Onegin (2024) Movie Script
My uncle is of the most honest rules,
when I fell seriously ill,
He made people respect him.
I couldn't have come
up with anything better.
His example is a lesson to others.
My God, how boring -
sit with the patient day and night,
without moving a single step away.
What base treachery -
to amuse the half-dead...
He has to straighten the pillows,
it's sad to bring medicine,
sigh and think to yourself:
"When will the devil get you?"
So thought the young rake,
flying in the dust on the postal.
By the supreme will of Zeus
heir to all his relatives.
Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan...
With the hero of my
novel, without prefaces,
at this very time.
Let me introduce you.
Alas, gentlemen,
The Parisian theatre is orphaned.
They say that Talma
completely deafened, weakened.
Mademoiselle Mars has grown old, yes.
But only Potier is still in force.
They asked me to pass it
on. Table by the window.
Gentlemen, I will leave you for a moment.
And who is he?
My good friend.
Well, I almost started speaking in verse.
He's not stupid.
It's obvious that he's used to
living like this. on a grand scale.
A rich heir.
His late father was not poor.
But he successfully squandered his fortune.
Enlisted the support of creditors
and died in debt.
And these are the
remnants of former luxury.
I understand, I understand.
More like a habit.
Are you bored?
Or are you gossiping?
Let's drink, prince, to our acquaintance.
What would you like
to do with your evening?
We didn't have anything with the prince
special ideas on this matter.
They are performing a new ballet today.
Do you want to look at this despondency?
With all due respect, Onegin...
Istomina is dancing after all.
Don't argue, gentlemen,
It's still impossible to get there.
Onegin, is this really you?
does not touch and does not fascinate?
For you, the human being,
arrived in the capital,
there is a certain freshness in this,
and I've been observing this all my life.
Believe me, there is nothing new here.
It's time to change everyone.
Do you see the beauty in the fourth box?
What do you think?
how long will it take,
to win her favor?
Onegin, don't tease my friend.
Until the end of the performance.
This is impossible.
She is not alone.
Come on, Onegin,
This is not the stationmaster's daughter.
It's obvious right away,
a young lady with good upbringing.
Do you know her?
Until this evening I
have not had the honor.
But how?
Prince, this is art,
in which everyone has their own secrets.
I don't share my secrets.
You are crazy.
Her father is a brigadier general.
Do you understand what this means?
That her mother is a brigadier general?
The main trick is not that,
to seduce a girl.
And in order to preserve
blissful ignorance
cuckold father or husband
and remain friends with them.
What a blessing I am not married.
Prince, you look at him in such a way,
as if you envy his success.
I envy his youth, his ease.
I must admit, he is quite nice.
But if I were married, I would take my wife
never left him next to him.
The moment you become light
for everyone, it becomes incredibly sad.
Your happiness, prince,
that you haven't understood this yet.
Well, was my Eugene happy?
Free, in the prime of his best years...
Among the brilliant victories,
among everyday pleasures.
His feelings cooled early.
He was bored with the noise of the world.
The beauties didn't last long
the subject of his usual thoughts.
The betrayals have managed to tire me out,
I'm tired of friends and friendship.
An illness whose cause
It's high time to find it,
similar to English spleen...
In short, Russian melancholy
took possession of it little by little.
He will shoot himself, thank God,
didn't want to try,
but he became completely
indifferent to life.
Like Childe Harold, sullen, languid,
he appeared in the living rooms.
Neither the world wide web, nor Boston,
not a sweet look,
not a single immodest sigh -
nothing touched him.
He didn't notice anything.
Bonjour, monsieur.
[speaks French]
Leave it alone.
You know: coffee first,
after - letters.
This is from your uncle.
Let them serve breakfast
in the dining room.
Go get ready for the trip.
Did something happen?
Nothing happened.
The old man writes that he is dying
and wants to see me.
As far as I can remember, there was no
year, so that he wouldn't be going to die.
But in reality, uncle
I'm so bored
and yearns to be entertained.
So maybe we shouldn't go?
His inheritance will save me
from daddy's creditors
and will provide for the next half century.
Everything has its pros and cons.
He was waiting for you, father.
Every morning I asked you...
And yesterday I woke up thinking about you.
And after lunch I got tired and took a nap.
and never woke up again.
Bright soul... your uncle...
left in a dream.
I, gentlemen,
wanted to have a drink... for the
repose of the soul presented to Him.
The Lord always takes to himself
the very best.
And today
Our good neighbor has left us.
Please accept my condolences.
Your uncle was an honest man.
Why do you say that?
is it so quiet about this?
I'm saying this for you.
And these ones will tell
themselves everything.
His departure
It's a personal loss for me.
and a big problem.
He was my friend.
Who is this?
The last name is like that and...
And he is a worthless person.
By the way, your uncle
He couldn't stand it.
Why then?
showed up for the funeral?
It's obvious right away
that you're from the capital.
We don't have much entertainment here,
to deny yourself the opportunity
go somewhere, have a drink,
again, just wagging your tongue.
It doesn't sound very polite,
but I like your sarcasm.
Thank you.
Well, if that's the case, come visit.
Let's have some liqueurs.
Shall we switch to shtoss?
Are you a gamer?
It's in the past.
But sometimes you just want friendly
conversations with a smart person.
Do you think I'm a smart person?
Who knows.
You look smarter than the local rabble.
But you decided to stay?
Aren't you afraid of getting bored?
Is there anything to eat?
Kingdom of heaven.
This is our eldest one
how lovely it is.
Yes, he dresses in all French clothes.
You definitely need to meet him.
We should definitely meet.
Gennady Sanych, I wasn't joking at all,
when I told you about it,
that our family, yes, of course,
we can say that this is a female kingdom,
The earth needs to rest.
Let's say one year I sowed turnips,
on the other hand, this rye, oats, barley.
He said to him: Why
are you frowning, brother?
"Or don't you like my kennel?"
He replies that the kennel is wonderful.
Yes, but I guess the people here
Life is worse than that of dogs.
There is one dog here
he was offended by this and said...
You mentioned turnips not long ago,
and here I am...
I didn't say a word about turnips.
Oh, I was talking about turnips.
OK then.
So, do you plant lutetia?
I don't plant lutetia either.
Who plants it in our area?
Do you know where he
distinguished himself so much?
This is just wealth
for him, just like that,
so he squeezed all
his wallet and pockets,
that he decided to throw dust in the eyes
Yes, he invited guests, yes, a lot of them.
And he says: Gentlemen, today is summer,
"Do you want it to be winter tomorrow?"
They say: "We want it, we want it."
And he bought salt
with all your money?
Did you get enough sleep in your fields?
Why are you not in bed, father?
We have prepared guest quarters for you.
No need, Guillot.
Take me to my uncle's room,
I'll settle there.
Maybe we should still
go to the guest rooms.
There is damask wallpaper there,
tiled stove.
Do you think you can
surprise me with wallpaper?
I'm going to bed.
I'll need it tomorrow
fresh head.
Why are you standing there like a statue?
Where is my coffee, monsieur?
There is no coffee in your uncle's
household, and ours hasn't arrived yet.
So, we'll live without coffee for now.
Your neighbor has come to visit you.
Madame Skotinina.
This is the one with four daughters.
and all of them are of marriageable age?
- Whoa.
- Say that I'm not there.
She's already inside and waiting.
Take her to you
or say that you will go out?
Is my horse saddled?
Say I'm not there.
How so?
You said he was here.
Do you think I'm a fool?
I don't understand Russian well.
Here is our Onegin - a villager...
Factories, waters, forests, lands
the owner is complete
And until now he has been an
enemy of order and a wasteful person.
And I am very glad that the old path
changed it to something.
It seemed like two days to him
new lonely fields,
the coolness of the gloomy oak grove,
the murmur of a quiet stream.
On the third - groves, a hill and a field
he was no longer occupied.
Then they would induce sleep.
Then he saw clearly, that in the
village there is the same boredom.
Khandra was waiting for him on guard...
And she ran after him,
like a shadow or a faithful wife.
How much time has passed?
Not so many.
You haven't changed,
you've just become prettier.
Volodya, you...
Do you remember how we used to play?
Your father thought about marrying us.
Daddy died.
No, nothing.
This is Shakespeare.
He was kind.
I remember playing as a boy
with his Ochakov medal.
He allowed it and was not angry at all.
Volodya, forgive me, I have to go.
And you must be in a hurry too.
Not at all.
I'll take you there.
So, you are coming to us from Germany.
I haven't been to my
homeland for two years.
I walk around - I recognize
and dont recognize.
Has everything changed,
either I have changed.
What could we possibly have?
change here?
Well, maybe our eldest.
She's simply adorable,
how beautiful she's become.
And dresses in all French clothes.
You definitely need to meet him.
Yes, sure.
And how she plays the guitar!
How he sings!
Come to my golden chamber!
Give me all the pleasures.
Yes, we have a new neighbor.
- Indeed.
- Yes.
Old Onegin gave up his soul to God.
And now he lives in his estate
young nephew.
Came to us from St. Petersburg.
He must be educated?
Not good.
And a madman.
Doesn't accept anyone at his place.
He lives alone in his estate.
And he drinks wine by
the glass all day long.
Gavrila Palych came to see him.
So that one instead,
to accept him as a neighbor,
back door
On horseback and away,
as if it doesn't exist.
Freemason and Biryug.
You speak as if he is
treated you in this way,
and not with Gavril Pavlovich.
I've heard quite a bit of gossip about him,
but we are not represented.
So there is no need to deal with him.
He's rude.
arrange to unsaddle the horse and
bring some tea, there's dew, I'm chilled.
- In the living room?
- No, cognac is better.
Or better yet, cognac and tea.
I'll bring some cognac.
What do I owe it to?
I am your neighbor, Vladimir Lensky.
I come from Gttingen.
This does not excuse you.
Or in Germany, the rules of decency
do you allow late visits?
If we talk about decency,
it's not too polite to run away
from the visitor through the back door.
It is impolite to make comments
to the owner in his house.
What do you want?
Eugene Onegin.
Let's assume,
that our acquaintance took place.
I fully agree
your displeasure.
I know the local crowd,
like no one else.
I admit that I suffered,
and more than once,
the desire to escape
from talk of hunting,
haymaking, about distant relatives.
I understand, as an educated person
lack of sharp conversation
among the village simplicity.
That's why I came to you
with a desire to make friends.
What would you like to talk about?
Well, maybe two educated people
can't find a topic for conversation?
At least about Schiller and Goethe.
Are you a poetry connoisseur?
I am a poet myself.
Sit down, Mr. Poet.
There is no truth in the legs.
They came together...
Wave and stone,
poetry and prose, ice and fire,
are not so different from each other.
First, mutual difference
They were bored with each other.
Then I liked them.
Then they came together
every day on horseback.
And soon they became inseparable.
So people, I am the first to repent,
There's nothing to do, friends.
Everything between them
gave rise to disputes...
And it drew me to reflection.
Treaties of past tribes,
fruits of science, good and evil.
And age-old prejudices,
and the fatal secrets of the grave,
fate and life in their turn, -
everything was subject to their judgment.
The poet in the heat of his judgments
I read, forgetting myself, meanwhile
excerpts from northern poems.
