Oxygen (1999) Movie Script

That's a beautiful dog you got there.
What's her name?
Pooch. We call her Pooch.
Hey, there, Pooch, come here.
What a good boy you are.
That's great,
reminds me of my dog when I was a kid.
Crazy dog.
I've never seen you before.
You live on the block?
Yeah, we've lived here for years,
with Pooch.
Well, anyway...
Could you do me a favor?
Would you get in the car?
The car.
Get in the car.
look at this.
Now will you get in the car?
Get in the car!
Help! Help!
Are you gonna kill me?
Are you gonna kill me?
I want your husband's money.
He can give it you.
Lots of it.
Anything you want.
I hope you stay alive,
I mean, you seem like a very nice lady.
You're not...
You're not really gonna bury me alive.
No, you're not gonna do that.
You're not gonna bury me alive.
No, please, you can't do that.
You can't do that!
Please, I beg you, I beg you, I bet you.
Please don't do it.
Hey, handsome, how's it going?
Almost done.
No, please!
- There's nobody out there.
- Help!
No one can help you.
I don't know what you're
screaming about.
No, there's no one.
There's no one.
let's take off your clothes.
You got about a day's worth of
air in there, Frances...
If you don't panic.
No, please!
No, no, no, please wait! No!
Whoa, no, no, please!
No, no, no, come on.
No, please, I'm afraid
of the dark, please!
Give me a flashlight!
Please, I beg you!
Come on. Let's go.
Please, give me a flashlight!
Maybe we should.
No! Don't!
Please. I don't... please!
Shut up, Frances.
Shut up.
Shut the help up, Frances.
Or I won't tell anyone where you are
and that would suck for you.
Now bury her, or you're next.
Please give me the flashlight.
Please give me the flashlight.
Please give me the...
Please, no don't!
Don't please!
Handsome, please, please,
you don't want to do this.
Please let me out!
Let me out!
Let me out!
Let me out!
No! Let me out!
Let me out of here!
This city is too damn hot.
So today these two kids,
10 and 11 years old
walk into this bodega on 2nd Avenue.
They both have guns,
the guns aren't loaded, but of course,
the working behind the counter
doesn't know that,
this bald, Pakistani guy.
Thinks he's dead.
So what, he gives them the money, right?
No, the kids really think they
have him, right?
They have guns right to his temple,
they're gonna get 20 bucks
and be a millionaire for a day.
What they don't count on
is Pakistani being
a complete fucking psycho.
So while the kids are playing tough guy
he simply reaches under the counter,
takes out a shotgun
and blows them all over
the twinkie display.
I get there, like, ten minutes later.
And the kids are dead on the floor.
There's blood all over the place
and the paki's calm as can be,
he's just sitting there
eating a kit Kat,
drinking a Colt 45,
saying the little bastards asked for it.
"The little bastards asked for it,
the little bastards asked..."
over and over.
You know, I hate summer,
because everybody shoots first.
It's too damn hot to do anything.
Come on, let me buy you
a ice cold Coca cola.
Cool you down.
Why don't you buy me a beer instead?
Not really, but what the fuck?
Don't worry about it, Tim.
It's not gonna happen again,
and if it did, I would talk
to my husband about it.
Would you?
Would you tell me?
You're off-duty, remember.
What do you got?
- I'm useless.
- I'm not.
Go to the conductor and call for backup.
Wait, wait, wait, no...
Excuse me.
- Get out of the way!
- [Screams]
Hey, hey.
Hey, what are you doing?
Get out! Move!
Move, move, move, move!
- [Grunting]
- [screams]
- Hey!
- What the hell?
[Baby crying]
[Brakes screeching]
- [Grunts]
- hey!
[Up-tempo music]
Move it!
- Hey!
- Watch it!
- Hey!
- Oh, my god!
Let it stop, please!
[Brakes screech]
[Car horn honking]
[Brakes screech]
Watch it, big ass hole.
[Car horns honking]
[Brakes screech]
Get out!
Show me your hands and get up!
I am a police officer,
and I want you to show me your hands
and get up now.
[Tense percussive music]
[Crowd shouting]
- [Police siren blaring]
- Call 911!
[Car alarm sounding]
[Police sirens blaring]
Go, go, go!
He's going for the train!
Don't let him get on the train!
We got him, we got him.
[Police chatter on radio]
Son of a bitch!
- Get down!
- He's going down the stairs!
Don't fucking move.
We got him, detective.
We'll cuff him.
[Somber reflective music]
[typewriter clicking]
It's me.
I knew you'd call again.
Where have you been?
I've been busy.
And you want to come over now, right?
- You really want to?
- Yes.
Tell me.
I want to come over.
I don't believe you.
Tell me again.
I real...
I want to come over.
I want to...
Come over.
