Nosferatu (2024) Movie Script

(soft music)
(heavy breathing)
Come to me.
Come to me.
The guardian angel.
A spirit of comfort.
Spirit of any celestial sphere.
Hear my call.
Come to me.
What's up, Alice?
What is it?
I tripped.
Come here.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
The honeymoon was yet too short.
Take off your shoes.
I wish I could stay my love.
How should I have
earned such a dirty wife?
I told you not to let her into bed.
I've got everything I
wear. Absolutely covered in it.
For Greta loves it here.
She wishes you to stay too.
Today is of the utmost importance for us.
One minute more.
Everybody must be off.
He has the position already.
They'll send him away.
You have kept him a quarter hour.
Forgive me, sir.
Pray pardon me, Herr
Knoch, for my tidiness.
Your delay is providential, my boy.
Come in, come in.
Still preparing the account.
And I thank you, sir, for considering me.
When tiling's in your
recent nuptials reached my ears,
I knew it was providence.
A new husband requires new wages.
Put it in, generous sir.
Allow me to extend my
congratulations to your wife.
Thank you, sir.
She truly is beautiful.
A non-parais, almost a...
Yes, thank you, sir.
And I'm most eager to proceed with
whatever your request
that I might be fully
engaged with the firm.
Indeed, indeed.
Now, I have been entertaining dealings
with a foreign count.
Very old line of
nobility, very old and eccentric.
He wishes to acquire a
home here in our visberg.
Oh, yes.
To retire here.
He has one foot in
the grave, so to speak.
I should be pleased to escort the
gentleman and recommend
him to our properties.
I have already selected.
Gornivault Manor.
Forgive me, sir, but is it not a ruin?
He requested an old home, and
he will pay most generously.
I shall meet him tomorrow, then.
Nine o'clock?
Here is the peculiarity.
He is too infirm to travel, so you,
Niegs, must journey to him.
I see.
He lives in a small country,
east of Bohemia,
isolated in the Carpaleon Alps.
It will be a great adventure, my boy.
May not the Count execute
the deed here when he arrives?
Oh, no, it is much too urgent.
He insists we offer him
an agent in the flesh,
and he will reward you
handsomely, my boy, handsomely.
Secure this account, and you will secure
your official position in the firm.
Thank you, sir. Thank you.
I shan't disappoint.
And what was the Count's name?
Orlok. Orlok.
And I shall have to set off tomorrow, as
it is a six-week journey.
But Harding has generously
agreed to keep you till my return.
Why have you killed
these beautiful flowers?
What are you talking about?
Forgive me.
Er, let us put them in water.
I will only die in a
few days. Throw them out.
Throw them out!
What are you...
You cannot leave.
What is this?
I must tell you my dream.
Ellen, we have put these
difficulties behind us.
I must!
Please. They're more
of enchanted memories.
The doctors advised never to...
It was our wedding.
Yet not in chapel walls.
Above was an impenetrable thundercloud
outstretched beyond the hills.
The scent of the lilacs was strong in the
rain, and when I reached the altar...
You weren't there?
Standing before me, all in black, was...
But I was so happy.
So very happy.
In exchange for ours, we embraced, and
when we turned around...
Everyone was dead.
Father and... everyone.
The scent of their
bodies was... horrible.
But I never mean so happy...
At that moment...
As I held hands with death.
I never speak these things aloud.
It is a trifle for this
dream, just as your past fancies.
Everything is well.
It portends something awful for us.
When I return, I will finally make something of myself I
shall buy as a final. I will finally make
something of myself I shall buy as a final. I will finally
make something of myself I shall buy as a final. No.
When I return, I will finally make
something of myself I
shall buy as a final.
House of our own would mean so.
We needn't any of that.
I wish you to have all you deserve.
You mustn't leave. I love you too much.
Great Easter.
Never since our school day, Easter.
From my grandfather, the best.
I wouldn't. It's worth
celebrating your adventure.
Thank you.
I envy you.
I envy you. You've truly taken your
father's place now. It's incredible.
The bloody responsibility
is crushing, Thomas Crashing.
Of course, it's unseemly to
complain with all the earnings,
but the demands of the market grow fast
in the damaged shipyard.
And my two girls, two, Tom...
I... I love them more than the world.
And I speak none of this
to Ellen Moore, my Anna,
but we have another on the way.
You always wear a rutting coat.
