No Escape (2015) Movie Script
Yes, I am happy
for this opportunity.
And though some
of my people may not understand
the benefit of this,
I'm sure they will in Cardiff.
They are fortunate
to have a leader with such resolve.
And now, let us stop
talking business, Mr. Prime Minister,
and drink the first water
from the plant.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
Thank you.
I hope this is the first
of many projects we can build.
We say the dragon of fortune
has a long tail.
- To Cardiff.
- To your new waterworks.
- It is our great honor.
- And ours.
All of us at Cardiff are so fortunate
to be doing business with you.
Yes. Thank you.
Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.
You sleeping?
Sweetie, what's going on?
Would you look at this?
I mean...
where did the energy
come from suddenly?
Please. Oh, my God.
Are we there yet?
According to this, we only have
eleven more soul-crushing hours.
Oh, shit.
You know you have to put
a dollar in the swear pot.
Uh-oh, guys.
I left the swear pot back in Texas.
- Shit! How could I have been so stupid.
- Dad. Dad!
- Where's Bob?
- Hey, what are you looking for?
- I can't find Bob.
- Did you look underneath?
You're not supposed to say
the S-H-I-T word.
The what?
- Did you just spell that?
- Yes.
No, you're not supposed to say it.
I'm allowed to say it under
special emergency circumstances.
- Well, actually...
- According to the rules...
- And it wasn't an emergency.
- ...which I make up as I go along.
- Where did he go?
- Sweetie, don't bother that woman.
- I still don't see him.
- Okay.
- There you go.
- Hello, Bob. Thank you.
- How are you?
- Good.
- What happened to your hand?
- Mmm.
Got in a fight with a tiger.
- Really?
- Really.
Don't worry, though.
He got it worse than I did.
What happened to your head?
Oh... fell down a ight of stairs
in Hong Kong.
Okay, honey, come on, sit down.
Don't bother him. Okay?
- Sorry. Thank you.
- Pleasure.
What if we don't like it here?
Where we're going? I think we will.
What if this company
goes belly-up too?
That's not gonna happen,
because this company is a lot bigger
than Daddy's company was.
And that's better, huh?
They promised us a car, right, babe?
Yeah, they did. But I don't...
So can you call someone?
Well, this phone's supposed to work
internationally, but it's not.
I don't see anything. I think
we're really starting strong here.
- Let's just grab one of these guys.
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay, thank you. Yep.
Wait. A word to the wise here.
These guys are a bunch
of scam artists.
They just wear uniforms
to look official,
but they're all rob you blind,
I promise you.
There's an official taxi line outside.
I'll show you where if you like.
Come on.
- Great. Thank you.
- Or you'll get ripped off.
Don't worry, big boy. Don't worry.
Come over here. I'll show you.
Here you go.
- You forgot your bags.
- No, this is it, kiddo.
I like to travel light.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's convenient.
- Where are you from?
- Austin, Texas.
- Expats? Who do you work for?
- Cardiff.
I'm one of the engineers they brought
in to revamp the waterworks.
You Cardiff boys,
you go everywhere, don't you?
Where are you staying?
The Imperial Lotus?
- Yeah, how'd you know?
- Well, everyone does. I'm there.
I'll give you a lift, if you'd like.
I'm meeting someone.
- Would you like that?
- Yeah, that'd be great.
Be my pleasure. Be my pleasure.
- Hammond's the name.
- Jack.
- Nice to meet you, Jack.
- Nice to see you.
- Hi, I'm Annie. How are you?
- Hello, Annie, how are you?
This is Lucy, Briegel.
- But you can call her Beeze.
- Hello, Beeze.
- Do you like it here?
- I love it.
I've been here 15 times.
- Wow!
- That's a lot of times.
Yeah, it is a lot of times.
Well, I just love it.
I love the women.
They're always so eager to please,
you know what I mean?
Okay. It's interesting,
I'm looking at our bags
and I'm thinking that we're too many...
- No are you kidding?
- ...pieces of luggage.
I think that we could maybe
just get a taxi...
No, don't worry about these guys.
They can fit everything on a moped.
It'll be great.
Okay, everybody, here's your ride,
right here.
This is the man!
- Come on.
- You're in safe hands here.
- I missed you.
- Look at you!
There you go.
Mind the leg. Mind the leg.
Good to see you.
These good folks here, they need a lift.
Their ride didn't show up.
- Yes, okay.
- Thanks.
But I need to ask you
very important question.
- Do you like Kenny Roger?
- Kenny Rogers?
- Yes, of course.
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Yes. Yeah.
Because this is the Kenny Roger cab.
Oh, my God! I had no idea.
My name is
Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong.
- Jack.
- Wow! I like your name.
Yeah? But all my friends call me...
Kenny Roger.
- Oh, Kenny.
- That's a little easier.
Because we look alike.
You do?
- Uncanny.
- Whoa! Separated at birth!
- Let's go.
- Here we go.
- Let's go. Come on.
- Here we go.
I've got the birds.
Hey, Kenny Rogers, you mind
keeping your eye on the road a little bit?
Thank you.
- This one's on us, okay?
- Okay. Thank you.
- All right. Be safe.
- All right.
You go.
- This one's pretty.
- Daddy, look, it's you.
- Oh, wow!
- It's your serious face.
I would have preferred a driver,
but it's a nice welcome.
Dad, this light doesn't work.
What do you mean it doesn't work?
I got Bob.
Okay. Nope, it doesn't work.
You're right.
But I gotta say, I'm loving
how unpredictable this hotel is.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.
Because a lot of places you turn on
a switch, you know the light comes on.
Here, there's some, like, mystery.
There's a little suspense.
Annie, speaking of a mystery,
what is...
- What is this?
- It's my rice cooker.
I know, but we're in Asia.
Don't you think they're gonna have
some effective ways to cook rice?
This is my rice cooker.
Okay. Let's show 'em how we do it.
- Yeah!
- Thank you.
- All right.
- I wanna go swimming.
No, no, no, we can't go swimming.
In fact, you gotta get ready for bed.
I'm not tired,
and I really want to go swimming.
Okay, I'll make a deal with you guys.
We'll start to wind the engines down.
You guys can sit here quietly
and watch some TV.
We're not getting any channels.
- Did you...?
- We're getting snow.
Nothing's working!
All right, let's not be difficult.
Lucy's always been difficult.
Since the day she was born,
she's been very difficult.
- Dad.
- Guys. Guys.
Dad, will you tell the story of how
Lucy was born?
- Yeah. Sure.
- You guys like that story, don't you?
Well, I gotta say,
it was a difficult birth.
- I knew it!
- Good difficult.
Good difficult.
Do you want to call
about the television?
No, no, I will call.
I will tell you the story. Hold on.
Not difficult! Not difficult!
The phone's not working.
Okay, welcome to the Third World.
It's actually the Fourth World.
- Really?
- That's what it said in the book.
- I didn't even know that existed.
- Nor did I.
You didn't plug in the rice cooker.
Could that have...
- No.
- ...possibly shorted out everything?
You're a jerk.
- It's happening in the whole city.
- What's happening?
There's no TV or Internet
in the whole city?
I'm afraid not, sir.
Have you gotten any calls for me
from Cardiff?
Jack Dwyer.
- Are the phones working?
- The phones are working, sir.
But we have no calls
from Cardiff for you.
- No calls?
- Maybe better luck in the morning.
Okay. Thank you.
All right, here we go.
Here we go, here it comes.
Can I get a beer?
- Thank you.
- Thank you!
Thank you!
- That was great.
- Sitting over here all on your lonesome.
You've got all jet-lagged, have you?
Yeah, I'm in a little bit of a fog.
What about you?
Do I look like a guy
who's jet-lagged?
- No.
- No, no.
All that shit's in the mind, mate.
- It's all up here.
- Yep. You're right, it is. Yeah.
Bullshit. Joe. Joe, two shots.
