know?
-And your mother hails from Coimbatore?
-Knowing that you are half Tamil...
-Guys, please.
No personal questions.
Please, excuse me.
Please. Thanks.
-She is the artist sir.
-Lovely to meet you. Great job.
Well done.
-Thank you.
-Thank you. Thank you very much.
-Looks very beautiful.
-Thank you.
You've come this far.
If you could see the circumjacent parts
of the gallery...
I mean, if you could take a look around...
-Oh, okay.
-Please, sir.
-Let's go.
Excuse me, guys.
This is fantastic!
Ah! I'm sorry.
I just, uh...
Just look at this, huh.
This is incredible art. I've never seen
anything like this.
-This is simply marvelous...
-Just a sec.
This is so fantastic.
I don't know much about paintings,
but I became a big fan of yours
-after seeing your painting.
-Sir... Sir...
-I mean it.
-Sir... Sir...
One minute.
-What is your name?
-What is your...
-She can't hear you, sir.
-She can't speak either.
But she can understand
if you could talk a bit slower.
Lip reading.
She is Sakshi, sir.
She is a Tamil girl.
Pleasure to meet you, Sakshi.
You have drawn this painting
with so much love
it made me speechless... What?
-She is asking you to speak slower.
You have drawn this painting
with so much love
it made me speechless.
-She is thanking you.
-Ah, thank you.
Thank you for agreeing
to sell your painting to me.
Uh, half of this
goes to her orphanage, sir.
What orphanage?
She grew up in an orphanage in Sequim.
Very impressive. My respect for you
is just growing in time.
$1000! Thank you for your generosity, sir.
Oh, my goodness! $10,000!
You are very lucky, child! See?
Sir! You are just adding the zeroes
as zero doesn't have any value!
You are right. Zero has no value.
Ah! $1 million!
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice] Why are you
paying so much?
Did I ask you
why you have painted so beautifully?
It's my pleasure and a complete honor.
May I have the passes please?
Thank you.
There is a concert of mine
on this weekend.
Tell her I invited her.
I'll be honored if she attends.
-Sure, sir.
-Thank you very much.
It's such an honor to meet you.
Thank you, Sakshi. I hope to see you.
-Thank you, sir.
[muffled applause]
[cello music playing]
[cello music fading]
"This is the sweetest moment"
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is"
[audience applauding]
Thank you.
Hi. Hi, ladies
Oh, Sakshi! Please come.
Please come.
Thank you so much for coming.
You want my autograph?
On one condition.
If you teach me painting,
I'll give you my autograph.
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice] You must
teach me music.
Okay, done! Deal! We've got a deal.
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is entranced"
"For the first time, I heard a voice
That touched and awakened my heart"
"That is the miracle that started
In your heart and reached me"
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is entranced"
"This friendship with you
Has made the impossible come true"
"The art is the expression
Of the variations of the colors"
"Your companionship is a blessing"
"Is friendship this beautiful?"
"I never thought I'd see
A new world with you"
"It welcomed me as a re-birth"
"All the silence in me turned into
A poetry and wants to be heard"
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is entranced"
-It's completely unacceptable! Sick of it!
Next time, next month, next time!
-Thank you!
He is Grant Wood, a great painter.
This is the last painting he did in 1960.
He drew his wife, Josephine Wood,
in his painting.
Now it is in a haunted house.
He is obstinate for that painting.
He is willing to take a replica too.
-But who will take such a risk?
-[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice]Where is that painting?
Woodside Villa.
"Your heart is an ocean
And my abode is in the clouds"
"Love paved its way
To you like a raindrop"
"You are like a song my breath
Is a melody that adds to it"
"Your life has rejoiced it"
"It's true that You and I
Are not two different words anymore"
"Our hearts united and we became one"
"Please be my love
And stay with me forever"
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is entranced"
"For the first time, I heard a voice
That touched and awakened my heart"
"That is the miracle that started
In your heart and reached me"
"This is the sweetest moment"
"My heart is entranced"
[automated woman voice]I was engaged to Anthony.
I thought it was the
happiest moment in my life.
But that happiness didn't last for long.
Sonali went missing from two days
after the engagement.
I watched the news on TV
about girls missing in the city,
I got more panicked because of that.
I am getting the same answers
for the past two weeks.
This is not acceptable at all, Chief.
Well, please do something.
Don't keep telling me the same thing.
[sighs] Sakshi, don't worry.
I promise you that I'd find out
about Sonali
using all the influence I got.
I've spoken to the chief.
