Oke Oka Jeevitham (2022) Movie Script

[classic Telugu song playing on radio]
- Come on, come on, come on!
- Hello!
Sir, you just hit my car!
Hey, start the car.
Hey, start the car!
- All okay?
- Yeah! I'm just reconfirming it.
Michael, is everything in order?
We've tested the machine
a lot of times...
but testing the machine with you
in the experiment...
I'm a little scared.
The resolution to all our problems
lies in this experiment.
Everything will be alright, Paul.
Let's start!
[Paul] Mike are you okay?
I'm going to the 2nd level.
And... now!
Yes! Yeah.
Michael, we did it!
[radio] Hello, Hyderabad! Good morning!
This is RJ Gautham.
Once we wake up in the morning...
we may have checked the climate
and the weather
and would've got ready for work
appreciating it.
Only when we step out
you face the reality.
A friend of mine cribbed to me...
"Dude, I'm having a bad day.
Seems like things are not in my favor."
So, the topic we're going to
discuss today is, Time!
Today time is not favoring me.
Today my time is really good.
Everything is going in a sync.
But today it's off sync and I'm doomed.
Something or the other
keeps bothering people.
And we end up thinking about it
And we all know
that our deeds from the past...
has a direct effect on our future.
To discuss about time we have
a guest on our show...
the famous astrologer,
Phanindra Sharma.
Sir, Namaste, sir.
Welcome to our show.
Sir, please explain.
Do the deeds from our past...
affect our present and the future?
[Astrologer] That was a great question.
Let me explain.
People have a misconception about, Time.
But time is relative.
- Past, present and future...
- Hey!
- is all fiction.
- You're getting a call.
- It's 'cause...
- You're getting a call.
- life is a circle.
- Hey, you're getting a call!
Finally, the phone came to me!
Life is similar to it.
Everyone believes
birth is the beginning of life.
- But I don't subscribe to that belief.
- Hello!
[man on phone] Hey, broker.
How long should I call you?
Where are you?
Since 10:00 a.m. I'm waiting at the site.
Are you coming or not?
Hello? Hello?
Hey, broker, are you there?
Sir-sir, I'm in the cab. On the way.
You sound like you just woke up.
If you're in the cab
how come I don't hear the traffic?
Sir, hold on for a minute.
Driver, please roll down the windows.
- Did you hear it, sir?
- Yeah, I heard it.
Earlier I didn't hear though.
Sir, the AC was on so the driver had
rolled up the windows.
Hey, driver switch off the AC.
Okay! Hey, broker...
Actually, you should be waiting for me.
Instead, I'm waiting for you.
Get over here soon!
Damn it, I'm fed up of people
calling me a broker.
I have a name and it's Seenu!
Always address me as a broker.
Hey, broker! Whisper.
Can't you see I'm sleeping?
Hey, I can't see your disgusting face
early in the morning.
You better get off from my face.
Dude, I believe you asked me
to wake you up at 10:00 a.m. right?
That's right I believe it's time now.
It's 11:10 a.m. now.
Oh, damn,
why did I look at your face?
Shit! Bloody, idiot!
I asked you to do one thing
and you can't do that too.
You're hopeless!
I can't wake up myself
and you expect me to wake you up.
What is this?
Oh, this is the matter.
- What's the count now?
- Which one?
This girl. Are you going to get her
or lose this one too?
I have no idea.
I'll first meet her then let you know.
How many more are you
planning to meet?
Is there no end to it?
Poor girls I wonder what pleases you.
I ought to beat you.
How does it matter?
You have a cousin waiting for you.
And that fellow has a girlfriend.
Who do I have?
There's no women in my office.
What about Shailaja in your office?
She put on 3 kgs.
3kgs? Did you lift her or what?
- Mom, yes mom. Tell me, mom.
- [Mom] Where are you?
That girl's family has been
waiting for you.
- Get here soon.
- I'll be there soon.
- I'm in the cab.
- He's on his way in the cab.
- Hey, are you really in the cab?
- Mom, I am...
- Driver!
- Tell me, sir.
Can you please roll down the windows?
Front widows or the side windows, sir?
We never change do we?
- Yet to see boys only.
- Oh, God!
Is he still sleeping?
[Chaitu] Hey, Aadhi, wake up!
- Good morning!
- What are you doing over here?
- Congrats!
- What is this?
Voice of Nation singing competition...
is taking place for the first time
all over India.
In Hyderabad, I'm organizing the event.
Guess what?
You've been selected in the 1st round.
They've called you for an audition
for the 2nd level.
What are you looking at?
I sent your cassette to them.
Who gave you the permission to apply?
Whose permission do I need, Aadhi?
Vaish, I'm not ready yet.
How long do you plan to just sing
sitting inside your room?
This is a TV show created to gain TRP.
It won't suit me.
First, you stop lying and agree
that you're scared.
You're scared of performing
in front of the crowd.
Aadhi, if you try you can overcome
your stage fear.
Everyone should know
that you are talented.
And your music--
You're doing it. Understood?
I wanna go mom...
But I don't have the confidence
to do so or not.
I don't know what to do.
For the past twenty years
whatever I told you...
you've heard me out with a smile.
I believe that you've been listening
to whatever I say.
Erm... okay!
Track name: Always the same!
Two, three, four...
Know that time is running out
[Dad] Inform me in prior if you're not
going to come home in the night.
Listen, I spoke to my colleague
about your job.
Make sure you do it right
this time and settle down in life.
Ready: One, Two, Three, Four!
Know that time is running out
Our life has stopped at one place
Like running on a treadmill
Will life rise and fall
On a bumpy road?
Ehh, go today, have fun
Unheeded call of heart
Unexpectedly left behind?
Can it be changed?
Is there another way?
Where is my future bride
Who stole my heart?
Even though it's over
- This girl?
- She's short.
- And this?
- Eyes are not good.
What about this girl?
Can't you find a decent match for me?
Look at this girl.
Lakshmi... please come out.
She's coming out.
My daughter is not into men.
Mom, this picture and that girl
don't match.
I think they feel the same too.
Look over there.
- Is this the same guy from the picture?
- Show me!
With a silent harp
Dumb tune
Who is here?
When does it ring?
A star in the sky slid across her face
Sing today?
Is it strong in your heart?
There is no blessing
And the pain cannot be relieved?
Facing fear and succeeding
Mind removed today?
Fully furnished house, sir.
I hope there's no scarcity of water.
Sir, this area used to be a lake once.
There's no scarcity.
Is it so? Who told you?
The broker said so!
But my friend said
the groundwater is less in that area.
Are you sure about the water supply?
If we prick with a needle
will we get water too?
Brother, I feel something is wrong with it.
I too feel that something's wrong.
Uncle, "I" should not be in the word.
- Mom, they've printed Toilet for To-let.
- 500 copies ready, sir.
- Escape!
- Hey...
It's been a week since Lakshmi called me.
She has time for tik-tok and reels
but has no time to call me.
You tell me what is this tik-tok?
- ask Lakshmi to call me.
- Brother...
I've done it.
Tear that 10th fail from that poster.
But there's another poster under it.
Life is unfair.
There is no trace
For so many years
Never seen it so close
Those are good moments
Is joining not possible?
As such a day was not there today?
Why are you so obsessed with cleaning?
What else is good?
If we keep our place clean...
our thoughts will be clean too.
Yeah, right!
Adhi... what is this?
What happened, Aadhi?
My mother gifted me that ring.
Where is it now?
On the day of mother's demise...
I lost the ring too.
- Hurry up brother!
- I'll be there soon.
I got an amazing client.
- He's been speaking in English.
- English?
Brother, get here soon.
That's not the issue right now.
How am I going to manage?
Do you think I'd look good in a suit?
Obviously, you'll look good.
But, why do you need it?
What's your problem?
Instead of watching TV all day,
can't you find me a good match?
I found my match in your mother.
Shall I?
Don't bother.
I'll find a match myself.
Brother, what does Ph.D mean?
It's just a build up to boost your ego.
Oh, is it!
When you get married
what will be written next to your name?
What do you expect?
It'll be smeared with turmeric--
The girl's name is, Shruthi.
She has graduated MBA.
She's very beautiful!
I'd heard they like our family.
Please don't mess this up.
Please, son!
Is it the same? Always the same!
Is it the same? Always the same!
Didn't this life stop yesterday?
Is it the same? Always the same!
- Mom!
Is it the same? Always the same!
Let's see how it pans out...
- Breakfast?
- No.
Do you want me to throw away food?
You're well aware of your problem.
Why do you have to play the guitar?
When you're not capable of
doing something...
it's better to move on in life.
That's the smart thing to do.
- Hello.
- I saw your poster on the road.
Mr. Seenu?
Hey, shush!
Yeah, it's Mr. Seenu.