[Cap unscrewing]
[Glasses clinking]
[Liquid pouring]
You want some?
[Siren blaring faintly]
Hey, shooter.
Where the hell have you been?
I've been paging you
for a half hour already.
I'm off-duty.
You don't answer your pager these days?
My pager's in my bag.
What's up, Jess?
I'm tired. I want to go home.
Listen, our ass is gonna be
contraband grass
if we don't hightail it to the station.
Come on, let's get in the car.
Hey, hey, hey, whoa!
What's going on?
We're on the task force.
I really don't feel so well.
Maddie, Maddie, this is
our barbecue. Okay?
We both got to go and we got to go quick
or Tim's gonna flamb us both.
And do me a favor,
eat a couple of these, huh?
Take 'em.
You stink of booze.
[Bottle clatters]
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
- [Sniffs]
- Come on, we got to get going.
- [Crying]
- sorry.
We got to get a move on.
You know who has already
started the meeting.
[clears throat]
I'll be right there.
Most of you already know
foster and Dylan,
both are officers
working with you on this case.
Another minute later
and they wouldn't be.
Sure as shit lucky
you're married to the boss.
Madeline, Jesse.
Clark Hannon, you may or may not know
that he's the owner
of a major modern art collection
worth several millions of dollars.
Kidnappers are certainly aware of it.
As I was telling everyone,
Mrs. Hannon was last seen
walking her dog
at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon.
That's the time she usually walks it.
Now Mr. Hannon arrived home at 7:00 p.m.
He was concerned
that his wife wasn't there,
but since the dog wasn't their as well,
he figured they were out together.
Now about an hour and a half later
the doorman buzzes him.
A package has arrived for him,
a video tape.
The guy who delivered it is 20,
25 years old,
Caucasian, brown hair.
This is Mrs. Hannon.
[Heavy breathing]
You got to help me, Clark.
They want money.
I said they could get money,
and that they didn't have to do this,
but they're not listening.
They're not listening to me...
[Gun cocks]
No! No don't!
This is what they're gonna do, Clark,
they're gonna bury me.
They're gonna bury me in there.
They're gonna bury me in here
and they're not gonna tell you
where I am
unless you give them
a million dollars in cash.
They say if you call the police
they're never, ever, ever gonna
say where I'm buried.
They're never ever gonna say anything.
Don't, don't, don't.
Now they need a million dollars
in cash, Clark.
They want... they need it
by 6:00 tomorrow morning.
You have to bring it to the
cemetery, the queens cemetery,
at the tomb of Harry Houdini.
They say if you bring the money
and there aren't any cops
then they'll let you know where I am
and then you can come and rescue me.
You have to do this, Clark.
I told them that you would do this.
You have to do this, Clark,
and not screw it up.
Don't screw it up and... don't
screw it up
and don't bring the cops!
Oh, shit.
How many times am I gonna have
to watch this thing?
You can wait outside, Mr. Hannon,
but I think it's good
you're in here with us.
I don't want to die.
I'm scared.
I'm so...
Go get the hammer and nails, handsome.
No, don't.
Don't, don't. No.
[Muffled screams]
Let me out of here!
She's gonna die, right?
No, she isn't.
I came to you guys,
even though he said I shouldn't.
We're gonna try to find her.
We really are.
How long does she have down there?
Well, we're hoping there's some kind of
breathing tube in there.
If not, she's got at least 24 hours,
if she doesn't panic.
"She doesn't panic?"
Oh, if she doesn't panic.
She's buried underground
for Christ sake.
Will somebody please tell me
how the hell
she's not supposed to panic?
Well, then find Ronald for me.
Yeah, I don't care what time it is,
find Ronald, he can get it done.
I need the money in my hand by 5:00 a.m.
And I need a detailed map of
the cemetery,
all the major roads surrounding it,
and any kind of buildings or structures
that we could possibly use
for surveillance.
Right away.
You gonna tell me
where you went this evening?
I was kind of riled up after shooting,
and I couldn't find you.
Didn't look very hard.
So what the hell do we know?
Uh, not much.
They're not more than two
hours out of New York City.
They took her at 3:00 p.m. today,
he had the tape by 8:30.
So they had to bury her in between.
That's two hours out at the Max.
Yeah, but
they're in the middle of nowhere
'cause they let that dog bark
it's ass off
and they didn't care
if anybody heard it.
We've got nothing
on the prints on the tape.
We got the doorman
looking at our mug shots,
trying to ID the guy who delivered it.
The guy who delivered it is handsome.
- He's not the brains.
- How do you know?
I think brains is the one with
the gun to her head.
He's giving all the orders.
He's also videotaping the other
guy covering her up with dirt.
I mean, it seems like he has
all the power.
He doesn't want to sweat.
So who's gonna be at the cemetery?
Brains or handsome?