Here you go.
I think I'm... I'm just gonna stick
with a beer.
No, it's not for you. It's for me.
Here we go.
Is that guy playing a Casio keyboard
on top of a grand piano?
Welcome to Asia.
You're gonna love it here.
- Really?
- There's just so much to do.
Well, I don't know.
Ten years ago
I could not have pictured myself
dragging my family
the other side of the world
to start over in some
mid-management job.
At least you're making a good living.
And... doing good.
I know the bill of goods
those Cardiff boys sell you.
You got something against
clean drinking water?
Maybe I do need a shot.
No, you don't. No, you don't.
You got the kids upstairs.
So what did you do, anyway?
In your better days.
I invented a valve.
I know it doesn't sound very sexy,
but it was.
No. No, it doesn't.
No, but we came up with this valve
that was almost a big deal.
Came very close.
Here's to almost.
- Almost.
- Almost.
What about you?
You have any kids or anything?
No. Not anymore.
I guess...
I guess I've seen better days, too.
On that note, I think
I'm gonna hit a strip joint.
- All right.
- Yeah.
Perhaps I should change
into my sweatpants.
Yeah, let them know I mean business.
Oh, yeah.
Listen, don't let the bastards
get you down, okay?
- All right. Thank you.
- Of course.
Yeah. See ya.
Hon, are you okay? Are you sick?
What are you doing?
I'm just tired. I just...
- Are you mad at me?
- No.
Annie, I'm sorry I didn't...
I wasn't trying to fool you with this.
- It's okay.
- I know I just...
I wasn't planning for things
to work out like this,
but I thought that
this is the best option available.
- Jack, I can't.
- I know. And I'm doing the best...
- I can't comfort you right now.
- No, I know. I'm not...
All right.
Any word from Cardiff?
Jack Dwyer.
I'm afraid not, sir. I'm very sorry.
Do you have a newspaper?
Our delivery did not come in
today, sir. We have none.
Is there some place I can go
to get one?
Yes. Yes, you can go
to Kampuchea Krom.
Okay. I don't know where that is.
This is where we are,
and this is Kampuchea Krom.
When you get to Mao Tse-Tung,
turn right. But only half.
- Only half.
- Yeah.
Newspapers, sir.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Do you have any newspapers in English?
Do you have The Herald Tribune
or USA Today?
Do you have any American newspapers?
Thank you.
This is from three days ago.
Do you have one that's newer?
Go, go, go!
What's happening?
I'm an American.
Get your fucking hands off of me!
Let go of me!
Get your hands off of me!
Let me go!
They're coming into the hotel.
It's not safe.
Put the table there.
Bring more chairs.
Sir, please go back to your rooms.
Until the situation is over.
Are you gonna even use your goggles?
I feel like you never use it.
- Annie?
- Coming, coming, coming.
Annie, open up.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Is something wrong?
- Lock the door.
There's like a war going on out there.
- What?
- Come here look.
- Honey, slow down.
- Look, look, you see that?
- They're overrunning the police.
- I don't see anything.
- Come here. Here, look.
- You're scaring me, stop it.
- Can you see that smoke?
- What? No! I don't see anything.
Annie, they are killing people.
They are pulling them out
and just shooting them.
- Foreigners.
- Why?
- Just out there.
- You saw the people...
I don't know what's going on.
They just shot a guy in front of me.
- Please!
- Annie, they are here in the hotel.
They're in the lobby.
Where's Lucy?
- Lucy?
- Lucy?
- Lucy? She was right here.
- Lucy?
- Lucy, right now.
- She left.
What do you mean she left?
- Where did she go?
- She went to the pool.
You let her go to the pool by herself?
No, I didn't let her go down
by herself.
- She's been acting out.
- Stay here and lock the door.
- Are you sure?
- Lock the door. Lock the door!
- It's fourth oor. Fourth oor.
- Shut the door.
Okay, let's go put on
different clothes, honey. Okay?
It's all right, don't be scared.
Here we go.
Finish the other one.
You know what, Briegel?
Get in the bathroom
and lock the door, please.
Get out! Get out!
Leave them alone!
Leave them alone!
No, leave them alone.
Bathroom, Beeze. Now.
Get out of the pool. Come here.
Get out of the pool.
Come here.
Get to the roof! Go!
Get up to the roof.
- Jack.
- Annie, open up.
- Shit.
- What the hell happened?
She's okay, she's okay.
We gotta get out.
Annie, we got to get to the roof.
- Come here.
- We can't, we can't leave here.
They are out there, Jack.
No, we just came...
We just came on this oor.
We can stay here.
Trust me.
We got to get them to the roof.
Okay? We have to go now,
trust me.
Please. Okay?
- Okay.
- We got to go.
- Mom! Mommy, Bob!
- No, no!
No, come on.
- No, no.
- Stop it.
Come on, go, go, go-
Oh, my God! It's okay.
Close your eyes.
Here we are.
Hold the door.
Don't let him through.
Open up.
We're Americans, open up.
I'm gonna sit over there.
- Are you okay?
- Okay. Here.
- You okay?
- Are you all right? Good.
Good! You girls are very good.
- Let me just see what's going on.
- Yeah, yeah.
- You know what's happening?
- We have no Idea.
Does somebody know
we're up on the roof?
- I hope so.
- Can you get a signal?
- I wasn't getting a signal.
- It's not working.
Someone over there said
the prime minister has been killed.
Don't go near there mate.
Stay back.
They'll take a shot at you.
What are they screaming?
I don't know. It's some crazy fuck
down there. He's gone ballistic.
We'll just hold the roof.
We'll kill any of those fuckers
who try to come up here.
Hold on, my wife speaks French.
Hey, Annie, this guy's
speaking French. Can you...
Hold on, hold on.
- What's he saying?
- He's telling me, don't resist.
There's no prisoners because
they're gonna kill us anyway.
They keep saying it over and over again.
Blood for water.
Blood for water?
What does that mean?
- He doesn't know.
- He'll know, the bellhop.
Hey, mate, what does
"blood for water" mean?
They're shouting out "blood for water."
What does it mean?
Americans take over our water company,
and they don't like it.
- Listen, guys, we just got a whole...
- Cardiff?
Is he talking about Cardiff?
Did you know anything about this?
Of course not.
I thought we were here to help.
- Are people trying to kill us?
- No, they're not trying to kill us.
Lucy, there are people trying
to hurt us down below.
- Don't tell her that.
- That's why we came up.
No, I don't want to pretend
this isn't happening.
We're gonna stick together,
and you just listen
to what your mom says,
and you watch out
for your little sister.
- Why are people trying to kill us?
- I don't know, they just are.
You need to keep an eye out on Beeze,
because she's your little sister
and she needs your help all right?
We just wait here
and then help is gonna come.
Can you hear the helicopter?
Jack, do you hear that?
Is that a helicopter?
Okay, here, you hear that?
- Yeah, that's a helicopter.
- We're getting out of here.
See, everything is gonna be okay.
Okay, right?
- Yeah! You okay? Are you hurt?
- Right?
You made me leave Bob.
- All right.
- We will get you another Bob.
I don't want a new Bob.
- All right.
- It's been a long day.
You didn't even say what the deal is?
Okay, how about this deal?
We'll get you a dog.
We'll get you a new puppy, all right?
- A bulldog?
- Yeah, a bulldog.
An ugly one?
Ugliest one you've ever seen.
- Deal.
- Deal.
See it?
Get down.
Keep your head down.
You okay? You okay?
Wait, Jack. Jack?
What are we doing?
Jack, what are you doing?
Come here. Come here. Come here.
We'll get to the other side.
I got you.
- Go, go, go.
- You got it.
- GO, go,
- GO, go.
- Move.
- Okay, over here.
- Stay down.
- Stay right here, okay?
Get under here.
- We got to get over to that roof.
- What?
- No, no fucking way.
- Annie, listen to me.
