On a Clear Day (2005) Movie Script

This is, a poem that was...
I found it in the library.
It's for my son.
"To a child dancing in the wind."
"Dance there upon the shore."
"What need have you to care..."
"For wind or waters roar?"
"Tumble out your hair."
"That the salt drops have wet;."
"What need have you to dread the
monstrous crying of the wind?"
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
James? James?
James! James!
Come here.
Stay close, okay?
Give me your hand. Tight.
Hold it tight.
Sorry. Sorry.
I'm sorry.
Where are they?
Listen, frank. You look after yourself.
All right?
Angela, this way.
Excuse me.
There she goes, boys.
Look at that.
Is that fantastic?
Rob! Mum. There you are.
- Hello.
- Thought I was going to Miss it.
Where's grandpa?
I don't know.
Pappy won't be coming.
He's not here.
Come on, frank.
You're missing it, frank.
You coming out? I'll be
out in a minute, Danny.
How can they let someone else build our
Navy ships? It's just the way it is.
And you?
How can they let you go?
You want this?
No, thanks.
All right, Gus?
You all right?
Joan redmond?
Yeah. I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
As I was saying, driving a bus is
exactly the same as driving a car,
except for the 50 or so backseat
drivers sitting behind you.
Rob brought the boys for your last day.
They were looking for you.
Gus Fuller lost his hand today.
One of the presses.
Will he get more money?
I watched him do it.
That's you... tidy.
See you soon, love.
J.SA., pensions
or disability?
I'm looking for a job.
First time?
You'll need to speak to someone.
Let's see who's free.
- Angela.
- All right?
Look, frank, you don't have
to fill it in here.
You can do it at home.
Won't be the same at work without frank.
You got the boot as well,
you dozy pillock.
He might have a heart attack.
That happens, doesn't it?
Work Monday, redundant Tuesday,
heart attack Wednesday.
Well, frank'll be all right then.
Today's Thursday.
What in the name of total
insanity are you wearing?
I need clean ones.
- Tell me they're not your mother's.
- Don't be daft.
They're big Janine's. She left
'em in the pub again on Friday.
- Don't let frank catch you wearing 'em.
- I knew they'd come in handy.
- For what, exactly?
- What if I get run over?
Frank won't be coming swimming tonight.
I'm glad I got out of there when I did.
It's turned nasty.
Frank could have stayed on like I did.
The men respect him.
All he had to do was let them upstairs
think they were runnin' the job.
Man's too pigheaded for his own good.
- Frank, I didn't mean...
- Leave it, Eddie.
See you in the pool then.
- Frank?
- Frank?
Frank, where are you going?
- Frank.
- - my god.
Here, man. Here.
- Get an ambulance, Joan. Get an ambulance.
- Please, no!
- You're all right, man. You're all right.
- Get out of my way!
It's okay. He's okay.
Dad's fine.
It was a panic attack.
That's what the doctor said.
A panic attack.
Only don't mention it when he comes out.
Okay, let's go.
Eddie rang me.
Eddie's got a big mouth.
- He was worried.
- I slipped, okay?
- Can I get money for a can of coke?
- You collapsed.
- No, we're not allowed.
- Mum says you had a panic attack.
I slipped and fell.
It happens, okay?
- What are you asking for? Sorry.
- Have you got money for a can of coke?
No. No. I don't have
any money.
Do you have your purse?
No, I don't have my purse.
Right. Ask your dad for the money.
How do I get out of here?
Down there. Where? Right, left? Where?
That way, frank. Right. I'll find it.
I'm sorry, love.
Come on, boys, let's go.
What's the matter with you?
You shouldn't...
You could have said hello. You
should not have told him.
Is pappy all right?
Of course he is.
Do you like pappy?
Pappy and I are just different.
Pappy doesn't like you.
Look who it is.
Frank's little girl.
Got our fish suppers ready yet, chinaman?
God love us. He's a real
chatterbox tonight, isn't he?