I am Mr. Seenu, sir.
That's me.
I'm urgently looking for a house.
It seems like you are asking
for 100 rupees.
I meant to ask...
your name,
what kind of house
are you looking for?
And your preferred locality?
Well, I am, Rangi Kutta Paul.
Guttam Paul?
What Paul, sir?
- I don't understand, brother.
- Rangi-Kutta-Paul.
Go ahead, Paul, sir.
I need an individual house
in the outskirts.
- Out-Skirts?
- Outskirts uh?
Hold on a minute, Paul, sir.
- Where's outskirts?
- I don't know, brother.
How do I find out?
I can neither understand his name
nor the area he's asking for.
Once, when I ordered
potato curry on Swiggy...
the delivery boy said he won't deliver
if it's outskirts.
- Do you remember?
- Yes, yes.
Paul, sir. This is Mr. Seenu, speaking.
Paul, sir, please give me 2 days time.
What happened?
He hung up on me.
Brother, how come you don't know this area?
Maybe it's near Manikonda.
[Chaitu] Bloody idiot!
Outskirts means outside the city
not Manikonda.
You always do your business
within these limits.
Expand, bro!
Paul, sir, I found a great house
in the outskirts.
I've sent you photos on whatsapp,
please check.
- Once you do--
- I like it.
I liked it.
Hey, you guys are jobless, right.
I have a client meeting.
An affluent party.
Let's meet him and seal the deal.
I'll pay commission.
Rangi Kutta Paul
Seenu! Mr. Seenu!
- I like the house.
- Super, sir!
Sir, when will your family arrive?
No family. I'm single!
Hey, Chaitu, your future.
Sir. Paul, sir. Don't take me wrong.
What do you do, sir?
The landlord wants to know.
I'm a Quantum Physicist.
Couldn't understand is it?
Scientist uh?
I think he'll find the cure for cancer.
If you're a scientist why do you prefer
this kind of house?
- Why can't I?
- Yeah, why can't he?
You're right.
Abdul Kalam, sir was a simple man
but reached great heights.
You're correct, Paul, sir.
Sir, give your Aadhar Card and ID card
to my assistant.
He'll take care of it.
You're a successful scientist,
it goes without saying.
My commission...
I'll pay you more than
what you usually charge.
Thank you, sir.
But I need a small favor from you.
Mr. Seenu!
You can even ask for
a big favor, Paul, sir.
There's something not right about him.
He paid in advance and made us
do the heavy lifting.
He doesn't look like a scientist to me.
Rather looks like a weird man.
This is what happens
when you watch weird films.
- Oh, really?
- He's a very good man.
He looks perfectly like a scientist.
- He's going to find a cure for cancer--
- Fine, don't forget our commission.
I'll give it. Enough with the rant.
Just look,
don't mess with the client's things.
Where is Aadhi? Hey, Aadhi?
Aadhi, come let's go.
Aadhi, what are you doing?
Hey, Aadhi!
What are you doing?
- What are you looking at--?
- It's nothing, let's go.
It's high time you let go of the past.
It's been twenty years.
Only when we speak about it
I realized....
that it's not easy to let go.
[Paul] What are you not able to forget?
Nothing, sir. Let's go.
What's your connection to that date?
Sir, why do you want to know about it?
Tell me.
28th March, 1998
- What happened?
- My mother's birthday.
That was the last day I saw my mother.
- How?
- Sir, don't bother--
On the next day,
she died in an car accident.
I need to talk to you.
March 28th, accident...
What I'm about to say will astonish you.
In fact, you may not believe it.
But you will have to believe it!
Aadhi, do you want to travel back in time?
Do you wish to meet your mother again?
If I bring back your mother to life,
would you be happy?
I don't understand.
I'm working on an experiment.
To invent the time machine...
it took me twenty years.
Twenty years!
The experiment is about time travel.
I don't have the strength
to do time travel.
I want someone else to do it.
Aadhi, believe me...
in order to save your mother
from the accident back in time...
I'll help you with it.
In return, I need a small favor.
Just a small favor.
Will you do it?
As I'm a scientist,
I don't believe in fate.
But, Paul meeting Aadhi...
is not a coincidence.
people normally don't get
a second chance in life.
Think about it.
- Hello.
- Hello, sir, my client, NRI.
- Dude, what a surprise?
- I never knew it was you.
Sir, you guys know each other?
Yes, Seenu. I know him very well.
We're college mates.
Raghav Agasthiya!
- Come inside.
- Hey, where were you all these days?
- It's been long.
- Yeah, it's been a while.
- How are you, son?
- Yes, mom, I'm good.
Your uncle has got his daughter,
Lakshmi engaged.
She never calls me.
But you're talking about getting engaged.
It's not with you, my son.
She's engaged to Narayana's son.
Her fiance is an Engineering graduate.
That's why Lakshmi was avoiding your calls.
I warned you to study well.
You look exactly like you do
in your picture.
How do I look?
I think your spectacles
are a bit different.
Yeah, correct.
How many times have I seen your picture?
My parents like your family a lot.
That's why I immediately wanted
to meet you.
Forget about my parents.
Do you like me?
Yeah. That's why I wanted to meet you.
What do you like about me?
Your smile.
I really like your smile.
No one has ever said that to me.
One second, excuse me.
- One second.
- Yeah, sure.
I'm in an urgent meeting.
Shall I call you back?
Hey, glazed doughnut!
First, check your WhatsApp.
- Later, continue with the meeting.
- Hello, who's this? Hello?
[Seetha] Chaitu. Chaitu,
please take the sweets.
C. Seetha!
Any problem?
Dude, can't believe I met you.
- One second, excuse me.
- Sure.
- Seenu, he liked the house.
- That's great, sir.
Sir, I'll be on my way
once you pay my commission.
Yeah, okay.
- Seenu...
- Okay!
- He just got back from abroad...
- I'm at my friends place...
...and had to spend a lot.
- Like a friend...
- Sir, are you negotiating?
- No-No, Seenu...
- All okay?
Yeah, I hope so.
If you can do something
about your commission...
I'm used to it now.
Had I worn a suit and spoke
impeccable English...
and produce a invoice with GST,
would that work for you, sir?
Sir, we both do the same work.
You know what's the difference?
He's educated and I am not.
I'm demanding money for the work I did.
"Come on, he's a local guy...
he'd be grateful
no matter what we pay.
Mr. America!
It's not enough to speak good English...
you need to respect people.
To hell with your Chicago Tech!
Are you ready?
[PA] Amplifier, mic test!
Hello, hello, 1, 2, 3!
[Hostess] I request to you all to
be seated and maintain silence.
The auditions are about to begin.
We would like to call the
1st contestant...
Contestant #001
- What's your name?
- Aadhi.
You're the 1st contestant from Hyderabad.
Are you nervous?
Whenever you are ready.
Aadhi, sing.
Aadhi, sing!
- [audience] Hello!
- Bro, are you going to sing or not?
Aadhi. Aadhi, stop right there.
Aadhi. Aadhi!
What happened, Aadhi?
Why didn't you sing?
- I don't know.
- Don't know?
- Aadhi, you've been practicing--
- Vaish, don't say anything.
I'm going to set aside becoming a musician.
- And look for another job.
- What other job do you know?
You don't know anything beyond music.
Tell me!
Life doesn't give you a second chance.
- [Paul] Life doesn't give you 2nd chance.
- Aadhi, I'm taking to you.
Welcome, Aadhi.
I knew you'll be back.
Before you venture into time travel...
you need to know a few things.
There are many strange things
in this universe...
but science is the only definite thing
you can believe in.
I and Michael...
Michael Roy, my partner.
But there's an issue with Science.
A solution to a question
is another question.
Once you arrive at a solution,
there'll be another question.
Once you crack that
you're presented with another.
There's no end to the questions.
That's how it is.
But we missed something.
Both Michael and I...
In fact, everyone...
there's an expiry date.
Paul we are getting old.
In science, there are many things
to be discovered...
but the time didn't favor us.
That's when I realized...
time... time is our enemy!
Since then all we thought about was
time, time, time!
In simple words...
during that time the solution was...
this time machine.
- The key to immortality.
- Yes!
That's how we achieved victory over death.
For the project funding...
I presented our idea to
Indian Science Congress Association.
But it was rejected stating
it's impossible to complete the project.
We decided to do it ourselves
and sold our entire property
to build the time machine.
We spent eight years!
Nothing else was on our minds.
In order to test
the time machine we built...
one of us had to volunteer.
Michael! Michael, my friend.
He chose his destiny!
The first test was done on
28th March, 1998.
Michael was ready to venture
into time travel.
But we failed!
Our time machine didn't work.
Michael... the failure turned him
into an alcoholic.
That's why, 29th March is the day
you cannot forget.
