Oi voskoi (Thanos and Despina) (1967) Movie Script

What's wrong today?
You came before midday.
I want to marry you, my son.
I'm going to make a matchmaking.
But where? Where are you going?
Never mind, I'll find a good dowery.
I'll show them this.
You just wait here.
I'm going to Vlahopoulos.
- I don't think he'll deny us his daughter!
- Vlahopoulos is an important man.
He used to be our boss. Don't go!
I'm going. I don't want
Australia to take you away.
Australia! Australia!
I'm here for a matchmaking for the bride.
What did you say?
I didn't quite understand you.
I told you Vlahopoulos
that I come for a matchmaking.
I have a man for your daughter.
Leave us alone, Costas.
Who are you?
Come closer.
Good morning, Katina.
What's your name?
Don't you remember me, Vlahopoulos?
My late husband used to work for you.
He died here at your house.
My name is Katina Zekou.
I am Thanos's mother.
You were relatives with my husband.
Oh yes. We were distant relatives.
Very distant.
Yes. Very distant.
Come closer.
Just tell me. Who sends you?
He who sends me wants
to learn how much first.
How much is the dowery?
Oh, he first wants to know about the dowery.
He says that if the
amount he's been told is right,
he won't take your daughter.
With such a low dowery, he says,
you'll only find a loser.
Oh, I almost forgot.
He knows your daughter.
He knows her well.
Come on! Tell me right away.
Who is it?
He gives you an advice.
To marry her right away
because nowadays...
Shut up! Will you tell me his name?
Don't shout! How much?
If you tell me his name, I'll give you
a great gift for Easter.
I swear! In my daughter's life.
- 25 Drachmas.
- How much?
To buy a nice pair of socks for
your son.
For Easter.
It's Thanos.
Thanos? Thanos who?
Thanos Zekos, my son.
Your son? Go away!
- Why?
- Get out of here.
Why? My son is not good enough for you?
- Go away!
- Look at this. Look! It's his.
- He brought it from Germany.
- Out or I'll hurt you!
- He stole it!
- Lies!
- He's a thief!
- Lies! He worked nine months in the factory!
- Just look at your daughter. Big deal!
- This is why they sent him away.
- Close the door.
I have fields, 17 workers,
that are worth a thousand times
more than your miserable son.
I know! I know what you
give them.
I buried my husband barefoot!
I'll run over you!
You old hag.
Come! Come and run me over,
if you dare.
Not even your machine works.
My son would have fixed it.
Get her.
Grab her and throw her outside.
- Leave me!
- He's a thief that dishonored us.
He's a whore's son!
You heard him? He called me a whore.
Me! Katina Zekou!
The old priest Vangelis's daughter.
Damn you, Vlahopoulos!
Me, a whore?
Grab this, Vlahopoulos.
You losers. This is all that's left to me.
- Where were you?
- Right here, father.
- Where here?
- Here.
What's wrong?
Leave us alone. I want to
speak with your daughter.
- But what's wrong?
- Leave us alone, I tell you.
God have mercy.
When did you meet him again?
- Who?
- Him.
The thief! This old hag's son.
- I didn't meet him again.
- Lies!
Answer to me right now.
When did you last see him?
A year ago.
When he got back from Germany.
And you've never seen him again?
- No.
- He!
The murderer!
And now he sends his mother to me!
To me! Vlahopoulos! What is happening?
What's wrong nowadays?
Despina, Despina, my daughter.
Are you sure he
never saw you again?
Are you sure he never approached you?
Are you sure he never touched you?
Come. Come closer.
You old hag. You jinx.
Come and sit down.
Daddy, what's wrong?
Those bastards.
They want to destroy me.
To terminate me.
Who father?
You know him?
- Whom?
- Him.
That barefoot. That illiterate.
But dad, we grew up together
when his father used to
work here.
This is not a reason.
You have to respect your family's
social status.
Soon enough your brother
will be a scientist.
And I'll find you a great man.
Maybe a public servant.
On your wedding day,
I want everyone to say:
Oh, this Vlahopoulos,
look what a great man he found
for his daughter
and what a nice dowery.
Your brother is arriving shortly
with a friend of his.
Are you happy for seeing Perikles?
Come on, and soon enough you'll no
longer be named Vlahopoulous.
Sit down, Papadima.
At last my son Yangos finally found you.
- Here, take a cigarette.
- Thank you, Karavida.
Nice bike. Good kid.
Do you still do matchmakings?
Don't call it that. I'm a taxman.
I know many people.
What's your commission?
It depends.
I want to marry my son.
Oh congratulations! With whom?
I don't know yet.
I understand.
I have more sheep than him on
the other side of the mountain.
Five shepherds are working for me
and ever since my son went to the
army I got another one.
But he is useless.
He is guarding my goats.
If I understand right
you are thinking of Vlahopoulos.
I'm thinking of my son, taxman.
Difficult, very difficult.
I'm thinking of your
commission too.
I'm not like the state.
I'm not ungrateful.
I'll try.
I want a quick response.
I have to find him a bride
before he comes back from the army.
- I have my plans.
- OK.
- Goodbye, Karavida.
- Goodbye, Papadima.
He will come right away.
Just two words with him.
Take him back to the village.