He'll let the guy run errands for him.
I don't think he's gonna trust
him to pick up
a million bucks.
And this brains isn't gonna suspect
that the cops are in on the case?
Who knows?
Well, they knew where she lived,
they knew she would be home,
they knew her name,
they knew when she walked her dog,
they knew her husband was at work,
and they knew he had
a million bucks to spare
so you got to figure
they probably know
the cops are involved.
Well, we have no other choice.
We're in, there's no turning back.
Madeline, Jesse,
I want you running the operation
at the cemetery.
Cantey, Peters,
I want you on the ground.
I'll be here coordinating things.
Think it's best I'm not in the field.
If he doesn't talk, we follow him.
There once was a man who buried a shoe.
Who was that man who buried a shoe?
Wish I knew.
There once was a man
who buried a clam.
Who was that man who buried a clam?
I wish I knew.
Was a man who buried a boat.
Who was that man who buried a boat?
"Let me out."
"Let me..."
"Oh, let me out."
"Oh, let me... let me out."
"Let me out."
"Oh, let me out."
"Oh, let me out."
Okay, everybody, one more time.
We stay calm when our boy shows up.
If he gives the information
where she is,
I want him arrested on my command.
If he doesn't I do not, repeat,
do not want him to know
he's being followed.
Only Jesse and I go.
Hey, Jess, go to two.
What's up?
You know my father's buried
in this place?
Wes, no shit.
No shit.
Somewhere in this sea
of cheap tombstones.
You know if we didn't have
this pesky kidnapping,
go over to his grave,
place some flowers,
say a prayer, something like that.
If we didn't have this pesky
kidnapping I wouldn't be here.
My father only liked to see me
when I was perfect.
Who the hell is perfect?
You know, you're doing pretty
all right for yourself, foster.
I'm sure the old cop
would have been proud.
You know, Jess,
you didn't really know him.
- I mean...
- Maddie,
sorry to interrupt, baby,
but you better go back to channel one.
We got movement.
Who's running those plates?
We're doing it right now.
All right,
nothing until I say so.
Where's he going?
I don't know.
I think we wigged him.
Madeline, he's making a u-turn.
He's coming back.
Brains is out of the car.
Brains is walking.
You call the fuzz?
If you did, she's dead.
I didn't.
I think the cops are here.
- You wearing a wire?
- No, sir.
I don't have to pat you down, Clark.
I trust you.
I know you love your wifey.
So here we are.
Is that the money?
Not till you tell me where she is.
Are you threatening me?
Are you giving me ultimatums?
Everybody steady.
I just want to know where she is.
Give me the cash, Clark.
- Where is she?
- She's in the woods.
Yeah, I know she's in the woods.
- The backyard.
- In a backyard where?
you're losing your cool, Clark.
I thought that's how
you made all your money.
By keeping your cool.
All those million dollar auctions.
Barely a sweat.
Look, there's a million dollars cash.
I played your game, okay?
Now you can take the money
and just walk away with it,
all I want to know is where she is.
I just want to get her back.
"I just want to get her back."
You give me the money,
and then I'll tell you
where she's buried.
I kept my word.
Do you keep yours?
I'm a man of my word.
And I will tell you
where I buried her,
but you got to give me the money first.
And there goes the money.
If he gives up the information,
we move on my command.
Oh, shit, this is a lot... this
is a lot of money.
You hear me?
Where is she?
She's a beautiful lady though.
I mean, she's a real cherry, your wife.
Hey, hey, hey.
You know, I popped the hugest
boner for those panties of hers.
Where is she?
I don't know why you're
humping your secretary.
You hear me?
Tell me.
Listen, Clark, if I tell you
now I'm completely screwed.
Tell me where she is for Christ sake.
Relax, relax, go home and play
some tennis or something.
I'll call you in an hour.
Tell you where.
An hour?
No we had a deal.
I was gonna give you the money,
you tell me where she is.
You bastard.
[Engine turns over]
Son of a bitch.
Jess, I'm right behind you.
Anything on the plates, Jess?
They came up stolen
two days ago at forest hills.
No prints, no witnesses, nada.
[Turn signal clicking]
[Turn signal clicking]
[Turn signal clicking]
- Hey, Maddie.
- Yeah?
I think he's going into the city.
[Car horns honking]
[Siren blaring]
[Intense pulsing music]
[engines idling]
[Tires squealing]
[Tires screeching]
[Car horn honking]
[Engines revving]
[Tires screeching]
Yeah? You want to play?
[Siren blaring]
Folks, I believe I have been ID'd.
I need back up asap.
[Horn honks]
[Siren blaring]
[Horn honking]
[Tires squeal]
[Tires squeal]
[Horn honks]
[Tires squeal]
[Glass shatters]
Crazy bitch!