Similarly, for me it's the 28th.
Use this time machine to travel
into the past
and save your mother.
In return, I want you to save Michael.
I want him back.
Michael, should return.
[Seenu] She left me.
She left me for good.
It's all because of you guys.
Had you guys nagged me into studying,
I would've been better.
You guys studied and graduated
with degrees.
But left me with nothing.
Do you recognize her?
- Who?
- Seetha. It's pigtail, Seetha.
She used to hangout with you
all the time during school days.
She's looks good.
Why don't you get married?
Do you recognize him?
That's Santhosh.
The guy who used to come along
with me in the auto to school.
He used to always cling on to her.
They're getting married.
To irritate me,
he has sent the wedding card.
Had I knew before
I would've married her.
- Hey!
- Enough rambling drunk.
What happened to you?
Don't bother. That Paul is talking
nonsense, don't pay heed to him.
Don't believe in that nonsense.
I need my mom.
I couldn't be able to forget my mother.
If someone says
he can bring back my mother,
how can I refuse it?
I'm going to do it. I've decided.
Hey, it might happen in English films.
Not in reality.
You wouldn't speak
if you had seen the time machine.
Life is giving me one last chance.
I'm going to take it.
Fine, we'll come too.
I'm not going on a vacation.
It may or may not work.
Even if it works not sure
what will happen next.
I'm going to save my mother.
Why do you want to come?
I too want to change my life.
- What do you want to change?
- His love life!
His life, bro!
Then you should help me.
In 1998...
this place would've been a cemetery,
or a cinema theater,
or a huge lake.
It's not a good decision to keep
my time machine over here.
I... I want to safeguard my Time Machine.
To do that I need a safer place.
I know just the place, Paul.
He needs the time machine
to hangout with the girl.
You're single and you wouldn't understand.
Paul, sir...
you please ignore him,
but my problem is quite serious.
I'm going to educate myself,
Paul, sir.
That too I'll be right beside him
all along.
Perhaps I could become successful like you.
John Kutta Seenu, the Scientist!
Idiot, you're a land broker.
You can become only a science broker.
- Shut up!
- Funny guy!
That's me, sir.
I'm the handsome one in the picture.
Now you are not...
This house belongs to my grandfather.
In 1996, my grandfather passed away.
Since then no one has lived here.
I've been maintaining this property.
Just me.
This house is the right place
to keep the time machine.
- Seenu.
- Sir.
Let's start it!
Come on, guys. Come on, fast!
Hey, Chaitu, close the door.
- One month?
- Yes.
Sir, can you please tell me
where are you going?
[Aadhi] Don't ask me where.
But I will be back in a month.
- Love you.
- Hello? Hello?
- Keep us alive!
- Seetha!
Come closer. Come!
I'm sending you guys back to
March 1st, 1998.
In that time
I and Michael will be present.
On 26th March hand over this floppy
and picture to me.
If you do, I won't test the machine
on the 28th.
Why on the 26th, sir?
Why can't we give it to you
once we reach?
During that time I was in Delhi.
Only on the 26th I'll return
to Hyderabad from Delhi.
The address I'd be at...
my identities, everything will be
in this time machine.
I'm warning you strictly!
This is your only chance
to change your fates.
This is not child's play.
Use it properly.
I'm not sure how the consequences
will affect your future.
We have to wait and see.
There are a few rules to follow
while using this time machine.
Rule #1: It's a to and fro device.
Take it you're buying
a return train ticket.
You can only travel once
through the time.
No one should even suspect that
you're from the future.
And remember...
it's enough
if you scan your eyes to return.
[Chaitu] Hey, Seenu, what is this?
Aadhi, what's happening?
Hey, everything is shaking.
I think something's happening.
I'm going away.
Paul, sir, is this okay?
Is it working?
Tell me, if this is okay?
Hey, that old man can't hear us.
He's scamming...
Oh, no, what's happening?
Hey, stop this!
Hey, Aadhi!
Paul, is this okay?
I can't see anything.
Can you guys see anything?
Why is no one speaking?
I can't see anything!
I can't see anything, damn it!
Oh, no, my head is spinning.
Oh, no, Paul, sir--
Is this okay? Okay? Okay?
- Seetha!
- [Paul] Remember boys. Follow the rules.
This is the key to immortality.
Victory over death!
[Chaitu] Hey, Seenu...
Oh, God!
Hey, grandpa!
Hey, this is my grandfather's house.
This is my grandfather's house.
That's my family.
My grandmothers...
- and this is my swing.
- Seenu! Seenu!
Seenu, hush!
Hey, don't make any noise.
[Aadhi] No one should know
that we're here.
- Does anyone come to this house?
- No one does.
Hey! Hey, what are you doing?
What are we doing here?
Let's go.
If anyone sees that we're here
it'll raise suspicion.
- My grandma is from royal family--
- Hey, Seenu!
- Is there a back exit to this house?
- Yes, that way.
- Back!
- My great grandfather had two wives.
Rajava and Narsava.
They were a fun bunch!
Chaitu, look at the water tubs.
Hey, shall we go out?
[radio] Akashvaani, Hyderabad center.
You're listening to program,
In today's program we're going to hear...
Who are these guys?
Why are they looking weirdly?
[Seenu] Same fragrance.
It's our school!
Even now the mention of school
gives me shivers.
Did we ever participate
during the sports day?
As far as I know, we never did.
I know where we can find ourselves.
Rock: Weight 260. Slash!
Big Show: Weight 360. Slash!
Hey, Chaitu, show me your card.
Hey, put your card down.
Come on, do it.
- Give it to me.
- Seenu, please don't do it.
What happened?
- Who is it?
- It's the watchman.
- Come on, let's go.
- Come on!
Instead of playing on the ground
on sports day...
you boys playing cards.
Uncle, watchman uncle,
they're not poker cards.
It's a sport for children.
Really? This is what you call
sports for children?
Give me your bag!
Hey, give me your bag.
- Uncle, please don't do it.
- Give me the bag!
- Uncle!
- Hey!
- I'm scared!
- What do we do now?
Don't worry.
Hey, get lost. Go!
Who are you people?
What brings you here?
Parents are supposed to wait
at the front gate.
Sir-- Sir--
- Bag, bag, bag, bag.
- Give it to me.
- Sir! Sir!
- Hold him.
Sir, what are you doing?
What do you guys want?
Why did you take away the bag?
Who are you guys?
See, there's nothing inside my bag.
That's why I didn't succeed in life.
Check out my bag.
Curd rice and lemon pickle.
Sir, what do you want?
- You!
- Me?
How does it matter to you
what sports do we play?
Don't you feel ashamed
for bullying children?
Don't call them children.
If we don't stop them now...
they'll end up doing something wrong
in the future.
Finally, he spoke something that was true.
This is how you used to
roll our ears, right?
- Sir!
- How does it feel now?
- Do you think he'll return our bags?
- Chaitu...
- Come on, say it.
- Hey, kids!
You hired men to beat me up!
Here you go, take your bags.
We're looking at ourselves.
Look at me, the black sheep.
We look very happy.
I want to grow from your Love
Of your lap of old days
Like an Anklet to your feet
My footsteps should follow you
Like an Anklet to your feet
My footsteps should follow you
Ma, do you need any help?
Don't bother. I live nearby.
Shall I?
I think I've met you before.
I feel the same too.
Please come in.
- Please keep it over there.
- Okay, Ma.
Would you like to have something
to drink?
- Ma.
- Please sit down.
It's really hot please be careful.
Ma, did you add sugar?
Sorry, I always forget to add sugar.
My son too ask me for the same.
Just a minute.
- Mom, snacks--
- Kutlu, are you home?
Freshen up, I'll serve you snacks.
Kutlu, once you're home...
how many times should I tell you
to keep your things in the right place.
Did you say Hi to brother?
- [Kutlu] Hi!
- Don't mind him.
He doesn't mingle that easily
with strangers.
He's a little shy.
I totally forgot to ask.
What's your name?
Aadhi? My son's name is Aadhi too.
With love, I call him, Kutlu.
So, what do you do for living?
I'm a music teacher.
Will you teach how to play guitar?
I can even come home and offer
private classes.
Kutlu, he's a guitar teacher.
Would you like to learn music from him?
Now watch. He'll come out.
Please don't say no.
Grandpa, I'm not selling it
to spend in vain...
- it's for my education.
- Bless you, my son!
- Hey, look here!
- Damn you man!
Okay, grandpa.
Hey, don't do it!
What happened?
Don't you guys have TV at home?
- In fact--
- Back then, we were kids.
It's a matter of love.
You wouldn't understand.
- Come on. Give me the money.
- Here you go.
Three, Two, One
Raja, brother!
You haven't changed a bit.
Who are you?
It's like... I am...