Tell you what...
I've changed my mind.
I fancy a curry.
See you Tuesday.
Just a bag of chips, please, chan.
Heard about your dad.
I'm, sorry.
Okay, chan?
Frank. All right?
Good book?
It's for my wife.
It's about cooking.
What are you looking for?
Don't know.
But whatever it is, it's not in here.
He doesn't know what to do
with himself anymore.
More than I can say for you, driving a bus.
Have you told him yet?
No. Don't want to give him
anything else to worry about.
He's gonna find out sooner or later.
He's shut me out again,
Michelle, like when Stuart...
It won't last long. Are things
better with him and rob?
Not really.
- Bag of chips, please.
- Okay.
- Is your dad around?
- No.
Salt and vinegar?
Hi, frank.
Come on in.
I'm just off to work.
Tom cruise is in the front room.
Eddie, it's frank.
He's got chips.
Our industrious little beetle
is about to meet someone...
Altogether more...
I've seen this before.
Let's call him...
That wee beetle...
Pushes that big ball of shite for what
is the equivalent of six miles for him.
Then, just as he gets
to where he's going,
another beetle comes...
And steals it from under his nose.
It's what happens.
Wait, you'll see.
Six miles.
Poor bastard.
They'll have you shoveling shit.
You know that?
I know.
You still coming on the
booze cruise to France?
It'll do us good.
I can see myself on the ship now...
Captain Eddie Fraser.
Beer in hand, and the
sea air in my lungs.
Eddie, that seagull's eating your puke.
He caught it in the air. That
seagull caught it in the air.
Puke again, Eddie.
Go on, puke again.
Brilliant, that.
All right?
Bloody hell.
You can see France already.
Isn't very far, is it?
Near enough to swim.
I wish I had.
You all right?
How mad would you
have to be to swim this?
How far is it to France? We're
in France, you dipstick.
Yeah, I know we're in France,
but how far is it from britain?
Twenty miles, give or take
the odd oil tanker.
Twenty miles?
How do they measure that?
They look very small
from here, don't they?
They are very small, love.
It's just us women like to
shrink when we get near them.
You can't swim across one of the busiest
shipping routes 'cause the fancy takes you.
Who'd you show your passport to?
Punch and Judy?
- The deck chair man.
- I was a deck chair man for a day.
- Only a day?
- Wasn't what I was expecting.
Did you tell him?
No. God, no.
I will. He won't like it. He'll think
it's to do with him losing his job.
And he'll like it even less
when he finds out the truth...
That it's got absolutely
nothing to do with him at all.
Sorry to pull you back
to the yard like this, frank.
It's a small, little matter.
I just need to prove something.
I know you must be busy.
You know these guys, frank.
I've told you...
I didn't see anything.
He must have been desperate.
He's going to get nothing.
He used the wrong hand.
He's right-handed.
He crossed hands to operate the press.
You should have been more
loyal to the company, frank.
You wouldn't know what loyalty is.
Loyalty is a full wage packet
at the end of the week.
Loyalty is being valued.
Being happy with yourself.
You happy with yourself, frank?
Who do you think you are?
You seriously think you can intimidate
people into being loyal to you?
There's not a man in this yard would
piss on you if you were on fire.
Hi, frank.
Can't keep away?
I knocked a vase over.
Which one?
The one with the crack in it?
No, the other one.
Will it fix?
I need to go and get changed.
So what if you swam the Clyde?
It doesn't prove anything.
Channel's a completely different thing.
Think you could then, frank?
- I know I could.
- Look.
You got made redundant.
You should just face up to it,
like everyone else.
Face up to it?
Like you did, Eddie?
That's a lot of reading.
That's a lot of swimming.
You think I'm wasting my time?
"A gem cannot be polished
without friction,
nor a man perfected
without trials."
Is that a yes or a no?
When do we start?
Hey, hey, hey.
What have we forgotten?
What's this?
You know you're not allowed.
In you go.
