No Man of Her Own (1950) Movie Script

Summer nights are pleasant
in Caulfield.
They smell of heliotrope
and jasmine,
honeysuckle and clover.
The breeze
that stirs the curtains
is soft and gentle.
There's the hush,
the stillness
of perfect peace and security.
Oh, yes.
The summer nights are pleasant
in Caulfield.
But not for us.
Not for us.
The house we live in
is so pleasant.
The lawn always seems
freshly watered,
the beds of flowers so neat,
the dazzling whiteness
of the porch supports
the satin finish
of the rich, old floors,
the smell of wax.
This is a home,
warm and friendly
as a home should be.
But not for us.
Not for us.
I love him and he loves me.
I know he does.
And yet I know just as surely
that someday he'll pack
his things and leave.
Though he won't want to.
But even if he doesn't leave,
I know it will be I
who will walk out
and never come back.
We've fought this thing.
How bitterly we've fought it.
We've driven it away
a thousand times,
and it comes back again
in... a look,
in a thought.
You believed our love
would be strong enough
to make us forget.
But we haven't.
This is a thing apart.
This is...
Wanna go out somewhere?
It's a nice night.
If you think we should.
Come on.
You can put him to bed.
He's asleep now.
Yes, I knew him.
We'll be here.
The police.
Are they coming here now?
In a few minutes.
Did they say...?
Which one of us they want?
I'll put him to bed.
Don't let him suffer
for the mistakes I've made.
I was wrong.
Terribly wrong
in what I tried to do.
But I was desperate.
So desperate.
She's here again.
Steve. It's me, Helen.
I know you're there, Steve.
Let me in, please.
Please let me in, please.
Oh, Steve, don't do this to me.
I came all the way here
to find you.
I don't know anyone in New York.
I haven't anybody.
I have to see you.
Steve, I'm gonna stay here!
I'm gonna stay here!
Will you pipe down!
Show a little consideration for
people who stay up all night.
Things is tough enough
without having my sleep
disturbed by you.
Now, scram!
Steve, please.
Oh, Steve, please.
Don't ever try
to brush me off like that.
Would you take my seat, please?
Oh. No, thank you.
Go ahead.
Take my place for a while.
Come on. We want you to.
You can't stay out there
like that. Come on.
We want you to.
There you are.
Isn't that better, hm?
Thank you.
You look dead.
It's this awful train.
It's his fault we're on it.
It seems everybody wants
to go home for the 4th of July.
You wouldn't think a firecracker
could be that important,
would you?
We had tickets on the plane
and everything,
and at the last moment
he wouldn't let me fly.
You know, for the same reason
your husband probably
wouldn't let you fly.
And look where that bright idea
of his landed us. Here.
Well, go someplace.
Just don't stand there hovering.
Well, if you're sure
you're all right,
I guess I could go
smoke a cigarette.
Smoke two.
Okay, boss.
See how henpecked I am?
He's nice, isn't he?
I mean, giving me his place.
Oh, he's tolerable.
He has his good points.
I could tell right away,
about you I mean.
I am too. It's that month.
Oh, wonderful.
Where's your husband?
Are you meeting him?
Oh, did you leave him
in New York?
No, I...
I've lost him.
I'm sorry, I'm such a fool.
That's all right.
It's funny.
You never think, do you?
No, you never do.
He's coming back.
He didn't smoke--
We just got rid of you.
What are you doing--?
Special inside information
from the porter.
They're just opening the dining
car in a couple of minutes.
Come on.
We'd better get underway.
There'll be a stampede
in this mob.
Come on,
let's make a dash for it.
Oh. Oh, no, thank you.
I'm not hungry.
Besides, someone ought to stay
here and keep the places.
Oh, women are always hungry.
And we can use this
for a place marker.
It's all right.
He'll look after everything.
Oh, no, it isn't that.
It's just that I--
You can't neglect yourself
now of all times. I know.
Come on. We'll lose him.
This is a holiday
and I'm off my diet.
Well, what have you got?
Prime ribs up here
are nice today, ma'am.
Here you are, sir.
Yes, sir, here you are.
No, ma'am.
You don't want
to be riding backwards.
Now, if you'd just sit
over there,
and the ladies will sit here.
There you are.
There you are.
Like to sit here, ma'am?
Mm, pickles. Good sour pickles.
Barrels of them.
That sounds nice.
Uh, may I suggest soup, ladies?
Nice vegetable soup
and some breast of chicken?
I'll tell you what, waiter.
Suppose you just go ahead
and bring what you think
they ought to have.
Yes, sir.
Heh. He must be
a family man.
Well, now that we're
not strangers any longer,
I think you ought to know
our names.
He's Harkness, Hugh,
and I'm Harkness, Patrice.
That's a funny name, isn't it?
Oh, I'm just trying you out
for it.
I haven't decided yet whether
I'll let you keep it or not.
It's mine now.
I haven't decided whether
I'll let you keep it or not.
What's your name?
Helen Ferguson.
You've both been
awfully kind to me.
Oh. I thought
she'd never get out.
If anybody else wants to get in,
they'll just have to wait.
We're nearly the last ones
still awake anyway.