Later we'll go to the church.
Vlahopoulos's family wil be there.
Be clean.
- So much dust.
- I'll go and change.
No! Keep your uniform.
Just brush it and have it ironed.
Have you learned what your
protegee just did?
No. What?
He send his mother to Vlahopoulos
for a matchmaking with Despina.
- We'll have great competition.
- His mother wanted it.
She doesn't let him
leave for Australia.
- How do you know that?
- She told me herself this morning.
It's time to get back
from the army.
I don't want him top guard
my animals anymore.
- Why? Did he do anything wrong?
- Not yet.
But I'm keeping an eye on him.
I know you love him.
He is your cousin.
For your sake I gave him work
when he was sent away from Germany.
We must help the poor.
God will reward us.
Th. Zekos.
Hey. My son is not good enough right?
We needed this dowery.
Too much to be exact.
Dowery! Dowery!
Do you know that my father
was a great priest?
If he could right the Gospel, that
he knew by heart,
he could become a Bishop.
What if I married a useless man?
Do you hear me down there?
Your father was useless.
And you are like him.
They insulted me, they threw me out
in the street because of you.
Me! Katina Zekou!
Your son is a thief, Katina.
Nobody wants your son.
Do you hear me? Nobody wants you.
You'll be hungry your whole life.
Just like your father.
Let me leave this place.
I don't want to starve to death.
I don't want to live as a eunuch.
Let me leave for
Adelaide in Australia.
Europe! Europe! Full of cars!
Look at all this misery.
Come on shepherd.
Don't brake my balls.
I brake your balls, do I? Your lament
brakes my balls, shepherd.
Hey, shepherd.
Haven't you heard?
Don't you hear for 7 days now
the sound my sheep make
when they burst? Don't shout.
Hey! They stabbed my dog shepherd.
They stole my sheep.
They'll throw me in prison.
Germany! Germany!
Shut up.
You are yelling Germany,
but even there you were nothing.
Nothing. Nothing here
and nothing there.
You don't know how to read or work.
So don't shout.
You're singing laments.
Moaning like a female shepherd.
But if you weren't that poor and that
stupid, your sheep would still be alive.
You killed them female shepherd!
I took my goats to the doctor.
Look at my sheep, shepherd.
Listen at the winds
raised by my sheep.
They come from Europe
and they go to Australia.
I'll bury my dog.
Then I'll go after the goats.
Let me help you.
For the heavenly music.
For the earthly music.
When the mountains shake.
Thanos! Thanos!
It's your boss. His son.
- Be careful, shepherd.
- He's my friend.
The rich are cautious with their
poor friends. And they should.
The poor are not cautious
with their rich friends.
And they're wrong.
- When did you arrive?
- Last night.
- Where is your uniform?
- They are ironing it for... for Easter.
- I'm happy to see you.
- Welcome.
- How's the army?
- Great.
They teach us some great tricks.
- Have you jumped with a parachute?
- Not yet.
You know, I saw your mother this morning.
Where are you running to?
I'm going to find the goats that escaped.
Your father will kill me.
- Come!
- I'm coming.
I'm coming, brother. Wait!
Thanos! The cape!
- What?
- Where could these goats have gone?
- Has Vlahopoulos shown up yet?
- Not yet.
- Do you want something?
- No, just something to tell him.
- One coffee.
- Coming.
The newspapers are full of crap.
Sometimes they have some news too.
Compared to what they're
hidding from us?
It's not possible!
A place without newspapers?
A civilized place?
Yes sir. It is possible.
I tell you it is possible.
- What's wrong?
- Nothing at all.
A black coffee from Mr Vlahopoulos.
My respects, Mr Vlahopoulos.
Good morning, Mr taxman.
Do sit down.
Your daughter Despina is about to...
Oh... She is still very young.
She has time to...
I have to admit that you have
prepared a generous dowery.
And do you know what she said, Nicos?
This is what I think of you.
Certainly not, Mr Vlahopoulos.
I was speaking with Karavidas.
Listen what Manolis has to say.
A truly civilized place is the one
that needs no newspapers.
So Greece is not a civilized place.
In ancient Greece there were
no newspapers. Manolis is right.
Maybe, but a modern place
needs the press.
We don't need this lying press.
This rotten press.
Then tell me sir. How will we
learn all the news?
- And during the wars?
- And during the revolution?
It's civil war, not revolution.
It's the foreigners fault that got
mixed up and made us kill ourselves.
Maybe, but they don't need to do
much for us to kill each other.
I lost two brothers during
this damn war.
Damn the war. He took
my three children away.
There are people here who were
with the party that killed my father.
He was a traitor.
Here is another traitor.
How many did you testify against?
Me a traitor? Me?
Yes. You. Snitch!
Just you wait here, you bastard,
and I'll be back.
They are going to take their guns.
Quickly. Let's go too.
I'll think about it, Papadimas.
I didn't know he had so many sheep.
His son Yangos is a good kid, right?
- Very good!
- OK. I'll think about it.
- Here's your father.
- Where?
Over there. Don't you see him?
Oh yes. It's yours too from now on.
He's your father-in-law.
Since your father agrees.
- He'll be very happy when he knows.
- And you?
Are you happy we'll be family?
Is there a question?
