Operation Blood Hunt (2024) Movie Script

[arrows whooshing]
[dramatic music]
[Murphy] Father. Sit down.
Hey, Murph.
Is it here?
I hope so.
You got us into this.
You got to get us out.
I don't know how much time
I have before
I can't go back.
[Murphy] This is it.
It's here.
I found it.
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
[water splashes]
[Jacobs] Look at
this fucking guy.
Asleep at the post.
[Ahrens] Nothin' out in this
part of the jungle to
be afraid of,
except maybe cobras.
[Jacobs] "Cobras", he says.
Aren't you a bag
full of nightmares.
Pops got bit by
one back in '35.
Bed ridden for a week
before he passed,
went through a whole case
of wine in the process.
Give me a hand with these.
[crickets and birds chirping]
Now we're talking.
-What kind of wine?
-Don't know.
Must have been good.
Because he said it
was the best week of his life.
Is that so?
That and the stag films my uncle
showed him on his last night.
Careful with these things.
You know what's inside?
You ain't never seen a
stag film, I take it.
[crickets and birds
continue chirping]
It'll change your life.
Just put a blindfold on Jesus.
Hey, buddy.
How about you give two tired
Marines a hand over here?
Poor bastard's probably piss
drunk and trying
to sleep it off.
He can sleep it off
in the barracks.
My back hurts.
Soldier, wake up
and help us out!
Want to do the honours?
I thought you'd never ask.
[crickets and birds
continue chirping]
Hey, you can sleep
when you're dead.
Which, judging by your work
ethic, will be Thursday.
We need a hand here.
I'll keep an eye on
Fort Knox over here!
Marine! Wake up!
-[suspenseful music]
-[crickets and birds chirping]
-[wolf howling]
[heavy footsteps thud]
-[Ahrens screams]
-[werewolf growls]
-[body thuds]
-[gunshots ricochet]
-[Jacobs screams]
-[werewolf growls]
[body squelches]
[body thuds]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
-[footsteps clomping]
-[dramatic music]
[coins clink]
[footsteps clomping]
Whiskey and meat.
Haven't seen these in a while.
[Murphy] I have.
[coins clink]
You know you're
in the finest bar in this
shitty little fucking town.
[Murphy] Not a
fucking museum, my friend.
Do you understand?
Is that yours?
-The coat, asshole.
Is it yours?
Could you hear him?
[Kateryna] Couldn't
hear a thing.
Listen, my friend, you're
gonna have to fucking speak up.
Especially when you're
in my establishment.
I can't hear you.
So start talking.
Yes, it's mine.
[Murphy] Now, that's a lousy
fucking German accent.
So it's either yours.
Or you stole it off
some dead Nazi bastard.
And before you say anything,
your answer determines
how quickly I throw your
fucking ass out in the street.
[distorted] I told you,
the coat is mine.
Stand up!
Oh, you're a dancer?
Because I'm a dancer, too.
[body thuds]
[dramatic music]
[Murphy] Kick this son of a
bitch out of my fucking bar.
-[both grunting]
-[bodies thud]
-[body thuds]
-[table crunches]
-[man grunts]
-[body thuds]
-[body thuds]
-[stool crunches]
[dramatic music continues]
[Richter growls]
-[guitar thuds]
-[footsteps clomping]
-[men grunting]
-[glass shatters]
-[body thuds]
-[man grunts]
-[man grunts]
-[body squelches]
-[body thuds]
-[table crunches]
-[body thuds]
-[Richter growls]
[footsteps clomping]
-[gun cocks]
-[man grunting]
[Murphy] Hey, solider boy!
You bite his neck,
I'll blow your fucking
head off.
-[gentle music]
-[footsteps clomping]
[Murphy] I was wondering when
you were going to show up.
Jessica, get my friend
his chair.
-[Richter growls]
-[man screams]
[distorted] I know who you are,
Holy Man.
You and your father
before you.
I know. And you,
you know who I am.
You should be more careful.
-[body squelches]
-[Richter groans]
Yeah, I should.
[Richter choking]
-[Richter groans]
-[body squelches]
Exciting night, huh?
Very exciting.
-[body squelches]
-[Reverend] I haven't heard much
about you in a while.
-[body squelches]
-[Richter groans]
Figured you'd finally settled
in for a dirt nap.
-Somebody sent you.
-[Richter groans]
No, no, no.
Nobody sent me.
