Okami Yo Rakujitsu O Kire (The Last Samurai) (1974) Movie Script

A Shochiku production
In Kyoto In 1864, the leaders of the
Shinsen free corps, in favor of the shogun
slaughter a group of
pro-imperial activists.
The leaders of the Shinsen: Kondo Isami,
Okita Soji,
Hijikata Toshizo.
Shinsen: Loyalty
We won!
The Shogunate will have to acknowledge us.
We showed the world
how strong the Shinsengumi is!
It's going to be hot today.
By the way...
It's the Ghion festival.
Shall we go together tonight?
Executive Producer:
Yoyoji Mishima
From a novel by Shotaro Ikenami
Takeo Kunihiro et Kenji Misumi
Cinematography: Masao Kosugi
Art direction: Chiyoo Umeda
Music: Akira Ifukube
Hideki Takahashi
Ken Ogata
Keiko Matsuzaka
Kiwako Taichi
Asao Sano
Chikako Hon'ami
Takahiro Tamura
Shunya Wazaki
Ryutaro Tatsumi
Jiro Sakagami
Teruhiko Saigo
Masaomi Kondo
Director: Kenji Misumi
First part: The wind of destiny
Sorry, Sir.
You drunken bum!
You broke my umbrella!
Well, my umbrella is broken,
and so is yours.
We're even.
Aren't we?
How impudent! Apologize!
Down on your knees!
Stop it!
You low-class
country samurai!
What? You're dead.
That will teach you.
Damn moron!
We'll meet again.
Hold on, Master.
Are you all right?
I'll take you home.
Thank you, I'm almost there.
You are very kind.
I'll carry you.
Listen Sir.
You are really kind.
Sorry to bother you.
At least tell me your name.
- Let's go to the police.
- Won't be necessary.
But 3 samurai were hurt.
Nobody got killed, did they?
Nobody got killed, did they?
But what happened?
You've been drinking?
You've been fighting?
No, I stumbled down.
I don't know who you are, Sir
but I'm very grateful.
I'm going in.
Thank you.
Uncle, aunt,
how are you doing?
My name is Toranosuke.
Sugi Toranosuke!
Of course!
I hadn't recognized you.
My nephew, Toranosuke!
Yes, your nephew is here!
How happy I am!
Come on in.
- He's wet.
- It doesn't matter. Come in.
How many years since last time?
Eight, I think.
Where did you go to?
Almost everywhere, with sensei.
Your sensei is...
the man who saved your life?
Where will you stay?
At your father's?
You should at least go see him.
I don't want to.
I understand,
but he'd be happy to see
the strong fellow you've become.
Wouldn't he?
You look so healthful.
When young, you used to look sickly.
But you're a little
too late coming back.
Your half-brother
inherited the Sugi House.
I didn't come back to
get my inheritance.
Open up!
Your brother is dead!
How did he die?
It can't be.
I saw him a while ago.
Your father?
Coming back home
he fell down in front of the gate.
Come quick!
I came across him in the street.
He pretended he did not
recognize me.
That's so sad.
He really wanted to see you again.
The strength of his will
made you come back here.
Where's Toranosuke?
I don't know.
My darling,
I want Genjiro to be your heir.
I'm only your second wife,
but Toranosuke is sickly.
He'll die before he is 20.
The doctor said so.
Disown him.
And put Genjiro in his place.
I'll think about it.
You always say that.
But you never do anything.
Here lies Sugi Hirauemon
Why did you build his grave here,
and not in the family vault
inside the temple?
You did not even put
his ashes here?
For me, this stone will be his grave.
His ashes don't matter.
I only want to pray for his soul.
It was a near thing, boy.
You wanted to drown and die?
You died once.
And now, you're back to life.
And now,
you're not the same as you were before.
Don't do it again.
Whatever happens,
you must try to live.
You unsderstand?
I want to be your disciple.
I want to be strong.
Look at me!
Don't look around.
Look at me.
Don't stop looking at me.
Breathe and blow
always at the same rythm.
Always at the same rythm.
And keep watching me.
Breathe and watch.
Learning the art of the sword
is difficult.
Build up your body, but
build up your heart too.
Open your eyes
to know who you are
and to know your adversary.
The sword is not used to kill
but to achieve fulflllment
from oneself and from one's opponent.
Good evening.
Don't you want to go back to Edo.
I've taught you for 8 years.
There's nothing more I can teach you.
I don't feel I'm ready yet.
The disciple is better than the master.
You can go without fear.
I found a place for you
to live in Edo.
Take this.
You'll need it.
Don't look so sad.
We'll meet up there later.
Is it so?
You've lived a long time with me.
You know who I am,
and what I do.
Special mission.
When I have completed my mission
I intend to end my life in Edo.
I'll join you there soon.
Who are you?
What do you want?
What happened?
Give me some water.
My name is...
Do come in.
You must undergo treatment.
Come lie down here.
Excuse me.
What's wrong?
