Old People (2022) Movie Script

In times of yore, an avenging spirit
was thought to inhabit old people.
A dark power that took possession
of the frailest members of the clan.
And drove them
into a seemingly blind rage.
...our way.
After an early morning mist dissipates,
it'll be sunny and dry
with a further rise in temperatures.
Over the weekend,
much of the country will hit 30 degrees.
In the northeast,
temperatures could hit 40 degrees Celsius.
Wind from north to northwest
will arrive in the evening.
Tuesday will be mostly cloudy
with scattered showers.
- He wasn't expecting that, was he?
- What do you mean?
- Because you told him I'm not into feet!
- But that was in his profile.
- I know!
- At least that's what you told me.
I... I need to get going now.
I took Jule's shift
and have to go to the next apartment.
What? I thought you were
coming home right now.
- You must feel really bad for them, huh?
- Yeah, I do.
I feel so sorry for them all, you know?
The whole building is falling apart.
Not one family with kids.
I have to go.
Old Mr. Reincke is waiting for me.
The sad guy, remember? In the wheelchair.
Mr. Reincke?
Mr. Reincke?
H... Help.
Mr. Reincke?
Wha... What's wrong?
It's... It's me, Melissa?
S... So, if you...
Please don't!
A few weeks
before the first people were killed,
we talked in school about how our society
is aging drastically.
Our social system will collapse
in the coming years.
Intergenerational conflicts will escalate.
But looking back now,
no one knows what
really triggered what happened
on those last hot summer days.
It's not frenzy
That condemns the young night...
Come on, Laura! Sing along!
Oh, no.
Laura's too old for singing. Am I right?
Besides, this used to be our family song.
Dad sang it with us and Grandpa.
Until Mom decided to leave him.
Noah, can you answer this? It's Sanna.
- Hi, Aunt Sanna!
- Hey, big guy! How are you?
Good. Mom's driving.
I can't wait to see the three of you.
When will you be here?
GPS says 11 minutes.
I'm crazy nervous,
but Malick is even worse.
Hey, babe!
And your dress?
It's beautiful. I think I'll wear it
a few times to work too.
Your wedding dress?
- How is Aike?
- Yeah, how's Grandpa?
CONNECTION LOSIt just dropped the call.
Don't worry, Noah. We'll be there soon.
Then we'll see him with our own eyes.
Can't wait to see Grandpa.
And Dad.
- Let's go!
- Lukas!
Keep an eye on Thalan. I'll be right back.
Up, up! Up, up!
I have to go back to the home.
Linda called.
A couple of the residents
have refused to eat.
So they called you right away.
Yeah, it's probably
just the weather anyway.
Would you prefer not to go
to the reception tonight? We can skip.
And miss Sanna's wedding?
Ella's coming with Laura and Noah.
Don't you wanna see your kids?
Of course I do.But I can spend
all day with them tomorrow.
I'm not jealous, Lukas.
At least not a lot.
I finally get to see you
in a white shirt again.
You know how hot it makes me.
- You mean me or the shirt?
- Both. In combination.
Hey, lovely bride!
No, wait! I'll come down to you!
Malick, Ella's here!
- Hey, guys!
- Malick!
- How was the drive?
- Good. How long have you been here?
Since the week before last.
We've beencleaning and decorating.
- Where will the ceremony be?
- Over at the village church.
- And back here for the reception.
- You're staying in Mom and Dad's old room.
- The others are staying in the village.
- Are there still hotels there?
Just one left. But it was a great idea
to get married here, huh?
Look, Noah. You always used to
play over there at the edge of the woods.
On the old swing.
You and Laura.
Dad put the swing up for us.
You should see
what Malick has done with the cottage.
We're still renovating,
but he set up a bedroom for us upstairs
with a wood stove,
a bathtub, and a canopy bed.
I think he has something
planned for tonight.
Got it.
A love nest.
Did you know
there's a secret underground passage
that connects the two houses?
Oh, really?
Yeah! Rich people used to come here
for vacations. Grandpa told me.
And the butters lived over there.
- The "butters"?
- Yeah, they had to do all the work.
- Cleaning and cooking and stuff.
- Butlers!
And they brought
the food they cooked through the tunnel.
Uh-huh. And Grandpa told you all that.
That was over a hundred years ago.
Where is Dad anyway?
At the Saalheim Retirement Home.
- I thought he was living in the village?
- Mm... No.
He's in a retirement home.
You haven't talked at all?
I'm sure he's sorry about what he said.