Didn't I tell you, Mr Karavidas?
We told you! The son of Katina
Zekou is a thief. A bum.
You shouldn't have trusted your
goats to this useless.
Katina Zekou, your son is
only good for hanging.
You who are starving, where will you
find any bread now that he's in jail?
Thanos! My son! Thanos!
I curse the day my belly barfed you,
Katina Zekou. Open up your belly.
Your son Thanos wants to disappear.
You are right, Thanos.
My father does not like you.
He'll throw you to jail. Be ready.
- If I escaped?
- I'll do my best to prevent him.
I swear. I'll talk to him.
I'll plead to him.
If we escaped together?
And go where?
What will happen if he learns
what you did?
You know what a savage he is.
Damn them. Damn them.
I have to find all these goats.
So that not even one
will be missing.
A disgrace! Get out! (in German)
Your German is great.
Yeah, yeah, good, good.
If Vlahopoulos would give me
his daughter and the dowery.
I'd buy fields for tobacco.
I'd never plant beans like this idiot.
Tobacco. Tobacco is gold.
OK with the dowery, but about Despina?
Do you feel sorry for not marrying her?
No right? Compared with
some German girls...
- Beautiful girls.
- What you wouldn't do there, right?
So Vlahopoulos said no, right?
Even if he'd have said yes,
with this damage now.
I heard what happened today and
what your mother did with Vlahopoulos.
- What did she do?
- Look at that.
- Tell me what happened.
- Why are you sitting here? He'll take her.
Thanos. Vlahopoulos threw
her in the street
and then she lifted her skirt in
front of the whole village and showed...
Give me my goat.
- Get out of my field.
- Give me my goat.
- Get out of my field.
- Give me my goat.
- You vile man. Give it back.
- Get out.
I didn't want those hicks
to see me. Understand?
I don't want my father to know
we were together.
So? Will we escape together?
Will we go to Australia?
I have to leave once
I finish with the army.
Because my father wants to marry me.
And do you know with whom?
With Despina.
- With whom?
- With Despina. He sent a matchmaker.
He wants to buy me a mini-market
with the dowery and sell the animals.
If Vlahopoulos agrees I'll have
to get married. Understand?
Then get married.
But I don't want to. I want
to go abroad like you did.
I want to make my own future.
I want to earn too much money.
- I don't want to own a store.
- You are very difficult to please.
- A store is not enough for you?
- No, it's not.
Thano, you gave me your word.
Don't forget you promised.
When you returned from Germany
you said we'd leave together.
Shut up. Those damn
things are over there.
Thanos, let's go.
Let's get away from here.
Away from mother and father and
away from all this poverty.
Together we'll have no fear.
Look. Look.
Let's go. Let's go.
It's not possible Yango. I'll
go to jail and you to the army.
All the better! You'll get out
of jail once I finish the army.
And then we'll leave together.
But where are those two goats.
Where the hell did they go?
Yango! I agree.
I'll take you with me to Australia.
You will be very useful with what
you learned in the army.
You killed my dog very smoothly.
Tell me... What did you do
with the goats?
Of course, they were yours.
You wouldn't mind.
We'll see each other again
in Australia.
You can't even open a table?
For the love of god.
Come on now, at the same time.
Each one should pull from each side.
I'm leaving you.
Don't go far away.
I'll need you.
Here is the letter
you gave me before.
Your father writes that he agrees.
You'll get married to Despina.
He gives you his blessing,
and so do I.
You have great parents.
They raised you into what
you are today.
I wish, with all my heart,
to follow their example.
I made sacrifices for
my children too.
I ensured her future
and her husband's.
With the dowery, I'll buy you
an appartment in Thessaloniki.
See? There. Right by the rock.
She did such a thing?
Here? In front of everybody?
The amount that you know is in the bank.
You will use it in case of emergency.
Birth, sickness, god forbid, but
why am I saying all these things?
Your father have already told you.
So. Have we reached an agreement?
- Sure father.
- Then fine.
- Come on, come on.
- Oh at last.
Here is the groom.
Come here son.
I have something to tell you.
My son, the day has come that
I will also take my share
after so many years of hard work.
It's on the holy Sabbath.
I will keep on sacrificing myself
until the day you'll get
married too
to a young woman with a nice dowery
and a good upbringing, like your sister.
When you finish your studies
with my help and god's help,
you'll be a dentist.
And something else. Go inside
and inform your sister.
- But me.. But me...
- Go ahead.
Go and tell her that the engagement
will take place tomorrow.
Sweet Mary! What is this evil?
An old lady goes around naked
in the streets on broad daylight.
What is happening with this world?
And on the same day, her son,
goes on and slaughters.
Something bad is going to happen.
What did Thanos do?
You haven't heard?
When they told him that he is
not allowed to marry you,
he started slaughtering the goats.
And then his own dog.
And escaped on the mountain.
The police is after him.
They are saying he swore they
wouldn't catch him alive.
Come in.
What's the matter, Pericles?
Would you mind waiting
in the dining room?
- We won't be long.
- Take your time.
I'll be waiting, Despina.
Despina, father assigned with
a mission that really concerns you.
- A mission?
- He told me to tell you some news
that is very important for you.
It's about your future.
I hope you'll be glad with it.