Here, have some.
Oh, you haven't anything
to rub off, have you?
Here, rub some of this on
and then you have that
to rub off.
Go ahead, take out a gob.
I'm not sure
what it does for you,
but it smells nice anyway.
I'm getting scared.
About the baby?
I'm meeting my in-laws.
Do you think they'll like me?
Suppose they don't.
Suppose they have me
built up in their expectations
as somebody entirely different.
They don't even know
what I look like.
Didn't you send them a picture?
I didn't have any
except my passport picture,
and I certainly wasn't
gonna send them that.
Go on. It feels good.
I guess they must be
very well off.
I know they had to send us
the money for the trip home.
Hugh only had his salary
from one of those
government agencies.
You know, one of those
initial outfits.
I just had my scholarship.
My folks are all dead.
We were on a shoestring
the whole time.
And don't let anyone tell you
how cheap Europe is.
We had an awful
lot of fun, though.
I think that's the only time
you do have fun.
It's when you're
on a shoestring, don't you?
Sometimes it's--
Anyway, as soon
as they found out
I was expecting, that did it.
They wouldn't hear of my
having the baby over there.
I didn't much want to either.
Here, hold this for me,
will you?
I have a horror of losing it.
Slipped down the drain once
and they had to pull out
the whole wall.
Oh, it's very beautiful.
It has our names around it
on the inside.
See? Isn't that cute?
That's one of the reasons
we're on a shoestring.
Here, put it on your finger.
It'll be safer that way.
Well, isn't that bad luck?
I mean, for me to put it on?
I couldn't have bad luck.
Come on, guys,
give us room to work.
Who is it?
Who is she?
Cut off her clothes.
- Caesarean section.
- Use a local.
My baby. My baby.
Where's my baby?
Your baby's all right, dear.
No. No, it isn't.
It's gone. It's gone.
No. No, it isn't, dear.
He's in an incubator.
Oh-- Is he--?
He's perfect.
Now, just drink this.
A coddled egg, some custard,
a little milk every two hours.
If she keeps that down
all right,
maybe in a week or so
we can let her see her baby.
What's this doing here?
Why is this here?
Everyone who is ill
has one. It's just--
But the name. It says--
Does the sight of your own
name frighten you?
Now don't talk anymore.
But you don't understand.
You have to tell me.
- Just a moment.
- I'll be right back.
what happened to--?
To whom?
There was--
There was another girl
in the washroom with me.
Is she--?
Did you know her very well?
You only just met her
on the train?
On the train.
She died.
Is there anyone else
you want to ask about?
What happened to...?
To him?
What happened to him?
Your husband died too,
Mrs. Harkness.
Oh, no, that--
No, you're making a mistake.
There, there.
No, please.
Please, let me tell you--
Don't talk now. Later.
Oh, please, let me tell you.
Please let me tell you.
She took it very well.
When she wakes up,
show her the things
the family sent her.
If I've left the hospital
when they call today,
tell them she's doing nicely.
And a little dress.
With pink and blue ribbon.
You can run the blue
through the lace
when you're stronger.
And a wee sweater.
Feel how soft.
And a note.
Shall I read it to you?
"Patrice, dear,
you are all we have now,
you and the little fellow.
Our daughter and our grandson,
Hugh's legacy to us,
though we have never seen you.
Forgive me
for not coming to you,
but the shock of Hugh's passing
was too much for me.
My doctor..."
Though we've never seen you.
Though we've never seen you.
Though we've never seen you.
If my son...
If he weren't
the Harkness grandson,
would I be allowed
to stay in this room?
We'd put you right
into one of the wards.
Are you trying to tell me
that he isn't their grandson?
No, I'm not trying
to tell you that.
It's too late.
It's too late.
It's too late.
It isn't too late.
I can still back out.
It isn't too late.
I can still back out.
It isn't too late.
I can still back out.
It isn't too late.
I can still back out!
Who's there?
Caulfield, ma'am.
No, wait.
It can't be.
Sure enough is, ma'am.
But so quickly.
It's always come
between Hastings and Clarendon.
It ain't never been no different
since I've been
on this railroad.
I can't go through with it.
I can't. I can't.
Caulfield, ma'am.
No. No.
- Hurry, ma'am.
- You only have five minutes.
For you.
For you.
Well, here we are.
Man's sake, that train must
have been on time for once.
We're sure glad you're here.
Mrs. Harkness has been
stewing and fretting
something terrible. Oh.
Sure gonna seem like old times
having a baby around here.
I'll take him.
Father, you and Josie
take in the baggage.
Come, dear.
Welcome home, Patrice.
You and the boy,
I want you
to be very happy here.
Thank you.
Now, come, I'll show you
to your room.
I'll bet you thought
I didn't remember
how to do this.
I guess people don't forget.
Thank you for letting me
have my dinner
in my room last night.
Oh, pooh.
I knew how you felt.
Now, young man,
you stay right there
while granny cleans up
all this mess.
I'll do it.
Humor me for a few days,
will you, dear?
You go and get his bottle,
and tell Josie not too hot.
All right.
- You're mine, my dear.
- You're mine. Mine!