I cannot resist her.
And when will you two newlyweds?
I am no longer a pauper.
Frederick, when I have, I mean to say I
shall finally be able to return
the money to you
learned not another word.
And, Frederick, do take care of Ellen.
She nearly begged me to remain here and
toss aside your fine opportunity.
I fear her past, Mel and Colley,
returning naturally.
Her dashing young
husband's leaving her bedside cold.
I speak once. It's time now, I beg.
Papa! Papa!
Your mother.
The time has simply come. Enough, enough.
We can't!
There is a monster in the room!
Papa! Papa!
Don't let her feed me to the monster!
Stab him!
Hard enough, but I am to hunt a monster.
You're a perfect child, yourself.
Good night.
I'll forgive.
Papa, please stay with us.
I will stay with you
until you're too fast.
I can hear him breathing from each other!
Forgive me.
I have put these fences behind me.
I have.
And we have each other.
Hey, hey, hey, she
wants these guys to come.
You did great.
You had to be the most cis tom-tom.
Your lordship, it is
entirely as you have demanded.
He shall presently be in thy rule,
and I shall attend the year.
Mere the object of thy contract!
I am proud of you.
Please keep safe.
There is a little faith in me.
I will send you my utmost faith.
And you will write to me every day.
I shall, I promise.
Remember, it's all for us.
I love you.
I love you.
So mad.
Forgive me, I only
wish to stay one night.
I have an audience at the castle.
New Castle, Orlok, we
are going to the castle.
I am weary, I pray you.
I will pay double the board.
You are late.
The midnight of war has passed
and my attendants have all read I are.
Forgive me, Count.
The midnight of war has passed
Leave there your conveniences
Sit out indeed and sit.
Where do you not wish
to wait till morning?
I wish you to do as I request.
Of course, sir.
Oh, me, sir.
Your lord, I will be addressed as the
owner of my blood demands it.
My lord.
I give my lord.
Thank you.
I am most impatient to bring my eyes on
your covenant papers
and my correspondence with your
proprietor, Herrok Mook.
I have long awaited them.
Of course, my lord.
The midnight of war has passed
Drink. The midnight of war has passed
I have, my lord, I have questions about
the unfamiliar customs of the peasantry,
and the errant wanderers.
Last night I saw, or rather I believe I
saw a band of gypsies they mentioned to a
small birch grove and
I fear we yet keep close many
superstitions here that may seem backward
to a young man of your high learning.
These gypsies, they exhumed a corpse.
It is their filthy ritual.
What manner of ritual?
Speech not of it again!
How I look forward to retiring to your
city of a modern mind,
Who knows nothing of nor believes in
these such morbid, very tales.
It is not your own.
It is your own. You are married, Herroter.
I will take heed what you do.
It's nothing.
I might ease your wound.
Come by the fire, your
face shows you one well.
Wait for me!
Careful children, keep your nut fields.
Do you have a feel at
times as if you were not?
As if you were not a person?
Well, what I wish to say is that you are
not truly present nor alive.
As if you were at the
whim of another like a dog.
Someone or something had the power to
breathe life into you, to move you.
But of course we all
feel out of sorts at times.
It's not out of sorts.
It's as if there is something at play
that is too awful or grave to explain.
God, no, my lovely Anna.
I, look at the sky.
Look at the sea.
Does it never call to you?
Urge you.
Something is close at hand.
That is His power.
A gentle breeze from heaven.
My sweet romantic.
I am not mad, Anna.
Forgive me.
Everything I say sounds so childish.
Your words spring from your honest heart.
My heart is lost without my Thomas.
You count? (ominous music)
(ominous music)
Your signature as solesitor.
You can't list me, my lord.
The language of my forefather, son.
Of course.
A maiden's token, I see, your bride.
Just so I hid her.
My wife.
We are newly married at late.
Incidentally, I have letters to her.
I would post it for me.
What was that?
What order?
You were fortunate in your love.
It's Providence.
(speaking in foreign language)
Your signature.
I pray you will indulge my barber.
I do not neglect your commission.
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(ominous music) (ominous music)
(breathing heavily)
(ominous music)
(breathing heavily)
(ominous music) Stand.
(ominous music) (ominous music)
Thou are we named Bar-a-son.
It is my good fortune, Lord.
Forgive my asking, my Lord,
but why such an antique residence,
screw-a-volt manner?