I swear, nobody sent me.
Who do you swear to?
Well, I can't say that.
You of all people
understand that, right preacher?
-Again, who do you swear to?
-No! [groans]
-[body squelches]
-[tooth clinks]
-Let's see you
grow them back.
And take off
this ungodly jacket
before I rip it apart
with you in it.
[Richter groans]
They just got here.
[dramatic music]
Long time, Dwayne.
That's Reverend to you.
[Samuels] Last we heard,
you barely made it out of that
siege in the South Pacific.
[hand thuds]
[Reverend] Sending
that scumbag as bait.
[Adams] Had to
get your attention.
Whatever you're
here to offer me,
I'm not interested.
You care to hear us out first?
-[Murphy] Kateryna.
Get the Reverend his whiskey.
[Samuels] We're
prepared to open up
classified files
about your father.
In return.
[Adams] May we sit?
[Murphy] Ladies,
get these gentlemen
some seats.
[Kateryna] Follow me, gentlemen.
Get yourselves comfy.
[Reverend] Yo, Murph.
What do you think?
You think I can trust them?
Fuck no.
Here's the deal.
I hear you out.
You have a drink with me.
You don't want one,
my friend will shoot you
in the face.
Sure. Pour me one.
You want to start a tab
or should I just close
you out?
-Start a tab.
-Close me out.
Now, go on.
We lost contact with Marine
Outposts on the Island of Kota
near the Mariana Trench.
We need someone with skills.
In your
area of expertise.
[Adams] Knowledge of things
that most men
won't even admit exist.
[Samuels] Retrieve this
from one of our
local operatives.
She said she got it off
a marine
who couldn't talk,
because he had his throat
ripped out.
[Adams] Yeah, it's
either this thing wiping out.
these men, or the Japanese
Imperial Army out there,
also setting up camp.
We need to be sure.
Last we heard,
your father also disappeared
from these parts.
[Adams] You'd be going in
with a team of individuals
handpicked for this particular
type of situation.
They know what they're
getting themselves into?
[Adams] They've been told
that Marines are disappearing
and imperial
soldiers may be responsible.
Only the two of us,
you, and our superiors,
know anything more.
And I guess
your friend over there.
[tongue clicks]
Once you go in,
you'll have approximately
48 hours to reestablish radio
contact from the transport.
Otherwise, we'll assume you
and the rest of your team
are dead.
Do these guys know they've been
sent on a suicide mission?
Well, that's
not really their concern.
Just make sure you keep your
end on the bargain.
[Adams] Yeah, we will.
You have our word.
Fucking bullshit.
Welcome to my little workshop.
[Reverend] It's nice.
Thank you.
Something ain't right, Murph.
It never is with those types.
You go in expecting
marinara sauce
and you get alfredo.
-[Reverend] I love alfredo.
-[Murphy chuckles]
Does the word Yamashita mean
anything to you?
Doesn't ring
any bells for me, but
I will look into it for you.
I figured that vampire would be
under the ground by now.
Vampires from his bloodline
never rest easy.
They're bottom feeders.
Normally, they eat rats
and little rodents.
They're hard to kill.
And they can survive
when other things will die.
Remember that.
When you radio those bastards,
you make sure you contact me
as well.
-Got it?
-Okay. I will.
What's in this box?
I thought you'd never ask.
Be my guest.
[gentle music]
It's made from silver
that I took from the Alps.
You've been busy.
Well, you were on that island
for a long time.
I had to keep myself occupied
-It's been tested?
-[Murphy chuckles]
You're the first.
I always am.
-[knife thuds]
-[knife rings]
going to need these.
Now, if you don't mind,
I have a bar to run.
[dramatic music]
[upbeat music]
[crossbow cocks]
[gun clicks]
-[gun grinds]
-[gun cocks]
-[tribal music]
-[people chanting]
So I put a
full bottle of soda pop on it,
and it only made her
twitch around even more.
[Sikes laughing]
Twitch how? Like, with a
rattlesnake with its head
cut off?
Or a chicken
with its head cut off?
Easy, man.
You don't want to upset
the ladies here.
Hey, we are ladies.
But I bet we get more action
than you, dumb shit.
She got you there, bro.
All right, all right.
I'll tell you this much.
I've been clear around
this planet and back and
I ain't seen nothin' like it.
Not in Bombay, not in Tijuana,
not in Billy's cousin's fucking
bedroom, nothing.