I smell of sweat.
It's not a problem.
All night long,
I have been perspiring
I spent the night gambling
not far from here.
But I lost everything.
So I wagered my body.
I lost again.
And as you could see.
The men who were chasing me
wanted to be paid from my body.
But when the moment came,
I wouldn't.
You are to blame though.
Do you gamble often?
No, I never do.
But I really needed money.
Are you hungry?
I was about to cook.
Rice soup
or white rice?
Wait a little.
Do you always
cook your meals?
Yes, I'm used to doing it.
I will help you.
Stay where you are.
Is this an order?
You are...
You live on your own?
Yes, but you have nothing to fear.
So your name is Hide.
Do you need money?
If you wagered your body,
there must have been a reason.
Tell me if I can help.
How much do you need?
Ten ryo.
What for?
For my travel expenses.
I'm going to Kyoto.
I'll give them back to you.
All right.
But where do you live?
Where will you sleep tonight?
Here, if you allow me to.
You don't have to.
You were awake?
Of course.
A swordsman is a light sleeper.
You don't have to.
I'm not asking for anything.
Good grief.
What a surprise!
Lba Hachiro.
Sugi Toranosuke.
Since that night,
I have kept on hoping
I'd see you again.
Thanks for coming.
We have fresh watermelon.
Have some brought here.
She is very beautiful.
She is a distant relative.
Your fiancee?
Well... Not quite...
The other night
I was very impressed by your sword skill.
What style do you practise?
It's an offshoot of the Mugai school.
My teacher based it on the Mugai style.
I wanted to see the classical
Mugal school in Edo,
which is why I came here.
Although your swordsmanship
is based on Mugai style,
it is totally different from
that taught in the dojo.
It's great.
I'd certainly like to have you
give me a private lesson.
Here's the watermelon.
Thank you.
Sugi-san, let's go to the dojo
and practise there.
I'll tell my disciples
to leave us alone.
We'll have the dojo to ourselves.
But Hachiro-sama,
You haven't forgotten
your promise, have you?
Please go ahead.
It's all right with me.
No, it's all right
We're sorry, but...
we were supposed to go to the theatre.
And which is more...
We've already reserved our seats.
Tsuya-san, we'll go some other time.
No, it won't do.
I'm sorry for you,
but you'll have to come back.
All right.
Very well.
Come to the theatre with us, Sugi-san.
It is supposed to be a very good play.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Let's go up.
What a wonderful play!
I'd like to come more often.
It's always nice to see Kinokuniya...
Aizawa Denshichiro!
What 's that?
This is my way of greeting you.
I want to conclude our duel.
All right, but not here.
When you took over the dojo,
you threw me out.
Smart mouth!
Don't interfere.
Stay with Tsuya-san...
Come outside.
I'll borrow him from you.
He is a former member of the
dojo whom Hachiro expelled.
He has good sword skill,
but a bad attitude.
It won't do!
My sword-skill is not as good as yours.
Leave me alone.
I'll take care of him.
You can leave.
He hasn't been feeling
very well lately.
He must not make any efforts.
Don't hold it against him.
Help me carry him.
I'll borrow one of your lounges.
Please do.
Let's go upstairs.
Will he be all right?
Be careful.
don't go near the dojo.
I will show you Shinjo-to style.
I also want to see your Kenpo.
I am serious about
wanting to learn yours.
Is using live blades to practice...
...all right?
With sensei,
I've always learnt with a real sword.
In your style, you let the enemy
come, then you move in for the kill.
Yours is a great style.
I always thought you had to
break the rules to kill people.
But your style enables killing
by following the rules.
A wonderful style.
Is my nephew Toranosuke here?
A travelling monk?
I wanted to take you
to the pleasure district.
And arriving at your place,
through the garden,
I found this monk covered in blood.
Who are you?
Where do you come from?
"Special Mission"!
A woman is waiting for me
at the coaching inn
at Shinagawa pass.
Go there in my place!
Take her to Kyoto,
Ikemoto Mohei's house.
Who's that woman?
Welcome, Sir.
Tea, please
There you are.
Are you the one?
The monk you're waiting
for is dead.
He asked me to take you to Kyoto.
My name is Sugi Toranosuke.
My name is Reiko
Let's hurry.
Thank you very much, Sir.
I must tell you.
The Satsuma clan is looking for me.
Going to the baths is very risky.
They'll see you're not a man.
Well if...
you could stand watch
at the door
While you're bathing?
All right.
I'll go first.
Tell me.
I'm listening.
If you don't mind, please
tell me what is is that
the Satsumas want from you.
And why in Kyoto?
Or, maybe I shouldn't ask you.
Tell me.
Ikemoto-san will tell you.
I see.
No one's following.
Will they try something?
Don't you trust me?
Shut up and keep on walking.
There's a lake down there.
We'll go swimming.
I'll keep watch.
Hey, my friend...
Go on your way
and leave me the girl.
You're mistaken.
This is a man not a woman.