And the indulgent Eugene,
although I didn't understand many of them,
he listened diligently to the young man.
Love is the highest feeling.
It comes to a person once.
and remains with him for life.
The truth is that any feeling
is broken by everyday life.
Passion passes, in its place
fatigue and boredom come.
You just never loved.
Not at all.
I have fallen in love many times.
You just exclude it for some reason,
that you can fall in love for one night.
I'm talking about a great feeling,
and you're talking about a simple desire.
That's why,
speaking of great feelings,
In poetry, a woman is called desirable.
Youth speaks in you.
But the fever of youth will pass, and
you will look at it completely differently.
Let's go to my place and have dinner.
Guillot promised something
from French cuisine.
Sorry, but I can't.
I'll go.
Oh, these poets.
After a good dinner,
the desire to be offended
and you will lose
the ability to argue.
I'm not offended,
but I really have to go.
They are waiting for me.
Listen, it's not hard for you there.
kill every night
in empty talk?
There is a certain charm to this.
Simple family, home comfort.
Immeasurable boredom.
Although there are two daughters
of marriageable age, as I heard.
So that's where the conversation comes from
about high feeling.
Let me take a look
on this Russian Felida,
that occupies your thoughts
and inspires the pen?
don't laugh
Not at all.
Introduce me.
Are you kidding?
Even right now.
This is really not a joke?
Let's go.
They are wonderful people.
We will be welcomed.
They've heard a lot about you.
I imagine.
Try this jam.
It is exceptional.
You'll never guess what it's made of.
With cherry leaves.
The leaves impart a
cherry flavor and aroma.
And there further, behind
the trees, there is a garden,
those same cherries.
But I like this part of the park more.
It's quiet here.
And on hot days, shade and coolness.
In autumn the leaves rustle,
and such peace.
Let me know,
What are you reading so enthusiastically?
Don't be afraid, I'm just a guest.
in your home.
I live not far from here.
Eugene Onegin.
What is your name?
I would never have thought,
what could possibly attract a girl like you
a vulgar sentimental novel.
There is no vulgarity in it.
Just feelings.
Do you think the story is about feelings?
can't be vulgar?
Return the book.
You must be crazy
from Sir Charles Grandison.
He is clever, handsome and virtuous.
And immensely boring,
as well as narrative itself.
There is no count in the novel
the author's reasoning
and conversations on abstract topics,
and the action suffers.
You say this out of envy,
because you are certainly not Grandison.
That's true.
Tanya, why didn't you come out for tea?
I became interested in reading.
Ah, I see you've already met.
She's always been like this.
Has been living since childhood
in your fantasies.
And novels contribute to this.
You must be right.
But I can't forbid her from doing them.
I confess, I myself in my youth
was fascinated by Richardson.
And how does your husband feel?
to such hobbies?
My late husband...
He never saw evil in novels.
Perhaps that's why,
that I never read them.
Are you yawning?
No more than usual.
admit it
this trip inspired you
excessive boredom.
No more than usual.
This Larina, with all her simplicity,
quite a nice lady.
And the daughters?
And which one of them
occupies your thoughts?
The youngest.
Here's the weird thing.
Why not?
If I were a poet like you,
I would choose another one.
Do you really want to?
hear this?
Olga is beautiful.
And Tatyana is always sitting
in the corners and with a book,
and with a sad look,
as if the whole world had upset her.
I really have to
explain all this to the poet.
There is depth in Tatiana
and meaningfulness.
There is life.
And the younger one, excuse me,
looks similar on a doll with a cute face.
There is no more life in her features,
than in the "Madonna" of some Van Dyck.
Are you saying she's stupid?
Lensky, don't get excited.
If I didn't know you
were drinking tea, I would
have thought it was
the wine talking in you.
Thank you.
Got offended.
Not stupid.
So, now I'm stupid too?
You know, you should
learn some manners.
In Germany
From my communication
with you I conclude that
that they teach not
politeness there, but primness.
Are you laughing at me?
Well, never mind, someday I will too.
I'll laugh at you.
What a hot temper!
Where are you going?
Don't break your neck!
So, her name was Tatiana.
Neither by the beauty of her sister,
nor the freshness of her ruddy cheeks
she wouldn't have attracted the eyes.
Wild, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, timid.
She is in her own family
seemed like a strange girl.
She didn't know how to be affectionate
with her father, nor to his mother.
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
I didn't want to play or jump.
And often alone all day
sat silently by the window.
Are you not sleeping?
Can't sleep.
My dear, I wanted to talk to you.
about your behavior today.
It was impolite.
Evgeniy Alexandrovich is a guest.
Moreover, the guest is
young, not poor, and...
Mommy, is it really me?
so much a burden,
that you decided to woo me
for every wealthy neighbor?
Not a burden.
Time just flies.
I'm getting old, and when I'm gone...
Who do you order me to leave it to?
care for you,
if you continue
shy away from people,
like our old mare -
from each bush?
I don't shy away.
I just don't want to rush.
Looking for love like Richardson?
How are things with you and daddy?
So that there is peace and comfort.
So that once - and for life.
Soul to soul.
How are we?
My dear,
when I was like you,
and daddy was still a groom,
I was in love after all
not at all into it.
The one I dreamed about was...
Sergeant of the Guard.
Handsome man.
Woven from virtues.
Almost Grandison.
And they married me off to Dmitry Larin.
Like this.
Are you saying you didn't love him?
He loved me.
And I got used to it.
Habit is a great gift.
Replaces happiness.
Go to bed.
It's already late.
And next time, I ask you,
Be nicer to your guests.
And I'm sorry that he is to you
I didn't like it that much.
Go to bed.
Where is dinner, monsieur?
Who's having dinner at this hour?
and after the guests?
There was tea with jam at the party,
lingonberry water and dull conversations.
Let them serve dinner.
I see you're bored too.
I was sleeping.
And I don't find this activity boring.
Especially at night.
How was your trip?
Did you entertain me?
Gave rise to gossip.
Five miles from Krasnogorye,
villages of Lenskogo,
is still alive and well to this day
in the philosophical desert Zaretsky.
Once a rowdy,
the chieftain of a gambling gang,
head of the rakes, tavern tribune.
Now he is kind and simple
the father of the family is single,
reliable friend, peaceful landowner
and even an honest person.
This is how our century is being corrected.
Please forgive me.
I saw my neighbors off.
And yesterday I was at the Skotinins.
If you could hear, my dear,
what they say about you.
Have I been matched yet?
You already had the wedding planned.
And the priest was ready to marry you,
but they didn't get any fashionable rings,
That's why it was postponed.
Well, aren't you bored here without me?
Didn't make it in time.
What else can I do to entertain you?
If I get there for the third time,
You owe me a bottle of cognac.
And if you miss,
then from you, and silk on the wall.
And what about your friend?
In love to the max.
It seems that his youthful ardor
was replaced by youthful delirium.
Nothing. He'll get married.
He will settle down and calm down.
What do you think?
It will become overgrown with a farm,
will forget about rhyming.
It will become boring.
What are you doing?
Will you scare the children?
Why are you, dumbfounded,
you say under your arm?
Mr. Onegin and I have an argument,
and you break in without reporting.
That's Antip at the stables...
Go, Prokhor. I have no time for you now.
Guess what, Prokhor.
And where is your friend now?
It was possible to invite him
for the company.
They would have painted the bullet.
Now go, Prokhor,
and bring cognac.
Bring the dusty one.
And my friend is busy today,
so we'll shoot you and me
Let's write it out like a hussar.
If only I had that much strength
over her heart,
then I could have once been outraged
her forehead is clear and cheerful.
Her lips.
Well, why did you go silent?
Right, I
Hello, Tatiana Dmitrievna.
Are you alone again?
My friend, if you are talking about him,
rarely leaves
beyond the boundaries of his estate.
He is unsociable.
It's a character trait.
But I will pass it on,
that you inquired about him.
It's not worth it, really.
In this wilderness he
everything seems boring.
We really have nothing to show off in
front of a man who came from the capital.
Sister, have you seen your mother?
She asked about you
a quarter of an hour ago.
I'll leave you.
You stopped at a sensitive moment.
What's wrong?
Tanyusha, my girl, what's wrong with you?
Come on, go to bed immediately.
Can't sleep.
I feel stuffy.
Nanny, sit down and tell me something.
Do you remember how you used to be?
told stories?
Well, when was that?
Well, I don't remember a single one.
Yes, my dear, you are not a child anymore.
And you tell me about yourself.
Were you in love when you were young?
Come on, Tanya, what love?
I have never even heard of what love is.
And how did you get married?
Yes how-how?
The mother-in-law decided
so and sent a matchmaker.
She came to us, to our family,
I probably walked for about two weeks,
until my father blessed me.
Well, that's all.
They unbraided my hair
and they took him to church.
I was so afraid.
I was scared.
After all, all my life... with my parents.
And here is someone else's family.
Well, what's the matter, girl?
You're not listening to me.
What's wrong? What's wrong with you?
I was terribly exhausted.
Well... What are you...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
So, look at you, you're all on fire,
I need to call my mother quickly.
- I'm not sick.
- Then what is it?
Well, at least give me you
sprinkle with holy water.
I am healthy.
Go, leave me alone.
I'll go to bed soon.
I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
They're going.
Lord, have mercy, save and preserve.
My Lord, my God.
Oh-oh-oh. Bye.
I am writing to you.
What more?
What else can I say?
Now I know, It is in your power
to punish me with contempt.
But you are to my unfortunate fate
keeping at least a drop of pity,
you will not leave me.
At first I wanted to keep quiet.
Believe me, I am ashamed
you would never know.
If only I had hope
at least rarely, at least once a week,
to see you in our village,
just to hear your speeches.
You have a word to say,
and then keep thinking,
thinking about one thing
and day and night until we meet again...
Why did you visit us?
in the wilderness of a forgotten village?
I would never have known you,
would not have known bitter torment.
The excitement of an inexperienced soul,
resigned to time, who knows?
I would find a friend after my heart,
would be a faithful wife.
And a virtuous mother.
I would not give my heart
to anyone in the world.
It is destined in the highest council,
it is the will of heaven.
I am yours.
My whole life has been a pledge
faithful dates with you.
I know you were sent to me by God.
You are my guardian until death.
Who are you?
My angel or guardian?
Or a cunning tempter?
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty.
Deception of an inexperienced soul.
And something completely
different is destined.
But so be it,
From now on I entrust my fate to you.
I shed tears before you.
I beg for your protection.
It's scary to reread,
I freeze with shame and fear...
But I have your honor as my guarantee,
and I boldly entrust myself to her."
Come on, stop.
And who are you?
And what are you doing here?
I... uh... want to pass on a letter.
What literacy?
Barinu. From mistresses.
Who are you anyway?
No, it doesn't look like it.
And so?
Well, give me the document.
That's it, run.
I see that you are handling the cue
not so cleverly,
as with a gun.
I haven't practiced for a long time.
The autumn thaw will begin,
then it will snow,
and you will make up for
lost time out of boredom.
The less you love a woman,
the sooner she likes you.
I know the art of seduction
no less than yours.
But this is not about seduction,
I don't want to offend her.
It would be easier for
me to give you advice,
If only I knew who you were talking about.