I do got a hot cousin.
You say you've been around
the planet. But I can tell you
never been to the D.R.
You want to meet the most
beautiful seoritas on the
planet, that's where they at.
You should come to
El Paso, Texas, buddy.
Show you some spicy
mamacita's there.
Oh, Billy boy, you couldn't
handle spicy mamacita's
if you wanted to.
I think your mom and sister
would disagree.
He's a funny one.
He's always,
always being funny.
What about you?
How do you like
your spaghetti and meat sauce?
Me? I like my pasta al dente.
Cooked to perfection.
But the sauce,
it needs a nice, slow cook.
You know what I mean?
Eight hours to be exact.
Goddamn, Foley.
[speaks foreign language]
I'm sorry, what?
What'd she say?
She say, "Are you talking about
food or the ladies?"
[snaps] Hey, hey. Both.
[speaks foreign language]
And now you're making
her hungry.
-Mmm. For what?
Ah-ha! Mh-hm.
What about you, Big Papa?
What do you go in for?
Nuns maybe?
Does this
answer your question?
What? That mean
you don't like the ladies?
[speaks foreign language]
[Sikes] Hey, what's with
the clergyman?
Don't tell me Samuel found
his moral compass
when he was out recruiting.
Hey, uh, Rev.
I uh, I hope you
got a loaded pistol
inside that bible of yours.
You're going to need it.
[Sikes] And some holy water
for the fucking locals.
You know, I drank holy
water once at Mass.
And what happened?
-[all laughing]
Care to fill us in on your
presence, Father?
If one of you heathens
start pushing up daisies,
I'm here to read you
your last rites.
[dramatic music]
[footsteps clomping]
-[Lycan growls]
-[Heirani screams]
[Heirani screams]
[Lycan growls]
[Heirani screams]
[Lycan growls]
-[Heirani gasps]
-[body crunches]
[Foley] Rev.
What are you doing here?
I guess we should get this
out the way.
[Foley] Yeah, agreed.
This guy's barely finished
grammar school.
They're morons,
believe anything.
Be on a level with me,
why are you here?
I can ask you the same thing.
Yeah, you could.
But, it's classified.
You're not the same
since the last time I saw you.
Well, what do you expect?
I go home to a whore wife,
general air of disrespect.
I mean, that
changes people.
What? No heroes welcome?
Excuse my French but,
it's a goddamn myth.
I don't think that was French.
Whatever you say.
Adams tells me,
the Japs have been taking out
Marine camps.
That's all we need to know.
That's it.
You believe that?
Ain't shit for them
on those islands.
Well I'll tell you,
I believe in paychecks.
So we're just going in,
looking for a few disappearing
jarheads who are probably just
drunk and shacked up
with a few of them
exotic local girls?
Why send Padre here?
Look. Like I said, I'm
just here for the last rites.
-[Eklund chuckles]
-Just in case.
Right, yeah. Okay.
Whatever you say.
[dramatic music]
This is it!
[speaks foreign language]
Let's go fuck shit up!
Let's go, boys!
Jesus fuck!
Fuck yeah!
[Torque yells]
[Eklund yells]
Oh, yeah.
Don't think we're in Texas
anymore, boys.
[Blackjack] Wrong way, Rev.
[insects chirping]
Oh, son of a bitch!
Never gets easier.
Oh. Oh, son of a bitch.
[Torque speaks foreign language]
Yep, we're down one.
But I think I'll find him.
Poor bastard.
He either got a dud or he
didn't pull it in time.
He pulled it.
Unlucky motherfucker.
Fell right into the trap.
All right,
let's get all the shit
in the woods.
Are we going to bury
the fucker or what?
Far as you can get it.
We got dropped right
in the middle of fray here
so stay alert, lock and load,
and let's move.
[Billy] So what's your name,
Padre? Your real name.
[Reverend] Is that important?
[Billy] Well, I mean, you cut
down this godforsaken jungle,
and you want to usher me
to the great beyond.
I'd like to know
who I'm speaking with.
[Reverend] My name's
not important.
Just remember you talking
to Jesus.
[Billy] We used to speak
back all the time.
Until he stopped listening.
Any idea why that is?
[Torque speaks foreign language]
[Rico] It's because you
don't floss, Billy.
[Billy] Oh, shut your mouth,
[Torque] Yeah, at least my
mouth tastes good.