If you scare me like that again,
then I'll hit you over the head
with my rolling pin.
Well, you sure have changed
since the last time I saw you.
In the hospital.
I'm Bill.
Sometimes called Willie,
sometimes called William.
William. Is that you?
See what I mean?
Hiya, Duchess.
- What are you doing here?
We didn't expect you
till Thursday.
Your wire
from San Francisco said--
You flew.
That's right.
Smart kid, the Duchess.
Oh, I'm sorry.
William, this is Patrice.
I know.
I scared her so,
she didn't know who I was.
This is my--
Heavens, the baby.
I left the baby on the bed.
I'll go.
Hey, when am I gonna see
my nephew?
I'll never get away with it.
Never. Never.
I didn't know he had a brother.
I don't know anything about him.
I don't know anything
about anyone.
They'll find me out.
They're bound to.
You, what were you like?
I've got to know.
I've got to.
Patrice, dear.
It's Mother.
May I come in?
I have some things for you.
Oh, he's such a good baby.
You know, Hugh was always full
of the devil,
even when he was little.
What you said tonight
about wanting some pictures
of Hugh as a child,
well, I've kept
an awful lot of things.
Both boys.
Father says I'm sentimental,
but now I'm glad I was.
These all belonged to Hugh.
He used to write such
funny letters from college.
I can remember one...
Well, anyway,
there they all are.
Keep what you want of them.
The boy might like them,
when he's old.
Good night, dear.
You were a nice guy, Hugh.
I'm glad I brought you here.
Name this child.
Hugh Donald Harkness.
Hugh Donald,
I baptize thee
in the name of the father,
and of the son,
and of the holy ghost,
You have a name.
You have a name.
We receive this child
into the congregation
of Christ's flock
and do sign him
with the sign of the cross,
in token that hereafter,
he shall not be ashamed
to confess
the faith of Christ crucified,
and, manfully,
to fight under his banner...
And Patrice was so worried
when the baby's hair
started to fall out.
Well, I didn't know
it was supposed to.
I didn't either.
- Of course.
- William was bald for months.
Please, Duchess.
She's referring
to the nude study of me
on the bearskin rug.
The best pie
you ever made, Grace.
- It certainly is.
- I wish I could cook.
Well, nonsense.
I didn't make that pie,
Josie did.
Don't you let her tell you
them fibs, Mr. Donald.
- She knows she ain't suppose--
- Isn't.
Isn't supposed to be messing
around the hot stove.
- Josie.
- I can't do nothing
with her. She--
Do I smell something burning?
No, ma'am, you don't.
With pumpkin
as expensive as it is,
you're lucky
to have any pie at all.
Okay, Duchess.
Next spring, we'll put in
the victory gardenagain.
Don't let anyone tell you
how cheap Europe is.
I used to think San Francisco
was expensive, but--
San Francisco, dear?
I didn't know
you ever lived there.
Hugh told us
you were raised in, um...
Uh, were you born
in San Francisco, Patrice?
How about some music?
I believe I am in the mood.
So am I. Something nice
and sentimental.
Well, if we're all finished,
why not take our coffee
in the other room?
Isn't it a pity
it's so old-fashioned
to be sentimental?
I don't mind
being sentimental today.
Play Hugh's song for me,
will you?
Hand tied behind my back.
The same way you play golf, eh?
That's lovely.
I don't think
I ever heard it before.
You should have.
Don't worry, Patrice.
We understand.
It's a wonder
you remember anything
after what you've been through.
I shouldn't have asked
William to play that.
It was Hugh's favorite tune.
You're all very kind.
So that's why they've never
questioned my mistakes.
Hello, Bill.
You buying up the town?
No, just picking up
some yarn for Mother.
I have a hunch it's going
to wind up in a sweater.
Do you like blue?
Oh, I never wear anything else.
Come on, I'll walk with you.
What are you doing
out of the office?
Someday you'll find out
how smart I am.
I always manage
to get in Dad's way
when he's looking for somebody
to do some legwork.
Smart, huh?
Oh, those are nice.
Aha. What are they?
Oh, you know darn well
what they are.
Don't be so superior.
Is this what they call
Mm-hm. This is what is called
Fun. You don't get anywhere,
but you see a lot.
Hey, there's an idea.
I've been wondering
what to get for Dad.
Come on in
and help me pick one out.
Oh, I don't know anything
about pens.
Oh, come on.
I have no sales resistance
when I'm alone.
Patrice. How do you like
the way this one writes?
Here, let me try it again.
I'm not completely sold on that.
Let me take a look
at this one over here.
Yes, that'll do.
Charge it and send it
over to my office.
Certainly, Mr. Harkness.
Shall I gift wrap it?
No, don't bother.
maybe you'd better at that.
Come on, Patrice.
How do you do?
Can I show you something?
Cigarette lighters.
I ran into Patrice downtown
Something funny happened.
You know that sweet child
went all the way to Bloomers
to pick up some yarn
for me today?
I'm making her a sweater
for Christmas.
Do you think she'll like blue?
You like her,
don't you, Duchess?
I just hope when you marry,
you'll bring home somebody
half as nice.