The government designed.
Of course.
Well, I thank you and
congratulate you on your new home.
It is late.
You must wish to retire.
If I may, my Lord,
if I may be slightly
unsubtle in my approach,
I wish to depart as soon as,
well, as soon as agreeable,
my service is rendered.
I am in much,
I have been enduring
the most irregular dreams
I fear I am taken ill.
It is a black hole to
journey in Portland.
You will remain and well rest yourself.
I must object, my Lord.
You will obey this, my counsel.
Open my Lord.
(ominous music)
You have my locket.
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music) (panting)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music) (ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music) (ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music) (ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music) (ominous music)
(ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous music) (ominous
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
(ominous music)
Nothing, of Thomas?
No, I mean, yes, I've
received nothing of any kind.
Not even to your- at the shipyard?
And Hacunoc?
Still no trace of him.
His foes and David Kales.
I never liked that man.
Never shall call upon
his office myself directly.
Please, Ralston, no.
I must discover something.
For heaven's sake, you
cannot leave unaccompanied.
I am most sensitive
to your art of nature,
and shard of approval,
further in this era of judgment.
I will send someone daily
until hair cannot be found.
Thomas is well. I'm certain of it.
Nanny, it's near Sandown.
You really ought to be leaving.
Just a moment, Logan.
Friedrich, be not a child, please.
You mustn't be swept
up in her fairy ways.
The entirety of the
household centers upon her, Wims.
I tire of discussing her.
Thank you. There is
no burden upon myself.
I love her. She is
blameless for her malady.
Forgive me, my love.
Dr. Severs will pay her another visit.
Let us in, please.
Talk of something else.
How is our love, Friedrich?
Well, Hungary is always like his father.
Friedrich in public.
I cannot resist you, my love.
The due patient.
Yes, sir.
We stowed him downstairs, sir.
I have strictly forbidden
the use of the old seraphals.
Picking your pardon,
sir. Out of the question.
This is a modern hospital, not a prison.
A little old soul he
may look, but all my life.
Saw him screaming and a-crowning.
Found him at a Luther Christmas market.
Killed three sheep with his bare hands.
And he was eating a roar-like roar.
Good day, my love. I'm Dr. Severs.
What seems to be trouble?
No trouble.
No trouble.
Providence. Providence.
And three. Can you tell me your name?
I have no one.
I am his servant.
And, erm... what do you have there?
Lives, gifts...
bestowed upon me by his lordship.
Look, this is a pretty one.
His lordship, that's the pretty ones.
The best... fortune... infinity.
Eyes shining... a jewel who died in...
...and then...
...the Sixeens.
First man!
I'm divorced.
Well, my good fellow.
Why would you do that?
It's all right.
No one wants to hurt you, my dear friend.
He is coming.
Who is?
It was he that invoked me... his eye that
was chosen to serve him.
I know what he covets.
And he shall cast upon you...
...Cursie's confusion,
afflictions, rebukes...
...for you have forsaken me...
...and he shall reign over
all of your empty corpses.
Do thou, lass...
Do thy rights!
Why, puppy?
These hysterical spells
come over her at night for... clockwork.
Seagal? No, thank you.
...l amant to tell you this.
But his employer, Herr Knoch, was
admitted to hospital this morning.
Did you speak to him at all?
He is mad. Mad?
No one encompasses Mantis.
And freely, is it well the wretched
fellow while inflamed...
...with some sort of religious maniac.
He has a similar motto to Frau Hutter.
He is coming.
Well, then, devil, are you, Thomas?
Which brings me to the specialist.
A man by the name of old France.
Swiss. Swiss?
Professor Alvin Eberhard, old France.
He is this old person who
may be able to diagnose her.
And I'm a physician and scholar in Zurich
when I was at school.
My finest teacher.
Send a message to
Zurich, then. No, no, really.
It's here, in Biswur.
Here. Here, here.
Why haven't you told me, man? Well...
This is capital news, David, man. Why
didn't you think of this before?
You see, he...
old France is the most
learned in the field.
His mind staggering, but...
I'll spare no expense.
Now, you misunderstand me, Friedrich.
It has fallen hard on me to recommend it.
He was tossed out of the university,
laughed out of his home country.
What? It grieves me to say it, but...
he became obsessed with the work of
Paracels, a gripper and the like.
I'm a shipman, Sivas.
How come you?