I believe we'd soon get to hear good news.
Sakshi, sweetheart...
I think...
We shall go on a holiday for a week.
Police are searching. They will find her.
You will also feel a little relaxed.
[automated woman voice] I told Anthony
about the Josephine Wood's painting
in the same trip.
He wanted me to paint that,
so he took me to Woodside Villa.
This is a beautiful place.
The house looks good though. Beautiful.
[Sakshi] I never thought
that one single mistake
could cost Anthony's life.
[exhales deeply]
So you'd say that is why
ghost has targeted Anthony?
[both laugh]
Well, I guess that's the only way
to look at it.
That makes sense.
Okay, let's get the hell out of here.
[Maha] My sensibilities didn't get
convinced that a ghost has done this.
There is
something wrong somewhere. Something!
Finally, the case is solved.
What are you still thinking about?
Are you serious?
I'm 100% sure that
a ghost didn't kill Anthony,
What is this new twist now? I was happy
to get a thrilling horror story.
-I too thought the same.
-So who killed Anthony then?
I need to find that.
By the way, does Vidya have
to sleep here tonight too?
Of course.
Vidya, why don't you sleep
in mom's room for tonight?
You go and sleep.
That won't be good, right?
-Vidya, please eat.
-[Vidya] You go away from here.
-Vidya... Please have it.
-I don't want idly.
Vidya, is this how you talk
to your grandmother?
I hate her.
I wish she doesn't live with us.
-She is always feeding me idly.
-Can you please send her away?
-Shut up!
-Apologize to granny.
-I'm sorry, Granny.
And go to your room.
It's okay. It's natural
that kids behave possessively.
What do you mean?
She is unable to share
your love with your mom.
That is why she is behaving like that.
He's right. This is one
kind of a psychology.
We call it possessive nature.
They dislike to share
their most favorite ones,
let it be a toy or a person.
She says Sonali is very attached
and possessive in nature.
Not just kids, you can see this
in grown-ups too.
And they can go to any extent
if they want to for their loved ones.
Yeah, she's right.
-Thanks, sis.
-Thanks for what?
Where are you? Wait there.
I'm coming to pick you up.
Something important.
[Maha] I discovered a new angle
in the case I considered as closed.
That is Sonali.
She went missing
right after Sakshi's engagement
and Anthony got killed
around the same time.
There are a lot
of loose ends in this case.
That is why I believed
this was a strong lead.
We visited the orphanage
where Sonali and Sakshi grew up together.
Sonali is a very quiet child.
She has always kept to herself.
Except for Sakshi,
I have to say, she has no other friends.
But she loves Sakshi to death.
[Maha] We discovered shocking things
about Sonali at the orphanage.
We learnt that she pierced a fork in
a man's hand as he proposed Sakshi.
Sonali also served
a month in jail in that case.
This shocked me even more.
I didn't understand why Sakshi hid
this information from us.
I strongly believed that
Sonali must have killed Anthony.
That is why
she went absconding and did this.
This is Sonali's room.
[Tom] This is how Anthony was killed.
[mobile ringing]
-[Maha] Captain.
I think we are close
to cracking this case.
How do you know that?
I'm pretty sure it's Sonali.
I need your help.
What's that, Maha?
What is this new twist now?
Sakshi's best friend Sonali
has that possessive nature
you both spoke about.
She couldn't share her love
on Sakshi with Anthony.
I suspect that's why she absconded
after Sakshi's engagement and doing this.
I have come across
many such cases in my career so far.
They even kill the ones they love,
not willing to lose them to someone else.
Oh, my God!
You mean she is capable
of hurting even Sakshi?
Why not?
Do you think a 25-year-old girl
is carrying it out all by herself?
Why do you think
she is doing it all by herself?
Someone must be helping her.
[door lock rattling]
Police! Freeze!
[glass shattering]
Sakshi! Sakshi!
[truck horn blaring]
You should have called the police.
Why do you take the risk?
-Then, what am I?
Sakshi, you know Sonali well than we do.
She injured someone
and went to the jail for you.
Why didn't you tell us about it?
Trust me, Sakshi,
she is capable of even killing you.
[Richard] Alright. Alright.
Why don't you tell me about the man
who broke into the house?
Somebody is helping her, Captain.
Who is that somebody?
Hey. Ask her if Sonali had
any other friends other than her.
Does Sonali have any other friends
other than you?
Sakshi, think! There must be someone.
Text me if you remember.
Only you can help us solve this case.
