Nokas (2010) Movie Script

Monday, April 5th 2004,
- disguised as a SWAT team
Their purpose was to rob NOKAS
It should have taken 8 minutes
This film is based on information
from eyewitnesses and participants
The story takes place
from 03:00 to 08:30
The church square
outside NOKAS
-OK. It's ready.
-It's ready now,
-Did you go out with your husband?
-No, he didn't want to come.
-So I went to the movies.
-On your own?
Yes. I saw Bridget Jones.
It was excellent!
No-life, hurry up!
Keep it down.
We have neighbors.
Robbers' hideout
-Can you do a prisoner transport?
-Right away?
That sleeping bag is soaking wet.
You'll get us all arrested.
-Want some?
-No, thanks.
-For William
He should have been here.
Let's go.
Drivers first.
Come on. On.
It will be alright.
Are you okay?
I get so carsick in the back.
It's alright.
-Do you get carsick?
-Not carsick. I'm just sick.
Police station
Some kids stole a moped.
-Thought you straightened them out
-I did. Just wait and see.
It needs to be done fast,
-Preferably right away.
The surveillance from NOKAS
went black again.
Didn't they promise
to fix that before Easter?
Sure, but they are moving,
I guess they decided to wait,
-Saves them money.
-Why is this so important today?
We received a report that NOKAS
is a possible target for a robbery.
Just what we need this week.
We're low on staff.
Parole room
-What's up?
-He's reading, so here we are.
Okay, let's start.
"Several police sources confirm
that a large robbery -
-is planned in Southern Norway.
Target: A hub for cash transfer.
Given this information, NOKAS
is a likely target in Stavanger."
-And the conclusion?
-Don't know, I just got the report.
And it's just us here.
-The dog patrol?
-On holiday.
-Sitting here is not going to help,
-No. Stop by the desk sergeant.
You'll be Charlie 3-0. Drive past
NOKAS at least once every hour.
Have you heard the sound log
from the post centre robbery?
Heavy stuff. They shoot at the
police with AK-47 and AG-3 rifles.
And, they have hostages
and body armor.
And now they're here in town.
All we get are super soakers.
Blame the police commissioner.
If you don't have anything
for us we'll drive past NOKAS.
-Got anything for me?
-Stavanger city jail...
-Speed charger.
Let's go out and do
some proper police work.
If I'd been told before,
I could have kept people back.
It's the holidays. No one
wants to disappoint their kids.
It's always the same. No one tells
us anything before it's too late.
-But what can I do about it?
-We need to change our routines.
We should do that.
First meeting point
Come here, guys.
Come on!
-Get a move on!
-We enter the back yard...
Break the window like a cracker,
Piece of cake.
The vault was just opened.
If not, we force the hostages.
Everything goes into the bags.
Get the large notes. 500, 1000.
It's in and out, quickly.
No bullshit!
Eight minutes, max.
The men outside...
Show your authority.
You look like a bunch of bad guys.
If the police come, pat your gun.
We're in charge, we're stronger.
-What if they start shooting?
-Nobody will shoot at us.
-It's over before it starts.
-We're in charge.
The cars will go their separate
ways for the next three hours.
Low profile. The drivers
know the meeting point?
Of course.
Scandinavia's biggest robbery
The biggest, guys!
Let's go!
It was my first night, a Friday.
Long queue, lots of people.
A Paki comes along in an expensive
suit, with a beautiful woman.
Starts nagging about wanting in,
saying he was the owner.
I said it's full, as I'd been told.
But he just went on and on.
I grab him and push him, hard,
so he falls down the stairs.
-Of course, he really was the boss.
-The Paki was the owner?
Sure. I'd never met him before.
Stupid to refuse blacks
when you're a Paki yourself.
So I was fired without notice
This was where we parked.
-I don't get this.
-Why bring evidence to the crime?
-We're going to burn it.
A lot of things catch Ere.
Doesn't have to be my DNA.
-What's up?
-Hurry up, someone is coming!
-Alright, alright.
Just finish, hurry up!
Close the rear door, hurry!
Just close the rear door
and follow me.
Hurry, now!
-You should read that one.
-But it won't open!
-A robbery?
-The police think it's possible.
-Typical of them to send an email.
-Should we go get the bags?
-Good morning.
-Are you going back down?
-No, but the elevator is.
-So you're here today?
-So many bags today.
-People shop like crazy for Easter.