Why, the way Patrice
is taking hold,
she'll know
how to run this house
better than I do
in another month.
Just you do as well
as your brother did,
and I'll be happy.
Oh, Josie, I'll take that up.
You shouldn't be climbing
them stairs too much.
You're getting too old.
She's three years older
than I am.
It's too hot.
It'll be cold by the time
you get up there with it.
You were gonna tell me
something that happened today.
Oh, was I?
I guess I must have
forgotten what it was.
You're getting as bad
as your mother.
I guess I am.
And Santa Claus
will come down the chimney
with presents for everybody.
And in the morning
when you wake up,
there'll be a great big
Christmas tree.
Do you know something?
This will be your mother's
first Christmas like that too.
Heh. Come on, let's say good
night to Grandma and Grandpa.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- Come in, Patrice.
- We were just going to call you.
Sit down. This is something
that concerns you.
Did I cover it all right?
That's the way you want it,
Yes, as long as you're sure
there can't be any hitch.
Listen, you young squirt.
When there's a hitch in any
legal document that I draw up,
your father can get
a new lawyer.
That'd be a little late,
wouldn't it?
Now listen, you--
Now, now, now, you two.
That baby has to get some sleep.
- All right.
- Ready for me to sign?
Shouldn't you tell Patrice
about it first?
Well, you see, Patrice,
Donald's changing
the provisions of his will
by adding a codicil.
In the original will,
after Grace was provided for,
there was a division
of the residue
made between Bill
and your late husband.
We're altering that
by making it one-quarter
to Bill
and three-quarters to you.
Now, don't look that way
about it.
You're not doing anyone
out of anything.
Willie will have the business.
No, don't put my name in it.
I don't want my name in it.
I don't want any money.
Oh, Dad, won't you listen to me?
It's on Hugh's account, dear.
Don't you understand?
We all feel bad
about Hugh, Grace,
but Patrice has to go on living.
She has a child to think of.
These things shouldn't be
postponed because of sentiment.
They have to be taken care of
at the right time.
Please, no.
Sign it, Dad. I want you to.
He signed it after you left.
Ty took it back with him.
It's done, Patrice,
whether you wanted it or not.
I just wanted you to know
that I'm glad
you acted the way you did.
You wanna shake hands
good night?
Good night.
Happy New Year!
- Come and listen.
- It's wonderful.
And never brought
To mind?
Can you hear it?
Happy New Year, Patrice.
Thank you, and you.
We should thank you, dear.
For auld lang syne
Happy New Year, Bill.
For auld lang syne
Happy New Year, Patrice.
We'll take a cup
O' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
Donald, it's too cold for you
out here.
Go inside
before you get pneumonia.
I'll never get pneumonia.
You'll get worse than pneumonia
if you don't stop
being so thickheaded.
I guess you know how I feel.
Bill, please, not now.
Why not now?
You don't think I like it,
do you?
I've been fighting it for weeks.
I guess I've never really
been in love before.
Oh, no.
Don't say it.
Don't you understand?
I have to say it.
If you're worrying
about what people will think,
that you were Hugh's wife,
well, don't.
I don't. Not anymore.
I love you.
Is that so terrible?
No, it's beautiful.
You're so good, so kind.
You deserve the best there is.
I think I have
the best there is.
Give me a little more time.
All right.
I won't rush you.
That's not what I'm afraid of.
That's all of them.
Give a yell when you want
the lights to come down.
I'll be in the library with Dad.
Don't strain yourself, Duchess.
This is an old one, isn't it?
That was on our first
Christmas tree.
William was 6 months old.
Huey wasn't even born yet.
I blame Dad and myself
for not making more
over William.
Huey was the impetuous one.
If there was a fence to go over,
William climbed it.
Huey jumped over it.
He was always the one
with the skinned knees.
I think that's why
I made over him more.
I think William's
going to make some woman
a wonderful husband, don't you?
Yes, he will.
Let one of the men go.
I'll get it, Josie.
Merry Christmas.
Lots of girls have set
their caps for William.
You wouldn't think so.
He goes out so seldom.
It's for you, Patrice.
Thank you.
Last year,
a girl named Peggy Crandall
was bound and determined
to marry him.
Really, I was so amused.
She even started
to make over me.
Now, wasn't that silly?
I do think
that was pretty out--
Patrice, what is it?
- Oh, I got a little dizzy.
- It's nothing to worry about.
Oh, you scared me.
I'm sorry about the ornaments.
I'd better take a look
at the baby. I'll call Bill.
"Who are you?
Where did you come from?
"What are you doing there?"
What are you doing there?
What are you doing there?
What are you doing there?
Only thing for you.
Just for you.
I'll be right back.
What brought it on?
Some shock.
Her heart's always been weak.
Even before
you and Hugh were born.
I never realized it.
She didn't want you to.
How bad is it, doc?
Things like that don't improve
as we get on in years.
I thought that that baby
pulled her through last time.
Maybe it will again.
But no excitement.
No stress of any kind.
So don't tell her
or let her know
that you found out
how serious it is.
Let her think
it's her secret and mine.
She'll be happier that way.
I'll try and have a nurse here
in the morning.
Bill, why didn't you call me?