I'll see you at 3:30.
- Hiya, son.
- Dad.
- Yeah, good.
- Busy?
You used to have one of them.
They had one each,
but they're always losing them.
I was going to go for a coffee.
Wanna come?
I'd better not. Got to get on.
Maybe next time.
Promised Michelle I'd fix this for her.
Just wanted to see what was inside.
Now it doesn't seem to want
to go back together.
Things aren't meant to be fixed nowadays.
Not by you anyway.
How's work?
What was it sausage finger said today?
Something funny.
No, I can't remember. It was
funny anyway, whatever it was.
The thing that he said, it was funny.
I'm gonna swim it, ed.
I know you are.
My, that's a lot of reading.
It's a lot of swimming.
Probably mentions sharks.
Does it mention sharks, frank?
- There's no sharks in the channel.
- This one shark...
When they opened it up, they found a
portable telly and a box of condoms.
They did not.
Don't tell me the telly was still on.
Look. It's important they take
this seriously and do it properly,
or you may as well not bother.
Bloody hell.
Bugger me.
Are you coming, or are you going?
Sorry, frank.
To start with,
there's the training schedule.
I don't mean to be rude, chan... -a list
of things we need to do to set the swim up.
But I didn't think you could speak English.
I didn't think you could speak.
Danny. First, we need
to register the swim.
I've only ever heard you say about three words,
and two of them were "salt" and "vinegar."
For the love of god,
will you let the man speak?
Sorry, chan. Next we have to get
a boat and an experienced pilot.
How about merv?
He's got a boat.
Merv the perv's got a boat?
It's one of them daft, pointy ones.
It's all chrome and shiny plastic.
No, I don't want to talk to merv.
It's got a dinky, wee bar.
Does it go fast though?
Like shit off a stick.
Two years...
That's what it takes.
I want to do it in six months.
Will you have time to help me?
Ed, I would have asked you, but I
didn't think you would have the time.
Aye. Well...
Chan is probably better at this
sort of thing than me anyway.
Look, guys... do me a favor, and can
we just keep this to ourselves?
Is he in? Aye. He's in the kitchen.
Good evening, Joan.
Hello, Norman.
I've got a cake.
Very nice.
Hello, Mrs. Redmond.
It's Danny. Danny Campbell. Right.
You want frank?
He's in the kitchen.
Come in.
He's in the kitchen.
Keep your eyes open, James.
In here.
On you go.
All right, rob? Hey, Danny. How's things?
Not bad. Skint.
No job, no girlfriend.
And I've been wearing big Janine's
knickers since last February.
I can't complain.
It's not easy, that...
Doing a woman's job.
Here, I'll leave you to it.
Rather you than me.
You okay?
Leave it alone, you big numpty.
And try to stay on your feet.
I saw dad down the pool again.
What's he up to? Swimming.
It seems he's there all the time.
It does him good.
Away you go.
How did they both manage to fall over?
Can we go up to our room? Yes, you can.
I didn't know you had this.
Angela dug it out.
It's a good sand boat.
That's all you ever wanted to make,
both of you. Must be in your blood.
- I go up there now and then.
- I know.
I failed my bus test.
That's not bad.
Time's faster and you're getting
more distance from the strokes.
But it's still a long way
from the real thing.
You'd be better at bus driving than me.
I thought about it.
Kept seeing those ads.
So, why didn't you tell us?
There's no sugar in this.
Can you take it again?
You get three goes.
You should try for it.
You'd be good.
What, and have Angela give up work?
She earns twice what I could.
I've said before,
I can help with the twins.
And I've said before, they're my kids.
If I'm not prepared to look after them,
then we shouldn't have had them.
You're like your dad.
You wait right here
at this side of the pool.
Right, go beside Campbell.
Good boy.
Aaron, when you get to the side
of the pool, just stop and wait.
Hold on, Jonathan.
- You okay? You okay?
- He's all right. He's all right.
I'm all right. It's the way he swims.