[Tires squealing]
[Siren blaring]
[Car horn honks]
[Metal clatters]
[Siren blaring]
Excuse me, sir.
Sir, you dropped something right here.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Sweet Jesus.
How long is this gonna take?
My wife's dying,
you guys can't make him say squat.
This is a complete joke.
We have to get the FBI in here
right now.
I will not take this
psychopath's silence any longer.
This is not an FBI jurisdiction case.
We couldn't use them if we wanted to.
It's not an interstate event, sir.
I don't give a gold shit
who's jurisdiction this is,
do you know who I am?
I will have all of your
incompetent heads.
[Door slams]
Guy's not a happy camper.
Can't say that I blame him.
You've had nothing all morning.
We got Jerome Jerzy in there
right now trying to break him.
But all he's got today
is a request for a pack of smokes
and blank stares.
We're running out of time here.
Why don't we let Clark Hannon in there
and let him beat the shit
out of this guy
till he talks, huh?
- Sounds good to me.
- Best idea I heard all day.
my wife okay?
- She's fine.
- Trying to call the hospital...
she's a little banged up but that's all.
She's probably more pissed than
anything else, knowing Madeline.
No prints on brains or handsome?
We're still checking on handsome.
As for him,
nut must have put acid on his fingers.
He obviously doesn't want
anybody to know who he is.
Yeah, well, we need to find his name.
Yeah, huh.
You can't negotiate
if one side isn't talking.
Then you're worthless to me, Jerome.
There's got to be some movement
or we're gonna lose her.
I'll give him a few more minutes.
Ready to talk, guys.
- Ready to talk.
- I'm going in.
Not to that Polish shit!
Not anymore, you incompetent idiot.
I want to talk to one person
and one person only.
Bring me that bitch cop
who ruined my plans.
You convince him
to talk to someone else?
We've been trying
for the last half hour.
Believe me.
Scumbag says he'll only talk to you.
Yeah, but I don't know how to do this.
Look, we don't have a choice.
I'm sorry.
Tim, we're talking about
a woman's life here.
You're gonna do fine, Maddie.
You're a good cop.
I've got faith in you.
You do?
I always have.
I know.
You always have.
But you never believed me.
So there's things
we need to talk about, right?
[Elevator door opening]
We will.
We have to.
Right after we rescue Frances Hannon.
Good luck.
I've been waiting for you.
So I hear.
Mario Andretti.
In the flesh.
Why am I the lucky duck
you wanted to talk to?
What is that?
You want me to shut up again?
I didn't say that.
Then don't worry about it.
I want you.
You don't want to spoil my plans.
I could'a-would'a been a millionaire.
Well, they don't seem like
very smart plans to me
because you had to have known
that Clark Hannon
might have gone to the police.
Didn't think he was that stupid.
Well, the guy's wife is buried in a box,
and I know where she is,
and I tell him, "don't go to the police,
or I will never tell."
So when he talks, I think he's stupid.
He just killed his wife.
Not yet.
Not yet, true.
The clock is tick-tick-ticking.
You're a hell of a looker,
you know that?
I mean, for a cop.
What's your real name, Mario?
Detective foster.
Your name.
That's a beautiful name.
Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
What's your name?
Want a cigarette?
I don't smoke.
Harry what?
- Don't smoke, huh?
- No. Harry what?
Harry Houdini.
Know anything about Harry Houdini?
Look, are you gonna talk to me
about this woman?
Because we are running out of time here,
and you do not want her to die.
I don't?
Oh, I think that's awfully
presumptuous of you.
Don't you think?
Answer my question.
You know anything about Harry Houdini?
You or the other one?
The other one.
'Cause I know you know nothing about me.
He was a magician, and he's dead.
He was an escape artist,
the greatest escape artist ever.
In 1921, he was buried alive
in a straitjacket.
He escaped.
Six feet deep
in a locked box
in a straitjacket.
He escapes.
He was that good.
Well, it's too bad
Frances Hannon isn't that clever.
I know.
It is too bad.
It's fun being clever.
I'm clever.
Keep your hands up!
Don't move!
Don't move!
Keep 'em in the air where I can see 'em.
Keep 'em in the air!
All right, relax.
Oh... all right.
All right, guys.
All right, listen.
- I found the wire.
- Doing a little show and tell.
- All right?
- You okay?
I'm okay.
It's all okay.
It's okay, fellas.
I was just showing Madeline here
that I will never be locked up again.
Okay, let him go.
Go ahead, let him go.
It's all right.
Gentlemen, thank you.
Let him go, and you can go.
Thank you.
Well, you got to get rid of
this guy with the anger problem,
'cause I can't talk
under these conditions.
Okay, that's enough.
Captain, that's enough.
The situation's under control,
and I'd like to continue
my conversation with him.
Back off.