There's nothing you can do,
Where's Dad?
With Mother.
Come on, help me get him to bed.
Please go to bed.
I'll stay with her.
I'm all right.
Please, darling.
I'll call you if she needs you.
Come on, Dad.
Tom says she's all right.
"To Mother
from the four of us."
Here she comes.
Really, Pat, I can walk.
Not up and down the stairs.
You did it perfectly.
Oh. Thanks to you,
I don't know what I'd do
without you.
You, uh, sure
you should have tried this,
I should have tried it
a week ago.
Oh, for me?
Oh, aren't they pretty.
- Now, come on.
- Don't stand there.
Your legs are too wobbly.
Josie, the way you carry on.
Anybody'd think
I'd been really sick.
No, I don't need this.
Don't argue with me.
Oh, that child's
wearing herself out,
racing me to the door
every time it rings.
Answering the telephone
every time there's a call.
Mrs. Patrice Harkness?
Sign here.
Patrice, what is it?
Well, will you?
It's high time
you got out of this house
and started going round.
I can't.
The baby--
Josie will take care of him.
Well, I have--
I haven't anything to wear.
That little white dress
will do nicely.
William will buy you
a big orchid
and that'll fix it up.
Now, run along.
Skedaddle, shoo.
Your father and I want
to be alone for a change.
Thanks, Duchess.
- Jack?
- How do you do?
Harry. John.
My sister-in-law, Patrice.
How do you do?
I'll never remember
all you names.
You won't want to
when you know us better.
You come sit down.
We've all been so anxious
to meet you.
Pat, sit down.
Sit here, won't you?
Thank you.
Uh, Jack, uh, go find the waiter
and buy them a drink.
Oh, oh, sure.
Here, Mrs. Harkness.
Take this one.
I think it's Mary's,
but she's had enough.
Oh, no, thanks.
No, no, no. Go right ahead.
I'll find that darn waiter
soon. Henry?
- You like golf?
- Henry?
We've got a nice course.
I'm sorry, I don't know
anything about it.
I'll teach you come spring.
Take my advice and don't do it.
How about coming to lunch
next week?
Oh, I'd love to,
only Mother hasn't been well.
And the baby--
Bring him along.
I've got two. And besides,
I can probably bribe the nurse
to stay an extra week.
She's got her eye
on a new hat of mine.
Are you girls free Wednesday?
I can make it Wednesday.
You should have an appointment,
but I think I can break it.
Shall we dance?
Hadn't you better ask
one of the others?
I'd like to dance with you.
- What time?
- Twelve-thirty?
Anybody wearing a hat?
They're nice.
You'd better like them.
You don't see a lot of them.
Can I cut in on this one?
Morley's the name.
Stephen Morley.
Mr. Morley,
Mrs. Harkness.
May I?
We've met before.
Haven't we?
Who did you say you are?
Too warm for you?
My fault, I'm afraid.
The porch, outside.
No, I can't.
You don't understand.
I think I do.
I understand you
and you understand me.
Better than any two people
in this room.
Come on.
What are you doing here?
Well, for that matter,
what are you doing
here yourself, Helen?
Steve, please.
Oh, I beg your pardon.
What did he say your name is?
Oh, yes. Missus.
Mrs. Harkness.
Funny, I always thought
your name was Helen Ferguson.
What do you want?
Can't a man show
a little interest in his child?
He's not your child.
Not anymore.
Once he might have been,
but you lost that chance.
Now he's all mine.
No way I'm making father.
That you know.
You're insane.
We haven't finished yet.
I think we have.
The decision is mine.
A few things
you ought to get straight.
For instance,
Hugh Harkness married
a certain Patrice Willis
in Paris a year ago, June 15th.
But you were living in a flat
in San Francisco,
June 15th a year ago.
I know because I was...
Shall I say,
around most of the time.
Just to be sure
I was straight on my dates,
I went back out there.
The manager remembered me.
Very well.
She even gave me copies
of your rent receipts.
Better hold on to something.
You don't seem very steady
on your feet.
I wouldn't like
to have to carry you inside
in front of all those people.
What do you want from me?
I don't want you to do a thing.
Just keep on
the way you have been.
Then why did you come here?
When I read about the wreck,
I went down to identify you.
Only you weren't there.
Someone else was.
I identified that someone
as you.
Then I went to work to find out
what happened to you.
And who was taking your place
in the morgue.
And to find out
what there was in it for you.
You haven't changed any.
No, but you have, haven't you?
Quite a bit.
Steve, answer me.
What do you want?
I don't know yet.
Of course, if you care
to do me a favor,
all this investigating
has been kind of expensive.
That's blackmail.
You always did
overdramatize things.
Let's say, you're just
taking out insurance.
I haven't any money.
Not the kind you want.
But your adopted family has.
Do you think I'd ask them
for money for you?
You don't ask.
You're a woman, aren't you?
Use your head.
No, I won't do it.
The kid would have
a pretty rough time
if I had to take care of him.
Better think it over.
Where can I get
in touch with you?
Seneca 382.
That right?
Thanks for letting me cut in.
You'll be hearing from me,
Mrs. Harkness.
There now. That--
Now, let Granny clean you up.