It's okay.
Just leave him.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Yes!
- Did you see that, big man?
You call that swimming?
Have you got a name?
Good name.
Good swimmer.
Rob, hurry up.
Come on, let's go.
He's probably not here.
You said he comes down here all the time.
Unless you don't want to.
No, I'm coming. And I didn't
say, "all of the time."
I said, "some of the time,"
Where are you going to?
All right, frank?
All right, Danny.
Who's that?
I used to work with him.
Okay. Okay.
Who's gonna be first?
No cheating.
You got a head start.
My toe.
I stubbed my toe.
Who won the race?
- Whose clothes are who here?
- Anyone else in here?
No, no. You're safe.
Will you come out of there?
Why are you hiding in there?
You've got the shampoo?
Have I?
Why do men's changing rooms always
smell of P-i-s-s? You're lucky.
Normally they smell
of S-h-i-t.
What does that spell?
All right, clothes on.
Who's first?
Come on. Let's get dressed.
You're cold.
You're freezing.
See you Monday.
Excuse me.
See you Monday.
Just the three.
Get his change right, Shirley.
He'll be watching the pennies.
It's not even may. You can't go
swimming outdoors this time of year.
I've got to get colder. I'm
going to loch lomond tomorrow.
There's frost forecast tonight.
I think we should all do it.
Lend a bit of morale.
I'll do it. Sounds like a laugh.
What about you, Eddie?
Yeah, yeah. Count me in. Not me. I
support much better when I'm dry.
I'm more your dry kind of supporter.
Nice cake, Norman.
Yeah, less salt this time.
Here we go!
Eddie, where are you going?
No. No.
Eddie, come on.
No. Get off me.
I've got piles!
Hold on, frank!
I'll be right with you!
Don't worry, son.
It'll grow back.
It better had.
I'm playing football later on.
Here we go, lads. Nice
cold beers to warm you up.
- Hey, salange.
- - salange.
The fire of the crucible.
God. What is the "fire of the crucible"?
A Chinese proverb.
From now on you have to
train in the cold.
Not only that, you have to swim
25 miles a week, six days a week.
Here. I've got one
for you, chan.
Man who walks through airport turnstile
sideways is going to Bangkok.
How do you know he's going to Bangkok?
Bang cock.
Bang cock.
Listen. We still need
to get ahold of a boat...
- so we can support frank in the water.
- Merv the perv's got a boat.
- But do you think he'd let us have a go on it?
- I don't see why not.
He'd let you have a go with his wife.
Bang cock.
Bang cock.
No, I can't.
I thought I could, but I can't.
- I'll see you at the bus stop.
- Hey!
Hey, over here.
Come on.
Don't be shy.
Give it a try.
Merv, it's frank.
Can I have a word?
Hiya, frank.
Hey, Vera, it's frank.
Hi, Vera.
How's Joan? Joan's... she's... she's fine.
She's... yeah.
She's still after Joan's
recipe for lemon cheesecake.
I'll remind her.
Listen. I'm sorry.
Is this a bad time?
- 'Cause, I mean, I could come back later.
- No, it's great, frank.
Norman says you've got a boat.
I was wondering
if maybe we could borrow it.
I want to shag it!
Merv probably has.
You sure you know what you're doing?
Of course I do. I used
to be in the sea cadets.
Bit different to a leaky canoe
on the Clyde, this.
Don't worry.
I'll be careful.
- Yeah, well, just make sure you are.
- Are you not coming, Norman?
Get on there with the missing link at
the helm? You're joking, aren't you?
No. I'll leave it till I find my sea legs.
Next time maybe.
Help! Slow down!
Right then.
- You flooded it.
- I'll fix it. Just give us a minute.
Norman! Help!
Keep your eye on that, will you?
What's on your mind, son?
I've been thinking.
What with?
I was thinking...
I could have a go at the channel too.
What do you think?
You think you're up to it?
All right, rob?
Evening, Janine.