But you won't tell?
Then get married.
You are crazy.
You are afraid of offending.
You are not going to seduce.
All that remains is marriage.
Absolutely impossible.
What kind of family man am I?
Yes, he's not much of a family man.
Frankly, it's questionable.
Not bad.
I think I need to explain myself to her.
Choose words so as not to hurt.
And explain,
that nothing can happen between us.
You're not joking now, are you?
I am completely serious.
What do you say?
I promise you will lose.
I clean
Well, what is this, my dear?
Well, why are you so pale again?
Nanny, tell me,
And did your grandson deliver the letter?
Well, of course!
At the same hour.
Why doesn't he answer?
Well, you know who can figure them out.
Do you want me to send
Vanechka for an answer?
He's quick and will turn around in a flash.
And so that each one has until dark
the basket was full.
And to sing.
If I hear someone who
doesn't sing, I'll punish them.
Yes, madam.
Do you love folk songs so much?
Not at all.
As long as they sing, they can't carry
and eat my apples.
Life's wisdom, Volodenka.
Here are some of these tricks
family life consists of.
And what about your friend?
Or did we offend him in some way?
Not at all.
He was planning to just today
to you with me.
But he was delayed.
It should catch up soon.
Beautiful girls,
Valentine's Day...
Open up, girls,
have fun, my dears...
Sing a song, a cherished song.
Lure the young man into our round dance.
How will we lure him, young man?
how I envy the traitors.
Have fun, my dears,
throw in a cherry...
Cherry, raspberry, red currant.
Don't go eavesdropping
cherished songs...
Don't go and spy
our girls' games...
You wrote to me.
Don't deny it.
I read your letter.
I appreciate your sincerity.
I admit, I haven't encountered it for
a long time with such spiritual impulse.
I will answer you with the same sincerity.
If I wanted to have a family,
become a husband, a father,
to protect your life with a home circle,
I, without a moment's hesitation,
would choose you as my bride.
- I
- Listen to the end.
My problem is that I am no good
for a quiet family life.
I am not worthy of you.
And this is marriage
will be a torment for you.
I can love your features,
fall in love with your sincerity,
but tomorrow I will fall
out of love just as easily.
You will suffer,
but that won't touch me.
I will start to disappear,
bringing you to tears.
Or I'll be boring, silent and gloomy.
What could be worse than such a family?
This isn't what you were dreaming about,
When did you write to me?
Believe me, I love you,
how a brother loves his sister.
Or maybe even more tenderly.
And I know women:
you didn't fall in love with me,
it's just time
fall in love with someone.
If it weren't for me, it would
have been someone else.
And there will be another one, which
I am sure, will make your happiness.
But only you from now on
don't open up so quickly.
Not everyone will understand you.
Like me.
Thank you for your advice.
That's great.
Let's remain friends?
This is what Eugene preached...
Through tears, seeing nothing,
barely breathing, without objection,
Tatyana listened to him.
He gave her his hand, sadly,
as they say, mechanically, Tatyana silently
leaned back, bowing her head languidly.
Let's go home around the garden;
showed up together,
and no one thought of blaming them for it.
Has a rural nature
their happy rights,
as well as arrogant Moscow.
Walking, reading, deep sleep.
Forest shadow, murmur of streams.
Sometimes the black-eyed white.
A young and fresh kiss.
A spirited horse is obedient to the bridle.
The lunch is quite fancy.
A bottle of light wine.
Privacy, silence.
This is Onegin's holy life. And he
surrendered himself to her without feeling,
red summer days
in carefree bliss, not counting,
forgetting both the city and friends.
And the boredom of festive undertakings.
But our northern summer is
caricature of southern winters,
even though we don't want to admit it.
The sky was already breathing autumn.
The sun shone less often.
The days were getting shorter.
The mysterious shadow of the forests
with a sad noise it was exposed.
Fog fell over the fields.
A caravan of noisy geese
stretched to the south.
A rather boring time was approaching.
It was already November.
Your move.
It's going to snow soon,
and then Christmas.
And there is Tanya's name day.
The house will be full of guests.
Come and take your friend.
I think Tanya will be happy.
I don't think he will agree.
He doesn't like big gatherings.
Volodya, are you today?
somehow especially thoughtful.
Your move.
You ate your own boat.
Did something happen?
Olenka, I need to
I have something to tell you.
So tell me.
Olga Dmitrievna...
I wanted to ask you...
Be my wife.
You know, Onegin, you wont believe it,
but to my joy,
She agreed.
The date has almost been set.
About three weeks after Christmas.
You don't seem happy for me.
How can one not be happy about this?
A month after Christmas
you will break up
with your muses, you will get married,
you'll fit into a quilted robe,
you will master village tricks.
You'll start eating out of boredom
and drink without measure, get fat.
By the age of forty you will have gout.
And wonderful branched horns,
which will instruct you
your faithful wife.
But you will be happy.
Then you'll go nuts.
And you will pass away on the bed among
the children, doctors and howling women.
But also to another world
you will leave happy.
You're laughing at me again.
Not above you.
Only over life
and her meager imagination.
Shall we play again?
Laugh, laugh.
Someday I'll laugh at you too.
I didn't call you!
Do you think this is funny?
He laughs best,
who laughs last.
Are you still here?
Are you reading the novel?
No, a dream book.
I had a bad dream.
I'm trying to figure out what it means.
And what did you understand?
Something bad is about to happen.
What bad things can happen in the house,
full of guests, on your name day?
I'm worried, Olenka.
Let's go.
Everyone is waiting for you.
Let's go, let's go.
Allow me, madam,
I can't help but leave
Congratulations to the birthday girl.
We were worried.
[speaks French]
I am asking you
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
[speaking French]
Your album is a success.
Monsieur Triquet boasted that he
brought you congratulations in verse.
Did you really write it yourself?
He says he did it himself.
But actually, remember the nursery rhyme?
from an old almanac?
He rewrote it, slightly adjusted
to suit the circumstances.
Instead of the heroine there will be,
Let me guess, Tatiana?
How did you guess?
And here is the birthday girl.
Congratulations, Tanechka.
[speaks French]
Happy name day to you, Tanechka.
Congratulations, Tanya.
You are magnificent.
Lord, Tatyana Dmitrievna, I I remember
it being just like that, tiny and cut.
And now it's simple
bride for publication.
And Olechka - there are simply no words.
Thank you.
Well then, gentlemen,
please come to the table.
What about Larina?
What about Tatiana?
Everyone is healthy,
they said to say hello.
And Olenka has become so much prettier.
Shoulders - you should have seen them.
And the chest...
What a soul!
So this is her soul
struck your imagination?
You again.
Let's go to them together sometime,
You will oblige them.
Judge for yourself.
He looked in twice and disappeared.
Do you want to invite me to your wedding?
No, my friend.
Observe the gathering of local bohemians -
beyond my strength.
I know your love for seclusion,
but why the wedding?
Before that, it was Tatyana
Dmitrievna's name day.
You are called and I don't see the point
you can't go.
Sorry, but the same rabble will be there.
It's a quiet family holiday.
There will be only family.
Let's go.
Do me a favor.
Welcome, gentlemen.
Please come in.
They've been waiting
for you for a long time.
You see, my dear, they
are already waiting for us.
I'm impatient.
Sir, Evgeny Alexandrovich.
Finally you have honored
us with your attention.
Come in, sit down.
But a toast from you, as a latecomer.
Come on... say something.
Happiness to you, Tatyana Dmitrievna.
Thank you.
You said that, besides family,
There will be no one at home.
Well, not for you all the time.
laugh at me.
Do you think this is funny?
He laughs best,
who laughs last.
You must try this pie,
- Thank you.
- what's in front of you.
Mr. Petushkov and I There was a
dispute about whether it was salted enough.
As for me, the one who prepared it,
I needed to soap my neck,
so that you don't shake your hands,
when there is a salt shaker in them.
And now, let's dance, gentlemen.
Another dance...
Are you having fun, Olenka?
Wonderful evening.
I missed the waltz.
I hope I can count on it
at a cotillion?
I can't.
I can't.
Why not?
I promised this dance to your friend.
What, you don't like dancing?
Not too much.
I like them
more masculine entertainment.
For example, hunting, say, a deer.
You dance beautifully.
Thank you for the compliment.
You won't refuse my eldest
in the next dance?
I have to go.
I'm not used to going to bed late.
Good morning.
I wouldn't call him kind.
Sorry for disturbing your solitude,
but I have business with you.
So, it's a challenge.
Our mutual friend will be pleased to
shoot with me?
Please spare me the explanation of this,
which is already clearly stated.
And so you took it upon yourself
the role of a cartel leader?
You know my attitude towards you.
But I don't have much time.
Do you think I am wrong?
I guess you shouldn't have
laugh at feelings,
even if the young man behaved stupidly.
Well, and now...
The light will decide who is right.
The world will laugh at me,
if I refuse.
Eugene... please honor me with an answer.
Why did you leave so early yesterday?
And we drink tea.
Come sit with us.
Indeed, Volodenka,
Well, what are you standing there for?
Sit down.
All feelings in Lensky became clouded,
and he silently hung his head.
Jealousy and annoyance disappeared
before this clarity of vision,
before this tender simplicity,
before this frisky soul.
He looks at her with sweet affection,
he sees: he is still loved.
He is already tormented by remorse,
ready to ask her forgiveness.
Trembling, unable to find words,
he is happy, he is almost healthy.
And again thoughtful, sad
in front of my dear Olga,
Vladimir has no power
remind her of yesterday.
He thinks: I will become her savior.
I will not tolerate the corrupter
with fire and sighs and praises
tempted the young heart...
So that the worm is despicable and
poisonous, sharpened the lily stalk...
So that the two-morning flower
"It withered while still half-open."
All this meant, friends:
I'm shooting with a friend.
What's wrong with you?
It's time for me to go.
Aren't I happy?
Where have you gone?
my golden days of spring?
What does the coming
day have in store for me?
My gaze catches him in vain...
He hides in the deep darkness.
There is no need, the law of fate is right.
Will I fall, pierced by an arrow...
Or she will fly past.
All good: vigil and sleep
the appointed hour comes.
Blessed is the day of troubles,
"Blessed is the coming of darkness."
Monsher, start the day
from the contemplation of your face -
not the greatest joy.
You asked to be woken up.
Serve coffee?
Let them bring the sleigh.
You'll come with me,
and here's another thing.
Grab the combat box.
Please excuse me, gentlemen,
for making you wait for a whole hour.
Where is your second?
Monsher, come here, we need you.
Monsieur Guillot.
My friend and second.
Are you laughing?
Not at all.
And I don't foresee any objections.
about this.
Guillot is, of course, an unknown person,
but an honest guy.
Shall we begin?
According to the rule I must
I would like to ask you, gentlemen,
Would you like to make peace?
Shoot at ten paces.
Now disperse.
Now come together.
What have you done?
What have you done?
Blessed is the day of troubles.
Blessed is the coming of darkness.
The Lord always cleans up
to yourself the best.
And today too...
Our good neighbor has left us...
I didn't expect to see you here.
I didn't expect it from myself.
However, he was my friend.
Will you come and say goodbye?
I doubt anyone will be
happy to see me there.
I'm going home. Do you need a ride?