About your divorce with Lukas and...
and the fact that you left.
Is Grandpa coming
to the reception tonight?
Of course he's coming. Why wouldn't he?
I hope he's in good enough shape.
His health has declined rapidly.
Hi, Alex.
So you still know who I am?
So, you coming down?
Knock, knock.
Mom and I are going to pick up Grandpa
with Aunt Sanna. Wanna come?
- I have to finish something for school.
- Mm-hmm.
Uh... Hey, wait!
Don't forget your inhaler.
And take it easy, okay?
So you're not so tired
at the reception tonight.
- Mm-hmm.
- Noah!
Hold on! I'm coming!
It's time to go!
And so, where were we?
Fancy a boat trip with me?
Wanna turn?
Yeah, of course. I've seen you
and your uncle do it a million times.
Whoa! Laura! Not so fast!
Not so fast!
Stop worrying and just hold on!
- Look who it is now.
- Wait! Is it Dad?
Hi, Dad!
Hey, big guy, how are you?
- Yeah!
- I missed you, Dad!
Don't you wanna talk to him?
Sure. Yeah.
I thought it was you there.
Where's Laura?
She wanted to stay at the house.
Probably meeting secretly with Alex.
Ah, the lovebirds. How are you guys?
How are you, Ella?
And you?
I need to find a white shirt somewhere
but no idea where.
- I have a white shirt.
- Uh-huh?
- I'll lend it to you if you want, Dad.
- No, no. You wear it, big guy.
There's no way I could fit in it anyway.
Where are you going?
I thought you were getting married.
- We're going to pick up Aike at the home.
- Then Kim can show you around.
She just drove over there.
She's probably with your dad right now.
Uh, super.
Okay, ladies. See you at the church.
- Noah, later, alligator!
- In a while, crocodile!
Uh-oh. Ooh!
What's with all the people?
What do you mean? They're people.
But only old people.
There's just not much left
in the area.
Just the retirement home, nothing else.
Um, don't we have to check in somewhere?
Where is everyone?
No idea.
Noah, come.
Let's go look for Grandpa.
My girl.
Save me.
I'm sorry, sir,
but I'm not Hannah.
Oh God, Miss. Kirschner.
Let's get you back in your bed.
- Yeah?
- We were looking for Kim. Is she here?
Yeah, she's back in the office.
One moment.
Wait. Kim! Customers!
- Hi, Kim. Are you busy?
- Not at all. I thought you'd come here.
- You wanna see Aike, right?
- I want Grandpa to come to the wedding!
I bet he'd like that.
There hasn't been a party around here
for a long time.
Nice to see you again.
Hello, Kim.
Okay, then. Come with me, big man.
Let's go see your grandpa.
- What's going on here?
- What do you mean?
The old people.Are they always like this?
Well, we're totally understaffed.
And there are more and more of them
that we really can't take care of.
Everyone stands by.
Lets it happen. It all just gets worse.
But they're tied down.
Restrained, yeah.
We have to, or else they'll run away,
fall down, or get hurt.
I know how it sounds.
But what can we do?
There are far too few of us.
Some of them lie
in their own crap for hours.
I wish I could change that.
It's me. Noah.
Tonight we want you to come
to the wedding reception with us.
Don't you recognize me anymore?
Sweetheart, so you found Grandpa.
Hello, Dad.
It's me, Ella.
How are you?
- Why are they all looking at me?
- These days they rarely see visitors.
Most of them get a visit
from their children or grandchildren
every couple of years,
if ever.
I'm sorry, I...
- It is different with you.
- No, it's not.
I should have come long ago.
Do you think we'll have
a thunderstorm today?
Mm, maybe.
Wanna see something?
Of course. What is it?
- Where are we going?
- Come with me.
Have you ever been here?
What is this? A grave?
A monument to the...
to the ghosts of our ancestors.
The stone is almost
2,000 years old.
It's supposed to protect families,
so they stay together
and honor their elders.
Whose families?
All of ours.
Whoever hurts them is cursed.
And look here.
E and L?
Ella and Lukas.
My parents.
Your mother and Lukas
were here as teenagers
and left their mark for all eternity.
But then they separated.
Soon I have to go back to Berlin.
I wanna get out
of this shitty town.
Live in the city,
like you.
- Sanna!
- Malick!
- Time for bed, okay?
- But Mom, I'm not tired at all!
- Just one more song. Please!
- Okay, one song.
All right!
- Just like his mother. Just as stubborn.
- No. I'd say he's like his father, right?