Pint of lager, please, eight packets
of crisps... assorted flavors...
No prawn cocktail, two pork pies,
three ham sandwiches
and a pint of guinness, please.
I'm in training... swimming.
- I've got to bulk up.
- You're swimming?
Training, but I'm getting
mentally prepared.
I'm in mental training.
So how's things with you then?
The same.
How's the big fella?
Your little boy.
He fell on his arse the
last time I saw you. Yeah.
He's all right.
He does it all the time.
He bounces back quick enough. Yeah.
They're very bouncy... kids.
Like balls... Or castles.
Still, it's gotta be the most
difficult job in the world, that,
being a dad.
Probably why mine left us.
But you don't Miss
what you never had, do you?
Make sure you stay
in front of him, frank.
If the water suddenly gets warm,
that'll be Danny.
How many of those have you eaten?
Just the one.
Well, get rid of it.
Right, okay.
Don't do anything stupid.
If you get into trouble, what do you do?
Go to the boat.
All right. Now, remember,
we're not superheroes.
I hear you. I'm good.
Okay, let's go.
What's that?
They're fine.
They're fine.
Come on!
Colder than last time.
Danny, slow down.
Come on! Here we go!
Danny. Hey, Danny.
Watch this.
Pace yourself.
You are king of the jungle.
I'm a lion.
Now repeat after me...
Here you go, frank.
Why can't they just hold
on to the boat and get it?
Frank wants to do it right.
If they touch the boat,
the swim won't count.
He's got cramps! Start the boat, chan!
Start the boat!
- Danny! Danny, hold on!
- Danny!
Hold on, Danny!
It won't start.
It's okay. Calm down.
Take it easy.
- What did the doctor say?
- It's fine.
The doctor says he's gonna be all right.
No thanks to you.
He looks to you like a dad.
You should have stopped him.
It wasn't frank's fault, ma. I will
not have him go in the water again.
Ma, it was my own fault.
I just wanted to be the man for once.
Olympic superstar.
Nike sponsorship.
Just be the man, you know?
Like you.
I didn't want you to be disappointed.
I was when I found out it was Eddie
that gave me the kiss of life.
You going training now?
Put some down for me, will you?
He can help out...
On the boat or something.
But he wears a life jacket
if he's anywhere near you.
So his mother's not too happy then?
I should have stopped him.
Remember you stopped rob swimming in
here that time? Yeah, he was seven.
He cursed like mad when I pulled him
out 'cause his mates were watching.
Jumped right back in again.
You know, if I had disobeyed
my father at that age,
he'd have beat the hell out of me.
But I loved him.
I've never hit rob... Ever.
Not once.
We never can find two words
to say to each other.
Seems like everything's backwards.
Why don't we just take a chance?
Go down to Dover.
It's a long way to go for nothing
if we don't find somebody.
You said yourself, if you don't
find a pilot, you can't swim.
Okay, okay, I'll go there later this week.
I'll come for the ride.
Get a saver. Should be cheap enough.
Take Danny too.
Make sure he brings
his water wings this time.
It said "apply thickly."
Maybe we overdid it.
I'm sorry.
Was it the lorry?
But he swerved first.
Mrs. Redmond,
you need to be more...
I'll let you go one more time.
There we are.
Right. I've just had a word
with the barmaid.
Apparently there is a guy that can do it.
Goes by the name of mad Bob.
Mad Bob?
- He doesn't sound normal.
- He sounds friggin' nuts.
Is he here?
You lookin' for a boat?
- We might be.
- Either you are or you're not.
We are.
So it's you
that's gonna be swimmin'? -
If you can't beat me, you
ain't the man to do the swim.
And I ain't the man to take you.
I take it you're mad Bob.
We go on three.
850 the crossing, 200 hundred
deposit, no refunds.
But we get to see your boat?
- What for?
- We get to see the boat.
you get to see the boat.
Shark, 35-footer.
Fell off my bike,
Let's go.