Thank you, I'm on my own.
Said goodbye to a friend?
I said goodbye completely.
Pack your things, we're leaving.
Anywhere, just as long
as it's far away from here.
"The ray of dawn will shine in the morning.
And a bright day will shine.
And I, perhaps, am the tomb...
I will descend into the mysterious shadow.
And the memory of the young poet
will be swallowed up by the slow summer.
The world will forget me, but you...
Will you come, maiden of beauty,
shed a tear over the early urn?
And to think: he loved me...
He dedicated it to me alone
the sad dawn of a stormy life.
Heart friend, desired friend,
"Come, come, I am your husband."
I said goodbye.
Let's go.
How easy it was for you.
You loved him so much.
It was he who loved me.
And now he's gone.
And life goes on.
Have you finally decided?
What to expect?
Or do you suggest suffering and sighing?
and indulge in memories?
No, Tanyusha, I'm not that old,
to live only by memory.
Do you have the discretion, Michael?
good and easy, and a strong thought
take this Olga as my wife,
which you see here, in front of you?
I have, honest father.
Have you promised
yourself to another bride?
I didn't promise, honest father.
Do you have, Olga,
free will, good and unconstrained,
and a firm thought...
to take her as a husband
this Michael, whom you see here,
in front of you?
I have, honest father.
Didn't you promise
yourself to another husband?
I didn't promise.
And are you ready for garrison life?
Better to have any kind of life,
than to live in eternal despondency.
Now it's really going to be sad here.
Without you, without your laughter.
Leave it alone, sister.
Otherwise I'll burst into tears.
And don't stay here too long.
My advice to you.
I feel good here.
You console yourself.
It's boring here,
and one will feel completely sick.
Well then... let's say goodbye.
No need, mommy,
Everything will be fine.
We will come to you on vacation.
Yes, yes, Olenka, don't pay attention,
This is senile.
I'm happy for you.
It's time for us to go.
Well, God bless.
Good day.
The master usually sits by the fireplace
I spent time alone.
Although, sometimes, they were with
our neighbor, Lensky, the deceased, drank.
And how they argued!
Well, these are the master's chambers.
Here he rested,
I drank coffee in the morning and ate.
I read books.
If you want, stay here.
and I'll go about my business.
I often thought, tired of grief, that I
am gloomy through no fault of my own.
He felt sorry for himself,
burning like a fire,
he kept saying:
"No lover has ever suffered so much."
Only dead love is alive in hell.
The eyes of an attentive girl
are directed towards them more lively.
Tatyana sees with bated breath,
what thought, remark
Onegin was amazed,
to which he silently agreed.
And it starts little by little
My Tatyana understands.
Now it is clearer, thank
God, about whom she
is condemned to sigh
by the powerful fate...
Eccentric, sad and dangerous.
Creating Hell or Heaven?
This angel, this arrogant demon.
What about him?
Is it really imitation?
An insignificant ghost.
Or even a Muscovite in Harold's cloak...
Interpretation of other people's whims...
A full lexicon of fashionable words?
Isn't he a parody?
If possible, I would like to
come here sometimes to read.
Will you allow me?
You are a wonderful lady, by God.
Come on, if you're not kidding.
Or you can take some book with you,
and then you'll return it.
Thank you.
So what to do here?
Tatyana is not a child.
It's high time she got a place.
Olenka is younger than her,
and now I'm married.
And this one still wanders through
the woods and is sad with books.
Maybe she's in love?
Into whom?
Buyanov proposed to her, but she refused.
To Vanechka Petushkov too.
Pykhtin was visiting.
Such a stately man.
Handsome, hussar, clever.
I thought he was
courting her like that.
Well, at least things
will work out with him.
How can you refuse such a man!
No, it didn't work out again.
You're looking in the wrong place.
You need to go to Moscow.
The income is low, and
traveling to Moscow is expensive.
You're not going there
permanently, are you?
Is it really true that the
funds won't last for six months?
And if its not enough, you can borrow it.
At least with me.
I always have all the respect for you.
- Goodbye, madam.
- Goodbye, madam.
Please don't forget us completely.
Have a nice trip.
Well, let's go slowly.
Where are we going?
For what?
To my cousin.
I told you so.
You need to go to Moscow.
There will be no sense here.
My dear cousin.
It's been so long since
we've seen each other.
And this is my daughter... Tatyana.
And I remember you when
you were just a little baby.
Your mother and I were young then.
and were liked by men.
Why are you smiling?
Do you remember your Grandison?
What Grandison?
She is trying to maintain her reputation.
Stop being cunning.
Your daughter is already an adult.
You can talk to her
about all sorts of topics.
So what about him?
Returned to Moscow,
came to see me on Christmas Eve.
I recently got my son married.
However, more about that later.
Tanya is not interested in conversations
about married men?
She must be attracted to single men.
You're embarrassing her.
Tomorrow we'll show you to your family,
and then we'll bring it out into the world.
Don't be so scared, dear.
Embarrassment is a woman's weapon.
It is not necessary to give
in to him spontaneously...
You should use it at your own discretion.
Sorry, I'm not used to being
at such meetings.
You'll get used to it.
It's not a difficult task.
Look over there.
Now he turned sideways.
Who? That general?
To the left.
Well, here we congratulate you
on your victory. My dear Tatyana.
And we will direct our path to the side,
so as not to forget who I'm singing about.
And he left.
First to Moscow,
then to Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan.
From there to the Caucasus, to Taurida.
I have been traveling for several years.
Now here in Odessa.
For what?
You can consider that I have escaped.
From the opinions of the world?
I drink to you.
Don't look at the oysters, eat them,
They are the freshest here.
Oyster, wine.
The old Onegin would
have invited me to the opera.
They're playing Rossini there today.
And the current one invited
me for oysters and wine.
It's as if you've become even gloomier.
What is there to be happy about?
Longing, my friend, longing.
Sometimes I wonder why I didn't lie there
in a field, with a bullet in your chest?
Why am I still alive?
And still young?
I feel like I'm an old man inside.
Give up this decadence.
There is a ballet performance next week.
I invite you.
Next week, my friend,
I won't be here anymore.
I'm returning to St. Petersburg.
Why so hasty?
There is no need.
Life is generally a meaningless thing.
Where have you been?
I was away.
Traveled a lot.
And that's all?
And how many rumors there were!
Do you remember, you promised me a dance?
I'm afraid that today too
I will still owe it to you.
Onegin, you!
What a meeting!
Well, what do I see, my dear friend?
You - and you don't dance.
We are all not getting any younger.
I'm glad to see you.
And I'm glad to see you.
Especially after so many years
your absence.
Let's go, I'll introduce you to my wife.
- So you are married?
- Yes.
Didn't know?
It's just that you haven't
been out in public for a long time.
Married and happy.
For two years already.
Who is your chosen one?
Come on, I'll introduce you.
My angel.
I would like to introduce you to my friend.
We are familiar with Evgeniy Alexandrovich.
How long have you been here?
The days are numbered.
I just got back.
Are they from our region?
Onegin, next Friday
I give lunch.
Come and tell me
about his travels.
- Certainly.
- I'm glad to see you.
Let's go, my soul.
Hello, Tatiana Dmitrievna.
Hello, Evgeny Alexandrovich.
How long has it been since
you visited your native places?
I haven't been there for over two years.
Are you bored?
A little.
And how is your mother?
I always remember with warmth
her techniques.
Everything is fine with mommy.
She sometimes comes to visit us.
- And you?
- Enough about me,
- Evgeny Alexandrovich.
- My soul, where are you?
Onegin, is that you?
Let's go to the table, everything
is already assembled there.
Yes, of course.
I foresee everything:
will offend you
an explanation of the sad secret.
What bitter contempt
your proud look will depict!
What do I want?
For what purpose should
I open my soul to you?
What evil fun, perhaps,
shall I give a reason?
Having met you by chance sometime,
I noticed a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her.
I didn't give in to my sweet habit,
his hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
Another thing has separated us...
Lensky fell as an unfortunate victim,
and to everything that is dear to
the heart, then I tore out the heart.
A stranger to everyone,
not connected to anything...
I thought:
freedom and peace are
a substitute for happiness.
My God, how wrong I was, how punished I am.
See you every minute.
Follow you everywhere.
A smile of the lips, a movement
of the eyes, catch with loving eyes.
It will take you a long time to listen.
Understand with your soul
all your perfection.
To freeze in agony before you,
fade and go out.
This is bliss.
I know: my age is already measured,
but so that my life may be prolonged,
I have to be sure in the morning
that I will see you during the day.
If only you knew, How terrible it is
to be tormented by the thirst for love.
To burn - and with reason all the time
calm the excitement in the blood.
I want to hug your knees.
And, sobbing at your feet,
pour out prayers,
confessions, penalties.
Everything, everything
that I could express.
And meanwhile, with feigned coldness
to arm both speech and gaze,
have a calm conversation,
look at you with a cheerful look.
But so be it,
I resist myself
I can't take it anymore.
Everything is decided.
I am at your mercy
and I surrender to my fate."
Parlasov invites you to dine.
Nina Vronskaya is organizing a meeting.
Will be glad to see you.
Are you laughing at me, monsieur?
Leave all these invitations.
I'm not going anywhere.
No, nothing was transmitted.
Two weeks.
You've been asking me questions for
14 days in a row the same question.
Why doesn't she answer then?
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
I understand everything, but sleep, without
undressing - that's already bad form.
Well, you know, Guillot,
Youth is a time for stupidity.
And here it is important not to commit
irreparable stupidities,
which you will later regret.
Or learn not to regret at all
about what has been accomplished.
Three invitations.
But you're not going anywhere.
The letter was not responded to.
Make arrangements for the crew.
Their Excellencies are not at home.
And the princess?
We were at home, but...
Stand up.
I read your letter.
and must explain.
Remember how frank you were
then in our garden?
I remember your rebuke.
Now it's my turn
be sincere with you.
Then a dreamy girl fell in love with you,
fell in love selflessly,
with all my heart.
So what now?
Didn't alarm you?
love of a humble girl.
She was nothing new to you.
No, I don't blame you for your preaching.
Then you did the noble thing.
I am grateful to you.
You didn't like me,
You said this with all honesty.
But why are you pursuing?
me now?
In love?
With your mind - It's vulgar
to be a slave to petty feelings.
And you are cruel.
I am sincere.
You know, I understand you.
I find it unpleasant and tiresome
all this secular tinsel.
I would be happy to and I would
change it without thinking twice
this metropolitan flair and rich husband
to our old house.
A quiet, peaceful life.
Why did you get married then?
At that time all lots were equal.
And this one calmed my mother down.
Therefore you must leave me.
I know: you have
and honor and pride.
I cant lie to you, Onegin.
I love you.
With all my heart.
But I am given to another.
And I will be faithful to him forever.
She left.
There stands Evgeny,
as if struck by lightning.
In what a storm of sensations
Now he is immersed in his heart.
But suddenly the spurs rang out.
And Tatyana's husband showed up.
And here is my hero
in a moment of evil for him...
Reader, we will now leave.
For a long time.
We follow him quite a bit in one direction
wandered around the world.
Let's congratulate each other on the shore.
It's about time, isn't it?