[Foley] All right, keep it down,
keep it down.
[Billy] Anyways, we were
talking about Jesus.
[Reverend] What do you
talk to him about?
[Billy] I used to speak to
him all the time.
Pray to him.
[Reverend] You think
he's listening?
[Foley] Let's park
it over there.
[Billy] I don't know.
Sure as fuck hope so.
[insects chirping]
What would you say
that is?
[Rico] It's hard to say.
Could be entryway
into the village.
Or someone set up the
camp for the night.
I say we go in
guns blazing.
No, no, no, we don't
want to
announce our arrival so soon.
Well, anyone who finds Sikes,
will know we're here already.
All right, everybody, we're
going to go full perimeter.
Blackjack, Billy, Torque.
Go around east.
Rest, follow me.
We're to split down
the centre and go west point.
-What about me?
East team, go to the rear.
Try to keep up Reverend.
[dramatic music]
[Eklund] What the fuck
is going on here?
[Foley] I'll be goddamned
if I know.
What the hell is going on?
Either way he's
going to hit the ground.
[crossbow fires]
[body thuds]
Told you.
That's our cue. Let's go.
Let's kill these assholes.
[dramatic music]
[speaks foreign language]
-[guard groans]
-[gun fires]
[Rico yells]
[grenade explodes]
So much for
not announcing our arrival.
Don't let me get old,
fun buddy.
Let's go.
[guns fire]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
Fucking cover me, cover me!
[bullets ricochet]
[Eklund] Go!
[bullets ricochet]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
On your six, on your six!
[Torque screams]
[guns fire]
[both grunting]
[both grunting]
[body thuds]
Stephen Hill Johnson.
My brother.
Haven't seen him since
he deployed in '42.
He would...
He would write letters
to my family,
and they stopped coming
like six months ago.
You're here
to read last rites?
Have at it.
[Foley] Anybody else
find anything useful?
I saw a room full of American
military gear.
So they're stockpiling
from other marine camps.
It looks like it.
All right, let's, uh,
let's go find a place
to set up camp for the night.
Come on.
Sorry for your loss.
He was a good kid.
I bet he was.
[blood squelches]
[insects chirping]
[gentle music]
Rico, you take all the shifts?
Can't sleep in a place
like this.
[Foley] All right,
this is it!
Rise and shine.
Oh, man.
You woke me from my dream girl.
[Foley] Come on.
Waiting for your mom
to cook you breakfast?
Come on, come on.
You don't want the
Sarge's cooking.
Unless you want
to get the shits.
Stay sharp.
Well we sure are friendly.
[speaks foreign language]
She said you must be
to seeing Americans here.
Reckon anyone
speak English?
Oh, hello.
[Rico speaking
foreign language]
No, nothing?
Don't think they speak
Arabic here, buddy.
Keep looking, there got to be
someone around here who speaks
enough English to know
if there's any
Americans here.
Hey, what's Padre doing?
[thunder rumbles]
Probably converting him.
He said there was a
marine camp set up
not too far away from here.
It seems like
only a couple of miles.
Can you ask him if there are
Americans there now?
I don't think he's
understanding me.
Hey! Excuse me. Excuse me.
Hey. Hey. Hey. American!
We're looking for some
Have you seen...
Have you seen American?
I don't think
it's going to help, Chief.
Hey, saying it
slower never helps.
I just don't want these people
wasting my goddamn time.
Maybe I can help.
-You speak English.
Soldiers taught me.
Are you soldiers?
Yeah, something like that.
[Foley stutters]
We're looking for
some missing ones.
They set up shop here
a few weeks ago
and we lost contact with them.
-A store?
-No, no, no.
Like a,
a camp. A base. Outpost.
Like a home?
Exactly. Like a home.
Hey. The old man said
there's a home
not too far away from here.
He's right. It's not very far.
Can you show us?
I can.
But the road is
very dangerous.
[Foley] That's all right,
we can handle that.
The soldiers there?
Not that I'm aware of.
Where are they?
They are dead.
All right, listen up!
This is now a salvage mission.
Take us to it?
I can. Follow me.
It's that way.
Torque's beautiful, huh?
[Rico speaking foreign language]
[Torque speaking
foreign language]
She thinks you're cute, too!
And there I am.
You can't have them all.
I think I can.
Never free before.
Hey, you two idiots. Stay sharp.
Heads up, guys.