What are we gonna do?
We got to do it.
They're gonna come.
- We're gonna hide there.
- No.
When they get through that, that's it.
We're dead.
- Jack, no.
- Okay, over there we have a chance.
Over there?
We don't know what's there.
Over there, they're gonna be
the same kind of people.
All I know is, we got to keep putting
ten steps between us and them. Okay?
- If we stay here they'll kill us.
- Jack come on.
That's crazy, that's fucking crazy.
Look at me,
we're gonna fucking die here.
Listen to me, we don't have a choice.
Please, we don't have a choice.
- How?
- You're gonna jump first,
and then I'm gonna throw the kids over
one at a time.
Then I'm gonna follow, okay?
- Come on. You can do this.
- Okay.
- How? How?
- Come on. Right here.
Just get up here.
Right here.
You're gonna get a good running start,
and then you just jump it, okay?
- Okay.
- Don't do it, Mommy.
Stop, stop. Get away.
Stop. Stop, she can do it.
Go, go.
- I can't, I can't.
- What are you doing? Yes, you can.
Annie, look at me. Just do it.
Don't think about it. Okay?
Stop yelling at me, Jack.
- Don't think about it. Look at me.
- Don't do it, Mommy!
- Look at me.
- Mommy!
Oh, man, I'm scared.
You Okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna send
the Beeze over.
- She's okay.
- No! No.
I need you to close your eyes
for a second.
- No, don't do it.
- Okay.
I don't want you to throw me to Mommy.
Okay, I'm not gonna do it.
I'm not gonna do it. All right?
What's the name
of your bulldog gonna be?
- Chow-chow.
- Is that a better name than Winston?
- You think?
- No!
Briegel, you okay, honey?
Good girl.
Come on.
- Lucy.
- No.
- Lucy, come here.
- No!
Listen to me.
Listen, I got to get you to that roof.
If I don't, those bad people
are gonna hurt you.
Okay, come here.
- No. No!
- You can, I know.
- Pull up.
- Don't drop me!
Hold on, grab my arm. Grab it.
Come on. Pull.
Lucy, we almost went over.
Listen to me. If I tell you
to do something, you gotta do it.
- Okay?
- I'm scared.
I know, I'm scared too.
Okay, but it's gonna be okay.
Just close your eyes.
- No.
- Lucy.
Honey, are you okay?
You all right?
Okay, okay.
It's okay. Get your breath, come on.
Good girls.
Good girls. I'm so sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yep, I'm fine.
Okay, go, underneath.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, yes.
Okay. All right.
Goddamn it.
Right here.
We can get down here.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Just ten more steps.
- Ten more steps.
- Just ten more steps.
- Ten more steps. Go, go.
Go, go, go...
Okay, send Lucy down.
Okay, I got her.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Okay, again, here we go.
I got you. I got you.
Okay, let her go.
- Come one.
- Okay.
- Put your foot right there. I got you.
- Yeah.
There we go. Over here.
Down, down, honey. Down.
Sit down for a second.
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
We're gonna get through this, okay?
I know.
Lucy, you okay?
- Okay.
- Beeze, you all right?
Briegel. Honey.
Beeze, will you look at me?
I want to go home.
I know.
Dad, can you tell us the story
about when I was born.
No, not right now honey.
I'll tell you later.
I'm hungry-
Hi, hungry. I'm Dad.
That's not funny.
I'm not funny, I'm Dad.
Still not funny.
I think you're funny.
And that's why you're my favorite.
- That's mean.
- I mean, both of you.
- Both of you.
- Dad!
Come here.
Get down.
Keep down, keep down, keep down.
There's a tank out there.
We need to move.
Come on, there's a tank.
In here.
Go! Go!
- Okay? You okay?
- Yeah.
Honey, you okay?
Get back, get back. Go.
Get back.
Jack? Oh... oh, shit!
In here, in here.
They're gone.
It's okay, they're gone.
Mommy, I have to go potty.
It's okay,
just go in your pants, okay.
But... I'm not a baby.
I know, I know sweetheart.
I know that.
I know.
Just this one time, okay.
I promise it's okay.
It's okay, Beeze.
It's okay.
Do you know how much I love you?
You know, I love you.
Jack, nobody even knows we're here.
Nobody's gonna come to help us.
We got to get ourselves
to the American Embassy.
That's what we're gonna do.
We can do that. Okay?
We're gonna get there.
Okay, I know, I know.
Come here honey. Are you okay?
- Here you go.
- We can't go out like this, honey.
Let me get something for us to put on.
Let me look around.
Don't look. Please, don't look.
Come here. Don't look.
Don't look down.
- I don't like it here.
- I know.
Just stay put. Stay put.
Can't read this.
Can't read this map.
- What are you looking for?
- The Embassy.
- Mom, look.
- What?
An American ag.
Very good, very good.
Okay, so here's
the American Embassy,
but do you know
where we are on this map?
We're right here, right about here.
Okay, that's, like, five blocks away
and I think...
Shut up.
Stop it.
You can't scream.
You can't.
Ten more steps.
Let me get the clothes.
Come on.
Couple more blocks.
Take a right here.
- Turn around, turn around Jack.
- Where?
Don't do it.
We go back where we came from.
You guys, put your head down.
Pull it over.
- Jack...
- We can't, get your head down.
- Stay down, stay down.
- Jack, please.
Get your head down.
Tuck your head in.
I'm slipping.
- Right here?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- I can get up right here.
- Let's go.
- No.
No, we're here.
We gotta go over.
- This doesn't look like it.
- Why?
No, no, they put this
up as a defense.
I don't hear anything.
- Okay, let me take a look.
- Can I come?
Get behind...
No, no, listen to your mom.
- Get behind. I'm gonna take a look.
- What are you gonna do?
Be careful.
You Okay?
You see anything?
- Hold on, let me get a better look.
- Okay.
Over here!
Come on.
Come here.
Okay, okay.
Hey, hey!
Please, family.
Please, family.
It's okay, okay.
Stick close.
Lucy, get down.
We don't know where.
We find you.
We need that gun, wait here.
Don't know where. We find you.
Find you, I kill you.
Oh, Jack, hide.
Oh, my God!
They'll see him. Shit!
Okay, girls, girls, Daddy needs help.
No matter what you hear,
you don't move from here.
Hey, okay, okay.
Hey, I'm right here.
Okay, okay.
Jack, grab it!
Hey, fuckhead! Hey!
No! No!
No, no, no!
Get the fuck of me!
Fucking kill...
No! No!
I'll fucking kill you!
Goddamn it!
Oh, my God!
Wait! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! I got money.
Wait, wait, I have money.
I got money.
I got money, I got guns.
I got...
I can get guns. I can get guns.
Sung, Sung.
Everyone likes Sung.
I've got one, three and five,
you've got two and six!
Oh, my God!
I'm okay.
- I said I got one, three and five.
- Yeah, but that three there.
That guy over there is three.
- From your position, that's two.
- No, it's not.
The clock is based on my head,
not on my feet.
- You happy now?
- That's good enough.
All right, quickly, come on.
Everyone go.
- We've got to get out of here right now.
- Get the girls.
That guy is gonna come back,
and he'll bring friends.
- Now hurry.
- Come on, there's more coming.
- Quickly.
- It's okay, it's okay, come on.
There's a house I know
a few blocks from here.
- We'll be safe for the night.
- I'm right here honey.
Mommy! Mommy!
I'll buy you some time.
- Okay.
- Come on, come on.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- No, I don't want to!
- I don't want to go.
- Lucy.
This is no time to
discuss this, okay.
Look at me, look at me,
look at me.
My daughter gave me this
the last time I saw her,
and she said
nothing bad would ever happen
to me as long as I wear it.
I'd like you to take it. Okay.
Okay, you're safe now.
No matter what, okay.
- What about Beeze?
- It'll work for Beeze.
It'll work for both of you.
There's nothing to be scared of.