My uncle is of the most honest rules,
when I fell seriously ill,
He made people respect him.
I couldn't have come
up with anything better.
His example is a lesson to others.
My God, how boring -
sit with the patient day and night,
without moving a single step away.
What base treachery -
to amuse the half-dead...
He has to straighten the pillows,
it's sad to bring medicine,
sigh and think to yourself:
"When will the devil get you?"
So thought the young rake,
flying in the dust on the postal.
By the supreme will of Zeus
heir to all his relatives.
Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan...
With the hero of my
novel, without prefaces,
at this very time.
Let me introduce you.
Alas, gentlemen,
The Parisian theatre is orphaned.
They say that Talma
completely deafened, weakened.
Mademoiselle Mars has grown old, yes.
But only Potier is still in force.
They asked me to pass it
on. Table by the window.
Gentlemen, I will leave you for a moment.
And who is he?
My good friend.
Well, I almost started speaking in verse.
He's not stupid.
It's obvious that he's used to
living like this. on a grand scale.
A rich heir.
His late father was not poor.
But he successfully squandered his fortune.
Enlisted the support of creditors
and died in debt.
And these are the
remnants of former luxury.
I understand, I understand.
More like a habit.
Are you bored?
Or are you gossiping?
Let's drink, prince, to our acquaintance.
What would you like
to do with your evening?
We didn't have anything with the prince
special ideas on this matter.
They are performing a new ballet today.
Do you want to look at this despondency?
With all due respect, Onegin...
Istomina is dancing after all.
Don't argue, gentlemen,
It's still impossible to get there.
Onegin, is this really you?
does not touch and does not fascinate?
For you, the human being,
arrived in the capital,
there is a certain freshness in this,
and I've been observing this all my life.
Believe me, there is nothing new here.
It's time to change everyone.
Do you see the beauty in the fourth box?
What do you think?
how long will it take,
to win her favor?
Onegin, don't tease my friend.
Until the end of the performance.
This is impossible.
She is not alone.
Come on, Onegin,
This is not the stationmaster's daughter.
It's obvious right away,
a young lady with good upbringing.
Do you know her?
Until this evening I
have not had the honor.
But how?
Prince, this is art,
in which everyone has their own secrets.
I don't share my secrets.
You are crazy.
Her father is a brigadier general.
Do you understand what this means?
That her mother is a brigadier general?
The main trick is not that,
to seduce a girl.
And in order to preserve
blissful ignorance
cuckold father or husband
and remain friends with them.
What a blessing I am not married.
Prince, you look at him in such a way,
as if you envy his success.
I envy his youth, his ease.
I must admit, he is quite nice.
But if I were married, I would take my wife
never left him next to him.
The moment you become light
for everyone, it becomes incredibly sad.
Your happiness, prince,
that you haven't understood this yet.
Well, was my Eugene happy?
Free, in the prime of his best years...
Among the brilliant victories,
among everyday pleasures.
His feelings cooled early.
He was bored with the noise of the world.
The beauties didn't last long
the subject of his usual thoughts.
The betrayals have managed to tire me out,
I'm tired of friends and friendship.
An illness whose cause
It's high time to find it,
similar to English spleen...
In short, Russian melancholy
took possession of it little by little.
He will shoot himself, thank God,
didn't want to try,
but he became completely
indifferent to life.
Like Childe Harold, sullen, languid,
he appeared in the living rooms.
Neither the world wide web, nor Boston,
not a sweet look,
not a single immodest sigh -
nothing touched him.
He didn't notice anything.
Bonjour, monsieur.
[speaks French]
Leave it alone.
You know: coffee first,
after - letters.
This is from your uncle.
Let them serve breakfast
in the dining room.
Go get ready for the trip.
Did something happen?
Nothing happened.
The old man writes that he is dying
and wants to see me.
As far as I can remember, there was no
year, so that he wouldn't be going to die.
But in reality, uncle
I'm so bored
and yearns to be entertained.
So maybe we shouldn't go?
His inheritance will save me
from daddy's creditors
and will provide for the next half century.
Everything has its pros and cons.
He was waiting for you, father.
Every morning I asked you...
And yesterday I woke up thinking about you.
And after lunch I got tired and took a nap.
and never woke up again.
Bright soul... your uncle...
left in a dream.
I, gentlemen,
wanted to have a drink... for the
repose of the soul presented to Him.
The Lord always takes to himself
the very best.
And today
Our good neighbor has left us.
Please accept my condolences.
Your uncle was an honest man.
Why do you say that?
is it so quiet about this?
I'm saying this for you.
And these ones will tell
themselves everything.
His departure
It's a personal loss for me.
and a big problem.
He was my friend.
Who is this?
The last name is like that and...
And he is a worthless person.
By the way, your uncle
He couldn't stand it.
Why then?
showed up for the funeral?
It's obvious right away
that you're from the capital.
We don't have much entertainment here,
to deny yourself the opportunity
go somewhere, have a drink,
again, just wagging your tongue.
It doesn't sound very polite,
but I like your sarcasm.
Thank you.
Well, if that's the case, come visit.
Let's have some liqueurs.
Shall we switch to shtoss?
Are you a gamer?
It's in the past.
But sometimes you just want friendly
conversations with a smart person.
Do you think I'm a smart person?
Who knows.
You look smarter than the local rabble.
But you decided to stay?
Aren't you afraid of getting bored?
Is there anything to eat?
Kingdom of heaven.
This is our eldest one
how lovely it is.
Yes, he dresses in all French clothes.
You definitely need to meet him.
We should definitely meet.
Gennady Sanych, I wasn't joking at all,
when I told you about it,
that our family, yes, of course,
we can say that this is a female kingdom,
The earth needs to rest.
Let's say one year I sowed turnips,
on the other hand, this rye, oats, barley.
He said to him: Why
are you frowning, brother?
"Or don't you like my kennel?"
He replies that the kennel is wonderful.
Yes, but I guess the people here
Life is worse than that of dogs.
There is one dog here
he was offended by this and said...
You mentioned turnips not long ago,
and here I am...
I didn't say a word about turnips.
Oh, I was talking about turnips.
OK then.
So, do you plant lutetia?
I don't plant lutetia either.
Who plants it in our area?
Do you know where he
distinguished himself so much?
This is just wealth
for him, just like that,
so he squeezed all
his wallet and pockets,
that he decided to throw dust in the eyes
Yes, he invited guests, yes, a lot of them.
And he says: Gentlemen, today is summer,
"Do you want it to be winter tomorrow?"
They say: "We want it, we want it."
And he bought salt
with all your money?
Did you get enough sleep in your fields?
Why are you not in bed, father?
We have prepared guest quarters for you.
No need, Guillot.
Take me to my uncle's room,
I'll settle there.
Maybe we should still
go to the guest rooms.
There is damask wallpaper there,
tiled stove.
Do you think you can
surprise me with wallpaper?
I'm going to bed.
I'll need it tomorrow
fresh head.
Why are you standing there like a statue?
Where is my coffee, monsieur?
There is no coffee in your uncle's
household, and ours hasn't arrived yet.
So, we'll live without coffee for now.
Your neighbor has come to visit you.
Madame Skotinina.
This is the one with four daughters.
and all of them are of marriageable age?
- Whoa.
- Say that I'm not there.
She's already inside and waiting.
Take her to you
or say that you will go out?
Is my horse saddled?
Say I'm not there.
How so?
You said he was here.
Do you think I'm a fool?
I don't understand Russian well.
Here is our Onegin - a villager...
Factories, waters, forests, lands
the owner is complete
And until now he has been an
enemy of order and a wasteful person.
And I am very glad that the old path
changed it to something.
It seemed like two days to him
new lonely fields,
the coolness of the gloomy oak grove,
the murmur of a quiet stream.
On the third - groves, a hill and a field
he was no longer occupied.
Then they would induce sleep.
Then he saw clearly, that in the
village there is the same boredom.
Khandra was waiting for him on guard...
And she ran after him,
like a shadow or a faithful wife.
How much time has passed?
Not so many.
You haven't changed,
you've just become prettier.
Volodya, you...
Do you remember how we used to play?
Your father thought about marrying us.
Daddy died.
No, nothing.
This is Shakespeare.
He was kind.
I remember playing as a boy
with his Ochakov medal.
He allowed it and was not angry at all.
Volodya, forgive me, I have to go.
And you must be in a hurry too.
Not at all.
I'll take you there.
So, you are coming to us from Germany.
I haven't been to my
homeland for two years.
I walk around - I recognize
and dont recognize.
Has everything changed,
either I have changed.
What could we possibly have?
change here?
Well, maybe our eldest.
She's simply adorable,
how beautiful she's become.
And dresses in all French clothes.
You definitely need to meet him.
Yes, sure.
And how she plays the guitar!
How he sings!
Come to my golden chamber!
Give me all the pleasures.
Yes, we have a new neighbor.
- Indeed.
- Yes.
Old Onegin gave up his soul to God.
And now he lives in his estate
young nephew.
Came to us from St. Petersburg.
He must be educated?
Not good.
And a madman.
Doesn't accept anyone at his place.
He lives alone in his estate.
And he drinks wine by
the glass all day long.
Gavrila Palych came to see him.
So that one instead,
to accept him as a neighbor,
back door
On horseback and away,
as if it doesn't exist.
Freemason and Biryug.
You speak as if he is
treated you in this way,
and not with Gavril Pavlovich.
I've heard quite a bit of gossip about him,
but we are not represented.
So there is no need to deal with him.
He's rude.
arrange to unsaddle the horse and
bring some tea, there's dew, I'm chilled.
- In the living room?
- No, cognac is better.
Or better yet, cognac and tea.
I'll bring some cognac.
What do I owe it to?
I am your neighbor, Vladimir Lensky.
I come from Gttingen.
This does not excuse you.
Or in Germany, the rules of decency
do you allow late visits?
If we talk about decency,
it's not too polite to run away
from the visitor through the back door.
It is impolite to make comments
to the owner in his house.
What do you want?
Eugene Onegin.
Let's assume,
that our acquaintance took place.
I fully agree
your displeasure.
I know the local crowd,
like no one else.
I admit that I suffered,
and more than once,
the desire to escape
from talk of hunting,
haymaking, about distant relatives.
I understand, as an educated person
lack of sharp conversation
among the village simplicity.
That's why I came to you
with a desire to make friends.
What would you like to talk about?
Well, maybe two educated people
can't find a topic for conversation?
At least about Schiller and Goethe.
Are you a poetry connoisseur?
I am a poet myself.
Sit down, Mr. Poet.
There is no truth in the legs.
They came together...
Wave and stone,
poetry and prose, ice and fire,
are not so different from each other.
First, mutual difference
They were bored with each other.
Then I liked them.
Then they came together
every day on horseback.
And soon they became inseparable.
So people, I am the first to repent,
There's nothing to do, friends.
Everything between them
gave rise to disputes...
And it drew me to reflection.
Treaties of past tribes,
fruits of science, good and evil.
And age-old prejudices,
and the fatal secrets of the grave,
fate and life in their turn, -
everything was subject to their judgment.
The poet in the heat of his judgments
I read, forgetting myself, meanwhile
excerpts from northern poems.
And the indulgent Eugene,
although I didn't understand many of them,
he listened diligently to the young man.
