Our Holiday Story (2024) Movie Script
Hi, honey. I'm on my way.
Hey, why do I get the feeling
you're not on a train?
Probably because I'm not.
But I'm in the vicinity of one.
Jo, you said you left hours ago.
You're gonna miss your train.
I know. But they just added
another train to the route.
I promise I'll catch it.
That seems risky.
Pardon me. I'm sorry.
There was a massive emergency at work.
What? Oh. Is everyone okay?
Oh, um, I mean, more massive by
PR standards.
There was a gaffe with the
spring face serum campaign.
- Sorry.
- Where are you?
I'm sorry, but I just got to my train.
Switching to video.
Oh, no.
Yeah. Oh, no.
I don't want to meet your
parents for the first time
without you here. This is important.
Okay. All right.
Uh, I'll just, uh...
I'll just go wait for you at a coffee shop.
No. It's too late.
They're watching you from the window.
One piece of advice.
No matter what you do, do not,
under any circumstances, ask them to-
It's fine.
He'll be fine.
You've reached Joanna Ammer.
Please leave a message.
What do I do? "Under any circumstance,
don't ask them"... What?
Bet she forgot to charge her phone again.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Kris. Krispy. Kris Kross.
You made it, buddy.
Thanks for having me, Mr. Ammer.
No, no, no, it's Dave.
Dave, Davie, Davros...
You're scaring him, "Dog".
Hi, I'm Nell, Joe's stepmom,
and you must be cold.
Let's get you inside.
- All right.
- Dave. Suitcase?
- Yeah.
- Wow...
Dave is running a little behind.
In time, you'll find a charming.
- Here, let me help you out.
- Oh. Thank you.
- I'll take this.
- Thanks.
So... Where's Jo?
Oh, she took a later train, but
she'll be here in time for the party.
Also, she suggested I
get a fruit cake you two like.
Oh, Fredo's fruit cake!
We eat it year round.
Thank you.
Help us set up for the party.
Our theme is every sweater for
Welcome to the Christmas train.
No ugly sweater, love?
I didn't get the memo.
But if I may ask, what's with
the sweaters?
Today's the start of the Ugly Sweater
convention in Hartford.
It's the ten year anniversary.
Yes, of course it is.
Here. Oh, you can have the honor.
Oh, uh.
Sisyphean tasks are my specialty.
Yeah. Must be if you're here to
woo the parents.
The Ammers were actually one of
Arbor's founding families.
Mmh. And one of the families to
stay after the witch trials.
Hint, hint.
- He's joking.
This is how he jokes.
Oh, fruitcake.
Really. The Ammers have been
Arbor for almost a century, and
we're hosting this party for 37 years.
Oh, thanks.
- And hosting the Arbor Christmas Festival.
Right? Jo told me.
Yeah. My grandpa started it,
just kind of a family Christmas event,
and it grew into the
social event of the season.
After my dad passed, there was
a little hiatus for a bit, and then...
I started it up again ten years ago.
But actually, it's Jo
who's got to get the credit.
- She tends to be.
- Yeah.
Yeah, here's that fruitcake you brought.
Oh, no. Thank you.
I have a slightly fatal nut allergy.
Oh, well, we wouldn't want to
poison you,
- Or would we?
- Again, this is how he jokes.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
So how did you two meet?
Actually, it's just about ten years ago
to the day that we met.
That's why the theme of
the party is sweaters.
Yeah, we met on a train full of
ugly Christmas sweaters.
Actually, it's pretty funny story.
Excuse me?
It was love at first sight.
But Nell doesn't believe in
love at first sight.
Or, I'm sorry. No, she won't admit it.
I don't, I don't, but he was very cute.
Oh, I'm still cute.
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
It's all yours.
Wow. What is up with all these
ugly Christmas sweaters?
- Solid opener.
- Thank you.
Always best to start with a question.
But... seriously, do you know?
I do, actually. It's Hartford's
inaugural ugly sweater convention.
Oh, well, that can't possibly be
something that's going to last.
Absolutely not. First and last.
So, chitchat is hard.
Did he actually say that?
Did he ever.
And what did you say?
I said,
Chitchat is the worst.
I'd like to ban chitchat to the
realm of people who leave their
shopping cart next to your car.
Or people who take too long in
their parking space when they
know you're waiting.
Or people who can't decide what to eat.
It's not hard. There are three options.
And what are they?
Restaurant. Farm. Starve.
Green Line Express, tickets out!
Have your tickets ready.
Can't find your ticket?
Ooh, you better find that ticket.
Yeah. No, I, um...
Better hurry. He's coming.
About to get kicked off the train.
Ah, just in the nick of time.
I'm Dave, by the way.
Gabe? Nell.
Nice to meet you.
So you both got each other's
names wrong, but wouldn't your
right names come up in conversation?
Why would they, Chris?
Yeah. Chris. How often do you
address someone by their name?
Doesn't it seem a little unnatural, Chris?
Okay. Point taken, Dave and Nell.
Are you, by chance thirsty?
Because this train has a mean
hot chocolate.
Sure. Yeah. I'd love a wicked cocoa.
- Two, please.
- Thank you.
Thank you. So let me guess.
You live in Vermont.
You run an organic, fair trade
coffee shop.
One of those places that takes
about 20 minutes to make an Americano
but leaves you with the feeling of
family the entire time you're there.
Well, I am flattered, but... not even close.
- No?
- No, no.
- Let me try again.
- No no no no, it's my turn now.
You live in Boston and you're a lawyer.
- Ouch.
- No, no no, no, but a good one.
Like human rights or the environment.
You carry around a faux leather attache.
So first impressions of me are
that I am noble and pretentious.
And first impressions of me are,
I'm ineffective, yet caffeinated.
Why are we stopping?
Folks? We got ice on the tracks,
so there'll be a short delay.
30, maybe 45 minutes.
Guess we're stuck together a
little longer.
I don't mind that.
Oh, wow. They have...
Fredo's fruitcake!
You know Fredo's?
It's my favorite!
It's mine too. I eat it year round.
Me too. Have you had it heated up,
with chocolate chips?
No. But have you ever had it stuffed
in a mug and soaked with eggnog?
No. And I won't be doing that.
But major points for creativity.
- I'm gonna get you one.
- What?
Yes, I am gonna get you one.
What? No. What if the train leaves?
No, no, the conductor said half
an hour, maybe more.
Plenty of time.
Um, can I give you that?
Your knight in shining
fruitcake shall return.
Be right back.
Actually, folks,
track's all clear.
We'll be on our way.
Wait. Somebody got off-
Just one please. Perfect.
Thank you.
No, no.
No, no.
Then how did you two finally meet?
- Fate.
- Determination.
Whatever it was, I was in love.
I can remember exactly the
moment that I met Jo.
I mean, it was only nine months ago, but...
my company was hired to do
forensic accounting for her company.
And then I walked into the
wrong conference room, and...
Actually, maybe the story is boring.
No love story is boring.
Exactly. Hmm.
Plus, we're curious to hear it
from your point of view.
So you were walking in the
conference room and?...
Okay. Um...
Alright. Well, I stammered and
then I said something dumb
and I excused myself and she
followed me out into the hall,
and she asked me out for coffee.
It's kind of like a knowing,
like I, like, I just... I just knew.
That is exactly how we felt.
Speak for yourself.
We're so happy for you.
You make Jo happy.
Or rather, even more happy, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Anyway, so you two were Gabe and
Belle, separated by fate,
fruitcake and a speeding train.
So finding each other seems
impossible without...
- Fate.
- Determination.
So, my train left the station.
Literally and figuratively.
Love train with my soulmate.
Dad, you knew her for ten minutes.
Oh, it was at least an hour.
Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I just think...
when you know, you know.
Did you ever know with my mom?
Yeah, it was different.
We were so young.
Yeah. We knew.
Sometimes knowing isn't forever.
I... find that thought worrying, but I'm
just going to shelve that for adulthood.
How are you going to find Belle?
I don't know.
Leave it to fate.
Fate hasn't finished any of your
other projects.
You've been working on this for
half my life.
That is a family heirloom.
Two generations of Ammers have
worked on this thing.
Have to do them justice.
I gotta get it right.
Yeah, but it also needs to be done.
So, what do you know about Belle?
Well, I mean, her eyes sparkle
when she laughs.
She's got this cute little nervous habit
about biting her lip,
and she may or may not be a
human rights lawyer from Boston.
So... you know nothing.
- No.
- Great start.
Okay, how do you plan to find her?
- Oh...
- I just... know.
Don't say fate.
Oh, look at you getting back out there.
I am not getting back out anywhere.
It was some flirty banter with
a handsome stranger.
Yeah, but that's the
first step in forgetting Eli.
Eli who?
Eli your ex-fiance.
Izzie. I'm joking.
Of course I remember
the man who broke my heart,
inspired me to quit my job,
move to this town to start over
in a futile attempt to combat
unrelenting, inescapable heartbreak.
Oh, I thought you moved here to
be close to your bestie.
Well, that is just a silver lining
for which I will be eternally grateful.
Anyways, this is supposed to be
a work meeting.
Yeah. So... apologies.
Oh. Uh-oh.
As head of Arbor's Park and Rec,
it's my job to inform you
that the Christmas festival has been approved.
Well, as the new town
comptroller, it is my job to
inform you that Arbor can't afford it.
We are barely in the green as it is.
Where am I supposed to get this money?
Ask Santa?
Well, I don't know, that's your job.
But the town loves the festival.
The mayor really wants this to happen.
Plus, the festival organizer
has already been notified.
Oh come on.
Dad, where'd you put your phone?
I don't know.
Found it.
Thanks. I was looking for that yesterday.
Dad, there's an email here from
Parks and Rec.
The festival has been approved.
What? No, I mean...
That's shocking, right?
No! Totally expected.
You're gonna be the best
festival organizer ever.
Oh, I don't know, it's just...
First time doing it without Gramps.
Bound to be a few speed bumps.
Dad, we got this.
You're the Christmas Festivator.
The Festivus Maximus.
Oh! Festivus Prime.
No? Too much?
- All right, what do we got?
- Okay, listen to this.
Tldr the festival has been approved,
but the town's concerned with
the budget and feasibility,
as it should be, uhh...
So they paired you with the
town comptroller, Eleanor Speer.
Great. Team.
Oh, great. A team.
And... Eleanor's number is in the email.
Okay, so what do you think?
Should I give her a call?
Get her as excited as I am?
You know what? I am going to call this
David and establish some clear parameters.
What's wrong?
Well, I guess... Eli has a new girlfriend.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm gonna- I gotta call David.
And I'm gonna get back to work.
Hey, Eleanor.
This is David.
The festival organizer?
That's me.
Voice sounds familiar.
Um, I just wanted
to call and tell you
how excited I am to be teaming up.
Full disclosure, I am, uh...
staunchly against this festival.
- Why? You just hate Christmas?
- Dad!
No, I don't hate Christmas.
I don't, I don't hate Christmas.
I love it in-in moderation.
But do you know what I
love more than Christmas?
- Sad for you.
- Dad. Be nice.
Um... sorry. Look, um...
Look, I know we're asking for a
lot, but this this-this festival,
it's a rejuvenation of the town's
spirit and its history, and um...
No, what this festival is, is a
waste of resources.
Okay, well, that's your very
harshly doled out opinion.
You should probably know that I'm
pouring my heart into this "wasted resources".
And you should know that I will
be pouring all my heart
into ensuring that you do not
bankrupt this town.
Oh, this sounds like a winning
partnership, then.
No, because you and I are not partners.
I am the town comptroller, and
you are receiving funds from me.
And you will be held accountable
for every single cent.
Good day, Mr. Ammer.
Good day, Miss Speer.
She seems nice.
So basically how you met was...
- A total mess.
- Complete serendipity.
All right, fire this up.
Yeah. There she is!
Beautiful. You did good, kid.
- I did?
- Yeah.
There are so many different
kinds of ugly sweaters.
Classic, comedic,
ironic, movie...
Sorry, folks.
Slight delay.
Oh, yes.
Those are perfect.
Jo's probably okay, right?
Definitely. Question is, are you okay
being here with us by yourself?