You're safe now, okay?
Stay quiet, stay fast,
and stay close. Okay.
You hurt?
You've got blood right here.
Oh, that's not mine.
- Come on.
- Okay, come on. Okay.
Come on.
Here we go.
Keep up now, come on.
Here we go, upstairs.
- Kosal.
- Hey, Hammond.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
we're gonna spend
the night here, okay?
- Okay.
- Good, good.
Are you okay?
Would you care for some tea?
Yeah, a cup of tea would be nice,
maybe a drop of the hard stuff.
You smell lovely.
All right, through here.
Here we go, family.
- All right.
- It's okay, it's okay.
Out onto the roof.
We made it.
Glad to see you're
all in one piece, Kenny.
Come OH Up, everyone.
Come on, here we are.
Ah, you guys must be starving.
There's enough food here for everyone.
Come on, come sit down.
- Good?
- Nice.
Well done.
You like it?
- What is it?
- "What is it?"
You mean to tell me you haven't had
Kan Chow Chicken yet?
You're gonna love this.
They feed the chicken's raisins.
- Really?
- Really.
Makes the chickens taste sweet.
Raisins? That's interesting.
What do they the feed
the chickens in the US?
In the US?
Usually other chickens, I think.
Okay, Mom, Dad, can I have
a word with you? Just over here.
Yeah, yes.
- You should eat something.
- Come on.
Okay, eat.
- You see the river there?
- Yeah.
The Vietnamese border
is a couple of miles downstream.
If we can just get across,
they'll have to give us asylum.
And then we can leave
all this behind us.
- All right?
- Yeah.
Hammond, thank you.
My pleasure, my pleasure,
don't worry.
Jack I'm gonna go check
on the kids.
You're not just here
for the girls are you?
Well... maybe a little.
You British CIA or something?
- Something like that.
- And Kenny he's...
- Thanks.
- Nah.
No, thanks for coming
along when you did.
Don't thank me.
I'm the one who started this shit storm!
What do you mean?
Guys like me pave the way
for guys like you to wind up here.
They don't usually fight back.
Most of the time, they don't
even realize what we're doing.
- Why? What do you mean?
- We...
have interests in this region.
- We?
- Our countries.
The corporations
who run them have interests here.
So I show up all nice and friendly,
offering to get them
a loan to pay for our services,
which we know they can't afford.
Then we build them power plants,
waterworks, freeways...
it doesn't really matter.
And when they can't
repay us the debt...
we own 'em.
It's all a fuck job.
The rebel leaders said we were
trying to enslave their people
by controlling the waterworks.
And they were right.
Most of those merciless
men out there...
they're just trying to
protect their children,
just like you.
So don't thank me.
I'm the one who put your
family in harm's way.
Least I can do is get you
out of the bloody place.
Is that Kan Chow Chicken there?
- Looks like dog.
- You need your strength, Jack.
They need your strength too, mate.
Seemed like a nice touch.
I killed someone.
You're alive, Jack.
Your family's alive.
There's no good
or bad here, there's only...
just get your family the hell out.
Come on.
Get some sleep.
We leave in four hours.
You all right?
In hindsight, I probably didn't need
to bring the rice-cooker.
Are you kidding me?
We couldn't leave that behind.
Thank you for sticking with me
the last few years
because I know
it's not what you wanted,
what you hoped for.
If my life had been
the way I wanted...
I'd be in Paris.
I'd be in a at in Saint-Sulpice.
Drinking wine.
Sounds pretty good.
But then I wouldn't have met you.
And I wouldn't know
those beautiful girls.
And the profound...
thing it is to be their mother.
This life...
has been so much more...
than anything that I could have...
wanted or planned.
If we die here tomorrow,
it will have been worth it.
Look at me...
No one's gonna die here.
Get to the wall, get to the wall.
Get down, get down, get down.
Okay, okay, there's
a gun tower across the street,
stay low.
There's four of them in the tower.
Now I'm gonna draw fire.
I want you to run
like hell for that staircase.
Do you understand me?
- You ready?
- Wait, wait.
- You ready?
- Okay.
That door! Go to that door!
Oh, God!
Keep going!
- Come on.
- Get across the border.
Just go.
You'll have some better days, Jack.
Keep going! Go!
Too bad I couldn't make it!
Shit! God!
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Wait for it!
Come to papa, fucker!
Wait. Wait.
Hang on, hang on.
What are we gonna do now?
I don't know. Okay.
I don't know.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
Look at me. It's okay.
Ten more steps, remember, Jack?
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
We've got to go to the river.
The river.
- Get across the border.
- Okay.
Okay, we're gonna keep going.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Okay? Okay.
The river, right?
Okay, stay with me, okay?
- Okay, come on.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Come on.
My feet are...
There's the river.
Go ahead.
Get in there, go.
GO, go:
- What do we do?
- Stay there.
I'm gonna go down to the river,
and I'm gonna get a boat.
Okay, just wait right here.
I'll give you... give you the watch.
Watch for the boat.
Here look, look...
Gold watch, here.
Look, look, look. For the boat.
A thousand dollars.
- Shoe...
- You want the shoes?
Okay, hold on.
Hold on.
Okay, we're fine here for a second.
- Daddy!
- Lucy!
Dad, look out!
No! No!
Let her go! Let her go!
No! No!
Please! She's just a kid, stop!
Please! Please!
Just let her go!
Please! Please!
No! No! No! No!
No! No!
Please! Please! Stop!
Lucy! Lucy!
Just do it! Just do it!
Lucy, I'm right here, I'm right here.
We're together! I love you!
It's okay. Do it.
No, Daddy! We need you.
Where's the Beeze?
I'll go get her.
I'm sorry, Daddy!
You did great!
It's okay, it's all right.
It's okay. It's okay.
All right.
All right. Okay.
Come here.
They're gonna see us, Jack!
Get down, get down.
Get down and stay quiet.
Vietnam, there's Vietnam.
Keep rowing.
Come on!
Stop! Do not continue!
You do not have permission
to enter Vietnam!
Turn your boat around!
Stop! Do not shoot!
Do not shoot!
You do not have permission
to enter Vietnam!
We're seeking asylum!
We're just a family!
We need help!
Stop! Do not continue!
- You do not have...
- Don't shoot! Do not shoot!
We're bringing
my family into Vietnam!
Do not proceed any further.
- Do not shoe
- Turn your boat around.
We're not turning around.
Do not shoot!
Don't shoot!
Lower your weapon.
This boat is now
in Vietnamese waters.
If you shoot,
we will consider this an act of war!
This boat is now in Vietnam!
Lower your weapon!
Okay, it's over.
Daddy, will you tell me
the story about how I was born?
Well, I thought it would
be a good idea
to videotape your mom giving birth.
I was saying,
"Push harder, push harder,"
and she gave me a look, like...
You know that look
Mommy gives, like...
"You're in big trouble."
And then I came out?
Then you came out, yep.
And then they spanked me?
Well, they spank all little babies
'cause they're trying to get them to cry.
- But she didn't?
- She wasn't crying.
So they spanked you again.
And they spanked her again.
Then they tried again.
- But I wasn't breathing.
- That's right.
Then more doctors came rushing in,
and they brought in more machines and...
The nurse said, "You might want
to turn that video camera off."
And then your Dad
looked at me and said,
"You need to talk to her.
You need to tell her to breathe
because she knows your voice."
- "Say it to her."
- So I started yelling,
"Breathe, Lucy."
"Breathe, little Lucy, please."
And then I did?
- Yeah.
- And then you did.
Then I brought you over to Mommy,
and she held you
for the first time, and I said,
"Don't worry little Lucy, you're okay.
We're gonna keep you safe."
Don't be sad, Daddy.
I'm not sad.
I'm happy-
Really happy-
Yes, I am happy
for this opportunity.
And though some
of my people may not understand
the benefit of this,
I'm sure they will in Cardiff.