I can't work overtime,
-How many did you get?
Great, that adds up.
Sign here.
My husband is picking me up,
we're going straight to the cabin.
Sounds lovely!
There's a loophole that
no one thought of, I'm sure.
-The window falls at the first blow.
-Okay, sure, but...
-Why the word "cracker"?
The building is from the sixties.
Not even the US President -
-had a bullet-proof car back then.
There are no other entrances. Is it
better secured than the President?
Outside shipyard
Two mopeds, they say.
Alpha 1-4, Charlie 2-0.
Repeat the last message.
They say that
two mopeds are involved.
Copy that.
...just to go home alone, right,
So why the hell bother?
Are we going to park here?
-There's a patrol car nearby.
-How exciting.
They're looking for
a moped downtown.
Now they turned on the sirens.
Let's say you can take 600 kilos,
More than that is impossible.
-How much money is that?
-No more than 200 million.
You see films where they run off
with several hundred millions.
What currency? 100 Euro bills
wouldn't let you take that much.
These films don't make sense.
Heat and all those films.
It's just bullshit.
It's heavy.
You'd need forklifts and lorries,
We're sitting here like a bunch
of clowns. Can't we just go?
-Last chance to back down.
-That's the last thing Id do now.
Let's get paid, gentlemen!
-Isn't this it?
-I think it's the next.
-It was that exit.
-You're right.
-Turn around.
-I'll drive down to the roundabout.
-Fuck! Turn around!
-I can't turn here.
Calm down.
Right here, outside the police
station, with them in front of us?
-They don't know we're here
-How do you know?
Bloody hell...
I told you so.
-The station should be sealed off,
-We can't seal it before we start.
They'll need to to back
to get their guns anyway.
One minute earlier
This is such a slow gate.
This is Charlie 3-0.
We're off now. Our number is 245.
I met the section manager
for the juvenile unit last week.
I had to admit to playing
that practical joke on him.
He'd left his of rice open, the PC on,
You just don't do that!
So I sent emails
to all the section managers, -
-summoning them
to a meeting the next day.
Imagine his face when they call him,
ask him to attend his own meeting.
Heck, he was mad!
Good joke, though.
Charlie 3-0, Alpha 1-4.
A break-in is reported in
a kindergarten west of the city.
-Charlie 3-0, we're on our way,
Who breaks in to a kindergarten?
-That guy needs some guidance.
-A fine.
-No, guidance.
-Okay, then he's yours.
No problem.
-Blue lights?
See, he stopped.
Last meeting point
Move a bit to the right,
Clouded, 6-7 degrees centigrade.
It will be a wet day
in Stavanger with more rain.
Here they are!
It's stuck!
I'll get it.
Fix that shit.
-A new model. Use both hands.
-Just fix it.
Use both hands.
Good luck, then.
-Okay, it's ready.
-Come on, guys.
You look healthy. We can do this!
Come on, more cans!
Let's finish up here.
-Don't pee on my sleeping bag!
-Look at him, he's not right.
-Give me another can.
-Come on.
Soak it with fuel, light it
and throw it inside.
Fumes ignite, so stand back,
or you'll burn your face.
Are you alright?
His cancer is so rare
they named it after him.
He is sick.
Is he driving?
Come on, guys!
Let's go for gold!
Solberg, come on!
You drive.
D rive 1
-Remember your phone.
-Two minutes.
Come on. We're the last.
You forgot your helmet.
Wake up!
One minute left, come on!
-Did you forget your pills?
-I'm okay.
-If you're not feeling...
-I'm alright, I said.
Forget those bloody pills.
-Whats the matter with your mask?
-Is something wrong with it?
Everyone can see your face.
Do you want to get caught?
He hasn't sewn it together.
Nothing to do about that now.
We won't get caught. Relax.
Doesn't matter to me anyway.
The church square
outside NOKAS
If you need to puke,
do it in the car.
Come on, let's do this!
Come on, guys!
Bring the battering ram.
The ladder, come on!
Here, hit it!
-Step aside!
-Hit it!
Outside the police station
Fucking hell...
-The grenades! Throw them now!
Around 180-190 cm,
Eastern dialect...
What age is he?
Intelligence unit
-Did you rent out the apartment?
-But it's not the tenant who...
No, okay.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
-Kilo 1, Kilo 1!
-Practice alarm?
Let's go and check.
Kilo 1, Kilo 1!
This is for real.