I hope for it wholeheartedly.
- What's the news?
- No, it was the wrong words.
I don't wish you to be glad.
- But Pericles.
- No, no.
I wanted to say, I want these
news to make you content
or better, make you happy.
What is it about?
Are you joking with me?
The young man that is here.
The one who came with me
from Thessaloniki.
- Yes?
- He's your husband.
He was bought with many gold coins.
They are giving a good pay to
someone to make you his slave.
This is the good news.
The best news.
You spill them out like spit.
My joyful times.
Why do you tell them like they're
nothing but a suffering?
Tell me. What is
bothering you, Pericles?
Despina, Despina.
Pericles, please don't cry.
Don't cry with my tears.
What are you? A worm?
A plant or a living thing?
You've only seen this man once.
You don't even know his name.
What kind of person he is.
If he hides a hunchback? A big mole?
If his feet stink or his armpits?
Tell me. Do you like him?
I find him perfectly fine.
Since my father chose him.
But it concerns you!
It's about your life.
You never wanted to meet other men?
I mean. Talk to them. Get to know them.
Associate with them. Learn about them.
Never wanted to search in the crowd to
find the hand that'll ease your anxiety?
- Touch your waist, your breast?
- Enough, Pericles. Shut up!
No, you are not a living thing.
You are a plant. Go out in the streets.
Learn to breathe.
- Choose!
- In the streets?
In public, right?
Get to know men.
Associate with them?
Find lovers?
Shall I choose the handsome ones?
The ugly ones?
Shepherds or rich from the city?
In order to choose wisely
I should try.
And if I spend my life from
one bed to the other
without finding this hand?
That will always slip away?
If I start liking this search?
And never finding it?
To choose?
- Choose what? Choose to offer myself?
- Shut up!
Shut up, you miserable girl.
You speak like a female.
You don't know how to discuss.
I wanted to tell you about the
rights a modern woman has
without even speaking about love.
About love? Speak about love?
I love my husband. Yes.
I already love him.
Like I always loved you.
Like I always loved my father.
I never chose you.
For what rights are you talking about?
Maybe for the right you are using
to make me a whore?
And one of the worst, for all that matters.
A volunteer whore.
If you give me the right to choose,
I want it complete.
Before choosing a husband,
to choose a father
and a brother.
To choose a mother's womb.
Father. I'm grateful.
You are so nice.
So generous. You are my god.
Go and kiss your mother.
Mother, don't cry.
We'll come and visit.
Thessaloniki is not far away.
That's enough woman.
Let her kiss her brother
and her fiancee.
We'll be late for church.
This is your engagement present.
Wear it tonight.
At the resurrection.
You lost everything
in just one day.
You destroyed me.
You are damned.
Damn your father that
got me pregnant with you.
With this jinx.
With this sickness.
- What's wrong, Katina?
- Why are you cursing on a night
like this? A holy night,
the Virgin's son's night.
Don't make him angry
or he won't resurrect.
He will stay in the ground.
They stole from my son, those dogs.
They slaughtered his dog.
They will put him in jail.
Damn my hunger.
The dog? Who killed the dog?
Who could kill a dog?
Never before...
Tell me, dear shepherds.
Has anyone of you ever saw
ever heard here in our land
during the old times or nowadays
that a boss, a boss I tell you
stole and slaughtered
his own herd?
That harmed his own belongings?
- Man and goats?
- Shut up. Shut up, you imbecile!
Your mother is right.
You're worth nothing.
Where were you hidding when they
were slaughtering your sheep and dog?
You are a useless shepherd. Not
even worthy of the money they give you.
- You are a liar.
- Go away! Go to hell! Jinx!
Come on, please.
Send me away. Ask me to leave.
Give me your blessing
to go to Australia.
Let me go.
Get up immediately. Wash up,
shave and go to the church
and wait for your boss. After the
church ends, plead for forgiveness.
Not only from him but
from his son too.
I'm hungry and so are you.
Come on then, get up.
- I don't have a razor.
- When you're away I'm as good as dead.
When you're here, you are
the dead body.
By cursing you I feel alive.
But you'll soon live since I'm
gonna burst from cursing you.
I'm going to find you a razor.
Wait here.
Blue beads!
Shepherds! Come quickly!
Listen up! I found it!
- But what is happening tonight?
- What now?
- Who's shouting?
- Haralambos. It's me, Haralampos.
- I found it!
- Are they all dead, Haralampos?
- All our animals?
- All of them. They were cursed and died.
The spells became wind and
blew up their guts.
- They were cursed, woman.
- You're being crazy again, shepherdess.
Search for the curse
in your own head.
Shut up you doctor! I'm telling you
again. They died because they...
- ...swallowed the cursed wind.
- Haralampos is right! We were cursed.
Ten of my sheep bursted
under the sun.
-13 of mine.
- And my whole flock from the cursed wind.
- Curse! Curse!
- The animals bursted from your stupidity.
- Listen at the German!
- Damn you.
Being bloated with curses yourself
you'll probably burst too
right in front of us. Go away!
Let's send him away.
He isn't worth the trouble.
With what I found,
nothing can harm us.
What did you find, Haralampos?
The curse of hate.
The curse of the jinx.
The cursing eye.