They are fortunate
to have a leader with such resolve.
And now, let us stop
talking business, Mr. Prime Minister,
and drink the first water
from the plant.
- Thank you.
- Yes.
Thank you.
I hope this is the first
of many projects we can build.
We say the dragon of fortune
has a long tail.
- To Cardiff.
- To your new waterworks.
- It is our great honor.
- And ours.
All of us at Cardiff are so fortunate
to be doing business with you.
Yes. Thank you.
Mr. Prime Minister, thank you.
You sleeping?
Sweetie, what's going on?
Would you look at this?
I mean...
where did the energy
come from suddenly?
Please. Oh, my God.
Are we there yet?
According to this, we only have
eleven more soul-crushing hours.
Oh, shit.
You know you have to put
a dollar in the swear pot.
Uh-oh, guys.
I left the swear pot back in Texas.
- Shit! How could I have been so stupid.
- Dad. Dad!
- Where's Bob?
- Hey, what are you looking for?
- I can't find Bob.
- Did you look underneath?
You're not supposed to say
the S-H-I-T word.
The what?
- Did you just spell that?
- Yes.
No, you're not supposed to say it.
I'm allowed to say it under
special emergency circumstances.
- Well, actually...
- According to the rules...
- And it wasn't an emergency.
- ...which I make up as I go along.
- Where did he go?
- Sweetie, don't bother that woman.
- I still don't see him.
- Okay.
- There you go.
- Hello, Bob. Thank you.
- How are you?
- Good.
- What happened to your hand?
- Mmm.
Got in a fight with a tiger.
- Really?
- Really.
Don't worry, though.
He got it worse than I did.
What happened to your head?
Oh... fell down a ight of stairs
in Hong Kong.
Okay, honey, come on, sit down.
Don't bother him. Okay?
- Sorry. Thank you.
- Pleasure.
What if we don't like it here?
Where we're going? I think we will.
What if this company
goes belly-up too?
That's not gonna happen,
because this company is a lot bigger
than Daddy's company was.
And that's better, huh?
They promised us a car, right, babe?
Yeah, they did. But I don't...
So can you call someone?
Well, this phone's supposed to work
internationally, but it's not.
I don't see anything. I think
we're really starting strong here.
- Let's just grab one of these guys.
- Yeah, yeah.
Okay, thank you. Yep.
Wait. A word to the wise here.
These guys are a bunch
of scam artists.
They just wear uniforms
to look official,
but they're all rob you blind,
I promise you.
There's an official taxi line outside.
I'll show you where if you like.
Come on.
- Great. Thank you.
- Or you'll get ripped off.
Don't worry, big boy. Don't worry.
Come over here. I'll show you.
Here you go.
- You forgot your bags.
- No, this is it, kiddo.
I like to travel light.
You know what I mean?
Well, that's convenient.
- Where are you from?
- Austin, Texas.
- Expats? Who do you work for?
- Cardiff.
I'm one of the engineers they brought
in to revamp the waterworks.
You Cardiff boys,
you go everywhere, don't you?
Where are you staying?
The Imperial Lotus?
- Yeah, how'd you know?
- Well, everyone does. I'm there.
I'll give you a lift, if you'd like.
I'm meeting someone.
- Would you like that?
- Yeah, that'd be great.
Be my pleasure. Be my pleasure.
- Hammond's the name.
- Jack.
- Nice to meet you, Jack.
- Nice to see you.
- Hi, I'm Annie. How are you?
- Hello, Annie, how are you?
This is Lucy, Briegel.
- But you can call her Beeze.
- Hello, Beeze.
- Do you like it here?
- I love it.
I've been here 15 times.
- Wow!
- That's a lot of times.
Yeah, it is a lot of times.
Well, I just love it.
I love the women.
They're always so eager to please,
you know what I mean?
Okay. It's interesting,
I'm looking at our bags
and I'm thinking that we're too many...
- No are you kidding?
- ...pieces of luggage.
I think that we could maybe
just get a taxi...
No, don't worry about these guys.
They can fit everything on a moped.
It'll be great.
Okay, everybody, here's your ride,
right here.
This is the man!
- Come on.
- You're in safe hands here.
- I missed you.
- Look at you!
There you go.
Mind the leg. Mind the leg.
Good to see you.
These good folks here, they need a lift.
Their ride didn't show up.
- Yes, okay.
- Thanks.
But I need to ask you
very important question.
- Do you like Kenny Roger?
- Kenny Rogers?
- Yes, of course.
- Yes.
- Yes?
- Yes. Yeah.
Because this is the Kenny Roger cab.
Oh, my God! I had no idea.
My name is
Samnang Pichairongkramgiskerong.
- Jack.
- Wow! I like your name.
Yeah? But all my friends call me...
Kenny Roger.
- Oh, Kenny.
- That's a little easier.
Because we look alike.
You do?
- Uncanny.
- Whoa! Separated at birth!
- Let's go.
- Here we go.
- Let's go. Come on.
- Here we go.
I've got the birds.
Hey, Kenny Rogers, you mind
keeping your eye on the road a little bit?
Thank you.
- This one's on us, okay?
- Okay. Thank you.
- All right. Be safe.
- All right.
You go.
- This one's pretty.
- Daddy, look, it's you.
- Oh, wow!
- It's your serious face.
I would have preferred a driver,
but it's a nice welcome.
Dad, this light doesn't work.
What do you mean it doesn't work?
I got Bob.
Okay. Nope, it doesn't work.
You're right.
But I gotta say, I'm loving
how unpredictable this hotel is.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.
Because a lot of places you turn on
a switch, you know the light comes on.
Here, there's some, like, mystery.
There's a little suspense.
Annie, speaking of a mystery,
what is...
- What is this?
- It's my rice cooker.
I know, but we're in Asia.
Don't you think they're gonna have
some effective ways to cook rice?
This is my rice cooker.
Okay. Let's show 'em how we do it.
- Yeah!
- Thank you.
- All right.
- I wanna go swimming.
No, no, no, we can't go swimming.
In fact, you gotta get ready for bed.
I'm not tired,
and I really want to go swimming.
Okay, I'll make a deal with you guys.
We'll start to wind the engines down.
You guys can sit here quietly
and watch some TV.
We're not getting any channels.
- Did you...?
- We're getting snow.
Nothing's working!
All right, let's not be difficult.
Lucy's always been difficult.
Since the day she was born,
she's been very difficult.
- Dad.
- Guys. Guys.
Dad, will you tell the story of how
Lucy was born?
- Yeah. Sure.
- You guys like that story, don't you?
Well, I gotta say,
it was a difficult birth.
- I knew it!
- Good difficult.
Good difficult.
Do you want to call
about the television?
No, no, I will call.
I will tell you the story. Hold on.
Not difficult! Not difficult!
The phone's not working.
Okay, welcome to the Third World.
It's actually the Fourth World.
- Really?
- That's what it said in the book.
- I didn't even know that existed.
- Nor did I.
You didn't plug in the rice cooker.
Could that have...
- No.
- ...possibly shorted out everything?
You're a jerk.
- It's happening in the whole city.
- What's happening?
There's no TV or Internet
in the whole city?
I'm afraid not, sir.
Have you gotten any calls for me
from Cardiff?
Jack Dwyer.
- Are the phones working?
- The phones are working, sir.
But we have no calls
from Cardiff for you.
- No calls?
- Maybe better luck in the morning.
Okay. Thank you.
All right, here we go.
Here we go, here it comes.
Can I get a beer?
- Thank you.
- Thank you!
Thank you!
- That was great.
- Sitting over here all on your lonesome.
You've got all jet-lagged, have you?
Yeah, I'm in a little bit of a fog.
What about you?
Do I look like a guy
who's jet-lagged?
- No.
- No, no.
All that shit's in the mind, mate.
- It's all up here.
- Yep. You're right, it is. Yeah.