I am a friend of Sudheer.
Chaitanya. Chaitu...
It's been long since we met.
How are you?
I am doing well. How are you?
- I am not doing well, brother.
- What happened?
[Raja] Look, my auto is my life.
I am letting you ride,
because you're Sudheer's friend.
I'm helping you
because you asked for it.
I am letting you know that,
I can't afford to pay much.
- Hey, I'm talking to you.
- I heard you, brother.
Seetha, get in.
- Hi, Seetha.
- Brother, who are you?
I am... erm... his assistant.
He himself has no work.
Why would he need an assistant?
Hey don't let her run her mouth.
She'll eat you alive.
It's 'cause of this arrogance I lost her.
Please come, dear.
Hey, this is your first day.
You'll get to know everybody eventually,
get in!
Damn, what a change over!
Time is evil.
Hey, why are you late?
Mom was running late.
[Raja] Why both are glaring
at each other?
Chaitu! Hey, look over here.
Get inside. We're running late.
I'm repeating this again.
Sit away from Seetha.
Listen, Seetha you too stay away
from him.
Hey, do you need an invitation?
Get inside.
Chaitu, please take some sweets.
Please take it.
I brought these for you.
I don't want it.
Please, please, please... take it.
- I brought these for you.
- I don't want.
- Please, please, please, please...
- I don't want!
Hey, what is your problem?
She's offering with so much love.
Why don't you eat it?
Hey, why are you yelling at him?
Don't bully the kid.
Brother, look at his arrogance.
She's being sweet and offering him.
But look at his attitude.
I don't like that sweet.
What sweet is it?
It's pudding.
Now a person will come.
Give it to him.
He'll eat it all.
Hey, be careful.
You might damage the auto.
Keep your apology to yourself
and don't annoy her.
Do you always sit next to that girl?
This is my spot!
- I will sit here.
- Oh, God!
It's not like you own the seat.
Hey, I'm trying to start the auto.
What are you doing questioning the kid?
Come on, help me start the auto.
- I'll handle him later.
- It's delicious.
- Come on!
- It's easy peasy!
In few matters,
we grown ups should be strict.
- Good morning, sir.
- [Seenu] What period is this?
[all] Telugu, sir.
- Tell me in Telugu.
- Hey, Seenu, get up.
- Sir, is looking at you. Get up!
- [in Telugu] Good morning, sir.
Good morning, teacher!
Sir, are you a teacher?
Why? I don't look like a teacher?
[Young Seenu] No!
Mocking yourself, is it?
You don't need to know who I am.
Similarly, I do not need to know
you people.
It's because I know who is silent
and who is noisy.
I know who is good and who is troublesome.
I know those who are studious
and who act like studious.
I know it all.
Enough with the act.
First bench!
How much did you score in Telugu?
95, sir!
94, sir!
92, sir!
- How much did you score?
- 50, sir.
51, sir.
Sir, you won't share you scores is it?
You prefer to stay silent, is it?
He can only tell
if he scored anything at all.
Hereafter, sir, will start scoring.
That's why I am here.
For the past 2 years you've been sitting
at this back bench.
It won't happen anymore.
You'll be sitting at the front bench.
You'll listen to the teacher.
No more drama.
You have to do it diligently.
And succeed in life.
Hey, Vishal!
Anyways you're going to handle
your father's business.
Why do you need to study?
Come here and sit. Sit--
It's 'cause of you guys he's spoiled.
First off, lose their friendship.
If you don't, you'll be dependent on them
when you grow up.
Just to speak in English,
you will have to beg to them.
Get in the front.
Shed that arrogance.
Just to speak to an NRI in English
you throw so much attitude.
Quickly take out the books.
- If not teacher will scold us.
- Yeah, I'm taking it out.
Are you playing reed organ is it?
You may squeeze all you want,
but I know that it's empty.
Good morning, teacher!
How many times will you wish me?
- Sir?
- Who's that? Sir!
- Who are you?
- I'm the newly appointed, Peon.
- What are you doing over here?
- Peon?
I came to trouble the kids.
No, no... I came to control
the troublesome kids.
Okay. I'll take care of them now.
You can leave.
Go! Sit down. Sit down.
- Please study, child.
- Please go.
Everyone sit down.
Who are you?
- Ma, music...
- Aadhi, is that you?
I had mentioned about Kutlu
taking guitar lessons...
that's his teacher.
Please come in.
Kutlu, Aadhi is here.
- Hello, sir.
- Hello.
Hey, why does he need guitar lessons?
It's because on 26th March
he has a music competition.
Thus the classes.
22nd onwards his unit tests will begin.
Are you aware?
If he studies well
he'll succeed in the future.
If not, he'll be going door to door
just like him...
teaching guitar lessons.
Nothing will go wrong
by missing just one exam.
Moreover, it's just a unit test.
When the mother has spoken,
who am I to interfere?
Everyone sing along, Sa re ga ma pa!
Sir, please take a seat.
Please serve him coffee.
Always harping on the music.
Did you finish your homework?
I'm sure he'd help you with it!
- What competition?
- Inter-School cultural event.
Cultural event?
Aadhi, here you go.
- Thanks, Ma!
- You don't have to thank me.
Not for the coffee
but for supporting your son.
Did you hear us speak?
Since he was a baby
he was very keen on music.
Just like me.
He's a very good singer.
My dream is to see him become
a successful musician.
But he's scared of singing
in front of the crowd.
That's why you are there for him.
What do you say?
Kutlu, take out the guitar.
Shall we begin?
I'll go first!
This song is for you.
I wrote this song for my mother.
Kutlu, come over here.
Mother, listen to me
I am the words of your Old lullaby
Yes Mother I am that form only
You are the visible voice of music
This many years
I had been silent in my sleep
Through Music,
Today I woke up
He sang well.
Like an Anklet to your feet
My footsteps should follow you
Like the Smile on your lips
I dont want to grow old
if I consider moving away from you.
Forever like your Small Baby
I should be for a lifetime
I want to grow from your Love
Of your lap of old days
In everything I do
I am praying you
Aadhi, you're a very good singer.
Did your mother like the song?
- Did you like it, Ma?
- I like it very much.
So did my mother.
I'm leaving, Ma.
I've added sugar.
- Dude, listen...
- Hey, we have only two days left.
Go ahead and change
for what you came here for.
Since two days I'm having body ache.
Would you handle the rides today?
You chill bro I'll take care.
Chill? Bro?
I don't want.
Dude, first off,
check what's inside the box
History is proof that people with
different taste would never get married.
Glazed doughnut!
- You're always cleaning.
- That's right we have to keep it clean.
Step away. If we keep our house clean
our thoughts will be clean too.
Get lost, you keep repeating
the same thing.
I'm fed up.
[all] What is a pronoun?
Madam, the boy from the last bench
has been checking you out.
- Seenu!
- Teacher...
- Pardon?
- Same to you!
Question paper.
English paper?
- "Five rupees. Score 100."
- Let's scoot!
Hey, pay up!
- What is this?
- Question paper.
I know that too.
You should've studied the question paper
and scored in the exam.
Instead, you're doing this nonsense.
- I can't study.
- Bloody!
Hey, please study well
and pass the exam.
Please take my advice.
Come on, let's go.
- How does she look?
- She's beautiful.
Who is this, brother?
It's that pigtail, Seetha.
Once she grows up she'll look beautiful.
Hey, why are you laughing?
Okay, tell me how'd you know?
That's not the point. Both are
the same get that into your head.
It's not comedy, kid.
In future it'll be a tragedy!
Are you telling the truth?
[overlapping chatter]
It's okay.
Look at me and sing.
To lose fear, you have to appear
To get my sleep,
you have to tell me stories
When I am hungry,
You should only feed me
Like My life is there
In every single grain
If you are there only, I exist
I am a part of your form
What will happen to me
If I dont think of you
Your watchful eyes
Always protect me
Won't I stumble and fall down,
Tell Mother
Mr. Kutlu, did you tell mom
about your love affair?
Hey, I'm yet to tell her who I am.
And you're talking about love affair.
- Hey, listen--
- What love affair?
- Him and one girl...
- Come on, dude, tell her.
- Tell her.
- Aadhi are you in love?
Yes, Ma!
- What's her name?
- Vaishnavi.
It's a very beautiful name.
I want to meet her.
- Please eat.
- You may get more for us.
[Chaitu] We don't get
much delicious food during our time.
- Is everything fixed?
- It's perfect, sir.
- Even the last time you said the same.
- Dear, can I drive?
My dear, only now it's back
from the service.
If I let you drive again
I know what would happen.
Only if you let me drive
I'll learn driving.
I just have to get a license.
Imagine a miracle happens...
you might drive properly
but the other person on road
might not drive well.
No need!
- What about when you drive?