Mr. Philosophy...
do you copy?
(speaking in German)
(speaking in German)
(speaking in German)
A black enchanter who was in life.
(speaking in German)
The devil preserved his soul.
That his corpse may
walk again in blasphemy.
(speaking in German)
You are lost in his shadow.
No! No, I must leave. I promised Ellen.
(speaking in German)
Remain here.
(speaking in German)
This evil cannot enter this house of God.
I promised to join the firm. I came here
to sell the count of a house in Bismarck.
(speaking in German)
He has found her visible.
He cannot leave here.
He must return to the cursed earth
wherein he was buried.
No, he seeks after Ellen. I know it.
(ominous music)
(speaking in German)
(speaking in German)
I have not failed! You're not saved!
That promised gift awaits!
(ominous music)
The scientific community is on a crusade
to prove his worth drove him to madness.
I assure you, Arden, the professor may be
a bit unconventional,
but he will know the
source of their motives.
(speaking in German)
Professor Montfranze.
It is your former student.
(speaking in German)
Professor, please, I
should not wish to true.
(speaking in German)
Professor, please, I am nearly a lot of
the finer key of the
Mysteriorum Libra Quinqui.
I'm sorry, Professor. No, no matter.
I miscalculated the stars.
Ermis will not render my
black self a gold this evening.
Yes, we can't trouble you, Father.
We must take our lead.
Good night, Professor.
(speaking in German)
(speaking in German)
My dear young severs,
to my dying eyes deceive me.
I should have known. Embrace me, my boy.
I am so rejoiced to see you.
I sense something.
It brought me to
Wisburg all these years ago.
I felt it was now imminently approaching.
I thought it knew, but
it must have been you.
Now, what is the matter?
Ah, I see, yes.
A dear friend of yours
has some rare ailments.
Perhaps a house guest, yes.
A young woman exhibiting
protracted fits of some nambulism.
You look tired, young man.
Wait! You are not yet well!
(speaking in German)
(speaking in German)
Untie this child at once!
It's all I could do to keep her from
tearing the room to ribbons.
Untie her!
You are the Doctor Arcee for Spook.
I've been administering an opiate.
She must rest by day, for
her body isn't out of stress.
She cannot be clouded.
Step away, step away.
My dear creature, yes, I am he,
and I am hither come to help you.
Is she yours?
She has no master or mistress.
Quite so.
I entreat you to excuse me,
but I should like to begin my
consultation presently.
You see, I have a curiosity about you.
Doctor Seavis tells me that you've had
these spells since childhood.
Would you describe them to me, please?
I cannot always remember them,
as if my spirit wanders off.
Tell me what you can from the beginning.
Sometimes it was, it is like a dream,
and I knew things.
I always knew the
contents of my Christmas gifts.
I knew when, that my mother would pass.
Father, he would find me in our fields
within the forest, as if I was this
little changeling girl.
I see.
But as I became older, it worsened.
I frightened him.
My touch.
I was so very alone, you see,
and I wished for comfort,
a presence,
and the nightmares,
the appelipses, I...
May I continue?
At last, the Parr family once lay,
unclothed, I was.
My body, my flesh, I...
Sinned, he said.
He would have sent me to that place, I...
I shan't go!
No, no.
It all ended when I first met my Thomas.
From our love, I became as normal.
Yet these visions and night-wondering's
have returned to you.
I fear for him so.
My dreams grow darker.
Does evil come from
within us, or from beyond?
A trance straight has begun.
You have led her to
decrease the congestion.
Of course.
And her menstruations are also...
Too much blood.
Too much blood.
A table, please.
A pupil is expanded.
It does not contract naturally to light.
A second sight.
She is no longer here.
My bag.
Forgive the grotesque tediousness of this
demonstration, the needle.
However, I must impress upon you that
this child is not with us.
Professor, I do protest.
First, frame your
protestation, for she feels nothing.
She convenes now with another realm.
Turn to the wall, sewers.
Do you hear me, my child?
What did you say?
I doubt you speak now what you say.
And during night, a spectre of death, he
spreads his shadow,
and he, he, he's coming.
Who is coming to you, my child?
Who? That you speak?
You, before you say too much!
I will not harm her!
How come are you?
Talk into my voice.
By the protection of champion,
hallelujah, and viking,
impart your speech unto
me in the name of Elohish,
for the Selah's today,
impart your speech unto me.