Come on!
-Get the Primera. The grey one.
-Got it!
-Where are We going?
-I don't know, they didn't say.
Check the radio.
-It doesn't work.
Damn, who did this?
It can blow up at any time,
I know who did it.
Don't inhale the smoke.
Crazy boys are in action!
-Did you bring the radio?
-I'll go and get one.
-Meet me in the supply room.
There's a burning car outside!
We can't get out!
We're locked in, I have to go.
I'll get back to you.
-What's going on?
-The gate is blocked.
We'll get out through the fire
station. They have a key, so do we.
-I'll find our key.
-I'll contact the fire department.
-Is anyone down there?
-No. No one.
No, we have no one there now.
Yes, we need weapons.
-Okay, great. What did you say?
-What should we do?
Find a partner and a car.
-Alpha 1-4, this is Charlie 0-1.
-The fire department had no key.
-Alpha 1-4, det er Charlie O-1.
-Alpha 1-4 responding.
Confirm that everyone knows
to report to the parking garage.
No parts should be outside of
the trailer. Your lights don't work.
This is a mess!
-It should have been at...
-You should've dropped the trailer.
The gate is blocked!
There's a car burning outside!
Burning like hell!
I think he got it
before you called him an idiot.
What's the address
for the kindergarten?
You're young and fit. You'll be fine.
-Hello, there you are.
I see you're quite so busy.
I was thinking of
that recipe of yours...
You want it?
-You're going down, right?
-One more, the elevator is yours.
-Great. Can't wait till we move.
I won't miss this elevator.
What's going on?!
How did they get here?!
Who are they?!
-What's going on?!
-Help me!
We've got to get out!
No... Out!
There's no room!
God..! What's happening?
Do you have your card?
I can't reach the reader.
Open the door!
Open the door!
Open it!
It's a robbery.
-Sure it's not a rehearsal?
-It's for real!
-On the ground floor.
You have to call the police.
Wow, so many of them!
Don't let the elevator go back down!
There's a robbery
on the ground floor!
What should we do?
Where's the cart?
-I can hear them.
-The police have arrived.
Let's go.
Come on!
Take down that window!
Come on!
Our hostages are leaving
with all our money!
Go get the battering ram.
Come on, hurry up!
-Faster than hell!
-Come on, faster!
Come on!
Come on!
Work it!
Come on!
Come on!
-Get out of the way!
-Take cover!
Empty the clip.
-It's working!
-Use the ram!
Come on!
We got to give up!
Come on!
Stand back!
-It's working!
Come on!
I'll go get No-Life.
Alpha 1-4 to Charlie 0-1.
Everyone report
to the parking garage.
-You need to get the window.
-Are you not inside yet?
-The alarm went ages ago.
-No problem.
Move away!
Move away!
Last try now.
-I'm going back up. I'm too scared.
-We need to stay together.
We must get out.
We need to get out.
Come on now.
We're from NOKAS!
We're being robbed!
-Come on out.
-Get a move on!
Try now. It's going to fall.
We'll get it now, guys!
Come on, now!
Can you ask the fire department
to open the gate for us?
Copy that.
-I couldn't find the key.
-Ask them to cut the chain.
-Where is your partner?
-Prisoner transport, of all things.
I've got the car outside.
...masked men inside the vault
at this moment.
Copy that.
Charlie 3-0, are you informed?
Two men on the church square,
with helmets and guns.
Damn! This is too big.
We need more people.
I'll phone Nick.
Bet he's not home yet. armed men
inside the building.
-Anything in your clips?
-No, they're empty after training,
Mine, too.
We need to reload.
-Nick is coming.
-Good. We have another unit, then,
-I've got two cars.
-I'll use my own, my equipment,
-Come on. We're too slow.
-I'm coming.
-Hold on. Is Bjorn here today?
-I don't know.
-I could borrow his rifle.
-Come on. We must get going.
Come on!
Very good. Alpha 1-4.
There are still masked men
in the vault. Five of them.
Copy that.
Could you open
the door at the back?
We 're still trying to get
out of the parking garage.
Could you open
the door at the back?
Two people observed with cars.
-He's there by the terrace.
-I see him.
I'm walking towards the corner
at H&M. On that side.
Come on!
-which vault?
-In here, to the right.
-Is that the money?
-There are only coins here!
It's locked,
-This is not what I came for.
-That's good. Take it all.
We've got bills!
Come on!