The neighbor's eye. The eye!
Wait! Wait! Don't move.
Listen up.
I was at the peak of the mountain.
I wanted to find a remedy
for our pain.
I was asking for very long.
Then a voice answered to me.
Listen. Listen.
"Tonight Haralampos,
I'll offer you the truth."
"Go to the village and
give all the beads away."
"I chose your village for tonight.
Run my eagle."
"Run, my messenger!"
Take this razor and go to shave.
- Everyone is around Haralampos.
- What is he up to?
Don't be a smartass. He is the
sneaky one. Like a fox.
I have to boil them first.
Mix them with the herb.
According to the secret
instructions that were given to me.
I have to know if all of you agree
to gine silver to her holy icon
to show her our gratitude.
Silver, not gold.
Bring me some pure milk that was
milked by a virgin.
A little honey.
And may the poorest woman of
the women help me.
Katina Zekou.
Come here, Katina.
Come and help me send the curse
away from our houses.
Our misfortunes will work together.
Yes, Haralampos. Yes.
Save us from the curse.
Go and fetch the honey, the milk
and all the beads you can find.
The blue beads. The curse.
The blue beads. The curse.
Have all the bells you're holding
already sounded?
Death made them sound when the
animals were bursting.
Let's start.
To give silver for your icon,
my sweet Holy Virgin,
this is all I have.
What if your son goes to jail?
You'll not die from hunger.
He didn't steal the goats. The animal!
I know that. He is incompetent
to do such a thing.
I'll light two candles for the
Virgin Mary. The one so as to
guard him and the other to give
him some brains.
He has lost his, allright.
There is nothing to do now.
Then she'll find it for him.
I thought it over. I won't
send the police tonight.
- Not until Monday.
- But why?
The people, the people will
say that it's not right to
arrest a poor man in the middle
of the resurrection.
But on Monday morning,
he'll be in jail.
- Where have you been all day?
- I went for a walk in the village.
Did you see Papadimas,
the matchmaker?
No, why?
He told me everything will turn
out fine. Vlahopoulos didn't say no.
Vlahopoulos is sneaky! I hope
it won't take long before saying yes.
You should make an
impression tonight.
Take this, Despina. This is all I have.
- That old lady. She is funny.
- Who send Papadimos, the matchmaker?
- Karavidas for his son.
- He's a creep. Rich but fortune hunter.
- What did Vlahopoulos say?
- That he agrees.
- The rich with the rich.
- And the woman with man.
Why don't they give me the money
and let them keep their girls.
Son of God. Please listen
to a poor old lady.
Listen to an unfortunate mother.
You who bend under
the weight of our sins.
Take the weight of another sin.
It's not heavy. My son's sin.
Son of God. Befriend us.
Befriend the children of darkness.
- Befriend the brothers.
- Come on. Stop.
- All humanity.
- Everyone in the church.
- There he is! -Who?
- Thanos.
- The shepherd. He's hurt.
- For your sake.
In order to see you for just one
second, he defies the police.
- Even death. - Despina.
- Shut up, Lula.
So Karavida,
whoever blows in the weak side
of generosity
breathes the ashes of ingratitude.
And loses his goats.
- Did you have him arrested?
- Well, Vlahopoulos, no.
- No?
- Not until Monday.
You see everything happen right
in the middle of the resurrection.
There is no special day for
murderers, Karavidas.
Yes, but the poor old lady.
Right away. Throw him in jail.
How is the army, Yangos?
Great uniform.
What a marvelous uniform!
It suits you perfectly.
It's great in the army, Despina.
I only want one thing.
To get over with it as soon
as possible because...
Come on. Come on, Despina.
Get going.
(Priest recites parts
from the Gospel)
Let's go, Katina.
- You take the body of Christ.
- Katina.
In the name of the father, the
son and the holy spirit. Amen.
Come here, Karavida.
Come here, Karavida.
I have some news to tell you.
Some great news.
Let's wait for him down the road.
You and your son will
both be happy.
It's about a matchmaking.
Where is Despina?
Despina, Pericles.
Just wait for one second, Karavida.
I won't be long. I'll bring my daughter.
Patience. I promise
you'll be very happy.
- Let's get going.
- What are you talking about?
- Right down the road.
- Yangos, are you crazy?
We're waiting for Vlahopoulos.
Mr. Karavidas. Sir.
The idiot. The animal.
The deadbeat.
To come here and startle me
and to do it right now.
Dear Christians, please intervene.
Tell him to listen to me
not with his back.
I'm his slave.
If he was in jail,
he wouldn't be here.
- We still have time.
- No.
Wait. Not here.
Look at me. Offer me your gaze.
For Jesus's sake.
Look at him.
Just look at Thanos Zekos.
Look at the thief.
Stand up. Stand up, I said.
- Right in the resurrection.
- I'd have thrown him in jail.
- His poor mother.
- His mother should be forgiven.
I'd never be tempted
by a few goats.
May you be happy with your son,
my boss Mr. Karavidas. Forgive.
May you be happy with your son.
May your dreams come true.
Look at all this misfortune
that falls on my shoulders
that will stay forever with me,
your slave.
May your son be rich
and stay with you
and become as worthy as you.
Get up.