So, this, uh,
all I know it's under Japanese
control I understand?
They come and go.
Yeah, well they're gone now.
Because last night we took
out a whole camp of them.
There will be more.
There always are.
The rest of us live in peace
here with nature.
We want no trouble.
Yeah, well the Japanese
most likely took out the Marines
we came here looking for.
You have had to
deal with any of them?
Not these, these were new.
But the previous group of
we had many dealings with.
That's why I learned English.
You look familiar.
You look like someone
who was here before the war.
How long have your
people been here?
I can't say for sure.
The elder men
say thousands of years.
Others say much less.
Much history has been lost.
-Their stories.
A man, an
ancestor cursed by the shaman
and exiled by his
people for
eating the insides of another.
It is said that he was the
first of our village.
We're not far.
Let's keep moving.
[Foley] This is it, huh?
[Heirani] Yeah.
The Japanese
built it years ago.
[Rico] Hey, Foley.
What the fuck happened here?
[Heirani] Most likely
the men you fought last night
did this.
[Foley] No, no, no, these men
were slaughtered?
This wasn't done by bullets.
This was something else.
Something made these men
Something's not right here,
Could be a fucking animal.
Made a meal of one of them.
Makes sense to me.
Something ain't
right here, Boss.
This is the most messed
up thing I've ever seen.
All right, everyone.
Get inside there,
start sweeping.
Copy that, Boss.
Go looking for other remains.
Jesus H. Christ.
Sorry father.
I'm not a preacher.
[dramatic music]
[Billy] Holy fuck.
[Rico] It's like a joke.
[Billy] Mother Mary and Joseph.
What the fuck happened here?
[Eklund] Jesus.
Kind of figured
it'd be worse inside.
How's that?
[Billy] Gut feeling.
[Eklund] Y'all ever seen
something like this before?
[Billy] Oh, yeah.
Grandpappy's slaughterhouse
down in East Texas.
Reminds me of the room
they throw the extra bits in.
It's what they make
sausages and hot dogs of.
[speaks foreign language]
She said,
"Thank you for the tip."
Yeah. Thanks, buddy.
I'll never hot dogs
at a baseball game again.
For your collection.
Ahrens, Marshall.
Anyone ever heard of him?
-[Blackjack] No sir.
-[Eklund] No sir.
All right then, keep moving.
Come on, move.
Collect the rest of them,
would you?
Do me a favor, would you?
Last rites.
[Reverend] Is that a joke?
Last rites are said
before they pass on.
[Foley] Well, as you can
see, they
didn't have that privilege.
Know what I mean?
Do it anyway.
Y'all see what I see?
I ain't blind.
No. No. No.
No, no.
No, no.
Ah, shit!
Now that is beautiful.
Now, you know that's
not yours, right?
-[Richter grunts]
-[gun fires]
[body thuds]
[Richter groans]
-[body squelches]
-[Richter groans]
You missed.
I wanted to cause
you fucking pain.
It fucking hurts.
You know,
I knew you'd be back.
It's hard
to suck blood out of rats
when you don't have
any fucking teeth.
Did those army boys send you?
No, I swear.
Not this time.
I was just hungry.
I believe you.
Then have pity on me.
Give me six vials
and I'll be on my way.
I want you to tell me,
are they going
to keep their word
and give my friend the
Reverend the info on
his father when
his mission is over?
[Richter groans]
That's a suicide mission.
-[gun clicks]
-[Richter groans]
You pop off like that again,
and I'm going to move that
fucking stake over your heart
and I'm going to end you.
Okay, okay.
What do you want?
-What do I want?
I want to know who
Yamashita is.
[sighs] Yamashita.
[blood spits]
[chuckles] Yamashita.
Okay. Japanese general.
His crew.
Well, they went rogue on him
Murph, took all the gold Murph,
four crates,
a present
given to him by his father.
Go on then.
[Richter] Well, apparently
they're hiding the gold
on an island
somewhere south of Japan.
Holy shit.
General Yamashita's gold.
Now that wouldn't
be an island
that a certain friend of mine,
the Reverend is on.
Well, maybe.
Maybe the holy man
and that wrecking crew,
aren't the first to try.
They wouldn't
send us here for this.
Why else do you think our men
were stationed here?
[crate clicks]
[Richter] Well, to be honest,
he ain't going to
make it, Murph.
[coins clink]
Oof! [laughs]
Yeah, he ain't going to make it!