Love is the highest feeling.
It comes to a person once.
and remains with him for life.
The truth is that any feeling
is broken by everyday life.
Passion passes, in its place
fatigue and boredom come.
You just never loved.
Not at all.
I have fallen in love many times.
You just exclude it for some reason,
that you can fall in love for one night.
I'm talking about a great feeling,
and you're talking about a simple desire.
That's why,
speaking of great feelings,
In poetry, a woman is called desirable.
Youth speaks in you.
But the fever of youth will pass, and
you will look at it completely differently.
Let's go to my place and have dinner.
Guillot promised something
from French cuisine.
Sorry, but I can't.
I'll go.
Oh, these poets.
After a good dinner,
the desire to be offended
and you will lose
the ability to argue.
I'm not offended,
but I really have to go.
They are waiting for me.
Listen, it's not hard for you there.
kill every night
in empty talk?
There is a certain charm to this.
Simple family, home comfort.
Immeasurable boredom.
Although there are two daughters
of marriageable age, as I heard.
So that's where the conversation comes from
about high feeling.
Let me take a look
on this Russian Felida,
that occupies your thoughts
and inspires the pen?
don't laugh
Not at all.
Introduce me.
Are you kidding?
Even right now.
This is really not a joke?
Let's go.
They are wonderful people.
We will be welcomed.
They've heard a lot about you.
I imagine.
Try this jam.
It is exceptional.
You'll never guess what it's made of.
With cherry leaves.
The leaves impart a
cherry flavor and aroma.
And there further, behind
the trees, there is a garden,
those same cherries.
But I like this part of the park more.
It's quiet here.
And on hot days, shade and coolness.
In autumn the leaves rustle,
and such peace.
Let me know,
What are you reading so enthusiastically?
Don't be afraid, I'm just a guest.
in your home.
I live not far from here.
Eugene Onegin.
What is your name?
I would never have thought,
what could possibly attract a girl like you
a vulgar sentimental novel.
There is no vulgarity in it.
Just feelings.
Do you think the story is about feelings?
can't be vulgar?
Return the book.
You must be crazy
from Sir Charles Grandison.
He is clever, handsome and virtuous.
And immensely boring,
as well as narrative itself.
There is no count in the novel
the author's reasoning
and conversations on abstract topics,
and the action suffers.
You say this out of envy,
because you are certainly not Grandison.
That's true.
Tanya, why didn't you come out for tea?
I became interested in reading.
Ah, I see you've already met.
She's always been like this.
Has been living since childhood
in your fantasies.
And novels contribute to this.
You must be right.
But I can't forbid her from doing them.
I confess, I myself in my youth
was fascinated by Richardson.
And how does your husband feel?
to such hobbies?
My late husband...
He never saw evil in novels.
Perhaps that's why,
that I never read them.
Are you yawning?
No more than usual.
admit it
this trip inspired you
excessive boredom.
No more than usual.
This Larina, with all her simplicity,
quite a nice lady.
And the daughters?
And which one of them
occupies your thoughts?
The youngest.
Here's the weird thing.
Why not?
If I were a poet like you,
I would choose another one.
Do you really want to?
hear this?
Olga is beautiful.
And Tatyana is always sitting
in the corners and with a book,
and with a sad look,
as if the whole world had upset her.
I really have to
explain all this to the poet.
There is depth in Tatiana
and meaningfulness.
There is life.
And the younger one, excuse me,
looks similar on a doll with a cute face.
There is no more life in her features,
than in the "Madonna" of some Van Dyck.
Are you saying she's stupid?
Lensky, don't get excited.
If I didn't know you
were drinking tea, I would
have thought it was
the wine talking in you.
Thank you.
Got offended.
Not stupid.
So, now I'm stupid too?
You know, you should
learn some manners.
In Germany
From my communication
with you I conclude that
that they teach not
politeness there, but primness.
Are you laughing at me?
Well, never mind, someday I will too.
I'll laugh at you.
What a hot temper!
Where are you going?
Don't break your neck!
So, her name was Tatiana.
Neither by the beauty of her sister,
nor the freshness of her ruddy cheeks
she wouldn't have attracted the eyes.
Wild, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe, timid.
She is in her own family
seemed like a strange girl.
She didn't know how to be affectionate
with her father, nor to his mother.
A child by herself, in a crowd of children
I didn't want to play or jump.
And often alone all day
sat silently by the window.
Are you not sleeping?
Can't sleep.
My dear, I wanted to talk to you.
about your behavior today.
It was impolite.
Evgeniy Alexandrovich is a guest.
Moreover, the guest is
young, not poor, and...
Mommy, is it really me?
so much a burden,
that you decided to woo me
for every wealthy neighbor?
Not a burden.
Time just flies.
I'm getting old, and when I'm gone...
Who do you order me to leave it to?
care for you,
if you continue
shy away from people,
like our old mare -
from each bush?
I don't shy away.
I just don't want to rush.
Looking for love like Richardson?
How are things with you and daddy?
So that there is peace and comfort.
So that once - and for life.
Soul to soul.
How are we?
My dear,
when I was like you,
and daddy was still a groom,
I was in love after all
not at all into it.
The one I dreamed about was...
Sergeant of the Guard.
Handsome man.
Woven from virtues.
Almost Grandison.
And they married me off to Dmitry Larin.
Like this.
Are you saying you didn't love him?
He loved me.
And I got used to it.
Habit is a great gift.
Replaces happiness.
Go to bed.
It's already late.
And next time, I ask you,
Be nicer to your guests.
And I'm sorry that he is to you
I didn't like it that much.
Go to bed.
Where is dinner, monsieur?
Who's having dinner at this hour?
and after the guests?
There was tea with jam at the party,
lingonberry water and dull conversations.
Let them serve dinner.
I see you're bored too.
I was sleeping.
And I don't find this activity boring.
Especially at night.
How was your trip?
Did you entertain me?
Gave rise to gossip.
Five miles from Krasnogorye,
villages of Lenskogo,
is still alive and well to this day
in the philosophical desert Zaretsky.
Once a rowdy,
the chieftain of a gambling gang,
head of the rakes, tavern tribune.
Now he is kind and simple
the father of the family is single,
reliable friend, peaceful landowner
and even an honest person.
This is how our century is being corrected.
Please forgive me.
I saw my neighbors off.
And yesterday I was at the Skotinins.
If you could hear, my dear,
what they say about you.
Have I been matched yet?
You already had the wedding planned.
And the priest was ready to marry you,
but they didn't get any fashionable rings,
That's why it was postponed.
Well, aren't you bored here without me?
Didn't make it in time.
What else can I do to entertain you?
If I get there for the third time,
You owe me a bottle of cognac.
And if you miss,
then from you, and silk on the wall.
And what about your friend?
In love to the max.
It seems that his youthful ardor
was replaced by youthful delirium.
Nothing. He'll get married.
He will settle down and calm down.
What do you think?
It will become overgrown with a farm,
will forget about rhyming.
It will become boring.
What are you doing?
Will you scare the children?
Why are you, dumbfounded,
you say under your arm?
Mr. Onegin and I have an argument,
and you break in without reporting.
That's Antip at the stables...
Go, Prokhor. I have no time for you now.
Guess what, Prokhor.
And where is your friend now?
It was possible to invite him
for the company.
They would have painted the bullet.
Now go, Prokhor,
and bring cognac.
Bring the dusty one.
And my friend is busy today,
so we'll shoot you and me
Let's write it out like a hussar.
If only I had that much strength
over her heart,
then I could have once been outraged
her forehead is clear and cheerful.
Her lips.
Well, why did you go silent?
Right, I
Hello, Tatiana Dmitrievna.
Are you alone again?
My friend, if you are talking about him,
rarely leaves
beyond the boundaries of his estate.
He is unsociable.
It's a character trait.
But I will pass it on,
that you inquired about him.
It's not worth it, really.
In this wilderness he
everything seems boring.
We really have nothing to show off in
front of a man who came from the capital.
Sister, have you seen your mother?
She asked about you
a quarter of an hour ago.
I'll leave you.
You stopped at a sensitive moment.
What's wrong?
Tanyusha, my girl, what's wrong with you?
Come on, go to bed immediately.
Can't sleep.
I feel stuffy.
Nanny, sit down and tell me something.
Do you remember how you used to be?
told stories?
Well, when was that?
Well, I don't remember a single one.
Yes, my dear, you are not a child anymore.
And you tell me about yourself.
Were you in love when you were young?
Come on, Tanya, what love?
I have never even heard of what love is.
And how did you get married?
Yes how-how?
The mother-in-law decided
so and sent a matchmaker.
She came to us, to our family,
I probably walked for about two weeks,
until my father blessed me.
Well, that's all.
They unbraided my hair
and they took him to church.
I was so afraid.
I was scared.
After all, all my life... with my parents.
And here is someone else's family.
Well, what's the matter, girl?
You're not listening to me.
What's wrong? What's wrong with you?
I was terribly exhausted.
Well... What are you...
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
So, look at you, you're all on fire,
I need to call my mother quickly.
- I'm not sick.
- Then what is it?
Well, at least give me you
sprinkle with holy water.
I am healthy.
Go, leave me alone.
I'll go to bed soon.
I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
They're going.
Lord, have mercy, save and preserve.
My Lord, my God.
Oh-oh-oh. Bye.
I am writing to you.
What more?
What else can I say?
Now I know, It is in your power
to punish me with contempt.
But you are to my unfortunate fate
keeping at least a drop of pity,
you will not leave me.
At first I wanted to keep quiet.
Believe me, I am ashamed
you would never know.
If only I had hope
at least rarely, at least once a week,
to see you in our village,
just to hear your speeches.
You have a word to say,
and then keep thinking,
thinking about one thing
and day and night until we meet again...
Why did you visit us?
in the wilderness of a forgotten village?
I would never have known you,
would not have known bitter torment.
The excitement of an inexperienced soul,
resigned to time, who knows?
I would find a friend after my heart,
would be a faithful wife.
And a virtuous mother.
I would not give my heart
to anyone in the world.
It is destined in the highest council,
it is the will of heaven.
I am yours.
My whole life has been a pledge
faithful dates with you.
I know you were sent to me by God.
You are my guardian until death.
Who are you?
My angel or guardian?
Or a cunning tempter?
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty.
Deception of an inexperienced soul.
And something completely
different is destined.
But so be it,
From now on I entrust my fate to you.
I shed tears before you.
I beg for your protection.
It's scary to reread,
I freeze with shame and fear...
But I have your honor as my guarantee,
and I boldly entrust myself to her."
Come on, stop.
And who are you?
And what are you doing here?
I... uh... want to pass on a letter.
What literacy?
Barinu. From mistresses.
Who are you anyway?
No, it doesn't look like it.
And so?
Well, give me the document.
That's it, run.
I see that you are handling the cue
not so cleverly,
as with a gun.
I haven't practiced for a long time.
The autumn thaw will begin,
then it will snow,
and you will make up for
lost time out of boredom.
The less you love a woman,
the sooner she likes you.
I know the art of seduction
no less than yours.
But this is not about seduction,
I don't want to offend her.
It would be easier for
me to give you advice,
If only I knew who you were talking about.
But you won't tell?
Then get married.