Sakshi, tomorrow you need to come with us
and help us to recreate the crime scene
at Woodside Villa.
Tomorrow you must come
and explain our teams
about what happened at the Woodside Villa.
[door opens]
-Good night, Captain.
-Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night. Happy anniversary!
[Surya] Thank you!
[device beeping]
[Maha] Captain who had been
suspecting Sakshi since the beginning,
planted a tracker to her car.
And he started to monitor
her movements through it.
Department decided to search Woodside
yet again suspecting Sonali.
If we could get either a finger
or a foot print of Sonali,
I thought this case would be solved.
My next target is to nab Sonali.
[dog barking]
[siren wailing]
Let's go.
Captain, she is here.
Listen, here you have to cover
every single detail you can find.
[indistinct chatter over radio]
Come in.
Hey, I found this key in the basement.
If it belongs to Anthony
and we find where it leads,
could be great.
Let me see it.
-What do you think?
What are they doing there anyway?
What do you mean?
[Tom gagging]
[car alarm blaring]
[people clamoring]
Tom! What happened?
Tom, please wake up!
[woman] Somebody call 911.
Stand back! I'm gonna administer CPR.
-We need an ambulance...
-[people clamoring]
-What happened?
-Nobody saw anything.
Somebody tell me what happened.
-What happened here?
-We called 911.
[all clamor]
Somebody call the ambulance.
-Where did he fall from?
-From the balcony.
I think we lost him.
Oh, my God! Tom!
[Maha] Once again, my intelligence,
experience and sensibilities
all went for a toss.
I didn't understand
why Police Captain Richard
had to kill Tom.
But I understood that there's a connection
between Richard and Anthony's murder.
What could that be?
Life is a cycle of birth and death.
It starts with birth and ends with death.
On this sorrowful day,
let us ask Jesus to provide his family
with strength and peace.
It is said, "Old go to death,
but the death comes to the young."
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[Richard] We can never fill the void
which is created by Tom's death.
-[door opens]
-[man] Captain.
Stephanie from Seattle News is here.
Tell her to fuck off!
And, you too!
[door closes]
[mobile ringing]
-Tell me, Surya.
did you go the FBI?
No, there's a lot more
that I need to know.
Maha, you are taking a big risk.
I have no other go.
I have to take the risk to know the truth.
I suspect that he killed Tom for a key.
That key must be very important.
In this overall mystery,
there is a connection
between Anthony's murder and Richard.
To unfold that truth,
I need to take this risk.
-[line disconnects]
-Maha... Maha, don't do that.
[indistinct chattering]
[Maha] Sonali, Richard,
and Anthony's murder are interlinked.
I suspect that
Captain is definitely helping Sonali.
My suspicion is that
Captain is going to meet Sonali.
[dogs barking]
[dogs continue barking]
[mobile vibrating]
-Hello. Surya?
-Maha, are you okay?
There's a farmhouse located
in the outskirts of Seattle.
The key I spoke to you about
belongs to this farmhouse.
I need to know whose farmhouse is this.
Maha, don't do this. Come back.
I can't come back, Surya.
I've already come too far.
This belongs to Anthony?
Surya, you won't believe this.
This is Anthony's farmhouse.
This property isn't mentioned
in any of his records.
Definitely Richard has visited
this farmhouse earlier.
He has knowledge about this much earlier.
But I don't get
how are Anthony and Richard related.
Surya... Surya, listen to me.
If any unforeseen incident happens to me,
you have to post
these details to the department.
Maha, please!
Come back before it's too late.
Sorry, Surya. I love you!
I love you, too!
Maha, don't take the risk
of handling this alone.
At least call for your team!
Okay, he is coming, bye!
Maha... Maha...
[Maha] Someone stole the hard disk
that stores the security camera's footage.
Richard got furious
when he couldn't find it here.
I didn't understand why,
but learnt that there's a lot more
that I should know.
[dogs growling]
[dogs growling]
[Vivek] Just like every story has an end,
there would be a beginning too.
This story started
with friendship of three persons.
That's for you.
-Nice work.
-Congrats. Yeah.
Hi! Congratulations!
The entire gallery
is talking about your success.
By the way, my younger brother
is dumb and deaf.
Yeah. Can I buy you a coffee?
You earned a million-dollar cheque
on your very first day. You're great.
Oh, okay. Yeah.
You earned a million
on the very first day. Congrats!
[Vivek] We became best friends in no time.
Around the same time,
Sakshi's best friend Sonali came.
Hi, I'm Vivek.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go.