Get me a bag!
Hurry up!
Take everything!
Should we take foreign currency?
-Foreign currency too?
-All of it.
Just continue.
Come on!
Get it over!
Come on!
Monday morning 08.05 a.m...
Charlie 3-0, this is Alpha 1-4.
-What's your position?
-West of the city.
Do you know what's going on?
Phone in on 9543.
What's going on?
A robbery at NOKAS. Several
people. Shots have been bred.
It's not a rehearsal?
No. And we're blocked in
at the police station.
This is no rehearsal. You are
on your own. We can't get out.
Hold the line.
Have you seen any cars?
No. But get your guns loaded,
so they won't surprise you.
You're on it.
Remember to bring everything,
-What's up?
How did it go with the lorry?
What should we do?
-I think we should move around.
-There's no one down there?
Go down there,
I'll check over here,
We're from NOKAS!
We're being robbed!
-The police are here.
-That's not the police. No, no.
-We can't stay here.
-Don't go into the square. This way.
We can't stand here,
They're going to catch us!
-Alpha 1-4, Victor Papa.
-Alpha 1-4.
I'm outside in a car.
What's going on?
I knew it.
Shots are fired at NOKAS.
A car has been left there.
Shots are stir! being fired.
Ask the Ere department
to open the gate for us.
Copy that.
Charlie 0-1, this is Alpha 1-4.
There are masked men
inside the vault right now.
Copy that.
Can you see him?
Turn, then!
The cops are here.
-The cops drove down there.
Charlie 3-0. Two men with helmets
outside the church, with MP-55.
Stop! Move off the square!
There's a robbery. Move away!
Alpha 1-4. There have been
seven armed men in the building.
The emergency squad get visors.
Look what we get!
Charlie 457. There are still
robbers on the outside.
Two men with Mp-55.
We can't enter the square.
We'll try to evacuate people.
They're shooting down there.
Where should we go?
Stay together.
Stand by that car.
You go down there, I go this way.
Get a move on!
Copy that.
-You can't stay here.
-I know him, he's one of us.
I'll talk to him, just go.
Charlie 0-1, Alpha I-4.
There's a robbery,
move away from here.
There are still masked men
inside the vault. Five of them.
Copy that.
We are trying
to get out of the station.
The gate is open!
... a black station wagon.
You didn't get any instructions?
Follow the command unit.
You try to open the vault door.
I told you, take everything,
-Lost contact with the guys inside.
-The police are here.
They drove down there.
Remember the nails if the police
are here. They'll follow us.
Don't be afraid,
we're almost done.
-Can you see them?
-How many were they?
-Two or more, I think.
Copy that.
-He's on your side of the square.
-Yes, I see him.
I'll go towards
the corner by H&M.
-There's one around the corner.
-Can you see him?
-I see him.
-Is he armed?
-I can't see.
Stop the buses. They are going
between us and the robbers.
-Repeat the last message.
-Alert the buses.
They are going
between us and the robbers.
-You need to alert the buses.
-Copy that.
I can see a robber, he's got
an MP-5, I've got a revolver.
I'm standing at the H&M.
Yes, steel crosses,
nails used to block the road.
Do you want me to observe
from somewhere particular?
Hey, you.
This is the police.
What are you doing?
Don't go there, it's a robbery.
I'm from the police. Come back.
-There's a robber right there.
-A robber?
Can you see the one by the car?
Repeat, please.
-Can you see the one by the car?
-Two men behind the car.
Are you in a position
to fire at any of them?
Do it if it is possible
from a safe position.
Hey, this is the police!
Move away from here!
Who are you? Come here.
Come here!
Get down!
Pull up your jacket.
More! Pull up your jacket!
The pants.
Both legs.
Too many people are passing by.
We can't shoot.
-Where are you going?
-I just got off the bus...
There's a robbery.
Move out of the way!
Move away!
Move away from the square!
Excuse me?
Can I pass?
Move away from the square!
What was that?
-I think I'm shot.
-The thigh.
-Is it bad?
Can't see anything.
-Why are you standing here?
-The police told us to do it.
Yes, we should stay.
Get the hell out of here!
Randi, come with us!
Come on, this way!
Shots are fired at me.
Repeat: Shots are fired at me.
This is Alpha 1-4.
I have fired two shots,
I hit one of the robbers.
-Right in front of the church.
I shot him in the leg.
Probably one of the robbers.