There she is.
Is this yours?
It's all right.
It's good.
Yeah, very nice.
- There you go, fellas, tea's up.
- What date is it today?
- Twenty-second of June.
- Aye, it's the 22nd.
Hang on.
You sure?
Is that a two or a five?
Yeah, it's the 22nd.
One, two, three.
Where were you?
Sorry, I got held up.
I'll get you some food.
No, it's fine. I've...
And a nice big piece of cake.
- Were you waiting for me?
- Can I open my present now?
- They were.
- It's fine. It worked out better.
Come on, let's go crazy!
So what did you get them?
The kids? Since when
did I do the shopping?
Your mother likes to get those things.
You got them those racetracks.
Mom still likes to do that thing, you
know, where she signs the card...
And makes it look like
you've signed it too.
How's your swimming coming on?
I heard you're gonna swim
the English channel.
I didn't tell her.
You were right not to.
Because you heard wrong.
I heard that Danny parked merv's
boat halfway up the beach.
And I heard that you were planning
to swim the channel this summer.
Danny gets carried away.
- Saw you down at the library.
- I like reading.
Saw you down at the pool.
I like swimming.
I'm gonna get some jelly
before it's all gone.
You can have another go, can't you?
I just can't seem to concentrate lately.
You told him at last then? No, it's not that.
It's something else.
I think he might be having an affair.
But he's acting so odd.
I'm sorry.
That's just daft. I mean...
Well, there's Vera.
It's not funny.
She rang last week and...
It's probably just got something
to do with the boat.
- What boat?
- The boat.
The lads are borrowin' a boat
to help frank swim the channel.
What channel?
Thank you.
You know, we were talking
about buying a car.
I fixed the wing mirror back on.
Well, Michelle says Arthur hall
is selling his Metro. It's red.
I thought we said a new car could wait?
No, we didn't. You did.
We have to be careful
with the money from now on.
Michelle says the insides
are just like new.
She also says you've been
borrowing merv's boat...
To help you train to swim the channel.
The English channel. And I was wondering
when you were thinking about telling me.
I was also wondering how it is
we can't afford a new car,
but you can afford to pay for a boat
to show you the way to bloody France.
I'd be worried about you trying to swim all
that way, frank, if I wasn't so angry.
I've never asked you for anything, frank,
but honesty was something
I took for granted.
Well, look who it is, three wise monkeys.
Hey, rob, your dad's just got
a few more lengths to do.
Why don't we wait for him outside?
I know about his little secret.
I just wanna talk to him. Is that all right?
No, no, no, come on.
- Eddie...
- Hey! Hey!
You're a liar, dad.
You lied to me
about swimming the channel.
Maybe I did.
Is it because I don't have a job?
It's not about you.
Because I look after the twins?
I'm not ashamed of that, dad!
I'm not ashamed
like you think I should be!
You're not ashamed!
No, but you are.
You're the one who's ashamed!
I'm not listening to this. Why? What
are you afraid of? Afraid I'll drown?
Look at me, I'm drowning!
Thirty-six years!
Thirty-six years!
Twelve hours a day, five days a week!
Now you tell me, when was I
supposed to go shopping!
He'll be okay.
Just needs time to cool off.
We need to make sure
you keep up the times tomorrow.
- I can't do it.
- But, frank...
I can't do it.
He's right. Come on, frank, come on.
I'm not going to be swimming.
Your father didn't mean to hurt you.
I was married once.
Her name was Bridget.
She left me for a jam salesman.
She never even liked jam.
I didn't bother
with women again after that.
I was always too scared the same
thing would happen all over.
If anyone tried to get close,
I just pushed them away.
Your father did the same thing with you
after the accident, pushed you away.
He blames me.
No, he doesn't. He blames himself.
Always has.
Now you're soakin' the seat,
and it's leather. It'll stain.
All that way, frank.
I thought we were too old for secrets.
Like learning how to drive a bus?
There was an ad in the paper.