- Unlike you I drive well.
Just watch...
one day I'm going to drive
without telling you.
One day without my knowledge...
she took out the car to drive.
Her ill fate, the oncoming vehicle
lost control...
and right on the spot
on March 29th...
9:00 a.m. in the morning.
If you are there only, I exist
I am a part of your form
What will happen to me
If I dont think of you
Your watchful eyes
Always protect me
- All good?
- Yes, sir.
- Are the brakes working?
- Yes, sir.
- Perfect?
- Yes, sir.
Your compassion toward me
And love is more than enough
I will always win in different ways
I will grow successful
Still I'll always remain as your baby
I dont want to grow up missing you
Mom, you sang very well.
You gotta thank, brother for it.
I want to remain your baby always
Forever I want to remain
All the best!
In everything I do
I am praying you
You are the rhythm in my heart too
You are the goddess Saraswathi
I worship
You are the Goddess Saraswati
Guiding me every day
- Mom?
- Kutlu.
How come you're driving the car?
- Does dad know about it?
- Shush!
Get inside and sit.
Kutlu, be strong and perform well.
Mom, please you too come along.
If you're with me. I'll sing well.
Even if I'm not there you'll sing well.
In future, what if I'm not there?
I can't be with you always, dear.
During my childhood
I used to be exactly like you.
When no one's around
I'll sing my heart out.
But when I have to sing
in front of the people...
I'll be frozen and stunned!
That's when my mother gave me this ring.
After wearing this ring...
I never feared.
I swear I wasn't scared.
You know why?
Because wearing it made me feel
as if my mother was with me.
So, whenever you are afraid,
keep this in mind...
I'll always be with you.
Okay, mom.
My Prince!
Kutlu, all the best!
Love you, mom!
Hey, what are you guys doing here?
Why aren't you at the exam?
It's just few minutes away
from the competition to start.
I request the students participating
in the singing competition...
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- to please come.
Erm... singing competition,
Aadhi Ravichandra.
One second.
If he does not turn up in another
five minutes, he can't participate.
- He will be here soon...
- No, no, no, sorry!
Tell me one thing
why do you like him so much?
There must be something.
Come on, tell me.
When he smiles he looks good.
What do you like about me?
I really like your smile.
But he never smiles.
Somehow he should pass this exam.
Brother, I'm getting late for the exam.
What's taking him so long?
The singing competition
is going to start in five minutes.
All the students are requested
to go in a line.
Here you go.
Where is he?
Where did he go?
This is the first time we've bunked class.
Earlier, we've never bunked classes.
- Hey, did Chaitu come here?
- No, what about Seenu?
He didn't come.
Even Kutlu didn't make it
to the competition.
Where did they go?
The question is not where they went?
The question is where we might go?
I don't remember going to the competition.
- I had a doubt about it. But...
- Doubt?
What are you looking at?
[Seenu] Dude,
Boss film is releasing today.
[Chaitu] Hey, we have an exam to attend.
[Aadhi] I have the competition.
I'm not coming.
[Seenu] No way, Mega Star movie
is releasing today!
- Aadhi. Aadhi.
- Aadhi, what happened?
- Aadhi...
- Aadhi!
Brother, this year belongs to you!
What are you saying?
Oh, my God, how did this happen?
What's happening out here?
The kids have traveled to a different time.
And we're stuck in this period.
They're in 2019...
and we're in 98', damn it!
Nothing is going to happen now.
There's neither going to be
Seetha nor Shruthi.
Everything has gone for a toss.
It's done. We're doomed for life.
Hey, Seenu, why are you smiling?
What happened?
- I've understood it well.
- What?
Our past is in the future.
And our future is in the past.
To hell with your rhyming.
How did they switch on the time machine?
Eye scanner!
They need my eyes...
to switch on the machine.
That means... Kutlu?
But how did the kids find this address?
They must've suspected us.
Tell me, what did you do so that
they suspected us?
It's not like...
you see..
Hey, Seenu, why is that Peon
always targeting you?
No idea. But I want to find out.
Shall we follow him?
Teacher, your smile is enough.
I'm delighted!
Thank you!
The bell and your belly look the same.
[vendor] Vegetables! Vegetables!
Greens! Greens!
- Hey!
- Isn't this grandpa's house?
What is he doing at your
grandpa's house?
- Is your grandpa not home?
- It's been 2 years since he died.
Since then no one has lived over here.
Now, what do we do?
- Seenu!
- Hush!
- Follow me.
- Seenu!
[Chaitu Sr.] The great broker!
I got everything we need.
Get here soon.
- I'm really scared, dude.
- They're inside.
- Hey, Seenu. Hey! Hey!
- Come with me.
Hey, Seenu, get here soon!
Did you get the booze?
Seenu, do you remember these bottles?
- We used to sell empty bottles...
- Hey, that's my auto driver.
- Yeah, you're right.
- Here you go.
- Why do you have to drink over here too?
- This fellow is impossible.
- [Seenu] Give me that.
- [Chaitu] That's Aadhi's music teacher.
- [Chaitu] What's he doing here?
- [Older Chaitu] Kutlu, you've changed!
What are you doing? What's all this?
This is what gave us second chance in life.
Praying to it
is the right thing to do.
- [Chaitu] No matter where you are...
- Seenu!
- you'd never change!
- What is it?
What are they hiding under it?
- [Seenu] I met our English teacher today.
- Seenu...
- [Chaitu] Not just you, brother!
- Hey!
Not sure.
But they're up to something.
- [Seenu] Hey, don't say stuff like that.
- What are you saying?
[Seenu] It's wrong. You'll be punished.
- [Seenu] This is not why we came here.
- Let's find out.
All the best!
Thanks, mom!
Why are you guys here?
Didn't you guys attend the exam?
Hey, are you serious?
You're saying that
my music teacher is a terrorist?
Yes! Your music teacher.
His auto driver and our school peon.
They're all terrorists!
How do you know?
They're planning to do something
with a strange machine in the house.
That too, they're at
my grandfather's house.
Before they could kidnap us,
we should find out what that machine is.
Find out what?
Seenu, how come a terrorist
could play guitar?
What would they do by kidnapping us?
Hey, Seenu what are you doing?
What is it?
Go ahead!
It's a huge machine!
Let's get out from here.
Hey, Seenu, what are you looking at?
I'm checking how to switch on
the machine.
Why do you want to switch it on?
If we switch it on,
we'll know what it does.
If we touch the red button
it will switch on.
Hey, Seenu, what if by pressing
the red button we kidnap ourselves?
Hey, Seenu, don't do it.
- How do you know so much?
- I learned it from the cinema.
Hey, Aadhi!
What happened?
What happened?
Hey, Seenu...
you have switched on the machine.
Hey, Seenu.
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Where are we?
Hey, this is grandfather's house.
But it looks different.
Come on, let's go out.
- Over there.
- It has changed
The whole world
It has changed
The whole world
They slipped into the future
Due to a leg slip
What a time pass
What time has carried
Hey, Aadhi, where is your house?
It is a coffee break only
When there is no vacancy for the time
Watchman uncle.
What is it?
Have you crossed generations
Did you see the joke?
Ill give you the whole story
did you see that it is good?
Dont play with time
You, I and everyone else
Should bow head
Distances should be crossed
Cant you change the fate
What is written!
It has changed
The whole world
It has changed
The whole world
Brother, 2019 belongs to you!
Remember what Paul told us.
His house address and the floppy disk
are inside that time machine.
Finding Paul's house is not important now.
Why should we care what happens to him?
First, let's find out a way
to get out of this mess.
We have only one option left
to return to our time.
The time machine invented by Paul.
You should handover this floppy
and the picture on the 26th...
If you do, on the 28th I will
shut down the machine testing.
On the 28th Paul will be testing
the time machine with Michael.
Only if we find Paul...
we can save Michael...
also we can save the time machine.
Sounds good.
But we lost Paul's address.
- Now what do we do?
- It's easy to get an address.
You go ahead.
Do you remember the area?
We're done for.
Hey, Paul is a scientist, right?
If we look for him at the right place,
we'll find him for sure.
I should looking for girls in this age...
but I'm looking for scientists, damn it!
Rangi Kutta Paul and Michael Roy.
That's right.
Give me a day's time.
There are old files
at the university store room.
- I'll check and let you know.
- Please, sir.
You guys, please write down
your phone number in this register.
- I'll inform you.
- Sir, please let us know soon.
We're in a hurry.
- Once you know, please call us.
- Sure.
Only then can we return
to our time.
- Don't worry, we'll find him.
- Even if we searched over there...
He will be home soon.
- Seenu and Chaitu are missing too?
- ...since morning, Kutlu has been missing.
Did you happen to see him?
- I'll be right there.
- No, Ma.
No idea where he went.