Bullshit. Joe. Joe, two shots.
Here you go.
I think I'm... I'm just gonna stick
with a beer.
No, it's not for you. It's for me.
Here we go.
Is that guy playing a Casio keyboard
on top of a grand piano?
Welcome to Asia.
You're gonna love it here.
- Really?
- There's just so much to do.
Well, I don't know.
Ten years ago
I could not have pictured myself
dragging my family
the other side of the world
to start over in some
mid-management job.
At least you're making a good living.
And... doing good.
I know the bill of goods
those Cardiff boys sell you.
You got something against
clean drinking water?
Maybe I do need a shot.
No, you don't. No, you don't.
You got the kids upstairs.
So what did you do, anyway?
In your better days.
I invented a valve.
I know it doesn't sound very sexy,
but it was.
No. No, it doesn't.
No, but we came up with this valve
that was almost a big deal.
Came very close.
Here's to almost.
- Almost.
- Almost.
What about you?
You have any kids or anything?
No. Not anymore.
I guess...
I guess I've seen better days, too.
On that note, I think
I'm gonna hit a strip joint.
- All right.
- Yeah.
Perhaps I should change
into my sweatpants.
Yeah, let them know I mean business.
Oh, yeah.
Listen, don't let the bastards
get you down, okay?
- All right. Thank you.
- Of course.
Yeah. See ya.
Hon, are you okay? Are you sick?
What are you doing?
I'm just tired. I just...
- Are you mad at me?
- No.
Annie, I'm sorry I didn't...
I wasn't trying to fool you with this.
- It's okay.
- I know I just...
I wasn't planning for things
to work out like this,
but I thought that
this is the best option available.
- Jack, I can't.
- I know. And I'm doing the best...
- I can't comfort you right now.
- No, I know. I'm not...
All right.
Any word from Cardiff?
Jack Dwyer.
I'm afraid not, sir. I'm very sorry.
Do you have a newspaper?
Our delivery did not come in
today, sir. We have none.
Is there some place I can go
to get one?
Yes. Yes, you can go
to Kampuchea Krom.
Okay. I don't know where that is.
This is where we are,
and this is Kampuchea Krom.
When you get to Mao Tse-Tung,
turn right. But only half.
- Only half.
- Yeah.
Newspapers, sir.
- Thanks.
- You're welcome.
Do you have any newspapers in English?
Do you have The Herald Tribune
or USA Today?
Do you have any American newspapers?
Thank you.
This is from three days ago.
Do you have one that's newer?
Go, go, go!
What's happening?
I'm an American.
Get your fucking hands off of me!
Let go of me!
Get your hands off of me!
Let me go!
They're coming into the hotel.
It's not safe.
Put the table there.
Bring more chairs.
Sir, please go back to your rooms.
Until the situation is over.
Are you gonna even use your goggles?
I feel like you never use it.
- Annie?
- Coming, coming, coming.
Annie, open up.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Is something wrong?
- Lock the door.
There's like a war going on out there.
- What?
- Come here look.
- Honey, slow down.
- Look, look, you see that?
- They're overrunning the police.
- I don't see anything.
- Come here. Here, look.
- You're scaring me, stop it.
- Can you see that smoke?
- What? No! I don't see anything.
Annie, they are killing people.
They are pulling them out
and just shooting them.
- Foreigners.
- Why?
- Just out there.
- You saw the people...
I don't know what's going on.
They just shot a guy in front of me.
- Please!
- Annie, they are here in the hotel.
They're in the lobby.
Where's Lucy?
- Lucy?
- Lucy?
- Lucy? She was right here.
- Lucy?
- Lucy, right now.
- She left.
What do you mean she left?
- Where did she go?
- She went to the pool.
You let her go to the pool by herself?
No, I didn't let her go down
by herself.
- She's been acting out.
- Stay here and lock the door.
- Are you sure?
- Lock the door. Lock the door!
- It's fourth oor. Fourth oor.
- Shut the door.
Okay, let's go put on
different clothes, honey. Okay?
It's all right, don't be scared.
Here we go.
Finish the other one.
You know what, Briegel?
Get in the bathroom
and lock the door, please.
Get out! Get out!
Leave them alone!
Leave them alone!
No, leave them alone.
Bathroom, Beeze. Now.
Get out of the pool. Come here.
Get out of the pool.
Come here.
Get to the roof! Go!
Get up to the roof.
- Jack.
- Annie, open up.
- Shit.
- What the hell happened?
She's okay, she's okay.
We gotta get out.
Annie, we got to get to the roof.
- Come here.
- We can't, we can't leave here.
They are out there, Jack.
No, we just came...
We just came on this oor.
We can stay here.
Trust me.
We got to get them to the roof.
Okay? We have to go now,
trust me.
Please. Okay?
- Okay.
- We got to go.
- Mom! Mommy, Bob!
- No, no!
No, come on.
- No, no.
- Stop it.
Come on, go, go, go-
Oh, my God! It's okay.
Close your eyes.
Here we are.
Hold the door.
Don't let him through.
Open up.
We're Americans, open up.
I'm gonna sit over there.
- Are you okay?
- Okay. Here.
- You okay?
- Are you all right? Good.
Good! You girls are very good.
- Let me just see what's going on.
- Yeah, yeah.
- You know what's happening?
- We have no Idea.
Does somebody know
we're up on the roof?
- I hope so.
- Can you get a signal?
- I wasn't getting a signal.
- It's not working.
Someone over there said
the prime minister has been killed.
Don't go near there mate.
Stay back.
They'll take a shot at you.
What are they screaming?
I don't know. It's some crazy fuck
down there. He's gone ballistic.
We'll just hold the roof.
We'll kill any of those fuckers
who try to come up here.
Hold on, my wife speaks French.
Hey, Annie, this guy's
speaking French. Can you...
Hold on, hold on.
- What's he saying?
- He's telling me, don't resist.
There's no prisoners because
they're gonna kill us anyway.
They keep saying it over and over again.
Blood for water.
Blood for water?
What does that mean?
- He doesn't know.
- He'll know, the bellhop.
Hey, mate, what does
"blood for water" mean?
They're shouting out "blood for water."
What does it mean?
Americans take over our water company,
and they don't like it.
- Listen, guys, we just got a whole...
- Cardiff?
Is he talking about Cardiff?
Did you know anything about this?
Of course not.
I thought we were here to help.
- Are people trying to kill us?
- No, they're not trying to kill us.
Lucy, there are people trying
to hurt us down below.
- Don't tell her that.
- That's why we came up.
No, I don't want to pretend
this isn't happening.
We're gonna stick together,
and you just listen
to what your mom says,
and you watch out
for your little sister.
- Why are people trying to kill us?
- I don't know, they just are.
You need to keep an eye out on Beeze,
because she's your little sister
and she needs your help all right?
We just wait here
and then help is gonna come.
Can you hear the helicopter?
Jack, do you hear that?
Is that a helicopter?
Okay, here, you hear that?
- Yeah, that's a helicopter.
- We're getting out of here.
See, everything is gonna be okay.
Okay, right?
- Yeah! You okay? Are you hurt?
- Right?
You made me leave Bob.
- All right.
- We will get you another Bob.
I don't want a new Bob.
- All right.
- It's been a long day.
You didn't even say what the deal is?
Okay, how about this deal?
We'll get you a dog.
We'll get you a new puppy, all right?
- A bulldog?
- Yeah, a bulldog.
An ugly one?
Ugliest one you've ever seen.
- Deal.
- Deal.
See it?
Get down.
Keep your head down.
You okay? You okay?
Wait, Jack. Jack?
What are we doing?
Jack, what are you doing?
Come here. Come here. Come here.
We'll get to the other side.
I got you.
- Go, go, go.
- You got it.
- GO, go,
- GO, go.
- Move.
- Okay, over here.
- Stay down.
- Stay right here, okay?
Get under here.
- We got to get over to that roof.