I failed twice.
But I'm going to take it again.
I'm not givin' up.
Let's just play when it smashes.
All right, you ready?
You take that one, all right?
One, two...
We're not catching the train, James.
There's no point in racing.
I've got the keys, remember.
- Are you playing a game?
- Yeah.
Don't make me come back out.
You better go inside.
Is it a secret?
Like daddy's wee brother?
He says we mustn't talk about
him, that it makes you sad.
Does it make you sad?
- I won't tell.
- Good boy.
Are you going to swim the channel?
I don't know.
What do you think?
Dad says it's too dangerous.
What is the channel?
It's the sea between england and France.
Are there any sharks?
No sharks.
- Piranhas?
- Bananas?
- Piranhas.
- Piranhas.
No, no piranhas.
It doesn't sound
too dangerous to me then.
I'll count to five.
I can swim like a fish.
Are you stopping out here all day,
or are you planning to come in?
Hey, big man, you not swimmin'?
That's five pounds you owe me.
I told you he'd be here.
We're a delegation.
A delegation?
It's a kind of a gang.
Thanks for that, Danny.
Does the delegation have a proposal?
Yeah. We think
you're wrong to give up.
Now we've come this far.
We also think you are a big daft
bollocks for giving... you see that?
See that little lad with red hair?
It takes everything out of him
just to swim one width. Just one.
He won't take any help,
and he never gives up...
And when he gets to the other side... yes!
I'm not givin' up.
That toilet needs cleaning again.
Do it yourself.
Take it steady.
All right, ladies?
- My god!
- All right, love.
Nearly finished?
Only I thought we might go out.
You mean together?
Aye. You and me.
Me and you.
Excuse me.
Please don't drop the bags.
They split.
Sorry, pal.
- See you Wednesday.
- See you Wednesday.
I nearly drowned.
We heard.
In the sea? What were
you doing in the sea?
I don't know.
Do you wanna go out with me?
- Yeah.
- Good.
That's good.
Happy days.
You smell of chlorine.
Like dad when he was laid out.
He used to smell of oil and woodbines.
I was 16.
You came down to talk to dad
about something.
I couldn't believe how handsome you were.
I'm learning to drive a bus.
And then, if I pass,
I'm going to drive a bus.
It'll be my job.
A proper job.
Driving a bus.
I'm going up.
So should you.
You have a big day tomorrow.
Thanks for the sandwiches.
Good luck.
That, time...
When I came to see your father,
I didn't.
I came to see you.
I spy with my little eye, something beginning
with... you'll never get this... "a."
Air freshener.
No. You may get it, Norman.
'Cause you're nearer it.
You could say you're on it.
I'm on it?
Kind of.
No. 'Cause you'd have that as well,
unless it was Norman's arse.
- Leave my arse out of this.
- And that would be n-a.
You okay with heights?
Yeah. You?
You sure?
I was thinking about Joan.
I should have told her.
Don't know what I was hiding.
- Maybe we should leave him alone.
- Why?
- We should be there for him.
- What if he doesn't want us there?
You're as pigheaded as your father.
Of course he wants us there.
He just doesn't know how to ask.
But he's not going to
achieve anything by it.
How do you know?
Because he's not going to bring
Stuart back by swimming the channel.
It's not Stuart he wants back.
I'm away.
Mom, thanks for the toys.
It's okay.
What toys?
Better out than in, right?
For god's sake.
One more of them
and you're sleeping in the car.
I knew a guy once...
Could fart in German.
You took your time.
I'm sittin' in the front.
The observer fellow seems all right.
Right, it's 5:00. Let's get crackin'.
Okay, don't forget.
Don't touch the boat or anyone on it once you
get going, or it will invalidate your swim.
When you get to France,
get all the way onto dry land,
pick up a stone
and bring it back to the boat.
- Okay.
- Good luck.
Thank you. Thank you.
Well, go.
Good luck, mate.
Good luck, frank.