What did I tell you my friend?
-Neither are you.
-No. Wait!
Listen to this.
[distorted] I'm fast!
I'm real fast.
And me and you.
We can get the gold, Murph.
We can make a deal.
We can go to the
North Pole
because I'm hearing
it's great this time of year.
It's dark, it's cold.
And hey!
With your complexion,
you'll fit right in!
Question! The eyes.
Are we related?
I don't know.
Either way,
you could open a bar
for the indigenous. [laughs]
Murph! Come on, what do you say?
I already have a bar.
Put that back.
Give me that,
you little minx.
Get your hands off of it.
You too. It's not fucking candy.
Get your paws off of that.
-[Eklund] Yes sir, Boss.
-I'll be right back.
Get your hands off!
Start walking.
Off you go.
Wait, look.
-Fucking move!
-[Richter screams]
There's a tree about
fifty yards away
with a nice bit of cool shade.
You can make it.
I can't make that!
You're just going to have to
fucking try, aren't you?
-[Richter] No.
-[gun fires]
[Richter groans]
That's a dirty trick!
[gun clicks]
-[Richter grunts]
-[gun fires]
[Richter screams]
Now that was a dirty trick.
Let that son of a bitch burn.
[body sizzles]
So is it good news
or bad news?
You already know.
Yes I do.
So as to the spirit elixir,
the inscription says
that it will not turn you back,
but it will and can
delay the transition.
[Rev. Father] Great.
I was never in a hurry
to die anyway. [laughs]
[somber music]
Let's see.
[Murphy] Bottoms up, brother.
[Rev. Father coughs]
How about something
more familiar?
Oh, now that would be better.
Oh, God, I feel good.
[Rev. Father laughs]
I'm so sorry
this happened to you.
But immortal life
ain't the worst
thing in the world, you know?
So, how
much more time do I have?
From what I could
translate clearly,
you have about a month.
Time enough to
get good and lost.
[whispers] It's okay.
Being a father
is the best thing this life
can ever give you, Murph.
Don't worry.
I'll have his back.
And I will see you on
the other side, my friend.
Good bye, my friend.
[Rev. Father] Good bye.
[Murphy sobs]
[lock thuds]
[Heirani] We need to leave.
They don't want your kind
Just take the cursed
gold and go.
It has brought nothing
but misery to my people.
-What gold?
-[dramatic music]
[footsteps thud]
-[Lycan growls]
-[body thuds]
[gun fires]
[machine sparks]
Thank Christ.
[radio static]
Samuels, Adams, come in.
Come in.
[Samuels] Foley?
[Foley] I got it.
We're going to load
everything up.
And I'll radio again from
the rendezvous point.
[Samuels] Good.
How's the Reverend?
He alive?
[Foley] Of course he's alive.
A pain in my ass.
But he's alive.
[Samuels] Leave him.
Repeat that?
[Samuels] I said leave him.
Leave the asshole.
[Samuels] Your mission
is the gold.
Now load it up and get out.
Copy that.
I have some information
for you.
[Samuels] Who is this?
What information?
It's your fucking
[crate thuds]
[Billy] This is fucking shit.
All right,
let's get these packed up
and get them on a Jeep, pronto.
Now hold up now, Boss.
Let's not dig up more snakes
than we can kill, all right?
I mean,
this ain't our mission.
No, but it's my mission.
And now it's yours, too.
You understand that?
You understand that?
What you think we're here
to find missing Marines?
Government knows
they were all wiped out.
You want to know
why we're here?
-Because of this.
-[crate thuds]
This is why we're here.
Now get all this shit
on the rendezvous point.
I want to get the hell
out of here.
Come on,
pick one up and let's move.
Death the only thing I know
My eyes are
filled with crimson
I'm at the place
I call my own
The scent in the air
The taste of your skin
I'm searching you out
The thrill of the kill
The fuck is this?
The satisfaction
I'm hunting for your blood
They say that
I'm a nightmare
Striking fear
inside your heart
Hurry up.
Something's not right.
Evil walking in the dark
Superstitious tracker.
Not superstitious.
Something's definitely wrong.
[Blackjack] We're here just to
clean up the mess.
[Rico] No.
Something else.
The thrill of the kill
The satisfaction
[Foley] Here.
[crate thuds]
I'm hunting for your blood
All right.
One more left.
Go get it.
And then we're going to
get the fuck out of here.