Sit in the rear seat.
Sit here.
Wow, such a beautiful house.
Come. Just come! He'll get the luggage.
Wow, beautiful backyard!
I like this house!
I like this place very much!
[Vivek] I couldn't
understand her behavior.
I also felt hurt.
I don't understand
your friend Sonali's behavior.
I think she doesn't like me.
I'm planning to stop visiting you
from now on.
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice]You misunderstood her.
She is a different character.
Do you know what had happened earlier?
Are you planning to go?
You find nothing wrong.
You easily trust everyone.
I think he's a flirt.
I will prove!
This is my favorite place.
It's good for people watching.
Yeah, look at that table
over there with the...
I was about ten
when I first went to art gallery
with my mother.
Anyway, when we used to go together,
I was really involved with the artwork.
You completely blew me away
with your work.
And it just took me back...
to my mother.
[screaming] Oh, fuck! You, bitch!
Goddamn it!
I told you he's a flirt! I told you!
[automated woman voice] He filed a case.
She even served
a month in the jail for me.
It's difficult to get close to her,
but once you do,
it's much difficult to lose her.
Let's do it then.
[camera shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicks]
[bear growling]
[camera shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicks]
[tiger growling]
[tiger roars]
[camera shutter clicks]
[tiger growling]
-[tiger roaring loudly]
Where did you go? There's a tiger here.
It's there.
[camera shutter clicks]
[upbeat music playing]
[all cheering]
Come on, come on, let's have a drink!
Come on, let's hit the floor.
[Vivek] I and Sonali became
very close to each other,
which we didn't see it coming.
Sakshi too was wishing the same.
Hi. Why did you ask me to come urgently?
Anything for you.
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice]Sonali has accepted
none other than me in her life.
But she did accept me.
[automated woman voice]Can you be with her for life long?
[Vivek] At that moment, I didn't know
how to understand our relationship.
[doorbell buzzing]
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Love you, Sonali.
So you both are a couple now, is it?
By the way,
this restaurant is famous for a dish.
[Anthony] Here it comes. There you go.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm sure you all will be really surprised.
Wow! What a surprise!
Sakshi, look...
[Vivek] Congratulations! Let's celebrate!
One second...
Yeah. Smile.
[camera shutter clicks]
Sonali, smile.
[camera shutter clicks]
Thank you. Thank you.
[people clamoring]
Sakshi, come. Come.
Hi, I'm a big fan of yours.
Look! Look at them.
She's hugging!
-Hello. Hi.
-Hi, pleasure to meet you.
[Sonali] She's a famous
jewelry designer, Maggie.
Look how she's snugging him!
She gave him her phone number!
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting.
-Hi, Anthony.
-I didn't expect this to take so long.
-That was a great show. You killed it.
-Thank you.
I enjoyed a lot.
Thank you.
Are you saying,
"Let's meet again,"?
Of course, there's no other go with you.
You easily trust everyone.
I'm telling you he's a flirt!
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice]You suspect everyone.
Anthony is not like any other man.
I'll prove it.
[mobile chimes]
[Anthony] Hi.
Look, he replied.
[Sonali] You looked handsome today.
[Anthony] Your boyfriend too
looked handsome.
[Sonali] But you looked hot.
[Anthony] Don't behave like a child.
[Sonali] Do you think I'm a child?
[Anthony] Of course, bye!
[Sonali] Meet me once,
and I'd never ever disturb you again.
[Anthony] Let's meet.
Would you believe at least now?
[automated woman voice] He must have
called to preach you.
I'm sure you'd lose.
Sakshi, for the first time ever
I'm wishing that I should lose.
[car door shuts]
[dogs barking]
[dogs barking distantly]
[dogs barking]
[car approaching]
[cello music playing]
[door closes]
[Vivek] We had no clue
why Anthony has killed Sonali.
But we were determined not to spare him.
[indistinct chatter over radio]
Excuse me, we want to meet the Captain.
-Captain's room is that way.
[indistinct chattering]
It was a very funny incident.
-That was a moment I had to react.
-It's him.
Excuse me.
If not police, let's go to FBI or CIA!
But we can't leave it. Can we?
Just because he is highly influential,
can we spare him?
We must do something, right?
We must not spare the one
who killed Sonali.
We couldn't even bid her farewell.
You don't understand my pain.
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice] I love Sonali
more than you do.