I mean, I know your parents
are coming on Christmas morning, but...
I'm sure you're missing
some of the festivities.
Yeah. I mean, kind of.
We never really had holidays like this.
There's no cookie decorating
or tree tinseling.
Tinsel. Not that my parents are scrooges,
they're just... practical to a fault.
They're, uh... You know what they are?
They're utilitarian.
I used to be like that too.
- Really?
- Mhm.
Well, what changed?
I met Dave.
Yeah. I feel the same way about
meeting Jo.
She makes me feel that life
could be one big and practical
adventure in all the best ways.
You know, there is a word for that.
Anyway, so how did you and Dave
finally meet?
You two were working on the
festival together?
No. David and Eleanor were working
on the festival together.
Sweetheart, you should be out doing what
other teenagers are doing on Christmas break.
What they do is stare dead eyed
at their phones.
And if I'm going to do that,
at least let it be for a good cause.
Like the festival.
Anyway, I revised the budget
and made a to-do.
You need to lock in the trees, the heaters,
generators, the fire inspection...
I think we should take a break.
But we just got started.
Go to the bean, grab some decaf.
Fine. But while I'm gone, I'm
gonna email Eleanor the budget.
Cool. Do you need my phone?
No. Your email is in my phone, too.
Oh, so you hacked my email?
No. You put it in there for the next
time you lose your phone, remember?
Very, very forward thinking of me.
I like it.
No, dad.
Forward thinking would be not
losing your phone.
Go on.
Oh. Thank you.
My pleasure.
Could I please get a four shot
peppermint mocha?
Thank you.
And sending budget... Sent.
Absolutely not happening.
- Sorry.
- Oh! I'm so so-
- What?
- What?
- Gabe.
- Belle.
No! Dave.
Okay, so do we have
doppelgangers that were flirting
on a train, or did we just... get
each other's names wrong?
Hopefully both.
TMI. I was really worried I
wasn't going to see you again.
Not TMI.
I... I was too.
Uh, so, what are you doing in Arbor?
I moved here. I was living in the city,
and I needed a change.
My best friend lives here, so I thought,
why not?
It's amazing. I live here too,
with my daughter.
You have a daughter?
Yeah. Yeah. She's 16 and she's
the coolest.
She's just... wise beyond her years,
just an amazing kid.
Ah, yeah, yeah. No. I was a young dad.
Her mom and I were high school
sweethearts, but separated years ago.
Nell from the train.
Uh, what are the odds?
I could probably do the math.
Oh, no. You can't do math on magic.
So, are you free right now?
I know a place that has a
sinister hot chocolate.
Oh, the cocoa's graduated from
mean spirited to sinister.
Mm. I would love that.
Re: your budget.
Absolutely not happening?
Send revised budget and breakdown.
One fourth the cost.
A quarter of the budget?
We can't do the festival on that.
Oh! Sorry.
Excuse me one second.
- Yeah.
Hello? Hello?
You've reached Joanna Ammer.
Please leave a message.
I am so sorry. My daughter just texted me
SOS and now she's not answering her phone.
No. It's okay. She's just at a
coffee shop around the corner.
Will you wait for me? I'll be right back.
I've waited this long.
What is a little longer?
Okay, I'll be right back.
Jo. Hey.
You okay?
We have a festival emergency.
Are you kidding?
You texted me SOS, and then you
didn't respond.
Yeah, my phone died.
Oh, you got to charge that thing.
That's funny. Coming from my dad,
who can't even find his phone.
Okay, maybe it's genetic, but the point is,
I thought you were in a ditch.
A coffee shop ditch?
But this is S.O.S..
Eleanor cut our budget.
Okay. Yes, but I found Nell.
Train Nell. Okay? So...
Relax, take a little break,
I'll be right back.
Ow! Ow! Sorry.
These are Italian leather.
- Okay. What can I do?
- Club soda. Stat!
Right. Yeah.
- Oh!
- Mam. Is this your car?
Yes, and I know, I just saw it.
I need a few more minutes.
It's a fire hydrant, ma'am.
You need to move your car.
Right. But, see, I'm waiting for someone.
Okay. Okay.
Yep. Okay.
Are you serious? You two missed each other again,
by like a minute?
Uh, Jo's texting me from
someone else's number.
Oh. Says phone died.
Train's still not moving.
ETA three question marks.
I wonder why she didn't text me.
Ah, you know... fathers and daughters.
Yeah. Hopefully she can still
make it here tonight.
It'll work out, which is a good segue
back to Nell and my story.
And he never came back.
Maybe this guy just isn't that into me.
Or maybe he really did have an emergency,
but he lives in town, so...
There's a 1 in 12,000 chance of
me finding him?
- Oh, so you're saying there's a chance.
- Ha!
Do you know what you should do?
Post a missed connection.
Nobody reads those!
No, she just left.
Maybe she's not into me.
Or maybe she had to go somewhere.
So... be assertive.
Find her, look on socials or
post a missed connection.
Come on, nobody reads those things!
Alright, well, I'm gonna go
drown my sorrows in a yule log.
Looking for my Christmas wish.
So this used to be a daytime
family festival.
But it was so successful,
we added dancing for adults at night.
Three days would be transformed
into Christmas magic.
- Oh! Three days.
- Yeah.
That seems soon.
You think we should start
setting up for it, or...
Nah. No worries.
It's a well-oiled machine.
Hey! Come on. You haven't seen
the Christmas market yet.
You know, this Christmas market
is where Nell and I
first exchanged numbers ten years ago.
Oh, so you finally exchanged numbers?
No, Chris, we've been married
for eight years, and we still
communicate by telegram.
Good one!
But really, I don't get it. You two
lived in the same smallish town.
Couldn't you just... Googled or
Facebooked each other or something?
What would I search?
Arbor Dave? Train Nell?
- Good point.
- Yeah.
So then let's hear it.
How'd you two finally exchange
Well, the universe decided to
play matchmaker.
Okay, don't forget, you have a
meeting with Eleanor at 4:00
today to go over the festival budget.
I will not forget.
Come on in.
Hello, Jojo.
Hi, mom.
- I brought gifts.
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
- Thank you.
- Okay, bye, dad.
- See you!
And she's gone. OK.
Anything there for me?
Of course. Making the rounds today.
Gets me out of the house.
Oh, can I help?
Oh, I know a Chloe's stress tactics
when I see one.
Hubby off on another one of his
extreme sports adventures?
Dan is out skiing with his brother.
Ooh, fancy.
Oh, no.
Come on in.
So... a little birdie told me
that you met someone.
Tell me everything. And...
Well, I... hope I met someone.
We met. We got separated.
Met again, got separated again.
But... I don't know.
Kind of feels like fate.
Huh. You know I don't believe in fate.
But I do. At least I believe
everything happens for a reason.
I think you and I, you know, we met...
so that we could bring Jojo into this world.
Awh. I think we met so that you could bring
me a daily dose of rosy colored optimism.
So tell me, what is this woman like?
Um, well, she's hilarious,
beautiful, laid back, you know,
just really go with the flow.
So nothing like me.
Well, I didn't say anything about that.
I don't know...
I think I need chill.
Someone like me. Someone that just...
plays it loose.
I was up all night earmarking the new budget
and schedule that David sent.
It's a total mess.
This festival is going to
implode, and it's all going to
end up on my head as the new hire.
Ooh. That's nice.
I'll probably lose my job.
Why do you always catastrophize?
Because I have lived in catastrophe.
I came from nothing, had nothing,
and I've spent a whole lifetime
trying to have some semblance of stability.
And now this agent of chaos
is putting my job on the line.
No, your job will be fine.
That's... very comforting.
Thank you. I like this one.
Okay, did you ever write a
missed connection to Train Man?
Izzie. No one reads those except for
people that hang out on the internet all day.
And Dave's not that person?
No. Dave strikes me as a very
laid back, can do guy, you know,
very... down to earth.
So, he strikes you as the opposite of Eli.
Yes. Yes he does.
Hi. I'd like to get this.
I don't think you need more
chill vibes in your life.
If you want my advice, you need
more focus.
Dave, I've known you since you
were 12 years old.
You're a good guy to the core,
but you are endlessly distractible.
You're a great father and a
great carpenter.
- Thank you.
- But when it comes to running your business and...
finishing the Santa throne,
you need to be more focused.
And you should probably be with
someone who's more focused,
like, really focused and
probably really driven.
Thank you for the feedback.
I'll try to remember that not all
unsolicited advice is criticism.
With love.
Anyway, on that note, I gotta get going.
Someone at the Christmas market
is donating some decorations.
Yes, I should get out of here.
Mrs. Santa has more presents to deliver.
I can't believe it. It's you!
It's you!
Does this make you think that
we've just been ships
for the last four months,
not noticing each other?
Oh, no. I would definitely notice you.
I'm so sorry about the other day.
I had a cocoa mishap.
I had a car thing.
I came back and you weren't there.
I came back and you weren't there!
Okay, well, this time I'm gonna
take your number so that
next time we don't meet up by chance.
Mhm. Pros and cons to that.
I think I left my phone in my truck
but it's fine,
it's fine, I've got a memory
like a steel trap.
Are you sure?
Oh yeah. Hit me with those digits
and I'll put them in my phone later.
Okay. 555...
Easy peasy.
You know what? I'm gonna get
your number just in case.
- Very forward thinking.
- Mhm.
555... 904... 9896.
Your number seems familiar to me.
Yeah. Yours seem familiar too.
Well, I have a 4:00.
I have to run.
Yeah. No, I have a meeting too,
but I'll call you later.
- Ten dollars for a tree.
- 288, 4617...
- ... 20, 3 for 25.
- ...647.
$25 helps ten children.
- ...246...
- $10 helps 3 children.
...20, 3 for 25!
Oh come on.
2 for 20, 3 for 25!
It's okay. She got my number.
Oh. Please, please please please
please please.
Hey. What's wrong?
I was just...
Broke my phone,
losing Train Dave's number,
and the festival organizer
stood me up for a meeting!
Maybe at home for the day.
Do anything other than wait by
the phone for Dave to call.
Or, I am going to send this
festival organizer a little email.
- Oh...
- Standing me up?
- Hey.
- Hey. How'd the meeting go?
What meeting?
You forgot?
How could you forget?
Because I ran into Nell again.
And I got excited because she
gave me her number.
And then I forgot it. And then
I forgot the donated decorations.
But then I remembered the decorations.
But I forgot the meeting.
It's okay. I'll head over there right now.
Dad, you're an hour late.
And Eleanor just emailed,
threatening to cancel the festival!
Oh, come on...
It's okay.
It's okay. I'll sort it out.
Just focus on the positives here.
What could possibly be a positive?
Nell has my number.
Most knitters go to the craft
store for their yarn,
but I source mine directly from the
alpaca farm.
Bad news, folks.
We can't fix the engines and
the train is inoperable.
Unfortunately, we're going to
have to ask everyone to get off.
I'm sorry.
Nice to meet you.
Hey. What's wrong?
Oh, just... my train's been canceled,
and I'm sitting in a bar,
in the middle of nowhere, and
I'm cold and I'm tired and I'm sorry.
It's okay, Jo, let's just focus
on getting you here.
- Where are you?
- I'm in Putney.
Isn't that where the fruitcake you
told me to bring your folks is made?
Oh, yeah, you're right.
Okay, well, um, I'll come get you.
It's only like three hours or something.
No, don't.
The party is starting soon, and
I really want you to be there.
I'll find a way home.
In time for the party?
Ideally, but more likely in time
for the festival set up tomorrow.
Just please get here before my
parents do.
That's three days away.
I'm sorry.
How's it going over there?
How's family time?
It's going great.
All good, of course.
Call me later, okay?
Ah, she'll be here soon.
Yeah. She's not gonna leave you
alone with us too much longer.
Oh, no. I'm enjoying being with you.
I mean, your story is riveting.
Oh, well, then. Buckle up, pal.
So, any word from Train Man?
Well, maybe he forgot your
number and is expecting you to call.
After Eli it felt impossible
to imagine that I would
find someone else again.
And then out of nowhere, it felt possible.
So put some legwork in.
At least attempt a missed connection.