Thanks, lads.
- See youse.
- You're not joining us?
No, I don't float very well. Me neither.
Come on, frank!
That's the way!
We'll be there in no time, frank.
The right and the left.
One, two, three, four!
I'm all right, frank.
I'm all right. Carry on.
You passed, didn't you?
I thought you'd never ask.
Well done, mom.
That's brilliant.
Well, I think we should
celebrate with a gumdrop.
- The fumes are killing me.
- I can't help that.
I'm keeping this close
to keep you on course.
I can't breathe!
I'll go ahead.
Well, what bloody use will I be then?
Stupid bastard.
Bloody fool!
I am confident.
I am confident.
I am a lion.
I am a lion.
I'm not a timorous beastie.
I'm a lion!
He's doing great, isn't he?
No, he's not. At this rate, he's not gonna
make it to the cap before the ebb tide.
And if he doesn't, he's gonna
get swept back out to sea.
Isn't that being a bit bleak?
No, he's right.
Look, I'll pick up the pace
and he's gonna have to keep up.
- Bloody hell.
- Better do some hypothermia checks.
Can we get closer to him?
Frank, where are you swimming from?
- Where in england?
- Dover.
- What day is it?
- What?
- What day is it?
- Thursday.
He seems all right.
Come on.
I didn't think to ask where
in France he was swimming to.
There, that's where he's swimming to.
- How do you know?
- Pappy showed me.
- When did pappy show you?
- I'm not telling you.
How many times did you try it yourself?
Did you ever make it?
Third time lucky.
There it is, sortie, way out.
What is it?
Ebb tide.
- It's dragging him back out.
- What if he can't beat it?
Can't we do anything?
He's in for the long haul.
He won't be able to last that long.
Yes, he will. He won't. His
body temperature is dropping.
If he doesn't make this beach,
he's not gonna make it at all.
Frank! You've only three miles
to go, frank!
I know you're hurtin', but you gotta swim
faster, frank. The tide's against you.
Frank, you gotta swim faster.
Come on!
You can do it, frank.
You can do it.
Stay there. Stay there. Don't move!
Don't you move from there!
Stop that.
Stop it.
Come on, frank, come on.
Is he all right?
Bloody hell.
I need to come out, lads.
What do you think you're doing?
Why don't you just take it slower
for a wee while. See if it passes.
I'm sorry, chan.
I can't do it, mate.
- You're nearly there. Look, it's not far.
- I can't do it.
Frank, your body's hurting because
you're beginning to burn fat.
It won't last though. Carry on,
you'll get through it. Yeah, frank.
It's just a pain barrier.
It's all in your mind.
Get me out. It's too far.
Bollocks. It's always been this far.
You come in and swim it then!
Fine. Get on board, we can all go home.
All my life I've looked up
to you, frank. All my life.
I never saw you back down from anything.
It's too far.
I'm nobody, me, I know that.
But I'm not daft.
I see what's going on here.
Out here in the middle of nowhere.
But he's not here, is he, frank?
He never was.
It's taken you 23 years to find that out.
So what now?
Well, I'll tell you what now.
You get back to swimming, and you
shut up about how far it is.
And you shut up about how much it hurts.
Because you don't have a choice.
You never did.
So, come on.
Get stuck in and put some down.
We're wasting time.
I'll go on then.
It's him!
No, I can't see for sure, but...
Yeah, that's frank! That's frank!
Let me see! Let me see!
That's frank in the water.
Right there.
Can you see him?
Come on. Let's go.
Come on.
I need to be there, mum.
Come on, mum.
My god.
If he touches him before he gets
out of the water, it won't count.
It won't be recognized. The swim won't be recognized.
- Don't!
- Don't touch him! Rob!
- Let him get out of the water.
What's he want?
Come on.
Did I miss something?
Come on.
Come on!
We made it!
We swam the channel!
I took the ferry.
Get the stone!
Get the stone!
Let him get the stone.
Pick up a stone.