I dropped him myself at the auditorium.
But they said he never made it
to the competition.
Neither he went to school.
Aadhi, I'm petrified!
- What is it?
- You're the reason for everything.
I told you a million times not to
make him pursue music.
You never listened!
Get lost!
Aadhi, could you please go with him?
Okay, Ma.
In the heart clock,
Did the pain ring?
Stop and hear the sound
You're at war with yourself
If the memory of the life
Is in front of the eyes
Wrapping the madness without saying.
It's all because of you.
You kept saying you saw it in cinema.
Now see what happened.
Hey, Aadhi!
- Hey, Aadhi...
- What happened to you?
- Come on, say something.
- I'm hungry.
Hey, this look like lottery tickets.
Hey, what does this small machine do?
Hey, I found money. Come on, let's go.
Dont play with time
You, I and everyone else
Should bow head
What do you want?
Distances should be crossed
You want that?
It has changed
The whole world
It has changed
The whole world
All the internal suffering
Is not coming out!
You have been watching time
Do not overdo it
They've given Aadhi another chance.
Uncle, do you know where he is?
Don't you know?
You've hidden your feelings
Within you
Would you laugh at the top?
Your pain with thoughts
Cant you stop?
The world has seen in years,
Totally changed
The burden of the burden in eyes
Flew through the water
Dont play with time
Hey, why do you need an assistant for auto?
Hey, Head Constable!
Until the case is resolved
keep an eye on him.
Sir, sir, sir, I don't know anything.
Sir, I swear I don't know anything.
The ways you choose
Have been completely changed
Your hope is courage
Your behavior has not changed
Not changed at all
Not changed at all
Kutlu will soon return home.
When will he come back?
It's been two days.
Don't know where he is?
And what he's up to?
- I have no clue about it.
- Don't starve to death, please!
Do you think Kutlu must've eaten
Come on, let's eat.
Even the Police are not able to find him.
Where's Kutlu?
And no idea what happened to him?
I'm scared something might happen to her.
She has not even drank water
for the past 2 days.
Aadhi, could you please speak to her?
Wow! Thanks, mom.
Today is my mother's birthday.
On every birthday I'll be the first one
to wish my mother.
But now...
Our parents must be looking for us.
Hey, think hard!
That machine has transported us
to 2019 from 1998.
If we calculate...
One, two...
- 21 years.
- Correct!
That means our parents are here too.
Only difference is they're old.
Hey, it's like watching a movie.
Hey, what exactly do you guys
wanna eat?
Fine, tell me what can I get you?
Brother, the dish you served us
the last time, do you have it?
It's available. Do you have money?
We have money brother.
We're hungry. Please make it fast.
Hey, Aadhi.
Hey, Aadhi!
- Aadhi!
- Hey! Hey, kids!
Hey, what are you looking at?
Hey, it's the music teacher.
Hey, he seems like he time traveled too.
Brother, where is this happening?
Ma, Kutlu, made this gift
a surprise for you.
When Kutlu was inside my womb...
I used to sing this song every day.
Since his birth...
every day without listening to this song,
he never goes to bed.
Maybe it's because of this song
he took an interest in music.
See, he played his guitar
and composed a song...
to surprise me on my birthday.
But he's not here to wish me.
Ma, please don't worry.
Nothing will happen to Kutlu.
Since childhood,
he has never mingled with anyone.
If guests arrive...
he goes straight to his room.
Weddings, functions or
any kind of public gathering...
he's never comfortable
around these events.
All his teachers...
used to say that he has
social anxiety problems.
But I never believed them.
But for some reason I was scared.
If Kutlu stays the same...
how's he going to face anything
in his life?
One day...
I heard him... singing.
His song had magic.
For the first time
I saw Kutlu very confident.
That's when I realized...
music is his strength.
If he pursued music...
I believed he'll lead a happy life.
That's why I kept encouraging him
to pursue music.
Until now, not even for a day
Kutlu and I have been apart.
Kutlu can't be without me.
He won't be there, Aadhi.
When he was going to the competition
he asked me to come along.
I should've gone with him.
I made a mistake, Aadhi.
I made a mistake.
Your Kutlu didn't go anywhere,
he's right in front of your eyes--
I will bring him in front of you eyes.
I promise you, Ma.
[Kutlu] Happy birthday, mom!
Auditions on the left.
Congrats, man.
- When is the bachelor's party?
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Don't forget to bring me a gift.
- Okay.
Hey, this is my school uniform.
So, you came for auditions
in your uniform.
Uncle, we need to meet our
music teacher.
His name is, Aadhi.
I saw him in this competition.
Hey, it's been a month
since the senior's auditions.
It's not possible to meet him.
- Why do you want to meet him?
- Uncle!
- May I have some sweets?
- Sure.
One, two, three, four...
Hey, that's enough!
Uncle, shall I?
I just need one, uncle.
- Uncle, is it your birthday?
- No, no, I'm getting married.
Uncle, what about the competition?
Over here.
[Chaitu] It's the pig tail Seetha.
Both are girls are the same.
It's important get this in your head.
Hey, Seetha, look,
this is our school uniform.
His face looks familiar, right?
Hey, what's your name?
Chaitu, is my new hairstyle
looking good?
- Please, please, please, please...
- I don't want!
I'll be back.
- You could've given it to me.
- Hey, Chaitu!
Chaitu, hold on.
- What happened?
- Chaitu, what happened?
I knew that sister from before.
What are you saying?
One day my auto driver showed me
that sister's picture.
The pigtail Seetha when grows up
will look exactly like her.
- What's her name?
- Seetha.
- What's his name?
- Santhosh.
Santhosh and Seetha used to
travel with me in the auto.
They're from our school.
Your grandpa's house looks different.
And we can't find our houses.
Seetha and Santhosh are going to
get married.
And that broken time machine
doesn't turn on.
What do we do now?
[Man] Three school kids
have been kidnapped...
the police suspect that
the kidnappers fled to Kerala.
The kidnappers arrived disguised
as auto driver and school peon.
And have kidnapped the kids
by intoxicating them.
I think our current situation
points to the prison.
There's a reward of 4000 rupees
for the people who can find them.
How can someone file a case
for kidnapping themselves?
Damn it!
Regardless of the situation...
- Why did he come here?
- Hey, Aadhi.
Any news on Paul?
Why did you come?
You should be with mom.
It's been 2 days since mom ate anything.
She didn't even drink water.
I promised to bring back Kutlu.
Somehow we have to find, Paul.
- Hey, our news is in the newspapers--
- Hey!
Good morning!
Here you go!
Rangi Kutta Paul's file.
Sir, we said it's an emergency.
- At least you could've called.
- You could have.
How may I supposed to call?
- You gave me an international number?
- International?
What was it?
- I think it said, Io or something...
- Seenu Jio!
Sorry, in a hurry I gave this number.
Sir, what kind of number is this Jio?
Twenty years later,
you will come to know about it.
- I really doubt he knows anything.
- Delhi?
- Sir, what did you say?
- Nothing sir.
- Sir, this file has his Delhi address.
- Delhi?
This is the only file on Rangi Kutta Paul.
I'm sorry.
Where are you?
My legs are hurting.
- Mine too.
- Let's rest for a while.
Who is this sister?
Sister, who are you?
First off, tell me, who are you guys?
No, no, no, no, no!
It's just a dream. Just a dream.
Oh, shit, shit, shit!
What happened, sister?
Hey, you please stop calling me, sister.
How does your mother call you?
Hello, who are you?
Sir, I'm talking to you.
What are you doing in this house?
I should be asking you that.
Excuse me, sir.
I'm speaking to you.
I'm talking to you.
Sir, is there a problem?
In life everyone has problems.
Sir, our life itself is a problem.
Sir, it's us who create
our own problems.
If we're not able to get rid of problems,
that lies with us too.
In fact... everything is over here.
You mean in your nutshell?
If there's a problem, let it be.
In fact, if there's no problem...
it would be like
it was never there.
Sir, try to joke around
to break the tension.
Your problems will be resolved
in no time.
What should we do?
Close your eyes.
Keep your heart happy.
Clear your mind.
Pick a positive thought for your problem.
Positive thought...
Sir, I meant to say think about
good things.
How can I think about good things?
I have no education. He lost his girl.
What do you say, Chaitu?
Fine, let me give it a try.
[Mom] Kutlu can't be without me.
[Aadhi] I'll bring him in front
of your eyes. I promise!
Sir, one minute.
I wonder why they drive cars.
No road sense. Wait and watch
what I do to you.
Hey, not enough that you drive
a big car.
- You need to know how to drive.
- Hey, Aadhi.
Step out of the car.
- I said step out.
- Hey, where is he going?
Aadhi, we don't have time for this.
Come back, Aadhi.