He is my disciple.
We're going to kill you.!
Go down the path.
Yes. Thank you.
English dictionary.
- Good evening.
- 'Evening.
Let me have something to eat.
There you are.
Thank you.
See you soon.
You've just killed some one.
How do you know.
I can see it in your eyes.
Good evening.
is he a friend of yours?
You there! Where do you come from?
Who cares where I come from?
A deserter from the Satsumas?
Come to the Shinsen office.
Why would I?
Not far from here, a shogunal
interpreter was killed.
I want to see your sword.
Oh, you are doing this because
you know I am
Nakamura Hanjiro. Don't you?
What's that got to do with it?
Just because everybody
calls me 'Killer' Hanjiro,
you want to check me out.
We don't care who you are,
just come with us!
If you think you can,
try and catch me.
But watch out,
I'm very mean.
Got it?
You want to be taught a lesson?
What strength!
What are you waiting for? Get him!
They won't get him.
- What?
- He's too good.
I don't think that they can
handle him, he's too clever.
Come on, kids!
Too soft, too soft!
The way your clothes are,
everyone will notice you.
I will fix them for you.
Want me to?
Come in.
Come on in.
You don't want to?
You're beautiful.
I love women
with chubby faces like yours.
You're speaking to a nun.
I don't care.
Nuns are women too.
I like you.
I feel like eating you up.
Let's have fun.
Some time ago,
I was married.
With a samurai from the Yodo clan.
But he died.
Thus I decided to end
my life in this temple,
praying for his soul.
though I've become a nun
I'm still a woman.
How was I?
Tell me, beauty.
I feel like doing it again.
I do like you.
This is paradise.
Kyoto Residency of the Satsuma clan.
Who is he?
Some shogunate spy
we arrested.
Where is Ikemoto Mohei?
Where is he hiding?
You should
take it easy or he'll die!
Let him rest and kill him later!
It's none of your business.
Potato Head
Yes, you'd better shut up, Potato Head.
Keep your nose out of our business!
Maybe I did come from
a poor farm family,
where we had to eat
potatoes all the time,
and I pass wind all the time
So what?
...I don't go around kissing the
leader's butt like you do!
- Stop it.
- You fool!
You think you're better than
me because of your high rank!
I'll show you the difference between
our Kenpo and the official swordsmanship!
You fools!
Sensei hasn't sent word yet?
Why do you always stay inside?
You'll get bored if you
stay inside all the time.
A small coin, please.
Special mission.
Gyoshi Bridge... In Amasakaya.
Thank you very much.
I am Toranosuke.
Shimogamo sanctuary.
Two gong bells.
I heard from the
sweet sake salesman.
The vagrants, under Mikage bridge.
Who are you?
You've got no business here.
Get the hell off.
I am Sugi Toranosuke.
Oh, you look great!
You are wounded?
A little bit
but it's nothing.
You never fought anyone when
we were training together.
The world is getting worse.
Everybody is killing each other.
Thanks for escorting Reiko.
I made you take risks.
What do you think of her?
I wanted you to meet her.
Let's change subjects.
I was walting for you In Edo.
Weren't you supposed to come?
I have a lot to do here, in Kyoto.
I couldn't leave.
But you must go back to Edo.
Because soon there
will be fighting here.
I want you to go back to Edo.
You must live
for a new era to be born.
I won't leave you here.
Don't worry about me.
My way of living is
influenced by Tokugawa.
But yours is different.
I was born into a samurai family
but our standards are changing!
We have to do something about it!
I won't leave.
I was expecting this.
That's what I like about you,
that hot-blooded passion.
That new era you're speaking of,
what is it exactly?
Will Satsuma and Choshu replace
the Tokugawa?
They might.
They might not.
That's why I want you to live.
That way you'll be able to see
if the times are really going to change.
All right?
Saccho and Tokugawa,
Sanno and Sabaku,
Kaiko and Gyoji.
They are fighting against each
other in the same country.
It doesn't make sense, does it?
But Sensei...
you say you'll serve the Tokugawa
until the end.
I know
But risking my life
made me finally find out how foolish
it is to fight against each other.
But understanding certain things
when you live in this world
does not always give you the right
to avoid them even if you want to.
Things we can't avoid?
That's right.
Do you understand?
But this has nothing to do with you.
I don't want you to get
involved, and end up like me.
- So, I want you to go back to Edo.
- No!
Even Reiko is fighting for you.
Sensei, please...
Please let me stay here with you
and allow me the chance to use
what you taught me for the Tokugawa!
You have nothing to do
with the Tokugawa!
I didn't teach you to use the sword
for fighting and to see you die!
You are free to live
anywhere you like,
You have no duty to anyone.
So don't waste your life!
You have to hurry away from here!
There is going to be danger.
I am fine.
Toranosuke, make
sure you go back to Edo.
Why are you in Kyoto?
Let me tell you the truth.
The Tokugawa are falling apart.