Oh, he's a mess.
Tsk, tsk.
Oh, let Josie do that.
If you could see your color
next to this child's.
If that's Cora Johnston
tell her I'm fine and hang up.
She'll talk your arm off.
Hiya, sweetheart.
Oh, good morning.
Glad you think so.
It's Harriett Olson.
I met her last night.
How nice of her to call.
Give her my love.
I gather you're not alone.
I also gather
you haven't done anything
about that little financial
matter I mentioned last night.
No, I haven't.
There hasn't been a minute.
Well, look if you have
any screwy idea I was kidding,
you'd better get it
out of your mind quick.
Yes, I will.
It was a lovely party,
wasn't it?
Now, cut the stalling
and get me some dough.
I wanna get out
of this whistle stop.
There's a train
at 7:30 tonight.
I'll try.
But I don't know how.
There are so many things--
If you're worrying
about the baby,
Josie's perfectly capable
of taking care of him.
So you run along
and do whatever it is
she wants you to do.
Very well. Yes.
I'll be in the waiting room.
But if you don't show up,
I don't take the train.
Is that clear,
Mrs. Harkness?
- No, no, no, young man.
- You'll fall off.
Then you'll be
just like Humpty Dumpty,
all smashed up.
And all the king's horses
and all the king's men
wouldn't be able
to put you together again.
Then what
would poor Granny do, hm?
You'll like Harriett.
She's nice.
Yes, she seemed very nice.
She had on
such a pretty dress last night
and I admired it.
She wanted me
to meet her salesgirl.
She says she's very clever.
Well, you should.
You need some new clothes.
Well, I haven't, uh...
You see, I don't like to use
your charge accounts.
That is
not without your permission.
Pat, you mean to say
Father hasn't opened
a bank account for you?
Well, I hated to mention it.
Oh, bring me that phone.
Honestly, men can be
the most thoughtless
creatures sometimes.
Oh, Pat, dear, I'm so sorry.
You must have felt
like a charity patient.
You, you go
and get your things on,
and I'll, I'll tell Donald
to meet you at the bank.
Then you can go out
and buy whatever you want.
- Miss Goodness.
- This is Mrs. Harkness.
Oh, I'm much better, thank you.
May I speak to my husband?
Cutting it kind of short,
aren't you?
I couldn't leave
until the baby was asleep.
February 15th if you're trying
to remember the date.
I wish I could forget it.
Make it for 500 dollars.
Five hundred?
Surprised it isn't more?
Knowing you? Yes.
You forgot the name.
It's Stephen Morley.
No. I can't do that.
Why not? It's my name.
Not one I picked up, Patrice.
But both our names
are on it and--
It'll be evidence
that I blackmailed you
when it clears the bank?
I'm not worried.
I'll be a thousand miles away.
Come on, or do you want me
to miss the train?
All aboard!
Better hurry.
That's all I wanted.
You taking this train, mister?
Steve, you promised. You said--
You didn't really think
I was interested in
500 dollars, did you?
Oh, Steve, please. I'll give you
everything they've given me,
5,000 dollars.
I don't wanna be given anything.
I want it
to belong to me legally.
Stop talking riddles.
I can't stand this.
It's no riddle. The old lady's
life is hanging by a thread
and the old man won't
last any time after.
Old people.
I know the type.
When they die,
you hit the jackpot.
And since the law
gives the husband
of his wife's property,
you and I are gonna be married.
We're going across
the state line right now.
I got it fixed
with a justice of the peace.
I wouldn't marry you.
Why, I thought
that's what you always wanted.
The time is past for that
and you know it.
Suit yourself.
What are you doing
with that check?
San Francisco rent receipts.
Copy of a Paris wedding license
and a check for 500 dollars.
The old man's not dumb.
He'll figure it out.
Even you wouldn't dare.
Wouldn't I?
Steve. No, Steve.
You'll kill him, do
you hear me? You'll kill them.
They worship your son. They
think he's their grandchild.
Right or wrong, they think
he's their grandchild.
You'll kill them, Steve.
You'll kill them.
They're gonna die some time.
Now, let's stop the stalling.
You gonna marry me
or do I mail this letter?
I'll marry.
Looks like they've gone to bed.
I couldn't get away,
he'd follow me.
He'll never let go of me.
Never. Never.
Pa and me was locking
up the back of the house.
- Sorry. We were delayed.
- We'll be right in.
Come on, Helen.
I can't do it.
We've been all over this.
I... I can't do it.
Let me clear up one thing
for you.
I don't want you.
I just want
what eventually comes with you.
I'm dumping you on the steps
of your loving family
as soon as this is over,
but you're gonna marry me
and it's gonna be a marriage
that sticks.
It's gonna stick
to the bitter end.
I can't do it.
Look, I'm not gonna drag
you in there.
You're gonna walk.
If you don't, I'm going in
and call the Harkness house
and tell them the whole story.
They can have you after that,
if they still want you.
Take a good look at me.
Do I look like I'm kidding?
May I use your phone
for a minute?
I wanna get Caulfield, Illinois.
The number is Seneca 382.
I'll hold it.
Steve, don't.