- I think everyone closed their eyes.
- You rich men...
always drive off-road.
[Paul] I'm sending you people
to March 1st, 1998.
You'll find Michael out there and me.
I want him back.
Michael should return.
Hey, I said stop!
- Bloody....
- Hey-hey, Michael. Michael!
Brother, hurry up!
Please follow that car.
Hey, that was Michael.
Let's follow him.
- Hey, are you sure it was him?
- Brother, hurry up!
- Hurry up! Start the vehicle.
- Yeah, doing it!
Why did you knock him over now?
- Drive faster.
- Brother follow him.
Fast! Fast! Fast!
Brother, please drive faster.
Come on keep following them.
- Come on drive faster.
- I have a doubt.
Why are we chasing them?
Sir, he's our problem, sir.
Sir, come on faster.
- Now watch me drive.
- Woah!
Faster, sir. That's about it.
Brother, drive faster.
- Please faster.
- That's a Benz and mine's a Kenz.
You're great. Please drive faster.
Brother, please drive faster.
- Brother, speed up.
- Brother, come on.
He's driving faster.
Oh, God, we lost him.
We lost him.
I can't see the car.
Hey, he's right there.
- Hey,
- Finally, we caught up to him.
- Your problem has been stopped.
- Hey, there's a check-post.
It's the police.
I'll say that my father works as a
clerk for the Chief Minister.
Why don't you say that
your grandfather is a politician?
Sir, don't get worked up.
I have all the documents in order.
- Is everything in order?
- All okay, sir.
Okay, sir, you can leave.
A car arriving behind has been
following me for a very long time.
- Please check on them.
- I'll check you can leave.
Keep it moving.
- Don't worry, sir.
- [Police] Hey, get over here!
Police are our friends.
Hello, sir, how are you?
Passenger, sir.
Why are you guys silent? Speak up!
- Open the boot.
- Boot?
- Why do you want check, sir?
- Hello, sir.
I was told that you were following
the car in the front.
- No, sir.
- No, sir, we weren't.
We never saw the car in the front.
It's just that we wanted to
take a closer look...
Oh, is it? So, you book taxi
to follow cars?
It's not like that, sir.
Step out of the car.
- Why sir?
- Step out of the car, damn it!
- Where are coming from?
- From Hyderabad?
- Do you know them?
- No. They're just passengers.
- Why were you driving fast?
- Nothing in particular.
This is the first time.
- Where are you from?
- Hey!
- Sir?
- What are you looking at?
- Do you know them?
- What is your name?
- Sir, why so many questions?
- Aadhi
- We're getting late.
- I'm a music teacher.
Auto-- mobiles...
- Auto, auto...
- Auto driver?
I do sales at automobile shop.
If you come into the town
ask for taxi-driver, Shankar.
I'm very famous!
- He's my assistant.
- My taxi is famous too.
Hey, listen, come over here.
- What happened to him?
- Hey, get me water.
Hey, what's taking so long?
Get me some water.
We're doomed.
No one look to your right.
Don't worry if we speak well
they'll let us go.
Wait and watch
we're going to get whacked.
Sir, why did you drag me into this?
I don't know anything.
Do you still want to speak
or stay silent?
I'll stay silent.
Sir, sir, sir! That's my assistant.
He's with his gang, sir.
Sir, it's them!
Sir, arrest them.
They're the kidnappers you're looking for.
Hey, stop. Stop running.
Hey, hey, start the vehicle.
Come on!
Come on start the vehicle.
Keys! Where are the keys?
Here you go. Take the keys.
Start the car.
- Come on, drive faster.
- Hello! Hello! Hello!
- Hey, I said drive.
- Control room! Control room!
What happened?
What happened, damn it?
Come on, drive faster. Come on!
- All okay?
- Yeah! I'm just reconfirming it.
Were these the three guys you met?
Hey... look at the picture.
Yes, uncle.
This is my guitar teacher.
He-- he's my auto driver.
And he's the Peon in our school.
Very interesting!
Uncle, do you know these guys?
Your music teacher.
Your auto driver.
And your school Peon.
Do you guys know who they are?
Who are they, uncle?
It's you guys!
Kutlu, he's a guitar teacher.
- What's your name?
- Aadhi.
If you don't, you'll be dependent
on them when you grow up.
Just to speak in English,
you will have to beg to them.
You should've studied the question paper
and scored in the exam.
Instead you're doing this nonsense.
- I can't study.
- Bloody!
Dude, first off,
check what's inside the box
How do you know
that I liked glazed doughnuts?
The auto driver told me.
I end up as an auto driver?
I become a music teacher?
- I become a Peon?
- Damn it!
I let you use the time machine
to change your fates.
Now, I don't know what would've
happened to Michael.
They've messed up everything.
Bunch of idiots!
That's it. I'm calling the Police.
Just watch and understand.
- Time travel, is it possible?
- What?
Are you not experiencing it?
Who do you think these kids are?
Seenu, Aadhi and Chaitu.
Okay, sir. What do we do now?
These kids should travel to the past.
And they should return to the present time.
I have no idea what went wrong.
I want to know what went wrong.
That's Michael. Michael...
Paul, sir. Stop it, sir.
Stop it.
Please hear me out.
Please stop the machine.
- Switch it off!
- What?
I said switch it off.
Damn it!
- Who are you people?
- Sir, stop it.
- How did you get inside. Get out.
- Sir, switch it off immediately.
- Sir, switch it off.
- Get out!
- Sir, switch it off.
- Sir, please switch off the machine.
Please stop this experiment.
- Sir, we're here to change your fate.
- What the hell are you saying?
- Who are you people?
- What hell is happening?
I am Seenu, that's Chaitu and he's Aadhi
You're Rangi Kutta Paul,
you're Michael and that's time machine.
We know everything, sir.
Sir, please stop testing your time machine.
Remove the plug and stop the time machine.
Paul, it was you who sent us over here.
- What?
- Yes, sir. It was you.
- I sent you guys over here?
- Yes.
But why?
If you test now
that time machine won't work.
Due to failed experiment,
your friend Michael will die.
- Are you believing this, Paul?
- Sir, it's the truth.
- Paul? Paul!
- No!
Trust me. It takes twenty years for you
to make this time machine work.
That's your future Paul!
Hey, Paul, stop listening to this.
Didn't I tell you...
there are people who want us dead.
Since morning these guys have been
following me.
Now, they've directly come to our lab.
Paul, let's finish this experiment.
Shit! Hey, get out!
Sir, sir, please hear us out.
- Get the heck out of my lab.
- Sir, we're not lying.
Please understand this.
Hey, tell him what he quoted
the other day. with tea.
- Tea?
- It ends with "T" in the end.
- T-T-- Municipality?
- Not that--
- "Key to immortality,"
That's right, sir. That's the one!
Hey, I'll handle them.
You handle him.
Aadhi, please handle the Police.
Paul, there's no time.
Even the Police have arrived.
Police? Why are they over here?
Police is here for us.
It's a different story,
I'll explain later.
What's the proof?
- Paul, listen...
- If I sent you here...
I wouldn't have done it in vain.
Sir, sir, please hear me out.
Sir, please hear me out for a moment.
[police] Sir over there!
We lost the time machine you gave us.
Sir, please hear us out for a moment.
Sir, sir, sir, please tell them to
switch off the machine.
Only that time machine
can transport us to the future.
You convinced us that life is giving us
a second chance.
This is your second chance.
Don't miss it.
This is your only opportunity.
- Don't hesitate...
- Sir, sir, sir...
- Please try to use it, Paul.
- Ask them to switch it off.
- If you don't then it'll be in vain.
- Sir...
- Sir, don't do it.
- Hey!
Sir, just a moment. Please let go, sir.
Sir, please let go.
You want us to confess right?
If you have guts then listen.
We're the kids you're looking for.
[Michael] I've waited for years, Paul.
- I can't wait anymore!
- Michael, come back.
Let's stop it, Michael.
[Michael] I can't wait--
I want to see my mother.
Uncle, please send us back right away.
No, no, no, no... I can't do that.
I have to reboot the whole--
this is not a cycle
that can be started by peddling.
Due to the mess you've created
I have to change a lot of things.
Don't get panicked!
Listen, you kids can stay here today.
I'll send you back in the morning.
So, Aadhi in order to save his mother
from the accident...
- used your time machine.
- Yes, you're right.
These kids may have arrived here
by mistake...
or they might've triggered it
as child's play.
I have to send them back immediately.
You take care of the boys.
The kids' minds may not be stable
at the moment.
So, please be careful.
Does my mother meet with an accident?
Does my mother meet with an accident?
- Aadhi!
- Hey, Aadhi.
Hey, stop!
- Hey, Aadhi, open the door.
- Please open the door.
Aadhi, please open the door.