They were attacked by some
members of the Chugoku Clan
when they were sent to
Choshu by the government.
Tokugawa sent men unskilled
in swordsmanship,
They're not good samurai.
While, in the South, Choshu Clan
sent good
swordsmen and strong farmers.
But the Mimawari free corps
I came to Tokyo with
is not like the Shinsen's.
They are true samurai.
They will outwit the enemy,
and win many battles.
We could beat Choshu.
But the Choshu Clan was trained in
Western weapons and tactics.
They also have more guns
than the Shogunate.
Can you win?
I don't know, but we have to try our best.
For the Tokugawa.
Is that so?
Very well, I will stay here In
because you're here.
That's a good idea, you do that.
I will prepare a place for you to stay.
We still have time before Kyoto
becomes a fighting ground.
Now, let's go have something to drink,
just like the good old days.
The Shinsengumi is here!
Are you a member of the
Mimawari Patrol Group?
Yes, I am. So what?
What kind of answer is that?
I don't like the way you responded!
Don't you go acting stuck up
just because you're a Mimawari!
Let the Shinsengumi take care of Kyoto,
and you should mind your own
business and go back to Edo!
Are you ignoring us?
Hey, wait a minute!
Say something!
I'm not going to let you fight
in a personal quarrel.
If Kondo-san hears of this
have your head cut off!
Please forgive us.
Everybody is so nervous lately.
From Shinsengumi, I'm Okita Soji.
I've heard of you.
Mimawari Patrol, lba Hachiro.
Oh, yes... You're the man
from Shinryo Street.
And you?
Sugi Toranosuke.
I'm just a ronin.
Are you Sugi Toranosuke?
Yes, I am.
Here is 10 ryo for you.
The nun Oshuni asked me to find
you and give it to you.
I finally found you.
Oshuni? A nun?
She was formerly Ohide. In Edo.
Oh, I know her.
She became a nun.
Oh, I'm sorry. From Satsuma,
Nakamura Hanjiro is my name.
I've already given you the 10 ryo.
Everybody, let's go get a drink!
I have enough money!
Let's get acquainted.
It's great! I like an invitation
to drink sake any time!
How do you know Ohide-san?
She is my sweetheart.
What happened between you
and her back in Edo?
I can't believe it.
She's been too excited
about seeing you.
Something happened!
I want to know.
Yes, come on tell us.
Okita-san, please, here is the sake.
No, no. He wants Osae
to pour the sake.
Hey, stop that!
Please send in Osae.
Yes, I will.
Fool! There's nothing
between us.
- It's the truth.
- Oh, you're blushing!
He's happy just looking
at Osae's face from afar.
He is shy!
That's no good.
Women don't like that.
A man has to use force
to control a woman,
In my hometown,
if you have a woman
you must sneak into her room at night.
But, in the morning if her father finds
out... He'll chase you out the door!
it's so far away from here.
Okita-san, where are you from?
Oshu Province, Shirakawa Town.
Up north in the mountains.
There was a lot of snow and as kids our
hands were always getting frost-bite.
I wonder... how many years
has it been since I left?
Everybody, let's go to Satsuma!
It is all countryside,
but from my place.
We can see Sakura-jima Island.
It's a beautiful sight.
The sun shines like a rainbow.
Sakura-jima is wonderful!
There's no other place like it.
That sounds very interesting.
Let's go there together someday!
Let's do that!
Okay, let's go!
Did Sugi spend 10 ryo for that
That sounds like something
Sugi-dono would do.
Yes, he is a very nice guy.
I'm beginning to like him.
Oh, I thought you were
fond of Saigo-san.
Saigo-san is a different case.
He has a big heart.
He will talk with anybody and
listen to see who's right.
But if it's wrong,
he won't listen, or agree.
He thinks of the country's future.
Saigo-san is the best and
only one in Satsuma!
I understand that.
When you start talking about
Saigo-san, you never stop.
When the night is still young,
let's have some fun.
Sorry! But will you please go
back to your place tonight.
Why is that?
Today is the anniversary
of my husband's death.
I like you,
But I liked my husband too
and I vowed to
respect him forever.
At each anniversary.
All right.
Tonight, I'll go home.
But please...
give me a chance to be as important
to you as your husband was.
Hanjiro-san! Saigo-san is back!
We just want to say
"Welcome back" to Saigo-san.
Shut up!
You, a nobody
You, a simple bumpkin,
You hope Saigo will see you?
Don't you realize that Saigo-san
is in a high position, higher than any
of the State ministers?
You might have met Saigo-san before,
but he's probably forgotten
about you already.
You don't know!
What are you going to do if
Saigo-san still remembers me,
and says he wants to see me?
What are you talking about?
Stupid idiots!
Just wait and see!
Even Saigo-san has to pee some time.
Oh... You are...
...Nakamura Hanjiro, right?
Thank you, sir!
Saigo-san! Welcome back!
We were all...
We were waiting for your return!
Hanjiro. Come over here
out of the dirt yard.