- You were always the stubborn one.
- I don't think we were that much alike.
You followed your dream
of living in the city
and having your own law office
instead of the solitude of the country.
Do you ever regret it?
That we left here?
Mom! Dad!
- Come on! Our family song!
- Family song!
At least the kids turned out well!
Once known
These days are seen forever
Night will fill my senses
Without sound...
Okay, then.
The color bleeds
No candlelight will shimmer
Chased away
When morning swims around
Once seized
This stays deep in your blood
This is mine but only through you
Not to cool your brow
Against the window
The heavy mist
Is always passing through...
Oh my God.
Hello? Is anyone there?
So, why are you all sitting here together?
You're listening to the music.
Do you like it?
You wanna get all dolled up
in front of the mirror, huh?
Put on some nice clothes
and join the others at the party?
Too bad you're not invited.
Besides, it's time for bed.
What are you doing?
Hup! Time for you to go to bed!
That's an electric cable!
Please, you have to stop...
Put the cable down!
Stop! It's an electric...
Just a bit longer.
Let us stay up a bit longer
and listen to the music.
Come on, up. Time to hit the hay.
I don't have time
for this kind of stress, okay?
Ow! Fuck!
Oh God!
Sit back down.
Hey, I told you to sit down now!
See you tomorrow!
- What a great party!
- Glad to meet you!
Hey, I love you guys!
Be careful
driving down to the village!
Let's go back out to the sea tomorrow.
- Promise?
- Promise.
Come on, let's go!
I'm fine. Tonight is all about you.
- I love you, big sister.
- I love you too.
- See you tomorrow, okay?
- Yes.
Do you still love her?
Kim, no.
Where's Dad?
Go back to sleep, honey.
The best part was
when you guys danced together again.
To our song.
To our song.
Wait, wait, wait, wait! Close your eyes.
Come on, close your eyes.
I hope it's not too corny.
You know I'm really not the romantic type.
Yeah, yeah.
So, now you can open your eyes.
Oh, baby.
I'm afraid...
that someday it won't be as perfect
as it is now.
It will always be perfect.
Do you know how I know?
Because you...
Because you are the love of my life,
Sanna Marie Wagner.
I wanna lie to you
I wanna tell you
How you broke my spirit in two
And I'm leaving
And it's all down to this moment here...
He's from the home.
Sounds like it's coming from the village.
Oh God!
There are all these people outside.
What people? From the party?
No, not from the party.
Old people.
What exactly did you see?
Don't you believe me?
It's... It's Grandpa.
What are you trying to
tell us, Aike?
Wait here.
All the emergency lines
in your area are busy at the moment.
Please don't hang up.
Kim! Kim! Get in!
Come on, get in the car! Get in!
What's going on?
Mom, no.
No, Mom.
Are you okay?
"Thou shalt honor the old."
"For they are great in number,
and one day you willall be like them."
Mom, look!
What is it?
Oh God!
Go into the house immediately.
Close all the windows and doors.
And stay with Noah. Do you understand?
Do you understand?
What happened?
Ella, tell me what happened!
Ella! What's wrong?
Do you hear what I'm saying?
They're alone in the house!
Laura. Laura, are you okay?
What's going on?
What's wrong with the old people?
I don't know! Where's Noah?
I tried calling Alex. I can't get through.
I'm sure Alex is fine.
He's with his uncle. Where's Noah?
Where's your brother?
They tried to get in the house,
so I barricaded the windows like you said.
- They wouldn't stop. I'm sorry.
- Noah!
Where's Aike?
I don't know!
Noah! Noah, where are you?
Did you find him?
You didn't see
what they did to Malick and Sanna.
I saw what they did down in the village.
- Let me by!
- Ella! Ella!
- Lukas, let me by!
- Ella!
You let me go or else you take the gun!
Stay here! No! No, let her...
Let her go! Don't go out there!
Where is my child?
Where is my son? Where is my child?
If you love me...
If you love me, then stay here.
I swear, I'll be right back.
No! Stay here!
Where is my child?
Noah! Noah!
Where is Noah?
What have you people done with him?
What have you done with him?
- Why won't you say anything?
- Ella!
- Ella, get off!
- Why are you just standing there mute?
- Ella, stop it!
- No!
He's your grandson!
He's your grandson, Dad!
Someone's in the house.
Where is my child?
I've never done you any harm.
If you're going to hurt someone,
don't hurt me.
Get away! Get away from the door!
...forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who...
Where's Laura?
- It's your fault.
- What?