Come on. Oh, okay.
I'm gonna be late.
"Looking for my Christmas wish."
"Nell, it's Dave. I came back to
find you, but you weren't there."
"If you see this, message me."
- It was right here, right?
- Yeah. Perfect.
"Dave. How strange."
"I came on here to write my own
missed connection, and I found yours."
"My phone broke shortly after I took
your number so I couldn't call."
"I'm assuming you lost mine as well,"
"despite your steel trap of a mind."
Steel trap! Lol.
"I did forget."
"A thousand apologies, but can I
make it up to you?"
I'm really good at this.
"I'm hosting a Christmas party tonight."
"Could you be my date?"
I would love to.
I'll bring the fruitcake.
"Can't wait. 120 Bescano.
Theme is red and green."
We did it!
We did it!
What's happening there, Jojo?
Oh, you know, just me getting you
the best Christmas present ever.
- Really?
- I have found Nell.
What? No.
Remember that missed connection that
you refused to make?
Well... I made it.
Okay. Wait, isn't that kind of weird?
Now getting to post with my daughter?
- Um, well...
- Jo?
For the sake of preserving the
romance, I might have...
kind of pretended to be you.
Oh! So just...
Mild identity theft.
More like good natured teenage hijinks.
How about we just focus on the part
where Nell is coming to the party tonight?
Uh... what do I wear?
Hi, honey.
Hey! Merry Christmas.
Honey, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Okay.
- Why don't you come with us?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, here we come.
- You can tell us anything.
- Anything.
- Why don't we just head over here, yeah?
And we can have just a
little, little chat.
You're gonna have a little snack.
- Yeah, but let's-let's talk.
- Sure...
Yeah. Before snack.
- Okay. Uh...
- Yeah. Okay.
- Okay. Yeah.
- Talk to us.
I know, I know that Jo loves
this party, and so I thought
it might be a good time to...
tell her that I love her, for the first time.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Maybe, maybe, maybe temper your
excitement because... she's not here.
Maybe it's not a good idea.
- Why not?
- Why not?
I've never said I love you to
anyone before.
- No...
- Oh.
But with Jo, I...
I do know.
I mean, I always question every decision.
Which college, which-which job,
which city...
But with Jo, I... just knew right
from the jump.
You will find the perfect time
to say I love you.
Oh, I-I...
Yeah... Okay.
I'm good.
Oh, by the way, guess who asked
us how Dave and I met?
- Oh. Poor guy.
- Yeah.
Where did you leave off?
Well, the abbreviated version is...
Or is it Gabe?
- Belle?
- Are we on a double date?
And it should have been the
first thing I said, but you look...
You look absolutely beautiful.
Thank you.
Oh, um, I did try the, uh, Fredo's
fruit cake in a mug with the eggnog.
Okay. What'd you think?
I thought that I have not made
enough bold, creative decisions
in my life, and I am... ready for more.
Dad, why don't you take the
fruitcake from her?
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Thank you for this.
Um, Nell, this is my daughter, Joanna.
Oh, hi. It's so nice to meet you.
So nice to meet you, too.
It's a good party.
Just 50 of your closest friends?
Well, this is what a life lived almost
entirely in the same town looks like.
I wouldn't mind having all of this.
All this is what?
You don't feel like you belong?
Not really, no.
And I never did where I grew up.
I think I felt like I belonged once,
with a partner,
but that ended soon.
Well, for what it's worth,
I think you belong here.
So, what are you doing tomorrow?
Want to help me set up a
Christmas festival?
- What?
- A Christmas festival.
Yeah, my... my grandpa started it.
It's an Ammer tradition.
Ammer. Oh, right.
Um... yeah, that's my last name.
Because you are David Ammer.
Um... Yeah, yeah, I will be at the
Christmas festival.
Um... You know what?
I-I'm not feeling very, very,
very well, and I think...
I think I have to go home.
I'm so s-I'm so sorry.
Um... Uh, wait a second.
What just happened?
Thank you so much for this ride.
I've been trying to get home
for, like, 12 hours.
Well, happy to help.
And happy to have the company.
So Chris sounds perfect.
Yeah. He is.
He's sweet and funny and tender.
So then what's wrong?
What makes you think
something's wrong?
Well, we've been dating for nine months
and we're getting serious.
His parents are joining us for
Christmas morning, but...
we haven't said I love you.
And sometimes when he looks at me
or says something, it's so obvious.
It's like everything he's doing
or saying means I love you.
And yet... neither of us say it.
Why, do you not love him?
No, I do!
Or... I think I do.
I'm happiest when I'm around
him and when I'm not, I feel...
I've heard that when you know, you know,
and I usually know,
in all arenas, but in this I just...
I just don't.
So how do you know?
Do you just... feel it?
Maybe you should ask your parents.
I don't think my parents have
the answers.
May I?
Oh, yes. Please!
How did you enjoy the party?
It's great. And only slightly overwhelming.
Meeting everyone Jo's ever
known without having her there.
Mhm. Do I sense a whiff of annoyance?
Maybe a tiny, imperceptible one.
It's just... like I was the one
that asked to come home with Jo
for Christmas. And then I was the one
that suggested our families meet, so...
so she doesn't show up,
but just leaves me like
I'm feeling like I'm the only
one that wants this.
Jo wants this.
Believe me.
But you should talk to her.
You should tell her everything.
Yeah. Yeah, maybe.
But for now, I would love to hear
the rest of the Dave and Nell saga.
Oh, um...
Yeah. Okay. So, after the big revelation...
So Dave is David, and David is Dave.
And you find that shocking?
Because they're two completely
different men.
Dave is assertive and charming,
and David is contentious and chaotic.
Well, sometimes we can see
people who we want them to be
instead of who they are.
And when those two people don't
align, we're disappointed.
Ring a bell?
- I know what I did with Eli.
- Okay...
The point is, is if David is actually
Dave, I don't think we're a match.
And maybe you're not, but you
should talk to him about it.
Nell, he's gonna find out!
You still need to work on the festival together.
You're still working with him
on the festival, right?
I may have... slightly ghosted.
Nell just left. We're having a moment,
and she just bolts, Cinderella style.
Did I say something wrong?
I mean, was my breath bad?
Or did she just realize she
actually doesn't like me?
Or maybe it was a big emotional
moment and she got scared.
Why don't you just call her?
Maybe because I still don't have
her number.
Ah, then-then get it!
Just go for it, be assertive!
And while you're at it, finish the chair.
I'm working on it.
I also realize I'm kind of
worried about finishing it.
Maybe I won't do grampa Jack
and Dad proud, and...
Maybe I'm not up for it.
You're up for it.
So finish.
I'm sure Nell is going to reach
out and give you an explanation,
but for now, let's just focus
on the festival.
Has Eleanor responded to any of
your emails?
We're supposed to start setting up today.
No. Eleanor's ghosting me.
You know what? I'm going to take my
new assertive self down to her office.
And I will join you in case the
situation requires mediation,
which it most definitely will.
- Hello?
- Hi. Can I help you?
We are here to see Eleanor Speer.
Do you have a meeting scheduled?
Dad. Did you not let Eleanor
know we were coming?
Thought the surprise will give
us the upper hand.
Could you please let Eleanor
know that David Ammer from the
Christmas Festival is here?
I just transferred her call.
But you can sit and wait.
Is there a restroom I could use?
Of course. Straight down the hall,
take a left.
- Thank you.
- No worries.
- Oh.
- No.
For sure. I'm on top of it.
I understand.
We are on the same page.
Well, let's regroup in the new
year and, uh, we can discuss then.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
- We should go.
- What? Why?
I just suddenly feel weird.
- Are you sick? You have a fever?
- Wait till we're going out.
We have to go right now!
I thought you said someone was
here to see me.
There was. David Ammer from the
Christmas festival.
Oh. Thank you.
So Dave showed up?
Yes. And then he must have put
two and two together and then left.
All right. Well, then just reach
out and clear this up like adults.
Or I could just disappear.
Girl, this is becoming a habit.
You just disappeared from your old life.
You quit your job, moved out here,
all to avoid heartbreak.
I know. It's just that I just
wanted to feel like I belonged
somewhere again. And then for a
minute, I did feel that.
Oh, Nell.
Just email Dave.
Okay, I gotta head to a meeting.
Hey, Dave.
So, funny story.
You and I actually hate each other.
But is that a funny story?
No, no.
Delete delete delete delete delete.
Hey, Dave, I think we should talk about
how we hate each other.
But do we really hate each other?
Oh, delete!
Okay. Hey Dave,
Hey Nell,
Can we meet?
Well, that's a better opener.
Yes. Let's meet.
Um. Hi.
This is incredible.
But will we get it all done in two days?
We'll see. It's controlled chaos.
It's a well oiled machine.
Oh. What time is the fire marshal
coming for the inspection?
You never booked the inspection?
I did forget.
It's fine.
- Listen, I will call.
- I'm just gonna... No!
I'm gonna call.
I'll give you guys your space.
Go over here. Anywhere else?
What's that? Oh.
I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, my God, I feel like we've
been separated for days.
I felt like weeks on my end.
It was that bad with the fam?
No, no, it's been great.
They're giving me the Christmas
I begged my entire childhood for.
And I genuinely like your folks.
They feel like family.
I'm sorry I missed my train.
No, no. It's all right.
As long as it wasn't on purpose.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
I'm just kidding.
By the way, before your phone
died, you wanted me to not under
any circumstances ask your folks...
- Oh, ask them how they met.
You asked them how they met?
You bet I did. And they liked me
a thousand times more for it, so...
Oh, how far into the story are you?
Oh, I'm just at the point where
you've lured Nell into a coffee shop
under the false pretenses
of being your dad.
Well, someone had to be an adult.
So what happened?
So... I've been emailing with you,
pretending I'm my dad.
So the missed connections.
- All me.
- And your dad doesn't know you're here?
No. And he also doesn't know that
you are Eleanor Speer, town comptroller.
Got it.
But what if he did?
I'm not sure.
I mean, you two have, like,
struggled to work together.
That is a gentle euphemism for
what happened.
Your dad and I have but heads
at every turn.
But when you're together as Dave
and Nell, it's magic, right?
Yes. But maybe it's always magic
in the beginning and the
honeymoon phase, you know,
before you really know each other.
Ignore my cynicism.
I've had my heart broken.
You are young and love is easy
and perfect.
I'll hold you to that.
Please don't.
But with you and my dad...
Don't opposites attract?
Yes, but it can also make for a
difficult life together.
Your dad and I just might be...
too different.
Please, just give him a chance.
Yeah, he's scatterbrained, but
he is such a good guy.
And he's the best dad.
Just talk to him.
Okay. Okay.
Leave all the arrangements to me.
Thought I would, uh, try this again.
Belle. And Fredo's.
Thank you.
You know, I thought I wasn't
gonna see you again,
and that this time would be on purpose.
I'm sorry. I want to explain.
Uh. Um...
- It's okay. It's okay, it's okay. No rush.
How about I give you a tour of
the festival first?
Mm. That would be nice.
So, uh, trying to recreate the
festival that I grew up with,
to recreate the festival that my
dad grew up with.
Share that feeling of belonging?
Yeah. I guess so.
But honestly, I'm kind of
doubting I can pull it off.
I'm... not exactly the most organized.
Maybe not, but you are clearly
pouring your heart into this,
and I... wish I would have
understood that from the start.
The start of what?
Oh, you know, the start of knowing you.
You know, you want a front load
the back story, right?
I'm not really following.
Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to.
Well, what about you?
What did Nell's childhood
Christmases look like?
My family didn't have
a lot of discretionary spending.
So we just kind of
cobbled it together,
and I think
it affected a lot of my life choices.
I studied finance, worked at a bank,
chased security, stability.
But, um, passion,
purpose, belonging...
That's not something I prioritized
until it was too late.
Oh, it's not too late.
It is still very, very early.
So, can I put you to work?
Either he took the news well or...
I didn't tell him?
Look, I. I'm working up to it, I promise.
Come on, Jojo, let's get home.
Hey, no one's around.
Now's the time.
See ya.
Hey. So, uh, I wanted to explain why
I, uh, ran away from your party.