Is that right?
You know...
I met your mother back home.
You saw my mother?
She was fine and healthy.
She made me a meal with
rice and potato.
It was very good.
She was worried about you.
So I told her
I want you to work for me so
you have a bright future.
I will depend on you,
and your hard work.
She was reassured.
Try your best.
I'm counting on you.
Yes! Saigo-san!
It's alright
It's alright. Okay, okay.
Is he still in Kyoto?
He is staying with the
Mimawari Patrol Group.
Iba Hachiro spends
every day with him.
I see. Every day?
I see.
They must get along very well.
Bu why did you try to find out
about him? I didn't ask you to.
Well, Ikemoto-sama, I know
you're worried about Sugi-san.
It's nice.
But it's dangerous for you
to be around the Satsuma Clan.
Forgive me.
By the way, Reiko...
Actually, you too
you are worried about Sugi.
No, I'm not. Not at all.
You're sure?
Well, that's all right.
I'll wrlte
and tell him to go back to Edo.
You'll take him the letter.
Yes, sir.
Ikemoto-sama sent this.
"I want you to live in this world..."
to tell about our death
to the new generation
"You don't need money,
fortune, or fame..."
"I want you to have a wlfe and
children for your future."
"So that our memory passes on
to the next generations."
I received some harsh words from
for what I did.
Because I was trying to find out
about you and lba.
Sensei didn't tell you to?
No, I decided on my own.
Why is that?
I'm sorry.
You don't have to be sorry.
What does Ikemoto-sama's letter say?
He had harsh words for me as well,
because I'm still in Kyoto.
I see.
Me, too. He told me to
go back to Edo.
I will go back to Edo.
Oh, you're very agreeable.
My father was a spy investigating
the Sasuma clan.
But he was killed.
So I asked Ikemoto-san
to find a job for me. A job as my father's.
I understand now.
But I must stop.
I'll only be a burden
to Ikemoto-sama.
The situation is getting worse?
Sensei will be in danger.
Where is he now?
Reiko-san, I'm sure you know.
Tell me.
I don't know!
You're lying!
Did Sensei order you not to tell me?
I won't make any trouble,
so please tell me!
Please go back to Edo
as he ordered you to.
I am a samurai!
I can protect Sensei!
No, I can't tell you!
Please understand how
worried I am about Sensei!
Pardon me.
I lost control.
He is not only my teacher,
but more like a father to me.
I want to see him once more.
I won't go back
to Edo until then.
- Get ready! We can catch him this time!
- Good.
Go and don't worry!
We will come along later.
Take this.
"The Satsuma Clan will not be
joining the Choshu..."
"we're pulling out of the fight."
That's Saigo Takamori's signature.
But it's strange.
All our spies say
that it is impossible
for the Satsuma clan
not to join in the fighting.
Maybe this letter is a fake.
- Sensei!
Who did this?
You have to go back to Edo.
The both of you.
...don't try
...to avenge my death.
We got them!
I would have liked to eat...
Edo sashimis.
Alzu, who remained loyal to the Shogun
is defeated by the Southern clans.
Mimawari Patrol guard.
Shinsen Patrol Guard.
To Edo
Prince Arisugawa,
Commander of the imperial forces.
To Edo
To Edo
Kondo Isami
Hijikata Toshizo
Okita Soji
To Edo
Let's go!
Tokugawa Yoshlnobu,
the last Shogun.
Here lies Sugi Hirauemon
Here lies Ikemoto Mohei
Thanks. How come no baby yet?
Oh, my!
I didn't have any news.
Once married, a man
forgets his friends.
What are you talking about?
Come inside.
I know that you were ill.
How are you now?
What? Look at me, I'm fine.
By the way, I am going
to join the army.
As you may know,
All survivors from Fushimi
will get together
and go fight the Tobaku Clan.
We will begin the campaign
tomorrow at Mt. Ueno.
If we are unlucky, that will be
our final resting place.
I'm here to say good-bye.
why do you have to go?
Forget it.
You're not healthy enough yet.
Don't worry.
I'm fine now.
You have to think twice.
Shogun Yoshinobu has left Edo,
and will be going down to Mito
now that the war has ended!
You said you want to disappear
with the old way of life.
The duty you refer to...
Didn't you fulfill it at Toba-Fumishi?
That's right.
But we still have high
ranking officers left.
Aizu and all the northern clans
are preparing to attack
the imperial army.
The war is not lost yet.
You are a very nice guy...
...don't be a fool!
Why do you want to die?
Our duty has changed.
We must prepare the future.
Of course.
I would like to live as you do.
I envy you.
I am a Tokugawa Samurai.
If we don't try our best
people will say that
Tokugawa lost because we
gave up too easily.
We must fight with every
bit of strength left. And die fighting.
We will give the world
a lesson in loyalty.
I have nothing good to eat
but please try this.
The soldiers of the imperial
army are the best.
Shall we have more sak.