[Hammer clicks softly]
Thank you.
Thank you.
Shut up.
That was exciting.
You do that again, I'll shoot you.
That's a nice ring.
How long you been married?
What do you mean,
you'll never be locked up again?
Have you ever been arrested before?
Did you husband do that to your arm?
What do you mean,
you'll never be locked up again?
Have you ever been arrested before?
Answer my question, I'll answer yours.
Did your husband burn you
with a cigarette last night
for being a naughty girl?
What's that about, huh?
Is he watching us?
Is he a cop?
All right, I want the gate closed.
We need a little privacy so we can talk.
Gate's staying open.
I don't like eavesdroppers,
and, you know,
I think you'd be more
comfortable if we were alone.
I just can't do it.
They have to be able to watch.
You scared?
I ain't gonna hurt you.
Just want to be alone.
The gate is staying open.
Oh, let me out of this coffin please.
So dark in here.
Jesus Christ.
What, are you getting off on this?
'Cause it's goddamn annoying me.
Good to see you get angry.
How angry can you get?
You like to see blood?
Go to hell.
I will.
I got a woman buried alive here.
You gonna give me something
I can use or not?
I've already given you so much
that is useful.
You tell me something.
You want to talk about
where you got those burn marks
on your arm in front
of your cop husband or not?
She's losing it in there.
I know.
[Door clattering]
Amateur hour's over.
It was easy, you know?
Was real easy.
Kidnapping her?
Imagining kidnapping her.
Used to think about it in bed.
Find it impossible to sleep.
Well, it couldn't have been that easy.
You got caught.
You don't think I imagined this too?
I don't know.
Oh, yes, you do.
I think you know a lot
about turning yourself
over to your darkest fantasies.
Madeline, I need to speak with you.
Not now, Tim.
Not now, Tim.
We're making great progress.
Hello, Mr. Madeline.
Jealous of your wife's mystery smoker?
[Imitates cigarette being put out]
Come on, Madeline.
The FBI's taking over.
They're here?
Clark Hannon made some calls.
It's the FBI's game now.
Now I'm gonna need you
to go downstairs and brief them.
What happened to Madeline?
Where's my fair Madeline?
Looks like the party's over, huh?
Time for business?
I didn't vote for your governor, Harry.
I'm not from New York.
They flew me in special today,
but had I lived here,
I would surely have voted
for his opponent.
Your governor scares me.
He's a weak man.
Man who acts like he knows everything
really knows nothing.
Thinks he's knows something.
You notice the suits he wears?
I'm no fashion hound,
as you can clearly see,
but, certainly,
if I made his kind of Jack,
I'd be decked out in
handmade suits, ferragamo shoes.
Guy has all the power in the world...
Doesn't even know how to wear a tie.
Reason I bring him up, of course,
is that while he's sweaty and he's weak,
he's also a pawn,
a pawn of certain conservative types.
Your governor has a lot of power,
and he signed the death penalty
back into existence
here in New York.
The state now kills people legally.
Oh, it's very humane, they say,
this lethal injection.
My god.
Do you know about it?
It's terrifying.
A bullet would be so much more humane.
But they think otherwise, of course.
The wise men always think otherwise.
I say the very idea
of slowly going to sleep
and never waking up
is so utterly terrifying,
it makes my heart heavy.
Imagine slowly going to sleep,
being drugged into sleep,
dreaming about friends
or family... good things.
You want to dream good things,
but in your gut,
you can't because you know
you'll never wake up.
So you start to try
to make yourself wake up.
You start thinking about yourself,
why you're dying,
the person you killed.
Start thinking about yourself
and how soon the dreams will stop
and it will all be blackness.
So you start to try
to make yourself wake up.
You just have to wake up
and make these people stop.
Stop, please.
You... I can't fall asleep.
You can't make me fall asleep
and dream these things of horror.
But there's one problem.
One nightmare, and it's so clean,
so cold and perfect
as to personify evil.
You can't wake up.
No matter how hard you try,
you can't wake up.
So you die that way,
in the most miserable state
of torture imaginable.
And that's what your weak
governor has signed into law
and calls humane.
That's what they do
to murderers in this state.
God, that was a stupid monologue.
Where's she buried, Harry?
Where's she buried?
Is it deal time?
No more stupid monologues?
No more.
Okay then.
Can you get me a rare
roast beef sandwich, please?
And a coke.
And then I'll tell you
everything you need to know.
We'll play let's make a deal.
You be monty hall.
20 years Max,
parole for good behavior after 10.
You give me that, I'll show you
right where she's buried.
We're heading out towards poughkeepsie,
near route 9.
I want three teams
waiting as soon as I get there.
I want shovels, tractors,
the whole works.
I want medics standing by.
As soon as she's rescued,
she's gonna need
medical attention A.S.A.P.