[tires screech]
"My eye pupil has searched"
"For you"
"My tears have searched, for you"
"My breath has searched, for you"
"I am alive for you"
"Not sure where you have disappeared,
Bidding me farewell"
"You left me alone,
Stayed back in the past"
"Who would console me now?"
"My muteness without you
Is complete silence"
"My life without you is complete silence"
"My world without you is complete silence"
"My path without you is complete silence"
"My eye pupil has searched"
"For you"
"My tears have searched"
"Every day is a hell, cannot step ahead"
"Truth is a poison, cannot gulp it"
"Have you become a victim
Or disappeared like a dream?"
"You have sacrificed yourself
To the heavenly abode"
"Oh, my friend"
"My mute without you is complete silence"
"My life without you is complete silence"
"My world without you is complete silence"
"My path without you is complete silence"
"The forthcoming second
Never gives a caution"
"Before we realized what it is,
You are no more"
"Though I am breathing,
I don't feel alive any long"
"Living just like a watery eye"
"I am left like a wound
Without a medicine to heal"
"My muteness without you
Is complete silence"
"My life without you is complete silence"
"My world without you is complete silence"
"My path without you is complete silence"
What are you doing here, Sakshi?
I've been trying
to reach you since two days.
You haven't been answering your phone?
What happened?
Is everything okay?
What's wrong?
[keypad clicking]
[automated woman voice] Sonali is missing.
Are you sure? Since when?
[automated woman voice] From the past
two days she's been missing.
Two days, is it?
Did you complain to the police?
Are you crazy?
Why didn't you lodge a complaint
when she's missing from two days?
What are you thinking?
[Vivek] Sakshi felt suspicious
after seeing the missing person's report
of the famous jewelry designer Maggie
whom we last saw
in Anthony's concert two days ago.
She started to research more.
A lot of shocking truths
were revealed in that research.
Anthony's concert dates
matched with the dates
the girls went missing in Seattle.
You are right, Sakshi.
All the girls who went missing
have attended Anthony's concert.
We have the evidences too.
These proofs would suffice.
Let's go to FBI.
What are you still thinking about?
You mean, we'll kill him?
[Vivek] Sakshi had a clear plan
in her mind.
Sakshi learnt that Josephine Wood painting
is in the haunted house
called Woodside Villa
from the art gallery manager Kalyan.
To know more about the story,
she sent me to the City Central Library.
We learnt how Peter and Melissa
died in Woodside villa in 1972.
We planned to take Anthony there somehow
and find out about the missing girls,
and then decided to kill him.
That's my girl. Leave it to me.
I'll make all the arrangements.
Hello. Hey, I just want to know...
[Vivek] Sakshi took Anthony
to Woodside Villa in a pretense
to do a painting.
[door creaks]
You didn't find it?
Shall we check the bedroom?
Oh! How did you get up there so fast?
You go there. Check that side.
[light flickering]
Who is that? Hey, who the hell are you?
Vivek? What the hell are you doing here?
What are you doing here?
Sakshi... Sakshi, don't come here.
He is out of his mind.
Sakshi, go away.
What is happening?
You didn't get it yet?
Why did you kill Sonali?
Oh, is this for that?
I pity you!
Do you think she loved you?
She didn't. She was cheating you.
She promised you that she'd marry you...
Just because I was rich and a celebrity
she came to sleep with me.
But I am a good boy,
I didn't sleep with her,
instead, I killed her!
Do you know why?
Girls like Sonali are not in thousands
but in lakhs in this world.
Come on, Bruno!
[door slams opens]
-Anthony there's nothing between us.
I'm going to tell you.
It's nothing like what you are thinking.
What's going on?
Officer, please, my husband...
my husband...
...gone crazy.
What are you doing, officer?
-What about her?-No!
Officer... Officer, don't go!
Please help me!
Baby, it was not like that.
Please... I'm sorry, baby.
[Shreya] It'll not happen ever again.
-Please! [screams]
-[loud thud]
[Richard] That's my wife.
[chuckles] She is sleeping with a kid.
[door slams opens]
"This so called Love
Has always been the same"
"It shares poison"
"And fills your life with darkness"
"In split of a second"
"A danger that sets you ablaze"
"We love you the most
And live like you are the breath"
"We get you everything you want
And believe all that you say"
"We take utmost care and carry you
So that your feet don't get strained"
"How can you throw away
A heart bleeding for you?"
"Don't you ever feel"
"Pity on us?"
"Not even a little? Why? Why?"
"Why? Why?"
"You shatter the dreams we build with
Great love, right in front of our eyes"
"When we think of you,
the tears roll down uncontrollably"
"It feels like a prison"
"Can betrayal exist in love?"