In order to show you that
despite what you've done
I have a good heart.
For Jesus's sake who is
watching us, I won't put you in jail.
Please make my father die.
Make him disappear.
Karavidas! Wait!
Wait. This can't be true.
You can't let him free.
Him! The murderer! Him!
The whore's son?
Creep. Crook. Son of the shrew.
Murderer. Faggot.
You have to throw him in jail.
Right now.
Where's the police?
- Police!
- Shall we go call the police?
Let's go.
Karavidas. You don't
have the right.
Karavidas. Think it over.
Be careful.
For God's sake.
You can't do this
to our society.
To us honest men.
Mr. Vlahopoulos is right.
Let's call the police.
Forgive me Vlahopoulos.
Karavidas keeps his word.
Forgive me. It already happened.
It's gone now.
- He's an Orthodox.
- Jesus has resurrected boss Karavidas.
- He has risen from the dead.
- He's a blasphemer.
He doesn't believe in God.
He's a thief. A murderer. A dog.
- What has he done after all?
- I don't know.
- So you don't want him in jail.
- I can't, Vlahopoulos.
Don't you understand?
But I'll send him away.
I'll throw him outside.
Out there he'll die from hunger.
You'll see.
- The police is coming.
- It's coming.
No, you're crazy! I don't want to.
Well... Listen, Karavidas.
Prick up your ears.
If you are a known gentleman
with property.
Today afternoon, you sent me
a matchmaking.
You sent your snitch, Papadimas.
You want my daughter's dowery.
A dowery like that of course,
only Vlahopoulos can give.
You are from our village.
Vlahopoulos probably
wouldn't refuse.
Listen to me, Karavidas.
After what happened. After this
scandal here in front of everybody.
Vlahopoulos be careful
of what you'll say.
Karavidas, Vlahopoulos, just like you,
always keeps his word.
Here is my son-in-law.
Zacharias Soulas, a scientist.
Let's go.
You will pay for this.
You will pay for this insult.
I swear by Jesus Christ.
In my son's life,
I'll have my revenge.
Where is this damn thief.
Where is the shrew's son.
He will pay too.
Where are you, Yangos?
Where are you? Yangos!
They offended your father.
- I lost my honor.
- Save my son.
Mercy. Thanos! Where is Thanos?
She's at the school. Hurry.
She's crazy.
Tell her to be quick. Her father
will kill her if he finds out.
He'll kill us all. Hurry.
Where? At the school?
There is no-one there.
They are away on vacations.
- What?
- On vacations.
Jesus Christ! Hurry up!
- Shepherd! You know where the
school is? -Sure.
Then run.
Come quickly.
I'm waiting for you.
Come here.
There could be people
passing by.
I have to talk to you, Thanos!
I don't have much time.
I'm in a hurry.
It's yours. Take it.
Take it now and leave, Thanos.
You can sell it.
It's expensive.
It's my engagement present.
Sell it and get out of here.
Travel abroad, to Australia,
wherever you want.
Despina, come quickly.
We have to leave right now.
Please, Thanos! Please!
Take it now.
Quickly, Thanos, I have to go.
Pick it up, shepherd.
Crawl on your belly.
You are great at crawling.
Bring it back to me
right this instant.
- Despina.
- Shut up. I'm coming.
I can't wait any longer.
Let's get out of here.
Get up, Despina.
- Give me my shoes.
- Get up.
The rocks on the street are
waiting for your bare feet.
Get up, Despina. I'm hungry.
Let's go.
Go? Where to? I have to...
You came to bring me this necklace.
You want me to sell it.
But no one will believe that
such an expensive piece of jewelry
belongs to a thieving shepherd
like Thanos Zekos.
They will throw him in jail.
So come with me.
Together we can sell it.
Unless you are only pretending
that you're trying to save me
just to send me to jail.
If you bring salvation,
don't offer only half of it.
Half a good deed, makes the
worst damage. It can eat a person.
Let's leave.
But I can't.
I can't.
The shepherd...
He's killing her! Despina!
Come on, Zacharias.
Get her.
Is that you, Yangos?
Damn it. Go to hell.
- What are you doing?
- Can't you see? I'm waiting.
- For whom?
- Your father, of course.
- Where is he?
- Looking for the lost ones. You.
Come here, Despina. Come at once.
It's not Despina, father.
Come at once.
Despina. Come here I said.
- Who is it?
- Lula. She's...
Lula? It's Lula?
And what about Despina?
Where is Despina?
Only she knows,
but she can't say it.
She doesn't speak. She has a
nervous breakdown. She's mute.
Catch her. Stavros! Kostas!
Get her.
Get her at once.
- She's broken. She needs a sedative.
- Get her my lad, like that.
Sit her down. She must relax.
Where is Despina, damn it?
Iro, bring some water.
- Where did you find her?
- On the street.
- Where?
- In front of the church. Mute!
And Despina?
Damn it! Where is Despina?
Lula, my child. Speak to me.
Where is my daughter?
Talk to me. Don't be afraid.
Where is Despina?
Where is Despina?
- Where is Despina?
- Vlahopoulos!
Unlucky father but rich man.
Listen to me.
Who are you? What do you
want from me at this hour?
Don't get angry Vlahopoulos.