I want to be ready and prepared.
I want this woman.
I've never been in a helicopter before.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Leave me alone, Tim.
Damn it!
We said we weren't gonna drink again.
What are you trying to do?
You want to throw everything away?
Is that what you want?
What are these?
What are these burn marks on your arms?
What are you trying to do?
What are you doing?
There goes your perfect cop wife, huh?
I never asked for that.
I cheat on you,
and I drink behind your back.
You don't know me at all.
Still love me?
I'm sorry.
Don't follow me.
Just don't.
It's not...
I'm not worth it.
[Sirens wailing]
Just a little further.
Little further.
Been looking for you.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
You did all right in there with Harry.
I don't want you to think
you punked out on anything.
Don't bother with it, Jesse.
I appreciate it, but...
I just wanted to tell you
the prints came back confirmed
on handsome.
It's not our barbecue anymore, remember?
So what are you saying?
You're not interested?
Name's Greg Evans.
He's a two-bit street hustler.
Had a rap sheet in Miami, San Francisco,
for prostitution, drugs, petty theft.
He's a second-rate loser.
You think they're gonna find
Mrs. Hannon in time?
I don't know.
I don't know why Harry
waited to talk to the FBI.
Doesn't make any sense.
If she dies, he goes to jail for life.
Yeah, but it's not as big a show
unless the feds are involved.
I don't think he's in it for the show.
Madeline foster?
- Yeah.
- Mullin. FBI.
Our friendly psycho kidnapper
gave me something of yours.
- Of mine?
- Yeah.
As we were leading him up
to the helicopter,
he asked me to give you these.
He said thanks for lending them to him.
He's such an honest guy,
he couldn't even steal
a pack of matches.
Yeah, it's very strange.
Considering I never lent him matches.
Fella used to come in here
every afternoon
exactly at 3:00 on the nose.
I think he was a school teacher.
He used to come in here every day,
sit where you're sitting,
order a maker's Mark,
pull out his false teeth
and place 'em in front of him,
and get filthy drunk.
Then he died.
That's a nice story, Sally.
Yeah, it is.
We find out Harry's real name
through his braces.
What the hell are you talking about?
Look, we can't get this guy's
fingerprints, right?
But he wears braces.
That means he must have an orthodontist.
Yeah, he's probably got a barber too.
So what?
Look, I know this
is ridiculous long shot,
but he's, what, 25?
How many 25-year-olds wear braces?
So we get a photo of Harry
to every orthodontist
in the five boroughs.
We fax it, we email it, we walk it.
One of these guys is bound to I.D. him.
Every orthodontist in New York City.
Are you out of your skull?
Anyone got any better ideas?
[Clacking and scraping]
[Siren wailing]
[Clacking and scraping]
Any of you guys got any bug spray?
Getting eaten alive out here.
Hey, get inside.
I found it!
I hear something.
There's rustling in the box.
Get ahold.
You got it?
- I got it.
- All right.
Two, three.
[Barking and whimpering]
How did that get in there?
[Shivering and chattering]
He's not one of mine.
Not one of my patients.
Never seen that guy in my life.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Right away, sir.
They find her?
- You know who was buried there?
- Who?
A dog.
Frances' dog.
That son of a bitch, Harry,
tells the feds,
"hey, you wanted to know
where she was buried, right?"
The goddamn dog is a female.
You know why he brought us
to this motel?
To show us that he's already a murderer.
There's no negotiating with him.
We can't say to him,
"tell us where Frances Hannon's buried
before she dies so you don't
get charged with murder."
He changed the whole field.
It's goddamn game to him.
Feds are screwed.
No, they ain't.
What do you mean?
They ain't screwed...
You are.
Just got through talking
to them on the phone,
and Harry is saying that the only way
they gonna see Frances Hannon alive
is if he talks to you
and only you alone.
It's your barbecue now, Maddy.
Planned the whole thing, didn't you?
[Door slams]
Well, hello to you too.
Answer me.
Well, I didn't plan on getting caught.
You didn't?
So you went through
all that trouble of setting up
those very unfunny practical
jokes just for the heck of it?
You didn't think the dog was funny?
No, I didn't think the dog was funny.
Well, I did.
I thought it was a gas.
I also didn't think
it was funny that you sent us
on a little field trip
to find your dead boyfriend.
There's no negotiating with you, right?
You're getting
the death sentence, right?
Stop playing cop games.
If I wanted to play cop games,
I would have stayed with
the federal bureau of idiots
and had 'em dig up every pet
in Westchester county.
And for the record,
handsome wasn't my boyfriend, all right?
I'm not some stupid faggot, Madeline.
I needed someone to help me dig,
so I screwed who I needed
to screw to get that.
I want that clear and on the record.
So it's okay that you're a murderer,
but not that you're gay?