"Does it wish for someone's ruination?"
"Do you call pain as anger?
Do you want us to worship?"
"It pinches every inch of me"
"You don't deserve any mercy"
"It rages the blood in my heart"
"We love you the most
And live like you are the breath"
"We get you everything you want
And believe all that you say"
"We take utmost care and carry you
So that your feet don't get strained"
"How can you throw away
A heart bleeding for you?"
"Don't you ever feel..."
Why do you want me?
Tell me why?
"Not even a little?"
[mobile chimes]
[Sonali] Please try to understand
my feelings, please.
Meet me once,
and I'd never ever disturb you again.
[Anthony] Let's meet.
Girls like Sonali are not in thousands
but in lakhs in this world.
They have been cheating
and fooling innocent men like me.
They all must be finished. And I did.
I finished one after the other.
Actually, you must thank me.
Come on, tell me,
"Anthony, thank you for saving my life."
Sonali is a...
Sorry. ...was a bitch.
Hey, why are you slapping me?
Sonali was not such kind of a girl.
Hey, shut up!
How do you know?
You trust everyone.
Sonali cheated, not only him, you too.
And you trusted her.
Because we both are alike.
I too was innocent,
but she killed her.
But I didn't cheat you, Sakshi.
I loved you with all my heart.
Because we are both alike.
You and I are the same... Innocent!
I swear, you can't cheat anyone.
That's why I loved you.
Raghu, your farmhouse was awesome.
Both, me and my girlfriend enjoyed a lot.
By the way, did you switch off
the security cameras?
Else I will have an earful from my wife.
[laughs] I switched them off
the moment I stepped in.
-How do you think I can be that sloppy?
-Then, it's fine.
Police! Freeze!
Why did you run away?
You must have told them
that you were my friend.
I'm sorry. I got scared
at the sight of police and ran away.
[truck horn blaring]
Are there any CC cameras
in Anthony's farm house?
If they exist,
the footage of you visiting that place
must have been recorded.
Moreover, it is also the proof
for the girls who went missing
and for the murders Anthony committed.
We must go to that farm house. Okay?
[Vivek] That's how the story
that started with three of us
ended with two of us.
Here, I deleted all your footage in it.
Tomorrow we are meeting FBI.
Richard's chapter too gets closed.
Can I borrow a light please?
Move, start driving.
There you are! My favorite mute witness.
Where is the hard drive?
Oh, I see, you want me
to leave him alone, is that it?
-That's my girl.
-No, Sakshi, don't give him. Go away!
Did you both kill Anthony?
Did you kill Anthony?
Really? [laughs]
So you killed Anthony?
Do you know what this is? This is peace.
My dear friend, Anthony...
May your soul rest in peace forever.
Get up! Get up you, bitch!
-You killed my friend.
-No, no!
Richard! Leave her alone!
You don't deserve to live.
You bastard!
I'll send you to hell.
Bitch, die!
For my friend!
Sakshi... Sakshi, are you okay?
Are you okay?
[both grunting]
Die, you bastard!
-I'm going to kill you.
[gun clicks]
[laughs] Give me the gun.
You go to hell now.
Stop it, Captain.
Put the gun down.
Little girl with a big gun.
You know what?
These two admitted killing Anthony.
Why did you kill Tom?
[car alarm blaring]
I didn't kill anybody.
-Don't lie, Captain.
-I'm not lying.
Don't move! Step back.
-What are you going to do? Shoot me?
-Stay right there.
-[Richard groans]
[Maha] Richard admitted that
he killed Tom for the key.
Sorry, Maha.
He also confessed that all the crimes
he committed in that farm house
are recorded in the hard drive
and for that he had to do all this.
Tom found out about the key.
The key to the house. I had to kill him.
I don't like to kill people.
Believe me, Maha, I need the hard drive.
I am going to erase it,
I need to clear my name.
And if you don't, I am going to kill you.
Did you both really kill Anthony?
All the truth you want
is in that hard disk.
[siren wailing distantly]
[Maha] While Richard suspected Sakshi,
I suspected Richard
and fixed a tracker to his car.
With Surya's help, I could escape
from the farmhouse and come here.
[woman] Maha, what happened?
[Maha] Punishment for some crimes
could also be another crime.
With the hard disk Sakshi and Vivek gave,
the missing girls case got solved.
Anthony's death was considered
as a ghost's killing.
Woodside Villa once again turned
into a haunted house.