Right. Is it me?
I mean, I know I can come on
a little strong sometimes, I just...
I get excited about things, and I...
No, no, no-no-no-no.
It wasn't you.
Please do not think that.
It was... It was me. And it's okay.
I'm excited too.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You know, for a while now, I've been
telling myself that I'd be okay being alone.
And I would be, but also,
I don't want to be.
I want to share this with my person.
Me, too.
I told myself that life was
just going to be this steady,
known plodding, and that would be fine.
And since meeting you, life feels
unknown, but in the very best way.
I guess what I'm saying is
I really like you.
I do, and this feels different.
Yeah... it feels different.
Iz, we had this perfect romantic moment...
And it felt meant to be like destiny.
Wow, girl. You're sprung.
What happened to the Nell who was
white knuckle clutching to a life alone?
She fell for someone.
Or at least, part of someone.
Wait, does that mean you...
Yeah. I didn't tell him.
Dad. You finished it?
Yeah. Felt so motivated.
I got working on it all night
after Nell and I left the festival.
Um... Amazing!
Yeah. About that...
Did Nell tell you anything interesting?
Everything she tells me is interesting.
Okay, but did she maybe tell you...
what she does for a living?
Uh, no, actually, but I think
she used to be in finance.
My guess is she probably still does.
Dad, about Nell...
What about Nell?
I really like her.
And I hope she is who she seems to be.
No, Jojo.
No one's who they seem to be.
There's beauty in that.
People unfold in the most
unexpected ways.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Do you want to decorate a
gingerbread house?
Oh, sure.
You know, this will actually be the first
gingerbread house I've ever decorated.
Poor boy.
It's a good thing you have me.
Okay, so what amenities should
our gingerbread house have?
Huh... Um, definitely a gumdrop roof
that candy eyes can lie on for stargazing.
I dig it. What else?
Oh, a candy cane picket fence to
keep the ginger dog in.
A ginger doodle, of course.
And then maybe...
Some extra space for the little
Like... cookie kids?
Yeah. I mean, I hope so, some someday.
Joe, um...
Icing fight!
That is...
not how I saw that going.
That's not how I saw it going either.
I'm gonna go get you some napkins.
Hey, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. No, I think I'm good.
No, I think I have whiplash
from Joe running off.
Well, I'm... I know she didn't
know what you were gonna say.
Oh, no. No, no. She knew.
I can see it on her face.
She knew and she rejected me.
And, uh...
And this is the worst feeling ever.
Oh, I'm sorry, Chris.
If she did run, I know it's
because of fear and not rejection.
And I also know that
it doesn't make it any less hard.
And that worst feeling
that you're talking about...
Trust me, I know it very well.
Wow, that is beautiful!
Who made that?
Well, my grandpa started it and
my dad added to it.
Then I restored it.
Another sacred Ammer tradition.
It's gorgeous.
Daunting fact. I've been working
on it for 15 years.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wasn't able to finish it
until I met you.
And why do you think that is?
I think you make me want to
finish things.
Um. I have to...
I have to talk to you about
something that's been really important.
Uh, you know the town controller?
Yeah. Ug.
- Ug?
- Major ug.
I mean, I want to give her
the benefit of the doubt, but
she has made every step of this
festival as difficult and tedious as possible.
Well, why do you think that is?
Uh, because I think she gets pleasure
out of sucking the joy out of things.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm being mean, and I hate myself for it.
Honestly, I feel sorry for her.
And... why is that?
Well, anyone who acts like that
has to be hurting in some way.
Or lonely, because without that,
I mean, she's just inherently unlikable.
Maybe she is.
Yep. And maybe you should, you
know, take some responsibility
for the first time in your life.
Good afternoon.
Hey, David Ammer.
We spoke on the phone.
Hey, is Eleanor Speer around?
She told me to report directly
to her with my inspection results.
Of course she did. Uh, no.
No, she's not here.
I've actually been having some
problems tracking Eleanor down.
Well, no worries. Basically,
this festival is one giant fire hazard.
I can't sign these permits.
What? Oh, come on, we open tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
No, ah...
Hey, where did you go?
Good luck with that, David.
Hey, you and Chris and okay?
I'm not sure.
I feel like it's always been so
smooth and easy between us.
And now it feels like it's falling apart.
What's going on, Jojo?
Chris tried to say I love you, and I ran off.
- Oof!
- Yeah.
Yeah. Well, why'd you run?
Did you not love him?
No, I do!
Or... I think I do.
How do I know?
How do you know when you know?
How did you and Nell know?
So you gravely insulted him, and
then you skulked off?
He gravely insulted me first!
He called me joyless and unlikable.
Which... maybe I am.
I mean, isn't that what Eli
said about me?
Nell, you're full of joy.
Easy to like and even easier to love.
And to be fair, Dave's
experience with Eleanor is of
someone who tried to make his
life difficult.
But it seems like Dave's experience
with Nell is someone who...
Who what?
Made him feel like he belongs
even though he doesn't need it.
Ya... See, girl, you and Dave have
something special.
And maybe it's a forever thing,
but maybe it's a for now thing.
And maybe it's just fate's way
of nudging you both out of
complacency and in the right direction.
But it's something.
So go tell him the truth before
something else goes wrong.
Something else has gone wrong.
He's way over budget.
You're back, again.
Just like Christmas.
What happened?
I'm going to tell you everything.
But before I do, I just wanted
to say that I know we haven't
known each other for that long,
but I feel like we know each other
better than we think we do.
I guess what I'm trying to say is,
I like you, too.
A lot.
And when I am with you, I feel
both this profound excitement
and also this quiet trust.
You make me feel vulnerable.
Get comfortable.
Good news!
You passed inspection.
- Yes!
- Oh, and Eleanor, you're here too.
So I can just hand you the report.
Hand Elenor the report?
Hey, you're Eleanor Speer?
I'll, uh, walk myself out.
How long have you known who I am?
Look. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- How long have you known...
- This is what I've been trying...
...to tell you!
- ...who I am?
Since your Christmas party.
That long? And you...
You just dragged it out, what?
To make me look like a fool?
- No, that is not...
- Yes.
That is not what I did.
You let me keep courting you.
You let me pour my heart out.
How could you do that to me? I-I...
- I know.
- I would never do that to you!
- I know. I know.
And I'm sorry.
Okay? I'm sorry!
Just please hear me out.
I was... I was scared to tell you.
Scared to tell me what?
I was scared that David and
Eleanor could never be together.
Maybe they can't.
I mean, this entire time,
this entire time, I thought the
universe... was sending me signs
that we were
supposed to be together.
If anything, I think
he's just trying to keep us apart.
- I don't think...
- You know what, because maybe... we don't work.
Maybe we don't belong.
Yeah. Looks great.
Um, I'll talk to Dave.
Thank you.
What's going on with us?
Come on, Jo, you know.
All right. Yesterday, while
making the gingerbread house,
did you know what I was gonna say?
Yeah, I knew.
And why didn't you want me to say it?
Because I'm scared.
Because I feel like I'm
supposed to say it back.
Like I'm supposed to also know.
You don't know?
You know everything
else in your life.
But not this. I'm the only thing
that you're uncertain about?
I think it's best if I just
head back to the city.
I'll tell my parents not to
come for Christmas morning.
Thanks, honey.
Oh, why aren't you dressed?
I'm not going.
Chris is gone.
Oh, sweetheart...
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
How are you feeling?
Like there's a giant hole in my chest
and my heart is going to fall out.
And then there's this other feeling.
Yeah. What is it?
A knowing.
Because I kept wondering,
how do you know when you know?
But now I know, and I know
because I lost him.
Come here. Come here.
It's gonna be okay.
You know, not knowing can be scary.
- Yeah.
Sometimes nothing can be more terrifying,
because your life starts taking shape
in a way that you never imagined.
And yes, that is scary, but
it's also beautiful.
Hey, come on. We're gonna be late.
All right, you go upstairs and
get dressed.
It'll be okay.
Yeah, it'll be okayer than it looks.
Hey, all couples fight, right?
It's not the end,
even though it feels like it.
Believe me, we know that
feeling really well.
Hey. Are you doing okay?
Did you know?
Yeah. I figured it out when we
went to her office.
I should have told you.
I'm sorry, I...
No, no, no. Don't apologize.
I should have never been
involved with this.
I need to be more of an adult.
You are an adult, Dad.
Yeah, but I'm also a mess.
No you're not!
Yeah. So you misplace things
and you forget appointments, but...
you're also always there for
the people you love.
So who cares if you can't find
your phone?
It's in my pocket.
See? That's growth.
- You'll figure it out with Nell.
- Thanks, kiddo.
But right now, you've got a festival to run.
Right! Let's get back to it.
Here. Help me out.
Do I really have to be here?
The mayor said all hands on deck.
Dave does not want me here.
You don't know that.
Yes, I do.
I feel terrible for being here.
I mean, look at these happy faces!
And look how magical this is.
And to think that I almost
stood in his way.
I almost killed Christmas.
Here we go.
Wow. This is magical!
Why? Because I pulled it off?
Stop being so disparaging.
You did good.
You're making a lot of people happy.
And you continued the tradition
so Jo could do the same.
Thank you.
So the question is, if
everything looks so wonderful,
why do you look so sad?
Because... Because I miss her.
Go find her.
I don't know...
Maybe we don't work.
I mean, maybe we are just too different,
But at least you find out.
Yeah... Yeah.
No. Yeah. You're right.
How are you gonna find her?
Just go talk to him.
Izzie. I tried, he was not receptive at all.
So then try again.
At this point, you have nothing
left to lose but Dave himself.
Right. You're right.
How are you gonna find him?
- Fate.
- Determination.
Hey. I'm looking for you.
You okay, sweetie?
Any word from Chris?
No. I think he's long gone.
Well. Then go after him.
Yeah. Go after him.
Trust us on this.
You will not forgive yourself if you don't.
Look, if I was Dave, where would I be?
Oh, come on, if I was Nell,
where would I be?
I was wrong.
You do take responsibility.
All of this.
All of it, is you taking responsibility
to bring people joy,
and I love it.
I want it.
I want that in my life.
I am so sorry.
I don't think you're unlikable.
If anything, I think you are
terrifyingly, unbelievably likable.
And I don't think the universe
is trying to keep us apart.
I think it was waiting
for us to make a decision.
And once we did, it was going to move
heaven and earth to make this happen.
Look, I understand
we are at the beginning, and...
and sometimes I can come on a little strong.
I just...
I have this feeling that you're it.
You're my fate.
Well, I was gonna say we belong, but...
I like your line, too.
The world feels upside down.
You turn it back around.
Through wind and snow.
You are my northern star.
Baby, baby, turn on the Christmas tree.
Take me home and set me free.
A blanket is good.
But your love's even better.
Baby, baby, put on the classic songs.
You make me wanna sing along.
Your heart's good at making me remember.
It's gonna be a sweet.
I said I got scared because I
wasn't sure that I knew.
But I know... I've always known.
And maybe I haven't said it out loud.
But I meant it.
In every day that I've spent with you,
every touch, every word that
I've uttered,
it was really just another way
of saying... I love you.
I want to spend the rest of my
life with you.
I love you too.
Baby, baby, turn on the Christmas tree.
Take me home and set me free.
A blanket is good.
I love you.
I love you so much.
And I have a great idea
I want to pitch you.
You do?
A summer festival.
It's gonna be a sweet December.
December. Oh, it's gonna be.
Merry Christmas.
Welcome to the Ammer House.
Gabe, Nell, these are my parents,
Mike and Mary.
Very nice to meet you.
- So nice to meet you.
- Hi
- Welcome to our home.
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, do you like fruitcake?
- I can't say I've ever had fruitcake.
- Yeah. Me neither.
Oh. Do you want to try it stuffed
in a mug, soaked with eggnog?
I think we'll just take it one step at a time.
He gets very excited.
- That's fair.
- Yeah.
- We'll go grab it.
- Sure.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Come sit down.
- Yeah. Come on in, please.
There you go.
Uh. So, uh, Dave and Nell, uh,
how did you two meet?
Um, actually, pretty funny story.
Hey, why do I get the feeling
you're not on a train?