I shall persist to join you
every night first in sleep,
then in your arms, everything will be
missed to the abomination,
and you'll be me deep in blood.
Everyone will cry, there
will be none to bury the dead.
You are coming to me!
You need no answer!
Help me! Help me!
As I feared.
Wait, what, my boy?
Cannot you see, or see what?
See that she is cursed.
Yes, cursed! This dear young creature is
possessed of some spirit.
A demon? I beg your pardon?
I assure you, Harding, the professor
means this is hyperbole.
No! I mean a demon!
You jest.
But what of your own discoveries of
macabre hallucination pathologies?
This is not one.
You cannot conceivably
perceive all of this.
How should this happen to Ellen?
Demonic spirits more easily obsess those
whose lower animal functions dominate.
Demons like them, they seek them out.
I do not wish to dispute you, Professor,
but I myself have witnessed women of
Melon's constitutions
in that all manner of delusions.
This is no delusion.
I believe she has always been highly
conductive to these
cosmic forces, uniquely so.
Your lunatic, perhaps, do you then
acknowledge the
connection between these cases?
That is a question.
Oh, this is just capital.
I tell you, it is the manner of her
husband's disappearance.
No! This evil! What it is!
How it is been
summoned! At least, I know not.
But this remarkable child, it has changed
itself to his engraved peril.
I must do my studies.
Frau Harding, sit with her.
Observe her.
Report her behavior.
Sifas, no more ether.
But she will rave all night.
Then rave she must.
There is a drenched storm rising.
You have given the disease. (panting)
Help me, help me!
Okay, girls.
Are you worried?
All right, listen.
What was that?
He's not.
He's not him.
He has come.
Blood is the light.
He's here, he's here.
He's not him, he's here.
Blood is the light.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
He's here.
Thomas! (screaming)
No, no, no!
He hasn't found you.
I failed him, it's you again.
Why not?
You were right.
You were.
I thought you had your pocket.
Who is it now?
Hartman the door.
Very good, then.
(door knocking)
It's endless, it's past
three o'clock in the morning.
(dramatic music)
My God.
It's a Blake ship.
Damn it.
Blood's the post authority.
The fetch comes to see us.
Oh, it was a big day.
There it is, your little ship.
The heritage.
(dramatic music)
The progress.
I shall stifle out the
bridegroom, your Lord ship.
I have use in him.
Instruct me, charge me, use me.
I shall fetch back to thee.
I will be belonging.
The combat commands she must willingly
re-pledge her vow.
She cannot be stolen.
Change my Lord.
My baby.
Pile and stock, your
entreat is growing slit.
You shall crave of me nothing.
My Lord.
They break the laws near.
And on the bells of
dawn shall toil be cast.
On the spair of my coming.
And I shall taste all you.
(dramatic music)
(bell ringing)
How is he faring?
I fear no better than
everyone tells me I have suffered.
Pray, forgive me for all the
troubles I have caused you.
I am only glad you have
become yourself again.
It seems a miracle.
Perhaps Professor Franz was wrong.
Perhaps it was only your
wish to see Thomas returned
and your, your--
I'm calling my melancholy.
Thomas has seen something awful.
If only I could speak to the--
His thoughts are so coy.
Professor Franz said a demon.
Lenny, please.
For the sake of the
children, Christmas tide is upon us.
Why must you remain so
exasperatingly contrary
as I am in the right?
Seabers, I request in
conference with your maniac,
but I'm not a dead man.
I beg your patience, Professor,
but this is what vexes me.
He exhibits all the
signs of a blood plague,
sepsis, ophthalmic discharge,
inflamed rodent bites here and here.
I fear this ship has
brought the plague to this boat.
And what is confounding is his body
is entirely absent of blood.
Look at this curious mark here.
I've seen some of the
biocyan-like pests in our canals,
but tell me, Professor, what
brat has to do with such size?
Angels and demons protect us.
Whereas your lunatic, you
must take me to here presently.
Ain't you hurt, Doctor, sir?
Eknock has gone and escaped.
He killed the porter on duty last night.
This man must be found.
Sirrah, show me out.
Seabers, fetch Hodding and
meet me at my residence tonight.
This is no mere plague.
(eerie music)
(eerie music) Get off me.
I can't breathe.
It's me.
I can't breathe.
(loud crash)
Get off!