Alpha 1-4, this is Charlie 0-1.
We need two ambulances
Copy that. They are already
waiting by the police station.
This is a message
to all drivers.
There is a robbery at NOKAS
at the church square.
Bus central.
My route starts down there.
What should I do?
Just go down there
and ask the police.
Alpha 1-4, this is Charlie 0-1.
-So we just had to pat our guns?
-Wed, did you?
The police are here.
I need help to carry these.
-I have more than enough!
-Ask someone inside.
Yes, 40.
I have to go,
the police are here.
Hey! Get off the bike!
-Leave the bike there!
-Get off the bike! Over there!
Put it there!
-Is this an exercise?
-Over there!
Over there!
Get down!
Are you from the SWAT team?
Hostage taken! A man in a yellow
jacket, taken near the silver car.
Alpha 1-4, this is Charlie 0-1.
Did you send out an alert?
We're working like crazy
to do that. Its coming,
Can you see any blood?
-Is there a hole?
-No, I can't see anything.
Where the fuck
are they shooting from?
...nails in the road.
They're shooting at me here.
They're shooting.
Alpha 1-4, this is Charlie 0-1.
You need to call in more
weapon authorized personnel.
Come on!
Come on! All of it!
-Is it safe to go out here?
-Yes, just go.
What's this, a street fight?
Two robbers by a car
in front of the main entrance.
Several shots are fired!
We're armed and on our way.,.
Charlie 01, 457.
They are shooting like crazy here.
And the place is full of civilians.
This is 250, by the blue Volvo.
Observing one robber
an the corner of the street.
Copy that.
-Can you see anything?
-No, nothing.
We can help blocking the streets.
Tell us where to take position.
Alpha 1-4.
Move closer to the church square.
They are shooting continuously,
we need help down here!
-What's going on?
-Do you have a weapon?
-I have a revolver.
-The bank there, the robbers there.
-I thought the bank was there.
-No. Are you from out of town?
What's going on in there now?
There's a war out here.
I'm coming inside.
Come on!
...a station wagon.
We are on the street above.
They are armed.
The car is backing up the street.
He's standing right down there,
shooting down the street.
Come on, guys!
Come on, fill it up!
-We'll get shot.
-Get in the car!
-Don't shoot, they can be our own!
-They are robbers!
Why are you standing there?
Get in the car!
-This is going great, guys!
-Fm driving.
Come on!
Three robbers in a silver car.
Get up!
Get up!
Up against the pole!
Get into the car,
I'll cover you.
I think I'm hit! Am I hit?
Get us the hell out of here!
-Do you know the way?
-No, damn it!
-Drive like hell!
-He's running like an old lady.
-Get in the car!
-Get us out of here!
-They started shooting.
Hurry up! Move!
-Who started this?
-It came from up there. Just go!
-Where are the others?
-We're surrounded by the police!
-I don't know the way.
-Just drive.
I'll take out the driver. Cover me.
A black American car.
-Get us out of here!
Watch where you're going!
Watch it!
-Come on, then!
-It won't start!
Get us out of here!
Police behind us!
They are everywhere!
We'll have to shoot us out of it!
Get into the car!
Get us out of here!
Come on, drive!
Get us out of here!
Get us out of here!
A silver station wagon
and two American cars.
Don't you know?
Go that way. The other way.
You can't come here.
-What's going on?
-A robbery.
Service administration.
Can you put me through
to the alarm centre?
A man In the police car
in Kongsgata street has been shot.
He has been shot.
He is sitting dead in his car.
They shot him several times.
In the large, white police car
on Kongsgata street.
Kongsgata street,
outside the silk shop.
Get an ambulance
down here at once.
He is dead.
Walk away.
Gard finished
his bus routes that day
Arne Sigve Klungland was killed
in the line of duty April 5th 2004
Kjell Alrich Schumann
admitted two years later -
-to have fired shots
at the police car
The police found DNA
from several robbers -
- in the burned-out lorry
by the police station
Erik Haland came under internal
investigation by the police, -
- which concluded that he had
the right to shoot at the robbers
Axel died from cancer
six months after the robbery
After the arrest, -
- David Toska claimed responsibility
for planning the robbery
of the 57 million which were robbed
Four years later, the NOKAS
employees received -
- 30.000-60.000 NOK each in
compensation for criminal injuries
All the robbers
were convicted of the robbery -
- and of complicity in the killing
of Arne Sigve Klungland