Everywhere we go, we're invited.
Give me back my husband!
Give him back to me!
She's crazy!
Looks like it.
Give me back my husband!
My husband...
Give him back.
My husband!
It's getting dark,
so I brought you a lantern.
I will make some soft rice.
This cat...
and I share the same destiny.
Not long ago he was very
playful with me,
but now he only
wants to get away.
I must catch my destiny again.
I will catch him...
One more time...
He's running away.
Haven't I seen you somewhere?
Wait! I said wait!
Yes, I know you from somewhere...
You were at Toba-Fushimi!
Okita-san, I saw it!
At Itabashi no Kashinzuka,
Kondo-sensei's head is
on public display.
The last men flghtlng
for the Shogun
are destroyed at Uno,
on july 1868.
Oh, you're still here!
I thought you went to flght
with the others at Ueno.
They said the battle was
terrible at Ueno.
Many finally deserted
and some betrayed.
A real disaster.
Whatever happened to
the hatamoto at Edo?
The world of the samurai is dead.
Do they still have any men left?
They are finished.
Except a few places that still resist.
By the way, Hanjiro,
you are not a foot soldier any more.
Yoou are an officer.
This is not the modern
way of fighting.
Officers don't expose themselves
on the front lines as you do.
They stay in the offices.
Saigo-san, it's not my style to
sit behind a desk.
I'd rather be a warrior.
What will we do with you?
You'll follow Hanjiro's orders.
His orders?
That's it.
Ueno survivors are
hiding in Edo.
You must organize special
squads to capture them.
you will in charge of them.
You'll do well.
Don't worry.
Hachiro most certainly escaped.
Squads are looking for the survivors.
I heard all the wounded men
were taken to Yanaka's graveyard.
Let's go there and find out.
Thank you.
Can you serve me some tea?
You brute!
Get her!
Can you see me, Reiko?
Don't move!
Are you in pain?
No, I'm fine.
It's my fault.
I left you alone.
I was not cautious enough.
The doctor came.
And my uncle has stayed with
you all this time.
Thank you very much.
You must be very hungry.
You slept for three days.
It's good.
You will be fine.
I made turtle soup.
It will make you feel better.
Let's warm it up for you.
It's good to know that
you want to eat
I have to show you
how to prepare her medication.
I hate to tell you this.
It will be difficult.
I fear that...
before tomorrow...
I'm sorry!
Are you thirsty?
I am sorry.
What are you saying?
When I was lost in my dreams,
I looked for
things to tell you.
But finally,
I couldn't come up with anything.
We were only married
for a short time,
but it seems as if
we've been together
for thirty years.
Or even forty.
That's what I feel.
help me sit up.
You mustn't.
Please, help me sit up.
The windows...
Open them so that I can see the garden.
No you mustn't.
You'd catch cold.
It's all right.
You can let go.
Open it wider, I want
to see everything.
Oh, such a nice breeze...
Are you all right?
I wanted to see this garden
where I lived...
with you.
I was happy.
So happy.
They've got the murderer.
Take him away!
Who are you?
Your arm looks very bad.
The gangrene will kill you.
I'll take care of you.
You see what I mean?
Do what's best.
Stretch out your arm.
What is it?
This man is the landlord.
I'm Satsuma's Nakamura Hanjiro.
Was this man in the
house all the time?
This man
has been sick in
bed for a long time.
Pour un malade, il sortait souvent.
He is the one we were looking for.
He killed many men of mine.
When he realized that he would
be caught, he committed seppuku.
He is Shinsengumi's Okita Soji.
He was a fearsome warrior.
No wonder he killed so many.
Very well, we don't have to look
any further for his killer.
Let's go!
Hey you, landlord!
Did you give this man
lodgings not knowing he was
a Shinsengumi member?
If you dldn't know about hlm,
we'll let you go free.
Just lay him to rest peacefully.
Yes, sir! I will do that!
All right. Let it be this way!
It was so good.
You ate well.
You've got no fever any more.
In two days'time, you'll be all right.
You saved my life.
Thank you.
I can say this now...
I felt so sorry for myself for awhile,
thinking I would die
in this seedy hut.
Well, I can go back to work now.
No way.
You won't do this.
I'll take you back to Tsuya-san.
You have to start your
new life with her.
May be...
You're right.
Of course.
The samurai lifestyle of killing
each other with swords is over!
My sword
has killed many to avenge Reiko.
And to sac
And to save you,
I used it to cut off your arm.
I've thought about it a lot.
I shouldn't use this sword
to kill anyone ever again for
any kind of reason!
Satsuma's Hanjiro,
You, Tokugawa's lba
and Shinsengumi's Okita
Individually, each of you is a good person,
but you wound up fighting
against each other.
What made you do that?
Why couldn't you stop that?
It's true.
If instead of being born
in a samurai family.
I was born in a doctor's
or a farmer's family,
my life would've been different.
I will bring you water.
you have to be reborn!
You understand?