Please, you, don't leave us, Mama.
I promise I shan't let anything harm you.
No monsters, nothing.
Now, give me a kiss and say your prayers.
(eerie music)
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord.
(eerie music)
(breathing heavily)
Oh, are you frightened me?
Forgive me.
Has Friedrich returned?
No, no.
What is it, my lovely?
May I stay with you tonight?
Our friendship is a
precious bond to my heart.
Forgive my joy to you.
Thank you for loving me.
You may take it if you wish.
God is with us, Lenny.
I cannot yield to
being haunted by a ghost.
No, no, please, no.
It is no mere ghost, for
it can manifest physically
and with the most foul intent.
And what praise that?
Like every plague, its
soul desires to consume
all life on earth.
This creature is a force
more powerful than evil.
It is death itself.
I have not slept in days.
My house has become a bedroom,
and here I've been, we summon to this
godforsaken habitation for this.
Do not tell me you believe
in such medieval devouring.
I do not believe, I know.
I have seen things in this
world that would have made
Isaac Newton crawl back
into his mother's womb.
We have not become so much enlightened
as we have been blinded by
the gaseous light of science.
I have wrestled with the devil,
as Jake wrestled the atrium pendulum.
I tell you, if we are to tame darkness,
we must first face that it exists.
By Nahanan, we are here encountering
the undead plague carrier.
must flutter.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
I felt you crawling
like a serpent in my body.
It is not me.
It is your nature.
No, I love Thomas.
Love is inferior to you.
I told you, you are not a human kind.
You are a villain to speak, sir.
I am an appetite, nothing more.
Over centuries, a lonesome beast
I lay within the darkest pit.
Deluded wake me,
and stir me from my grave.
You are my affliction.
I care nothing of your afflictions.
Yet even now, we are fated.
Your husband assigned his name
and covenanted you to my person
for but a sack of gold.
Your goal, the Eden of
Azar, is not you on but.
You know nothing of him.
And the resignation
must be completed by you,
freely of thine own will.
You are a deceiver.
You deceive yourself.
I was but an innocent child.
I thought you I would not, or at all.
Thought you I would not.
Your passion is bound to me.
You cannot love.
I cannot.
Yet I cannot be sated without you.
(dramatic music)
Remember how once we were,
a moment of remember.
I abhor you.
And laugh, or she'll--
So, you wish me to
prove my enmity as well?
I will leave you three nights.
Tonight was the first.
Tonight you denied yourself.
And thereby you suffer me to vanish
up the lives of those you loved.
Denied myself, irreverent my torture.
Upon the third night, you will submit.
For he who call your
husband shall perish by my hand.
Till you bid me come.
Shall you watch the
world become as naught?
Do I not love the race?
I ain't never seen the logic.
It's been spreading faster than war
thought since yesterday.
We certainly cannot admit anymore.
The contraction rate is too high.
I've retreated the burger
master for a quarantine.
The city must be shut up.
Hey Christian, we can find Rooster.
The dead daughters are coming, sir.
Take pity.
We must remain calm in
the face of this break.
A shadow pressing.
My body sinking, sinking.
The smell of rancid meat.
It's suffocating.
It's a lot.
I feel so weak.
My fair little Phaedra is so strong.
So hungry he is eating me weary.
May I see the girls?
I must assure them.
Everything will be well, my darling.
Everything shall be just fine.
I don't know myself.
Tell me, what is this
insufferable darkness?
Hey, Hardy.
You must hear me.
There is something.
The shadow.
An infernal creature.
Please, these are no troubled nerves
and disaster of us friends.
Described a demon.
Proud to forgive me,
but I need few and tons.
Both of you to return home.
As for your own sake.
Please, have pity, Thomas is very poorly.
I know not what.
I shall pray for Tom.
You know I love you both.
What of Anna?
Did you not see her?
It's none of your concern.
Every trick.
You must listen to me.
We're all in the most grave danger.
I throw my thumb at you.
Throw a hutter, please.
Why do you hate me?
How dare you speak to
me in that marked manner.
You have never liked me.
Know your place, madam.
I will not stand by and
pretend at your superiority.
I refuse to exchange approaches with you.
Listen to me, please.
I have done everything in my power
to be kind to you in these long months.
Hide me up. Find the dignity to
display the respect of your good.
How can you be so stupid and cruel?
Hartman will call you a coach.