Probably because I'm not.
But I'm in the vicinity of one.
Jo, you said you left hours ago.
You're gonna miss your train.
I know. But they just added
another train to the route.
I promise I'll catch it.
That seems risky.
Pardon me. I'm sorry.
There was a massive emergency at work.
What? Oh. Is everyone okay?
Oh, um, I mean, more massive by
PR standards.
There was a gaffe with the
spring face serum campaign.
- Sorry.
- Where are you?
I'm sorry, but I just got to my train.
Switching to video.
Oh, no.
Yeah. Oh, no.
I don't want to meet your
parents for the first time
without you here. This is important.
Okay. All right.
Uh, I'll just, uh...
I'll just go wait for you at a coffee shop.
No. It's too late.
They're watching you from the window.
One piece of advice.
No matter what you do, do not,
under any circumstances, ask them to-
It's fine.
He'll be fine.
You've reached Joanna Ammer.
Please leave a message.
What do I do? "Under any circumstance,
don't ask them"... What?
Bet she forgot to charge her phone again.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Kris. Krispy. Kris Kross.
You made it, buddy.
Thanks for having me, Mr. Ammer.
No, no, no, it's Dave.
Dave, Davie, Davros...
You're scaring him, "Dog".
Hi, I'm Nell, Joe's stepmom,
and you must be cold.
Let's get you inside.
- All right.
- Dave. Suitcase?
- Yeah.
- Wow...
Dave is running a little behind.
In time, you'll find a charming.
- Here, let me help you out.
- Oh. Thank you.
- I'll take this.
- Thanks.
So... Where's Jo?
Oh, she took a later train, but
she'll be here in time for the party.
Also, she suggested I
get a fruit cake you two like.
Oh, Fredo's fruit cake!
We eat it year round.
Thank you.
Help us set up for the party.
Our theme is every sweater for
Welcome to the Christmas train.
No ugly sweater, love?
I didn't get the memo.
But if I may ask, what's with
the sweaters?
Today's the start of the Ugly Sweater
convention in Hartford.
It's the ten year anniversary.
Yes, of course it is.
Here. Oh, you can have the honor.
Oh, uh.
Sisyphean tasks are my specialty.
Yeah. Must be if you're here to
woo the parents.
The Ammers were actually one of
Arbor's founding families.
Mmh. And one of the families to
stay after the witch trials.
Hint, hint.
- He's joking.
This is how he jokes.
Oh, fruitcake.
Really. The Ammers have been
Arbor for almost a century, and
we're hosting this party for 37 years.
Oh, thanks.
- And hosting the Arbor Christmas Festival.
Right? Jo told me.
Yeah. My grandpa started it,
just kind of a family Christmas event,
and it grew into the
social event of the season.
After my dad passed, there was
a little hiatus for a bit, and then...
I started it up again ten years ago.
But actually, it's Jo
who's got to get the credit.
- She tends to be.
- Yeah.
Yeah, here's that fruitcake you brought.
Oh, no. Thank you.
I have a slightly fatal nut allergy.
Oh, well, we wouldn't want to
poison you,
- Or would we?
- Again, this is how he jokes.
- Come on.
- Yeah.
So how did you two meet?
Actually, it's just about ten years ago
to the day that we met.
That's why the theme of
the party is sweaters.
Yeah, we met on a train full of
ugly Christmas sweaters.
Actually, it's pretty funny story.
Excuse me?
It was love at first sight.
But Nell doesn't believe in
love at first sight.
Or, I'm sorry. No, she won't admit it.
I don't, I don't, but he was very cute.
Oh, I'm still cute.
Excuse me, is this seat taken?
It's all yours.
Wow. What is up with all these
ugly Christmas sweaters?
- Solid opener.
- Thank you.
Always best to start with a question.
But... seriously, do you know?
I do, actually. It's Hartford's
inaugural ugly sweater convention.
Oh, well, that can't possibly be
something that's going to last.
Absolutely not. First and last.
So, chitchat is hard.
Did he actually say that?
Did he ever.
And what did you say?
I said,
Chitchat is the worst.
I'd like to ban chitchat to the
realm of people who leave their
shopping cart next to your car.
Or people who take too long in
their parking space when they
know you're waiting.
Or people who can't decide what to eat.
It's not hard. There are three options.
And what are they?
Restaurant. Farm. Starve.
Green Line Express, tickets out!
Have your tickets ready.
Can't find your ticket?
Ooh, you better find that ticket.
Yeah. No, I, um...
Better hurry. He's coming.
About to get kicked off the train.
Ah, just in the nick of time.
I'm Dave, by the way.
Gabe? Nell.
Nice to meet you.
So you both got each other's
names wrong, but wouldn't your
right names come up in conversation?
Why would they, Chris?
Yeah. Chris. How often do you
address someone by their name?
Doesn't it seem a little unnatural, Chris?
Okay. Point taken, Dave and Nell.
Are you, by chance thirsty?
Because this train has a mean
hot chocolate.
Sure. Yeah. I'd love a wicked cocoa.
- Two, please.
- Thank you.
Thank you. So let me guess.
You live in Vermont.
You run an organic, fair trade
coffee shop.
One of those places that takes
about 20 minutes to make an Americano
but leaves you with the feeling of
family the entire time you're there.
Well, I am flattered, but... not even close.
- No?
- No, no.
- Let me try again.
- No no no no, it's my turn now.
You live in Boston and you're a lawyer.
- Ouch.
- No, no no, no, but a good one.
Like human rights or the environment.
You carry around a faux leather attache.
So first impressions of me are
that I am noble and pretentious.
And first impressions of me are,
I'm ineffective, yet caffeinated.
Why are we stopping?
Folks? We got ice on the tracks,
so there'll be a short delay.
30, maybe 45 minutes.
Guess we're stuck together a
little longer.
I don't mind that.
Oh, wow. They have...
Fredo's fruitcake!
You know Fredo's?
It's my favorite!
It's mine too. I eat it year round.
Me too. Have you had it heated up,
with chocolate chips?
No. But have you ever had it stuffed
in a mug and soaked with eggnog?
No. And I won't be doing that.
But major points for creativity.
- I'm gonna get you one.
- What?
Yes, I am gonna get you one.
What? No. What if the train leaves?
No, no, the conductor said half
an hour, maybe more.
Plenty of time.
Um, can I give you that?
Your knight in shining
fruitcake shall return.
Be right back.
Actually, folks,
track's all clear.
We'll be on our way.
Wait. Somebody got off-
Just one please. Perfect.
Thank you.
No, no.
No, no.
Then how did you two finally meet?
- Fate.
- Determination.
Whatever it was, I was in love.
I can remember exactly the
moment that I met Jo.
I mean, it was only nine months ago, but...
my company was hired to do
forensic accounting for her company.
And then I walked into the
wrong conference room, and...
Actually, maybe the story is boring.
No love story is boring.
Exactly. Hmm.
Plus, we're curious to hear it
from your point of view.
So you were walking in the
conference room and?...
Okay. Um...
Alright. Well, I stammered and
then I said something dumb
and I excused myself and she
followed me out into the hall,
and she asked me out for coffee.
It's kind of like a knowing,
like I, like, I just... I just knew.
That is exactly how we felt.
Speak for yourself.
We're so happy for you.
You make Jo happy.
Or rather, even more happy, right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Anyway, so you two were Gabe and
Belle, separated by fate,
fruitcake and a speeding train.
So finding each other seems
impossible without...
- Fate.
- Determination.
So, my train left the station.
Literally and figuratively.
Love train with my soulmate.
Dad, you knew her for ten minutes.
Oh, it was at least an hour.
Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I just think...
when you know, you know.
Did you ever know with my mom?
Yeah, it was different.
We were so young.
Yeah. We knew.
Sometimes knowing isn't forever.
I... find that thought worrying, but I'm
just going to shelve that for adulthood.
How are you going to find Belle?
I don't know.
Leave it to fate.
Fate hasn't finished any of your
other projects.
You've been working on this for
half my life.
That is a family heirloom.
Two generations of Ammers have
worked on this thing.
Have to do them justice.
I gotta get it right.
Yeah, but it also needs to be done.
So, what do you know about Belle?
Well, I mean, her eyes sparkle
when she laughs.
She's got this cute little nervous habit
about biting her lip,
and she may or may not be a
human rights lawyer from Boston.
So... you know nothing.
- No.
- Great start.
Okay, how do you plan to find her?
- Oh...
- I just... know.
Don't say fate.
Oh, look at you getting back out there.
I am not getting back out anywhere.
It was some flirty banter with
a handsome stranger.
Yeah, but that's the
first step in forgetting Eli.
Eli who?
Eli your ex-fiance.
Izzie. I'm joking.
Of course I remember
the man who broke my heart,
inspired me to quit my job,
move to this town to start over
in a futile attempt to combat
unrelenting, inescapable heartbreak.
Oh, I thought you moved here to
be close to your bestie.
Well, that is just a silver lining
for which I will be eternally grateful.
Anyways, this is supposed to be
a work meeting.
Yeah. So... apologies.
Oh. Uh-oh.
As head of Arbor's Park and Rec,
it's my job to inform you
that the Christmas festival has been approved.
Well, as the new town
comptroller, it is my job to
inform you that Arbor can't afford it.
We are barely in the green as it is.
Where am I supposed to get this money?
Ask Santa?
Well, I don't know, that's your job.
But the town loves the festival.
The mayor really wants this to happen.
Plus, the festival organizer
has already been notified.
Oh come on.
Dad, where'd you put your phone?
I don't know.
Found it.
Thanks. I was looking for that yesterday.
Dad, there's an email here from
Parks and Rec.
The festival has been approved.
What? No, I mean...
That's shocking, right?
No! Totally expected.
You're gonna be the best
festival organizer ever.
Oh, I don't know, it's just...
First time doing it without Gramps.
Bound to be a few speed bumps.
Dad, we got this.
You're the Christmas Festivator.
The Festivus Maximus.
Oh! Festivus Prime.
No? Too much?
- All right, what do we got?
- Okay, listen to this.
Tldr the festival has been approved,
but the town's concerned with
the budget and feasibility,
as it should be, uhh...
So they paired you with the
town comptroller, Eleanor Speer.
Great. Team.
Oh, great. A team.
And... Eleanor's number is in the email.
Okay, so what do you think?
Should I give her a call?
Get her as excited as I am?
You know what? I am going to call this
David and establish some clear parameters.
What's wrong?
Well, I guess... Eli has a new girlfriend.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm gonna- I gotta call David.
And I'm gonna get back to work.
Hey, Eleanor.
This is David.
The festival organizer?
That's me.
Voice sounds familiar.
Um, I just wanted
to call and tell you
how excited I am to be teaming up.
Full disclosure, I am, uh...
staunchly against this festival.
- Why? You just hate Christmas?
- Dad!
No, I don't hate Christmas.
I don't, I don't hate Christmas.
I love it in-in moderation.
But do you know what I
love more than Christmas?
- Sad for you.
- Dad. Be nice.
Um... sorry. Look, um...
Look, I know we're asking for a
lot, but this this-this festival,
it's a rejuvenation of the town's
spirit and its history, and um...
No, what this festival is, is a
waste of resources.
Okay, well, that's your very
harshly doled out opinion.
You should probably know that I'm
pouring my heart into this "wasted resources".
And you should know that I will
be pouring all my heart
into ensuring that you do not
bankrupt this town.
Oh, this sounds like a winning
partnership, then.
No, because you and I are not partners.
I am the town comptroller, and
you are receiving funds from me.
And you will be held accountable
for every single cent.
Good day, Mr. Ammer.
Good day, Miss Speer.
She seems nice.
So basically how you met was...
- A total mess.
- Complete serendipity.
All right, fire this up.
Yeah. There she is!
Beautiful. You did good, kid.
- I did?
- Yeah.
There are so many different
kinds of ugly sweaters.
Classic, comedic,
ironic, movie...
Sorry, folks.
Slight delay.
Oh, yes.
Those are perfect.
Jo's probably okay, right?
Definitely. Question is, are you okay
being here with us by yourself?
I mean, I know your parents
are coming on Christmas morning, but...