You are crazy.
You are afraid of offending.
You are not going to seduce.
All that remains is marriage.
Absolutely impossible.
What kind of family man am I?
Yes, he's not much of a family man.
Frankly, it's questionable.
Not bad.
I think I need to explain myself to her.
Choose words so as not to hurt.
And explain,
that nothing can happen between us.
You're not joking now, are you?
I am completely serious.
What do you say?
I promise you will lose.
I clean
Well, what is this, my dear?
Well, why are you so pale again?
Nanny, tell me,
And did your grandson deliver the letter?
Well, of course!
At the same hour.
Why doesn't he answer?
Well, you know who can figure them out.
Do you want me to send
Vanechka for an answer?
He's quick and will turn around in a flash.
And so that each one has until dark
the basket was full.
And to sing.
If I hear someone who
doesn't sing, I'll punish them.
Yes, madam.
Do you love folk songs so much?
Not at all.
As long as they sing, they can't carry
and eat my apples.
Life's wisdom, Volodenka.
Here are some of these tricks
family life consists of.
And what about your friend?
Or did we offend him in some way?
Not at all.
He was planning to just today
to you with me.
But he was delayed.
It should catch up soon.
Beautiful girls,
Valentine's Day...
Open up, girls,
have fun, my dears...
Sing a song, a cherished song.
Lure the young man into our round dance.
How will we lure him, young man?
how I envy the traitors.
Have fun, my dears,
throw in a cherry...
Cherry, raspberry, red currant.
Don't go eavesdropping
cherished songs...
Don't go and spy
our girls' games...
You wrote to me.
Don't deny it.
I read your letter.
I appreciate your sincerity.
I admit, I haven't encountered it for
a long time with such spiritual impulse.
I will answer you with the same sincerity.
If I wanted to have a family,
become a husband, a father,
to protect your life with a home circle,
I, without a moment's hesitation,
would choose you as my bride.
- I
- Listen to the end.
My problem is that I am no good
for a quiet family life.
I am not worthy of you.
And this is marriage
will be a torment for you.
I can love your features,
fall in love with your sincerity,
but tomorrow I will fall
out of love just as easily.
You will suffer,
but that won't touch me.
I will start to disappear,
bringing you to tears.
Or I'll be boring, silent and gloomy.
What could be worse than such a family?
This isn't what you were dreaming about,
When did you write to me?
Believe me, I love you,
how a brother loves his sister.
Or maybe even more tenderly.
And I know women:
you didn't fall in love with me,
it's just time
fall in love with someone.
If it weren't for me, it would
have been someone else.
And there will be another one, which
I am sure, will make your happiness.
But only you from now on
don't open up so quickly.
Not everyone will understand you.
Like me.
Thank you for your advice.
That's great.
Let's remain friends?
This is what Eugene preached...
Through tears, seeing nothing,
barely breathing, without objection,
Tatyana listened to him.
He gave her his hand, sadly,
as they say, mechanically, Tatyana silently
leaned back, bowing her head languidly.
Let's go home around the garden;
showed up together,
and no one thought of blaming them for it.
Has a rural nature
their happy rights,
as well as arrogant Moscow.
Walking, reading, deep sleep.
Forest shadow, murmur of streams.
Sometimes the black-eyed white.
A young and fresh kiss.
A spirited horse is obedient to the bridle.
The lunch is quite fancy.
A bottle of light wine.
Privacy, silence.
This is Onegin's holy life. And he
surrendered himself to her without feeling,
red summer days
in carefree bliss, not counting,
forgetting both the city and friends.
And the boredom of festive undertakings.
But our northern summer is
caricature of southern winters,
even though we don't want to admit it.
The sky was already breathing autumn.
The sun shone less often.
The days were getting shorter.
The mysterious shadow of the forests
with a sad noise it was exposed.
Fog fell over the fields.
A caravan of noisy geese
stretched to the south.
A rather boring time was approaching.
It was already November.
Your move.
It's going to snow soon,
and then Christmas.
And there is Tanya's name day.
The house will be full of guests.
Come and take your friend.
I think Tanya will be happy.
I don't think he will agree.
He doesn't like big gatherings.
Volodya, are you today?
somehow especially thoughtful.
Your move.
You ate your own boat.
Did something happen?
Olenka, I need to
I have something to tell you.
So tell me.
Olga Dmitrievna...
I wanted to ask you...
Be my wife.
You know, Onegin, you wont believe it,
but to my joy,
She agreed.
The date has almost been set.
About three weeks after Christmas.
You don't seem happy for me.
How can one not be happy about this?
A month after Christmas
you will break up
with your muses, you will get married,
you'll fit into a quilted robe,
you will master village tricks.
You'll start eating out of boredom
and drink without measure, get fat.
By the age of forty you will have gout.
And wonderful branched horns,
which will instruct you
your faithful wife.
But you will be happy.
Then you'll go nuts.
And you will pass away on the bed among
the children, doctors and howling women.
But also to another world
you will leave happy.
You're laughing at me again.
Not above you.
Only over life
and her meager imagination.
Shall we play again?
Laugh, laugh.
Someday I'll laugh at you too.
I didn't call you!
Do you think this is funny?
He laughs best,
who laughs last.
Are you still here?
Are you reading the novel?
No, a dream book.
I had a bad dream.
I'm trying to figure out what it means.
And what did you understand?
Something bad is about to happen.
What bad things can happen in the house,
full of guests, on your name day?
I'm worried, Olenka.
Let's go.
Everyone is waiting for you.
Let's go, let's go.
Allow me, madam,
I can't help but leave
Congratulations to the birthday girl.
We were worried.
[speaks French]
I am asking you
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
[speaking French]
Your album is a success.
Monsieur Triquet boasted that he
brought you congratulations in verse.
Did you really write it yourself?
He says he did it himself.
But actually, remember the nursery rhyme?
from an old almanac?
He rewrote it, slightly adjusted
to suit the circumstances.
Instead of the heroine there will be,
Let me guess, Tatiana?
How did you guess?
And here is the birthday girl.
Congratulations, Tanechka.
[speaks French]
Happy name day to you, Tanechka.
Congratulations, Tanya.
You are magnificent.
Lord, Tatyana Dmitrievna, I I remember
it being just like that, tiny and cut.
And now it's simple
bride for publication.
And Olechka - there are simply no words.
Thank you.
Well then, gentlemen,
please come to the table.
What about Larina?
What about Tatiana?
Everyone is healthy,
they said to say hello.
And Olenka has become so much prettier.
Shoulders - you should have seen them.
And the chest...
What a soul!
So this is her soul
struck your imagination?
You again.
Let's go to them together sometime,
You will oblige them.
Judge for yourself.
He looked in twice and disappeared.
Do you want to invite me to your wedding?
No, my friend.
Observe the gathering of local bohemians -
beyond my strength.
I know your love for seclusion,
but why the wedding?
Before that, it was Tatyana
Dmitrievna's name day.
You are called and I don't see the point
you can't go.
Sorry, but the same rabble will be there.
It's a quiet family holiday.
There will be only family.
Let's go.
Do me a favor.
Welcome, gentlemen.
Please come in.
They've been waiting
for you for a long time.
You see, my dear, they
are already waiting for us.
I'm impatient.
Sir, Evgeny Alexandrovich.
Finally you have honored
us with your attention.
Come in, sit down.
But a toast from you, as a latecomer.
Come on... say something.
Happiness to you, Tatyana Dmitrievna.
Thank you.
You said that, besides family,
There will be no one at home.
Well, not for you all the time.
laugh at me.
Do you think this is funny?
He laughs best,
who laughs last.
You must try this pie,
- Thank you.
- what's in front of you.
Mr. Petushkov and I There was a
dispute about whether it was salted enough.
As for me, the one who prepared it,
I needed to soap my neck,
so that you don't shake your hands,
when there is a salt shaker in them.
And now, let's dance, gentlemen.
Another dance...
Are you having fun, Olenka?
Wonderful evening.
I missed the waltz.
I hope I can count on it
at a cotillion?
I can't.
I can't.
Why not?
I promised this dance to your friend.
What, you don't like dancing?
Not too much.
I like them
more masculine entertainment.
For example, hunting, say, a deer.
You dance beautifully.
Thank you for the compliment.
You won't refuse my eldest
in the next dance?
I have to go.
I'm not used to going to bed late.
Good morning.
I wouldn't call him kind.
Sorry for disturbing your solitude,
but I have business with you.
So, it's a challenge.
Our mutual friend will be pleased to
shoot with me?
Please spare me the explanation of this,
which is already clearly stated.
And so you took it upon yourself
the role of a cartel leader?
You know my attitude towards you.
But I don't have much time.
Do you think I am wrong?
I guess you shouldn't have
laugh at feelings,
even if the young man behaved stupidly.
Well, and now...
The light will decide who is right.
The world will laugh at me,
if I refuse.
Eugene... please honor me with an answer.
Why did you leave so early yesterday?
And we drink tea.
Come sit with us.
Indeed, Volodenka,
Well, what are you standing there for?
Sit down.
All feelings in Lensky became clouded,
and he silently hung his head.
Jealousy and annoyance disappeared
before this clarity of vision,
before this tender simplicity,
before this frisky soul.
He looks at her with sweet affection,
he sees: he is still loved.
He is already tormented by remorse,
ready to ask her forgiveness.
Trembling, unable to find words,
he is happy, he is almost healthy.
And again thoughtful, sad
in front of my dear Olga,
Vladimir has no power
remind her of yesterday.
He thinks: I will become her savior.
I will not tolerate the corrupter
with fire and sighs and praises
tempted the young heart...
So that the worm is despicable and
poisonous, sharpened the lily stalk...
So that the two-morning flower
"It withered while still half-open."
All this meant, friends:
I'm shooting with a friend.
What's wrong with you?
It's time for me to go.
Aren't I happy?
Where have you gone?
my golden days of spring?
What does the coming
day have in store for me?
My gaze catches him in vain...
He hides in the deep darkness.
There is no need, the law of fate is right.
Will I fall, pierced by an arrow...
Or she will fly past.
All good: vigil and sleep
the appointed hour comes.
Blessed is the day of troubles,
"Blessed is the coming of darkness."
Monsher, start the day
from the contemplation of your face -
not the greatest joy.
You asked to be woken up.
Serve coffee?
Let them bring the sleigh.
You'll come with me,
and here's another thing.
Grab the combat box.
Please excuse me, gentlemen,
for making you wait for a whole hour.
Where is your second?
Monsher, come here, we need you.
Monsieur Guillot.
My friend and second.
Are you laughing?
Not at all.
And I don't foresee any objections.
about this.
Guillot is, of course, an unknown person,
but an honest guy.
Shall we begin?
According to the rule I must
I would like to ask you, gentlemen,
Would you like to make peace?
Shoot at ten paces.
Now disperse.
Now come together.
What have you done?
What have you done?
Blessed is the day of troubles.
Blessed is the coming of darkness.
The Lord always cleans up
to yourself the best.
And today too...
Our good neighbor has left us...
I didn't expect to see you here.
I didn't expect it from myself.
However, he was my friend.
Will you come and say goodbye?
I doubt anyone will be
happy to see me there.
I'm going home. Do you need a ride?