Look at the godsend thing I'm tossing.
My sweet Despina.
What happened to you, my daughter?
Look at her shoe! It's Despina's.
Vlahopoulos! You still have time.
Your daughter is still alive
and untouched.
But this won't last for long.
I advice you not to waste time.
Listen carefully, Vlahopoulos.
Put 3.000 in a bag
and in return you'll learn where
your daughter is and with whom.
Poor rich man.
For just a fragment of your fortune
I offer you your honor.
It's your job to defend her.
Quickly, Vlahopoulos.
In an instant I'll vanish into
the night. Vlahopoulos, pay attention.
Your daughter is with
Katina Zekou's son.
The shepherd.
I can't tell you who drags who
and who's following.
Don't play smart.
Where were you?
You are not even capable
of kneeling down.
Me? An old lady pleading
on your behalf?
- Get up, Katina.
- Who is it? you?
Get up, Katina Zekou.
It's me Haralampos.
Haralampos? But I'm
waiting for Karavidas.
I have to smooth-talk him. My son...
No, Katina. The time
for pleading is over.
The time for mercy is over.
The charity is over.
Get up.
Go back to your shed.
My son. Where is my son?
What did they do
with my son?
A girl offered him her engagement
necklace out of charity.
She told him to sell it and
leave. Escape jail.
- And?
- He doesn't want it. He's stubborn.
He has what he wants. The girl.
And let her world burn to ashes.
- Is she rich?
- She is the one.
What a pleasure!
My son is born.
I'm going to the shop over there.
I have to get some things.
Once you hear the noise throw
the stone to the glass.
No! No, Thanos.
I don't want to.
OK, Thanos. I'll do what you want.
The minute you hear noise.
With all your strength.
- On your knees.
- On your knees, Karavidas.
What's the matter? Have you
gone mad? I'm looking for my son.
Your son is in danger.
He thinks he's still
Vlahopoulos's son-in-law.
- He didn't hear him dishonor you.
- Enough. I'm going to bed.
With the battle uniform and a
dagger in his belt runs after his fiancee
or the dowery,
and the honor that her son
grabbed in front of the church.
I don't believe a single thing.
The battle uniform is missing
from your son's room
and also the dagger and himself.
Apart from the lady,
only I can tell you
where the opponents will
face each other.
Where is Yangos?
Where is my son?
I'm begging you.
My only son. Where is he?
- For God's sake, tell me.
- On your knees.
On your knees.
Lick it.
Lick it, Karavidas.
Don't forget to call me
as soon as possible.
- And inform me on what your father...
- It isn't worth it.
- They mean nothing to me now.
- But it's ridiculous.
Everything can be fixed.
Despina could just possibly...
Get going.
Climb up.
There you are again on the machine.
Ready to go for revenge.
Your machine needs wings.
Thanos is flying in the sky.
All the better.
This way he will fall from higher
into the hell I'm
preparing for him.
It's better to have a poor son-in-law
than a whore for a daughter
and a name that is not fitting
even for the dogs.
You are nothing now. Nothing.
Only bones from a dead carcus,
under the sun.
Keep walking, Despina.
Go on.
From up there where you stand
you shouldn't be afraid of
some little misfortunes.
Walk. You Parthenon.
No. No. Don't hit me anymore.
I'm walking.
I'm walking.
Thanos! You hurt me.
Don't hit me you damn stinky shepherd.
Can't you see I'm walking?
You're saying I hurt you,
you damn whore?
Can't you see I'm hitting you?
A thief!
- Call me a thief.
- Shepherd.
I'm not a shepherd anymore.
I'm not stinky either.
I'm raising the revolutionary flag
I grabbed from your family's treasure.
You stinky goat.
- You!
- Slave!
My plunder in this suitsace.
- Stench!
- Honor raider.
- Beggar!
- I castrate.
Son of a whore!
Thanos, please. Don't start again.
Yes. You are a thief.
The greatest thief! Gangster!
A murderer! I love you!
I love you!
I love you, thief.
I love you, murderer.
I love you, vulture.
I love you, castrator.
I love you, dishonesty.
My family's ashes.
My name's carcus.
"In a few minutes the Easter
sun will rise."
- "A day of love and friendship."
- I love you.
- "Jesus has resurrected."
- I love you.
"Greece has resurrected.
Hooray to the revolution."
Devastator. I love you.
- Don't leave me, love.
- I'm leaving you, love.
Take this.
But why, father?
Why are you doing this, father?
It's a crime.
Why is it a crime you student?
But it's your crops.
One whole year's work.
No, you dentist. Keep this in mind.
These ruined plants are
nothing but our honor,
our own honor.
But it's as good as murder.
They'll put me in jail.
But you are already murdered
and dishonored, Pericles.
And now think. The penalty for
revenge on a matter of honor
is light. We are in Greece.
You'll be out of jail in no time
and you'll keep your head high.
This is your land.
Send her shame away.
For the last time.
If you won't handle this,
I will.
I'll erase you from this world.
I'll erase your mother, your daughter
and finally I'll erase myself.
- Keep quiet.
- Keep it down please.
Jesus has resurrected Mr. Mayor.
Who? The head of the prefecture?
As an example? But of course
I'll follow his orders.
Yes. Thanos Zekos.