Towards Hakodate
Enomoto Takeakl,
chief-admiral of the Shogun's navy
rfound refuge in the North
with his ships in november 1868.
Someone came to tell me that Hachiro...
had joined the Shogun's fleet
at Hakodate,
and that he died
with the last Shogun's soldiers.
When did he die?
In the morning...
of the 12th of may.
That's over six months ago.
That morning
...as he bent over...
...to wash his face...
gunfire was heard...
and he was found there,
his body lying on the ground.
he never got up any more.
It was a lost bullet.
I was told that
it went through his throat
and killed him,
as if someone had aimed.
I was also told
That Hachiro had only one arm
when he was in Hakodate.
Even if...
he didn't have his two arms,
I would have liked him...
to come back alive.
During these troubled times,
I've lost many good friends
And now,
my best friend Hachiro-San too
The age of fighting with swords
is really over.
And will never come back, I hope!
A new age...
has already started.
For Hachiro-san's sake
you must continue living.
Me too,
I'll try my best to go on living.
Tokyo 1873
Army Captain
Kirino Toshiaki
Hey you!
Taking a leak
in the street is forbidden.
You again!
You know you're not allowed
to do this.
How many times do I
have to tell you?
I'm sorry.
I can't stop now because
I've already started.
"After watering the tree,
he goes back to his love."
He's gone.
Call that woman.
I have to speak to her.
Hurry up! Stupid!
It's an order.
Just a momen lady!
Wait for me!
Captain Kirino wants to speak to you.
I don't know him.
I'm Hanjiro! Oshuni-san!
Hide! Oshuni-san!
People today do not know
how to handle a geisha.
They behave like brutes.
Like country people
from the soouthern clans.
I miss the old days of Edo.
People were elegant and had taste.
They knew how to have good fun
with a Geisha
I'm going to the barber's.
To have my moustache trimmed.
Hanjiro-san, is that you?
What a nice moustache!
I didn't recognize you.
I'm now Kirino Toshiaki,
an Army captain.
And a Court Martial Judge.
Oh, what a great promotion!
Please have a seat.
I pass by here all the time,
and I always wanted to come in.
But I did not know it was your place.
But since I know you, I can't
let you shave my mustache.
No, it's alright.
This is my job now.
All right, I'll have a seat.
Today is a strange day.
This morning, I ran into the nun.
You had not seen her
since those days in Kyoto?
No. She had a new hair-style
and was beautifully dressed.
I'm glad she survived
to the chaos.
That's right.
I will see her tonight.
Why don't you come with me?
Oshuni-san will be happy to see you.
I see. That's why you want to
trim your mustache.
Yes, kind of.
You know, hair cutting is a
modern business now,
but to me a barber is still a barber.
Excuse-me to say so but, in fact,
You could have some other
way to become successful
if you let me help you.
Thank you but
I don't want to be successful.
Why not?
Since the government subsidized
getting rid of the samurai hair-style,
everybody is now equal.
So I want to forget my
former life as a samurai.
I see all sorts of people.
I started a new life.
Is that so?
The samurai have disappeared
but politics has not changed.
They didn't change anything to
make it a better world.
Oh, what harsh words.
Very good!
I asked Sugi-dono to come with me,
but he's busy tonight.
I'm happy to hear he is alive.
I was surprised to learn that he
now owns a barbershop.
What are you doing now?
Are you married?
Tell me.
Hey! Do you stlll thlnk
of me like you used to?
You know, I'm still the same man.
No, you've changed.
Have I?
Why do you say that?
Tell me.
It's your moustache.
My moustache?
Of course, it shows
that you are successful.
I understand why you wear one
but I fear that you pride
will drive you to make mistakes.
Sugi-san just told me the same thing.
It's strange, all right.
But don't let my words
worry you.
I only want you to be careful.
You are right.
But let's drink tonight.
Just the two of us.
As in the old days.
Oh, it smells so nice.
Is that perfume?
Yes, it's made in France.
I'll give you some next time.
I'd like that.
Are you ready?
Just a moment!
Do I have to get all
my hair cut off?
No, you don't have to,
but most people do so.
I have had this way
since I was a child.
My wife said she would leave me
if I didn't have my hair cut.
How will you cut my hair?
Well, first I'll shorten the sides
and leave it long at the back,
then bring hair from the side to
cover the front bald spot.
I will look awful.
Now, when the wind blows
everyone will see my shaved spot!
Yes, it will take time to
grow in like mine.
Anyway, 25 sen is too much!
No, yours will cost 38 sen.
I'll come back later,
after I talk to my family.
I'll look like I'm wearing a
bird's nest on my head!
Thank you very much.
You haven't changed a bit.
It's been a long time.
I hear about you all the
time from Kirino-san.
I'm ashamed tosay
I'm still living as I did before.
- Come on in.
- No, it's fine here.
I just wanted to...
see your face.
Actually, in a few weeks,
I'll be going to England.
You're lucky.
I'd like to go abroad.