At my expense, of course.
For your husband's
sake, I pray you will learn
to conduct yourself with more deference.
Anna is going to die.
You are going to die. You are going to die. You are going to
We are all going to die.
Why did you not tell me of this before?
I am a fool.
Of course it is Erechonok.
His obsessive
consumption of living creatures,
it must be him.
He is not Nosferatu.
What he must be found.
For he is made compact with this shadow.
Search everything.
Pull up the rug.
So the menari.
We stop there in the city.
Please be strong through their secrets and their
codex of secrets.
( Eddie yelling and Muhammad yelling)
I'm out for my lion!
A beast with seven heads!
A tiny heart!
A lion with a brown, faggot head!
A cat with a strange,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
a giant,
how can this
aversion be killed?
I do not know. You sent them a lot.
You sent them a lot?
No, not that. Yes, I did.
You don't know.
Precisely correct. I do not know.
I have never
encountered Nosferatu firsthand.
He doesn't know.
All your fine lectures
are mere regurgitations
from bloody books!
The means of repelling and destroying
vary greatly from region to region.
Their efficacy is plainly unknown.
Yet there is one invariable fact
that nutrients me most.
In every account,
the Nosferatu must return to the earth
wherein it was buried
by first row of cock.
It must sleep in its grave by day.
What happens if it does not?
That, my dear Sivus, is the question.
Oh, God!
My God!
I am shattering.
I'm breaking apart.
Get out!
Take your leave at once.
Both of you!
Please, we cannot wish.
Aren't you seen as a bloody, real,
plain gentleman?
A real epidemic that is
really killing real people.
Ouch! I'm so sorry.
Appear of you!
Sivus, I'm sorry.
Frau Kuta is mad.
You should have been locked up long ago.
My honor.
It's bitten by bone and...
No more.
We are leaving Visberg.
With the quarantine,
tomorrow we close off the city.
I'm not gonna let your
vain madness kill my wife!
Her night demon has sucked
of your good wife's blood
and shall return for the rest.
I am alive.
We must go.
We must flee the city.
You're in danger.
You knew. We cannot run.
We must.
There is something I must tell you.
Something so lonesome, so base.
Nothing you can say will shake me.
For there is a devil in this world,
and I have met him.
And he...
I cannot speak at ease.
He is coming to Visberg.
For you.
I know.
I know him.
Know him?
I've brought the sea flop on us.
I have never shared my
secret with any soul.
I sought company.
I sought tenderness, and I called out.
What do you mean by that?
At first it was sweet.
I had never known such a place. Hello. It didn't turn to
tears. I was so sorry. I was so sorry. At first it was
I had never known such a place.
It didn't turn to torture.
It would kill me.
But, Thomas, it was you
that gave me the courage
to be free of my shame.
What are you telling me?
Don't you understand?
Traits, help me to...
He is my shame.
He is my melancholy.
He took me as his lover then,
and now he has come back.
He has discovered our
marriage and has come back.
He sorts me in my dreams.
I am so am I sleeping
closer to him every night.
Don't touch me.
I am not to be touched.
You stuffed your letters to me.
You promised to write to me every day.
Did not you think of me in that castle?
I did.
After what you have just confessed.
He told me about you.
He told me how foolish you were.
How fearful.
How like a child.
How you fell into his arms
as a swooning lily of a woman.
He told me how you
sold me to him for gold.
I thought I was supposed to be sacred.
Ellen, please.
You never listened.
But where is it?
Your money, your promotion, your house.
Where is that which
is so precious to you?
Have you paid that
kind of harding your debt?
Have you repaid him with this
plague that infected his wife?
I left for us.
For our future.
For what?
For what?
For these days?
For you.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Don't you think?
We should never have married.
We are already dead.
[screaming] (screaming)
I trust him, Dr. Seamus.
Please, please.
I'll get it.
I'll get it, I promise.
I promise.
(dramatic music)
You can never please me as he could.
Eat it!
Touch me!
Kiss me.
Kiss my heart.
My heart.
Let him see.
Let him see.
I know.
I love you.
I will become a demon.
Ellen, it's me.
Ellen, Ellen, I love you.
I love you.
You're safe with me.
It's me, it's me.
You've away from me, I am unclean.
He will murder you if I do not go to him.
We will be torn apart,
and the will will be disturbed.
How can I help?
Kill him, I will.