And we can put a little show on
for the guys to prove it, huh?
You and me on the table...
I got cigarettes.
Fuck you.
Oh, you seem very upset Madeline.
Maybe you're getting your period.
Tell me, did your cripple little husband
lend you some of his tampons?
Yeah, go ahead.
You and I like a little pleasure
with our pain.
I am not like you.
I think you're very much like me.
In one hour, Frances Hannon's
gonna run out of air,
and then you know what happens?
We stop talking to you,
and you stop getting off on this,
and you spend the rest
of your miserable, pathetic life
in a 12x8 foot jail cell.
Is that what you want?
That doesn't scare me.
I been locked in rooms before.
And then you said it yourself.
I'm already going away for murder,
so I'm not interested in negotiation.
And by the way,
where the hell'd she get an hour of air?
I mean, if Frances is still alive,
I'd be pretty surprised.
[Smacks lips]
Okay, you said you dreamed
about doing this, right?
I also dreamed about doing
my fifth grade English teacher.
Dreamed about doing this.
Is it a game?
It's your ultimate game?
The ultimate fuck-you
to the police department?
That is smart.
Why don't you close the two-way mirror.
I'll tell you everything.
You've been in jail before, too, right?
So this is maybe a way
of getting back...
oh, look at the little
first-year psych major.
Yeah, huh?
Close the two-way mirror.
I'll tell you everything.
Are you gonna tell me where
Frances Hannon is buried?
I'll tell you everything,
but you got to close the gate,
and you got to turn off this microphone
and get rid of these men.
Give us a little privacy.
If you don't do it,
I won't talk.
I won't talk for years and years,
and poor Mr. Hannon will have to
dream about the little maggots
eating his naked, dead wife's
body forever.
I know him.
I know him.
He's my patient.
He is?
You sure?
Do I look like a liar?
I'm telling you, I know the guy.
And you have his name and address?
I keep no records here.
I also don't use anesthesia
when I do surgery.
Of course I have records.
I've got everything.
You don't have to do this, you know?
I have to.
You have to?
Because when I look in his eyes...
When you look in his eyes, what?
You need anything, anything at all,
just scream,
and I've got three armed men
just drooling to bust in there
to take this guy out.
It's not gonna come to that.
This guy has nothing to lose,
and you know what that means.
Anything's possible.
I hear you.
We've got copters standing by.
If you get anything from him,
we're ready to go.
How much time you think I have?
Let's put it this way,
a betting man would agree with Houdini.
She's dead already.
20 minutes tops.
Frances Hannon is buried close
enough to here to rescue alive.
I'ma tell you exactly where
with enough time to save her.
Tell me.
Well, you already know.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
No, I don't.
You have to tell me.
Well, first I want to talk to you.
Well, 'cause I lucked into you,
and I like you.
You also seem
to have planned everything,
and I don't believe that's stopped now,
so what are you doing?
Well, I intend to get free
from these handcuffs and feet cuffs
and escape from here.
And then I plan on really making
a name for myself.
And does this is incredible
feat happen before or after
you tell me where
Frances Hannon is buried?
She's buried in the back yard.
I said it at the cemetery.
Back yard where?
Back yard where?
You know already.
You just got to figure it out.
[Sirens wailing]
Kick it in!
[All yelling]
What kind of girl are you, Madeline?
You a good girl or bad girl?
You have to tell me where she is now.
You fight with yourself sometimes,
trying to decide, huh?
You want to be the good girl
everyone expects you to be,
or the bad girl you secretly
believe yourself to be?
Harry, we can't talk about
anything else anymore
'cause we don't have time.
You know, when I saw
those burn marks on your arm,
I knew I had a kindred spirit.
I am not a kindred spirit to you.
And just because I have these on my arms
does not make us alike on any level.
You know we're alike.
It's why you agreed to come back here.
I mean, you can learn from me.
We both like the pain.
We both like to feel bad.
It's not the same.
You don't see me in you?
I mean, we might not be
on the same scale, but...
We both cross the line.
It's not the same at all.
Oh, I disagree.
Think you have me
all figured out, Harry?
What's your first-year
psych major theory, huh?
That I was abused as a child?
What do you think?
I was banged by my cop daddy
as his handcuffs glistened
on the bureau?
Well, that's bullshit.
I am just the same as anybody else.
Some women
fantasize about being raped.
But they don't really want
that to happen.
But you, Madeline...
You've given in to your fantasies.
And so have I.
You've gone where you shouldn't have.
Why, Madeline?
[Police radio chattering]
[Toy squawking]
Can you...
can you let me out of here?
I think you should come down
and see this.
Which side
are you gonna choose, Madeline?
The side that always makes
you feel bad and worthless?
Or the side that makes you feel
so bad and worthless
that it makes you feel good?