I'm sure you're missing
some of the festivities.
Yeah. I mean, kind of.
We never really had holidays like this.
There's no cookie decorating
or tree tinseling.
Tinsel. Not that my parents are scrooges,
they're just... practical to a fault.
They're, uh... You know what they are?
They're utilitarian.
I used to be like that too.
- Really?
- Mhm.
Well, what changed?
I met Dave.
Yeah. I feel the same way about
meeting Jo.
She makes me feel that life
could be one big and practical
adventure in all the best ways.
You know, there is a word for that.
Anyway, so how did you and Dave
finally meet?
You two were working on the
festival together?
No. David and Eleanor were working
on the festival together.
Sweetheart, you should be out doing what
other teenagers are doing on Christmas break.
What they do is stare dead eyed
at their phones.
And if I'm going to do that,
at least let it be for a good cause.
Like the festival.
Anyway, I revised the budget
and made a to-do.
You need to lock in the trees, the heaters,
generators, the fire inspection...
I think we should take a break.
But we just got started.
Go to the bean, grab some decaf.
Fine. But while I'm gone, I'm
gonna email Eleanor the budget.
Cool. Do you need my phone?
No. Your email is in my phone, too.
Oh, so you hacked my email?
No. You put it in there for the next
time you lose your phone, remember?
Very, very forward thinking of me.
I like it.
No, dad.
Forward thinking would be not
losing your phone.
Go on.
Oh. Thank you.
My pleasure.
Could I please get a four shot
peppermint mocha?
Thank you.
And sending budget... Sent.
Absolutely not happening.
- Sorry.
- Oh! I'm so so-
- What?
- What?
- Gabe.
- Belle.
No! Dave.
Okay, so do we have
doppelgangers that were flirting
on a train, or did we just... get
each other's names wrong?
Hopefully both.
TMI. I was really worried I
wasn't going to see you again.
Not TMI.
I... I was too.
Uh, so, what are you doing in Arbor?
I moved here. I was living in the city,
and I needed a change.
My best friend lives here, so I thought,
why not?
It's amazing. I live here too,
with my daughter.
You have a daughter?
Yeah. Yeah. She's 16 and she's
the coolest.
She's just... wise beyond her years,
just an amazing kid.
Ah, yeah, yeah. No. I was a young dad.
Her mom and I were high school
sweethearts, but separated years ago.
Nell from the train.
Uh, what are the odds?
I could probably do the math.
Oh, no. You can't do math on magic.
So, are you free right now?
I know a place that has a
sinister hot chocolate.
Oh, the cocoa's graduated from
mean spirited to sinister.
Mm. I would love that.
Re: your budget.
Absolutely not happening?
Send revised budget and breakdown.
One fourth the cost.
A quarter of the budget?
We can't do the festival on that.
Oh! Sorry.
Excuse me one second.
- Yeah.
Hello? Hello?
You've reached Joanna Ammer.
Please leave a message.
I am so sorry. My daughter just texted me
SOS and now she's not answering her phone.
No. It's okay. She's just at a
coffee shop around the corner.
Will you wait for me? I'll be right back.
I've waited this long.
What is a little longer?
Okay, I'll be right back.
Jo. Hey.
You okay?
We have a festival emergency.
Are you kidding?
You texted me SOS, and then you
didn't respond.
Yeah, my phone died.
Oh, you got to charge that thing.
That's funny. Coming from my dad,
who can't even find his phone.
Okay, maybe it's genetic, but the point is,
I thought you were in a ditch.
A coffee shop ditch?
But this is S.O.S..
Eleanor cut our budget.
Okay. Yes, but I found Nell.
Train Nell. Okay? So...
Relax, take a little break,
I'll be right back.
Ow! Ow! Sorry.
These are Italian leather.
- Okay. What can I do?
- Club soda. Stat!
Right. Yeah.
- Oh!
- Mam. Is this your car?
Yes, and I know, I just saw it.
I need a few more minutes.
It's a fire hydrant, ma'am.
You need to move your car.
Right. But, see, I'm waiting for someone.
Okay. Okay.
Yep. Okay.
Are you serious? You two missed each other again,
by like a minute?
Uh, Jo's texting me from
someone else's number.
Oh. Says phone died.
Train's still not moving.
ETA three question marks.
I wonder why she didn't text me.
Ah, you know... fathers and daughters.
Yeah. Hopefully she can still
make it here tonight.
It'll work out, which is a good segue
back to Nell and my story.
And he never came back.
Maybe this guy just isn't that into me.
Or maybe he really did have an emergency,
but he lives in town, so...
There's a 1 in 12,000 chance of
me finding him?
- Oh, so you're saying there's a chance.
- Ha!
Do you know what you should do?
Post a missed connection.
Nobody reads those!
No, she just left.
Maybe she's not into me.
Or maybe she had to go somewhere.
So... be assertive.
Find her, look on socials or
post a missed connection.
Come on, nobody reads those things!
Alright, well, I'm gonna go
drown my sorrows in a yule log.
Looking for my Christmas wish.
So this used to be a daytime
family festival.
But it was so successful,
we added dancing for adults at night.
Three days would be transformed
into Christmas magic.
- Oh! Three days.
- Yeah.
That seems soon.
You think we should start
setting up for it, or...
Nah. No worries.
It's a well-oiled machine.
Hey! Come on. You haven't seen
the Christmas market yet.
You know, this Christmas market
is where Nell and I
first exchanged numbers ten years ago.
Oh, so you finally exchanged numbers?
No, Chris, we've been married
for eight years, and we still
communicate by telegram.
Good one!
But really, I don't get it. You two
lived in the same smallish town.
Couldn't you just... Googled or
Facebooked each other or something?
What would I search?
Arbor Dave? Train Nell?
- Good point.
- Yeah.
So then let's hear it.
How'd you two finally exchange
Well, the universe decided to
play matchmaker.
Okay, don't forget, you have a
meeting with Eleanor at 4:00
today to go over the festival budget.
I will not forget.
Come on in.
Hello, Jojo.
Hi, mom.
- I brought gifts.
- Ooh.
- Ooh.
- Thank you.
- Okay, bye, dad.
- See you!
And she's gone. OK.
Anything there for me?
Of course. Making the rounds today.
Gets me out of the house.
Oh, can I help?
Oh, I know a Chloe's stress tactics
when I see one.
Hubby off on another one of his
extreme sports adventures?
Dan is out skiing with his brother.
Ooh, fancy.
Oh, no.
Come on in.
So... a little birdie told me
that you met someone.
Tell me everything. And...
Well, I... hope I met someone.
We met. We got separated.
Met again, got separated again.
But... I don't know.
Kind of feels like fate.
Huh. You know I don't believe in fate.
But I do. At least I believe
everything happens for a reason.
I think you and I, you know, we met...
so that we could bring Jojo into this world.
Awh. I think we met so that you could bring
me a daily dose of rosy colored optimism.
So tell me, what is this woman like?
Um, well, she's hilarious,
beautiful, laid back, you know,
just really go with the flow.
So nothing like me.
Well, I didn't say anything about that.
I don't know...
I think I need chill.
Someone like me. Someone that just...
plays it loose.
I was up all night earmarking the new budget
and schedule that David sent.
It's a total mess.
This festival is going to
implode, and it's all going to
end up on my head as the new hire.
Ooh. That's nice.
I'll probably lose my job.
Why do you always catastrophize?
Because I have lived in catastrophe.
I came from nothing, had nothing,
and I've spent a whole lifetime
trying to have some semblance of stability.
And now this agent of chaos
is putting my job on the line.
No, your job will be fine.
That's... very comforting.
Thank you. I like this one.
Okay, did you ever write a
missed connection to Train Man?
Izzie. No one reads those except for
people that hang out on the internet all day.
And Dave's not that person?
No. Dave strikes me as a very
laid back, can do guy, you know,
very... down to earth.
So, he strikes you as the opposite of Eli.
Yes. Yes he does.
Hi. I'd like to get this.
I don't think you need more
chill vibes in your life.
If you want my advice, you need
more focus.
Dave, I've known you since you
were 12 years old.
You're a good guy to the core,
but you are endlessly distractible.
You're a great father and a
great carpenter.
- Thank you.
- But when it comes to running your business and...
finishing the Santa throne,
you need to be more focused.
And you should probably be with
someone who's more focused,
like, really focused and
probably really driven.
Thank you for the feedback.
I'll try to remember that not all
unsolicited advice is criticism.
With love.
Anyway, on that note, I gotta get going.
Someone at the Christmas market
is donating some decorations.
Yes, I should get out of here.
Mrs. Santa has more presents to deliver.
I can't believe it. It's you!
It's you!
Does this make you think that
we've just been ships
for the last four months,
not noticing each other?
Oh, no. I would definitely notice you.
I'm so sorry about the other day.
I had a cocoa mishap.
I had a car thing.
I came back and you weren't there.
I came back and you weren't there!
Okay, well, this time I'm gonna
take your number so that
next time we don't meet up by chance.
Mhm. Pros and cons to that.
I think I left my phone in my truck
but it's fine,
it's fine, I've got a memory
like a steel trap.
Are you sure?
Oh yeah. Hit me with those digits
and I'll put them in my phone later.
Okay. 555...
Easy peasy.
You know what? I'm gonna get
your number just in case.
- Very forward thinking.
- Mhm.
555... 904... 9896.
Your number seems familiar to me.
Yeah. Yours seem familiar too.
Well, I have a 4:00.
I have to run.
Yeah. No, I have a meeting too,
but I'll call you later.
- Ten dollars for a tree.
- 288, 4617...
- ... 20, 3 for 25.
- ...647.
$25 helps ten children.
- ...246...
- $10 helps 3 children.
...20, 3 for 25!
Oh come on.
2 for 20, 3 for 25!
It's okay. She got my number.
Oh. Please, please please please
please please.
Hey. What's wrong?
I was just...
Broke my phone,
losing Train Dave's number,
and the festival organizer
stood me up for a meeting!
Maybe at home for the day.
Do anything other than wait by
the phone for Dave to call.
Or, I am going to send this
festival organizer a little email.
- Oh...
- Standing me up?
- Hey.
- Hey. How'd the meeting go?
What meeting?
You forgot?
How could you forget?
Because I ran into Nell again.
And I got excited because she
gave me her number.
And then I forgot it. And then
I forgot the donated decorations.
But then I remembered the decorations.
But I forgot the meeting.
It's okay. I'll head over there right now.
Dad, you're an hour late.
And Eleanor just emailed,
threatening to cancel the festival!
Oh, come on...
It's okay.
It's okay. I'll sort it out.
Just focus on the positives here.
What could possibly be a positive?
Nell has my number.
Most knitters go to the craft
store for their yarn,
but I source mine directly from the
alpaca farm.
Bad news, folks.
We can't fix the engines and
the train is inoperable.
Unfortunately, we're going to
have to ask everyone to get off.
I'm sorry.
Nice to meet you.
Hey. What's wrong?
Oh, just... my train's been canceled,
and I'm sitting in a bar,
in the middle of nowhere, and
I'm cold and I'm tired and I'm sorry.
It's okay, Jo, let's just focus
on getting you here.
- Where are you?
- I'm in Putney.
Isn't that where the fruitcake you
told me to bring your folks is made?
Oh, yeah, you're right.
Okay, well, um, I'll come get you.
It's only like three hours or something.
No, don't.
The party is starting soon, and
I really want you to be there.
I'll find a way home.
In time for the party?
Ideally, but more likely in time
for the festival set up tomorrow.
Just please get here before my
parents do.
That's three days away.
I'm sorry.
How's it going over there?
How's family time?
It's going great.
All good, of course.
Call me later, okay?
Ah, she'll be here soon.
Yeah. She's not gonna leave you
alone with us too much longer.
Oh, no. I'm enjoying being with you.
I mean, your story is riveting.
Oh, well, then. Buckle up, pal.
So, any word from Train Man?
Well, maybe he forgot your
number and is expecting you to call.
After Eli it felt impossible
to imagine that I would
find someone else again.
And then out of nowhere, it felt possible.
So put some legwork in.
At least attempt a missed connection.
Come on. Oh, okay.
