Old Glory (1939) Movie Script

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, and..."
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the..."
"I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America...
...and to the..."
Oh, gosh! I don't see why I have to learn
the old Pledge of Allegiance, anyhow.
Old Pledge of Allegiance,
why do I have to learn that?
Pledge of Allegiance...
You don't know why you should learn
the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag?
Come on over here. I'll show you.
You see, Porky, we Americans haven't
always been as fortunate as we are today.
Now, here is the United States of America
as we know it. The land of the free.
The land of the free.
Do you know what that means, Porky?
I thought so.
I'm afraid there are a lot of us
who don't appreciate our freedom.
But these people did.
UNCLE SAM: They came to this great
unknown country in search of freedom.
Instead they got:
I know not what course others may take...
...but as for me...
...give me liberty or give me death!
To arms! To arms! To arms!
To arms!
To arms!
To arms! To arms! To arms!
To arms! To arms! To arms!
To arms! To arms! To arms!
To arms!
To arms!
To arms! To arms!
UNCLE SAM: When George Washington
signed that document...
...he laid the foundation
for our great democracy.
Gee! That's wonderful!
Then what happened?
Then, Porky, began a vast movement
to the West.
Led by the great scouts...
...a courageous people pioneered their way
into the unexplored wilderness.
But the incredible hardships...
...the magnificent sacrifices
of these gallant pioneers...
...might have been in vain,
had it not been for a great American.
That we here highly resolve...
...that these dead
shall not have died in vain...
...that this nation, under God...
...Shall have a new birth of freedom...
...and that government of the people...
...by the people and for the people...
...Shall not perish from the earth.
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America...
...and to the republic
for which it stands...
...one nation, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.
[English - US - SDH]