Aadhi, open the door.
Hey, Aadhi!
Please hear me out, Kutlu.
Aadhi, will save your mother.
Your mother will be there for you.
Kutlu, open the door.
Is it true that Aadhi's mom
met with an accident?
What is this?
Will we drink this stuff?
Sister, what's a broker?
Is it not a good profession?
Is that why brother was pressurizing
me to study?
It's not like that.
Please eat.
If I don't speak to Seetha,
I won't get married is it?
You will get married. Now eat.
Kutlu, please eat.
Come on, everyone eat well.
[Aadhi] Do you see the ring?
My mother gave it to me.
- Where's it now?
- What happened?
Nothing. You guys go to sleep.
Did you notice something?
We are still friends with each other.
That's why we're still suffering.
Aadhi, please don't be scared.
I'm sure that you'll save your mother.
[radio] Akashvani. Date, March 29th...
Time: 07:45 a.m.
It will be presented by Seetha Mahalakshmi.
Headlines for today...
The Prime Minister...
We couldn't find the kids.
But there was a machine.
As of now there's no clarity
on the matter.
Oh, God!
[news] Three suspects were arrested
for kidnapping three kids
by the Hyderabad police.
One of the police officer was injured too.
They have found about Paul and
Michael experimenting with a machine.
Hey, Aadhi.
Due to the fire that broke out
due to explosion...
- What happened?
- Michael lost his life.
And the others were injured.
To investigate further, Paul has been
admitted at the Govt. hospital.
The calculations...
Oh, Michael!
- Hey, Michael didn't die--
- It takes twenty years...
- So Michael didnt die because of alcohol.
- All the calculations...
You sacrificed him
to test the time machine.
Time machine...
if not just like Michael,
we would've died too.
Hey, where are going?
Hey, in an hour mom will meet
with an accident.
I'm still at the hospital.
Please understand there's police outside.
- Hey, I'll handle them.
- Hey, Aadhi dont--
Hey, you've been committing
more mistakes.
- Sir, we never committed a mistake.
- Hey!
Where are the kids?
Sir, we are the same kids.
Please understand.
If you repeat it again,
I'm going to thrash you guys.
I'm holding you at knife point,
scream woman.
- Hey!
- Sir, please save me.
- Don't commit another mistake.
- You carry on.
- Hey, don't do it.
- Dude, you carry on.
Please save me.
Sir, please save me.
Sir, please save me!
Did mom meet with an accident?
[kids] Hey, look, who are these guys?
- See, how they look.
- They look funny.
They look so funny.
Let's go! Hold on!
Do you know where did Ma go?
She took her car and went
to the police station.
Oh, God!
Sir, I can't find the kids.
This place looks like a hotel.
- Dad!
- That's your father.
- Hey, Seenu.
- It's open. Let's go inside.
- Brother, please take a U turn.
- [Dad] She lost control...
right on the spot...
on March 29th, morning, 09:00 a.m.
Brother, stop the vehicle.
Brother, stop the vehicle. Stop it!
- Aadhi?
- Ma!
- Aadhi.
- Ma!
Did you watch the news?
Did you watch the news?!
Get to this side, Ma.
Aadhi, the kidnappers of Kutlu
and his friends...
has been arrested by the Police.
My car is not starting.
The Police station is nearby.
- Come on, let's go.
- First, let's go home.
- Come on, let's go, Ma.
- Why?
Has Kutlu returned home?
How do I explain?
Aadhi, why there are scars
on your face?
Did something happen?
Aadhi, did something happen
to my Kutlu?
Ma, nothing of that sort happened.
Please let's go home.
Come on, please, let's go.
- Please let's go.
- I won't come!
First, tell me what happened to Kutlu.
Aadhi, what happened to Kutlu?
Please tell me.
Aadhi, it's been two days
since I saw my son.
I can't live without Kutlu.
Are you going to tell me?
Or shall I find out myself?
I am your son!
I'm right in front of your eyes.
What are you saying?
I'm Kutlu, mom.
- I don't understand.
- Kutlu!
Like you can't live without your son,
I can't live without my mother.
I won't be able to, mom!
Mom, you wouldn't understand
even if I tell you.
Moreover, I have no time.
Please, let's go home.
Come on, mom.
Please, let's go, mom.
Here you go!
Brother, come on!
Hurry up!
Have I met you before?
I too felt the same.
Ma, did you add sugar?
I always forget to add sugar.
My son too does the same.
- What's your name?
- Aadhi, Ma.
I composed this song for my mother.
Did your mother like this song?
- Did you like it?
- I liked it very much.
Your Kutlu didn't go anywhere.
I'm right in front of your eyes--
I'm your son!
I don't understand.
Kutlu, mom.
Sir, watch out!
Despite knowing it all,
we couldn't change anything
from the past.
We made a mistake.
We made a huge mistake.
Where were you Kutlu?
Mother is not at home.
Only her photo is inside the house.
All these years...
I only spoke in front of mom's picture.
If you look at her...
she'll be smiling all the time.
I had a doubt,
if she understood me or not.
I never got to explain it to her.
Your mom took good care of you.
I too will take good care of you.
Who are you?
My name is Vaishnavi.
You will eventually know me.
Us coming over here
and having a good time with mom.
Once again to have fed by mom.
The song I composed.
And her listening to my song.
This didn't happen on its own.
But mom made it all happen...
...for me!
She looked at me before the accident.
Like a picture,
without blinking her eyes.
With that same smile...
for one last time,
she called me, Kutlu...
Kids, only you three have seen
the future first hand.
It's not because of astrology...
but science!
Use it for good. Okay!
- We are as in... we're you!
- We know that.
When I get home, will I find my mother?
She'll be there, Kutlu.
Mom will be there.
Hereafter, for every moment...
mom will be with you.
Mom, loves music, right?
If we embrace the music...
mom will be with us too.
Do you understand?
Won't we get a girl similar to Seetha?
- We got her!
- Really?
How does she look?
Is she beautiful?
Height? Is she tall?
Hey, it's better to curb
the over-expectations.
That's why despite trying
we didn't get married.
Chaitu, please don't lose that smile.
That's our great quality.
We have just one life.
Live it to fullest.
I should study is it?
If I study, our future will be bright.
Whenever you asked me study
I didn't take it seriously.
Tomorrow onwards,
I'll take books to school.
I'll sit at first bench.
I'll listen to whatever the teacher says.
Yea, right!
You can't succeed when you're not
good at something.
You be yourself and enjoy your life.
So, what if we're not educated.
We have talent to compensate.
Yeah, right!
What talent do we have?
When I gave you the question paper...
instead of passing the exam...
you found an opportunity
to make money of it.
That's the talent you posses.
Oh, that's a talent, is it?
- You mocked me earlier, didn't you?
- No I didn't.
Bloody, brat, I knew you did.
Did you meet your mother?
Paul, you gave us a second chance
that even God doesn't.
Once we witnessed the past
we tried to change it.
But we couldn't.
Aadhi, where did you go?
You never said anything,
I didn't know what to do.
That's when I realized...
each and every moment is precious.
All this while I didn't understand you.
I may travel once again through time.
It's me, sir.
Real Estate broker, Seenu.
Okay, sir.
- But fate can't be changed.
- Sir, I have an amazing farm house
2 kms down the airport.
Take off and landing will happen
right next to the bungalow.
You can watch from the terrace.
I'm a little weak in English, sir.
But I'm very strong in Telugu.
Okay, sir, I'll be there.
- Hi...
- What?
What are you here for?
I am... I am really sorry.
Just one minute.
Have you gone mad?
Why are you smiling now?
You like my smile, right.
That's why.
Shruthi, Chaitanya's family called...
- Shall we go inside and talk?
- The boy likes you.
- He wants to come home and talk.
- Come in.
Thank you.
Mom, loved your name.
[hostess] We would like to call
the first contestant...
Contestant #001
All the best!
To change the past...
this day
this minute
this second
this is the only second chance we have!
Each and every day we have
many desires, aspirations...
sorrows, fears,
but to overcome all of it
we have
"Only One Life!"
To lose fear, you have to appear
To get my sleep,
You have to tell me stories
When I am hungry,
You should only feed me
Like My life is there
In every single grain
If you are there only, I exist
I am a part of your form
What will happen to me
If I dont think of you
Your watchful eyes
Always protect me
Won't I stumble and fall down,
Tell Mother
Your compassion toward me
And love is more than enough
I will always win in different ways
I will grow successful
Still, I'll always remain your baby
I dont want to grow up missing you
I want to remain your baby always
Forever I want to remain
I want to remain your baby always
Forever I want to remain
I want to remain your baby always
Forever I want to remain
I want to grow from your Love
Of your lap of old days
In everything I do
I am praying you
You are the rhythm in my heart too