- What?
- No, no fucking way.
- Annie, listen to me.
What are we gonna do?
We got to do it.
They're gonna come.
- We're gonna hide there.
- No.
When they get through that, that's it.
We're dead.
- Jack, no.
- Okay, over there we have a chance.
Over there?
We don't know what's there.
Over there, they're gonna be
the same kind of people.
All I know is, we got to keep putting
ten steps between us and them. Okay?
- If we stay here they'll kill us.
- Jack come on.
That's crazy, that's fucking crazy.
Look at me,
we're gonna fucking die here.
Listen to me, we don't have a choice.
Please, we don't have a choice.
- How?
- You're gonna jump first,
and then I'm gonna throw the kids over
one at a time.
Then I'm gonna follow, okay?
- Come on. You can do this.
- Okay.
- How? How?
- Come on. Right here.
Just get up here.
Right here.
You're gonna get a good running start,
and then you just jump it, okay?
- Okay.
- Don't do it, Mommy.
Stop, stop. Get away.
Stop. Stop, she can do it.
Go, go.
- I can't, I can't.
- What are you doing? Yes, you can.
Annie, look at me. Just do it.
Don't think about it. Okay?
Stop yelling at me, Jack.
- Don't think about it. Look at me.
- Don't do it, Mommy!
- Look at me.
- Mommy!
Oh, man, I'm scared.
You Okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna send
the Beeze over.
- She's okay.
- No! No.
I need you to close your eyes
for a second.
- No, don't do it.
- Okay.
I don't want you to throw me to Mommy.
Okay, I'm not gonna do it.
I'm not gonna do it. All right?
What's the name
of your bulldog gonna be?
- Chow-chow.
- Is that a better name than Winston?
- You think?
- No!
Briegel, you okay, honey?
Good girl.
Come on.
- Lucy.
- No.
- Lucy, come here.
- No!
Listen to me.
Listen, I got to get you to that roof.
If I don't, those bad people
are gonna hurt you.
Okay, come here.
- No. No!
- You can, I know.
- Pull up.
- Don't drop me!
Hold on, grab my arm. Grab it.
Come on. Pull.
Lucy, we almost went over.
Listen to me. If I tell you
to do something, you gotta do it.
- Okay?
- I'm scared.
I know, I'm scared too.
Okay, but it's gonna be okay.
Just close your eyes.
- No.
- Lucy.
Honey, are you okay?
You all right?
Okay, okay.
It's okay. Get your breath, come on.
Good girls.
Good girls. I'm so sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yep, I'm fine.
Okay, go, underneath.
- Are you okay?
- Yes, yes.
Okay. All right.
Goddamn it.
Right here.
We can get down here.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Just ten more steps.
- Ten more steps.
- Just ten more steps.
- Ten more steps. Go, go.
Go, go, go...
Okay, send Lucy down.
Okay, I got her.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Okay, again, here we go.
I got you. I got you.
Okay, let her go.
- Come one.
- Okay.
- Put your foot right there. I got you.
- Yeah.
There we go. Over here.
Down, down, honey. Down.
Sit down for a second.
Are you okay?
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
We're gonna get through this, okay?
I know.
Lucy, you okay?
- Okay.
- Beeze, you all right?
Briegel. Honey.
Beeze, will you look at me?
I want to go home.
I know.
Dad, can you tell us the story
about when I was born.
No, not right now honey.
I'll tell you later.
I'm hungry-
Hi, hungry. I'm Dad.
That's not funny.
I'm not funny, I'm Dad.
Still not funny.
I think you're funny.
And that's why you're my favorite.
- That's mean.
- I mean, both of you.
- Both of you.
- Dad!
Come here.
Get down.
Keep down, keep down, keep down.
There's a tank out there.
We need to move.
Come on, there's a tank.
In here.
Go! Go!
- Okay? You okay?
- Yeah.
Honey, you okay?
Get back, get back. Go.
Get back.
Jack? Oh... oh, shit!
In here, in here.
They're gone.
It's okay, they're gone.
Mommy, I have to go potty.
It's okay,
just go in your pants, okay.
But... I'm not a baby.
I know, I know sweetheart.
I know that.
I know.
Just this one time, okay.
I promise it's okay.
It's okay, Beeze.
It's okay.
Do you know how much I love you?
You know, I love you.
Jack, nobody even knows we're here.
Nobody's gonna come to help us.
We got to get ourselves
to the American Embassy.
That's what we're gonna do.
We can do that. Okay?
We're gonna get there.
Okay, I know, I know.
Come here honey. Are you okay?
- Here you go.
- We can't go out like this, honey.
Let me get something for us to put on.
Let me look around.
Don't look. Please, don't look.
Come here. Don't look.
Don't look down.
- I don't like it here.
- I know.
Just stay put. Stay put.
Can't read this.
Can't read this map.
- What are you looking for?
- The Embassy.
- Mom, look.
- What?
An American ag.
Very good, very good.
Okay, so here's
the American Embassy,
but do you know
where we are on this map?
We're right here, right about here.
Okay, that's, like, five blocks away
and I think...
Shut up.
Stop it.
You can't scream.
You can't.
Ten more steps.
Let me get the clothes.
Come on.
Couple more blocks.
Take a right here.
- Turn around, turn around Jack.
- Where?
Don't do it.
We go back where we came from.
You guys, put your head down.
Pull it over.
- Jack...
- We can't, get your head down.
- Stay down, stay down.
- Jack, please.
Get your head down.
Tuck your head in.
I'm slipping.
- Right here?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- I can get up right here.
- Let's go.
- No.
No, we're here.
We gotta go over.
- This doesn't look like it.
- Why?
No, no, they put this
up as a defense.
I don't hear anything.
- Okay, let me take a look.
- Can I come?
Get behind...
No, no, listen to your mom.
- Get behind. I'm gonna take a look.
- What are you gonna do?
Be careful.
You Okay?
You see anything?
- Hold on, let me get a better look.
- Okay.
Over here!
Come on.
Come here.
Okay, okay.
Hey, hey!
Please, family.
Please, family.
It's okay, okay.
Stick close.
Lucy, get down.
We don't know where.
We find you.
We need that gun, wait here.
Don't know where. We find you.
Find you, I kill you.
Oh, Jack, hide.
Oh, my God!
They'll see him. Shit!
Okay, girls, girls, Daddy needs help.
No matter what you hear,
you don't move from here.
Hey, okay, okay.
Hey, I'm right here.
Okay, okay.
Jack, grab it!
Hey, fuckhead! Hey!
No! No!
No, no, no!
Get the fuck of me!
Fucking kill...
No! No!
I'll fucking kill you!
Goddamn it!
Oh, my God!
Wait! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! I got money.
Wait, wait, I have money.
I got money.
I got money, I got guns.
I got...
I can get guns. I can get guns.
Sung, Sung.
Everyone likes Sung.
I've got one, three and five,
you've got two and six!
Oh, my God!
I'm okay.
- I said I got one, three and five.
- Yeah, but that three there.
That guy over there is three.
- From your position, that's two.
- No, it's not.
The clock is based on my head,
not on my feet.
- You happy now?
- That's good enough.
All right, quickly, come on.
Everyone go.
- We've got to get out of here right now.
- Get the girls.
That guy is gonna come back,
and he'll bring friends.
- Now hurry.
- Come on, there's more coming.
- Quickly.
- It's okay, it's okay, come on.
There's a house I know
a few blocks from here.
- We'll be safe for the night.
- I'm right here honey.
Mommy! Mommy!
I'll buy you some time.
- Okay.
- Come on, come on.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- No, I don't want to!
- I don't want to go.
- Lucy.
This is no time to
discuss this, okay.
Look at me, look at me,
look at me.
My daughter gave me this
the last time I saw her,
and she said
nothing bad would ever happen
to me as long as I wear it.
I'd like you to take it. Okay.
Okay, you're safe now.