When do you plan on returning?
I may not.
I see.
Well, I'll make you some tea.
Have a seat.
I'll go!
Special edition!
I never forgot the taste of
that rice soup.
You gave me so long ago.
There it is.
Ministre Saigo to quit!
He will stop being a minister.
That means...
Hanjiro-san will, too.
Sugi-dono! It's Kirino!
What's going on so late at night?
I'll be going back Satsuma
with Saigo.
The world has turned upside down.
We always followed Saigo-san,
believing he was right.
Yes but...
The new civilian government
does what the westerners want.
They're not as daring as Saigo.
When I go back to Satsume,
I'll teach.
But everything is not over.
I'll come back to Tokyo.
But, for now, I will
shave my mustache,
and go back to being a farmer.
Will you shave off my mustache?
I smell nice, don't I?
It's expensive perfume, isn't it?
It's made in France.
Oshuni-san sent it to me the other day.
She put a note inside.
She's going to England.
She came here to tell me, too.
Is that so?
I just met you gain,
you and Oshuni-san.
And our ways must part already.
- Toranosuke.
- Uncle.
Here's a man who says
he was in Kyoto with Satsuma the same
time as you, so I brought him here
Hayakawa Esuke is my name.
I have not known your uncle for long.
- We met...
- At the bathhouse.
It does not matter.
- Will you have a shave while we talk?
- No, no, I can't. I'm still on duty.
It's all right because you have nothing
to do but sit around and chat with us.
Will you have tea?
Thank you.
You must have killed many
people during the war.
Please tell me about it.
I will have something to tell
my geishas who love heroes stories.
Well... I often met tough
but the toughest
was the Tokugawa spy.
Really? That's interesting.
At the tlme, men of both Tokugawa
and Satsuma men were spying each other.
They were In Kyoto In large
numbers back then.
But the samurai I killed
was not an ordinary one.
He was the Top General of
the Tokugawa Clan in Kyoto.
Did you say 'Top General'?
How old was he?
All I know is that he had grey hair.
Where was it?
In an alley,
near Shirikawa brige.
Did you kill the man yourself?
Yes, of course.
It only took one cut.
Tea is getting cold.
Are you crazy?
Your swordsmanship is very poor.
You couldn't have killed him.
You knew that spy?
When I got back to hlm,
he was dying.
The man who killed him
had to be very good.
Were you really there?
To tell the truth...
when I got there,
it was over.
But I'm sure that Kirino-san
knows more about it.
Was he there with you?
When I found him in the alley.
He was wounded.
I wanted to help hlm back
to the Satsume House
and while I was helping him,
I notlced that spy,
lying on the ground.
So... Kirino-san killed him?
I don't know
if Kirino killed him.
You should ask him.
It is you!
How did you find me?
Someone showed me the way.
Is it so?
But why are you here?
I wanted to ask you about something.
Oh, you came all the way from Tokyo?
It must be important.
Come with me.
Seven years ago...
Did you kill a man named
Ikemoto Mohei?
I killed so many people,
I can't remember all of them.
In Kyoto, on Shirakawa Street
the night of September 13.
You attacked Tokugawa spies.
Have this.
A grey-haired man
in ordinary clothes.
Yes! I remember!
He was a very good swordsman,
how could I forget him?
Did you kill him?
Yes, I killed him.
he got me too.
He appeared suddenly in front of him.
He wounded me,
I still have the scar.
Why are you talking about him?
you killed my father.
was more
than a father to me!
do the people of Edo still hold
a grudge against us?
A grudge?
You killed many people
during those times too...
- We're even.
- No!
I only killed for justice.
But you killed without any reason
when the Satsuma told you to.
I understand what you're trying to say,
But Saigo-san is preparing
an attack on Tokyo.
We'll take over the government.
So I have no time for
your revenge game!
You're still living in the old world!
The new government
is stronger than you think!
If you try to do that,
you'll be finished!
If Saigo-san is on our side,
we can do it!
Saigo-san won't do it anyway!
I will make him do it!
He is a big fool if he listens to you!
Say that again!
Saigo-san is a big old fool!
He's finished.
You called Saigo-san a fool!
I can't forgive you!
Saigo-san and you are both fools!
Why didn't you kill me?
You could have done it.
You were better.
Before he died,
Ikemoto-Sensei forbade me
to avenge his death.
I finally understood.
When I was about to kill you.
You're not my enemy, Kirino-san
The power of the Satsuma clan
killed Sensei.
I will go back to Tokyo.
Sometimes we can't
avoid something,
even if we want to.
These are Ikomoto-sensei's words
You're going to attack Tokyo
and I can't stop you.
You know...
You are a very good man.
Let's meet up in Tokyo.
Wait for me there.
Your sword!
I threw it away.
Seinan War, in Kagoshima, 1877
Big news.
War against Satsuma is over.
Saigo Takamori
committed Suicide.
Kirino Toshiaki died at war.
by cinephage from various sources