He shall never harm you again.
At last.
And though the maiden
fair did offer up her love
unto the beast, and with
him lay in close embrace
until the first cock
crow, her willing sacrifice
thus broke the curse and
freed them from the plague
of Nosferatu.
She is the way.
(eerie music)
Let the spank go.
Pichu, let go!
(eerie music)
I can weep no longer, for I
have no more tears to shed.
We must speak with him.
Just a moment longer,
his grief is too great.
May I?
More will be taken.
She was with child.
I know.
The Grim Reaper wields his heavy scythe
with every change of wind.
Professor, I must speak with you.
And I will speak with you.
Take that dragon from this place.
Your disease is mine, it's
brought all of his outrage.
Stop, please, it is my spot.
Someone doesn't concern you, John.
You're very present.
You must just be rude.
These nightmares do exist.
They exist.
And yet he shows no
sign of the blood play.
The Good Sisters sought
to nurse me back to health
with their prayer, yet I
fear I'm not free of his spell.
Trust in God and your strength.
The monster left you to the
wolves, yet you prevailed.
Forgive me, I'm not myself, I...
Please forgive me, all of you.
My reason cannot accept, accept.
Strength, not strength.
All of has kept his
coffin within bruinful manner.
I'd rather have the noises.
Tonight, we destroy the beast.
Let me come with you.
Then of course, Lieutenant,
you must be kept safe away.
We shall meet Earth's
hardings in depart for the man.
Please, the readiness is all.
We shall sanctify the
Earth, wherein he is buried,
and destroy the sarcophagus.
Then he can have no sensory and chakra.
And when we uncover the body,
I will drive a spike of
cold iron through him.
What if it does not work?
It must.
Professor, allow me to
walk you to your door.
I know, it must be me, Professor.
I am but an able
tourist in this occult world.
You were born to it.
It is a rare gift.
His pull to me is so
powerful, so terrible.
Yet my spirit cannot be evil as his.
We must know evil to
be able to destroy it.
We must discover it within ourselves.
And when we have, we must
crucify the evil within us,
or there is no salvation.
We need no salvation.
My entire life I've done
no ill, but heed my nature.
Then he'll come to it.
I fear no sorority will be superfluous
to any of our iron stakes.
I'm convinced only you
have the faculty to redeem us.
Ellen, let's make haste.
In heathen times, you might have been
a great priestess of Isis.
Yet in this strange and modern world,
your purpose is of greater worth.
You are our salvation.
Thank you.
I will keep your husband in bay tonight.
Go now, go home.
Attend him that he is
sturdy for this false hunt.
(somber music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(somber music) (footsteps)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
Cardin, Cardin!
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Frank, Rick!
Oh, God.
We are too late.
We must set fire to the infected bodies.
Our flames will sanctify them.
We're not burning more.
Please, we must onward.
But all of it.
Will you not already have risen?
Should we not return to our homes?
No, I will not wait till morning.
Very wise young Thomas.
I feel his hold upon me this night.
May God have mercy on my souls.
In the name of general
fame by the power and dignity
of these three names,
check to your count on
things that are important.
As for you, how disobeating,
spelling, close for our
doom to the lake of fire
have not remained until the day you do
and not to be remembered
before the face of God,
which shall come to
judge the quick and the dead
and the world with fire.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(speaking in foreign language)
There is a chapel beyond the courtyard.
Make haste, Thomas.
(dramatic music)
I am ready.
I bid you come to me.
(dramatic music)
There he lies.
(dramatic music)
Oh, God.
Go forward, Thomas.
Set free the demon's body.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
I know.
I relinquished him my soul.
I should have been the
Prince of France, immortal.
He cares only for his pretty bride
and she is his monstrous strike again.
I am the King of the Wild.
(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) In vain,
in vain you run, in vain you
cannot outrun her destiny.
Her stock bond with the
beast shall redeem us all,
for when the sun's pure
light-surf ring capone the dawn,
redemption, the pain shall be lifted.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
Don't get the oestra up to a volume.
I do.
(speaking in foreign language)
(speaking in foreign language)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(speaking in foreign language)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music) (eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
Forgive us.
And though the maiden
fair did offer up her love
unto the beast, and
with him lay in cloaks
her embrace until the first cockrove.
Her willing sacrifice
thus broke the curse
and freed them from
the plague of Nosferatu.
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
(eerie music)