No matter what, okay.
- What about Beeze?
- It'll work for Beeze.
It'll work for both of you.
There's nothing to be scared of.
You're safe now, okay?
Stay quiet, stay fast,
and stay close. Okay.
You hurt?
You've got blood right here.
Oh, that's not mine.
- Come on.
- Okay, come on. Okay.
Come on.
Here we go.
Keep up now, come on.
Here we go, upstairs.
- Kosal.
- Hey, Hammond.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
we're gonna spend
the night here, okay?
- Okay.
- Good, good.
Are you okay?
Would you care for some tea?
Yeah, a cup of tea would be nice,
maybe a drop of the hard stuff.
You smell lovely.
All right, through here.
Here we go, family.
- All right.
- It's okay, it's okay.
Out onto the roof.
We made it.
Glad to see you're
all in one piece, Kenny.
Come OH Up, everyone.
Come on, here we are.
Ah, you guys must be starving.
There's enough food here for everyone.
Come on, come sit down.
- Good?
- Nice.
Well done.
You like it?
- What is it?
- "What is it?"
You mean to tell me you haven't had
Kan Chow Chicken yet?
You're gonna love this.
They feed the chicken's raisins.
- Really?
- Really.
Makes the chickens taste sweet.
Raisins? That's interesting.
What do they the feed
the chickens in the US?
In the US?
Usually other chickens, I think.
Okay, Mom, Dad, can I have
a word with you? Just over here.
Yeah, yes.
- You should eat something.
- Come on.
Okay, eat.
- You see the river there?
- Yeah.
The Vietnamese border
is a couple of miles downstream.
If we can just get across,
they'll have to give us asylum.
And then we can leave
all this behind us.
- All right?
- Yeah.
Hammond, thank you.
My pleasure, my pleasure,
don't worry.
Jack I'm gonna go check
on the kids.
You're not just here
for the girls are you?
Well... maybe a little.
You British CIA or something?
- Something like that.
- And Kenny he's...
- Thanks.
- Nah.
No, thanks for coming
along when you did.
Don't thank me.
I'm the one who started this shit storm!
What do you mean?
Guys like me pave the way
for guys like you to wind up here.
They don't usually fight back.
Most of the time, they don't
even realize what we're doing.
- Why? What do you mean?
- We...
have interests in this region.
- We?
- Our countries.
The corporations
who run them have interests here.
So I show up all nice and friendly,
offering to get them
a loan to pay for our services,
which we know they can't afford.
Then we build them power plants,
waterworks, freeways...
it doesn't really matter.
And when they can't
repay us the debt...
we own 'em.
It's all a fuck job.
The rebel leaders said we were
trying to enslave their people
by controlling the waterworks.
And they were right.
Most of those merciless
men out there...
they're just trying to
protect their children,
just like you.
So don't thank me.
I'm the one who put your
family in harm's way.
Least I can do is get you
out of the bloody place.
Is that Kan Chow Chicken there?
- Looks like dog.
- You need your strength, Jack.
They need your strength too, mate.
Seemed like a nice touch.
I killed someone.
You're alive, Jack.
Your family's alive.
There's no good
or bad here, there's only...
just get your family the hell out.
Come on.
Get some sleep.
We leave in four hours.
You all right?
In hindsight, I probably didn't need
to bring the rice-cooker.
Are you kidding me?
We couldn't leave that behind.
Thank you for sticking with me
the last few years
because I know
it's not what you wanted,
what you hoped for.
If my life had been
the way I wanted...
I'd be in Paris.
I'd be in a at in Saint-Sulpice.
Drinking wine.
Sounds pretty good.
But then I wouldn't have met you.
And I wouldn't know
those beautiful girls.
And the profound...
thing it is to be their mother.
This life...
has been so much more...
than anything that I could have...
wanted or planned.
If we die here tomorrow,
it will have been worth it.
Look at me...
No one's gonna die here.
Get to the wall, get to the wall.
Get down, get down, get down.
Okay, okay, there's
a gun tower across the street,
stay low.
There's four of them in the tower.
Now I'm gonna draw fire.
I want you to run
like hell for that staircase.
Do you understand me?
- You ready?
- Wait, wait.
- You ready?
- Okay.
That door! Go to that door!
Oh, God!
Keep going!
- Come on.
- Get across the border.
Just go.
You'll have some better days, Jack.
Keep going! Go!
Too bad I couldn't make it!
Shit! God!
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
Wait for it!
Come to papa, fucker!
Wait. Wait.
Hang on, hang on.
What are we gonna do now?
I don't know. Okay.
I don't know.
What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
Look at me. It's okay.
Ten more steps, remember, Jack?
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
We've got to go to the river.
The river.
- Get across the border.
- Okay.
Okay, we're gonna keep going.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Okay? Okay.
The river, right?
Okay, stay with me, okay?
- Okay, come on.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Come on.
My feet are...
There's the river.
Go ahead.
Get in there, go.
GO, go:
- What do we do?
- Stay there.
I'm gonna go down to the river,
and I'm gonna get a boat.
Okay, just wait right here.
I'll give you... give you the watch.
Watch for the boat.
Here look, look...
Gold watch, here.
Look, look, look. For the boat.
A thousand dollars.
- Shoe...
- You want the shoes?
Okay, hold on.
Hold on.
Okay, we're fine here for a second.
- Daddy!
- Lucy!
Dad, look out!
No! No!
Let her go! Let her go!
No! No!
Please! She's just a kid, stop!
Please! Please!
Just let her go!
Please! Please!
No! No! No! No!
No! No!
Please! Please! Stop!
Lucy! Lucy!
Just do it! Just do it!
Lucy, I'm right here, I'm right here.
We're together! I love you!
It's okay. Do it.
No, Daddy! We need you.
Where's the Beeze?
I'll go get her.
I'm sorry, Daddy!
You did great!
It's okay, it's all right.
It's okay. It's okay.
All right.
All right. Okay.
Come here.
They're gonna see us, Jack!
Get down, get down.
Get down and stay quiet.
Vietnam, there's Vietnam.
Keep rowing.
Come on!
Stop! Do not continue!
You do not have permission
to enter Vietnam!
Turn your boat around!
Stop! Do not shoot!
Do not shoot!
You do not have permission
to enter Vietnam!
We're seeking asylum!
We're just a family!
We need help!
Stop! Do not continue!
- You do not have...
- Don't shoot! Do not shoot!
We're bringing
my family into Vietnam!
Do not proceed any further.
- Do not shoe
- Turn your boat around.
We're not turning around.
Do not shoot!
Don't shoot!
Lower your weapon.
This boat is now
in Vietnamese waters.
If you shoot,
we will consider this an act of war!
This boat is now in Vietnam!
Lower your weapon!
Okay, it's over.
Daddy, will you tell me
the story about how I was born?
Well, I thought it would
be a good idea
to videotape your mom giving birth.
I was saying,
"Push harder, push harder,"
and she gave me a look, like...
You know that look
Mommy gives, like...
"You're in big trouble."
And then I came out?
Then you came out, yep.
And then they spanked me?
Well, they spank all little babies
'cause they're trying to get them to cry.
- But she didn't?
- She wasn't crying.
So they spanked you again.
And they spanked her again.
Then they tried again.
- But I wasn't breathing.
- That's right.
Then more doctors came rushing in,
and they brought in more machines and...
The nurse said, "You might want
to turn that video camera off."
And then your Dad
looked at me and said,
"You need to talk to her.
You need to tell her to breathe
because she knows your voice."
- "Say it to her."
- So I started yelling,
"Breathe, Lucy."
"Breathe, little Lucy, please."
And then I did?
- Yeah.
- And then you did.
Then I brought you over to Mommy,
and she held you
for the first time, and I said,
"Don't worry little Lucy, you're okay.
We're gonna keep you safe."
Don't be sad, Daddy.
I'm not sad.
I'm happy-
Really happy-