I'm gonna be late.
"Looking for my Christmas wish."
"Nell, it's Dave. I came back to
find you, but you weren't there."
"If you see this, message me."
- It was right here, right?
- Yeah. Perfect.
"Dave. How strange."
"I came on here to write my own
missed connection, and I found yours."
"My phone broke shortly after I took
your number so I couldn't call."
"I'm assuming you lost mine as well,"
"despite your steel trap of a mind."
Steel trap! Lol.
"I did forget."
"A thousand apologies, but can I
make it up to you?"
I'm really good at this.
"I'm hosting a Christmas party tonight."
"Could you be my date?"
I would love to.
I'll bring the fruitcake.
"Can't wait. 120 Bescano.
Theme is red and green."
We did it!
We did it!
What's happening there, Jojo?
Oh, you know, just me getting you
the best Christmas present ever.
- Really?
- I have found Nell.
What? No.
Remember that missed connection that
you refused to make?
Well... I made it.
Okay. Wait, isn't that kind of weird?
Now getting to post with my daughter?
- Um, well...
- Jo?
For the sake of preserving the
romance, I might have...
kind of pretended to be you.
Oh! So just...
Mild identity theft.
More like good natured teenage hijinks.
How about we just focus on the part
where Nell is coming to the party tonight?
Uh... what do I wear?
Hi, honey.
Hey! Merry Christmas.
Honey, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Okay.
- Why don't you come with us?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, here we come.
- You can tell us anything.
- Anything.
- Why don't we just head over here, yeah?
And we can have just a
little, little chat.
You're gonna have a little snack.
- Yeah, but let's-let's talk.
- Sure...
Yeah. Before snack.
- Okay. Uh...
- Yeah. Okay.
- Okay. Yeah.
- Talk to us.
I know, I know that Jo loves
this party, and so I thought
it might be a good time to...
tell her that I love her, for the first time.
- Oh.
- Oh.
Maybe, maybe, maybe temper your
excitement because... she's not here.
Maybe it's not a good idea.
- Why not?
- Why not?
I've never said I love you to
anyone before.
- No...
- Oh.
But with Jo, I...
I do know.
I mean, I always question every decision.
Which college, which-which job,
which city...
But with Jo, I... just knew right
from the jump.
You will find the perfect time
to say I love you.
Oh, I-I...
Yeah... Okay.
I'm good.
Oh, by the way, guess who asked
us how Dave and I met?
- Oh. Poor guy.
- Yeah.
Where did you leave off?
Well, the abbreviated version is...
Or is it Gabe?
- Belle?
- Are we on a double date?
And it should have been the
first thing I said, but you look...
You look absolutely beautiful.
Thank you.
Oh, um, I did try the, uh, Fredo's
fruit cake in a mug with the eggnog.
Okay. What'd you think?
I thought that I have not made
enough bold, creative decisions
in my life, and I am... ready for more.
Dad, why don't you take the
fruitcake from her?
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Thank you for this.
Um, Nell, this is my daughter, Joanna.
Oh, hi. It's so nice to meet you.
So nice to meet you, too.
It's a good party.
Just 50 of your closest friends?
Well, this is what a life lived almost
entirely in the same town looks like.
I wouldn't mind having all of this.
All this is what?
You don't feel like you belong?
Not really, no.
And I never did where I grew up.
I think I felt like I belonged once,
with a partner,
but that ended soon.
Well, for what it's worth,
I think you belong here.
So, what are you doing tomorrow?
Want to help me set up a
Christmas festival?
- What?
- A Christmas festival.
Yeah, my... my grandpa started it.
It's an Ammer tradition.
Ammer. Oh, right.
Um... yeah, that's my last name.
Because you are David Ammer.
Um... Yeah, yeah, I will be at the
Christmas festival.
Um... You know what?
I-I'm not feeling very, very,
very well, and I think...
I think I have to go home.
I'm so s-I'm so sorry.
Um... Uh, wait a second.
What just happened?
Thank you so much for this ride.
I've been trying to get home
for, like, 12 hours.
Well, happy to help.
And happy to have the company.
So Chris sounds perfect.
Yeah. He is.
He's sweet and funny and tender.
So then what's wrong?
What makes you think
something's wrong?
Well, we've been dating for nine months
and we're getting serious.
His parents are joining us for
Christmas morning, but...
we haven't said I love you.
And sometimes when he looks at me
or says something, it's so obvious.
It's like everything he's doing
or saying means I love you.
And yet... neither of us say it.
Why, do you not love him?
No, I do!
Or... I think I do.
I'm happiest when I'm around
him and when I'm not, I feel...
I've heard that when you know, you know,
and I usually know,
in all arenas, but in this I just...
I just don't.
So how do you know?
Do you just... feel it?
Maybe you should ask your parents.
I don't think my parents have
the answers.
May I?
Oh, yes. Please!
How did you enjoy the party?
It's great. And only slightly overwhelming.
Meeting everyone Jo's ever
known without having her there.
Mhm. Do I sense a whiff of annoyance?
Maybe a tiny, imperceptible one.
It's just... like I was the one
that asked to come home with Jo
for Christmas. And then I was the one
that suggested our families meet, so...
so she doesn't show up,
but just leaves me like
I'm feeling like I'm the only
one that wants this.
Jo wants this.
Believe me.
But you should talk to her.
You should tell her everything.
Yeah. Yeah, maybe.
But for now, I would love to hear
the rest of the Dave and Nell saga.
Oh, um...
Yeah. Okay. So, after the big revelation...
So Dave is David, and David is Dave.
And you find that shocking?
Because they're two completely
different men.
Dave is assertive and charming,
and David is contentious and chaotic.
Well, sometimes we can see
people who we want them to be
instead of who they are.
And when those two people don't
align, we're disappointed.
Ring a bell?
- I know what I did with Eli.
- Okay...
The point is, is if David is actually
Dave, I don't think we're a match.
And maybe you're not, but you
should talk to him about it.
Nell, he's gonna find out!
You still need to work on the festival together.
You're still working with him
on the festival, right?
I may have... slightly ghosted.
Nell just left. We're having a moment,
and she just bolts, Cinderella style.
Did I say something wrong?
I mean, was my breath bad?
Or did she just realize she
actually doesn't like me?
Or maybe it was a big emotional
moment and she got scared.
Why don't you just call her?
Maybe because I still don't have
her number.
Ah, then-then get it!
Just go for it, be assertive!
And while you're at it, finish the chair.
I'm working on it.
I also realize I'm kind of
worried about finishing it.
Maybe I won't do grampa Jack
and Dad proud, and...
Maybe I'm not up for it.
You're up for it.
So finish.
I'm sure Nell is going to reach
out and give you an explanation,
but for now, let's just focus
on the festival.
Has Eleanor responded to any of
your emails?
We're supposed to start setting up today.
No. Eleanor's ghosting me.
You know what? I'm going to take my
new assertive self down to her office.
And I will join you in case the
situation requires mediation,
which it most definitely will.
- Hello?
- Hi. Can I help you?
We are here to see Eleanor Speer.
Do you have a meeting scheduled?
Dad. Did you not let Eleanor
know we were coming?
Thought the surprise will give
us the upper hand.
Could you please let Eleanor
know that David Ammer from the
Christmas Festival is here?
I just transferred her call.
But you can sit and wait.
Is there a restroom I could use?
Of course. Straight down the hall,
take a left.
- Thank you.
- No worries.
- Oh.
- No.
For sure. I'm on top of it.
I understand.
We are on the same page.
Well, let's regroup in the new
year and, uh, we can discuss then.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
- We should go.
- What? Why?
I just suddenly feel weird.
- Are you sick? You have a fever?
- Wait till we're going out.
We have to go right now!
I thought you said someone was
here to see me.
There was. David Ammer from the
Christmas festival.
Oh. Thank you.
So Dave showed up?
Yes. And then he must have put
two and two together and then left.
All right. Well, then just reach
out and clear this up like adults.
Or I could just disappear.
Girl, this is becoming a habit.
You just disappeared from your old life.
You quit your job, moved out here,
all to avoid heartbreak.
I know. It's just that I just
wanted to feel like I belonged
somewhere again. And then for a
minute, I did feel that.
Oh, Nell.
Just email Dave.
Okay, I gotta head to a meeting.
Hey, Dave.
So, funny story.
You and I actually hate each other.
But is that a funny story?
No, no.
Delete delete delete delete delete.
Hey, Dave, I think we should talk about
how we hate each other.
But do we really hate each other?
Oh, delete!
Okay. Hey Dave,
Hey Nell,
Can we meet?
Well, that's a better opener.
Yes. Let's meet.
Um. Hi.
This is incredible.
But will we get it all done in two days?
We'll see. It's controlled chaos.
It's a well oiled machine.
Oh. What time is the fire marshal
coming for the inspection?
You never booked the inspection?
I did forget.
It's fine.
- Listen, I will call.
- I'm just gonna... No!
I'm gonna call.
I'll give you guys your space.
Go over here. Anywhere else?
What's that? Oh.
I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, my God, I feel like we've
been separated for days.
I felt like weeks on my end.
It was that bad with the fam?
No, no, it's been great.
They're giving me the Christmas
I begged my entire childhood for.
And I genuinely like your folks.
They feel like family.
I'm sorry I missed my train.
No, no. It's all right.
As long as it wasn't on purpose.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
I'm just kidding.
By the way, before your phone
died, you wanted me to not under
any circumstances ask your folks...
- Oh, ask them how they met.
You asked them how they met?
You bet I did. And they liked me
a thousand times more for it, so...
Oh, how far into the story are you?
Oh, I'm just at the point where
you've lured Nell into a coffee shop
under the false pretenses
of being your dad.
Well, someone had to be an adult.
So what happened?
So... I've been emailing with you,
pretending I'm my dad.
So the missed connections.
- All me.
- And your dad doesn't know you're here?
No. And he also doesn't know that
you are Eleanor Speer, town comptroller.
Got it.
But what if he did?
I'm not sure.
I mean, you two have, like,
struggled to work together.
That is a gentle euphemism for
what happened.
Your dad and I have but heads
at every turn.
But when you're together as Dave
and Nell, it's magic, right?
Yes. But maybe it's always magic
in the beginning and the
honeymoon phase, you know,
before you really know each other.
Ignore my cynicism.
I've had my heart broken.
You are young and love is easy
and perfect.
I'll hold you to that.
Please don't.
But with you and my dad...
Don't opposites attract?
Yes, but it can also make for a
difficult life together.
Your dad and I just might be...
too different.
Please, just give him a chance.
Yeah, he's scatterbrained, but
he is such a good guy.
And he's the best dad.
Just talk to him.
Okay. Okay.
Leave all the arrangements to me.
Thought I would, uh, try this again.
Belle. And Fredo's.
Thank you.
You know, I thought I wasn't
gonna see you again,
and that this time would be on purpose.
I'm sorry. I want to explain.
Uh. Um...
- It's okay. It's okay, it's okay. No rush.
How about I give you a tour of
the festival first?
Mm. That would be nice.
So, uh, trying to recreate the
festival that I grew up with,
to recreate the festival that my
dad grew up with.
Share that feeling of belonging?
Yeah. I guess so.
But honestly, I'm kind of
doubting I can pull it off.
I'm... not exactly the most organized.
Maybe not, but you are clearly
pouring your heart into this,
and I... wish I would have
understood that from the start.
The start of what?
Oh, you know, the start of knowing you.
You know, you want a front load
the back story, right?
I'm not really following.
Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to.
Well, what about you?
What did Nell's childhood
Christmases look like?
My family didn't have
a lot of discretionary spending.
So we just kind of
cobbled it together,
and I think
it affected a lot of my life choices.
I studied finance, worked at a bank,
chased security, stability.
But, um, passion,
purpose, belonging...
That's not something I prioritized
until it was too late.
Oh, it's not too late.
It is still very, very early.
So, can I put you to work?
Either he took the news well or...
I didn't tell him?
Look, I. I'm working up to it, I promise.
Come on, Jojo, let's get home.
Hey, no one's around.
Now's the time.
See ya.
Hey. So, uh, I wanted to explain why
I, uh, ran away from your party.