What is it about your burn lover
that you need?
That you crave?
What is it?
Tell me.
Tell me about that place that you go,
and everything will be explained.
Tell me.
Tell me.
Tell me.
Come on, tell me.
It's the only place I feel free.
Me too.
Isn't that scary?
Doesn't that terrify you?
But you can't tell anyone.
I mean, your husband
could never understand.
That is not true.
Oh, but, yeah,
you wouldn't dare try and tell him.
You hate this part of yourself.
See, you know he'd never love
you if he knew.
That's not true.
You see, you're still fighting
with yourself, Madeline.
I've already won.
I always feel free.
Think like me.
And that will tell me
where Frances Hannon is buried?
So think.
Think like me.
Think like you.
Come on.
I know you can do it.
Okay, you wanted to toy
with us because it felt good?
Felt good.
'Cause it was wrong.
You know what it's like to feel so good
in something so wrong.
So you're playing your little game,
and it felt so good,
there was no going back.
Because your little cruel game
was so wrong.
Felt badder than you could ever
possibly imagine.
Every detail got in your heart,
turned you on.
Details turn you on.
The planning.
'Cause the planning is the best
part of the game, right?
All the planning.
Planning about everything.
You wanted to be here.
I had everything worked out.
Even down to the poughkeepsie
police department.
That's right, Madeline.
The backyard's right behind
this building.
[Stifled yelp]
Over here, sir.
Oh, my god.
[Phone ringing]
Phil Kline.
Where's Madeline?
She's in with Houdini.
Is she alone?
- Yeah, but...
- listen to me.
Harry planned it.
He planned everything.
He planned on being in that room
alone with a cop.
What are you saying?
I'm saying get the hell in there now!
Oh, shit.
[Clacking and scraping]
You got to see the beauty of it,
I'm either a millionaire
or the most famous kidnapper in history.
You imagine what the papers
are gonna make of this?
In a week, I'ma call the cops.
I'ma tell 'em where
they can find the bodies
of Frances Hannon and a young cop,
buried together,
with me forever on the loose.
I mean, after all, I am
an incredible escape artist,
don't you think?
Got to give me that.
Maybe I'm even better than Houdini.
[Knife clicks]
Don't you go anywhere.
Don't go anywhere.
Time to have my fun.
Come here.
Come here.
Sit down.
Come on.
Time to join Mrs. earthworm.
I wonder if she's still alive in there.
Uncomfortable for you,
you got to be in there
with a dead person,
don't you think?
You ready for your worst nightmare?
She used to be so beautiful.
Isn't she peaceful?
Don't even think about getting
out of there.
[Sobbing and raving]
Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?
I don't know.
[Bellows and pants]
Can't decide if I should
shoot you or bury you alive.
You ain't gonna do either.
Hey, Frances.
What do you think?
Should I shoot him or bury him?
Bury the son of a bitch.
You heard the lady.
Bury me, Madeline.
Bury me, baby.
Oh, I love it.
Bury me.
Oh, yeah.
I want more, baby.
I want more.
Bury me.
Come on, baby, more.
Come on, more.
Come on, bury me.
Bury me, Madeline.
Here I am.
Bury me.
Come on.
Oh, more!
Come on!
Oh, bury me, Madeline.
Bury me.
[Moaning and laughing]
Bury me, baby.
You're... do you feel free now?
[Helicopter rotors chopping]
The millionaire's wife
was found badly shaken up
but still alive after
a terrifying 24-hour ordeal.
As for the kidnapper himself,
police were still being tight-lipped
about the exact circumstances.
Honey, don't get your hands dirty
kickin' and twistin'
and liftin' your skirt
we get what we deserve
we get hurt
think you're little better than that
better wake up and face the facts
this world we're in
was conceived in sin
now your evil twin is back
relax, don't worry
you won't have to touch it
it's natural, but you feel disgusted
self-pity the worst you can do
empathy would be...
beneath you, beneath you,
beneath you
beneath you,
beneath you, beneath you
beneath you
livin' life too long like this
thinkin' of all
that you wish you had missed
take a look in the mirror, girl
you're staring in the abyss
feel like you're fallin', don't you?
Looking for something
you can hold onto
it's a little too late for a prayer
there ain't nothin' there
but thin air
beneath you, beneath you,
beneath you
beneath you,
beneath you, beneath you
beneath you
clawing and crawling
and climbing your way
out of the rubble
from which you were made
ashes to ashes, dust to dust
from the cradle
straight to the grave
today you're in the midst of it
you don't give a shit
'bout the bodies that lay
in your wake
and decay
every step that you take
they give away
beneath you, beneath you
beneath you
beneath you,
beneath you, beneath you
beneath you
beneath you, beneath you
beneath you
beneath you, beneath you beneath you
beneath you
beneath you, beneath you