Thank you, I'm on my own.
Said goodbye to a friend?
I said goodbye completely.
Pack your things, we're leaving.
Anywhere, just as long
as it's far away from here.
"The ray of dawn will shine in the morning.
And a bright day will shine.
And I, perhaps, am the tomb...
I will descend into the mysterious shadow.
And the memory of the young poet
will be swallowed up by the slow summer.
The world will forget me, but you...
Will you come, maiden of beauty,
shed a tear over the early urn?
And to think: he loved me...
He dedicated it to me alone
the sad dawn of a stormy life.
Heart friend, desired friend,
"Come, come, I am your husband."
I said goodbye.
Let's go.
How easy it was for you.
You loved him so much.
It was he who loved me.
And now he's gone.
And life goes on.
Have you finally decided?
What to expect?
Or do you suggest suffering and sighing?
and indulge in memories?
No, Tanyusha, I'm not that old,
to live only by memory.
Do you have the discretion, Michael?
good and easy, and a strong thought
take this Olga as my wife,
which you see here, in front of you?
I have, honest father.
Have you promised
yourself to another bride?
I didn't promise, honest father.
Do you have, Olga,
free will, good and unconstrained,
and a firm thought...
to take her as a husband
this Michael, whom you see here,
in front of you?
I have, honest father.
Didn't you promise
yourself to another husband?
I didn't promise.
And are you ready for garrison life?
Better to have any kind of life,
than to live in eternal despondency.
Now it's really going to be sad here.
Without you, without your laughter.
Leave it alone, sister.
Otherwise I'll burst into tears.
And don't stay here too long.
My advice to you.
I feel good here.
You console yourself.
It's boring here,
and one will feel completely sick.
Well then... let's say goodbye.
No need, mommy,
Everything will be fine.
We will come to you on vacation.
Yes, yes, Olenka, don't pay attention,
This is senile.
I'm happy for you.
It's time for us to go.
Well, God bless.
Good day.
The master usually sits by the fireplace
I spent time alone.
Although, sometimes, they were with
our neighbor, Lensky, the deceased, drank.
And how they argued!
Well, these are the master's chambers.
Here he rested,
I drank coffee in the morning and ate.
I read books.
If you want, stay here.
and I'll go about my business.
I often thought, tired of grief, that I
am gloomy through no fault of my own.
He felt sorry for himself,
burning like a fire,
he kept saying:
"No lover has ever suffered so much."
Only dead love is alive in hell.
The eyes of an attentive girl
are directed towards them more lively.
Tatyana sees with bated breath,
what thought, remark
Onegin was amazed,
to which he silently agreed.
And it starts little by little
My Tatyana understands.
Now it is clearer, thank
God, about whom she
is condemned to sigh
by the powerful fate...
Eccentric, sad and dangerous.
Creating Hell or Heaven?
This angel, this arrogant demon.
What about him?
Is it really imitation?
An insignificant ghost.
Or even a Muscovite in Harold's cloak...
Interpretation of other people's whims...
A full lexicon of fashionable words?
Isn't he a parody?
If possible, I would like to
come here sometimes to read.
Will you allow me?
You are a wonderful lady, by God.
Come on, if you're not kidding.
Or you can take some book with you,
and then you'll return it.
Thank you.
So what to do here?
Tatyana is not a child.
It's high time she got a place.
Olenka is younger than her,
and now I'm married.
And this one still wanders through
the woods and is sad with books.
Maybe she's in love?
Into whom?
Buyanov proposed to her, but she refused.
To Vanechka Petushkov too.
Pykhtin was visiting.
Such a stately man.
Handsome, hussar, clever.
I thought he was
courting her like that.
Well, at least things
will work out with him.
How can you refuse such a man!
No, it didn't work out again.
You're looking in the wrong place.
You need to go to Moscow.
The income is low, and
traveling to Moscow is expensive.
You're not going there
permanently, are you?
Is it really true that the
funds won't last for six months?
And if its not enough, you can borrow it.
At least with me.
I always have all the respect for you.
- Goodbye, madam.
- Goodbye, madam.
Please don't forget us completely.
Have a nice trip.
Well, let's go slowly.
Where are we going?
For what?
To my cousin.
I told you so.
You need to go to Moscow.
There will be no sense here.
My dear cousin.
It's been so long since
we've seen each other.
And this is my daughter... Tatyana.
And I remember you when
you were just a little baby.
Your mother and I were young then.
and were liked by men.
Why are you smiling?
Do you remember your Grandison?
What Grandison?
She is trying to maintain her reputation.
Stop being cunning.
Your daughter is already an adult.
You can talk to her
about all sorts of topics.
So what about him?
Returned to Moscow,
came to see me on Christmas Eve.
I recently got my son married.
However, more about that later.
Tanya is not interested in conversations
about married men?
She must be attracted to single men.
You're embarrassing her.
Tomorrow we'll show you to your family,
and then we'll bring it out into the world.
Don't be so scared, dear.
Embarrassment is a woman's weapon.
It is not necessary to give
in to him spontaneously...
You should use it at your own discretion.
Sorry, I'm not used to being
at such meetings.
You'll get used to it.
It's not a difficult task.
Look over there.
Now he turned sideways.
Who? That general?
To the left.
Well, here we congratulate you
on your victory. My dear Tatyana.
And we will direct our path to the side,
so as not to forget who I'm singing about.
And he left.
First to Moscow,
then to Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan.
From there to the Caucasus, to Taurida.
I have been traveling for several years.
Now here in Odessa.
For what?
You can consider that I have escaped.
From the opinions of the world?
I drink to you.
Don't look at the oysters, eat them,
They are the freshest here.
Oyster, wine.
The old Onegin would
have invited me to the opera.
They're playing Rossini there today.
And the current one invited
me for oysters and wine.
It's as if you've become even gloomier.
What is there to be happy about?
Longing, my friend, longing.
Sometimes I wonder why I didn't lie there
in a field, with a bullet in your chest?
Why am I still alive?
And still young?
I feel like I'm an old man inside.
Give up this decadence.
There is a ballet performance next week.
I invite you.
Next week, my friend,
I won't be here anymore.
I'm returning to St. Petersburg.
Why so hasty?
There is no need.
Life is generally a meaningless thing.
Where have you been?
I was away.
Traveled a lot.
And that's all?
And how many rumors there were!
Do you remember, you promised me a dance?
I'm afraid that today too
I will still owe it to you.
Onegin, you!
What a meeting!
Well, what do I see, my dear friend?
You - and you don't dance.
We are all not getting any younger.
I'm glad to see you.
And I'm glad to see you.
Especially after so many years
your absence.
Let's go, I'll introduce you to my wife.
- So you are married?
- Yes.
Didn't know?
It's just that you haven't
been out in public for a long time.
Married and happy.
For two years already.
Who is your chosen one?
Come on, I'll introduce you.
My angel.
I would like to introduce you to my friend.
We are familiar with Evgeniy Alexandrovich.
How long have you been here?
The days are numbered.
I just got back.
Are they from our region?
Onegin, next Friday
I give lunch.
Come and tell me
about his travels.
- Certainly.
- I'm glad to see you.
Let's go, my soul.
Hello, Tatiana Dmitrievna.
Hello, Evgeny Alexandrovich.
How long has it been since
you visited your native places?
I haven't been there for over two years.
Are you bored?
A little.
And how is your mother?
I always remember with warmth
her techniques.
Everything is fine with mommy.
She sometimes comes to visit us.
- And you?
- Enough about me,
- Evgeny Alexandrovich.
- My soul, where are you?
Onegin, is that you?
Let's go to the table, everything
is already assembled there.
Yes, of course.
I foresee everything:
will offend you
an explanation of the sad secret.
What bitter contempt
your proud look will depict!
What do I want?
For what purpose should
I open my soul to you?
What evil fun, perhaps,
shall I give a reason?
Having met you by chance sometime,
I noticed a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her.
I didn't give in to my sweet habit,
his hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
Another thing has separated us...
Lensky fell as an unfortunate victim,
and to everything that is dear to
the heart, then I tore out the heart.
A stranger to everyone,
not connected to anything...
I thought:
freedom and peace are
a substitute for happiness.
My God, how wrong I was, how punished I am.
See you every minute.
Follow you everywhere.
A smile of the lips, a movement
of the eyes, catch with loving eyes.
It will take you a long time to listen.
Understand with your soul
all your perfection.
To freeze in agony before you,
fade and go out.
This is bliss.
I know: my age is already measured,
but so that my life may be prolonged,
I have to be sure in the morning
that I will see you during the day.
If only you knew, How terrible it is
to be tormented by the thirst for love.
To burn - and with reason all the time
calm the excitement in the blood.
I want to hug your knees.
And, sobbing at your feet,
pour out prayers,
confessions, penalties.
Everything, everything
that I could express.
And meanwhile, with feigned coldness
to arm both speech and gaze,
have a calm conversation,
look at you with a cheerful look.
But so be it,
I resist myself
I can't take it anymore.
Everything is decided.
I am at your mercy
and I surrender to my fate."
Parlasov invites you to dine.
Nina Vronskaya is organizing a meeting.
Will be glad to see you.
Are you laughing at me, monsieur?
Leave all these invitations.
I'm not going anywhere.
No, nothing was transmitted.
Two weeks.
You've been asking me questions for
14 days in a row the same question.
Why doesn't she answer then?
What have you done?
What have you done?
What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
- What have you done?
I understand everything, but sleep, without
undressing - that's already bad form.
Well, you know, Guillot,
Youth is a time for stupidity.
And here it is important not to commit
irreparable stupidities,
which you will later regret.
Or learn not to regret at all
about what has been accomplished.
Three invitations.
But you're not going anywhere.
The letter was not responded to.
Make arrangements for the crew.
Their Excellencies are not at home.
And the princess?
We were at home, but...
Stand up.
I read your letter.
and must explain.
Remember how frank you were
then in our garden?
I remember your rebuke.
Now it's my turn
be sincere with you.
Then a dreamy girl fell in love with you,
fell in love selflessly,
with all my heart.
So what now?
Didn't alarm you?
love of a humble girl.
She was nothing new to you.
No, I don't blame you for your preaching.
Then you did the noble thing.
I am grateful to you.
You didn't like me,
You said this with all honesty.
But why are you pursuing?
me now?
In love?
With your mind - It's vulgar
to be a slave to petty feelings.
And you are cruel.
I am sincere.
You know, I understand you.
I find it unpleasant and tiresome
all this secular tinsel.
I would be happy to and I would
change it without thinking twice
this metropolitan flair and rich husband
to our old house.
A quiet, peaceful life.
Why did you get married then?
At that time all lots were equal.
And this one calmed my mother down.
Therefore you must leave me.
I know: you have
and honor and pride.
I cant lie to you, Onegin.
I love you.
With all my heart.
But I am given to another.
And I will be faithful to him forever.
She left.
There stands Evgeny,
as if struck by lightning.
In what a storm of sensations
Now he is immersed in his heart.
But suddenly the spurs rang out.
And Tatyana's husband showed up.
And here is my hero
in a moment of evil for him...
Reader, we will now leave.
For a long time.
We follow him quite a bit in one direction
wandered around the world.
Let's congratulate each other on the shore.
It's about time, isn't it?