Right. Is it me?
I mean, I know I can come on
a little strong sometimes, I just...
I get excited about things, and I...
No, no, no-no-no-no.
It wasn't you.
Please do not think that.
It was... It was me. And it's okay.
I'm excited too.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You know, for a while now, I've been
telling myself that I'd be okay being alone.
And I would be, but also,
I don't want to be.
I want to share this with my person.
Me, too.
I told myself that life was
just going to be this steady,
known plodding, and that would be fine.
And since meeting you, life feels
unknown, but in the very best way.
I guess what I'm saying is
I really like you.
I do, and this feels different.
Yeah... it feels different.
Iz, we had this perfect romantic moment...
And it felt meant to be like destiny.
Wow, girl. You're sprung.
What happened to the Nell who was
white knuckle clutching to a life alone?
She fell for someone.
Or at least, part of someone.
Wait, does that mean you...
Yeah. I didn't tell him.
Dad. You finished it?
Yeah. Felt so motivated.
I got working on it all night
after Nell and I left the festival.
Um... Amazing!
Yeah. About that...
Did Nell tell you anything interesting?
Everything she tells me is interesting.
Okay, but did she maybe tell you...
what she does for a living?
Uh, no, actually, but I think
she used to be in finance.
My guess is she probably still does.
Dad, about Nell...
What about Nell?
I really like her.
And I hope she is who she seems to be.
No, Jojo.
No one's who they seem to be.
There's beauty in that.
People unfold in the most
unexpected ways.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Do you want to decorate a
gingerbread house?
Oh, sure.
You know, this will actually be the first
gingerbread house I've ever decorated.
Poor boy.
It's a good thing you have me.
Okay, so what amenities should
our gingerbread house have?
Huh... Um, definitely a gumdrop roof
that candy eyes can lie on for stargazing.
I dig it. What else?
Oh, a candy cane picket fence to
keep the ginger dog in.
A ginger doodle, of course.
And then maybe...
Some extra space for the little
Like... cookie kids?
Yeah. I mean, I hope so, some someday.
Joe, um...
Icing fight!
That is...
not how I saw that going.
That's not how I saw it going either.
I'm gonna go get you some napkins.
Hey, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. No, I think I'm good.
No, I think I have whiplash
from Joe running off.
Well, I'm... I know she didn't
know what you were gonna say.
Oh, no. No, no. She knew.
I can see it on her face.
She knew and she rejected me.
And, uh...
And this is the worst feeling ever.
Oh, I'm sorry, Chris.
If she did run, I know it's
because of fear and not rejection.
And I also know that
it doesn't make it any less hard.
And that worst feeling
that you're talking about...
Trust me, I know it very well.
Wow, that is beautiful!
Who made that?
Well, my grandpa started it and
my dad added to it.
Then I restored it.
Another sacred Ammer tradition.
It's gorgeous.
Daunting fact. I've been working
on it for 15 years.
- What?
- Yeah.
Wasn't able to finish it
until I met you.
And why do you think that is?
I think you make me want to
finish things.
Um. I have to...
I have to talk to you about
something that's been really important.
Uh, you know the town controller?
Yeah. Ug.
- Ug?
- Major ug.
I mean, I want to give her
the benefit of the doubt, but
she has made every step of this
festival as difficult and tedious as possible.
Well, why do you think that is?
Uh, because I think she gets pleasure
out of sucking the joy out of things.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm being mean, and I hate myself for it.
Honestly, I feel sorry for her.
And... why is that?
Well, anyone who acts like that
has to be hurting in some way.
Or lonely, because without that,
I mean, she's just inherently unlikable.
Maybe she is.
Yep. And maybe you should, you
know, take some responsibility
for the first time in your life.
Good afternoon.
Hey, David Ammer.
We spoke on the phone.
Hey, is Eleanor Speer around?
She told me to report directly
to her with my inspection results.
Of course she did. Uh, no.
No, she's not here.
I've actually been having some
problems tracking Eleanor down.
Well, no worries. Basically,
this festival is one giant fire hazard.
I can't sign these permits.
What? Oh, come on, we open tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
No, ah...
Hey, where did you go?
Good luck with that, David.
Hey, you and Chris and okay?
I'm not sure.
I feel like it's always been so
smooth and easy between us.
And now it feels like it's falling apart.
What's going on, Jojo?
Chris tried to say I love you, and I ran off.
- Oof!
- Yeah.
Yeah. Well, why'd you run?
Did you not love him?
No, I do!
Or... I think I do.
How do I know?
How do you know when you know?
How did you and Nell know?
So you gravely insulted him, and
then you skulked off?
He gravely insulted me first!
He called me joyless and unlikable.
Which... maybe I am.
I mean, isn't that what Eli
said about me?
Nell, you're full of joy.
Easy to like and even easier to love.
And to be fair, Dave's
experience with Eleanor is of
someone who tried to make his
life difficult.
But it seems like Dave's experience
with Nell is someone who...
Who what?
Made him feel like he belongs
even though he doesn't need it.
Ya... See, girl, you and Dave have
something special.
And maybe it's a forever thing,
but maybe it's a for now thing.
And maybe it's just fate's way
of nudging you both out of
complacency and in the right direction.
But it's something.
So go tell him the truth before
something else goes wrong.
Something else has gone wrong.
He's way over budget.
You're back, again.
Just like Christmas.
What happened?
I'm going to tell you everything.
But before I do, I just wanted
to say that I know we haven't
known each other for that long,
but I feel like we know each other
better than we think we do.
I guess what I'm trying to say is,
I like you, too.
A lot.
And when I am with you, I feel
both this profound excitement
and also this quiet trust.
You make me feel vulnerable.
Get comfortable.
Good news!
You passed inspection.
- Yes!
- Oh, and Eleanor, you're here too.
So I can just hand you the report.
Hand Elenor the report?
Hey, you're Eleanor Speer?
I'll, uh, walk myself out.
How long have you known who I am?
Look. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- How long have you known...
- This is what I've been trying...
...to tell you!
- ...who I am?
Since your Christmas party.
That long? And you...
You just dragged it out, what?
To make me look like a fool?
- No, that is not...
- Yes.
That is not what I did.
You let me keep courting you.
You let me pour my heart out.
How could you do that to me? I-I...
- I know.
- I would never do that to you!
- I know. I know.
And I'm sorry.
Okay? I'm sorry!
Just please hear me out.
I was... I was scared to tell you.
Scared to tell me what?
I was scared that David and
Eleanor could never be together.
Maybe they can't.
I mean, this entire time,
this entire time, I thought the
universe... was sending me signs
that we were
supposed to be together.
If anything, I think
he's just trying to keep us apart.
- I don't think...
- You know what, because maybe... we don't work.
Maybe we don't belong.
Yeah. Looks great.
Um, I'll talk to Dave.
Thank you.
What's going on with us?
Come on, Jo, you know.
All right. Yesterday, while
making the gingerbread house,
did you know what I was gonna say?
Yeah, I knew.
And why didn't you want me to say it?
Because I'm scared.
Because I feel like I'm
supposed to say it back.
Like I'm supposed to also know.
You don't know?
You know everything
else in your life.
But not this. I'm the only thing
that you're uncertain about?
I think it's best if I just
head back to the city.
I'll tell my parents not to
come for Christmas morning.
Thanks, honey.
Oh, why aren't you dressed?
I'm not going.
Chris is gone.
Oh, sweetheart...
Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
How are you feeling?
Like there's a giant hole in my chest
and my heart is going to fall out.
And then there's this other feeling.
Yeah. What is it?
A knowing.
Because I kept wondering,
how do you know when you know?
But now I know, and I know
because I lost him.
Come here. Come here.
It's gonna be okay.
You know, not knowing can be scary.
- Yeah.
Sometimes nothing can be more terrifying,
because your life starts taking shape
in a way that you never imagined.
And yes, that is scary, but
it's also beautiful.
Hey, come on. We're gonna be late.
All right, you go upstairs and
get dressed.
It'll be okay.
Yeah, it'll be okayer than it looks.
Hey, all couples fight, right?
It's not the end,
even though it feels like it.
Believe me, we know that
feeling really well.
Hey. Are you doing okay?
Did you know?
Yeah. I figured it out when we
went to her office.
I should have told you.
I'm sorry, I...
No, no, no. Don't apologize.
I should have never been
involved with this.
I need to be more of an adult.
You are an adult, Dad.
Yeah, but I'm also a mess.
No you're not!
Yeah. So you misplace things
and you forget appointments, but...
you're also always there for
the people you love.
So who cares if you can't find
your phone?
It's in my pocket.
See? That's growth.
- You'll figure it out with Nell.
- Thanks, kiddo.
But right now, you've got a festival to run.
Right! Let's get back to it.
Here. Help me out.
Do I really have to be here?
The mayor said all hands on deck.
Dave does not want me here.
You don't know that.
Yes, I do.
I feel terrible for being here.
I mean, look at these happy faces!
And look how magical this is.
And to think that I almost
stood in his way.
I almost killed Christmas.
Here we go.
Wow. This is magical!
Why? Because I pulled it off?
Stop being so disparaging.
You did good.
You're making a lot of people happy.
And you continued the tradition
so Jo could do the same.
Thank you.
So the question is, if
everything looks so wonderful,
why do you look so sad?
Because... Because I miss her.
Go find her.
I don't know...
Maybe we don't work.
I mean, maybe we are just too different,
But at least you find out.
Yeah... Yeah.
No. Yeah. You're right.
How are you gonna find her?
Just go talk to him.
Izzie. I tried, he was not receptive at all.
So then try again.
At this point, you have nothing
left to lose but Dave himself.
Right. You're right.
How are you gonna find him?
- Fate.
- Determination.
Hey. I'm looking for you.
You okay, sweetie?
Any word from Chris?
No. I think he's long gone.
Well. Then go after him.
Yeah. Go after him.
Trust us on this.
You will not forgive yourself if you don't.
Look, if I was Dave, where would I be?
Oh, come on, if I was Nell,
where would I be?
I was wrong.
You do take responsibility.
All of this.
All of it, is you taking responsibility
to bring people joy,
and I love it.
I want it.
I want that in my life.
I am so sorry.
I don't think you're unlikable.
If anything, I think you are
terrifyingly, unbelievably likable.
And I don't think the universe
is trying to keep us apart.
I think it was waiting
for us to make a decision.
And once we did, it was going to move
heaven and earth to make this happen.
Look, I understand
we are at the beginning, and...
and sometimes I can come on a little strong.
I just...
I have this feeling that you're it.
You're my fate.
Well, I was gonna say we belong, but...
I like your line, too.
The world feels upside down.
You turn it back around.
Through wind and snow.
You are my northern star.
Baby, baby, turn on the Christmas tree.
Take me home and set me free.
A blanket is good.
But your love's even better.
Baby, baby, put on the classic songs.
You make me wanna sing along.
Your heart's good at making me remember.
It's gonna be a sweet.
I said I got scared because I
wasn't sure that I knew.
But I know... I've always known.
And maybe I haven't said it out loud.
But I meant it.
In every day that I've spent with you,
every touch, every word that
I've uttered,
it was really just another way
of saying... I love you.
I want to spend the rest of my
life with you.
I love you too.
Baby, baby, turn on the Christmas tree.
Take me home and set me free.
A blanket is good.
I love you.
I love you so much.
And I have a great idea
I want to pitch you.
You do?
A summer festival.
It's gonna be a sweet December.
December. Oh, it's gonna be.
Merry Christmas.
Welcome to the Ammer House.
Gabe, Nell, these are my parents,
Mike and Mary.
Very nice to meet you.
- So nice to meet you.
- Hi
- Welcome to our home.
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, do you like fruitcake?
- I can't say I've ever had fruitcake.
- Yeah. Me neither.
Oh. Do you want to try it stuffed
in a mug, soaked with eggnog?
I think we'll just take it one step at a time.
He gets very excited.
- That's fair.
- Yeah.
- We'll go grab it.
- Sure.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
- Come sit down.
- Yeah. Come on in, please.
There you go.
Uh. So, uh, Dave and Nell, uh,
how did you two meet?
Um, actually, pretty funny story.