[insects chirping]
[sword unsheathes]
[dramatic music]
[Lycan growls]
What's going on, man?
Really starting to freak me out.
[eerie music]
[Lycan growls]
[Rico screams]
[blood squelches]
-[Rico screams]
-[guns firing]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[Torque screams]
[guns firing]
[Lycan growls]
-[Lycan growls]
-[Blackjack screams]
[dramatic music]
[blades unsheathe]
[Torque grunts]
[Torque screams]
[blood squelches]
[Lycan growls]
[insects chirping]
You're driving.
[Billy] Of course I am.
[Lycan howls]
[Foley shushing]
-What the fuck was that?
-[Foley shushing]
[footsteps thumping]
-[Lycan growls]
-[guns firing]
What the fuck!
[guns click]
[gun fires]
[gun fires]
[body thuds]
[distorted grunt]
-[suspenseful music]
-[distorted grunt]
What the fuck?
What is that?
That's my mission!
And that's mine!
What are you?
Look Foley,
I don't think we should fight.
Yeah, I think we should.
Give me the keys.
I'll get this thing started.
Come on.
I'm going to open up
the goddamn gate.
[Reverend] Let's move.
What the fuck?
[Lycan growls]
-[Eklund] Go! Go! Go!
-[Foley screams]
[Lycan growls]
-Fucking gun it!
-[Eklund] Go!
-[Lycan growls]
-Go, go, go, go, go!
We need to make it to the
rendezvous spot.
-Yeah? And then what?
-Then we're someone's dinner!
What the fuck were those
things back there?
You never seen the movie
"The Wolf Man"?
Wait, werewolves?
Yeah, you got eyes just
like me, don't you Billy?
Yeah, well they just look like
fucking jungle dogs.
I dont know.
We need to ditch this Jeep.
We'll come back for
the gold later.
-[Eklund] Come on. Go, go!
-Come on. Let's move.
Are you kidding me?
[insects chirping]
-[dramatic music]
-[Lycan growls]
[Reverend] Lycanthropes.
Greek for "Wolf Man".
First appeared in the
Epic of Gilgamesh.
As humans expanded
they retreated
to more remote areas.
Every now and then,
accepting outsiders.
Like my father.
[Lycan growls]
[Reverend shushing]
[Lycan growls]
[Lycan growls]
[Reverend shushing]
[Reverend] Listen.
[insects chirping]
What are those?
[Reverend] Found these
at the outpost.
That you?
And my father.
[Eklund] Why are they here?
My father worked
for the military,
fell out with the U.S.,
had to work abroad.
It looks like he ended up
So we got to find him then?
I'm sure he's long dead now.
His health was never too good.
Holy shit.
even if he's still out there,
I'm sure he's not friendly.
What do we do
if he's one of them?
I don't know.
I'll cross that bridge
if it happens.
Until then,
let's all get ourselves ready.
[insects chirping]
Can't use just normal bullets.
Silver is said to come
from the moon.
And the moon draws them in.
So it's safe to say that the
moon can also kill them.
[metal sizzles]
[gun clicks]
[dramatic music]
[people chanting]
The moon is waning.
We are running out of time.
[chanting in foreign language]
[shouting in foreign language]
[gate scrapes]
[dramatic music]
[Samuels] The eavesdropper.
You said you had information
for us.
[gun clicks]
And here it is.
Take a fucking seat.
[Eklund] I can feel your nerves.
If I can feel them,
they can smell them.
Ain't nothing.
You sure about that?
I'm sure.
[Lycan growls]
[dramatic music]
There you are you
dirty bastard.
[gun clicks]
[dramatic music]
[guns fire]
[guns fire]
[whispers] Listen for the growl.
What the fuck is that hairy
bastard doing?
What's he waiting for?
-[Lycan growls]
-[Billy screams]
[Billy screams faintly]
[Eklund screams]
[blood squelches]
[Lycan growls]
[gun clicks]
[gentle music]
[Lycan growls]
[gun fires]
-[gun clicks]
-[gun fires]
[Lycan growls]
[gun clicks]
-[Lycan growls]
-[gun fires]
[Reverend grunts]
That's it.
Mind if I use your radio?
[gun thuds]
In point of fact,
I do mind if
you use my radio
because I heard you tell them
to leave my good friend
the Reverend behind.
And I can't have that.