You left me alone.
- What have you done?
- She's not my daughter.
...and lead us not into temptation...
My child, please save me. Please.
Help me. Kim, take the light
and shine it on the oven.
You know him?
From the home?
What's the guy's name?
I don't know it.
What's your name?
Can you...
I just wanna know where the boy is.
Where is our child?
Why are you doing this?
What have we done to you?
We haven't hurt you at all.
I don't know...
you're angry
at somebody,
and maybe they treated you badly,
but it certainly wasn't us.
And it wasn't
our dear son.
Where's my child?
He hasn't done anything to you!
- Where's my child?
- Ella, stop it. Stop it.
- Stop it! Ella! Stop it!
- No!
Stop it, Ella!
Where is my child?
What do you see?
A man
or a beast?
You don't know everything we've seen
in our all-too-short and sad lives.
Do it.
Just kill me.
I'd rather die
than continue living like an animal.
Honey, where were you?
Grandpa took me to the attic
so I wouldn't get hurt.
He said, "Stay there! Stay there!"
Then he went outside to join the others,
and I did what he told me.
- Are you mad at me?
- No!
No, my angel.
I'm not mad at you at all.
You hid very well. You did a great job.
Noah, what's wrong?
- Noah! Noah!
- He can't breathe! His inhaler!
Noah, calm down. Calm down.
Breathe slowly. Don't be scared.
Breathe slowly. Calm down.
Noah, listen to me!
Take a deep breath. Breathe with me.
Like we practiced. Go ahead. In.
And out. Okay, again. Again, in.
Like your sister says.
- And out.
- Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
We're all here.
Okay, Dad's here, Mom's here.
Don't worry, we're all here.
We're all here.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
It'll be okay.
He's too weak.
We'll carry him into the living room
and wait until it gets light.
- Then we'll get out of here.
- Can you take him?
Dad will carry you.
I know where they are.
I admire you, Ella.
Lukas still says your name
in his sleep sometimes.
Your name and your kids' names.
And I lie awake next to him.
Wanna know why he'll never love me
as much as he loves you?
Because you left him.
Because you abandoned him.
It was so easy for you to abandon someone.
And I stayed behind in this...
I even took care of your father. Not you.
I don't wanna take Lukas away from you.
I never had any problems with old people.
All of this started when you came.
Kim, why is the door open?
I'm sorry.
Mom, we have to get out of here!
The underground tunnel that connects
to the cottage that Noah told us about!
It must still exist! We have to find it!
Noah, you first.
Come on, we'll get out this way.
My angel, it'll be okay.
Keep going!
- Noah!Noah.
- No!
- We have to get in there!
- No!
You can do it. Sweetheart.
Good job, Noah!
Keep going!Keep going!
Give me your hand!
I love you!
Laura, is that you?
Noah and I are okay, but our parents...
Oh God, I'm sorry. My family's dead too.
Where are you? Can we meet?
Down by the water.
Through the woods, past the monument.
You have to hurry! There are old people
everywhere! Come quick!
A... A... Alex?
Noah, come on.
Come on.Come on.
Don't look, Noah! Look away!
- Come on, Laura! Sing along!
- Oh, no.
Once known
These days are seen forever
Mom and Dad's song.
Our family song.
Night will fill my senses
Without sound
Whoever breaks up families
is cursed.
The color bleeds
No candlelight will shimmer
Whoever defends them
soothes the spirits of the ancestors.
Chased away
When morning swims around
What do you see?
A man
or a beast?
Once seized
Once seized
This stays deep in your blood
This is mine, but only through you
I'm so sorry, Dad.
A bird laments
Its broken, weeping feathers
With the rain and wind
Across the world, I fly
Across the world, I fly
Across the world, I fly
Across the world, I fly
You won't hurt us. Right, Grandpa?
I could never ever hurt you.
I love you both so...
...so terribly much.
The last few nights,
I've had dreams again and again
about the world in flames.
About a huge fire
that consumes everything.
And the more I think about
everything that happened,
the more I realize
that what my little brother, Noah, and I
experienced this summer
will soon happen all over the world.
How we transform the souls
of the solitary into something dark...
and how, ultimately, only love
can overcome grief and fear.
Until we finally,
trust each other.
You should have seen a ghost
In the night
Shoud have seen...
One day I asked my grandpa
if there was ever a time
when we young people could have warded off
the anger that old people feel towards us.
Grandpa smiled and said
he was a frail old man
and that he couldn't remember
that far back.
But there was a time.
One day.
There was a time.