Oh, Steve, please.
I'll give you everything I get.
I'll sign an agreement
giving you everything I get.
Only don't make me
do this. Please.
- Please.
- Don't make me do this.
How do you think I'll explain
a thing like that, you fool.
People don't give away that
kind of jack without a reason
Operator. Operator.
All right.
Hello? Hello?
Operator. Operator.
I've been cut off.
William. William!
What's the matter, Mother?
William, something's
happened to Patrice.
When? Where?
I don't know.
Just now I heard her
on the phone.
She was pleading with some man.
Now, take it easy, darling.
Tell me exactly what you heard.
Dad! Come on! We need you.
And then the man--
Steve was his name.
Yes, that's it.
She called him Steve.
Steve? She doesn't know
anybody named Steve here--
Yes, she does.
The guy at the club last night.
Steve Morley.
Do you, Stephen Morley,
take this woman
as your lawfully wedded wife?
To live together...
Take it easy, Mother. We'll find
out where it came from.
Operator. Operator.
Oh, we've got
to help her, William.
She sounded so desperate.
We will, Mother.
We've gotta find--
Hello, operator?
This is Seneca 382.
I was disconnected
from a long distance call.
Do you, Patrice Harkness,
take this man as your
lawfully wedded husband?
To live together
in the state of matrimony...
It won't stop here.
It won't stop here.
He won't leave us alone.
He'll never leave us alone.
He'll want more, more,
more, more. long as you both
shall live?
"As long as you both
shall live."
"As long as you both
shall live."
I said do you take this man
to be your lawfully wedded
"As long as..."
I will.
Will you give this ring
as a symbol of your affections,
- sincerity and fidelity?
- I will.
Will you receive this ring
and wear it
as a symbol of your affection,
sincerity and fidelity?
Well, can't you cut in,
It's busy.
I know all that, operator,
but this is urgent.
For as you both
have consented in wedlock
and have acknowledged it
before this company...
Will you give me that again?
413 Elm Street.
Yeah. Yeah,
I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
I hate to leave you alone,
You sure you'll be all right?
Of course, I will.
Father and Josie
will be home soon, only hurry.
The operator'll call back
if they get the phone fixed.
Where do you live?
Look, don't get any funny ideas.
This wedding stopped when that
bird said we were man and wife.
I've got to know how to find
you in case anything happens.
Nothing's gonna go wrong.
If it should.
Right now, in my office.
1401 North 8th.
But I'm moving in the morning.
Since I've married money,
I'm gonna get myself
a place with class.
Some place out in your
neighborhood, for instance,
where I can keep an eye
on the kid.
Good night, Mrs. Morley.
Information? You have
a Stephen Morley listed?
No, I don't know the address.
Drive down North 8th.
Kind of deserted down there
this time of night.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Get up, Steve.
Get up.
I don't wanna kill you
lying down.
This is Radio Station WXYR,
Caulfield, Illinois,
concluding another 18 hours
of broadcasting activity.
This Johnny...
- Let me in. Let me in.
- Do you hear me?
No, no.
Bill, don't come in.
What are you doing here?
Answer me.
Bill, why did you come?
Trying to get you
out of whatever this mess is.
Answer me. Why are you here?
He's dead.
I was gonna kill him,
but somebody--
Oh, Bill, you--
You didn't.
Listen to me you little fool.
It doesn't matter
who killed him right now.
Has he anything of yours?
Anything that connects you
with him?
Well-- A check. I gave him
a check tonight for 500 dollars.
What'd he do with it?
He put it in an envelope
to mail to your father.
Did he?
No. No. I married him.
That was his price, Bill.
Have you got
the wedding license?
No. He has it.
He kept it after.
Anything else?
Think. Think hard.
Well, a little black book.
It has our phone number
in it. That's all.
You're sure? Letters?
Did you ever write to him?
No. No, never.
Pull yourself together.
We've gotta get out of here.
Get home the best way you can.
I have to keep the car.
What are you going to do?
Clean up this mess,
get rid of him.
Bill, they'll catch you.
Patrice, get this through
your head.
I've gotta keep your name out
of this. If he's found here,
the whole thing will come out.
If he's found far away,
they may never connect him with
this room. He's a stranger.
There's nobody to inquire.
If they should, if they find--
It's a chance we've gotta take.
Now, shut up and get out
before somebody comes.
No. Bill, no.
I'll do anything you want,
but I won't leave you alone.
All right. Here.
I haven't time to argue.
Get the car.
It's around the corner.
When you see me come out,
bring it up to the door.
But if you see
or hear anybody, keep going.
The door. Open the door.
Get in back. I'll drive.
I told you to go home.
I'm sorry. I'll be all right
in a minute.
Take it easy.
We've been lucky so far.
Did you find the letter?
Everything but the check.
It's gone.
We'll worry about it
when the time comes.
There's only one bullet hole
in him.
I didn't kill him, Bill.
He was dead.
I know he was.
He was staring at me
and I suddenly realized he
was dead, but I couldn't stop.
I fired the gun
and he just kept staring at me.
His expression never changed.
You've got to believe me, Bill.
You've got to believe me.
It doesn't matter, Pat.