[gun clicks]
Take a
fucking gun out of your pocket
and I'll make you part of this
Take your hand out.
Good boy.
[gun thuds]
Now, gentlemen,
I guess
you've never heard of me.
I used to be Major
Ryan Murphy,
head of OSS
of Supernatural studies.
Keep your asses
glued to those chairs.
Thank you, baby.
So you boys know any songs?
-[dramatic music]
-[Lycan growls]
[body thuds]
Finish it! Come on!
-Finish this!
-[gun fires]
This has to stop.
Fair enough, let's get the fuck
out of here, Reverend.
Not yet.
You knew my father.
-What happened to him?
Please. Ask them to leave.
I said, what happened to
my father?
We welcomed him into the tribe.
But he was sick.
We thought by turning him
he would be cured.
But he wasn't.
Thank you.
Your men destroyed
all the bad people here.
We don't want the war.
Please just take everything.
Take all the gold.
And just keep it all away.
[Reverend] I'll try to
pass on your message.
[Reverend] Come in, come in.
Come in.
I wonder who that could be.
Come in.
Come in.
[Murphy laughs on radio]
And we're coming home.
That is the most beautiful
sound I've ever heard.
You bring yourself back home
safe, brother.
I'll keep an eye
on these motherfuckers.
[upbeat music]
Now that,
was a mission
I won't soon forget.
How about you, Padre?
Is it always this shit for you?
Good Lord, I think I need
a fucking sabbatical
after this one.
I don't think I'll go back
to Texas, though.
Might do some world travelling.
Who knows, Reverend.
Maybe we'll, uh,
you know,
we meet up again someday.
There's nothing to fear
You were someone I
could never let go
[sack thuds]
[Murphy] Easy, boys.
Take it easy.
You're in my seat.
Welcome back, brother.
What is this?
You know what it is.
General Yamashita's gold.
This never changes.
Dozens of men dead over greed.
Your superiors wouldn't
be too happy if they knew.
This is why you
sent us in there.
Right? Huh?
-We have your father's files.
-I don't need it.
[Adams] So where's the rest?
There were four crates.
[Reverend] Murph.
How much damage did
that vampire cost this place?
[Murphy] Well.
Apart from the mental
fucking anguish,
damn near priceless.
Would you say
three and a half crates
would be enough
to fix everything?
Oh, should be just
about enough.
[Murphy chuckles]
[gold bars clack]
My mommy is going to love
You two can leave.
Put this behind the bar.
[Murphy sighs]
Much obliged, gentlemen.
If I ever see you
in my fucking bar again,
I'll shoot you in
the fucking head.
[Samuels] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[glass thuds]
You okay?
[gentle music]
Joining in?
Man, fuck that shit.
I'm rich now.
I don't drink that
gutter whiskey anymore.
All right, all right.
One for old time's sake.
[Reverend chuckles]
What do you want to toast
to my friend?
You remember New Guinea?
Uh huh.
Saved your ass.
We're even now.
I remember.
[glasses clink]
[Murphy sighs]
What's next?
I'm not sure.
I'm thinking more whiskey.
[Murphy chuckles]
I'm looking for
a Reverend Conte.
Do I look like a fucking
reverend to you?
That's the holy man.
I've traveled
a thousand miles to meet you.
I've been told that
you're the man
I'm looking for.
[Reverend] What is this?
"Cursed be he who disturbs
the rest of a Pharaoh.
They that shall break the seal
of this tomb
shall meet death by a disease
that no doctor can diagnose."
My entire village has been
wiped out by a plague.
I'm the only one left.
Can you help me?
Looks like you're back
in business, my friend.
[Murphy chuckles]
Have a seat young man.
Death the only thing I know
My eyes are filled
with crimson
I'm at the place
I call my own
The scent in the air
The taste of your skin
I'm searching you out
The thrill of the kill
The satisfaction
I'm hunting for your blood
They say that I'm
a nightmare
Striking fear
inside your heart
I'm looking in the shadows
Evil walking in the dark
The scent in the air
The taste of your skin
I'm searching you out
The thrill of the kill
The satisfaction
I'm hunting for your blood
[dramatic music]
I'm hunting for your blood
Only thing I know is blood
I'm hunting for your blood
Only thing I know is blood
I'm hunting for your blood
Only thing I know is blood
I'm hunting for your blood
Only thing I know is blood
I'm hunting for your blood
Only thing I know is blood
I'm hunting for your blood