He signs his crimes.
If he knows how to write?
But see...
Despina, wait.
It's me, Yangos.
It's Yangos. Stop.
Don't come any closer.
Despina. It's me, Yangos. I've come
to help you. What happened?
Go away and don't look at me.
I've come to help you, Despina.
- I found these shoes.
- Get lost.
Go back where you came from.
- Go to hell.
- What is wrong?
What did they do to you?
What is this mess?
It's none of your business.
I'll survive on my own. Go!
It's this crook's fault, right?
What did he do to you?
Don't you understand?
Despina, I'm here to save you.
Take revenge.
But first of all I want to know
if he.. if he touched you.
- Are you still...
- I'm still alive.
My name's Despina Vlahopoulou.
If I was touched I'd have
commited suicide.
Go away. My family's men
are on their way.
They come to kill that piece of
garbage, that dared to look at me.
No, Despina, I'll go. I'll do it.
Quickly. Tell me where he is.
For the last time, Karavidas,
I order you to go away.
The Vlahopoulos family is coming.
- If you stay here...
- Despina Vlahopoulou.
Yangos Karavidas, your fiancee.
My fiancee?
- Who made you my fiancee?
- Vlahopoulos.
Your father in front of the church.
I've been looking for you ever since.
Lula told me that this slave
this shepherd, Thanos Zekos,
- at the school he...
- Shut up.
Never say this name again
in front of me
until it's fully erased
until my eyes see this sewer
this worm to be stepped on.
To make him dust.
He grabbed me in front of the church.
He made me follow him.
He put his knife on my back.
He brought me to
the school to rape me.
He threw himself on me.
He hit me.
He spinned me. He humiliated me.
Shut up, Despina.
Just tell me where he is.
I'll find him and stab him.
Calm down, fiancee.
Calm down.
Listen to me.
I want to watch him die.
I want to see you punish him.
- My revenger.
- Let's go, Despina.
Stop! Save my son!
Save him! Save my son!
Stop, Vlahopoulos.
What is wrong? Who dares?
On a day like this, a day of
life and resurrection.
I ask from you to save my son
who is in danger.
He's a crook, a thief.
Here in your own village, my priest,
the father went on to kill my son.
She is bad, she's a whore.
Save my son, in the name of
the one you say you represent.
Quiet. Quiet.
I only have spiritual power.
I promise to pray for you.
Pray and repent.
Forgive each other.
Love each other.
For the rest, go to the police.
Look, my family is coming.
My family's men.
Let's go.
Wait here. I'll return
with his eyes in my hand.
- Thanos!
- Slut!
Slut. Whore. Fucking slut!
Don't let them. They must not
go up there. They're armed.
If the shepherd sees them,
he'll kill my son.
Stay calm. Stay calm, Mr Karavidas
My men will be there first.
Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
"Vlahopoulos, the shepherd
took your daughter."
"The king visited some army units"
"and greeted the men"
"who were very enthusiastic."
"Jesus has resurrected,
Greece has resurrected."
Yangos Karavidas.
Can you hear me?
Yangos Karavidas. Don't make the
police's work more difficult.
Come down here.
I order you.
Yangos Karavidas.
Your father is speaking to you.
Listen to him.
Yangos, my son.
You are mistaken.
Despina Vlahopoulou
is not your fiancee.
Yangos, come down.
Come here, Yangos.
Let me untie your hands.
Go back to your father.
Thanos doesn't exist anymore.
Look out, Kyriakos.
Surround him! He's dangerous.
He has learned tricks in Europe.
This Thanos, the European.
Thanos of your dreams,
never existed.
The Germans didn't sent me away.
Shame drove me away,
because I'm illiterate.
I didn't want to sign with a cross
in front of the other workers
one day at the factory.
They thought I was suspicious,
a revolutionary.
A dangerous person.
Yes, yes. Good, good.
Come, Yangos. Take your
knife and your stick.
Leave with your hands free.
Take this, Despina.
Untie your fiancee.
No. I'm coming.
Don't forget your cap, soldier.
Despina whore.
Come on. Come on soldier. Quickly.
Come, my fiancee.
Come, my death.
Quickly please.
Don't let your fiancee waiting.
A parachutist never
leaves death waiting.
Filthy woman. Liar.
- Like this, Yangos.
- Beggar.
- Like this, my dear.
- Pathetic loser.
- This is you at last.
- You are nothing.
- One of my own.
- I'm not afraid of you.
My son, at last.
Despina, be my chief bridesmaid,
chief bridesmaid for his joy.
Today he weds me.
I love you.
If you ask nicely
I'll bury you both in the
same hole. You and your whore.
I missed you, you know.
The boss's son.
From yesterday afternoon
I missed your vile love.
You are my slave.
My dog.
- Beggar.
- Can you hear?
I seduce your sisters.
Your daughters and your fiancees.
I'm the shepherd of trouble.
Stop the slaughter.
Let me do my job.
Go ahead. Continue.
Stop the slaughter.
Run, Haralampos.
Run. Go, Pericles.
Shut up, Vlahopoulos.
Get cover. As you are!
It's nothing. It will pass.
Where you are.
"Instead of helping him
with the surgery"
"he drove him to his death."
Katina gives you her blessing.