Not to me.
What is it?
Listen. Hear it?
Stay here.
If anybody comes,
duck down in the bottom.
It's a slow freight.
I think they're empty
and it's coming at a crawl.
No initials.
Do you want me to--?
No. Just watch
for anybody coming.
Get down.
Unit 4. Three twenty-two
South Oak Street.
Unit 4.
Three twenty-two
South Oak street.
See the woman about a prowler.
Unit 2. First and Main.
Unit 2 at 1 and Main.
Investigate a disturbance.
It's not in the five column.
That's stolen, I guess.
Better call out a wreckers
and I'll take a look.
Unit 3. Calling headquarters.
Come in.
Go ahead unit 3.
Hold it. Attention all units.
Officer needs help.
Shooting at 3rd and Washington.
Come on. We got a hot one.
Attention all units.
Officer needs help.
Shooting at 3rd and Washington.
They're gone.
He stayed on.
Caught on the catwalk
or whatever it is.
But his head didn't.
It came off.
Yes, Patrice?
You know, don't you?
That you're not Patrice.
That you're not Hugh's wife?
I think I've known that
almost from the beginning.
And you never said anything.
I was afraid I'd lose you.
That you'd walk out.
Oh, Bill.
Listen, Patrice.
Don't call me that.
Everything you call me that,
it's a lie.
No, it isn't.
It is. It is.
I'm not Patrice.
I'm an imposter.
A low--
Listen to me.
I don't care who you were
and what you've done.
I love you.
Don't you understand?
I love you.
Not a name.
No, you can't.
Not when you know.
I don't wanna know.
I don't care.
As far as I'm concerned,
you were born the day I met you.
What happened
before that doesn't exist.
The name of the girl I love
is Patrice.
She has no other name.
Oh, my darling, can't you see?
The things I've done.
The things you did
for me tonight.
No matter how much you love me,
no matter how much I love you,
it will always be there
like a--
Like a sword hanging over us
ready to drop.
We'd never forget.
We've got to.
She's gone, Bill.
God forgive me.
I heard you
and Mr. William talking.
The police are coming now?
For three months I've been
watching and waiting.
I wasn't to give you this
unless they came.
What is it?
Mrs. Harkness wrote it
the night she died.
When I got home
from my sister's,
I went up to see
if there's anything
she would be wanting.
She was lying on the floor
with her hat and coat on.
I wanted to get her to bed,
but she insisted upon writing
that letter first.
Made me swear on the Bible
I'd let nothing happen to it.
Then she sort of crumpled up.
Bill. Oh, Bill.
Pat, what is it?
I, Grace Bennett Harkness,
knowing I'm about to die,
wish to make
the following confession.
That on the night
of February 15th,
of this year, 1949,
I shot and killed
Stephen Morley.
She couldn't have.
I cannot condone
or justify this crime.
For those who doubt my ability
to carry out this deed,
I can only answer
that one calls upon great
resources of strength
when the happiness
of those one loves
is in jeopardy.
Where did you get this?
Your mother told her
to give it to me if the poli--
Oh, Bill, she didn't do it.
She couldn't have.
She's only trying to protect us.
What are you going to do?
Give it to them.
That's what she wanted.
No. No.
I've got to.
It's our only chance.
Do you think
I'll let you do that
to the woman who took me in?
Gave me a home?
To the only real mother
I ever had?
Patrice, I love my mother.
I loved her as much
as any man can love his mother.
But when I married you,
I said, "Forsaking all others."
And I meant it.
Bill, please,
don't give it to them.
- Mr. Harkness?
- Yes?
I'd like to speak
to Mrs. Harkness.
Come in.
Mrs. Patrice Harkness.
I'm Patrice Harkness.
You recognize this check?
Would you mind telling us
what it was for?
He was hounding her to collect
a debt of my brother's.
She paid it. Why?
Steve Morley was found murdered
three months ago
on a railroad ditch
about 200 miles from here.
We had a hard time finding out
who he was at first,
but he finally connected up
with a room over on 8th Street.
The landlord identified him.
We'd about given up
when this check turned up
and broke the case,
Mrs. Harkness.
She had nothing to do
with his death.
He's wrong.
I did kill Stephen Morley.
I went to his room.
He was lying on the bed, I--
I shot him.
I see.
You speak to him first?
I told him to get up.
Did he answer you?
No. He just stared
at me.
Well, that clears up
a couple of things
we've been puzzling about.
What kind of a gun did you use?
A .38.
We found a bullet from a .38
in the mattress.
But Morley was killed
by a .32.
We got the gun.
Raided a gambling joint
and found this check
and a .32
on one of the shills.
Finally broke down
and made a full confession.
Out in the car now.
Come down to the DA's office
tomorrow morning 10 o'clock.
Both of you.
You can make full statements
of your part in this case then.
In the meantime,
don't try to leave town.
Good night.
Oh, Bill.
You know, from what we've
dug up about this Morley,
he must have made a lot
of people wanna kill him.
He was quite a guy.
He was a skunk.
You ought to know, sister.
You killed him.
The house we live in
is so beautiful.
What stood between us
is gone now.
Whatever comes,
we can face together.